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Biography of John Everett Millais 1st Baronet 1829-1896

Paternal Family Tree: Millais

John Everett Millais 1st Baronet 1829-1896 is in Painters.

On 08 Jun 1829 John Everett Millais 1st Baronet was born to John William Millais and Emily Mary Evermy (age 40) at Southampton, Hampshire [Map]. Most of his early childhood was spent in Jersey.

Around 1840 John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 10) became the youngest student to enter the Royal Academy schools where he met William Holman Hunt (age 12) and Dante Gabriel Rossetti (age 11) with whom he later formed the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.

1841 to 1843. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 11). "Othello and Desdemona".

1847. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 17). Self-Portrait.

1847 to 1848. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 17). "Cymon and Iphigenia".

In Sep 1847 the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood was formed at 7 Gower Street, Camden [Map], the home of John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 18). The seven founder members were Millais, brothers Dante Gabriel Rossetti (age 19) and William Michael Rossetti (age 17), William Holman Hunt (age 20), James Collinson (age 22), Frederick George Stephens (age 19) and Thomas Woolner (age 21).

1848. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 18). "Death Romeo and Juliet".

1848. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 18). "Pizarro seizing the Inca of Peru".

On 10 Apr 1848 John Ruskin (age 29) and [his future wife] Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 19) were married at Kinnoull Parish Church.

1849 to 1850. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 19). Christ in the House of His Parents. The boy on the right John the Baptist.

1849. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 19). "Isabella". From the poem Isabella and the Pot of Basil and the book Decameron Day Four Story Five. Note the initials PRB on the bottom of the table leg. The painting is on display at the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool.

The models are believed to be:

Dante Gabriel Rossetti (age 20): Far right drinking from glass.

William Michael Rossetti (age 19): Lorenzo, offering an orange to Isabella.

Isabella: Decameron Day Four Story Five. Summary. Lisabetta's brothers murder her lover. He appears to her in a dream and shows her where he is buried. She secretly disinters the head and places it in a pot of basil, over which she weeps for a long time every day. In the end her brothers take it away from her, and shortly thereafter she dies of grief.

1850 to 1851. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 20). "Mariana". The character in the Shakepeare play Measure for Measure and Tennyson's peom Mariana in the Moated Grange.

1851 to 1852. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 21). "Ophelia". Hamlet Act IV Scene 7 Part IV in which Queen Gertrude describes Ophelia's death to Laertes. Millais painted the scene near Tolworth, Surrey [Map] using the River Hogsmill. Elizabeth Siddal (age 21) modelled in a bath-tub at 7 Gower Street, Camden [Map]. The initials PRB bottom right next to his signature. See Ophelia by John Everett MIllais.

1851. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 21). "The Return of the Dove to the Ark".

1851. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 21). Portrait of Emily Augusta Patmore nee Andrews (age 26) known as "Mrs Coventry Patmore".

Emily Augusta Patmore nee Andrews: On 29 Feb 1824 she was born to Edward Andrews and Elizabeth Symons. In 1847 Coventry Patmore and she were married. On 05 Jul 1862 she died.

1851. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 21). "The Bridesmaid". Gifted to the Fitzwilliam Museum by Thomas Richards Harding in 1889.

1851. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 21). "The Woodman's Daughter".

Around 1851. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 21). Study for Ophelia. Model Elizabeth Siddal (age 21).

1851 to 1852. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 21). "A Hugenot, on St. Bartholomew's Day, Refusing to Shield Himself from Danger by Wearing the Roman Catholic Badge". See The Hugenot by John Everett Millais.

1852. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 22). "The Proscribed Royalist, 1651". A young Puritan woman protecting a fleeing Royalist after the Battle of Worcester in 1651. The model for the Royalist hiding in the tree is Arthur Hughes (age 19).

1852 to 1853. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 22). "The Proscribed Royalist".

1852 to 1853. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 22). Portrait of John Ruskin (age 32).

1852 to 1853. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 22). "The Order of Release, 1746". Modelled by [his future wife] Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 23). The painting depicts the wife of a Highland Jacobite soldier, who has been imprisoned after the Jacobite rising of 1745, with an order securing his release. She holds her child, showing the order to a guard, while her husband embraces her.

1852. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 22). Portrait study for "The Proscribed Royalist", "The Proscribed Royalist, 1746".. Arthur Hughes (age 19), then a student at the Royal Academy, recalled meeting Millais in the Academy library. Millais asked him to 'sit…for a head in his picture, 'The Proscribed Royalist '. I went and sat 5 or 6 times. He painted me in a small back room on the 2nd floor of the Gower Street house [Map]'.

The Diary of George Price Boyce 1852. 25 Mar 1852. With Clayton (age 24) to the R.A. to hear Leslie's 5th lecture on landscape painting, but in reality on the works of Cozens, Girtin, Constable and Turner, exquisite examples of which lined the walls. Crowded audience. Spoke to Frith. Came across J. E. Millais (age 22), only knowing him by sight. Leslie said that Constable painted almost entirely out of doors, lived in the country. Made many studies of skies (some fine ones on the walls) the sky being the key note of the picture. Gave names to the trees about him, and used to speak of a graceful ash called by him "the young lady who died of a broken heart," having had an ugly board nailed to its side with the warning "Trespassers Beware."

1853 to 1854. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 23). "[his future wife] Effie (age 24) with Foxgloves in her hair". On display at Wightwick Manor, Wolverhampton.

1853 to 1854. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 23). "Waterfall, or [his future wife] Effie (age 24) at Glenfinlas".

1853. William Holman Hunt (age 25). Portrait of John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 23).

1853. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 23). Portrait of Frederick George Stephens (age 25).

Frederick George Stephens: On 10 Oct 1827 he was born to Septimus Stephens of Aberdeen and Anne Cook. In Sep 1847 the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood was formed at 7 Gower Street, Camden, the home of John Everett Millais 1st Baronet. The seven founder members were Millais, brothers Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Michael Rossetti, William Holman Hunt, James Collinson, Frederick George Stephens and Thomas Woolner. The Diary of George Price Boyce 1852. 30 Dec 1852. Went down to Dante G. and William Rossetti's chambers at 14 Chatham Place, Blackfriars Bridge. Met there Wells, J. P. Seddon, Clayton, and Mr. Munro, Mr. Stephens and Mr. Hughes. Rossetti showed me his studio but none of his works (which is his way). He had for our entertainment a series of anastatic drawings designed and coloured by the Hon. Mrs. Boyle, some of which as beautiful in feeling, natural simplicity, and colour, and in poetical treatment as almost anything I have seen. They illustrate a nursery rhyme. Also a quantity of Gavarni's works, and a grand and most striking mask of Dante taken from a caste of his face in death; a tracing of his head in Giotto's fresco with the eye imperfect; a pen and ink sketch by Millais from Keats' "Isabella." In the physical way, roast chestnuts and coffee, honey, and hot spirits. His room has a jolly balcony overhanging the river, the reflection of the lights on the bridge and quays, etc., were charming. Conversation throughout delightful, resulting methought from the happy and gentlemanly freedom of the company generally. There was only one of D. G. Rossetti's works to be seen in the room, and that was a sketch, study of a man, back view. Gabriel Rossetti invited me to his studio next Thursday. On 09 Mar 1907 he died.

The Diary of George Price Boyce 1853. 06 Jan 1853. To Rossetti's (age 24), Blackfriars Bridge. Met there W. Holman Hunt (age 25), J. E. Millais (age 23), J. P. Seddon (age 25), Clayton (age 25), Munro (age 27), whose charming group of Francesca and her lover was in Rossetti's studio, Stephens, Blanchard, C. Lucy, a Scotchman and a foreigner. Millais somewhat egotistical and little real, his attention being easily distracted. He jerked out some good remarks. Spoke highly of Ruskin (age 33) as a friend of Art; said that [his future wife] Mrs. R (age 24). was sitting for one of his pictures1. Hunt struck me as a thoroughly genuine, humorous, good-hearted, straightforward English-like fellow. Said he was bound for Syria before long. Millais spoke highly of Charles Collins (age 24) as a good religious man?

Note 1. Probably "The Order of Release".

The Illustrated London News 1853 May 07. 07 May 1853. It is time now that we speak of Millais (age 23) - Millais the Pre-Raffaelite; the "pretender" Millais that was; the "usurper" Millais that is; the "legitimate" Millais that perhaps (much virtue in that little word) may be; and who has certainly a larger crowd of admirers in his little corner in the Middle Room than all the Academicians put together command; ay, and a crowd intent on what they are about—a good sticking crowd, who, having once taken up their position opposite the object of their homage. are not inclined very soon to move on. but stand there gaping, and staring. and commenting upon the wondrous effects, without any regard to the pressure from behiml of crowds pre. paring to occupy their place. Truth to say. Mr. Millais. in this "Order of Release", has achieved for himself an "order of merit" worth more than any academic hononr. and has earned a fame which a whole corporate academy might be proud to portion amongst its constituent members. Whilst we admit— nay, assert this—we would by no means wish to be understood as enrolling ourselves incontinently of this young artist's "party " (for there is partisanship in everything, even in art); but simply as asserting that Pre-Raffaelitism (or rather the artists who have been foolishly styled Pre-Raffaelites) is a "great fact." and perhaps may lead to the regeneration of art in this country; and we may add that those who did us the honour to read our remarks upon this very subject last year. will perceite that what we now state is perfectly consistent with, indeed confirms, what we then. with somewhat more of reserve and hesitation. put forth. But more of this anon. when we come to engrave the Order of Release," which we hope to do next week. In the meantime. we will only add that the subject is simply that of a wife, with child in her arms. coming with an order of release for her husband, who has been taken in the Civil Wars. The husband, overcome with emotions, and weak from a recent wound (his arm is in a sling). can but fall upon her neck and weep: the woman, "firm of purpose," sheds no tear; she nas none to shed; but her eye is red and heavy with weeping and waking; and she looks at the stern and unconcerned gaoler with a proud look. expressing that she has won the reward for all her trouble past. The colouring. the textural execution, are marvellous (for these degenerate days); but of these we have not room to say more at present. Mr. Millais has another picture, "A Proscribed Royalist, 1651," concealed in the trunk of an old tree, whom a young lady stealthily visits to supply him with bread; but, though itself a capital specimen of executive skill, it by no means carries the poetic interest of the other work, nor in colouring is it so harmonious.

The Diary of George Price Boyce 1854. 08 Apr 1854. J. E. Millais (age 24) and Munro called on me at Russell St. The former stayed some time and appeared much interested in my sketches, especially those taken in the neighbourhood of Dinan, and some few near Bettws. He thought I painted a good like old Hunt—wish I had a little of his genius! He wanted to finish his picture of Ruskin (looking on falling water) from some spot nearer than the Highlands. I recommended him the neighbourhood of Capel Curig. He suggested our exchanging sketches. Rossetti (age 25) came in at 3 and stayed till 10, working a greater part of the time on the old drawing I have of his, in which I cut out the head of the dancing boy and inserted a fresh piece of paper at the back. He improved it much in parts, especially the heads, but left it unfinished. He said he thought the most beautiful combination of colour in a picture to be green, blue, and carmine, all inclining to purplish, but the general tone of picture colour to incline to vellow. An opal I showed him elicited this. He gave me 2 pen and ink sketches made some time ago—one of his first idea of the drawing "to caper nimbly in a lady's chamber," and the other a Siren followed by two men in a boat. I am to give him a sketch in return. He lent me F. & G.'s edition of Hugo's "Notre Dame de Paris" with some fine illustrations by Meissonier and Legrand. He told me in conversation that W. H. Hunt (age 27) had a morbid conviction of his own ugliness and desired that all record of him to the present in the way of portraits or letters should be destroyed.

On 15 Jul 1854 the marriage of John Ruskin (age 35) and [his future wife] Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 26) annulled by the Commissary Court of Surrey on the grounds of John Ruskin being "incapable of consummating the same [marriage] by reason of incurable impotency".

1855. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 25). "The Rescue". Model Jane "Jeanie" Elizabeth Hughes (age 26).

Jane "Jeanie" Elizabeth Hughes: On 10 Dec 1828 she was born to John Hughes at Uffington, Oxfordshire. On 10 Aug 1848 Nassau John Senior and she were married. On 24 Mar 1877 she died.

1855. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 25). Portrait of Annie Miller (age 20).

On 03 Jul 1855 John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 26) and Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 27) were married at Kinnoull Parish Church.

1856 to 1857. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 26). "News from Home".

1856. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 26). "The Blind Girl". Mathilda Proudfoot was the model for the blind girl, replacing [his wife] Effie Ruskin (age 27) who Millais first used as the model, and Isabella Nicol as her sister.

1856. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 26). "Autumn Leaves". Left to right: Alice Gray (age 12) at Perth [Map]., [his sister-in-law] Sophie Gray (age 12) and two local girls, Mathilda Proudfoot and Isabella Nicol who were said to be wards of an orphanage/industrial school in Perth, charitably recruited for these tasks by [his wife] Effie Gray Millais (age 27), apparently the original Sussex blind girl who was painted over. In the collection of Manchester Art Gallery.

Alice Gray: After 1843 she was born to George Gray and Sophia Margaret Jameson at Perth.

On 30 May 1856 [his son] Everett Millais 2nd Baronet was born to John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 26) and [his wife] Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 28).

1857 . Frederick Sandys (age 27). "A Nightmare of Sir Isumbras at the Ford". A paraody of John Everett Millais' (age 27) "Sir Isumbras at the Ford. See description in George Price Boyce's Diary.

1857. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 27). Portrait of [his sister-in-law] Sophie Gray (age 13). Study for Autumn Leaves.

1857. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 27). "A Dream of the Past: Sir Isumbras at the Ford". See Frederick Sandys' Parody.

1857 to 1858. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 27). "Only a Lock of Hair". Model [his sister-in-law] Sophie Gray (age 13).

The Diary of George Price Boyce 1855-1857. 27 Jun 1857. To P.R.B. Exhibition in Russell Place .... I found my little "Sunset" sketch in North Wales mounted in a preposterously wide gilt flat, whereas I had left it in my room mounted on white paper. A lot of the foreground is covered by the mount which completely spoils the sketch and looks ridiculously pretentious besides. Saw (at Hogarth's) a rather clever caricature-etching founded on Millais' "Dream of the Past" picture, to which the outlines were pretty strictly kept to. Millais (age 28) himself is the old Knight, Rossetti (age 29) the girl in front, Holman Hunt (age 30) the child behind. Ruskin (age 38) the ass on which they are riding and which is by far the best thing in the etching in every respect.

On 19 Sep 1857 [his son] George Millais was born to John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 28) and [his wife] Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 29) at Bowerswell.

The Diary of George Price Boyce 1855-1857. 19 Nov 1857. Adjourned to Millais' (age 28) house, just taken, No. 16 York Terrace, at about 4, and not finding him in waited and had a long and very pleasant chat with his wife [[his wife] Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 29)], who has a lovely and passionate face, and whose manner is particularly engaging and ladylike withal. At her request, and afterwards backed by Millais, stayed to dinner, after which she left and I had a long chat on divers subjects with him. He spoke about Ruskin (age 38), whom he thinks desperately ill off, and of the portrait he painted of him in Scotland, which he thought the finest thing in the way of portraiture he had yet done, and said he wanted it for the exhibition (R.A). He seemed astonished when I told him I had seen it in Ruskin's bedroom?

1858. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 28). "Spring aka Apple Blossoms". Model far left [his sister-in-law] Sophie Gray (age 14). In the collection of the Lady Lever Art Gallery [Map]. See The Life and Letters of Sir John Everett Millais pages 328-331.

1858. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 28). Portrait of Alice Gray (age 14).

1858. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 28). "The Vale of Rest", subtitled 'Where the weary find repose', both of which come from Mendelssohn's part-song 'Ruhetal' from Sechs Lieder, Opus 59, no.5. See The Life and Letters of Sir John Everett Millais pages 328-333.

1858. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 28). Portrait of Alice Gray (age 14).

In 1858 [his daughter] Effie Millais was born to John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 28) and [his wife] Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 29).

1860. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 30). "The Black Brunswickers". Model Catherine "Kate" Perugini nee Dickens (age 20). On the wall of the room is an engraving of a painting by J L David (1748-1825), which depicts Napoleon crossing the Alps. It serves as a reminder of Waterloo. The The Black Brunswickers suffered severe losses at the battle of Quatre Bras at Waterloo in 1815. In the collection of the Lady Lever Art Gallery [Map].

1860. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 30). "The Pearl of Great Price". Model Fanny Entwhistle aka Eaton (age 24) on the left. Designed twenty images for the Dalziel brothers' Parables of Our Lord published in 1864. This scene illustrates the parable of the Pearl of Great Price from the New Testament (Matthew 13: 45-46) which states: "The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it."

In 1860 [his daughter] Mary Millais was born to John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 30) and [his wife] Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 31).

1860 to 1862. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 30). "The Ransom".

The Diary of George Price Boyce 1861. May 29. Went down to Epsom by rail and walked to the course. Met Woolner (age 35) and a brother sculptor, Burnett, John (age 31) and [his brother] William (age 33) Millais, Mr. (age 38) and Mrs. Abraham Salomon and Miss Salomon. Tom Taylor and a lady. When the 18 horses were running for the Derby Stakes and I and Woolner and Burnett were against the ropes on the side the horses took, and we were struck by the thunder and tramping rush of their progress—that was in truth a sublime moment. In the evening adiourned to Cremorne which was densely thronged by men and women in all states of hilarity and inebricty. Met Munro and Ormsby, Poynter, Du Maurier, Millais and Jopling and others.12

Note 12. The annual great Derby Day race at Epsom, won this year by ‘Kettledrum’, was an infectiously exciting occasion. William Burnett, architect and landscape painter, whose work was mostly done from 1844-60. William (1828-99) younger brother of John Millais was a landscape painter. Cremorne pleasure gardens to the west of Battersea Bridge were celebrating Derby Day with coloured lamps, dancing, fireworks and larking. Those participating in the fun were John Ormsby (1829-95), traveller, mountain-climber, illustrator, and a regular contributor to Fraser's Magazine, the Saturday Review and other periodicals; George DuMaurier (1834-96) novelist and artist, now employed by Punch, and J. M. Jopling (1831-84) a self-taught artist and friend of Millais.

From 1862 John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 32) and [his wife] Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 33) lived at 7 Cromwell Place, Kensington.

In 1862 [his daughter] Alice Millais Baroness Stuart was born to John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 32) and [his wife] Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 33).

1863. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 33). "My Second Sermon".

1863. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 33). "The Eve of St Agnes". Model [his wife] Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 34). Location Knole House, Sevenoaks.

1863. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 33). "Joan of Arc".

1863. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 33). "My First Sermon".

On 18 Sep 1863 [his son] Geoffrey William Millais 4th Baronet was born to John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 34) and [his wife] Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 35).

On 22 Apr 1864 [his mother] Emily Mary Evermy (age 75) died.

In 1865 [his son] John Millais was born to John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 35) and [his wife] Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 36).

1865. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 35). "Esther". The painting depicts Esther, the Jewish wife of the Persian king Ahasuerus, as she prepares to enter the presence of her husband. The Yellow Jacket belonged to General Gordon, a gift from the Chinese emperor after the defeat of the Taiping rebellion. Millais turned it inside out.

1867. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 37). "Waking".

1867. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 37). "Jephthah". Model Fanny Entwhistle aka Eaton (age 31) rightmost.

1867. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 37). "Sleeping".

1868. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 38). "A Souvenir of Velazquez".

In 1868 [his daughter] Sophie Millais was born to John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 38) and [his wife] Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 39).

1868. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 38). "Stella".

1868. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 38). "Vanessa". An imagined portrait of Jonathan Swift's close friend and correspondent Esther Vanhomrigh who was known as Vanessa.

1870. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 40). "The Knight Errant".

1870. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 40). "Rosalind in the Forest".

1870. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 40). "A Widow's Mite".

1870. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 40). "Hearts are Trumps".

1870. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 40). "Chill October".

On 28 Jan 1870 [his father] John William Millais died.

1871. George Frederick Watts (age 53). Portrait of John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 41).

1871. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 41). "The Martyr of Solway". She, Margaret Wilson, was executed by drowning for refusing to swear an oath declaring James II and VII as head of the church. Margaret McLachlan was also executed.

1871 Census. 7 Cromwell Place, Kensington.

John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 41)

[his wife] Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 42)

[his daughter] Mary (age 11)

[his son] Geoffrey (age 7)

[his son] John (age 6)

[his daughter] Sophia (age 3)

[his daughter] Effie (age 13)

[his brother] William (age 43)

1873. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 43). Portrait of [his wife] Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 44).

1874. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 44). "The West Passage". Models Edward John Trelawny and Mrs Ellis.

1874. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 44). Portrait of [his daughter] Alice Millais Baroness Stuart (age 12), the artist's daughter.

Alice Millais Baroness Stuart: In 1862 she was born to John Everett Millais 1st Baronet and Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais. After Jul 1881 Charles Beilby Stuart-Wortley 1st Baron Stuart and she were married. She the daughter of John Everett Millais 1st Baronet and Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais. In 1917 Charles Beilby Stuart-Wortley 1st Baron Stuart was created 1st Baron Stuart of Wortley in the City of Sheffield. She by marriage Baroness Stuart of Wortley in the City of Sheffield. In 1936 Alice Millais Baroness Stuart died.

1874. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 44). Portrait of Eevleen Tennant (age 17).

Eevleen Tennant: On 21 Nov 1856 she was born to Charles Tennant. On 12 Mar 1937 she died.

1876. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 46). "The Two Princes". An imagined portrait of the Princes in the Tower King Edward V of England and Richard of Shrewsbury 1st Duke of York.

1876. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 46). Portrait of Cardinal John Henry Newman (age 74).

Cardinal John Henry Newman: On 21 Feb 1801 he was born to John Newman and Jemima Fourdrinier. On 11 Aug 1890 he died. On 13 Oct 2019 Cardinal John Henry Newman was canonised; becoming a Saint.

1876. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 46). "Cherry Ripe".

1876. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 46). Portrait of Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton 1st Earl (age 44).

1876. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 46). "Bright Eyes". Portrait of Florence Coleridge.

Around 1876. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 46). "Ducklings".

Around 1876. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 46). "Portia".

Around 1876. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 46). Portrait of Louise Jopling nee Goode (age 32).

1876. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 46). "Stitch, Stitch, Stitch". Modelled by Mrs Ellis.

1876. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 46). "The North West Passage" subtitled "It might be done and England should do it". Modelled by Mrs Ellis.

1876. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 46). "The Twins, Kate (age 20) and Grace (age 20) Hoare". Painted to celebrate their twentieth birthday.

Kate Hoare: In 1856 she was born to Thomas Rolls Hoare. She was a twin with her sister Grace Hoare. On 10 Nov 1948 she died.

Grace Hoare: In 1856 she was born to Thomas Rolls Hoare. She was a twin with her sister Kate Hoare. In 1877 Syndey Mason Eardley-Wilmot and she were married. On 20 Feb 1946 she died.

1876. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 46). Portrait of John Caird. He the brother of the husband James Caird 1st Baronet (age 39) of [his sister-in-law] Sophie Gray (age 32), the sister of the artists's wife [his wife] Effie Gray (age 47).

John Caird: he was born to William Caird.

1879. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 49). Portrait of Beatrix Caird (age 5), the artist's niece.

Beatrix Caird: In 1874 she was born to James Caird 1st Baronet and Sophie Gray. In 1888 she died.

1880. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 50). Portrait of [his sister-in-law] Sophie Gray (age 36).

1881. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 51). Portrait of Catherine "Kate" Perugini nee Dickens (age 41).

1881. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 51). Self-Portrait.

1881 to 1882. Joseph Boehm (age 46). Bust of John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 51). Diploma Work given by Sir Joseph Boehm accepted 1882. Photo Royal Academy.

1881. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 51). Portrait of Henry Thompson 1st Baronet (age 60).

Henry Thompson 1st Baronet: On 06 Aug 1820 he was born. On 20 Feb 1899 Henry Thompson 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Thompson of Wimpole Street in London. On 18 Apr 1904 he died. His son Henry Thompson 2nd Baronet succeeded 2nd Baronet Thompson of Wimpole Street in London.

03 Apr 1881. Census. 2 Palace Gate, Kensington.

John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 51)

Alice Millais

[his son] Geoffrey (age 17)

Jean Gray.

[his brother] William (age 53)

Five servants.

Geoffrey William Millais 4th Baronet: On 18 Sep 1863 he was born to John Everett Millais 1st Baronet and Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais. On 30 Sep 1920 John Everett Millais 3rd Baronet died. His uncle Geoffrey William Millais 4th Baronet succeeded 4th Baronet Millais of Palace Gate in Kensington in Middlesex. On 07 Nov 1941 Geoffrey William Millais 4th Baronet died. His son Ralph Regnault Millais 5th Baronet succeeded 5th Baronet Millais of Palace Gate in Kensington in Middlesex.

05 Apr 1881. Census. 2 Palace Gate, Kensington.

John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 51)

[his wife] Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 52)


John, Grandchild

Euphemia, Grandchild

Albert Gray, Brother-in-law

Nine servants.

After Jul 1881 [his son-in-law] Charles Beilby Stuart-Wortley 1st Baron Stuart (age 29) and [his daughter] Alice Millais Baroness Stuart (age 19) were married. She the daughter of John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 52) and [his wife] Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 53).

1882. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 52). "A Jersey Lily". Portrait of Emilie Charlotte Le Breton "Lily Langtry" (age 28).

On 16 Jul 1885 John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 56) was created 1st Baronet Millais of Palace Gate in Kensington in Middlesex. [his wife] Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 57) by marriage Lady Millais of Palace Gate in Kensington in Middlesex.

1886. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 56). "The Sweetest Eyes Ever Seen".

1886. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 56). "Mercy: St Bartholomew's Day, 1572".

1886. Francis "Frank" Holl (age 40). Portrait of John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 56).

On 10 Apr 1886 [his son] Everett Millais 2nd Baronet (age 29) and [his daughter-in-law] Mary St Lawrence Hope-Vere (age 25) were married. He the son of John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 56) and [his wife] Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 57).

Before 1890. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 60). "Bubbles". In the collection of the Lady Lever Art Gallery [Map].

Around 1890. Ralph W Robinson (age 28). Photograph of John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 60).

1891. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 61). Portrait of Mary Endicott, Mrs Joseph Chamberlain.

Around 1891. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 61). Portrait of Anne Ryan.

Around 1891. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 61). Portrait of Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil 3rd Marquess Salisbury (age 60)

1895. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 65). "A Disciple".

In Feb 1896 John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 66) was appointed President of the Royal Academy.

On 13 Aug 1896 John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 67) died. His son [his son] Everett Millais 2nd Baronet (age 40) succeeded 2nd Baronet Millais of Palace Gate in Kensington in Middlesex.

On 23 Dec 1897 [his former wife] Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 69) died at Bowerswell. She was buried at Kinnoull Parish Church next to her son [his son] George Millais.