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Biography of Anaïs Melisande Folin

After 1913. [her future husband] Gerald Leslie Brockhurst (age 22). Portrait of the Anaïs Melisande Folin.

Around 1914. [her future husband] Gerald Leslie Brockhurst (age 23). Portrait of the Anaïs Melisande Folin.

In Oct 1914 or on 05 Dec 1914 Gerald Leslie Brockhurst (age 23) and Anaïs Melisande Folin were married in Chelsea. She became his model for most of his early etchings of young womanhood from 1920 till 1934.

Between 1915 and 1919 [her husband] Gerald Leslie Brockhurst (age 24) and his wife Anaïs Melisande Folin lived in Ireland where they were friends with Augustus John (age 36) and his circle.

1921. [her husband] Gerald Leslie Brockhurst (age 30). "L'Eventail (Anaïs)", aka "The Fan". Model Anaïs Melisande Folin.

1922. [her husband] Gerald Leslie Brockhurst (age 31). "Le Beguin (Anaïs)". Model Anaïs Melisande Folin. The title is taken from the French-Moorish cap or head band worn by women from Anaïs's home town of Dax, in southwest France. Beguin means bonnet and also, colloquially, an infatuation.

In 1922 [her husband] Brockhurst's (age 31) marriage with Anaïs Melisande Folin came under strain when she discovered he was having a relationship with her sister Marguerite Folin.

1925. [her husband] Gerald Leslie Brockhurst (age 34). "The Dancer (Anaïs)". Model Anaïs Melisande Folin.

Before Feb 1928 [her daughter] Melisande Brockhurst was born to [her husband] Gerald Leslie Brockhurst (age 37) and Anaïs Melisande Folin.

Feb 1928. [her husband] Gerald Leslie Brockhurst (age 37). "The Two Mélisandes". Portrait of the artist's wife Anaïs Melisande Folin and their daughter Melisande.

On 12 Apr 1940 Gerald Leslie Brockhurst (age 49) and Anaïs Melisande Folin were divorced.

In 1947 [her former husband] Gerald Leslie Brockhurst (age 56) and Kathleen Woodward (age 34) were married. The difference in their ages was 21 years.

On 04 May 1978 [her former husband] Gerald Leslie Brockhurst (age 87) died at Franklin Lakes New Jersey.