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Barbados is in Lesser Antilles.
In 1650 William Tufton 1st Baronet (age 61) died at Barbados.
Around 1653 Robert Davers 2nd Baronet was born to Robert Davers 1st Baronet (age 33) at Barbados.
John Evelyn's Diary. 09 Aug 1661. I first saw the famous Queen Pine brought from Barbadoes, and presented to his Majesty (age 31); but the first that were ever seen in England were those sent to Cromwell four years since.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 14 Nov 1663. This night I think is the first that I have lain without ever a man in my house besides myself, since I came to keep any. Will being this night gone to his lodging, and by the way I hear to-day that my boy Waynman has behaved himself so with Mr. Davis that they have got him put into a Barbadoes ship to be sent away, and though he sends to me to get a release for him I will not out of love to the boy, for I doubt to keep him here were to bring him to the gallows.
John Evelyn's Diary. 20 Jun 1665. This evening making my court to the Duke (age 31), I spake to Monsieur Comminges, the French Ambassador, and his Highness granted me six prisoners, Embdeners, who were desirous to go to the Barbadoes with a merchant.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 17 Jun 1667. But it was pleasant this morning to hear Hollis (age 25) give me the account what, he says, he told the King (age 37) in Commissioner Pett's (age 56) presence, whence it was that his ship was fit sooner than others, telling the King how he dealt with the several Commissioners and agents of the Ports where he comes, offering Lanyon to carry him a Ton or two of goods to the Streights, giving Middleton an hour or two's hearing of his stories of Barbadoes, going to prayer with Taylor, and standing bare and calling, "If it please your Honour", to Pett, but Sir W. Pen (age 46) says that he tells this story to every body, and believes it to be a very lie.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Aug 1667. Up, and with Sir W. Batten (age 66) in the morning to St. James's, where we did our ordinary business with the Duke of York (age 33), where I perceive they have taken the highest resolution in the world to become good husbands, and to retrench all charge; and to that end we are commanded to give him an account of the establishment in the seventh year of the late King's reign, and how offices and salaries have been increased since; and I hope it will end in the taking away some of our Commissioners, though it may be to the lessening of some of our salaries also. After done with the Duke of York, and coming out through his dressing-room, I there spied Signor Francisco tuning his gittar, and Monsieur de Puy with him, who did make him play to me, which he did most admirably-so well as I was mightily troubled that all that pains should have been taken upon so bad an instrument. Walked over the Park with Mr. Gawden, end with him by coach home, and to the Exchange [Map], where I hear the ill news of our loss lately of four rich ships, two from Guinea, one from Gallipoly, all with rich oyles; and the other from Barbadoes, worth, as is guessed, £80,000. But here is strong talk, as if Harman (age 42) had taken some of the Dutch East India ships, but I dare not yet believe it, and brought them into Lisbon1.
Note 1. "Sept. 6, 1667. John Clarke to James Hickes. A vessel arrived from Harwich, Essex [Map] brings news that the English lost 600 to 700 men in the attempt on St. Christopher; that Sir John Harman was not then there, but going with 11 ships, and left a ketch at Barbadoes to bring more soldiers after him; that the ketch met a French sloop with a packet from St. Christopher to their fleet at Martinico, and took her, whereupon Sir John Harman sailed there and fell upon their fleet of 27 sail, 25 of which he sank, and burnt the others, save two which escaped; also that he left three of his fleet there, and went with the rest to Nevis, to make another attempt on St. Christopher. "Calendar of State Payers, 1667, p. 447.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 Sep 1667. After dinner, he and I and my wife to the Bear-Garden, to see a prize fought there. But, coming too soon, I left them there and went on to White Hall, and there did some business with the Lords of the Treasury; and here do hear, by Tom Killigrew (age 55) and Mr. Progers, that for certain news is come of Harman's (age 42) having spoiled nineteen of twenty-two French ships, somewhere about the Barbadoes, I think they said; but wherever it is, it is a good service, and very welcome. Here I fell in talk with Tom Killigrew about musick, and he tells me that he will bring me to the best musick in England (of which, indeed, he is master), and that is two Italians and Mrs. Yates, who, he says, is come to sing the Italian manner as well as ever he heard any: says that Knepp won't take pains enough, but that she understands her part so well upon the stage, that no man or woman in the House do the like.
John Evelyn's Diary. 19 Aug 1668. I saw the magnificent entry of the French Ambassador Colbert (age 43), received in the Banqueting House, Whitehall Palace [Map]. I had never seen a richer coach than that which he came in to Whitehall. Standing by his Majesty (age 38) at dinner in the presence, there was of that rare fruit called the king-pine, growing in Barbadoes and the West Indies; the first of them I had ever seen. His Majesty having cut it up, was pleased to give me a piece off his own plate to taste of; but, in my opinion, it falls short of those ravishing varieties of deliciousness described in Captain Ligon's (age 45) history, and others; but possibly it might, or certainly was, much impaired in coming so far; it has yet a grateful acidity, but tastes more like the quince and melon than of any other fruit he mentions.
John Evelyn's Diary. 26 Jun 1671. To Council, where Lord Arlington (age 53) acquainted us that it was his Majesty's (age 41) proposal we should, every one of us, contribute £20 toward building a Council chamber and conveniences somewhere in Whitehall, that his Majesty might come and sit among us, and hear our debates; the money we laid out to be reimbursed out of the contingent moneys already set apart for us, viz, £1,000 yearly. To this we unanimously consented. There came an uncertain bruit from Barbadoes of some disorder there. On my return home I stepped in at the theater to see the new machines for the intended scenes, which were indeed very costly and magnificent.
In 1673 William Willoughby 6th Baron Willoughby of Parham (age 57) died at Barbados. He was buried at Knaith [Map]. His son George Willoughby 7th Baron Willoughby of Parham (age 33) succeeded 7th Baron Willoughby Parham. Elizabeth Clinton Baroness De La Warr by marriage Baroness De La Warr.
On 13 Jun 1682 Robert Davers 2nd Baronet (age 29) returned and took a seat on the Council at Barbados.
On 30 Nov 1683 Robert Davers 2nd Baronet (age 30) was appointed Barons of the Court of Exchequer and of Pleas at Barbados.
John Evelyn's Diary. 04 Feb 1693. Unheard of stories of the universal increase of witches in New England; men, women, and children, devoting themselves to the devil, so as to threaten the subversion of the government. At the same time there was a conspiracy among the negroes in Barbadoes to murder all their masters, discovered by overhearing a discourse of two of the slaves, and so preventing the execution of the design. Hitherto an exceedingly mild winter. France in the utmost misery and poverty for want of corn and subsistence, while the ambitious King is intent to pursue his conquests on the rest of his neighbors both by sea and land. Our Admiral, Russell (age 40), laid aside for not pursuing the advantage he had obtained over the French in the past summer; three others chosen in his place. Dr. Burnet (age 49), Bishop of Salisbury's book burned by the hangman for an expression of the King's title by conquest, on a complaint of Joseph How, a member of Parliament, little better than a madman.
On 11 Oct 1694 Catherine Grey Baroness North and Grey of Rolleston (age 63) died at sea on a voyage from Barbados.
In 1713 Edwin Lascelles 1st Baron Harewood was born to Henry Lascelles (age 23) at Barbados.
On 29 Aug 1805 Brigadier-General Robert Bernard Sparrow (age 32) died aboard ship whilst returning from Barbados. He was buried at Tortola.
On 08 Sep 1820 John Gay Newton Alleyne 3rd Baronet was born to Reynold Abel Alleyne 2nd Baronet (age 31) and Rebecca Alton Lady Alleyne (age 26) in Barbados.
In 1833 General Lionel Smith 1st Baronet (age 54) was Governor of Barbados which position he held until 1836.
Continents, Americas, America, Atlantic Islands, Antilles Caribbean, Lesser Antilles, Barbados, Bridgetown
On 18 Apr 1668 a great fire in Bridgetown, Barbados destroyed eight hundred building in the town.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 17 Jun 1668. Thence pleasant way to London, before night, and find all very well, to great content; and there to talk with my wife, and saw Sir W. Pen (age 47), who is well again. I hear of the ill news by the great fire at Barbados.
On 24 Nov 1807 Lieutenant Nevile Fane (age 19) died of yellow fever at Bridgetown, Barbados where he was buried.
Continents, Americas, America, Atlantic Islands, Antilles Caribbean, Lesser Antilles, Barbados, St Andrew
On 12 Jun 1706 Abel Alleyne (age 55) died in St Andrew, Barbados.
Continents, Americas, America, Atlantic Islands, Antilles Caribbean, Lesser Antilles, Barbados, St James
On 23 Dec 1695 John Alleyne was born to Reynold Alleyne (age 23) in St James, Barbados.
On 02 Oct 1722 Reynold Alleyne (age 50) died in St James, Barbados.
Continents, Americas, America, Atlantic Islands, Antilles Caribbean, Lesser Antilles, Barbados, St Lucy
On 16 May 1852 Reynold Henry Newton Alleyne was born to John Gay Newton Alleyne 3rd Baronet (age 31) and Augusta Isabella Fitzherbert Lady Alleyne (age 23) at St Lucy, Barbados.
Continents, Americas, America, Atlantic Islands, Antilles Caribbean, Lesser Antilles, Barbados, St Peter
In Aug 1650 Abel Alleyne was born to Reynold Alleyne (age 41) in St Peter, Barbados.
On 07 Dec 1651 Reynold Alleyne (age 42) died in St Peter, Barbados.
In 1672 Reynold Alleyne was born to Abel Alleyne (age 21) in St Peter, Barbados.
Continents, Americas, America, Atlantic Islands, Antilles Caribbean, Lesser Antilles, Barbados, St Philip
In 1693 Henry Waldron died at St Philip, Barbados where he was buried.
In 1717 Deborah Ayliffe died at St Philip, Barbados.
On 20 Sep 1810 Reynold Abel Alleyne 2nd Baronet (age 21) and Rebecca Alton Lady Alleyne (age 16) were married at St Philip, Barbados. She by marriage Lady Alleyne of Four Hills in Barbados.
Continents, Americas, America, Atlantic Islands, Antilles Caribbean, Lesser Antilles, Barbados, St Thomas
Continents, Americas, America, Atlantic Islands, Antilles Caribbean, Lesser Antilles, Barbados, St Thomas, Duncombe House
On 24 Nov 1818 Wellington Stapleton-Cotton 2nd Viscount Combermere was born to Stapleton Cotton 1st Viscount Combermere (age 45) and Caroline Greville Viscountess Comberemere (age 29) at Duncombe House, St Thomas.