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Biography of Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea 1647-1730

Paternal Family Tree: Finch

Maternal Family Tree: Elizabeth Harvey Baroness Finch 1627-1676

1680 Trial and Execution of William Howard 1st Viscount Stafford

1688 Glorious Revolution

On 30 Jul 1646 [his father] Heneage Finch 1st Earl Nottingham (age 24) and [his mother] Elizabeth Harvey Baroness Finch (age 19) were married.

On 02 Jul 1647 Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea was born to Heneage Finch 1st Earl Nottingham (age 25) and Elizabeth Harvey Baroness Finch (age 20).

On 16 Jun 1674 Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 26) and Essex Rich 2nd Countess Nottingham (age 22) were married. She the daughter of Robert Rich 3rd Earl Warwick and Anne Cheeke Countess Warwick. He the son of Heneage Finch 1st Earl Nottingham (age 52) and Elizabeth Harvey Baroness Finch (age 47).

In 1676 [his mother] Elizabeth Harvey Baroness Finch (age 49) died.

In 1677 [his daughter] Mary Finch Duchess Roxburghe was born to Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 29) and [his wife] Essex Rich 2nd Countess Nottingham (age 25).

John Evelyn's Diary. 25 Jun 1679. The new Commissioners of the Admiralty came to visit me, viz, Sir Henry Capell (age 41), brother to the Earl of Essex (age 47), Mr. Finch (age 31), eldest son to the [his father] Lord Chancellor (age 57), Sir Humphry Winch (age 57), Sir Thomas Meeres (age 45), Mr. Hales, with some of the Commissioners of the Navy. I went with them to London.

Trial and Execution of William Howard 1st Viscount Stafford

John Evelyn's Diary. 07 Dec 1680. On Tuesday, I was again at the trial, when judgment was demanded; and, after my Lord (age 66) had spoken what he could in denying the fact, the managers answering the objections, the Peers adjourned to their House, and within two hours returned again. There was, in the meantime, this question put to the judges, "whether there being but one witness to any single crime, or act, it could amount to convict a man of treason". They gave an unanimous opinion that in case of treason they all were overt acts for though no man should be condemned by one witness for any one act, yet for several acts to the same intent, it was valid; which was my Lord's case. This being past, and the Peers in their seats again, the Lord Chancellor Finch (age 33) (this day the Lord High-Steward) removing to the woolsack next his Majesty's (age 50) state, after summoning the Lieutenant of the Tower to bring forth his prisoner, and proclamation made for silence, demanded of every Peer (who were in all eighty-six) whether William, Lord Viscount Stafford, were guilty of the treason laid to his charge, or not guilty.

John Evelyn's Diary. 07 Dec 1680. Then the Peer spoken to, standing up, and laying his right hand upon his breast, said guilty, or not guilty, upon my honor, and then sat down, the Lord Steward (age 33) noting their suffrages as they answered upon a paper: when all had done, the number of not guilty being but 31, the guilty 55; and then, after proclamation for silence again, the Lord Steward directing his speech to the prisoner, against whom the ax was turned edgeways and not before, in aggravation of his crime, he being ennobled by the King's (age 50) father, and since received many favors from his present Majesty: after enlarging on his offense, deploring first his own unhappiness that he who had never condemned any man before should now be necessitated to begin with him, he then pronounced sentence of death by hanging, drawing, and quartering, according to form, with great solemnity and dreadful gravity; and, after a short pause, told the prisoner that he believed the Lords would intercede for the omission of some circumstances of his sentence, beheading only excepted; and then breaking his white staff, the Court was dissolved. My Lord Stafford during all this latter part spoke but little, and only gave their Lordships thanks after the sentence was pronounced; and indeed behaved himself modestly, and as became him.

On 18 Dec 1682 [his father] Heneage Finch 1st Earl Nottingham (age 60) died at Great Queen Street Covent Garden. He was buried at Ravenstone, Buckinghamshire. His son Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 35) succeeded 2nd Earl Nottingham, 2nd Baron Finch Daventry. [his wife] Essex Rich 2nd Countess Nottingham (age 30) by marriage Countess Nottingham.

On 23 Mar 1684 [his wife] Essex Rich 2nd Countess Nottingham (age 32) died in childbirth.

Before 1685 Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 37) was appointed Privy Council.

On 29 Dec 1685 Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 38) and Anne Hatton Countess Nottingham and Winchelsea were married. She by marriage Countess Nottingham. He the son of Heneage Finch 1st Earl Nottingham and Elizabeth Harvey Baroness Finch.

On 28 Feb 1687 [his daughter] Essex Finch was born to Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 39) and [his wife] Anne Hatton Countess Nottingham and Winchelsea.

John Evelyn's Diary. 29 Oct 1688. There was a Council called, to which were summoned the Archbishop of Canterbury (age 71), the Judges, the Lord Mayor, etc. The Queen Dowager (age 49), and all the ladies and lords who were present at the Queen Consort's (age 30) labor, were to give their testimony upon oath of the Prince of Wales's birth, recorded both at the Council Board and at the Chancery a day or two after. This procedure was censured by some as below his Majesty (age 55) to condescend to, on the talk of the people. It was remarkable that on this occasion the Archbishop, Marquis of Halifax (age 54), the Earls of Clarendon and Nottingham (age 41), refused to sit at the Council table among Papists, and their bold telling his Majesty that whatever was done while such sat among them was unlawful and incurred praemunire;-at least, if what I heard be true.

Glorious Revolution

John Evelyn's Diary. 02 Dec 1688. Dr. Tenison (age 52) preached at St. Martin's [Map] on Psalm xxxvi. 5, 6, 7, concerning Providence. I received the blessed Sacrament. Afterward, visited my Lord Godolphin (age 43), then going with the Marquis of Halifax (age 55) and Earl of Nottingham (age 41) as Commissioners to the Prince of Orange (age 38); he told me they had little power. Plymouth, Devon [Map] declared for the Prince. Bath, Somerset [Map], York [Map], Hull [Map], Bristol, Gloucestershire [Map], and all the eminent nobility and persons of quality through England, declare for the Protestant religion and laws, and go to meet the Prince, who every day sets forth new Declarations against the Papists. The great favorites at Court, Priests and Jesuits, fly or abscond. Everything, till now concealed, flies abroad in public print, and is cried about the streets. Expectation of the Prince coming to Oxford, Oxfordshire [Map]. The Prince of Wales and great treasure sent privily to Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map], the Earl of Dover (age 52) being Governor. Address from the Fleet not grateful to his Majesty (age 55). The Papists in offices lay down their commissions, and fly. Universal consternation among them; it looks like a revolution.

John Evelyn's Diary. 06 Feb 1689. There was much contest about the King's (age 38) abdication, and whether he had vacated the government. The Earl of Nottingham (age 41) and about twenty Lords, and many Bishops, entered their protests, but the concurrence was great against them.

On 24 May 1689 [his son] Daniel Finch 8th Earl Winchilsea 3rd Earl Nottingham was born to Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 41) and [his wife] Anne Hatton Countess Nottingham and Winchelsea.

Around 1690 Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 42) commissioned the building of Burley-on-the-Hill House as it is known today. Christopher Wren (age 66) was consulted. The designs of Montague House and Devonshire House [Map] were reviewed.

John Evelyn's Diary. 25 Feb 1690. I went to Kensington, which King William (age 39) had bought of Lord Nottingham (age 42), and altered, but was yet a patched building, but with the garden, however, it is a very sweet villa, having to it the park and a straight new way through this park.

On 18 Jan 1691 [his son] William Finch was born to Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 43) and [his wife] Anne Hatton Countess Nottingham and Winchelsea.

In 1692 [his son] John Finch was born to Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 44) and [his wife] Anne Hatton Countess Nottingham and Winchelsea.

In 1693 [his daughter] Charlotte Finch Duchess Somerset was born to Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 45) and [his wife] Anne Hatton Countess Nottingham and Winchelsea.

John Evelyn's Diary. 01 Jan 1693. Contest in Parliament about a self-denying Act, that no Parliament man should have any office; it wanted only two or three voices to have been carried. The Duke of Norfolk's (age 37) bill for a divorce thrown out, he having managed it very indiscreetly. The quarrel between Admiral Russell (age 40) and Lord Nottingham (age 45) yet undetermined.

John Evelyn's Diary. 12 Nov 1693. Lord Nottingham (age 46) resigned as Secretary of State; the Commissioners of the Admiralty ousted, and Russell (age 40) restored to his office. The season continued very wet, as it had nearly all the summer, if one might call it summer, in which there was no fruit, but corn was very plentiful.

In 1694 [his son] Henry Finch was born to Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 46) and [his wife] Anne Hatton Countess Nottingham and Winchelsea.

On 02 Apr 1695 [his son-in-law] William Savile 2nd Marquess Halifax (age 30) and [his daughter] Mary Finch Duchess Roxburghe (age 18) were married. She by marriage Marchioness Halifax. She the daughter of Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 47) and [his former wife] Essex Rich 2nd Countess Nottingham. He the son of George Savile 1st Marquess Halifax (age 61) and Dorothy Spencer Lady Savile. They were fourth cousins.

In 1697 [his son] Edward Finch-Hatton was born to Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 49) and [his wife] Anne Hatton Countess Nottingham and Winchelsea.

In 1700 [his daughter] Cecilia or Isabella Finch was born to Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 52) and [his wife] Anne Hatton Countess Nottingham and Winchelsea.

In 1701 [his daughter] Mary Finch was born to Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 53) and [his wife] Anne Hatton Countess Nottingham and Winchelsea.

In 1702 [his daughter] Henrietta Finch Duchess of Cleveland Duchess Southampton was born to Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 54) and [his wife] Anne Hatton Countess Nottingham and Winchelsea.

In 1703 [his son-in-law] Roger Mostyn (age 29) and [his daughter] Essex Finch (age 15) were married. She the daughter of Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 55) and [his wife] Anne Hatton Countess Nottingham and Winchelsea.

In 1704 [his daughter] Elizabeth Finch Countess Mansfield was born to Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 56) and [his wife] Anne Hatton Countess Nottingham and Winchelsea.

John Evelyn's Diary. 11 Mar 1705. An exceedingly dry season. Great loss by fire, burning the outhouses and famous stable of the Earl of Nottingham (age 57), at Burleigh [Rutlandshire], full of rich goods and furniture, by the carelessness of a servant. A little before, the same happened at Lord Pembroke's (age 49), at Wilton. The old Countess of Northumberland (age 82), Dowager of Algernon Percy, Admiral of the fleet to King Charles I., died in the 83d year of her age. She was sister to the Earl of Suffolk, and left a great estate, her jointure to descend to the [his future son-in-law] Duke of Somerset (age 42).

Before 1709 [his son-in-law] John Ker 1st Duke Roxburghe (age 28) and [his daughter] Mary Finch Duchess Roxburghe (age 31) were married. She by marriage Duchess Roxburghe. She the daughter of Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 61) and [his former wife] Essex Rich 2nd Countess Nottingham. He the son of Robert Ker 3rd Earl Roxburghe and Margaret Hay Countess Roxburghe.

Avebury by William Stukeley. THERE is still another of these long archdruids' tumuli at Abury, which leads me to describe a kind of ancient monuments which I meet with here, and near Stonehenge and elsewhere; which I take to be houses of the Druids, or their courts of judicature, or both. The principal of them here, is a remarkable thing, upon the Hakpen-hill east of Abury, near a mile, between it and Rockley. That part of the downs thereabouts is called Temple-downs, and the thing is called old Chapel [Map]. Lord Winchelsea (age 76), Lord (age 39) and Lady Hertford (age 24) and myself were curious in observing it, July 6, 1723. 'Tis a large square, intrenched, 110 druid cubits by 130, like a little Roman camp, with one entrance on the south-west side, towards Abury: for it is posited with accuracy, (as all these works are) from north-east to south-west. The situation of the place is high, and has a descent, quite round three of its sides; the verge of the descent inclosing it like a horseshoe. The entrance is on the side next Abury, on the isthmus of the peninsula (as it were,) on the shortest side of the square, the south-west. It is made of a vallum and ditch; beyond that, a row of flat stones set quite round and pretty close to one another, like a wall. Beyond that, another lesser ditch. There are stones too set on each side the entrance. On the north-west side is a large long barrow 50 cubits in length, with two great stone works upon it. One on the end next the great inclosed place, we have been describing: another stonework towards the other end; which seems to have been a semicircular cove, or demi-ellipsis consisting of five great stones; a Stonehenge cell in miniature, but now in ruins. This probably gave the name of old Chapel [Map] to the place; the barrow likewise has been set quite round with great stones.

In the second stone-work, one stone lies flat on the ground, along the middle line of the barrow. On each side a flat stone stands upright, and two flat stones stand upright at right angles, as wings to 'em. Upon them I suppose other stones were piled as a kist-vaen. Here probably lies the body of the interred. The stones are generally very large, about ten feet long.

The whole I take to have been the palace and interment of an arch-druid, and his tribunal or seat of justice. 'Tis posited exactly enough south-east and north-west. The learned Mr. Rowland, who wrote the history of the Isle of Mona, describes just such works as this in that place, and calls them houses of the Druids.

On 04 Feb 1725 [his son-in-law] Charles Seymour 6th Duke of Somerset (age 62) and [his daughter] Charlotte Finch Duchess Somerset (age 32) were married. She by marriage Duchess Somerset. The difference in their ages was 30 years. She the daughter of Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 77) and [his wife] Anne Hatton Countess Nottingham and Winchelsea. He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

On 09 Sep 1729 John Finch 6th Earl Winchilsea (age 46) died. He was buried at Westminster Abbey [Map]. His second cousin Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 82) succeeded 7th Earl Winchilsea, 7th Viscount Maidstone, 8th Baronet Finch of Eastwell in Kent. [his wife] Anne Hatton Countess Nottingham and Winchelsea by marriage Countess Winchilsea.

On 01 Jan 1730 Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 82) died. His son [his son] Daniel Finch 8th Earl Winchilsea 3rd Earl Nottingham (age 40) succeeded 8th Earl Winchilsea, 8th Viscount Maidstone, 3rd Earl Nottingham, 3rd Baron Finch Daventry, 9th Baronet Finch of Eastwell in Kent.

In 1743 [his former wife] Anne Hatton Countess Nottingham and Winchelsea died.

[his daughter] Charlotte Finch was born to Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea and Anne Hatton Countess Nottingham and Winchelsea.

Royal Ancestors of Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea 1647-1730

Kings Wessex: Great x 19 Grand Son of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England

Kings Gwynedd: Great x 16 Grand Son of Owain "Great" King Gwynedd

Kings Seisyllwg: Great x 22 Grand Son of Hywel "Dda aka Good" King Seisyllwg King Deheubarth

Kings Powys: Great x 17 Grand Son of Maredudd ap Bleddyn King Powys

Kings England: Great x 10 Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Kings Scotland: Great x 18 Grand Son of King Duncan I of Scotland

Kings Franks: Great x 15 Grand Son of Louis VII King Franks

Kings France: Great x 12 Grand Son of Philip IV King France

Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 23 Grand Son of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine

Royal Descendants of Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea 1647-1730

Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom

Ancestors of Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea 1647-1730

Great x 4 Grandfather: Henry Finch

Great x 3 Grandfather: William Finch

Great x 2 Grandfather: Thomas Finch

Great x 1 Grandfather: Moyle Finch 1st Baronet

Great x 4 Grandfather: John Moyle

Great x 3 Grandfather: Thomas Moyle

Great x 4 Grandmother: Anne Darcy

Great x 2 Grandmother: Katherine Moyle

GrandFather: Heneage Finch 8 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: John Heneage

Great x 3 Grandfather: Robert Heneage

Great x 2 Grandfather: Thomas Heneage

Great x 3 Grandmother: Lucy Buckton

Great x 1 Grandmother: Elizabeth Heneage 1st Countess Winchelsea 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Anthony Poyntz 8 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Nicholas Poyntz 6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Huddersfield 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Anne Poyntz 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Berkeley 5th Baron Berkeley 5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Joan Berkeley 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor Constable Baroness Berkeley 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Heneage Finch 1st Earl Nottingham 9 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Robert Bell

Great x 1 Grandfather: Edmund Bell

Great x 4 Grandfather: Nicholas Beaupre of Beaupre Hall in Outwell

Great x 3 Grandfather: Edmonde Beaupré of Beaupré Hall Norfolk

Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Fotheringay

Great x 2 Grandmother: Dorothie Beaupré

GrandMother: Frances Bell 8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Edmund Knyvet Baron Berners 9 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: John Knyvet 5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan Bourchier 3rd Baroness Berners 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Thomas Knyvet 4th Baron Berners 6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 1 Grandmother: Muriel Knyvet 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Henry Vaughan of Tretower Court

Great x 3 Grandfather: Thomas Parry

Great x 2 Grandmother: Muriel Parry

Great x 4 Grandfather: William Reade

Great x 3 Grandmother: Anne Reade

Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea 10 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

GrandFather: Daniel Harvey

Mother: Elizabeth Harvey Baroness Finch