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Books, Prehistory, Vestiges of the Antiquities of Derbyshire, Preface

Preface is in Vestiges of the Antiquities of Derbyshire.

In sending forth a book upon the subject of Antiquity in general, and of the archaeological treasures of Derbyshire in particular, the author does not for a moment hesitate, as most works upon the subject hitherto published are ill calculated for the instruction of persons who have not made archaeology their peculiar study, and as there does not exist any detailed account of Derbyshire antiquities, the volume will fill a wide gap in the county history.

The practical experience of the writer in the excavation of tumuli has been of great use in the description of the varied contents of those remote cemeteries. There will also be found much that is new in the sections on Roman and Saxon Antiqiuties; whilst the division appropriated to Mediaeval Remains is enriched with many unpubhshed epitaphs and other particulars. The engravings of antiquities are executed by competent artists, from articles (with one exception only) in the writer's museum. Those of monuments are copied either from the tombs themselves or from correct rubbings.

The writer has met with but little assistance by being favoured with the sight either of antiquities, drawings, or manuscripts. But his thanks are especially due to Samuel Mitchell (age 44), Esq., of Sheffield, for the account of his barrow-digging excursions in the north of Derbyshire; and to the Rev. Willoughby Rooke, for the loan of the correspondence of his relative, the late Major Rooke; his thanks are also due to Robert Gamer, Esq., of Stoke; and to the Rev. Matthew Freeman, of Mellor, for various useful communications.

In conclusion, he begs leave to state that he has, in all cases, been as concise as the full explanation of the subjects would permit.