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Lincolnshire is in North-Central England.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Aldingham
In 1449 Thomas Harrington (age 49) was knighted at Aldingham.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Althorpe
John Neville died at Althorpe.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Appeby [Map]
Ermine Street 2d Lincoln to Winterton. Ermine Street left Lincoln through Bailgate, Lincoln [Map] and travelled north past Fox Owmby [Map], Caenby Corner [Map], Hibaldstow Roman Fort [Map], Appeby [Map] to Winteringham [Map] where a ferry across the Humber Estuary to Petuaria [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Aswarby
In 1666 Edward Carr 4th Baronet was born to Robert Carr 3rd Baronet (age 29) and Elizabeth Bennet Lady Carr in Aswarby.
On 14 Nov 1682 Robert Carr 3rd Baronet (age 45) died in Aswarby. His son Edward Carr 4th Baronet (age 16) succeeded 4th Baronet Carr of Sleaford in Lincolnshire.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Aswarby, St Denys' Church
On 04 Feb 1826 Diana Turnor Lady Whichcote (age 63) died. She was buried at St Denys' Church, Aswarby.
On 22 Sep 1828 or 04 Oct 1828 Thomas Whichcote 5th Baronet (age 65) died. He was buried at St Denys' Church, Aswarby. His son Thomas Whichcote 6th Baronet (age 41) succeeded 6th Baronet Whichcote of the Inner Temple in the City of London. Sophia Sherard Lady Whichcote (age 32) by marriage Lady Whichcote of the Inner Temple in the City of London.
On 07 Sep 1875 Brownlow Henry George Cecil 4th Marquess Exeter (age 25) and Isabella Whichcote Marchioness of Exeter (age 18) were married at St Denys' Church, Aswarby. He the son of William Alleyne Cecil 3rd Marquess Exeter (age 50).
On 17 Jan 1892 Thomas Whichcote 7th Baronet (age 78) died. He was buried at St Denys' Church, Aswarby. His brother George Whichcote 8th Baronet (age 74) succeeded 8th Baronet Whichcote of the Inner Temple in the City of London.
On 29 Aug 1892 Isabella Elizabeth Montgomery Lady Whichcote (age 84) died. She was buried at St Denys' Church, Aswarby.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Axeholme
Around 1146 Nigel Mowbray 5th Baron Thirsk was born to Roger D'Aubigny 4th Baron Thirsk (age 26) and Alice Gant Baroness Okehampton Baroness Mowbray at Axeholme.
In 1204 Mabel Clare Baroness Thirsk (age 48) died at Axeholme.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Bardney [Map]
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 675. This year Wulfere (age 35), the son of Penda, and Escwin, the son of Cenfus, fought at Bedwin. The same year died Wulfere, and Ethelred succeeded to the government. In his time sent he to Rome Bishop Wilfrid to the pope that then was, called Agatho, and told him by word and by letter, how his brothers Peada and Wulfere, and the Abbot Saxulf, had wrought a minster, called Medhamsted; and that they had freed it, against king and against bishop, from every service; and he besought him that he would confirm it with his writ and with his blessing. And the pope sent then his writ to England, thus saying: "I Agatho, Pope of Rome, greet well the worthy Ethelred, king of the Mercians, and the Archbishop Theodorus of Canterbury (age 73), and Saxulf, the bishop of the Mercians, who before was abbot, and all the abbots that are in England; God's greeting and my blessing. I have heard the petition of King Ethelred, and of the Archbishop Theodorus, and of the Bishop Saxulf, and of the Abbot Cuthbald; and I will it, that it in all wise be as you have spoken it. And I ordain, in behalf of God, and of St. Peter, and of all saints, and of every hooded head, that neither king, nor bishop, nor earl, nor any man whatever, have any claim, or gable, or gild, or levy, or take any service of any kind, from the abbey of Medhamsted. I command also, that no shire-bishop be so bold as to hold an ordination or consecration within this abbacy, except the abbot intreat him, nor have there any claim to proxies, or synodals, or anything whatever of any kind. And I will, that the abbot be holden for legate of Rome over all that island; and whatever abbot is there chosen by the monks that he be consecrated by the Archbishop of Canterbury. I will and decree, that, whatever man may have made a vow to go to Rome, and cannot perform it, either from infirmity, or for his lord's need, or from poverty, or from any other necessity of any kind whatever, whereby he cannot come thither, be he of England, or of whatever other island he be, he may come to that minster of Medhamsted, and have the same forgiveness of Christ and St. Peter, and of the abbot, and of the monks, that he should have if he went to Rome. Now bid I thee, brother Theodorus, that thou let it be proclaimed through all England, that a synod be gathered, and this writ be read and observed. Also I tell thee, Bishop Saxulf, that, as thou desirest it, that the minster be free, so I forbid thee, and all the bishops that after thee come, from Christ and from all his saints, that ye have no demand from that minster, except so much as the abbot will. Now will I say in a word, that, whoso holdeth this writ and this decree, then be he ever dwelling with God Almighty in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso breaketh it, then be he excommunicated, and thrust down with Judas, and with all the devils in hell, except he come to repentance. Amen!" This writ sent the Pope Agatho, and a hundred and twenty-five bishops, by Wilfrid, Archbishop of York, to England. This was done after our Lord's Nativity 680, the sixth year of King Ethelred. Then the king commanded the Archbishop Theodorus, that he should appoint a general Wittenmoot at the place called Hatfield. When they were there collected, then he allowed the letter to be read that the pope sent thither; and all ratified and confirmed it. Then said the king: "All things that my brother Peada, and my brother Wulfere, and my sisters, Kyneburga and Kyneswitha, gave and granted to St. Peter and the abbot, these I will may stand; and I will in my day increase it, for their souls and for my soul. Now give I St. Peter to-day into his minster, Medhamsted, these lands, and all that thereto lyeth; that is, Bredon, Repings, Cadney, Swineshead, Hanbury, Lodeshall, Scuffanhall, Cosford, Stratford, Wattleburn, Lushgard, Ethelhun-island, Bardney [Map]. These lands I give St. Peter just as freely as I possessed them myself; and so, that none of my successors take anything therefrom. Whoso doeth it, have he the curse of the Pope of Rome, and the curse of all bishops, and of all those that are witnesses here. And this I confirm with the token of Christ." (+) "I Theodorus, Archbishop of Canterbury, am witness to this charter of Medhamsted; and I ratify it with my hand, and I excommunicate all that break anything thereof; and I bless all that hold it." (+) "I Wilfrid, Archbishop of York, am witness to this charter; and I ratify this same curse." (+) "I Saxulf, who was first abbot, and now am bishop, I give my curse, and that of all my successors, to those who break this."-"I Ostritha, Ethelred's queen, confirm it."-"I Adrian, legate, ratify it."-"I Putta, Bishop of Rochester, subscribe it."-"I Waldhere, Bishop of London, confirm it."-"I Cuthbald, abbot, ratify it; so that, whoso breaketh it, have he the cursing of all bishops and of all christian folk. Amen."
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Bardney Abbey [Map]
Bardney Abbey is also in Abbeys in England.
Around 697 Osthryth Bernicia Queen Consort Mercia was killed by Mercian nobles. She was buried at Bardney Abbey [Map].
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 716. This year Osred (age 19), king of the Northumbrians, was slain near the southern borders. He reigned eleven winters after Ealdferth. Cenred then succeeded to the government, and held it two years; then Osric, who held it eleven years. This same year died Ceolred, king of the Mercians. His body lies at Lichfield [Map]; but that of Ethelred, the son of Penda, at Bardney [Map]. Ethelbald then succeeded to the kingdom of Mercia, and held it one and forty winters. Ethelbald was the son of Alwy, Alwy of Eawa, Eawa of Webba, whose genealogy is already written. The venerable Egbert (age 77) about this time converted the monks of Iona to the right faith, in the regulation of Easter, and the ecclesiastical tonsure.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 909. This year died Denulf, who was Bishop of Winchester; and the body of St. Oswald was translated from Bardney [Map] into Mercia.
In 1095 Ralph Gaunt died at Bardney Abbey [Map].
The River Witham rises near South Witham, South Kesteven [Map] from where it flows past North Witham, South Kesteven [Map], Colsterworth, South Kesteven [Map], Easton, South Kesteven [Map] to Great Ponton, South Kesteven [Map] where it is joined by the Cringle Brook.
From Great Ponton, South Kesteven [Map] the River Witham flows through Grantham [Map], Belton, Grantham [Map], past Barkston, South Kesteven [Map], Marston, South Kesteven [Map] and Hougham, South Kesteven [Map], Westborough, South Kesteven [Map], Long Benington, South Kesteven [Map], Claypole, South Kesteven [Map], Beckingham, North Kesteven [Map], Norton Disney, North Kesteven [Map], Bassingham, North Kesteven [Map], Haddington, North Kesteven [Map], Aubourn, North Kesteven [Map] through the centre of Lincoln, Lincolnshire [Map] where it joined by the River Till.
From Lincoln, Lincolnshire [Map] it flows under Five Mile Bridge [Map], past Bardney Abbey [Map], Kirkstead [Map], under Tattershall Bridge [Map] after which it is joined by the River Bain
After Tattershall the River Witham flows through canalised sections under Lanrick Bridge [Map], past Anton's Gowt [Map] to Boston [Map] where it is joined by the South Forty Foot Drain. After Boston [Map] the River Witham flows into the The Wash around eight kilometres away.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Barlings Abbey [Map]
Barlings Abbey is also in Abbeys in England.
Barlings Abbey [Map] was a was a Premonstratensian monastery in England, founded in 1154, as a daughter house of the Abbey of St. Mary and St. Martial in Newsham.
On 02 Oct 1348 Alice Lacy Countess Leicester, and Lancaster 5th Countess of Salisbury 5th Countess Lincoln (age 66) died without issue at Barlings Abbey [Map]. Earl Salisbury, Earl Lincoln, Baron Pontefract and Baron Halton extinct.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Barrow upon Humber
At that time, the Mercians were governed by King Wulfhere, who, on the death of Jaruman, desired of Theodore to supply him and his people with a bishop; but Theodore would not obtain a new one for them, but requested of King Oswy that Ceadda might be their bishop. He then lived retired at his monastery, which is at Lestingau, Wilfrid filling the bishopric of York, and of all the Northumbrians, and likewise of the Picts, as far as the dominions of King Oswy extended. And, seeing that it was the custom of that most reverend prelate to go about the work of the Gospel to several places rather on foot than on horseback, Theodore commanded him to ride whenever he had a long journey to undertake, and finding him very unwilling to omit his former pious labour, he himself, with his hands, lifted him on the horse; for he thought him a holy man, and therefore obliged him to ride wherever lie had need to go. Ceadda having received the bishopric of the Mercians and Lindisfarne, took care to administer the same with great rectitude of life, according to the example of the ancients. King Wulfhere also gave him land of fifty families, to build a monastery, at the place called Barvc, or "The Wood," in the province of Lindsey, wherein marks of the regular life instituted by him continue to this day.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Barrowby
Around 1509 Henry Babington was born to Rowland Babington (age 32) and Jane Ridge at Barrowby.
On 12 Apr 1799 Isabella Ingram (age 82) died in Barrowby.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Barton on Humber [Map]
On 31 Mar 1292 Sayer IV Sutton (age 48) died at Barton on Humber [Map].
In 1308 John Sutton 2nd Baron Sutton was born to John Sutton 1st Baron Sutton (age 37) and Constantia Sampson Baroness Lexington (age 35) at Barton on Humber [Map].
John Evelyn's Diary. 19 Aug 1654. We pass the Humber, an arm of the sea of about two leagues breadth. The weather was bad, but we crossed it in a good barge to Barton [Map], the first town in that part of Lincolnshire.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Beakby
Around 1291 William Skipwith was born at Beakby.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Beke
On 18 Jul 1301 John Beke 1st Baron Beke (age 78) died at Beke without male issue. Baron Beke abeyant between his two daughters Alice Beke and Margaret Beke (age 45).
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Bourne
On 13 Sep 1520 William Cecil 1st Baron Burghley was born to Richard Cecil (age 25) and Jane Heckington at Bourne.
On 09 Apr 1582 Richard Bertie Baron Willoughby (age 65) died at Bourne. He was buried at St James' Church, Spilsby [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Bourne Abbey [Map]
Bourne Abbey, Lincolnshire is also in Abbeys in England.
King Street is a Roman Road between Peterborough [Map] and Ancaster [Map] where it joins Ermine Street 2. It is numbered 26 in Ivan Margary's book 'Roman Roads in Britain'.
From Peterborough [Map] it travels north through Lolham Bridges [Map] crossing the River Glen at Kates Bridge [Map], through Bourne where Bourne Abbey, Lincolnshire [Map] was later built. The road continues through Cawthorpe [Map], Stainfield, South Kesteven [Map], Hanby, South Kesteven [Map], Sapperton, South Kesteven [Map] before reaching Ermine Street 2 south of Ancaster [Map].
On 25 Apr 1397 Thomas Holland 2nd Earl Kent (age 47) died. He was buried in Bourne Abbey, Lincolnshire [Map]. His son Thomas Holland 1st Duke Surrey (age 23) succeeded 3rd Earl Kent, 2nd Baron Holand, 7th Baron Wake of Liddell. Joan Stafford Countess Kent (age 19) by marriage Countess Kent.
On 15 Sep 1408 Edmund Holland 4th Earl Kent (age 24) was killed at Île de Bréhat during the Battle of Île de Bréhat. He was buried in Bourne Abbey, Lincolnshire [Map]. Earl Kent, Baron Holand extinct. Baron Wake of Liddell abeyant.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Bourne, Cawthorpe [Map]
King Street is a Roman Road between Peterborough [Map] and Ancaster [Map] where it joins Ermine Street 2. It is numbered 26 in Ivan Margary's book 'Roman Roads in Britain'.
From Peterborough [Map] it travels north through Lolham Bridges [Map] crossing the River Glen at Kates Bridge [Map], through Bourne where Bourne Abbey, Lincolnshire [Map] was later built. The road continues through Cawthorpe [Map], Stainfield, South Kesteven [Map], Hanby, South Kesteven [Map], Sapperton, South Kesteven [Map] before reaching Ermine Street 2 south of Ancaster [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Bracebridge [Map]
Fosse Way 5f Leicester to Lincoln. Leaving Ratae Corieltavorum [Map] aka Leicester the Fosse way continues north-west through Thurmaston, Leicestershire [Map], past Syston [Map], where it makes a slight change in direction, through Six Hills, Leicestershire [Map] where Roman road (RM58) forks off north east to Grantham [Map]. Then passing Vernementum [Map] aka Willoughby-on-the-Wolds the Fosse Way make another minor change in alignment at Cotgrave [Map] before continuing through Margidunum, Nottinghamshire [Map], Ad Pontem [Map] aka East Stoke. Ad Pontem refers to it being close to the River Trent. The road continues through Newark on Trent, Nottinghamshire [Map] then Crococalana Roman Settlement [Map] near present day Brough. At Bracebridge [Map] the Fosse Way meets Ermine Street 2 before continuing into Lindum Colonia [Map] aka Lincoln.
Ermine Street. From Durobrivae [Map] Ermine Street crosses the River Welland at Stamford [Map] then continues through Great Casterton [Map], Colsterworth [Map], Ancaster [Map]. Continuing on a new alignment Ermine Street passes east of Navenby [Map] meeting the Fosse Way at Bracebridge [Map] with both roads continuing together to Lindum Colonia [Map] aka Lincoln.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Brumby [Map]
Chronicle of Henry of Huntingdon 937. 937. In the year of grace 9451, and in the fourth year of his reign, King Athelstan fought at Brunesburh2 one of the greatest battles on record against Anlaf, king of Ireland, who had imited his forces to those of the Scots and Danes settled in England. Of the grandeur of this conflict, English writers have expatiated in a sort of poetical description3, in which they have employed both foreign words and metaphors. I therefore give a faithful version of it, in order that, by translating their recital almost word for word, the majesty of the language may exhibit the majestic achievements and the heroism of the English nation.
Note 1. This should be 937, the fourteenth, not the fourth, year of Athelstan.
Note 2. Ingram in his map places Bruneburg or Brunanburg in Lincolnshire, Bear the Trent. Ingram and Giles call it Brumby [Map].
Note 3. Henry of Huntingdon refers to the metrical account of this battle, inserted in the Saxon Chronicle, which contains several other such relics of ancient poetry. His "version" is tolerably "faithful" as far as it goes, exhibiting the character and much of the spirit of the original poem ; but it is much curtailed. The historian adopts a sort of rythm suited to the shatt lines of the Anglo-Saxon poem, which it is attempted to preserve in the prewnt translation.
Chronicle of English Kings Book 2 Chapter 6. 937. His last contest was with Anlaf (age 10), the son of Sihtric, who, with the before-named Constantine, again in a state of rebellion, had entered his territories under the hope of gaining the kingdom. Athelstan (age 43) purposely retreating, that he might derive greater honour from vanquishing his furious assailants, this bold youth, meditating unlawful conquests, had now proceeded far into England, when he was opposed at Bruneford163 by the most experienced generals, and most valiant forces. Perceiving, at length, what danger hung over him, he assumed the character of a spy. Laying aside his royal ensigns, and taking a harp in his hand, he proceeded to our king’s tent: singing before the entrance, and at times touching the trembling strings in harmonious cadence, he was readily admitted, professing himself a minstrel, who procured his daily sustenance by such employment. Here he entertained the king and his companions for some time with his musical performance, carefully examining everything while occupied in singing. When satiety of eating had put an end to their sensual enjoyments, and the business of war was resumed among the nobles, he was ordered to depart, and received the recompence of his song; but disdaining to take it away, he hid it beneath him in the earth. This circumstance was remarked by a person, who had formerly served under him, and immediately related it to Athelstan. The king, blaming him extremely for not having detected his enemy as he stood before them, received this answer: "The same oath, which I have lately sworn to you, O king, I formerly made to Anlaf; and had you seen me violate it towards him, you might have expected similar perfidy towards yourself: but condescend to listen to the advice of your servant, which is, that you should remove your tent hence, and remaining in another place till the residue of the army come up, you will destroy your ferocious enemy by a moderate delay." Approving this admonition, he removed to another place. Anlaf advancing, well prepared, at night, put to death, together with the whole of his followers, a certain bishop164, who had joined the army only the evening before, and, ignorant of what had passed, had pitched his tent there on account of the level turf. Proceeding farther, he found the king himself equally unprepared; who, little expecting his enemy capable of such an attack, had indulged in profound repose. But, when roused from his sleep by the excessive tumult, and urging his people, as much as the darkness of the night would permit, to the conflict, his sword fell by chance from the sheath; upon which, while all things were filled with dread and blind confusion, he invoked the protection of God and of St. Aldhelm, who was distantly related to him; and replacing his hand upon the scabbard, he there found a sword, which is kept to this day, on account of the miracle, in the treasury of the kings. Moreover, it is, as they say, chased in one part, but can never be inlaid either with gold or silver. Confiding in this divine present, and at the same time, as it began to dawn, attacking the Norwegian, he continued the battle unwearied through the day, and put him to flight with his whole army. There fell Constantine, king of the Scots, a man of treacherous energy and vigorous old age; five other kings, twelve earls, and almost the whole assemblage of barbarians. The few who escaped were preserved to embrace the faith of Christ.
Note 163. In the Saxon Chronicle it is called Brumby [Map]. [See Chronicles of the Anglo-Saxons, in Bohn’s Antiquarian Library, pp. 376, 377.] Its site is not exactly known, but it was probably not far from the Humber.
Note 164. Said to be Werstan, bishop of Sherborne. See Malmesbury’s Gesta Pontificum; or, Lives of the Bishops, to be hereafter translated and published in this series.
Chronicle of Athelward Chapter 5. 937. 939. Therefore, after thirteen years, a fierce battle was fought against the barbarians at Brunandune1, wherefore that fight is called great even to the present day: then the barbarian tribes are defeated and domineer no longer; they are driven beyond the ocean: the Scots and Picts also bow the neck; the lands of Britain are consolidated together, on all sides is peace, and plenty of all things, nor ever did a fleet again come to land except in friendship with the English.
Note 1. Brumby, Lincolnshire [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Caenby Corner [Map]
Ermine Street 2d Lincoln to Winterton. Ermine Street left Lincoln through Bailgate, Lincoln [Map] and travelled north past Fox Owmby [Map], Caenby Corner [Map], Hibaldstow Roman Fort [Map], Appeby [Map] to Winteringham [Map] where a ferry across the Humber Estuary to Petuaria [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Cavenby
In 1185 Walter Clifford 2nd Baron Clifford (age 25) and Agnes Cundy Baroness Clifford were married at Cavenby.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Cockerington
On 06 Jul 1737 Francis Scott 2nd Earl Deloraine (age 26) and Mary Scrope Countess of Deloraine (age 24) were married at Cockerington, Lincolnshire. She by marriage Countess Deloraine. He the son of Henry Scott 1st Earl Deloraine and Anne Duncombe Countess Deloraine. He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Colsterworth [Map]
Ermine Street. From Durobrivae [Map] Ermine Street crosses the River Welland at Stamford [Map] then continues through Great Casterton [Map], Colsterworth [Map], Ancaster [Map]. Continuing on a new alignment Ermine Street passes east of Navenby [Map] meeting the Fosse Way at Bracebridge [Map] with both roads continuing together to Lindum Colonia [Map] aka Lincoln.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Conisholme
On 20 Apr 1352 John Welles 5th Baron Welles was born to John Welles 4th Baron Welles (age 17) and Maud Ros Baroness Welles at Conisholme.
Around 1406 Lionel Welles 6th Baron Welles was born to Eudo Welles (age 19) and Maud Greystoke at Conisholme.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Crowland [Map]
The River Welland rises near Husbands Bosworth, Leicestershire [Map] from where it flows past Theddingworth, Leicestershire [Map], Marston Trussell, Northamptonshire [Map], Lubenham, Northamptonshire [Map], Market Harborough, Leicestershire [Map], Welham, Leicestershire [Map], Drayton, Northamptonshire [Map], Rockingham, Northamptonshire [Map], Harringworth, Northamptonshire [Map], Barrowden, Northamptonshire [Map] and Wakerley, Northamptonshire [Map], Tixover, Northamptonshire [Map], Duddington, Northamptonshire [Map], Collyweston, Northamptonshire [Map], Stamford [Map], Tallington [Map], Peakirk [Map], Crowland [Map] with its Abbey, through the cenre of Spalding [Map] and under Fosdyke Bridge [Map] before joining The Wash.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Crowland Abbey [Map]
Crowland Abbey is also in Abbeys in England.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1076. This year also was Earl Waltheof beheaded at Winchester, Hampshire [Map], on the mass-day of St. Petronilla;99 and his body was carried to Croyland [Map], where he lies buried. King William (age 48) now went over sea, and led his army to Brittany, and beset the castle of Dol; but the Bretons defended it, until the king (age 23) came from France; whereupon William departed thence, having lost there both men and horses, and many of his treasures.
Note 99. This notice of St. Petronilla, whose name and existence seem scarcely to have been known to the Latin historians, we owe exclusively to the valuable MS. "Cotton Tiberius" B lv. Yet if ever female saint deserved to be commemorated as a conspicuous example of early piety and christian zeal, it must be Petronilla.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Denton
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Doddington and Whisby
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Doddington and Whisby, Doddington
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Doddington and Whisby, Doddington Hall [Map]
Between 1593 and 1600 Doddington Hall [Map] was built as a Prodigy House for the lawyer Thomas Tailor. The architect was Robert Smythson. The facade is wide, but the house is only a single room deep at the centre.
In 1606 Thomas Tailor died. His son Thomas Tailor inherited Doddington Hall [Map].
In 1652 Thomas Tailor died. His niece Elizabeth Anton (age 60) inherited Doddington Hall [Map].
In 1658 Elizabeth Anton (age 66) died. Her grandson Thomas Hussey 2nd Baronet (age 19) inherited Doddington Hall [Map].
On 19 Dec 1706 Thomas Hussey 2nd Baronet (age 67) died. His first cousin Edward Hussey 3rd Baronet (age 44) succeeded 3rd Baronet Hussey of Honington in Lincolnshire. His daughter Sarah Hussey (age 34) inherited Doddington Hall [Map].
On 23 Apr 1749 Sarah Hussey (age 77) died. Her daughter Rhoda Apreece inherited Doddington Hall [Map].
In 1758 Rhoda Apreece died. John Delaval 1st Baron Delaval (age 29) inherited Doddington Hall [Map].
On 17 May 1808 John Delaval 1st Baron Delaval (age 80) died without surviving male issue. Baron Delaval of Redford in County Wicklow and Baron Delaval of Seaton Delaval in Northumberland extinct. He was buried at Chapel of St Paul, Westminster Abbey [Map]. Edward Hussey Delaval (age 79) inherited Doddington Hall [Map].
On 14 Aug 1814 Edward Hussey Delaval (age 85) died. Sarah Delaval (age 34) inherited Doddington Hall [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Driby
In 1324, Hugh Driby, son of Sir Ralph de Driby, released to John, son of Sir John Harsyke, and to Margery his wife, all his right in the manor of Driby in Lincolnshire, and license was granted to this John, to found in the church of St. George [Map] in his manor of South-acre, a chantery, with lands and tenements thereto, to the value of 10 marks per annum.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Dunham Bridge [Map]
The River Trent rises on Biddulph Moor, Staffordshire [Map] and flows, in a great horseshoe through, or near, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire [Map], Stone, Staffordshire [Map], Essex Bridge [Map], Bishton Hall, Staffordshire [Map], Colwich, Staffordshire [Map] passing St Michael and All Angels Church, Colwich [Map], Rugeley, Staffordshire [Map], Kings Bromley, Staffordshire [Map], Alrewas, Staffordshire [Map], Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire [Map], Newton Solney [Map], Repton [Map], under Swarkestone Bridge [Map], Sawley [Map], Nottingham, Nottinghamshire [Map], Holme Pierrepoint, Nottinghamshire [Map], Stoke Ferry, Shelford [Map], under Gunthorpe Bridge, Nottinghamshire [Map], past Gunthorpe Lock [Map], Hoveringham, Nottingham [Map], Newark on Trent, Nottinghamshire [Map], Knaith [Map], Dunham Bridge [Map], Sutton on Trent, Nottinghamshire [Map], the Isle of Axholme [Map] and Gainsborough [Map] before joining the Humber Estuary at Trent Falls [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Elington
In 1169 Thomas Despencer was born to Geoffrey Despencer (age 45) at Elington.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Elsham
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Elsham Hall
In 1788 Robert Thompson died. His great-niece Elizabeth Edwin and her husband Thomas Corbet (age 58) inherited Elsham Hall.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Epworth
On 24 Jun 1340 John Mowbray 4th Baron Mowbray Baron Segrave was born to John Mowbray 3rd Baron Mowbray (age 29) and Joan Plantagenet Baroness Mowbray (age 28) at Epworth. He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry III of England.
In 1388 Margaret Mowbray Baroness Grey Ruthyn was born to Thomas Mowbray 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 19) and Elizabeth Fitzalan Duchess Norfolk (age 22) at Epworth. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward I of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.69%.
On 19 Oct 1432 John Mowbray 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 40) died at Epworth. His son John Mowbray 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 17) succeeded 3rd Duke Norfolk, 6th Earl Norfolk, 4th Earl Nottingham, 9th Baron Mowbray, 10th Baron Segrave and Earl Marshal.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Eresby
Around 1225 Sarah Furnival was born to Thomas Furnival (age 25) at Eresby.
Around 1256 Margaret Beke was born to John Beke 1st Baron Beke (age 33) and Sarah Furnival (age 31) at Eresby.
On 29 Mar 1300 William Willoughby (age 60) died at Eresby.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Ferriby
In 1533 Archbishop Hugh Curwen (age 33) was appointed Rector of Ferriby.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Fillingham Linconsolshire
On 12 Oct 1631 George Saunderson 5th Viscount Castleton was born to Nicholas Saundeson 2nd Viscount Castleton and Frances Manners (age 31) in Fillingham Linconsolshire.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Flixborough
In 1525 Edmund Anderson was born to William Anderson (age 15) at Flixborough.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Folkingham
In 1180 Gilbert Gaunt was born to Robert Gaunt (age 58) at Folkingham.
On 05 Jan 1274 Gilbert Gaunt (age 72) died at Folkingham.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Folkingham Castle [Map]
Folkingham Castle is also in Castles in Lincolnshire.
On 14 Aug 1409 John Beaumont 1st Viscount Beaumont was born to Henry Beaumont 5th Baron Beaumont (age 29) and Elizabeth Willoughby Baroness Beaumont (age 25) at Folkingham Castle [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Fosdyke Bridge [Map]
The River Welland rises near Husbands Bosworth, Leicestershire [Map] from where it flows past Theddingworth, Leicestershire [Map], Marston Trussell, Northamptonshire [Map], Lubenham, Northamptonshire [Map], Market Harborough, Leicestershire [Map], Welham, Leicestershire [Map], Drayton, Northamptonshire [Map], Rockingham, Northamptonshire [Map], Harringworth, Northamptonshire [Map], Barrowden, Northamptonshire [Map] and Wakerley, Northamptonshire [Map], Tixover, Northamptonshire [Map], Duddington, Northamptonshire [Map], Collyweston, Northamptonshire [Map], Stamford [Map], Tallington [Map], Peakirk [Map], Crowland [Map] with its Abbey, through the cenre of Spalding [Map] and under Fosdyke Bridge [Map] before joining The Wash.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Fox Owmby [Map]
Fox Owmby [Map] was a small Roman settlement on Ermine Street.
Ermine Street 2d Lincoln to Winterton. Ermine Street left Lincoln through Bailgate, Lincoln [Map] and travelled north past Fox Owmby [Map], Caenby Corner [Map], Hibaldstow Roman Fort [Map], Appeby [Map] to Winteringham [Map] where a ferry across the Humber Estuary to Petuaria [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Gedney
On 18 Oct 1342 Philip Despencer 1st Baron Despencer was born to Philip Despencer at Gedney.
Around 1361 Robert Ros (age 96) died at Gedney.
In 1507 Adlard Welby was born at Gedney.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Glentworth
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Glentworth, St Michael's Church [Map]
St Michael's Church, Glentworth is also in Churches in Lincolnshire.
On 07 May 1592 Christopher Wray (age 68) died. He was buried in St Michael's Church, Glentworth [Map]. Monument to Sir Chistopher and his wife Anne Girlington. Elizabethan Period. Elephant and Castle Crest. Pink, white and blue-grey marble. Two recumbent effigies, Sir Christopher above and a little behind his wife, he in red robes, black cap and thick ruff; she in black robes, large ruff and hood. Four kneeling white marble daughters below. Ornate tomb recess above with flanking pink marble columns with white and gold Corinthian Capitals. Undersurface of Recess decorated with white and gold bay leaves. Plaque inscribed above with raised plaque above with Sir Christopher's son at prayer flanked by coats of arms and obelisks.
Anne Girlington: Christopher Wray and she were married. she was born to Nicholas Girlington. After 07 May 1592 Anne Girlington was buried at St Michael's Church, Glentworth. Before 18 Oct 1602 John Darcy 2nd Baron Darcy Aston and Anne Babington were married. She by marriage Baroness Darcy of Aston.
After 07 May 1592 Anne Girlington was buried at St Michael's Church, Glentworth [Map].
Before 19 Apr 1638 Elizabeth Wray Lady Walton died. On 19 Apr 1638 she was buried at St Michael's Church, Glentworth [Map].
On 15 Dec 1640 Nathaniel Wray was buried at St Michael's Church, Glentworth [Map].
On 29 Oct 1664 John Wray 3rd Baronet (age 45) died. He was buried at St Michael's Church, Glentworth [Map]. His brother Christoper Wray 4th Baronet (age 43) succeeded 4th Baronet Wray of Glentworth in Lincolnshire.
On 25 Nov 1664 Christoper Wray 4th Baronet (age 43) died. He was buried at St Michael's Church, Glentworth [Map]. His brother Bethel Wray 5th Baronet (age 41) succeeded 5th Baronet Wray of Glentworth in Lincolnshire.
In 1669 Evelyn Fanshawe 3rd Viscount Fanshawe was born to Thomas Fanshawe 2nd Viscount Fanshawe (age 37) and Sarah Evelyn Viscountess Fanshawe and Castleton (age 27). He was baptised at St Michael's Church, Glentworth [Map].
On 07 Apr 1714 Elizabeth Wray (age 51) died. She was buried at St Michael's Church, Glentworth [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Great Casterton [Map]
44AD. Great Casterton [Map] was a Roman Fort around which civilian settlement developed which was later a walled town; the defences are still extant. Then past
Ermine Street. From Durobrivae [Map] Ermine Street crosses the River Welland at Stamford [Map] then continues through Great Casterton [Map], Colsterworth [Map], Ancaster [Map]. Continuing on a new alignment Ermine Street passes east of Navenby [Map] meeting the Fosse Way at Bracebridge [Map] with both roads continuing together to Lindum Colonia [Map] aka Lincoln.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Great Sturton
Around 1262 Roger Darcy was born to Norman Darcy (age 26) in Great Sturton.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Grimsby
On 09 Mar 1607 Gervase Holles was born to Frescheville Holles of Grimsby. He was baptised on 13 Mar 1607 at Grimsby.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Grimsby, Welles
Around 1387 Eudo Welles was born to John Welles 5th Baron Welles (age 34) and Eleanor Mowbray Countess Rockingham (age 26) at Welles, Grimsby. He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward I of England.
On 26 Aug 1421 Eudo Welles (age 34) died at Welles, Grimsby. His son Lionel Welles 6th Baron Welles (age 15) succeeded 6th Baron Welles.
On 26 Aug 1421 John Welles 5th Baron Welles (age 69) died at Welles, Grimsby.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Guys Head [Map]
The River Nene rises near Badby, Northamptonshire [Map] from where it flows past Newnham, Northamptonshire [Map], Weedon, Northamptonshire [Map], Nether Heyford, Northamptonshire [Map], Kinslingbury, Northamptonshire [Map], Hunsbury Meadows, Northamptonshire [Map], Northampton [Map], Billing, Northamptonshire [Map], Great Doddinton, Northamptonshire [Map], Rushden, Northamptonshire [Map], Thrapston, Northamptonshire [Map], around Oundle, Northamptonshire [Map], past St Mary and All Saints Church, Fotheringhay [Map] and the remains of Fotheringay Castle, Northamptonshire [Map], Wansford [Map], through the centre of Peterborough [Map] after which it is canalised to Rings End [Map]. After Rings End [Map] it continues through Wisbech, Cambridgeshire [Map], under Sutton Bridge [Map] after which it reaches The Wash at Guys Head [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Hainton
In 1452 John Heneage was born at Hainton.
In 1480 Thomas Heneage was born to John Heneage (age 28) at Hainton.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Halton
On 13 Apr 1544 Robert Dymoke (age 83) died at Halton. He was buried at Halton.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Harrington
In 1330 Robert Harrington was born to Robert Harrington (age 25) and Elizabeth Multon (age 24) at Harrington.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Haverholme Priory [Map]
Haverholme Priory, Lincolnshire is also in Priories in England.
In 1137, Bishop Alexander of Lincoln offered the site of Haverholme Priory, Lincolnshire [Map] to the Cistercian monks of Fountains Abbey [Map]. After two years of construction, the order rejected the site and instead established Louth Park Abbey. Haverholme was offered to Gilbert of Sempringham and his Gilbertine order, who sent nuns and brothers from Sempringham [Map] to inhabit the new buildings of what was to be a double monastery.
On 13 Feb 1835 Georgiana Charlotte Graham Countess Nottingham Winchelsea (age 41) died at Haverholme Priory, Lincolnshire [Map].
On 10 Jul 1848 Emily Georgiana Bagot Countess Winchilsea Nottingham died at Haverholme Priory, Lincolnshire [Map].
On 08 Jan 1858 George Finch-Hatton 5th Earl Nottingham 10th Earl Winchilsea (age 66) died at Haverholme Priory, Lincolnshire [Map]. His son George Finch-Hatton 6th Earl Nottingham 11th Earl Winchilsea (age 42) succeeded 6th Earl Nottingham, 11th Earl Winchilsea, 11th Viscount Maidstone, 6th Baron Finch Daventry, 12th Baronet Finch of Eastwell in Kent. Constance Henrietta Paget Countess Nottingham Winchilsea (age 34) by marriage Countess Nottingham.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Heckington
John Brooke 1st Baron Cobham lived at Heckington.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Hibaldstow [Map]
Around 690 Abbot Hybald died. He was buried at Hibaldstow [Map] which name comes from Old English Hygebald+stow, for "Place where St. Hygebald is buried".
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Hibaldstow Roman Fort [Map]
Hibaldstow Roman Fort [Map] was a Roman legionary 'roadside fort' on Ermine Street founded around 80AD which continued in use into the late fourth century.
Ermine Street 2d Lincoln to Winterton. Ermine Street left Lincoln through Bailgate, Lincoln [Map] and travelled north past Fox Owmby [Map], Caenby Corner [Map], Hibaldstow Roman Fort [Map], Appeby [Map] to Winteringham [Map] where a ferry across the Humber Estuary to Petuaria [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Hodsock
On 25 Dec 1291 William Clifton Cressy was born at Hodsock.
On 20 Sep 1313 Hugh Cressy was born to William Clifton Cressy (age 21) at Hodsock.
In Nov 1334 William Clifton Cressy (age 42) died at Hodsock.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Holbeach
On 07 Nov 1687 William Stukeley was born to John Stukeley and Daughter Bullen at Holbeach, Lioncolnshire.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Holbeach, All Saints Church
Effigy of Sir Humphrey Littlebury. THIS effigy is in Holbeach church, Lincolnshire. The border of the surcoat is formed into leaves. The cuisses are semee with cinquefoil studs. Relative to the application of nails to body-armour, the following passage from Philip de Comines seems to be in point: "The Dukes of Berry and Bretagne were at their ease upon their hobbies, armed only with gilt nails sown upon sattin, that they might weigh the lessa." Details. 1. Roundel of plate at the elbow. 2. One of the compartments of the ornamented girdle. 3. Side-view of the handle of the sword, with that portion of the scabbard which remains. 4. Cinquefoil stud on the cuisses.
Note a. Memoirs of Philip de Comines, book i.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Holland
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Holland, Lanrick Bridge [Map]
The River Witham rises near South Witham, South Kesteven [Map] from where it flows past North Witham, South Kesteven [Map], Colsterworth, South Kesteven [Map], Easton, South Kesteven [Map] to Great Ponton, South Kesteven [Map] where it is joined by the Cringle Brook.
From Great Ponton, South Kesteven [Map] the River Witham flows through Grantham [Map], Belton, Grantham [Map], past Barkston, South Kesteven [Map], Marston, South Kesteven [Map] and Hougham, South Kesteven [Map], Westborough, South Kesteven [Map], Long Benington, South Kesteven [Map], Claypole, South Kesteven [Map], Beckingham, North Kesteven [Map], Norton Disney, North Kesteven [Map], Bassingham, North Kesteven [Map], Haddington, North Kesteven [Map], Aubourn, North Kesteven [Map] through the centre of Lincoln, Lincolnshire [Map] where it joined by the River Till.
From Lincoln, Lincolnshire [Map] it flows under Five Mile Bridge [Map], past Bardney Abbey [Map], Kirkstead [Map], under Tattershall Bridge [Map] after which it is joined by the River Bain
After Tattershall the River Witham flows through canalised sections under Lanrick Bridge [Map], past Anton's Gowt [Map] to Boston [Map] where it is joined by the South Forty Foot Drain. After Boston [Map] the River Witham flows into the The Wash around eight kilometres away.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, South Holland
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, South Holland, Donington
On 16 Mar 1774 Matthew Flinders was born to Matthew Flinders and Susannah Ward at Donington, South Holland.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, South Holland, Donington, Church of St Mary and the Holy Rood [Map]
Church of St Mary and the Holy Rood, Donington is also in Churches in Lincolnshire.
On 13 Jul 2024 the remains of Matthew Flinders were reinterred at the Church of St Mary and the Holy Rood, Donington [Map] following their discovery by archaeologists, excavating a former burial ground near London's Euston railway station for the High Speed 2 project.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, South Holland, Gosberton
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, South Holland, Guthram Gowt [Map]
The South Forty Foot Drain aka Black Sluice is a man-made drain starting at Guthram Gowt [Map] that drains a large area of the Lincolnshire fen-land known as the Black Sluice Area aka Lindsey Level. The drain, or an early version of it was first constructed around 1635 when the Earl of Lindsey agreed with the Commissioners of Sewers for Lincolnshire to carry out drainage works which would make 150 km2 of land available for agricultural use. The South Forty Foot Drain drains the area bounded by Great Hale, North Kesteven [Map], Bourne, South Kesteven [Map], Pinchbeck [Map] and Boston [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, South Holland, Pinchbeck [Map]
On 28 May 1686 John Stukeley and Daughter Bullen were married at Pinchbeck [Map].
The South Forty Foot Drain aka Black Sluice is a man-made drain starting at Guthram Gowt [Map] that drains a large area of the Lincolnshire fen-land known as the Black Sluice Area aka Lindsey Level. The drain, or an early version of it was first constructed around 1635 when the Earl of Lindsey agreed with the Commissioners of Sewers for Lincolnshire to carry out drainage works which would make 150 km2 of land available for agricultural use. The South Forty Foot Drain drains the area bounded by Great Hale, North Kesteven [Map], Bourne, South Kesteven [Map], Pinchbeck [Map] and Boston [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, South Holland, Surfleet
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, South Holland, Surfleet, St Laurence's Church
On 09 Jan 1620 Francis Molyneux 2nd Baronet (age 18) and Theodosia Heron (age 18) were married at St Laurence's Church, Surfleet. They had one son and four daughters.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Horkstow
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Irby upon Humber
On 12 Apr 1590 Denzil Holles (age 52) died. He was buried at Irby upon Humber.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Irnham
On 24 Dec 1823 Bishop William Clifford was born to Charles Clifford 7th Baron Clifford Chudleigh (age 33) at Irnham.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Isle of Axholme [Map]
The River Trent rises on Biddulph Moor, Staffordshire [Map] and flows, in a great horseshoe through, or near, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire [Map], Stone, Staffordshire [Map], Essex Bridge [Map], Bishton Hall, Staffordshire [Map], Colwich, Staffordshire [Map] passing St Michael and All Angels Church, Colwich [Map], Rugeley, Staffordshire [Map], Kings Bromley, Staffordshire [Map], Alrewas, Staffordshire [Map], Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire [Map], Newton Solney [Map], Repton [Map], under Swarkestone Bridge [Map], Sawley [Map], Nottingham, Nottinghamshire [Map], Holme Pierrepoint, Nottinghamshire [Map], Stoke Ferry, Shelford [Map], under Gunthorpe Bridge, Nottinghamshire [Map], past Gunthorpe Lock [Map], Hoveringham, Nottingham [Map], Newark on Trent, Nottinghamshire [Map], Knaith [Map], Dunham Bridge [Map], Sutton on Trent, Nottinghamshire [Map], the Isle of Axholme [Map] and Gainsborough [Map] before joining the Humber Estuary at Trent Falls [Map].
The River Don rises at Dunford Bridge [Map] after which it flows broadly east through Penistone [Map] then south through Oughtibridge [Map], Sheffield [Map] then east through Rotherham [Map], past Conisbrough Castle [Map], Doncaster [Map] and Stainforth [Map] before joining the River Ouse at Goole [Map]. Originally the River Don was a tributary of the River Trent forming the northern boundary of the Isle of Axholme [Map] but was re-engineered by Cornelius Vermuyden as the Dutch River in the 1620s.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Kates Bridge [Map]
King Street is a Roman Road between Peterborough [Map] and Ancaster [Map] where it joins Ermine Street 2. It is numbered 26 in Ivan Margary's book 'Roman Roads in Britain'.
From Peterborough [Map] it travels north through Lolham Bridges [Map] crossing the River Glen at Kates Bridge [Map], through Bourne where Bourne Abbey, Lincolnshire [Map] was later built. The road continues through Cawthorpe [Map], Stainfield, South Kesteven [Map], Hanby, South Kesteven [Map], Sapperton, South Kesteven [Map] before reaching Ermine Street 2 south of Ancaster [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Kesteven
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Kesteven, Syston [Map]
On 14 Jan 1717 John Thorold 4th Baronet (age 53) died without issue. He was buried at Syston, South Kesteven [Map]. His first cousin William Thorold 5th Baronet succeeded 5th Baronet Thorold of Marston in Lincolnshire.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Kesteven, St Mary's Church Syston [Map]
St Mary's Church Syston, South Kesteven is also in Churches in Lincolnshire.
St Mary's Church Syston, South Kesteven [Map]. Arch of three orders, outer double billet moulded, middle roll with deep chevrons, and an inner step with angle rolls. Monument on north nave wall to Sir John Thorold d. 1716 with two draped standing figures with a scrolled cartouched above, by William Kidwell.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Kesteven, Syston Park Hall
Syston Park Hall, South Kesteven was the seat of the Thorold Baronets of Marston.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Kesteven, Welby [Map]
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Kesteven, Westborough [Map]
The River Witham rises near South Witham, South Kesteven [Map] from where it flows past North Witham, South Kesteven [Map], Colsterworth, South Kesteven [Map], Easton, South Kesteven [Map] to Great Ponton, South Kesteven [Map] where it is joined by the Cringle Brook.
From Great Ponton, South Kesteven [Map] the River Witham flows through Grantham [Map], Belton, Grantham [Map], past Barkston, South Kesteven [Map], Marston, South Kesteven [Map] and Hougham, South Kesteven [Map], Westborough, South Kesteven [Map], Long Benington, South Kesteven [Map], Claypole, South Kesteven [Map], Beckingham, North Kesteven [Map], Norton Disney, North Kesteven [Map], Bassingham, North Kesteven [Map], Haddington, North Kesteven [Map], Aubourn, North Kesteven [Map] through the centre of Lincoln, Lincolnshire [Map] where it joined by the River Till.
From Lincoln, Lincolnshire [Map] it flows under Five Mile Bridge [Map], past Bardney Abbey [Map], Kirkstead [Map], under Tattershall Bridge [Map] after which it is joined by the River Bain
After Tattershall the River Witham flows through canalised sections under Lanrick Bridge [Map], past Anton's Gowt [Map] to Boston [Map] where it is joined by the South Forty Foot Drain. After Boston [Map] the River Witham flows into the The Wash around eight kilometres away.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Kettleby
In or before 1540 Ursula Tyrwhitt was born to William Tyrwhitt (age 39) and Isabel Girlington (age 44) in Kettleby.
In 1617 William Tyrwhitt (age 19) and Catherine Browne (age 17) were married at Kettleby.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Kirkstead [Map]
The River Witham rises near South Witham, South Kesteven [Map] from where it flows past North Witham, South Kesteven [Map], Colsterworth, South Kesteven [Map], Easton, South Kesteven [Map] to Great Ponton, South Kesteven [Map] where it is joined by the Cringle Brook.
From Great Ponton, South Kesteven [Map] the River Witham flows through Grantham [Map], Belton, Grantham [Map], past Barkston, South Kesteven [Map], Marston, South Kesteven [Map] and Hougham, South Kesteven [Map], Westborough, South Kesteven [Map], Long Benington, South Kesteven [Map], Claypole, South Kesteven [Map], Beckingham, North Kesteven [Map], Norton Disney, North Kesteven [Map], Bassingham, North Kesteven [Map], Haddington, North Kesteven [Map], Aubourn, North Kesteven [Map] through the centre of Lincoln, Lincolnshire [Map] where it joined by the River Till.
From Lincoln, Lincolnshire [Map] it flows under Five Mile Bridge [Map], past Bardney Abbey [Map], Kirkstead [Map], under Tattershall Bridge [Map] after which it is joined by the River Bain
After Tattershall the River Witham flows through canalised sections under Lanrick Bridge [Map], past Anton's Gowt [Map] to Boston [Map] where it is joined by the South Forty Foot Drain. After Boston [Map] the River Witham flows into the The Wash around eight kilometres away.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Knaith [Map]
In 1673 William Willoughby 6th Baron Willoughby of Parham (age 57) died at Barbados. He was buried at Knaith [Map]. His son George Willoughby 7th Baron Willoughby of Parham (age 33) succeeded 7th Baron Willoughby Parham. Elizabeth Clinton Baroness De La Warr by marriage Baroness De La Warr.
In 1674 George Willoughby 7th Baron Willoughby of Parham (age 34) died at Knaith [Map]. His son John Willoughby 8th Baron Willoughby of Parham (age 5) succeeded 8th Baron Willoughby Parham.
The River Trent rises on Biddulph Moor, Staffordshire [Map] and flows, in a great horseshoe through, or near, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire [Map], Stone, Staffordshire [Map], Essex Bridge [Map], Bishton Hall, Staffordshire [Map], Colwich, Staffordshire [Map] passing St Michael and All Angels Church, Colwich [Map], Rugeley, Staffordshire [Map], Kings Bromley, Staffordshire [Map], Alrewas, Staffordshire [Map], Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire [Map], Newton Solney [Map], Repton [Map], under Swarkestone Bridge [Map], Sawley [Map], Nottingham, Nottinghamshire [Map], Holme Pierrepoint, Nottinghamshire [Map], Stoke Ferry, Shelford [Map], under Gunthorpe Bridge, Nottinghamshire [Map], past Gunthorpe Lock [Map], Hoveringham, Nottingham [Map], Newark on Trent, Nottinghamshire [Map], Knaith [Map], Dunham Bridge [Map], Sutton on Trent, Nottinghamshire [Map], the Isle of Axholme [Map] and Gainsborough [Map] before joining the Humber Estuary at Trent Falls [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Kyme
In 1490 Elizabeth Tailboys was born to George Tailboys 9th Baron Kyme (age 23) and Elizabeth Gascoigne Baroness Kyme (age 19) at Kyme.
In 1493 Ann Tailboys was born to George Tailboys 9th Baron Kyme (age 26) and Elizabeth Gascoigne Baroness Kyme (age 22) at Kyme.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, South Kyme
Around 1415 William Tailboys 7th Baron Kyme was born to Walter Tailboys 6th Baron Kyme (age 27) and Alice Stafford Baroness Kyme (age 10) at South Kyme, Lincolnshire.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, South Kyme, Church of St Mary and All Saints
On 30 Apr 1530 Gilbert Tailboys 1st Baron Tailboys (age 32) died. He was buried at Church of St Mary and All Saints, South Kyme. His son George Tailboys 2nd Baron Tailboys 10th Baron Kyme (age 7) succeeded 2nd Baron Tailboys of Kyme.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Leake
On 11 Apr 1734 Zephaniah Kingsley Senior was born to Benjamin Kingsley and Elizabeth Wright at Leake.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Lobthorpe
On 06 Feb 1659 Elizabeth Brownlow (age 67) died at Lobthorpe. She was buried at St Mary's Church, North Witham. Her memorial reads as follows: "Near this Place Lieth interred The Body of Elizabeth Sherard, Lately the Wife, in second Marriage Of John Sherard of Lopthorp, Esq;, And Daughter of Richard Brownlowe Of Belton near Grantham, Esq;. She died on the sixth of February 1658, Having had issue Mr. Richard Sherard (age 42), her only Son, Who married Margaret, Daughter to Lumley Dewe Of Bishop-Upton in the County of Hereford, Esq;, And Mary, married to Mr. George Middlemore of London, Merchant; Frances, married to Mr. Roger Smith Of Withcock in the County of Rutland; And Audrie, married to Humphrie Brooks Of London, Doctor in Physick."
Around 1666 Richard Sherard 2nd Baronet was born to Richard Sherard of Lobthorpe (age 49) and Margaret Dewe at Lobthorpe.
On or before 07 Feb 1668 Brownlow Sherard 3rd Baronet was born to Richard Sherard of Lobthorpe (age 51) and Margaret Dewe at Lobthorpe. He was baptised on 07 Feb 1668 at St Mary's Church, North Witham.
On 12 Sep 1668 Richard Sherard of Lobthorpe (age 51) died at Lobthorpe. He was buried at St Mary's Church, North Witham. His memorial reads: "Near this Place lies the Body of Richard Sherard Of the Hamlet of Lopthorp in the County of Lincoln, Esq;, the only Son of John Sherard, Esq;, who was the eldest Son of Sir William Sherard; the which Richard married Margaret, Daughter of Lumley Dewe of Bishop-Upton (age 68) in the County of Hereford, Esq;, and had by her six Children, namely, three Sons, (viz.) John (age 6), Richard (age 2), and Brownlow; and Three Daughters, (viz.) Alice (age 9), Mary, and Elizabeth. He died the twelfth Day of September in the Year of our Lord 1668."
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Lough
After Mar 1643 the town of Gainsborough [Map] was placed under the command of the Royalist Robert Pierrepont 1st Earl Kingston (age 58) from which they harassed Parliamentarians in Lincolnshire. Royalist attacks at Louth and Market Rasen, together with the capture of gunpowder intended for Rotherham, provoked Parliament into action.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Loughborough
On 05 Aug 1223 Hugh Despencer was born to Hugh Despencer (age 26) at Loughborough.
In 1235 John Despencer was born to Geoffrey Despencer (age 50) and Emma Harcourt (age 16) at Loughborough.
Around 1521 Edward Hastings 1st Baron Hastings of Loughborough was born to George Hastings 1st Earl Huntingdon (age 34) and Anne Stafford Countess Huntingdon (age 38) at Loughborough.
On 28 Sep 1610 Henry Hastings 1st Baron Loughborough was born to Henry Hastings 5th Earl Huntingdon (age 24) and Elizabeth Stanley Countess Huntingdon (age 22) at Loughborough.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Loughborough, Mountsorrel
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Loughborough, Mountsorrel Castle [Map]
Mountsorrel Castle is also in Castles in Lincolnshire.
Around 1090. Mountsorrel Castle [Map] is a Norman earthwork motte and bailey fortress, probably founded by Hugh Lupus (age 43), earl of Chester. A stone castle of the earl of Leicester, it was confiscated by King Henry II in 1174 and the tower over the walls and other buildings were repaired in the late 12th century. Repaired again in King John's reign, only to be abandoned in 1217 after being razed to the ground, early in the reign of King Henry III. Standing on the northern part of a granite outcrop is a scarped circular motte, with the remaining platform becoming a now mutilated bailey. The motte is partly quarried away and crowned by a war memorial, with the remains of a wide bailey ditch to the south.
In 1207 William Cantilupe Baron (age 48) was present at the Siege of Mountsorrel Castle.
The River Soar rises near Wibtoft, Warwickshire [Map] after which it travels broadly north through Leicester, Leicestershire [Map], past Mountsorrel Castle [Map], Normanton on Soar, Nottinghamshire [Map] and Holy Trinity Church Ratcliffe on Soar [Map] before joining the River Trent.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Lutterworth
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Lutterworth, Arnesby
In Apr 1218 Thomas Despencer (age 49) died at Arnesby, Lutterworth.
British Isles, North-Central England, Market Rasen Lincolnshire
After Mar 1643 the town of Gainsborough [Map] was placed under the command of the Royalist Robert Pierrepont 1st Earl Kingston (age 58) from which they harassed Parliamentarians in Lincolnshire. Royalist attacks at Louth and Market Rasen, together with the capture of gunpowder intended for Rotherham, provoked Parliament into action.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Navenby [Map]
Ermine Street. From Durobrivae [Map] Ermine Street crosses the River Welland at Stamford [Map] then continues through Great Casterton [Map], Colsterworth [Map], Ancaster [Map]. Continuing on a new alignment Ermine Street passes east of Navenby [Map] meeting the Fosse Way at Bracebridge [Map] with both roads continuing together to Lindum Colonia [Map] aka Lincoln.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Nettleham
On 13 Nov 1299 Bishop Oliver Sutton (age 80) died at Nettleham.
On 30 Dec 1494 Bishop John Russell died at Nettleham. He was buried at Lincoln Cathedral [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, North Scarle
On 28 Jul 1643 the Parliamentary arms commanded by Oliver Cromwell (age 44) and the Royalist army commanded by Charles Cavendish (age 23) fought at the Battle of Gainsborough at North Scarle.
Charles Cavendish was killed by James Berry. He was buried at Newark on Trent, Nottinghamshire [Map].
On 04 Aug 1643 the Royalist Newdigate Poyntz (age 34) died probably from wounds received at the battle.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Revesby
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Revesby Abbey [Map]
Revesby Abbey is also in Abbeys in England.
In 1711 Joseph Banks of Revesby Abbey, Lincolnshire (age 45) bought Revesby Abbey [Map] from Henry Bowes Howard 4th Earl Berkshire 11th Earl Suffolk (age 25).
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Ruskington
On 23 Nov 1349 Agnes Grandison Baroness Bardolf (age 60) died at Ruskington.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Scotton
Around 1188 Ralph Neville was born at Scotton.
Around 1210 Philip Neville of Scotton was born to Ralph Neville (age 22) and Alice D'Aubigny (age 18) at Scotton.
In 1230 Ralph Neville (age 42) died at Scotton.
Around 1235 Robert Neville was born to Philip Neville of Scotton (age 25) at Scotton.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Scrivelsby
Before 15 May 1218 Robert Marmion 3rd Baron Marmion (age 65) was killed in a fight with the forces of Ranulf de Blondeville Gernon 6th Earl Chester 1st Earl Lincoln (age 48) at Scrivelsby. His son Robert Marmion 4th Baron Marmion (age 36) succeeded 4th Baron Marmion of Tamworth in Staffordshire.
Around 1402 Philip Dymoke was born at Scrivelsby.
In 1428 Thomas Dymoke was born to Philip Dymoke (age 26) at Scrivelsby.
On 23 Sep 1455 Philip Dymoke (age 53) died at Scrivelsby. He was buried at Horncastle [Map].
In 1512 Edward Clinton 1st Earl Lincoln was born to Thomas Clinton 8th Baron Clinton (age 22) and Jane Poynings Baroness Clinton at Scrivelsby.
In 1531 Robert Dymoke was born to Edward Dymoke (age 23) and Ann Tailboys (age 38) at Scrivelsby.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Scrivelsby Manor
In 1461 Robert Dymoke was born to Thomas Dymoke (age 33) and Margaret Welles (age 29) at Scrivelsby Manor, Lincolnshire.
Margaret Dymoke was born to Thomas Dymoke and Margaret Welles at Scrivelsby Manor, Lincolnshire.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Scrivelsby, St Benedict's Church
On 11 Sep 1580 Robert Dymoke (age 49) died at Lincoln, Lincolnshire [Map]. He was buried at St Benedict's Church, Scrivelsby.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Seamer
Around 1381 Thomas Darcy was born to Philip Darcy 4th Baron Darcy of Knayth (age 28) and Elizabeth Grey Baroness Darcy Knayth (age 25) at Seamer.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Sedgebrook [Map]
On 29 Jul 1349 Roger Strange 4th Baron Strange Knockin (age 47) died at Sedgebrook [Map]. His son Roger Strange 5th Baron Strange Knockin (age 23) succeeded 5th Baron Strange Knockin. Aline Fitzalan Baroness Strange Knockin by marriage Baroness Strange Knockin.
Around 1462 John Markham was born at Sedgebrook [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Sedgebrook, St Lawrence's Church [Map]
St Lawrence's Church, Sedgebrook is also in Churches in Lincolnshire.
In 1479 John Markham died. He was buried at St Lawrence's Church, Sedgebrook [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Sempringham
In Jun 1413 Henry Beaumont 5th Baron Beaumont (age 33) died at Sempringham. His son John Beaumont 1st Viscount Beaumont (age 3) succeeded 6th Baron Beaumont.
On 29 Sep 1616 Henry Clinton 2nd Earl Lincoln (age 75) died at Sempringham. His son Thomas Clinton 3rd Earl Lincoln (age 45) succeeded 3rd Earl Lincoln, 11th Baron Clinton. Elizabeth Knyvet Countess Lincoln (age 38) by marriage Countess Lincoln.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Sibsey
Around 1739 Willingham Franklin was born at Sibsey.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Sleaford
In 1465 John Hussey 1st Baron Hussey of Sleaford was born to William Hussey (age 22) and Elizabeth Berkeley (age 12) at Sleaford.
In or before 1485 George Carr was born to Richard Carr (age 14) and Unknown Elmedine at Sleaford.
In 1509 John Hussey 1st Baron Hussey of Sleaford (age 44) and Anne Grey Baroness Hussey Sleaford were married at Sleaford. She the daughter of George Grey 2nd Earl Kent and Katherine Herbert Countess Kent. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
Around 1511 Robert Carr was born to George Carr (age 26) and Ann Flower at Sleaford.
On 11 Sep 1590 Robert Carr (age 79) died at Sleaford.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Sleaford, Cranwell
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Sleaford, RAF Cranwell
After 08 Mar 1971 Prince Charles (age 22) stayed at Belton House [Map] during his training at nearby RAF Cranwell.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Snarford
In 1562 George St Paul 1st Baronet was born to Thomas St Paul at Snarford.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Somerby
Around 1358 Catharine Cumberworth was born to Robert Cumberworth (age 36) at Somerby.
In 1405 Robert Cumberworth (age 83) died at Somerby.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Somersby
On 04 Jul 1808 Charles Tennyson Turner was born to George Clayton Tennyson (age 29) at Somersby.
On 06 Aug 1809 Alfred Tennyson 1st Baron Tennyson was born to George Clayton Tennyson (age 30) at Somersby.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, South Ingleby
In 1173 Ralph D'Aubigny was born to William "Le Breton" D'Aubigny of Belvoir (age 43) and Maud de Clare (age 41) at South Ingleby.
In 1371 Giles Daubeney was born to Giles Daubeney (age 34) at South Ingleby.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, South Ormsby
In 1461 Alice Skipwith was born to William Skipwith of Ormsby (age 44) at South Ormsby.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Spalding [Map]
John Evelyn's Diary. 07 May 1676. I spoke to the Duke of York (age 42) about my Lord Berkeley's (age 74) going to Nimeguen. Thence, to the Queen's Council at Somerset House [Map], about Mrs. Godolphin's (age 23) lease of Spalding [Map], in Lincolnshire.
John Evelyn's Diary. 09 Nov 1676. Finished the lease of Spalding [Map], for Mr. Godolphin (age 31).
The River Welland rises near Husbands Bosworth, Leicestershire [Map] from where it flows past Theddingworth, Leicestershire [Map], Marston Trussell, Northamptonshire [Map], Lubenham, Northamptonshire [Map], Market Harborough, Leicestershire [Map], Welham, Leicestershire [Map], Drayton, Northamptonshire [Map], Rockingham, Northamptonshire [Map], Harringworth, Northamptonshire [Map], Barrowden, Northamptonshire [Map] and Wakerley, Northamptonshire [Map], Tixover, Northamptonshire [Map], Duddington, Northamptonshire [Map], Collyweston, Northamptonshire [Map], Stamford [Map], Tallington [Map], Peakirk [Map], Crowland [Map] with its Abbey, through the cenre of Spalding [Map] and under Fosdyke Bridge [Map] before joining The Wash.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Spilsby
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Spilsby, Gunby Hall
Around 1700 Gunby Hall, Lincolnshire was commissioned by William Massingberd 2nd Baronet (age 49), on the site of a small manor house that had once belonged to a family called Gunby.
On 01 Dec 1723 William Massingberd 3rd Baronet (age 46) died. Baronet Massingberd of Braycroft Hall extinct. His sistrer Elizabeth Massingberd (age 47), or her son William Meux Massingberd (age 20) inherited Gunby Hall, Lincolnshire.
Arouind 1735 the stable block at Gunby Hall, Lincolnshire was commissioned by William Meux Massingberd (age 32).
In 1787 Henry Massingbird (age 37) died. His daughter Elizabeth Mary Anne Massingbird (age 13) and her husband Peregrine Langton aka Massingberd (age 6) inherited Gunby Hall, Lincolnshire.
1869. Theodore Blake Wirgman (age 20). Portrait of Edmund Langton (age 27). In the collection of Gunby Hall, Lincolnshire.
Edmund Langton: On 22 Oct 1841 he was born to Reverend Charles Langton. Before 12 May 1869 Edmund Langton and Emily Caroline Langton Massingberd were married. They were first cousin once removed. On 28 Nov 1875 Edmund Langton died. On 09 Feb 1887 Charles Langton Massingberd died. His daughter Emily Caroline Langton Massingberd and her husband Edmund Langton inherited Gunby Hall, Lincolnshire.
On 09 Feb 1887 Charles Langton Massingberd (age 71) died. His daughter Emily Caroline Langton Massingberd (age 39) and her husband Edmund Langton inherited Gunby Hall, Lincolnshire.
1895. William Holman Hunt (age 67). Portrait of Margaret Lushington (age 25). In the collection of Gunby Hall, Lincolnshire.
Margaret Lushington: Around 1870 she was born. Before 1903 Stephen Langton aka Massingberd and she were married. In 1906 she died.
1903. Arthur Hughes (age 70). Portrait of Margaret Lushington (age 33)", Mrs Stephen Langton Massingberd". In the collection of Gunby Hall, Lincolnshire which is shown in the background.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Stallingborough
In 1343 Roger Darcy (age 81) died in Stallingborough.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Stoke Rochford [Map]
On 12 Jun 1503 Elizabeth Scrope (age 64) died at Stoke Rochford [Map].
The Cringle Brook near Buckminster, Leicestershire [Map] from where it flows past Skillington, South Kesteven [Map] and Stoke Rochford [Map] before joining the River Witham at Great Ponton, South Kesteven [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Stoke Rochford, St Andrew and St Mary's Church
On 10 Mar 1831 Montague Cholmeley 1st Baronet (age 58) died. He was buried at St Andrew and St Mary's Church, Stoke Rochford where he has a monument by Robert Blore (age 51). His son Montague Cholmeley 2nd Baronet (age 28) succeeded 2nd Baronet Cholmeley of Easton in Lincolnshire. Georgiana Beauclerk Lady Cholmeley (age 22) by marriage Lady Cholmeley of Easton in Lincolnshire.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Stoke Rochford Hall
On 15 Dec 1903 Edmund Turnor (age 65) died. His nephew Christoper Hatton Turnor (age 30) inherited Stoke Rochford Hall, Lincolshire.
On 07 aug 1907 Christoper Hatton Turnor (age 33) and Sarah Marie Talbot Carpenter (age 31) were married. They lived at Stoke Rochford Hall, Lincolshire, home of his uncle Edmund Turnor.
On 19 Aug 1940 Christoper Hatton Turnor (age 66) died. His cousin Major Herbert Broke Turnor (age 54) inherited Stoke Rochford Hall, Lincolshire.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Stow Park
After 16 Mar 1322 Bartholomew Badlesmere 1st Baron Badlesmere (age 46) arrested at Stow Park.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Stow
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Tallington [Map]
The River Welland rises near Husbands Bosworth, Leicestershire [Map] from where it flows past Theddingworth, Leicestershire [Map], Marston Trussell, Northamptonshire [Map], Lubenham, Northamptonshire [Map], Market Harborough, Leicestershire [Map], Welham, Leicestershire [Map], Drayton, Northamptonshire [Map], Rockingham, Northamptonshire [Map], Harringworth, Northamptonshire [Map], Barrowden, Northamptonshire [Map] and Wakerley, Northamptonshire [Map], Tixover, Northamptonshire [Map], Duddington, Northamptonshire [Map], Collyweston, Northamptonshire [Map], Stamford [Map], Tallington [Map], Peakirk [Map], Crowland [Map] with its Abbey, through the cenre of Spalding [Map] and under Fosdyke Bridge [Map] before joining The Wash.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Tathwell
Henry Chaplin A Memoir: Youth I. The Chaplins had been squires in Lincolnshire since the year 1658, when on the marriage of John Chaplin with Elizabeth Hamby, only daughter and heiress of Sir John Hamby of Tathwell in that county, they removed thence from Wiltshire. John Chaplin's father, Sir Francis Chaplin of the Clothworkers' Company, was Lord Mayor of London, and lies buried in the Church of St. Catherine Cree in the City, close to the grave of Sir William de Bouverie. It is a curious coincidence that at about the same time as the Chaplins left Wiltshire, Sir William de Bouverie's son Edward bought Longford Castle [Map], almost adjoining their former property; and nearly 200 years later, a daughter of the Chaplins (Helen, Countess of Radnor (age 79) — Henry Chaplin's sister) married another Pleydell-Bouverie [William Pleydell-Bouverie 5th Earl Radnor], and thus linked two families which had been long before near neighbours.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Tathwell, St Vedast's Church [Map]
St Vedast's Church, Tathwell is also in Churches in Lincolnshire.
Henry Chaplin A Memoir: Youth I. In the north chancel of the Church of St. Vedast [Map] at Tathwell the beautiful Hamby monument still remains. Beneath the shield bearing the Hamby arms and quarterings is a Latin inscription to the memory of William Hamby, Esq., who "peacefully fell asleep in the Lord on the 25th day of January, 1626". Below the inscription he kneels in a black robe at a desk with a book. Lower down on the monument are the figures of his brother Edward and his wife Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of Francis Read of Wrangle, "who begat a numerous progeny and were the grandparents of Sir John Hamby. On either side of these effigies, who also kneel at a desk, are three shields of the arms of the Hambys and Reads and their quarterings. A white marble slab of later erection is inscribed to the memory of John Chaplin, Esq., who died in 1714, and his wife Elizabeth, only daughter and heiress of Sir John Hamby.
On 11 Nov 1714 John Chaplin (age 57) died. He was buried at St Vedast's Church, Tathwell [Map].
Before 27 Jul 1719, the date he was buried at St Vedast's Church, Tathwell [Map], Porter Chaplin (age 39) died.
Henry Chaplin A Memoir: Youth I. On the other side of the chancel [at St Vedast's Church, Tathwell [Map]] is a monument to Thomas Chaplin on which the Latin inscription — translated — runs thus:
Sacred to the memory of Thomas Chaplin, Esq., a kind and blameless man, who having enjoyed a happy fortune and living honourably performed all the duties of life deserved to be buried in this place among the remains of his great grandparents whose simplicity he expressed in his character, nor will any fear shame his posterity if they are like him. He was born A.D. 1684 and died A.D. 1747.
This is followed by a tribute in verse which appears to include his wife:
The knot of love which twixt these two was knit
It held full fast till death untyed it.
Whoso in true and honest love do live
To such the Lord especial grace doth give.
Well may we hope they come to blessed end
Whom for their truth and love we may commend.
On one side of the monument are six sons kneeling, two of whom, one a youth and the other a boy, hold skulls in their hands denoting early death. On the opposite side kneel the seven daughters, three of whom bear skulls, while a fourth is baby in swaddling clothes lying in a cradle.
Thomas Chaplin of Blankney: In 1684 he was born to John Chaplin. Henry Chaplin A Memoir: Youth I. Three years later, in 1719, Blankney, twice the sport of political circumstance, was purchased from the Commissioners of Confiscated Property by Thomas Chaplin, who in the following year married Diana, sister of Thomas Archer, afterwards Baron Archer of Umberslade. In 12 Jul 1720 Thomas Chaplin of Blankney and Diana Archer were married. Before 17 Jan 1747 Thomas Chaplin of Blankney died.
Henry Chaplin A Memoir: Youth VI. But whatever Lord Henry's eccentricities of conduct, all of us who knew him intimately, my brothers and sister and his few Lincolnshire friends, regarded him with admiration and real affection and always spoke of him as "dear old H.B."
He [Henry William Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck (age 66)] died in a house at Tathwell which he had built for himself, where I had lent him the shooting—10,000 acres with lots of game at that time—and he was buried in the churchyard at Tathwell [Map], where he still lies, though his brother, who had some correspondence with "Little" George Bentinck on the subject, intended at one time to have him interred later at Welbeck.
When I heard by telegram from my brothers, who did not realise what the position was, for I believe he was dead already, that he had been taken suddenly and very seriously ill, I ordered a special train and got Prescott Hewett, a great doctor and surgeon of that time, to go down with me at once to see him.
They had had a hard day's work out shooting in the Wolds with the snow almost up to their knees. Lord Henry had had nothing but tea and toast for breakfast, and refused to have any lunch, taking only a small glass of the brandy for which he was famous.
Walking home that night with Canon Pretyman, the father of the present owner of Orwell, as they parted at the turn for Lord Henry's house, the latter asked him if there was a good doctor in Louth. Pretyman replied that there was a very good man and begged to be allowed to send him out at once, but this Lord Henry declined, saying he would send for him if he required him. On getting home he had a hot bath and went to bed, desiring his servant to say that he wasn't well and would not come to dinner himself, but that his guests were to order for themselves what wine they liked best. Then he went to bed and died, I believe, in his sleep from heart failure very shortly afterwards.
None of them, not even his servant, seemed to be aware that he was ill, and when Prescott Hewett saw the body after we arrived, he expressed the opinion that if he had had a basin of soup, a glass of wine or some brandy and water when he came home instead of the hot bath, he would probably have been as well as ever he had been in his life.
For myself, I can only say this of him—of a man of another generation altogether than mine—he was my oldest, and greatest friend, and I felt for him great admiration, deep affection and profound respect. He taught me all I know of sport, of horses, hunting, hounds and deer-stalking, and a good deal of politics also.1
Note 1. An old man who was a lad in the hunting stables at Lincoln at the time of Lord Henry's death, relates how two teams were taken down from London to Blankney and driven over to Lincoln by Henry Chaplin and Mr. George Lane Fox on both the days of the sale. In fulfilment of an old promise, Henry Chaplin bought his wonderful collection of brandy—52 dozen bottles, some of it dating back to the early eighteenth century. " If anything happens to me, Harry, you will look after my brandy," he had said.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Tattershall [Map]
In 1292 John Marmion was born to John Marmion (age 26) in Tattershall [Map] to John Marmion. He a great x 2 grandson of King John of England.
Around 1341 Ralph Cromwell 1st Baron Cromwell was born to Ralph Cromwell (age 16) at Tattershall [Map].
In 1357 Elizabeth Cromwell was born to Ralph Cromwell 1st Baron Cromwell (age 16) and Maud Bernake (age 19) at Tattershall [Map].
In 1370 Avice Cromwell Baroness Bardolf was born to Ralph Cromwell 1st Baron Cromwell (age 29) and Maud Bernake (age 32) at Tattershall [Map].
On 02 May 1417 Ralph Cromwell 2nd Baron Cromwell (age 49) died at Tattershall [Map]. His son Ralph Cromwell 3rd Baron Cromwell (age 14) succeeded 3rd Baron Cromwell.
On 01 Jul 1421 Avice Cromwell Baroness Bardolf (age 51) died at Tattershall [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Tattershall, Collegiate Church
On 04 Jan 1456 Ralph Cromwell 3rd Baron Cromwell (age 53) died at South Wingfield [Map]. He was buried at the Collegiate Church, Tattershall. Baron Cromwell became abeyant between his two nieces, daughters of his sister Maud Cromwell: Maud Stanhope 4th Baroness Cromwell Baroness Willoughby of Eresby and Joan Stanhope.
On 30 Aug 1497 Maud Stanhope 4th Baroness Cromwell Baroness Willoughby of Eresby died. She was buried at Collegiate Church, Tattershall. Baron Cromwell abeyant between the daughters of the 1st Baron Cromwell Elizabeth Cromwell and Avice Cromwell Baroness Bardolf and their heirs.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Tattershall Bridge [Map]
The River Witham rises near South Witham, South Kesteven [Map] from where it flows past North Witham, South Kesteven [Map], Colsterworth, South Kesteven [Map], Easton, South Kesteven [Map] to Great Ponton, South Kesteven [Map] where it is joined by the Cringle Brook.
From Great Ponton, South Kesteven [Map] the River Witham flows through Grantham [Map], Belton, Grantham [Map], past Barkston, South Kesteven [Map], Marston, South Kesteven [Map] and Hougham, South Kesteven [Map], Westborough, South Kesteven [Map], Long Benington, South Kesteven [Map], Claypole, South Kesteven [Map], Beckingham, North Kesteven [Map], Norton Disney, North Kesteven [Map], Bassingham, North Kesteven [Map], Haddington, North Kesteven [Map], Aubourn, North Kesteven [Map] through the centre of Lincoln, Lincolnshire [Map] where it joined by the River Till.
From Lincoln, Lincolnshire [Map] it flows under Five Mile Bridge [Map], past Bardney Abbey [Map], Kirkstead [Map], under Tattershall Bridge [Map] after which it is joined by the River Bain
After Tattershall the River Witham flows through canalised sections under Lanrick Bridge [Map], past Anton's Gowt [Map] to Boston [Map] where it is joined by the South Forty Foot Drain. After Boston [Map] the River Witham flows into the The Wash around eight kilometres away.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Threekingham
On 17 Dec 1892 Lieutenant Noel Henry Cragg was born to Captain Wilfred Alfred Cragg (age 33) and Adelaide Alexandra Gilliat (age 28) at Threekingham, Lincolnshire.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Trent Falls [Map]
The Humber Estuary is formed at Trent Falls [Map] at the confluence of the River Trent and River Ouse.
The River Ouse is formed by the confluence of the River Ure and River Swale around 900m south-west of Myton-on-Swale [Map]; there are other theories as to where it starts. Thereafter it flows broadly south-east through York [Map], past Cawood, North Yorkshire [Map], Selby, North Yorkshire [Map], Goole [Map] and the location of the former Whitgift Ferry, East Yorkshire [Map] before joining the Humber Estuary at Trent Falls [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Uffington
On 08 Jun 1384 Thomas Ros 4th Baron Ros Helmsley (age 49) died at Uffington. He was buried at Rievaulx Abbey [Map]. His son John Ros 5th Baron Ros Helmsley (age 15) succeeded 5th Baron Ros Helmsley and inherited Belvoir Castle [Map].
In 1709 Peregrine Bertie was born to Charles Bertie (age 31) at Uffington.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Waddington
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Wainfleet
Around 1398 Bishop William Waynflete was born to Richard Patten aka Barbour and Margery Brereton at Wainfleet, Lincolnshire.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Wethrington
On 07 May 1322 John Marmion (age 56) died in Wethrington.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Winteringham [Map]
Ermine Street 2d Lincoln to Winterton. Ermine Street left Lincoln through Bailgate, Lincoln [Map] and travelled north past Fox Owmby [Map], Caenby Corner [Map], Hibaldstow Roman Fort [Map], Appeby [Map] to Winteringham [Map] where a ferry across the Humber Estuary to Petuaria [Map].
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Woodburn
In 1339 Margaret Beauchamp Baroness Lisle (age 44) died at Woodburn.
British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Woolsthorpe Colsterworth