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Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 993. This year came Anlaf with three and ninety ships to Staines, which he plundered without, and went thence to Sandwich, Kent [Map]. Thence to Ipswich, Suffolk [Map], which he laid waste; and so to Maldon, Essex [Map], where Alderman Britnoth came against him with his force, and fought with him; and there they slew the alderman, and gained the field of battle; whereupon peace was made with him, and the king received him afterwards at episcopal hands by the advice of Siric, Bishop of Canterbury, and Elfeah of Winchester. This year was Bamborough [Map] destroyed, and much spoil was there taken. Afterwards came the army to the mouth of the Humber; and there did much evil both in Lindsey and in Northumbria. Then was collected a great force; but when the armies were to engage, then the generals first commenced a flight; namely, Frene and Godwin and Frithgist. In this same year the king ordered Elfgar, son of Alderman Elfric, to be punished with blindness.
In 1006 Bishop Ælfheah was elected Bishop of Winchester.
On 19 Apr 1012 Bishop Ælfheah died.