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Gloucester Cathedral is in Gloucester [Map], Cathedrals in England.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 918. This year, before midsummer, went King Edward to Maldon, Essex [Map]; and repaired and fortified the town, ere he departed thence. And the same year went Earl Thurkytel over sea to Frankland with the men who would adhere to him, under the protection and assistance of King Edward (age 44). This year Ethelfleda (age 48) got into her power, with God's assistance, in the early part of the year, without loss, the town of Leicester, Leicestershire [Map]; and the greater part of the army that belonged thereto submitted to her. And the Yorkists had also promised and confirmed, some by agreement and some with oaths, that they would be in her interest. But very soon after they had done this, she departed, twelve nights before midsummer, at Tamworth [Map], the eighth year that she was holding the government of the Mercians with right dominion; and her body lieth at Glocester, in the east porch of St. Peter's church [Map]. This year also was the daughter of Ethered, lord of the Mercians, deprived of all authority over the Mercians, and led into Wessex, three weeks before midwinter. Her name was Healfwina.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1058. This year was Earl Elgar banished: but he soon came in again by force, through Griffin's assistance: and a naval armament came from Norway. It is tedious to tell how it all fell out. In this same year Bishop Aldred consecrated the minster church [Map] at Gloucester, which he himself had raised82 to the honour of God and St. Peter; and then went to Jerusalem83 with such dignity as no other man did before him, and betook himself there to God. A worthy gift he also offered to our Lord's sepulchre; which was a golden chalice of the value of five marks, of very wonderful workmanship. In the same year died Pope Stephen; and Benedict was appointed pope. He sent hither the pall to Bishop Stigand; who as archbishop consecrated Egelric a monk at Christ church, Bishop of Sussex; and Abbot Siward Bishop of Rochester.
Note 82 He built a new church from the foundation, on a larger plan. The monastery existed from the earliest times.
Note 83 Florence of Worcester says, that he went through Hungary to Jerusalem.
Florence of Worcester. 04 Mar 1122. The city of Gloucester, with the principal monastery [Map], was again destroyed by fire on Wednesday the ourth of the ides [the 4th] of March, in the twenty-second year of king Henry's reign. It was burnt before in the first year of his reign, on Thursday the eleventh of the calends of June [22nd May].
Around 1125 Bernard Neufmarché (age 75) was buried at Gloucester Abbey [Map].
Florence of Worcester. 1134. Robert (age 83), brother of king Henry, and formerly earl of Normandy, who was taken prisoner of war by the king when in Normandy, at the castle of Tinchebrai, and had been long confined in England, died at Cardiff, and, being carried to Gloucester [Map], was buried with great honours in the pavement of the church before the altar.
The Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy by Orderic Vitalis. In the year of our Lord, 1134, the twelfth indiction, Robert II duke of Normandy (age 83) died at Cardiff in Britain, in the month of February, twenty-eight years after he had been taken prisoner at Tinchebrai and immured in his brother’s dungeon. He lies buried in the abbey of the monks of St. Peter at Gloucester [Map].
On 28 Oct 1216 King Henry III of England (age 9) was crowned III King of England at Gloucester Cathedral [Map] during the Gloucester Coronation of Henry III at which Cardinal Guala Bicchieri (age 66) presided, Bishop Sylvester and Bishop Simon Apulia anointed the King. The coronation took place in Gloucester since London was at the time held by rebels. John Monmouth (age 34) was present.
After 21 Sep 1327 King Edward II of England (deceased) was buried at Gloucester Cathedral [Map].
Before 16 Oct 1486 Bishop Robert Morton (age 51) was appointed Archdeacon of Gloucester Cathedral.
In 1503 Bishop Thomas Ruthall (age 31) was appointed Archdeacon of Gloucester Cathedral, Dean of Salisbury and Chancellor of Cambridge.
In 1539 John Bell was appointed Archdeacon of Gloucester Cathedral.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 01 Apr 1554. [The first day of April my lord chancellor (age 54) did consecrate six new bishops at St. Mary Overy's [Map], before the high altar; and a goodly mass was said. And when all] was done thay yede unto my lord ch[ancellor's,] for ther was as grett a dener as youe ha[ve seen.] Thes be the bysshopes names that wher consecrated, [doctor] Whyt (age 44), warden of Wynchastur, the bysshope of Ly[ncoln]; doctur Borne, bysshope of Bathe; doctur Morgan, bishop of sant Davys; doctur Brokes (age 41), bysshope of Gloss [ter]; doctur Cottes, bysshope of Westtchastur; bysshope of sant Asse changyd to be bysshope of Arfford; master [Griffith] (age 47) parsun of sant Magnus bysshope of Rochastur.
On 01 Apr 1554 the Lord Chancellor Bishop Edmund "Bloody" Bonner of London (age 54), assisted by Bishop Stephen Gardiner (age 71), Bishop Nicholas Ridley (age 54) and Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall (age 80), consecrated seven bishops at Southwark Cathedral [Map]:
Bishop George Cotes was consecrated Bishop of Chester.
Bishop Gilbert Bourne was consecrated Bishop of Bath and Wells.
Bishop James Brooks (age 41) was consecrated Bishop of Gloucester.
Bishop Maurice Griffiths (age 47) was consecrated Bishop of Rochester.
Bishop Henry Morgan was consecrated Bishop of St David's.
Bishop John White (age 44) was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln.
Bishop Robert Parfew aka Warton was consecrated Bishop of Hereford.
In 1616 Archbishop William Laud (age 42) was appointed Dean of Gloucester.
John Evelyn's Diary. 31 Jul 1654. About two miles before coming to Gloucester [Map], we have a prospect from woody hills into a most goodly vale and country. Gloucester [Map] is a handsome city, considerable for the church and. Monuments. The minster [Map] is indeed a noble fabric. The whispering gallery is rare, being through a passage of twenty-five yards in a many-angled cloister, and was, I suppose, either to show the skill of the architect, or some invention of a cunning priest, who, standing unseen in a Recess in the middle of the chapel, might hear whatever was spoken at either end. This is above the choir, in which lies buried King Stephen under a. Monument of Irish oak, not ill carved considering the age. The new library is a noble though a private design. I was likewise pleased with the Severn gliding so sweetly by it. The Duke's house, the castle works, are now almost quite dismantled; nor yet without sad thoughts did I see the town, considering how fatal the siege had been a few years before to our good King.
Before Dec 1661 Bishop William Nicholson (age 70) was consecrated Bishop of Gloucester.
In 1671 Reverend Thomas Vyner (age 42) was appointed Dean of Gloucester which office he held until his death.
In 1672 Bishop John Pritchett was appointed Bishop of Gloucester.
In 1673 Bishop Robert (age 50) was appointed Dean of Gloucester.
John Evelyn's Diary. 27 Feb 1676. Dr. Pritchard, Bishop of Gloucester, preached at Whitehall [Map], on Isaiah v. 5, very allegorically, according to his manner, yet very gravely and wittily.
In 1691 Bishop Edward Fowler (age 59) was appointed Bishop of Gloucester which position he held for life.
John Evelyn's Diary. 19 Apr 1691. The Archbishop of Canterbury (age 74), and Bishops of Ely (age 53), Bath and Wells (age 53), Peterborough (age 63), Gloucester (age 69), and the rest who would not take the oaths to King William (age 40), were now displaced; and in their rooms, Dr. Tillotson (age 60), Dean of St. Paul's, was made Archbishop: Patrick (age 64) removed from Chichester to Ely; Cumberland (age 59) to Gloucester. Note. A mistake. Bishop Edward Fowler was made Bishop of Gloucester. Bishop Richard Cumberland (age 59) was made Bishop of Peterborough.
Before 1758 John Peter Allix (age 78) was appointed Dean of Gloucester.
In 1779 Bishop James Yorke (age 48) was appointed Bishop of Gloucester.
In 1799 Bishop John Luxmoore (age 33) was appointed Dean of Gloucester.
In 1815 Bishop Henry Dudley Ryder (age 37) was appointed Bishop of Gloucester.
In 1885 Bishop Edward Bickersteth (age 59) was appointed Dean of Gloucester.
King Osric of Hwicce was buried at Gloucester Cathedral [Map].