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Biography of John Talman 1677-1726

In Jul 1677 John Talman was born to William Talman (age 27).

In 1715 Giuseppe Grisoni (age 15) travelled to London with John Talman (age 37) and tried to establish himself as a portrait painter. He did not achieve enough success to stay, however, and returned to Florence in 1728.

Minutes of the Society of Antiquaries. 05 Feb 1718. It was proposed for the first time by Mr President Norroy (age 57) to engrave a drawing of Richard II's picture in Westminster Abbey taken by Mr Talmans (age 40) direction agreed to.

Mr George Holmes (age 56) is to do [?] to keep the books belonging to the Society till further order.

Minutes of the Society of Antiquaries. 19 Feb 1718. It is proposed and agreed the 3rd time to engrave RII picture in Westminster Abbey and Mr Director Talman (age 40) is desired and authorised to have a drawing tken of it with all convenient speed, in order thereto.

Minutes of the Society of Antiquaries. 07 May 1718. Bought by the Society the Portrait of Edwrd the Third for a Guinea which Mr Treasurer (age 35) is ordered to pay.

Mr Bostue had the Drawing of Richard II delivered to him by Mr Director (age 40) in order for engraving, for which he is to be paid Twenty Guineas. Mr Director [?] gives the use of the Drawing to the Society.

In order to defray the expenses, it is found necessary to raise a voluntary Subscription of Seven Shillings and Six Pence aa [?] of as many [?], for which they [?] the equivalent in prints of the same when finished.

Mr Vertue (age 34) gives the Copper Plate, he is to be paid five Guineas down, five guineas when half finished, and the rest uponm delivery.

In the margin: Pictures of Henry VII and Eliza: his wife

Bought by the Society of Dr Stukeley (age 30), Secretary, an old picture of Elizabeth wife of Harry VII for £12 0s 6d which Mr Tresurer is order to pay.

Bought by the Society an old picture of Henry VII for £1 0s 4d which Mr Treasurer is ordered to pay to Mr Norroy (age 57).

Minutes of the Society of Antiquaries. 14 May 1718. Mr Borkol [?] informed us his trees in Dean's Yard, Westminster were planted by Dr Feckenham last Abbot of Westminster.

Mr Gosling presented each Member with a print from his two Plates of Lord Bacon, for which thanks of the Society are returned to him, and Mr Director (age 40) is ordered to present him with a couple of prints of St James' Font in their names.

Mr President (age 57) exhibited a curious ancient deed, dated MCLXXVI [1426] 22:H:II being a Pacification between the Abbot of Canterbury and the men of the Isle of Thanet whereto are 124 witnesses cum pluribus alus[?] [with more]. Tis printed in the Dorom Scriptures into Chronica [?] p 1827. Edit 1652 but without the Witnesses.

The Secretary (age 30) read a letter which gives an Account of a fine font in Ely Cathedral [Map], vast numbers of beautiful and with other monuments there, some pretty ancient. Opposite the door of the North Cross Isle, the pictures of the Archbishop of York, the Earl of Northumberland, and [?] other Bps [Bishops] who held out the Town against William the Conq. They are very ancient and pretty entire.

Minutes of the Society of Antiquaries. 24 Dec 1718. Mr Vertue (age 34) brought a proof of the Plate of Richard II which had the initial approbation of the Society and their thanks for his Care and Accuracy therein and Mr Treasurer (age 36) was ordered to pay him five Guineas more in part of this Agreement for Engraving.

Mr Vice-President (age 56) by the [?] of the Society ordered Mr Director (age 41) to provide us a Box to lay up the Books in.

Mr Samuel Gale brough several Antique Roman Vessels dug up at Port Mahon, and likewise as Treasurer exhibited where it appears he has [?] in Money upon Amount £29:04:06 and has paid £22:4:4. So remains in his hands £07:00:02.

In 1719 [his father] William Talman (age 69) died.

Minutes of the Society of Antiquaries. 07 Jan 1719. The Society Balloted for the Officers for this Year ensuing and the present President (age 57), Secretary (age 31), Director (age 41), and Treasurer (age 36) were unanimously Elected and declared.

The Question being proposed wheather or no, any member should have liberty to subscribe for prints in a larger than common proportion, it by way of ballot carryed in the Negative.

Minutes of the Society of Antiquaries. 14 Jan 1719. It was proposed by Mr President (age 57) wheather every subscriber to the Plate of Richard II have each five prints, and by Ballot carried in the Affirmation, for their 7s:6d.

It was ordered that the Right Reverend Father in God the Bishop of Rochester & Dean of Westminster (age 55), for giving leave to take the Drawing be presented with two of the said prints, and that Mr Director (age 41) and Mr Treasurer (age 36) be desired to wait upon him on that Amount.

Mr Director brought in a proof of an Etched Plate of a Roman Lamp, to be used as a Symbol or Ticket of the Society which he was pleased to make a present of to the Society for which their unanimous thanks were ordered to be given to him.

Minutes of the Society of Antiquaries. 04 Feb 1719. Mr Director (age 41) was ordered to deliver out prints of Richard II to be sold after the rate of 2s:6d a peice [sic], allowing to the sellers 6d a peice [sic], and one over in a dozen. The Prints of the Font of St James after the rate of 1s:6d a peice allowing to the seller 4d a piece. The prints of Ulphus's Horn at 1s allowing Seller 3d a peice [sic].

Vesta Monumenta. 1724. Plate 1.16. Engraving of the Shrine of Edward the Confessor at Westminster Abbey [Map]. Thirteenth-century shrine base and feretory canopy of St Edward at Westminster Abbey. Engraving by George Vertue (age 40) after John Talman (age 46). 445 x 336 mm (bifolium).

Before 03 Nov 1726 John Talman (age 49) and Frances Cockayne (age 41) were married.

On 03 Nov 1726 John Talman (age 49) died.

On 22 Mar 1732 [his former wife] Frances Cockayne (age 47) died.