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Paternal Family Tree: Carteret
In May 1640 [his father] George Carteret 1st Baronet (age 30) and [his step-mother] Lady Elizabeth Carteret (age 38) were married. They were first cousins.
Around 1641 Philip Carteret was born to George Carteret 1st Baronet (age 31).
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Jul 1660. All the morning the Officers and Commissioners of the Navy, we met at [his father] Sir G. Carteret's (age 50)1 chamber, and agreed upon orders for the Council to supersede the old ones, and empower us to act. Dined with Mr. Stephens, the Treasurer's man of the Navy, and Mr. Turner, to whom I offered £50 out of my own purse for one year, and the benefit of a Clerk's allowance beside, which he thanked me for; but I find he hath some design yet in his head, which I could not think of. In the afternoon my heart was quite pulled down, by being told that Mr. Barlow was to enquire to-day for Mr. Coventry (age 32); but at night I met with my Lord, who told me that I need not fear, for he would get me the place against the world. And when I came to W. Howe, he told me that Dr. Petty had been with my Lord, and did tell him that Barlow was a sickly man, and did not intend to execute the place himself, which put me in great comfort again. Till 2 in the morning writing letters and things for my Lord to send to sea. So home to my wife to bed.
Note 1. Sir George Carteret, born 1599, had originally been bred to the sea service, and became Comptroller of the Navy to Charles I., and Governor of Jersey, where he obtained considerable reputation by his gallant defence of that island against the Parliament forces. At the Restoration he was made Vice-Chamberlain to the King, Treasurer of the Navy, and a Privy Councillor, and in 1661 he was elected M.P. for Portsmouth. In 1666 he exchanged the Treasurership of the Navy with the Earl of Anglesea for the Vice-Treasurership of Ireland. He became a Commissioner of the Admiralty in 1673. He continued in favour with Charles II till his death, January 14th, 1679, in his eightieth year. He married his cousin Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Philip Carteret (age 19), Knight of St. Ouen, and had issue three sons and five daughters.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 02 Aug 1662. After dinner we to boat, and had a pleasant passage down to Gravesend, Kent [Map], but it was nine o'clock before we got thither, so that we were in great doubt what to do, whether to stay there or no; and the rather because I was afeard to ride, because of my pain...; but at the Swan [Map], finding Mr. Hemson and Lieutenant Carteret (age 21) of the Foresight come to meet me, I borrowed Mr. Hemson's horse, and he took another, and so we rode to Rochester, Kent [Map] in the dark, and there at the Crown Mr. Gregory, Barrow, and others staid to meet me. So after a glass of wine, we to our barge, that was ready for me, to the Hill-house, where we soon went to bed, before we slept I telling upon discourse Captain Cocke (age 45) the manner of my being cut of the stone, which pleased him much. So to sleep.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 02 Jul 1665. In the evening my Lady Pen (age 41) and daughter come to see, and supped with us, then a messenger about business of the office from [his father] Sir G. Carteret (age 55) at Chatham, Kent [Map], and by word of mouth did send me word that the business between my Lord and him is fully agreed on1, and is mightily liked of by the King (age 35) and the Duke of Yorke (age 31), and that he sent me this word with great joy; they gone, we to bed.
Note 1. The arrangements for the marriage of [his future wife] Lady Jemimah Montagu to Philip Carteret (age 24) were soon settled, for the wedding took place on July 31st.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 Jul 1665. After dinner I took occasion to have much discourse with Mr. Ph. Carteret (age 24), and find him a very modest man; and I think verily of mighty good nature, and pretty understanding. He did give me a good account of the fight with the Dutch. My [his future mother-in-law] Lady Sandwich (age 40) dined in her chamber.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 Jul 1665. So back again home and reshifted myself, and so down to my [his step-mother] Baroness Carteret's (age 63), where mighty merry and great pleasantnesse between my [his future mother-in-law] Lady Sandwich (age 40) and the young ladies and me, and all of us mighty merry, there never having been in the world sure a greater business of general content than this match proposed between Mr. Carteret (age 24) and my [his future wife] Lady Jemimah. But withal it is mighty pretty to think how my poor Lady Sandwich, between her and me, is doubtfull whether her daughter will like of it or no, and how troubled she is for fear of it, which I do not fear at all, and desire her not to do it, but her fear is the most discreet and pretty that ever I did see.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Jul 1665. Thence back again by coach, Mr. Carteret (age 24) having not had the confidence to take his lady once by the hand, coming or going, which I told him of when we come home, and he will hereafter do it.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Jul 1665. Lord's Day. I up, having lain with Mr. Moore in the chaplin's chamber. And having trimmed myself, down to Mr. Carteret (age 24); and he being ready we down and walked in the gallery an hour or two, it being a most noble and pretty house that ever, for the bigness, I saw. Here I taught him what to do: to take the lady always by the hand to lead her, and telling him that I would find opportunity to leave them two together, he should make these and these compliments, and also take a time to do the like to Lord Crew and Lady Wright. After I had instructed him, which he thanked me for, owning that he needed my teaching him, my Lord Crew (age 67) come down and family, the young lady among the rest; and so by coaches to church four miles off; where a pretty good sermon, and a declaration of penitence of a man that had undergone the Churches censure for his wicked life.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Jul 1665. So home again and to walk in the gardens, where we left the young couple a second time; and my Lady Wright and I to walk together, who to my trouble tells me that my [his future wife] Lady Jem. must have something done to her body by Scott before she can be married, and therefore care must be had to send him, also that some more new clothes must of necessity be made her, which and other things I took care of. Anon to supper, and excellent discourse and dispute between my Lord Crew (age 67) and the chaplin, who is a good scholler, but a nonconformist. Here this evening I spoke with Mrs. Carter, my old acquaintance, that hath lived with my Lady these twelve or thirteen years, the sum of all whose discourse and others for her, is, that I would get her a good husband; which I have promised, but know not when I shall perform. After Mr. Carteret (age 24) was carried to his chamber, we to prayers again and then to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 17 Jul 1665. By and by the young couple left together. Anon to dinner; and after dinner Mr. Carteret (age 24) took my advice about giving to the servants, and I led him to give £10 among them, which he did, by leaving it to the chief man-servant, Mr. Medows, to do for him. Before we went, I took my [his future wife] Lady Jem. apart, and would know how she liked this gentleman, and whether she was under any difficulty concerning him. She blushed, and hid her face awhile; but at last I forced her to tell me. She answered that she could readily obey what her father and mother had done; which was all she could say, or I expect.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 17 Jul 1665. So anon I took leave, and for London. But, Lord! to see, among other things, how all these great people here are afeard of London, being doubtfull of anything that comes from thence, or that hath lately been there, that I was forced to say that I lived wholly at Woolwich, Kent [Map]. In our way Mr. Carteret (age 24) did give me mighty thanks for my care and pains for him, and is mightily pleased, though the truth is, my [his future wife] Lady Jem. hath carried herself with mighty discretion and gravity, not being forward at all in any degree, but mighty serious in her answers to him, as by what he says and I observed, I collect.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 17 Jul 1665. Up all of us, and to billiards; my Lady Wright, Mr. Carteret (age 24), myself, and every body.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 20 Jul 1665. So down to Deptford, Kent [Map] and there dined, and after dinner saw my [his future mother-in-law] Lady Sandwich (age 40) and Mr. Carteret (age 24) and his two sisters over the water, going to Dagenhams, and my [his step-mother] Baroness Carteret (age 63) towards Cranburne1. So all the company broke up in most extraordinary joy, wherein I am mighty contented that I have had the good fortune to be so instrumental, and I think it will be of good use to me.
Note 1. The royal lodge of that name in Windsor Forest, occupied by [his father] Sir George Carteret (age 55) as Vice-Chamberlain to the King (age 35). B.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 24 Jul 1665. And then up and home, and there dressed myself, and by appointment to Deptford, Kent [Map], to [his father] Sir G. Carteret's (age 55), between six and seven o'clock, where I found him and my George Carteret 1st Baronet and [his step-mother] Lady (age 63) almost ready, and by and by went over to the ferry, and took coach and six horses nobly for Dagenhams, himself and lady and their little daughter, [his sister] Louisonne, and myself in the coach; where, when we come, we were bravely entertained and spent the day most pleasantly with the young ladies, and I so merry as never more. Only for want of sleep, and drinking of strong beer had a rheum in one of my eyes, which troubled me much. Here with great content all the day, as I think I ever passed a day in my life, because of the contentfulnesse of our errand, and the noblenesse of the company and our manner of going. But I find Mr. Carteret (age 24) yet as backward almost in his caresses, as he was the first day. At night, about seven o'clock, took coach again; but, Lord! to see in what a pleasant humour Sir G. Carteret hath been both coming and going; so light, so fond, so merry, so boyish (so much content he takes in this business), it is one of the greatest wonders I ever saw in my mind. But once in serious discourse he did say that, if he knew his son to be a debauchee, as many and, most are now-a-days about the Court, he would tell it, and my [his future wife] Lady Jem. should not have him; and so enlarged both he and she about the baseness and looseness of the Court, and told several stories of the Duke of Monmouth (age 16), and Richmond (age 26), and some great person, my Lord of Ormond's (age 54) second son (age 26), married to a Richard Butler 1st Earl Arran and lady (age 14) of extraordinary quality (fit and that might have been made a wife for the King (age 35) himself), about six months since, that this great person hath given the pox to---; and discoursed how much this would oblige the Kingdom if the King would banish some of these great persons publiquely from the Court, and wished it with all their hearts.
On 31 Jul 1665 Philip Carteret (age 24) and Jemima Montagu were married. She the daughter of Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 40) and Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich (age 40).
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Jul 1665. At night to supper, and so to talk; and which, methought, was the most extraordinary thing, all of us to prayers as usual, and the young [his wife] bride and bridegroom (age 24) too and so after prayers, soberly to bed; only I got into the bridegroom's chamber while he undressed himself, and there was very merry, till he was called to the bride's chamber, and into bed they went. I kissed the bride in bed, and so the curtaines drawne with the greatest gravity that could be, and so good night. But the modesty and gravity of this business was so decent, that it was to me indeed ten times more delightfull than if it had been twenty times more merry and joviall. Whereas I feared I must have sat up all night, we did here all get good beds, and I lay in the same I did before with Mr. Brisband, who is a good scholler and sober man; and we lay in bed, getting him to give me an account of home, which is the most delightfull talke a man can have of any traveller: and so to sleep. My eyes much troubled already with the change of my drink.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 01 Aug 1665. Slept, and lay long; then up and my Lord [Crew] and [his father] Sir G. Carteret (age 55) being gone abroad, I first to see the bridegroom (age 24) and [his wife] bride, and found them both up, and he gone to dress himself. Both red in the face, and well enough pleased this morning with their night's lodging.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 25 Feb 1666. Lord's Day. My wife up between three and four of the clock in the morning to dress herself, and I about five, and were all ready to take coach, she and I and Mercer, a little past five, but, to our trouble, the coach did not come till six. Then with our coach of four horses I hire on purpose, and Leshmore to ride by, we through the City to Branford [Map] and so to Windsor, Berkshire [Map], Captain Ferrers overtaking us at Kensington, being to go with us, and here drank, and so through, making no stay, to Cranborne, about eleven o'clock, and found my Lord and the ladies at a sermon in the house; which being ended we to them, and all the company glad to see us, and mighty merry to dinner. Here was my Lord, and [his brother-in-law] Lord Hinchingbrooke (age 18), and [his brother-in-law] Mr. Sidney (age 15), Sir Charles Herbert (age 26), and Mr. Carteret (age 25), my [his step-mother] Baroness Carteret (age 64), my [his wife] Lady Jemimah, and [his sister] Lady Slaning.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Nov 1666. Thence to my Lord Crew's (age 68), and there dined, and mightily made of, having not, to my shame, been there in 8 months before. Here my Lord and Sir Thomas Crew (age 42), Mr. John (age 38), and Dr. Crew (age 33), and two strangers. The best family in the world for goodness and sobriety. Here beyond my expectation I met my [his brother-in-law] Lord Hinchingbrooke (age 18), who is come to towne two days since from Hinchingbroke [Map], and brought his [his wife] sister and brother Carteret (age 25) with him, who are at [his father] Sir G. Carteret's (age 56).
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 28 Nov 1666. Up, and with Sir W. Pen (age 45) to White Hall (setting his lady (age 42) and daughter (age 15) down by the way at a mercer's in the Strand, where they are going to lay out some money), where, though it blows hard and rains hard, yet the Duke of York (age 33) is gone a-hunting. We therefore lost our labour, and so back again, and by hackney coach to secure places to get things ready against dinner, and then home, and did the like there, and to my great satisfaction: and at noon comes my [his brother-in-law] Lord Hinchingbrooke (age 18), Sir Thomas Crew (age 42), Mr. John Crew (age 38), Mr. Carteret (age 25), and Brisband. I had six noble dishes for them, dressed by a man-cook, and commended, as indeed they deserved, for exceeding well done. We eat with great pleasure, and I enjoyed myself in it with reflections upon the pleasures which I at best can expect, yet not to exceed this; eating in silver plates, and all things mighty rich and handsome about me. A great deal of fine discourse, sitting almost till dark at dinner, and then broke up with great pleasure, especially to myself; and they away, only Mr. Carteret and I to Gresham College, where they meet now weekly again, and here they had good discourse how this late experiment of the dog, which is in perfect good health, may be improved for good uses to men, and other pretty things, and then broke up.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 May 1667. Mightily pleased with the noblenesse of this house, and the brave furniture and pictures, which indeed is very noble, and, being broke up, I with [his father] Sir G. Carteret (age 57) in his coach into Hide Park, to discourse of things, and spent an hour in this manner with great pleasure, telling me all his concernments, and how he is gone through with the purchase for my [his wife] Lady Jemimah and her husband (age 26); how the Treasury is like to come into the hands of a Committee; but that not that, nor anything else, will do our business, unless the King (age 36) himself will mind his business, and how his servants do execute their parts; he do fear an utter ruin in the state, and that in a little time, if the King do not mind his business soon; that the King is very kind to him, and to my [his father-in-law] Lord Sandwich (age 41), and that he doubts not but at his coming home, which he expects about Michaelmas, he will be very well received. But it is pretty strange how he began again the business of the intention of a marriage of my [his brother-in-law] Lord Hinchingbrooke (age 19) to a daughter of my Lord Burlington's (age 54) to my Chancellor (age 58), which he now tells me as a great secret, when he told it me the last Sunday but one; but it may be the poor man hath forgot, and I do believe he do make it a secret, he telling me that he has not told it to any but myself, end this day to his daughter my Lady Jemimah, who looks to lie down about two months hence.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 28 Jun 1667. At table, my Lady and Sir Philip Carteret (age 26) have great and good discourse of the greatness of the present King of France-what great things he hath done, that a man may pass, at any hour in the night, all over that wild city [Paris], with a purse in his hand and no danger: that there is not a beggar to be seen in it, nor dirt lying in it; that he hath married two of Colbert's (age 42) daughters to two of the greatest Princes of France, and given them portions-bought the greatest dukedom in France, and given it to Colbert1 and ne'er a Prince in France dare whisper against it, whereas here our King cannot do any such thing, but everybody's mouth is open against him for it, and the man that hath the favour also. That to several commanders that had not money to set them out to the present campagne, he did of his own accord-send them £1000 sterling a-piece, to equip themselves. But then they did enlarge upon the slavery of the people-that they are taxed more than the real estates they have; nay, it is an ordinary thing for people to desire to give the King (age 37) all their land that they have, and themselves become only his tenants, and pay him rent to the full value of it: so they may have but their earnings, But this will not be granted; but he shall give the value of his rent, and part of his labour too.
Note 1. The Carterets appear to have mystified Pepys, who eagerly believed all that was told him. At this time Paris was notoriously unsafe, infested with robbers and beggars, and abominably unclean. Colbert had three daughters, of whom the eldest was just married when Pepys wrote, viz., Jean Marie Therese, to the Duc de Chevreuse, on the 3rd February, 1667. The second daughter, Henriette Louise, was not married to the Duc de St. Aignan till January 21st, 1671; and the third, Marie Anne, to the Duc de Mortemart, February 14th, 1679. Colbert himself was never made a duke. His highest title was Marquis de Seignelay. B.
Around 07 Jul 1667 [his son] George Carteret 1st Baron Carteret was born to Philip Carteret (age 26) and [his wife] Jemima Montagu.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 30 Dec 1667. Thence with Sir Philip Carteret (age 26) to the King's playhouse, there to see "Love's Cruelty", an old play, but which I have not seen before; and in the first act Orange Moll come to me, with one of our porters by my house, to tell me that Mrs. Pierce and Knepp did dine at my house to-day, and that I was desired to come home. So I went out presently, and by coach home, and they were just gone away so, after a very little stay with my wife, I took coach again, and to the King's playhouse again, and come in the fourth act; and it proves to me a very silly play, and to everybody else, as far as I could judge. But the jest is, that here telling Moll how I had lost my journey, she told me that Mrs. Knepp was in the house, and so shews me to her, and I went to her, and sat out the play, and then with her to Mrs. Manuel's, where Mrs. Pierce was, and her boy and girl; and here I did hear Mrs. Manuel and one of the Italians, her gallant, sing well. But yet I confess I am not delighted so much with it, as to admire it: for, not understanding the words, I lose the benefit of the vocalitys of the musick, and it proves only instrumental; and therefore was more pleased to hear Knepp sing two or three little English things that I understood, though the composition of the other, and performance, was very fine.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 30 Dec 1667. This day I did carry money out, and paid several debts. Among others, my tailor, and shoemaker, and draper, Sir W. Turner (age 52), who begun to talk of the Commission of accounts, wherein he is one; but though they are the greatest people that ever were in the nation as to power, and like to be our judges, yet I did never speak one word to him of desiring favour, or bidding him joy in it, but did answer him to what he said, and do resolve to stand or fall by my silent preparing to answer whatever can be laid to me, and that will be my best proceeding, I think. This day I got a little rent in my new fine camlett cloak with the latch of [his father] Sir G. Carteret's (age 57) door; but it is darned up at my tailor's, that it will be no great blemish to it; but it troubled me. I could not but observe that Sir Philip Carteret (age 26) would fain have given me my going into a play; but yet, when he come to the door, he had no money to pay for himself, I having refused to accept of it for myself, but was fain; and I perceive he is known there, and do run upon the score for plays, which is a shame; but I perceive always he is in want of money1. In the pit I met with Sir Ch. North (age 31), formerly Mr. North, who was with my Lord at sea; and he, of his own accord, was so silly as to tell me he is married; and for her quality (being a Lord's daughter, my Lord Grey (age 74)), and person, and beauty, and years, and estate, and disposition, he is the happiest man in the world. I am sure he is an ugly fellow; but a good scholar and sober gentleman; and heir to his father, now Lord North, the old Lord being dead.
Note 1. The practice of gallants attending the Theatre [Map] without payment is illustrated by Mr. Lowe in his "Betterton (age 32)", from Shadwell's "True Widow": "1st Doorkeeper. Pray, sir, pay me: my masters will make me pay it. 3d Man. Impudent rascal, do you ask me for money? Take that, sirrah. 2nd Doorkeeper. Will you pay me, sir? 4th Man. No; I don't intend to stay. 2nd Doorkeeper. So you say every day, and see two or three acts for nothing"..
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Mar 1668. After dinner, I up with her husband, Sir Philip Carteret (age 27), to his closet, where, beyond expectation, I do find many pretty things, wherein he appears to be ingenious, such as in painting, and drawing, and making of watches, and such kind of things, above my expectation; though, when all is done, he is a shirke, who owns his owing me £10 for his lady two or three years ago, and yet cannot provide to pay me. The company by and by parted, and G. Carteret and I to White Hall, where I set him down and took his coach as far as the Temple [Map], it raining, and there took a Hackney and home, and so had my head combed, and then to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 14 Mar 1668. Up very betimes, and with Jane to Levett's, there to conclude upon our dinner; and thence to the pewterer's, to buy a pewter sesterne1, which I have ever hitherto been without, and so up and down upon several occasions to set matters in order, and that being done I out of doors to Westminster Hall [Map], and there met my Lord Brouncker (age 48), who tells me that our business is put off till Monday, and so I was mighty glad that I was eased of my attendance here, and of any occasion that might put me out of humour, as it is likely if we had been called before the Parliament. Therefore, after having spoke with Mr. Godolphin (age 33) and cozen Roger (age 50), I away home, and there do find everything in mighty good order, only my wife not dressed, which troubles me. Anon comes my company, viz., my [his brother-in-law] Lord Hinchingbrooke (age 20) and his lady, Sir Philip Carteret (age 27) and his, lady, Godolphin and my cozen Roger, and Creed: and mighty merry; and by and by to dinner, which was very good and plentifull: (I should have said, and Mr. George Montagu (age 45)), who come at a very little warning, which was exceeding kind of him. And there, among other things, my Lord had Sir Samuel Morland's (age 43) late invention for casting up of sums of L. s. d.2 which is very pretty, but not very useful. Most of our discourse was of my [his father-in-law] Lord Sandwich (age 42) and his family, as being all of us of the family; and with extraordinary pleasure all the afternoon, thus together eating and looking over my closet: and my Lady Hinchingbroke [Map] I find a very sweet-natured and well-disposed lady, a lover of books and pictures, and of good understanding. About five o'clock they went; and then my wife and I abroad by coach into Moorefields [Map], only for a little ayre, and so home again, staying no where, and then up to her chamber, there to talk with pleasure of this day's passages, and so to bed. This day I had the welcome news of our prize being come safe from Holland, so as I shall have hopes, I hope, of getting my money of my Lady Batten, or good part of it.
Note 1. A pewter cistern was formerly part of the furniture of a well- appointed dining-room; the plates were rinsed in it, when necessary, during the meal. A magnificent silver cistern is still preserved in the dining-room at Burghley House, the seat of the Marquis of Exeter. It is said to be the largest piece of plate in England, and was once the subject of a curious wager. B.
Note 2. The same as Morland's so-called calculating machine. Sir Samuel published in 1673 "The Description and Use of two Arithmetick Instruments, together with a short Treatise of Arithmetic, as likewise a Perpetual Almanack and severall useful tables"..
Before 17 Mar 1668 [his brother-in-law] Edward Montagu 2nd Earl Sandwich (age 20) and Mary Anne Boyle (age 23) were married. She the daughter of Richard Boyle 2nd Earl Cork 1st Earl Burlington (age 55) and Elizabeth Clifford Countess Burlington (age 54). He the son of [his father-in-law] Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 42) and [his mother-in-law] Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich (age 43).
In 1671 [his wife] Jemima Montagu died.
In 1671 [his son] Edward Carteret was born to Philip Carteret (age 30) and [his wife] Jemima Montagu.
On 28 May 1672 Philip Carteret (age 31) and Winston Churchill were killed at Solebay, Southwold [Map].
[his former father-in-law] Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 46) was killed. His son [his former brother-in-law] Edward Montagu 2nd Earl Sandwich (age 24) succeeded 2nd Earl Sandwich.
George Legge 1st Baron Dartmouth (age 25) fought.
Charles Harbord (age 32) was killed. The inscription on his. Monument in Westminster Abbey [Map] reads ... Sr. Charles Harbord Knt. his Majesties Surveyor General, and First Lieutenant of the Royall James, under the most noble and illustrious captain Edward, Earle of Sandwich, Vice Admirall of England, which after a terrible fight maintained to admiration against a squadron of the Holland fleet for above six houres, neere the Suffolk coast, having put off two fireships, at last being utterly dissabled and few of her men remaining unhurt, was by a third unfortunately set on fire: but he (though he swam well) neglected to save himselfe as some did, and out of the perfect love to that worthy lord (whom for many yeares he had constantly accompanyed in all his honourable imployments, and in all the engagements of the former warr) dyed with him at the age of XXXIII, much bewailed of his father whom he never offended, and much beloved of all for his knowne piety, vertue, loyalty, fortitude and fidelity.
Captain John Cox was killed in action.
Admiral John Holmes (age 32) fought as commander of Rupert.
The Gloucester took part.
Kings Wessex: Great x 20 Grand Son of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England
Kings Gwynedd: Great x 17 Grand Son of Owain "Great" King Gwynedd
Kings Seisyllwg: Great x 23 Grand Son of Hywel "Dda aka Good" King Seisyllwg King Deheubarth
Kings Powys: Great x 18 Grand Son of Maredudd ap Bleddyn King Powys
Kings England: Great x 13 Grand Son of King Henry III of England
Kings Scotland: Great x 19 Grand Son of King Duncan I of Scotland
Kings Franks: Great x 16 Grand Son of Louis VII King Franks
Kings France: Great x 20 Grand Son of Robert "Pious" II King France
Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 24 Grand Son of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine
Great x 4 Grandfather: Philippe Carteret
Great x 3 Grandfather: Edouard Carteret
Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Harleston
Great x 2 Grandfather: Helier Carteret
Great x 1 Grandfather: Philippe Carteret 2nd Seigneur Sark
Great x 4 Grandfather: Philippe Carteret
Great x 3 Grandfather: Helier Carteret
Great x 2 Grandmother: Margaret Carteret
GrandFather: Elias Carteret 11 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester 7 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Thomas Paulet 8 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Capell Marchioness Winchester 9 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 2 Grandfather: George Paulet of Holberry 9 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England
Great x 1 Grandmother: Rachel Paulet 10 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England
Father: George Carteret 1st Baronet 12 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England
Philip Carteret 13 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England