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Biography of John Granville 1st Earl Bath 1628-1701

Paternal Family Tree: Grenville

Maternal Family Tree: Jane Arundell 1537-1592

1661 Coronation of Charles II

1685 Death and Burial of Charles II

In 1618 [his father] Bevil Grenville (age 22) and [his mother] Grace Smith were married.

On 29 Aug 1628 John Granville 1st Earl Bath was born to Bevil Grenville (age 33) and Grace Smith.

In Oct 1652 John Granville 1st Earl Bath (age 24) and Jane Wyche were married.

On 03 Sep 1654 [his daughter] Jane Granville Baroness Gower was born to John Granville 1st Earl Bath (age 26) and [his wife] Jane Wyche.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 Jun 1660. This day or two my maid Jane-[Jane Wayneman.]-has been lame, that we cannot tell what to do for want of her. Up and to White Hall, where I got my warrant from the Duke to be Clerk of the Acts. Also I got my Lord's warrant from the Secretary for his honour of Earle of Portsmouth, and Viscount Montagu of Hinchingbroke. So to my Lord, to give him an account of what I had done. Then to Sir Geffery Palmer (age 62), to give them to him to have bills drawn upon them, who told me that my Lord must have some good Latinist to make the preamble to his Patent, which must express his late service in the best terms that he can, and he told me in what high flaunting terms Sir J. Greenville (age 31) had caused his to be done, which he do not like; but that Sir Richard Fanshawe (age 52) had done General Monk's (age 51) very well. Back to Westminster, and meeting Mr. Townsend in the Palace, he and I and another or two went and dined at the Leg there. Then to White Hall, where I was told by Mr. Hutchinson at the Admiralty, that Mr. Barlow, my predecessor, Clerk of the Acts, is yet alive, and coming up to town to look after his place, which made my heart sad a little. At night told my Lord thereof, and he bade me get possession of my Patent; and he would do all that could be done to keep him out. This night my Lord and I looked over the list of the Captains,. and marked some that my Lord had a mind to have put out. Home and to bed. Our wench very lame, abed these two days.

Coronation of Charles II

John Evelyn's Diary. 22 Apr 1661. Was the splendid cavalcade of his Majesty (age 30) from the Tower of London to Whitehall, when I saw him in the Banqueting House, Whitehall Palace [Map] create six Earls, and as many Barons, viz:

Edward Lord Hyde, Lord Chancellor (age 52), Earl of Clarendon; supported by the Earls of Northumberland (age 58) and Sussex (age 14); the Earl of Bedford (age 44) carried the cap and coronet, the Earl of Warwick (age 46), the sword, the Earl of Newport (age 64), the mantle.

Next, was Capel, created Earl of Essex.

Brudenell, Cardigan;.

Valentia, Anglesea;.

Greenvill, Bath;.

Howard, Earl of Carlisle.

The Barons were: Denzille Holles; Cornwallis; Booth; Townsend; Cooper; Crew; who were led up by several Peers, with Garter and officers of arms before them; when, after obedience on their several approaches to the throne, their patents were presented by Garter King-at-Arms, which being received by the Lord Chamberlain (age 59), and delivered to his Majesty, and by him to the Secretary of State, were read, and then again delivered to his Majesty, and by him to the several Lords created; they were then robed, their coronets and collars put on by his Majesty, and they were placed in rank on both sides of the state and throne; but the Barons put off their caps and circles, and held them in their hands, the Earls keeping on their coronets, as cousins to the King.

I spent the rest of the evening in seeing the several archtriumphals built in the streets at several eminent places through which his Majesty was next day to pass, some of which, though temporary, and to stand but one year, were of good invention and architecture, with inscriptions.


Arthur Capell 1st Earl Essex (age 29) was created 1st Earl Essex. Elizabeth Percy Countess Essex (age 25) by marriage Countess Essex.

Thomas Brudenell 1st Earl Cardigan (age 78) was created 1st Earl Cardigan. Mary Tresham Countess Cardigan by marriage Countess Cardigan.

Arthur Annesley 1st Earl Annesley (age 46) was created 1st Earl Anglesey, 1st Baron Annesley Newport Pagnell Buckinghamshire. Elizabeth Altham Countess Anglesey (age 41) by marriage Countess Anglesey.

John Granville 1st Earl Bath (age 32) was created 1st Earl Bath, 1st Baron Granville of Kilkhampton and Biddeford.

Charles Howard 1st Earl Carlisle (age 32) was created 1st Earl Carlisle.

Denzil Holles 1st Baron Holles (age 61) was created 1st Baron Holles. Jane Shirley Baroness Holles by marriage Baroness Holles.

Frederick Cornwallis 1st Baron Cornwallis (age 50) was created 1st Baron Cornwallis.

George Booth 1st Baron Delamer (age 38) was created 1st Baron Delamer. Elizabeth Grey Baroness Delamer (age 39) by marriage Baroness Delamer.

Horatio Townshend 1st Viscount Townsend (age 30) was created 1st Baron Townshend of Lynn Regis in Norfolk.

Anthony Ashley-Cooper 1st Earl Shaftesbury (age 39) was created 1st Baron Ashley of Wimborne St Giles.

On 31 Aug 1661 [his son] Charles Granville 2nd Earl Bath was born to John Granville 1st Earl Bath (age 33) and [his wife] Jane Wyche.

In 1665 [his son] John Granville was born to John Granville 1st Earl Bath (age 36) and [his wife] Jane Wyche.

Around 1669 [his son-in-law] William Leveson-Gower 4th Baronet (age 22) and [his daughter] Jane Granville Baroness Gower were married. She the daughter of John Granville 1st Earl Bath (age 40) and [his wife] Jane Wyche.

John Evelyn's Diary. 01 Aug 1676. In the afternoon, after prayers at St. James's Chapel, was christened a daughter of Dr. Leake's (age 34), the Duke's (age 42) Chaplain: godmothers were Lady Mary (age 14), daughter of the Duke of York, and the Duchess of Monmouth (age 25): godfather, the Earl of Bath (age 47).

John Evelyn's Diary. 27 Nov 1677. Dined at the Lord Treasurer's (age 45) with Prince Rupert (age 57), Viscount Falkenburg (age 50), Earl of Bath (age 49), Lord O'Brien (age 35), Sir John Lowther (age 22), Sir Christopher Wren (age 54), Dr. Grew (age 36), and other learned men.

On 22 May 1678 [his son] Charles Granville 2nd Earl Bath (age 16) and [his daughter-in-law] Martha Osborne (age 14) were married. She the daughter of Thomas Osborne 1st Duke Leeds (age 46) and Bridget Bertie Duchess Leeds (age 49). He the son of John Granville 1st Earl Bath (age 49) and [his wife] Jane Wyche.

John Evelyn's Diary. 25 Nov 1682. I was invited to dine with Monsieur Lionberg, the Swedish Resident, who made a magnificent entertainment, it being the birthday of his King. There dined the Duke of Albemarle, Duke of Hamilton (age 47), Earl of Bath (age 54), Earl of Aylesbury (age 56), Lord Arran (age 24), Lord Castlehaven (age 65), the son of him who was executed fifty years before, and several great persons. I was exceedingly afraid of drinking (it being a Dutch feast), but the Duke of Albemarle being that night to wait on his Majesty, excess was prohibited; and, to prevent all, I stole away and left the company as soon as we rose from table.

John Evelyn's Diary. 17 Jun 1683. I dined at the Earl of Sunderland's (age 41) with the Earls of Bath (age 54), Castlehaven (age 66), Lords Viscount Falconberg (age 56), Falkland (age 27), Bishop of London, the Grand Master of Malta, brother to the Duke de Vendôme (a young wild spark), and Mr. Dryden (age 51), the poet. After evening prayer, I walked in the park with my Lord Clarendon, where we fell into discourse of the Bishop of Salisbury (Dr. Seth Ward), his subtlety, etc. Dr. Durell, late Dean of Windsor, being dead, Dr. Turner, one of the Duke's chaplains was made dean.

John Evelyn's Diary. 18 Dec 1684. I went with Lord Cornwallis (age 28) to see the young gallants do their exercise, Mr. Faubert having newly rail'd in a manage, and fitted it for the academy. There were the Dukes of Norfolk (age 29) and Northumberland (age 18), Lord Newburgh, and a nephew of (Duras) Earle of Feversham (age 43). The exercises were, 1. running at the ring; 2. flinging a javelin at a Moor's head; 3. discharging a pistol at a mark; lastly, taking up a gauntlet with the point of a sword; all these perform'd in full speede. The D. of Northumberland hardly miss'd of succeeding in every one, a dozen times, as I think. The D. of Norfolk did exceeding bravely. Lords Newburgh and Duras seem'd nothing so dextrous. Here I saw the difference of what ye French call "belle homme a cheval", and "bon homme a cheval;" the Duke of Norfolk being the first, that is, rather a fine person on a horse, the Duke of Northumberland being both in perfection, namely, a graceful person and excellent rider. But the Duke of Norfolk told me he had not ben at this exercise these 12 yeares before. There were in the field ye Prince of Denmark (age 31), and the [his son] Lord Landsdown (age 23), sonn of ye Earle of Bath (age 56), who had ben made a Count of ye Empire last Summer for his service before Vienna.

Death and Burial of Charles II

John Evelyn's Diary. 06 Feb 1685. Prayers were solemnly made in all the Churches, especialy in both ye Court Chapells, where the Chaplaines reliev'd one another every halfe quarter of an houre from the time he began to be in danger till he expir'd, according to the forme prescrib'd in the Church Offices. Those who assisted his Majesty's (age 54) devotions were, the Abp. of Canterbury (age 68), the Bishops of London (age 53), Durham (age 52), and Ely (age 47), but more especialy Dr. Ken, the Bp. of Bath and Wells (age 47) receiving the Holy Sacrament, but his Ma* told them he would consider of it, which he did so long 'till it was too late. Others whisper'd that the Bishops and Lords, except the Earles of Bath (age 56) and Feversham (age 44), being order'd to withdraw the night before, Hurlston, the 'Priest, had presumed to administer the Popish Offices. He gave his breeches and keys to yc Duke (age 51), who was almost continually kneeling by his bed-side, and in teares. He also recommended to him the care of his natural children, all except the Duke of Monmouth (age 35), now in Holland, and in his displeasure. He intreated the Queene (age 46) to pardon him (not without cause); who a little before had sent a Bishop to excuse her not more frequently visiting him, in reguard of her excessive griefe, and withall, that his Ma* would forgive it if at any time she had offended him. He spake to ye Duke to be kind to the Dutchesse of Cleaveland (age 44), and especialy Portsmouth (age 35), and that Nelly (age 35) might not starve.

John Evelyn's Diary. 17 Feb 1685. This morning his Ma* (age 51) restor'd the staffe and key to Lord Arlington (age 67), Chamberlaine; to Mr. Savell (age 43), Vice-chamberlaine; to Lords Newport (age 64) and Malnard (age 62), Treasurer and Comptroler of the Household; Lord Godolphin (age 39) made Chamberlaine to ye Queene (age 26); Lord Peterborow (age 63) Groome of ye Stole in place of the Earle of Bath (age 56); the Treasurer's staff to the Earle of Rochester (age 42); and his brother the Earle of Clarendon Lord Privie Seale in place of the Marquis of Halifax (age 51), who was made President of the Council; the Secretarys of State remaining as before.

John Evelyn's Diary. 22 May 1685. So soone as ye Commons were return'd and had put themselves into a grand Committee, they immediately put the question, and unanimously voted the Revenue to his Ma* for life. Mr. Seymour made a bold speech against many Elections, and would have had those members who (he pretended) were obnoxious, to withdraw, till they had clear'd the matter of their being legally return'd; but no one seconded him. The truth is, there were many of the new members whose Elections and Returns were universally censur'd, many of them being persons of no condition or interest in the Nation, or places for which they serv'd, especially in Devon, Cornwall, Norfolk, &c. said to have ben recommended by the Court and from the effect of the new charters changing ye electors. It was reported that Lord Bath (age 56) carried down with him [into Cornwall] no fewer than 15 charters, so that some call'd him the Prince Elector; whence Seymour told the House in his speech that if this was digested, they might introduce what religion and lawes they pleas'd, and that tho' he never gave heed to ye feares and jealousies of the people before, he now was really apprehensive of Popery. By the printed list of Members of 505 there did not appeare to be above 135 who had ben in former Parliaments, especialy that lately held at Oxford. In ye Lords House Lord Newport (age 65) made an exception against two or three young Peeres, who wanted some moneths, and some only four or five daies of being of age.

John Evelyn's Diary. 06 Oct 1687. I was godfather to Sir John Chardin's (age 43) son, christened at Greenwich Church [Map], named John. The Earl of Bath (age 59) and Countess of Carlisle, the other sponsors.

Before 22 Apr 1690 [his son-in-law] George Carteret 1st Baron Carteret (age 22) and [his daughter] Jane Granville Baroness Gower (age 35) were married. She by marriage Baroness Carteret of Hawnes. She the daughter of John Granville 1st Earl Bath (age 61) and [his wife] Jane Wyche.

On 10 Mar 1691 [his son] Charles Granville 2nd Earl Bath (age 29) and [his daughter-in-law] Isabella van Nassau (age 23) were married. He the son of John Granville 1st Earl Bath (age 62) and [his wife] Jane Wyche.

John Evelyn's Diary. 11 Feb 1694. Now was the great trial of the appeal of Lord Bath (age 65) and Lord Montagu (age 55) before the Lords, for the estate of the late Duke of Albemarle.

John Evelyn's Diary. 18 Jun 1696. The famous trial between my Lord Bath (age 67) and Lord Montague (age 57) for an estate of £11,000 a year, left by the Duke of Albemarle, wherein on several trials had been spent £20,000 between them. The [his son] Earl of Bath (age 34) was cast on evident forgery.

On 22 Aug 1701 John Granville 1st Earl Bath (age 72) died. His son [his son] Charles Granville 2nd Earl Bath (age 39) succeeded 2nd Earl Bath; he shot himself a month later.

John Evelyn's Diary. 02 Sep 1701. Died the Earl of Bath (deceased), whose contest with [his son] Lord Montague (age 40) about the Duke of Albemarle's estate, claiming under a will supposed to have been forged, is said to have been worth £10,000 to the lawyers. His eldest son shot himself a few days after his father's death; for what cause is not clear. He was a most hopeful young man, and had behaved so bravely against the Turks at the siege of Vienna, that the Emperor made him a Count of the Empire. It was falsely reported that Sir Edward Seymour (age 68) was dead, a great man; he had often been Speaker, Treasurer of the Navy, and in many other lucrative offices. He was of a hasty spirit, not at all sincere, but head of the party at any time prevailing in Parliament.

On 22 Sep 1701 father and son, John Granville 1st Earl Bath (deceased) and [his son] Charles Granville 2nd Earl Bath (deceased) were buried at St James the Great Church, Kilkhampton [Map].

[his daughter] Catherine Granville was born to John Granville 1st Earl Bath and Jane Wyche.

[his daughter] Jane Granville Baroness Gower was born to John Granville 1st Earl Bath and Jane Wyche.

Royal Descendants of John Granville 1st Earl Bath 1628-1701

Brigadier-General Charles FitzClarence

Diana Spencer Princess Wales

Ancestors of John Granville 1st Earl Bath 1628-1701

Great x 4 Grandfather: Roger Grenville

Great x 3 Grandfather: Richard Grenville

Great x 2 Grandfather: Roger Grenville

Great x 1 Grandfather: Richard Grenville

GrandFather: Bernard Grenvlle

Father: Bevil Grenville

John Granville 1st Earl Bath

Great x 1 Grandfather: John Smith

GrandFather: George Smith of Exeter

Great x 2 Grandfather: Alexander Muttleberry of Jordans in Somerset

Great x 1 Grandmother: Alice Muttleberry

Mother: Grace Smith

Great x 1 Grandfather: William Viell of Trevorder

GrandMother: Grave Viell

Great x 4 Grandfather: John Arundell

Great x 3 Grandfather: John Arundell

Great x 4 Grandmother: Anne Moyle

Great x 2 Grandfather: John "Tilbury Jack" Arundell

Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Grenville

Great x 3 Grandmother: Jane Grenville

Great x 1 Grandmother: Jane Arundell