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Biography of Anna Mason Countess Macclesfield 1668-1753

In or before 1667 [her father] Richard Mason (age 33) and [her mother] Anna Margaret Long (age 25) were married.

Around 1668 Anna Mason Countess Macclesfield was born to Richard Mason (age 35) and Anna Margaret Long (age 27).

On 18 Jun 1683 Charles Gerard 2nd Earl Macclesfield (age 24) and Anna Mason Countess Macclesfield (age 15) were married. He the son of Charles Gerard 1st Earl Macclesfield (age 65) and Jeanne de Civelle Countess Macclesfield.

On 08 Mar 1685 [her father] Richard Mason (age 52) died.

In 1687 Willem Wissing (age 31). Portrait of Anna Mason Countess Macclesfield (age 19).

On 07 Jan 1694 [her father-in-law] Charles Gerard 1st Earl Macclesfield (age 76) died. His son [her husband] Charles Gerard 2nd Earl Macclesfield (age 35) succeeded 2nd Earl Macclesfield, 2nd Viscount Brandon of Brandon in Suffolk, 2nd Baron Gerard of Brandon in Suffolk. Anna Mason Countess Macclesfield (age 26) by marriage Countess Macclesfield.

In Mar 1698 Charles Gerard 2nd Earl Macclesfield (age 39) and Anna Mason Countess Macclesfield (age 30) were divorced by Act of Parliament; the first occasion on which a divorce was so granted without a previous decree of an ecclesiastical court.

On 05 Nov 1701 [her former husband] Charles Gerard 2nd Earl Macclesfield (age 42) died without legitimate issue; his two children with Anna Mason Countess Macclesfield (age 33) had been declared illegitimate. His brother [her former brother-in-law] Fitton Gerard 3rd Earl Macclesfield (age 38) succeeded 3rd Earl Macclesfield, 3rd Viscount Brandon of Brandon in Suffolk, 3rd Baron Gerard of Brandon in Suffolk.

In 1717 [her mother] Anna Margaret Long (age 76) died.

In 1753 Anna Mason Countess Macclesfield (age 85) died.

Ancestors of Anna Mason Countess Macclesfield 1668-1753

Father: Richard Mason

Anna Mason Countess Macclesfield

Great x 4 Grandfather: Henry Long

Great x 3 Grandfather: Robert Long

Great x 2 Grandfather: Walter Long

Great x 1 Grandfather: Walter Long

Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Thynne

Great x 3 Grandfather: John Thynne

Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Eynns

Great x 2 Grandmother: Catherine Thynne

Great x 4 Grandfather: Richard Gresham

Great x 3 Grandmother: Christian Gresham

Great x 4 Grandmother: Audrey Lynne

GrandFather: James Long 2nd Baronet

Mother: Anna Margaret Long