In 1712 John Thomas was born to John Thomas and Ann Kelsick in Carlisle, Cumberland [Map].
In or before 1721 Charles Blackwell 2nd Baronet (age 20) and [his future wife] Anne Clayton Lady Blackwell were married.
On 27 Mar 1737 John Thomas (age 25) was ordained
On 27 Jan 1738 John Thomas (age 26) became Rector of Bletchingley in Surrey, a living in the gift of William Clayton of Hambledon in Buckinghamshire whose daughter [his future wife] Anne Clayton Lady Blackwell he would subsequently marry.
On 19 Aug 1742 John Thomas (age 30) and Anne Clayton Lady Blackwell were married at the Chapel Royal, Whitehall Palace. There was no issue. She the sister of his former pupil William Clayton 1st Baronet.
In 1747 [his father] John Thomas died.
In 1768 John Thomas (age 56) was appointed Dean of Westminster Abbey.
On 07 Jul 1772 [his wife] Anne Clayton Lady Blackwell died.
In 1774 John Thomas (age 62) was appointed Bishop of Rochester.
Archaeologia Volume 3 Section XLIII. In the year 1770, our worthy and truly respectable member the Honourable Daines Barrington (age 47), whose incessant literary pursuits are confessedly employed for the emolument as well as the edification of the public, stated to the Society the above circumstances, together with his sentiments thereon. At the same time, he expressed his ardent wishies, that the corpse of Edward the First, as entombed in the collegiate church of St. Peter at Westminster, might be inspected, in order to examine the state of preservation in which it then was; and whether any remains of the composition, supposed to have been used to prevent its decay, were discoverabled. His zeal for obtaining such inspection did not however rest satisfied with having barely propounded his wishes to the Society, he frequently applied to the Reverend Dr. John Thomas (age 62), the dean of Westminstere by means of his learned friend Dr. Blair, one of the prebendaries of that church, for leave to open the royal tomb.
Note d. In three letters read at the Society of Antiquaries on the 25th of January, and 1st of February, 1770.
Note e. Now bishop of Rochester.
Before 12 Jan 1775 Unknown Baldwin and [his future wife] Elizabeth Baldwin were married.
On 12 Jan 1775 John Thomas (age 63) and Elizabeth Baldwin were married at Westminster Abbey [Map]. There was no issue.
On 22 Aug 1793 John Thomas (age 81) died. He has a memorial in the South Aisle of the Nave of Westminster Abbey. A grey and white marble with a bust and relief of the Holy Lamb, with a mitre and crozier behind. On either side are a chalice and paten and other emblems of the Eucharist made by John "The Elder" Bacon (age 52). The inscription reads .... Sacred to the memory of the Right Reverend John THOMAS, Doctor of Laws, Bishop of Rochester, Dean of this Collegiate Church, and of the most honourable Order of the Bath. Having passed a well spent boyhood at Carlisle School, he gathered the riper fruits of learning at Oxford, whence, by reason of his intellect, his character, his humane and profound scholarship, he emerged as an ornament to the legal profession. His fame thereafter growing and duly spreading abroad, he adorned his offices by his worthiness, increased his riches by his bounty, governed this church with his wisdom, protected it by his authority, and instructed it by his example. Unweared in his labours, indefatigable in his studies, his constant principle was edification: until, having virtuously fulfilled all life obligations, and for long sore pressed by a cruel disease, which was borne however with indomitable patience, he resigned his soul to God on 20th August 1793 in his 81st year. It fell to the lot of his relative, G.A.T., A.M. [Master of Arts] to offer this vain tribute, this token of sorrow, mean though it be.