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Roger Whitley's Diary 1690 September is in Roger Whitley's Diary 1690.
01 Sep 1690. Monday, after dinner I & my sonne (age 39) went to Chester, alighted at Jacksons; there was Drinkwater, he took a glasse of wine & left me; Crosse came to give me account of the building, stayd not; Danold trimmed me; then came Farington, then the Governor & another with him; then Mercer & the Commissioner about buying wheate (the Governor & his frind left us) then came Fernagh, Kinaston, Rob. Anderson, Alderman Wright; I left them past 6; called at Ephraim Bennets; there was Fletcher the tanner; we had a tankard of ale & went immediately away; came home about 8.
02 Sep 1690. Tuesday, about 5 came Hardwar & another (stranger to me) with him; past 6, Mainwaring daughter & children retorned from Peover; I sent Nixon in the morning to visit Sir Robert Cotton & the coachman to Chester.
03 Sep 1690. Wednesday, I sent Nixon to welcome Sir John Crew home; Mainwaring,&c. went to visit him in the afternoone; retorned at 8.
04 Sep 1690. Thursday, Mr Richard Warburton & one Bosier came about 12; they dined with us; also Farington, Morgan & Jackson; they went about 7; Morgan stayd all night.
05 Sep 1690. Friday, my sonne (age 39), his wife, & Sidney went to Chester about 10; Mainwaring & Morgan went after them; whilest we were at dinner Bidolph & Traverse came from Staffordshire; Crews man came to see us; Hardwar came in the evening, went past 6; Mainwaring sonne, &c. came about 8, from Chester.
06 Sep 1690. Satorday, Huson went about 10 to Chester; Crew came about 3 (Barker a minister with him) they went about 6.
07 Sep 1690. Sonday, I was not at church; Traverse dined with us.
08 Sep 1690. Monday, I, sonne (age 39), Bidolph, Mainwaring, daughters, sisters, &c. went to Chester, dined at Jacksons; there Danold trimmed me; the yonger Wilbraham came to me about his fathers money; Gleg came after dinner, stayd not long; I & Bidolph went to Angells; I went thence to G.Mainwaring's (age 47) saw Mr Bartley; thence I went to the almeshouses; there was Crosse, Mercer, Rummer Tavern, Morris, Pack, Cotton, Jones, 2 Bostocks, 3 Bricklayers; I gave them a dosen of ale at the widdow's; Mr Browne came to us as we were parting; I & Mercer called on Anderson, dranck a tankerd of ale with him & his wife; went thence to Jacksons, met Taylor in the streete, took him with me, discoursed him awhile in the kitchen; also Wilbraham (who payed Crosse 10 li in part of rent) the Governor, Major, Bidolph, Mainwaring my sonne, Parry, Morgan,&c. were in the parlor & cosen Whitley (who dined with us); the Governor & Major went presently & we soone after; retorned to Peele about 8.
09 Sep 1690. Tuesday, Huson went to Frodesly; Tomkinson & the carts to Dysert; Morgan (about 11) to Chester; Bolton (& one Smith) from Tatenhall dined with us; went about 3; Sefton of Barrow came abt 5 to recommend a servant: I took phisick; the husbandman & howsekeeper came this evening;.
10 Sep 1690. Wednesday, Mainwaring went to Edisbury's; Bidolph & sonne (age 39) & Morgan went a setting in afternoone; Traverse came back with them & supt; a man of Whitchurch brought venison from Frodesley.
11 Sep 1690. Thursday, Bidolph Morgan & sonne (age 39) went a coursing; Traverse came with them home,& dined; after dinner I, sonne, Bidolph & Morgan went to Utkington; there was Crew, Church, Damport, Huxley, another (a stranger),&c. we came at 4, parted at 6; came home; Mainwaring came back after I was in bed; the gardner went to Warburton with venison.
13 Sep 1690. Satorday, I went to Chester with Bidolph; Nat. Lee went with us; Mainwaring, my sonne (age 39), & Morgan went before; we dined at Wrights; Warburton with us; Danold trimmed me; Vicars came to us; for a while. I went to the Bishop (Farington with me) about 4; met him on the staires going to the Quire; then I went to Jacksons; there was the Governor, the Ajutant, Warburton, Farington, Kinaston, Streete, &c. we parted before 6; Bidolph & I came home; Mainwaring my sonne & Lee came to Peele after supper; I found at Peele brother Peter's sonne & one Jervas, they came from London; were going for Ireland, &c.
14 Sep 1690. Sonday, I went to church in the afternoone, &c. Cadwallader brought venison, &
15 Sep 1690. Monday, Mainwaring went to Peover early; Anderson, Edwards & Basnet dined with us, retorned about 5; Basnet from Shotwick, Cheshire, & Lady Calveley's tenant (at Lee) dined in the buttry; after dinner Bolton & one Hodskin came from Tatenhall; Basnet stayd all night; the rest went back; brother Peter's sonne (age 39) & Jarvis went to Chester (about 4) my 2 sisters with them.
16 Sep 1690. Tuesday, Basnet having agreed with Huson went back betimes & Cadwallader retorned to Frodesly.
17 Sep 1690. Wednesday, the fast day; we went to church about 12 & retorned past 3; Traverse supt with us. Mainwaring retorned past 8.
18 Sep 1690. Thursday, G.Mainwaring (age 47), Deane & Angell dined with us; also Traverse; they retorned in the evening.
20 Sep 1690. Satorday, Bid0lph went towards Elmehurst past 8; Huson & Tomkinson went thither about 7; MainwarinG. & I before 10; we lighted at Wrights, went to Jacksons; was trimmed by Warminham, dined with the Bishop:(I, Mainwaring,:Mainwaring, his Chaplaine & secretary) went past 3 to the almeshouses, then to Anderson; then to the Sunne; there was 2 Mainswarings, Deane, Johnson, Murray, Mercer, Kinaston, Wright, Vicars, Morgan, Parry,&c: parted about 7, Mainwaring & Morgan with me; went home; William Minshall came & stayd.
21 Sep 1690. Sonday, Tomkinson went to Staffordshire; Minshall dined, went after dinner to Chester; Mainwaring, Morgan & I to church.
22 Sep 1690. Monday, Mainwaring went to Chester after dinner; a man [came] with some plants from Aston; Bolton came from Tatenhall about renewing his lease; about 4 came brother Robinson to see us; stayd all night.
24 Sep 1690. Wednesday, Mainwaring & I went to Chester (Robinson with us, & soe home) we alighted at Jacksons; went to G.Mainwaring's (age 47) Farington with us; then G.Mainwaring & I went to the Penthouse; Mainwaring came after us; there we found the Mayor, Ince, Anderson, Edwards, Randle Batho, & the officers; I discoursed them about the Election of a new Mayor; & how inconvenient it would be to choose me, &c. then I went with Streete (who came to the Penthouse) to Angells; then to the Sunne; there we dined with 2 Mainwarings, 2 Andersons, Farington, Baroby, Comberbach, Kinaston, Deane, Murray, Randle Batho, &c. after dinner came Hannibal Baskerville, Crosse, &c. then Streete & I went to the almeshouses, Mercer with us; Cotton, Rummer Tavern & Thomas had 3 quarts of ale; then went to Jacksons; there was 2 Mainwarings, Baroby, Hannibal Baskerville, Herle, Cockaine, &c. we parted past 7, came home before 9.
25 Sep 1690. Thursday, Hardwar came about 11; stayd not; Tomkinson retorned from Staffordshire; Lady Allen, her sister & daughters, Angell & my 3 sisters Crew, Ely, G.Mainwaring (age 47), Streete, Jackson, 2 Griffiths, &c. dined with us; there was also Bradshaw; Chetwood came about 5; they all went before night.
27 Sep 1690. Satorday, Mainwaring went early towards London; Huson retorned from Alrey; Lee & Morgan went to Chester; I & my sonne (age 39) after them past 10; we alighted at the Talbot; met Streete & others at the doore; he went with me to Danold the barber, who trimmed me; G.Mainwaring (age 47) came to us; I went & dined with him; my sonne & Streete & his wife, sister & daughter dined with us; neare 3 I went to Angells, did not stay, went with G.Mainwaring & Streete to meete the Judges; which we did at the Bridge; went after them to the Castle; there was the Sheriffe, Governor, Cotton, Crew, &c. I made the Governor a visit, there was Lord Chomly, Egerton, Warburton, Bell, &c. we drank a glasse of wine (standing) I & the 2 Aldermen left them; they went with me to Jackson's; there was Minshall, Baroby, Nat. Booth, Hannibal Baskerville, my sonne, Morgan,&c. Ned Morgan came thither as we were parting, my sonne & I went before 6, came home past 7.
28 Sep 1690. Sonday, I was not at church; no company with us all day.
29 Sep 1690. Monday, Huson, Tomkinson, &c. went to Chester to sell cattle, horses, wooll, &c. Ned the postilion & the kitchenmayd went away; one Cooper came from Shrewsbery about a debt of Rogers; came at 11, dined, & went before 2; a carpenter came from Mr Ellis Lloyd to see our cydermill; went againe before dinner; no other company.
30 Sep 1690. Tuesday, Bolton came about 11 for money for marling; that evening Bidolph came from Elmehurst.