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Biography of Seaxburh Wuffingas Queen Consort Kent -699

Paternal Family Tree: Wuffingas

654 Battle of Bulcamp

664 Plague Outbreak

Seaxburh Wuffingas Queen Consort Kent founded Holy Trinity Church, Milton Regis [Map].

Seaxburh Wuffingas Queen Consort Kent was born to King Anna of East Anglia.

Seaxburh Wuffingas Queen Consort Kent founded Minster on Sheppey Abbey [Map].

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 640. This year died Eadbald, King of Kent, after a reign of twenty-five winters. He had two sons, Ermenred and [her future husband] Erkenbert; and Erkenbert reigned there after his father. He overturned all the idols in the kingdom, and first of English kings appointed a fast before Easter. His daughter was called [her daughter] Ercongota - holy damsel of an illustrious sire! whose mother was Sexburga, the daughter of [her father] Anna, king of the East-Angles. Ermenred also begat two sons [Note. Æthelberht Oiscingas and Æthelred Oiscingas], who were afterwards martyred by Thunnor.

On 20 Jan 640 King Eadbald of Kent died. His son [her future husband] King Eorcenberht of Kent succeeded King of Kent. Seaxburh Wuffingas Queen Consort Kent by marriage Queen Consort Kent.

Battle of Bulcamp

In 654 King Penda of Mercia defeated the East Anglian army at the Battle of Bulcamp at Bulcamp, Blythburgh. [her father] King Anna of East Anglia and his son [her brother] Jurmin Wuffingas were killed. Anna's son His uncle [her uncle] King Æthelhere of East Anglia succeeded King East Anglia.

Before 658 [her son-in-law] King Wulfhere of Mercia (age 17) and [her daughter] Ermenilda Oiscingas Queen Consort Mercia were married. She the daughter of [her future husband] King Eorcenberht of Kent and Seaxburh Wuffingas Queen Consort Kent. He the son of King Penda of Mercia.

Before 14 Jul 664 King Eorcenberht of Kent and Seaxburh Wuffingas Queen Consort Kent were married. She the daughter of King Anna of East Anglia. He the son of King Eadbald of Kent and Emma Austrasia Queen Consort Kent.

664 Plague Outbreak

On 14 Jul 664 [her husband] King Eorcenberht of Kent died. His son [her son] King Ecgberht I of Kent succeeded I King of Kent.

Bede. [her sister] She was succeeded in the office of abbess by her sister Sexberga, who had been wife to [her former husband] Erconbert, king of Kent; who, when her sister had been buried sixteen years, thought fit to take up her bones, and putting them into a new coffin, to translate them into the church. Accordingly she ordered some of the brothers to provide a stone to make a coffin of; they accordingly went on board ship, because the country of Ely is on every side encompassed with the sea or marshes, and has no large stones, and came to a small abandoned city, not far from thence, which, in the language of the English, is called Grantchester [Map], and presently, near the city walls, they found a white marble coffin, most beautifully wrought, and neatly covered with a lid of the same sort of stone. Concluding therefore that God had prospered their journey, they returned thanks to him, and carried it to the monastery.

On 23 Jun 679 Seaxburh Wuffingas Queen Consort Kent was appointed Abbot Ely.

Around 699 Seaxburh Wuffingas Queen Consort Kent died. She was buried at Ely Abbey [Map].

[her son] King Ecgberht I of Kent was born to King Eorcenberht of Kent and Seaxburh Wuffingas Queen Consort Kent.

Bede. As soon, therefore, as he was recovered, he sold him at London, to a Freson, but he could not be bound by him the whole way as he was led along; but though his enemies put several sorts of bonds on him, they were all loosed. The buyer, perceiving that he could in no way be bound, gave him leave to ransom himself if he could; now it was at the third hour (nine in the morning) when the masses were wont to be said, that his bonds were generally loosed. He, having taken an oath that he would either return, or send him the money for his ransom, went into Kent to [her son] King Lothaire, who was son to the sister of [her sister] Queen Etheldrida, above spoken of, for he had once been her servant. From him he obtained the price of his ransom, and as he had promised, sent it to his master.

[her son] King Hlothhere of Kent was born to King Eorcenberht of Kent and Seaxburh Wuffingas Queen Consort Kent.

[her daughter] Eorcengota Oiscingas was born to King Eorcenberht of Kent and Seaxburh Wuffingas Queen Consort Kent.

[her daughter] Ermenilda Oiscingas Queen Consort Mercia was born to King Eorcenberht of Kent and Seaxburh Wuffingas Queen Consort Kent.

Seaxburh Wuffingas Queen Consort Kent -699 appears on the following Descendants Family Trees:

Wehha Wuffingas

Royal Descendants of Seaxburh Wuffingas Queen Consort Kent -699

King Ecgberht I of Kent

Ancestors of Seaxburh Wuffingas Queen Consort Kent -699

Great x 3 Grandfather: Wehha Wuffingas

Great x 2 Grandfather: Wuffa King East Anglia

Great x 1 Grandfather: Tytila King East Anglia

GrandFather: Eni Wuffingas

Father: King Anna of East Anglia

Seaxburh Wuffingas Queen Consort Kent