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Biography of Maud Cunnington née Pegge 1869-1951

On 24 Sep 1869 Maud Cunnington née Pegge was born.

In 1889 Benjamin Howard Cunnington (age 28) and Maud Cunnington née Pegge (age 19) were married.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1907 V35 Pages 1-20. Notes on the Opening of a Bronze Age Barrow at Manton [Manton Barrow aka Preshute G1a [Map]], near Marlborough By Mrs M E Cunnington (age 37).

Opening of the Manton Barrow. The Beginning.

The End.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1910 V36 Pages 311-317. Notes On Barrows [King's Play Hill Long Barrow [Map], King's Play Hill Round Barrow 1 [Map], King's Play Hill Round Barrow 2 [Map]] On King's Play Down, Heddington.1 By Maud E. Cunnington (age 40).

Note 1. The three barrows here described were opened by Mr. B. H. Cunnington and myself in August, 1907, by kind permission of Captain Spicer, of Spye Park and of his tenant, Mr. Peak-Garland.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1910 V36 Pages 300-310. The Discovery Of A Chamber In The Long Barrow At Lanhill [Lanhill Long Barrow aka Hubba's Low [Map]], Near Chippenham. By Maud E. Cunnington (age 40).

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1913 V38 Pages 1-11. Jun 1913. The Re-Erection of Two Fallen Stones [Longstones Cove aka Devil's Quoits [Map]], and Discovery of an Interment with Drinking Cup, At Avebury.1 By Mrs. M. E. Cunnington (age 43).

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1913 V38 Pages 379-414. Jun 1914. List Of The Long Barrows Of Wiltshire. By Mrs. M. E. Cunnington (age 44).

[Referred to in the previous List of Prehistoric Antiquities, pp. 153—378, as "Appendix, Long Barrows."]

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1925 V43 Pages 48-58. Figsbury Rings [Map]. An Account Of Excavations In 19241. By Mrs. M. E. Cunnington (age 55).

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1930 V45 Pages 300-335. The "Sanctuary" [Map] On Overton Hill, Near Avebury. By M. E. Cunnington (age 60). Being an account of excavations carried out by Mr. and Mrs. B. H, Cunnington in 1930.

In 1930 husband and wife [her husband] Benjamin (age 69) and Maud (age 60) Cunnington undertook excavations of The Sanctuary [Map].

In 1950 [her husband] Benjamin Howard Cunnington (age 89) died.

On 28 Feb 1951 Maud Cunnington née Pegge (age 81) died.

Longstones Cove aka Devil's Quoits [Map], aka Adam and Eve, Longstone Cove, Devil's Coits, describe two large upright sarsen stones in a field to the south-west of the Avebury Henge. One of the stones fell and was re-erected in 1911. During the course of its re-erection husband and wife Benjamin and Maud Cunnington discovered a crouched skeleton with beaker ware at its foot. When re-erected the larger stone, known as Adam, was rotated by aronud 45 degress clockwise from its original position.

Antiquity 2022 Volume 96.2: References. Cunnington, M. 1929. Woodhenge. Devizes: privately published.