Books, Prehistory, Archaeologia Cambrensis 1849
Archaeologia Cambrensis 1849 is in Archaeologia Cambrensis.
Books, Prehistory, Archaeologia Cambrensis 1849 Miscellaneous Notices
Books, Prehistory, Archaeologia Cambrensis 1849 Miscellaneous Notices, Archaeologia Cambrensis 1849 Page 327
Cromlech, St. Nicholas, Cardiff [Map].—Last February one of the Secretaries of the Cambrian Archaeological Association when examining the great cromlech [Tinkinswood Burial Chamber [Map]] in the wood near St. Nicholas (figured in Cliffe's excellent "Book of South Wales,") found under it three recesses branching off from the main chamber, one of which was still lined at the sides with slabs of stone. They had evidently been made to contain bodies, and the earth within them was of a dark colour, such as would be made by the decomposition of animal remains. In one to the north-east he found part of a human lower jaw, with one of the teeth in it in good preservation, and presented it the same day to Mr. Bruce Pryce, the owner of the monument. It is probably still in possession of that gentleman.