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Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1437

Chronicle of Gregory 1437 is in Chronicle of Gregory.

Death of Dowager Queen Consort Catherine of Valois

03 Jan 1437. Ande that same year Quene Kateryn (age 35) dyde at Bredmonsey [Map] the iij day of Jany ver.

1437. And that same year on of the gatys of Londyn Bryge [Map] and one of the g[r]ettyste arche of the same bryge, fylle a downein to Temys wondyrfully; thonkyd be God, noo man, woman, nor chylde i-hurte nor perchide.

21 Jan 1437. And that year the King (age 15) ordaynyde the Parlyment to be holde at Caumbryge [Map], but aftyr warde by goode counselle it was tornyde and holde att Westemyster; the whyche Parlyment be ganne the xxj day of Janyver. And to that Parlyment come the Byschoppe of Tyrwynne [Thérouanne] ande the counselle of the Erle of Armanacke (age 40).

04 Feb 1437. Ande the ix day of Feverer Quene Kateryn (deceased) aforesaid was broughte to Powlys [Map] yn London, and there sche hadde a solempne deryge ande a masse on the morne. And thenne she was hadde unto Westemyster. And the iij day aftyr she was worth ely enteryde and buryde in Oure Lady chapylle at Westemyster in the Abby; of whos soule God have mercy.

Ande the same year the King of Schottys was trayturly slayne in his owne londe, of a false squyr and the squyer is sone, of the same londe, that was namyd Robert Grahams. The whyche squyer and his son were take anon aftyr, and there they were playnely put to dethe, as welle worthy was, to be traye any King or prynce.

10 Jul 1437. And the same year dyde Quene Jane (deceased) a at Averyng at the Bowre [Map], in Esex, in the monythe of Juylle, and she is buryde at Cauntyrbury [Map] whythe her hosbonde, King Harry the iiij the.

1437. Ande the same year the kyng (age 15) put downe the Mayre of Norwyche, and certayne aldyrmen were devydyd unto othyr certayne placys, some to Lynne and some to Cauntyrbury. And John Wellys, Aldyrman of London, was made Wardon of Northewyche [Norwich].

29 Aug 1437. Ande the same year the Erle of Warwyke (age 55) went into Fraunce the xxix day of Auguste; he schippyd at Portysmouthe, and the Duke of Yorke (age 25) come home into Ingelonde out of Fraunce.

09 Dec 1437. Ande that same year deyde the Emperowre of Rome (age 69), and his termentte was solempnly holde at Syn Poulys [Map] at the cytte of London the iij day of May, there beynge the King (age 16) and his lordys.