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Books, Prehistory, Radio Carbon Dating, Periods, Early Iron Age

Early Iron Age is in Iron Age Carbon Dates.

Carbon Date. 985BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Human bone; cremated; from the fill of a complete urn, broken during site stripping, which was deposited in a small pit. The pot contained a dark sandy loam with a large quantity (813g) of bone. There was some bone in the surrounding soil.

ID: 9120, C14 ID: OxA-12730 Date BP: 2985 +/- 32, Start Date BP: 3017, End BP: 2953

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Cremation

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 758BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Wood; sub-oval feature with steep sloping sides and a flat base. The fill comprised a mid-brown sandy loam with frequent charcoal flecks. Burnt flint, heathstone, pottery, and charcoal fragments were present. There was no intrusion or residuality. The valley gravels were overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The sides of the feature were cut into sand, the base into gravel. The feature was approximately 0.40m from the present ground surface.

ID: 9121, C14 ID: OxA-12925 Date BP: 2758 +/- 30, Start Date BP: 2788, End BP: 2728

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Bronze Age Crucible

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 990BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Charcoal; from the greyish-brown sandy loam fill of an oval pit with steep sides and an uneven base, which was burnt red in places (M627). The fill contained pottery and a large amount of burnt flint.

ID: 9128, C14 ID: GrA-24523 Date BP: 2990 +/- 45, Start Date BP: 3035, End BP: 2945

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Middle Bronze Age Houses

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 995BC. Early Iron Age

Report: St Osyth Lodge Farm- Charcoal; the sample came from a small cremation pit (3367), 0.80m wide and 0.55m deep, containing three deposits (3364, 3365, and 3366). Located in the middle of the site, halfway between the early Bronze Age pond barrow and the middle Bronze Age ring ditches. The samples have been extracted from the secondary fill 3365 - a very dark, almost black silt sand with frequent lumps and flecks of Charcoal. The fill occupies the central third of the feature and contains 1280g of cremated human bone. It also contains frequent lumps and flecks of carbonised material, which is assumed to have come from an associated (unlocated) pyre. The pit touches no other features, but has been truncated to a depth of 0.3m by modern ploughing. The pit cuts a glacio-fluvial drift deposit of acidic sand and gravel. The bottom of the pit was probably less than 1m above the watertable.

ID: 9260, C14 ID: GrA-23797 Date BP: 2995 +/- 45, Start Date BP: 3040, End BP: 2950

Abstract: St Osyth Lodge Farm: B (cremations)

Archaeologist Name: M Germany

Reference Name: Hamilton,W D, Bayliss, A, Bronk Ramsey, C, Meadows, J, and van der Plicht, H, 2007 Radiocarbon dating, in Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments and middle Iron Age settlement at Lodge Farm, St Osyth, Essex (ed M Germany), East Anglian Archaeology, 177, 95-11

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 735BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; undiagnostic middle Bronze Age sherd; from the dark sandy loam fill of a sub-rectangular scoop (1.90 x 1.20m), possibly a floor area. The fill included frequent finds of burnt flint, burnt heathstone, raw clay, Charcoal fragments, worked flint, and pottery.

ID: 9130, C14 ID: OxA-12881 Date BP: 2735 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2795, End BP: 2675

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Middle Bronze Age Houses

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 976BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Grain; from lowest fill of a steep sided circular pit (E1460), which contained large amounts of pottery.

ID: 9131, C14 ID: OxA-12926 Date BP: 2976 +/- 29, Start Date BP: 3005, End BP: 2947

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Middle Bronze Age Houses

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 880BC. Early Iron Age

Report: The Rye area project: Rye (Pannel Farm)- Peat; - 1.04m OD; this sample is taken from the top of a unit black well-humified turfa peat (B) containing abundant herbaceous rootlets and Phragmites rhizomes, and immediately below a contact with grey-brown marine/intertidal silts (A). The solid geology of the area around Pannel Farm is the Hastings Bed Group (mainly sandstones, siltstone, and clays). The watertable at the site is within 1m of the modern ground surface. The depth from which the sample is taken (178-80cm) precludes any possibility of contamination by modern rootlet penetration. Pollen assemblages from the A/B contact indicate relatively open fen carr vegetation existed around the site at the time peat was accumulating, and suggest that the contact between units A and B is transitional (ie non erosive).

ID: 9365, C14 ID: GrN-28098 Date BP: 2880 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2940, End BP: 2820

Abstract: The Rye area project: Rye (Pannel Farm)

Archaeologist Name: A J Long

Reference Name: Long, A , Hipkin, S, and Clarke, H, 2002 Romney Marsh: coastal and landscape change through the ages, Oxford Univ School Archaeol Monogr, Oxford: Oxford Univ; Long, A J, 2006a Coastal resilience and late Holocene tidal inlet history: the evoution of Dungeness Foreland and the Romney Marsh (UK) depositional complex, Geomorphology, 82, 309-330; Long, A J, 2006b Driving mechanisms of coastal change:sediment autocompaction and the destruction of late Holocene coastal wetlands, Marine Geology, 225, 63-84 Long, A J, forthcoming The late-Holocene Evolution of the Romney marsh/Dungeness Foreland Depositional Complex, UK, Oxford: Oxbow Books; Waller, M P, 2006 The interpretation of radiocarbon dates from the upper surface of late Holocene peat layers in coastal lowlands, The Holocene, 16, 51-61

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 950BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Charcoal; from the sandy loam fill of a steep-sided circular pit with a flattish base (E1217). The fill included Charcoal fragments, ash, and sherds from two vessels.

ID: 9002, C14 ID: GrA-23767 Date BP: 2950 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 2990, End BP: 2910

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Middle Bronze Age Houses

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 885BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Charcoal; from the sandy loam fill of a steep-sided circular pit with a flattish base (E1217). The fill included Charcoal fragments, ash, and sherds from two vessels.

ID: 9007, C14 ID: GrA-23755 Date BP: 2885 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2920, End BP: 2850

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Middle Bronze Age Houses

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 750BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; from a circular, steep sided, flat-based pit. The basal fill (G351) comprised of gravel cobbles embedded in clay with large amounts of pottery present. Much of this was large sherds, possibly wasters. No intrusion or residuality was observed. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into sandy gravel and was approximately 0.30m from the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9019, C14 ID: GrA-22623 Date BP: 2750 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2800, End BP: 2700

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - late Bronze Age

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 620BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; from a circular pit with a steep side and a flat base. The upper fill (G431) comprised a sandy loam with quantities of burnt flint, burnt heathstone, and Charcoal. Large amounts of pot occurred throughout the fill. The pit (G431) was cut by a small scoop (G78). No intrusion or residuality was observed. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into gravel and was approximately 0.35m from the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9022, C14 ID: GrA-22542 Date BP: 2620 +/- 45, Start Date BP: 2665, End BP: 2575

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - late Bronze Age

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 670BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; from a circular pit with steep sides and a flat base. The fill comprised sandy soil with most of the pottery fragments near the surface. Other finds included worked and burnt flint and burnt heathstone. There was no evidence of intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into natural sand and was approximately 0.35m below the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9023, C14 ID: GrA-22541 Date BP: 2670 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2720, End BP: 2620

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - late Bronze Age

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 830BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; from a fill of a large feature, 15m long, observed in section (D414). The layer comprised sandy loam with large quantities of pottery, worked flint, and burnt flint. There was no evidence of intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into gravel and was approximately 1m from the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9024, C14 ID: GrA-22540 Date BP: 2830 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2890, End BP: 2770

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - middle Bronze Age Series 2, Dorset Downs Style

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; internal; from the upper fill of a large pit (J475). Fill J549 was composed of silty sand with burnt and worked flint and a large amount of pottery. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into gravel and was approximately 0.45m below the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9028, C14 ID: GrA-22418 Date BP: 2970 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 3005, End BP: 2935

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - middle Bronze Age Series 1, Central Wessex Style

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 968BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Charcoal; from the dark sandy loam fill of a steep-sided circular pit with a flattish base. Fill E1317 contained small charcoal pieces and large amounts of pottery. The pit was next to a hearth.

ID: 9042, C14 ID: OxA-12594 Date BP: 2968 +/- 28, Start Date BP: 2996, End BP: 2940

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Middle Bronze Age Houses

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 961BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Charcoal; from the ashy sandy loam fill of a small circular scoop/pit containing the complete base of a ceramic vessel. The fill contained pieces of burnt flint and charcoal.

ID: 9044, C14 ID: OxA-12592 Date BP: 2961 +/- 28, Start Date BP: 2989, End BP: 2933

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Middle Bronze Age Houses

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 575BC. Early Iron Age

Report: East London Gravels: Hunts Hill Farm- Carbonised residue; internal; the context was a secondary fill of a very large pit or back-filled waterhole in the south of the site. There is the possibility of intrusion as the feature was cut by a ditch, although this seems unlikely from the excavator's records. The local geology is gravel and thought to be quite wet.

ID: 9201, C14 ID: GrA-24653 Date BP: 2575 +/- 45, Start Date BP: 2620, End BP: 2530

Abstract: East London Gravels: Hunts Hill Farm

Archaeologist Name: D Swift

Reference Name: Swift, D, Howell, I, Watson, B, and Cotton, J, forthcoming East London landscapes: thematic aspects of six multi-period archaeological sites excavated in advance of gravel quarrying, MoLAS monograph series, London: MoLAS

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 805BC. Early Iron Age

Report: East London Gravels: Hunts Hill Farm- Carbonised residue; internal; from context 6570, the only fill of a pit in the north-west part of the site, which contained 320 sherds of pottery. This pit was possibly associated with a roundhouse. The local geology is dry gravel. Different pot to 6570B.

ID: 9202, C14 ID: GrA-24646 Date BP: 2805 +/- 45, Start Date BP: 2850, End BP: 2760

Abstract: East London Gravels: Hunts Hill Farm

Archaeologist Name: D Swift

Reference Name: Swift, D, Howell, I, Watson, B, and Cotton, J, forthcoming East London landscapes: thematic aspects of six multi-period archaeological sites excavated in advance of gravel quarrying, MoLAS monograph series, London: MoLAS

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 680BC. Early Iron Age

Report: East London Gravels: Hunts Hill Farm- Carbonised residue; internal; as GrA-24644

ID: 9203, C14 ID: GrA-24681 Date BP: 2680 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2730, End BP: 2630

Abstract: East London Gravels: Hunts Hill Farm

Archaeologist Name: D Swift

Reference Name: Swift, D, Howell, I, Watson, B, and Cotton, J, forthcoming East London landscapes: thematic aspects of six multi-period archaeological sites excavated in advance of gravel quarrying, MoLAS monograph series, London: MoLAS

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 989BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; undiagnostic middle Bronze Age sherd; as GrA-24640

ID: 9050, C14 ID: OxA-12577 Date BP: 2989 +/- 34, Start Date BP: 3023, End BP: 2955

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Middle Bronze Age Houses

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 939BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; internal surface of undiagnostic middle Bronze Age sherd; from the mid-brown sandy loam fill of a shallow circular pit (R251) containing large fragments of pottery.

ID: 9051, C14 ID: OxA-12576 Date BP: 2939 +/- 34, Start Date BP: 2973, End BP: 2905

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Middle Bronze Age Houses

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 743BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Wood; the sample is a Wooden handle of a bronze socketed gouge, from the sandy fill of a circular pit with shallow sloping sides and a flat base. Finds included small pieces of heathstone and burnt flint. The gouge was resting, point upwards, against a larger piece of heathstone.

ID: 9054, C14 ID: OxA-12572 Date BP: 2743 +/- 33, Start Date BP: 2776, End BP: 2710

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Intrinsic Interest (Socketed Gouge)

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 950BC. Early Iron Age

Report: St Osyth Lodge Farm- Human bone; femur; one piece of Charcoal and one piece of cremated bone come from the fill 3229 of middle Bronze Age cremation vessel. The cremation pit 3226, within which the upright vessel sits, is 0.56m long, 0.5m wide, and 0.09m deep, and is situated within the enclosed space of middle Bronze Age ring ditch 3336. Modern ploughing has truncated the cremation by 0.3m, and only the base and a small part of the sides of the pot survive. The feature cuts a large undatable pit 3287. The pit cuts a glacio-fluvial deposit of acidic sand and gravel and is sealed by 0.3m of sandy ploughsoil. The watertable was more than 1m below the base of the cremation pit.

ID: 9302, C14 ID: OxA-13039 Date BP: 2950 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 2990, End BP: 2910

Abstract: St Osyth Lodge Farm: B (cremations)

Archaeologist Name: M Germany

Reference Name: Hamilton,W D, Bayliss, A, Bronk Ramsey, C, Meadows, J, and van der Plicht, H, 2007 Radiocarbon dating, in Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments and middle Iron Age settlement at Lodge Farm, St Osyth, Essex (ed M Germany), East Anglian Archaeology, 177, 95-11

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 765BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; from a fill of a large feature, 15m long, observed in section (D414). The layer comprised sandy loam with large quantities of pottery, worked flint, and burnt flint. There was no evidence of intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into gravel and was approximately 1m from the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9065, C14 ID: OxA-12396 Date BP: 2765 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2815, End BP: 2715

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - middle Bronze Age Series 2, Dorset Downs Style

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 765BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Hartshill Copse- Charcoal; sample recovered from north-western half of the single fill of this feature 1439, one of the postholes forming Roundhouse D. No physical relationships with other features. Context sealed by topsoil, ploughed for at least the last 15 years. Topsoil was stripped prior to excavation and left exposed for two years. Resultant weed growth was cleared by mechanical removal of uppermost gravel surface, immediately prior to excavation. Underlying geology is acidic flint gravel, free-draining, and fine-fractioned.

ID: 9212, C14 ID: GrA-23751 Date BP: 2765 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2800, End BP: 2730

Abstract: Hartshill Copse: House D

Archaeologist Name: M Collard

Reference Name: Collard, M, 2004 Hartshill Quarry: the oldest ironworking site in Britain?, Curr Archaeol, 195, 134-9

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 780BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Hartshill Copse- Charcoal; sample recovered from north-eastern half of the single fill of this feature, 1241, one of the postholes forming roundhouse Structure C. No physical relationships with other features. Context sealed by topsoil, ploughed for at least the last 15 years. Topsoil was stripped prior to excavation and left exposed for two years. Resultant weed growth was cleared by mechanical removal of uppermost gravel surface, immediately prior to excavation. Underlying geology is acidic flint gravel, free-draining, and fine-fractioned.

ID: 9213, C14 ID: GrA-23750 Date BP: 2780 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2815, End BP: 2745

Abstract: Hartshill Copse: House C

Archaeologist Name: M Collard

Reference Name: Collard, M, 2004 Hartshill Quarry: the oldest ironworking site in Britain?, Curr Archaeol, 195, 134-9

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 945BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Hartshill Copse- Charcoal; sample recovered from the western half of the single fill of this feature 4461, a cremation within the entrance to the ditched enclosure. There was no physical relationships with other features. The context was sealed by topsoil, ploughed for at least the last 15 years. The topsoil was stripped prior to excavation and left exposed for two years. Resultant weed growth was cleared by mechanical removal of uppermost gravel surface, immediately prior to excavation. Underlying geology is acidic flint gravel, free-draining, and fine-fractioned.

ID: 9215, C14 ID: GrA-23746 Date BP: 2945 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2980, End BP: 2910

Abstract: Hartshill Copse: Cremation

Archaeologist Name: M Collard

Reference Name: Collard, M, 2004 Hartshill Quarry: the oldest ironworking site in Britain?, Curr Archaeol, 195, 134-9

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 785BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Hartshill Copse- Grain; sample recovered from northern half of the single fill of this feature, 1382, one of the postholes forming Roundhouse D. No physical relationships with other features. Context sealed by topsoil, ploughed for at least the last 15 years. Topsoil was stripped prior to excavation and left exposed for two years. Resultant weed growth was cleared by mechanical removal of uppermost gravel surface, immediately prior to excavation. Underlying geology is acidic flint gravel, free-draining, and fine-fractioned.

ID: 9216, C14 ID: GrA-23710 Date BP: 2785 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 2825, End BP: 2745

Abstract: Hartshill Copse: House D

Archaeologist Name: M Collard

Reference Name: Collard, M, 2004 Hartshill Quarry: the oldest ironworking site in Britain?, Curr Archaeol, 195, 134-9

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 715BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Swale-Ure Washlands: Shake-Hole 1, Nosterfield- Plant macrofossil; macrofossil from 84-5cm below the top of a 5m core. The Sediments are undisturbed.

ID: 9313, C14 ID: GrA-24566 Date BP: 2715 +/- 45, Start Date BP: 2760, End BP: 2670

Abstract: Swale-Ure Washlands: Shake-Hole 1, Nosterfield

Archaeologist Name: A J Long

Reference Name: Bridgland, D, Howard, A, White, M, and White, T, forthcoming Quaternary of the Trent, Oxford: Oxbow; Howard, A J, Mighall, T M, Field, M H, Coope, G R, Griffiths, H I, and Macklin, M G, 2000 Early Holocene environments of the River Ure near Ripon, North Yorkshire, UK, Proc Yorkshire Geological Soc, 53, 31-42

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 724BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; from a circular, steep sided, flat-based pit. The basal fill (G351) comprised of gravel cobbles embedded in clay with large amounts of pottery present. Much of this was large sherds, possibly wasters. No intrusion or residuality was observed. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into sandy gravel and was approximately 0.30m from the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9071, C14 ID: OxA-12300 Date BP: 2724 +/- 31, Start Date BP: 2755, End BP: 2693

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - late Bronze Age

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 975BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; from an upper fill of a large pit (J475). The fill was comprised of silty sand, with burnt and worked flint. Large amounts of pottery were present. There was no evidence of intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into gravel and was approximately 0.45m below the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9073, C14 ID: OxA-12211 Date BP: 2975 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 3015, End BP: 2935

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - middle Bronze Age Series 3, Avon/Stour Valleys Style

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 879BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; from a large oval, steep-sided, flat-based pit (G178). The fill was composed of sandy loam with Charcoal flecks and lumps of raw clay. Large quantities of abraded pottery were present, also a single shale spindle whorl. The pit was cut by a ditch section (G181). Regarding the pottery - there is no possibility of intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into gravel and was approximately 0.35m from the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9074, C14 ID: OxA-12210 Date BP: 2879 +/- 32, Start Date BP: 2911, End BP: 2847

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - Undiagnostic middle Bronze Age Style

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 579BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Hartshill Copse- Carbonised residue; adhering to internal surface of pot sherd; sample recovered from the final fill of an oval, steep-sided pit, 1715. No physical relationships with other features, but part of a small cluster of similar features of contemporary date. Context sealed by topsoil, ploughed for at least the last 15 years. Topsoil was stripped prior to excavation and left exposed for two years. Resultant weed growth was cleared by mechanical removal of uppermost gravel surface, immediately prior to excavation. Underlying geology is acidic flint gravel, free-draining, and fine-fractioned.

ID: 9219, C14 ID: OxA-12642 Date BP: 2579 +/- 34, Start Date BP: 2613, End BP: 2545

Abstract: Hartshill Copse: Pot residue

Archaeologist Name: M Collard

Reference Name: Collard, M, 2004 Hartshill Quarry: the oldest ironworking site in Britain?, Curr Archaeol, 195, 134-9

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 729BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Hartshill Copse- Carbonised residue; adhering to internal surface of pot sherd; sample recovered from the single fill of a shallow, irregularly cut feature 968. No physical relationships with other features, but part of a small cluster of similar features of contemporary date. Context sealed by topsoil, ploughed for at least the last 15 years. Topsoil was stripped prior to excavation and left exposed for two years. Resultant weed growth was cleared by mechanical removal of uppermost gravel surface, immediately prior to excavation. Underlying geology is acidic flint gravel, free-draining, and fine-fractioned.

ID: 9220, C14 ID: OxA-12641 Date BP: 2729 +/- 34, Start Date BP: 2763, End BP: 2695

Abstract: Hartshill Copse: Pot residue

Archaeologist Name: M Collard

Reference Name: Collard, M, 2004 Hartshill Quarry: the oldest ironworking site in Britain?, Curr Archaeol, 195, 134-9

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 618BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Hartshill Copse- Carbonised residue; adhering to internal surface of pot sherd; sample recovered from primary fill of oval pit 638. Sealed by a deposit of highly carbon-rich material, in turn overlain by topsoil, ploughed until recently. No physical relationships with other features, however part of a small cluster of similar features of contemporary date. Context sealed by topsoil, ploughed for at least the last 15 years. Topsoil was stripped prior to excavation and left exposed for two years. Resultant weed growth was cleared by mechanical removal of uppermost gravel surface, immediately prior to excavation. Underlying geology is acidic flint gravel, free-draining, and fine-fractioned.

ID: 9221, C14 ID: OxA-12640 Date BP: 2618 +/- 33, Start Date BP: 2651, End BP: 2585

Abstract: Hartshill Copse: Pot residue

Archaeologist Name: M Collard

Reference Name: Collard, M, 2004 Hartshill Quarry: the oldest ironworking site in Britain?, Curr Archaeol, 195, 134-9

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 780BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Hartshill Copse- Grain; sample recovered from northwestern half of the single fill of this feature 1439, one of the postholes forming Roundhouse D. No physical relationships with other features. Context sealed by topsoil, ploughed for at least the last 15 years. Topsoil was stripped prior to excavation and left exposed for two years. Resultant weed growth was cleared by mechanical removal of uppermost gravel surface, immediately prior to excavation. Underlying geology is acidic flint gravel, free-draining, and fine-fractioned.

ID: 9222, C14 ID: OxA-12584 Date BP: 2780 +/- 32, Start Date BP: 2812, End BP: 2748

Abstract: Hartshill Copse: House D

Archaeologist Name: M Collard

Reference Name: Collard, M, 2004 Hartshill Quarry: the oldest ironworking site in Britain?, Curr Archaeol, 195, 134-9

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 848BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Hartshill Copse- Grain; sample recovered from northern half of the single fill of this feature, 1382, one of the postholes forming Roundhouse D. No physical relationships with other features. Context sealed by topsoil, ploughed for at least the last 15 years. Topsoil was stripped prior to excavation and left exposed for two years. Resultant weed growth was cleared by mechanical removal of uppermost gravel surface, immediately prior to excavation. Underlying geology is acidic flint gravel, free-draining, and fine-fractioned.

ID: 9223, C14 ID: OxA-12583 Date BP: 2848 +/- 31, Start Date BP: 2879, End BP: 2817

Abstract: Hartshill Copse: House D

Archaeologist Name: M Collard

Reference Name: Collard, M, 2004 Hartshill Quarry: the oldest ironworking site in Britain?, Curr Archaeol, 195, 134-9

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 827BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Hartshill Copse- Grain; sample recovered from north-eastern half of the single fill of this feature, 1241, one of the postholes forming roundhouse Structure C. No physical relationships with other features. Context sealed by topsoil, ploughed for at least the last 15 years. Topsoil was stripped prior to excavation and left exposed for two years. Resultant weed growth was cleared by mechanical removal of uppermost gravel surface, immediately prior to excavation. Underlying geology is acidic flint gravel, free-draining, and fine-fractioned.

ID: 9224, C14 ID: OxA-12582 Date BP: 2827 +/- 32, Start Date BP: 2859, End BP: 2795

Abstract: Hartshill Copse: House C

Archaeologist Name: M Collard

Reference Name: Collard, M, 2004 Hartshill Quarry: the oldest ironworking site in Britain?, Curr Archaeol, 195, 134-9

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 817BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Hartshill Copse- Grain; sample recovered from southern half of the single fill of this feature, 1235, one of the postholes associated with roundhouse Structure C. No physical relationships with other features. Context sealed by topsoil, ploughed for at least the last 15 years. Topsoil was stripped prior to excavation and left exposed for two years. Resultant weed growth was cleared by mechanical removal of uppermost gravel surface, immediately prior to excavation. Underlying geology is acidic flint gravel, free-draining, and fine-fractioned.

ID: 9225, C14 ID: OxA-12581 Date BP: 2817 +/- 32, Start Date BP: 2849, End BP: 2785

Abstract: Hartshill Copse: House C

Archaeologist Name: M Collard

Reference Name: Collard, M, 2004 Hartshill Quarry: the oldest ironworking site in Britain?, Curr Archaeol, 195, 134-9

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 907BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; internal; from the terminal of ditch (179). The cut had steep sides and a flattish base. The single fill was composed of a sandy loam with frequent Charcoal pieces, and pottery and worked flint. There was no evidence of intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into gravely sand and was approximately 0.40m below the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9078, C14 ID: OxA-12203 Date BP: 2907 +/- 30, Start Date BP: 2937, End BP: 2877

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - middle Bronze Age Series 3, Avon/Stour Valleys Style

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 918BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; from an upper fill of a large pit (J475). The fill was comprised of silty sand, with burnt and worked flint. Large amounts of pottery were present. There was no evidence of intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into gravel and was approximately 0.45m below the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9080, C14 ID: OxA-12201 Date BP: 2918 +/- 31, Start Date BP: 2949, End BP: 2887

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - middle Bronze Age Series 3, Avon/Stour Valleys Style

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 771BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; from a circular pit with near-vertical sides and a flat base. The fill was of dark, almost black, humic loamy sand. Other finds include Charcoal lumps, burnt flint, and burnt heathstone. Much of the pottery was found on or near the base of the pit. There was no evidence of intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into subsoil and natural gravel and was approximately 0.5m below the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9081, C14 ID: OxA-12200 Date BP: 2771 +/- 31, Start Date BP: 2802, End BP: 2740

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - late Bronze Age

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 913BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; from a large oval, steep-sided, flat-based pit (G178). The fill was composed of sandy loam with Charcoal flecks and lumps of raw clay. Large quantities of abraded pottery were present, also a single shale spindle whorl. The pit was cut by a ditch section (G181). Regarding the pottery - there is no possibility of intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into gravel and was approximately 0.35m from the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9082, C14 ID: OxA-12199 Date BP: 2913 +/- 36, Start Date BP: 2949, End BP: 2877

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - Undiagnostic middle Bronze Age Style

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 628BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; from a circular pit with a steep side and a flat base. The upper fill (G431) comprised a sandy loam with quantities of burnt flint, burnt heathstone, and Charcoal. Large amounts of pot occurred throughout the fill. The pit (G431) was cut by a small scoop (G78). No intrusion or residuality was observed. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into gravel and was approximately 0.35m from the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9092, C14 ID: OxA-12165 Date BP: 2628 +/- 27, Start Date BP: 2655, End BP: 2601

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - late Bronze Age

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 708BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; from a circular pit with a steep side and a flat base. The upper fill (G431) comprised a sandy loam with quantities of burnt flint, burnt heathstone, and Charcoal. Large amounts of pot occurred throughout the fill. The pit (G431) was cut by a small scoop (G78). No intrusion or residuality was observed. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into gravel and was approximately 0.35m from the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9093, C14 ID: OxA-12164 Date BP: 2708 +/- 23, Start Date BP: 2731, End BP: 2685

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - late Bronze Age

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 835BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Hartshill Copse- Grain; sample recovered from southern half of the single fill of this feature, 1235, one of the postholes associated with roundhouse Structure C. No physical relationships with other features. Context sealed by topsoil, ploughed for at least the last 15 years. Topsoil was stripped prior to excavation and left exposed for two years. Resultant weed growth was cleared by mechanical removal of uppermost gravel surface, immediately prior to excavation. Underlying geology is acidic flint gravel, free-draining, and fine-fractioned.

ID: 9235, C14 ID: GrA-23701 Date BP: 2835 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 2875, End BP: 2795

Abstract: Hartshill Copse: House C

Archaeologist Name: M Collard

Reference Name: Collard, M, 2004 Hartshill Quarry: the oldest ironworking site in Britain?, Curr Archaeol, 195, 134-9

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Hartshill Copse- Grain; sample recovered from western half of single fill of feature 1223, one of the postholes associated with Roundhouse C. No physical relationships with further features. Context sealed by topsoil, ploughed for at least the last 15 years. Topsoil was stripped prior to excavation and left exposed for two years. Resultant weed growth was cleared by mechanical removal of uppermost gravel surface, immediately prior to excavation. Underlying geology is acidic flint gravel, free-draining, and fine-fractioned.

ID: 9236, C14 ID: GrA-24695 Date BP: 2800 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2850, End BP: 2750

Abstract: Hartshill Copse: House C

Archaeologist Name: M Collard

Reference Name: Collard, M, 2004 Hartshill Quarry: the oldest ironworking site in Britain?, Curr Archaeol, 195, 134-9

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 860BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Hartshill Copse- Grain; a single Grain; sample recovered from northern half of single fill of feature, 1436, one of the postholes forming inner ring of Roundhouse D. No physical relationships with further features. Context sealed by topsoil, ploughed for at least the last 15 years. Topsoil was stripped prior to excavation and left exposed for two years. Resultant weed growth was cleared by mechanical removal of uppermost gravel surface, immediately prior to excavation. Underlying geology is acidic flint gravel, free-draining, and fine-fractioned.

ID: 9237, C14 ID: GrA-24659 Date BP: 2860 +/- 45, Start Date BP: 2905, End BP: 2815

Abstract: Hartshill Copse: House D

Archaeologist Name: M Collard

Reference Name: Collard, M, 2004 Hartshill Quarry: the oldest ironworking site in Britain?, Curr Archaeol, 195, 134-9

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 979BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Hartshill Copse- Human bone; cremated (white), a single fragment; sample recovered from the western half of the single fill of this feature 4461, a cremation within the entrance to the ditched enclosure. There was no physical relationships with other features. The context was sealed by topsoil, ploughed for at least the last 15 years. The topsoil was stripped prior to excavation and left exposed for two years. Resultant weed growth was cleared by mechanical removal of uppermost gravel surface, immediately prior to excavation. Underlying geology is acidic flint gravel, free-draining, and fine-fractioned.

ID: 9238, C14 ID: OxA-12731 Date BP: 2979 +/- 30, Start Date BP: 3009, End BP: 2949

Abstract: Hartshill Copse: Cremation

Archaeologist Name: M Collard

Reference Name: Collard, M, 2004 Hartshill Quarry: the oldest ironworking site in Britain?, Curr Archaeol, 195, 134-9

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 705BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; from an oval pit with steep sides and a flat base (G352). The fill comprised a dark sandy loam with frequent flecks of Charcoal, and contained abundant pottery varying from fresh to abraded. Burnt heathstone was also present. There was no intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into sandy gravel and was approximately 0.35m from the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9094, C14 ID: OxA-12163 Date BP: 2705 +/- 23, Start Date BP: 2728, End BP: 2682

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - late Bronze Age

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 655BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; from a circular pit with rounded base and gently sloping sides. This had a compacted fill of burnt heathstone with large pottery fragments from top to base. Some Charcoal flecks were present in the sandy fill. Worked flints were also present. There was no evidence of intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The top of the feature had been truncated by mechanical excavator during stripping and was approximately 0.4m from the ground surface. Otherwise, there was no disturbance.

ID: 9095, C14 ID: OxA-12162 Date BP: 2655 +/- 23, Start Date BP: 2678, End BP: 2632

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - late Bronze Age

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 792BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; from a circular pit with steep, almost vertical, sides and flat base. Layer P1546 comprised a dark, silty sand with Charcoal flecks and pottery sherds. There was no evidence of intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into sand and was approximately 0.35m from the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9096, C14 ID: OxA-12161 Date BP: 2792 +/- 23, Start Date BP: 2815, End BP: 2769

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - late Bronze Age

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 902BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; external; from the upper fill of a large, rectangular feature, possibly a firing floor (C31). The fill comprised of sandy loam with large amounts of Charcoal, worked and burnt flint, and abundant pottery. There was no evidence of intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravel overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into subsoil and was approximately 0.35m below the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9097, C14 ID: OxA-12160 Date BP: 2902 +/- 23, Start Date BP: 2925, End BP: 2879

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - middle Bronze Age Series 3, Avon/Stour Valleys Style

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 820BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; internal; from a shallow, flat-based, oval pit. The fill was composed of 18kg of burnt flint (from a half section) with Charcoal and ash on the base. There was no evidence of intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into sandy gravels and was approximately 0.35m below the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9100, C14 ID: OxA-12157 Date BP: 2820 +/- 25, Start Date BP: 2845, End BP: 2795

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - late Bronze Age

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 614BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; internal; from an irregular oval feature with shallow sloping sides and an undulating base (G117). The fill, of sandy loam, contained substantial pieces from two vessels. There was no evidence of intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into sand and was approximately 0.35m from the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9101, C14 ID: OxA-12156 Date BP: 2614 +/- 28, Start Date BP: 2642, End BP: 2586

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - late Bronze Age

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 771BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; internal; from a circular scoop with moderately sloping sides and a flat base. The sandy fill contained pottery and Charcoal flecks, with no evidence of intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into sand, and was approximately 0.35m from the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9102, C14 ID: OxA-12155 Date BP: 2771 +/- 27, Start Date BP: 2798, End BP: 2744

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - late Bronze Age

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 837BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; internal; from a circular, vertical sided, flat-based pit. The fill comprised a dark sandy loam with large amounts of burnt heathstone and small pieces of pottery. There was no evidence of intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into sandy subsoil and was approximately 0.40m from the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9103, C14 ID: OxA-12154 Date BP: 2837 +/- 24, Start Date BP: 2861, End BP: 2813

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - late Bronze Age

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 826BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; internal; from the upper fill of large pit (J475). The fill was composed of silty sand with burnt and worked flint, and large amounts of pottery. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into gravel and was approximately 0.45m below the ground surface.

ID: 9104, C14 ID: OxA-12153 Date BP: 2826 +/- 28, Start Date BP: 2854, End BP: 2798

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - middle Bronze Age Series 1, Central Wessex Style

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 802BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; internal; from the basal layer of a large 'triangular' shaped pit (J989). The fill consisted of dark, humic, loamy sand. Large amounts of pottery were retrieved from all layers. There was no evidence of intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into gravelly sand and was approximately 0.6m below the ground surface.

ID: 9105, C14 ID: OxA-12152 Date BP: 2802 +/- 26, Start Date BP: 2828, End BP: 2776

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - middle Bronze Age Series 2, Dorset Downs Style

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 916BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; internal; part of a feature 15m long, observed in section. The layer comprised sandy loam with pottery and burnt flint, within cut D414. There is no evidence of intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into gravel and was approximately 1.0m below the ground surface. There was no disturbance.

ID: 9106, C14 ID: OxA-12151 Date BP: 2916 +/- 27, Start Date BP: 2943, End BP: 2889

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - middle Bronze Age Series 1, Central Wessex Style

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 655BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; internal; from a fill of a large feature, 15m long, observed in section (D414).

ID: 9113, C14 ID: OxA-12828 Date BP: 2655 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 2720, End BP: 2590

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - middle Bronze Age Series 2, Dorset Downs Style

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 890BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; internal; from the fill of a circular pit with steep sides and a flat base. The single fill was mid-brown loamy sand. Pottery was dispersed throughout the fill.

ID: 9114, C14 ID: OxA-12827 Date BP: 2890 +/- 170, Start Date BP: 3060, End BP: 2720

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Ceramic Residues - late Bronze Age

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 530BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry- Carbonised residue; from the uppermost fill of pit (J475), a dark brown sandy loam with a little Charcoal. Burnt flint and burnt heathstone were also present. The sherd is unlikely to be residual.

ID: 9118, C14 ID: GrA-24658 Date BP: 2530 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2580, End BP: 2480

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: Burnt Mound

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ladle, L, and Woodward, A, forthcoming Excavations at Bestwall Quarry,Wareham 1992-2005.Volume 1: the Prehistoric Landscape, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Monograph, 1, Dorchester

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 990BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry 2004-7 - grain; from a circular pit with two fills. The upper fill (64) comprised a very dark brown, almost black, compacted sandy loam, with much charcoal and ash. There were 42 sherds of pottery weighing 1065g in this layer including substantial remains of one vessel. There was no residuality or intrusion. The local geology was valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The pit was cut into gravel and was approximately 0.5m below present ground surface.

ID: 9631, C14 ID: GrA-28462 Date BP: 2990 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 3025, End BP: 2955

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: middle Bronze Age occupation in Field K

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ward and Wilson 1978

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 990BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry 2004-7 - charcoal; from an oval, shallow pit with a single fill, which comprised a very dark, almost black, charcoal-rich, sandy loam. Four ceramic weights were in this pit, one of which was decorated. There was no residuality or intrusion. The local geology was valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The pit was cut into gravel and was approximately 0.5m below present ground surface.

ID: 9632, C14 ID: GrA-28480 Date BP: 2990 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 3025, End BP: 2955

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: middle Bronze Age occupation in Field K

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Ward and Wilson 1978

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 920BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry 2004-7 - carbonised residue; internal, Avon Stour style; from a segment of a ditch 1m long. The pottery came from the second of five fills. This layer comprised a mid-brown, charcoal-rich, sandy loam with frequent gravel nodules. In total, 28 sherds of pottery, weighing 449g, were retrieved from this layer. There was no intrusion or residuality. The local geology was valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The upper part of the feature was cut into sand and the lower part into gravel. The feature was approximately 0.4m below present ground surface.

ID: 9640, C14 ID: GrA-28477 Date BP: 2920 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2955, End BP: 2885

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: middle Bronze Age occupation in Field L

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 836BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Gwithian - carbonised residue; internal, undecorated rim sherd; the stratigraphy for the Gwithian Bronze Age sites (GMIX, GMX, and GMXV) was recorded as three broad sandy-soil occupation layers (3, 5, 7, and 8) each separated by blown sand. Layer 3 (phase 5) was the uppermost occupation horizon. It comprised a small farming settlement of wooden circular buildings located and surrounded by fields. Evidence for stock and arable farming alongside pottery, shale, and stonework manufacture, as well as metalworking. The sample was recorded from 'cleaning of hearth' (the central hearth (1088) in posthole structure (1134)). The geology consists of slate bedrock beneath blown calcareous sand layers. Layer 3 represents a major occupation horizon: phase 5.

ID: 9814, C14 ID: OxA-14590 Date BP: 2836 +/- 32, Start Date BP: 2868, End BP: 2804

Abstract: Gwithian: prehistoric

Archaeologist Name: J Nowakowski

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 835BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Gwithian - carbonised residue; internal, decorated rim sherd; replicate of OxA-14525

ID: 9816, C14 ID: SUERC-6162 Date BP: 2835 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2870, End BP: 2800

Abstract: Gwithian: prehistoric

Archaeologist Name: J Nowakowski

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 980BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Gwithian - carbonised residue; internal, decorated body sherd; the stratigraphy for the Gwithian Bronze Age sites (GMIX, GMX, and GMXV) was recorded as three broad sandy-soil occupation layers (3, 5 ,7, and 8) each separated by blown sand. Layer 3 (phase 5) was the uppermost occupation horizon. It comprised a small farming settlement of wooden circular buildings located and surrounded by fields. There was evidence for stock and arable farming alongside pottery, shale and stonework manufacture, as well as metalworking. The sample was recorded from the fill of a gully (343) which lay to the south of strcture (724/725). This structure is associated with the layer 3 horizon which represents a major occupation horizon: phase 5. The geology is slate bedrock with old land surfaces preserved beneath layers of sand and later occupation horizons.

ID: 9817, C14 ID: SUERC-6163 Date BP: 2980 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 3015, End BP: 2945

Abstract: Gwithian: prehistoric

Archaeologist Name: J Nowakowski

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 593BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Trent Valley Survey: Seymour Drain- Plant macrofossils; as OxA-12775. This sample was collected from the upper part of a grey peaty silt at a depth of between 2.2-2.35m.

ID: 9436, C14 ID: OxA-12776 Date BP: 2593 +/- 30, Start Date BP: 2623, End BP: 2563

Abstract: Trent Valley Survey: Seymour Drain

Archaeologist Name: A Howard

Reference Name: Bridgland, D, Howard, A, White, M, and White, T, forthcoming Quaternary of the Trent, Oxford: Oxbow; Havelock, G M, and Howard, A J, 2002 Extending and protecting palaeoenvironmental data: deposit sampling, unpubl rep to Trent Valley Geoarchaeol, Univ of of Newcastle

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry 2004-7 - charcoal; from a posthole with steep, almost vertical sides and a flat base. The fill comprised a dark brown sandy loam. Gravels were used as packing and there was much charcoal in the fill. There was no intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into gravel and was approximately 0.50m from the ground surface.

ID: 9646, C14 ID: GrA-29716 Date BP: 2970 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 3005, End BP: 2935

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: monument in Field L

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 509BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Trent/Soar rivers confluence - sediment; humic acid fraction, bulk sample; from 1.7m down a core located in a palaeochannel on the modern floodplain. The core also has had pollen evaluation counts carried out at 0.14m intervals, from 50mm contiguous sampling. The local geology is Mercian mudstone. The sample was waterlogged at the time of collection. The water table was 1m below the surface.

ID: 10016, C14 ID: OxA-16161 Date BP: 2509 +/- 32, Start Date BP: 2541, End BP: 2477

Abstract: Trent/Soar rivers confluence: modern floodplain, Core 2

Archaeologist Name: A G Brown

Reference Name: Brown et al 2007

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 561BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Trent/Soar rivers confluence - sediment; humic acid fraction, bulk sample; from the base of a core from a palaeochannel associated with terrace 1. The palaeochannel marks the boundary between terrace 1 and the current floodplain. The local geology is Mercian mudstone. The sample was waterlogged at the time of collection. The water table was 1m below the surface.

ID: 10033, C14 ID: OxA-15971 Date BP: 2561 +/- 30, Start Date BP: 2591, End BP: 2531

Abstract: Trent/Soar rivers confluence: Trent Terrace 1, Core 4

Archaeologist Name: A G Brown

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 638BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Trent/Soar rivers confluence - sediment; humin fraction, bulk sample; from 1.5m down a core from a palaeochannel located between terrace 1 and the current lower floodplain. The core also has had pollen evaluation counts carried out at 0.14m intervals, from 50mm contiguous sampling. The local geology is Mercian mudstone. The sample was waterlogged at the time of collection. The water table was 1m below the surface.

ID: 10039, C14 ID: OxA-16159 Date BP: 2638 +/- 31, Start Date BP: 2669, End BP: 2607

Abstract: Trent/Soar rivers confluence: Trent Terrace 1, Core 7

Archaeologist Name: A G Brown

Reference Name: Ward and Wilson 1978

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 755BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Nene Valley - sediment; humin fraction, bulk sample; c .45m OD - .3m OD; as SUERC-10046

ID: 9848, C14 ID: SUERC-10048 Date BP: 2755 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2790, End BP: 2720

Abstract: Nene Valley: south-west of West Cotton

Archaeologist Name: A G Brown

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 511BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Burlescombe - waterlogged wood; unidentified twig; from a monolith taken through a series of colluvial deposits across most of the features on site. Due to the depth of deposits overlying this material there is no chance of intrusive material or residuality. The local geology is gravel. The spread of material overlies the water table (the interface of this context and the underlying ones representing the level of the water table). The context was undisturbed and unbioturbated. The pH is likely to be slightly alkaline (approximately pH6.5) although exact parameters are unknown.

ID: 9665, C14 ID: OxA-15693 Date BP: 2511 +/- 28, Start Date BP: 2539, End BP: 2483

Abstract: Burlescombe: monolith 324

Archaeologist Name: T Gent

Reference Name: Ward and Wilson 1978

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 766BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Burlescombe - charcoal; unidentified, single fragment; from a monolith taken through a series of colluvial deposits sealing most of the features on site. Due to the depth of deposits overlying this material there is no chance of intrusive material or residuality. The local geology is gravel. The spread of material immediately overlies the water table (the interface of this context and the underlying ones representing the level of the water table). The context was undisturbed and unbioturbated. The pH is likely to be slightly alkaline (approximately pH 6.5) although exact parameters are unknown.

ID: 9667, C14 ID: OxA-15939 Date BP: 2766 +/- 29, Start Date BP: 2795, End BP: 2737

Abstract: Burlescombe: monolith 324

Archaeologist Name: T Gent

Reference Name: Ward and Wilson 1978

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 644BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Burlescombe - sediment; humic acid, bulk sample; as OxA-15939

ID: 9668, C14 ID: OxA-15941 Date BP: 2644 +/- 28, Start Date BP: 2672, End BP: 2616

Abstract: Burlescombe: monolith 324

Archaeologist Name: T Gent

Reference Name: Best and Gent forthcoming

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 840BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Ribble Valley - waterlogged plant macrofossil; bark, single fragment; the material is organic detritus from the base of a sequence of coarse sand to gravel flood deposits. The sequence was sampled from a core (CAL/C4) located in the centre of a palaeochannel with surface expression on the third Calder terrace. The surface geomorphology reveals the setting is a palaeochannel. The sample is taken from the base of the palaeochannel fill targeting the basal gravels at 2.45-2.33m. The material is detrital rather than in situ, but it comprises soft plant matter, probably locally derived and is likely to be similar in age to the flood deposit. The flood laminations are intact, which denotes little or no downwards penetration of organic materials. The datable material comes from the basal flood layer, and is buried by a further 2m of flood-laminated sands, silts, and clays. At the time of sampling the water table was at 0.25m beneath the surface, and based on iron and manganese discolouration probably oscillates around 0.5-0.75m below the surface. Organic flood trash of this type, where the character of plant remains (cell and tissue structure) is still discernible, is unlikely to pre-date the flood by more than 10-20 years.

ID: 9887, C14 ID: SUERC-10665 Date BP: 2840 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2875, End BP: 2805

Abstract: Ribble Valley: the Calder, terrace 3, core 4

Archaeologist Name: R Chiverrell

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 781BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bletchingley: North Park Farm- Charcoal; excavation of test pit A11 within trench A at North Park Farm revealed the presence of a complex lithostratigraphic sequence consisting of (from the base upward): 1) undisturbed Lower Greensand, 2) windblown sand with poorly preserved bedding containing Mesolithic flint artefacts, 3) soil development containing Mesolithic flint artefacts (buried soil), and 4) ploughsoil. the sample came from the top 5cm layer of test pit A11.1, within a buried soil containing burnt and unburnt Mesolithic flint.

ID: 9469, C14 ID: OxA-13061 Date BP: 2781 +/- 26, Start Date BP: 2807, End BP: 2755

Abstract: Bletchingley: North Park Farm

Archaeologist Name: N Branch

Reference Name: Branch, N P, Green, C P, Kemp, R A, and Swindle, G E, 2003 Environmental archaeological assessment for North Park Farm Quarry, Bletchingley, Surrey (NPF02), unpubl rep, Archaeoscape; Branch, N P, and Poulton, R, 2003 Application for radiocarbon and lumine

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 735BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bletchingley: North Park Farm- Charcoal; excavation of test pit A11 within trench A at North Park Farm revealed the presence of a complex lithostratigraphic sequence consisting of (from the base upward): 1) undisturbed Lower Greensand, 2) windblown sand with poorly preserved bedding containing Mesolithic flint artefacts, 3) soil development containing Mesolithic flint artefacts (buried soil), and 4) ploughsoil. the sample came from the top 5cm layer of test pit A11.1, within a buried soil containing burnt and unburnt Mesolithic flint.

ID: 9470, C14 ID: OxA-13042 Date BP: 2735 +/- 55, Start Date BP: 2790, End BP: 2680

Abstract: Bletchingley: North Park Farm

Archaeologist Name: N Branch

Reference Name: Branch, N P, Green, C P, Kemp, R A, and Swindle, G E, 2003 Environmental archaeological assessment for North Park Farm Quarry, Bletchingley, Surrey (NPF02), unpubl rep, Archaeoscape; Branch, N P, and Poulton, R, 2003 Application for radiocarbon and lumine

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 670BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Burlescombe - waterlogged plant macrofossil; unidentified bark, un-charred; from a monolith taken through a series of colluvial deposits sealing most of the features on site. Due to the depth of deposits overlying this material there is no chance of intrusive material or residuality. The local geology is gravel. The spread of material immediately overlies the water table (the interface of this context and the underlying ones representing the level of the water table). The context was undisturbed and unbioturbated. The pH is likely to be slightly alkaline (approximately pH 6.5) although exact parameters are unknown.

ID: 9669, C14 ID: SUERC-10674 Date BP: 2670 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2705, End BP: 2635

Abstract: Burlescombe: monolith 324

Archaeologist Name: T Gent

Reference Name: Best and Gent forthcoming

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 600BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Burlescombe - waterlogged plant macrofossil; bark, unidentified, single fragment; as OxA-15693

ID: 9670, C14 ID: SUERC-10675 Date BP: 2600 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2635, End BP: 2565

Abstract: Burlescombe: monolith 324

Archaeologist Name: T Gent

Reference Name: Best and Gent forthcoming

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 940BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Burlescombe - waterlogged wood; twig, single fragment; as OxA-15691

ID: 9672, C14 ID: SUERC-10677 Date BP: 2940 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2975, End BP: 2905

Abstract: Burlescombe: monolith 324

Archaeologist Name: T Gent

Reference Name: Tyers 2007

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 757BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Burlescombe - charcoal; as OxA-15691

ID: 9675, C14 ID: OxA-15713 Date BP: 2757 +/- 34, Start Date BP: 2791, End BP: 2723

Abstract: Burlescombe: pit [658]

Archaeologist Name: T Gent

Reference Name: Best and Gent forthcoming Reimer et al 2004

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 860BC. Early Iron Age

Report: The Rye area project: Roadend- Peat; .10 - 0.14m OD; the sample was taken from the top of a unit of black well-humified silty peat (unit B), immediately below a layer of grey-brown marine/intertidal clay (unit A). The solid geology of the area around Roadend is the Hastings Bed Group (mainly sandstones, siltstones, and clays). The watertable at the site is within 1m of the modern ground surface. The depth at which the sample is taken precludes any possibility of contamination by modern rootlet penetration. Pollen assemblages across the A/B contact are dominated by pollen of fen carr taxa (Betula, Salix, and Alnus). Rising pollen percentages for Myrica gale indicate the development of increasingly acid, oligotrophic conditions. A transitional (non erosive) contact between units A/B is indicated.

ID: 9375, C14 ID: GrN-28106 Date BP: 2860 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2920, End BP: 2800

Abstract: The Rye area project: Roadend

Archaeologist Name: A J Long

Reference Name: Long, A , Hipkin, S, and Clarke, H, 2002 Romney Marsh: coastal and landscape change through the ages, Oxford Univ School Archaeol Monogr, Oxford: Oxford Univ; Long, A J, 2006a Coastal resilience and late Holocene tidal inlet history: the evoution of Dungeness Foreland and the Romney Marsh (UK) depositional complex, Geomorphology, 82, 309-330; Long, A J, 2006b Driving mechanisms of coastal change:sediment autocompaction and the destruction of late Holocene coastal wetlands, Marine Geology, 225, 63-84 Long, A J, forthcoming The late-Holocene Evolution of the Romney marsh/Dungeness Foreland Depositional Complex, UK, Oxford: Oxbow Books; Waller, M P, 2006 The interpretation of radiocarbon dates from the upper surface of late Holocene peat layers in coastal lowlands, The Holocene, 16, 51-61

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 730BC. Early Iron Age

Report: The Rye area project: Greyfriars- Peat; -0.55 - -0.59m OD; the sample was taken from the top of a unit of black well-humified peat (B), containing monocot stems and Woody detritus, and immediately below a contact with brown marine/intertidal clay (A). The solid geology of the area around Greyfriars is the Hastings Bed Group (mainly sandstones, siltstones, and clays). The watertable at the site is within 1m of the modern ground surface. The depth at which the sample is taken precludes any possibility of contamination by modern rootlet penetration. Pollen assemblages from the A/B contact are dominated by pollen of Myrica gale with lesser percentages of Cyperaceae and Poaceae. These indicate open, oligotrophic conditions at the time of peat accumulation. Microfossil studies indicate the A/B contact is transitional (ie non-erosive).

ID: 9376, C14 ID: GrA-24065 Date BP: 2730 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 2770, End BP: 2690

Abstract: The Rye area project: Greyfriars

Archaeologist Name: A J Long

Reference Name: Long, A , Hipkin, S, and Clarke, H, 2002 Romney Marsh: coastal and landscape change through the ages, Oxford Univ School Archaeol Monogr, Oxford: Oxford Univ; Long, A J, 2006a Coastal resilience and late Holocene tidal inlet history: the evoution of Dungeness Foreland and the Romney Marsh (UK) depositional complex, Geomorphology, 82, 309-330; Long, A J, 2006b Driving mechanisms of coastal change:sediment autocompaction and the destruction of late Holocene coastal wetlands, Marine Geology, 225, 63-84 Long, A J, forthcoming The late-Holocene Evolution of the Romney marsh/Dungeness Foreland Depositional Complex, UK, Oxford: Oxbow Books; Waller, M P, 2006 The interpretation of radiocarbon dates from the upper surface of late Holocene peat layers in coastal lowlands, The Holocene, 16, 51-61

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 940BC. Early Iron Age

Report: The Rye area project: Greyfriars- Peat; -0.55 - -0.59m OD; the sample was taken from the top of a unit of black well-humified peat (B), containing monocot stems and Woody detritus, and immediately below a contact with brown marine/intertidal clay (A). The solid geology of the area around Greyfriars is the Hastings Bed Group (mainly sandstones, siltstones, and clays). The watertable at the site is within 1m of the modern ground surface. The depth at which the sample is taken precludes any possibility of contamination by modern rootlet penetration. Pollen assemblages from the A/B contact are dominated by pollen of Myrica gale with lesser percentages of Cyperaceae and Poaceae. These indicate open, oligotrophic conditions at the time of peat accumulation. Microfossil studies indicate the A/B contact is transitional (ie non-erosive).

ID: 9377, C14 ID: GrN-28101 Date BP: 2940 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 2980, End BP: 2900

Abstract: The Rye area project: Greyfriars

Archaeologist Name: A J Long

Reference Name: Long, A , Hipkin, S, and Clarke, H, 2002 Romney Marsh: coastal and landscape change through the ages, Oxford Univ School Archaeol Monogr, Oxford: Oxford Univ; Long, A J, 2006a Coastal resilience and late Holocene tidal inlet history: the evoution of Dungeness Foreland and the Romney Marsh (UK) depositional complex, Geomorphology, 82, 309-330; Long, A J, 2006b Driving mechanisms of coastal change:sediment autocompaction and the destruction of late Holocene coastal wetlands, Marine Geology, 225, 63-84 Long, A J, forthcoming The late-Holocene Evolution of the Romney marsh/Dungeness Foreland Depositional Complex, UK, Oxford: Oxbow Books; Waller, M P, 2006 The interpretation of radiocarbon dates from the upper surface of late Holocene peat layers in coastal lowlands, The Holocene, 16, 51-61

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 980BC. Early Iron Age

Report: The Rye area project: near surface site 1 (Old House Farm, Peasmarsh)- Sediment; organic, .71 - 3.75m OD; the sample comes from a 4cm slice of Sediment (20-24cm). The solid geology of the area around Old House Farm is the Hastings Bed Group (mainly sandstones, siltstones, and clays). The sample is taken from relatively close to the modern ground surface, suggesting there could be a possibility of contamination by modern rootlet penetration. However, all such rootlets were removed from the sample using forceps prior to submission. Pollen assemblages at this depth predominantly comprise open ground taxa (herbs, such as Poaceae and Cyperaceae) with smaller numbers of poor fen shrubs and herbs indicated by pollen from Betula, Myrica gale, and Alnus glutinosa. These indicate relatively open, oligotrophic local conditions at the time of Sediment deposition.

ID: 9382, C14 ID: GrN-28514 Date BP: 2980 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 3070, End BP: 2890

Abstract: The Rye area project: near surface site 1 (Old House Farm, Peasmarsh)

Archaeologist Name: A J Long

Reference Name: Long, A , Hipkin, S, and Clarke, H, 2002 Romney Marsh: coastal and landscape change through the ages, Oxford Univ School Archaeol Monogr, Oxford: Oxford Univ; Long, A J, 2006a Coastal resilience and late Holocene tidal inlet history: the evoution of Dungeness Foreland and the Romney Marsh (UK) depositional complex, Geomorphology, 82, 309-330; Long, A J, 2006b Driving mechanisms of coastal change:sediment autocompaction and the destruction of late Holocene coastal wetlands, Marine Geology, 225, 63-84 Long, A J, forthcoming The late-Holocene Evolution of the Romney marsh/Dungeness Foreland Depositional Complex, UK, Oxford: Oxbow Books; Waller, M P, 2006 The interpretation of radiocarbon dates from the upper surface of late Holocene peat layers in coastal lowlands, The Holocene, 16, 51-61

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 735BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cheviot Quarry - charcoal; from posthole 308, underlying subsoil 002 and cut into natural gravel deposit 003. The posthole forms part of a circular structure (building 5), and is situated to the south-east of the circle, forming one side of an entranceway. Residuality is possible due to the unsealed nature of the context. The posthole is 0.4m from the surface, cut into fluvio-glacial gravel terrace deposits. Some rootlet penetration and truncat by ploughing also occurred.

ID: 9705, C14 ID: SUERC-9091 Date BP: 2735 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2770, End BP: 2700

Abstract: Cheviot Quarry: circular buildings

Archaeologist Name: B Johnson

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 785BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cheviot Quarry - charcoal; as SUERC-9091

ID: 9706, C14 ID: SUERC-9092 Date BP: 2785 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2820, End BP: 2750

Abstract: Cheviot Quarry: circular buildings

Archaeologist Name: B Johnson

Reference Name: Johnson and Waddington in press

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 795BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cheviot Quarry - charcoal; from posthole 312, underlying subsoil 002 and cut into natural gravel deposit 003. The posthole forms part of a circular structure (building 5), and is situated to the south-east of the circle, forming one side of an entranceway. Residuality is possible due to the unsealed nature of the context. The posthole is 0.4m from the surface, cut into fluvio-glacial gravel terrace deposits. There is some rootlet penetration and the feature was truncated by ploughing.

ID: 9707, C14 ID: SUERC-9093 Date BP: 2795 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2830, End BP: 2760

Abstract: Cheviot Quarry: circular buildings

Archaeologist Name: B Johnson

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 820BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cheviot Quarry - charcoal; Salix/Populus sp., single fragment; as SUERC-9093

ID: 9708, C14 ID: SUERC-9094 Date BP: 2820 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2855, End BP: 2785

Abstract: Cheviot Quarry: circular buildings

Archaeologist Name: B Johnson

Reference Name: Johnson and Waddington in press

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 855BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cheviot Quarry - charcoal; from posthole 316, underlying subsoil 002 and cut into natural gravel deposit 003. The posthole forms part of a circular structure (building 5), and is situated to the south-east of the circle. It contains sherds of Carinated Ware pottery. Residuality is possibly due to the unsealed nature of the context. The posthole is 0.4m from the surface, cut into fluvio-glacial gravel terrace deposits. There is some rootlet penetration and the feature was truncated by ploughing.

ID: 9709, C14 ID: SUERC-9098 Date BP: 2855 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2890, End BP: 2820

Abstract: Cheviot Quarry: circular buildings

Archaeologist Name: B Johnson

Reference Name: Johnson and Waddington in press

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 790BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cheviot Quarry - charcoal; as SUERC-9098

ID: 9710, C14 ID: SUERC-9099 Date BP: 2790 +/- 30, Start Date BP: 2820, End BP: 2760

Abstract: Cheviot Quarry: circular buildings

Archaeologist Name: B Johnson

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 850BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cheviot Quarry - charcoal; from posthole 489, underlying subsoil 002 and cut into natural gravel deposit 003. The posthole forms part of a circular structure (building 5), and is situated to the south-east of the circle, forming one side of an entranceway. Residuality is possible due to the unsealed nature of the context. The posthole is 0.4m from the surface, cut into fluvio-glacial gravel terrace deposits. There is some rootlet penetration and the feature was truncated by ploughing.

ID: 9711, C14 ID: SUERC-9100 Date BP: 2850 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2885, End BP: 2815

Abstract: Cheviot Quarry: circular buildings

Archaeologist Name: B Johnson

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 805BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cheviot Quarry - charcoal; as SUERC-9100

ID: 9712, C14 ID: SUERC-9101 Date BP: 2805 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2840, End BP: 2770

Abstract: Cheviot Quarry: circular buildings

Archaeologist Name: B Johnson

Reference Name: Johnson and Waddington in press

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 725BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cheviot Quarry - charcoal; from posthole 346, underlying subsoil 002 and cut into natural gravel deposit 003. The posthole forms part of a circular structure (building 4), and is situated to the south-east of the circle, forming one side of an entranceway. Residuality is possible, due to the unsealed nature of the context. The posthole is 0.4m from the surface, cut into fluvio-glacial gravel terrace deposits. There is some rootlet penetration and the feature was truncated by ploughing.

ID: 9713, C14 ID: SUERC-9109 Date BP: 2725 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2760, End BP: 2690

Abstract: Cheviot Quarry: circular buildings

Archaeologist Name: B Johnson

Reference Name: Johnson and Waddington in press

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cheviot Quarry - charcoal; as SUERC-9109

ID: 9714, C14 ID: SUERC-9110 Date BP: 2800 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2835, End BP: 2765

Abstract: Cheviot Quarry: circular buildings

Archaeologist Name: B Johnson

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 775BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cheviot Quarry - charcoal; from posthole 348, underlying subsoil 002 and cut into natural gravel deposit 003. The posthole forms part of a circular structure (building 4), and is situated to the south-east of the circle. Residuality is possible due to the unsealed nature of the context. The posthole is 0.4m from the surface, cut into fluvio-glacial gravel terrace deposits. There is some rootlet penetration and the feature was truncated by ploughing.

ID: 9715, C14 ID: SUERC-9111 Date BP: 2775 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2810, End BP: 2740

Abstract: Cheviot Quarry: circular buildings

Archaeologist Name: B Johnson

Reference Name: Ward and Wilson 1978

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 745BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cheviot Quarry - charcoal; from posthole 363, underlying subsoil 002 and cut into natural gravel deposit 003. The posthole forms part of a circular structure (building 4), and is situated to the south-east of the circle. Residuality is possible, due to the unsealed nature of the context. The posthole is 0.4m from the surface, cut into fluvio-glacial gravel terrace deposits. There is some rootlet penetration and the feature was truncated by ploughing.

ID: 9717, C14 ID: SUERC-9113 Date BP: 2745 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2780, End BP: 2710

Abstract: Cheviot Quarry: circular buildings

Archaeologist Name: B Johnson

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 765BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cheviot Quarry - charcoal; as SUERC-9113

ID: 9719, C14 ID: SUERC-9513 Date BP: 2765 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2800, End BP: 2730

Abstract: Cheviot Quarry: circular buildings

Archaeologist Name: B Johnson

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 960BC. Early Iron Age

Report: The Rye area project: near surface site 1 (Old House Farm, Peasmarsh)- Sediment; organic, .61 - 3.65m OD; the sample comes from a 4cm slice of Sediment (30-34cm). The solid geology of the area around Old House Farm is the Hastings Bed Group (mainly sandstones, siltstones, and clays). Pollen assemblages indicate a local environment dominated by acid, nutrient-poor Betula fen. Alnus glutinosa and Salix spp. also appear to have been important components of the local vegetation community.

ID: 9383, C14 ID: GrN-28515 Date BP: 2960 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 3030, End BP: 2890

Abstract: The Rye area project: near surface site 1 (Old House Farm, Peasmarsh)

Archaeologist Name: A J Long

Reference Name: Long, A , Hipkin, S, and Clarke, H, 2002 Romney Marsh: coastal and landscape change through the ages, Oxford Univ School Archaeol Monogr, Oxford: Oxford Univ; Long, A J, 2006a Coastal resilience and late Holocene tidal inlet history: the evoution of Dungeness Foreland and the Romney Marsh (UK) depositional complex, Geomorphology, 82, 309-330; Long, A J, 2006b Driving mechanisms of coastal change:sediment autocompaction and the destruction of late Holocene coastal wetlands, Marine Geology, 225, 63-84 Long, A J, forthcoming The late-Holocene Evolution of the Romney marsh/Dungeness Foreland Depositional Complex, UK, Oxford: Oxbow Books; Waller, M P, 2006 The interpretation of radiocarbon dates from the upper surface of late Holocene peat layers in coastal lowlands, The Holocene, 16, 51-61

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 590BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Beckford - carbonised residue; internal; 55107A formed part of S26, a boundary ditch that together with S21 formed a roughly square enclosure. The residue is on a ceramic phase C/D sherd, fabric 11. Glacial sands and gravels underlie the archaeological deposits.

ID: 9501, C14 ID: GrA-35087 Date BP: 2590 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2640, End BP: 2540

Abstract: Beckford: Ceramic Residues

Archaeologist Name: J Wills

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 759BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cheviot Quarry - grain; the Hordeum (barley) grain was found in the primary fill of hearth F342, which was situated beneath subsoil 002. The hearth was cut into natural gravel deposit 003. The hearth is situated internally to building 4, which has provided radiocarbon dates from its postholes of the late- tenth to late-ninth centuries cal BC. The grain was deposited 0.6m from the surface, cut into a fluvio-glacial gravel terrace deposit. There was no rootlet penetration and no obvious bioturbation.

ID: 9720, C14 ID: OxA-16066 Date BP: 2759 +/- 30, Start Date BP: 2789, End BP: 2729

Abstract: Cheviot Quarry: late Bronze Age pottery

Archaeologist Name: B Johnson

Reference Name: Johnson and Waddington in press

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 693BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cheviot Quarry - carbonised residue; internal, Flat Rimmed ware; the pot sherd came from the primary fill of pit F340, underlying secondary fill 482, tertiary fill 477, and final fill 340, which in turn was situated beneath subsoil 002. The pit was cut into gravel deposit 003. The pit is situated internally to building 4, which has provided radiocarbon dates from its postholes of the late-tenth to late-ninth centuries cal BC. The potsherd was found in a deposit 1m from the surface, cut into fluvio-glacial gravel terrace deposits. There was no rootlet penetration and no bioturbation.

ID: 9721, C14 ID: OxA-16067 Date BP: 2693 +/- 30, Start Date BP: 2723, End BP: 2663

Abstract: Cheviot Quarry: late Bronze Age pottery

Archaeologist Name: B Johnson

Reference Name: Johnson and Waddington in press

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 755BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cheviot Quarry - grain; Hordeum (barley) grain in primary fill of hearth F342, situated beneath subsoil 002. The hearth was cut into natural gravel deposit 003. The hearth is situated internally to building 4, which has provided radiocarbon dates from its postholes of the late tenth to late ninth centuries cal BC. The grain was found in a deposit 0.6m from the surface, cut into fluvio-glacial gravel terrace deposits. There was no rootlet penetration and no obvious bioturbation.

ID: 9722, C14 ID: OxA-X-2178 Date BP: 2755 +/- 55, Start Date BP: 2810, End BP: 2700

Abstract: Cheviot Quarry: late Bronze Age pottery

Archaeologist Name: B Johnson

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 795BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cheviot Quarry - grain; as OxA-16066

ID: 9724, C14 ID: SUERC-11294 Date BP: 2795 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 2835, End BP: 2755

Abstract: Cheviot Quarry: late Bronze Age pottery

Archaeologist Name: B Johnson

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 795BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cheviot Quarry - charcoal; Salix/Populus sp., single fragment; from posthole 2029, underlying subsoil 002 and cut into natural gravel deposit 003. The posthole is one of 19 within a sub-rectangular structure (building 1) and is situated in the centre of the northern long axis. Residuality is possible, given the unsealed nature of the context. The posthole is 0.4m from the surface, cut into fluvio-glacial terrace deposits. There was some rootlet penetration and it was truncated by ploughing.

ID: 9746, C14 ID: SUERC-9104 Date BP: 2795 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2830, End BP: 2760

Abstract: Cheviot Quarry: sub-rectangular buildings

Archaeologist Name: B Johnson

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 735BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cheviot Quarry - charcoal; from posthole 2037, underlying subsoil 002 and cut into natural gravel deposit 003. The posthole is one of 19 within a sub-rectangular structure (building 1)and is situated in the centre of the northern long axis. Residuality is possible given the unsealed nature of the context. The posthole is 0.4m from the surface, cut into fluvio-glacial terrace deposits. There was some rootlet penetration and it was truncated by ploughing.

ID: 9747, C14 ID: SUERC-9108 Date BP: 2735 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 2775, End BP: 2695

Abstract: Cheviot Quarry: sub-rectangular buildings

Archaeologist Name: B Johnson

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 529BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Till-Tweed: River Breamish at Powburn- Wood; sample Bcd-4b is taken in Hedgely Quarry at location QH3-4, from a woody-peat channel fill (subsampled from Bcd-4a). The organic rich channel fill is located c 2m below the T1 terrace surface. The quarry shows a sequence c 1m of silt and sand, followed be c 4m of clast-supported gravel with sand lenses/layers of c 1m thick that show cross-bedding, peaty-clayey channel fills (<0.5m thick) and tree trunks (the latter deeper than c 2m below surface). These T1 terrace deposits overlay dark brown-grey massive clayey silt layer with extensive organic remains of more than 1m thick (equivalent of the layer of samples Bcd-1a/b). This layer lies conformably on top of a pinkish-blue finely laminated silt and clay with mm-scale fine sandy lamination. The thick coarse-grained sedimentary sequence on top of the sample excludes the possibility of post-depositional disturbance. There is no intrusion of younger organic material. The sample consists of twigs, sub-sampled from the woody peat of Bcd-4a. The woody peat is located at the base of a channel fill adjacent of the tree trunk of sample Bcd-3. The fine-grained and peaty channel fill is surrounded by coarse sand and gravel. The woody-peat fill is located at a depth of c 2m below surface and is overlain by fluvial sand and gravels. The upstream catchment area of the Breamish River consists mainly of metamorphic and igneous rocks of the Cheviot massive, and additionally of some local sandstone. There is no natural contamination anticipated. The sampling site was waterlogged year-round until c 2 years ago when quarrying started.

ID: 9400, C14 ID: OxA-12571 Date BP: 2529 +/- 32, Start Date BP: 2561, End BP: 2497

Abstract: Till-Tweed: River Breamish at Powburn

Archaeologist Name: D Passmore

Reference Name: Passmore, D, and Waddington, C, forthcoming Managing an archaeological landscape: a geoarchaeological approach

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 895BC. Early Iron Age

Report: East London Gravels: Hunt's Hill Farm - carbonised residue; internal, coarse flint-tempered fabric; this context (195) is from a pit of Bronze Age date. No land-use details exist. The feature was dug into the Thames Terrace gravel.

ID: 9771, C14 ID: GrA-32960 Date BP: 2895 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2930, End BP: 2860

Abstract: East London Gravels: Hunt's Hill Farm

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 900BC. Early Iron Age

Report: East London Gravels: Hunt's Hill Farm - carbonised residue; internal, coarse flint-tempered fabric; this context (4342) is from a possible cremation in structure 126, a mass of postholes of early Iron Age date.

ID: 9774, C14 ID: GrA-32964 Date BP: 2900 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2935, End BP: 2865

Abstract: East London Gravels: Hunt's Hill Farm

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 890BC. Early Iron Age

Report: East London Gravels: Hunt's Hill Farm - carbonised residue; internal, coarse flint-tempered fabric; this context (2884) is the fill of a pit of Bronze Age date. This feature was dug into the Thames Terrace gravel.

ID: 9777, C14 ID: OxA-16667 Date BP: 2890 +/- 30, Start Date BP: 2920, End BP: 2860

Abstract: East London Gravels: Hunt's Hill Farm

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 610BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Beckford - human bone; right femur; crouched female inhumation (25-35 years old) from an oval grave in the base of a storage pit (pit group 12). Well stratified within the middle Iron Age sequence in this part of the site. Glacial sands and gravels underlie the archaeological deposits. This burial was situated near to the northern edge of the gravel terrace, and sealed by less than 2m of pit fill.

ID: 9561, C14 ID: SUERC-9084 Date BP: 2610 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2645, End BP: 2575

Abstract: Beckford: Human Inhumations

Archaeologist Name: J Wills

Reference Name: DeNiro 1985 Reimer et al 2004 Ward and Wilson 1978

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 883BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Geoarchaeology of the Trent tributaries - sediment; humin fraction, bulk sample; analysis of aerial photographs, LiDAR, and borehole records resulted in the identification of a major palaeochannel of the Idle on land owned by Fountains Farm. Following a number of prospection holes, a single gouge core (FN01) was drilled through the thickest part of the organic sequence and samples were recovered for environmental analysis and radiocarbon dating. This sample is from the top of the organic-rich silty clay and was immediately sealed by inorganic alluvium. The stratigraphy and sedimentology of the deposits within the ditch section suggest aggradation within a backswamp floodplain wetland of the River Idle. The sediments were moist throughout and the watertable was encountered at the base of the ditch, approximately 1.9m below the ground surface. With the exception of the upper 0.4m (modern topsoil development), no evidence of root penetration was observed in the recorded section.

ID: 9786, C14 ID: OxA-15896 Date BP: 2883 +/- 33, Start Date BP: 2916, End BP: 2850

Abstract: Geoarchaeology of the Trent tributaries: Fountains Farm (FN01)

Archaeologist Name: A J Howard

Reference Name: Ward and Wilson 1978

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 695BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Suffolk Rivers - waterlogged wood; -2.55m OD; as GrA-33472

ID: 9961, C14 ID: GrA-33475 Date BP: 2695 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 2735, End BP: 2655

Abstract: Suffolk Rivers: Beccles core 1

Archaeologist Name: T Hill

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 785BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Suffolk Rivers - waterlogged wood; -4.06m OD; this sample was taken from the centre of a dark red-brown herbaceous very well humified peat.

ID: 9962, C14 ID: GrA-33476 Date BP: 2785 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 2825, End BP: 2745

Abstract: Suffolk Rivers: Beccles core 1

Archaeologist Name: T Hill

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 835BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Suffolk Rivers - waterlogged wood; unidentified bark, single fragment; -2.58m OD ; as GrA-33471

ID: 9966, C14 ID: SUERC-12037 Date BP: 2835 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2870, End BP: 2800

Abstract: Suffolk Rivers: Beccles core 1

Archaeologist Name: T Hill

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 780BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry 2004-7 - waterlogged plant macrofossil; -1.07 - -0.97m OD Crataegus cf. laevigata (fruit stone); the sample was obtained from a monolith column in the peat deposit at a depth of between 1-1.10m below the stripped surface. There was no evidence for disturbance or intrusion. The local geology was valley gravels overlain with sandy acidic topsoils and subsoils. The waterlogged peat feature was contained within the gravel horizon. Eighteenth- to nineteenth-century field drains had been laid on top of the peat deposit. Approximately 0.5m of topsoil had been removed.

ID: 9575, C14 ID: SUERC-7550 Date BP: 2780 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 2820, End BP: 2740

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: central peat sequence

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Reimer et al 2004 Scaife 2005

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 575BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry 2004-7 - waterlogged plant macrofossil; -1.01m OD; the sample was obtained from a monolith column in the peat deposit at a depth of 1.04m (base of peat). The sample comprised sedge peat containing macrofossils. There was no evidence for disturbance or intrusion. The local geology was valley gravels overlain with sandy acidic topsoils and subsoils. The waterlogged peat feature was contained within the gravel horizon. Eighteenth to nineteenth-century field drains had been laid on top of the peat deposit. Approximately 0.5m of topsoil had been removed.

ID: 9576, C14 ID: SUERC-7551 Date BP: 2575 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2610, End BP: 2540

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: central peat sequence

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 510BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Till-Tweed: River Breamish at Powburn- Peat; woody, pH 5.96, LOI 61%; as OxA-12571

ID: 9414, C14 ID: SUERC-1154 Date BP: 2510 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 2550, End BP: 2470

Abstract: Till-Tweed: River Breamish at Powburn

Archaeologist Name: D Passmore

Reference Name: Passmore, D, and Waddington, C, forthcoming Managing an archaeological landscape: a geoarchaeological approach

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 755BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry 2004-7 - waterlogged plant macrofossil; -1.07 - 1.17m OD; the sample comes from a depth of 1.10-1.20m measured from the surface of the peat deposit. There was no intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic topsoils and subsoils. The waterlogged peat deposit was contained within the gravel horizon. Eighteenth- to nineteenth-century ceramic and stone land drains had been laid on top of the peat deposit. The sample was permanently waterlogged. Approximately 0.50m of topsoil had been removed.

ID: 9587, C14 ID: SUERC-8845 Date BP: 2755 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 2795, End BP: 2715

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: central peat sequence

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Reimer et al 2004

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 905BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Suffolk Rivers - waterlogged wood; unidentified fragments; .64m OD; this sample was taken from the base of a well-humified slightly silt peat unit, which is underlain by herbaceous well-humified peat. The underlying geology of the area surrounding Mickle Mere comprises predominantly of chalk, chalk till, and glaciofluvial drift and till. The stratigraphy and sedimentology of the deposits suggest the area initially infilled naturally through biogenic in situ sedimentation. Thin minerogenic horizons are present within the peat deposits, which may have been accumulated during periods of temporary catchment instability and floodplain flooding. The peat is capped by a layer of silt which is likely to have accumulated through floodplain deposition. The natural water table was located c 0.4m from the surface. Rootlet penetration was not evident within the core upon extraction.

ID: 9986, C14 ID: SUERC-12025 Date BP: 2905 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2940, End BP: 2870

Abstract: Suffolk Rivers: Ixworth

Archaeologist Name: T Hill

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 690BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry 2004-7 - carbonised residue; internal; from a U""-shaped ditch segment with very steep sides and a flat base. The fill comprised a mid-brown sandy loam with infrequent charcoal flecks

ID: 9600, C14 ID: GrA-29544 Date BP: 2690 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 2730, End BP: 2650

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: early Bronze Age ditches

Archaeologist Name: pottery

Reference Name: and scarce burnt flint. There was no intrusion or residuality. It is a part of ditch F179. The local geology was valley gravel overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into sandy gravel and was approximately 0.35m from the present ground surface. There was no disturbance.""

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 961BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Gwithian - carbonised residue; internal, undecorated body sherd; at GMXV a 'layer 8' horizon was found. This is the earliest old land surface recorded during work on the Gwithian Bronze Age sites. The major feature of this early phase (phase 1) is a circular wooden building (1642), which lay within an early terraced field system. In 1960 an early archaeomagnetic date from the central hearth, centred on 1700 BC, was obtained. This radiocarbon sample came from a sherd found on the house floor (1507). Following the abandonment of the area, the site was sealed by sand and later cultivation layers in antiquity. The geology is slate bedrock and layer 8 has been described as a brown clay-loam immediately above the natural. In June 2005, layer 8 was re-exposed at site GMXVII when plough marks were found.

ID: 9809, C14 ID: OxA-14490 Date BP: 2961 +/- 36, Start Date BP: 2997, End BP: 2925

Abstract: Gwithian: prehistoric

Archaeologist Name: J Nowakowski

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 946BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Gwithian - carbonised residue; internal, decorated rim sherd; the stratigraphy for the Gwithian Bronze Age sites (GMIX, GMX, and GMXV) was recorded as three broad sandy-soil occupation layers (3, 5, 7, and 8), each separated by blown sand. Layer 3 (phase 5) was the uppermost occupation horizon. It comprised a small farming settlement of wooden circular buildings located and surrounded by fields. There was evidence for stock and arable farming alongside pottery, shale, and stonework manufacture, as well as metalworking. The sample was recorded from a midden deposit (433) which is associated with the layer 3 horizon and which represents a major occupation horizon (phase 5). The geology is slate bedrock with old land surfaces preserved beneath layers of sand and later occupation horizons.

ID: 9810, C14 ID: OxA-14525 Date BP: 2946 +/- 29, Start Date BP: 2975, End BP: 2917

Abstract: Gwithian: prehistoric

Archaeologist Name: J Nowakowski

Reference Name: Ward and Wilson 1978

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 878BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Gwithian - carbonised residue; internal, undecorated body sherd; the stratigraphy for the Gwithian Bronze Age sites (GMIX, GMX, and GMXV) was recorded as three broad sandy-soil occupation layers (3, 5, 7, and 8) each separated by blown sand. Layer 3 (phase 5) was the uppermost occupation horizon. It comprised a small farming settlement of wooden circular buildings located and surrounded by fields. There was evidence for stock and arable farming alongside pottery, shale, and stonework manufacture, as well as metalworking. The sample was recorded from a general deposit (576) which is associated with the layer 3 horizon and which represents a major occupation horizon (Phase 5). The geology is slate bedrock with old land surfaces preserved beneath layers of sand and later occupation horizons.

ID: 9811, C14 ID: OxA-14527 Date BP: 2878 +/- 29, Start Date BP: 2907, End BP: 2849

Abstract: Gwithian: prehistoric

Archaeologist Name: J Nowakowski

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 944BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Gwithian - carbonised residue; internal, base sherd with matting impressions on exterior of base; the stratigraphy for the Gwithian Bronze Age sites (GMIX, GMX, and GMXV) was recorded as three broad sandy-soil occupation layers (3, 5, 7, and 8) each separated by blown sand. Layer 3 (phase 5) was the uppermost occupation horizon. It comprised a small farming settlement of wooden circular buildings located and surrounded by fields. There was evidence for stock and arable farming alongside pottery, shale, and stonework manufacture, as well as metalworking. The sample was recorded from a general deposit (546) which is associated with the layer 3 horizon and which represents a major occupation horizon: phase 5. The geology is slate bedrock with old land surfaces preserved beneath layers of sand and later occupation horizons.

ID: 9813, C14 ID: OxA-14589 Date BP: 2944 +/- 33, Start Date BP: 2977, End BP: 2911

Abstract: Gwithian: prehistoric

Archaeologist Name: J Nowakowski

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 875BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry 2004-7 - charcoal; from an oval pit with steep, almost vertical, sides and a flat base. The fill comprised a charcoal-rich, humic soil with frequent chunks of burnt heathstone. Twenty-six sherds of pottery were present. There was no intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into gravel and was approximately 0.35m below present ground surface.

ID: 9614, C14 ID: GrA-28468 Date BP: 2875 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2910, End BP: 2840

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: late Bronze Age houses and occupation

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 680BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry 2004-7 - charcoal; from a circular pit with moderately sloping sides and a flat base. The fill comprises a mid-brown sandy loam with charcoal throughout. Large amounts of heathstone were present together with 29 sherds of pottery. There was no intrusion or residuality. The local geology was valley gravels overlain with sandy acidic subsoils and topsoil. The feature was cut into sand and was approximately 0.40m below present ground surface.

ID: 9615, C14 ID: GrA-28470 Date BP: 2680 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2715, End BP: 2645

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: late Bronze Age houses and occupation

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 670BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry 2004-7 - charcoal; from a circular feature with steep sides and a rounded base. The fill comprised a mid-brown sandy loam with frequent lumps of burnt heathstone and charcoal pieces. Three sherds of pottery (including one large sherd on the base of the feature) were in the fill. There was no intrusion or residuality. The local geology was valley gravels overlain with sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The ditch segment was cut into sand on the east and gravel on the west. There were some voids likely to be animal burrows. The feature was approximately 0.5m below present ground surface.

ID: 9616, C14 ID: GrA-28471 Date BP: 2670 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2705, End BP: 2635

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: late Bronze Age houses and occupation

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 825BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry 2004-7 - charcoal; from a small oval pit with gently sloping sides and a rounded base. The fill comprised dark brown silty sand with large amounts of clay and brunt hearthstone. Forty-one sherds of pottery were present. There was no intrusion or residuality. The local geology was valley gravel overlain by sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into natural sands and was approximately 0.40m below present ground surface.

ID: 9617, C14 ID: GrA-28481 Date BP: 2825 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2860, End BP: 2790

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: late Bronze Age houses and occupation

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 725BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry 2004-7 - charcoal; from a circular pit with moderately steep sloping sides and a flat base. The fill comprised a mid-brown sandy loam with pieces of burnt heathstone. Fifty-nine sherds of pottery were contained within the fill. There was no intrusion or residuality. The local geology was valley gravels overlain with sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into the present ground surface.

ID: 9618, C14 ID: GrA-28484 Date BP: 2725 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2760, End BP: 2690

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: late Bronze Age houses and occupation

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 725BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry 2004-7 - charcoal; from a circular pit with steep almost vertical sides and a flat base. The fill comprised a dark brown sandy loam with lenses of raw clay and charcoal throughout. There was no intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain with sandy acidic subsoils and topsoils. The feature was cut into natural sand and was approximately 0.40m below ground level.

ID: 9619, C14 ID: GrA-28486 Date BP: 2725 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2760, End BP: 2690

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: late Bronze Age houses and occupation

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 830BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry 2004-7 - charcoal; as GrA-28468

ID: 9620, C14 ID: SUERC-5833 Date BP: 2830 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2865, End BP: 2795

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: late Bronze Age houses and occupation

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 720BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry 2004-7 - charcoal; as GrA-28470

ID: 9621, C14 ID: SUERC-5837 Date BP: 2720 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2755, End BP: 2685

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: late Bronze Age houses and occupation

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 695BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry 2004-7 - charcoal; as GrA-28471

ID: 9622, C14 ID: SUERC-5838 Date BP: 2695 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 2735, End BP: 2655

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: late Bronze Age houses and occupation

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 860BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry 2004-7 - charcoal; as GrA-28481

ID: 9623, C14 ID: SUERC-6148 Date BP: 2860 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2895, End BP: 2825

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: late Bronze Age houses and occupation

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 765BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry 2004-7 - charcoal; as GrA-28484

ID: 9624, C14 ID: SUERC-6149 Date BP: 2765 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2800, End BP: 2730

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: late Bronze Age houses and occupation

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 745BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry 2004-7 - charcoal; as GrA-28486

ID: 9625, C14 ID: SUERC-6150 Date BP: 2745 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2780, End BP: 2710

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: late Bronze Age houses and occupation

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 815BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bestwall Quarry 2004-7 - waterlogged plant macrofossil; the sample comes from a depth of 0.48m measured from the surface of the peat deposit. There was no intrusion or residuality. The local geology is valley gravels overlain by sandy acidic topsoils and subsoils. The waterlogged peat deposit was contained within the gravel horizon. Eighteenth- to nineteenth-century ceramic and stone land drains had been laid on top of the peat deposit. The sample was permanently waterlogged. Approximately 0.50m of topsoil had been removed.

ID: 9626, C14 ID: SUERC-8167 Date BP: 2815 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2850, End BP: 2780

Abstract: Bestwall Quarry: marginal peat sequence

Archaeologist Name: L Ladle

Reference Name: Reimer et al 2004

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 580BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Trent/Soar rivers confluence - waterlogged plant macrofossil; monocot fragments, some possible rootlets; this sample was taken from a section of a palaeochannel in a quarry. The local geology is Mercian mudstone. The sample was waterlogged at the time of collection. The watertable was 1m below the surface.

ID: 10043, C14 ID: GrA-31953 Date BP: 2580 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2615, End BP: 2545

Abstract: Trent/Soar rivers confluence: WQF, monolith CH1

Archaeologist Name: A G Brown

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 730BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Trent/Soar rivers confluence - waterlogged plant macrofossil; monocot fragments, some possible rootlets; the sample was taken from the section of a palaeochannel in a quarry. The local geology is Mercian mudstone. The sample was waterlogged at the time of collection. The water table was 1m below the surface.

ID: 10044, C14 ID: OxA-15891 Date BP: 2730 +/- 160, Start Date BP: 2890, End BP: 2570

Abstract: Trent/Soar rivers confluence: WQF, monolith CH1

Archaeologist Name: A G Brown

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 989BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Trent/Soar rivers confluence - sediment; humic acid fraction, bulk sample; as OxA-16128

ID: 10046, C14 ID: OxA-16129 Date BP: 2989 +/- 28, Start Date BP: 3017, End BP: 2961

Abstract: Trent/Soar rivers confluence: WQF, monolith CH1

Archaeologist Name: A G Brown

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 820BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Trent/Soar rivers confluence - waterlogged plant macrofossil; monocot fragments, some possible rootlets; as GrA-31940

ID: 10048, C14 ID: GrA-31999 Date BP: 2820 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2855, End BP: 2785

Abstract: Trent/Soar rivers confluence: WQF, monolith CH2

Archaeologist Name: A G Brown

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 700BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; incorporated within the fill of pit 12 preserved as a shallow hollow within bedrock, and revealed by hand cleaning after machine removal of topsoil which lay directly above the fill. The pit lay on the exterior circumference of a penannular feature (truncated by cultivation) which produced no finds, but is probably contemporary. The charcoal was extracted from the fill by wet sieving.

ID: 15357, C14 ID: OxA 2544 Date BP: 2700 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2800, End BP: 2600

Abstract: Birdlip Bypass: site 3; 1989-90

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 810BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a Bronze Age cremation; cremation 7210 within area 7.

ID: 15103, C14 ID: HAR 5745 Date BP: 2810 +/- 120, Start Date BP: 2930, End BP: 2690

Abstract: Ardleigh; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from well humified, unconsolidated peat, with apparent phragmites and a few medium roots. The sample was taken from a depth of 215-219cm.

ID: 15375, C14 ID: GU 5083 Date BP: 2800 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2870, End BP: 2730

Abstract: Birdoswald: Midgeholme Moss 2; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 680BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from well humified, unconsolidated peat with phragmites apparent, and a few medium roots. The sample was obtained from a depth of 250-254cm.

ID: 15376, C14 ID: GU 5084 Date BP: 2680 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2750, End BP: 2610

Abstract: Birdoswald: Midgeholme Moss 2; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 780BC. Early Iron Age

Report: grain; from pit 5 (82) in hut 4.

ID: 15384, C14 ID: HAR 2939 Date BP: 2780 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2860, End BP: 2700

Abstract: Black Patch; 1978-79

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 790BC. Early Iron Age

Report: grain; from pit 4 (83) in hut 4.

ID: 15386, C14 ID: HAR 2941 Date BP: 2790 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2860, End BP: 2720

Abstract: Black Patch; 1978-79

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: grain; from the clean chalk floor of pit F49 in hut 1; the expected date was the latest part of the Bronze Age.

ID: 15387, C14 ID: HAR 3735 Date BP: 2970 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 3050, End BP: 2890

Abstract: Black Patch; 1979-80

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 850BC. Early Iron Age

Report: grain; from the clean chalk floor of pit F49 in hut 1; the expected date was the latest part of the Bronze Age.

ID: 15389, C14 ID: HAR 3737 Date BP: 2850 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2920, End BP: 2780

Abstract: Black Patch; 1979-80

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 580BC. Early Iron Age

Report: human bone; recovered during the removal of the main body of cairn 002, which overlay the limestone enclosure 008.

ID: 15398, C14 ID: HAR 5659 Date BP: 2580 +/- 110, Start Date BP: 2690, End BP: 2470

Abstract: Borwick: Manor Farm; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 690BC. Early Iron Age

Report: human bone; from an inhumation recovered during the removal of the main body of cairn (002), which overlay the limestone enclosure 008.

ID: 15403, C14 ID: HAR 7014 Date BP: 2690 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2790, End BP: 2590

Abstract: Borwick: Manor Farm; 1986-87

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 740BC. Early Iron Age

Report: antler; from the base of the phase 1 rampart; the result should relate to the construction of the defences.

ID: 15143, C14 ID: HAR 442 Date BP: 2740 +/- 170, Start Date BP: 2910, End BP: 2570

Abstract: Balksbury; 1973-74

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a small pit filled with charcoal and early Iron Age pottery; posthole 3464, layer 3465, context 2326.

ID: 15149, C14 ID: HAR 5127 Date BP: 2800 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2870, End BP: 2730

Abstract: Balksbury Camp; 1982-83

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 990BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; a composite sample from layer 8 in the eastern bank, sample area C.

ID: 15159, C14 ID: OxA 2293 Date BP: 2990 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 3060, End BP: 2920

Abstract: Bar Brook, Peak District; 1989-90

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 820BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; composite sample from the top 1-5cm of layer 20, a natural variation in the subsoil surface. This sample was sealed by the eastern bank, layer 8.

ID: 15160, C14 ID: OxA 2294 Date BP: 2820 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2890, End BP: 2750

Abstract: Bar Brook, Peak District; 1989-90

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 910BC. Early Iron Age

Report: carbonised plant macrofossil; from a small hole in a working area in the north west of the site. The hole is contemporary with the main use of the site.

ID: 15166, C14 ID: OxA 2306 Date BP: 2910 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2980, End BP: 2840

Abstract: Barford: Park Farm; 1989-90

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 640BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from two adjacent pits (pits 1 and 2) containing similar pottery.

ID: 15170, C14 ID: HAR 3610 Date BP: 2640 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2710, End BP: 2570

Abstract: Barham: BRH015; 1979-80

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 770BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; artefact 5886 from unit 61, an occupation deposit within unit 6 of the sequence.

ID: 15438, C14 ID: HAR 8992 Date BP: 2770 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2860, End BP: 2680

Abstract: Brean Down; 1987-88

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 730BC. Early Iron Age

Report: animal bone; bone find no. 4716 from context 16 which is part of unit 4, the latest of the Bronze Age occupation horizons.

ID: 15440, C14 ID: HAR 9151 Date BP: 2730 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2800, End BP: 2660

Abstract: Brean Down; 1987-88

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 700BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the bottom of context 1045, a silty dark brown clay loam. The layer is calcareous to a certain extent, but there is no rootlet activity. The context begins at 134cm below the ground surface and finishes at 152cm. It immediately overlay a layer of large flint nodules (1047) and underlies 1044.

ID: 15471, C14 ID: OxA 3081 Date BP: 2700 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2790, End BP: 2610

Abstract: Brighton Bypass: Toadhole Bottom West; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 660BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the same context (1045) as OxA-3081, see above. The sample comes from the top of the context.

ID: 15473, C14 ID: OxA 3083 Date BP: 2660 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2730, End BP: 2590

Abstract: Brighton Bypass: Toadhole Bottom West; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 730BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; context 60; from within the hard packed clay floor of a stone roundhouse of probable middle Bronze Age date. This sample is from exactly the same location as HAR-7021.

ID: 15424, C14 ID: HAR 7017 Date BP: 2730 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2830, End BP: 2630

Abstract: Brean Down; 1985-86

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 870BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from an area of burning in context 93, associated with a clay hearth in the centre of the floor of a well preserved Bronze Age roundhouse, structure 95.

ID: 15425, C14 ID: HAR 7018 Date BP: 2870 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2970, End BP: 2770

Abstract: Brean Down; 1985-86

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 940BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; context 131; from within the stone wall of Bronze Age roundhouse structure 95.

ID: 15426, C14 ID: HAR 7019 Date BP: 2940 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 3040, End BP: 2840

Abstract: Brean Down; 1985-86

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 600BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from context 61 with lenses of burnt material representing occupation activity within gleyed colluvium which abuts or predates structure 57 and is separated from structures 59 and 95 by a layer of blown sand.

ID: 15429, C14 ID: HAR 7021 Date BP: 2600 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2690, End BP: 2510

Abstract: Brean Down; 1985-86

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 950BC. Early Iron Age

Report: animal bone; from the centre of a pit fill of fine silt with medium to large flint and chalk fragments. The bone was recovered 18cm from the base of the ploughsoil (the field had not been ploughed since 1924 so there is a slight possibility of contamination from modern fertilizer). The pit cut through the middle chalk.

ID: 15454, C14 ID: OxA 3155 Date BP: 2950 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 3050, End BP: 2850

Abstract: Brighton Bypass: Mile Oak; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 680BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from context 7 (see also OxA-2992 and OxA-2994); taken at a depth of 59.127m OD, 6cm below OxA-2994 and 6cm above OxA-2992.

ID: 15464, C14 ID: OxA 2993 Date BP: 2680 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2760, End BP: 2600

Abstract: Brighton Bypass: Sweetpatch Bottom; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 670BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; repeat of HAR-1841. From a shallow ditch, cut by Iron Age features including the main enclosure ditch and completely alien to the layout of the Iron Age settlement; it produced no pottery or other means of dating, but may possibly be of Late Bronze Age date, as a similar ditch was found in 1972.

ID: 15244, C14 ID: HAR 2157 Date BP: 2670 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2750, End BP: 2590

Abstract: Beckford; 1976-77

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a lens of charcoal and burnt material in a storage pit, shown to be in situ by the burning on the pit walls. The pit is one of a cluster associated with early Middle Iron Age pottery, within the Beckford settlement.

ID: 15255, C14 ID: HAR 3951 Date BP: 2970 +/- 130, Start Date BP: 3100, End BP: 2840

Abstract: Beckford; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 620BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the postpipe of a posthole in 10m2 trench situated in the central area of the outer ward of the castle.

ID: 15273, C14 ID: HAR 4401 Date BP: 2620 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2710, End BP: 2530

Abstract: Beeston Castle; 1981-82

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 625BC. Early Iron Age

Report: soil; from the marching camp.

ID: 15016, C14 ID: UB 3405 Date BP: 2625 +/- 34, Start Date BP: 2659, End BP: 2591

Abstract: A66 Stainmore Pass: Marching Camp; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 860BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a very rich deposit within a supposed bank at the top of the ditch of the outer ward defences, from context BC0160.

ID: 15275, C14 ID: HAR 4405 Date BP: 2860 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2940, End BP: 2780

Abstract: Beeston Castle; 1981-82

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: grain; from ditch 73, enclosing an Iron Age structure.

ID: 15037, C14 ID: HAR 1249 Date BP: 2970 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 3050, End BP: 2890

Abstract: Abingdon: Ashville Trading Estate [Map]; 1975-76

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 540BC. Early Iron Age

Report: antler; from the north-west quadrant mound, layer 2.

ID: 15067, C14 ID: HAR 941 Date BP: 2540 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2610, End BP: 2470

Abstract: Alfriston; 1989-90

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 590BC. Early Iron Age

Report: human bone; from the central burial, a young female; the other leg was submitted as sample HAR-1811.

ID: 15068, C14 ID: HAR 942 Date BP: 2590 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2680, End BP: 2500

Abstract: Alfriston; 1974-75

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 1000BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; the outer part of a large piece of wood (possibly Quercus sp.) consisting of sapwood and some heartwood cover approximately 5-10 rings. HAR-4798 is from the same context and may be part of the same tree. These samples are stratigraphically later than HAR-4796 and are from the bottom of a waterhole.

ID: 15304, C14 ID: HAR 4797 Date BP: 3000 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 3080, End BP: 2920

Abstract: Berinsfield: Mount Farm; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 850BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; the outer part of a large piece of wood (possibly Quercus sp.) consisting of sapwood and some heartwood cover approximately 5-10 rings. HAR-4798 is from the same context and may be part of the same tree. These samples are stratigraphically later than HAR-4796 and are from the bottom of a waterhole. This sample is from the outer part of a tree (possibly Quercus sp.) and consists of c 10-15 rings, though with less sapwood than HAR-4797.

ID: 15305, C14 ID: HAR 4798 Date BP: 2850 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2920, End BP: 2780

Abstract: Berinsfield: Mount Farm; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 570BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a stake with a pencil point; part of a bank revetment at the southern edge of the river channel which is adjacent to, and associated with, the earliest phase of the Bronze Age settlement; interpreted as a possible landing stage for small boats.

ID: 15095, C14 ID: HAR 9185 Date BP: 2570 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2640, End BP: 2500

Abstract: Anslow's Cottages; 1987-88

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 870BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the lower fill of enclosure ditch 1912.

ID: 15098, C14 ID: HAR 5126 Date BP: 2870 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2950, End BP: 2790

Abstract: Ardleigh; 1982-83

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 940BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the lower fill of ditch 1912.

ID: 15099, C14 ID: HAR 5128 Date BP: 2940 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 3010, End BP: 2870

Abstract: Ardleigh; 1982-83

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 880BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a Bronze Age cremation; cremation 7249.

ID: 15102, C14 ID: HAR 5744 Date BP: 2880 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2950, End BP: 2810

Abstract: Ardleigh; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 990BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from pit 265, one of fifteen pits in Bronze Age hut platform 65.

ID: 15604, C14 ID: HAR 3712 Date BP: 2990 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 3050, End BP: 2930

Abstract: Carngoon Bank; 1979-80

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from trench A, context 16; a dark brown clay/silt containing organic material and burnt flint.

ID: 16088, C14 ID: HAR 7033 Date BP: 2800 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2870, End BP: 2730

Abstract: Ferring, Littlehampton; 1986-87

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 760BC. Early Iron Age

Report: waterlogged plant macrofossil; from a stratified position in F11, found with several examples of local pottery which appear to be Iron Age in date.

ID: 16093, C14 ID: HAR 2502 Date BP: 2760 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2840, End BP: 2680

Abstract: Fingringhoe: Frog Hall Farm; 1977-78

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 630BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from the causeway structure. This sample has a 29 year stem covering rings 72-100 of the master sequence.

ID: 16100, C14 ID: HAR 6729 Date BP: 2630 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2700, End BP: 2560

Abstract: Fiskerton; 1987-88

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 960BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; this sample forms part of a series of six to be taken from two pieces of wood, with overlapping ring-series. The samples are taken to provide six high-precision dates for a wigglematch date on the timbers.

ID: 16104, C14 ID: UB 3424 Date BP: 2960 +/- 22, Start Date BP: 2982, End BP: 2938

Abstract: Flag Fen: wiggle-matching; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 790BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from one of the earliest layers on site, which is aceramic and probably pre-Roman.

ID: 15886, C14 ID: HAR 5885 Date BP: 2790 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2880, End BP: 2700

Abstract: Droitwich: Old Bowling Green; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 921BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; this sample forms part of a series of six to be taken from two pieces of wood, with overlapping ring-series. The samples are taken to provide six high-precision dates for a wigglematch date on the timbers.

ID: 16105, C14 ID: UB 3425 Date BP: 2921 +/- 17, Start Date BP: 2938, End BP: 2904

Abstract: Flag Fen: wiggle-matching; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 935BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; this sample forms part of a series of six to be taken from two pieces of wood, with overlapping ring-series. The samples are taken to provide six high-precision dates for a wigglematch date on the timbers.

ID: 16106, C14 ID: UB 3426 Date BP: 2935 +/- 17, Start Date BP: 2952, End BP: 2918

Abstract: Flag Fen: wiggle-matching; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 918BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; this sample forms part of a series of six to be taken from two pieces of wood, with overlapping ring-series. The samples are taken to provide six high-precision dates for a wigglematch date on the timbers.

ID: 16107, C14 ID: UB 3427 Date BP: 2918 +/- 17, Start Date BP: 2935, End BP: 2901

Abstract: Flag Fen: wiggle-matching; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 610BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; the whole site had a subsoil of gravel and animal disturbance was abundant. This sample was probably burnt in situ in the posthole of an Iron Age four-post structure.

ID: 16404, C14 ID: HAR 4844 Date BP: 2610 +/- 110, Start Date BP: 2720, End BP: 2500

Abstract: Heybridge; 1982-83

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 980BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from the bottom of a waterlogged deposit at the bottom of a Bronze Age well or watering hole. The context was a black organic loam, virtually stone free and was sealed by successive fills of gravelly clays and silts. Immediately above the waterlogged material and extending into the top stony part of it was a complete Deverel Rimbury Bucket Urn, broken in situ at the edge of the feature. The bottom of the waterlogged material was 2.65m OD beneath the sample and the top 3.10m OD; the sample was taken from the bottom 0.15m.

ID: 15651, C14 ID: HAR 10199 Date BP: 2980 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 3060, End BP: 2900

Abstract: Chigborough Farm; 1988-89

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 790BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from small rectilinear wooden structure on lower foreshore within estuarine clays overlying the Mesolithic site.

ID: 16453, C14 ID: HAR 8878 Date BP: 2790 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2860, End BP: 2720

Abstract: Hullbridge Survey: Blackwater 3, Maylandsea; 1987-88

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 730BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; brushwood from a layer sealed by estuarine clay and exposed by erosion.

ID: 16463, C14 ID: HAR 5222 Date BP: 2730 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2790, End BP: 2670

Abstract: Hullbridge Survey: Crouch 1; 1982-83

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 620BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from the exposed clay surface. This sample was within an area of prehistoric occupation exposed by machining.

ID: 16464, C14 ID: HAR 5221 Date BP: 2620 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2690, End BP: 2550

Abstract: Hullbridge Survey: Crouch 11; 1982-83

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from an oak timber set obliquely in estuarine clay above the lower peat of the Hullbridge sequence. This sample was selected from a group of timbers associated with hurdle-work. The upper part of structure was well sealed in estuarine clay.

ID: 16468, C14 ID: HAR 5736 Date BP: 2800 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2870, End BP: 2730

Abstract: Hullbridge Survey: Crouch 22; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 880BC. Early Iron Age

Report: grain; from the earliest Iron Age storage pit with a West Harling style pottery assemblage.

ID: 16164, C14 ID: HAR 1931 Date BP: 2880 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2960, End BP: 2800

Abstract: Godmanchester: Park Lane; 1976-77

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 530BC. Early Iron Age

Report: soil; the excavated area consisted of a bank and two ditches. The sample came from the smaller of the two ditches, from the second lowest fill of a recut. It was one of several layers, which accumulated rapidly after the recutting.

ID: 16408, C14 ID: HAR 8874 Date BP: 2530 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2620, End BP: 2440

Abstract: Hob Ditch; 1987-88

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 550BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from outer face of hollowed-out log boat, nearest to sapwood.

ID: 16417, C14 ID: HAR 6395 Date BP: 2550 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2650, End BP: 2450

Abstract: Holme-on-Spalding Moor: Hasholme Farm; 1985-86

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 530BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from outer face of hollowed-out log boat, nearest to sapwood.

ID: 16419, C14 ID: HAR 7005 Date BP: 2530 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2600, End BP: 2460

Abstract: Holme-on-Spalding Moor: Hasholme Farm; 1986-87

Archaeologist Name:

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 830BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; slice of peat from lime decline in middle of sequence

ID: 16420, C14 ID: HAR 7006 Date BP: 2830 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2900, End BP: 2760

Abstract: Holme-on-Spalding Moor: Hasholme Farm; 1986-87

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 700BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; sample 007 from context 011, sections 3 and 4, ditch area A; from the ditch fill of a large ring ditch, and from a layer containing carbonised material beneath context 003, above the lower ditch fill, and covering post pit type feature 005.

ID: 15691, C14 ID: HAR 8675 Date BP: 2700 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2770, End BP: 2630

Abstract: Clyst Honiton; 1987-88

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 955BC. Early Iron Age

Report: animal bone; from the fill (context 29) of a ditch (context 30) which appears to represent one of a pair of ditches forming a defensive system. Context 29, a friable-compact brown silty clay, contained up to 80% limestone fragments, and is interpreted as slumped (or backfilled) rampart material. This context yielded a single sherd of non-diagnostic prehistoric pottery.

ID: 15927, C14 ID: OxA 3652 Date BP: 2955 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 3020, End BP: 2890

Abstract: Ellacott, Stow-on-the-Wold; 1992-93

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 960BC. Early Iron Age

Report: animal bone; from the fill (context 29) of a ditch (context 30) which appears to represent one of a pair of ditches forming a defensive system. Context 29, a friable-compact brown silty clay, contained up to 80% limestone fragments, and is interpreted as slumped (or backfilled) rampart material. This context yielded a single sherd of non-diagnostic prehistoric pottery.

ID: 15928, C14 ID: OxA 3801 Date BP: 2960 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 3025, End BP: 2895

Abstract: Ellacott, Stow-on-the-Wold; 1992-93

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 660BC. Early Iron Age

Report: waterlogged plant macrofossil; well stratified in the bottom layer of a waterlogged ditch, which superseded the channel.

ID: 16182, C14 ID: GU 5098 Date BP: 2660 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2710, End BP: 2610

Abstract: Gravelly Guy; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from F1, Section V, the upper fill of the outer ditch, a sandy soil with occasional tips of stone which suggest rapid ditch silting, possibly by flooding.

ID: 16202, C14 ID: HAR 1154 Date BP: 2970 +/- 150, Start Date BP: 3120, End BP: 2820

Abstract: Grendon; 1975-76

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 950BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a brushwood platform. Randomly laid brushwood, situated within a depression on a former land surface, developed on the London Clay 'head'. The platform was sealed by estuarine clay.

ID: 16470, C14 ID: HAR 5734 Date BP: 2950 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 3020, End BP: 2880

Abstract: Hullbridge Survey: Crouch 29; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 720BC. Early Iron Age

Report: animal bone; from a posthole of a small structure (E) incorporated into a large trapezoid enclosure. The feature was very shallow and cut into chalk.

ID: 16484, C14 ID: OxA 2307 Date BP: 2720 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2800, End BP: 2640

Abstract: Hunstanton: Redgate Hill; 1989-90

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 650BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from the upper, transgressive contact of an intercalated peat bed, at an altitude of -1.03 to -1.13m OD.

ID: 15961, C14 ID: Q 2808 Date BP: 2650 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2710, End BP: 2590

Abstract: Fenland Project: Bourne North Fen; 1987-88

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 700BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a secondary cremation in an early Bronze Age barrow.

ID: 16220, C14 ID: HAR 6179 Date BP: 2700 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2790, End BP: 2610

Abstract: Haddenham: Snow's Farm Barrow; 1984-85

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 790BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; brushwood structure exposed on foreshore by marine erosion.

ID: 16433, C14 ID: HAR 7055 Date BP: 2790 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2870, End BP: 2710

Abstract: Hullbridge Survey: Blackwater 18, Tollesbury; 1985-86

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 850BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; wooden structure on foreshore, within estuarine clays.

ID: 16436, C14 ID: HAR 8879 Date BP: 2850 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2920, End BP: 2780

Abstract: Hullbridge Survey: Blackwater 18, Tollesbury; 1987-88

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 950BC. Early Iron Age

Report: animal bone; from context 020/1; from the fill of a ditch on the west side of enclosure II.

ID: 15732, C14 ID: HAR 6726 Date BP: 2950 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 3050, End BP: 2850

Abstract: Dalton Parlours; 1984-85

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 826BC. Early Iron Age

Report: grain; from part of the lowest infilling of a major east-west watercourse which is cut through the pale grey alluviation deposits.

ID: 15735, C14 ID: UB 3193 Date BP: 2826 +/- 38, Start Date BP: 2864, End BP: 2788

Abstract: Danby Rigg; 1989-90

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 530BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from pit P868, layer 2 (ceramic phases 1-3).

ID: 15746, C14 ID: HAR 2029 Date BP: 2530 +/- 110, Start Date BP: 2640, End BP: 2420

Abstract: Danebury; 1976-77

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 720BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from the lower, regressive, contact of an intercalated peat, at an altitude of +0.22 to +0.20m OD.

ID: 15968, C14 ID: Q 2521 Date BP: 2720 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2790, End BP: 2650

Abstract: Fenland Project: East Meadowgate A; 1985-86

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a localised concentration of charcoal (2016) within a clayey silt fill (2015) of large feature (F22), at the centre of ring ditch (F3, barrow B9). The sample was collected approximately 0.9m below the surface.

ID: 15483, C14 ID: OxA 4209 Date BP: 2970 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 3070, End BP: 2870

Abstract: Bromfield; 1992-93

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 950BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from within the upper peat, at an altitude of -0.035 to -0.06m OD.

ID: 15985, C14 ID: Q 2504 Date BP: 2950 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 3010, End BP: 2890

Abstract: Fenland Project: Foulmire Fen B; 1985-86

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 750BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from within the upper peat at an altitude of +0.01 to -0.01m OD.

ID: 15989, C14 ID: Q 2532 Date BP: 2750 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2830, End BP: 2670

Abstract: Fenland Project: Foulmire Fen B; 1985-86

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 520BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the lowest levels of a mass of burnt material, interpreted as a hearth, occupying a central position in a round timber built house. This sample was sealed better than HAL8-2 (HAR-4789). There is some degree of heather root penetration.

ID: 16245, C14 ID: HAR 4788 Date BP: 2520 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2590, End BP: 2450

Abstract: Hallshill; 1981-82

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 560BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a mass of burnt material, interpreted as a hearth, occupying a central position within a round timber built house. There is some degree of heather root penetration.

ID: 16246, C14 ID: HAR 4789 Date BP: 2560 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2620, End BP: 2500

Abstract: Hallshill; 1981-82

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 780BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from one of the main door postholes of a round timber built house. There is some degree of heather root penetration.

ID: 16247, C14 ID: HAR 4800 Date BP: 2780 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2860, End BP: 2700

Abstract: Hallshill; 1981-82

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 960BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a small pit (context no. 23) stratigraphically earlier than the excavated building from which HAR-4800 came. Besides wood charcoal the fill of the pit contained carbonised plant material, burnt bone, and burnt stones, in addition to a single undecorated sherd of pottery, the only one recovered from the site.

ID: 16248, C14 ID: HAR 8183 Date BP: 2960 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 3020, End BP: 2900

Abstract: Hallshill; 1986-87

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 710BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a small pit (context no. 25) whose stratigraphical relationship to the excavated building is unclear (most probably it is later or broadly contemporary). In addition to wood charcoal the pit contained burnt stones, carbonised plant material (including cereal grains), and a small quantity of burnt bone.

ID: 16250, C14 ID: HAR 8185 Date BP: 2710 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2780, End BP: 2640

Abstract: Hallshill; 1986-87

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 890BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the fill of a collared urn; a secondary burial inside ring ditch 417. The urn contained cremated bone and a smaller collared urn with an accompanying cup. The urn was upright and reasonably intact, the rim had been removed, probably by ploughing.

ID: 15499, C14 ID: HAR 9143 Date BP: 2890 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2950, End BP: 2830

Abstract: Burghfield: Field Farm; 1987-88

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 690BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from layer 2 in rubbish pit 5, associated with large quantities of presumed Early Iron Age pottery; the date should be the same as HAR-1012.

ID: 15502, C14 ID: HAR 1011 Date BP: 2690 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2770, End BP: 2610

Abstract: Burghfield: Knight's Farm; 1974-75

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 1000BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a large pit (possibly a pond) cutting F2, which contained a wooden plank or stake.

ID: 15505, C14 ID: HAR 2929 Date BP: 3000 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 3070, End BP: 2930

Abstract: Burghfield: Knight's Farm; 1977-78

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 600BC. Early Iron Age

Report: human bone; from burial 182, an east-west grave with a sword; this date was expected to be later than the other three.

ID: 15507, C14 ID: HAR 1057 Date BP: 2600 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2670, End BP: 2530

Abstract: Burton Fleming; 1974-75

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 520BC. Early Iron Age

Report: human bone; from burial 180, which contained a flattened bow-brooch and a pot.

ID: 15508, C14 ID: HAR 1058 Date BP: 2520 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2590, End BP: 2450

Abstract: Burton Fleming; 1974-75

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 650BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from trench 11, layer 30, ph 20.

ID: 15784, C14 ID: HAR 4207 Date BP: 2650 +/- 120, Start Date BP: 2770, End BP: 2530

Abstract: Danebury; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 735BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from the lower, regressive contact of the upper intercalated peat bed at this site, at an altitude of +0.25 to +0.27m OD.

ID: 15993, C14 ID: Q 2826 Date BP: 2735 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2795, End BP: 2675

Abstract: Fenland Project: Friskney; 1987-88

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 905BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from the top of the surviving undisturbed peat at an altitude of -0.36 to -0.38m OD.

ID: 16005, C14 ID: Q 2560 Date BP: 2905 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2965, End BP: 2845

Abstract: Fenland Project: Hobhole A; 1986-87

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 580BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from pit P969, layers 1 and 3 (ceramic phase 4).

ID: 15794, C14 ID: HAR 4330 Date BP: 2580 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2660, End BP: 2500

Abstract: Danebury; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 520BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone; from layer 511 (ceramic phase 6); from the stratified sequence, phase h (see HAR-3022 from the same context).

ID: 15798, C14 ID: HAR 4343 Date BP: 2520 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2600, End BP: 2440

Abstract: Danebury; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 630BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from the top, transgressive contact of an intercalated peat bed, at an altitude of -0.51 to -0.63m OD.

ID: 16022, C14 ID: Q 2575 Date BP: 2630 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2700, End BP: 2560

Abstract: Fenland Project: Morton Fen 10/50; 1985-86

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 850BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from within an intercalated peat bed, at an altitude of -0.67 to -0.75m OD.

ID: 16023, C14 ID: Q 2576 Date BP: 2850 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2910, End BP: 2790

Abstract: Fenland Project: Morton Fen 10/50; 1985-86

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 560BC. Early Iron Age

Report: antler; from the primary silts of the enclosure ditch on the southern perimeter.

ID: 15820, C14 ID: HAR 5935 Date BP: 2560 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2660, End BP: 2460

Abstract: Ditchling Beacon; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 960BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from the lower, regressive contact of an intercalated peat bed, at an altitude of -0.79 to -0.89m OD.

ID: 16024, C14 ID: Q 2577 Date BP: 2960 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 3030, End BP: 2890

Abstract: Fenland Project: Morton Fen 10/50; 1985-86

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 910BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from the lower, regressive contact of an intercalated peat bed, at an altitude of -1.93 to -2.02m OD.

ID: 16027, C14 ID: Q 2599 Date BP: 2910 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2970, End BP: 2850

Abstract: Fenland Project: Morton Fen South Drove; 1985-86

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 650BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from the base of the upper intercalated peat at its regressive contact with underlying marine/brackish sediments, at an altitude of -0.50 to -0.52m OD.

ID: 16031, C14 ID: Q 2592 Date BP: 2650 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2710, End BP: 2590

Abstract: Fenland Project: Murrow; 1987-88

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 880BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from cremation deposit F4.

ID: 16289, C14 ID: HAR 1204 Date BP: 2880 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2970, End BP: 2790

Abstract: Harlow: Moor Hall Gravel Pit; 1975-76

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 590BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; well stratified in a barrow.

ID: 15546, C14 ID: HAR 487 Date BP: 2590 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2670, End BP: 2510

Abstract: Butterbump; 1973-74

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 710BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from the base of an intercalated peat at its regressive contact with underlying grey silty clay, at an altitude of +0.48 to +0.46m OD. This contact is diffused indicating continuous sedimentation.

ID: 16054, C14 ID: Q 2514 Date BP: 2710 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2770, End BP: 2650

Abstract: Fenland Project: Railway Crossing, Wisbech; 1985-86

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from within an intercalated peat, at an altitude of +0.06 to -0.06m OD.

ID: 16066, C14 ID: Q 2806 Date BP: 2800 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2860, End BP: 2740

Abstract: Fenland Project: Thorpe Culvert; 1987-88

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 880BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from barrow 2, cremation 7.

ID: 15591, C14 ID: HAR 1492 Date BP: 2880 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2960, End BP: 2800

Abstract: Canterbury: Bridge bypass; 1975-76

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from cremation 5, outside the barrow; thought to be secondary to the cremations within the barrow; depth 0.35m.

ID: 15592, C14 ID: HAR 1493 Date BP: 2970 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 3050, End BP: 2890

Abstract: Canterbury: Bridge bypass; 1975-76

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 950BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from within an intercalated peat bed, at an altitude of -0.91 to -0.96m OD. This sample dates the WGA-3/WGA-4 boundary in the pollen diagram from this site (Waller 1994, fig 12.7).

ID: 16083, C14 ID: Q 2588 Date BP: 2950 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 3000, End BP: 2900

Abstract: Fenland Project: Wiggenhall St Germans Site A; 1987-88

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 595BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from the base of the basal peat, at an altitude of +0.62 to +0.51m OD.

ID: 16087, C14 ID: Q 2583 Date BP: 2595 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2645, End BP: 2545

Abstract: Fenland Project: Willingham Mere; 1987-88

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 990BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from two parallel rails of debarked round timber, with hurdle material above. There is likely to have been an unknown level of chemical contamination due to a nearby effluent pipe from a smelting works, plus the water of the Humber at this point is not considered to be particularly clean.

ID: 16854, C14 ID: HAR 6368 Date BP: 2990 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 3060, End BP: 2920

Abstract: Melton Foreshore; 1984-85

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from primary collared urn.

ID: 17366, C14 ID: HAR 4444 Date BP: 2800 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2900, End BP: 2700

Abstract: Ribchester; 1981-82

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 860BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from cremation burial.

ID: 17367, C14 ID: HAR 4445 Date BP: 2860 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2950, End BP: 2770

Abstract: Ribchester; 1981-82

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 560BC. Early Iron Age

Report: human bone; from skeleton 19, see GU-5281.

ID: 16612, C14 ID: GU 5282 Date BP: 2560 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2660, End BP: 2460

Abstract: Lichfield Cathedral; 1992-93

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 590BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal and wood; from a large Iron Age pit which produced both organic remains and a large extremely important group of Iron Age pottery.

ID: 16883, C14 ID: HAR 855 Date BP: 2590 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2680, End BP: 2500

Abstract: Milton Keynes: Hartigan's Gravel Pit, MK-223; 1974-75

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 790BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the north-west quadrant of pit 1, associated with Late Bronze Age pottery.

ID: 16886, C14 ID: HAR 339 Date BP: 2790 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2860, End BP: 2720

Abstract: Milton Keynes: Hartigan's Gravel Pit, MK-23; 1973-74

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 790BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a pit, excavated in 1972, which produced pottery of Late Bronze Age date.

ID: 16887, C14 ID: HAR 860 Date BP: 2790 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2870, End BP: 2710

Abstract: Milton Keynes: Hartigan's Gravel Pit, MK-23; 1974-75

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 821BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from a transect across a small valley containing a small stream tributary of the river Wolf. The peat was probably waterlogged all through the year since the valley floor is very marshy.From base of black peat build up, 1.02-1.04m depth from surface. It is possibly of prehistoric date.

ID: 17397, C14 ID: UB 3226 Date BP: 2821 +/- 46, Start Date BP: 2867, End BP: 2775

Abstract: Roadford Reservoir; 1989-90

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 700BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; this sample was from a peat core 270cm deep. The sample was 90-95cm from the present surface.

ID: 17036, C14 ID: GU 5026 Date BP: 2700 +/- 120, Start Date BP: 2820, End BP: 2580

Abstract: North West Wetlands Survey: Winmarleigh Moss; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 980BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the fill of the cremation pit.

ID: 17407, C14 ID: HAR 2992 Date BP: 2980 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 3050, End BP: 2910

Abstract: Rose Ash: Lower Ashmore Farm; 1978-79

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 920BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from layer 837 from the entrance posthole 841 of the middle Bronze Age hut.

ID: 17412, C14 ID: HAR 5249 Date BP: 2920 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 3000, End BP: 2840

Abstract: Rowden; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 940BC. Early Iron Age

Report: grain; from layer 577 from storage pit 722 within middle Bronze Age hut.

ID: 17413, C14 ID: HAR 5548 Date BP: 2940 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 3010, End BP: 2870

Abstract: Rowden; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 920BC. Early Iron Age

Report: grain; a repeat of HAR-5548. From layer 577 from storage pit 722 within middle Bronze Age hut.

ID: 17414, C14 ID: HAR 5698 Date BP: 2920 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 3000, End BP: 2840

Abstract: Rowden; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 690BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the point of a stake wich was pushed into a ledge into which the fireplace (HAR-1002; 3620 ? 80 BP; cal 2210-1750 at 95% confidence; Reimer et al 2004) was cut.

ID: 17422, C14 ID: HAR 1005 Date BP: 2690 +/- 110, Start Date BP: 2800, End BP: 2580

Abstract: Roxton: ring ditch (C); 1985-86

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 620BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from the collapsed remains of a building which appears to have been burnt down; stratigraphically contemporary with HAR-1834.

ID: 17427, C14 ID: HAR 1833 Date BP: 2620 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2690, End BP: 2550

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1976-77

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 750BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from stratigraphically the same context as HAR-1833.

ID: 17428, C14 ID: HAR 1834 Date BP: 2750 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2820, End BP: 2680

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1976-77

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 700BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a concentrated and discrete layer of charcoal, stratified midway in the fill of a large Late Bronze Age pit, which cut the 'midden' sequence on the ancient river bank, and was sealed by a concentrated layer of daub.

ID: 17429, C14 ID: HAR 3112 Date BP: 2700 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2770, End BP: 2630

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1978-79

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 670BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a large Late Bronze Age pit, as HAR-3112.

ID: 17430, C14 ID: HAR 3113 Date BP: 2670 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2750, End BP: 2590

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1978-79

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 690BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a mass of burnt debris lying on the slope of the ancient river bank, possibly representing a clearance horizon at the commencement of the Late Bronze Age occupation.

ID: 17431, C14 ID: HAR 3114 Date BP: 2690 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2770, End BP: 2610

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1978-79

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 720BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a mass of burnt debris, as HAR-3114.

ID: 17432, C14 ID: HAR 3115 Date BP: 2720 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2800, End BP: 2640

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1978-79

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 700BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from branches, one of a series of branches collapsed on the ancient river bank

ID: 17435, C14 ID: HAR 3117 Date BP: 2700 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2770, End BP: 2630

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1978-79

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 720BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a concentration of charcoal stratified midway in a large Late Bronze Age pit (F11, layer 2), possibly early in the sequence of occupation.

ID: 17436, C14 ID: HAR 3118 Date BP: 2720 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2810, End BP: 2630

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1978-79

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 710BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a concentration of charcoal stratified midway in a large Late Bronze Age pit (F11, layer 2), possibly early in the sequence of occupation.

ID: 17437, C14 ID: HAR 3119 Date BP: 2710 +/- 130, Start Date BP: 2840, End BP: 2580

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1978-79

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 690BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a mass of burnt debris, as HAR-3114.

ID: 17438, C14 ID: HAR 3120 Date BP: 2690 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2770, End BP: 2610

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1978-79

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 690BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a branch lying over a bundle of withies; part of a laid structure on top of excavated context L35, immediately outside the river frontage.

ID: 17439, C14 ID: HAR 3750 Date BP: 2690 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2770, End BP: 2610

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1979-80

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a branch lying on the ancient river bank behind pile rows and under excavated contexts 33, 45, 53, 55, 56, and 63; possibly representing vegetation clearance. Context as HAR-3114.

ID: 17440, C14 ID: HAR 3751 Date BP: 2800 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2860, End BP: 2740

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1979-80

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from possible vegetation clearance, as HAR-3751.

ID: 17441, C14 ID: HAR 3752 Date BP: 2970 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 3040, End BP: 2900

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1979-80

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Radio Carbon Date. Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

590BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; the midden was excavated in spits and using a grid of metre squares. Charcoal from two adjacent squares was extracted for dating from levels 4, 7, and 11 as shown below.

ID: 17223, C14 ID: HAR 6978 Date BP: 2590 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2670, End BP: 2510

Abstract: Potterne; 1986-87

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Carbon Date. 830BC. Early Iron Age

Report: animal bone; stratified late in the late Bronze Age river channel. From site ref. A6 L10b.

ID: 17467, C14 ID: HAR 6138 Date BP: 2830 +/- 110, Start Date BP: 2940, End BP: 2720

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 545BC. Early Iron Age

Report: grain; the charred grain came from an occupation layer within the remains of a Bronze Age house. The samples were collected (from context 8) when the remains of the house were excavated by J Ratcliffe for the Cornwall Archaeological Unit. The occupation layer (8) was sealed by a post-occupation deposit.

ID: 17473, C14 ID: OxA 3650 Date BP: 2545 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 2610, End BP: 2480

Abstract: Samson: West Porth; 1991-92

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 570BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; the charred grain came from an occupation layer within the remains of a Bronze Age house. The samples were collected (from context 8) when the remains of the house were excavated by J Ratcliffe for the Cornwall Archaeological Unit. The occupation layer (8) was sealed by a post-occupation deposit.

ID: 17474, C14 ID: OxA 3651 Date BP: 2570 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 2635, End BP: 2505

Abstract: Samson: West Porth; 1991-92

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 690BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the filling of hearth 2 in house 5. The sample is associated with imported Iron Age pottery which couldn't be earlier than c 500 cal BC. The sample remained wet for about 7 months before submission, so there is some possibility of fungal growth which could make the sample seem too young.

ID: 17477, C14 ID: HAR 240 Date BP: 2690 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2780, End BP: 2600

Abstract: Scilly Isles: Nornour; 1981-82

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 900BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the fill of the cremation deposit in feature 8.

ID: 16689, C14 ID: HAR 865 Date BP: 2900 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2990, End BP: 2810

Abstract: Little Hallingbury: Mid Field; 1974-75

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 560BC. Early Iron Age

Report: soil; from burnt debris in the wall trench of hut CII.

ID: 16692, C14 ID: HAR 1081 Date BP: 2560 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2640, End BP: 2480

Abstract: Little Waltham; 1974-75

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 650BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; the midden was excavated in spits and using a grid of metre squares. Charcoal from two adjacent squares was extracted for dating from levels 4, 7, and 11 as shown below.

ID: 17225, C14 ID: HAR 6980 Date BP: 2650 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2730, End BP: 2570

Abstract: Potterne; 1986-87

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 630BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; the midden was excavated in spits and using a grid of metre squares. Charcoal from two adjacent squares was extracted for dating from levels 4, 7, and 11 as shown below.

ID: 17226, C14 ID: HAR 6981 Date BP: 2630 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2700, End BP: 2560

Abstract: Potterne; 1986-87

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 1000BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from fill 3716 of post pit 3605. This sample contained site sample numbers 2251, 2269, and 2275.

ID: 17229, C14 ID: HAR 8938 Date BP: 3000 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 3090, End BP: 2910

Abstract: Potterne; 1987-88

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 680BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the upper fill of a 2m deep well situated outside of the enclosure to the south. This fill of dark silt loam was full of domestic debris, and apparently represents a deliberate backfilling of the well. The upper fill presents a marked contrast with the largely artefact free organic silt clay waterlogged lower fill.

ID: 16697, C14 ID: HAR 8514 Date BP: 2680 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2750, End BP: 2610

Abstract: Lofts Farm; 1987-88

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from the outer rings of stake 2 from the lower fill of late Bronze Age well 840, to the south of the enclosure. Unfortunately this timber could not be dated by dendrochronology.

ID: 16699, C14 ID: HAR 8521 Date BP: 2800 +/- 110, Start Date BP: 2910, End BP: 2690

Abstract: Lofts Farm; 1987-88

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 540BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a small horizontal log between excavated contexts 35 and 18 in the river channel, just in front of the Late Bronze Age river frontage; probably part of a laid structure.

ID: 17442, C14 ID: HAR 3759 Date BP: 2540 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2610, End BP: 2470

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1979-80

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 530BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from part of a laid structure, as HAR-3750.

ID: 17443, C14 ID: HAR 3761 Date BP: 2530 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2600, End BP: 2460

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1979-80

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 580BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a small log, as HAR-3759. From a small horizontal log between excavated contexts 35 and 18 in the river channel, just in front of the Late Bronze Age river frontage; probably part of a laid structure.

ID: 17444, C14 ID: HAR 3762 Date BP: 2580 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2640, End BP: 2520

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1979-80

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 650BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a pile in the inner row, trench 2.

ID: 17445, C14 ID: HAR 4257 Date BP: 2650 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2720, End BP: 2580

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 640BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a pile in the outer row, trench 2.

ID: 17446, C14 ID: HAR 4264 Date BP: 2640 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2710, End BP: 2570

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 630BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a pile in the outer row, trench 2.

ID: 17447, C14 ID: HAR 4265 Date BP: 2630 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2690, End BP: 2570

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 640BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a pile in the outer row, trench 1.

ID: 17448, C14 ID: HAR 4267 Date BP: 2640 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2710, End BP: 2570

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 750BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a pile in the inner row, trench 1.

ID: 17449, C14 ID: HAR 4268 Date BP: 2750 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2820, End BP: 2680

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 690BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a pile in the inner row, trench 1.

ID: 17450, C14 ID: HAR 4269 Date BP: 2690 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2760, End BP: 2620

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 580BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a pile in the outer row, trench 2.

ID: 17451, C14 ID: HAR 4270 Date BP: 2580 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2660, End BP: 2500

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 690BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a pile in the outer row, trench 2.

ID: 17452, C14 ID: HAR 4272 Date BP: 2690 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2770, End BP: 2610

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 920BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a pile in the outer row, trench 1.

ID: 17453, C14 ID: HAR 4273 Date BP: 2920 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 3010, End BP: 2830

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1980-81

Archaeologist Name:

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 770BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a pile in the inner row, trench 2.

ID: 17454, C14 ID: HAR 4274 Date BP: 2770 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2860, End BP: 2680

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 820BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a pile in the inner row, trench 2.

ID: 17455, C14 ID: HAR 4275 Date BP: 2820 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2890, End BP: 2750

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 730BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a pile in the inner row of trench 1.

ID: 17457, C14 ID: HAR 4277 Date BP: 2730 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2800, End BP: 2660

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 810BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a pile in the outer row, trench 2.

ID: 17458, C14 ID: HAR 4340 Date BP: 2810 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2900, End BP: 2720

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 780BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a pile in the inner row, trench 2.

ID: 17459, C14 ID: HAR 4341 Date BP: 2780 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2860, End BP: 2700

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 790BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a pile in the main row, trench 1.

ID: 17460, C14 ID: HAR 4413 Date BP: 2790 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2880, End BP: 2700

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 740BC. Early Iron Age

Report: human bone; two associated collared urn cremations from a pit c 10m north of barrow 13, one upright, one inverted - a sample was taken from one of these urns.

ID: 17258, C14 ID: OxA 1876 Date BP: 2740 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2810, End BP: 2670

Abstract: Radley: Barrow Hills; 1988-89

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 770BC. Early Iron Age

Report: human bone; from an urned cremation at the west end of the barrow cemetery, c 20m north of barrow 12. It was contained within a tripartite Collared Urn decorated with twisted cord impressions.

ID: 17259, C14 ID: OxA 1877 Date BP: 2770 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2840, End BP: 2700

Abstract: Radley: Barrow Hills; 1988-89

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 990BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a well-sealed midden in the lower fill of building 9, period 5, from the same context as HAR-460.

ID: 17478, C14 ID: HAR 457 Date BP: 2990 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 3090, End BP: 2890

Abstract: Scilly Isles: Nornour; 1973-74

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 780BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the upper fill of building 2.

ID: 17482, C14 ID: HAR 1726 Date BP: 2780 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2860, End BP: 2700

Abstract: Scilly Isles: St Martin's, Little Bay; 1976-77

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 540BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from open verbaceous vegetation (0.35m).

ID: 17487, C14 ID: HAR 3724 Date BP: 2540 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2620, End BP: 2460

Abstract: Scilly Isles: St Mary's, Porthellick; 1979-80

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 630BC. Early Iron Age

Report: soil; from a large, naturally-formed feature containing a very organic silty clay with some wood fragments and lenses of sand and gravel, overlying natural gravels; it was overlain by redeposited gravels.

ID: 16744, C14 ID: HAR 3931 Date BP: 2630 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2710, End BP: 2550

Abstract: London: Southwark, Hibernia Wharf; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 810BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from the lower peat, at -0.25m OD; this peat is comparable to the peat bed at Westminster; these peats are generally thought to span the Roman period.

ID: 16745, C14 ID: HAR 333 Date BP: 2810 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2890, End BP: 2730

Abstract: London: Southwark, Mark Brown's Wharf; 1973-74

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 630BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from pit F9. Pottery from the pit and nearby structures was of Early Iron Age date. There was no direct relationship with HAR-4064.

ID: 17137, C14 ID: HAR 4494 Date BP: 2630 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2720, End BP: 2540

Abstract: Oakley; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 1000BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a silty layer (33) just above the primary fill of the ditch (19), associated with occupation debris of Middle Bronze Age date. The charcoal deposit was not well defined, but may represent a clearance horizon.

ID: 17273, C14 ID: HAR 1420 Date BP: 3000 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 3090, End BP: 2910

Abstract: Radwell; 1975-76

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 700BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from peaty deposits containing a few sherds of prehistoric pottery with wood, roots, and birch strips; the peat overlay a grey clay and was sealed by a deposit of blue-grey clay which was cut by Roman timber posts; stratigraphically earlier than HAR-2504.

ID: 16749, C14 ID: HAR 2506 Date BP: 2700 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2760, End BP: 2640

Abstract: London: Southwark, Tabard Street, Chaucer House; 1977-78

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 770BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from the middle of the peat deposit, depth 0.18m OD.

ID: 16751, C14 ID: HAR 3926 Date BP: 2770 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2850, End BP: 2690

Abstract: London: Southwark, Willson's Wharf; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 570BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from the upper section of the peat deposit, depth 0.38m OD.

ID: 16752, C14 ID: HAR 3927 Date BP: 2570 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2650, End BP: 2490

Abstract: London: Southwark, Willson's Wharf; 1981-82

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 840BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the bottom of an Iron Age gully sump.

ID: 16902, C14 ID: HAR 4487 Date BP: 2840 +/- 140, Start Date BP: 2980, End BP: 2700

Abstract: Mingie's Ditch; 1981-82

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the bottom of a Neolithic/Bronze Age tree pit pre-dating the Iron Age enclosure.

ID: 16904, C14 ID: HAR 4489 Date BP: 2800 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2890, End BP: 2710

Abstract: Mingie's Ditch; 1981-82

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 820BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from beneath the bank around the Iron Age enclosure.

ID: 16905, C14 ID: HAR 4490 Date BP: 2820 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2900, End BP: 2740

Abstract: Mingie's Ditch; 1981-82

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 950BC. Early Iron Age

Report: carbonised plant macrofossil; from a pit containing a cremation. The pit was located on the berm between the middle and outer quarry ditches of the mound for barrow 1. The upper fill of the pit was sealed by mound material.

ID: 17294, C14 ID: OxA 3089 Date BP: 2950 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 3030, End BP: 2870

Abstract: Raunds Prehistoric: Irthlingborough; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 810BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from the upper fill of a channel cutting through the main peat deposits.

ID: 16772, C14 ID: HAR 332 Date BP: 2810 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2890, End BP: 2730

Abstract: London: Westminster, New Palace Yard; 1973-74

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 540BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from part of the base plate of a wooden structure sealed within layers of grey silts and clays.

ID: 16775, C14 ID: HAR 6393 Date BP: 2540 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2610, End BP: 2470

Abstract: London: Whitehall, Richmond Terrace; 1984-85

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: animal bone; from F27, one of a series of undated pits.

ID: 16784, C14 ID: HAR 2745 Date BP: 2800 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2880, End BP: 2720

Abstract: Marc 3: Bridget's Farm, R5; 1978-79

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 929BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from pit 25487, which produced a good group of pottery; site coordinate 2295N 899ft 6in E.

ID: 16914, C14 ID: HAR 2337 Date BP: 2929 +/- 130, Start Date BP: 3059, End BP: 2799

Abstract: Mucking; 1977-78

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 980BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from pit 25131, also containing calcined flint, dug through the silted ditch of barrow 4, which yielded no archaeologically datable material; site coordinate 2172N 1175E.

ID: 16920, C14 ID: HAR 2343 Date BP: 2980 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 3080, End BP: 2880

Abstract: Mucking; 1977-78

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from an urned burial of late Early Bronze Age or early Middle Bronze Age date; the expected date is 1200-1000 BC.

ID: 16541, C14 ID: HAR 4317 Date BP: 2970 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 3070, End BP: 2870

Abstract: Kimpton: Kalis Corner; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 530BC. Early Iron Age

Report: animal bone; site area G. From bottom layer, 687, of the infilling of a Bronze Age house terraced into a north facing slope. The house and associated pits form a discrete part of the prehistoric landscape being 275m away from the nearest Bronze Age structure but with a potentially contemporary cemetery only 75m north. Related to HAR-6121.

ID: 16789, C14 ID: HAR 6120 Date BP: 2530 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2630, End BP: 2430

Abstract: Marc 3: Easton Lane Interchange, Winchester; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 740BC. Early Iron Age

Report: human bone; site area D. Limb bone from inhumation associated with shale and amber beads.

ID: 16791, C14 ID: HAR 6122 Date BP: 2740 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2810, End BP: 2670

Abstract: Marc 3: Easton Lane Interchange, Winchester; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 960BC. Early Iron Age

Report: human bone; site area F. Limb bone from flexed inhumation in small burial ground, which includes a loose cremation and one urned cremation in an early Bronze Age vessel with a bronze awl.

ID: 16792, C14 ID: HAR 6123 Date BP: 2960 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 3040, End BP: 2880

Abstract: Marc 3: Easton Lane Interchange, Winchester; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 630BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from immediately above the primary fill of the recut, cutting feature 1541 (phase 5 ditch silts).

ID: 16924, C14 ID: HAR 2893 Date BP: 2630 +/- 110, Start Date BP: 2740, End BP: 2520

Abstract: Mucking: North Ring; 1978-79

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 700BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the primary fill of the recut Bronze Age/Iron Age ditch, cutting F51 (phase 5 ditch silts).

ID: 16925, C14 ID: HAR 2911 Date BP: 2700 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2780, End BP: 2620

Abstract: Mucking: North Ring; 1978-79

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 790BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from secondary silts in the inner ditch (303); site coordinate 144N 293E.

ID: 16926, C14 ID: HAR 1630 Date BP: 2790 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2880, End BP: 2700

Abstract: Mucking: South Ring; 1976-77

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 770BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from primary silts in the outer ditch (310); site coordinate 165N 345E.

ID: 16927, C14 ID: HAR 1634 Date BP: 2770 +/- 110, Start Date BP: 2880, End BP: 2660

Abstract: Mucking: South Ring; 1976-77

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 810BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from primary silts in the outer ditch (310); site coordinate 140N 340ft 9in E.

ID: 16928, C14 ID: HAR 1708 Date BP: 2810 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2880, End BP: 2740

Abstract: Mucking: South Ring; 1976-77

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 960BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a charcoal impregnated burnt patch, which had been cut by the inner palisade trench P1, and was sealed beneath a thin layer of what was taken to be the infrequent remnants of upcast from the palisade trench or the inner ditch.

ID: 16930, C14 ID: HAR 6201 Date BP: 2960 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 3040, End BP: 2880

Abstract: Murton High Crags; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 990BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; the charcoal sample comes from a burnt stake found in situ within a shallow (30cm depth) circular posthole. This posthole was part of a possible fence line associated with a circle of postholes, which has been interpreted as a hut circle.

ID: 17311, C14 ID: GU 5320 Date BP: 2990 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 3040, End BP: 2940

Abstract: Raunds Prehistoric: South Stanwick; 1992-93

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 540BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from hearth F574, layer 575, in segment 5A of the main, D-shaped, Early Iron Age enclosure ditch, which is roughly datable to the fifth century BC; the hearth (associated with a tripartite jar) is immediately above the primary silt and below a deposit containing a sherd from a haematite-coated bowl.

ID: 16813, C14 ID: HAR 2251 Date BP: 2540 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2630, End BP: 2450

Abstract: Marc 3: Winnall Down, R17; 1977-78

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 530BC. Early Iron Age

Report: animal bone; from circular storage pit, associated with probably early saucepan pottery.

ID: 16817, C14 ID: HAR 2650 Date BP: 2530 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2600, End BP: 2460

Abstract: Marc 3: Winnall Down, R17; 1986-87

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 560BC. Early Iron Age

Report: animal bone; from about a third way up in the fill (layer 4749) of the Early Iron Age enclosure ditch F5FF (phase 3), directly associated with a shouldered jar and sealing sherds of haematite-coated pottery.

ID: 16820, C14 ID: HAR 2653 Date BP: 2560 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2640, End BP: 2480

Abstract: Marc 3: Winnall Down, R17; 1977-78

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 520BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; this sample was recovered during flotation of the upper/middle layer of the polygonal-shaped enclosure ditch.

ID: 16952, C14 ID: UB 3231 Date BP: 2520 +/- 136, Start Date BP: 2656, End BP: 2384

Abstract: North Furzton; 1989-90

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 570BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from 0.99m to 1.03m below the surface.

ID: 16579, C14 ID: HAR 6417 Date BP: 2570 +/- 110, Start Date BP: 2680, End BP: 2460

Abstract: Lancashire Peat Profiles: Anglezarke Moor, Round Loaf; 1984-85

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 940BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from 1.17-1.20m below the peat surface.

ID: 16581, C14 ID: HAR 6206 Date BP: 2940 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 3010, End BP: 2870

Abstract: Lancashire Peat Profiles: Rivington Moor, Winter Hill; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 910BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from pit 698, a small cremation pit within a saucer"" barrow.""

ID: 16830, C14 ID: HAR 7011 Date BP: 2910 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2980, End BP: 2840

Abstract: Margate: East Northdown; 1986-87

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 840BC. Early Iron Age

Report: human bone; from a crouched burial in a shallow grave pit; context 1157.

ID: 16596, C14 ID: HAR 5503 Date BP: 2840 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2930, End BP: 2750

Abstract: Lechlade: Rough Ground Farm; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a burnt layer within context number 346, the earliest feature of the site.

ID: 16852, C14 ID: HAR 9460 Date BP: 2970 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 3030, End BP: 2910

Abstract: Maryport: Ewanrigg, Romano-British settlement; 1988-89

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 910BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from two parallel rails of debarked round timber, with hurdle material above. There is likely to have been an unknown level of chemical contamination due to a nearby effluent pipe from a smelting works, plus the water of the Humber at this point is not considered to be particularly clean.

ID: 16853, C14 ID: HAR 6367 Date BP: 2910 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 3000, End BP: 2820

Abstract: Melton Foreshore; 1984-85

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 570BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; 220-230cm of a peat core of 480cm.

ID: 16982, C14 ID: GU 5161 Date BP: 2570 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2670, End BP: 2470

Abstract: North West Wetlands Survey: Fenton Cottage; 1991-92

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 530BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; 237-242cm of a peat core of 480cm.

ID: 16983, C14 ID: GU 5162 Date BP: 2530 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2610, End BP: 2450

Abstract: North West Wetlands Survey: Fenton Cottage; 1991-92

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 730BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; 245-250cm of a peat core of 480cm.

ID: 16984, C14 ID: GU 5163 Date BP: 2730 +/- 110, Start Date BP: 2840, End BP: 2620

Abstract: North West Wetlands Survey: Fenton Cottage; 1991-92

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 940BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; 260-265cm of a peat core of 480cm.

ID: 16985, C14 ID: GU 5164 Date BP: 2940 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 3000, End BP: 2880

Abstract: North West Wetlands Survey: Fenton Cottage; 1991-92

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 900BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; sample taken from junction of clay (above) with peat (beneath) at a depth of 1.7m OD.

ID: 17613, C14 ID: HAR 9190 Date BP: 2900 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2960, End BP: 2840

Abstract: Somerset Levels: Claylands, Binham Moor; 1988-89

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 900BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; duplicate of CR02, briquetage mound. Sample taken from bottom of peat above clay, feature 13, containing briquetage (Trench A).

ID: 17614, C14 ID: HAR 9188 Date BP: 2900 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2990, End BP: 2810

Abstract: Somerset Levels: Claylands, Cripps River; 1988-89

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 750BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; the sample was taken from depth 80-85cm from the sediment core, believed to date the post-elm decline.

ID: 18144, C14 ID: GU 5041 Date BP: 2750 +/- 130, Start Date BP: 2880, End BP: 2620

Abstract: West Heslerton: Foulbridge; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 980BC. Early Iron Age

Report: human bone; from 1R299, however the bones are recorded as context 1R298. The burial, from an early Bronze Age barrow, was accompanied by a bronze object and a flint blade.

ID: 18155, C14 ID: HAR 8414 Date BP: 2980 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 3060, End BP: 2900

Abstract: West Heslerton: Prehistoric; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 780BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a domestic rubbish pit in context 1F0098 containing large assemblage of Staple Howe type pottery.

ID: 18158, C14 ID: HAR 8417 Date BP: 2780 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2860, End BP: 2700

Abstract: West Heslerton: Prehistoric; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 600BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from intertidal feature F32; one of 46 surviving posts in an alignment extending for 90 metres parallel and close to low water mark at this site on the southern shore of the Solent. The post protruded from the silt at -2m OD.

ID: 18437, C14 ID: GU 5052 Date BP: 2600 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2650, End BP: 2550

Abstract: Wootton-Quarr: Wootton Creek; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 1000BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from rings 74-94 of a 152-year floating sequence, taken from four timbers.

ID: 17639, C14 ID: HAR 1627 Date BP: 3000 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 3080, End BP: 2920

Abstract: Somerset Levels: Meare Heath, Meare Heath Track; 1975-76

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 900BC. Early Iron Age

Report: soil; from a horizon of burned peat immediately overlying the Meare Heath track.

ID: 17640, C14 ID: HAR 2619 Date BP: 2900 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2980, End BP: 2820

Abstract: Somerset Levels: Meare Heath, Meare Heath Track; 1978-79

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 980BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from the brushwood platform, below HAR-683.

ID: 17642, C14 ID: HAR 943 Date BP: 2980 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 3050, End BP: 2910

Abstract: Somerset Levels: Meare Heath, Meare Heath Track; 1974-75

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from West Heslerton: Devil's Hill (SE 92057565) the sample was found within a buried soil at a depth of 1m within a colluival soil sequence at the foot of the Yorkshire Wolds near Devil's Hill.

ID: 18161, C14 ID: OxA 2935 Date BP: 2800 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2870, End BP: 2730

Abstract: West Heslerton: Scarp; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 830BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a plank under a slab on the central hearth on the northern mound; rather a poor sample.

ID: 17649, C14 ID: HAR 3521 Date BP: 2830 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2930, End BP: 2730

Abstract: Somerset Levels: Meare Lake Village West; 1979-80

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 700BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from the top of the peat surface underlying the occupation.

ID: 17652, C14 ID: HAR 3633 Date BP: 2700 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2770, End BP: 2630

Abstract: Somerset Levels: Meare Lake Village West; 1979-80

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 810BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from the peat surface, to the north-west of the main occupation floor.

ID: 17656, C14 ID: HAR 3740 Date BP: 2810 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2880, End BP: 2740

Abstract: Somerset Levels: Meare Lake Village West; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 660BC. Early Iron Age

Report: sediment; from a depth of 0.54-0.55m below the top of the monolith. The sample is from 20cm below the top of the organic deposits at Meare East and from approximately the middle of the local pollen assemblage zone MVE.6 High Pediastrum values in the pollen record and the presence of seeds of submerged aquatic plants suggest a high watertable at this time. MVE.6 correlates with MVW.6 at Meare West (Beckett 1979) and the zone below, MVE.5, correlates with MVW.5. Beckett suggested MVW.5 corresponded to MH.5 at Meare Heath and the latter has been dated as lasting from 2252 ? 45 BP (SRR-913; 400-190 cal BC at 95% confidence; Stuiver and Pearson 1986) to 2062 ? 45 BP (SRR-912; 200 cal BC-cal AD 30 at 95% confidence; Stuiver and Pearson 1986). However, dates from Mound 19 at Meare East which is on top of the peat, are 1740 ? 60 BP (HAR-5001), 2090 ? 70 BP (HAR-5002), and 2080 ? 60 BP (HAR-5000) (see Meare Village East).

ID: 17665, C14 ID: HAR 7066 Date BP: 2660 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2730, End BP: 2590

Abstract: Somerset Levels: Meare Village East; 1985-86

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 600BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from context 4, one of the fills of pit 2.

ID: 18475, C14 ID: HAR 7038 Date BP: 2600 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2670, End BP: 2530

Abstract: Yapton; 1985-86

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 810BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a structure at a complex Bronze Age site in raised bog peat; same area as HAR-1221, but a younger structure.

ID: 17674, C14 ID: HAR 4477 Date BP: 2810 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2900, End BP: 2720

Abstract: Somerset Levels: Meare, Stileway - structures; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 630BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; associated with a pottery vessel and wooden platform.

ID: 17684, C14 ID: HAR 3446 Date BP: 2630 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2710, End BP: 2550

Abstract: Somerset Levels: Shapwick Heath, Withy Bed Copse; 1979-80

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 900BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a pre-rampart occupation layer (the sample, in a plastic bag, includes mineral material, it was not air dried).

ID: 17937, C14 ID: HAR 1398 Date BP: 2900 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2970, End BP: 2830

Abstract: Thwing: Paddock Hill ; 1975-76

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 920BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; the sample came from the lower filling layer of a large rectangular hollow. The fill contained charcoal, burnt stone, animal bone, and pottery.

ID: 17942, C14 ID: OxA 2542 Date BP: 2920 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 3020, End BP: 2820

Abstract: Thwing: Paddock Hill 83; 1989-90

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 510BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; the sample came from within the packing material of a posthole, which cut into layer 2 of the central hollow and was sealed by layer 1, the upper layer. Layers 1, 2, and the posthole were cut by a Bronze Age burial pit inserted through the central hollow.

ID: 17944, C14 ID: OxA 2579 Date BP: 2510 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2580, End BP: 2440

Abstract: Thwing: Paddock Hill 83; 1989-90

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 590BC. Early Iron Age

Report: antler; the sample was extracted from the chalk rubble core of the rampart.

ID: 17946, C14 ID: OxA 2581 Date BP: 2590 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2680, End BP: 2500

Abstract: Thwing: Paddock Hill 83; 1989-90

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 830BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; the sample comes from the lower filling of layer 2 of the central hollow. The layer provided no pottery evidence for dating and should immediately post-date the digging of the hollow whose major feature was a block or 'plinth' of over excavated chalk. This layer covered the floor of the hollow and postholes and pits. The latter digging into it and making feature 14, which provided OxA-2579.

ID: 17947, C14 ID: OxA 2582 Date BP: 2830 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2910, End BP: 2750

Abstract: Thwing: Paddock Hill 83; 1989-90

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; the sample comes from the lower filling of layer 2 of the central hollow. The layer provided no pottery evidence for dating and should immediately post-date the digging of the hollow whose major feature was a block or 'plinth' of over excavated chalk. This layer covered the floor of the hollow and postholes and pits. The latter digging into it and making feature 14, which provided OxA-2579.

ID: 17948, C14 ID: OxA 2583 Date BP: 2800 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2880, End BP: 2720

Abstract: Thwing: Paddock Hill 83; 1989-90

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 770BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; the sample was recovered from the fill of a rectangular hollow consisting of charcoal burnt stones, animal bones, and pottery, interpreted as a cooking area. It is located c 10m east of the central building and should relate to the major occupation phase of the hillfort phase.

ID: 17951, C14 ID: OxA 2687 Date BP: 2770 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2840, End BP: 2700

Abstract: Thwing: Paddock Hill 83; 1989-90

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 860BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; the sample was incorporated with occupational debris in layer 4 of the inner ditch. The upper fill layer, filling the recut of the ditch was inserted and was not deposited as natural silting.

ID: 17952, C14 ID: OxA 2990 Date BP: 2860 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2940, End BP: 2780

Abstract: Thwing: Paddock Hill 90; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 585BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; the sample came from a timber which formed part of a structure jutting out into a plaeochannel. The timber had been driven into a waterlogged deposit (which contained some limestone gravel) and further organic sediments had accumulated against it. It was sealed by a deposit of alluvium. The sample would normally have been waterlogged. The date of this structure is unknown.

ID: 18476, C14 ID: OxA 3644 Date BP: 2585 +/- 75, Start Date BP: 2660, End BP: 2510

Abstract: Yarnton Iron Age and Roman: floodplain section A; 1992-93

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 740BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from the timbers of the dismantled structure.

ID: 17685, C14 ID: HAR 944 Date BP: 2740 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2810, End BP: 2670

Abstract: Somerset Levels: Shapwick Heath, Withy Bed Copse; 1974-75

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 920BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from the lowest roundwood of a major Bronze Age track, track B.

ID: 17702, C14 ID: HAR 2429 Date BP: 2920 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2980, End BP: 2860

Abstract: Somerset Levels: Sharpham, Tinney's Ground; 1977-78

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 890BC. Early Iron Age

Report: antler; the sample was incorporated with occupational debris in layer 4 of the inner ditch. The upper fill layer, filling the recut of the ditch was inserted and was not deposited as natural silting.

ID: 17954, C14 ID: OxA 3117 Date BP: 2890 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2960, End BP: 2820

Abstract: Thwing: Paddock Hill 90; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 880BC. Early Iron Age

Report: antler; the sample is incorporated into the secondary silting layer (layer 6) of the inner ditch.

ID: 17955, C14 ID: OxA 3118 Date BP: 2880 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2950, End BP: 2810

Abstract: Thwing: Paddock Hill 90; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 880BC. Early Iron Age

Report: antler; the sample was recovered on a ledge of the ditch wall, within the primary features of the ditch fill.

ID: 17956, C14 ID: OxA 3119 Date BP: 2880 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2980, End BP: 2780

Abstract: Thwing: Paddock Hill 90; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 740BC. Early Iron Age

Report: soil and charcoal; from stakehole 43.

ID: 17965, C14 ID: HAR 8273 Date BP: 2740 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2840, End BP: 2640

Abstract: Tintagel Castle: Lower Ward; 1986-87

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 680BC. Early Iron Age

Report: soil; from the upper fill of a Roman well.

ID: 18507, C14 ID: HAR 2753 Date BP: 2680 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2750, End BP: 2610

Abstract: York: 58-9 Skeldergate, Bishopshill 1; 1977-78

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 990BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; waterlogged oak, rings 220-40, from the planking of the track A, Tinney's Ground.

ID: 17704, C14 ID: HAR 2544 Date BP: 2990 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 3050, End BP: 2930

Abstract: Somerset Levels: Sharpham, Tinney's Ground; 1977-78

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 960BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from brushwood trackway intersection with oak planking and wooden artefacts.

ID: 17705, C14 ID: HAR 2773 Date BP: 2960 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 3030, End BP: 2890

Abstract: Somerset Levels: Sharpham, Tinney's Ground; 1978-79

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 950BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from the brushwood (head 1-2) of a trackway adjacent to track A.

ID: 17710, C14 ID: HAR 946 Date BP: 2950 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 3030, End BP: 2870

Abstract: Somerset Levels: Sharpham, Tinney's Ground; 1974-75

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 960BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from brushwood of the wooden track B (head 1-2).

ID: 17711, C14 ID: HAR 947 Date BP: 2960 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 3030, End BP: 2890

Abstract: Somerset Levels: Sharpham, Tinney's Ground; 1974-75

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 981BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the fill of ash pit (2715) within Bronze Age hut (2010) and below central hearth (2371). It derives from a well-sealed and stratified deposit within this Bronze Age hut, and represents the earliest phase of occupational activity within the hut.

ID: 17991, C14 ID: UB 3118 Date BP: 2981 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 3021, End BP: 2941

Abstract: Trethellan Farm; 1988-89

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 740BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a layer of burnt sand in a hearth hollow, sealed by an upper layer of sand and then ploughsoil.

ID: 18010, C14 ID: HAR 2589 Date BP: 2740 +/- 170, Start Date BP: 2910, End BP: 2570

Abstract: Unstone; 1977-78

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 760BC. Early Iron Age

Report: animal bone; from a layer found on top of a Roman floor and sealed by Viking Age graves. A piece of wind-dried ling from the North Sea was also enclosed in order to assess the levels of C14 in fish.

ID: 18520, C14 ID: HAR 5545 Date BP: 2760 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2860, End BP: 2660

Abstract: York: St Mary Bishophill Junior; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 830BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a posthole of the late Bronze Age roundhouse.

ID: 17782, C14 ID: HAR 6622 Date BP: 2830 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2900, End BP: 2760

Abstract: Springfield Lyons; 1984-85

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 550BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from peat overlying the barrow that was cut by the dyke.

ID: 18032, C14 ID: HAR 3362 Date BP: 2550 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2650, End BP: 2450

Abstract: Walcott Commons; 1979-80

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 540BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a posthole of a large four-post rectangular structure in the phase 2 settlement.

ID: 18037, C14 ID: HAR 1123 Date BP: 2540 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2640, End BP: 2440

Abstract: Wales: Moel y Gaer; 1975-76

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 510BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from dark grey clay filling in a posthole forming part of the porch of a post-ring round house.

ID: 18039, C14 ID: HAR 1126 Date BP: 2510 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2610, End BP: 2410

Abstract: Wales: Moel y Gaer; 1975-76

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 660BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from one of a ring of twelve small pits comprising an anomalous structure 6.4m in diameter.

ID: 18040, C14 ID: HAR 1127 Date BP: 2660 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2730, End BP: 2590

Abstract: Wales: Moel y Gaer; 1975-76

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 560BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the silt fills of two adjacent postholes of a post-ring round house, the plan of which overlaps with that dated by HAR-1196.

ID: 18043, C14 ID: HAR 1197 Date BP: 2560 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2650, End BP: 2470

Abstract: Wales: Moel y Gaer; 1975-76

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 530BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from packing material in the foundation trench for the front revetment timbers of the first timber-framed rampart.

ID: 18045, C14 ID: HAR 604 Date BP: 2530 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2620, End BP: 2440

Abstract: Wales: Moel y Gaer; 1974-75

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 530BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from a peat monolith, 0.13-0.15m below the ground surface.

ID: 17518, C14 ID: HAR 3377 Date BP: 2530 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2600, End BP: 2460

Abstract: Shaugh Moor: Blacka Brook; 1979-80

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 650BC. Early Iron Age

Report: soil;

ID: 17523, C14 ID: HAR 2694 Date BP: 2650 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2720, End BP: 2580

Abstract: Shaugh Moor: Cairns site 10, buried soil; 1978-79

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 920BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from charcoal obtained in earlier excavations by Plymouth Museum in a possible hearth at the centre of hut 1.

ID: 17525, C14 ID: HAR 3046 Date BP: 2920 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 3000, End BP: 2840

Abstract: Shaugh Moor: Cholwich Town, site 203; 1978-79

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 730BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat;

ID: 17527, C14 ID: HAR 4008 Date BP: 2730 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2830, End BP: 2630

Abstract: Shaugh Moor: Cholwich Town, site 203; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 880BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a sandy loam, beneath the floor of a house, resting on a worn and weathered subsoil surface; presumed to be of Bronze Age date.

ID: 17529, C14 ID: HAR 2473 Date BP: 2880 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2950, End BP: 2810

Abstract: Shaugh Moor: Enclosure 15, site 15; 1977-78

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 940BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the filling of a posthole; part of a circular timber structure in the centre of the enclosure.

ID: 17534, C14 ID: HAR 2976 Date BP: 2940 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 3030, End BP: 2850

Abstract: Shaugh Moor: Enclosure 15, site 15; 1978-79

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 640BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the fill of a drain in a Bronze Age hut.

ID: 17535, C14 ID: HAR 2978 Date BP: 2640 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2710, End BP: 2570

Abstract: Shaugh Moor: Enclosure 15, site 15; 1978-79

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 570BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from dark grey clay, ?an occupation layer in a post-built round house sealed by the first rampart.

ID: 18047, C14 ID: HAR 606 Date BP: 2570 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2640, End BP: 2500

Abstract: Wales: Moel y Gaer; 1974-75

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 776BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a river channel adjacent to the late Bronze Age settlement site containing late Bronze Age pottery, flints, copper alloy pin, charred and waterlogged plant and insect remains, molluscs etc. This sample is one of many pieces of rod associated with the charred remains of a wooden structure of beams (Quercus sp.) and rods (Corylus sp.) which burnt down.

ID: 18054, C14 ID: UB 3138 Date BP: 2776 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 2816, End BP: 2736

Abstract: Wallingford Bypass: Whitecross Farm; 1988-89

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 713BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from a river channel adjacent to the late Bronze Age settlement site containing late Bronze Age pottery, flints, copper alloy pin, charred and waterlogged plant and insect remains, molluscs etc. This sample is one of many pieces of rod associated with the charred remains of a wooden structure of beams (Quercus sp.) and rods (Corylus sp.) which burnt down.

ID: 18055, C14 ID: UB 3139 Date BP: 2713 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2748, End BP: 2678

Abstract: Wallingford Bypass: Whitecross Farm; 1988-89

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 739BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from an in situ pile of Quercus sp. from the river bed adjacent to the settlement. The sample is part of either a single structure with other piles, or belongs to one of two structures, possibly bridges or jetties, one replacing the other.

ID: 18056, C14 ID: UB 3140 Date BP: 2739 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 2779, End BP: 2699

Abstract: Wallingford Bypass: Whitecross Farm; 1988-89

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 736BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood; from an in situ pile of Quercus sp. from the river channel adjacent to the settlement and containing late Bronze Age settlement debris and biological remains. This sample is part of either a single structure (with UB-3140) or belongs to one of two structures, bridges of jetties, of different phases.

ID: 18057, C14 ID: UB 3141 Date BP: 2736 +/- 45, Start Date BP: 2781, End BP: 2691

Abstract: Wallingford Bypass: Whitecross Farm; 1988-89

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 930BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the latest Bronze Age occupation layer within the hut circle.

ID: 17543, C14 ID: HAR 3419 Date BP: 2930 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 3020, End BP: 2840

Abstract: Shaugh Moor: Enclosure 15, site 15; 1979-80

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 940BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the lower fill of a postpit. The context below 6644 comprised redeposited natural gravel.

ID: 18065, C14 ID: HAR 8106 Date BP: 2940 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 3010, End BP: 2870

Abstract: Wasperton; 1986-87

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 520BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from a peat monolith 0.68-0.70m.

ID: 17560, C14 ID: HAR 3816 Date BP: 2520 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2600, End BP: 2440

Abstract: Shaugh Moor; Wotter Common, site 69; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 820BC. Early Iron Age

Report: animal bone; from a complete cow skelton in a pit sealed by a clay flood deposit; date uncertain but pre-Roman.

ID: 17830, C14 ID: HAR 3235 Date BP: 2820 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2920, End BP: 2720

Abstract: Staines: Friends Burial Ground; 1979-80

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 580BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from a depth of 18-23cm in a section beside, and stratigraphically immediately below, a field wall (trench 8, section B-D).

ID: 17842, C14 ID: GU 5178 Date BP: 2580 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2630, End BP: 2530

Abstract: Stannon: Bodmin Moor; 1991-92

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 780BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from a layer of charcoal in the fill of a another pit cut by the ditch of the trackway.

ID: 17848, C14 ID: HAR 9237 Date BP: 2780 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2850, End BP: 2710

Abstract: Stansted: Social Club; 1989-90

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 810BC. Early Iron Age

Report: animal bone; recovered from the base of the secondary silts amongst a stone accumulation towards the centre.

ID: 18113, C14 ID: OxA 3130 Date BP: 2810 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2890, End BP: 2730

Abstract: Wessex Linear Ditches: Sidbury Double Linear Ditch, Tidworth; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 670BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal; from the primary fill of the field/cemetery boundary enclosure.

ID: 18406, C14 ID: HAR 5623 Date BP: 2670 +/- 150, Start Date BP: 2820, End BP: 2520

Abstract: Winterbourne Steepleton: Cowlease Pasture; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 920BC. Early Iron Age

Report: human bone; from a skeleton beneath the modern turf/topsoil and beneath the earlier top of the barrow sealed by rabbit throw out. The burial was roughly covered by the remains of a flint cairn. The skeleton was mostly articulated but was broken or damaged in situ. The skull and several other bones were absent. The burial had been disturbed by rabbits and there was some possible intrusion by rootlets.

ID: 17600, C14 ID: GU 5305 Date BP: 2920 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2990, End BP: 2850

Abstract: Snail Down: Site XV; 1992-93

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 570BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat; from the base of the mire, at a depth of 2.06m to 2.16m; from a level of clearance activity suggesting this may have initiated peat formation.

ID: 17608, C14 ID: HAR 4241 Date BP: 2570 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2660, End BP: 2480

Abstract: Snelsmore Common; 1981-82

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 990BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal:-

ID: 4563, C14 ID: OxA-2293 Date BP: 2990 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2920, End BP: 3060

Abstract: Bar Brook, England

Archaeologist Name: Smith

Reference Name: Archaeometry 33(1), 1991, 121-134

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 820BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal:-

ID: 4564, C14 ID: OxA-2294 Date BP: 2820 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2750, End BP: 2890

Abstract: Bar Brook, England

Archaeologist Name: Smith

Reference Name: Archaeometry 33(1), 1991, 121-134

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 690BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:dog

ID: 4579, C14 ID: OxA-3368 Date BP: 2690 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 2625, End BP: 2755

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge, England

Archaeologist Name: Needham

Reference Name: Archaeometry 35(1), 1993, 147-167

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 510BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat:-

ID: 4889, C14 ID: OxA-1039 Date BP: 2510 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2450, End BP: 2570

Abstract: Lindow Moss, England

Archaeologist Name: Bowman

Reference Name: Archaeometry 30(1), 1988, 155-164

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 980BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone: Bos Taurus

ID: 4895, C14 ID: OxA-1045 Date BP: 2980 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2880, End BP: 3080

Abstract: West Overton, England

Archaeologist Name: Evans

Reference Name: Archaeometry 29(2), 1987, 289-306

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 740BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:human

ID: 4947, C14 ID: OxA-1195 Date BP: 2740 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2680, End BP: 2800

Abstract: Thames skull, RCS, England

Archaeologist Name: Bradley

Reference Name: Archaeometry 30(1), 1988, 155-164

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 750BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:human

ID: 4948, C14 ID: OxA-1196 Date BP: 2750 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2670, End BP: 2830

Abstract: Thames skull, Mortla, England

Archaeologist Name: Bradley

Reference Name: Archaeometry 30(1), 1988, 155-164

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 910BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:human

ID: 4949, C14 ID: OxA-1197 Date BP: 2910 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2850, End BP: 2970

Abstract: Thames skull, Kew, England

Archaeologist Name: Bradley

Reference Name: Archaeometry 30(1), 1988, 155-164

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 950BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:human

ID: 4950, C14 ID: OxA-1198 Date BP: 2950 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2890, End BP: 3010

Abstract: Thames skull, RCS, England

Archaeologist Name: Bradley

Reference Name: Archaeometry 30(1), 1988, 155-164

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 850BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:human

ID: 4954, C14 ID: OxA-1202 Date BP: 2850 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2790, End BP: 2910

Abstract: Gough's Cave, England

Archaeologist Name: Jacobi

Reference Name: Archaeometry 30(1), 1988, 155-164

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 670BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood:-

ID: 4960, C14 ID: OxA-121 Date BP: 2670 +/- 120, Start Date BP: 2550, End BP: 2790

Abstract: Jackscar Cave, England

Archaeologist Name: Coggins

Reference Name: Archaeometry 27(2), 1985, 237-246

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 980BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:-

ID: 5008, C14 ID: OxA-1413 Date BP: 2980 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2890, End BP: 3070

Abstract: Easton Down, England

Archaeologist Name: Evans

Reference Name: Archaeometry 31(2), 1989, 207-234

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 830BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood:-

ID: 5116, C14 ID: OxA-1719 Date BP: 2830 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2760, End BP: 2900

Abstract: Ralaghan, Ireland

Archaeologist Name: Coles

Reference Name: Archaeometry 31(2), 1989, 207-234

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 1000BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal:-

ID: 5141, C14 ID: OxA-1761 Date BP: 3000 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2930, End BP: 3070

Abstract: Lambscott, England

Archaeologist Name: Darvill

Reference Name: Archaeometry 34(1), 1992, 141-159

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 840BC. Early Iron Age

Report: plant remains:Triticum spelta

ID: 5143, C14 ID: OxA-1763 Date BP: 2840 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2770, End BP: 2910

Abstract: Hallshill, England

Archaeologist Name: van der Veen

Reference Name: Archaeometry 32(2), 1990, 211-237

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 895BC. Early Iron Age

Report: other:Triticum spelta

ID: 5144, C14 ID: OxA-1764 Date BP: 2895 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2825, End BP: 2965

Abstract: Hallshill, England

Archaeologist Name: van der Veen

Reference Name: Archaeometry 32(2), 1990, 211-237

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 750BC. Early Iron Age

Report: other:Triticum spelta

ID: 5145, C14 ID: OxA-1765 Date BP: 2750 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2680, End BP: 2820

Abstract: Hallshill, England

Archaeologist Name: van der Veen

Reference Name: Archaeometry 32(2), 1990, 211-237

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 560BC. Early Iron Age

Report: other:T. dicoccum

ID: 5146, C14 ID: OxA-1766 Date BP: 2560 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2490, End BP: 2630

Abstract: Hallshill, England

Archaeologist Name: van der Veen

Reference Name: Archaeometry 32(2), 1990, 211-237

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 660BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood:Alnus glutinosa

ID: 5183, C14 ID: OxA-1871 Date BP: 2660 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2590, End BP: 2730

Abstract: Stinsford, England

Archaeologist Name: Evans

Reference Name: Archaeometry 31(2), 1989, 207-234

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 740BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charred bone:-

ID: 5188, C14 ID: OxA-1876 Date BP: 2740 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2670, End BP: 2810

Abstract: Barrow Hills, England

Archaeologist Name: Halpin

Reference Name: Archaeometry 32(2), 1990, 211-237

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 770BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charred bone:BA

ID: 5189, C14 ID: OxA-1877 Date BP: 2770 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2700, End BP: 2840

Abstract: Barrow Hills, England

Archaeologist Name: Halpin

Reference Name: Archaeometry 32(2), 1990, 211-237

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 675BC. Early Iron Age

Report: antler:-

ID: 5236, C14 ID: OxA-2041 Date BP: 2675 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2605, End BP: 2745

Abstract: Maidstone Camp, England

Archaeologist Name: Daniel

Reference Name: Archaeometry 32(2), 1990, 211-237

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 710BC. Early Iron Age

Report: shell:Pholas dactylus

ID: 5274, C14 ID: OxA-2149 Date BP: 2710 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2620, End BP: 2800

Abstract: Bishopstone, England

Archaeologist Name: Jarzembowski

Reference Name: Archaeometry 33(2), 1991, 279-296

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 910BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal:-

ID: 5311, C14 ID: OxA-2306 Date BP: 2910 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2840, End BP: 2980

Abstract: Park Farm, England

Archaeologist Name: Cracknell

Reference Name: Archaeometry 35(1), 1993, 147-167

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 720BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:inc. pig

ID: 5312, C14 ID: OxA-2307 Date BP: 2720 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2640, End BP: 2800

Abstract: Redgate Hill, England

Archaeologist Name: Murphy

Reference Name: Archaeometry 33(1), 1991, 121-134

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 745BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood:alder

ID: 5373, C14 ID: OxA-2427 Date BP: 2745 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2675, End BP: 2815

Abstract: Ulster Museum, Ireland

Archaeologist Name: Warner

Reference Name: Archaeometry 33(1), 1991, 121-134

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 660BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood:-

ID: 5374, C14 ID: OxA-2428 Date BP: 2660 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2600, End BP: 2720

Abstract: Ulster Museum, Ireland

Archaeologist Name: Warner

Reference Name: Archaeometry 33(1), 1991, 121-134

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 870BC. Early Iron Age

Report: shell:Limpet

ID: 5392, C14 ID: OxA-2480 Date BP: 2870 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2790, End BP: 2950

Abstract: Port St. Mary Rushen, UK

Archaeologist Name: Horn

Reference Name: Archaeometry 37(1), 1995, 195-214

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 920BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal:-

ID: 5398, C14 ID: OxA-2542 Date BP: 2920 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2820, End BP: 3020

Abstract: Thwing, England

Archaeologist Name: Manby

Reference Name: Archaeometry 33(2), 1991, 279-296

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 700BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal:-

ID: 5400, C14 ID: OxA-2544 Date BP: 2700 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2600, End BP: 2800

Abstract: Birdlip bypass, England

Archaeologist Name: Parry

Reference Name: Archaeometry 33(2), 1991, 279-296

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 510BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal:-

ID: 5404, C14 ID: OxA-2579 Date BP: 2510 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2440, End BP: 2580

Abstract: Thwing, England

Archaeologist Name: Manby

Reference Name: Archaeometry 33(2), 1991, 279-296

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 590BC. Early Iron Age

Report: antler:-

ID: 5406, C14 ID: OxA-2581 Date BP: 2590 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2500, End BP: 2680

Abstract: Thwing, England

Archaeologist Name: Manby

Reference Name: Archaeometry 35(1), 1993, 147-167

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 830BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal:-

ID: 5407, C14 ID: OxA-2582 Date BP: 2830 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2750, End BP: 2910

Abstract: Thwing, England

Archaeologist Name: Manby

Reference Name: Archaeometry 33(2), 1991, 279-296

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal:-

ID: 5408, C14 ID: OxA-2583 Date BP: 2800 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2720, End BP: 2880

Abstract: Thwing, England

Archaeologist Name: Manby

Reference Name: Archaeometry 33(2), 1991, 279-296

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 770BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal:-

ID: 5427, C14 ID: OxA-2687 Date BP: 2770 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2700, End BP: 2840

Abstract: Thwing, England

Archaeologist Name: Manby

Reference Name: Archaeometry 33(2), 1991, 279-296

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal:-

ID: 5465, C14 ID: OxA-2935 Date BP: 2800 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2730, End BP: 2870

Abstract: West Heslerton, England

Archaeologist Name: McHugh

Reference Name: Archaeometry 36(2), 1994, 337-374

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 860BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal:alder

ID: 5481, C14 ID: OxA-2990 Date BP: 2860 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2780, End BP: 2940

Abstract: Thwing, England

Archaeologist Name: Manby

Reference Name: Archaeometry 35(1), 1993, 147-167

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 680BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal:-

ID: 5484, C14 ID: OxA-2993 Date BP: 2680 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2600, End BP: 2760

Abstract: Sweetpatch Bottom, England

Archaeologist Name: Wilkinson

Reference Name: Archaeometry 34(1), 1992, 141-159

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 700BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal:-

ID: 5539, C14 ID: OxA-3081 Date BP: 2700 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2610, End BP: 2790

Abstract: Toadhole Bottom West, England

Archaeologist Name: Wilkinson

Reference Name: Archaeometry 34(1), 1992, 141-159

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 660BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal:-

ID: 5541, C14 ID: OxA-3083 Date BP: 2660 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2590, End BP: 2730

Abstract: Toadhole Bottom West, England

Archaeologist Name: Wilkinson

Reference Name: Archaeometry 34(1), 1992, 141-159

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 950BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charred seeds:Arrhenatheum tubers

ID: 5544, C14 ID: OxA-3089 Date BP: 2950 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2870, End BP: 3030

Abstract: Irthlingborough, England

Archaeologist Name: Humble

Reference Name: Archaeometry 35(1), 1993, 147-167

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 890BC. Early Iron Age

Report: antler:red deer

ID: 5548, C14 ID: OxA-3117 Date BP: 2890 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2820, End BP: 2960

Abstract: Thwing, England

Archaeologist Name: Manby

Reference Name: Archaeometry 35(1), 1993, 147-167

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 880BC. Early Iron Age

Report: antler:red deer

ID: 5549, C14 ID: OxA-3118 Date BP: 2880 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2810, End BP: 2950

Abstract: Thwing, England

Archaeologist Name: Manby

Reference Name: Archaeometry 35(1), 1993, 147-167

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 880BC. Early Iron Age

Report: antler:red deer

ID: 5550, C14 ID: OxA-3119 Date BP: 2880 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2780, End BP: 2980

Abstract: Thwing, England

Archaeologist Name: Manby

Reference Name: Archaeometry 35(1), 1993, 147-167

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 810BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:tooth fragments

ID: 5553, C14 ID: OxA-3130 Date BP: 2810 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2730, End BP: 2890

Abstract: Old Coach Road, England

Archaeologist Name: Entwistle

Reference Name: Archaeometry 35(1), 1993, 147-167

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 950BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:-

ID: 5558, C14 ID: OxA-3155 Date BP: 2950 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2850, End BP: 3050

Abstract: Mile Oak, England

Archaeologist Name: Russell

Reference Name: Archaeometry 39(1), 1997, 247-262

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 960BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:cattle

ID: 5636, C14 ID: OxA-3352 Date BP: 2960 +/- 75, Start Date BP: 2885, End BP: 3035

Abstract: Cladh Hallan, Scotland

Archaeologist Name: Gilbertson

Reference Name: Archaeometry 34(2), 1992, 337-357

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 790BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:horse

ID: 5666, C14 ID: OxA-3428 Date BP: 2790 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2720, End BP: 2860

Abstract: Runnymede Bridge, England

Archaeologist Name: Needham

Reference Name: Archaeometry 35(1), 1993, 147-167

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 860BC. Early Iron Age

Report: textile:wool

ID: 5692, C14 ID: OxA-3536 Date BP: 2860 +/- 85, Start Date BP: 2775, End BP: 2945

Abstract: Sheshader, Lewis, Scotland

Archaeologist Name: Sheridan

Reference Name: Archaeometry 35(1), 1993, 147-167

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 810BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood:ash

ID: 5694, C14 ID: OxA-3538 Date BP: 2810 +/- 85, Start Date BP: 2725, End BP: 2895

Abstract: Blair Drummond, Scotland

Archaeologist Name: Sheridan

Reference Name: Archaeometry 35(1), 1993, 147-167

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 850BC. Early Iron Age

Report: shell:Helix aspersa

ID: 5701, C14 ID: OxA-3558 Date BP: 2850 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2780, End BP: 2920

Abstract: Holywell Coombe, England

Archaeologist Name: Preece

Reference Name: Archaeometry 35(2), 1993, 305-326

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 585BC. Early Iron Age

Report: wood:oak

ID: 5727, C14 ID: OxA-3644 Date BP: 2585 +/- 75, Start Date BP: 2510, End BP: 2660

Abstract: Yarnton, England

Archaeologist Name: Hey

Reference Name: Archaeometry 36(2), 1994, 337-374

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 545BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charred seeds:Hordeum sativum

ID: 5733, C14 ID: OxA-3650 Date BP: 2545 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 2480, End BP: 2610

Abstract: Samson West Porth, England

Archaeologist Name: Straker

Reference Name: Archaeometry 36(2), 1994, 337-374

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 570BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal:Ulex sp

ID: 5734, C14 ID: OxA-3651 Date BP: 2570 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 2505, End BP: 2635

Abstract: Samson West Porth, England

Archaeologist Name: Straker

Reference Name: Archaeometry 36(2), 1994, 337-374

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 955BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:-

ID: 5735, C14 ID: OxA-3652 Date BP: 2955 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 2890, End BP: 3020

Abstract: Ellacott, England

Archaeologist Name: Parry

Reference Name: Archaeometry 36(2), 1994, 337-374

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 1000BC. Early Iron Age

Report: antler:red deer

ID: 5783, C14 ID: OxA-3741 Date BP: 3000 +/- 75, Start Date BP: 2925, End BP: 3075

Abstract: Feltwell, England

Archaeologist Name: Bonsall

Reference Name: Archaeometry 35(2), 1993, 305-326

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 960BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:-

ID: 5809, C14 ID: OxA-3801 Date BP: 2960 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 2895, End BP: 3025

Abstract: Ellacott, England

Archaeologist Name: Parry

Reference Name: Archaeometry 36(2), 1994, 337-374

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal:hazel

ID: 5826, C14 ID: OxA-3879 Date BP: 2800 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 2735, End BP: 2865

Abstract: Ardnacross, Scotland

Archaeologist Name: Martlew

Reference Name: Archaeometry 37(2), 1995, 417-430

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 880BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal:hazel

ID: 5827, C14 ID: OxA-3880 Date BP: 2880 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2820, End BP: 2940

Abstract: Ardnacross, Scotland

Archaeologist Name: Martlew

Reference Name: Archaeometry 37(2), 1995, 417-430

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 760BC. Early Iron Age

Report: plant remains:Alnus

ID: 5852, C14 ID: OxA-4026 Date BP: 2760 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 2695, End BP: 2825

Abstract: St. George's Field, England

Archaeologist Name: Hill

Reference Name: Archaeometry 38(1), 1996, 181-207

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: other:food remains

ID: 5858, C14 ID: OxA-4051 Date BP: 2800 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2720, End BP: 2880

Abstract: Ronaldsway Airport, Isle of Man

Archaeologist Name: Woodcock

Reference Name: Archaeometry 37(1), 1995, 195-214

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 905BC. Early Iron Age

Report: other:food remains

ID: 5861, C14 ID: OxA-4054 Date BP: 2905 +/- 75, Start Date BP: 2830, End BP: 2980

Abstract: Ronaldsway Airport, Isle of Man

Archaeologist Name: Woodcock

Reference Name: Archaeometry 37(1), 1995, 195-214

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal:-

ID: 5913, C14 ID: OxA-4209 Date BP: 2970 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2870, End BP: 3070

Abstract: Bromfield, England

Archaeologist Name: Hughes

Reference Name: Archaeometry 36(2), 1994, 337-374

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 925BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:human

ID: 5955, C14 ID: OxA-4289 Date BP: 2925 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2845, End BP: 3005

Abstract: Burwell Fen, England

Archaeologist Name: Roberts

Reference Name: Archaeometry 36(2), 1994, 337-374

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 935BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal:heather root

ID: 6049, C14 ID: OxA-4700 Date BP: 2935 +/- 55, Start Date BP: 2880, End BP: 2990

Abstract: Porth Killier,St. Agnes,Scilly, England

Archaeologist Name: Straker

Reference Name: Archaeometry 37(2), 1995, 417-430

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 895BC. Early Iron Age

Report: charcoal:alder/hazel

ID: 6051, C14 ID: OxA-4717 Date BP: 2895 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2825, End BP: 2965

Abstract: Coldharbour Road, England

Archaeologist Name: Mudd

Reference Name: Archaeometry 37(2), 1995, 417-430

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 880BC. Early Iron Age

Report: other:residue in sherd

ID: 6053, C14 ID: OxA-4719 Date BP: 2880 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 2815, End BP: 2945

Abstract: Coldharbour Road, England

Archaeologist Name: Mudd

Reference Name: Archaeometry 37(2), 1995, 417-430

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 900BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:Beaver femur

ID: 6056, C14 ID: OxA-4740 Date BP: 2900 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2840, End BP: 2960

Abstract: West Cotton, England

Archaeologist Name: Albarella

Reference Name: Archaeometry 37(2), 1995, 417-430

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 840BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone: Bos

ID: 6086, C14 ID: OxA-4885 Date BP: 2840 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2780, End BP: 2900

Abstract: Stonehenge, England

Archaeologist Name: Allen

Reference Name: Archaeometry 38(2), 1996, 391-415

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 910BC. Early Iron Age

ID: 6115, C14 ID: OxA-5084 Date BP: 2910 +/- 45, Start Date BP: 2865, End BP: 2955

Abstract: Birkswood, UK

Archaeologist Name: Clare

Reference Name: Archaeometry 38(2), 1996, 391-415

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 975BC. Early Iron Age

Report: tooth:Bos

ID: 6122, C14 ID: OxA-5108 Date BP: 2975 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2925, End BP: 3025

Abstract: Mile Oak, England

Archaeologist Name: Russell

Reference Name: Archaeometry 39(1), 1997, 247-262

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 975BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone: Bos

ID: 6123, C14 ID: OxA-5109 Date BP: 2975 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2925, End BP: 3025

Abstract: Mile Oak, England

Archaeologist Name: Russell

Reference Name: Archaeometry 39(1), 1997, 247-262

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 820BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:cattle

ID: 6124, C14 ID: OxA-5110 Date BP: 2820 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2770, End BP: 2870

Abstract: Mile Oak, England

Archaeologist Name: Russell

Reference Name: Archaeometry 39(1), 1997, 247-262

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 655BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:human

ID: 6156, C14 ID: OxA-5551 Date BP: 2655 +/- 55, Start Date BP: 2600, End BP: 2710

Abstract: Redlands Farm, Stanwick, England

Archaeologist Name: Keevill

Reference Name: Archaeometry 39(1), 1997, 247-262

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 780BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:Martes martes

ID: 6182, C14 ID: OxA-5735 Date BP: 2780 +/- 55, Start Date BP: 2725, End BP: 2835

Abstract: Kilgreany Cave, Ireland

Archaeologist Name: Woodman

Reference Name: Archaeometry 39(2), 1997, 445-471

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 555BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:Martes martes

ID: 6189, C14 ID: OxA-5742 Date BP: 2555 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2505, End BP: 2605

Abstract: Foley Cave, Ireland

Archaeologist Name: Woodman

Reference Name: Archaeometry 39(2), 1997, 445-471

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 935BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:human

ID: 6201, C14 ID: OxA-5821 Date BP: 2935 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2875, End BP: 2995

Abstract: New Church,Lough Gur, Ireland

Archaeologist Name: Woodman

Reference Name: Archaeometry 39(2), 1997, 445-471

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 535BC. Early Iron Age

Report: bone:pig

ID: 6236, C14 ID: OxA-6054 Date BP: 2535 +/- 45, Start Date BP: 2490, End BP: 2580

Abstract: Huntingdon Racecourse, England

Archaeologist Name: Macaulay

Reference Name: Archaeometry 39(2), 1997, 445-471

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 670BC. Early Iron Age

Report: peat:-

ID: 6381, C14 ID: OxA-991 Date BP: 2670 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2590, End BP: 2750

Abstract: Lindow Moss, England

Archaeologist Name: Bowman

Reference Name: Archaeometry 30(1), 1988, 155-164

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 655BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as hazel, of longitudinal lath on strake 6 at Brigg \Raft\""

ID: 420, C14 ID: Q-1255 Date BP: 2655 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2605, End BP: 2705

OS Letter: SE, OS East: 992, OS North: 76

Archaeologist Name: Lincolnshire / Humberside South

Reference Name: England.""

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 605BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as hazel, of longitudinal lath near cleat 46 at Brigg \Raft\""

ID: 421, C14 ID: Q-1256 Date BP: 2605 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2555, End BP: 2655

OS Letter: SE, OS East: 992, OS North: 76

Archaeologist Name: Lincolnshire / Humberside South

Reference Name: England.""

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 595BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood from top of oak cleat 45 at Brigg \Raft\""

ID: 422, C14 ID: Q-1257 Date BP: 2595 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2545, End BP: 2645

OS Letter: SE, OS East: 992, OS North: 76

Archaeologist Name: Lincolnshire / Humberside South

Reference Name: England.""

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 670BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Plant material, id as moss, of caulking from beneath lath and strake at Brigg \Raft\""

ID: 423, C14 ID: Q-1258 Date BP: 2670 +/- 75, Start Date BP: 2595, End BP: 2745

OS Letter: SE, OS East: 992, OS North: 76

Archaeologist Name: Lincolnshire / Humberside South

Reference Name: England.""

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 570BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as oak, of tranverse timber through cleat 51 at Brigg \Raft\""

ID: 424, C14 ID: Q-1263 Date BP: 2570 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2510, End BP: 2630

OS Letter: SE, OS East: 992, OS North: 76

Archaeologist Name: Lincolnshire / Humberside South

Reference Name: England.""

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 560BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as hazel, from post driven through boat near cleat 26 at Brigg \Raft\""

ID: 425, C14 ID: Q-1261 Date BP: 2560 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2510, End BP: 2610

OS Letter: SE, OS East: 992, OS North: 76

Archaeologist Name: Lincolnshire / Humberside South

Reference Name: England.""

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 640BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Clay with Spartina from immediately under cleat-unit 36 at Brigg \Raft\""

ID: 426, C14 ID: Q-1259 Date BP: 2640 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 2575, End BP: 2705

OS Letter: SE, OS East: 992, OS North: 76

Archaeologist Name: Lincolnshire / Humberside South

Reference Name: England.""

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as finely divided, from urn C13 at Kimpton (Kalis Corner), Hampshire, England. Subm Ann Ellison (Wessex Archaeol). Comment (subm): All samples were small and difficult; this one was expected to lie in late EBA/early MBA, poss. contaminated by MBA charcoal?.

ID: 356, C14 ID: HAR-4317 Date BP: 2970 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2870, End BP: 3070

OS Letter: SU, OS East: 288, OS North: 479

Archaeologist Name: Max Dacre

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 33, 1991, 89; Proc Prehist Soc, 47, 1981, 147-203 esp 201

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 780BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from upper fill, Building 2, Period 3, Hearth F at Little Bay, St Martins, Isles of Scilly, England. Subm H Keeley 1976.

ID: 369, C14 ID: HAR-1726 Date BP: 2780 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2700, End BP: 2860

Abstract: house structures

Archaeologist Name: S Butcher 1974

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 27, 1985, 83; Cornish Archaeol, 13, 1974, 55; Cornish Archaeol, 22, 1983, 47-80 esp 52

Carbon Date.

Carbon Date. 660BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Carbonised wood from ditch of 3 metre diameter feature at Ballybeen, Dundonald, Down, Ireland.

ID: 379, C14 ID: UB-2640 Date BP: 2660 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2590, End BP: 2730

OS Letter: J, OS East: 426, OS North: 731

Archaeologist Name: J P Mallory

Reference Name: Ulster J Archaeol, 47, 1984, 1-4

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 539BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Carbonised wood from ditch of 3 metre diameter feature at Ballybeen, Dundonald, Down, Ireland.

ID: 380, C14 ID: UB-2461 Date BP: 2539 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2469, End BP: 2609

OS Letter: J, OS East: 426, OS North: 731

Archaeologist Name: J P Mallory

Reference Name: Ulster J Archaeol, 47, 1984, 1-4

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 680BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood charcoal from lower ditch fill at Ballygroll, Co Londonderry, Ireland. Comment [Ed]: grid ref estimated only.

ID: 382, C14 ID: UB-2430 Date BP: 2680 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2630, End BP: 2730

Abstract: Earthen round barrow, stone-capped

Archaeologist Name: B B Williams

Reference Name: Ulster J Archaeol, 1981-2, 29-46

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 900BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal ref BPA 010, from fill of ?bucket urn containing cremation with group of burials outside Barrow 3 at Barrow Pleck, South Lodge Camp, Cranborne Chase, Wiltshire, England. Comment [Ed]: date revised in 1990 from original incorrect 2680 110.

ID: 384, C14 ID: BM-1918R Date BP: 2900 +/- 150, Start Date BP: 2750, End BP: 3050

Abstract: Deverel-Rimbury barrow group

Archaeologist Name: J Barrett, R Bradley 1980

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 25, 1983, 41-3 [original determination]; Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 68 [revision]; Barrett J et al (eds), Papers on the prehistoric archaeology of Cranborne Chase (Oxbow Monogr 11), 1991

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 960BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal with potboilers in stream bank at Bournville Yachting Pool, Griffins Brook 2, Birmingham, West Midlands, England.

ID: 404, C14 ID: Birm-697 Date BP: 2960 +/- 140, Start Date BP: 2820, End BP: 3100

OS Letter: SP, OS East: 36, OS North: 812

Archaeologist Name: M J Nixon

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 18, 1976, 248-67; W Midlands Archaeol, 23, 1981, 12; Brit Archaeol Rep Brit Ser, 204, 1989, 11; Buckley, V (ed), 'Burnt offerings' (Dublin, 1990), 106-11

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 670BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as mixed Quercus sp, Acer sp (Janet Ambers), from 5153, secondary silts of enclosure ditch, associated with a change of pottery style (vesiculated pottery), at Springfield Lyons, Springfield, Essex, England. Comment (lab): Revised date, replaces BM-2314

ID: 464, C14 ID: BM-2314R Date BP: 2670 +/- 140, Start Date BP: 2530, End BP: 2810

OS Letter: TL, OS East: 734, OS North: 82

Archaeologist Name: D G Buckley

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 29, 1987, 65; Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 313; Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 71 (revised date Buckley, D G & Hedges, J D, 'The Bronze Age and Saxon settlements at Springfield Lyons, Essex: an interim report' (=Essex County Council Occas Pap, 5), 1987; Essex Archaeol Hist, 11, 1984/5, 134

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 520BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as small twigs (unident) under 10mm dia washed from bulk sample of organic mud, from Layer D bottom at The Breiddin, Powys, Wales. Comment [Ed]: See monograph for 13 environmental dates from pond, not on database.

ID: 483, C14 ID: HAR-1538 Date BP: 2520 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2440, End BP: 2600

Abstract: Buckbean Pond in interior

Archaeologist Name: C R Musson et al

Reference Name: Musson, C R et al, 'The Breiddin hillfort: a later prehistoric settlement in the Welsh Marches', (CBA Res Rep, 76) 1991, 87 and MF2/187-92; Radiocarbon, 18, 1976, 34-5; Radiocarbon, 19, 1977, 408-9; Radiocarbon, 21, 1979, 346

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 760BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as oak of indeterminate size, but postpacking suggesting 150mm dia, about 75 years' growth, from rampart timbering, higher in post socket 0141B/D that produced BM-879, and from another socket (0141D) in same gully at The Breiddin, Powys, Wales.

ID: 490, C14 ID: HAR-1616 Date BP: 2760 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2690, End BP: 2830

Abstract: Bronze Age hillfort phase

Archaeologist Name: C R Musson et al

Reference Name: Musson, C R et al, 'The Breiddin hillfort: a later prehistoric settlement in the Welsh Marches', (CBA Res Rep, 76), 1991, 28; Radiocarbon, 18, 1976, 34-5; Radiocarbon, 19, 1977, 408-9; Radiocarbon, 21, 1979, 346

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 690BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as oak, from rampart timbering, dense concentrations from three of the paired postholes, 0140/42/49, under BA rampart in B01, at The Breiddin, Powys, Wales. Comment (subm): This date preferred to HAR-1415.

ID: 491, C14 ID: HAR-1615 Date BP: 2690 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2620, End BP: 2760

Abstract: Bronze Age hillfort phase

Archaeologist Name: C R Musson et al

Reference Name: Musson, C R et al, 'The Breiddin hillfort: a later prehistoric settlement in the Welsh Marches', (CBA Res Rep, 76), 1991, 28; Radiocarbon, 18, 1976, 34-5; Radiocarbon, 19, 1977, 408-9; Radiocarbon, 21, 1979, 346

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 690BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as hazel, twigs to some branches; oak up to at least 50mm dia, approx 25 years' growth, from above paired postholes 0419 of BA rampart core at The Breiddin, Powys, Wales. Comment (subm): Same sample as produced late date of HAR-1415.

ID: 492, C14 ID: HAR-1761 Date BP: 2690 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2610, End BP: 2770

Abstract: Bronze Age hillfort phase

Archaeologist Name: C R Musson et al

Reference Name: Musson, C R et al, 'The Breiddin hillfort: a later prehistoric settlement in the Welsh Marches', (CBA Res Rep, 76), 1991, 28; Radiocarbon, 18, 1976, 34-5; Radiocarbon, 19, 1977, 408-9; Radiocarbon, 21, 1979, 346

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 510BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as hazel, twigs and small branches; oak up to 50mm dia, about 25 years', from rampart core (same sample as produced HAR-1761) at The Breiddin, Powys, Wales.

ID: 493, C14 ID: HAR-1415 Date BP: 2510 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2450, End BP: 2570

Abstract: Bronze Age hillfort phase

Archaeologist Name: C R Musson et al

Reference Name: Musson, C R et al, 'The Breiddin hillfort: a later prehistoric settlement in the Welsh Marches', (CBA Res Rep, 76) 1991, 28; Radiocarbon, 18, 1976, 34-5; Radiocarbon, 19, 1977, 408-9; Radiocarbon, 21, 1979, 346

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 770BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal on floor of Enclosure VII at Crosskirk Broch, Caithness, Scotland.

ID: 525, C14 ID: SRR-269 Date BP: 2770 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2670, End BP: 2870

OS Letter: ND, OS East: 25, OS North: 701

Archaeologist Name: H Fairhurst

Reference Name: H Fairhurst, Excavations at Crosskirk Broch... (Soc Antiq Scot, Monogr 3), 1984, 161

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 550BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as bucket fragments, from Carrickmore, Altanagh townland, Tyrone, Ireland. Comment (subm): exact site unknown, casual worker's find 3m SE of Carrickmore at 600ft OD. [Ed: GR estimated from map]

ID: 531, C14 ID: UB-2434 Date BP: 2550 +/- 85, Start Date BP: 2465, End BP: 2635

OS Letter: H, OS East: 63, OS North: 71

Reference Name: Ulster J Archaeol, 46, 1983, 150-1

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 680BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Antler pick, bone and collagen, from enclosure ditch fill at Coed Y Cymdda, Cardiff, S Glamorgan.

ID: 542, C14 ID: CAR-207 Date BP: 2680 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2610, End BP: 2750

OS Letter: ST, OS East: 133, OS North: 740

Archaeologist Name: H Owen-John

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 27, 1985, 371-2; Archaeol Wales, 20, 1980, 17; Archaeol Wales, 19, 1979, 25

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 665BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal in stony soil layer above GrN-9173 at Cashelkeelty II, Co Kerry, Ireland. Comment (subm): Anomalous - is intrusion?

ID: 549, C14 ID: GrN-9172 Date BP: 2665 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2615, End BP: 2715

Abstract: 4 stones plus recumbent

Archaeologist Name: A Lynch

Reference Name: Brit Archaeol Rep, 85, 1981, 65-8

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 920BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal embedded in OGS sealed by stony layer used for levelling sloping ground before circle constructed at Cashel-keelty II, Co Kerry, Ireland.

ID: 550, C14 ID: GrN-9173 Date BP: 2920 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2860, End BP: 2980

Abstract: 4 stones plus recumbent

Archaeologist Name: A Lynch

Reference Name: Brit Archaeol Rep, 85, 1981, 65-8

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 600BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Clay with Spartina from immediately under cleat-unit 23 at Brigg \Raft\""

ID: 427, C14 ID: Q-1260 Date BP: 2600 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2530, End BP: 2670

OS Letter: SE, OS East: 992, OS North: 76

Archaeologist Name: Lincolnshire / Humberside South

Reference Name: England.""

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 550BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Flotation residue from 0-2cm under \raft\"" cleat-units 14/15 at Brigg \""Raft\""

ID: 428, C14 ID: Q-1499 Date BP: 2550 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2500, End BP: 2600

OS Letter: SE, OS East: 992, OS North: 76

Archaeologist Name: Lincolnshire / Humberside South

Reference Name: England. Comment (subm): This and Q-1500 provide information on sedimentation rate in Ancholme valley.""

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 675BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as hazel branch, from 40cm below \raft\"" under cleat-unit 21 at Brigg \""Raft\""

ID: 429, C14 ID: Q-1262 Date BP: 2675 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2605, End BP: 2745

OS Letter: SE, OS East: 992, OS North: 76

Archaeologist Name: Lincolnshire / Humberside South

Reference Name: England.""

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 720BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Flotation residue from 113-118cm under \raft\"" cleat-units 14/15 at Brigg \""Raft\""

ID: 430, C14 ID: Q-1500 Date BP: 2720 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2670, End BP: 2770

OS Letter: SE, OS East: 992, OS North: 76

Archaeologist Name: Lincolnshire / Humberside South

Reference Name: England. Comment (subm): this and Q-1499 provide information on the sedimentation rate in the Ancholme valley.""

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 570BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone, id as animal, from midden over intermed. Pd.III rampart at Broxmouth, Lothian, Scotland. Comment (subm): See extensive comment in second ref. below.

ID: 434, C14 ID: GU-1502 Date BP: 2570 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2510, End BP: 2630

OS Letter: NT, OS East: 700, OS North: 774

Archaeologist Name: P H Hill

Reference Name: Harding D W (ed), 'Later prehistoric settlement in SE Scotland' (1982), 39-41 and 141-88; Ashmore P J & Hill P H in Ottaway B S (ed), 'Archaeology, dendrochronology and the radiocarbon calibration curve' (Edinb 1983), 83-98

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 530BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Sample unspecified from C15 urn-pit fill at Capel Eithin, Cefn Du, Gwynedd, Wales.

ID: 561, C14 ID: CAR-455 Date BP: 2530 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 2465, End BP: 2595

OS Letter: SH, OS East: 489, OS North: 727

Archaeologist Name: Sian I White

Reference Name: Archaeol Wales, 21, 1981, 17-19

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 630BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood from tree rings dated 433-405 BC at Fiskerton, Lincolnshire, England. Subm J Hillam (Univ Sheffield) 1984. Comment (subm): Chronology of causeway has now been determined from tree rings.

ID: 880, C14 ID: HAR-6729 Date BP: 2630 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2560, End BP: 2700

OS Letter: TF, OS East: 50, OS North: 716

Archaeologist Name: N Field

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 174-5; Current Archaeol, no 109, 1987, 358-63

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 600BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as Quercus sp, Crataegus sp, Leguminosae, Salix/ Populus, Corylus sp) , from context 4, one of pit fills of Pit 2 at Yapton, Sussex West, England. Subm CRC 1985. Comment (subm): This is only Iron Age site on coastal plain that provides material suitable for dating in close assoc with pottery.

ID: 882, C14 ID: HAR-7038 Date BP: 2600 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2530, End BP: 2670

Abstract: coastal plain site

Archaeologist Name: David Rudling 1984

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 182; Sussex Archaeol Collect, 125, 1987, 51-67 (side reference)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 690BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone, id as human, from scatter of human bone recovered during removal of main body of cairn (002), which overlay limestone enclosure (008) at Manor Farm Borwick, Lancashire, England. Subm A Olivier 1986. Comment (subm): Samples were dated to establish extent of possible Iron Age reuse of Bronze Age burial monument; samples could result from later intrusion into main part of cairn.

ID: 899, C14 ID: HAR-7014 Date BP: 2690 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2590, End BP: 2790

Abstract: Cairn with later reuse

Archaeologist Name: A Olivier 1982 (Univ Lancaster)

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 175-6; Proc Prehist Soc, 49, 1983, 389-92

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 590BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as Quercus sp, Pomoideae (hawthorn type), Corylus avellana, Ulmus sp and cf spinosa (sloe), from midden context 1617 column 88 at Potterne, near Devizes, Wiltshire, England. Subm C Gingell and A J Lawson 1985.

ID: 900, C14 ID: HAR-6978 Date BP: 2590 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2510, End BP: 2670

Abstract: Two middens

Archaeologist Name: C Gingell and A J Lawson (Wessex Archaeol) 1984

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 176-7; Wiltshire Archaeol Natur Hist Mag, 78, 1984, 31-4; Wiltshire Archaeol Natur Hist Mag, 79, 1985, 101-8

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 650BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as Quercus sp, Pomoideae (hawthorn type), Ulmus sp, Prunus sp (cherry/sloe), Prunus spinsoa, Fraxinus excelsior, cf Tilia sp, from midden context 2209 column 88 at Potterne, near Devizes, Wiltshire, England. Subm C Gingell and A J Lawson 1985.

ID: 902, C14 ID: HAR-6980 Date BP: 2650 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2570, End BP: 2730

Abstract: Two middens

Archaeologist Name: C Gingell and A J Lawson (Wessex Archaeol) 1984

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 176-7; Wiltshire Archaeol Natur Hist Mag, 78, 1984, 31-4; Wiltshire Archaeol Natur Hist Mag, 79, 1985, 101-8

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 630BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as Quercus sp, Pomoideae (hawthorn type), Corylus avellana, Ulmus sp, Prunus sp, Prunus spinosa, Acer campestre, cf Tilia sp, from midden context 2208 column 89 at Potterne, near Devizes, Wiltshire, England. Subm C Gingell and A J Lawson 1985.

ID: 903, C14 ID: HAR-6981 Date BP: 2630 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2560, End BP: 2700

Abstract: Two middens

Archaeologist Name: C Gingell and A J Lawson (Wessex Archaeol) 1984

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 176-7; Wiltshire Archaeol Natur Hist Mag, 78, 1984, 31-4; Wiltshire Archaeol Natur Hist Mag, 79, 1985, 101-8

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 530BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peat from top of sequence immediately prior to marine transgression at Hasholme Farm, Holme-on-Spalding Moor, Humberside North, England. Subm M Millett 1986. Comment (subm): Dates help establish chronology of pollen record and marine transgression in relation to logboat. Comment [Ed]: see also Durham TL dates for this site.

ID: 906, C14 ID: HAR-7005 Date BP: 2530 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2460, End BP: 2600

Abstract: Peat sequence

Archaeologist Name: M Millett (Univ Durham) 1984

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 177; Archaeol J, 144, 1987, 69-155

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 830BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peat from lime decline in middle of sequence at Hasholme Farm, Holme-on-Spalding Moor, Humberside North, England. Subm M Millett 1986. Comment (subm): Dates help establish chronology of pollen record and marine transgression in relation to logboat. Comment [Ed]: see also Durham TL dates for this site.

ID: 907, C14 ID: HAR-7006 Date BP: 2830 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2760, End BP: 2900

Abstract: Peat sequence

Archaeologist Name: M Millett (Univ Durham) 1984

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 177; Archaeol J, 144, 1987, 69-155

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 880BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charred grain from pit 1 [Pit F039 elsewhere in text] with Deverel-Rimbury pottery of Group 1 at Godmanchester - Park Lane, Cambridgeshire, England.

ID: 988, C14 ID: HAR-1931 Date BP: 2880 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2800, End BP: 2960

Abstract: Deverel-Rimbury

Archaeologist Name: H J M Green

Reference Name: Brit Archaeol Rep, 130, 1984, 16, 90 (secondary ref only)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 670BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from Site 2 pit at Runnymede Bridge, Egham, Surrey, England.

ID: 1066, C14 ID: HAR-3113 Date BP: 2670 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2600, End BP: 2740

Abstract: Waterfront site

Archaeologist Name: S Needham, D Longley

Reference Name: BAR Brit Ser, 83(ii), 1980, 397-436; Longley D, 'Runnymede Bridge 1976' (Res Vol Surrey Archaeol Soc, 6), 1980

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 690BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from context J1, structure 2 bin, site phase 4 at Balloch Hill, Argyll, Strathclyde, Scotland. [Ed: See ref below for CAL range.]

ID: 1015, C14 ID: GU-1032 Date BP: 2690 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2620, End BP: 2760

Abstract: Multiphase occupation

Archaeologist Name: E J Peltenburg

Reference Name: Proc Soc Antiq Scotl, 112, 1982, 142-214

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from part of layer apparently relating to Mesolithic occupation with microliths at Nant Melyn, Blaenrhondda, Mid Glamorgan, Wales. Coll H N Savory (Nat Mus Wales). Subm H N Savory 1975. Comment (subm): Sample seems to provide tpq for formation of blanket peat over thin ancient soil, affected by rainwash, in which microliths were present.

ID: 1029, C14 ID: HAR-1385 Date BP: 2800 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2720, End BP: 2880

Abstract: Layer with microliths

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 27, 1985, 91; Morgannwg, 20, 1976, 69

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 810BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peat from surface below occupation deposits, NW area at Meare Village West, Somerset Levels, Somerset, England. Comment [Ed]: See second ref below for CAL ranges.

ID: 1046, C14 ID: HAR-3740 Date BP: 2810 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2740, End BP: 2880

Abstract: Lakeside village

Archaeologist Name: J Coles & B Orme

Reference Name: Somerset Levels Pap, 7, 1981, 12-69 esp 38; Somerset Levels Pap, 15, 1989, 67

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 750BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Sample not specified from Site 1, occupation layer at Runnymede Bridge, Egham, Surrey, England.

ID: 1061, C14 ID: HAR-1834 Date BP: 2750 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2680, End BP: 2820

Abstract: Waterfront site

Archaeologist Name: S Needham, D Longley

Reference Name: BAR Brit Ser, 83(ii), 1980, 397-436; Longley D, 'Runnymede Bridge 1976' (Res Vol Surrey Archaeol Soc, 6), 1980

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 720BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from vegetation clearance layer at Runnymede Bridge, Egham, Surrey, England.

ID: 1062, C14 ID: HAR-3115 Date BP: 2720 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2640, End BP: 2800

Abstract: Waterfront site

Archaeologist Name: S Needham, D Longley

Reference Name: BAR Brit Ser, 83(ii), 1980, 397-436; Longley D, 'Runnymede Bridge 1976' (Res Vol Surrey Archaeol Soc, 6), 1980

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 700BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from Site 2 pit at Runnymede Bridge, Egham, Surrey, England.

ID: 1063, C14 ID: HAR-3112 Date BP: 2700 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2630, End BP: 2770

Abstract: Waterfront site

Archaeologist Name: S Needham, D Longley

Reference Name: BAR Brit Ser, 83(ii), 1980, 397-436; Longley D, 'Runnymede Bridge 1976' (Res Vol Surrey Archaeol Soc, 6), 1980

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 690BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from vegetation clearance layer at Runnymede Bridge, Egham, Surrey, England.

ID: 1064, C14 ID: HAR-3114 Date BP: 2690 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2610, End BP: 2770

Abstract: Waterfront site

Archaeologist Name: S Needham, D Longley

Reference Name: BAR Brit Ser, 83(ii), 1980, 397-436; Longley D, 'Runnymede Bridge 1976' (Res Vol Surrey Archaeol Soc, 6), 1980

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 690BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from vegetation clearance layer at Runnymede Bridge, Egham, Surrey, England.

ID: 1065, C14 ID: HAR-3120 Date BP: 2690 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2610, End BP: 2770

Abstract: Waterfront site

Archaeologist Name: S Needham, D Longley

Reference Name: BAR Brit Ser, 83(ii), 1980, 397-436; Longley D, 'Runnymede Bridge 1976' (Res Vol Surrey Archaeol Soc, 6), 1980

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 730BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peat, small sample, from near base of peat deposits (lower part of Layer 11) at Llanaber, Barmouth, Gwynedd, Wales.

ID: 1172, C14 ID: HAR-1218 Date BP: 2730 +/- 220, Start Date BP: 2510, End BP: 2950

OS Letter: SH, OS East: 591, OS North: 194

Archaeologist Name: C R Musson et al

Reference Name: Archaeol Wales, 29, 1989, 22-6

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 610BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as Quercus, from boat fragment in Peterborough Museum, found at Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England. Coll R Switsur.

ID: 1173, C14 ID: Q-1564 Date BP: 2610 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2560, End BP: 2660

OS Letter: TL, OS East: 191, OS North: 981

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 31, 1989, 1010-18; McGrail S, 'Logboats of England and Wales' (Brit Archaeol Rep, 51), 1978, 251-3

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 620BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Sample not specified from Site 1, occupation layer at Runnymede Bridge, Egham, Surrey, England.

ID: 1067, C14 ID: HAR-1833 Date BP: 2620 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2550, End BP: 2690

Abstract: Waterfront site

Archaeologist Name: S Needham, D Longley

Reference Name: BAR Brit Ser, 83(ii), 1980, 397-436; Longley D, 'Runnymede Bridge 1976' (Res Vol Surrey Archaeol Soc, 6), 1980

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 560BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone, id as animal, from layer 4749, segment 5FF of enclosure ditch, associated directly with shouldered jar, and sealing sherds of haematite-coated pottery at Winnall Down, M3 motorway route, Hampshire, England.

ID: 1073, C14 ID: HAR-2653 Date BP: 2560 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2480, End BP: 2640

OS Letter: SU, OS East: 498, OS North: 303

Archaeologist Name: P J Fasham

Reference Name: Fasham P J, 'The prehistoric settlement at Winnall Down, Winchester', (= Hampshire Fld Club Archaeol Soc Monogr 2), 1985, 18-19

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 540BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as including Acer sp twigs, from hearth 574, enclosure ditch 5A immed above primary silt and assoc with tripartite jar; sherd of haematite bowl was in layer above at Winnall Down, M3 motorway route, Hampshire, England.

ID: 1074, C14 ID: HAR-2251 Date BP: 2540 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2450, End BP: 2630

OS Letter: SU, OS East: 498, OS North: 303

Archaeologist Name: P J Fasham

Reference Name: Fasham P J, 'The prehistoric settlement at Winnall Down, Winchester', (= Hampshire Fld Club Archaeol Soc Monogr 2), 1985, 18-19

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 530BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from P868 layer 2 (ceramic phase 1-3) at Danebury, nr Stockbridge, Hampshire, England.

ID: 1097, C14 ID: HAR-2029 Date BP: 2530 +/- 110, Start Date BP: 2420, End BP: 2640

Abstract: multiple defences

Archaeologist Name: Barry Cunliffe

Reference Name: Cunliffe B, 'Danebury: an Iron Age hillfort in Hampshire: vol 1, the excavations 1969-78: the site' (= CBA Res Rep 52), 1984, 190-9; J Archaeol Sci, 19, 1992, 497-512 (calibration discussion)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 650BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from tr 11 layer 30, ph 20 (gate phase) at Danebury, nr Stockbridge, Hampshire, England.

ID: 1135, C14 ID: HAR-4207 Date BP: 2650 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2580, End BP: 2720

Abstract: multiple defences

Archaeologist Name: Barry Cunliffe

Reference Name: Cunliffe B, 'Danebury: an Iron Age hillfort in Hampshire: vol 1, the excavations 1969-78: the site' (= CBA Res Rep 52), 1984, 190-9; J Archaeol Sci, 19, 1992, 497-512 (calibration discussion)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 580BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from P969 (ceramic phase 4) at Danebury, nr Stockbridge, Hampshire, England.

ID: 1146, C14 ID: HAR-4330 Date BP: 2580 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2500, End BP: 2660

Abstract: multiple defences

Archaeologist Name: Barry Cunliffe

Reference Name: Cunliffe B, 'Danebury: an Iron Age hillfort in Hampshire: vol 1, the excavations 1969-78: the site' (= CBA Res Rep 52), 1984, 190-9; J Archaeol Sci, 19, 1992, 497-512 (calibration discussion)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 520BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone from layer 511 (ceramic phase 6) at Danebury, nr Stockbridge, Hampshire, England.

ID: 1150, C14 ID: HAR-4343 Date BP: 2520 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2440, End BP: 2600

Abstract: multiple defences

Archaeologist Name: Barry Cunliffe

Reference Name: Cunliffe B, 'Danebury: an Iron Age hillfort in Hampshire: vol 1, the excavations 1969-78: the site' (= CBA Res Rep 52), 1984, 190-9; J Archaeol Sci, 19, 1992, 497-512 (calibration discussion)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 590BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peat humins from whole peat sample, ref. 14, from column of weakly humified Sphagnum peat from underside of upper arm surface close to skull of Lindow Man, Cheshire, England. Coll R C Turner et al. Subm I M Stead. Comment (subm): Peat dates are earlier than dates for body produced by Oxford and Harwell labs; and see extended comment in refs. below.

ID: 1164, C14 ID: BM-2398 Date BP: 2590 +/- 170, Start Date BP: 2420, End BP: 2760

Abstract: Preserved body from Lindow Moss

Archaeologist Name: R C Turner et al

Reference Name: Ambers, J C et al in Stead, I M (ed), 'Lindow Man: the body in the bog' (1986), 25-6; Radiocarbon, 29, 1987, 183-4; Antiquity, 63, 1989, 71-9

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 940BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Carbonised grain, AML 831125, from storage pit in BA hut at Rowden, Winterbourne Steepleton, Dorset, England. Subm D Haddon-Reece 1983. Comment (PJW): Compares well with HAR-5698 from same pit. [Ed: AML number given is same as that for HAR-5698.]

ID: 1236, C14 ID: HAR-5548 Date BP: 2940 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2870, End BP: 3010

Abstract: BA hut and settlement complex overlying Neo features

Archaeologist Name: P J Woodward

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 330; Dorset Natur Hist Archaeol Soc/Proc, 103, 1981, 119-21

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 920BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, AML 831125, from storage pit in MBA hut at Rowden, Winterbourne Steepleton, Dorset, England. Subm D Haddon-Reece 1983. Comment (PJW): Result as expected on archaeol. evidence; site compares with Black Patch excavation (Sussex). [Ed: AML number given is same as that for HAR-5548.]

ID: 1237, C14 ID: HAR-5698 Date BP: 2920 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2840, End BP: 3000

Abstract: BA hut and settlement complex overlying Neo features

Archaeologist Name: P J Woodward

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 330

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 630BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as brushwood, from beside pot at Withy Bed Copse, Shapwick, Somerset Levels, Somerset, England. Coll C R Sturdy. Subm J M Coles 1979. Comment (subm): See also HAR-994. [Ed: sources differ about whether wood or charcoal was sampled.].

ID: 1288, C14 ID: HAR-3446 Date BP: 2630 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2550, End BP: 2710

OS Letter: ST, OS East: 435, OS North: 394

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 331; Somerset Levels Pap, 8, 1982, 23; Somerset Levels Pap, 15, 1989, 67

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 960BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood from brushwood trackway intersection with oak planking and wooden artefacts at Tinney's Ground Track D, Somerset Levels, Somerset, England. Coll B J Orme. Subm J M Coles 1978. Comment (subm): Agrees well with dates for group of BA structures in same area.

ID: 1293, C14 ID: HAR-2773 Date BP: 2960 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2890, End BP: 3030

OS Letter: ST, OS East: 469, OS North: 382

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 29, 1987, 89; Somerset Levels Pap, 8, 1982, 23; Somerset Levels Pap, 15, 1989, 66

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 910BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as oak ?, of pointed central post (F1) of round post-structure (roofed building?) at Chapeltump Site 1, near Magor, Gwent, Wales. Comment (subm): Consistent with accompanying pottery of Later BA type. [Ed: NGR is estimated only, not given in publication.]

ID: 1317, C14 ID: CAR-402 Date BP: 2910 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2840, End BP: 2980

Abstract: Structure on intertidal foreshore

Archaeologist Name: Stephen Green

Reference Name: Bull Board Celtic Stud, 36, 1989, 200-23 (esp. 203, 205)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 830BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as oak (R Trett), from context without identifiable structures (similar to Chapeltump Site 1 but with wider range of pottery) at Chapeltump Site 2, near Magor, Gwent, Wales. Coll R Trett (?). [Ed: NGR is estimated only, not given in publication.]

ID: 1319, C14 ID: CAR-961 Date BP: 2830 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2760, End BP: 2900

Abstract: On intertidal foreshore

Archaeologist Name: Stephen Green

Reference Name: Bull Board Celtic Stud, 36, 1989, 200-23

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 900BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as mixed finegrain spp not including oak, from charcoal concentration among stakes on peat shelf on foreshore at Coldharbour, near Magor, Gwent, Wales. [Ed: NGR not given in publication, estimated here.]

ID: 1324, C14 ID: CAR-991 Date BP: 2900 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2840, End BP: 2960

OS Letter: ST, OS East: 433, OS North: 843

Archaeologist Name: N Gardiner (?)

Reference Name: Bull Board Celtic Stud, 36, 1989, 212

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 980BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from context 5, pit 4 near cairn at Aber Camddwr II, Trefeirig (Nantymoch reservoir), Dyfed, Wales.

ID: 1197, C14 ID: CAR-995 Date BP: 2980 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2910, End BP: 3050

OS Letter: SN, OS East: 750, OS North: 869

Archaeologist Name: Ken Murphy

Reference Name: Archaeol Wales, 27, 1987, 36

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 900BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from context 13, pit 12 near cairn at Aber Camddwr II, Trefeirig (Nantymoch reservoir), Dyfed, Wales.

ID: 1198, C14 ID: CAR-996 Date BP: 2900 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2830, End BP: 2970

OS Letter: SN, OS East: 750, OS North: 869

Archaeologist Name: Ken Murphy

Reference Name: Archaeol Wales, 27, 1987, 36

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 870BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, unident, from Unit 5b, MBA-LBA occupation, context 93, distinct charcoal patch assoc with final use of hearth in Structure 95, BA roundhouse: BD 5803-3 at Brean Down Sandcliff, Somerset, England. Coll K Watson 1985. Subm Martin Bell. Comment (subm): See monograph for calibrations and comment.

ID: 1201, C14 ID: HAR-7018 Date BP: 2870 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2790, End BP: 2950

Abstract: Multi-phase settlement

Archaeologist Name: Martin Bell, Lampeter

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 178-9; Bell, Martin, 'Brean Down excavations 1983-1987' (English Heritage Archaeol Rep 15), 1990, 108 and 112-13

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 730BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, unident, from Unit 5b, MBA-LBA occupation, context 60, from floor of stone roundhouse Structure 59 of probable MBA

ID: 1202, C14 ID: HAR-7017 Date BP: 2730 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2630, End BP: 2830

Abstract: Multi-phase settlement

Archaeologist Name: Martin Bell, Lampeter

Reference Name: Middle Bronze Age to Late Bronze Age

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 730BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone, id as animal, from Unit 4, LBA occupation, context 16: BD 4716 at Brean Down Sandcliff, Somerset, England. Subm Martin Bell. Comment (subm): See monograph for calibrations and comment.

ID: 1204, C14 ID: HAR-9151 Date BP: 2730 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2660, End BP: 2800

Abstract: Multi-phase settlement

Archaeologist Name: Martin Bell, Lampeter

Reference Name: Bell, Martin, 'Brean Down excavations 1983-1987' (English Heritage Archaeol Rep 15), 1990, 108 and 112-13

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 520BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal [?] from CII ph C33 (sample PD61-1) at Pimperne, Dorset, England. Comment (subm): CAL dates given.

ID: 1216, C14 ID: GU-1575 Date BP: 2520 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 2455, End BP: 2585

Abstract: large round house

Archaeologist Name: D W Harding 1960-3

Reference Name: Harding D W et al, 'An Iron Age settlement in Dorset' (= Univ Edinburgh Dept Archaeol Monogr Ser, 1), 1993, 61-2

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 950BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone, id as animal, from 020/1, fill of ditch on W side of Enclosure II at Dalton Parlours, Collingham parish, Yorkshire West, England. Coll A B Sumpter 1977.

ID: 1437, C14 ID: HAR-6726 Date BP: 2950 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2850, End BP: 3050

Abstract: Farmstead

Archaeologist Name: J D Hedges

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 174; Wrathmell, S & Nicholson, A, 'Dalton Parlours, Iron Age settlement and Roman villa' (= Yorks Archaeol, 3), 1990, 276

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 560BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from fill of large ditch at Frocester Court, Gloucestershire, England.

ID: 1445, C14 ID: HAR-4377 Date BP: 2560 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2480, End BP: 2640

Abstract: Roman villa with earlier occupation

Archaeologist Name: E G Price

Reference Name: Darvill, T C, 'Prehistoric Gloucestershire' (Gloucester, 1987), 177

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 925BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Sample unspecified - soil ? - from Ao horizon below annexe bank of Hut E at An Sithean, Islay, Strathclyde, Scotland.

ID: 1343, C14 ID: GU-1474 Date BP: 2925 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2865, End BP: 2985

OS Letter: NR, OS East: 250, OS North: 655

Archaeologist Name: John Barber

Reference Name: Proc Soc Antiq Scotl, 114, 1984, 161-88 esp. 184

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 730BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from occupation horizon at Dale, Pembrokeshire, Wales. Comment (subm): Site previously dug by W F Grimes. These determinations give terminus ante quem for earlier defensive phases involving palisades, early banks and stone revetment (the earliest known dates for a Dyfed hillfort and a tpq for defences of murus duplex type in (later) Iron Age. .

ID: 1348, C14 ID: CAR-1034 Date BP: 2730 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2660, End BP: 2800

OS Letter: SM, OS East: 822, OS North: 52

Archaeologist Name: D G Benson and G H Williams (Dyfed AT)

Reference Name: Archaeol Wales, 27, 1987, 43; Antiq J, 68, 1988, 48

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 740BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from occupation horizon at Dale, Pembrokeshire, Dyfed, Wales. Comment (subm): Site previously dug by W F Grimes. These determinations give terminus ante quem for earlier defensive phases involving palisades, early banks and stone revetment (the earliest known dates for a Dyfed hillfort and a tpq for defences of murus duplex type in (later) Iron Age.

ID: 1349, C14 ID: CAR-1035 Date BP: 2740 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2670, End BP: 2810

OS Letter: SM, OS East: 822, OS North: 52

Archaeologist Name: D G Benson and G H Williams (Dyfed AT)

Reference Name: Archaeol Wales, 27, 1987, 43; Antiq J, 68, 1988, 48

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 760BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from occupation horizon at Dale, Pembrokeshire, Dyfed, Wales. Comment (subm): Site previously dug by W F Grimes. These determinations give terminus ante quem for earlier defensive phases involving palisades, early banks and stone revetment (the earliest known dates for a Dyfed hillfort and a tpq for defences of murus duplex type in (later) Iron Age.

ID: 1350, C14 ID: CAR-1036 Date BP: 2760 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2700, End BP: 2820

OS Letter: SM, OS East: 822, OS North: 52

Archaeologist Name: D G Benson and G H Williams (Dyfed AT)

Reference Name: Archaeol Wales, 27, 1987, 43; Antiq J, 68, 1988, 48

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 640BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Sample unspecified from context of Phase I (possibly Phase II) palisaded settlement at Fenton Hill, Northumberland, England.

ID: 1385, C14 ID: HAR-825 Date BP: 2640 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2540, End BP: 2740

Abstract: Palisaded phase

Archaeologist Name: C Burgess

Reference Name: Proc Prehist Soc, 55, 1989, 176; Burgess C & Miket R (eds), 'Between and beyond the Walls: essays ... in honour of George Jobey' (Edinburgh, 1984), 173-5

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 810BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from Feature 227, pit within ringditch at Ballyveelish 3, Co Tipperary, Ireland.

ID: 1428, C14 ID: GrN-11656 Date BP: 2810 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2720, End BP: 2900

Abstract: Secondary feature in ringditch

Archaeologist Name: M G Doody

Reference Name: Cleary, R M et al (eds), 'Archaeological excavations on the Cork-Dublin gas pipeline 1981-2' (= Cork Archaeol Stud, 1), 1987, 13 and 29-30

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 550BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, from organic material in Layer 2 of enclosing ditch, Feature 19, N of entrance of habitation enclosure at Ballyveelish 2, Co Tipperary, Ireland.

ID: 1429, C14 ID: GrN-11445 Date BP: 2550 +/- 130, Start Date BP: 2420, End BP: 2680

OS Letter: S, OS East: 180, OS North: 270

Archaeologist Name: M G Doody

Reference Name: Cleary, R M et al (eds), 'Archaeological excavations on the Cork-Dublin gas pipeline 1981-2' (= Cork Archaeol Stud, 1), 1987, 29-30; Tipperary Hist J, 1991, 218-27

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 770BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from upper truncated layer in ditch, F67 of habitation enclosure at Ballyveelish 2, Co Tipperary, Ireland.

ID: 1430, C14 ID: GrN-11658 Date BP: 2770 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2710, End BP: 2830

OS Letter: S, OS East: 180, OS North: 270

Archaeologist Name: M G Doody

Reference Name: Cleary, R M et al (eds), 'Archaeological excavations on the Cork-Dublin gas pipeline 1981-2' (= Cork Archaeol Stud, 1), 1987, 29-30; Tipperary Hist J, 1991, 218-27

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 840BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from Feature 9, one of pits within Hut 1 at Curraghatoor, Clogheen, Co Tipperary, Ireland.

ID: 1431, C14 ID: GrN-11660 Date BP: 2840 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2805, End BP: 2875

Abstract: Hut group

Archaeologist Name: M G Doody

Reference Name: Cleary, R M et al (eds), 'Archaeological excavations on the Cork-Dublin gas pipeline 1981-2' (= Cork Archaeol Stud, 1), 1987, 40

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 740BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as brushwood, from trackway at King's Sedgemoor (Greylake), Somerset, England. Coll R P Cole?.

ID: 1495, C14 ID: CAR-566 Date BP: 2740 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 2675, End BP: 2805

OS Letter: ST, OS East: 394, OS North: 336

Reference Name: Somerset Levels Pap, 9, 1983, 16-18; Somerset Levels Pap, 15, 1989, 67

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood stake, id as two outer rings of oak stake, AML 872540, from lower fills of well 840 at Lofts Farm, Essex, England. Coll P Murphy (Univ E Anglia). Subm P Murphy. Comment (subm): Upper fill of well is 8th-5th century BC on archaeol. grounds.

ID: 1529, C14 ID: HAR-8521 Date BP: 2800 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2730, End BP: 2870

OS Letter: TL, OS East: 868, OS North: 93

Archaeologist Name: N Brown (Essex Co Co Planning)

Reference Name: Proc Prehist Soc, 54, 1988, 249-302; Radiocarbon, 33, 1991, 97

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 680BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, AML 873577, from flotation sample of 1002, upper (deliberate?) backfill of well 840 at Lofts Farm, Essex, England. Coll P Murphy (Univ E Anglia). Subm P Murphy. Comment (subm): Date seems rather early: upper fill of well is 8th-5th century on archaeol. grounds (Darmsden-Linton pottery).

ID: 1530, C14 ID: HAR-8514 Date BP: 2680 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2610, End BP: 2750

OS Letter: TL, OS East: 868, OS North: 93

Archaeologist Name: N Brown (Essex Co Co Planning)

Reference Name: Proc Prehist Soc, 54, 1988, 249-302; Radiocarbon, 33, 1991, 97

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 580BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone from scatter among main cairn (002) stones overlying limestone enclosure at Manor Farm, Borwick, Lancashire, England. Comment (subm): Indicates possible Iron Age re-use of monument.

ID: 1532, C14 ID: HAR-5659 Date BP: 2580 +/- 110, Start Date BP: 2470, End BP: 2690

OS Letter: SD, OS East: 513, OS North: 725

Archaeologist Name: Adrian Olivier

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 302; Proc Prehist Soc, 49, 1983, 389-92; Proc Prehist Soc, 53, 1987, 129-86 (esp.135, 180)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 610BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as Quercus sp (J Ambers), from hearth on OGS beneath main rampart in Trench 1 (1983) at Oldbury, Kent, England. Coll A J Clark. Comment (lab): Corrected rerun of BM-2290.

ID: 1572, C14 ID: BM-2290R Date BP: 2610 +/- 130, Start Date BP: 2480, End BP: 2740

OS Letter: TQ, OS East: 590, OS North: 580

Archaeologist Name: F H Thompson and A J Clark

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 29, 1987, 64-5 (earlier version Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 71 (revised version Antiq J, 66, 1986, 284-5; Antiq J, 69, 1989, 303-7

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 950BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from context 144, partial cremation 4m NE of standing stone at Plas Gogerddan, Trefeirig, Dyfed, Wales.

ID: 1581, C14 ID: CAR-993 Date BP: 2950 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2880, End BP: 3020

Abstract: close to re-erected standing stone on multiphase site

Archaeologist Name: K Murphy (Dyfed Archaeol Trust)

Reference Name: Archaeol J, 149, 1992, 1-38; Archaeol Wales, 26, 1986, 29-31; Archaeol Wales, 27, 1987, 36

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 770BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from pit cut by figure-of-eight ring ditches at Plas Gogerddan, Trefeirig, Dyfed, Wales.

ID: 1585, C14 ID: CAR-1073 Date BP: 2770 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2710, End BP: 2830

Abstract: close to re-erected standing stone on multiphase site

Archaeologist Name: K Murphy (Dyfed Archaeol Trust)

Reference Name: Archaeol J, 149, 1992, 1-38; Archaeol Wales, 26, 1986, 29-31; Archaeol Wales, 27, 1987, 36

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 995BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, from Phase II context A3ii (1270/900 19 G) at Grimes Graves Shaft X, Norfolk, England. Comment (subm): See comments in ref. 1 below.

ID: 1463, C14 ID: BM-1036 Date BP: 2995 +/- 39, Start Date BP: 2956, End BP: 3034

Abstract: tipped into Late Neo flint-mine shaft

Archaeologist Name: I H Longworth and A Herne

Reference Name: Longworth, I et al, 'Excavations at Grimes Graves, Norfolk 1972-1976', Fasc 3 (British Museum Publications 1991), 19-20; Radiocarbon, 21, 1979, 45

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 994BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, from Phase II context A2ii 1270/900 14 G) at Grimes Graves Shaft X, Norfolk, England. Comment (subm): See comments in ref. 1 below.

ID: 1464, C14 ID: BM-1035 Date BP: 2994 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 2954, End BP: 3034

Abstract: tipped into Late Neo flint-mine shaft

Archaeologist Name: I H Longworth and A Herne

Reference Name: Longworth, I et al, 'Excavations at Grimes Graves, Norfolk 1972-1976', Fasc 3 (British Museum Publications 1991), 19-20;; Radiocarbon, 21, 1979, 45

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 936BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, from Phase II context A1i (1275.5/905.5 5 A) at Grimes Graves Shaft X, Norfolk, England. Comment (subm): See comments in ref. 1 below.

ID: 1465, C14 ID: BM-1038 Date BP: 2936 +/- 43, Start Date BP: 2893, End BP: 2979

Abstract: tipped into Late Neo flint-mine shaft

Archaeologist Name: I H Longworth and A Herne

Reference Name: Longworth, I et al, 'Excavations at Grimes Graves, Norfolk 1972-1976', Fasc 3 (British Museum Publications 1991), 19-20; Radiocarbon, 21, 1979, 45

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 919BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, from Phase II context B6iii (1270/900 19b H) at Grimes Graves Shaft X, Norfolk, England. Comment (subm): See comments in ref. 1 below.

ID: 1466, C14 ID: BM-1042 Date BP: 2919 +/- 53, Start Date BP: 2866, End BP: 2972

Abstract: tipped into Late Neo flint-mine shaft

Archaeologist Name: I H Longworth and A Herne

Reference Name: Longworth, I et al, 'Excavations at Grimes Graves, Norfolk 1972-1976', Fasc 3 (British Museum Publications 1991), 19-20; Radiocarbon, 21, 1979, 45

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 905BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, from Phase II context B5iii (1270/900 20a D) at Grimes Graves Shaft X, Norfolk, England. Comment (subm): See comments in ref. 1 below.

ID: 1467, C14 ID: BM-1040 Date BP: 2905 +/- 54, Start Date BP: 2851, End BP: 2959

Abstract: tipped into Late Neo flint-mine shaft

Archaeologist Name: I H Longworth and A Herne

Reference Name: Longworth, I et al, 'Excavations at Grimes Graves, Norfolk 1972-1976', Fasc 3 (British Museum Publications 1991), 19-20; Radiocarbon, 21, 1979, 45

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 838BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, from Phase II context A5iii (1270/900 19c H) at Grimes Graves Shaft X, Norfolk, England. Comment (subm): See comments in ref. 1 below.

ID: 1468, C14 ID: BM-1043 Date BP: 2838 +/- 53, Start Date BP: 2785, End BP: 2891

Abstract: tipped into Late Neo flint-mine shaft

Archaeologist Name: I H Longworth and A Herne

Reference Name: Longworth, I et al, 'Excavations at Grimes Graves, Norfolk 1972-1976', Fasc 3 (British Museum Publications 1991), 19-20; Radiocarbon, 21, 1979, 45

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 834BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, from Phase II context D1 (1275.5/905.5 6 K) at Grimes Graves Shaft X, Norfolk, England. Comment (subm): See comments in ref. 1 below.

ID: 1469, C14 ID: BM-1266 Date BP: 2834 +/- 53, Start Date BP: 2781, End BP: 2887

Abstract: tipped into Late Neo flint-mine shaft

Archaeologist Name: I H Longworth and A Herne

Reference Name: Longworth, I et al, 'Excavations at Grimes Graves, Norfolk 1972-1976', Fasc 3 (British Museum Publications 1991), 19-20; Radiocarbon, 21, 1979, 45

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 806BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, from Phase II context C1 (1270/900 20 M) at Grimes Graves Shaft X, Norfolk, England. Comment (subm): See comments in ref. 1 below.

ID: 1470, C14 ID: BM-1039 Date BP: 2806 +/- 54, Start Date BP: 2752, End BP: 2860

Abstract: tipped into Late Neo flint-mine shaft

Archaeologist Name: I H Longworth and A Herne

Reference Name: Longworth, I et al, 'Excavations at Grimes Graves, Norfolk 1972-1976', Fasc 3 (British Museum Publications 1991), 19-20; Radiocarbon, 21, 1979, 45

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, from Phase II context C1 (1275.5/900.5 4 BDFH) at Grimes Graves Shaft X, Norfolk, England. Comment (subm): See comments in ref. 1 below.

ID: 1471, C14 ID: BM-1265 Date BP: 2800 +/- 79, Start Date BP: 2721, End BP: 2879

Abstract: tipped into Late Neo flint-mine shaft

Archaeologist Name: I H Longworth and A Herne

Reference Name: Longworth, I et al, 'Excavations at Grimes Graves, Norfolk 1972-1976', Fasc 3 (British Museum Publications 1991), 19-20; Radiocarbon, 21, 1979, 45

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 560BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Marine shell from Context 164, midden of Phase IB or II at Ty Mawr, Holyhead, Anglesey, Gwynedd, Wales. Comment (subm): Gives taq for Building S.

ID: 1696, C14 ID: HAR-5403 Date BP: 2560 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2480, End BP: 2640

Abstract: Enclosed homestead of multiphase site

Archaeologist Name: Christopher Smith

Reference Name: Archaeol Cambrensis, 136, 1987, 20-38 (esp. 21)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as Alnus, Quercus, Corylus, from backfill of Feature 2, pit with in-situ burning at Upper Largie, Kilmartin, Argyll, Strathclyde, Scotland.

ID: 1706, C14 ID: GU-1977 Date BP: 2970 +/- 55, Start Date BP: 2915, End BP: 3025

OS Letter: NR, OS East: 831, OS North: 993

Archaeologist Name: R J Mercer

Reference Name: Glasgow Archaeol J, 14, 1987, 25-38

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 1000BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as Alnus, Salix, from backfill of Feature 2, pit with in-situ burning at Upper Largie, Kilmartin, Argyll, Strathclyde, Scotland.

ID: 1707, C14 ID: GU-1976 Date BP: 3000 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 2935, End BP: 3065

OS Letter: NR, OS East: 831, OS North: 993

Archaeologist Name: R J Mercer

Reference Name: Glasgow Archaeol J, 14, 1987, 25-38

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from part of mound which had slumped into former stream channel at Sandwell Park, Warley, West Midlands / South Staffordshire, England.

ID: 1625, C14 ID: Birm-1268 Date BP: 2970 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2910, End BP: 3030

OS Letter: SP, OS East: 23, OS North: 916

Archaeologist Name: M A Hodder and C Welch

Reference Name: Staffordshire Archaeol Stud, 4, 1987, 18

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 900BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peat ? from directly beneath wall, at 20.0 to 22.0 cm depth in profile, at Sheshader, Isle of Lewis, Western Isles, Scotland. Coll P J Newell. Comment (subm): Helps determine peat growth rates. [Ed]: Three further dates, relating to peat profile only, have not been logged here: see ref. below.

ID: 1630, C14 ID: GU-1665 Date BP: 2900 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2800, End BP: 3000

Abstract: Field wall below peat growth

Reference Name: Proc Soc Antiq Scotl, 118, 1988, 84-5

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 830BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as oak, ash and hazel/alder, AML 842810, from 3666, posthole of the central roundhouse at Springfield Lyons, Chelmsford, Essex, England. Coll P Murphy. Subm P Murphy.

ID: 1642, C14 ID: HAR-6622 Date BP: 2830 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2760, End BP: 2900

OS Letter: TL, OS East: 734, OS North: 82

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 313; Buckley, D G & Hedges, J D, 'The Bronze Age and Saxon settlements at Springfield Lyons, Essex: an interim report' (= Essex County Council Occas Pap, 5), 1987; Essex Archaeol Hist, 11, 1984/5, 134

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 770BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from layer 43, sub-context 18 (lowest occupation layer beside wall) at Stackpole Warren Site G, Dyfed, Wales. Coll G Williams (Dyfed Archaeol Trust).

ID: 1650, C14 ID: CAR-845 Date BP: 2770 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2710, End BP: 2830

Abstract: Corner of 'settlement enclosure'

Archaeologist Name: G Williams

Reference Name: Archaeol Wales, 25, 1985, 25; Proc Prehist Soc, 56, 1990, 179-245 (esp. p.204 and Table 13, p.239 in Buckley, Victor (comp), 'Burnt offerings' (Dublin, 1990), 129-40; Antiq J, 68, 1988, 51-2

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 710BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from context 8, occupation horizon associated with LBA pottery, overlying enclosure wall at Stackpole Warren Site G, Dyfed, Wales. Coll G Williams (Dyfed Archaeol Trust). [Ed: Antiq J ref identifies sample as from burnt mound.]

ID: 1651, C14 ID: CAR-843 Date BP: 2710 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2640, End BP: 2780

OS Letter: SR, OS East: 98, OS North: 95

Archaeologist Name: G Williams

Reference Name: Archaeol Wales, 25, 1985, 25; Proc Prehist Soc, 56, 1990, 179-245 (esp. p. 204 and Table 13, p. 239 in Buckley, Victor (comp), 'Burnt offerings' (Dublin, 1990), 129-40; Antiq J, 68, 1988, 51-2

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 760BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bones, id as fish, from spread of fish remains directly above Roman opus signinum floor in Trench 12 at York, St Mary Bishophill Junior, Yorkshire North, England. Coll York Archaeological Trust. Subm York Archaeological Trust. Comment (subm): Obviously unacceptable in this context and is believed to reflect the marine provenance of the sample.

ID: 1755, C14 ID: HAR-5545 Date BP: 2760 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2660, End BP: 2860

OS Letter: SE, OS East: 599, OS North: 514

Reference Name: Wenham L P et al, 'St Mary Bishophill Junior and St Mary Castlegate' (The Archaeology of York, 8/2), 1987, 82

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 550BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as Quercus, from boat in Lancaster Museum, found at Blae Tarn, Lancashire, England. Coll R Switsur.

ID: 1772, C14 ID: Q-1497 Date BP: 2550 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2500, End BP: 2600

OS Letter: SD, OS East: 493, OS North: 585

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 31, 1989, 1010-18; McGrail, S, 'Logboats of England and Wales' (Brit Archaeol Rep, 51), 1978, 248-50

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 535BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as Quercus, from boat fragment in Peterborough Museum, found at Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England. Coll R Switsur.

ID: 1811, C14 ID: Q-3129 Date BP: 2535 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 2495, End BP: 2575

OS Letter: TL, OS East: 191, OS North: 981

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 31, 1989, 1010-18; McGrail S, 'Logboats of England and Wales' (Brit Archaeol Rep, 51), 1978, 251-3

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 520BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from pre-rampart occupation layer at Bryn Maen Caerau, Cellan, Cardiganshire, Dyfed, Wales. Comment (subm): Now seen as a very generalised date for pre-rampart phase. [Ed: possible alternative spelling for site: Bryn Mawr Caerau ?]

ID: 1848, C14 ID: CAR-1070 Date BP: 2520 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2450, End BP: 2590

OS Letter: SN, OS East: 597, OS North: 483

Archaeologist Name: G H Williams

Reference Name: Archaeol Wales, 30, 1990, 44; Archaeol Wales, 27, 1987, 32-3; Archaeol Wales, 28, 1988, 50

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 940BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, outer rings, from upright whole log of Phase 2 platform (or hard) at Caldicot Castle Lake, Gwent, Wales.

ID: 1851, C14 ID: CAR-1214 Date BP: 2940 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2870, End BP: 3010

OS Letter: ST, OS East: 487, OS North: 886

Archaeologist Name: S Parry and J Parkhouse

Reference Name: Archaeol Wales, 28, 1988, 55-6; Archaeol Wales, 29, 1989, 47; Archaeol Wales, 30, 1990, 48; Int J Naut Archaeol, 20, 1991, 321-4

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 750BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, chopped horizontal roundwood rod, associated with trackway at Caldicot Castle Lake, Gwent, Wales.

ID: 1852, C14 ID: CAR-1215 Date BP: 2750 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2690, End BP: 2810

OS Letter: ST, OS East: 487, OS North: 886

Archaeologist Name: S Parry and J Parkhouse

Reference Name: Archaeol Wales, 28, 1988, 55-6; Archaeol Wales, 29, 1989, 47; Archaeol Wales, 30, 1990, 48; Int J Naut Archaeol, 20, 1991, 321-4

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 850BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, horizontal roundwood rod of Phase 2 platform (or hard) at Caldicot Castle Lake, Gwent, Wales.

ID: 1853, C14 ID: CAR-1216 Date BP: 2850 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2790, End BP: 2910

OS Letter: ST, OS East: 487, OS North: 886

Archaeologist Name: S Parry and J Parkhouse

Reference Name: Archaeol Wales, 28, 1988, 55-6; Archaeol Wales, 29, 1989, 47; Archaeol Wales, 30, 1990, 48; Int J Naut Archaeol, 20, 1991, 321-4

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 1000BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as immature oak, from within mine workings (13m level, Vivian's shaft) at Great Orme, Llandudno, Gwynedd, Wales.

ID: 1966, C14 ID: BM-2641 Date BP: 3000 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2950, End BP: 3050

OS Letter: SH, OS East: 771, OS North: 831

Archaeologist Name: Andy Lewis

Reference Name: Archaeol Wales, 29, 1989, 42-3; P Crew (ed), 'Early mining in the British Isles', Plas Tan y Bwlch Occas Pap 1, 1990, 59-64

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 940BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, mixed with waste rock and vein-stuff stacked on ledge in gallery B, c25m below surface (? fire-setting debris) at Great Orme, Llandudno, Gwynedd, Wales.

ID: 1969, C14 ID: HAR-4845 Date BP: 2940 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2860, End BP: 3020


Archaeologist Name: Andy Lewis

Reference Name: Archaeol Wales, 25, 1985, 17; Archaeol Wales, 29, 1989, 42-3; P Crew (ed), 'Early mining in the British Isles', Plas Tan y Bwlch Occas Pap 1, 1990, 59-64

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 1000BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peat from Mines 3/4, mine peat deposit at Mount Gabriel, Co Cork, Ireland.

ID: 1975, C14 ID: GrN-14527 Date BP: 3000 +/- 30, Start Date BP: 2970, End BP: 3030

OS Letter: V, OS East: 932, OS North: 348

Archaeologist Name: W F O'Brien

Reference Name: J Cork Archaeol Hist Soc, 92(251), 1987, 50-70; Proc Prehist Soc, 56, 1990, 269-90; P Crew (ed), 'Early Mining in the British Isles', Plas Tan y Bwlch Occas Pap 1, 1990, 59-64

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 850BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peat from floor of short mine gallery now c 2.5m below surface; layer postdates abandonment of early mine and is cut by later shaft, at Copa Hill, Cwmystwyth, Cardiganshire, Dyfed, Wales.

ID: 1867, C14 ID: BM-2759 Date BP: 2850 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2770, End BP: 2930

OS Letter: SN, OS East: 811, OS North: 751

Archaeologist Name: S Timberlake

Reference Name: Archaeol Wales, 31, 1991, 17

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 550BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as sapwood of [ oak ?], from boat at Hasholme, Holme-on-Spalding Moor, Humberside N / E Yorks, England. Comment (subm): Felling date by dendrochronology is 322-277 BC. See also TLD (Durham) of AD 190 270 for associated sherd.

ID: 1907, C14 ID: HAR-6395 Date BP: 2550 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2450, End BP: 2650

OS Letter: SE, OS East: 822, OS North: 326

Archaeologist Name: P Halkon

Reference Name: Archaeol J, 144, 1987, 69-155 esp 78; Antiquity, 59, 1985, 117-20

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 833BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from F4, deep pit in interior at Haughey's Fort, Tray townland, Armagh, Ireland.

ID: 1909, C14 ID: UB-3049 Date BP: 2833 +/- 55, Start Date BP: 2778, End BP: 2888

Abstract: High-status site

Archaeologist Name: J P Mallory

Reference Name: Emania, 4, 1988, 5-23; Emania, 5, 1988, 36-9; Emania, 8, 1991, 10-26; Emania, 9, 1991, 64-5; Emania, 12, 1994, 66-72 (R B Warner reassessment)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 923BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as small branches, from inner defensive ditch Tr 5 at Haughey's Fort, Tray townland, Armagh, Ireland.

ID: 1910, C14 ID: UB-3050 Date BP: 2923 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2873, End BP: 2973

Abstract: High-status site

Archaeologist Name: J P Mallory

Reference Name: Emania, 4, 1988, 5-23; Emania, 5, 1988, 36-9; Emania, 8, 1991, 10-26; Emania, 9, 1991, 64-5; Emania, 12, 1994, 66-72 (R B Warner reassessment)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 877BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from F267, deep pit associated with coarse ware and gold stud at Haughey's Fort, Tray townland, Armagh, Ireland.

ID: 1913, C14 ID: UB-3386 Date BP: 2877 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2817, End BP: 2937

Abstract: High-status site

Archaeologist Name: J P Mallory

Reference Name: Emania, 4, 1988, 5-23; Emania, 5, 1988, 36-9; Emania, 8, 1991, 10-26; Emania, 9, 1991, 64-5; Emania, 12, 1994, 66-72 (R B Warner reassessment)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 889BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from outer defensive ditch, Tr 12 at Haughey's Fort, Tray townland, Armagh, Ireland.

ID: 1914, C14 ID: UB-3387 Date BP: 2889 +/- 27, Start Date BP: 2862, End BP: 2916

Abstract: High-status site

Archaeologist Name: J P Mallory

Reference Name: Emania, 4, 1988, 5-23; Emania, 5, 1988, 36-9; Emania, 8, 1991, 10-26; Emania, 9, 1991, 64-5; Emania, 12, 1994, 66-72 (R B Warner reassessment)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 852BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from middle defensive ditch, Tr 11 at Haughey's Fort, Tray townland, Armagh, Ireland.

ID: 1915, C14 ID: UB-3388 Date BP: 2852 +/- 55, Start Date BP: 2797, End BP: 2907

Abstract: High-status site

Archaeologist Name: J P Mallory

Reference Name: Emania, 4, 1988, 5-23; Emania, 5, 1988, 36-9; Emania, 8, 1991, 10-26; Emania, 9, 1991, 64-5; Emania, 12, 1994, 66-72 (R B Warner reassessment)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 855BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as small branches, from inner defensive ditch, Tr 5 at Haughey's Fort, Tray townland, Armagh, Ireland. Coment (subm): same context as UB-3050.

ID: 1916, C14 ID: GrN-15480 Date BP: 2855 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 2815, End BP: 2895

Abstract: High-status site

Archaeologist Name: J P Mallory

Reference Name: Emania, 4, 1988, 5-23; Emania, 5, 1988, 36-9; Emania, 8, 1991, 10-26; Emania, 9, 1991, 64-5; Emania, 12, 1994, 66-72 (R B Warner reassessment)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 865BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from F2 hearth at Haughey's Fort, Tray townland, Armagh, Ireland. Comment (subm): The series GrN-15481/2/3/4 gives a remarkably tight set of dates indicating occupation about 1200-900 BC cal.

ID: 1917, C14 ID: GrN-15481 Date BP: 2865 +/- 25, Start Date BP: 2840, End BP: 2890

Abstract: High-status site

Archaeologist Name: J P Mallory

Reference Name: Emania, 4, 1988, 5-23; Emania, 5, 1988, 36-9; Emania, 8, 1991, 10-26; Emania, 9, 1991, 64-5; Emania, 12, 1994, 66-72 (R B Warner reassessment)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 920BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from F3, deep pit at Haughey's Fort, Tray townland, Armagh, Ireland. Comment (subm): The series GrN-15481/2/3/4 gives a remarkably tight set of dates indicating occupation about 1200-900 BC cal.

ID: 1918, C14 ID: GrN-15482 Date BP: 2920 +/- 25, Start Date BP: 2895, End BP: 2945

Abstract: High-status site

Archaeologist Name: J P Mallory

Reference Name: Emania, 4, 1988, 5-23; Emania, 5, 1988, 36-9; Emania, 8, 1991, 10-26; Emania, 9, 1991, 64-5; Emania, 12, 1994, 66-72 (R B Warner reassessment)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 850BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from F4, deep pit at Haughey's Fort, Tray townland, Armagh, Ireland. Comment (subm): The series GrN-15481/2/3/4 gives a remarkably tight set of dates indicating occupation about 1200-900 BC cal.

ID: 1919, C14 ID: GrN-15483 Date BP: 2850 +/- 20, Start Date BP: 2830, End BP: 2870

Abstract: High-status site

Archaeologist Name: J P Mallory

Reference Name: Emania, 4, 1988, 5-23; Emania, 5, 1988, 36-9; Emania, 8, 1991, 10-26; Emania, 9, 1991, 64-5; Emania, 12, 1994, 66-72 (R B Warner reassessment)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 850BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from F5 hearth at Haughey's Fort, Tray townland, Armagh, Ireland. Comment (subm): The series GrN-15481/2/3/4 gives a remarkably tight set of dates indicating occupation about 1200-900 BC cal.

ID: 1920, C14 ID: GrN-15484 Date BP: 2850 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2815, End BP: 2885

Abstract: High-status site

Archaeologist Name: J P Mallory

Reference Name: Emania, 4, 1988, 5-23; Emania, 5, 1988, 36-9; Emania, 8, 1991, 10-26; Emania, 9, 1991, 64-5; Emania, 12, 1994, 66-72 (R B Warner reassessment)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 765BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Organic sand extract, from Hengistbury Head, Dorset, England. Coll J Campbell. Comment (subm): Dates possibly contaminated by humic acids of later soil formation. [Ed: there are also TL dates of 12,500 1150 and 9750 950.]

ID: 1927, C14 ID: GrN-6220 Date BP: 2765 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2695, End BP: 2835

OS Letter: SZ, OS East: 178, OS North: 905

Reference Name: Campbell, J, 'The Upper Palaeolithic of Britain: a study of man and nature in the Late Ice Age' (Clarendon Press, 1977 Barton, R N E, 'Hengistbury Head Dorset...' (OUCA Monogr 34), 1992, 62

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 610BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, AML 813340, from carbonised stump (context F84) of 4-post structure at Heybridge, Maldon, Essex, England. Coll P J Drury 1972. Subm N P Wickenden 1982. Comment (AJC): Is at variance with HAR-4843 from same post.

ID: 1931, C14 ID: HAR-4844 Date BP: 2610 +/- 110, Start Date BP: 2500, End BP: 2720

OS Letter: TL, OS East: 850, OS North: 82

Archaeologist Name: P J Drury

Reference Name: Essex Archaeol Hist ser 3, 17, 1986, 7-68; Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 324; Radiocarbon, 34, 1992, 50

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 580BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id by Rowena Gale (Kew) as Prunus sp, Rosaceae, subfamily Pomoideae; Fraxinus sp; Corylus sp; Acer, from Pit 1, Layer 135-150cm at Devil's Dyke, Brighton, Sussex, England. Coll Caroline Ellis, M P Kerney, R B G Williams 1982. Comments (lab): Revision of old date BM-2137; (subm): MPK and CE: extended comment in Radiocarbon first ref below.

ID: 2013, C14 ID: BM-2137R Date BP: 2580 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2480, End BP: 2680

OS Letter: TQ, OS East: 266, OS North: 103

Archaeologist Name: C Ellis

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 26, 1984, 64 (original determination Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 70 (revised date)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 830BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood cellulose, id as sapwood, from wooden structure at Flag Fen, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England. Coll F Pryor 1982. Subm F Pryor. Comments (lab): REVISION OF OLD DATE BM-2123 (subm): see first ref below.

ID: 2015, C14 ID: BM-2123R Date BP: 2830 +/- 120, Start Date BP: 2710, End BP: 2950

Abstract: Timber platform

Archaeologist Name: F Pryor (Fenland Archaeol Associates)

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 26, 1984, 63 (original determination Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 69 (revised date Pryor F, 'Flag Fen' (1991)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 520BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from sill-beam slot in Pd VI/VII gate (?) structure at Broxmouth, Lothian, Scotland. Coll P H Hill. Comment (subm): See extensive comment in second ref. below.

ID: 2031, C14 ID: GU-1202 Date BP: 2520 +/- 55, Start Date BP: 2465, End BP: 2575

OS Letter: NT, OS East: 700, OS North: 774

Archaeologist Name: P H Hill

Reference Name: Harding D W (ed), 'Later prehistoric settlement in SE Scotland' (1982), 39-41 and 141-88; Ashmore P J & Hill P H in Ottaway B S (ed), 'Archaeology, dendrochronology and the radiocarbon calibration curve' (Edinburgh 1983), 83-98

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 545BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone, id as animal, from floor deposits of earth-house built into disused broch at Bu Broch [Map], Orkney, Scotland. Coll J W Hedges.

ID: 2055, C14 ID: GU-1153 Date BP: 2545 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 2480, End BP: 2610

Abstract: Earth-house, post-broch occupation

Archaeologist Name: J W Hedges

Reference Name: Brit Archaeol Rep Brit Ser, 163 'Bu, Gurness and the brochs of Orkney', 1987; Renfrew C (ed), 'The prehistory of Orkney' (1985), 272

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 660BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from fill of F5a, shallow deposit comprising remains of hearth pit dug into floor of stone phase house and sealed by later surface laid after abandonment of house (sample 81 SO04) at Erw-wen, Ardudwy near Harlech, Gwynedd, Wales. Coll R Kelly 1981. Subm Gwynedd Archaeol Trust. Comment (subm): See extended comment in second ref. below.

ID: 2072, C14 ID: CAR-531 Date BP: 2660 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2600, End BP: 2720

Abstract: Pastoral enclosure, circular

Archaeologist Name: R Kelly

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 27(2B), 1985, 372-3; Proc Prehist Soc, 54, 1988, 101-51

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 1000BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from deposit of burnt stones and charcoal, similar to burnt mounds, at Meyllteyrn Uchaf, Botwnnog, Gwynedd, Wales.

ID: 1983, C14 ID: CAR-1288 Date BP: 3000 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2930, End BP: 3070

Abstract: double ditched with two houses

Archaeologist Name: R S Kelly

Reference Name: Archaeol Wales, 31, 1991, 16

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 960BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from isolated patch of burning predating earliest perimeter earthwork. Cut by inner palisade trench P1 and sealed by ?upcast at Murton High Crags, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland, England. Comment (subm): Gives tpq for erection of first circuit. Stuiver & Pearson calibration is calculated.

ID: 1987, C14 ID: HAR-6201 Date BP: 2960 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2880, End BP: 3040

Abstract: unenclosed

Archaeologist Name: I and G Jobey

Reference Name: Archaeol Aeliana (5 ser), 15, 1987, 15, 151-98

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 615BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peaty charcoal from Site B, primary silt of ring ditch (same context as UB-188) at Navan, Armagh, Ireland. Comment (subm): With adjustment for old wood gives 920-270 Cal BC.

ID: 1993, C14 ID: UB-979 Date BP: 2615 +/- 75, Start Date BP: 2540, End BP: 2690

OS Letter: H, OS East: 847, OS North: 452

Reference Name: Emania, 5, 1988, 38; Emania, 6, 1989, 34-5; [and see further Navan publications in Emania]

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 910BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as mostly Pomoideae with some Quercus sp and Corylus sp, from small cremation pit 698 within ring ditch enclosure at North Down Park Estate, Margate,(= SAM Kent 384), Kent, England. Subm N D Balaam 1985. Comment (subm): Dates one phase of barrow use.

ID: 1996, C14 ID: HAR-7011 Date BP: 2910 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2840, End BP: 2980

Abstract: ring ditch

Archaeologist Name: G H Smith 1984

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 178; Archaeol Cantiana, 104, 1987, 237-85, esp. 244, 248

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 760BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Carbonised wood, id as mixed spp (details given) by R P J McCullagh, from pre-rampart hearth at Entrance 2 at Eildon Hill North, Borders, Scotland. Comment (subm): See monograph for corrected dates etc.

ID: 2305, C14 ID: GU-2190 Date BP: 2760 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2710, End BP: 2810

Abstract: Multiphase: unenclosed platform settlement and hillfort

Archaeologist Name: O A Owen 1986

Reference Name: Rideout J S et al (ed), 'Hillforts of southern Scotland', Edinburgh (AOC Ltd Monogr 1), 1992, 21-71 esp 58-60

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 870BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Carbonised wood, id as mixed spp (details given) by R P J McCullagh, from pre-rampart hearth at Entrance 2 at Eildon Hill North, Borders, Scotland. Comment (subm): See monograph for corrected dates etc.

ID: 2306, C14 ID: GU-2370 Date BP: 2870 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2820, End BP: 2920

Abstract: Multiphase: unenclosed platform settlement and hillfort

Archaeologist Name: O A Owen 1986

Reference Name: Rideout J S et al (ed), 'Hillforts of southern Scotland', Edinburgh (AOC Ltd Monogr 1), 1992, 21-71 esp 58-60

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 600BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Carbonised wood from house platform 1, episode 1 at Eildon Hill North, Borders, Scotland. Comment (subm): See monograph for corrected dates etc.

ID: 2307, C14 ID: GU-2373 Date BP: 2600 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2550, End BP: 2650

Abstract: Multiphase: unenclosed platform settlement and hillfort

Archaeologist Name: O A Owen 1986

Reference Name: Rideout J S et al (ed), 'Hillforts of southern Scotland', Edinburgh (AOC Ltd Monogr 1), 1992, 21-71 esp 58-60

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 650BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Carbonised wood, id as mixed spp (details given) by R P J McCullagh, from house platform 1, episode 1, abandonment at Eildon Hill North, Borders, Scotland. Comment (subm): See monograph for corrected dates etc.

ID: 2308, C14 ID: GU-2193 Date BP: 2650 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2590, End BP: 2710

Abstract: Multiphase: unenclosed platform settlement and hillfort

Archaeologist Name: O A Owen 1986

Reference Name: Rideout J S et al (ed), 'Hillforts of southern Scotland', Edinburgh (AOC Ltd Monogr 1), 1992, 21-71 esp 58-60

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 750BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Carbonised wood, id as mixed spp (details given) by R P J McCullagh, from house platform 1, episode 1, floor surface at Eildon Hill North, Borders, Scotland. Comment (subm): See monograph for corrected dates etc.

ID: 2309, C14 ID: GU-2195 Date BP: 2750 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2700, End BP: 2800

Abstract: Multiphase: unenclosed platform settlement and hillfort

Archaeologist Name: O A Owen 1986

Reference Name: Rideout J S et al (ed), 'Hillforts of southern Scotland', Edinburgh (AOC Ltd Monogr 1), 1992, 21-71 esp 58-60

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 620BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Carbonised wood, id as mixed spp (details given) by R P J McCullagh, from house platform 3, floor level, mostly from fire-base area at Eildon Hill North, Borders, Scotland. Comment (subm): See monograph for corrected dates etc.

ID: 2311, C14 ID: GU-2198 Date BP: 2620 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2560, End BP: 2680

Abstract: Multiphase: unenclosed platform settlement and hillfort

Archaeologist Name: O A Owen 1986

Reference Name: Rideout J S et al (ed), 'Hillforts of southern Scotland', Edinburgh (AOC Ltd Monogr 1), 1992, 21-71 esp 58-60

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 680BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Carbonised wood, id as mixed spp (details given) by R P J McCullagh, from pit 2 fill (pre-rampart) near house platform 2 at Eildon Hill North, Borders, Scotland. Comment (subm): See monograph for corrected dates etc.

ID: 2312, C14 ID: GU-2197 Date BP: 2680 +/- 130, Start Date BP: 2550, End BP: 2810

Abstract: Multiphase: unenclosed platform settlement and hillfort

Archaeologist Name: O A Owen 1986

Reference Name: Rideout J S et al (ed), 'Hillforts of southern Scotland', Edinburgh (AOC Ltd Monogr 1), 1992, 21-71 esp 58-60

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 710BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as mixed species, from Rampart X, stone dump, levelling layer (34) sealed by rpt at Llwyn Bryn Dinas, Llangedwyn, Clwyd, Wales.

ID: 2542, C14 ID: CAR-802 Date BP: 2710 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2650, End BP: 2770

Abstract: univallate

Archaeologist Name: C R Musson and others

Reference Name: Proc Prehist Soc, 58, 1992, 265-83 fiche p.24

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 750BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as very small sample, combined from two deposits of charcoal on OGS and below rampart (Context 38A) at Llwyn Bryn Dinas, Llangedwyn, Clwyd, Wales.

ID: 2543, C14 ID: CAR-803 Date BP: 2750 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2680, End BP: 2820

Abstract: univallate

Archaeologist Name: C R Musson and others

Reference Name: Proc Prehist Soc, 58, 1992, 265-83 fiche p.24

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 540BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as alder, from baseplate of timber structure at London, Richmond Terrace Whitehall, Greater London, England. [Ed: Peat dates from this site not entered on database].

ID: 2548, C14 ID: HAR-6393 Date BP: 2540 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2470, End BP: 2610

OS Letter: TQ, OS East: 302, OS North: 797

Archaeologist Name: David Andrews and Nick Merriman

Reference Name: Trans London Middlesex Archaeol Soc, 37, 1986, 17-21

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 615BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from burnt post in doorway of House 2 at Dryburn Bridge, near Dunbar, Lothian, Scotland. Coll Jon Triscott.

ID: 3034, C14 ID: GU-1284 Date BP: 2615 +/- 55, Start Date BP: 2560, End BP: 2670

OS Letter: NT, OS East: 724, OS North: 755

Archaeologist Name: Jon Triscott

Reference Name: in Harding D W (ed), 'Later prehistoric settlement of SE Scotland', 1982, 42, 117-25

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 550BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from terminal of inner wall bedding trench, House 2 at Dryburn Bridge, near Dunbar, Lothian, Scotland. Coll Jon Triscott.

ID: 3035, C14 ID: GU-1287 Date BP: 2550 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2500, End BP: 2600

OS Letter: NT, OS East: 724, OS North: 755

Archaeologist Name: Jon Triscott

Reference Name: in Harding D W (ed), 'Later prehistoric settlement of SE Scotland', 1982, 42, 117-25

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 960BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone [?] from inhumation 595, Area F at Easton Lane (Site W29, Interchange), M3 motorway site, Hampshire, England. Comment (subm): See extended comment and CAL ranges in monograph.

ID: 2567, C14 ID: HAR-6123 Date BP: 2960 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2880, End BP: 3040

Abstract: Multi-period settlement

Archaeologist Name: P J Fasham (Trust for Wessex Arch)

Reference Name: Fasham P J & Whinney R J B, 'Archaeology and the M3...' (= Hampshire Fld Club Archaeol Soc Monogr, 7), 1991, 143-7

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 740BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone, AML 833185, id as human limb, from inhumation 3058 assoc with [shale and ?] amber beads at Easton Lane (Site W29, Interchange), M3 motorway site, Hampshire, England. Subm P J Fasham 1983. Comment (subm): See extended comment and CAL ranges in monograph.

ID: 2568, C14 ID: HAR-6122 Date BP: 2740 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2670, End BP: 2810

Abstract: Multi-period settlement

Archaeologist Name: P J Fasham (Trust for Wessex Arch)

Reference Name: Fasham P J & Whinney R J B, 'Archaeology and the M3...' (= Hampshire Fld Club Archaeol Soc Monogr, 7), 1991, 143-7; Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 170

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 610BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone collagen from large fragments in second layer down in butt end of large ditch, Area 1, into which bronze hoard was inserted, and assoc with small group of LBA pottery at Petters Sports Field, The Avenue, Egham, Surrey, England. Subm S P Needham 1988. Comment (subm): Measurement is very close to result for charcoal from layer above (BM-1642N; BM-1620 to -1625 have been withdrawn). Two layers bracket deposition of Ewart phase LBA bronze hoard, which is thus most likely to fall in 9th or early 8th centuries cal BC [Ed: curve not stated], which accords well with expectations.

ID: 2790, C14 ID: BM-2596 Date BP: 2610 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2550, End BP: 2670

OS Letter: TQ, OS East: 16, OS North: 715

Archaeologist Name: S P Needham (Brit Mus) 1976

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 33, 1991, 56-7; Res Vol Surrey Archaeol Soc, 10, 1986

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 530BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal layer, id as wattle fence?, from base of ditch underlying stone rampart at Dunbeg, Dingle Peninsula, Kerry, Ireland.

ID: 3046, C14 ID: UB-2216 Date BP: 2530 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2495, End BP: 2565

OS Letter: V, OS East: 342, OS North: 974

Archaeologist Name: T B Barry

Reference Name: Proc Roy Ir Acad, 81C, 1981, 295-329

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 859BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from F33, Site 2 (Sample 4) at Eskmeals, Monk Moors, Cumbria, England. Comment (subm): Date invalid: unequivocally assoc with Mesolithic material.

ID: 2333, C14 ID: BM-1386 Date BP: 2859 +/- 49, Start Date BP: 2810, End BP: 2908

OS Letter: SD, OS East: 85, OS North: 920

Archaeologist Name: C Bonsall

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 24, 1982, 153-4; Gramsch B (ed), 'Mesolithikum in Europa' (Berlin 1981), 451-72

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from burnt layer within 346, possible storage pit, earliest feature of RB site which otherwise has no prehistoric activity (EWR87349) at Ewanrigg, Maryport, Cumbria, England. Subm Bob Bewley 1988. Comment (subm): Dating material believed contaminated by material seeping around capping stone.

ID: 2341, C14 ID: HAR-9460 Date BP: 2970 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2910, End BP: 3030

OS Letter: NY, OS East: 35, OS North: 352

Archaeologist Name: Bob Bewley 1987

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 34, 1992, 63-4

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 650BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal flecked black clay from LBA occupation layer, directly over open-water mud and preceding Early Christian crannog structure at Moynagh Lough, Brittas townland, Cruicetown parish, County Meath, Ireland. Comment (subm): Crannog itself has dendrodates indicating felling in 7th and 8th centuries AD.

ID: 2578, C14 ID: GrN-12359 Date BP: 2650 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2570, End BP: 2730

Abstract: Crannog site

Archaeologist Name: J Bradley

Reference Name: J Roy Soc Antiq Ireland, 121, 1991, 5-26; J Ir Archaeol, 5, 1989-90, 77; Riocht na Midhe, 7(4), 1985-6, 79-92 (and earlier issues)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal FRA 16 from Trench A, context 16, layer of dark brown clay and silt containing organic material and burnt flint, on coastal plain adjacent to the Ferring Rife, at Ferring, Littlehampton, Sussex West, England. Coll P L Drewett 1984. Subm C Cartwright (Inst Arch London) 1985. Comment (subm): Trenches A and B at Ferring are adjacent to marine inlet which later became freshwater stream. Represents gradual accumulation over several hundred years in 1st millennium BC. An LBA metalwork hoard was found in 1983 near site of 1984 excavations.

ID: 2352, C14 ID: HAR-7033 Date BP: 2800 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2730, End BP: 2870

OS Letter: TQ, OS East: 89, OS North: 24

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 181; Sussex Archaeol Collect, 127, 1989, 11-29

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 1000BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from one of charcoal-filled pits of presumed MBA-Later BA date at Pennant Melangell Church, Llangynog, Montgomeryshire, Wales.

ID: 2605, C14 ID: CAR-1250 Date BP: 3000 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2930, End BP: 3070

Abstract: metalworking activity ?

Archaeologist Name: W J Britnell (Clwyd-Powys Archaeol Trust)

Reference Name: Archaeol Wales, 31, 1991, 51

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 930BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone from burial, one of two in cist, accompanied by animal bone at Grainfoot, Main Street, Longniddry, Lothian, Scotland.

ID: 2370, C14 ID: GU-2762 Date BP: 2930 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2880, End BP: 2980

OS Letter: NT, OS East: 441, OS North: 760

Archaeologist Name: Magnus Dalland

Reference Name: Proc Soc Antiq Scotl, 121, 1991, 111-15

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 850BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone, id as animal, from A6, low down in ditch by entrance at Halnaker Hill, Sussex West, England. Comment (subm): On balance tend to view enclosure as early Neo and this date as anomalous.

ID: 2378, C14 ID: I-12,322 Date BP: 2850 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2760, End BP: 2940

Abstract: weak univallate with Neolithic-type discontinuous ditch

Archaeologist Name: Owen Bedwin

Reference Name: Sussex Archaeol Collect, 130, 1992, 1-12

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 780BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from pit cremation burial in interior of circle at Reanascreena South, Ross parish, East Carbery barony, County Cork, Ireland. Comments (lab): CAL dates given; (subm): Site thought related to ring barrow rather than henge. [Ed: NGR not given in source.]

ID: 2612, C14 ID: GrN-17509 Date BP: 2780 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2745, End BP: 2815

Abstract: recumbent stone circle

Archaeologist Name: E Fahy 1960

Reference Name: J Cork Hist Archaeol Soc, 67, 1962, 59-69 (site J Cork Hist Archaeol Soc, 97, 1992, 33-4 (dates)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 895BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from beneath enclosure bank on E side of site at Reanascreena South, Ross parish, East Carbery barony, County Cork, Ireland. Comments (lab): CAL dates given; (subm): Site thought related to ring barrow rather than henge. [Ed: NGR not given.]

ID: 2613, C14 ID: GrN-17510 Date BP: 2895 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2860, End BP: 2930

Abstract: recumbent stone circle

Archaeologist Name: E Fahy 1960

Reference Name: J Cork Hist Archaeol Soc, 67, 1962, 59-69 (site J Cork Hist Archaeol Soc, 97, 1992, 33-4 (dates)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 920BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, AML 776299, id as carbonised twig, from pit partly obliterated by Saxon sunken hut at Mucking, Essex, England. Subm M U Jones 1977.

ID: 2827, C14 ID: HAR-2337 Date BP: 2920 +/- 130, Start Date BP: 2790, End BP: 3050

Abstract: Pit

Archaeologist Name: M U Jones 1977

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 298

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 830BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Soil, AML 794484, from charred plant beneath stone slab on central hearth, N mound at Meare Village West, Somerset Levels, Somerset, England. Subm J M Coles 1979. Comment (subm): Dating material from this context was sparse; this date at variance from others from comparable strata yielding dates 2050 to 2250 BP.

ID: 2828, C14 ID: HAR-3521 Date BP: 2830 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2730, End BP: 2930

Abstract: lakeside site

Archaeologist Name: J M Coles 1979

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 299

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 820BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as oak and ash, from beneath bank around Iron Age enclosure at Mingie's Ditch, Hardwick, Oxfordshire, England. Subm M Robinson 1981. Comment (subm): This charcoal layer probably resulted from LBA clearance, cf HAR-4489 of similar date.

ID: 2829, C14 ID: HAR-4490 Date BP: 2820 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2740, End BP: 2900

Abstract: Enclosure

Archaeologist Name: M Robinson (Oxford Univ Mus)

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 299; Allen T G & Robinson M A, 'The prehistoric landscape... at Mingie's Ditch... (Oxford Archaeol Unit, 1993), 140

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 890BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal (ref BPA 023/01) from cremation assoc with fragmented bronze spearhead (Taunton industrial phase) cut into top of ditch fill of Barrow 2, at Barrow Pleck, South Lodge Camp, Berwick St John, Cranborne Chase, Wiltshire, England. Coll J Barrett, R Bradley 1980. Subm R Bradley (Univ Reading). Comments (lab): IS REVISION OF BM-1920; (subm): See extended comment in monograph.

ID: 2134, C14 ID: BM-1920R Date BP: 2890 +/- 120, Start Date BP: 2770, End BP: 3010

Abstract: Deverel-Rimbury, assoc with settlement

Archaeologist Name: J Barrett

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 25, 1983, 41-3 (original determination Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 68 (revised det. Barrett J et al (eds), 'Papers on the prehistoric archaeology of Cranborne Chase' (= Oxbow Monogr 11, 1991)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 900BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal (ref BPA 80 023 01, second sample) from cremation assoc with fragmented bronze spearhead (Taunton industrial phase) cut into top of ditch fill of Barrow 2 at Cranborne Chase, Wiltshire, England. Coll J Barrett, R Bradley 1980. Subm R Bradley (Univ Reading). Comments (lab): IS REVISION OF BM-2023; (subm): See extended comment in monograph.

ID: 2137, C14 ID: BM-2023R Date BP: 2900 +/- 110, Start Date BP: 2790, End BP: 3010

Abstract: Deverel-Rimbury, assoc with settlement

Archaeologist Name: J Barrett

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 25, 1983, 41-3 (original determination Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 68 (revised det. Barrett J et al (eds), 'Papers on the prehistoric archaeology of Cranborne Chase' (= Oxbow Monogr 11, 1991)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 960BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal (ref BPA 80 014 B) from cremation outside Barrow 3 and overlain by base of globular urn at Barrow Pleck, South Lodge Camp, Berwick St John, Cranborne Chase, Wiltshire, England. Coll J Barrett, R Bradley 1980. Subm R Bradley (Univ Reading). Comments (lab): IS REVISION OF BM-2024; (subm): See extended comment in monograph.

ID: 2138, C14 ID: BM-2024R Date BP: 2960 +/- 120, Start Date BP: 2840, End BP: 3080

Abstract: Deverel-Rimbury, assoc with settlement

Archaeologist Name: J Barrett

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 25, 1983, 41-3 (original determination Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 68 (revised det. Barrett J et al (eds), 'Papers on the prehistoric archaeology of Cranborne Chase' (= Oxbow Monogr 11, 1991)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 890BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from Feature 46, interface between BA cairn and Neo mound at Street House Farm, Loftus, Cleveland, England. Coll B E Vyner 1980. Subm B E Vyner (Cleveland County Archaeol). Comments (lab): IS REVISION OF BM-2008; (subm): See monograph.

ID: 2143, C14 ID: BM-2008R Date BP: 2890 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2790, End BP: 2990

Abstract: mortuary house and facade, cairn over

Archaeologist Name: B E Vyner

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 25, 1983, 43-4 (original determination Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 68 (revision Proc Prehist Soc, 50, 1984, 151-95

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 840BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone from crouched burial in F1157 at Roughground Farm, Lechlade, Gloucestershire, England. Subm T G Allen 1983.

ID: 2634, C14 ID: HAR-5503 Date BP: 2840 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2760, End BP: 2920

OS Letter: SP, OS East: 217, OS North: 8

Archaeologist Name: T G Allen (Oxford Archaeol Unit)

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 301 (not this date Darvill T, Prehistoric Gloucestershire, Gloucester 1987, 178; Allan T G et al, 'Excavations at Roughground Farm, Lechlade', OUCA, 1993

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 670BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, AML 831136, id as Pomoideae, from primary fill of field/ cemetery boundary at Cowleaze, Winterbourne Steepleton, Dorset, England. Subm P J Woodward 1983.

ID: 2841, C14 ID: HAR-5623 Date BP: 2670 +/- 150, Start Date BP: 2520, End BP: 2820

OS Letter: SY, OS East: 612, OS North: 889

Archaeologist Name: P J Woodward (Trust for Wessex Archaeol)

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 301; Woodward P J, 'The South Dorset Ridgeway survey ... 1977-83: the pre-Iron Age landscapes' (Dorset Natur Hist Archaeol Soc Monogr in press)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 880BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, AML 8319351, id by N D Balaam as Alnus glutinosa, mature wood, from cremation at Ardleigh, Essex, England. Subm N D Balaam 1983.

ID: 2843, C14 ID: HAR-5744 Date BP: 2880 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2810, End BP: 2950


Archaeologist Name: N D Balaam

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 303

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 810BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, AML 8319352, context not given at Ardleigh, Essex, England. Subm N D Balaam 1983.

ID: 2844, C14 ID: HAR-5745 Date BP: 2810 +/- 120, Start Date BP: 2690, End BP: 2930

OS Letter: TM, OS East: 52, OS North: 277

Archaeologist Name: N D Balaam

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 303

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 810BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, AML 842807, id as oak, from deposit of burnt flint, calcined bone, and pottery fragments, context 1002 at Mintlyn Wood, Bawsey, Norfolk, England. Subm P Murphy 1984.

ID: 2852, C14 ID: HAR-6614 Date BP: 2810 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2730, End BP: 2890

Abstract: secondary cremations from barrow (primary burial had broken Beaker and stain of bier)

Archaeologist Name: P Murphy

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 311

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 900BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as small quantity, from F161, subrectangular pit flanked by (missing) stones at Altanagh, Tyrone, Ireland.

ID: 2158, C14 ID: GrN-11450 Date BP: 2900 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2800, End BP: 3000

Abstract: Pits around ruined megalithic structure

Archaeologist Name: B B Williams

Reference Name: Ulster J Archaeol, 3 ser, 49, 1986, 33-88 esp. 78

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 807BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from OGS, with gravel subsoil, sealed beneath 7.50-10cm layer of clay and stones (site no. 11) at Temple Wood, Kilmartin, Argyll, Strathclyde, Scotland. Comments (lab): Calibration on Klein 1982 tables; (subm): See report.

ID: 2659, C14 ID: SRR-530 Date BP: 2807 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2757, End BP: 2857

Abstract: Southern circle of pair

Archaeologist Name: J G Scott

Reference Name: Glasgow Archaeol J, 15, 1988/9, 53-124 esp 115-16

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 878BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from OGS, with gravel subsoil, sealed beneath 7.50-10cm layer of clay and stones (site no. 12, and context as for site no. 11) at Temple Wood, Kilmartin, Argyll, Strathclyde, Scotland. Comments (lab): Calibration on Klein 1982 tables; (subm): See report.

ID: 2660, C14 ID: SRR-531 Date BP: 2878 +/- 45, Start Date BP: 2833, End BP: 2923

Abstract: Southern circle of pair

Archaeologist Name: J G Scott

Reference Name: Glasgow Archaeol J, 15, 1988/9, 53-124 esp 115-16

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 925BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as oak, from upper OGS (site no. 46) at Temple Wood, Kilmartin, Argyll, Strathclyde, Scotland. Comments (lab): Calibration on Klein 1982 tables; (subm): See report.

ID: 2662, C14 ID: GU-1528 Date BP: 2925 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 2860, End BP: 2990

Abstract: Southern circle of pair

Archaeologist Name: J G Scott

Reference Name: Glasgow Archaeol J, 15, 1988/9, 53-124 esp 115-16

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 980BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from just above natural surface and beneath outer edge of slab capping bordering central cist, burial D (site no. 60) at Temple Wood, Kilmartin, Argyll, Strathclyde, Scotland. Comments (lab): Calibration on Klein 1982 tables; (subm): See report.

ID: 2663, C14 ID: GU-1045 Date BP: 2980 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2880, End BP: 3080

Abstract: Southern circle of pair

Archaeologist Name: J G Scott

Reference Name: Glasgow Archaeol J, 15, 1988/9, 53-124 esp 115-16

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as alder and (rather less) hazel, assoc. with cremation in cremation pit of burial E (site no. 79) at Temple Wood, Kilmartin, Argyll, Strathclyde, Scotland. Comments (lab): Calibration on Klein 1982 tables; (subm): See report.

ID: 2667, C14 ID: GU-1299 Date BP: 2970 +/- 230, Start Date BP: 2740, End BP: 3200

Abstract: Southern circle of pair

Archaeologist Name: J G Scott

Reference Name: Glasgow Archaeol J, 15, 1988/9, 53-124 esp 115-16

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 945BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as alder, from possible stake in stone-hole of lower kerb of burial E (site no. 82) at Temple Wood, Kilmartin, Argyll, Strathclyde, Scotland. Comments (lab): Calibration on Klein 1982 tables; (subm): See report.

ID: 2668, C14 ID: GU-1298 Date BP: 2945 +/- 215, Start Date BP: 2730, End BP: 3160

Abstract: Southern circle of pair

Archaeologist Name: J G Scott

Reference Name: Glasgow Archaeol J, 15, 1988/9, 53-124 esp 115-16

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, AML 8112890, id as mostly Fraxinus sp (small qties Populus sp, Fagus sp, Quercus sp), from small pit in hillfort with early Iron Age pottery at Balksbury Camp, Andover, Hampshire, England. Subm N Balaam 1982.

ID: 2891, C14 ID: HAR-5127 Date BP: 2800 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2730, End BP: 2870

OS Letter: SU, OS East: 351, OS North: 446

Archaeologist Name: K Smith

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 335-6

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 870BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, AML 7910872, id as Quercus sp, from lower fill of enclosure ditch at Ardleigh, Essex, England. Subm N D Balaam 1982. Comment (subm NDB): possibly late Bronze Age. [Ed: NGR not given in reference so is very approximate.]

ID: 2899, C14 ID: HAR-5126 Date BP: 2870 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2790, End BP: 2950

Abstract: enclosure

Archaeologist Name: J Hinchliffe 1976

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 336-7

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 940BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, AML 7910865, id as Quercus sp, from lower fill of ditch at Ardleigh, Essex, England. Subm N D Balaam 1982. Comment (subm NDB): Possibly late Bronze Age. [Ed: NGR not given in reference so is very approximate.].

ID: 2900, C14 ID: HAR-5128 Date BP: 2940 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2870, End BP: 3010

Abstract: enclosure

Archaeologist Name: J Hinchliffe 1979

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 336-7

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 880BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bones from cremation 7 within barrow at Bridge, Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne, Barham Downs, Kent, England.

ID: 2206, C14 ID: HAR-1492 Date BP: 2880 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2800, End BP: 2960

Abstract: levelled, with secondary cremations

Archaeologist Name: N MacPherson-Grant 1984

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 21, 1979, 376; Archaeol Cantiana, 96, 1980, 133-83

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 940BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from sediment into which C.34 is cut, tomb chamber at Toormore, County Cork, Ireland. Comment (subm): CAL dates suggest at least two horizons of activity at site.

ID: 2685, C14 ID: GrN-18495 Date BP: 2940 +/- 55, Start Date BP: 2885, End BP: 2995

Abstract: LBA phase of activity

Archaeologist Name: William O'Brien and others

Reference Name: J Ir Archaeol, 5, 1989/90 [1992], 9-17 esp 17

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 981BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from House 2010, central ash pit 2715 of Phase 1 occupation at Trethellan Farm, Newquay, Cornwall, England. Comment (subm): Younger than UB-3117 above it, so may be old wood?.

ID: 2696, C14 ID: UB-3118 Date BP: 2981 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 2941, End BP: 3021

OS Letter: SW, OS East: 798, OS North: 614

Archaeologist Name: J Nowakowski

Reference Name: Cornish Archaeol, 30, 1991, 5-242 esp 29

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 920BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, AML 822639, from entrance posthole (841) of MBA hut at Rowden, Winterbourne Steepleton, Dorset, England. Subm D Haddon-Reece 1982. Comment (PJW): Date is compatible with those of carbonized grain in storage pit (HAR-5698, 2920 80 BP).

ID: 2915, C14 ID: HAR-5249 Date BP: 2920 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2840, End BP: 3000

Abstract: Neolithic features and MBA hut and settlement complex

Archaeologist Name: P J Woodward (Wessex Archaeol)

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 168; Dorset Natur Hist Archaeol Soc/Proc, 103, 1981, 119-21

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bones from cremation 5 in group a few metres NE of barrow at Bridge, Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne, Barham Downs, Kent, England.

ID: 2207, C14 ID: HAR-1493 Date BP: 2970 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2890, End BP: 3050

Abstract: levelled, with secondary cremations

Archaeologist Name: N MacPherson-Grant 1984

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 21, 1979, 376; Archaeol Cantiana, 96, 1980, 133-83

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 750BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Sample unspecified from thin black peat on which enclosure was built at Bharpa Carinish, N Uist, Western Isles, Scotland.

ID: 2212, C14 ID: GU-2457 Date BP: 2750 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2700, End BP: 2800

Abstract: Hearth complexes and enclosure

Archaeologist Name: B A Crone

Reference Name: Discovery Excav Scotl for 1989, 71

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 835BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as Betula, Alnus, from posthole, Structure 1b, Pd II [Ed: or Structure 2 of Pd IV? text differs] at Upper Suisgill, Sutherland, Highland, Scotland. Comment (subm): CAL dates in second ref below.

ID: 2716, C14 ID: GU-1490 Date BP: 2835 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2745, End BP: 2925

Abstract: Enclosure with three later souterrains

Archaeologist Name: G J Barclay

Reference Name: Proc Soc Antiq Scotl, 115, 1985, 159-98 esp 167, 169, 192; Proc Soc Antiq Scotl, 121, 1991, 215-22

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 775BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as Betula, from posthole, Structure 1a, Pd II at Upper Suisgill, Sutherland, Highland, Scotland. Comment (subm): CAL dates in second ref below.

ID: 2717, C14 ID: GU-1492 Date BP: 2775 +/- 105, Start Date BP: 2670, End BP: 2880

Abstract: Enclosure with three later souterrains

Archaeologist Name: G J Barclay

Reference Name: Proc Soc Antiq Scotl, 115, 1985, 159-98 esp 167, 192; Proc Soc Antiq Scotl, 121, 1991, 215-22

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 940BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as Betula, from Pd III, bank debris [Ed: or Pd IV, burnt stakes on top of primary settlement boundary bank, probably part of House 2; text is inconsistent] at Upper Suisgill, Sutherland, Highland, Scotland. Comment (subm): CAL dates in second ref below.

ID: 2718, C14 ID: GU-1493 Date BP: 2940 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2880, End BP: 3000

Abstract: Enclosure with three later souterrains

Archaeologist Name: G J Barclay

Reference Name: Proc Soc Antiq Scotl, 115, 1985, 159-98 esp 169, 192; Proc Soc Antiq Scotl, 121, 1991, 215-22

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 580BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as twigs and small branches of Alnus, from later Period V, gravel wash over site at Upper Suisgill, Sutherland, Highland, Scotland. Comment (subm): CAL dates in second ref below.

ID: 2719, C14 ID: GU-1326 Date BP: 2580 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2520, End BP: 2640

Abstract: Enclosure with three later souterrains

Archaeologist Name: G J Barclay

Reference Name: Proc Soc Antiq Scotl, 115, 1985, 159-98 esp 173, 192; Proc Soc Antiq Scotl, 121, 1991, 215-22

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 600BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as Pomoideae, Corylus avellana, from Unit 6A, EBA-MBA occupation, context 61: BD 5886-6 at Brean Down Sandcliff, Somerset, England. Coll B Muir 1985. Subm Martin Bell. Comment (subm): See monograph for calibrations and comment.

ID: 2225, C14 ID: HAR-7021 Date BP: 2600 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2510, End BP: 2690

Abstract: Multi-phase settlement

Archaeologist Name: Martin Bell, Lampeter

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 179; Bell, Martin, 'Brean Down excavations 1983-1987' (English Heritage Archaeol Rep 15), 1990, 108 and 112-13

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 770BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as Pomoideae, Corylus avellana, from Unit 6A, EBA-MBA occupation, context 61, same sample as HAR-7021: BD 5886B at Brean Down Sandcliff, Somerset, England. Subm Martin Bell. Comment (subm): See monograph for calibrations and comment.

ID: 2226, C14 ID: HAR-8992 Date BP: 2770 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2680, End BP: 2860

Abstract: Multi-phase settlement

Archaeologist Name: Martin Bell, Lampeter

Reference Name: Bell, Martin, 'Brean Down excavations 1983-1987' (English Heritage Archaeol Rep 15), 1990, 108 and 112-13

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 940BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, unident, from Unit 5b, MBA-LBA occupation, context 131, of roundhouse Structure 95: BD 6013-4 at Brean Down Sandcliff, Somerset, England. Coll M Bell 1985. Subm Martin Bell. Comment (subm): See monograph for calibrations and comment.

ID: 2230, C14 ID: HAR-7019 Date BP: 2940 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2840, End BP: 3040

Abstract: Multi-phase settlement

Archaeologist Name: Martin Bell, Lampeter

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 179; Bell, Martin, 'Brean Down excavations 1983-1987' (English Heritage Archaeol Rep 15), 1990, 108 and 112-13

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 953BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from small scale late group, 950/950, feature 106 at Grime's Graves, Weeting, Thetford, Norfolk, England. Subm G Sieveking and I Longworth. Comments (lab and subm): See publications for general comments.

ID: 2486, C14 ID: BM-1030 Date BP: 2953 +/- 36, Start Date BP: 2917, End BP: 2989

Abstract: Industrial debris

Archaeologist Name: G Sieveking and I Longworth

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 21, 1979, 41-7; I H Longworth et al, Excavations at Grimes Graves, Norfolk 1972-76, Fasc. 3 (Brit Mus Publ, 1991)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 950BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as Quercus sp and Prunus sp, H29/67, from brushwood platform in base of clays of Holocene marine transgression, at Latchingdon, Crouch Estuary Site 29, Essex, England. Coll T J Wilkinson 1983. Subm T J Wilkinson 1983. Comment (subm) (PM): From platform on edge of estuary after Neo occupation ceased.

ID: 2265, C14 ID: HAR-5734 Date BP: 2950 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2880, End BP: 3020

OS Letter: TQ, OS East: 895, OS North: 971

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 326-9; J Fld Archaeol, 13, 1986, 183; Essex Archaeol Hist, 16, 1984-5, 130

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood from group of timbers assoc with hurdles, H22WOOD, at Crouch Estuary site 22, Essex, England. Coll T J Wilkinson 1983. Subm T J Wilkinson 1983. Comment (subm) (PM): From hurdle structure contained within marine transgression clays stratigraphically later than lower peats which have 14C age 2000-1700.

ID: 2267, C14 ID: HAR-5736 Date BP: 2800 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2730, End BP: 2870

Abstract: Estuarine deposits

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 326-9; J Fld Archaeol, 13, 1986, 183

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 620BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood from tree roots, H11ROOT, in exposed estuarine clay surface at Crouch Estuary Site 11, Essex, England. Coll P Murphy 1982. Subm P Murphy 1982. Comment (subm) (PM): Sample within area of prehistoric occupation exposed by machining.

ID: 2269, C14 ID: HAR-5221 Date BP: 2620 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2550, End BP: 2690

Abstract: Estuarine deposits

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 326-9; J Fld Archaeol, 13, 1986, 183

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 881BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from minor features, 940/950, feature 121 at Grime's Graves, Weeting, Thetford, Norfolk, England. Subm G Sieveking and I Longworth. Comments (lab and subm): See publications for general comments.

ID: 2497, C14 ID: BM-1033 Date BP: 2881 +/- 49, Start Date BP: 2832, End BP: 2930

Abstract: Occupation debris

Archaeologist Name: G Sieveking and I Longworth

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 21, 1979, 41-7; I H Longworth et al, Excavations at Grimes Graves, Norfolk 1972-76, Fasc. 3 (Brit Mus Publ, 1991)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 559BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone from 940/950, feature 123 at Grime's Graves, Weeting, Thetford, Norfolk, England. Subm G Sieveking and I Longworth. Comments (lab and subm): See publications for general comments.

ID: 2501, C14 ID: BM-1067 Date BP: 2559 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2479, End BP: 2639

Abstract: Bone analysis

Archaeologist Name: G Sieveking and I Longworth

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 21, 1979, 41-7; I H Longworth et al, Excavations at Grimes Graves, Norfolk 1972-76, Fasc. 3 (Brit Mus Publ, 1991)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 910BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from context 1360, small LBA pit at Stonea, Cambridgeshire, England. Subm T W Potter 1983. Comment (subm): Date is early but generally acceptable.

ID: 2755, C14 ID: BM-2445 Date BP: 2910 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2820, End BP: 3000

OS Letter: TL, OS East: 449, OS North: 937

Archaeologist Name: T W Potter, Brit Mus

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 31, 1989, 19

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 900BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cellulose derived from outer 15 rings of sapwood of rooted tree stump found in presumed Roman dam now submerged under millpond 400m SW of Roman Palace at Fishbourne Millpond, Chichester, Sussex West, England. Coll H Wallace (Sussex Archaeol Soc). Subm H Wallace 1981. Comment (subm): Clay dam is datable archaeologically to AD 43-74.

ID: 2756, C14 ID: BM-2465 Date BP: 2900 +/- 45, Start Date BP: 2855, End BP: 2945

OS Letter: SU, OS East: 483, OS North: 5

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 31, 1989, 20-1

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 730BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as brushwood, H1WOOD14, from layer sealed by c 2.0m of estuarine clay at Crouch Estuary Site 1, Essex, England. Coll P Murphy 1982. Subm P Murphy 1982. Comment (subm) (PM): Exposed by erosion, assoc. with probable prehistoric platform structure.

ID: 2270, C14 ID: HAR-5222 Date BP: 2730 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2670, End BP: 2790

Abstract: Estuarine deposits

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 326-9; J Fld Archaeol, 13, 1986, 183

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 900BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, ref AS A7470, from broken ends of oar (estim. 17 growth rings across) found in Holocene estuarine clay deposit (no assoc. material) at Canewdon, Crouch Estuary Site 56, Essex, England. Coll T J Wilkinson 1983. Subm T J Wilkinson 1983. Comment (subm) (SVE Heal): Dates form of paddle and implied use of water transport on R Crouch; found at contemporary HWM, it also dates fixed point in study of tidal regime of area.

ID: 2276, C14 ID: BM-2339 Date BP: 2900 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2830, End BP: 2970

Abstract: Estuarine deposits

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 29, 1987, 179; J Fld Archaeol, 13, 1986, 183

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 990BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood charcoal from layer D1/b/4 at Copa Hill, Cwmystwyth, Dyfed, Wales.

ID: 2504, C14 ID: Q-3077 Date BP: 2990 +/- 190, Start Date BP: 2800, End BP: 3180

OS Letter: SN, OS East: 811, OS North: 751

Archaeologist Name: S Timberlake

Reference Name: Archaeol Wales, 27, 1987, 18-20; 'Early mining in the British Isles' (ed P Crew), Plas Tan y Bwlch Occas Pap 1, 1990, 61

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 705BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, timber from side of trough, Site 2 at Ballyclogh, Fermoy, Cork, Ireland.

ID: 2506, C14 ID: UB-2626 Date BP: 2705 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2635, End BP: 2775

OS Letter: R, OS East: 179, OS North: 104

Archaeologist Name: D Lehane

Reference Name: J Cork Hist Archaeol Soc, 93(252), 1988, 83-92

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 740BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal scraped off potsherds from central pit cremation, sealed by compact gravel floor thought primary at Drombeg, Kilfaughnabeg parish, Cork, Ireland. Comment (subm): CAL date given.

ID: 2285, C14 ID: OxA-2683 Date BP: 2740 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2660, End BP: 2820

OS Letter: W, OS East: 247, OS North: 352

Archaeologist Name: E Fahy

Reference Name: J Cork Hist Archaeol Soc, 64, 1959, 1-27 (site J Cork Hist Archaeol Soc, 97, 1992, 33 (date)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 770BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood from piles below stone rubble containing BA pottery (preceding the dendro-dated phase) at Island MacHugh, Baronscourt, Co Tyrone, Ireland.

ID: 2528, C14 ID: HAR-6821 Date BP: 2770 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2690, End BP: 2850

OS Letter: H, OS East: 364, OS North: 837

Archaeologist Name: R J Ivens, D D A Simpson and D Brown

Reference Name: Ulster J Archaeol, 3 ser, 49, 1986, 99-104

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 980BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from hearth, sample 1:82 at Carrowmore - Culleenamore, Sligo, Ireland. Coll G Burenhult. Subm G Burenhult. Comment (subm): See monograph below.

ID: 2110, C14 ID: Lu-2225 Date BP: 2980 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2920, End BP: 3040

Abstract: Kitchen midden settlement 15

Archaeologist Name: G Burenhult

Reference Name: Burenhult G, 'The archaeology of Carrowmore...' (Stockholm 1984), 128-32; Radiocarbon, 28, 1986, 162

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 770BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Turf from beginning of turf growth in area at Carrowmore - Knocknarea North Hut Site 2, Sligo, Ireland. Coll G Burenhult. Subm G Burenhult. Comment (subm): See monograph below.

ID: 2111, C14 ID: Lu-1839 Date BP: 2770 +/- 55, Start Date BP: 2715, End BP: 2825

Abstract: Hut site 2

Archaeologist Name: G Burenhult

Reference Name: Burenhult G, 'The archaeology of Carrowmore...' (Stockholm 1984), 128-32; Radiocarbon, 23, 1981, 402

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 790BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from earliest phase, buried dark clay soils overlying Keuper Marl at Droitwich - Old Bowling Green site - Worcestershire, England. Comment (subm): may be residual, but suggests early activity.

ID: 3730, C14 ID: HAR-5885 Date BP: 2790 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2700, End BP: 2880

Abstract: Below urban levels

Archaeologist Name: Hereford-Worcs Co Mus Archaeol Section

Reference Name: Trans Worcestershire Archaeol Soc, 11, 1988, 64; S Woodiwiss, 'Droitwich vol 1: Iron Age and Roman salt production...' (= CBA Res Rep 81, 1992, fiche)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 830BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from burning pit 2/1, Pd II at Myrehead, Falkirk District, Scotland. Coll G Barclay. [Ed: note slight discrepancies of dates within text.]

ID: 3141, C14 ID: GU-1609 Date BP: 2830 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2770, End BP: 2890

OS Letter: NS, OS East: 964, OS North: 775

Archaeologist Name: G Barclay

Reference Name: Glasgow Archaeol J, 10, 1983, 41-71 esp 47

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 840BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from burning pit 3/22, Pd II at Myrehead, Falkirk District, Scotland. Coll G Barclay. [Ed: note slight discrepancies of dates within text.]

ID: 3142, C14 ID: GU-1608 Date BP: 2840 +/- 85, Start Date BP: 2755, End BP: 2925

OS Letter: NS, OS East: 964, OS North: 775

Archaeologist Name: G Barclay

Reference Name: Glasgow Archaeol J, 10, 1983, 41-71 esp 47

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 610BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from posthole 2/11, Pd II at Myrehead, Falkirk District, Scotland. Coll G Barclay. [Ed: note slight discrepancies of dates within text.]

ID: 3143, C14 ID: GU-1611 Date BP: 2610 +/- 95, Start Date BP: 2515, End BP: 2705

OS Letter: NS, OS East: 964, OS North: 775

Archaeologist Name: G Barclay

Reference Name: Glasgow Archaeol J, 10, 1983, 41-71 esp 47

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 680BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Sample unspecified from Phase II, blocking of Phase I entrance, with rubble and peat ash over silting at Mavis Grind, Shetland, Northern Isles. Coll S Cracknell, B Smith. Comment (subm): may represent older deposits dug up for the blocking?

ID: 3156, C14 ID: GU-1510 Date BP: 2680 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2620, End BP: 2740

Abstract: Settlement at BA/IA transition

Archaeologist Name: S Cracknell and B Smith

Reference Name: Glasgow Archaeol J, 10, 1983, 13-39

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 855BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Burnt material from hollow F6 with cremation remains, Pd IV at North Mains, Strathallan, Perthshire, Scotland. Coll G J Barclay.

ID: 3159, C14 ID: GU-1350 Date BP: 2855 +/- 85, Start Date BP: 2770, End BP: 2940

OS Letter: NN, OS East: 928, OS North: 163

Archaeologist Name: G J Barclay

Reference Name: Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 113, 1983, 122-281 esp 259

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 845BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Burnt material from F5, hollow with burning in Pd IV at North Mains, Strathallan, Perthshire, Scotland. Coll G J Barclay.

ID: 3168, C14 ID: GU-1437 Date BP: 2845 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2785, End BP: 2905

OS Letter: NN, OS East: 928, OS North: 163

Archaeologist Name: G J Barclay

Reference Name: Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 113, 1983, 122-281 esp 259

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peat, alkali-soluble humic acid from ditch fill basal peat at Pubble, Loughermore Townland, Londonderry, Ireland. Comment (subm): See ref for extensive comment.

ID: 3200, C14 ID: UB-193C Date BP: 2970 +/- 85, Start Date BP: 2885, End BP: 3055

OS Letter: C, OS East: 585, OS North: 128

Archaeologist Name: C Warhurst

Reference Name: Proc Royal Ir Acad C, 81, 1981, 29-66

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 580BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from burnt spread of Phase II gate burning at Caer Cadwgan, Cellan parish, Dyfed, Wales. Comment (subm): Equivocal dates: more being sought.

ID: 3522, C14 ID: CAR-969 Date BP: 2580 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2510, End BP: 2650

OS Letter: SN, OS East: 623, OS North: 480

Archaeologist Name: D Austin

Reference Name: Archaeol Wales, 27, 1987, 35-6; Antiq J, 68, 1988, 30-54

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 850BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peat, alkali-soluble humic acid from old ground surface under tail of bank at Pubble, Loughermore Townland, Londonderry, Ireland. Comment (subm): similar date to that obtained for basal blanket peat above tail of bank, UB-196F. See ref for extensive comment.

ID: 3203, C14 ID: UB-195C Date BP: 2850 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2790, End BP: 2910

OS Letter: C, OS East: 585, OS North: 128

Archaeologist Name: C Warhurst

Reference Name: Proc Royal Ir Acad C, 81, 1981, 29-66

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 745BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Acid-washed peat from above tail of bank at Pubble, Loughermore Townland, Londonderry, Ireland. Comment (subm): See ref for extensive comment.

ID: 3204, C14 ID: UB-196A Date BP: 2745 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2685, End BP: 2805

OS Letter: C, OS East: 585, OS North: 128

Archaeologist Name: C Warhurst

Reference Name: Proc Royal Ir Acad C, 81, 1981, 29-66

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 625BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peat, alkali-soluble humic acid from basal blanket peat above tail of bank at Pubble, Loughermore Townland, Londonderry, Ireland. Comment (subm): See ref for extensive comment.

ID: 3205, C14 ID: UB-196C Date BP: 2625 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2535, End BP: 2715

OS Letter: C, OS East: 585, OS North: 128

Archaeologist Name: C Warhurst

Reference Name: Proc Royal Ir Acad C, 81, 1981, 29-66

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 765BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peat from blanket peat monolith at 150-152cm at Pubble, Loughermore Townland, Londonderry, Ireland. Comment (subm): See ref. for extensive comment. This and UB-325 bracket Phase 3.

ID: 3208, C14 ID: UB-326 Date BP: 2765 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2695, End BP: 2835

OS Letter: C, OS East: 585, OS North: 128

Archaeologist Name: C Warhurst

Reference Name: Proc Royal Ir Acad C, 81, 1981, 29-66

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 640BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peat, humic acid from peat monolith 40m from mound, basal blanket peat at 18-22cm at Pubble, Loughermore Townland, Londonderry, Ireland. Comment (subm): See ref for extensive comment.

ID: 3211, C14 ID: UB-337C Date BP: 2640 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2570, End BP: 2710

OS Letter: C, OS East: 585, OS North: 128

Archaeologist Name: C Warhurst

Reference Name: Proc Royal Ir Acad C, 81, 1981, 29-66

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 900BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peat, insoluble fraction, id as largely pollen, spores and fungal hyphae, from peat monolith 40m from mound, basal blanket peat at 18-22cm at Pubble, Loughermore Townland, Londonderry, Ireland. Comment (subm): See ref for extensive comment.

ID: 3212, C14 ID: UB-337F Date BP: 2900 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2830, End BP: 2970

OS Letter: C, OS East: 585, OS North: 128

Archaeologist Name: C Warhurst

Reference Name: Proc Royal Ir Acad C, 81, 1981, 29-66

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 510BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone, id as Bos, from occupation layer immediately preceding construction of round house at Pierowall Quarry, Westray, Orkney, Scotland.

ID: 3214, C14 ID: GU-1580 Date BP: 2510 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2430, End BP: 2590

OS Letter: HY, OS East: 438, OS North: 490

Archaeologist Name: N Sharples

Reference Name: Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 114, 1984, 75-125 esp 90; Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 121, 1991, 205; Renfrew C (ed), 'The prehistory of Orkney', 1985, 272

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 630BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from final fill of enclosure ditch at Petters Sports Field, Egham, Surrey, England. Coll R Poulton. Comment (lab): Is new determination for BM-1624.

ID: 3554, C14 ID: BM-1624N Date BP: 2630 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2560, End BP: 2700

OS Letter: TQ, OS East: 16, OS North: 715

Archaeologist Name: R Poulton

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 23, 1981, 19 (original determination Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 79 (fresh determination O'Connell M & Needham S P, 'Petters Sports Field, Egham: excavation of a Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age site' (Res Vol Surrey Archaeol Soc 10), Guildford 1986

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 680BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cellulose from branch wood, ref ERB78 A6 F163/2, id as Acer sp by Rowena Gale, from debris on slope of ancient river bank, presumed clearance material from beginning of occupation of Area 6 at Runnymede Bridge, Berkshire, England. Subm SPN. Comment (subm): This date and BM-2647, -2652 are replicates on 3 of 4 contexts from LBA river channel dated several times by Harwell Lab, to check interlab comparability; dates compare well and new ones add further weight to 9th century cal BC age of early-middle phases of LBA settlement.

ID: 6392, C14 ID: BM-2646 Date BP: 2680 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2630, End BP: 2730

OS Letter: TQ, OS East: 18, OS North: 718

Archaeologist Name: S P Needham 1978-89

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 36, 1994,98-9; Needham SP, 'Excavation and salvage at Runnymede Bridge, 1978: the LBA waterfront site' (BM Press, 1991)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 640BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cellulose from branch wood, ref ERB78 A6 F164/9, id as Quercus sp by Rowena Gale, from laid structure on foreshore, presumed hard-standing, close to waterfront 2 at Runnymede Bridge, Berkshire, England. Subm SPN. Comment (subm): This date and BM-2646, -2652 are replicates on 3 of 4 contexts from LBA river channel dated several times by Harwell Lab, to check interlab comparability; dates compare well and new ones add further weight to 9th century cal BC age of early-middle phases of LBA settlement.

ID: 6393, C14 ID: BM-2647 Date BP: 2640 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2590, End BP: 2690

OS Letter: TQ, OS East: 18, OS North: 718

Archaeologist Name: S P Needham 1978-89

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 36, 1994,98-9; Needham SP, 'Excavation and salvage at Runnymede Bridge, 1978: the LBA waterfront site' (BM Press, 1991)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 730BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cellulose from trunk wood, ref ERB78 A6 F117c, id as Quercus sp, young trunk, 32 rings to bark, by Rowena Gale, sharpened at one end and found in situ as part of river bank revetment (waterfront 1) at Runnymede Bridge, Berkshire, England. Subm SPN. Comment (subm): This date and BM-2646, -2647 are replicates on 3 of 4 contexts from LBA river channel dated several times by Harwell Lab, to check interlab comparability; dates compare well and new ones add further weight to 9th century cal BC age of early-middle phases of LBA settlement.

ID: 6394, C14 ID: BM-2652 Date BP: 2730 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2680, End BP: 2780


Archaeologist Name: S P Needham 1978-89

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 36, 1994,98-9; Needham SP, 'Excavation and salvage at Runnymede Bridge, 1978: the LBA waterfront site' (BM Press, 1991)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 560BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Collagen from bone, ref ERB85 A16 824 5512, id as cattle and sheep fragments by Dale Serjeantson, from refuse in lower part of Phase 3 midden in LBA settlement at Runnymede Bridge, Berkshire, England. Subm SPN. Comment (subm): This date and BM-2649, -2650, -2651 date in-situ bone material from four levels within deep 3-phase midden in Area 16 East; results suggest deposition in 8th and 7th centuries cal BC. [further comment in refs.]

ID: 6395, C14 ID: BM-2648 Date BP: 2560 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2510, End BP: 2610

OS Letter: TQ, OS East: 18, OS North: 718

Archaeologist Name: S P Needham 1978-89

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 36, 1994, 99; Needham S P & Stig Sorenson, M-L, in Barrett & Kinnes (eds), 'The archaeology of context in the Neolithic and Bronze Age: recent trends' (Sheffield, 1988), 113-26

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 570BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Collagen from bone, ref ERB85 A16 865 5512, id as distal portion of femur, Bos sp, by Dale Serjeantson, from deep in Phase 2 midden at Runnymede Bridge, Berkshire, England. Subm SPN. Comment (subm): This date and BM-2648, -2649, -2651 date in-situ bone material from four levels within deep 3-phase midden in Area 16 East; results suggest deposition in 8th and 7th centuries cal BC. [further comment in refs.]

ID: 6397, C14 ID: BM-2650 Date BP: 2570 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2520, End BP: 2620

OS Letter: TQ, OS East: 18, OS North: 718

Archaeologist Name: S P Needham 1978-89

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 36, 1994, 99; Needham S P & Stig Sorenson, M-L, in Barrett & Kinnes (eds), 'The archaeology of context in the Neolithic and Bronze Age: recent trends' (Sheffield, 1988), 113-26

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 590BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Collagen from bone, ref ERB85 A16 872 5813, id as distal portion of tibia, Bos sp, by Dale Serjeantson, from primary spread of refuse over truncated subsoil and earlier structural phase at Runnymede Bridge, Berkshire, England. Subm SPN. Comment (subm): This date and BM-2648, -2649, -2650 date in-situ bone material from four levels within deep 3-phase midden in Area 16 East; results suggest deposition in 8th and 7th centuries cal BC. [further comment in refs.]

ID: 6398, C14 ID: BM-2651 Date BP: 2590 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2540, End BP: 2640

OS Letter: TQ, OS East: 18, OS North: 718

Archaeologist Name: S P Needham 1978-89

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 36, 1994, 99; Needham S P & Stig Sorenson, M-L, in Barrett & Kinnes (eds), 'The archaeology of context in the Neolithic and Bronze Age: recent trends' (Sheffield, 1988), 113-26

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 720BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Collagen from bone, ref. ERB89 A31 609, id as metacarpal and humerus, Bos sp, by Dale Serjeantson, from layer of bone refuse overlying natural sediments and underlying coarse pottery dump at Runnymede Bridge, Berkshire, England. Subm SPN. Comment (subm): This date and BM-2657, -2661, -2662 were measured to help fill out alluvial chronology of site and to supplement Harwell series and previous BM dates (BM-2435, -2436, -2550, -2551). This date and BM-2661 effectively bracket channel-edge aggradation of channel which cut back into floodplain built up during 2nd millennium BC. [further comment in refs]

ID: 6400, C14 ID: BM-2659 Date BP: 2720 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2670, End BP: 2770

OS Letter: TQ, OS East: 18, OS North: 718

Archaeologist Name: S P Needham 1978-89

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 36, 1994, 99; Needham S P & Stig Sorenson, M-L, in Barrett & Kinnes (eds), 'The archaeology of context in the Neolithic and Bronze Age: recent trends' (Sheffield, 1988), 113-26

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 900BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Cellulose from twigs and small branches, ref ERB89 A31 665, id as Acer, Cornus, Prunus spp and subfamily Pomoideae, by R Gale, from dense mat of twiggy material, including many pieces with signs of beaver chewing at Runnymede Bridge, Berkshire, England. Subm SPN. Comment (subm): This date and BM-2659 effectively bracket channel-edge aggradation of channel which cut back into floodplain built up during 2nd millennium BC. [further comment in refs]

ID: 6401, C14 ID: BM-2661 Date BP: 2900 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2850, End BP: 2950

OS Letter: TQ, OS East: 18, OS North: 718

Archaeologist Name: S P Needham 1978-89

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 36, 1994, 99; Needham S P & Stig Sorenson, M-L, in Barrett & Kinnes (eds), 'The archaeology of context in the Neolithic and Bronze Age: recent trends' (Sheffield, 1988), 113-26

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood charcoal, id as Quercus / Corylus, from Type 1 deposits veins N1/E1 (026) Area B at Great Orme copper mine, Gwynedd / Conwy, Wales. Comment (subm): [see ref, where cal dates also given. NGR not there provided.]

ID: 6944, C14 ID: CAR-1280 Date BP: 2970 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2900, End BP: 3040

OS Letter: SH, OS East: 76, OS North: 83

Archaeologist Name: A Dutton

Reference Name: Proc Prehist Soc, 60, 1994, 245-86 esp. table p.251

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 545BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, structural timber, from near crannog, probably from original structure at Oakbank, Fearnan, Loch Tay, Tayside, Scotland.

ID: 6951, C14 ID: GU-1323 Date BP: 2545 +/- 55, Start Date BP: 2490, End BP: 2600

OS Letter: NN, OS East: 727, OS North: 442

Reference Name: Discovery Excav Scot, 1980, 40; Int J Naut Archaeol, 10, 1980, 18 and 346-7

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 965BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Burnt wood, id as wickerwork, from level with LBA bucket sherds at Tormore, Arran, Strathclyde, Scotland.

ID: 6602, C14 ID: GU-1074 Date BP: 2965 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2865, End BP: 3065

OS Letter: NR, OS East: 896, OS North: 312

Archaeologist Name: John Barber

Reference Name: Curr Archaeol, 7(12), 1982, 359

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 979BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Sample unspecified from latest phase of hut at Tormore, Arran, Strathclyde, Scotland. [Ed: lab number omitted from publication.]

ID: 6605, C14 ID: GU- Date BP: 2979 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2889, End BP: 3069

OS Letter: NR, OS East: 896, OS North: 312

Archaeologist Name: John Barber

Reference Name: Discovery Excav Scotland, 1978, 28; Curr Archaeol, 7(12), 1982, 359

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id by C Dickson as Quercus, from floor of 'prehistoric house' at Tougs, Isle of Burra, Shetland, off Scotland. Comment (subm): calibrated dates suggest very high probability that prehistoric house belongs to a different and more recent period than the burnt mound.

ID: 6610, C14 ID: GU-1112 Date BP: 2970 +/- 275, Start Date BP: 2695, End BP: 3245

OS Letter: HU, OS East: 378, OS North: 338

Archaeologist Name: J W Hedges and M Hedges

Reference Name: Glasgow Archaeol J, 13, 1986, 1-43 m'fiche 1-2

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood charcoal, from layer M 1d in top of central pit M14 of burnt mound at Graeanog, Clynnog, Gwynedd, Wales. Comment (subm): the series CAR-716 to -720 represents a group about a millennium away from CAR-713 to -715. [Further comment in ref.]

ID: 6611, C14 ID: CAR-718 Date BP: 2800 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2740, End BP: 2860

OS Letter: SH, OS East: 461, OS North: 494

Archaeologist Name: R S Kelly 1983

Reference Name: Archaeol Cambrensis, 141, 1992, 74-96

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 790BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood charcoal, from middle horizon of fill in central pit M14, sealed by Layer M 1d containing CAR-718, of burnt mound at Graeanog, Clynnog, Gwynedd, Wales. Comment (subm): the series CAR-716 to -720 represents a group about a millennium away from CAR-713 to -715. [Further comment in ref.]

ID: 6612, C14 ID: CAR-719 Date BP: 2790 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2720, End BP: 2860

OS Letter: SH, OS East: 461, OS North: 494

Archaeologist Name: R S Kelly 1983

Reference Name: Archaeol Cambrensis, 141, 1992, 74-96

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 690BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood charcoal, from lowest, in situ, horizon of fill in the central pit M14, sealed by horizon containing CAR-719 of burnt mound at Graeanog, Clynnog, Gwynedd, Wales. Comment (subm): the series CAR-716 to -720 represents a group about a millennium away from CAR-713 to -715. [Further comment in ref.]

ID: 6613, C14 ID: CAR-720 Date BP: 2690 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2620, End BP: 2760

OS Letter: SH, OS East: 461, OS North: 494

Archaeologist Name: R S Kelly 1983

Reference Name: Archaeol Cambrensis, 141, 1992, 74-96

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 810BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as Alnus glutinosa, Betula sp, Quercus sp, Corylus avellana, from Area 1, F1040, from fill of feature F1035 at Achnasavil, Kintyre, Argyll, Scotland. Comment (subm): charcoal is interpreted as product of burning within this scoop. [Ed: GU-3076 to -3082 relate to environmental samples from terraces and palaeochannels here.]

ID: 6618, C14 ID: GU-3073 Date BP: 2810 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2760, End BP: 2860

Abstract: Multiphase site, Neo to Iron Age

Archaeologist Name: S Carter and R Tipping

Reference Name: Glasgow Archaeol J, 17, 1991/2, 39-52

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 830BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as Quercus sp, Corylus avellana, from Area 1, F1021, from fill of postpipe of possible 4-post structure at Achnasavil, Kintyre, Argyll, Scotland. Comment (subm): charcoal consisted of unabraded fragments of small diameter stems of more than one species, so not derived from post burnt in situ; presumably dates decay of structure rather than its construction. [Ed: GU-3076 to -3082 relate to environmental samples from terraces and palaeochannels here.]

ID: 6619, C14 ID: GU-3074 Date BP: 2830 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2770, End BP: 2890

Abstract: Multiphase site, Neo to Iron Age

Archaeologist Name: S Carter and R Tipping

Reference Name: Glasgow Archaeol J, 17, 1991/2, 39-52

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 850BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as Corylus avellana, Betula sp, Alnus glutinosa, Quercus sp, from Area 1, F1002, from fill of feature F1004 at Achnasavil, Kintyre, Argyll, Scotland. Comment (subm): charcoal is interpreted as product of burning within this scoop. [Ed: see also GU-2410, possibly entered erroneously as Auchnasavil. Also: GU-3076 to -3082 relate to environmental samples from terraces and palaeochannels here.]

ID: 6620, C14 ID: GU-3075 Date BP: 2850 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2800, End BP: 2900

Abstract: Multiphase site, Neo to Iron Age

Archaeologist Name: S Carter and R Tipping

Reference Name: Glasgow Archaeol J, 17, 1991/2, 39-52

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 975BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Carbonised branch or stake, 20-50mm diam, from House 2 wall-groove at Green Knowe, Upper Tweeddale, Peebles / Border, Scotland. Comment (lab): smaller counting geometry result gives 1095 130 bc [3045 130 bp].

ID: 6410, C14 ID: GU-1012 Date BP: 2975 +/- 63, Start Date BP: 2912, End BP: 3038

Abstract: Unenclosed platform settlement

Archaeologist Name: George Jobey

Reference Name: Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 110, 1978-80, 72-113; Proc Prehist Soc, 44, 1978, 459-60 (site only Scot Archaeol Forum, 10, 1980, 18-19

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 934BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Carbonised branch or stake from House 3 wall-groove at Green Knowe, Upper Tweeddale, Peebles / Border, Scotland. Comment (lab): smaller counting geometry result gives 1205 105 bc [3155 105 bp].

ID: 6411, C14 ID: GU-1011 Date BP: 2934 +/- 45, Start Date BP: 2889, End BP: 2979

Abstract: Unenclosed platform settlement

Archaeologist Name: George Jobey

Reference Name: Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 110, 1978-80, 72-113; Proc Prehist Soc, 44, 1978, 459-60 (site only Scot Archaeol Forum, 10, 1980, 18-19

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 930BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Collagen from human bone, femur, id by M Harman, ref L4583/C/1, from disarticulated inhumation laid in two deposits in pond barrow south of segmented ring ditch, from SW end of multiperiod cemetery site at Radley Barrow Hills, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, England. Comment (A Barclay, OAU): This and BM-2702 are for insertions into silted-up pond barrow 4583; results suggest burials are from Late Bronze Age with secondary insertions into monument; this is satisfactory, given their position high in pond barrow fill.

ID: 6420, C14 ID: BM-2701 Date BP: 2930 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2880, End BP: 2980

Abstract: Extensive ritual complex: oval barrow, ring ditches, pond barrows

Archaeologist Name: Oxford Archaeol Unit 1983-5

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 36, 1994, 101-4

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 760BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Collagen from human bone, femur, id by M Harman, ref L4583/D/1, from articulated inhumation on edge of same pond barrow (south of segmented ring ditch) as that dated by BM-2701, from SW end of multiperiod cemetery site at Radley Barrow Hills, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, England. Comment (A Barclay, OAU): This and BM-2701 are for insertions into silted-up pond barrow 4583; results suggest burials are from Late Bronze Age with secondary insertions into monument; this is satisfactory, given their position high in pond barrow fill.

ID: 6424, C14 ID: BM-2702 Date BP: 2760 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2710, End BP: 2810

Abstract: Extensive ritual complex: oval barrow, ring ditches, pond barrows

Archaeologist Name: Oxford Archaeol Unit 1983-5

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 36, 1994, 101-4

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 922BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Carbonised branch or stake from outside House 3 (among field-clearance stones) at Green Knowe, Upper Tweeddale, Peebles / Border, Scotland. Comment (lab): smaller counting geometry result gives 1048 124 bc [2998 124 bp].

ID: 6467, C14 ID: GU-1013 Date BP: 2922 +/- 87, Start Date BP: 2835, End BP: 3009

Abstract: Unenclosed platform settlement

Archaeologist Name: George Jobey

Reference Name: Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 110, 1978-80, 72-113; Proc Prehist Soc, 44, 1978, 459-60 (site only Scot Archaeol Forum, 10, 1980, 18-19

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 731BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Carbonised wood, combined sample, from small stakeholes on Platform 8 at Green Knowe, Upper Tweeddale, Peebles / Border, Scotland.

ID: 6468, C14 ID: GU-1014 Date BP: 2731 +/- 75, Start Date BP: 2656, End BP: 2806

Abstract: Unenclosed platform settlement

Archaeologist Name: George Jobey

Reference Name: Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 110, 1978-80, 72-113; Proc Pr

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 570BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, timber T94, from landing-stage 873, site phase 1b, on edge of river channel at Anslow's Cottages, Burghfield, Berkshire, England. [Ed: NGR estimated only.]

ID: 6505, C14 ID: HAR-9186 Date BP: 2570 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2500, End BP: 2640

OS Letter: SU, OS East: 693, OS North: 710

Archaeologist Name: C A Butterworth & S J Lobb

Reference Name: Wessex Archaeol Rep, 1, 1992, 85 [some obvious errors in lab-numbers corrected for d'base]

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 950BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peat from directly under mound of debris (stone, ash, charcoal) of fulacht fiadh at Coarhamore, Valentia / Valencia, Co Kerry, Ireland. Comment (subm): associated pottery is indeterminate but distinctive spindle whorl suggests Early Historic period, the radiocarbon date only giving a very general tpq; also boggy ground makes finds easily mixed.

ID: 6882, C14 ID: I-15470 Date BP: 2950 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2870, End BP: 3030

Abstract: Burnt mound

Archaeologist Name: John Sheehan

Reference Name: in Buckley, V (ed), 'Burnt offerings: international contributions to burnt mound archaeology' (Dublin, 1990), 27-37

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 790BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, B18/86, AML 858559, from brushwood structure exposed on foreshore by marine erosion on intertidal flats at Blackwater Site 18, Tollesbury, Essex, England. Comment (subm): this structure assoc with no artefacts, but stratigraphical position suggested LBA date.

ID: 6891, C14 ID: HAR-7055 Date BP: 2790 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2710, End BP: 2870

OS Letter: TL, OS East: 941, OS North: 80

Archaeologist Name: P Murphy, UEA

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 185

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 840BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal , id as Corylus, Crataegus type, Prunus and Quercus, 121/3, from bottom of 'Iron Age' house gully sump at Mingie's Ditch, Hardwick-with-Yelford, Oxfordshire, England. Comment (subm): possibly includes tree clearance charcoal. [Ed: further comment in ref.]

ID: 7876, C14 ID: HAR-4487 Date BP: 2840 +/- 140, Start Date BP: 2700, End BP: 2980

Abstract: Double-ditched enclosure with paddock

Archaeologist Name: M Robinson

Reference Name: Allen, T G & Robinson, M A, 'The prehistoric landscape and Iron Age enclosed settlement at Mingies Ditch, Hardwick-w-Yelford, Oxfordshire' (Oxf Archaeol Unit, 1993), 140

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 655BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, SPE95 (5), handle of complete reaping hook from Shinewater Park, Willingdon Levels, Sussex, England. Subm C A Greatorex. Comment (subm): artefact dates to Late Bronze Age. [further comment in ref.]

ID: 7644, C14 ID: OxA-6176 Date BP: 2655 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2605, End BP: 2705

OS Letter: TQ, OS East: 615, OS North: 295

Archaeologist Name: C A Greatorex

Reference Name: Archaeometry, 41, 1999, 198

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 680BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peat, IWCAC 2172 2009, from cores taken through up to 10m of sediment at Ranelagh Spit at the mouth of Wootton Creek, Isle of Wight, England. Subm R G Tomalin. Comment (R Loader): a series of 7 samples (OxA-7161 to -7165 and -7182 to -7183) were taken during archaeological survey of coast and hinterland centred on Wootton Creek. The site dated by OxA-7161 to -7164 provides one of the key sequences for coastal evolution and sea level rise in the eastern Solent, and the four dates have been used in the creation of a sea level curve for the Solent area.

ID: 7658, C14 ID: OxA-7163 Date BP: 2680 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2620, End BP: 2740

OS Letter: SZ, OS East: 552, OS North: 874

Archaeologist Name: R G Tomalin

Reference Name: Archaeometry, 41, 1999, 200

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, wood, from Context 71, isolated posthole at Pendinas Lochtyn, Llangranog, Dyfed / Ceredigion, Wales. Comment (subm): cal dates given; both this RB period date and CAR-1341 as Bronze Age are reasonable in hillfort contexts.

ID: 7909, C14 ID: CAR-1341 Date BP: 2800 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2730, End BP: 2870

OS Letter: SN, OS East: 315, OS North: 549

Archaeologist Name: N Scott and K Murphy (Dyfed Archaeol Trust)

Reference Name: Archaeol Wales, 32, 1992, 9-10

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 875BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from context 11, interior of hut at Graig Fechan, Pentre Llyn Cymmer, Denbighshire, Wales. Comment (subm): no significant difference between this and three other dates run.

ID: 7493, C14 ID: GrN-15835 Date BP: 2875 +/- 45, Start Date BP: 2830, End BP: 2920

Abstract: Stone enclosure (shepherd's?) at over 400m OD

Archaeologist Name: John Manley

Reference Name: Antiquity, 64, 1990, 514-26; Archaeol Wales, 29, 1989, 45

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 840BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from context 11, interior of hut at Graig Fechan, Pentre Llyn Cymmer, Denbighshire, Wales. Comment (subm): no significant difference between this and three other dates run.

ID: 7494, C14 ID: GrN-15836 Date BP: 2840 +/- 45, Start Date BP: 2795, End BP: 2885

Abstract: Stone enclosure (shepherd's?) at over 400m OD

Archaeologist Name: John Manley

Reference Name: Antiquity, 64, 1990, 514-26; Archaeol Wales, 29, 1989, 45

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 745BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from context 14, in and under eastern wall at Graig Fechan, Pentre Llyn Cymmer, Denbighshire, Wales. Comment (subm): no significant difference between this and three other dates run.

ID: 7495, C14 ID: GrN-15837 Date BP: 2745 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2695, End BP: 2795

Abstract: Stone enclosure (shepherd's?) at over 400m OD

Archaeologist Name: John Manley

Reference Name: Antiquity, 64, 1990, 514-26; Archaeol Wales, 29, 1989, 45

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 760BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from context 14, in and under eastern wall at Graig Fechan, Pentre Llyn Cymmer, Denbighshire, Wales. Comment (subm): no significant difference between this and three other dates run.

ID: 7496, C14 ID: GrN-15838 Date BP: 2760 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 2725, End BP: 2795

Abstract: Stone enclosure (shepherd's?) at over 400m OD

Archaeologist Name: John Manley

Reference Name: Antiquity, 64, 1990, 514-26; Archaeol Wales, 29, 1989, 45

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as Quercus species, small sample, from Ringditch I, F1, layer III (with occupation material) at Grendon Quarry, Northamptonshire, England.

ID: 7500, C14 ID: HAR-1154 Date BP: 2970 +/- 150, Start Date BP: 2820, End BP: 3120

Abstract: Complex of 6 ringditches, some having had mounds

Archaeologist Name: A M Gibson and A McCormick

Reference Name: Northamptonshire Archaeol, 20, 1985, 23-66

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 530BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as waterlogged, from Area A6 F164/1(a) at Runnymede Bridge, Egham, Surrey, England. Comment (subm): from branch overlying bundle of withies, part of a laid structure on top of excavated context L35, immediately outside river frontage 2, unit F, probably part of a laid structure,as HAR-3750 [and see refs.]

ID: 7920, C14 ID: HAR-3761 Date BP: 2530 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2460, End BP: 2600

Abstract: Waterfront site

Archaeologist Name: S P Needham

Reference Name: Needham, S P, 'Excavation and salvage at Runnymede Bridge, 1978: the Late Bronze Age waterfront site' (Brit Mus Press/Engl Heritage), 1991, 346-53; Jordan, D et al, 'Radiocarbon dates ... funded by English Heritage', English Heritage, 1994, 148-51

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 740BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood charcoal, from layer M 1d slumped into pit cut into mound, M11 (latest on site), of burnt mound at Graeanog, Clynnog, Gwynedd, Wales. Comment (subm): the series CAR-716 to -720 represents a group about a millennium away from CAR-713 to -715. [Further comment in ref.]

ID: 7692, C14 ID: CAR-716 Date BP: 2740 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2680, End BP: 2800

OS Letter: SH, OS East: 461, OS North: 494

Archaeologist Name: R S Kelly 1983

Reference Name: Archaeol Cambrensis, 141, 1992, 74-96

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 740BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood charcoal, from layer 1d, charcoal-rich layer on stream bed, partly sealed by mound and associated with the central pit M 14 of burnt mound at Graeanog, Clynnog, Gwynedd, Wales. Comment (subm): the series CAR-716 to -720 represents a group about a millennium away from CAR-713 to -715. [Ed: reference cites this as CAR-716 clearly meant for -717.] [Further comment in ref.]

ID: 7693, C14 ID: CAR-717 Date BP: 2740 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2670, End BP: 2810

OS Letter: SH, OS East: 461, OS North: 494

Archaeologist Name: R S Kelly 1983

Reference Name: Archaeol Cambrensis, 141, 1992, 74-96

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 620BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal [?] from OW posthole F25, Pd 3, at Beeston Castle, Cheshire, England.

ID: 7700, C14 ID: HAR-4401 Date BP: 2620 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2530, End BP: 2710

Abstract: Castle with earlier deposits

Archaeologist Name: Peter Ellis

Reference Name: Ellis, P (comp & ed), 'Beeston Castle, Cheshire: a report on the excavations 1968--85...' (Engl Heritage Archaeol Rep, 23), 1993, 85 etc

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 860BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal [?] from OG160, Pd 2B rampart, at Beeston Castle, Cheshire, England.

ID: 7701, C14 ID: HAR-4405 Date BP: 2860 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2780, End BP: 2940

Abstract: Castle with earlier deposits

Archaeologist Name: Peter Ellis

Reference Name: Ellis, P (comp & ed), 'Beeston Castle, Cheshire: a report on the excavations 1968--85...' (Engl Heritage Archaeol Rep, 23), 1993, 85 etc

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 830BC. Early Iron Age

Report: [Charcoal ?] 348 from early hearth in roundhouse C with 2nd century AD pottery, at Bryn Eryr, Llansadwrn, Anglesey, Gwynedd, Wales. Comment (subm): Possible contamination of sample with coal [see ref.]

ID: 7761, C14 ID: CAR-1057 Date BP: 2830 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2770, End BP: 2890

Abstract: Multiphase, Iron Age to RB, square ditched enclosure

Archaeologist Name: David Longley

Reference Name: Proc Prehist Soc, 64, 1998, 225-73 esp.262

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 910BC. Early Iron Age

Report: [Charcoal ?] 3622 from posthole to E of roundhouse A at Bryn Eryr, Llansadwrn, Anglesey, Gwynedd, Wales. Comment (subm): posthole not associated with any identifiable structure [see ref.]

ID: 7779, C14 ID: CAR-1227 Date BP: 2910 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2840, End BP: 2980

Abstract: Multiphase, Iron Age to RB, square ditched enclosure

Archaeologist Name: David Longley

Reference Name: Proc Prehist Soc, 64, 1998, 225-73 esp.262

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 890BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from fill of collared urn 1 of secondary burial in ring ditch 417 at Field Farm, Burghfield, West Berkshire, England.

ID: 7785, C14 ID: HAR-9143 Date BP: 2890 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2830, End BP: 2950

OS Letter: SU, OS East: 675, OS North: 704

Archaeologist Name: C A Butterworth and S J Lobb

Reference Name: Butterworth, C A & Lobb, S J, 'Excavations in the Burghfield area, Berkshire' (Wessex Archaeol Rep, 1), 1992

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 685BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone, id as Canis lupus, 1990, from Goldcliff, Gwent, Wales. Subm M Bell. Comment (subm): the wolf/dog jaw was found before our project and labelled as 'eroded out of charcoal band'. The date, much later than the Mesolithic site, suggests that it may have eroded out of contexts post-dating a bog which covered the site, whose surface is dated 3640 60 BP (Car-1499).

ID: 7591, C14 ID: OxA-6461 Date BP: 2685 +/- 45, Start Date BP: 2640, End BP: 2730

OS Letter: ST, OS East: 362, OS North: 820

Archaeologist Name: M Bell

Reference Name: Archaeometry, 40, 1998, 236

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 1000BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as Alnus, some Fraxinus, Quercus, sample 28, from firepit of burnt mound (site 500.4) at Clash Cottage, Brighouse Bay, Dumfriess-Galloway, Scotland. Comment (subm): [see ref. below, which also gives Cal dates at 1 and 2 sigma.]

ID: 7791, C14 ID: BETA-68476 Date BP: 3000 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2920, End BP: 3080

Abstract: Burnt mounds around pipeline in SW Scotland

Archaeologist Name: D Maynard

Reference Name: Trans Dumfriesshire Galloway Natur Hist Antiq Soc, 68, 1993, 33-52

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 660BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as Quercus, Alnus, Corylus, Fraxinus, Betula, sample 34, from two small circular pits with burnt material, of burnt mound (site 27.5) at Deanston Burn, Dumfriess-Galloway, Scotland. Comment (subm): [see ref. below, which also gives Cal dates at 1 and 2 sigma.]

ID: 7792, C14 ID: BETA-68477 Date BP: 2660 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2600, End BP: 2720

Abstract: Burnt mounds around pipeline in SW Scotland

Archaeologist Name: D Maynard

Reference Name: Trans Dumfriesshire Galloway Natur Hist Antiq Soc, 68, 1993, 33-52

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 990BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone, id as sheep, from burial with lambs in pit 28, Crab Farm, Badbury Rings, Dorset, England. Comment (subm): set compares well with Down Farm and South Lodge enclosure dates. [Ed: cal dates given.]

ID: 7825, C14 ID: RCD-34 Date BP: 2990 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2910, End BP: 3070

OS Letter: ST, OS East: 955, OS North: 28

Archaeologist Name: Martin Papworth

Reference Name: Dorset Natur Hist Archaeol Soc Proc, 114, 1992, 47-96 esp 54

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 930BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone, id as cow burial with calf, secondary filling 45 of inner ditch 68 at Crab Farm, Badbury Rings, Dorset, England. Comment (subm): set compares well with Down Farm and South Lodge enclosure dates. [Ed: cal dates given.]

ID: 7826, C14 ID: RCD-35 Date BP: 2930 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2860, End BP: 3000

OS Letter: ST, OS East: 955, OS North: 28

Archaeologist Name: Martin Papworth

Reference Name: Dorset Natur Hist Archaeol Soc Proc, 114, 1992, 47-96 esp 54

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 940BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone, id as sheep, from burial in pit 63 at Crab Farm, Badbury Rings, Dorset, England. Comment (subm): set compares well with Down Farm and South Lodge enclosures. [Ed: cal dates given.]

ID: 7827, C14 ID: RCD-36 Date BP: 2940 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2870, End BP: 3010

OS Letter: ST, OS East: 955, OS North: 28

Archaeologist Name: Martin Papworth

Reference Name: Dorset Natur Hist Archaeol Soc Proc, 114, 1992, 47-96 esp 54

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 590BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal and wood, MK223K2, from pit at Hartigan's Gravel Pit, MK223, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, England. Comment (subm): pit contained organic remains and large extremely important group of Iron Age pottery (incl Hunsbury bowl). Cal dates given.

ID: 7853, C14 ID: HAR-855 Date BP: 2590 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2500, End BP: 2680

OS Letter: SP, OS East: 882, OS North: 387

Archaeologist Name: H S Green [now Aldhouse-Green]

Reference Name: Williams, R J, 'Pennyland and Hartigan's...' (Bucks Archaeol Soc Monog Ser, 4), 1993, 211; Jordan, D et al, 'Radiocarbon dates funded by English Heritage...', Engl Herit, 1994, 112

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 520BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peat from monolith close to excavations at Shaugh Moor - Wotter Playground (Site 201), Devon, England.

ID: 8487, C14 ID: HAR-3816 Date BP: 2520 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2440, End BP: 2600

Abstract: peat monolith

Archaeologist Name: K Smith et al

Reference Name: Proc Prehist Soc, 47, 1981, 205-73; Proc Prehist Soc, 48, 1982, 203-78

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 720BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peat from level of trackway surface (togher) at Littleton Bog A, Longfordpass North, Co Tipperary, Ireland. Subm A L Brindley and J N Lanting, BAI Groningen, 1990-1. Comment (subm): No wood samples were available from these trackways but peat had been collected for pollen analysis. Shortly after submission of these samples, an LBA sword was found on this track, thus confirming its LBA date.

ID: 8456, C14 ID: OxA-2449 Date BP: 2720 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2630, End BP: 2810

Abstract: Irish wooden trackways dating programme

Archaeologist Name: S Cherry, S Geraghty, M F Ryan

Reference Name: Archaeometry, 35, 1993, 315; Archaeol Ireland, 4(4), 1990, 6; Excavations 1990, no. 105; Excavations 1995, Appendix I

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 560BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Antler fragment from bottom of ditch, Trench D at Ditchling Beacon, Sussex East, England.

ID: 8498, C14 ID: HAR-5935 Date BP: 2560 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2460, End BP: 2660

OS Letter: TW, OS East: 331, OS North: 130

Archaeologist Name: D Rudling

Reference Name: Sussex Archaeol Collect, 123, 1985, 251-3

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 630BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal from pit F9, Area 1 at Great Oakley, Corby, Northamptonshire, England.

ID: 8504, C14 ID: HAR-4494 Date BP: 2630 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 2530, End BP: 2730

OS Letter: SP, OS East: 881, OS North: 866

Archaeologist Name: D A Jackson

Reference Name: Northamptonshire Archaeol, 17, 1982, 3-23

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 835BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal associated with domestic material in middle fill of the large ditch at Coldharbour Road, Gravesend, Kent, England. Comment (subm): sample date agrees well with OxA-4719 from same context.

ID: 8114, C14 ID: Q-3255 Date BP: 2835 +/- 45, Start Date BP: 2790, End BP: 2880

Abstract: Settlement and linear ditches

Archaeologist Name: A Mudd, Oxford AU

Reference Name: Archaeometry, 37, 1995, 419 [side mention]

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 1000BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id as hazel and willow, in greasy occupation earth directly over subsoil in area of posthole 3, House 2 at Standrop Rigg, Cheviot Hills, Northumberland, England. Comment (subm): main run of settlement is 13th-14th century BC cal.

ID: 8466, C14 ID: HAR-3538 Date BP: 3000 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2920, End BP: 3080

Abstract: unenclosed

Archaeologist Name: G Jobey

Reference Name: Archaeol Aeliana, 11, 1983, 1-21

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 920BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal (from earlier excavations by Plymouth Museum) from house in Enclosure 25, N slope of Saddlesborough, Shaugh Moor Site 209, Devon, England.

ID: 8476, C14 ID: HAR-3046 Date BP: 2920 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2840, End BP: 3000

Abstract: house

Archaeologist Name: John Barber, Plymouth Museum

Reference Name: Proc Prehist Soc, 46, 1980, 116; Proc Prehist Soc, 48, 1982, 203-78

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 950BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peat from peaty surface horizon from soil immediately below Saddlesborough Main Reave, Shaugh Moor, Devon, England.

ID: 8477, C14 ID: HAR-4240 Date BP: 2950 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2880, End BP: 3020

OS Letter: SX, OS East: 557, OS North: 630

Archaeologist Name: N D Balaam

Reference Name: Proc Prehist Soc, 48, 1982, 203-78

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 810BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood from structure at complex BA site in raised bog peat at Stileway, Meare, Somerset, England.

ID: 8515, C14 ID: HAR-4477 Date BP: 2810 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2720, End BP: 2900

OS Letter: ST, OS East: 465, OS North: 409

Archaeologist Name: K R Campbell 1981

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 29, 1987, 88; Somerset Levels Pap, 11, 1985, 75-9

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 790BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone, id as piglet, RH72 F38, from base of post-hole 17, E side of S entrance double-palisade phase at Rams Hill, Oxfordshire, England. [Ed: see considerable comment in ref. relating to attempted reconciliation of BM-2786 to -2790 with Harwell figures obtained earlier. There are also dendrochronological dates for this series.]

ID: 7931, C14 ID: BM-2786 Date BP: 2790 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 2740, End BP: 2840

OS Letter: SU, OS East: 315, OS North: 864

Archaeologist Name: S P Needham

Reference Name: Proc Prehist Soc, 60, 1994, 232, 236; Bradley, R and Ellis, A, 'Rams Hill', (BAR 19, 1975)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 850BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone, id as sheep, RH72 F35, from base of post-hole 16, W side of S entrance double-palisade phase at Rams Hill, Oxfordshire, England. [Ed: see considerable comment in ref. relating to attempted reconciliation of BM-2786 to -2790 with Harwell figures obtained earlier. There are also dendrochronological dates for this series.]

ID: 7932, C14 ID: BM-2787 Date BP: 2850 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2780, End BP: 2920

OS Letter: SU, OS East: 315, OS North: 864

Archaeologist Name: S P Needham

Reference Name: Proc Prehist Soc, 60, 1994, 232, 236; Bradley, R and Ellis, A, 'Rams Hill', (BAR 19, 1975)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 840BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Bone, id as dog, RH72 170, from base of feature 10, W side of S entrance timber-laced rampart phase at Rams Hill, Oxfordshire, England. [Ed: see considerable comment in ref. relating to attempted reconciliation of BM-2786 to -2790 with Harwell figures obtained earlier. There are also dendrochronological dates for this series.]

ID: 7933, C14 ID: BM-2788 Date BP: 2840 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2780, End BP: 2900

OS Letter: SU, OS East: 315, OS North: 864

Archaeologist Name: S P Needham

Reference Name: Proc Prehist Soc, 60, 1994, 232, 236; Bradley, R and Ellis, A, 'Rams Hill', (BAR 19, 1975)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 910BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Antler, id as red deer, RH72 178, from base of ditch terminal W of S entrance at Rams Hill, Oxfordshire, England. [Ed: see considerable comment in ref. relating to attempted reconciliation of BM-2786 to -2790 with Harwell figures obtained earlier. There are also dendrochronological dates for this series.]

ID: 7935, C14 ID: BM-2790 Date BP: 2910 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2840, End BP: 2980

OS Letter: SU, OS East: 315, OS North: 864

Archaeologist Name: S P Needham

Reference Name: Proc Prehist Soc, 60, 1994, 232, 236; Bradley, R and Ellis, A, 'Rams Hill', (BAR 19, 1975)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 950BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as Alnus roundwood, from bottom of ditch A5 where it crossed the peat shelf at Rumney Great Wharf, Wentlooge Level, Glamorgan, Wales. Comment (subm): in view of ages, the wood was probably released from the peat when the ditch was dug. [Ed: NGR not given, estimated only]

ID: 7937, C14 ID: BETA-61746 Date BP: 2950 +/- 110, Start Date BP: 2840, End BP: 3060

OS Letter: ST, OS East: 24, OS North: 78

Archaeologist Name: M G Fulford et al

Reference Name: Britannia, 25, 1994, 175-211 esp 179

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peaty material from ditch C3, fill 1, at Rumney Great Wharf, Wentlooge Level, Glamorgan, Wales. Comment (subm): peat probably derived from peat bed now exposed on clay-peat shelf. [Ed: NGR not given, estimated only]

ID: 7942, C14 ID: BETA-61751 Date BP: 2800 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 2720, End BP: 2880

OS Letter: ST, OS East: 24, OS North: 78

Archaeologist Name: M G Fulford et al

Reference Name: Britannia, 25, 1994, 175-211

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 790BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Charcoal, id by C Keepax as mainly Quercus sp and Alnus sp, from secondary silts in inner ditch at Mucking South Ring, Essex, England.

ID: 8283, C14 ID: HAR-1630 Date BP: 2790 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 2700, End BP: 2880

Abstract: defended enclosure

Archaeologist Name: M U Jones and T Jones

Reference Name: BAR Brit Ser 83(ii), 1980, 471; D Jordan et al, 'Radiocarbon dates...' (English Heritage, 1994), 117

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 700BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Peat, AML 794480, from below lower black earth, top of underlying peat surface, beneath occupation deposit at Meare Lake Village West, Somerset Levels, England. Subm 1979.

ID: 8553, C14 ID: HAR-3633 Date BP: 2700 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2630, End BP: 2770

Abstract: Peat monolith

Archaeologist Name: J M Coles

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 333; Somerset Levels Pap, 7, 1981, 12-69; Somerset Levels Pap, 15, 1989, 67

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 970BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as waterlogged, from Area A6 F163/1(a) at Runnymede Bridge, Egham, Surrey, England. Comment (subm): From possible vegetation clearance (unit B) [and see refs.]

ID: 7951, C14 ID: HAR-3752 Date BP: 2970 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2900, End BP: 3040

Abstract: Waterfront site

Archaeologist Name: S P Needham

Reference Name: Needham, S P, 'Excavation and salvage at Runnymede Bridge, 1978: the Late Bronze Age waterfront site' (Brit Mus Press/Engl Heritage), 1991, 346-53; Jordan, D et al, 'Radiocarbon dates ... funded by English Heritage', English Heritage, 1994, 148-51

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 800BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as waterlogged, from Area A6 F163/1(b) at Runnymede Bridge, Egham, Surrey, England. Comment (subm): From branch lying on ancient river bank behind pile rows and under excavated contexts 33, 45, 53, 55, 56, 63; possibly representing vegation clearance (unit B) [and see refs.]

ID: 7952, C14 ID: HAR-3751 Date BP: 2800 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 2740, End BP: 2860

Abstract: Waterfront site

Archaeologist Name: S P Needham

Reference Name: Needham, S P, 'Excavation and salvage at Runnymede Bridge, 1978: the Late Bronze Age waterfront site' (Brit Mus Press/Engl Heritage), 1991, 346-53; Jordan, D et al, 'Radiocarbon dates ... funded by English Heritage', English Heritage, 1994, 148-51

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 700BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as waterlogged, from Area A6 F195(b) at Runnymede Bridge, Egham, Surrey, England. Comment (subm): From branches, as HAR-3116; clearance (unit B) [and see refs.]

ID: 7954, C14 ID: HAR-3117 Date BP: 2700 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2630, End BP: 2770

Abstract: Waterfront site

Archaeologist Name: S P Needham

Reference Name: Needham, S P, 'Excavation and salvage at Runnymede Bridge, 1978: the Late Bronze Age waterfront site' (Brit Mus Press/Engl Heritage), 1991, 346-53; Jordan, D et al, 'Radiocarbon dates ... funded by English Heritage', English Heritage, 1994, 148-51

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 650BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as waterlogged, from Area A6 F276(a) at Runnymede Bridge, Egham, Surrey, England. Comment (subm): from pile in inner row, trench 2, waterfront 1 (Unit C/D) [and see refs.]

ID: 7955, C14 ID: HAR-4257 Date BP: 2650 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2580, End BP: 2720

Abstract: Waterfront site

Archaeologist Name: S P Needham

Reference Name: Needham, S P, 'Excavation and salvage at Runnymede Bridge, 1978: the Late Bronze Age waterfront site' (Brit Mus Press/Engl Heritage), 1991, 346-53; Jordan, D et al, 'Radiocarbon dates ... funded by English Heritage', English Heritage, 1994, 148-51

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 820BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as waterlogged, from Area A6 F276(b) at Runnymede Bridge, Egham, Surrey, England. Comment (subm): from pile in inner row, trench 2, waterfront 1 (Unit C/D) [and see refs.]

ID: 7956, C14 ID: HAR-4275 Date BP: 2820 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2750, End BP: 2890

Abstract: Waterfront site

Archaeologist Name: S P Needham

Reference Name: Needham, S P, 'Excavation and salvage at Runnymede Bridge, 1978: the Late Bronze Age waterfront site' (Brit Mus Press/Engl Heritage), 1991, 346-53; Jordan, D et al, 'Radiocarbon dates ... funded by English Heritage', English Heritage, 1994, 148-51

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 750BC. Early Iron Age

Report: Wood, id as waterlogged, from Area A6 F236(a) at Runnymede Bridge, Egham, Surrey, England. Comment (subm): from pile in inner row, trench 1, waterfront 1 (Unit C/D) [and see refs.]

ID: 7957, C14 ID: HAR-4268 Date BP: 2750 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2680, End BP: 2820

Abstract: Waterfront site

Archaeologist Name: S P Needham

Reference Name: Needham, S P, 'Excavation and salvage at Runnymede Bridge, 1978: the Late Bronze Age waterfront site' (Brit Mus Press/Engl Heritage), 1991, 346-53; Jordan, D et al, 'Radiocarbon dates ... funded by English Heritage', English Heritage, 1994, 148-51

Council for Britis