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Iclingas Paternal Family Tree
After 575 m Queen Cynewise
Killed 15 Nov 655
Married Ealhflaed Bernicia
Killed Apr 656
Married Osthryth Bernicia Queen Consort Mercia
Died 704
Merewalh Iclingas
Cyneburh Iclingas
Cyneswith Iclingas
Alweo Iclingas
Heardberht of Mercia
Osmod Iclingas
Married Cynethryth Queen Mercia x 3
Died 29 Jul 796
Mother: Cynethryth Queen Mercia
Died Dec 796
Mother: Cynethryth Queen Mercia
29 Sep 792 m Æthelred I of Northumbria
Unamed Iclingas
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