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Greenwich, Kent is in Kent.
1014 Death of King Sweyn "Forkbeard"
1467 Tournament Bastard of Burgundy
1491 Birth and Christening of Henry VIII
1509 Marriage of King Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon
1514 Betrothal of Mary Tudor and the Dauphin
1528 Sweating Sickness Outbreak
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1013. The year after that Archbishop Elfeah was martyred, the king (age 47) appointed Lifing to the archiepiscopal see of Canterbury. And in the same year, before the month August, came King Sweyne (age 53) with his fleet to Sandwich, Kent [Map]; and very soon went about East-Anglia into the Humber-mouth, and so upward along the Trent, until he came to Gainsborough [Map]. Then soon submitted to him Earl Utred, and all the Northumbrians, and all the people of Lindsey, and afterwards the people of the Five Boroughs, and soon after all the army to the north of Watling-street; and hostages were given him from each shire. When he understood that all the people were subject to him, then ordered he that his army should have provision and horses; and he then went southward with his main army, committing his ships and the hostages to his son Knute (age 18). And after he came over Watling-street, they wrought the greatest mischief that any army could do. Then he went to Oxford, Oxfordshire [Map]; and the population soon submitted, and gave hostages; thence to Winchester, where they did the same. Thence went they eastward to London; and many of the party sunk in the Thames, because they kept not to any bridge. When he came to the city, the population would not submit; but held their ground in full fight against him, because therein was King Ethelred, and Thurkill with him. Then went King Sweyne thence to Wallingford; and so over Thames westward to Bath, where he abode with his army. Thither came Alderman Ethelmar, and all the western thanes with him, and all submitted to Sweyne, and gave hostages. When he had thus settled all, then went he northward to his ships; and all the population fully received him, and considered him full king. The population of London also after this submitted to him, and gave hostages; because they dreaded that he would undo them. Then bade Sweyne full tribute and forage for his army during the winter; and Thurkill bade the same for the army that lay at Greenwich, Kent [Map]: besides this, they plundered as oft as they would. And when this nation could neither resist in the south nor in the north, King Ethelred abode some while with the fleet that lay in the Thames; and the lady (age 28)57 went afterwards over sea to her brother Richard (age 49), accompanied by Elfsy, Abbot of Peterborough. The king sent Bishop Elfun with the ethelings, Edward (age 10) and Alfred (age 8), over sea; that he might instruct them. Then went the king from the fleet, about midwinter, to the Isle of Wight [Map]; and there abode for the season; after which he went over sea to Richard, with whom he abode till the time when Sweyne died. Whilst the lady was with her brother beyond sea, Elfsy, Abbot of Peterborough, who was there with her, went to the abbey called Boneval, where St. Florentine's body lay; and there found a miserable place, a miserable abbot, and miserable monks: because they had been plundered. There he bought of the abbot, and of the monks, the body of St. Florentine, all but the head, for 500 pounds; which, on his return home, he offered to Christ and St. Peter.
Note 57. This was a title bestowed on the queen.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1014. This year King Sweyne (age 54) ended his days at Candlemas, the third day before the nones of February; and the same year Elfwy, Bishop of York, was consecrated in London, on the festival of St. Juliana. The fleet all chose Knute (age 19) for king; whereupon advised all the counsellors of England, clergy and laity, that they should send after King Ethelred (age 48); saying, that no sovereign was dearer to them than their natural lord, if he would govern them better than he did before. Then sent the king hither his son Edward, with his messengers; who had orders to greet all his people, saying that he would be their faithful lord-would better each of those things that they disliked-and that each of the things should be forgiven which had been either done or said against him; provided they all unanimously, without treachery, turned to him. Then was full friendship established, in word and in deed and in compact, on either side. And every Danish king they proclaimed an outlaw for ever from England. Then came King Ethelred home, in Lent, to his own people; and he was gladly received by them all. Meanwhile, after the death of Sweyne, sat Knute with his army in Gainsborough [Map] until Easter; and it was agreed between him and the people of Lindsey, that they should supply him with horses, and afterwards go out all together and plunder. But King Ethelred with his full force came to Lindsey before they were ready; and they plundered and burned, and slew all the men that they could reach. Knute, the son of Sweyne, went out with his fleet (so were the wretched people deluded by him), and proceeded southward until he came to Sandwich, Kent [Map]. There he landed the hostages that were given to his father, and cut off their hands and ears and their noses. Besides all these evils, the king ordered a tribute to the army that lay at Greenwich, Kent [Map], of 21,000 pounds.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1016. After his decease, all the peers that were in London, and the citizens, chose Edmund king (age 26); who bravely defended his kingdom while his time was. Then came the ships to Greenwich, Kent [Map], about the gang-days, and within a short interval went to London; where they sunk a deep ditch on the south side, and dragged their ships to the west side of the bridge. Afterwards they trenched the city without, so that no man could go in or out, and often fought against it: but the citizens bravely withstood them. King Edmund had ere this gone out, and invaded the West-Saxons, who all submitted to him; and soon afterward he fought with the enemy at Pen near Gillingham.
On 31 Dec 1426 Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter (age 49) died at Greenwich, Kent [Map]. Some sources say 27 Dec 1426 and 01 Jan 1427. Duke Exeter and Earl Dorset extinct.
Chronicle of Gregory 1450. 07 Jun 1450. And yn the fowarde, as they wolde have folowyde the captayne, was slayn Syr Umfray Stafforde (age 50) and Wylliam Stafford (age 30), squyer, one the mannylste man of alle this realme of Engelonde, whythe many moo othyr of mene personys at Sevenocke [Map], in Kentt, in her oute ragyng fro her oste of our sovereign lordys the kyng, Harry the vj te. And the kyng (age 28) loggyd that nyght at Grenewyche [Map], and son aftyr every lord whythe his retynewe rood home in to her contraye. [Note. The date sometimes given as the 08 Jun 1450 and 18 Jun 1850]
On 05 Jan 1453 brothers John Neville 1st Marquess Montagu (age 22) and Thomas Neville (age 23), William Herbert 1st Earl Pembroke (age 30), brothers Edmund Tudor 1st Earl Richmond (age 22) and Jasper Tudor 1st Duke Bedford (age 21) and Roger Lewknor were knighted by King Henry VI (age 31) at Greenwich, Kent [Map].
In Oct 1466 Thomas Grey 1st Marquess Dorset (age 11) and Anne Holland (age 5) were married at Greenwich, Kent [Map]. See She the daughter of Henry Holland 3rd Duke Exeter (age 36) and Anne York Duchess Exeter (age 27). He the son of John Grey and Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England (age 29). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
On 23 May 1467 Antoine "Bastard of Burgundy" (age 46) arrived at Greenwich, Kent [Map] with a retinue of 400 people to take part in a great Tournament. He was greeted by John "Butcher of England" Tiptoft 1st Earl of Worcester (age 40).
On 19 Nov 1481 Anne Mowbray 8th Countess Norfolk (age 8) died at Greenwich, Kent [Map]. She was buried at Chapel of St Erasmus of Formiae, Westminster Abbey [Map]. Earl Norfolk extinct. Baron Mowbray and Baron Segrave abeyant.
On 15 Oct 1514 Mary Tudor Queen Consort France (age 18) and the Dauphin Louis XII King France (age 52) were betrothed at Greenwich, Kent [Map].
Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall (age 40) delivered an oration in praise of matrimony.
In Jul 1517 Edward Chamberlayne (age 33) served at a Royal Banquet at Greenwich, Kent [Map].
Hall's Chronicle 1522. 01 Jun 1522. The morrow after, these princes removed to Sytingborne [Map], and the next day to Rochester [Map], where the Bishop (age 52) received them with the whole Covent, and on Monday they came to Gravesende [Map] by one of the clock, where they took their barges, and there were thirty barges appointed, for the strangers, and so by six of the clock they landed at Grenewiche [Map], the same Monday, the second day of June, where the Emperor (age 22) was of the King newly welcomed, and al his nobility, and at the hall door the Queen (age 36) and the Prynces (age 6), and all the Ladies received and welcomed him: and he asked the Queen blessing (for that is the fashion of Spain, between the aunt and the nephew) the Emperor had great joy to see the Queen his aunt, and in especially his young cousin German [first-cousin] the lady Mary. The Emperor was lodged in the King’s lodging, which was so richly hanged, that the Spaniards wondered at it, and specially at the rich cloth of estate: nothing lacked that might be gotten, to cheer the Emperor and his lords, and all that came in his company, were highly feasted.
Letters and Papers 1528. 25 Jun 1528. R. O. 4417. The Commissioners Of Kent To Wolsey.
This Thursday, the 25th, met at Deptford [Map], and were informed that Edmund Tebbe, in whose house they should have lodged, has had the new sickness, and is not yet recovered. Divers have been sick at Greenwich [Map] and at Eltham; of which towns great numbers would have appeared if the sessions had been held, with other prisoners from Southwark. As Baron Hales (age 58) also has fallen ill at London, they have, "in a croft nigh unto the street of Deptford," adjourned the sessions to Monday next before the feast of SS. Simon and Jude. Deptford, 25 June. Signed: Richard Broke—Henry Guldeford—Edward Guldeford—Alex. Colepeper—Edward Wotton—T. Nevyle—Thomas Willughby—Christopher Hales. Scaled.
P. 1. Add. Endd. by Wolsey: Sir William Drury, Sir William Carent, Venerys (?) die doca Passionis, in domo Ichekoc.
Calendar of State Papers Spain Volume 5 Part 2 1531-1533. 21 Jan 1536. Wien, Rep. P.C., Fasc. 236, No. 3. Eustace Chapuys (age 46) to the Emperor (age 35).
The good Queen (deceased) breathed her last at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Eight hours afterwards, by the King's (age 44) express commands, the inspection of her body was made, without her confessor or physician or any other officer of her household being present, save the fire-lighter in the house, a servant of his, and a companion of the latter, who proceeded at once to open the body. Neither of them had practised chirurgy, and yet they had often performed the same operation, especially the principal or head of them, who, after making the examination, went to the Bishop of Llandaff, the Queen's confessor, and declared to him in great secrecy, and as if his life depended on it, that he had found the Queen's body and the intestines perfectly sound and healthy, as if nothing had happened, with the single exception of the heart, which was completely black, and of a most hideous aspect; after washing it in three different waters, and finding that it did not change colour, he cut it in two, and found that it was the same inside, so much so that after being washed several times it never changed colour. The man also said that he found inside the heart something black and round, which adhered strongly to the concavities. And moreover, after this spontaneous declaration on the part of the man, my secretary having asked the Queen's physician whether he thought the Queen had died of poison, the latter answered that in his opinion there was no doubt about it, for the bishop had been told so under confession, and besides that, had not the secret been revealed, the symptoms, the course, and the fatal end of her illness were a proof of that.
No words can describe the joy and delight which this King and the promoters of his concubinate (age 35) have felt at the demise of the good Queen, especially the earl of Vulcher (age 59), and his son (age 33), who must have said to themselves, What a pity it was that the Princess (age 19) had not kept her mother company. The King himself on Saturday, when he received the news, was heard to exclaim, "Thank God, we are now free from any fear of war, and the time has come for dealing with the French much more to our advantage than heretofore, for if they once suspect my becoming the Emperor's friend and ally now that the real cause of our enmity no longer exists I shall be able to do anything I like with them." On the following day, which was Sunday, the King dressed entirely in yellow from head to foot, with the single exception of a white feather in his cap. His bastard daughter (age 2) was triumphantly taken to church to the sound of trumpets and with great display. Then, after dinner, the King went to the hall, where the ladies were dancing, and there made great demonstration of joy, and at last went into his own apartments, took the little bastard, carried her in his arms, and began to show her first to one, then to another, and did the same on the following days. Since then his joy has somewhat subsided; he has no longer made such demonstrations, but to make up for it, as it were, has been tilting and running lances at Grinduys [Map]. On the other hand, if I am to believe the reports that come to me from every quarter, I must say that the displeasure and grief generally felt at the Queen's demise is really incredible, as well as the indignation of the people against the King. All charge him with being the cause of the Queen's death, which I imagine has been produced partly by poison and partly by despondency and grief; besides which, the joy which the King himself, as abovesaid, manifested upon hearing the news, has considerably confirmed people in that belief.
Whilst the sorrow and indignation of the English last, it will be, in my opinion, the fit moment for urging the present Pope to proceed against this King, and apply the requisite remedy to so many evils. The measure would be most opportune just now; for these people, thinking, as they actually do, that because the good Queen is dead, no further proceedings can be instituted against them, would be greatly astonished, and taken, as it were, by surprise. They fancy, moreover. that the Pope on his own account, and for what personally concerns him and the Church, will not dare to stir and provoke war, especially as a good portion of Germany and other countries is in the same predicament as this King is. Yet, though the Queen is no longer alive, it is due to her memory and to the honour of her royal relatives to have it declared that she actually died Queen of England. It is, moreover, important to proceed at once to the execution of the sentence in what relates to the Princess, and dissolve and annul this second marriage, which certainly has not become more valid and legitimate through the Queen's death. Another declaration would be necessary on the part of the Pope, namely, that the King could not marry this woman, nor any other, during the Queen's life, according to the rules and prescriptions of civil right, unless the Pope himself had granted a dispensation.
It would indeed seem as if these people entertained some hope of making the Pope lean to their side, for only three days ago Cromwell said at dinner (a plainne table) that possibly within a very few days one might see in England a legate and an ambassador from the Pope, who would come to confirm all their former doings. And yesterday an order was issued for the curates and other preachers to abstain from preaching anything either against or in favour of the existence of purgatory, images, the worship of saints, and other doubtful theological questions. Perhaps by this and other means they hope to cajole His Holiness and send him to sleep until Your Majesty has actually left Rome,—which in my opinion, would he a great and irreparable evil; and I fancy that the courier who has taken to France the news of the Queens decease has been instructed to proceed afterwards to Rome in haste, and prevent, if he can, the publication of the ecclesiastical censures.
There has been some rumour here that this King intended going personally to his daughter, the Princess, or sending some high personage to condole with her, and that on that ground the news of her mother's death would be kept from her as long as possible. I hear, however, that nothing of the sort is the case. Four days after the Queen's demise the governess herself went straight to the Princess, and most unceremoniously, without the least preparation, announced to her the sad event. I myself had previously written to the Princess a letter of condolence, and sent it to one of her maids in waiting with instructions to put it into her hands the moment her mother's death should be notified to her. This was done; and I must say that the Princess received such consolation and comfort through it that soon after she herself wrote to me a very good and well penned answer, in which, after thanking me immensely for the invaluable good I have done her, she begged me to let the King know that, unless she were immediately removed from the house and company in which she was, she should consider herself as good as lost; and that, following my advice, she would in the midst of her tribulations do her best to show that courage and constancy of which I had spoken to her, and at all events prepare for death.
In the evening of the day on which the Queen's death was notified to her, the Princess begged her governess to write a letter to the King, asking for the physician and apothecary who had attended on her, rather, as I imagine, to make inquiries and hear the particulars of her last illness, than because she herself wanted their services. To which request of the Princess the King answered, that her complaint, if any, was not the result of illness, but merely of natural affliction, and therefore that she needed no physician nor apothecary at all. The Princess then wrote to me, praying, among other things, that I should solicit and procure the personal attendance of those two officials on the plea that she was really unwell, and could not do without them which I did forthwith, as Your Majesty must have heard.
The day before yesterday I forwarded to her the letter which Your Majesty had written to the Queen, her mother, as well as another from the Queen Regent of Flanders, both of which arrived too late. The letters, however, have been of great consolation to the Princess, as she herself wrote to me half an hour ago; for since her mother's death she writes oftener than before, for no other purpose, as I imagine, than to give a proof of that courage and firmness which I am continually recommending to her. I must add that her good sense, incomparable virtues, and unheard-of patience under the circumstances, enable her to bear with fortitude the loss of a mother whom she loved and cherished as much, perhaps more than any daughter ever did;—the Queen, her mother, having always been her principal refuge in all her tribulations.
Great preparations are being made for the burial of the good Queen, and according to a message received from Master Cromwell (age 51) the funeral is to be conducted with such a pomp and magnificence that those present will scarcely believe their eyes. It is to take place on the 1st of February; the chief mourner to be the King's own niece (age 18), that is to say, the daughter of the duke of Suffolk (age 52); next to her will go the Duchess, her mother; then the wife of the duke of Norfolk (age 39), and several other ladies in great numbers. And from what I hear, it is intended to distribute mourning apparel to no less than 600 women of a lower class. As to the lords and gentlemen, nothing has yet transpired as to who they are to be, nor how many. Master Cromwell himself, as I have written to Your Majesty, pressed me on two different occasions to accept the mourning cloth, which this King offered for the purpose no doubt of securing my attendance at the funeral, which is what he greatly desires; but by the advice of the Queen Regent of Flanders (Mary), of the Princess herself, and of many other worthy personages, I have declined, and, refused the cloth proffered; alleging as an excuse that I was already prepared, and had some of it at home, but in reality because I was unwilling to attend a funeral, which, however costly and magnificent, is not that befitting a Queen of England.
The King, or his Privy Council, thought at first that very solemn obsequies ought to be performed at the cathedral church of this city. Numerous carpenters and other artizans had already set to work, but since then the order has been revoked, and there is no talk of it now. Whether they meant it in earnest, and then changed their mind, or whether it was merely a feint to keep people contented and remove suspicion, I cannot say for certain.
Hall's Chronicle 1536. 01 May 1536. On Maye day were a solemn jousts kept at Grcnewyche [Map], and suddenly from the jousts the King departed having not above six persons with him, and came in the evening from Greenwich to his place at Westminster. Of this sudden departure many men mused, but most chiefly the Queen (age 35),
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1536. This yeare, on Maye daie, 1536, beinge Moundaie, was a great justing at Greenewych [Map], where was chalengers my Lorde of Rochforde (age 33) and others, and defenders Mr. Noris (age 54) and others.d.
Note d. Stow adds: "From these joustes King Henry sodainely departed to Westminster, haying only with him six persons, of which sodaine departore men manreiled."
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1536. And the morrowe after, being Satterdaie, and the thirtenth of Maie, Maister Fittes-Williams (age 46),a Treasorer of the Kinges house, and Mr. Controoler,b deposed and brooke upp the Queenes househoulde at Greenewich [Map], and so discharged all her servantes of their offices clearlye.
Note a. Sir WilliamFitzwilliam, knt. afterwards Earl of Soathampton, held the office of Treasurer of the Household from 1626 to 1687.
Note b. Sir Edward Poynings.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 Aug 1555. The xxvj day of August cam from Westmynster, rydyng thrugh London unto Towrs-warff, the Kyng (age 28) and the Quen (age 39), and ther thay toke ther barge unto Grenwyche [Map], and landyd at the long bryge, and reseyvyd by my lord chanseler (age 72), and my lord of Ely (age 49), and my lord vycont Montyguw (age 26), master comtroller, master Sowthwell (age 52), and dyvers mo, and the gard, and dyvers holdyn torchys bornynge, and up to the Frers, and ther thare graces mad ther praers, and at her grace('s) landyng received ix or x suplycasyon(s), and so bake agayn to the court with a c. torchys bornyng.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 22 Dec 1556. The xxij day of Desember the Quen('s) (age 40) grace [removed] from Sant James thrugh the parke, and toke [her barge] unto Lambyth unto my lord cardenalles (age 56) place, [where] her grace dynyd with hym and dyvers of the [council]; and after dener her grace toke her gornay to Grenwyche [Map], to kepe her Cryustynmus ther.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 07 Feb 1557. [The vijth day of February master Offley (age 57), the lord mayor, and divers aldermen, taking their barge, went to Greenwich, Kent [Map] to the Queen's (age 40)] grace, and ther she mad ym [knight, he] behyng mayre, and master William Chester (age 48), altherman, mayd hym knyght the sam tyme and day.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 17 Mar 1557. The xvij day of Marche cam rydyng from kyng Phelype (age 29) from be-yond the see unto the court at Grenwyche [Map], to owre quen (age 41), with letters in post, my lord Robart Dudley (age 24), and after master Kemp of the preve chambur, that the kyng wold com to Cales [Map] the xvij day of Marche; and the sam day dyd pryche a-for the quen the nuwe bysshope of Lynckolne doctur Watsun (age 42).
Henry Machyn's Diary. 20 Mar 1557. The xx day of Marche the Kyng (age 29) cam from be-yond the see, and cam at v to Grenwyche [Map]; at the sam tyme ther cam a shype up by the tyde, [and as] he cam agaynst the courte gatt, he shott a xvj [pieces] of twys [off twice], the wyche wher vere grett pesses, and [cried,] God save the Kyng and the Quen.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 22 Apr 1557. The sam day the Kyng (age 29) and the Quen (age 41) removyd from Grenwyche [Map] unto Westmynster, a-ganst sant [George's day.]
Henry Machyn's Diary. 01 Jul 1559. The furst day of July all the craftes of London send owt a (blank) men of armes, as well be-sene as ever was when owt of London, boyth waffelers in cott of velvet and cheynes, with gunes, mores-pykes, and halbardes, and flages, and in-to the duke of Suffoke('s) parke in Sowthwarke, and ther they mustered a-for my lord mayre (age 50); and ther was a howsse for bred and dryng [drink], to gyffe the sawgyars [soldiers] to ett and drynke, and they then after thay lay and mustered in sant Gorges ffeld tyll x of the cloke. [The next morning they removed towards Greenwich, Kent [Map] to the court there, and thence into Greenwich park, where they tarried] tyll viij of the cloke, and then thay [marched] to the lawne, and ther thay mustered in harnes, [and the gunners] in shurttes of maylle, and at v of the cloke at nyght the Quen (age 25) [came] in to the galere of the parke gatt, and the inbassadurs and lordes [and ladies, to a] grett nombur, and my lord marques, and my lord admerall (age 49), and my [lord Robert Dudley (age 27), and] dyvers mo lordes and knyghtes, and they rod to and fro [to view them, and] to sett the ij batelles in a-ray; and after cam trumpeters bluwing [on] boyth partes, and the drumes and fluttes; and iij ansettes [onsets] in evere bat[elle]; so thay marchyd forward, and so the gunes shott and the morespykes [en]contered to-gether with gratt larum, and after reculyd bake [again]; after the towne army lost ther pykes and ther gunes and bylle .. rely, and contenent they wher sturyd with a-larum; and so evere man toke to ther weypons agayne; by and by the trumpetes and the drumes and gones playd, and shott, and so they whent to-gether as fast as they could. Al thys wyll the Quen('s) grace and the inbasadurs and the lordes and lades be-held the skymychsyng; and after they reculyd bake agayn; and after master chamburlayn and dyvers of the commenars and the wyffelers cam to the Quen, and ther the Quen('s) grace thankyd them hartely, and all the cette [city]; and contenent ther was the grettest showtt that ever was hard, and hurlyng up of capes [caps], that her grace was so mere [merry], for ther was a-buyff above lyk M [1000] pepull besyd the men that mustered; and after ther was runyng at the tyltt, and after evere [man] home to London and odur plasses.
Note. P. 202. Muster before the queen in Greenwich park. Stowe has described this muster at some length. The Grocers' company were, by a precept from the lord mayor, required to contribute to it "190 personnes, apte and picked men; whereof 60 to be with calyvers, flaskes, touche-boxes, morions, swordes, and daggers; 95 to be in corselettes, with halbertes, swordes, and daggers, for a shewe at Greenwich." Heath's Hist, of the Grocers' Company, p. 65.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 16 Jun 1561. The xvj day of June my lord mare (age 52) and the althermen [were] sent for unto the cowrte at Grenwyche [Map].
In 1604 Edmund Pelham (age 71) was knighted by King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland (age 37) at Greenwich, Kent [Map].
On 12 Jun 1604 George Smith of Exeter was knighted at Greenwich, Kent [Map].
Memorials of affairs of state in the reigns of Q Elizabeth and K James I Volume 2 Dudley Carleton to Mr Winwood Jan 1605. The King (age 38) is gone to Huntington where he will stay till towards Candlemas. The Queen (age 30) goes to Greenwich, Kent [Map] this Week, to give Whitehall some Ayre against that time; and presently after the King goes back sur ses brisees, and the Queen returns to Greenwich to lay down her great Belly, which is iook'd for about three Months hence.
On 20 May 1605 George Chaworth 1st Viscount Chaworth (age 51) was knighted at Greenwich, Kent [Map].
In Jul 1607 John Boteler 1st Baron Boteler (age 41) was knighted at Greenwich, Kent [Map].
On 30 Jan 1620 William Tufton 1st Baronet (age 31) and Anne Cave Lady Tufton were married at Greenwich, Kent [Map].
John Evelyn's Diary. 12 Oct 1641. From Dover, I that night rode post to Canterbury, Kent [Map]. Here I visited the cathedral [Map], then in great splendour, those famous windows being entire, since demolished by the fanatics. The next morning, by Sittingboume [Map], I came to Rochester [Map], and thence to Gravesend [Map], where a light-horseman (as they call it) taking us in, we spent our tide as far as Greenwich [Map]. From hence, after we had a little refreshed ourselves at the College, (for by reason of the contagion then in London we balked the inns,) we came to London landing at Arundel-stairs [Map]. Here I took leave of his Lordship (age 56), and retired to my lodgings in the Middle Temple, being about two in the morning, the 14th of October.
Before 31 Mar 1646 Elizabeth Howard Countess Carrick (age 82) died at Greenwich, Kent [Map]. She was buried On 31 Mar 1646.
John Evelyn's Diary. 28 Sep 1653. At Greenwich [Map] preached that holy martyr, Dr. Hewer, on Psalm xc. 11, magnifying the grace of God to penitents, and threatening the extinction of his Gospel light for the prodigious impiety of the age.
John Evelyn's Diary. 11 Jul 1656. Came home by Greenwich, Kent [Map] ferry, where I saw Sir J. Winter's project of charring sea-coal, to burn out the sulphur, and render it sweet. He did it by burning the coals in such earthen pots as the glass men melt their metal, so firing them without consuming them, using a bar of iron in each crucible, or pot, which bar has a hook at one end, that so the coals being melted in a furnace with other crude sea-coals under them, may be drawn out of the pots sticking to the iron, whence they are beaten off in great half-exhausted cinders, which being rekindled, make a clear, pleasant chamber-fire, deprived of their sulphur and arsenic malignity. What success it may have, time will discover.
John Evelyn's Diary. 18 Jun 1657. At Greenwich, Kent [Map] I saw a sort of cat brought from the East Indies, shaped and snouted much like the Egyptian racoon, in the body like a monkey, and so footed; the ears and tail like a cat, only the tail much longer, and the skin variously ringed with black and white; with the tail it wound up its body like a serpent, and so got up into trees, and with it would wrap its whole body round. Its hair was woolly like a lamb; it was exceedingly nimble, gentle, and purred as does the cat.
John Evelyn's Diary. 03 Jun 1658. A large whale was taken between my land abutting on the Thames and Greenwich, Kent [Map], which drew an infinite concourse to see it, by water, horse, coach, and on foot, from London, and all parts. It appeared first below Greenwich, Kent [Map] at low water, for at high water it would have destroyed all the boats, but lying now in shallow water encompassed with boats, after a long conflict, it was killed with a harping iron, struck in the head, out of which spouted blood and water by two tunnels; and after a horrid groan, it ran quite on shore, and died. Its length was fifty-eight feet, height sixteen; black skinned, like coach leather; very small eyes, great tail, only two small fins, a peaked snout and a mouth so wide, that divers men might have stood upright in it; no teeth, but sucked the slime only as through a grate of that bone which we call whalebone; the throat yet so narrow, as would not have admitted the least of fishes. The extremes of the cetaceous bones hang downward from the upper jaw, and are hairy toward the ends and bottom within side: all of it prodigious; but in nothing more wonderful than that an animal of so great a bulk should be nourished only by slime through those grates.
John Evelyn's Diary. 01 Oct 1661. I sailed this morning with his Majesty (age 31) in one of his yachts (or pleasure boats), vessels not known among us till the Dutch East India Company presented that curious piece to the King; being very excellent sailing vessels. It was on a wager between his other new pleasure boat, built frigate-like, and one of the Duke of York's (age 27); the wager £100; the race from Greenwich, Kent [Map] to Gravesend, Kent [Map] and back. The King lost it going, the wind being contrary, but saved stakes in returning. There were divers noble persons and lords on board, his Majesty sometimes steering himself. His barge and kitchen boat attended. I brake fast this morning with the King at return in his smaller vessel, he being pleased to take me and only four more, who were noblemen, with him; but dined in his yacht, where we all ate together with his Majesty. In this passage he was pleased to discourse to me about my book inveighing against the nuisance of the smoke of London, and proposing expedients how, by removing those particulars I mentioned, it might be reformed; commanding me to prepare a Bill against the next session of Parliament, being, as he said, resolved to have something done in it. Then he discoursed to me of the improvement of gardens and buildings, now very rare in England comparatively to other countries. He then commanded me to draw up the matter of fact happening at the bloody encounter which then had newly happened between the French and Spanish Ambassadors near the Tower, contending for precedency, at the reception of the Swedish Ambassador; giving me orders to consult Sir William Compton (age 36), Master of the Ordnance, to inform me of what he knew of it, and with his favorite, Sir Charles Berkeley (age 31), captain of the Duke's life guard, then present with his troop and three foot companies; with some other reflections and instructions, to be prepared with a declaration to take off the reports which went about of his Majesty's partiality in the affairs, and of his officers' and spectators' rudeness while the conflict lasted. So I came home that night, and went next morning to London, where from the officers of the Tower [Map], Sir William Compton, Sir Charles Berkeley, and others who were attending at this meeting of the Ambassadors three days before, having collected what I could, I drew up a Narrative in vindication of his Majesty, and the carriage of his officers and standers-by.
John Evelyn's Diary. 19 Oct 1661. I went to London to visit my Lord of Bristol (age 48), having been with Sir John Denham (age 46) his Majesty's (age 31) surveyor) to consult with him about the placing of his palace at Greenwich, Kent [Map], which I would have had built between the river and the Queen's House, Greenwich, so as a large square cut should have let in the Thames like a bay; but Sir John was for setting it on piles at the very brink of the water, which I did not assent to; and so came away, knowing Sir John to be a better poet than architect, though he had Mr. Webb (Inigo Jones's man) to assist him.
John Evelyn's Diary. 24 Jan 1662. His Majesty (age 31) entertained me with his intentions of building his Palace of Greenwich, Kent [Map], and quite demolishing the old one; on which I declared my thoughts.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Apr 1662. So to Greenwich, Kent [Map]; and had a fine pleasant walk to Woolwich, Kent [Map], having in our company Captn. Minnes, with whom I was much pleased to hear him talk in fine language, but pretty well for all that. Among other things, he and the other Captains that were with us tell me that negros drowned look white and lose their blackness, which I never heard before. At Woolwich, Kent [Map], up and down to do the same business; and so back to Greenwich, Kent [Map] by water, and there while something is dressing for our dinner, Sir William and I walked into the Park, where the King (age 31) hath planted trees and made steps in the hill up to the Castle, which is very magnificent. So up and down the house, which is now repayring in the Queen's (age 23) lodgings.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Jun 1662. Then by water with my wife to the Wardrobe, and dined there; and in the afternoon with all the children by water to Greenwich, Kent [Map], where I showed them the King's yacht, the house, and the park, all very pleasant; and so to the tavern, and had the musique of the house, and so merrily home again. Will and I walked home from the Wardrobe, having left my wife at the Tower Wharfe [Map] coming by, whom I found gone to bed not very well.... So to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 30 Jun 1662. Then to Greenwich, Kent [Map] Park; and with much ado she was able to walk up to the top of the hill, and so down again, and took boat, and so through bridge to Blackfryers, and home, she being much pleased with the ramble in every particular of it. So we supped with her, and then walked home, and to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Jul 1662. Thence to my office all the afternoon as long as I could see, about setting many businesses in order. In the evening came Mr. Lewis to me, and very ingeniously did enquire whether I ever did look into the business of the Chest at Chatham, Kent [Map];1 and after my readiness to be informed did appear to him, he did produce a paper, wherein he stated the government of the Chest to me; and upon the whole did tell me how it hath ever been abused, and to this day is; and what a meritorious act it would be to look after it; which I am resolved to do, if God bless me; and do thank him very much for it.
Note 1. Pepys gives some particulars about the Chest on November 13th, 1662. "The Chest at Chatham, Kent [Map] was originally planned by Sir Francis Drake and Sir John Hawkins in 1588, after the defeat of the Armada; the seamen voluntarily agreed to have 'defalked' out of their wages certain sums to form a fund for relief. The property became considerable, as well as the abuses, and in 1802 the Chest was removed to Greenwich, Kent [Map]. In 1817, the stock amounted to £300,000 Consols".-Hist. of Rochester, Kent [Map], p. 346. B.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Jul 1662. Thence by water, and by and by landing at the riverside somewhere among the reeds, we walked to Greenwich, Kent [Map], where to Cocke's house again and walked in the garden, and then in to his lady, who I find is still pretty, but was now vexed and did speak very discontented and angry to the Captain for disappointing a gentleman that he had invited to dinner, which he took like a wise man and said little, but she was very angry, which put me clear out of countenance that I was sorry I went in. So after I had eat still some more fruit I took leave of her in the garden plucking apricots for preserving, and went away and so by water home, and there Mr. Moore coming and telling me that my Lady goes into the country to-morrow, I carried my wife by coach to take her leave of her father, I staying in Westminster Hall [Map], she going away also this week, and thence to my Lady's, where we staid and supped with her, but found that my Lady was truly angry and discontented with us for our neglecting to see her as we used to do, but after a little she was pleased as she was used to be, at which we were glad. So after supper home to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Jul 1662. Up early, and though I found myself out of order and cold, and the weather cold and likely to rain, yet upon my promise and desire to do what I intended, I did take boat and down to Greenwich, Kent [Map], to Captain Cocke's (age 45), who hath a most pleasant seat, and neat. Here I drank wine, and eat some fruit off the trees; and he showed a great rarity, which was two or three of a great number of silver dishes and plates, which he bought of an embassador that did lack money, in the edge or rim of which was placed silver and gold medalls, very ancient, and I believe wrought, by which, if they be, they are the greatest rarity that ever I saw in my life, and I will show Mr. Crumlum them.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 02 Aug 1662. Up early, and got me ready in my riding clothes, and so to the office, and there wrote letters to my father and wife against night, and then to the business of my office, which being done, I took boat with Will, and down to Greenwich, Kent [Map], where Captain Cocke (age 45) not being at home I was vexed, and went to walk in the Park till he come thither to me: and Will's forgetting to bring my boots in the boat did also vex me, for I was forced to send the boat back again for them. I to Captain Cocke's along with him to dinner, where I find his lady still pretty, but not so good a humour as I thought she was. We had a plain, good dinner, and I see they do live very frugally. I eat among other fruit much mulberrys, a thing I have not eat of these many years, since I used to be at Ashted, at my cozen Pepys's.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Aug 1662. Got right again with much ado, after two or three circles and so on, and at Greenwich, Kent [Map] set in Captain Cocke (age 45), and I set forward, hailing to all the King's ships at Deptford, but could not wake any man: so that we could have done what we would with their ships. At last waked one man; but it was a merchant ship, the Royall Catharine: so to the Towerdock and home, where the girl sat up for me. It was about three o'clock, and putting Mr. Boddam out of my bed, went to bed, and lay till nine o'clock, and so to the office, where we sat all the morning, and I did give some accounts of my service.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Aug 1662. Thence by boat; I being hot, he put the skirt of his cloak about me; and it being rough, he told me the passage of a Frenchman through London Bridge [Map], where, when he saw the great fall, he begun to cross himself and say his prayers in the greatest fear in the world, and soon as he was over, he swore "Morbleu! c'est le plus grand plaisir du monde", being the most like a French humour in the world1. To Deptford, and there surprised the Yard, and called them to a muster, and discovered many abuses, which we shall be able to understand hereafter and amend.
Note 1. When the first editions of this Diary were printed no note was required here. Before the erection of the present London Bridge [Map] the fall of water at the ebb tide was great, and to pass at that time was called "Shooting the bridge". It was very hazardous for small boats. The ancient mode, even in Henry VIII's time, of going to the Tower and Greenwich, Kent [Map], was to land at the Three Cranes, in Upper Thames Street, suffer the barges to shoot the bridge, and to enter them again at Billingsgate. See Cavendish's "Wolsey", p. 40, ed. 1852.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Aug 1662. Thence we walked talking, very good discourse all the way to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and I do find most excellent discourse from him. Among other things, his rule of suspecting every man that proposes any thing to him to be a knave; or, at least, to have some ends of his own in it. Being led thereto by the story of Sir John Millicent, that would have had a patent from King James for every man to have had leave to have given him a shilling; and that he might take it of every man that had a mind to give it, and being answered that that was a fair thing, but what needed he a patent for it, and what he would do to them that would not give him. He answered, he would not force them; but that they should come to the Council of State, to give a reason why they would not. Another rule is a proverb that he hath been taught, which is that a man that cannot sit still in his chamber (the reason of which I did not understand him), and he that cannot say no (that is, that is of so good a nature that he cannot deny any thing, or cross another in doing any thing), is not fit for business. The last of which is a very great fault of mine, which I must amend in.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Aug 1662. At noon Com Mr. Pett (age 52) and I by water to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and on board the pleasure-boats to see what they wanted, they being ordered to sea, and very pretty things I still find them, and so on shore and at the Shipp had a bit of meat and dined, there waiting upon us a barber of Mr. Pett's acquaintance that plays very well upon the viollin.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Aug 1662. Up early, and to my office, and by and by we sat all the morning. At noon, though I was invited to my uncle Fenner's to dinner to a haunch of venison I sent him yesterday, yet I did not go, but chose to go to Mr. Rawlinson's (age 48), where my uncle Wight and my aunt, and some neighbour couples were at a very good venison pasty. Hither came, after we were set down, a most pretty young lady (only her hands were not white nor handsome), which pleased me well, and I found her to be sister to Mrs. Anne Wight that comes to my uncle Wight's. We were good company, and had a very pretty dinner. And after dinner some talk, I with my aunt and this young lady about their being [at] Epsom, from whence they came to-day, and so home and to my office, and there doing business till past 9 at night, and so home and to bed. But though I drank no wine to-day, yet how easily was I of my own accord stirred up to desire my aunt and this pretty lady (for it was for her that I did it) to carry them to Greenwich, Kent [Map] and see the pleasure boats. But my aunt would not go, of which since I am much glad.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Sep 1662. Up by break of day at 5 o'clock, and down by water to Woolwich, Kent [Map]: in my way saw the yacht lately built by our virtuosoes (my Lord Brunkard (age 42) and others, with the help of Commissioner Pett (age 52) also) set out from Greenwich, Kent [Map] with the little Dutch bezan, to try for mastery; and before they got to Woolwich, Kent [Map] the Dutch beat them half-a-mile (and I hear this afternoon, that, in coming home, it got above three miles); which all our people are glad of.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Sep 1662. Here I staid and mustered the yard and looked into the storehouses; and so walked all alone to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and thence by water to Deptford, and there examined some stores, and did some of my own business in hastening my work there, and so walked to Redriffe [Map], being by this time pretty weary and all in a sweat; took boat there for the Tower, which made me a little fearful, it being a cold, windy morning.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Jan 1663. Then came Commissioner Pett (age 52), and he and I by agreement went to Deptford, and after a turn or two in the yard, to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and thence walked to Woolwich, Kent [Map]. Here we did business, and I on board the Tangier-merchant, a ship freighted by us, that has long lain on hand in her despatch to Tangier [Map], but is now ready for sailing.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 19 Mar 1663. Up betimes and to Woolwich, Kent [Map] all alone by water, where took the officers most abed. I walked and enquired how all matters and businesses go, and by and by to the Clerk of the Cheque's house, and there eat some of his good Jamaica brawne, and so walked to Greenwich, Kent [Map]. Part of the way Deane walking with me; talking of the pride and corruption of most of his fellow officers of the yard, and which I believe to be true.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Apr 1663. Home by water to dinner, and with my father, wife, and Ashwell, after dinner, by water towards Woolwich, Kent [Map], and in our way I bethought myself that we had left our poor little dog that followed us out of doors at the waterside, and God knows whether he be not lost, which did not only strike my wife into a great passion but I must confess myself also; more than was becoming me. We immediately returned, I taking another boat and with my father went to Woolwich, Kent [Map], while they went back to find the dog. I took my father on board the King's pleasure boat and down to Woolwich, Kent [Map], and walked to Greenwich, Kent [Map] thence and turning into the park to show my father the steps up the hill, we found my wife, her woman, and dog attending us, which made us all merry again, and so took boats, they to Deptford, Kent [Map] and so by land to Half-way house, I into the King's yard and overlook them there, and eat and drank with them, and saw a company of seamen play drolly at our pence, and so home by water. I a little at the office, and so home to supper and to bed, after having Ashwell play my father and me a lesson upon her Tryangle.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 14 Apr 1663. Up betimes to my office, where busy till 8 o'clock that Sir W. Batten (age 62), Sir J. Minnes (age 64), Sir W. Pen (age 41) and I down by barge to Woolwich, Kent [Map], to see "The Royal James" launched, where she has been under repair a great while. We staid in the yard till almost noon, and then to Mr. Falconer's to a dinner of fish of our own sending, and when it was just ready to come upon the table, word is brought that the King (age 32) and Duke (age 29) are come, so they all went away to shew themselves, while I staid and had a little dish or two by myself, resolving to go home, and by the time I had dined they came again, having gone to little purpose, the King, I believe, taking little notice of them. So they to dinner, and I staid a little with them, and so good bye. I walked to Greenwich, Kent [Map], studying the Slide Rule for measuring of timber, which is very fine.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 May 1663. So to the yard a little, and thence on foot to Greenwich, Kent [Map], where going I was set upon by a great dogg, who got hold of my garters, and might have done me hurt; but, Lord, to see in what a maze I was, that, having a sword about me, I never thought of it, or had the heart to make use of it, but might, for want of that courage, have been worried. Took water there and home, and both coming and going did con my lesson on my Ruler to measure timber, which I think I can well undertake now to do. At home there being Pembleton I danced, and I think shall come on to do something in a little time, and after dinner by coach with Sir W. Pen (age 42) (setting down his daughter at Clerkenwell), to St. James's, where we attended the Duke of York (age 29): and, among other things, Sir G. Carteret (age 53) and I had a great dispute about the different value of the pieces of eight rated by Mr. Creed at 4s. and 5d., and by Pitts at 4s. and 9d., which was the greatest husbandry to the King (age 32)? he persisting that the greatest sum was; which is as ridiculous a piece of ignorance as could be imagined. However, it is to be argued at the Board, and reported to the Duke next week; which I shall do with advantage, I hope.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 20 May 1663. Up and to my office, and anon home and to see my wife dancing with Pembleton about noon, and I to the Trinity House, Deptford [Map] to dinner and after dinner home, and there met Pembleton, who I perceive has dined with my wife, which she takes no notice of, but whether that proceeds out of design, or fear to displease me I know not, but it put me into a great disorder again, that I could mind nothing but vexing, but however I continued my resolution of going down by water to Woolwich, Kent [Map], took my wife and Ashwell; and going out met Mr. Howe come to see me, whose horse we caused to be set up, and took him with us. The tide against us, so I went ashore at Greenwich, Kent [Map] before, and did my business at the yard about putting things in order as to their proceeding to build the new yacht ordered to be built by Christopher Pett1, and so to Woolwich, Kent [Map] town, where at an alehouse I found them ready to attend my coming, and so took boat again, it being cold, and I sweating, with my walk, which was very pleasant along the green come and pease, and most of the way sang, he and I, and eat some cold meat we had, and with great pleasure home, and so he took horse again, and Pembleton coming, we danced a country dance or two and so broke up and to bed, my mind restless and like to be so while she learns to dance. God forgive my folly.
Note 1. In the minutes of the Royal Society is the following entry: "June 11, 1662. Dr. Pett's brother shewed a draught of the pleasure boat which he intended to make for the King (age 32)" (Birch's "History of the Royal Society", vol. i., p. 85). Peter Pett had already built a yacht for the King at Deptford.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 May 1663. At noon Mr. Creed comes to me, and he and I to the Exchange [Map], where I had much discourse with several merchants, and so home with him to dinner, and then by water to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and calling at the little alehouse at the end of the town to wrap a rag about my little left toe, being new sore with walking, we walked pleasantly to Woolwich, Kent [Map], in our way hearing the nightingales sing.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 May 1663. Took boat at Greenwich, Kent [Map] and to Deptford, where I did the same thing, and found Davis, the storekeeper, a knave, and shuffling in the business of Bewpers, being of the party with Young and Whistler to abuse the King (age 32), but I hope I shall be even with them.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 24 Jun 1663. Thence by water home to see all well, and thence down to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and there walked into a pretty common garden and there played with him at nine pins for some drink, and to make the fellows drink that set up the pins, and so home again being very cold, and taking a very great cold, being to-day the first time in my tabby doublet this year.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Jul 1663. Thence walked alone, only part of the way Deane (age 29) walked with me, complaining of many abuses in the Yard, to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and so by water to Deptford, where I found Mr. Coventry (age 35), and with him up and down all the stores, to the great trouble of the officers, and by his help I am resolved to fall hard to work again, as I used to do. So thence he and I by water talking of many things, and I see he puts his trust most upon me in the Navy, and talks, as there is reason, slightly of the two old knights, and I should be glad by any drudgery to see the King's stores and service looked to as they ought, but I fear I shall never understand half the miscarriages and tricks that the King (age 33) suffers by. He tells me what Mr. Pett (age 52) did to-day, that my Lord Bristoll (age 50) told the King that he will impeach the Chancellor (age 54) of High Treason: but I find that my Lord Bristoll hath undone himself already in every body's opinion, and now he endeavours to raise dust to put out other men's eyes, as well as his own; but I hope it will not take, in consideration merely that it is hard for a Prince to spare an experienced old officer, be he never so corrupt; though I hope this man is not so, as some report him to be. He tells me that Don John (age 34) is yet alive, and not killed, as was said, in the great victory against the Spaniards in Portugall of late. So home, and late at my office.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 20 Jul 1663. Thence by water to the office, and taking some papers by water to White Hall and St. James's, but there being no meeting with the Duke (age 29) to-day, I returned by water and down to Greenwich, Kent [Map], to look after some blocks that I saw a load carried off by a cart from Woolwich, Kent [Map], the King's Yard. But I could not find them, and so returned, and being heartily weary I made haste to bed, and being in bed made Will read and construe three or four Latin verses in the Bible, and chide him for forgetting his grammar.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Aug 1663. It was late before we could get from Greenwich, Kent [Map] to London by water, the tide being against us and almost past, so that to save time and to be clear of anchors I landed at Wapping, Essex, and so walked home weary enough, walking over the stones.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Aug 1663. So I landed them at Greenwich, Kent [Map], and there to a garden, and gave them fruit and wine, and so to boat again, and finally, in the cool of the evening, to Lyon Kee1, the tide against us, and so landed and walked to the Bridge [Map], and there took a coach by chance passing by, and so I saw them home, and there eat some cold venison with them, and drunk and bade them good night, having been mighty merry with them, and I think it is not amiss to preserve, though it cost me a little, such a friend as Mrs. Turner (age 40).
Note 1. Lion Key, Lower Thames Street, where the famous Duchess of Suffolk in the time of Bishop Gardiner's persecution took boat for the continent. James, Duke of York (age 14), also left the country from this same place on the night of April 20th, 1648, when he escaped from St. James's Palace.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Aug 1663. After dinner altered our design to go to Woolwich, Kent [Map], and put it off to to-morrow morning, and so went all to Greenwich, Kent [Map] (Mrs. Waith excepted, who went thither, but not to the same house with us, but to her father's, that lives there), to the musique-house, where we had paltry musique, till the master organist came, whom by discourse I afterwards knew, having employed him for my Lord Sandwich (age 38), to prick out something (his name Arundell), and he did give me a fine voluntary or two, and so home by water, and at home I find my girl that run away brought by a bedel of St. Bride's Parish, and stripped her and sent her away, and a newe one come, of Griffin's helping to, which I think will prove a pretty girl. Her name, Susan, and so to supper after having this evening paid Mr. Hunt £3 for my viall (besides the carving which I paid this day 10s. for to the carver), and he tells me that I may, without flattery, say, I have as good a Theorbo viall and viallin as is in England. So to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Aug 1663. After breakfast Mr. Castle (age 34) and I walked to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and in our way met some gypsys, who would needs tell me my fortune, and I suffered one of them, who told me many things common as others do, but bade me beware of a John and a Thomas, for they did seek to do me hurt, and that somebody should be with me this day se'nnight to borrow money of me, but I should lend him none. She got ninepence of me.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Aug 1663. And so I left them and to Greenwich, Kent [Map] and so to Deptford, where the two knights were come, and thence home by water, where I find my closet done at my office to my mind and work gone well on at home; and Ashwell gone abroad to her father, my wife having spoken plainly to her.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Sep 1663. Then up and to the office a while, and then to Sir W. Batten (age 62), who is going this day for pleasure down to the Downes. I eat a breakfast with them, and at my Lady's desire with them by coach to Greenwich, Kent [Map], where I went aboard with them on the Charlotte yacht. The wind very fresh, and I believe they will be all sicke enough, besides that she is mighty troublesome on the water. Methinks she makes over much of her husband's ward, young Mr. Griffin, as if she expected some service from him when he comes to it, being a pretty young boy. I left them under sayle, and I to Deptford, and, after a word or two with Sir J. Minnes (age 64), walked to Redriffe [Map] and so home. In my way, it coming into my head, overtaking of a beggar or two on the way that looked like Gypsys, what the Gypsys 8 or 9 days ago had foretold, that somebody that day se'nnight should be with me to borrow money, but I should lend none; and looking, when I came to my office, upon my journall, that my brother John (age 22) had brought a letter that day from my brother Tom (age 29) to borrow £20 more of me, which had vexed me so that I had sent the letter to my father into the country, to acquaint him of it, and how little he is beforehand that he is still forced to borrow. But it pleased me mightily to see how, contrary to my expectations, having so lately lent him £20, and belief that he had money by him to spare, and that after some days not thinking of it, I should look back and find what the Gypsy had told me to be so true.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 Sep 1663. Up by break of day, and then to my vials a while, and so to Sir W. Warren's by agreement, and after talking and eating something with him, he and I down by water to Woolwich, Kent [Map], and there I did several businesses, and had good discourse, and thence walked to Greenwich, Kent [Map]; in my way a little boy overtook us with a fine cupp turned out of Lignum Vitae, which the poor child confessed was made in the King's yard by his father, a turner there, and that he do often do it, and that I might have one, and God knows what, which I shall examine.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Jan 1664. Up, and it being a brave morning, with a gaily to Woolwich, Kent [Map], and there both at the Ropeyard [Map]e and the other yarde did much business, and thence to Greenwich, Kent [Map] to see Mr. Pett (age 53) and others value the carved work of the "Henrietta" (God knows in an ill manner for the King (age 33)), and so to Deptford, Kent [Map], and there viewed Sir W. Petty's (age 40) vessel; which hath an odd appearance, but not such as people do make of it, for I am of the opinion that he would never have discoursed so much of it, if it were not better than other vessels, and so I believe that he was abused the other day, as he is now, by tongues that I am sure speak before they know anything good or bad of her. I am sorry to find his ingenuity discouraged so.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Feb 1664. Up, and down by water, a brave morning, to Woolwich, Kent [Map], and there spent an houre or two to good purpose, and so walked to Greenwich, Kent [Map] and thence to Deptford, Kent [Map], where I found (with Sir W. Batten (age 63) upon a survey) Sir J. Minnes (age 64), Sir W. Pen (age 42), and my Lady Batten come down and going to dinner. I dined with them, and so after dinner by water home, all the way going and coming reading "Faber Fortunae", which I can never read too often.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 20 Feb 1664. Up and to the office, where we sat all the morning, and at noon to the 'Change [Map] with Mr. Coventry (age 36) and thence home to dinner, after dinner by a gaily down to Woolwich, Kent [Map], where with Mr. Falconer, and then at the other yard doing some business to my content, and so walked to Greenwich, Kent [Map], it being a very fine evening and brought right home with me by water, and so to my office, where late doing business, and then home to supper and to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 04 Mar 1664. At Woolwich, Kent [Map] discoursed with him and Mr. Pett (age 53) about iron worke and other businesses, and then walked home, and at Greenwich, Kent [Map] did observe the foundation laying of a very great house for the King (age 33), which will cost a great deale of money1.
Note 1. Building by John Webb; now a part of Greenwich, Kent [Map] Hospital. Evelyn wrote in his Diary, October 19th, 1661: "I went to London to visite my Lord of Bristol (age 51), having been with Sir John Denham (age 49) (his Mates surveyor) to consult with him about the placing of his palace at Greenwich, Kent [Map], which I would have had built between the river and the Queene's (age 54) house, so as a large cutt should have let in ye Thames like a bay; but Sir John was for setting it in piles at the very brink of the water, which I did not assent to and so came away, knowing Sir John to be a better poet than architect, tho' he had Mr. Webb (Inigo Jones's man) to assist him".
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 24 Mar 1664. Called up by my father, poor man, coming to advise with me about Tom's house and other matters, and he being gone I down by water to Greenwich, Kent [Map], it being very-foggy, and I walked very finely to Woolwich, Kent [Map], and there did very much business at both yards, and thence walked back, Captain Grove with me talking, and so to Deptford, Kent [Map] and did the like-there, and then walked to Redriffe [Map] (calling and eating a bit of collops and eggs at Half-way house), and so home to the office, where we sat late, and home weary to supper and to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 02 Apr 1664. I went to the 'Change [Map], and there found most people gone, and so home to dinner, and thence to Sir W. Warren's, and with him past the whole afternoon, first looking over two ships' of Captain Taylor's and Phin. Pett's now in building, and am resolved to learn something of the art, for I find it is not hard and very usefull, and thence to Woolwich, Kent [Map], and after seeing Mr. Falconer, who is very ill, I to the yard, and there heard Mr. Pett (age 53) tell me several things of Sir W. Batten's (age 63) ill managements, and so with Sir W. Warren walked to Greenwich, Kent [Map], having good discourse, and thence by water, it being now moonshine and 9 or 10 o'clock at night, and landed at Wapping, Essex, and by him and his man safely brought to my door, and so he home, having spent the day with him very well.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Apr 1664. Having directed it last night, I was called up this morning before four o'clock. It was full light enough to dress myself, and so by water against tide, it being a little coole, to Greenwich, Kent [Map]; and thence, only that it was somewhat foggy till the sun got to some height, walked with great pleasure to Woolwich, Kent [Map], in my way staying several times to listen to the nightingales. I did much business both at the Ropeyard [Map]e and the other, and on floate I discovered a plain cheat which in time I shall publish of Mr. Ackworth's.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Apr 1664. Thence, having visited Mr. Falconer also, who lies still sick, but hopes to be better, I walked to Greenwich, Kent [Map], Deane (age 30) with me. Much good discourse, and I think him a very just man, only a little conceited, but yet very able in his way, and so he by water also with me also to towne.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 01 May 1664. Lord's Day. Lay long in bed. Went not to church, but staid at home to examine my last night's accounts, which I find right, and that I am £908 creditor in the world, the same I was last month. Dined, and after dinner down by water with my wife and Besse with great pleasure as low as Greenwich, Kent [Map] and so back, playing as it were leisurely upon the water to Deptford, Kent [Map], where I landed and sent my wife up higher to land below Half-way house. I to the King's yard and there spoke about several businesses with the officers, and so with Mr. Wayth consulting about canvas, to Half-way house where my wife was, and after eating there we broke and walked home before quite dark.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 12 May 1664. Up by 4 o'clock and by water to Woolwich, Kent [Map], where did some business and walked to Greenwich, Kent [Map], good discourse with Deane (age 30) best part of the way; there met by appointment Commissioner Pett (age 53), and with him to Deptford, Kent [Map], where did also some business, and so home to my office, and at noon Mrs. Hunt and her cozens child and mayd came and dined with me.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Jun 1664. Thence having a gaily down to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and there saw the King's works, which are great, a-doing there, and so to the Cherry Garden, and so carried some cherries home, and after supper to bed, my wife lying with me, which from my not being thoroughly well, nor she, we have not done above once these two or three weeks.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 15 Jun 1664. And after dinner to cards: and about five o'clock, by water down to Greenwich, Kent [Map]; and up to the top of the hill, and there played upon the ground at cards. And so to the Cherry Garden, and then by water singing finely to the Bridge [Map], and there landed; and so took boat again, and to Somersett House [Map]. And by this time, the tide being against us, it was past ten of the clock; and such a troublesome passage, in regard of my Lady Paulina's (age 15) fearfullness, that in all my life I never did see any poor wretch in that condition.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 30 Jun 1664. Walked back from Woolwich, Kent [Map] to Greenwich, Kent [Map] all alone, save a man that had a cudgell in his hand, and, though he told me he laboured in the King's yarde, and many other good arguments that he is an honest man, yet, God forgive me! I did doubt he might knock me on the head behind with his club. But I got safe home.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Jul 1664. Up very betimes, and my wife also, and got us ready; and about eight o'clock, having got some bottles of wine and beer and neat's tongues, we went to our barge at the Towre, where Mr. Pierce and his wife, and a kinswoman and his sister, and Mrs. Clerke and her sister and cozen were to expect us; and so set out for the Hope, all the way down playing at cards and other sports, spending our time pretty merry. Come to the Hope about one and there showed them all the ships, and had a collacion of anchovies, gammon, &c., and after an houre's stay or more, embarked again for home; and so to cards and other sports till we came to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and there Mrs. Clerke and my wife and I on shore to an alehouse, for them to do their business, and so to the barge again, having shown them the King's pleasure boat; and so home to the Bridge [Map], bringing night home with us; and it rained hard, but we got them on foot to the Beare [Map], and there put them into a boat, and I back to my wife in the barge, and so to the Tower Wharfe [Map] and home, being very well pleased today with the company, especially Mrs. Pierce, who continues her complexion as well as ever, and hath, at this day, I think, the best complexion that ever I saw on any woman, young or old, or child either, all days of my life. Also Mrs. Clerke's kinswoman sings very prettily, but is very confident in it; Mrs. Clerke herself witty, but spoils all in being so conceited and making so great a flutter with a few fine clothes and some bad tawdry things worne with them. But the charge of the barge lies heavy upon me, which troubles me, but it is but once, and I may make Pierce do me some courtesy as great. Being come home, I weary to bed with sitting. The reason of Dr. Clerke's not being here was the King's being sicke last night and let blood, and so he durst not come away to-day.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 01 May 1665. Thence to the Duke of Albemarle (age 56), where I was sorry to find myself to come a little late, and so home, and at noon going to the 'Change [Map] I met my Lord Brunkard (age 45), Sir Robert Murry (age 57), Deane Wilkins (age 51), and Mr. Hooke (age 29), going by coach to Colonell Blunts (age 61) to dinner. So they stopped and took me with them. Landed at the Tower-wharf, and thence by water to Greenwich, Kent [Map]; and there coaches met us; and to his house, a very stately sight for situation and brave plantations; and among others, a vineyard, the first that ever I did see. No extraordinary dinner, nor any other entertainment good; but only after dinner to the tryall of some experiments about making of coaches easy. And several we tried; but one did prove mighty easy (not here for me to describe, but the whole body of the coach lies upon one long spring), and we all, one after another, rid in it; and it is very fine and likely to take. These experiments were the intent of their coming, and pretty they are.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 01 May 1665. Thence back by coach to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and in his pleasure boat to Deptford, Kent [Map], and there stopped and in to Mr. Evelyn's (age 44)1, which is a most beautiful place; but it being dark and late, I staid not; but Deane Wilkins (age 51) and Mr. Hooke (age 29) and I walked to Redriffe [Map]; and noble discourse all day long did please me, and it being late did take them to my house to drink, and did give them some sweetmeats, and thence sent them with a lanthorn home, two worthy persons as are in England, I think, or the world.
Note 1. Sayes Court [Map], the well-known residence of John Evelyn.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 19 May 1665. Away back home, and not being fit for business I took my wife and Mercer down by water to Greenwich, Kent [Map] at 8 at night, it being very fine and cool and moonshine afterward. Mighty pleasant passage it was; there eat a cake or two, and so home by 10 or 11 at night, and then to bed, my mind not settled what to think.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 May 1665. To my office, where I stood by and saw Symson the joyner do several things, little jobbs, to the rendering of my closet handsome and the setting up of some neat plates that Burston has for my money made me, and so home to dinner, and then with my wife, mother, and Mercer in one boat, and I in another, down to Woolwich, Kent [Map]. I walking from Greenwich, Kent [Map], the others going to and fro upon the water till my coming back, having done but little business.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Jun 1665. By and by saw Mr. Coventry (age 37), which rejoiced my very heart. Anon he and I, from all the rest of the company, walked into the Matted Gallery; where after many expressions of love, we fell to talk of business. Among other things, how my Lord Sandwich (age 39), both in his counsells and personal service, hath done most honourably and serviceably. Sir J. Lawson (age 50) is come to Greenwich, Kent [Map]; but his wound in his knee yet very bad. Jonas Poole, in the Vantguard, did basely, so as to be, or will be, turned out of his ship. Captain Holmes (age 43)1 expecting upon Sansum's death to be made Rear-admirall to the Prince (age 45) (but Harman (age 40)2 is put in) hath delivered up to the Duke (age 31) his commission, which the Duke took and tore. He, it seems, had bid the Prince, who first told him of Holmes's intention, that he should dissuade him from it; for that he was resolved to take it if he offered it. Yet Holmes would do it, like a rash, proud coxcombe. But he is rich, and hath, it seems, sought an occasion of leaving the service. Several of our captains have done ill. The great ships are the ships do the business, they quite deadening the enemy. They run away upon sight of "The Prince3".
Note 1. Captain Robert Holmes (afterwards knighted). Sir William Coventry, in a letter to Lord Arlington (age 47) (dated from "The Royal Charles", Southwold Bay, June 13th), writes: "Capt. Holmes asked to be rear admiral of the white squadron in place of Sansum who was killed, but the Duke gave the place to Captain Harman, on which he delivered up his commission, which the Duke received, and put Captain Langhorne in his stead" (Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1664-65, p. 423).
Note 2. John Harman, afterwards knighted. He had served with great reputation in several naval fights, and was desperately wounded in 1673, while.
Note 3. "The Prince" was Lord Sandwich's ship; the captain was Roger Cuttance. It was put up at Chatham, Kent [Map] for repair at this date.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 19 Jun 1665. Thence with Sir W. Pen (age 44) from the office down to Greenwich, Kent [Map] to see Sir J. Lawson (age 50), who is better, but continues ill; his hickupp not being yet gone, could have little discourse with him. So thence home and to supper, a while to the office, my head and mind mightily vexed to see the multitude of papers and business before [me] and so little time to do it in. So to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 25 Jun 1665. After dinner, before I went to White Hall, I went down to Greenwich, Kent [Map] by water, thinking to have visited Sir J. Lawson (age 50), where, when I come, I find that he is dead, and died this morning, at which I was much surprized; and indeed the nation hath a great loss; though I cannot, without dissembling, say that I am sorry for it, for he was a man never kind to me at all.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Jun 1665. So down by water to Woolwich, Kent [Map], walking to and again from Greenwich, Kent [Map] thither and back again, my business being to speak again with Sheldon, who desires and expects my wife coming thither to spend the summer, and upon second thoughts I do agree that it will be a good place for her and me too.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Jul 1665. Being come to Deptford, Kent [Map], my Lady not being within, we parted, and I by water to Woolwich, Kent [Map], where I found my wife come, and her two mayds, and very prettily accommodated they will be; and I left them going to supper, grieved in my heart to part with my wife, being worse by much without her, though some trouble there is in having the care of a family at home in this plague time, and so took leave, and I in one boat and W. Hewer (age 23) in another home very late, first against tide, we having walked in the dark to Greenwich, Kent [Map]. Late home and to bed, very lonely.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 15 Jul 1665. Up, and after all business done, though late, I to Deptford, Kent [Map], but before I went out of the office saw there young Bagwell's wife returned, but could not stay to speak to her, though I had a great mind to it, and also another great lady, as to fine clothes, did attend there to have a ticket signed; which I did do, taking her through the garden to my office, where I signed it and had a salute [kiss] of her, and so I away by boat to Redriffe [Map], and thence walked, and after dinner, at Sir G. Carteret's (age 55), where they stayed till almost three o'clock for me, and anon took boat, Mr. Carteret and I to the ferry-place at Greenwich, Kent [Map], and there staid an hour crossing the water to and again to get our coach and horses over; and by and by set out, and so toward Dagenhams.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 24 Jul 1665. We set out so late that it grew dark, so as we doubted the losing of our way; and a long time it was, or seemed, before we could get to the water-side, and that about eleven at night, where, when we come, all merry (only my eye troubled me, as I said), we found no ferryboat was there, nor no oares to carry us to Deptford, Kent [Map]. However, afterwards oares was called from the other side at Greenwich, Kent [Map]; but, when it come, a frolique, being mighty merry, took us, and there we would sleep all night in the coach in the Isle of Doggs. So we did, there being now with us my Lady Scott, and with great pleasure drew up the glasses, and slept till daylight, and then some victuals and wine being brought us, we ate a bit, and so up and took boat, merry as might be; and when come to Sir G. Carteret's (age 55), there all to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Jul 1665. Up, and after doing a little business, down to Deptford, Kent [Map] with Sir W. Batten (age 64), and there left him, and I to Greenwich, Kent [Map] to the Park, where I hear the King (age 35) and Duke (age 31) are come by water this morn from Hampton Court [Map]. They asked me several questions. The King mightily pleased with his new buildings there. I followed them to Castle's (age 36) ship in building, and there, met Sir W. Batten, and thence to Sir G. Carteret's (age 55), where all the morning with them; they not having any but the Duke of Monmouth (age 16), and Sir W. Killigrew (age 59), and one gentleman, and a page more. Great variety of talk, and was often led to speak to the King and Duke.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Aug 1665. Come to Chatham, Kent [Map] mighty merry, and anon to supper, it being near 9 o'clock ere we come thither. My Baroness Carteret (age 63) come thither in a coach, by herself, before us. Great mind they have to buy a little 'hacquenee' that I rode on from Greenwich, Kent [Map], for a woman's horse. Mighty merry, and after supper, all being withdrawn, Sir G. Carteret (age 55) did take an opportunity to speak with much value and kindness to me, which is of great joy to me. So anon to bed. Mr. Brisband and I together to my content.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Aug 1665. Up, and betimes to Deptford, Kent [Map] to Sir G. Carteret's (age 55), where, not liking the horse that had been hired by Mr. Uthwayt for me, I did desire Sir G. Carteret to let me ride his new £40 horse, which he did, and so I left my 'hacquenee'1 behind, and so after staying a good while in their bedchamber while they were dressing themselves, discoursing merrily, I parted and to the ferry, where I was forced to stay a great while before I could get my horse brought over, and then mounted and rode very finely to Dagenhams; all the way people, citizens, walking to and again to enquire how the plague is in the City this week by the Bill; which by chance, at Greenwich, Kent [Map], I had heard was 2,020 of the plague, and 3,000 and odd of all diseases; but methought it was a sad question to be so often asked me.
Note 1. Haquenee = an ambling nag fitted for ladies' riding.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Aug 1665. Up, and after much pleasant talke and being importuned by my wife and her two mayds, which are both good wenches, for me to buy a necklace of pearle for her, and I promising to give her one of £60 in two years at furthest, and in less if she pleases me in her painting, I went away and walked to Greenwich, Kent [Map], in my way seeing a coffin with a dead body therein, dead of the plague, lying in an open close belonging to Coome farme, which was carried out last night, and the parish have not appointed any body to bury it; but only set a watch there day and night, that nobody should go thither or come thence, which is a most cruel thing: this disease making us more cruel to one another than if we are doggs.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 04 Sep 1665. Writing letters all the morning, among others to my Baroness Carteret (age 63), the first I have wrote to her, telling her the state of the city as to health and other sorrowfull stories, and thence after dinner to Greenwich, Kent [Map], to Sir J. Minnes (age 66), where I found my Lord Bruncker (age 45), and having staid our hour for the justices by agreement, the time being past we to walk in the Park with Mr. Hammond and Turner, and there eat some fruit out of the King's garden and walked in the Parke, and so back to Sir J. Minnes, and thence walked home, my Lord Bruncker giving me a very neat cane to walk with; but it troubled me to pass by Coome farme where about twenty-one people have died of the plague, and three or four days since I saw a dead corps in a coffin lie in the Close unburied, and a watch is constantly kept there night and day to keep the people in, the plague making us cruel, as doggs, one to another.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 14 Sep 1665. Up, and walked to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and there fitted myself in several businesses to go to London, where I have not been now a pretty while. But before I went from the office newes is brought by word of mouth that letters are now just now brought from the fleete of our taking a great many more of the Dutch fleete, in which I did never more plainly see my command of my temper in my not admitting myself to receive any kind of joy from it till I had heard the certainty of it, and therefore went by water directly to the Duke of Albemarle (age 56), where I find a letter of the Lath from Solebay [Map], from my Lord Sandwich (age 40), of the fleete's meeting with about eighteen more of the Dutch fleete, and his taking of most of them; and the messenger says, they had taken three after the letter was wrote and sealed; which being twenty-one, and the fourteen took the other day, is forty-five sail; some of which are good, and others rich ships, which is so great a cause of joy in us all that my Lord and everybody is highly joyed thereat. And having taken a copy of my Lord's letter, I away back again to the Beare [Map] at the bridge foot, being full of wind and out of order, and there called for a biscuit and a piece of cheese and gill of sacke, being forced to walk over the Bridge [Map], toward the 'Change [Map], and the plague being all thereabouts.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 14 Nov 1665. Called up by break of day by Captain Cocke (age 48), by agreement, and he and I in his coach through Kent-streete (a sad place through the plague, people sitting sicke and with plaisters about them in the street begging) to Viner's (age 34) and Colvill's about money business, and so to my house, and there I took £300 in order to the carrying it down to my Lord Sandwich (age 40) in part of the money I am to pay for Captain Cocke by our agreement. So I took it down, and down I went to Greenwich, Kent [Map] to my office, and there sat busy till noon, and so home to dinner, and thence to the office again, and by and by to the Duke of Albemarle's (age 56) by water late, where I find he had remembered that I had appointed to come to him this day about money, which I excused not doing sooner; but I see, a dull fellow, as he is, do sometimes remember what another thinks he mindeth not. My business was about getting money of the East India Company; but, Lord! to see how the Duke himself magnifies himself in what he had done with the Company; and my Lord Craven (age 57) what the King (age 35) could have done without my Lord Duke, and a deale of stir, but most mightily what a brave fellow I am.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Dec 1665. Thus ends this year, to my great joy, in this manner. I have raised my estate from £1300 in this year to £4400. I have got myself greater interest, I think, by my diligence, and my employments encreased by that of Treasurer for Tangier, and Surveyour of the Victualls. It is true we have gone through great melancholy because of the great plague, and I put to great charges by it, by keeping my family long at Woolwich, Kent [Map], and myself and another part of my family, my clerks, at my charge at Greenwich, Kent [Map], and a mayde at London; but I hope the King (age 35) will give us some satisfaction for that. But now the plague is abated almost to nothing, and I intending to get to London as fast as I can. My family, that is my wife and maids, having been there these two or three weeks. The Dutch war goes on very ill, by reason of lack of money; having none to hope for, all being put into disorder by a new Act that is made as an experiment to bring credit to the Exchequer, for goods and money to be advanced upon the credit of that Act. I have never lived so merrily (besides that I never got so much) as I have done this plague time, by my Lord Bruncker's (age 45) and Captain Cocke's (age 48) good company, and the acquaintance of Mrs. Knipp, Coleman and her husband, and Mr. Laneare, and great store of dancings we have had at my cost (which I was willing to indulge myself and wife) at my lodgings. The great evil of this year, and the only one indeed, is the fall of my Lord of Sandwich (age 40), whose mistake about the prizes hath undone him, I believe, as to interest at Court; though sent (for a little palliating it) Embassador into Spayne, which he is now fitting himself for. But the Duke of Albemarle (age 57) goes with the Prince to sea this next year, and my Lord very meanly spoken of; and, indeed, his miscarriage about the prize goods is not to be excused, to suffer a company of rogues to go away with ten times as much as himself, and the blame of all to be deservedly laid upon him1. My whole family hath been well all this while, and all my friends I know of, saving my aunt Bell, who is dead, and some children of my cozen Sarah's, of the plague. But many of such as I know very well, dead; yet, to our great joy, the town fills apace, and shops begin to be open again. Pray God continue the plague's decrease! for that keeps the Court away from the place of business, and so all goes to rack as to publick matters, they at this distance not thinking of it.
Note 1. According to Granville Penn ("Memorials of Sir W. Penn (age 44)", ii. 488 n.) £2000 went to Lord Sandwich and £8000 among eight others.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 12 Aug 1665. So he gone, I down to Greenwich, Kent [Map] and sent away the Bezan, thinking to go with my wife to-night to come back again to-morrow night to the Soveraigne at the buoy off the Nore.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 15 Aug 1665. Up by 4 o'clock and walked to Greenwich, Kent [Map], where called at Captain Cocke's (age 48) and to his chamber, he being in bed, where something put my last night's dream into my head, which I think is the best that ever was dreamt, which was that I had my Baroness Castlemayne (age 24) in my armes and was admitted to use all the dalliance I desired with her, and then dreamt that this could not be awake, but that it was only a dream; but that since it was a dream, and that I took so much real pleasure in it, what a happy thing it would be if when we are in our graves (as Shakespeere resembles it) we could dream, and dream but such dreams as this, that then we should not need to be so fearful of death, as we are this plague time. Here I hear that news is brought Sir G. Carteret (age 55) that my Lord Hinchingbrooke is not well, and so cannot meet us at Cranborne to-night. So I to Sir G. Carteret's; and there was sorry with him for our disappointment. So we have put off our meeting there till Saturday next. Here I staid talking with Sir G. Carteret, he being mighty free with me in his business, and among other things hath ordered Rider and Mr. Cutler to put into my hands copper to the value of £5,000 (which Sir G. Carteret's share it seems come to in it), which is to raise part of the money he is to layout for a purchase for my Lady Jemimah.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 17 Aug 1665. Up and to the office, where we sat all the morning, and at noon dined together upon some victuals I had prepared at Sir W. Batten's (age 64) upon the King's charge, and after dinner, I having dispatched some business and set things in order at home, we down to the water and by boat to Greenwich, Kent [Map] to the Bezan yacht, where Sir W. Batten, Sir J. Minnes (age 66), my Lord Bruncker (age 45) and myself, with some servants (among others Mr. Carcasse, my Lord's clerk, a very civil gentleman), embarked in the yacht and down we went most pleasantly, and noble discourse I had with my Lord Bruneker, who is a most excellent person. Short of Gravesend, Kent [Map] it grew calme, and so we come to an anchor, and to supper mighty merry, and after it, being moonshine, we out of the cabbin to laugh and talk, and then, as we grew sleepy, went in and upon velvet cushions of the King's that belong to the yacht fell to sleep, which we all did pretty well till 3 or 4 of the clock, having risen in the night to look for a new comet which is said to have lately shone, but we could see no such thing.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 19 Aug 1665. Slept till 8 o'clock, and then up and met with letters from the King (age 35) and Lord Arlington (age 47), for the removal of our office to Greenwich, Kent [Map]. I also wrote letters, and made myself ready to go to Sir G. Carteret (age 55), at Windsor; and having borrowed a horse of Mr. Blackbrough, sent him to wait for me at the Duke of Albemarle's (age 56) door: when, on a sudden, a letter comes to us from the Duke of Albemarle, to tell us that the fleete is all come back to Solebay [Map], and are presently to be dispatched back again. Whereupon I presently by water to the Duke of Albemarle to know what news; and there I saw a letter from my Lord Sandwich (age 40) to the Duke of Albemarle, and also from Sir W. Coventry (age 37) and Teddiman; how my Lord having commanded Teddiman with twenty-two ships1.
Note 1. A news letter of August 19th (Salisbury), gives the following account of this affair:-"The Earl of Sandwich being on the Norway coast, ordered Sir Thomas Teddeman with 20 ships to attack 50 Dutch merchant ships in Bergen harbour; six convoyers had so placed themselves that only four or five of the ships could be reached at once. The Governor of Bergen fired on our ships, and placed 100 pieces of ordnance and two regiments of foot on the rocks to attack them, but they got clear without the loss of a ship, only 500 men killed or wounded, five or six captains among them. The fleet has gone to Sole Bay to repair losses and be ready to encounter the Dutch fleet, which is gone northward" (Calendar of State Papers, 1664-65, pp. 526, 527). Medals were struck in Holland, the inscription in Dutch on one of these is thus translated: "Thus we arrest the pride of the English, who extend their piracy even against their friends, and who insulting the forts of Norway, violate the rights of the harbours of King Frederick; but, for the reward of their audacity, see their vessels destroyed by the balls of the Dutch" (Hawkins's "Medallic Illustrations of the History of Great Britain and Ireland", ed. Franks and Grueber, 1885, vol. i., p. 508). Sir Gilbert Talbot's "True Narrative of the Earl of Sandwich's Attempt upon Bergen with the English Fleet on the 3rd of August, 1665, and the Cause of his Miscarriage thereupon", is in the British Museum (Harl. MS., No. 6859). It is printed in "Archaeologia", vol. xxii., p. 33. The Earl of Rochester, Kent [Map] also gave an account of the action in a letter to his mother (Wordsworth's "Ecclesiastical Biography", fourth edition, vol. iv., p. 611). Sir John Denham (age 50), in his "Advice to a Painter", gives a long satirical account of the affair. A coloured drawing of the attack upon Bergen, on vellum, showing the range of the ships engaged, is in the British Museum. Shortly after the Bergen affair forty of the Dutch merchant vessels, on their way to Holland, fell into the hands of the English, and in Penn's "Memorials of Sir William Pen (age 44)", vol. ii., p. 364, is a list of the prizes taken on the 3rd and 4th September. The troubles connected with these prizes and the disgrace into which Lord Sandwich fell are fully set forth in subsequent pages of the Diary. Evelyn writes in his Diary (November 27th, 1665): "There was no small suspicion of my Lord Sandwich having permitted divers commanders who were at ye taking of ye East India prizes to break bulk and take to themselves jewels, silkes, &c., tho' I believe some whom I could name fill'd their pockets, my Lo. Sandwich himself had the least share. However, he underwent the blame, and it created him enemies, and prepossess'd ye Lo. Generall (Duke of Albemarle), for he spake to me of it with much zeale and concerne, and I believe laid load enough on Lo. Sandwich at Oxford". (of which but fifteen could get thither, and of those fifteen but eight or nine could come up to play) to go to Bergen; where, after several messages to and fro from the Governor of the Castle, urging that Teddiman ought not to come thither with more than five ships, and desiring time to think of it, all the while he suffering the Dutch ships to land their guns to their best advantage; Teddiman on the second pretence, began to play at the Dutch ships, (wherof ten East India-men,) and in three hours' time (the town and castle, without any provocation, playing on our ships,) they did cut all our cables, so as the wind being off the land, did force us to go out, and rendered our fire-ships useless; without doing any thing, but what hurt of course our guns must have done them: we having lost five commanders, besides Mr. Edward Montagu, and Mr. Windham. This Mr. Windham had entered into a formal engagement with the Earl of Rochester, Kent [Map], "not without ceremonies of religion, that if either of them died, he should appear, and give the other notice of the future state, if there was any". He was probably one of the brothers of Sir William Wyndham, Bart. See Wordsworth's "Ecclesiastical Biography", fourth. edition, vol. iv., p. 615. B.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Aug 1665. Thence to my Lord Bruncker (age 45), at Greenwich, Kent [Map], and Sir J. Minnes (age 66) by appointment, to looke after the lodgings appointed for us there for our office, which do by no means please me, they being in the heart of all the labourers and workmen there, which makes it as unsafe as to be, I think, at London. Mr. Hugh May (age 43), who is a most ingenuous man, did show us the lodgings, and his acquaintance I am desirous of.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 24 Aug 1665. At noon down to Sir J. Minnes (age 66) and Lord Bruncker to Greenwich, Kent [Map] to sign some of the Treasurer's books, and there dined very well; and thence to look upon our rooms again at the King's house, which are not yet ready for us.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Aug 1665. Up betimes, and prepared to my great satisfaction an account for the board of my office disbursements, which I had suffered to run on to almost £120. That done I down by water to Greenwich, Kent [Map], where we met the first day my Lord Bruncker (age 45), Sir J. Minnes (age 66), and I, and I think we shall do well there, and begin very auspiciously to me by having my account abovesaid passed, and put into a way of having it presently paid. When we rose I find Mr. Andrews and Mr. Yeabsly, who is just come from Plymouth, Devon [Map], at the door, and we walked together toward my Lord Bruncker's, talking about their business, Yeabsly being come up on purpose to discourse with me about it, and finished all in a quarter of an hour, and is gone again. I perceive they have some inclination to be going on with their victualling-business for a while longer before they resign it to Mr. Gauden, and I am well contented, for it brings me very good profit with certainty, yet with much care and some pains.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 Aug 1665. In the morning waking, among other discourse my wife begun to tell me the difference between her and Mercer, and that it was only from restraining her to gad abroad to some Frenchmen that were in the town, which I do not wholly yet in part believe, and for my quiet would not enquire into it. So rose and dressed myself, and away by land walking a good way, then remembered that I had promised Commissioner Pett (age 55) to go with him in his coach, and therefore I went back again to him, and so by his coach to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and called at Sir Theophilus Biddulph's, a sober, discreet man, to discourse of the preventing of the plague in Greenwich, Kent [Map], and Woolwich, Kent [Map], and Deptford, Kent [Map], where in every place it begins to grow very great. We appointed another meeting, and so walked together to Greenwich, Kent [Map] and there parted, and Pett and I to the office, where all the morning, and after office done I to Sir J. Minnes (age 66) and dined with him, and thence to Deptford, Kent [Map] thinking to have seen Bagwell, but did not, and so straight to Redriffe [Map], and home, and late at my business to dispatch away letters, and then home to bed, which I did not intend, but to have staid for altogether at Woolwich, Kent [Map], but I made a shift for a bed for Tom, whose bed is gone to Woolwich, Kent [Map], and so to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Aug 1665. I down by appointment to Greenwich, Kent [Map], to our office, where I did some business, and there dined with our company and Sir W. Boreman, and Sir The. Biddulph, at Mr. Boreman's, where a good venison pasty, and after a good merry dinner I to my office, and there late writing letters, and then to Woolwich, Kent [Map] by water, where pleasant with my wife and people, and after supper to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 01 Sep 1665. After being at Greenwich, Kent [Map] a little while, I to London, to my house, there put many more things in order for my totall remove, sending away my girle Susan and other goods down to Woolwich, Kent [Map], and I by water to the Duke of Albemarle (age 56), and thence home late by water.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 01 Sep 1665. Up, and to visit my Lady Pen (age 41) and her daughter at the Ropeyarde [Map] where I did breakfast with them and sat chatting a good while. Then to my lodging at Mr. Shelden's, where I met Captain Cocke (age 48) and eat a little bit of dinner, and with him to Greenwich, Kent [Map] by water, having good discourse with him by the way.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 02 Sep 1665. After dinner I to Deptford, Kent [Map], and there took occasion to 'entrar a la casa de la gunaica de ma Minusier1', and did what I had a mind... To Greenwich, Kent [Map], where wrote some letters, and home in pretty good time.
Note 1. to enter the house of the good woman of my Carpenter ie Mrs Elizabeth Bagwell.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Sep 1665. Among other stories, one was very passionate, methought, of a complaint brought against a man in the towne for taking a child from London from an infected house. Alderman Hooker (age 53) told us it was the child of a very able citizen in Gracious Street [Map], a saddler, who had buried all the rest of his children of the plague, and himself and wife now being shut up and in despair of escaping, did desire only to save the life of this little child; and so prevailed to have it received stark-naked into the arms of a friend, who brought it (having put it into new fresh clothes) to Greenwich, Kent [Map]; where upon hearing the story, we did agree it should be permitted to be received and kept in the towne.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Sep 1665. After dinner left them and I by water to Greenwich, Kent [Map], where much ado to be suffered to come into the towne because of the sicknesse, for fear I should come from London, till I told them who I was. So up to the church, where at the door I find Captain Cocke (age 48) in my Lord Bruncker's (age 45) coach, and he come out and walked with me in the church-yarde till the church was done, talking of the ill government of our Kingdom, nobody setting to heart the business of the Kingdom, but every body minding their particular profit or pleasures, the King (age 35) himself minding nothing but his ease, and so we let things go to wracke. This arose upon considering what we shall do for money when the fleete comes in, and more if the fleete should not meet with the Dutch, which will put a disgrace upon the King's actions, so as the Parliament and Kingdom will have the less mind to give more money, besides so bad an account of the last money, we fear, will be given, not half of it being spent, as it ought to be, upon the Navy. Besides, it is said that at this day our Lord Treasurer (age 58) cannot tell what the profit of Chimney money is, what it comes to per annum, nor looks whether that or any other part of the revenue be duly gathered as it ought; the very money that should pay the City the £200,000 they lent the King, being all gathered and in the hands of the Receiver and hath been long and yet not brought up to pay the City, whereas we are coming to borrow 4 or £500,000 more of the City, which will never be lent as is to be feared.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Sep 1665. Up, and walked with some Captains and others talking to me to Greenwich, Kent [Map], they crying out upon Teddiman's management of the business of Bergen, that he staid treating too long while he saw the Dutch fitting themselves, and that at first he might have taken every ship, and done what he would with them. How true I cannot tell. Here we sat very late and for want of money, which lies heavy upon us, did nothing of business almost.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Sep 1665. In the evening my Lord Bruncker (age 45) hearing that Mr. Ackeworth's clerke, the Dutchman who writes and draws so well, was transcribing a book of Rates and our ships for Captain Millet a gallant of his mistress's, we sent for him for it. He would not deliver it, but said it was his mistress's and had delivered it to her. At last we were forced to send to her for it; she would come herself, and indeed the book was a very neat one and worth keeping as a rarity, but we did think fit, and though much against my will, to cancell all that he had finished of it, and did give her the rest, which vexed her, and she bore it discreetly enough, but with a cruel deal of malicious rancour in her looks. I must confess I would have persuaded her to have let us have it to the office, and it may be the board would not have censured too hardly of it, but my intent was to have had it as a Record for the office, but she foresaw what would be the end of it and so desired it might rather be cancelled, which was a plaguy deal of spite. My Lord Bruncker being gone and company, and she also, afterwards I took my wife and people and walked into the fields about a while till night, and then home, and so to sing a little and then to bed. I was in great trouble all this day for my boy Tom who went to Greenwich, Kent [Map] yesterday by my order and come not home till to-night for fear of the plague, but he did come home to-night, saying he staid last night by Mr. Hater's advice hoping to have me called as I come home with my boat to come along with me.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 Sep 1665. Up and walked to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and there we sat and dispatched a good deal of business I had a mind to.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Sep 1665. Anon comes Mr. Andrews (age 33), though it be a very ill day, and so after dinner we to musique and sang till about 4 or 5 o'clock, it blowing very hard, and now and then raining, and wind and tide being against us, Andrews and I took leave and walked to Greenwich, Kent [Map]. My wife before I come out telling me the ill news that she hears that her father is very ill, and then I told her I feared of the plague, for that the house is shut up. And so she much troubled she did desire me to send them something; and I said I would, and will do so.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Sep 1665. But before I come out there happened newes to come to the by an expresse from Mr. Coventry (age 37), telling me the most happy news of my Lord Sandwich's (age 40) meeting with part of the Dutch; his taking two of their East India ships, and six or seven others, and very good prizes and that he is in search of the rest of the fleet, which he hopes to find upon the Wellbancke, with the loss only of the Hector, poor Captain Cuttle. This newes do so overjoy me that I know not what to say enough to express it, but the better to do it I did walk to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and there sending away Mr. Andrews (age 33), I to Captain Cocke's (age 48), where I find my Lord Bruncker (age 45) and his mistress, and Sir J. Minnes (age 66). Where we supped (there was also Sir W. Doyly (age 51) and Mr. Evelyn (age 44)); but the receipt of this newes did put us all into such an extacy of joy, that it inspired into Sir J. Minnes and Mr. Evelyn such a spirit of mirth, that in all my life I never met with so merry a two hours as our company this night was. Among other humours, Mr. Evelyn's repeating of some verses made up of nothing but the various acceptations of may and can, and doing it so aptly upon occasion of something of that nature, and so fast, did make us all die almost with laughing, and did so stop the mouth of Sir J. Minnes in the middle of all his mirth (and in a thing agreeing with his own manner of genius), that I never saw any man so out-done in all my life; and Sir J. Minnes's mirth too to see himself out-done, was the crown of all our mirth. In this humour we sat till about ten at night, and so my Lord and his mistress home, and we to bed, it being one of the times of my life wherein I was the fullest of true sense of joy.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Sep 1665. So to Greenwich, Kent [Map], where when come I find my Lord Rutherford and Creed come from Court, and among other things have brought me several orders for money to pay for Tangier [Map]; and, among the rest £7000 and more, to this Lord, which is an excellent thing to consider, that, though they can do nothing else, they can give away the King's money upon their progresse. I did give him the best answer I could to pay him with tallys, and that is all they could get from me. I was not in humour to spend much time with them, but walked a little before Sir J. Minnes's (age 66) door and then took leave, and I by water to Woolwich, Kent [Map], where with my wife to a game at tables1, and to bed.
Note 1. The old name for backgammon, used by Shakespeare and others. The following lines are from an epitaph entirely made up of puns on backgammon "Man's life's a game at tables, and he may Mend his bad fortune by his wiser play". Wit's Recre., i. 250, reprint, 1817.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Sep 1665. Up, and walked to Greenwich, Kent [Map], taking pleasure to walk with my minute watch in my hand, by which I am come now to see the distances of my way from Woolwich, Kent [Map] to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and do find myself to come within two minutes constantly to the same place at the end of each quarter of an houre. Here we rendezvoused at Captain Cocke's (age 48), and there eat oysters, and so my Lord Bruncker (age 45), Sir J. Minnes (age 66), and I took boat, and in my Lord's coach to Sir W. Hickes's, whither by and by my Lady Batten and Sir William comes. It is a good seat, with a fair grove of trees by it, and the remains of a good garden; but so let to run to ruine, both house and every thing in and about it, so ill furnished and miserably looked after, I never did see in all my life. Not so much as a latch to his dining-room door; which saved him nothing, for the wind blowing into the room for want thereof, flung down a great bow pott that stood upon the side-table, and that fell upon some Venice glasses, and did him a crown's worth of hurt. He did give us the meanest dinner (of beef, shoulder and umbles of venison1 which he takes away from the keeper of the Forest, and a few pigeons, and all in the meanest manner) that ever I did see, to the basest degree.
Note 1. Dr. Johnson was puzzled by the following passage in "The Merry Wives of Windsor", act v., sc. 3: "Divide me like a bribe-buck, each a haunch. I will keep the sides to myself; my shoulders for the fellow of this walk". If he could have read the account of Sir William Hickes's dinner, he would at once have understood the allusion to the keeper's perquisites of the shoulders of all deer killed in his walk. B.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Sep 1665. Thence in the afternoon home, and landing at Greenwich, Kent [Map] I saw Mr. Pen (age 20) walking my way, so we walked together, and for discourse I put him into talk of France, when he took delight to tell me of his observations, some good, some impertinent, and all ill told, but it served for want of better, and so to my house, where I find my wife abroad, and hath been all this day, nobody knows where, which troubled me, it being late and a cold evening. So being invited to his mother's (age 41) to supper, we took Mrs. Barbara, who was mighty finely dressed, and in my Lady's coach, which we met going for my wife, we thither, and there after some discourse went to supper.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 15 Sep 1665. I by water to Deptford, Kent [Map], thinking to have seen my valentine, but I could not, and so come back again, and to the office, where a little business, and thence with Captain Cocke (age 48), and there drank a cup of good drink, which I am fain to allow myself during this plague time, by advice of all, and not contrary to my oathe, my physician being dead, and chyrurgeon out of the way, whose advice I am obliged to take, and so by water home and eat my supper, and to bed, being in much pain to think what I shall do this winter time; for go every day to Woolwich, Kent [Map] I cannot, without endangering my life; and staying from my wife at Greenwich, Kent [Map] is not handsome.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Sep 1665. Up, and walked to Greenwich, Kent [Map] reading a play, and to the office, where I find Sir J. Minnes (age 66) gone to the fleete, like a doating foole, to do no good, but proclaim himself an asse; for no service he can do there, nor inform my Lord, who is come in thither to the buoy of the Nore, in anything worth his knowledge.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 18 Sep 1665. After having paid this money, we took leave of my Lord and so to our Yacht again, having seen many of my friends there. Among others I hear that W. Howe will grow very rich by this last business and grows very proud and insolent by it; but it is what I ever expected. I hear by every body how much my poor Lord of Sandwich was concerned for me during my silence a while, lest I had been dead of the plague in this sickly time. No sooner come into the yacht, though overjoyed with the good work we have done to-day, but I was overcome with sea sickness so that I begun to spue soundly, and so continued a good while, till at last I went into the cabbin and shutting my eyes my trouble did cease that I fell asleep, which continued till we come into Chatham, Kent [Map] river where the water was smooth, and then I rose and was very well, and the tide coming to be against us we did land before we come to Chatham, Kent [Map] and walked a mile, having very good discourse by the way, it being dark and it beginning to rain just as we got thither. At Commissioner Pett's (age 55) we did eat and drink very well and very merry we were, and about 10 at night, it being moonshine and very cold, we set out, his coach carrying us, and so all night travelled to Greenwich, Kent [Map], we sometimes sleeping a little and then talking and laughing by the way, and with much pleasure, but that it was very horrible cold, that I was afeard of an ague.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 19 Sep 1665. About 4 or 5 of the clock we come to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and, having first set down my Lord Bruncker (age 45), Cocke (age 48) and I went to his house, it being light, and there to our great trouble, we being sleepy and cold, we met with the ill newes that his boy Jacke was gone to bed sicke, which put Captain Cocke and me also into much trouble, the boy, as they told us, complaining of his head most, which is a bad sign it seems. So they presently betook themselves to consult whither and how to remove him. However I thought it not fit for me to discover too much fear to go away, nor had I any place to go to.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 23 Sep 1665. Thence down to Greenwich, Kent [Map] to the office, and there wrote several letters, and so to my Lord Sandwich (age 40), and mighty merry and he mighty kind to me in the face of all, saying much in my favour, and after supper I took leave and with Captain Cocke (age 48) set out in the yacht about ten o'clock at night, and after some discourse, and drinking a little, my mind full of what we are going about and jealous of Cocke's outdoing me.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 25 Sep 1665. Found ourselves come to the fleete, and so aboard the Prince; and there, after a good while in discourse, we did agree a bargain of £5,000 with Sir Roger Cuttance for my Lord Sandwich (age 40) for silk, cinnamon, nutmeggs, and indigo. And I was near signing to an undertaking for the payment of the whole sum; but I did by chance escape it; having since, upon second thoughts, great cause to be glad of it, reflecting upon the craft and not good condition, it may be, of Captain Cocke (age 48). I could get no trifles for my wife. Anon to dinner and thence in great haste to make a short visit to Sir W. Pen (age 44), where I found them and his lady (age 41) and daughter (age 14) and many commanders at dinner. Among others Sir G. Askue (age 49), of whom whatever the matter is, the world is silent altogether. But a very pretty dinner there was, and after dinner Sir W. Pen made a bargain with Cocke for ten bales of silke, at 16s. per lb., which, as Cocke says, will be a good pennyworth, and so away to the Prince and presently comes my Lord on board from Greenwich, Kent [Map], with whom, after a little discourse about his trusting of Cocke, we parted and to our yacht; but it being calme, we to make haste, took our wherry toward Chatham, Kent [Map]; but, it growing darke, we were put to great difficultys, our simple, yet confident waterman, not knowing a step of the way; and we found ourselves to go backward and forward, which, in the darke night and a wild place, did vex us mightily. At last we got a fisher boy by chance, and took him into the boat, and being an odde kind of boy, did vex us too; for he would not answer us aloud when we spoke to him, but did carry us safe thither, though with a mistake or two; but I wonder they were not more. In our way I was [surprised] and so were we all, at the strange nature of the sea-water in a darke night, that it seemed like fire upon every stroke of the oare, and, they say, is a sign of winde. We went to the Crowne Inne, at Rochester, Kent [Map], and there to supper, and made ourselves merry with our poor fisher-boy, who told us he had not been in a bed in the whole seven years since he came to 'prentice, and hath two or three more years to serve. After eating something, we in our clothes to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Sep 1665. Up by five o'clock and got post horses and so set out for Greenwich, Kent [Map], calling and drinking at Dartford. Being come to Greenwich, Kent [Map] and shifting myself I to the office, from whence by and by my Lord Bruncker (age 45) and Sir J. Minnes (age 66) set out toward Erith, Kent to take charge of the two East India shipps, which I had a hand in contriving for the King's service and may do myself a good office too thereby. I to dinner with Mr. Wright to his father-in-law in Greenwich, Kent [Map], one of the most silly, harmless, prating old men that ever I heard in my life. Creed dined with me, and among other discourses got of me a promise of half that he could get my Lord Rutherford to give me upon clearing his business, which should not be less, he says, than £50 for my half, which is a good thing, though cunningly got of him.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 27 Sep 1665. So by water to Greenwich, Kent [Map], where with Creed and Lord Rutherford, and there my Lord told me that he would give me £100 for my pains, which pleased me well, though Creed, like a cunning rogue, hath got a promise of half of it from me.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 28 Sep 1665. That being done I walked to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and there to the office pretty late expecting Captain Cocke's (age 48) coming, which he did, and so with me to my new lodging (and there I chose rather to lie because of my interest in the goods that we have brought there to lie), but the people were abed, so we knocked them up, and so I to bed, and in the night was mightily troubled with a looseness (I suppose from some fresh damp linen that I put on this night), and feeling for a chamber-pott, there was none, I having called the mayde up out of her bed, she had forgot I suppose to put one there; so I was forced in this strange house to rise and shit in the chimney twice; and so to bed and was very well again, and
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 Sep 1665. But at last I did, and so left my tallies there against another day, and so walked to Yowell [Map], and there did spend a peece upon them, having a whole house full, and much mirth by a sister of the mistresse of the house, an old mayde lately married to a lieutenant of a company that quarters there, and much pleasant discourse we had and, dinner being done, we to horse again and come to Greenwich, Kent [Map] before night, and so to my lodging, and there being a little weary sat down and fell to order some of my pocket papers, and then comes Captain Cocke (age 48), and after a great deal of discourse with him seriously upon the disorders of our state through lack of men to mind the public business and to understand it, we broke up, sitting up talking very late. We spoke a little of my late business propounded of taking profit for my money laid out for these goods, but he finds I rise in my demand, he offering me still £500 certain. So we did give it over, and I to bed. I hear for certain this night upon the road that Sir Martin Noell (age 65) is this day dead of the plague in London, where he hath lain sick of it these eight days.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Oct 1665. Up, and to my great content visited betimes by Mr. Woolly, my uncle Wight's (age 63) cozen, who comes to see what work I have for him about these East India goods, and I do find that this fellow might have been of great use, and hereafter may be of very great use to me, in this trade of prize goods, and glad I am fully of his coming hither. While I dressed myself, and afterwards in walking to Greenwich, Kent [Map] we did discourse over all the business of the prize goods, and he puts me in hopes I may get some money in what I have done, but not so much as I expected, but that I may hereafter do more. We have laid a design of getting more, and are to talk again of it a few days hence.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Oct 1665. Thence in his coach to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and there to my office, all the way having fine discourse of trees and the nature of vegetables. And so to write letters, I very late to Sir W. Coventry (age 37) of great concernment, and so to my last night's lodging, but my wife is gone home to Woolwich, Kent [Map]. The Bill, blessed be God! is less this week by 740 of what it was the last week. Being come to my lodging I got something to eat, having eat little all the day, and so to bed, having this night renewed my promises of observing my vowes as I used to do; for I find that, since I left them off, my mind is run a'wool-gathering and my business neglected.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 Oct 1665. Thence away and to the office at London, where I did some business about my money and private accounts, and there eat a bit of goose of Mr. Griffin's, and so by water, it raining most miserably, to Greenwich, Kent [Map], calling on several vessels in my passage. Being come there I hear another seizure hath been made of our goods by one Captain Fisher that hath been at Chatham, Kent [Map] by warrant of the Duke of Albemarle (age 56), and is come in my absence to Tooker's and viewed them, demanding the key of the constable, and so sealed up the door. I to the house, but there being no officers nor constable could do nothing, but back to my office full of trouble about this, and there late about business, vexed to see myself fall into this trouble and concernment in a thing that I want instruction from my Lord Sandwich (age 40) whether I should appear in it or no, and so home to bed, having spent two hours, I and my boy, at Mr. Glanvill's removing of faggots to make room to remove our goods to, but when done I thought it not fit to use it. The newes of the killing of the [King of] France is wholly untrue, and they say that of the Pope too.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Oct 1665. Having danced with my people as long as I saw fit to sit up, I to bed and left them to do what they would. I forgot that we had W. Hewer (age 23) there, and Tom, and Golding, my barber at Greenwich, Kent [Map], for our fiddler, to whom I did give 10s.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 12 Oct 1665. Having learned as much as I could, which was, that the King (age 35) and Duke (age 31) were very severe in this point, whatever order they before had given my Lord in approbation of what he had done, and that all will come out and the King see, by the entries at the Custome House, what all do amount to that had been taken, and so I took leave, and by water, very cold, and to Woolwich, Kent [Map] where it was now noon, and so I staid dinner and talking part of the afternoon, and then by coach, Captain Cocke's (age 48), to Greenwich, Kent [Map], taking the young lady home, and so to Cocke, and he tells me that he hath cajolled with Seymour (age 32), who will be our friend; but that, above all, Seymour tells him, that my Lord Duke did shew him to-day an order from Court, for having all respect paid to the Earle of Sandwich, and what goods had been delivered by his order, which do overjoy us, and that to-morrow our goods shall be weighed, and he doubts not possession to-morrow or next day.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Oct 1665. Thence after dinner receiving many commands from the Duke (age 56), I to our office on the Hill, and there did a little business and to Colvill's again, and so took water at the Tower [Map], and there met with Captain Cocke (age 48), and he down with me to Greenwich, Kent [Map], I having received letters from my Lord Sandwich (age 40) to-day, speaking very high about the prize goods, that he would have us to fear nobody, but be very confident in what we have done, and not to confess any fault or doubt of what he hath done; for the King (age 35) hath allowed it, and do now confirm it, and sent orders, as he says, for nothing to be disturbed that his Lordshipp hath ordered therein as to the division of the goods to the fleete; which do comfort us, but my Lord writes to me that both he and I may hence learn by what we see in this business. But that which pleases me best is that Cocke tells me that he now understands that Fisher was set on in this business by the design of some of the Duke of Albemarle's people, Warcupp and others, who lent him money to set him out in it, and he has spent high. Who now curse him for a rogue to take £100 when he might have had as well £1,500, and they are mightily fallen out about it. Which in due time shall be discovered, but that now that troubles me afresh is, after I am got to the office at Greenwich, Kent [Map] that some new troubles are come, and Captain Cocke's house is beset before and behind with guards, and more, I do fear they may come to my office here to search for Cocke's goods and find some small things of my clerk's. So I assisted them in helping to remove their small trade, but by and by I am told that it is only the Custome House men who came to seize the things that did lie at Mr. Glanville's (age 47), for which they did never yet see our Transire, nor did know of them till to-day. So that my fear is now over, for a transire is ready for them. Cocke did get a great many of his goods to London to-day.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Oct 1665. The 'Change [Map] pretty full, and the town begins to be lively again, though the streets very empty, and most shops shut. So back again I and took boat and called for Sir Christopher Mings (age 39) at St. Katharine's, who was followed with some ordinary friends, of which, he says, he is proud, and so down to Greenwich, Kent [Map], the wind furious high, and we with our sail up till I made it be taken down. I took him, it being 3 o'clock, to my lodgings and did give him a good dinner and so parted, he being pretty close to me as to any business of the fleete, knowing me to be a servant of my Lord Sandwich's (age 40).
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 27 Oct 1665. After having done here, I back by water and to London, and there met with Captain Cocke's (age 48) coach again, and I went in it to Greenwich, Kent [Map] and thence sent my wife in it to Woolwich, Kent [Map], and I to the office, and thence home late with Captain Taylor, and he and I settled all accounts between us, and I do find that I do get above £129 of him for my services for him within these six months. At it till almost one in the morning, and after supper he away and I to bed, mightily satisfied in all this, and in a resolution I have taken to-night with Mr. Hater to propose the port of London for the victualling business for Thomas Willson, by which it will be better done and I at more ease, in case he should grumble1. So to bed.
Note 1. The Duke of York's (age 32) letter appointing Thomas Wilson Surveyor of the Victualling of His Majesty's Navy in the Port of London, and referring to Pepys as Surveyor-General of the Victualling Affairs, is printed in "Memoirs of the English Affairs, chiefly Naval, 1660- 73", by James, Duke of York, 1729, p. 131.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 28 Oct 1665. Thence by horsebacke with Deane (age 31) to Erith, Kent, and so aboard my Lord Bruncker (age 45) and dined, and very merry with him and good discourse between them about ship building, and, after dinner and a little pleasant discourse, we away and by horse back again to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and there I to the office very late, offering my persons for all the victualling posts much to my satisfaction.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 Oct 1665. Anon we parted, and back again, we hardly having a word all the way, he being so vexed at our not yielding to his persuasion. I was set down at Woolwich, Kent [Map] towne end, and walked through the towne in the darke, it being now night. But in the streete did overtake and almost run upon two women crying and carrying a man's coffin between them. I suppose the husband of one of them, which, methinks, is a sad thing. Being come to Shelden's, I find my people in the darke in the dining room, merry and laughing, and, I thought, sporting one with another, which, God helpe me! raised my jealousy presently. Come in the darke, and one of them touching me (which afterward I found was Susan) made them shreeke, and so went out up stairs, leaving them to light a candle and to run out. I went out and was very vexed till I found my wife was gone with Mr. Hill (age 35) and Mercer this day to see me at Greenwich, Kent [Map], and these people were at supper, and the candle on a sudden falling out of the candlesticke (which I saw as I come through the yarde) and Mrs. Barbary being there I was well at ease again, and so bethought myself what to do, whether to go to Greenwich, Kent [Map] or stay there; at last go I would, and so with a lanthorne, and 3 or 4 people with me, among others Mr. Browne, who was there, would go, I walked with a lanthorne and discoursed with him about paynting and the several sorts of it. I came in good time to Greenwich, Kent [Map], where I found Mr. Hill with my wife, and very glad I was to see him.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 01 Nov 1665. This night coming with Sir W. Batten (age 64) into Greenwich, Kent [Map] we called upon Coll. Cleggatt, who tells us for certaine that the King of Denmark (age 56) hath declared to stand for the King of England (age 35), but since I hear it is wholly false.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 04 Nov 1665. At noon with him to dinner at Boreman's, where Mr. Seymour (age 32) with us, who is a most conceited fellow and not over much in him. Here Sir W. Batten (age 64) told us (which I had not heard before) that the last sitting day his cloake was taken from Mingo he going home to dinner, and that he was beaten by the seamen and swears he will come to Greenwich, Kent [Map], but no more to the office till he can sit safe.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 04 Nov 1665. They sayled from midnight, and come to Greenwich, Kent [Map] about 5 o'clock in the morning. I however lay till about 7 or 8, and so to my office, my head a little akeing, partly for want of natural rest, partly having so much business to do to-day, and partly from the newes I hear that one of the little boys at my lodging is not well; and they suspect, by their sending for plaister and fume, that it may be the plague; so I sent Mr. Hater and W. Hewer (age 23) to speake with the mother; but they returned to me, satisfied that there is no hurt nor danger, but the boy is well, and offers to be searched, however, I was resolved myself to abstain coming thither for a while. Sir W. Batten (age 64) and myself at the office all the morning.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Nov 1665. Then they broke up, and Sir G. Carteret (age 55) come out, and thence through the garden to the water side and by water I with him in his boat down with Captain Cocke (age 48) to his house at Greenwich, Kent [Map], and while supper was getting ready Sir G. Carteret and I did walk an houre in the garden before the house, talking of my Lord Sandwich's (age 40) business; what enemies he hath, and how they have endeavoured to bespatter him: and particularly about his leaving of 30 ships of the enemy, when Pen (age 44) would have gone, and my Lord called him back again: which is most false.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Nov 1665. Thence in, and Sir W. Batten (age 64) comes in by and by, and so staying till noon, and there being a great deal of company there, Sir W. Batten and I took leave of the Duke (age 32) and Sir G. Carteret (age 55), there being no good to be done more for money, and so over the River and by coach to Greenwich, Kent [Map], where at Boreman's we dined, it being late.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 18 Nov 1665. About nine of the clock, I went on shore, there (calling by the way only to look upon my Lord Bruncker (age 45)) to give Mrs. Williams an account of her matters, and so hired an ill-favoured horse, and away to Greenwich, Kent [Map] to my lodgings, where I hear how rude the souldiers have been in my absence, swearing what they would do with me, which troubled me, but, however, after eating a bit I to the office and there very late writing letters, and so home and to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 19 Nov 1665. So without eating or drinking, there being no wine (which vexed me too), we walked with a lanthorne to Greenwich, Kent [Map] and eat something at his house, and so home to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Nov 1665. Fear that our Hambro' ships at last cannot go, because of the great frost, which we believe it is there, nor are our ships cleared at the Pillow [Pillau], which will keepe them there too all this winter, I fear. From the 'Change [Map], which is pretty full again, I to my office and there took some things, and so by water to my lodging at Greenwich, Kent [Map] and dined, and then to the office awhile and at night home to my lodgings, and took T. Willson and T. Hater with me, and there spent the evening till midnight discoursing and settling of our Victualling business, that thereby I might draw up instructions for the Surveyours and that we might be doing something to earne our money.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 24 Nov 1665. After dinner Captain Cocke (age 48) and I about some business, and then with my other barrel of oysters home to Greenwich, Kent [Map], sent them by water to Mrs. Penington, while he and I landed, and visited Mr. Evelyn (age 45), where most excellent discourse with him; among other things he showed me a ledger of a Treasurer of the Navy, his great grandfather, just 100 years old; which I seemed mighty fond of, and he did present me with it, which I take as a great rarity; and he hopes to find me more, older than it. He also shewed us several letters of the old Lord of Leicester's, in Queen Elizabeth's time, under the very hand-writing of Queen Elizabeth, and Queen Mary, Queen of Scotts; and others, very venerable names.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Nov 1665. But here, they tell me, one of the houses behind them is infected, and I was fain to stand there a great while, to have their back-door opened, but they could not, having locked them fast, against any passing through, so was forced to pass by them again, close to their sicke beds, which they were removing out of the house, which troubled me; so I made them uninvite their guests, and to resolve of coming all away to me to-morrow, and I walked with a lanthorne, weary as I was, to Greenwich, Kent [Map]; but it was a fine walke, it being a hard frost, and so to Captain Cocke's (age 48), but he I found had sent for me to come to him to Mrs. Penington's, and there I went, and we were very merry, and supped, and Cocke being sleepy he went away betimes. I stayed alone talking and playing with her till past midnight, she suffering me whatever 'ego voulais avec ses mamilles [to do whatever I wanted with her breasts].... Much pleased with her company we parted, and I home to bed at past one, all people being in bed thinking I would have staid out of town all night.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 28 Nov 1665. So to Fox-Hall and there took boat, and down to the Old Swan [Map], and thence to Lombard Street [Map], it being darke night, and thence to the Tower. Took boat and down to Greenwich, Kent [Map], Cocke (age 48) and I, he home and I to the office, where did a little business, and then to my lodgings, where my wife is come, and I am well pleased with it, only much trouble in those lodgings we have, the mistresse of the house being so deadly dear in everything we have; so that we do resolve to remove home soon as we know how the plague goes this weeke, which we hope will be a good decrease. So to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 Nov 1665. Thence home to my house, calling my wife, where the poor wretch is putting things in a way to be ready for our coming home, and so by water together to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and so spent the night together.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 04 Dec 1665. So late by water home, taking a barrel of oysters with me, and at Greenwich, Kent [Map] went and sat with Madam Penington .... and made her undress her head and sit dishevilled all night sporting till two in the morning, and so away to my lodging and so to bed. Over-fasting all the morning hath filled me mightily with wind, and nothing else hath done it, that I fear a fit of the cholique.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Dec 1665. Then was I to go home by water this weather and darke, and to write letters by the post, besides keeping the East India officers there so late. I sent for him again; at last he comes, and says he cannot find the paper (which is a pretty thing to lay orders for £100,000 no better). I was angry; he told me I ought to give people ease at night, and all business was to be done by day. I answered him sharply, that I did [not] make, nor any honest man, any difference between night and day in the King's business, and this was such, and my Lord Ashley (age 44) should know. He answered me short. I told him I knew the time (meaning the Rump's time) when he did other men's business with more diligence. He cried, "Nay, say not so", and stopped his mouth, not one word after. We then did our business without the order in less than eight minutes, which he made me to no purpose stay above two hours for the doing. This made him mad, and so we exchanged notes, and I had notes for £14,000 of the Treasurer of the Company, and so away and by water to Greenwich, Kent [Map] and wrote my letters, and so home late to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Dec 1665. So, after being trimmed, I by water to London, to the Navy office, there to give order to my mayde to buy things to send down to Greenwich, Kent [Map] for supper to-night; and I also to buy other things, as oysters, and lemons, 6d. per piece, and oranges, 3d.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Dec 1665. Thence by water down to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and there found all my company come; that is, Mrs. Knipp, and an ill, melancholy, jealous-looking fellow, her husband, that spoke not a word to us all the night, Pierce and his wife, and Rolt, Mrs. Worshipp and her daughter, Coleman and his wife, and Laneare, and, to make us perfectly happy, there comes by chance to towne Mr. Hill (age 35) to see us. Most excellent musique we had in abundance, and a good supper, dancing, and a pleasant scene of Mrs. Knipp's rising sicke from table, but whispered me it was for some hard word or other her husband gave her just now when she laughed and was more merry than ordinary. But we got her in humour again, and mighty merry; spending the night, till two in the morning, with most complete content as ever in my life, it being increased by my day's work with Gawden. Then broke up, and we to bed, Mr. Hill and I, whom I love more and more, and he us.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Dec 1665. He being gone, comes Sir W. Warren, who advised with me about several things about getting money, and £100 I shall presently have of him. We advised about a business of insurance, wherein something may be saved to him and got to me, and to that end he and I did take a coach at night and to the Cocke (age 48)pitt, there to get the Duke of Albemarle's (age 57) advice for our insuring some of our Sounde goods coming home under Harman's (age 40) convoy, but he proved shy of doing it without knowledge of the Duke of Yorke (age 32), so we back again and calling at my house to see my wife, who is well; though my great trouble is that our poor little parish is the greatest number this weeke in all the city within the walls, having six, from one the last weeke; and so by water to Greenwich, Kent [Map] leaving Sir W. Warren at home, and I straight to my Lord Bruncker (age 45), it being late, and concluded upon insuring something and to send to that purpose to Sir W. Warren to come to us to-morrow morning. So I home and, my mind in great rest, to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 17 Dec 1665. I walked to Greenwich, Kent [Map] first, to make a short visit to my Lord Bruncker (age 45), and next to Mrs. Penington and spent all the evening with her with the same freedom I used to have and very pleasant company. With her till one of the clock in the morning and past, and so to my lodging to bed, and
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 18 Dec 1665. After dinner Sir W. Warren and I alone in another room a little while talking about business, and so parted, and I hence, my mind full of content in my day's worke, home by water to Greenwich, Kent [Map], the river beginning to be very full of ice, so as I was a little frighted, but got home well, it being darke. So having no mind to do any business, went home to my lodgings, and there got little Mrs. Tooker, and Mrs. Daniel, the daughter, and Sarah to my chamber to cards and sup with me, when in comes Mr. Pierce to me, who tells me how W. Howe has been examined on shipboard by my Lord Bruncker (age 45) to-day, and others, and that he has charged him out of envy with sending goods under my Lord's seale and in my Lord Bruncker's name, thereby to get them safe passage, which, he tells me, is false, but that he did use my name to that purpose, and hath acknowledged it to my Lord Bruncker, but do also confess to me that one parcel he thinks he did use my Lord Bruncker's name, which do vexe me mightily that my name should be brought in question about such things, though I did not say much to him of my discontent till I have spoke with my Lord Bruncker about it. So he being gone, being to go to Oxford to-morrow, we to cards again late, and so broke up, I having great pleasure with my little girle, Mrs. Tooker.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 20 Dec 1665. I was called by my Lord Bruncker (age 45) in his coach with his mistresse, and Mr. Cottle the lawyer, our acquaintance at Greenwich, Kent [Map], and so home to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and thence I to Mrs. Penington, and had a supper from the King's Head [Map] for her, and there mighty merry and free as I used to be with her, and at last, late, I did pray her to undress herself into her nightgowne, that I might see how to have her picture drawne carelessly (for she is mighty proud of that conceit), and I would walk without in the streete till she had done. So I did walk forth, and whether I made too many turns or no in the darke cold frosty night between the two walls up to the Parke gate I know not, but she was gone to bed when I come again to the house, upon pretence of leaving some papers there, which I did on purpose by her consent.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Dec 1665. Thence with them to Mr. Cuttle's, being invited, and dined nobly and neatly; with a very pretty house and a fine turret at top, with winding stairs and the finest prospect I know about all Greenwich, Kent [Map], save the top of the hill, and yet in some respects better than that. Here I also saw some fine writing worke and flourishing of Mr. Hore, he one that I knew long ago, an acquaintance of Mr. Tomson's at Westminster, that is this man's clerk. It is the story of the several Archbishops of Canterbury, engrossed in vellum, to hang up in Canterbury Cathedrall in tables, in lieu of the old ones, which are almost worn out.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 01 Jan 1666. So to dinner, Gibson and he and I, and then to copying it over, Mr. Gibson reading and I writing, and went a good way in it till interrupted by Sir W. Warren's coming, of whom I always learne something or other, his discourse being very good and his brains also. He being gone we to our business again, and wrote more of it fair, and then late to bed1.
Note 1. This document is in the British Museum (Harleian MS. 6287), and is entitled, "A Letter from Mr. Pepys, dated at Greenwich, Kent [Map], 1 Jan. 1665-6, which he calls his New Year's Gift to his hon. friend, Sir Wm. Coventry, wherein he lays down a method for securing his Majesty in husbandly execution of the Victualling Part of the Naval Expence". It consists of nineteen closely written folio pages, and is a remarkable specimen of Pepys's business habits. B. There are copies of several letters on the victualling of the navy, written by Pepys in 1666, among the Rawlinson MSS. in the Bodleian.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Jan 1666. So my Lord and he and I much talke about the Act, what credit we find upon it, but no private talke between him and I So I to the 'Change [Map], and there met Mr. Povy (age 52), newly come to town, and he and I to Sir George Smith's (age 51) and there dined nobly. He tells me how my Lord Bellases (age 51) complains for want of money and of him and me therein, but I value it not, for I know I do all that can be done. We had no time to talk of particulars, but leave it to another day, and I away to Cornhill [Map] to expect my Lord Bruncker's (age 46) coming back again, and I staid at my stationer's house, and by and by comes my Lord, and did take me up and so to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and after sitting with them a while at their house, home, thinking to get Mrs. Knipp, but could not, she being busy with company, but sent me a pleasant letter, writing herself "Barbary Allen".
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Jan 1666. Thence with Lord Bruncker to Greenwich, Kent [Map] by water to a great dinner and much company; Mr. Cottle and his lady and others and I went, hoping to get Mrs. Knipp to us, having wrote a letter to her in the morning, calling myself "Dapper Dicky", in answer to hers of "Barbary Allen", but could not, and am told by the boy that carried my letter, that he found her crying; but I fear she lives a sad life with that ill-natured fellow her husband: so we had a great, but I a melancholy dinner, having not her there, as I hoped.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 14 Jan 1666. He gone I close to my papers and to set all in order and to perform my vow to finish my journall and other things before I kiss any woman more or drink any wine, which I must be forced to do to-morrow if I go to Greenwich, Kent [Map] as I am invited by Mr. Boreman to hear Mrs. Knipp sing, and I would be glad to go, so as we may be merry.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 15 Jan 1666. Busy all the morning in my chamber in my old cloth suit, while my usuall one is to my taylor's to mend, which I had at noon again, and an answer to a letter I had sent this morning to Mrs. Pierce to go along with my wife and I down to Greenwich, Kent [Map] to-night upon an invitation to Mr. Boreman's to be merry to dance and sing with Mrs. Knipp. Being dressed, and having dined, I took coach and to Mrs. Pierce, to her new house in Covent-Garden [Map], a very fine place and fine house. Took her thence home to my house, and so by water to Boreman's by night, where the greatest disappointment that ever I saw in my life, much company, a good supper provided, and all come with expectation of excesse of mirthe, but all blank through the waywardnesse of Mrs. Knipp, who, though she had appointed the night, could not be got to come. Not so much as her husband could get her to come; but, which was a pleasant thing in all my anger, I asking him, while we were in expectation what answer one of our many messengers would bring, what he thought, whether she would come or no, he answered that, for his part, he could not so much as thinke.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Jan 1666. Up, and set my people to work in copying Tangier accounts, and I down the river to Greenwich, Kent [Map] to the office to fetch away some papers and thence to Deptford, Kent [Map], where by agreement my Lord Bruncker (age 46) was to come, but staid almost till noon, after I had spent an houre with W. Howe talking of my Lord Sandwich's (age 40) matters and his folly in minding his pleasures too much now-a-days, and permitting himself to be governed by Cuttance to the displeasing of all the Commanders almost of the fleete, and thence we may conceive indeed the rise of all my Lord's misfortunes of late.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Feb 1666. Thence to Captain Cocke's (age 49), where Mr. Williamson (age 32), Wren (age 37), Boldell and Madam Williams, and by and by Lord Bruncker (age 46), he having been with the King (age 35) and Duke (age 32) upon the water to-day, to see Greenwich, Kent [Map] house, and the yacht Castle is building of, and much good discourse.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 14 Feb 1666. Having done in private with my Lord I brought Mr. Hill (age 36) to kisse his hands, to whom my Lord professed great respect upon my score. My Lord being gone, I took Mr. Hill to my Chancellor's (age 56) new house that is building, and went with trouble up to the top of it, and there is there the noblest prospect that ever I saw in my life, Greenwich, Kent [Map] being nothing to it; and in every thing is a beautiful house, and most strongly built in every respect; and as if, as it hath, it had the Chancellor for its master.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 20 Feb 1666. After dinner I took him by coach to White Hall, and there he and I parted, and I to my Lord Sandwich's (age 40), where coming and bolting into the dining-room, I there found Captain Ferrers going to christen a child of his born yesterday, and I come just pat to be a godfather, along with my Lord Hinchingbrooke (age 18), and Madam Pierce, my Valentine, which for that reason I was pretty well contented with, though a little vexed to see myself so beset with people to spend me money, as she of a Valentine and little Mrs. Tooker, who is come to my house this day from Greenwich, Kent [Map], and will cost me 20s., my wife going out with her this afternoon, and now this christening. Well, by and by the child is brought and christened Katharine, and I this day on this occasion drank a glasse of wine, which I have not professedly done these two years, I think, but a little in the time of the sicknesse. After that done, and gone and kissed the mother in bed, I away to Westminster Hall [Map], and there hear that Mrs. Lane is come to town.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Mar 1666. Thence by coach to the Temple [Map], and it being a holyday, a fast-day, there 'light, and took water, being invited, and down to Greenwich, Kent [Map], to Captain Cocke's (age 49), where dined, he and Lord Bruncker (age 46), and Matt. Wren (age 37), Boltele, and Major Cooper, who is also a very pretty companion; but they all drink hard, and, after dinner, to gaming at cards.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 01 May 1666. Thence by water to Redriffe [Map], reading a new French book my Lord Bruncker (age 46) did give me to-day, "L'Histoire Amoureuse des Gaules"1, being a pretty libel against the amours of the Court of France. I walked up and down Deptford, Kent [Map] yarde, where I had not been since I come from living at Greenwich, Kent [Map], which is some months. There I met with Mr. Castle (age 37), and was forced against my will to have his company back with me. So we walked and drank at Halfway house and so to his house, where I drank a cupp of syder, and so home, where I find Mr. Norbury newly come to town to see us. After he gone my wife tells me the ill newes that our Susan is sicke and gone to bed, with great pain in her head and back, which troubles us all. However we to bed expecting what to-morrow would produce. She hath we conceive wrought a little too much, having neither maid nor girle to help her.
Note 1. This book, which has frequently been reprinted, was written by Roger de Rabutin, Comte de Bussy, for the amusement of his mistress, Madame de Montglas, and consists of sketches of the chief ladies of the court, in which he libelled friends and foes alike. These circulated in manuscript, and were printed at Liege in 1665. Louis XIV. was so much annoyed with the book that he sent the author to the Bastille for over a year.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 20 May 1666. Lord's Day. With my wife to church in the morning. At noon dined mighty nobly, ourselves alone. After dinner my wife and Mercer by coach to Greenwich, Kent [Map], to be gossip to Mrs. Daniel's child. I out to Westminster, and straight to Mrs. Martin's, and there did what I would with her, she staying at home all the day for me; and not being well pleased with her over free and loose company, I away to Westminster Abbey [Map], and there fell in discourse with Mr. Blagrave, whom I find a sober politique man, that gets money and increase of places, and thence by coach home, and thence by water after I had discoursed awhile with Mr. Yeabsly, whom I met and took up in my coach with me, and who hath this day presented my Lord Ashly (age 44) with £100 to bespeak his friendship to him in his accounts now before us; and my Lord hath received it, and so I believe is as bad, as to bribes, as what the world says of him.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 27 May 1666. After dinner we broke up and I by water to Westminster to Mrs. Martin's, and there sat with her and her husband and Mrs. Burrows, the pretty, an hour or two, then to the Swan [Map] a while, and so home by water, and with my wife by and by by water as low as Greenwich, Kent [Map], for ayre only, and so back again home to supper and to bed with great pleasure.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 02 Jun 1666. Up, and to the office, where certain newes is brought us of a letter come to the King (age 36) this morning from the Duke of Albemarle (age 57), dated yesterday at eleven o'clock, as they were sailing to the Gunfleete, that they were in sight of the Dutch fleete, and were fitting themselves to fight them; so that they are, ere this, certainly engaged; besides, several do averr they heard the guns all yesterday in the afternoon. This put us at the Board into a tosse. Presently come orders for our sending away to the fleete a recruite of 200 soldiers. So I rose from the table, and to the Victualling Office, and thence upon the River among several vessels, to consider of the sending them away; and lastly, down to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and there appointed two yachts to be ready for them; and did order the soldiers to march to Blackewall [Map]. Having set all things in order against the next flood, I went on shore with Captain Erwin at Greenwich, Kent [Map], and into the Parke, and there we could hear the guns from the fleete most plainly.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Jul 1666. Thence to Westminster, doing several things by the way, and there failed of meeting Mrs. Lane, and so by coach took up my wife at her sister's, and so away to Islington [Map], she and I alone, and so through Hackney, and home late, our discourse being about laying up of some money safe in prevention to the troubles I am afeard we may have in the state, and so sleepy (for want of sleep the last night, going to bed late and rising betimes in the morning) home, but when I come to the office, I there met with a command from my Lord Arlington (age 48), to go down to a galliott at Greenwich, Kent [Map], by the King's particular command, that is going to carry the Savoy Envoye over, and we fear there may be many Frenchmen there on board; and so I have a power and command to search for and seize all that have not passes from one of the Secretarys of State, and to bring them and their papers and everything else in custody some whither. So I to the Tower, and got a couple of musquetiers with me, and Griffen and my boy Tom and so down; and, being come, found none on board but two or three servants, looking to horses and doggs, there on board, and, seeing no more, I staid not long there, but away and on shore at Greenwich, Kent [Map], the night being late and the tide against us; so, having sent before, to Mrs. Clerke's and there I had a good bed, and well received, the whole people rising to see me, and among the rest young Mrs. Daniel, whom I kissed again and again alone, and so by and by to bed and slept pretty well,
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 18 Jul 1666. After dinner, they being gone, and I mightily pleased with my guests, I down the river to Greenwich, Kent [Map], about business, and thence walked to Woolwich, Kent [Map], reading "The Rivall Ladys" all the way, and find it a most pleasant and fine writ play.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Aug 1666. So home; and there do hear also from Mrs. Sarah Daniel, that Greenwich, Kent [Map] is at this time much worse than ever it was, and Deptford, Kent [Map] too: and she told us that they believed all the towne would leave the towne and come to London; which is now the receptacle of all the people from all infected places. God preserve us!
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Aug 1666. So down to supper and then to bed, Reeves lying at my house, but good discourse I had from him: in his own trade, concerning glasses, and so all of us late to bed. I receive fresh intelligence that Deptford, Kent [Map] and Greenwich, Kent [Map] are now afresh exceedingly afflicted with the sickness more than ever.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 15 Aug 1666. Thence to the Exchequer, but did nothing, they being all gone from their offices; and so to the Old Exchange [Map], where the towne full of the good newes, but I did not stay to tell or hear any, but home, my head akeing and drowsy, and to dinner, and then lay down upon the couch, thinking to get a little rest, but could not. So down the river, reading "The Adventures of Five Hours", which the more I read the more I admire. So down below Greenwich, Kent [Map], but the wind and tide being against us, I back again to Deptford, Kent [Map], and did a little business there, and thence walked to Redriffe [Map]; and so home, and to the office a while.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 17 Aug 1666. Up and betimes with Captain Erwin down by water to Woolwich, Kent [Map], I walking alone from Greenwich, Kent [Map] thither, making an end of the "The Adventures of Five Hours", which when all is done is the best play that ever I read in my life. Being come thither I did some business there and at the Rope Yarde [Map], and had a piece of bride-cake sent me by Mrs. Barbary into the boate after me, she being here at her uncle's, with her husband, Mr. Wood's son, the mast-maker, and mighty nobly married, they say, she was, very fine, and he very rich, a strange fortune for so odd a looked mayde, though her hands and body be good, and nature very good, I think.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 28 Aug 1666. After dinner the young women went to dance; among others Mr. Christopher Pett (age 46) his daughter, who is a very pretty, modest girle, I am mightily taken with her; and that being done about five o'clock, home, very well pleased with the afternoon's work. And so we broke up mightily civilly, the bride and bridegroom going to Greenwich, Kent [Map] (they keeping their dinner here only for my sake) to lie, and we home, where I to the office, and anon am on a sudden called to meet Sir W. Pen (age 45) and Sir W. Coventry (age 38) at the Victualling Office, which did put me out of order to be so surprised. But I went, and there Sir William Coventry did read me a letter from the Generalls to the King (age 36)1, a most scurvy letter, reflecting most upon Sir W. Coventry, and then upon me for my accounts (not that they are not true, but that we do not consider the expence of the fleete), and then of the whole office, in neglecting them and the King's service, and this in very plain and sharp and menacing terms. I did give a good account of matters according to our computation of the expence of the fleete. I find Sir W. Coventry willing enough to accept of any thing to confront the Generalls. But a great supply must be made, and shall be in grace of God! But, however, our accounts here will be found the true ones. Having done here, and much work set me, I with greater content home than I thought I should have done, and so to the office a while, and then home, and a while in my new closet, which delights me every day more and more, and so late to bed.
Note 1. The letter from Prince Rupert (age 46) and the Duke of Albemarle (age 57) to the King (dated August 27th, from the "Royal Charles", Sole Bay [Map]) is among the State Papers. The generals complain of the want of supplies, in spite of repeated importunities. The demands are answered by accounts from Mr. Pepys of what has been sent to the fleet, which will not satisfy the ships, unless the provisions could be found "... Have not a month's provision of beer, yet Sir Wm. Coventry assures the ministers that they are supplied till Oct. 3; unless this is quickened they will have to return home too soon.... Want provisions according to their own computation, not Sir Wm. Coventry's, to last to the end of October" ("Calendar", 1666-67, p. 71).
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Dec 1666. Lay long, and when up find Mrs. Clerk of Greenwich, Kent [Map] and her daughter Daniel, their business among other things was a request her daughter was to make, so I took her into my chamber, and there it was to help her husband to the command of a little new pleasure boat building, which I promised to assist in. And here I had opportunity 'para baiser elle, and toucher ses mamailles'....[Note. 'to kiss her and touch her breasts'. Missing text ', so as to make mi mismo espender with great pleasure']
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 18 Jan 1667. Up, and most of the morning finishing my entry of my journall during the late fire out of loose papers into this book, which did please me mightily when done, I, writing till my eyes were almost blind therewith to make an end of it. Then all the rest of the morning, and, after a mouthful of dinner, all the afternoon in my closet till night, sorting all my papers, which have lain unsorted for all the time we were at Greenwich, Kent [Map] during the plague, which did please me also, I drawing on to put my office into a good posture, though much is behind.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Mar 1667. So home to dinner, where my wife having dressed herself in a silly dress of a blue petticoat uppermost, and a white satin waistcoat and whitehood, though I think she did it because her gown is gone to the tailor's, did, together with my being hungry, which always makes me peevish, make me angry, but when my belly was full were friends again, and dined and then by water down to Greenwich, Kent [Map] and thence walked to Woolwich, Kent [Map], all the way reading Playford's (age 44) "Introduction to Musique", wherein are some things very pretty.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Apr 1667. Thence home, and find the boy out of the house and office, and by and by comes in and hath been to Mercer's. I did pay his coat for him. Then to my chamber, my wife comes home with linen she hath been buying of. I then to dinner, and then down the river to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and the watermen would go no further. So I turned them off, giving them nothing, and walked to Woolwich, Kent [Map]; there did some business, and met with Captain Cocke (age 50) and back with him. He tells me our peace is agreed on; we are not to assist the Spanyard against the French for this year, and no restitution, and we are likely to lose Poleroone1. I know not whether this be true or no, but I am for peace on any terms. He tells me how the King (age 36) was vexed the other day for having no paper laid him at the Council-table, as was usual; and Sir Richard Browne (age 62) did tell his Majesty he would call the person whose work it was to provide it: who being come, did tell his Majesty that he was but a poor man, and was out £400 or £500 for it, which was as much as he is worth; and that he cannot provide it any longer without money, having not received a penny since the King's coming in. So the King spoke to my Lord Chamberlain (age 65); and many such mementos the King do now-a-days meet withall, enough to make an ingenuous man mad. I to Deptford, Kent [Map], and there scolded with a master for his ship's not being gone, and so home to the office and did business till my eyes are sore again, and so home to sing, and then to bed, my eyes failing me mightily:
Note 1. Among the State Papers is a document dated July 8th, 1667, in which we read: "At Breda, the business is so far advanced that the English have relinquished their pretensions to the ships Henry Bonaventure and Good Hope. The matter sticks only at Poleron; the States have resolved not to part with it, though the English should have a right to it" ("Calendar", 1667, p. 278).
John Evelyn's Diary. 01 Jun 1667. I went to Greenwich, Kent [Map], where his Majesty (age 37) was trying divers grenadoes shot out of cannon at the Castlehill, from the house in the park; they broke not till they hit the mark, the forged ones broke not at all, but the cast ones very well. The inventor was a German there present. At the same time, a ring was shown to the King, pretended to be a projection of mercury, and malleable, and said by the gentlemen to be fixed by the juice of a plant.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Jun 1667. Yet partly ourselves, being used to be idle and in despair, and partly people that have been used to be deceived by us as to money, won't believe us; and we know not, though we have it, how almost to promise it; and our wants such, and men out of the way, that it is an admirable thing to consider how much the King (age 37) suffers, and how necessary it is in a State to keep the King's service always in a good posture and credit. Here I eat a bit, and then in the afternoon took boat and down to Greenwich, Kent [Map], where I find the stairs full of people, there being a great riding1 there to-day for a man, the constable of the town, whose wife beat him. Here I was with much ado fain to press two watermen to make me a galley, and so to Woolwich, Kent [Map] to give order for the dispatch of a ship I have taken under my care to see dispatched, and orders being so given, I, under pretence to fetch up the ship, which lay at Grays (the Golden Hand)2, did do that in my way, and went down to Gravesend, Kent [Map], where I find the Duke of Albemarle (age 58) just come, with a great many idle lords and gentlemen, with their pistols and fooleries; and the bulwarke not able to have stood half an hour had they come up; but the Dutch are fallen down from the Hope and Shell-haven as low as Sheernesse [Map], and we do plainly at this time hear the guns play. Yet I do not find the Duke of Albemarle intends to go thither, but stays here to-night, and hath, though the Dutch are gone, ordered our frigates to be brought to a line between the two blockhouses; which I took then to be a ridiculous thing.
Note 1. It was an ancient custom in Berkshire, when a man had beaten his wife, for the neighbours to parade in front of his house, for the purpose of serenading him with kettles, and horns and hand-bells, and every species of "rough music", by which name the ceremony was designated. Perhaps the riding mentioned by Pepys was a punishment somewhat similar. Malcolm ("Manners of London") quotes from the "Protestant Mercury", that a porter's lady, who resided near Strand Lane, beat her husband with so much violence and perseverance, that the poor man was compelled to leap out of the window to escape her fury. Exasperated at this virago, the neighbours made a "riding", i.e. a pedestrian procession, headed by a drum, and accompanied by a chemise, displayed for a banner. The manual musician sounded the tune of "You round-headed cuckolds, come dig, come dig!" and nearly seventy coalheavers, carmen, and porters, adorned with large horns fastened to their heads, followed. The public seemed highly pleased with the nature of the punishment, and gave liberally to the vindicators of injured manhood. B.
Note 2. The "Golden Hand" was to have been used for the conveyance of the Swedish Ambassadors' horses and goods to Holland. In August, 1667, Frances, widow of Captain Douglas and daughter of Lord Grey, petitioned the King "for a gift of the prize ship Golden Hand, now employed in weighing the ships sunk at Chatham, Kent [Map], where her husband lost his life in defence of the ships against the Dutch" (Calendar of State Papers, 1667, p. 430).
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 23 Jun 1667. By and by, all by water in three boats to Greenwich, Kent [Map], there to Cocke's (age 50), where we supped well, and then late, Wren, Fenn, and I home by water, set me in at the Tower, and they to White Hall, and so I home, and after a little talk with my wife to bed.
John Evelyn's Diary. 25 Aug 1667. After evening service, I went to visit Mr. Vaughan, who lay at Greenwich, Kent [Map], a very wise and learned person, one of Mr. Selden's executors and intimate friends.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Oct 1667. Up, and all the morning at the office, and at noon Mr. Creed and Yeabsly dined with me (my wife gone to dine with Mrs. Pierce and see a play with her), and after dinner in comes Mr. Turner, of Eynsbury, lately come to town, and also after him Captain Hill of the "Coventry", who lost her at Barbadoes, and is come out of France, where he hath been long prisoner. After a great deal of mixed discourse, and then Mr. Turner and I alone a little in my closet, talking about my Lord Sandwich (age 42) (who I hear is now ordered by the King (age 37) to come home again), we all parted, and I by water, calling at Michell's, and saw and once kissed su wife, but I do think that he is jealous of her, and so she dares not stand out of his sight; so could not do more, but away by water to the Temple [Map], and there, after spending a little time in my bookseller's shop, I to Westminster; and there at the lobby do hear by Commissioner Pett (age 57), to my great amazement, that he is in worse condition than before, by the coming in of the Duke of Albemarle's (age 58) and Prince Rupert's (age 47) Narratives' this day; wherein the former do most severely lay matters upon him, so as the House this day have, I think, ordered him to the Tower again, or something like it; so that the poor man is likely to be overthrown, I doubt, right or wrong, so infinite fond they are of any thing the Duke of Albemarle says or writes to them! I did then go down, and there met with Colonel Reames and cozen Roger Pepys (age 50); and there they do tell me how the Duke of Albemarle and the Prince have laid blame on a great many, and particularly on our Office in general; and particularly for want of provision, wherein I shall come to be questioned again in that business myself; which do trouble me. But my cozen Pepys and I had much discourse alone: and he do bewail the constitution of this House, and says there is a direct caball and faction, as much as is possible between those for and those against the Chancellor (age 58), and so in other factions, that there is nothing almost done honestly and with integrity; only some few, he says, there are, that do keep out of all plots and combinations, and when their time comes will speak and see right done, if possible; and that he himself is looked upon to be a man that will be of no faction, and so they do shun to make him; and I am glad of it. He tells me that he thanks God he never knew what it was to be tempted to be a knave in his life; till he did come into the House of Commons, where there is nothing done but by passion, and faction, and private interest. Reames did tell me of a fellow last night (one Kelsy, a commander of a fire-ship, who complained for want of his money paid him) did say that he did see one of the Commissioners of the Navy bring in three waggon-loads of prize-goods into Greenwich, Kent [Map] one night; but that the House did take no notice of it, nor enquire; but this is me, and I must expect to be called to account, and answer what I did as well as I can. So thence away home, and in Holborne, going round, it being dark, I espied Sir D. Gawden's coach, and so went out of mine into his; and there had opportunity to talk of the business of victuals, which the Duke of Albemarle and Prince did complain that they were in want of the last year: but we do conclude we shall be able to show quite the contrary of that; only it troubles me that we must come to contend with these great persons, which will overrun us. So with some disquiet in my mind on this account I home, and there comes Mr. Yeabsly, and he and I to even some accounts, wherein I shall be a gainer about £200, which is a seasonable profit, for I have got nothing a great while; and he being gone, I to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Feb 1668. Up, and I to Captain Cocke's (age 51), where he and I did discourse of our business that we are to go about to the Commissioners of Accounts about our prizes, and having resolved to conceal nothing but to confess the truth, the truth being likely to do us most good, we parted, and I to White Hall, where missing of the Commissioners of the Treasury, I to the Commissioners of Accounts, where I was forced to stay two hours before I was called in, and when come in did take an oath to declare the truth to what they should ask me, which is a great power; I doubt more than the Act do, or as some say can, give them, to force a man to swear against himself; and so they fell to enquire about the business of prize-goods, wherein I did answer them as well as I could, answer them in everything the just truth, keeping myself to that. I do perceive at last, that, that they did lay most like a fault to me was, that I did buy goods upon my Lord Sandwich's (age 42) declaring that it was with the King's allowance, and my believing it, without seeing the King's allowance, which is a thing I will own, and doubt not to justify myself in. That that vexed me most was, their having some watermen by, to witness my saying that they were rogues that they had betrayed my goods, which was upon some discontent with one of the watermen that I employed at Greenwich, Kent [Map], who I did think did discover the goods sent from Rochester, Kent [Map] to the Custom-House officer; but this can do me no great harm. They were inquisitive into the minutest particulars, and the evening great information; but I think that they can do me no hurt, at the worst, more than to make me refund, if it must be known, what profit I did make of my agreement with Captain Cocke; and yet, though this be all, I do find so poor a spirit within me, that it makes me almost out of my wits, and puts me to so much pain, that I cannot think of anything, nor do anything but vex and fret, and imagine myself undone, so that I am ashamed of myself to myself, and do fear what would become of me if any real affliction should come upon me. After they had done with me, they called in Captain Cocke, with whom they were shorter; and I do fear he may answer foolishly, for he did speak to me foolishly before he went in; but I hope to preserve myself, and let him shift for himself as well as he can. So I away, walked to my flageolet maker in the Strand, and there staid for Captain Cocke, who took me up and carried me home, and there coming home and finding dinner done, and Mr. Cooke, who come for my Lady Sandwich's (age 43) plate, which I must part with, and so endanger the losing of my money, which I lent upon my thoughts of securing myself by that plate. But it is no great sum-but £60: and if it must be lost, better that, than a greater sum. I away back again, to find a dinner anywhere else, and so I, first, to the Ship Tavern, thereby to get a sight of the pretty mistress of the house, with whom I am not yet acquainted at all, and I do always find her scolding, and do believe she is an ill-natured devil, that I have no great desire to speak to her. Here I drank, and away by coach to the Strand, there to find out Mr. Moore, and did find him at the Bell Inn, and there acquainted him with what passed between me and the Commissioners to-day about the prize goods, in order to the considering what to do about my Lord Sandwich, and did conclude to own the thing to them as done by the King's allowance, and since confirmed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Jan 1669. Up, and with W. Hewer (age 27) to White Hall, and there attended the Duke of York (age 35), and thence to the Exchange [Map], in the way calling at several places on occasions relating to my feast to-morrow, on which my mind is now set; as how to get a new looking-glass for my dining-room, and some pewter, and good wine, against to-morrow; and so home, where I had the looking-glass set up, cost me £6 7s. 6d. And here at the 'Change [Map] I met with Mr. Dancre (age 44), the famous landscape painter, with whom I was on Wednesday; and he took measure of my panels in my dining-room, where, in the four, I intend to have the four houses of the King (age 38), White Hall, Hampton Court [Map], Greenwich, Kent [Map], and Windsor. He gone, I to dinner with my people, and so to my office to dispatch a little business, and then home to look after things against to-morrow, and among other things was mightily pleased with the fellow that come to lay the cloth, and fold the napkins, which I like so well, as that I am resolved to give him 40s. to teach my wife to do it.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Feb 1669. Up betimes, by coach to Sir W. Coventry's (age 41), and with him by coach to White Hall, and there walked in the garden talking of several things, and by my visit to keep fresh my interest in him; and there he tells me how it hath been talked that he was to go one of the Commissioners to Ireland, which he was resolved never to do, unless directly commanded; for he told me that for to go thither, while the Chief Secretary of State was his professed enemy, was to undo himself; and, therefore, it were better for him to venture being unhappy here, than to go further off, to be undone by some obscure instructions, or whatever other way of mischief his enemies should cut out for him. He mighty kind to me, and so parted, and thence home, calling in two or three places-among others, Dancre's (age 44), where I find him beginning of a piece for me, of Greenwich, Kent [Map], which will please me well, and so home to dinner, and very busy all the afternoon, and so at night home to supper, and to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 12 Feb 1669. Thence to the Treasurer's; and I and Sir J. Minnes (age 69) and Mr. Tippets down to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, and there had a hot debate from Sir Thomas Clifford (age 38) and my Lord Ashly (age 47) (the latter of which, I hear, is turning about as fast as he can to the Duke of Buckingham's (age 41) side, being in danger, it seems, of being otherwise out of play, which would not be convenient for him), against Sir W. Coventry (age 41) and Sir J. Duncomb, who did uphold our Office against an accusation of our Treasurers, who told the Lords that they found that we had run the King (age 38) in debt £50,000 or more, more than the money appointed for the year would defray, which they declared like fools, and with design to hurt us, though the thing is in itself ridiculous. But my Lord Ashly and Clifford did most horribly cry out against the want of method in the Office. At last it come that it should be put in writing what they had to object; but I was devilish mad at it, to see us thus wounded by our own members, and so away vexed, and called my wife, and to Hercules Pillars, Tom and I, there dined; and here there coming a Frenchman by with his Shew, we did make him shew it us, which he did just as Lacy (age 54) acts it, which made it mighty pleasant to me. So after dinner we away and to Dancre's (age 44), and there saw our picture of Greenwich, Kent [Map] in doing, which is mighty pretty, and so to White Hall, my wife to Unthank's, and I attended with Lord Brouncker (age 49) the King and Council, about the proposition of balancing Storekeeper's accounts and there presented Hosier's book, and it was mighty well resented and approved of. So the Council being up, we to the Queen's (age 30) side with the King and Duke of York (age 35): and the Duke of York did take me out to talk of our Treasurers, whom he is mighty angry with: and I perceive he is mighty desirous to bring in as many good motions of profit and reformation in the Navy as he can, before the Treasurers do light upon them, they being desirous, it seems, to be thought the great reformers: and the Duke of York do well. But to my great joy he is mighty open to me in every thing; and by this means I know his whole mind, and shall be able to secure myself, if he stands. Here to-night I understand, by my Lord Brouncker, that at last it is concluded on by the King and Buckingham that my Lord of Ormond (age 58) shall not hold his government of Ireland, which is a great stroke, to shew the power of Buckingham and the poor spirit of the King, and little hold that any man can have of him.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Mar 1669. Thence to Dancre's (age 44), the painter's, and there saw my picture of Greenwich, Kent [Map], finished to my very good content, though this manner of distemper do make the figures not so pleasing as in oyle.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Mar 1669. Thence, after seeing Mr. Sheldon, I to Greenwich, Kent [Map] by water, and there landed at the King's house, which goes on slow, but is very pretty1. I to the Park, there to see the prospect of the hill, to judge of Dancre's (age 44) picture, which he hath made thereof for me: and I do like it very well: and it is a very pretty place.
Note 1. The old palace at Greenwich, Kent [Map] had just been pulled down, and a new building commenced by Charles II, only one wing of which was completed, at the expense of £36,000, under the auspices of Webb, Inigo Jones's kinsman and executor. In 1694 the unfinished edifice was granted by William and Mary to trustees for the use and service of a Naval Hospital; and it has been repeatedly enlarged and improved till it has arrived at its present splendour. B.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 Mar 1669. Thence home; and after dinner by water with Tom down to Greenwich, Kent [Map], he reading to me all the way, coming and going, my collections out of the Duke of York's (age 35) old manuscript of the Navy, which I have bound up, and do please me mightily. At Greenwich, Kent [Map] I come to Captain Cocke's (age 52), where the house full of company, at the burial of James Temple who, it seems, hath been dead these five days here I had a very good ring, which I did give my wife as soon as I come home. I spent my time there walking in the garden, talking with James Pierce, who tells me that he is certain that the Duke of Buckingham (age 41) had been with his wenches all the time that he was absent, which was all the last week, nobody knowing where he was. The great talk is of the King's being hot of late against Conventicles, and to see whether the Duke of Buckingham's being returned will turn the King (age 38), which will make him very popular: and some think it is his plot to make the King thus, to shew his power in the making him change his mind. But Pierce did tell me that the King did certainly say, that he that took one stone from the Church, did take two from his Crown.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 23 Apr 1669. Thence at noon, the Council rising, I to Unthanke's, and there by agreement met my wife, and with her to the Cocke (age 52), and did give her a dinner, but yet both of us but in an ill humour, whatever was the matter with her, but thence to the King's playhouse, and saw "The Generous Portugalls", a play that pleases me better and better every time we see it; and, I thank God! it did not trouble my eyes so much as I was afeard it would. Here, by accident, we met Mr. Sheres, and yet I could not but be troubled, because my wife do so delight to talk of him, and to see him. Nevertheless, we took him with us to our mercer's, and to the Exchange [Map], and he helped me to choose a summer-suit of coloured camelott, coat and breeches, and a flowered tabby vest very rich; and so home, where he took his leave, and down to Greenwich, Kent [Map], where he hath some friends; and I to see Colonel Middleton, who hath been ill for a day or two, or three; and so home to supper, and to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 04 May 1669. Up, and to the office, and then my wife being gone to see her mother at Deptford, Kent [Map], I before the office sat went to the Excise Office, and thence being alone stepped into Duck Lane [Map], and thence tried to have sent a porter to Deb.'s, but durst not trust him, and therefore having bought a book to satisfy the bookseller for my stay there, a 12d. book, Andronicus of Tom Fuller, I took coach, and at the end of Jewen Street next Red Cross Street I sent the coachman to her lodging, and understand she is gone for Greenwich, Kent [Map] to one Marys's, a tanner's, at which I, was glad, hoping to have opportunity to find her out; and so, in great fear of being seen, I to the office, and there all the morning, dined at home, and presently after dinner comes home my wife, who I believe is jealous of my spending the day, and I had very good fortune in being at home, for if Deb. had been to have been found it is forty to one but I had been abroad, God forgive me. So the afternoon at the office, and at night walked with my wife in the garden, and my Lord Brouncker (age 49) with us, who is newly come to W. Pen's (age 48) lodgings; and by and by comes Mr. Hooke (age 33); and my Lord, and he, and I into my Lord's lodgings, and there discoursed of many fine things in philosophy, to my great content, and so home to supper and to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 May 1669. So to the Treasury chamber, and then walked home round by the Excise Office, having by private vows last night in prayer to God Almighty cleared my mind for the present of the thoughts of going to Deb. at Greenwich, Kent [Map], which I did long after. I passed by Guildhall [Map], which is almost finished, and saw a poor labourer carried by, I think, dead with a fall, as many there are, I hear.
John Evelyn's Diary. 02 Sep 1669. I was this day very ill of a pain in my limbs, which continued most of this week, and was increased by a visit I made to my old acquaintance, the Earl of Norwich (age 54), at his house in Epping Forest, Essex, where are many good pictures put into the wainscot of the rooms, which Mr. Baker, his Lordship's predecessor there, brought out of Spain; especially the History of Joseph, a picture of the pious and learned Picus Mirandula, and an incomparable one of old Breugel. The gardens were well understood, I mean the potager. I returned late in the evening, ferrying over the water at Greenwich, Kent [Map].
John Evelyn's Diary. 05 Mar 1671. I dined at Greenwich, Kent [Map], to take leave of Sir Thomas Linch, going Governor of Jamaica.
John Evelyn's Diary. 10 Jun 1673. Came to visit and dine with me my Lord Viscount Cornbury (age 11) and his Lady (age 10); Lady Frances Hyde, sister to the Duchess of York; and Mrs. Dorothy Howard (age 22), Maid of Honour [Note. Dorothy Howard and Colonel James Graham (age 24) were married in 1675 - may be an example of Evelyn writing his diary retrospectively she being referred to as 'Mrs' although possibly the term was used irrecspective of marriage - see John Evelyn's Diary 9th October 1671]. We went, after dinner, to see the formal and formidable camp on Blackheath, Greenwich [Map], raised to invade Holland; or, as others suspected for another design. Thence, to the Italian glass-house at Greenwich, Kent [Map], where glass was blown of finer metal than that of Murano [Map], at Venice.
In Apr 1683 Theophilus Biddulph 1st Baronet (age 71) died at Greenwich, Kent [Map]. On 14 Apr 1683 he was buried at Stow Church Lichfield. His son Michael Biddulph 2nd Baronet (age 29) succeeded 2nd Baronet Biddulph of Westcombe in Kent.
John Evelyn's Diary. 10 Dec 1685. To Greenwich [Map], being put into the new Commission of Sewers.
John Evelyn's Diary. 24 Apr 1687. At Greenwich [Map], at the conclusion of the Church service, there was a French sermon preached after the use of the English Liturgy translated into French, to a congregation of about 100 French refugees, of whom Monsieur Ruvigny was the chief, and had obtained the use of the church, after the parish service was ended. The preacher pathetically exhorted to patience, constancy, and reliance on God amidst all their sufferings, and the infinite rewards to come.
John Evelyn's Diary. 11 Jul 1689. The Countess of Sunderland (age 43) afterward told me that it extended as far as Althorpe [Map] at the very time, which is seventy miles from London. It did no harm at Deptford [Map], but at Greenwich [Map] it did much mischief.
On 20 Apr 1718 Michael Biddulph 2nd Baronet (age 64) died. He was buried at Greenwich, Kent [Map] on 01 May 1718. His son Theophilus Biddulph 3rd Baronet (age 33) succeeded 3rd Baronet Biddulph of Westcombe in Kent.
Around 1815 Eliza m Wood was born at Greenwich, Kent [Map].
Hall's Chronicle 1492. Shortely after that King Henry had tarried a convenient space, he transfreted [crossed the sea] and arrived at Douer [Map], and so came to his manor of Greenwich [Map]. And this was the yere of our Lord a. M.CCCC.xciii. and the 7th yere of his troublesome reign. Also in this sojourning and be beseiging of Boulogne (which I’ve spoken of before) there was few or none killed, saving only John Savage knight, which going privately out of his pavilion with Sir John Riseley, rode about the walls to view and see their strength, was suddenly intercepted and taken of his enemies. And he being inflamed with ire, although he were captive, of his high courage disdained to be taken of such villains, defended his life to the utmost and was manfully (I will not say wilfully) slain and oppressed, albeit Sir John Riseley fled from them and escaped their danger.
British Isles, South-East England, Kent, Greenwich, Beare Tavern
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 25 Jun 1666. At noon, without staying to eat my dinner, I down by water to Deptford, Kent [Map], and there coming find Sir W. Batten (age 65) and Sir Jeremy Smith (whom the dispatch of the Loyall London detained) at dinner at Greenwich at the Beare Taverne, and thither I to them and there dined with them. Very good company of strangers there was, but I took no great pleasure among them, being desirous to be back again. So got them to rise as soon as I could, having told them the newes Sir W. Coventry (age 38) just now wrote me to tell them, which is, that the Dutch are certainly come out. I did much business at Deptford, Kent [Map], and so home, by an old poor man, a sculler, having no oares to be got, and all this day on the water entertained myself with the play of Commenius, and being come home did go out to Aldgate, there to be overtaken by Mrs. Margot Pen (age 15) in her father's coach, and my wife and Mercer with her, and Mrs. Pen carried us to two gardens at Hackny, (which I every day grow more and more in love with,) Mr. Drake's one, where the garden is good, and house and the prospect admirable; the other my Lord Brooke's (age 27), where the gardens are much better, but the house not so good, nor the prospect good at all. But the gardens are excellent; and here I first saw oranges grow: some green, some half, some a quarter, and some full ripe, on the same tree, and one fruit of the same tree do come a year or two after the other. I pulled off a little one by stealth (the man being mighty curious of them) and eat it, and it was just as other little green small oranges are; as big as half the end of my little finger. Here were also great variety of other exotique plants, and several labarinths, and a pretty aviary. Having done there with very great pleasure we away back again, and called at the Taverne in Hackny by the church, and there drank and eate, and so in the Goole of the evening home. This being the first day of my putting on my black stuff bombazin suit, and I hope to feel no inconvenience by it, the weather being extremely hot.
British Isles, South-East England, Kent, Greenwich, Chapel Royal
On 26 Mar 1605 James Wriothesley was baptised at Chapel Royal, Greenwich.
British Isles, South-East England, Kent, Greenwich, Church of the Observant Friars [Map]
Church of the Observant Friars, Greenwich is also in Churches in Kent.
After 28 Jun 1491 King Henry VIII of England and Ireland was baptised by Bishop Richard Foxe (age 43) at the Church of the Observant Friars, Greenwich [Map].
On 21 Feb 1499 Edmund Tudor 1st Duke of Somerset was born to King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 42) and Elizabeth York Queen Consort England (age 33) at the Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map] being their sixth child. On 24 Feb 1499 he was christened at the Church of the Observant Friars, Greenwich [Map]. His godparents were Margaret Beaufort Countess Richmond (age 55), Edward Stafford 3rd Duke of Buckingham (age 21) and Bishop Richard Foxe (age 51), then Bishop of Durham. He is believed to have been created 1st Duke Somerset on the same day although there is no documentation.
On 11 Jun 1509, one month after the death of his father, Henry VIII (age 17) and Catherine of Aragon (age 23) were married at the Church of the Observant Friars, Greenwich [Map]. She had, eight years before, married his older brother Prince Arthur Tudor - see Marriage of Arthur Tudor and Catherine of Aragon. She the daughter of Ferdinand II King Aragon (age 57) and Isabella Queen Castile. He the son of King Henry VII of England and Ireland and Elizabeth York Queen Consort England. They were half third cousin once removed. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
John Evelyn's Diary. 06 Oct 1687. I was godfather to Sir John Chardin's (age 43) son, christened at Greenwich Church [Map], named John. The Earl of Bath (age 59) and Countess of Carlisle, the other sponsors.
British Isles, South-East England, Kent, Greenwich, Friars Gate
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1541. 19 Jun 1541. This yeare, the nynetenth of June, one Chapman and Davenport, tow yeomen of the Kinges Garde, were hanged at Greenewych, by the Friars Gate next the court, for robberies that they had donne in Essex and other places.
British Isles, South-East England, Kent, Greenwich, Globe Tavern
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Jun 1661. My head hath aked all night, and all this morning, with my last night's debauch. Called up this morning by Lieutenant Lambert, who is now made Captain of the Norwich, and he and I went down by water to Greenwich, in our way observing and discoursing upon the things of a ship, he telling me all I asked him, which was of good use to me. There we went and eat and drank and heard musique at the Globe, and saw the simple motion that is there of a woman with a rod in her hand keeping time to the musique while it plays, which is simple, methinks.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Apr 1662. So to dinner at the Globe, and Captain Lambert of the Duke's pleasure boat came to us and dined with us, and were merry, and so home, and I in the evening to the Exchange [Map], and spoke with uncle Wight, and so home and walked with my wife on the leads late, and so the barber came to me, and so to bed very weary, which I seldom am.
British Isles, South-East England, Kent, Greenwich Observatory
On 10 Aug 1675 John Flamsteed (age 28) laid the foundation stone of the Greenwich Observatory, Greenwich.
John Evelyn's Diary. 10 Sep 1676. Dined with me Mr. Flamsted (age 30), the learned astrologer [Note. Astronomer] and mathematician, whom his Majesty (age 46) had established in the new Observatory in Greenwich Park, furnished with the choicest instruments. An honest, sincere man.
John Evelyn's Diary. 14 Jun 1680. Came to dine with us the Countess of Clarendon, Dr. Lloyd (age 52), Dean of Bangor (since Bishop of St. Asaph), Dr. Burnet (age 36), author of the "History of the Reformation", and my old friend, Mr. Henshaw (age 62). After dinner we all went to see the Observatory, and Mr. Flamsted (age 33), who showed us divers rare instruments, especially the great quadrant.
John Evelyn's Diary. 01 Aug 1683. Came to see me Mr. Flamsted (age 36), the famous astronomer, from his Observatory at Greenwich, to draw the meridian from my pendule, etc.
John Evelyn's Diary. 02 Jul 1684. I went to the Observatory at Greenewich, where Mr. Flamsted (age 37) tooke his observations of the Eclipse of the Sun, now almost three parts obscured. There had been an excessive hot and dry Spring, and such a drought still continu'd as never was in my memorie.
British Isles, South-East England, Kent, Greenwich Park [Map]
Watling Street. From Durobrivae [Map] the road continues through Park Pale, Kent [Map], Vagniacis [Map], Dartford, Kent [Map], Noviomagus [Map], Bexley, Kent [Map], down Shooter's Hill, Greenwich [Map] past Eltham Common, Kent [Map] to Greenwich Park [Map] where the road either (or both):
1. went along the Old Kent Road [Map] and crossed the River Thames at either the London Bridge [Map] or a ford near Westminster Bridge [Map] after which it continued north past St Mary-le-Bow Church, Cheapside [Map], Newgate Gate [Map], Ludgate Hill [Map] and over the River Fleet at Fleet Bridge [Map] to Marble Arch [Map].
2. continued north-west through Camberwell, Surrey [Map] crossing the River Thames near Vauxhall Bridge [Map] after which it continued north to Marble Arch [Map].
Henry Machyn's Diary. 12 May 1552. The xij day of May the Kynges (age 14) grace [rode through] Grenwyche Parke [Map] unto Blake-heth [Map], with ys ga[rd with bows] and arowes, and in ther jerkenes and dobeletes. [The King's] grase ran at the ryng, and odur lordes and kn [yghts.]
Henry Machyn's Diary. 10 Jul 1559. [The x day of July was set up in Greenwich park [Map] a goodly] bankett[ing-house made with fir] powlles, and deckyd with byrche and all maner [of flowers] of the feld and gardennes, as roses, gelevors, [lavender, marygolds,] and all maner of strowhyng erbes and flowrs. [There were also] tentes for kechens and for all offesers agaynst [the morrow,] with wyne, alle, and bere.
John Evelyn's Diary. 04 Mar 1664. This spring I planted the Home field and West field about Sayes Court [Map] with elms, being the same year that the elms were planted by his Majesty (age 33) in Greenwich Park [Map].
British Isles, South-East England, Kent, Greenwich, Plumstead
On 12 Apr 1595 Miles Hobart was born to Henry Hobart 1st Baronet (age 35) and Dorothy Bell Lady Hobart in Plumstead, Greenwich.
British Isles, South-East England, Kent, Greenwich, Queen's House
John Evelyn's Diary. 29 Apr 1652. We went this afternoon to see the Queen's house at Greenwich, now given by the rebels to Bulstrode Whitelockee (age 46), one of their unhappy counselors, and keeper of pretended liberties.
John Evelyn's Diary. 19 Oct 1661. I went to London to visit my Lord of Bristol (age 48), having been with Sir John Denham (age 46) his Majesty's (age 31) surveyor) to consult with him about the placing of his palace at Greenwich, Kent [Map], which I would have had built between the river and the Queen's House, Greenwich, so as a large square cut should have let in the Thames like a bay; but Sir John was for setting it on piles at the very brink of the water, which I did not assent to; and so came away, knowing Sir John to be a better poet than architect, though he had Mr. Webb (Inigo Jones's man) to assist him.
Before 1672. Hendrick Danckerts (age 46). View of the Queen's House, Greenwich with the first range of the King Charles Block behind.
British Isles, South-East England, Kent, Greenwich, Shooter's Hill [Map]
Watling Street. From Durobrivae [Map] the road continues through Park Pale, Kent [Map], Vagniacis [Map], Dartford, Kent [Map], Noviomagus [Map], Bexley, Kent [Map], down Shooter's Hill, Greenwich [Map] past Eltham Common, Kent [Map] to Greenwich Park [Map] where the road either (or both):
1. went along the Old Kent Road [Map] and crossed the River Thames at either the London Bridge [Map] or a ford near Westminster Bridge [Map] after which it continued north past St Mary-le-Bow Church, Cheapside [Map], Newgate Gate [Map], Ludgate Hill [Map] and over the River Fleet at Fleet Bridge [Map] to Marble Arch [Map].
2. continued north-west through Camberwell, Surrey [Map] crossing the River Thames near Vauxhall Bridge [Map] after which it continued north to Marble Arch [Map].
Chronicle of Gregory 1435. 25 Nov 1435 to 14 Feb 1436. Ande that same year there was a grete wyntyr and a colde froste, that duryd fro Syn Kateryns day to Synt Valentynys day next sewynge [spring?], soo that noo schippe might passe; wherefore the vyntage come by londe ynne cartys unto London fro the Downys, thoroughe Kent and ovyr Scheters Hylle [Map], for men provesyde be-fore at the vyntage of Gascon and Gyan shulde come ovyr Scheters Hylle, and men made but a mocke ther of.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Apr 1661. In several places, I asked women whether they would sell me their children, but they denied me all, but said they would give me one to keep for them, if I would. Mrs. Anne and I rode under the man that hangs upon Shooter's Hill, Greenwich [Map]1, and a filthy sight it was to see how his flesh is shrunk to his bones. So home and I found all well, and a deal of work done since I went. I sent to see how my wife do, who is well, and my brother John (age 20) come from Cambridge. To Sir W. Batten's (age 60) and there supped, and very merry with the young ladles. So to bed very sleepy for last night's work, concluding that it is the pleasantest journey in all respects that ever I had in my life.
Note 1. Shooter's Hill, Greenwich [Map], Kent, between the eighth and ninth milestones on the Dover road. It was long a notorious haunt of highwaymen. The custom was to leave the bodies of criminals hanging until the bones fell to the ground.
On 05 Mar 1813 Elizabeth Kitty Acland Countess Carnarvon (age 40) died at Shooter's Hill, Greenwich [Map].
British Isles, South-East England, Kent, Greenwich, St Alfege's Church
In 1658 Thomas Plume (age 28) was appointed Vicar of St Alfege's Church, Greenwich.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Jan 1661. In the morning we all went to church, and sat in the pew belonging to us, where a cold sermon of a young man that never had preached before. Here Commissioner (age 50) came with his wife and daughters, the eldest being his wife's daughter is a very comely black woman1. So to the Globe to dinner, and then with Commissioner Pett to his lodgings there (which he hath for the present while he is building the King's yacht, which will be a pretty thing, and much beyond the Dutchman's), and from thence with him and his wife and daughter-in-law by coach to Greenwich Church, where a good sermon, a fine church, and a great company of handsome women. After sermon to Deptford, Kent [Map] again; where, at the Commissioner's and the Globe, we staid long. And so I to Mr. Davis's to bed again. But no sooner in bed, but we had an alarm, and so we rose: and the Comptroller (age 50) comes into the Yard to us; and seamen of all the ships present repair to us, and there we armed with every one a handspike, with which they were as fierce as could be. At last we hear that it was only five or six men that did ride through the guard in the town, without stopping to the guard that was there; and, some say, shot at them. But all being quiet there, we caused the seamen to go on board again: And so we all to bed (after I had sat awhile with Mr. Davis in his study, which is filled with good books and some very good song books) I likewise to bed.
Note 1. The old expression for a brunette.
John Evelyn's Diary. 16 Sep 1666. I went to Greenwich Church, where Mr. Plume (age 36) preached very well from this text: "Seeing, then, all these things shall be dissolved," etc.: taking occasion from the late unparalleled conflagration to remind us how we ought to walk more holy in all manner of conversation.
In 1697 Alderman William Hooker (age 85) died. He was buried at St Alfege's Church, Greenwich. His handsome monument was placed in the south aisle, of white marble surmounted by a figure dressed in alderman's robes. His portrait shows him wearing the robes and chain of office of a Lord Mayor of London. This was destroyed during a WWII air raid.
In 1719 John Lethieullier Merchant (age 86) died at Lewisham, Kent. He was buried at St Alfege's Church, Greenwich.
On 25 May 1720 Gregory Page 1st Baronet (age 51) died. He was buried at St Alfege's Church, Greenwich on 07 Jun 1720. His son Gregory Page 2nd Baronet (age 25) succeeded 2nd Baronet Page of Greenwich in Kent.
On 04 Nov 1763 Thomas Page died. He was buried at St Alfege's Church, Greenwich.
On 30 Sep 1767 Martha Kenward Lady Page died. She was buried on 07 Oct 1767 at St Alfege's Church, Greenwich.
On 04 Aug 1775 Gregory Page 2nd Baronet (age 80) died without issue. He was buried at St Alfege's Church, Greenwich. His estates were inherited by his great-nephew Gregory Page-Turner 3rd Baronet (age 27) who changed his surname from Turner to Page-Turner. Baronet Page of Greenwich in Kent extinct.
British Isles, South-East England, Kent, Westcommbe Manor Greenwich
On 02 Nov 1664 Theophilus Biddulph 1st Baronet (age 52) was created 1st Baronet Biddulph of Westcombe in Kent being named for his home Westcommbe Manor Greenwich.