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Culture, Lords Spritual England, Bishop of Hexham

Bishop of Hexham is in Bishop. See Hexham Abbey [Map].

In 678 Bishop Eata of Hexham was appointed Bishop of Hexham.

In 678 Eata Prior Melrose was appointed Bishop of Hexham.

In 681 Bishop Trumbert was consecrated Bishop of Hexham.

In 685 Saint Cuthbert (age 51) was consecrated Bishop of Hexham at York [Map].

In 687 Bishop John of Beverley was consecrated Bishop of Hexham.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 710. This year Acca (age 50), priest of Wilferth, succeeded to the bishopric that Wilferth ere held; and Alderman Bertfrith fought with the Picts between Heugh and Carau. Ina (age 40) also, and Nun his relative, fought with Grant, king of the Welsh; and the same year Hibbald was slain.

On 08 Sep 734 Bishop Frithbert was consecrated Bishop of Hexham.

On or before 24 Apr 767 Bishop Alchmund of Hexham was appointed Bishop of Hexham.

On 02 Oct 780 Bishop Tilbeorht was consecrated Bishop of Hexham.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Bishop Cynewulf retired to Holy-island; Elmund, Bishop of Hexham, died on the seventh day before the ides of September [07 Sep 781], and Tilbert was consecrated in his stead, on the sixth day before the nones of October [02 Oct 780]; Hibbald was consecrated Bishop of Holy-island at Sockbury; and King Elwald sent to Rome for a pall in behoof of Archbishop Eanbald.

In 800 Bishop Eanbert was consecrated Bishop of Hexham.