Northumbria is in Saxon Heptarchy.
Culture, Anglo Saxon Indexes, Anglo Saxon Titles, Royalty, Saxon Heptarchy, Northumbria, Bernicia
Culture, Anglo Saxon Indexes, Anglo Saxon Titles, Royalty, Saxon Heptarchy, Northumbria, Queen Consort Bernicia
Before 590 Æthelfrith King Northumbrians (age 18) and Acha Queen Consort Northumbria were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Bernicia. She the daughter of Aella King Deira. He the son of Æthelric King Bernicia.
On 05 Aug 641 (or 642 or 644 depending on the source) King Penda of Mercia Mercian and Welsh army defeated the Northumbrian army at the Battle of Maserfield. The battle is believed to have taken place at Oswestry, Shropshire. Northumbria was once again separated into two kingdoms.
King Oswald of Northumberland (age 37) was killed. His body was subsequently dismembered with his head and arms mounted on poles. His brother King Oswiu of Northumbria (age 29) succeeded King Bernicia. Rhiainfellt Rheged Queen Consort Bernicia by marriage Queen Consort Bernicia.
Osric King Deira was killed. His son King Oswine of Deira succeeded King Deira.
Eowa King Mercia was killed (probably).
Around 645 King Oswiu of Northumbria (age 33) and Eanflæd Queen Consort Bernicia (age 18) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Bernicia. She the daughter of King Edwin of Northumbria and Æthelburh Oiscingas Queen Consort Northumbria (age 40). He the son of Æthelfrith King Northumbrians and Acha Queen Consort Northumbria. They were half first cousins.
Before 15 Feb 670 King Oswiu of Northumbria (age 58) and Fín Cenél Neógain Queen Consort Bernicia were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Bernicia. He the son of Æthelfrith King Northumbrians and Acha Queen Consort Northumbria.
King Edwin of Northumbria and Cwenburg Mercia Queen Consort Bernicia Queen Consort Deira were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Bernicia, Queen Consort Deira. He the son of Aella King Deira.
King Edwin of Northumbria and Æthelburh Oiscingas Queen Consort Northumbria were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Bernicia, Queen Consort Deira. She the daughter of King Æthelberht of Kent and Bertha Merovingian Queen Consort Kent. He the son of Aella King Deira.
Culture, Anglo Saxon Indexes, Anglo Saxon Titles, Royalty, Saxon Heptarchy, Northumbria, Deira
Culture, Anglo Saxon Indexes, Anglo Saxon Titles, Royalty, Saxon Heptarchy, Northumbria, Queen Consort Deira
Around 604 Æthelfrith King Northumbrians (age 32) succeeded King Deira. Acha Queen Consort Northumbria by marriage Queen Consort Deira.
Around 664 Ealhfrith King Deira (age 34) died. His half brother King Ecgfrith of Northumbria (age 19) succeeded King Deira. Æthelthryth Wuffingas Queen Consort Deira and Northumbria (age 28) by marriage Queen Consort Deira.
King Edwin of Northumbria and Cwenburg Mercia Queen Consort Bernicia Queen Consort Deira were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Bernicia, Queen Consort Deira. He the son of Aella King Deira.
King Edwin of Northumbria and Æthelburh Oiscingas Queen Consort Northumbria were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Bernicia, Queen Consort Deira. She the daughter of King Æthelberht of Kent and Bertha Merovingian Queen Consort Kent. He the son of Aella King Deira.
Culture, Anglo Saxon Indexes, Anglo Saxon Titles, Royalty, Saxon Heptarchy, Northumbria
Culture, Anglo Saxon Indexes, Anglo Saxon Titles, Royalty, Saxon Heptarchy, Queen Consort Northumbria
On 15 Feb 670 King Oswiu of Northumbria (age 58) died. He was buried at Whitby Abbey [Map] - see Bede. In 670 His son King Ecgfrith of Northumbria (age 25) succeeded King Northumbria. Æthelthryth Wuffingas Queen Consort Deira and Northumbria (age 34) by marriage Queen Consort Northumbria.
In or before 697 Aldfrith King Northumbria and Cuthburh Wessex Queen Consort Northumbria were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Northumbria. He the son of King Oswiu of Northumbria and Fín Cenél Neógain Queen Consort Bernicia.
Culture, Anglo Saxon Indexes, Anglo Saxon Titles, Royalty, Saxon Heptarchy, Sub King Northern Northumbria aka Lothian
In 671 BeornhAeth Sub King Northern Northumbria aka Lothian succeeded Sub King Northern Northumbria aka Lothian.