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Biography of William Sandys 1st Baron Sandys Vyne 1470-1540

Paternal Family Tree: Sandys

1520 Field of the Cloth of Gold

1528 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1532 Anne Boleyn's Investiture as Marchioness of Pembroke

1536 Trial of Anne and George Boleyn

In 1470 William Sandys 1st Baron Sandys Vyne was born to William Sandys (age 30) and Margaret Cheney (age 17) at The Vyne, Sherbourne St John [Map].

Around 1487 [his daughter] Alice Sandys was born to William Sandys 1st Baron Sandys Vyne (age 17).

On 26 Oct 1496 [his father] William Sandys (age 56) died.

On 26 Oct 1496 [his son] Thomas Sandys 2nd Baron Sandys Vyne was born to William Sandys 1st Baron Sandys Vyne (age 26).

In 1518 William Sandys 1st Baron Sandys Vyne (age 48) was appointed 277th Knight of the Garter by King Henry VIII of England and Ireland (age 26).

In or before 1520 [his son] Thomas Sandys 2nd Baron Sandys Vyne (age 23) and [his daughter-in-law] Elizabeth Manners Baroness Sandys Vyne were married. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

Field of the Cloth of Gold

In Jun 1520 Henry VIII (age 28) hosted Field of the Cloth of Gold at Balinghem [Map].

Thomas Grey 2nd Marquess Dorset (age 42) carried the Sword of State.

Bishop John Stokesley (age 45) attended as Henry VIII's chaplain.

Edmund Braye 1st Baron Braye (age 36), Gruffydd ap Rhys ap Thomas Deheubarth (age 42), Anthony Poyntz (age 40), William Coffin (age 25), William "Great" Courtenay (age 43), Robert Radclyffe 1st Earl of Sussex (age 37), William Paston (age 41), William Denys (age 50), Richard Cecil (age 25), William Parr 1st Baron Parr of Horton (age 37), Ralph Neville 4th Earl of Westmoreland (age 22), John Mordaunt 1st Baron Mordaunt (age 40), Henry Guildford (age 31), Marmaduke Constable (age 40), William Compton (age 38), William Blount 4th Baron Mountjoy (age 42), Thomas Cheney (age 35), Henry Willoughby (age 69), John Rodney (age 59), John Marney 2nd Baron Marney (age 36), William Sidney (age 38), John de Vere 14th Earl of Oxford (age 20), John de Vere 15th Earl of Oxford (age 49), Edmund Walsingham (age 40), William Skeffington (age 55) and Thomas West 8th Baron De La Warr 5th Baron West (age 63) attended.

William Carey (age 20) jousted.

William Sandys 1st Baron Sandys Vyne (age 50) organised.

Jane Parker Viscountess Rochford (age 15) attended.

Thomas Brooke 8th Baron Cobham (age 50), Robert Willoughby 2nd Baron Willoughby 10th Baron Latimer (age 48), Anthony Wingfield (age 33), William Scott (age 61), Thomas Wriothesley (age 32), Bishop Thomas Ruthall (age 48), Margaret Dymoke aka Mistress Coffin (age 20) and Edward Chamberlayne (age 36) were present.

After Jun 1520 William Sandys 1st Baron Sandys Vyne (age 50) was created 1st Baron Sandys of The Vyne in Hampshire for having organised the Field of the Cloth of Gold.

In 1526 William Sandys 1st Baron Sandys Vyne (age 56) was appointed Lord Chamberlain of the Household to King Henry VIII of England and Ireland (age 34).

In 1527 [his son-in-law] Walter Hungerford 1st Baron Hungerford Heytesbury (age 24) and [his daughter] Alice Sandys (age 40) were married.

1528 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

Letters and Papers 1528. 01 Jul 1528. R. O. 4450. Sir William Sandys (age 58) to Wolsey.

Does not presume to visit the King or Wolsey, as he has had the sweat in his house. Desires to have some of the offices of the late Sir William Compton (deceased). He was steward to Cicester, Malmesbury, and many other religious places. Desires Wolsey would write letters to them, willing them to give the said stewardships to Sandys. At the Vyne, 1 July.

P.S.—Begs some of the offices for his poor brother, who has much chargeable business. Sends a schedule of the vacant places.

Anne Boleyn's Investiture as Marchioness of Pembroke

Letters and Papers 1532. Grants in Sep 1532.

1. Anne Rocheford (Anne Boleyn (age 31)), one of the daughters of Thomas earl of Wiltshire and Ormond (age 55), keeper of the Privy Seal. Charter, granting her, in tail male, the title of marchioness of Pembroke. Witnesses not given [1 Sept.].— S.B. Pat. 24 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 26.

(2.) Two drafts of the preceding in R. O. in Wriothesley's hand, with witnesses as in the next charter.

2. Anne Rocheford, who was created marchioness of Pembroke on the 1st Sept. inst. Charter granting her and her heirs the prerogative and pre-eminence due to her title of marchioness in the realms of England and France. Witnesses: Edward archbp. of York; Stephen bp. of Winchester, the King's secretary; John bp. of London; Thomas duke of Norfolk (age 59), treasurer of England; Charles duke of Suffolk (age 48), steward marshal; Thomas earl of Wiltshire, keeper of the Privy Seal; John earl of Oxford (age 61), the King's chamberlain; George earl of Shrewsbury (age 64), steward of the King's household; Thomas Audeley (age 44), knt., keeper of the Great Seal; William lord Sandys of Vynes (age 62), chamberlain of the King's household; Walter Devereux lord Ferrers; William Fitzwilliam, treasurer of the King's household, and William Powlet, comptroller of the same, knts., and others. Windsor, 1 Sept. 24 Hen. VIII. — S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 26.

(2.) Draft of the preceding in Wriothesley's hand in R. O.

3. Anne Rocheford, one of the daughters and heirs of Thomas earl of Wiltshire and Ormond, keeper of the Privy Seal, created marchioness of Pembroke by charter 1 Sept. 24 Hen. VIII. Annuity of £1,000. for life out of the issues of the honor, manor, or lordship of Hunnesdon, Herts, and of the manors of Stansted Abbot, Roydon, Bourehouse, Pisso, Filolls, and Coxhall, Herts and Essex; and of all Crown lands in co. Pembroke, and in Gilgarran, Emlyn, Diffrynbryan, Maynardove, Kenendrym, Llanstephan, Penryn, Oyesterlowe, Traynclynton, Westhaverforde, Llewelleston, Roche, Sayntismells, and Camrosse, S. Wales.— S B. (undated.) Pat. 24 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 25 (undated).

(2.) Fair copy of the preceding in R. O. Large paper, pp. 2.

Trial of Anne and George Boleyn

On 15 May 1536 Queen Anne Boleyn (age 35) tried at the King's Hall in the Tower of London [Map].

Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 63) was appointed Lord High Steward and presided. Henry Howard (age 20) attended. Henry Pole 1st Baron Montagu (age 44) was one of the judges. Elizabeth Browne Countess of Worcester (age 34) was the principal witness.

The jurors were:

Charles Brandon 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 52).

Edward Clinton 1st Earl Lincoln (age 24).

Thomas Fiennes 9th Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 21).

George Hastings 1st Earl Huntingdon (age 49).

Thomas Manners 1st Earl of Rutland (age 44).

John Mordaunt 1st Baron Mordaunt (age 56).

Ralph Neville 4th Earl of Westmoreland (age 38).

Henry Parker 11th Baron Marshal 10th Baron Morley (age 55).

Edward Stanley 3rd Earl of Derby (age 27).

Thomas Stanley 2nd Baron Monteagle (age 28).

John de Vere 15th Earl of Oxford (age 65).

Thomas Wentworth 1st Baron Wentworth (age 35).

Henry Somerset 2nd Earl of Worcester (age 40).

Henry Percy 5th Earl of Northumberland.

Thomas Burgh 7th Baron Cobham 5th Baron Strabolgi 1st Baron Burgh (age 48).

Henry Courtenay 1st Marquess Exeter (age 40).

William Fitzalan 11th or 18th Earl of Arundel (age 60).

Henry Fitzalan 12th or 19th Earl of Arundel (age 24).

Thomas Audley 1st Baron Audley Walden (age 48).

Edward Powers Lord Powers.

William Sandys 1st Baron Sandys Vyne (age 66).

Thomas Ware.

Andrew Windsor 1st Baron Windsor (age 69).

George Brooke 9th Baron Cobham (age 39).

She was found guilty and sentenced to be beheaded. John Spelman (age 56) signed the death warrant.

After Anne's trial her brother George Boleyn Viscount Rochford (age 33) was also tried and found guilty.

On 04 Dec 1540 William Sandys 1st Baron Sandys Vyne (age 70) died at Calais [Map]. His son [his son] Thomas Sandys 2nd Baron Sandys Vyne (age 44) succeeded 2nd Baron Sandys of The Vyne in Hampshire. [his daughter-in-law] Elizabeth Manners Baroness Sandys Vyne by marriage Baroness Sandys of The Vyne in Hampshire.

[his daughter] Mary Sandys was born to William Sandys 1st Baron Sandys Vyne.

[his father] William Sandys and [his mother] Margaret Cheney were married.

Ancestors of William Sandys 1st Baron Sandys Vyne 1470-1540

Great x 4 Grandfather: Richard Sandys

Great x 3 Grandfather: Richard Sandys

Great x 2 Grandfather: John Sandys

Great x 1 Grandfather: Walter Sandys

GrandFather: Thomas Sandys

Father: William Sandys

William Sandys 1st Baron Sandys Vyne

Great x 4 Grandfather: William Cheney

Great x 3 Grandfather: Robert Cheney

Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Shurland

Great x 2 Grandfather: Richard Cheney

Great x 1 Grandfather: William Cheney

GrandFather: John Cheney

Mother: Margaret Cheney