Biography of William Harvey 1578-1657

On 01 Apr 1578 William Harvey was born.

Autobiography Simon D'Ewes. 14 Mar 1623. On Friday, March the 14th, our Middle Temple reader, Mr. Brampton, ended his reading, and myself, as my health permitted, settled reasonably well to my study. On Tuesday, the 26th day of March, my father (age 56) returned with the Lady Denton (age 44) from Tunbridge [Map] in Kent, to pass by London into Surrey, to my brother Elliot's, and having lain in London one night, took their journey thither the following day. On the 27th, 28th, and 29th days of the same month, I was for the most part present at an anatomy lecture, read by Doctor Harvey (age 44)1, at the Physicians' College, near Paternoster Row, by which I gained much profitable knowledge, as I did also by the converse of very able students who were my ordinary companions in the Middle Temple.

Note 1. The eminent discoverer of the circulation of the human blood.

On 03 Jun 1657 William Harvey (age 79) died.

John Evelyn's Diary. 03 Oct 1662. I was invited to the Royal College of Physicians, where Dr. Meret, a learned man and library-keeper, showed me the library, theater for anatomy, and divers natural curiosities; the statue and epigram under it of that renowned physician, Dr. Harvey, discoverer of the circulation of the blood. There I saw Dr. Gilbert, Sir William Paddy's and other pictures of men famous in their faculty.

John Evelyn's Diary. 06 Oct 1664. I heard the anniversary oration in praise of Dr. Harvey, in the Anatomy Theatre in the Royal College of Physicians; after which I was invited by Dr. Alston, the President, to a magnificent feast.

John Evelyn's Diary. 15 Aug 1682. Came to visit me Dr. Rogers, an acquaintance of mine long since at Padua. He was then Consul of the English nation, and student in that University, where he proceeded Doctor in Physic; presenting me now with the Latin oration he lately made upon the famous Dr. Harvey's anniversary in the Royal College of Physicians, at London.