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British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Holborn

Holborn is in Middlesex.

1417 Execution of Lollard John Oldcastle

1497 Battle of Blackheath aka Deptford Bridge

1544 Wyatt's Rebellion Executions

1586 Babington Plot

1715 Battle of Preston

Wyatt's Rebellion Executions

Henry Machyn's Diary. 12 Feb 1544. The xij day of February was mad at evere gate in Lundun a newe payre of galaus and set up, ij payre in Chepesyde, ij payr in Fletstrett [Map], one in Smythfyld [Map], one payre in Holborne, on at Ledyn-hall [Map], one at sant Magnus London [-bridge], on at Peper allay gatt, one at sant Gorgeus, on in Barunsay [Bermondsay] strett, on on Towr hylle [Map], one payre at Charyngcrosse [Map], on payre besyd Hyd parke corner.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 14 Feb 1544. The xiiij day of Feybruary wher hangyd at evere gatt and plasse: in Chepe-syd vj; Algatt [Map] j, quartered; at Leydynhall [Map] iij; at Bysshope-gatt [Map] on, and quartered; Morgatt one; Crepullgatt [Map] one; Aldersgatt on, quartered; Nuwgat [Map] on, quartered; Ludgatt on; Belyngat iij hangyd; Sant Magnus iij hangyd; Towre hyll [Map] ij. hangyd; Holborne iij hangyd; Flettstret [Map] iij hangyd; at Peper alley gat iij; Barunsaystret iij; Sant Gorgus iij; Charyng crosse [Map] iiij, on Boyth the fottman, and Vekars of the gard, and ij moo; at Hydparke corner iij, on Polard a waterbeyrar; theys iij hanges in chynes; and but vij quartered, and ther bodys and heds set a-pon the gattes of London.

British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Holborn, Barnard's Inn

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 May 1667. Thence I away to Holborne to Mr. Gawden, whom I met at Bernard's Inn gate, and straight we together to the Navy Office, where we did all meet about some victualling business, and so home to dinner and to the office, where the weather so hot now-a-days that I cannot but sleep before I do any business, and in the evening home, and there, to my unexpected satisfaction, did get my intricate accounts of interest, which have been of late much perplexed by mixing of some moneys of Sir G. Carteret's (age 57) with mine, evened and set right: and so late to supper, and with great quiet to bed; finding by the balance of my account that I am creditor £6900, for which the Lord of Heaven be praised!

British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Holborn, Black Swan Inn [Map]

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 Aug 1668. Lord's Day. Up, and walked to Holborne, where got John Powell's coach at the Black Swan [Map], and he attended me at St. James's, where waited on the Duke of York (age 34): and both by him and several of the Privy-Council, beyond expectation, I find that my going to Sir Thomas Allen (age 35) was looked upon as a thing necessary: and I have got some advantage by it, among them.

British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Blackfriars Church Holborn

Before 05 May 1243 Hubert de Burgh Count Mortain 1st Earl Kent (age 73) died at Banstead, Surrey. He was buried at Blackfriars Church Holborn. Earl Kent extinct.

In 1259 Margaret Dunkeld Countess Kent (age 66) died. She was buried at Blackfriars Church Holborn.

On 18 Jun 1356 Elizabeth Badlesmere Countess Northampton (age 43) died at Blackfriars Church Holborn.

On 28 Jun 1497 James Tuchet 7th Baron Audley, 4th Baron Tuchet (age 34) was beheaded at Tower Hill [Map]. He was buried at Blackfriars Church Holborn. His head was placed on a spike at London Bridge [Map]. Baron Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire and Baron Tuchet forfeit.

In 1512 William Parr 1st Marquess Northampton was born to Thomas Parr (age 29) and Maud Green (age 19) at Blackfriars Church Holborn.

British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Brooke House Holborn

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Jul 1668. Betimes to the office, my head full of this business. Then by coach to the Commissioners of Accounts at Brooke House, the first time I was ever there, and there Sir W. Turner (age 52) in the chair; and present, Lord Halifax (age 34), Thoms[on] (age 61), Gregory, Dunster, and Osborne. I long with them, and see them hot set on this matter; but I did give them proper and safe answers. Halifax, I perceive, was industrious on my side, in behalf of his uncle Coventry (age 40), it being the business of Sir W. Warren. Vexed only at their denial of a copy of what I set my hand to, and swore. Here till almost two o'clock, and then home to dinner, and set down presently what I had done and said this day, and so abroad by water to Eagle Court in the Strand, and there to an alehouse: met Mr. Pierce, the Surgeon, and Dr. Clerke, Waldron, Turberville (age 56), my physician for the eyes, and Lowre, to dissect several eyes of sheep and oxen, with great pleasure, and to my great information. But strange that this Turberville should be so great a man, and yet, to this day, had seen no eyes dissected, or but once, but desired this Dr. Lowre to give him the opportunity to see him dissect some.

British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Castle Tavern Holborn

Castle Tavern Holborn. First opened as a Sporting House around 1810 by the well-known Bob Gregson.

Old and New London: Volume 2

The "Castle Tavern," of which Strype makes mention, was kept for many years by Thomas Winter, better known as "Tom Spring," the pugilist, who died here on the 20th of August, 1851.

A curious gabled and projecting house, of the time of James I., stands about the centre of the east side of Fulwood's Rents. A ground-floor room of this house is engraved by Mr. Archer, in his "Vestiges of Old London," and is given by us on page 534. The apartment was entirely panelled with oak, the mantelpiece being carved in the same wood, with caryatides and arched niches; the ceiling-beams were carved in panels, and the entire room was original, with the exception of the window. On the first floor, a larger room contained another carved mantelpiece, of very florid construction. The front of the house is said to be covered with ornament, now concealed by plaster.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 23 Jan 1690. Thursday, went to Parliment; dined (or supt) past 5, at the Castle in Holborne with 2 Mainwarings then came Minshall, my sonne (age 39), Dashwood, Thomas, Lewes, Monteage &c; parted past 9.

British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Holborn, Church of St Gile's in the Fields

On 18 May 1616 John Drake and Helen Boteler were married at Church of St Gile's in the Fields.

On 24 Jun 1627 Charles Cockayne 1st Viscount Cullen (age 24) and Mary O'Brien Viscountess Cullen (age 18) were married at Church of St Gile's in the Fields. She the daughter of Henry O'Brien 5th Earl Thomond (age 39) and Mary Brereton Countess Thomond (age 47). He the son of William Cockayne and Mary Morris Countess Dover (age 62).

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Mar 1667. Thence by coach to my Lord Crew's (age 69), where very welcome. Here I find they are in doubt where the Duke of Buckingham (age 39) is; which makes me mightily reflect on the uncertainty of all history, when, in a business of this moment, and of this day's growth, we cannot tell the truth. Here dined my old acquaintance, Mr. Borfett, that was my Lord Sandwich's (age 41) chaplain, and my Lady Wright and Dr. Boreman, who is preacher at St. Gyles's in the Fields, who, after dinner, did give my Lord an account of two papist women lately converted, whereof one wrote her recantation, which he shewed under her own hand mighty well drawn, so as my Lord desired a copy of it, after he had satisfied himself from the Doctor, that to his knowledge she was not a woman under any necessity.

John Evelyn's Diary. 27 Oct 1672. I went to hear that famous preacher, Dr. Frampton (age 50), at St. Giles's, on Psalm xxxix. 6. This divine had been twice at Jerusalem [Map], and was not only a very pious and holy man, but excellent in the pulpit for the moving affections.

The 1715 Battle of Preston was the final action of the 1715 Jacobite Rebellion. It commenced on 09 Nov 1715 when Jacobite cavalry entered Preston, Lancashire [Map]. Royalist troops arrived in number over the next few days surrounding Preston forcing the Jaocbite surrender. 1463 were taken prisoner of which 463 were English. The Scottish prisoners included:

George Seton 5th Earl of Winton (age 38). The only prisoner to plead not guilty, sentenced to death, escaped from the Tower of London [Map] on 04 Aug 1716 around nine in the evening. Travelled to France then to Rome.

On 24 Feb 1716 William Gordon 6th Viscount Kenmure was beheaded on Tower Hill [Map].

On 09 Feb 1716 William Maxwell 5th Earl Nithsale was sentenced to be executed on 24 Feb 1716. The night before his wife (age 36) effected his escape from the Tower of London [Map] by exchanging his clothes with those of her maid. They travelled to Paris then to Rome where the court of James "Old Pretender" Stewart (age 27) was.

James Radclyffe 3rd Earl Derwentwater (age 26) was imprisoned in the Tower of London [Map]. He was examined by the Privy Council on 10 Jan 1716 and impeached on 19 Jan 1716. He pleaded guilty in the expectation of clemency. He was attainted and condemned to death. Attempts were made to procure his pardon. His wife Anna Maria Webb Countess Derwentwater (age 24), her sister Mary Webb Countess Waldegrave (age 21) [Note. Assumed to be her sister Mary], their aunt Anne Brudenell Duchess Richmond (age 45), Barbara Villiers 1st Duchess of Cleveland appealed to King George I of Great Britain and Ireland (age 55) in person without success.

On 24 Feb 1716 James Radclyffe 3rd Earl Derwentwater was beheaded on Tower Hill [Map]. Earl Derwentwater, Baronet Radclyffe of Derwentwater in Cumberland forfeit.

William Murray 2nd Lord Nairne was tried on 09 Feb 1716 for treason, found guilty, attainted, and condemned to death. He survived long enough to benefit from the Indemnity Act of 1717.

General Thomas Forster of Adderstone (age 31) was attainted. He was imprisoned at Newgate Prison, London [Map] but escaped to France.

On 14 May 1716 Henry Oxburgh was hanged, drawn and quartered at Tyburn [Map]. He was buried at Church of St Gile's in the Fields. His head was spiked on Temple Bar.

The trials and sentences were overseen by the Lord High Steward William Cowper 1st Earl Cowper (age 50) for which he subsequently received his Earldom.

British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Holborn, Hatton Garden [Map]

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Mar 1667. By and by by coach, set down Mr. Holliard (age 58) near his house at Hatton Garden [Map] and myself to Lord Treasurer's (age 60), and sent my wife to the New Exchange. I staid not here, but to Westminster Hall [Map], and thence to Martin's, where he and she both within, and with them the little widow that was once there with her when I was there, that dissembled so well to be grieved at hearing a tune that her, late husband liked, but there being so much company, I had no pleasure here, and so away to the Hall again, and there met Doll Lane coming out, and 'par contrat did hazer bargain para aller to the cabaret de vin', called the Rose, and 'ibi' I staid two hours, 'sed' she did not 'venir', 'lequel' troubled me, and so away by coach and took up my wife, and away home, and so to Sir W. Batten's (age 66), where I am told that it is intended by Mr. Carcasse to pray me to be godfather with Lord Bruncker (age 47) to-morrow to his child, which I suppose they tell me in mirth, but if he should ask me I know not whether I should refuse it or no.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 30 Dec 1667. Thence to White Hall, and there to visit Sir G. Carteret (age 57), and there was with him a great while, and my Lady and they seem in very good humour, but by and by Sir G. Carteret and I alone, and there we did talk of the ruinous condition we are in, the King (age 37) being going to put out of the Council so many able men; such as my Lord Anglesey (age 53), Ashly (age 46), Hollis (age 68), Secretary Morrice (age 65) (to bring in Mr. Trevor), and the Archbishop of Canterbury (age 69), and my Lord Bridgewater (age 44). He tells me that this is true, only the Duke of York (age 34) do endeavour to hinder it, and the Duke of York himself did tell him so: that the King and the Duke of York do not in company disagree, but are friendly; but that there is a core in their hearts, he doubts, which is not to be easily removed; for these men do suffer only for their constancy to the Chancellor (age 58), or at least from the King's ill-will against him: that they do now all they can to vilify the clergy, and do accuse Rochester, Kent [Map] [Dolben]... and so do raise scandals, all that is possible, against other of the Bishops. He do suggest that something is intended for the Duke of Monmouth (age 18), and it may be, against the Queene (age 58) also: that we are in no manner sure against an invasion the next year: that the Duke of Buckingham (age 39) do rule all now, and the Duke of York comes indeed to the Caball, but signifies little there. That this new faction do not endure, nor the King, Sir W. Coventry (age 39); but yet that he is so usefull that they cannot be without him; but that he is not now called to the Caball. That my Lord of Buckingham, Bristoll (age 55), and Arlington (age 49), do seem to agree in these things; but that they do not in their hearts trust one another, but do drive several ways, all of them. In short, he do bless himself that he is no more concerned in matters now; and the hopes he hath of being at liberty, when his accounts are over, to retire into the country. That he do give over the Kingdom for wholly lost. So after some other little discourse, I away, meeting with Mr. Cooling. I with him by coach to the Wardrobe, where I never was since the fire in Hatton Garden [Map], but did not 'light: and he tells me he fears that my Lord Sandwich (age 42) will suffer much by Mr. Townsend's being untrue to him, he being now unable to give the Commissioners of the Treasury an account of his money received by many thousands of pounds, which I am troubled for.

On 09 May 1671 John Kelynge (age 64) died at his house in Hatton Garden [Map].

John Evelyn's Diary. 23 Sep 1673. I went to see Paradise, a room in Hatton Garden [Map] furnished with a representation of all sorts of animals handsomely painted on boards or cloth, and so cut out and made to stand, move, fly, crawl, roar, and make their several cries. The man who showed it, made us laugh heartily at his formal poetry.

British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Holborn, Hatton Garden, Charles Street

British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Holborn, Hatton Garden, 7 Charles Street

On 19 Apr 1827 Charles Robert Siddall was born to Charles Crooke Siddall (age 26) and Elizabeth Eleanor Evans at 7 Charles Street, Hatton Garden. He was baptised 06 Jan 1829.

Charles Crooke Siddall: Around 1801 he was born.

On 25 Jul 1829 Elizabeth Siddal was born to Charles Crooke Siddall (age 28) and Elizabeth Eleanor Evans at 7 Charles Street, Hatton Garden. She was baptised 23 Aug 1830 at St Andrew's Church, Holborn [Map].

British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Holborn Hill Holborn

On 20 Jun 1632 Miles Hobart (age 37) died having been fatally injured in a carriage accident on Holborn Hill Holborn.

British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Holborn, Kings' Gate

British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Holborn, Kings' Gate, New Cockpit

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 27 Mar 1668. Thence to the Swan [Map] and drank, and did baiser Frank, and so down by water back again, and to the Exchange [Map] a turn or two, only to show myself, and then home to dinner, where my wife and I had a small squabble, but I first this day tried the effect of my silence and not provoking her when she is in an ill humour, and do find it very good, for it prevents its coming to that height on both sides which used to exceed what was fit between us. So she become calm by and by and fond, and so took coach, and she to the mercer's to buy some lace, while I to White Hall, but did nothing, but then to Westminster Hall [Map] and took a turn, and so to Mrs. Martin's, and there did sit a little and talk and drink, and did hazer con her, and so took coach and called my wife at Unthanke's, and so up and down to the Nursery, where they did not act, then to the New Cockpit and there missed, and then to Hide Parke, where many coaches, but the dust so great, that it was troublesome, and so by night home, where to my chamber and finished my pricking out of my song for Mr. Harris (age 34) ("It is decreed"), and so a little supper, being very sleepy and weary since last night, and so by to o'clock to bed and slept well all night. This day, at noon, comes Mr. Pelling to me, and shews me the stone cut lately out of Sir Thomas Adams' (deceased) (the old comely Alderman's) body, which is very large indeed, bigger I think than my fist, and weighs above twenty-five ounces and, which is very miraculous, he never in all his life had any fit of it, but lived to a great age without pain, and died at last of something else, without any sense of this in all his life. This day Creed at White Hall in discourse told me what information he hath had, from very good hands, of the cowardice and ill-government of Sir Jer. Smith and Sir Thomas Allen (age 35), and the repute they have both of them abroad in the Streights, from their deportment when they did at several times command there; and that, above all Englishmen that ever were there, there never was any man that behaved himself like poor Charles Wager, whom the very Moores do mention, with teares sometimes.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 30 Mar 1668. Thence, the meeting of the Counsel with the King's Counsel this afternoon being put off by reason of the death of Serjeant Maynard's lady, I to White Hall, where the Parliament was to wait on the King (age 37); and they did: and it was to be told that he did think fit to tell them that they might expect to be adjourned at Whitsuntide, and that they might make haste to raise their money; but this, I fear, will displease them, who did expect to sit as long as they pleased, and whether this be done by the King upon some new counsel I know not, for the King must be beholding to them till they do settle this business of money. Great talk to-day as if Beaufort was come into the Channel with about 20 ships, and it makes people apprehensive, but yet the Parliament do not stir a bit faster in the business of money. Here I met with Creed, expecting a Committee of Tangier, but the Committee met not, so he and I up and down, having nothing to do, and particularly to the New Cockpit by the King's Gate in Holborne, but seeing a great deal of rabble we did refuse to go in, but took coach and to Hide Park, and there till all the tour was empty, and so he and I to the Lodge in the Park, and there eat and drank till it was night, and then carried him to White Hall, having had abundance of excellent talk with him in reproach of the times and managements we live under, and so I home, and there to talk and to supper with my wife, and so to bed.

British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Holborn, Palace of the Bishop of Ely

On 27 Jun 1675 Bishop Thomas Barlow (age 67) was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln by Bishop George Morley (age 77) at the Chapel at the Palace of the Bishop of Ely, Holborn rather than Lambeth Palace [Map] since Gilbert Sheldon (age 77), the Archbishop of Canterbury, was opposed to his election.

British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Parish of St Andrew's Holborn

On 09 Jan 1685 Elias Leighton died at the Parish of St Andrew's Holborn. He was buried at St Giles' Church Horsted Keynes [Map].

British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Parish of St Andrew's Holborn, Lincoln Place

Annales of England by John Stow. 30 Jul 1550. The 30. of Julie, Thomas Lord Wriothesley Earle of South-hampton Knight of the garter, and one of the executoꝛs to king Henry the 8. deceased Lincoln place in Holborne, and was buried in S.Andrewes church [Map] there.

British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Red Lion Square Holborn

On 09 Apr 1709 Godfrey Copley 2nd Baronet (age 56) died at Red Lion Square Holborn. Baronet Copley Sprotborough extinct.

British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Red Lion Square Holborn, Drake Street Red Lion Square

Around 1730 Dorothy Clement (age 15) moved to London and lodged at Drake Street Red Lion Square.

British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, St Giles' Field Holborn

On 14 Dec 1417 John Oldcastle was hanged in St Giles' Field Holborn for being a Lollard.

On 20 Sep 1586 Anthony Babington (age 24), John Ballard, Henry Donn, Thomas Salusbury (age 22) and Chideock Tichbourne (age 24) were hanged at St Giles' Field Holborn.

In Jun 1656 John Hobart 3rd Baronet (age 28) and Mary Hampden (age 26) were married at St Giles' Field Holborn.

British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Holborn, St Sepulchre without Newgate Parish

British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Holborn, St Sepulchre without Newgate Parish, Turn Again Lane

Henry Machyn's Diary. 28 Feb 1560. The xxviij day of Feybruary, was Aswedensday, at ... in Turnagayn-lane in sant Pulkers paryche a lame [woman] with a kneyff kyllyd a proper man.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 06 Mar 1560. The sam day at after-none was sessyons at Nuwgatt, and ther was raynyd the lame woman that kyllyd the yonge man in Turnagayne lane and a dosen more, and the lame woman cast.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 08 Mar 1560. The sam day of Marche [rode to hanging] xj; vij wer men, and iiij women; on woman the sam woman that kyllyd the man in Turnagayne lane; and on man was a gentyllman; and a-nodur [a priest,] for cuttyng of a purse of iij s. but he was [burnt] in the hand afore, or elles ys boke [Note. A reference to the 'benefit of clergy' by which he would have been judged in an ecclesiatical court.] would have [saved] hym,-a man of liiij [54] yere old.

British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Holborn, Warwick House

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Mar 1660. To Westminster Hall [Map], where I found that my Lord was last night voted one of the Generals at Sea, and Monk (age 51) the other. I met my Lord in the Hall, who bid me come to him at noon. I met with Mr. Pierce the purser, Lieut. Lambert (age 40), Mr. Creed, and Will. Howe, and went with them to the Swan [Map] tavern. Up to my office, but did nothing. At noon home to dinner to a sheep's head. My brother Tom (age 26) came and dined with me, and told me that my mother was not very well, and that my Aunt Fenner was very ill too. After dinner I to Warwick House, in Holborn, to my Lord, where he dined with my Lord of Manchester (age 58), Sir Dudley North (age 77), my Lord Fiennes (age 52), and my Lord Barkly. I staid in the great hall, talking with some gentlemen there, till they all come out. Then I, by coach with my Lord, to Mr. Crew's (age 62), in our way talking of publick things, and how I should look after getting of his Commissioner's despatch. He told me he feared there was new design hatching, as if Monk had a mind to get into the saddle. Here I left him, and went by appointment to Hering, the merchant, but missed of my money, at which I was much troubled, but could not help myself. Returning, met Mr. Gifford, who took me and gave me half a pint of wine, and told me, as I hear this day from many, that things are in a very doubtful posture, some of the Parliament being willing to keep the power in their hands. After I had left him, I met with Tom Harper, who took me into a place in Drury Lane, where we drank a great deal of strong water, more than ever I did in my life at onetime before. He talked huge high that my Lord Protector (age 33) would come in place again, which indeed is much discoursed of again, though I do not see it possible. Hence home and wrote to my father at Brampton by the post. So to bed. This day I was told that my Lord General Fleetwood (age 42) told my lord that he feared the King of Sweden is dead of a fever at Gottenburg.