Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 728. This year Ina (age 58)25 went to Rome, and there gave up the ghost. He was succeeded in the kingdom of Wessex by Ethelhard his relative, who held it fourteen years; but he fought this same year with Oswald the etheling. Oswald was the son of Ethelbald, Ethelbald of Cynebald, Cynebald of Cuthwin, Cuthwin of Ceawlin.
Note 25. The establishment of the "English school" at Rome is attributed to Ina; a full account of which, and of the origin of "Romescot" or "Peter-pence" for the support of it, may be seen in Matthew of Westminster.
In 728 King Ine of Wessex (age 58) died. Æthelheard King of Wessex succeeded King Wessex.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 740. This year died King Ethelhard; and Cuthred, his relative, succeeded to the West-Saxon kingdom, which he held fourteen winters, during which time he fought many hard battles with Ethelbald, king of the Mercians. On the death of Archbishop Nothelm, Cuthbert was consecrated archbishop, and Dunn, Bishop of Rochester. This year York [Map] was on fire.
In 740 Æthelheard King of Wessex died. Cuthred King of Wessex succeeded King Wessex.