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On this Day in History ... 1st December
01 Dec is in December.
1529 Henry VIII Creates New Peerages
1551 Trial and Execution of Edward Seymour Duke of Somerset and his Supporters
Events on the 1st December
On 01 Dec 1081 King Louis VI of France was born to King Philip I of France (age 29) and Bertha Gerulfing Queen Consort France (age 26).
Florence of Worcester. 01 Dec 1135. Henry, king of England (age 67), died on the fourth of the nones of December, in the sixty-ninth year of his age, after a reign of thirty-five years and four months;
Chronicle of English Kings Book 8 Chapter 6. [01 Dec 1135]. He [King Henry I "Beauclerc" England (age 67)] reigned, then, thirty-five years, and from the nones of August to the kalends of December, that is, four months, wanting four days. Engaged in hunting at Lihun [Map], he was taken suddenly ill. His malady increasing, he summoned to him, Hugo, whom, from prior of Lewes, he had made abbat of Reading, and afterwards archbishop of Rouen, who was justly indebted to him and his heirs for such great favours. The report of his sickness quickly gathered the nobility around him. Robert, too, his son, the earl of Gloucester, was present; who, from his unblemished fidelity and matchless virtue, has deserved to be especially signalized throughout all ages. Being interrogated by these persons, as to his successor, he awarded all his territories, on either side of the sea, to his daughter, in legitimate and perpetual succession; being somewhat displeased with her husband, as he had irritated him both by threats and by certain injuries. Having passed the seventh day of his sickness, he yielded to nature about midnight [01 Dec 1135]. I waive describing his magnanimous character in this place, as I have been diffuse upon it in the fifth book of my Regal History. In how Christian a manner he departed, the following epistle of the aforesaid archbishop of Rouen, will testify.
Flowers of History by Roger of Wendover 1135. 01 Dec 1135. Whilst king Henry (age 67) was in Normandy, he one day returned from hunting, and stopped at St. Denys, in the wood of Lions [Map], to eat some lampreys, a fish which he was very fond of, though they always disagreed with him, and the physicians had often cautioned him against eating them, but he would not listen to their advice. This food mortally chilled the old man's blood, and caused a sudden and violent illness, against which nature struggled, and brought on an acute fever, in the effort to resist the worst effects of the disease. Unable to overcome the malady, this great king died on the first day of December, after he had reigned thirty-five years and three months. His death was foreshown by a violent wind, which, on the eve of the apostles Simon and Jude, cast down towers, and houses, and trees on every side: the moon also was eclipsed the same year, on the 29th of July. This king founded the abbeys of Reading, Cirencester, de Pre near Rouen, and Mortimer, and built twenty-five noble towns, besides towers and castles.
Anno Domini mcxxxv. Rex Henricus moratus in Normannia cum die quodam a venatu rediisset apud sanctum Dionysium in silva Leonum carnes comedit murænarum quæ ei semper nocebant et eas semper supra modum amabat; et, cum medici eas comedere prohiberent, non adquievit rex consilio salutari. Haec igitur comestio, pessimi humoris illatrix et consimilium vehemens excitatrix, senile corpus lethaliter refrigidans subitam et summam perturbationem effecit; contra quam natura renitens febrem excitavit acutam, ad impetum materiei gravissimse dissolvendum; cum autem resistere vi nulla potuisset, decessit rex magnus, cum regnasset triginta quinque annis ac tribus mensibus, prima die Decembris. lllius autem obitum ventus vehemens præsignavit, qui in vigilia apostolorum Simonis et Judas turres et sedificia dejecit et arbores usquequaque subvertit; luna etiam eclipsim passa est eodem anno quarto kalendas Augusti. Cœnobia fecit rex, de Radingis, de Cirencestre, de Prato ante Rothomagum, et de Mortuo-mari; municipia vero, præter turres et castella, viginti quinque opere sumptuoso construxit.
The Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy by Orderic Vitalis 1135. Lastly, this catholic prince besought all persons to preserve peace and protect the poor. Then, after having made his confession, he received penance and absolution from the priests, and receiving extreme unction, and being strengthened by the holy eucharist, commended himself to God, and departed this life on the calends of December [1st December [1135]], being Sunday, early in the night. There were then assembled five counts, Robert of Gloucester (age 36), William de Warrenne, Rotrou of Mortain (age 55), Waleran of Mellent (age 31), and Robert of Leicester (age 31),1 besides several other lords, captains, and noble castellans: all of whom were entreated by Hugh the archbishop, and Ouen, bishop of Evreux, not to forsake their master’s corpse unless by common consent, but to conduct it to the sea side, all together, in an honourable escort.
Note 1. Robert, earl of Gloucester, the king’s natural son; William de Warrenne, earl of Surrey, probably the third of that name, as his father William had died in the course of the year; Rotrou II., Count du Perche; Waleran, count, or earl, of Mellent; and Robert the Hunchback, earl of Leicester.
Annals of Winchester. [01 Dec 1135]. In this year, King Henry (age 67), engrossed in the pursuit of hunting at Le Mans, was severely stricken with illness. He died and was carried to Rouen, from there disembowelled at Caen, and brought to England. He was buried at Reading in a church that he had ordered to be constructed.
MCXXXIV. Hoc anno rex Henricus apud Leonas venationis exercitio intentus, gravi correptus est ægritudine, defunctusque et deportatus Rothomagum; indeque evisceratus Cadomi, et de Cadomo in Angliam; sepultusque est apud Radingas in ecclesia quam ipse construi fecerat.
On 01 Dec 1135 King Henry I "Beauclerc" England (age 67) died at Lyons-la-Forêt, Normandy [Map]. The succession fell between Henrys daughter Empress Matilda (age 33) and Henry's nephew King Stephen I England (age 41), son of Adela Normandy Countess Blois (age 68) daughter of King William "Conqueror" I of England. The period from 1135 to 1153 during which the succession was fought over is known as The Anarchy.
The phrase "surfeit of lampreys" to describe the cause of his death appears first to have been used in the Chronicle of Richard Baker. "Lampreys", in Latin "murenarum", may mean "eel". The word is used in the Chronicle of Henry of Huntingdon and The Flowers of History by Roger of Wendover.
Chronicle of Henry of Huntingdon 1135. [01 Dec 1135]. In his thirty-fifth year King Henry (age 67) still continued in Normandy, though he often proposed to return to England, an intention which was never fulfilled. His daughter (age 33) detained him on account of sundry disagreements, which had their origin in various causes, between the king and the Count of Anjou (age 22), and which were fomented by the arts of his daughter. These disputes irritated the king, and roused an ill feeling, which some have said resulted in a natural torpor, which was the cause of his death. For, returning from hunting at St.Denys in the "Wood of Lions," he partook of some lampreys, of which he was fond, though they always disagreed with him; and though his physician recommended him to abstain, the king would not submit to his salutary advice; according to what is written:
"Men strive 'gainst rules, and seek forbidden things."
Chronicle of the Kings of England by Richard Baker. 01 Dec 1135. King Henry surfeiteth of eating of Lamprey
A discontent of minde upon some differences between him and his Son-in-law, the Earl of Anjou, brought upon him a distemper which encreased by eating against his Physicians advice, of a Lamprey, a meat alwayes pleasing to him, but never agreeing with him, cast him into a Feaver, which in few dayes put a period to his life: So certain it is, that one intemperate action is enough to overthrow the temperance of a whole life; as of this King Henry it is said, that he feldom did eat but when he was hungry never did drink but when he was a thirst: yet this but once yieldiing to his sensual appetite, made him forfeit all benefit of his former abstinence, though some write he took his death by a fall off his Horse. He dyed upon the first of December at night, in the year 1155. when he had reigned five and thirty years, lived threescore and seven.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. [01 Dec 1135]. In this year went the King Henry (age 67) over sea at the Lammas; and the next day, as he lay asleep on ship, the day darkened over all lands, and the sun was all as it were a three night old moon, and the stars about him at midday. Men were very much astonished and terrified, and said that a great event should come hereafter. So it did; for that same year was the king dead, the next day after St. Andrew's mass-day [01 Dec 1135], in Normandy. Then was there soon tribulation in the land; for every man that might, soon robbed another. Then his sons and his friends took his body, and brought it to England, and buried it at Reading. A good man he was; and there was great dread of him. No man durst do wrong with another in his time. Peace he made for man and beast. Whoso bare his burthen of gold and silver, durst no man say ought to him but good. Meanwhile was his nephew come to England, Stephen de Blois (age 41).
On 01 Dec 1241 Margaret Hohenstaufen was born to Frederick I King Jerusalem II Holy Roman Emperor (age 46) and Isabella Plantagenet Holy Roman Empress (age 27). She a granddaughter of King John of England.
On 01 Dec 1241 Isabella Plantagenet Holy Roman Empress (age 27) died at Foggia [Map]. She was buried at Andria Cathedral, Andria.
On 01 Dec 1291 James "The Just" II King Aragon (age 24) and Isabella Ivrea Queen Consort Aragon (age 8) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Aragon. She the daughter of Sancho IV King Castile IV King Leon (age 33) and Maria Molina Queen Consort Castile Queen Consort Leon. He the son of Peter III King Aragon and Constance Hohenstaufen Queen Consort Aragon (age 42). They were first cousin once removed. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.
On 01 Dec 1443 Magdalena Valois Countess Foix was born to Charles "Victorious" VII King France (age 40) and Marie Valois Anjou Queen Consort France (age 39). Coefficient of inbreeding 3.89%.
On 01 Dec 1463 Mary of Guelders Queen Consort Scotland (age 29) died at Roxburgh Castle, Roxburgh. She was buried at Holyrood Abbey, Holyrood.
On 01 Dec 1483 Queen Charlotte of Savoy (age 42) died.
Letters and Papers 1529. 01 Dec 1529 R. O. St. P. VII. 219. 6073. Embassy to France.
Instructions to George Boleyn (age 26), gentleman of the Privy Chamber, and John Stokesley, D.D. (age 54), sent to the French king (age 35).
On their arrival at the French court they shall confer with Sir Francis Brian on the repair of Albany into Scotland, to interrupt the alliance between Scotland and the Emperor; on which subject, though Brian has been continually solicitous, the King has received from him no direct answer. They shall tell Francis that Brian is recalled to look after his own causes, and they are sent in his place; and they shall say that, considering the inconvenience like to ensue to France by the proposed alliance, the King has been anxious to learn what chance there might be of good effect by Albany's passing into Scotland, and they shall desire a consultation to be held with the Duke on the subject, guarding themselves from the supposition that the King wishes for it upon any other grounds than the benefit of France. If it be resolved on, it must be kept as secret as possible, taking care it does not come to the knowledge of the French king.
They shall also advise upon the question of a General Council, which is to be by them mutually prevented, considering the influence the Emperor has over the Pope. Upon the King's great matter they shall say, the King has sent Stokesly, who shall declare his opinion and that of other learned men, and shall say that, as De Langy at his late being here had said that divers in those parts were of similar opinion, he had special charge to consult them, and he shall do his best to obtain opinions favorable to the King. They shall also desire the French king to allow them to see the originals of the treaties and conventions made at Cambray, as copies only have reached England, sent to the French ambassadors here, containing many contradictions; and the same secresy has been observed in the court of the lady Margaret. Signed by the King at beginning and end.
On 01 Dec 1529 ...
Andrew Windsor 1st Baron Windsor (age 62) was created 1st Baron Windsor of Stanwell in Buckinghamshire. Elizabeth Blount Baroness Windsor (age 60) by marriage Baroness Windsor of Stanwell in Buckinghamshire.
John Hussey 1st Baron Hussey of Sleaford (age 64) was created 1st Baron Hussey of Sleaford. Anne Grey Baroness Hussey Sleaford by marriage Baroness Hussey of Sleaford.
On 02 Dec 1529 ...
Thomas Wentworth 1st Baron Wentworth (age 28) was created 1st Baron Wentworth. Margaret Fortescue Baroness Wentworth (age 27) by marriage Baroness Wentworth.
Thomas Burgh 7th Baron Cobham 5th Baron Strabolgi 1st Baron Burgh (age 41) was created 1st Baron Burgh. Agnes Tyrwhitt Baroness Cobham, Strabolgi and Burgh (age 48) by marriage Baroness Burgh. This is regarded as a new creation rather than a continuation of the previous creation Baron Burgh since Thomas's father was never summoned to Parliament due to his insanity. Some sources refer to Thomas as the 3rd Baron Burgh.
On 04 Dec 1529 Edmund Braye 1st Baron Braye (age 45) was created 1st Baron Braye by writ, which means that it can descend through both male and female lines.
On 01 Dec 1539 Thomas Marshall aka John Beche was executed.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1541. 01 Dec 1541. This yeare, the fyrst daye of December, was arrigned at the Guyld Hall in London Thomas Culpepper (age 27),a one of the Gentlemen of the Kinges Pryvie Chamber, and Frauncis Dorand (age 28), gentleman, for high treason against the Kinges Majestic in mysdemeanor with the Quene,b as appeered by thejrr inditements which they confessed,c and had their judgments to be drawne, hanged, and quartered, the Lord Mayor sitting there as cheife, the Lord Chauncellor (age 53) on his right hand, and the Duke of Norfolke (age 68) on his left hand, the Duke of Suffolke (age 57), the Lord Privye Scale, the Earles of Sussex (age 58), of Hertford (age 41), and divers other of the Kinges Counsell, with all the judges, sittinge there also in commission the same daye.
Note a. It was alleged against Thomas Culpepper, who was a relative of the Queen, that he had on one occasion, when the Court was it Lincoln, stayed for three hours in the same room with the Queen and Lady Rochford.
Note b. Archbishop Cranmer declared to the King, on his return from his progress in the North, that he had evidence that the Queen before her marriage had been seduced by Francis Dereham, to whom she had been engaged to be married.
Note c. Francis Dereham is generally said to have confessed that he had been guilty of incontinence with the Qneen before her marriage, but, from the best evidence we possess, it seems doubtful whether Dereham confessed anything of the kind. — See State Papers, Uenry VIII. vol. i.
Letters and Papers 1541. 01 Dec 1541. R. O. 1395. Trial of Thomas Culpeper and Francis Dereham, for Treason.
File of documents in Baga de Secretis, Pouch XIII., Bundle 1 consisting of the following:—
1. Special commission for the trial of Culpeper and Derham, at the Guildhall of London, to Michael Dormer, mayor of London, lord Chancellor Audeley, the dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk, the earls of Southampton, Sussex, and Hertford, lords Russell and St. John, Sir Ant. Browne, Sir John Gage, Sir Ant. Wyngfeld, Sir Thomas Wriothesley, Sir Ralph Sadler, Sir Richard Ryche, Sir Edward Mountagu, Sir John Baldewyn, Sir Richard Lyster, Sir Walter [Luke], Edm. Mervyn, Sir William Shelley, Sir Thomas Willoughby, Sir Chr. Jenney, and Sir John Daunce. Westm., 30 Nov. 33 Henry VIII.
2. Yorkshire: Writ of venire to the sheriff for the return of a petty jury for the trial of Culpeper and Dereham before the special commissioners (named). Westm., 30 Nov. 33 Henry VIII.
3. Linc.: The like.
4. City of Lincoln: The like.
5. Midd.: The like.
6. Surr.: The like.
7. Kent: The like.
8. Justices' precept to the constable of the Tower to bring up Dereham and Culpeper at the Guildhall of London on 1 Dec. next. 30 Nov. 33 Henry VIII.
9. Yorks.: Writ of certiorari to Francis Earl of Shrewsbury, &c., for the return of indictments, &c., found in Yorkshire. Westm., 28 Nov. 33 Henry VIII.
Endd. as answered by Shrewsbury.
10. Yorks.: Indictment found at Doncaster, 24 Nov. 33 Henry VIII., before Shrewsbury and the others (named), by the grand jury (named), who find the annexed inquisition a true bill, viz.:—
That Catharine, Queen of England, formerly called Kath. Howerd, late of Lambyth, Surr., one of the daughters of lord Edmund Howard, before the marriage between the King and her, led an abominable, base, carnal, voluptuous, and vicious life, like a common harlot, with divers persons, as with Francis Derham of Lambeth and Henry Manak of Streteham, Surr., 20 and 24 May 32 Henry VIII., and at other times, maintaining however the outward appearance of chastity and honesty. That she led the King by word and gesture to love her and (he believing her to be pure and chaste and free from other matrimonial yoke) arrogantly coupled herself with him in marriage. And the said Queen and Francis, being charged by divers of the King's Council with their vicious life, could not deny it, but excused themselves by alleging that they were contracted to each other before the marriage with the King; which contract at the time of the marriage they falsely and traitorously concealed from the King, to the peril of the King and of his children to be begotten by her and the damage of the whole realm. And after the marriage, the said Queen and Francis, intending to renew their vicious life, 25 Aug. 33 Henry VIII., at Pomfret, and at other times and places, practised that the said Francis should be retained in the Queen's service; and the Queen, at Pomfret, 27 Aug. 33 Henry VIII., did so retain the said Francis, and had him in notable favour above others, and, in her secret chamber and other suspect places, spoke with him and committed secret affairs to him both by word and writing, and for the fulfilling of their wicked and traitorous purpose, gave him divers gifts and sums of money on the 27 Aug. and at other times.
Also the said Queen, not satisfied with her vicious life aforesaid, on the 29 Aug. 33 Henry VIII., at Pomfret, and at other times and places before and after, with Thomas Culpeper, late of London, one of the gentlemen of the King's privy chamber, falsely and traitorously held illicit meeting and conference to incite the said Culpeper to have carnal intercourse with her; and insinuated to him that she loved him above the King and all others. Similarly the said Culpeper incited the Queen. And the better and more secretly to pursue their carnal life they retained Jane Lady Rochford (age 36), late wife of Sir George Boleyn late Lord Rochford, as a go-between to contrive meetings in the Queen's stole chamber and other suspect places; and so the said Jane falsely and traitorously aided and abetted them.
11. Yorks.: Commissioners' precept to the sheriff for the return of the grand jury at Doncaster on Thursday 24 Nov. next. Sheffelde, 20 Nov. 33 Henry VIII. Endd. as answered by Sir Robert Nevell, sheriff, as shown by the panel annexed.
12. Jury panel annexed, viz., Sir William Malorie, Sir John Dawneye, Sir Rog. Lassels, Sir William Fairefaxe, Sir Peter Vavasour, Sir Ralph Evers, Sir Edward Gower, Sir Henry Everingham, William Vavasour, Robert Stapleton, Thomas Marckenfelde, John Barton, William Thwates, of Merston, Edward Saltmersh, Nicholas Tempeste, Chr. Thirkelde, Hugh Wirrall, and Henry Newarke. All marked as sworn.
13. Yorks.: Special commission of oyer and terminer in Yorkshire to Francis Earl of Shrewsbury (age 41), R. Bishop of Llandaff, lord president of the Council in the North, Sir Marm. Constable, senior, Sir William Copley, Sir John Wentworth, Sir Gervaise Clyfton, Thomas Fairfaxe, serjeant-at-law, and William Babthorp. [Westm. xvj.] Nov. 33 Henry VIII.
14. Midd.: Writ of certiorari to Sir Edward Mountagu; Sir Walt. Luke, and Edm. Mervyn, justices, commanding them to return into Chancery the indictments found before them in Middlesex against Culpeper and Derham. Westm., 28 Nov. 33 Henry VIII. Endd. as answered by Mountagu.
15. Midd.: Indictment found at Westminster on Friday in the quinzaine of St. Martin, 33 Henry VIII., before Montagu, Luke and Mervyn, by the grand jury (named), similar to that in § 10, but alleging the offences to have been committed at Hampton Court and Westminster.
16. Midd.: Commissioners' precept to the sheriff for the return of a grand jury at Westminster on Friday in the quinzaine of St. Martin next. 24 Nov. 33 Henry VIII. Endd. as answered by Roland Hyll and Henry Suckeley, sheriffs.
17. Grand jury panel annexed, viz., Richard Harryyong, William Godard,* Thomas Armerer,* John Yngland, John Elderton,* William Genyns,* John James,* Richard Smalwoode,* John Averey,* Robert Medylton,* Ph. Lentall, Robert Scharpe,* Thomas Jent, Richard Warner,* Richard Browne, Chr. Proctour,* Thomas Tayler,* Robert Graunt,* John Powell,* Nicholas Gravener,* John Daunyell,* John Averell, John Swallowe, Henry Lodysman, John Coke, John Browne, and Eustace Rypley. Those marked with the asterisk (*) sworn.
18. Midd.: Special Commission of oyer and terminer to Sir Edward Mountagu, Sir Walt. Luke, and Edm. Mervyn, justices. Westm., 22 Nov. 33 Henry VIII.
19. Linc.: Writ of certioriari to Thomas Earl of Rutland (age 49), and others, for the return of indictments against Culpeper and Derham found before them in Lincolnshire. Westm. 28 Nov. 33 Henry VIII. Endd. as answered by Rutland.
20. Linc.: Indictment found at Lincoln Castle, 23 Nov. 33 Henry VIII., before Rutland and the others, by the grand jury (named); similar to § 10, but alleging the offences to have been committed at Gainsborough and elsewhere in Lincolnshire.
21. Linc.: Commissioners' precept to the sheriff for the return of a grand jury at Lincoln Castle, 23 Nov. next. 19 Nov. 33 Henry VIII. Endd. as answered by Robert Tyrwytt, sheriff.
22. Grand jury panel annexed, viz., Sir William Sandon of Asby, Sir John Candysshe of Butterwyk, Edward Dymmok of Skreleby, Robert Sutton of Burton, John Hennege of Haynton, Richard Bolles of Hawe, Thomas Lyttylbery of Staynsby, Henry Portyngton, of Sawclyff, Thomas Dymmok of Northcarleton, William Dalyson of Laughton, Ph. Tyrwhytt of Barton, Arthur Dymmok of Kyrkby upon Bayn, Richard Dysney of Norton Dysney, Hamo Sutton of Whasshyngburgh, Robert Dyghton of Little Sturton, William Mounson of North Ingilby, John Turney of Caneby, Godfrey Colvyle of Walcott, Thomas Hall of Colby, Thomas Kyme of Beneworth, John Bothe of Kyllyngholme, Thomas Horsman of Sleford, Robert Brokylsbye of Glentworth, William Quadryng of Irby beside Borowe. The first 18 sworn.
23. Linc.: Special commission of oyer and terminer in Lincolnshire to Thomas Earl of Rutland, Sir William Skypwith, Sir Robert Husey, Sir John Copledyke, Sir John Thymolby, Ant. Missenden, serjeant at law, John Haryngton, Edward Forsett and Vincent Grantham. Westm., 16 Nov. 33 Henry VIII.
24. City of Lincoln: Writ of certiorari to Thomas Earl of Rutland and others for the return of indictments against Culpeper and Derham found before them in the city of Lincoln. Westm., 28 Nov. 33 Henry VIII. Endd. as answered by Rutland.
25. City of Lincoln: Indictment found at the city of Lincoln 23 Nov. 33 Henry VIII. before Rutland and the others, by the grand jury (named), similar to § 10, but alleging the offences to have been committed in the city of Lincoln.
26. City of Lincoln: Commissioners' precept to the sheriffs for the return of a grand jury at Lincoln 23 Nov. next, 19 Nov. 33 Henry VIII. Endd. as answered by William Hochynson and George Portern, sheriffs.
27. Grand jury panel annexed, viz., Richard Beyvercotes, gent., William Pawfreman, Edward Smythe, Ralph Goodknappe, William Dyghton, William Sames, Robert Hurry, William Yates, William Alynson, Chr. Brampston, Thomas Wryght, and William Smythe, aldermen of the city, John Fynche, draper, John Rotheram and George Stamppe, merchants, Edm. Atkynson, William Qwheler, Nicholas Fawconer, Thomas Emunson, George Skynner, John Beyke, James Plumtre, Edward Dawson, William Mylner, Hugh Hallaley, and William Hudson. From the second to the fifteenth name sworn.
28. City of Lincoln: Special commission of oyer and terminer to Thomas Earl of Rutland and the others named in § 23. Westm., 16 Nov. 33 Henry VIII.
29. Surr.: Writ of certiorari to Sir Thomas Willoughby and others for return of indictments found against Culpeper and Derham in Surrey. Westm., 28 Nov. 33 Henry VIII. Endd. as answered by Willoughby.
30. Surr.: Indictment found at Southwark on Thursday 24 Nov. 33 Henry VIII. before Willoughby, Long, Dacre, Skynner, Curson, and Scott, by the grand jury (not named); as in § 10, but alleging the offences to have been committed at Lambeth, Otlands, and elsewhere in Surrey.
31. Surr.: Commissioners' precept to the sheriff for the return of a grand jury at Southwark, 24 Nov. next. Westm., 23 Nov. 33 Henry VIII. Endd. as answered by John Sakvyle, sheriff.
32. Grand jury panel annexed, viz., Edm. Harvye, Nicholas Lye, Hugh Nalyngherst, Robert Draper, Ralph Elyngworthe, William Saunders, John Castelton, Henry Knyght, William Grove, John Gardyner, Henry Ede, John Lyng, William Quyck, Robert Halsyter, William Fowler, Richard Thomas, John Blackford, Thomas Buxston, John Smythe, John Gardyner, Henry Harman, Thomas Luxston, John Westbroke, Robert Hall, and John Amo. The first fifteen sworn.
33. Surr.: Special commission of oyer and terminer to Sir Thomas Willoughby, Sir John Gage, Sir Richard Longe, Sir Thomas Pope, Sir Edm. Walsyngham, Sir Chr. More, Sir John Gresham, Robert Dacre, James Skynner, Robert Curson, and John Scott. Westm., 22 Nov. 33 Henry VIII.
34. Kent: Writ of certiorari to Sir Thomas Willoughby and others for return of indictments against Culpeper and Derham, found in Kent. Westm., 28 Nov. 33 Henry VIII.
35. Kent: Indictment found at Deptford, on Thursday 24 Nov. before Willoughby, Longe, Hales, Hendley, and Boyse by the grand jury (not named); as in § 10, but alleging the offences to have been committed at Greenwich and elsewhere in Kent.
36. Kent: Commissioners' precept to the sheriff for the return of a grand jury at Deptford, 24 Nov. next. Westm., 23 Nov. 33 Henry VIII. Endd. as answered by Ant. Sandes, sheriff.
37. Grand jury panel annexed, viz., John Beer,* John Lovelace,* Thomas Sybbell,* Nicholas Sybbell,* William Harmon, Thomas Hendeley,* Thomas Ferryby,* John Seliard, Robert Knight,* Robert Iden,* Robert Cheseman,* Robert Barfote, Robert Multon,* John à Children,* Thomas Skelton,* [Hugh Provest], Thomas Shepherd, John Tybbold, Steph. Parrott,* George Tomson,* Richard Hybbyng, John Romney, sen., William Knightly, Richard Froggett, Ralph Foxley, John à Court, and George Admondes. Those marked with the asterisk (*) sworn.
38. Kent: Special commission of oyer and terminer in Kent to Sir Thomas Willoughby, Sir John Gage, Sir Richard Longe, Sir Thomas Pope, Sir Edm. Walsyngham, Sir Edward Boughton, James Hales, serjeant-at-law; Walter Hendley, and John Boyse. Westm., 22 Nov. 33 Henry VIII.
39. Justices' precept to the sheriff of Yorkshire for the return of a petty jury at the Guildhall of London, this 1 Dec., of residents near Pomfret, for the trial of Derham and Culpeper. Endd. as answered by Sir Robert Nevyll, sheriff.
40. Jury panel annexed, viz., Sir Henry Savyll,* Sir Arth. Darcy,* Sir John Alen,* Sir Richard Gresham,* Sir William Halles, Sir James Foljambe,* Sir William Newnham,* Sir Nicholas Stirley,* Sir William Pykeryng,* Sir George Griffyth,* Sir Thomas Wentworth,* Sir Edward Mateson,* Thomas Holcroft, Thomas Wentworth,* Richard Chomley, Chr. Lassells, Thomas Dalaryver, Francis Askwyth, Godfrey Foljambe, John Cotes of London, Marm. Wyvell, William Hothom, Ambrose Wolleys, Roger Wentworth, Chr. Metcalff, Henry Ryder, Thomas Legh of St. Oswald's, William Blythman, John Gresham, John More, Ralph Bulmer, James Strangways. Those marked with the asterisk (*) sworn.
41. Record of pleas before Michael Dormer and others (reciting §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and noticing § 8), at the Guildhall of London, on Thursday, 1 Dec. 33 Henry VIII., Lord Chancellor Audeley delivered divers indictments of high treason taken against Catharine, Queen of England, and others (§§ 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 recited). Culpeper and Derham, being brought to the bar by Sir John Gage, constable of the Tower, severally plead not guilty. Venire awarded instanter and jury of Yorkshire sworn; but before they retired to consult on their verdict, and after sufficient and probable evidence had been given on the King's part, the said Culpeper and Derham severally plead guilty. The King's serjeants-at-law and attorney thereupon pray judgment.
Judgment, to be taken back to the Tower and thence drawn through London to the gallows at Tyburn, and there hanged, cut down alive, disembowelled, and (they still living) their bowels burnt, beheaded, and quartered.
Delivered of record by lord Chancellor Audeley the Monday next after the month of St. Michael 34 Henry VIII.
Chronicle of Greyfriars. 01 Dec 1551. Item the furst day of day of December was browte the deuke of Somersett (age 51) owte of the towre [Map] by watter at v. a clocke in the mornynge, and j. or ij. drownyd by the waye in the Tems betweene the tower and Westmester; and there he (was) araynyd before the cowncell, and so pletyd for hym selfe that he was qwytt for the treson, and comytted unto the tower of London [Map] agayne.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1551. 01 Dec 1551. The first daye of December, beinge Tuesday, the Duke of Somersett (age 51) was had from the Tower of London [Map] by water and shott London bridge at v of the clocke in the morninge, and so went to Westminster, where was made ready a great scaffold in Westminster Hall [Map], and there the sayd Duke appeared, afore the Lordes and Peeres of the Realme, the Lord William Pawlet (age 68), Marques of Winchester and Lord High Treasurer of England, that daye sittinge under the cloath of estate as High Stuard of England; the indytement of the sayd duke beinge read, he was imedyately arraigned on the same for felony and treason, and after tryed by his peeres the nobles there presenta, which did quitt him of the treason but found him guilty of the felonyb, whereupon after their verdite giuen he had iudgment giuen to be had [thence to] the place [he came from] and from thence to the place of execution, there to be hanged till he were dead; but the people in the hall, supposinge that he had bene clerely quitt, when they see the axe of the Tower put downe, made such a shryke and castinge up of caps, that it was hard into the Longe Acre beyonde Charinge Crosse, and allso made the Lordes astonyed, and word likewise sent to London, which the people reioysed at; and about v of the clocke at night the sayd Duke landed at the Crane in the Vintre, and so [was] had thorough Can[dle]wyke Streete to the Tower, the people cryinge God saue him all the way as he wentj thinkinge that he had clerely bene quitt, but they were deceyued, but hoopinge he should haue the Kinges pardon.
Note a. His judges were Northumberland (age 47), Northampton (age 39), Pembroke (age 50), and the other leading members of the government, - the very parties against whom he was said to have conspired, - and the witnesses against him were not produced, bnt only their written depositions read, as was frequently the custom in those days.
Note b. For having designed the killing of the Duke of Northumberland and the others, although on consideration he had determined to abandon it; "yet," adds Edward VI. in his Journal, "he seemed to confess he went about their death."
Diary of Edward VI. 01 Dec 1551. The duke of Somerset (age 51) cam to his triall at Westmyster halle. [The record mentions three indictments: 1) that he had designed to have seized the King's person, and to have governed all affairs; 2) that he, with one hundred others, intended to have imprisoned the earl of Warwick, afterwards duke of Northumberland; and 3) that he had designed to have raised an insurrection in the city of London.]
01 Dec 1551. He answered he did not entend to raise London, [...] His assembling of men was but for his owne defence. He did not determin to kill the duke of Northumberland (age 47), the marquis (age 39), etc., but spake of it and determined after the contrary; and yet seamid to confess he went about there death. The lordis went togither. The duke of Northumberland wold not agree that any searching of his death shuld bee treason. So the lordis acquited him of high treason, and condemned him of treason feloniouse, and so he was adjuged to be hangid. He gave thankis to the lordis for there open trial, and cried mercy of the duke of Northumberland, the marquis of Northampton, and th'erle of Penbroke (age 50) for his ill meaning against them, and made suet for his life, wife and children, servauntes and dettes, and so departed without the ax of the Toure. The peple, knowing not the matter, shouted hauf a douzen times, so loud that frome the halle dore it was hard at Chairing crosse plainly, and rumours went that he was quitte of all.
On 01 Dec 1640 John IV King Portugal (age 36) was created IV King Portugal by popular revolt ending the sixty year period of the Iberian Union where Spain and Portugal had the same ruler. Luisa de Guzman Queen Consort Portugal (age 27) by marriage Queen Consort Portugal.
John Evelyn's Diary. 01 Dec 1661. I took leave of my Lord Peterborough (age 40), going now to Tangier [Map], which was to be delivered to the English on the match with Portugal.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 01 Dec 1662. Thence I to my Lord Sandwich's (age 37), to Mr. Moore, to talk a little about business; and then over the Parke (where I first in my life, it being a great frost, did see people sliding with their skeates1, which is a very pretty art), to Mr. Coventry's (age 34) chamber to St. James's, where we all met to a venison pasty, and were very merry, Major Norwood being with us, whom they did play upon for his surrendering of Dunkirk. Here we staid till three or four o'clock; and so to the Council Chamber, where there met the Duke of York (age 29), Prince Rupert (age 42), Duke of Albemarle (age 53), my Lord Sandwich, Sir Win. Compton (age 37), Mr. Coventry, Sir J. Minnes (age 63), Sir R. Ford (age 48), Sir W. Rider, myself, and Captain Cuttance, as Commissioners for Tangier [Map]. And after our Commission was read by Mr. Creed, who I perceive is to be our Secretary, we did fall to discourse of matters: as, first, the supplying them forthwith with victualls; then the reducing it to make way for the money, which upon their reduction is to go to the building of the Mole; and so to other matters, ordered as against next meeting.
Note 1. Iron skates appear to have been introduced by the Dutch, as the name certainly was; but we learn from Fitzstephen that bone skates (although not so called) were used in London in the twelfth century.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 01 Dec 1662. This done we broke up, and I to the Cockpitt [Map], with much crowding and waiting, where I saw "The Valiant Cidd1" acted, a play I have read with great delight, but is a most dull thing acted, which I never understood before, there being no pleasure in it, though done by Betterton (age 27) and by Ianthe (age 25), And another fine wench that is come in the room of Roxalana (age 20) nor did the King (age 32) or Queen (age 24) once smile all the whole play, nor any of the company seem to take any pleasure but what was in the greatness and gallantry of the company.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 01 Dec 1662. Up and by coach with Sir John Minnes (age 63) and Sir W. Batten (age 61) to White Hall to the Duke's chamber, where, as is usual, my Lord Sandwich (age 37) and all of us, after his being ready, to his closett, and there discoursed of matters of the Navy, and here Mr. Coventry (age 34) did do me the great kindness to take notice to the Duke (age 29) of my pains in making a collection of all contracts about masts, which have been of great use to us.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 01 Dec 1666. However, I was not much sorry for it, but by coach home, in the evening, calling at Faythorne's (age 50), buying three of my Baroness Castlemayne's (age 26) heads, printed this day, which indeed is, as to the head, I think, a very fine picture, and like her.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 01 Dec 1666. I did this afternoon get Mrs. Michell to let me only have a sight of a pamphlet lately printed, but suppressed and much called after, called "The Catholique's Apology"; lamenting the severity of the Parliament against them, and comparing it with the lenity of other princes to Protestants; giving old and late instances of their loyalty to their princes, whatever is objected against them; and excusing their disquiets in Queen Elizabeth's time, for that it was impossible for them to think her a lawfull Queen, if Queen Mary, who had been owned as such, were so; one being the daughter of the true, and the other of a false wife: and that of the Gunpowder Treason, by saying that it was only the practice of some of us, if not the King (age 36), to trepan some of their religion into it, it never being defended by the generality of their Church, nor indeed known by them; and ends with a large Catalogue, in red letters, of the Catholiques which have lost their lives in the quarrel of the late King and this. The thing is very well writ indeed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 01 Dec 1667. Lord's Day. Up, and after entering my journal for 2 or 3 days, I to church, where Mr. Mills, a dull sermon: and in our pew there sat a great lady, which I afterwards understood to be my Lady Carlisle, that made her husband (age 38) a cuckold in Scotland, a very fine woman indeed in person. After sermon home, where W. Hewer (age 25) dined with us, and after dinner he and I all the afternoon to read over our office letters to see what matters can be got for our advantage or disadvantage therein.
On 01 Dec 1672 Christian Vilhelm Oldenburg was born to Christian V King Denmark and Norway (age 26) and Charlotte Amalie Hesse-Kassel Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 22).
John Evelyn's Diary. 01 Dec 1695. I dined at Lord Sunderland's (age 54), now the great favorite and underhand politician, but not adventuring on any character, being obnoxious to the people for having twice changed his religion.
On 01 Dec 1701 Francis Godolphin 2nd Earl Godolphin (age 23) was elected MP East Looe.
John Evelyn's Diary. 01 Dec 1702. After the excess of honor conferred by the Queen (age 37) on the Earl of Marlborough (age 52), by making him a Knight of the Garter and a Duke, for the success of but one campaign, that he should desire £5,000 a year to be settled on him by Parliament out of the Post Office, was thought a bold and unadvised request, as he had, besides his own considerable estate, above £30,000 a year in places and employments, with £50,000 at interest. He had married one daughter (age 21) to the son (age 24) of my Lord Treasurer Godolphin (age 57), another (age 19) to the Earl of Sunderland (age 27), and a third (age 15) to the Earl of Bridgewater (age 21). He is a very handsome person, well-spoken and affable, and supports his want of acquired knowledge by keeping good company.
John Evelyn's Diary. 01 Dec 1702. The expectation now is, what treasure will be found on breaking bulk of the galleon brought from Vigo by Sir George Rooke (age 52), which being made up in an extraordinary manner in the hold, was not begun to be opened till the fifth of this month, before two of the Privy Council, two of the chief magistrates of the city, and the Lord Treasurer (age 57).
John Evelyn's Diary. 01 Dec 1704. Lord Clarendon presented me with the three volumes of his father's "History of the Rebellion".
On 01 Dec 1705 Emanuele Philibert Savoy was born to Victor Amadeus King Sardinia (age 39) and Anne Marie Bourbon Queen Consort Sardinia (age 36) at Turin. He a great grandson of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 4.95%.
On 01 Dec 1713 Richard Lowther 2nd Viscount Lonsdale (age 19) died of smallpox. His brother Henry Lowther 3rd Viscount Lonsdale (age 19) succeeded 3rd Viscount Lonsdale in Westmoreland.
On 01 Dec 1714 Francis Eyles 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Eyles of London by King George I of Great Britain and Ireland (age 54).
On 09 Jul 1758 Ann Wrey (deceased) was buried at St Peter's Church, Tawstock [Map]. On 01 Dec 1766 Thomas Chicot was buried at with his wife.
The inscription: Near this place lie the Remains of Mrs ANN CHILCOT Wife of Mr Thos CHILCOT Organist of Bath And Daughter to the Revd Mr CHICHESTER WREY late Rector of this Parish by his first Wife Margaret Daughter of ROGER PYNE of this County Gent:
She was a Woman of Great Piety Constant in the Duties of Religion both Public and Private and ever inclin'd to Acts of Humanity and Benevolence She died much lamented June 30th 1758 Ætat: 39 Her Disconsolate Husband as a Testimony of his Conjugal Affection Erected this Monument to her Memory.
His panel, missing from the left hand side of the monument, is missing as a consequence of a dispute between the executor of his will and the children of his first marriage.
Ann Wrey: Around 1719 she was born to Chichester Wrey and Margaret Pyne. On 14 Sep 1749 Thomas Chicot and she were married at Siddington, Gloucestershire. On 30 Jun 1758 Ann Wrey died.
Thomas Chicot: In 1728 he was appointed organist at Bath Abbey until his death in 1766 some thirty-eight years later. In 1766 he died.
On 01 Dec 1844 Alexandra Glücksburg Queen Consort England was born to King Christian IX of Denmark (age 26) and Queen Louise Hesse-Kassel of Denmark (age 27). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.84%.
On 01 Dec 1871 George Philip Cecil Arthur Stanhope 7th Earl Chesterfield (age 40) died of typhoid unmarried. His third cousin George Philip Stanhope 8th Earl Chesterfield (age 49) succeeded 8th Earl Chesterfield, 8th Baron Stanhope of Shelford in Nottinghamshire. He had been staying at Londesborough Lodge Scarborough with the Prince of Wales (age 30) who also contracted typhoid but survived.
On 01 Dec 1880 Francis Russell 9th Duke Bedford (age 61) was appointed 772nd Knight of the Garter by Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom (age 61).
On 01 Dec 1893 Gerald Fitzgerald 5th Duke Leinster (age 42) died of typhoid. His son Maurice Fitzgerald 6th Duke Leinster (age 6) succeeded 6th Duke Leinster.
On 01 Dec 1931 Captain John Dawnay 9th Viscount Downe (age 59) died. His son Colonel Richard Dawnay 10th Viscount Downe (age 28) succeeded 10th Viscount Downe. In 1957 Dorothy ffolkes (age 55) died. Memorials in Church of St Mary, Hillington [Map].
Captain John Dawnay 9th Viscount Downe: In 1872 he was born to Major-General Hugh Richard Dawnay 8th Viscount Downe and Cecilia Maria Charlotte Molyneux. In or before 1903 he and Dorothy ffolkes were married. On 21 Jan 1923 Major-General Hugh Richard Dawnay 8th Viscount Downe died. His son Captain John Dawnay 9th Viscount Downe succeeded 9th Viscount Downe.
Colonel Richard Dawnay 10th Viscount Downe: In 1903 he was born to Captain John Dawnay 9th Viscount Downe and Dorothy ffolkes. In 1965 he died.
Dorothy ffolkes: In 1876 she was born to William ffolkes 3rd Baronet.
Births on the 1st December
On 01 Dec 1081 King Louis VI of France was born to King Philip I of France (age 29) and Bertha Gerulfing Queen Consort France (age 26).
On 01 Dec 1241 Margaret Hohenstaufen was born to Frederick I King Jerusalem II Holy Roman Emperor (age 46) and Isabella Plantagenet Holy Roman Empress (age 27). She a granddaughter of King John of England.
On 01 Dec 1438 Peter Bourbon II Duke Bourbon was born to Charles Bourbon I Duke Bourbon (age 37) and Agnes Valois Duchess Bourbon (age 34). Coefficient of inbreeding 2.50%.
On 01 Dec 1443 Magdalena Valois Countess Foix was born to Charles "Victorious" VII King France (age 40) and Marie Valois Anjou Queen Consort France (age 39). Coefficient of inbreeding 3.89%.
On 01 Dec 1595 Robert Sidney 2nd Earl of Leicester was born to Robert Sidney 1st Earl of Leicester (age 32) and Barbara Gamage Countess Leicester (age 32).
On 01 Dec 1665 Philip Gerard 7th Baron Gerard was born to Richard Gerard of Hilderstone in Staffordshire.
On 01 Dec 1672 Christian Vilhelm Oldenburg was born to Christian V King Denmark and Norway (age 26) and Charlotte Amalie Hesse-Kassel Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 22).
On or before 01 Dec 1673 John Cope 6th Baronet was born to John Cope 5th Baronet (age 39). He was baptised on 01 Dec 1673.
On 01 Dec 1690 Philip Yorke 1st Earl of Hardwicke was born to Philip Yorke (age 39) at Dover, Kent [Map].
In or after 1693 Darcy Dawes 4th Baronet was born to Archbishop William Dawes 3rd Baronet (age 21) and Francis Cole d'Arcy (age 20). The date based on that of his parent's marriage on 01 Dec 1692.
On 01 Dec 1705 Emanuele Philibert Savoy was born to Victor Amadeus King Sardinia (age 39) and Anne Marie Bourbon Queen Consort Sardinia (age 36) at Turin. He a great grandson of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 4.95%.
On 01 Dec 1712 George Boscawen was born to Hugh Boscawen 1st Viscount Falmouth (age 32) and Charlotte Godfrey Viscountess Falmouth.
On 01 Dec 1720 Charles Howard 10th Duke of Norfolk was born to Henry Charles Howard and Mary Aylyward.
On 01 Dec 1723 Hugh Myddelton 6th Baronet was born to Hugh Myddelton 5th Baronet.
On or before 01 Dec 1755 John Ramsden 4th Baronet was born to John Ramsden 3rd Baronet. He was baptised on 01 Dec 1755.
On 01 Dec 1780 Harriet Scott Marchioness Lothian was born to Henry Scott 3rd Duke Buccleuch (age 34) and Elizabeth Montagu Duchess Buccleuch (age 37).
On 01 Dec 1781 Admiral William Parker 1st Baronet was born to George Parker.
On 01 Dec 1788 William Twysden 8th Baronet was born to William Jervis Twysden 7th Baronet (age 28).
On 01 Dec 1791 Katharine Anabella Bisshop Lady Brooke-Pechell was born to Cecil Bisshopp 12th Baron Zouche (age 38).
On 01 Dec 1793 William George Henry Somerset was born to Henry Charles Somerset 6th Duke Beaufort (age 26) and Charlotte Sophia Leveson-Gower Duchess Beaufort (age 22).
On 01 Dec 1844 Alexandra Glücksburg Queen Consort England was born to King Christian IX of Denmark (age 26) and Queen Louise Hesse-Kassel of Denmark (age 27). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.84%.
On 01 Dec 1848 Amelia Anne Shirley was born to Washington Sewallis Shirley 9th Earl Ferrers (age 26) and Annabella Augusta Chichester Countess Ferrers.
On 01 Dec 1860 Valentine Charles Browne 5th Earl of Kenmare was born to Valentine Browne 4th Earl of Kenmare (age 35) and Gertrude Thynne Countess Kenmare.
On 01 Dec 1884 Frances Margaret Irby Countess Kimberley was born to Lieutenant-Colonel Leonard Howard Irby (age 48).
On 01 Dec 1889 Alexander Keiller was born to John Mitchell Keiller (age 38) and Mary Sime Greig (age 27).
On 01 Dec 1912 Margaret Whigham Duchess of Argyll was born to George Hay Whigham and Helen Mann Hannay and Helen Mann Hannay.
On 01 Dec 1914 John Chetwynd-Talbot 21st Earl of Shrewsbury 6th Earl Talbot was born to Charles Chetwynd-Talbot (age 32) and Winifred Contance Hester Paget (age 33).
On 01 Dec 1926 Colin Tennant 3rd Baron Glenconner was born to Christopher Tennant 2nd Baron Glenconner (age 27) and Pamela Winefred Paget Baroness Glenconner (age 23).
On 01 Dec 1929 Christopher Hilaro Barlow 7th Baronet was born to Richard Hugh Barlow 6th Baronet (age 25).
On 01 Dec 1934 Nancy Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby 28th Baroness Willoughby de Eresby was born to Gilbert James Heathcote-Willoughby-Drummond 3rd Earl Ancaster (age 26) and Nancy Phyllis Louise Astor Countess Astor (age 25).
Marriages on the 1st December
On 01 Dec 1291 James "The Just" II King Aragon (age 24) and Isabella Ivrea Queen Consort Aragon (age 8) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Aragon. She the daughter of Sancho IV King Castile IV King Leon (age 33) and Maria Molina Queen Consort Castile Queen Consort Leon. He the son of Peter III King Aragon and Constance Hohenstaufen Queen Consort Aragon (age 42). They were first cousin once removed. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.
On 01 Dec 1577 Francis Stewart 5th Earl Bothwell (age 15) and Margaret Douglas Countess Bothwell were married. She by marriage Countess Bothwell. She the daughter of David Douglas 7th Earl Angus and Margaret Hamilton Countess Angus. They were half second cousins. He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.
On 01 Dec 1608 William Cecil 2nd Earl Salisbury (age 17) and Catherine Howard Countess Salisbury were married. She the daughter of Thomas Howard 1st Earl Suffolk (age 47) and Mary Dacre. He the son of Robert Cecil 1st Earl Salisbury (age 45) and Elizabeth Brooke.
On 01 Dec 1624 William Russell 1st Baronet (age 26) and Frances Reade Lady Russell (age 10) were married.
On 01 Dec 1640 James Howard 3rd Earl Suffolk (age 21) and Susannah Rich Countess Suffolk (age 12) were married. She by marriage Countess Suffolk. She the daughter of Henry Rich 1st Earl Holland (age 50) and Isabel Cope Countess Holland. He the son of Theophilus Howard 2nd Earl Suffolk and Elizabeth Home Countess Suffolk.
On 01 Dec 1655 Samuel Pepys (age 22) and Elizabeth de St Michel (age 15) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map] by Richard Sherwyn, Esq, a Westminster Justice of the Peace, an arrangement for civil marriages put in place by Cromwell's government.
On 01 Dec 1663 John Dryden (age 32) and Elizabeth Howard (age 25) were married. She the daughter of Thomas Howard 1st Earl Berkshire (age 76) and Elizabeth Cecil Countess Berkshire (age 67).
On 01 Dec 1692 William Dawes (age 21) and Francis Cole d'Arcy (age 19) were married at St Edmund King and Martyr Church.
On 01 Dec 1819 John Hadley D'Oyly 8th Baronet (age 25) and Charlotte Thompson were married.
On 01 Dec 1830 Frederick Hervey 2nd Marquess of Bristol (age 30) and Katherine Isabella Manners (age 21) were married. She the daughter of John Henry Manners 5th Duke Rutland (age 52) and Elizabeth Howard Duchess Rutland. He the son of Frederick William Hervey 1st Marquess of Bristol (age 61) and Elizabeth Albana Upton (age 55).
Deaths on the 1st December
On 01 Dec 1135 King Henry I "Beauclerc" England (age 67) died at Lyons-la-Forêt, Normandy [Map]. The succession fell between Henrys daughter Empress Matilda (age 33) and Henry's nephew King Stephen I England (age 41), son of Adela Normandy Countess Blois (age 68) daughter of King William "Conqueror" I of England. The period from 1135 to 1153 during which the succession was fought over is known as The Anarchy.
The phrase "surfeit of lampreys" to describe the cause of his death appears first to have been used in the Chronicle of Richard Baker. "Lampreys", in Latin "murenarum", may mean "eel". The word is used in the Chronicle of Henry of Huntingdon and The Flowers of History by Roger of Wendover.
On 01 Dec 1241 Isabella Plantagenet Holy Roman Empress (age 27) died at Foggia [Map]. She was buried at Andria Cathedral, Andria.
On 01 Dec 1342 Henry Vavasour (age 76) died. His son Henry Vavasour (age 50) de jure 5th Baron Vavasour. Amabel Fitzhugh Baroness Vavasour (age 32) by marriage Baroness Vavasour.
On 01 Dec 1423 Elizabeth Mowbray Countess Suffolk (age 29) died.
On 01 Dec 1463 Mary of Guelders Queen Consort Scotland (age 29) died at Roxburgh Castle, Roxburgh. She was buried at Holyrood Abbey, Holyrood.
On 01 Dec 1483 Queen Charlotte of Savoy (age 42) died.
Between 01 Dec 1500 and 08 May 1504 Katherine Herbert Countess Kent (age 36) died.
On 01 Dec 1511 Giles Brugge 6th Baron Chandos (age 49) died. Baron Chandos extinct. Baron Chandos of the first creation was subject to some confusion with the send and third barons not being summoned to Parliament. The Barony was, hoever, called out of abeyance for the 4th Baron in 1458. Gile's son John was created Baron Chandos of the second creation in 1554 so the first, if it existed, is assumed to have become extinct.
On 01 Dec 1530 Margaret of Austria Princess Asturias (age 50) died.
On 01 Dec 1555 Elizabeth Heneage Baroness Willoughby of Parham (age 37) died.
On 01 Dec 1622 Edward Neville 8th and 6th Baron Bergavenny (age 72) died. He was buried at Birling, Kent [Map]. His son Henry Neville 9th and 7th Baron Bergavenny (age 43) succeeded 9th Baron Bergavenny, 7th Baron Bergavenny. Catherine Vaux Baroness Bergavenny (age 30) by marriage Baroness Bergavenny, Baroness Bergavenny.
On 01 Dec 1629 Catherine Gonzaga Duchess Longueville (age 61) died.
On 01 Dec 1642 Cecily Wentworth Countess Winchelsea (age 49) died.
On 01 Dec 1676 Leicester Devereux 6th Viscount Hereford (age 59) died. His son Leicester Devereux 7th Viscount Hereford (age 2) succeeded 7th Viscount Hereford, 4th Baronet Devereux of Castle Bromwich.
On 01 Dec 1676 Catherine Russell Baroness Brooke died.
On 01 Dec 1713 Richard Lowther 2nd Viscount Lonsdale (age 19) died of smallpox. His brother Henry Lowther 3rd Viscount Lonsdale (age 19) succeeded 3rd Viscount Lonsdale in Westmoreland.
On 01 Dec 1723 William Massingberd 3rd Baronet (age 46) died. Baronet Massingberd of Braycroft Hall extinct. His sistrer Elizabeth Massingberd (age 47), or her son William Meux Massingberd (age 20) inherited Gunby Hall, Lincolnshire.
On 01 Dec 1736 Elizabeth Lloyd Lady Hoghton died.
On 01 Dec 1756 William Murray 3rd Earl Dunmore (age 60) died at Lincoln, Lincolnshire [Map]. His son John Murray 4th Earl Dunmore (age 26) succeeded 4th Earl Dunmore. Charlotte Stewart Countess Dunmore (age 26) by marriage Countess Dunmore.
On 01 Dec 1761 Samuel Garrard 5th Baronet (age 69) died. His brother Benet Garrard 6th Baronet (age 57) succeeded 6th Baronet Garrard of Lamer.
On 01 Dec 1762 Wilfrid Lawson 8th Baronet (age 55) died without issue at Barnby Moor, Nottinghamshire, on his way to attend Parliament. His brother Gilfrid Lawson 9th Baronet (age 49) succeeded 9th Baronet Lawson of Isel Hall in Cumbria.
On 01 Dec 1767 Henry Erskine 10th Earl of Buchan (age 57) died. His son David Erskine 11th Earl of Buchan (age 25) succeeded 11th Earl Buchan.
On 01 Dec 1785 Elizabeth Townshend Countess Cornwallis died.
On 01 Dec 1798 Thomas Gage 6th Baronet (age 46) died. His son Thomas Gage 7th Baronet (age 17) succeeded 7th Baronet Gage of Hengrave in Suffolk.
On 01 Dec 1824 Harry Goring 6th Baronet (age 85) died. His son Charles Forster Goring 7th Baronet (age 56) succeeded 7th Baronet Bowyer aka Goring of Highden in Sussex.
On 01 Dec 1830 Robert Williams 9th Baronet (age 66) died. His son Richard Williams-Bulkeley 10th Baronet (age 29) succeeded 10th Baronet Williams of Penrhyn in Caernarfonshire. Charlotte Mary Hughes Lady Williams by marriage Lady Williams.
On 01 Dec 1858 Thomas Haddington 9th Earl Haddington (age 78) died. His second cousin George Baillie-Hamilton 10th Earl of Haddington (age 56) succeeded 10th Earl Haddington.
On 01 Dec 1871 George Philip Cecil Arthur Stanhope 7th Earl Chesterfield (age 40) died of typhoid unmarried. His third cousin George Philip Stanhope 8th Earl Chesterfield (age 49) succeeded 8th Earl Chesterfield, 8th Baron Stanhope of Shelford in Nottinghamshire. He had been staying at Londesborough Lodge Scarborough with the Prince of Wales (age 30) who also contracted typhoid but survived.
On 01 Dec 1883 Edward George Fitzalan Howard 1st Baron Howard (age 65) died. His son Francis Edward Fitzalan Howard 2nd Baron Howard (age 24) succeeded 2nd Baron Howard of Glossop in Derbyshire.
On 01 Dec 1890 Thomas Bateson 1st Baron Deramore (age 71) died. His brother George de Yarburgh-Bateson 2nd Baron Deramore (age 67) succeeded 2nd Baron Deramore of Belvoir in County Down, 3rd Baronet Bateson of Belvoir Park in County Down.
On 01 Dec 1891 Wellington Stapleton-Cotton 2nd Viscount Combermere (age 73) died. His son Robert Wellington Stapleton-Cotton 3rd Viscount Combermere (age 46) succeeded 3rd Viscount Combermere, 3rd Baron Combermere, 8th Baronet Cotton of Combermere in Cheshire. Isabel Marion Chetwynd Viscountess Combermere by marriage Viscountess Combermere.
On 01 Dec 1893 Gerald Fitzgerald 5th Duke Leinster (age 42) died of typhoid. His son Maurice Fitzgerald 6th Duke Leinster (age 6) succeeded 6th Duke Leinster.
On 01 Dec 1900 Augusta Finch Countess Dartmouth (age 78) died.
On 01 Dec 1905 Lionel Eldred Smith-Gordon 2nd Baronet (age 72) died. His son Lionel Eldred Pottinger Smith-Gordon 3rd Baronet (age 48) succeeded 3rd Baronet Smith-Gordon of Jamaica.
On 01 Dec 1911 Henry de la Poer Beresford 6th Marquess Waterford (age 36) died. His son John Beresford 7th Marquess of Waterford (age 10) succeeded 7th Marquess Waterford.
On 01 Dec 1920 Edward Ponsonby 8th Earl Bessborough (age 69) died. His son Vere Brabazon Ponsonby 9th Earl Bessborough (age 40) succeeded 9th Earl Bessborough, 10th Viscount Duncannon of Duncannon in Wexford, 10th Baron Bessborough of Bessborough in Kilkenny.
On 01 Dec 1921 Henry Abdy 4th Baronet (age 68) died. His son Robert Abdy 5th Baronet (age 25) succeeded 5th Baronet Abdy of Albyns in Essex.
On 01 Dec 1931 Captain John Dawnay 9th Viscount Downe (age 59) died. His son Colonel Richard Dawnay 10th Viscount Downe (age 28) succeeded 10th Viscount Downe. In 1957 Dorothy ffolkes (age 55) died. Memorials in Church of St Mary, Hillington [Map].
Captain John Dawnay 9th Viscount Downe: In 1872 he was born to Major-General Hugh Richard Dawnay 8th Viscount Downe and Cecilia Maria Charlotte Molyneux. In or before 1903 he and Dorothy ffolkes were married. On 21 Jan 1923 Major-General Hugh Richard Dawnay 8th Viscount Downe died. His son Captain John Dawnay 9th Viscount Downe succeeded 9th Viscount Downe.
Colonel Richard Dawnay 10th Viscount Downe: In 1903 he was born to Captain John Dawnay 9th Viscount Downe and Dorothy ffolkes. In 1965 he died.
Dorothy ffolkes: In 1876 she was born to William ffolkes 3rd Baronet.
On 01 Dec 2021 Bertram Stanley Mitford Bowyer 2nd Baron Denham (age 94) died. His son Richard Grenville Bowyer 3rd Baron Denham (age 62) succeeded 3rd Baron Denham of Weston Underwood in Buckinghamshire, 11th Baronet Bowyer of Denham Court.