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On this Day in History ... 3rd August

03 Aug is in August.

1265 Battle of Evesham

1327 Battle of Stanhope Park

1347 Capture of Calais

1394 Death and Funeral of Anne of Bohemia

1460 Siege of Roxburgh

1553 Exeter Conspiracy

1553 Arrival of Queen Mary I in London

1557 Death of Anne of Cleves

1586 Babington Plot

1587 Burial of Mary Queen of Scots

1664 Great Plague of London

1666 St James' Day Battle

1692 Battle of Steenkerque

1873 Wigan Rail Crash

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 3rd August

On 03 Aug 1265 Bishop Walter de Cantelupe (age 74) had dinner with Simon de Montfort 6th Earl of Leicester 1st Earl Chester (age 57) before the Battle of Evesham.

Froissart Book 1 Chapter 18. 03 Aug 1327. Battle of Stanhope Park. And when they had well rested them and taken repast, then the trumpet sounded to horse, and every man mounted, and the banners and standards followed this new-made knight, every battle by itself in good order, through mountains and dales, ranged as well as they might, ever ready apparelled to fight; and they rode and made such haste that about noon they were so near the Scots that each of them might clearly see other. And as soon as the Scots saw them, they issued out of their lodges afoot, and ordained three great battles in the availing of the hill, and at the foot of this mountain there ran a great river full of great rocks and stones, so that none might pass over without great danger or jeopardy; and though the Englishmen had passed over the river, yet was there no place nor room between the hill and the river to set the battle in good order. The Scots had stablished their two first battles at the two corners of the mountain, joining to the rocks, so that none might well mount upon the hill to assail them, but the Scots were ever ready to beat with stones the assailants, if they passed the river. And when the lords of England saw the behaving and the manner of the Scots, they made all their people to alight afoot and to put off their spurs, and arranged three great battles, as they had done before, and there were made many new knights. And when their battles were set in good order, then some of the lords of England brought their young king a-horseback before all the battles of the host, to the intent to give thereby the more courage to all his people, the which king in full goodly manner prayed and required them right graciously that every man would pain them to do their best to save his honour and common weal of his realm. And it was commanded upon pain of death that were so near together that they might know each other's arms. Then the host stood still to take other counsel. And some of the host mounted on good horses and rode forth to skirmish with them and to behold the passage of the river and to see the countenance of their enemies more nearer. And there were heralds of arms sent to the Scots, giving them knowledge, if that they would come and pass the river to fight with them in the plain field, they would draw back from the river and give them sufficient place to arrange their battles either the same day or else the next, as they would choose themselves, or else to let them do likewise and they would come over to them. And when the Scots heard this, they took counsel among themselves, and anon they answered the heralds, how they would do neither the one nor the other, and said, 'Sirs, your king and his lords see well how we be here in this realm and have brent and wasted the country as we have passed through, and if they be displeased therewith, let them amend it when they will, for here we will abide as long as it shall please us.' And as soon as the king of England (age 14) heard that answer, it was incontinent cried that all the host should lodge there that night without reculing back.

On 03 Aug 1347 the English captured Calais [Map] providing England with a French port for the next two hundred years. Thomas Beauchamp 11th Earl Warwick (age 34) commanded, John Lisle 2nd Baron Lisle (age 29), Richard Vache and Henry of Grosmont 1st Duke Lancaster (age 37) fought during the year long siege.

On 03 Aug 1355 Bartholomew "The Elder" Burghesh 1st Baron Burghesh (age 68) died at Dover, Kent [Map]. He was buried in the St Catherine Chantry at Lincoln Cathedral [Map] with his father and brother. His son Bartholomew "The Younger" Burghesh 2nd Baron Burghesh (age 27) succeeded 2nd Baron Burghesh. Cecily Weyland Baroness Burghesh by marriage Baroness Burghesh.

Cecily Weyland Baroness Burghesh: Around 1314 she was born to Richard de Weyland. Before 10 May 1335 Bartholomew "The Younger" Burghesh 2nd Baron Burghesh and she were married. He a great x 5 grandson of King John of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King John of England. In Aug 1354 she died.

On 03 Aug 1394 Anne of Bohemia Queen Consort England was buried at Chapel of St Edward the Confessor, Westminster Abbey [Map] with Archbishop Thomas Fitzalan aka Arundel (age 41) presiding. King Richard II of England (age 27) attended. Richard Fitzalan 9th Earl of Surrey 4th or 11th Earl of Arundel (age 48), brother of the presiding Archbishop, and his wife Philippa Mortimer Countess Pembroke, Arundel and Surrey (age 18), arrived late causing Richard, in a rage, to snatch a wand and strike FitzAlan in the face drawing blood.

On 03 Aug 1460 King James II of Scotland (age 29) was killed accidentally whilst besieging Roxburgh Castle when a cannon exploded and he was hit by debris. He was buried at Holyrood Abbey, Holyrood. His son King James III of Scotland (age 9) succeeded III King Scotland.

William Douglas 3rd Lord Drumlanrig (age 20) was present.

On 03 Aug 1482. Brass to Simon Boleyn (age 35) Vicar of Church of St Peter and St Paul, Salle [Map]. Inscription: Orate p. a'i'a. Simonis Boleyn, capellani, qui obt. 3 die mensis Augi. 1482.

Simon Boleyn: Around 1447 he was born to Geoffrey Boleyn and Ann Hoo. On 03 Aug 1482 Simon Boleyn died.

On 03 Aug 1494 Nicholas Montgomery (age 60) died. He was buried at St Andrew's Church, Great Cubley [Map]. Effigy, if there were one, now missing. Attributed to Harpur and Moorecock of Burton on Trent. Chest with Weepers.

Nicholas Montgomery: In 1434 he was born to Nicholas Montgomery. In or before 1475 he and Joan Delves were married. The difference in their ages was 21 years.

On 03 Aug 1496 Richard Curzon (age 84) died at Kedleston [Map].

All Saints Church, Kedleston [Map]. Brass to Richard Curzon and Alice Willoughby.

Richard Curzon: Around 1412 he was born to John Curzon and Joan Bagot. at Kedleston. In or before 1432 Richard Curzon and Alice Willoughby were married.

Alice Willoughby: she was born to Henry Willoughby and Ellen Egerton. In 1523 Richard Draycott and she were married.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 03 Aug 1553. [The iij day of August the Queen (age 37) came riding to London, and so to the Tower [Map]; making her entrance at Aldgate, which was hanged,] and a grett nombur of stremars ha[nging about the said gate;] and all the strett unto Ledynhalle and unto the [Tower were laid with] graffvell, and all the crafts of London stood [in a row, with] ther banars and stremars hangyd over ther heds. Her grace cam, and a-for her a M1. velvet cotes and [cloaks] in brodere, and the mar of London bare the mase [mace], and the erle of Arundell (age 41) bare the sworde, and all the trumpets [blowing]; and next her my lade Elssabeth (age 19), and next her the duches of Norffoke (age 56), and next her the marqwes of Exseter (age 50), [and other] lades; and after her the aldermen, and then the gard with bowes and gaffylens, and all the reseduw departyd [at Aldgate] in gren and whyt, and red and whyt, and bluw and gren, to the nombur of iij M1. horse and speres and gaffelyns.

On 03 Aug 1553 Queen Mary I of England and Ireland (age 37) made her formal entrance into London.

Strype's Complete History of England describes Mary's entrance to the Tower:

There met her as humble supplicants the Duke of Norfolk (age 80), who had been a prisoner ever since his son the Earl of Surrey was put to death by King Henry the ; Edward Courtenay (age 26), son of the Marquis of Exeter who was executed in the year 1538; Gardiner (age 70), deprived of his Bishopric of Winchester about two years before; and the Dowager Duchess of Somerset (age 56). They presented themselves on their knees, and Gardiner in the name of them all, made a congratulatory speech to the Queen, who kindly raised them one after another, saluted them, saying they were her own proper prisoners and ordered their immediate discharge. The next day she restored Courtenay to the honor of his family. Gardiner not only obtained his bishopric again but on the 23rd of August following was made Lord Chancellor, even though he had formerly subscribed to the Sentence of Divorce against the Queen's mother and had written in defense of King Henry's proceedings.

On 03 Aug 1553 Edward Courtenay 1st Earl Devon (age 26) was finally released from imprisonment after fifteen years by Queen Mary I of England and Ireland (age 37) who was a close friend of his mother Gertrude Blount Marchioness of Exeter (age 50).

Henry Machyn's Diary. 03 Aug 1553. The iij day of August, at Rychemond [Map], was my lord Cortnay (age 26) created the yerle of Denshyre of owre nobulle qwene Mare (age 37).

Henry Machyn's Diary. 03 Aug 1555. The iij day of August the Quen (age 39) and Kynges (age 28) grace removyd from Hamtun Court [Map] unto Hotland [Map], a iiij mylles of: has her grace whent thrugh the parke for to take her barge, ther mett her grace by the way a powre man with ij chruches, and when that he saw her grace, for joy he thruw hys stayffes a-way, and rane after her grace, and sche commondyd that one shuld gyff ym a reward.

On 16 Jul 1557 Anne of Cleves Queen Consort England (age 41) died at Chelsea Manor [Map]. She was buried at Westminster Abbey [Map] on 03 Aug 1557. She was the last of Henry VIII's six wives to die having outlived him by ten years. Hever Castle, Kent [Map] appears to have been appropriated by Edward Waldegrave (age 40), one of the Commissioners for the sale of Crown land, who assigned himself the Castle and estate of Hever.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 03 Aug 1557. The iij day of August my lade Anne of Cleyff (deceased), sumtyme wyff unto kyng Henry the viijth cam from Chelsey to be [buried] unto Westmynster, with all the chylderyn of Westmynster and [many] prest and clarkes, and then the gray ames of Powlles and iij crosses, and the monkes of Westmynster, and my lord bysshope of Lo[ndon] (age 57) and my lord abbott of Westmynster (age 42) rod together next the monkes, and then the ij sekturs [executors] ser Edmond Peckham (age 62) and ser (Robert) Freston (age 57), cofferer to the quen of England; and then my lord admerall (age 47), my (lord) Darce of Essex (age 60), and mony knyghts and gentyllmen; and a-for her servandes, and after her baner of armes; and then her gentyllmen and here hed offesers; and then here charett with viij baners of armes of dyvers armes, and iiij baners of emages of whytt taffata, wroght with fyne gold and her armes; and so by sant James, and so to Charyingcrosse [Map], with a C. torchys bornyng, her servandes beyrying them, and the xij bed-men of Westmynster had new blake gownes; and they had xij torchys bornyng, and iiij whyt branchys with armes; and then ladies and gentyll-women all in blake, and horsses; and a viij haroldes of armes in blake, and ther horses; and armes sad a-bowt the herse behynd and be-for; and iiij haroldes barying the iiij whyt baners; and at (the) chyrche dore all dyd a-lyght and ther dyd reseyvyd the good lade my lord of London and my lord abbott in ther myteres and copes, sensyng her, and ther men dyd bere her with a canepe of blake welvett, with iiij blake stayffes, and so browth in-to the herse and ther tared durge, and so ther all nyght with lyght bornyng.

Note. Ibid. Funeral of the lady Anne of Cleves. A very particular narrative of this solemnity, from MSS. in the College of Arms, will be found in the Excerpta Historica, 1831, together with the Will of the deceased. The body of the queen was buried, as Stowe says, "at the head of king Sebert," where "she lyeth in a tomb not yet finished." Engravings of what was erected of this tomb will be found in the Vetusta Monumenta, vol. ii. pl. 35, as well as in Dart and the other histories of Westminster Abbey. In p. 145, for sir Robert Freston read Richard; and in p. 146, for William duke of Cleves read John.

The Bardon Papers 9. (e) Babington (age 24) to Mary (age 43). 3 August, 1586.

Four copies of this letter exist in the Record Office, three in English and one in French (S. P. Mary Q. of S. xix. nos. 9-12). It was the last letter that Babington wrote to Mary before his capture. Babington was probably quite right in accusing Maude of treachery, but it was of course not Maude, but Babington’s own letters, which revealed his plans to the English Government1.

Note 1. This man Maude is an elusive fellow, and probably if more could be found out about him, more light could be thrown upon this whole matter. Camden declared that he was one of Walsingham’s spies and that he accompanied Ballard on his voyage to France and wrung from him all his secrets (Annals of Eliz. (ed. 1635) p. 302). Robert Poley in his confession (S. P. Mary Q. of S. xix no. 26) said that Babington told him that Maude and Ballard went to France together. This confirms Camden’s statement in part. It appears also from the confession of one Tipping, a man who was examined in connection with the Babington plot, that Maude accompanied Ballard when he went north in June 1586 (cf. Summary of Confessions. S. P. Mary Q. of S. xix no. 91 p. 28). Neither of these witnesses however confirms Camden’s statement that Maude was a spy of Walsingham. Yet the presumption is that such was the case. The strange silence in regard to him is significant. Though accused by both Poley and Tipping, he was never called into question. This curious neglect of his case struck Edward Windsor, one of those who were more or less implicated in Babington's schemes but who escaped death to suffer imprisonment in the Tower. On the 30th of May 1587 he complained bitterly in a letter to Sir Christopher Hatton that though Maude had been, first to last, deeply implicated in the conspiracy, he had never been brought to trial (R.O. S.P. Dorn, cci, no. 50).

The Letter Books of Amias Paulet Keeper of Mary Queen of Scots Published 1874 Marys Execution. The household of the late Queen were not allowed to depart as soon as Poulet (age 54) expected. They were detained at Fotheringay [Map], from motives of policy, till the 3rd of August, when the funeral of their mistress having been at last performed, they were set free. Some of them were taken to Peterborough [Map] to accompany the corpse and to be present at the funeral ceremonies on the 1st of August. Amongst them, in the order of the procession, it is surprising to find Mary's chaplain, "Monsieur du Préau, chaplain, in a long cloak, carrying a silver cross in hand.1." The account of the funeral from which this is taken, written by one of the late Queen's household, takes care to mention that when they reached the choir of Peterborough Minster, and the choristers began "to sing in their manner in the English language2," they all, with the exception of Andrew Melville and Barbara Mowbray, left the church and walked in the cloisters till the service was finished. "If the English," he says, "and especially the King of the heralds ... were in extreme anger, the more joyful and content were the Catholics".

Poulet left for London, and as long as Mary's servants were detained at Fotheringay [Map], he seems to have retained jurisdiction over them. It was to him, therefore, that Melville and Bourgoin applied in March for leave to sell their horses and to write into France respecting the bequests made to them by the Queen of Scots; and to him that Darrell forwarded in June "the petition of the whole household and servants of the late Queen of Scotland remaining at Fotheringay," begging to be released from their prison and to be allowed to leave the country.

Note 1. Monsieur du Preau, aumosnier, en long manteau, portant une croix d'Argent en main.

Note 2. a chanter a leur fagon en langage Anglois.

Note 3. Si les Anglois," he says, "et principalement le Roy des heraux ... estoit en extreme cholere, d'autant estoient joieux et contents les Catholiques

Diary of Anne Clifford 1617. 03 Aug 1617. The 3rd in the afternoon we had much falling out about the house which my Lord (age 28) would have me undertake, which I refused in regard things went so ill with me. This night the Child lay all night with my Lord and me, this being the first night she did so.

On 25 May 1657 Edward Rodney (age 66) died. On 03 Aug 1659 Frances Southwell died. Monument in Church of St Leonard, Rodney Stoke [Map].

Frances Southwell: she was born to Robert Southwell and Elizabeth Howard Countess Carrick. In May 1614 Edward Rodney and she were married at Somerset House. She the daughter of Robert Southwell and Elizabeth Howard Countess Carrick.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Aug 1661. Then parted, and I went to the Rose [Map], and there with Mr. Pechell, Sanchy, and others, sat and drank till night and were very merry, only they tell me how high the old doctors are in the University over those they found there, though a great deal better scholars than themselves; for which I am very sorry, and, above all, Dr. Gunning (age 47).

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Aug 1663. So walked to the Hillhouse (which we did view and the yard about it, and do think to put it off as soon as we can conveniently) and there made ourselves ready and mounted and rode to Gravesend, Kent [Map] (my riding Coate not being to be found I fear it is stole) on our way being overtaken by Captain Browne that serves the office of the Ordnance at Chatham, Kent [Map]. All the way, though he was a rogue and served the late times all along, yet he kept us in discourse of the many services that he did for many of the King's party, lords and Dukes, and among others he recovered a dog that was stolne from Mr. Cary (head-keeper of the buck-hounds to the King (age 33)) and preserved several horses of the Duke of Richmond's (age 24), and his best horse he was forst to put out his eyes and keep him for a stallion to preserve him from being carried away. But he gone at last upon my enquiry to tell us how (he having been here too for survey of the Ropeyard [Map]) the day's work of the Rope-makers become settled, which pleased me very well. Being come to our Inn Mr. Coventry (age 35) and I sat, and talked till 9 or 10 a-clock and then to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Aug 1664. Thence to White Hall to meet with Sir G. Carteret (age 54) about hiring some ground to make our mast docke at Deptford, Kent [Map], but being Council morning failed, but met with Mr. Coventry (age 36), and he and I discoursed of the likeliness of a Dutch warr, which I think is very likely now, for the Dutch do prepare a fleet to oppose us at Guinny, and he do think we shall, though neither of us have a mind to it, fall into it of a sudden, and yet the plague do increase among them, and is got into their fleet, and Opdam's own ship, which makes it strange they should be so high.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Aug 1665. Up, and betimes to Deptford, Kent [Map] to Sir G. Carteret's (age 55), where, not liking the horse that had been hired by Mr. Uthwayt for me, I did desire Sir G. Carteret to let me ride his new £40 horse, which he did, and so I left my 'hacquenee'1 behind, and so after staying a good while in their bedchamber while they were dressing themselves, discoursing merrily, I parted and to the ferry, where I was forced to stay a great while before I could get my horse brought over, and then mounted and rode very finely to Dagenhams; all the way people, citizens, walking to and again to enquire how the plague is in the City this week by the Bill; which by chance, at Greenwich, Kent [Map], I had heard was 2,020 of the plague, and 3,000 and odd of all diseases; but methought it was a sad question to be so often asked me.

Note 1. Haquenee = an ambling nag fitted for ladies' riding.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Aug 1665. Coming to Dagenhams, I there met our company coming out of the house, having staid as long as they could for me; so I let them go a little before, and went and took leave of my Lady Sandwich (age 40), good woman, who seems very sensible of my service in this late business, and having her directions in some things, among others, to get Sir G. Carteret (age 55) and my Lord to settle the portion, and what Sir G. Carteret is to settle, into land, soon as may be, she not liking that it should lie long undone, for fear of death on either side.

John Evelyn's Diary. 03 Aug 1665. Came his Grace the Duke of Albemarle (age 56), Lord General of all his Majesty's (age 35) forces, to visit me, and carried me to dine with him.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Aug 1666. At noon home to dinner, and then abroad to Sir Philip Warwicke's (age 56) at White Hall about Tangier one quarter tallys, and there had some serious discourse touching money, and the case of the Navy, wherein all I could get of him was that we had the full understanding of the treasure as much as my Lord Treasurer (age 59) himself, and knew what he can do, and that whatever our case is, more money cannot be got till the Parliament. So talked of getting an account ready as soon as we could to give the Parliament, and so very melancholy parted. So I back again, calling my wife (age 25) at her sister's, from whose husband (age 26) we do now hear that he was safe this week, and going in a ship to the fleete from the buoy of the Nore, where he has been all this while, the fleete being gone before he got down.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Aug 1666. The death of Everson, and the report of our success, beyond expectation, in the killing of so great a number of men, hath raised the estimation of the late victory considerably; but it is only among fools: for all that was but accidental. But this morning, getting Sir.W. Pen (age 45) to read over the Narrative with me, he did sparingly, yet plainly, say that we might have intercepted their Zealand squadron coming home, if we had done our parts; and more, that we might have spooned before the wind as well as they, and have overtaken their ships in the pursuite, in all the while1.

Note 1. To spoom, or spoon, is to go right before the wind, without any sail. Sea Dictionary. Dryden (age 34) uses the word "When virtue spooms before a prosperous gale, My heaving wishes help to fill the sail". Hind and Panther, iii. 96.

John Evelyn's Diary. 03 Aug 1668. Mr. Bramstone (son to Judge B), my old fellow-traveler, now reader at the Middle Temple, invited me to his feast, which was so very extravagant and great as the like had not been seen at any time. There were the Duke of Ormond (age 57), Privy Seal (age 62), Bedford (age 52), Belasis (age 54), Halifax (age 34), and a world more of Earls and Lords.

John Evelyn's Diary. 03 Aug 1671. A full appearance at the Council. The matter in debate was, whether we should send a deputy to New England, requiring them of the Massachusetts to restore such to their limits and respective possessions, as had petitioned the Council; this to be the open commission only; but, in truth, with secret instructions to inform us of the condition of those Colonies, and whether they were of such power, as to be able to resist his Majesty (age 41) and declare for themselves as independent of the Crown, which we were told, and which of late years made them refractory. Colonel Middleton (age 63), being called in, assured us they might be curbed by a few of his Majesty's first-rate frigates, to spoil their trade with the islands; but, though my Lord President (age 46) was not satisfied, the rest were, and we did resolve to advise his Majesty to send Commissioners with a formal commission for adjusting boundaries, etc., with some other instructions.

John Evelyn's Diary. 03 Aug 1690. The French landed some soldiers at Teignmouth [Map], in Devon, and burned some poor houses. The French fleet still hovering about the western coast, and we having 300 sail of rich merchant-ships in the bay of Plymouth [Map], our fleet began to move toward them, under three admirals. The country in the west all on their guard. A very extraordinary fine season; but on the 12th was a very great storm of thunder and lightning, and on the 15th the season much changed to wet and cold. The militia and trained bands, horse and foot, which were up through England, were dismissed. The French King having news that King William (age 39) was slain, and his army defeated in Ireland, caused such a triumph at Paris, and all over France, as was never heard of; when, in the midst of it, the unhappy King James (age 56) being vanquished, by a speedy flight and escape, himself brought the news of his own defeat.

On 03 Aug 1692 George Hamilton was killed in action at Steenkerque during the Battle of Steenkerque.

On 03 Aug 1769 or 25 Aug 1769 James Agar (age 55) was killed in a duel with Henry Flood (age 37) his political rival. James, who missed with his first shot, reputedly shouted "Fire, you scoundrel!": Flood duly fired. Flood was prosecuted for murder, but was found guilty of manslaughter, and spared a prison sentence, as according to the code of the time he had acted honourably. The case, which aroused huge public interest.

On 03 Aug 1770 Frederick William III King Prussia was born to Frederick William II King Prussia (age 25) and Queen Frederica Louisa of Prussia (age 18). He a great x 2 grandson of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 03 Aug 1814 Peter Parker 2nd Baronet (age 28) was killed in action whilst storming the American camp at Bellair near Baltimore. His son Peter Parker 3rd Baronet (age 4) succeeded 3rd Baronet Parker of Bassingbourn in Essex.

After 03 Aug 1824. St Helen's Church Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire [Map]. Monument to Thomas John Kirkland (deceased).

Thomas John Kirkland: Around 1760 he was born to Thomas Kirkland. On 03 Aug 1824 he died.

Ten Years' Digging. On the 3rd of August, we opened a finely shaped barrow [High Field Hlaew [Map]] near Brushfield, upon Lapwing HiU, overlooking Cressbrook valley, measuring seventeen yards across and four feet high in the centre, composed of earth, with a few stones in the middle, where a shallow grave, about a foot deep, was sunk in the rock. In it lay extended the remains of a human body, so very much decayed as to be almost undistinguishable, but which we ascertained to have been deposited with the head to the west. Beneath the remnants of bone were many traces of light-coloured hair, as if from a hide, resting upon a considerable quantity of decayed wood, indicating a plank of some thickness, or the bottom of a coffin. At the left of the body was a long and broad iron sword, enclosed in a sheath made of thin wood covered with ornamented leather.

Under the hilt of the sword, which like most of ancient date is very small, was a short iron knife; and a little way above the right shoulder were two small javelin heads, 4½ inches long, of the same metal, which had lain so near each other as to become united by corrosion. Among the stones which filled the grave, and about a foot from the bottom, were many objects of corroded iron, including nine loops of hoop iron about an inch broad, which had been fixed to thick wood by long nails; eight staples or eyes, which had been driven through plank and clenched; and one or two other objects of more uncertain application, all which were dispersed at intervals round the corpse throughout the length of the grave, and which may therefore have been attached to a bier or coffin in which the deceased was conveyed to the grave, possibly from some distant place. The only specimen of a Saxon sword, which was the weapon of the thegn, previously found in this part of Derbyshire, was singularly enough found with the umbo of a shield on the same farm in 1828; thus indicating the connection of a noble Saxon family with Brushfield in the age of Heathendom, the name of which is perpetuated in a document of the 16th century, preserved in the British Museum1.

Note 1. Mortgage of Lands in Little Longsdon, Monsall Dale, and Brighterighefield (Brightric's Field,) otherwise Brushefielde, between Thomas Shakerley of Derby and Rowland Eyre of Hassoppe; dated May. 37th Elizabeth. B. Mus: Additional MSS. 6702. fol 45.

Ten Years' Digging. On the 3rd of August we opened a barrow on Bailey Hill [Map], between the Dove and Bostom, on the Derbyshire side of the stream. It was raised upon a very irregular protuberant rock, which in the middle was cut through the loose upper beds into a kind of grave, the bottom of which, conforming to the dip of strata, was three feet deep at one end, whilst it diminished to nothing at the other. In this were three interments, the most primitive of which had been disturbed by the later deposits, its bones being found at intervals from the surface downwards. The bones were those of a full-grown person, and much decayed. A second skeleton was found undisturbed at the bottom, on which it lay on its right side, with the body slightly curved, the knees contracted, and the head to the west. Before the face was a small plain vase, lying on its side, and at the back of the skull was a very large tusk from the wild boar. The femur measures about 16 J inches. About a foot below the surface was a deposit of calcined bones, containing a very neatly made pair of tweezers of bone, unbumt, and perforated for suspension. The grave was filled up with stone, and the artificial part of the roound consisted of similar materials, amongst which rats' bones so much abounded as to fill up most of the interstices from the surface to the bottom of the grave. A few pieces of two vessels were picked up during the day. The following remarks upon the barrow, made by Mr. Carrington immediately after the opening, are valuable. He says — "I consider this to be the most primitive barrow I ever opened, as the small instrument of bone may have been deposited with the burnt bones at a much more recent period than that in which the mound was originally constructed. The coarse urn, without any decoration — the absence of every other article, with the exception of the boar's tusk — serve to strengthen this supposition. The contents of the cist were examined with the greatest care, yet nothing more was discovered, except one small round piece of ironstone — not a sandstone, or pebble, or charcoal (which are all commonly found in Celtic barrows) — not even one bit of flint was to be seen. This is the first barrow I have opened in which the latter material has not been present."

After 03 Aug 1860. Memorial to Elizabeth Knight (deceased) at St Mary's Church, Elton sculpted by George Gammon Adams (age 39).

Elizabeth Knight: On 18 Mar 1798 she was born to Thomas Andrew Knight of Downton Castle in Herefordshire. On 03 Aug 1860 she died.

On 03 Aug 1861 Anne Webb Countess Newburgh (age 98)

On 03 Aug 1873 a northbound "Tourist Special" excursion train, drawn by two locomotives consisted of twenty-five vehicles by the time it left Crewe, derailed at Wigan, colliding with station buildings, killing thirteen passengers. The train was declared to have been travelling at excessive speed. In the sixteenth coach, the one which derailed, was travelling Florence Sutherland Leveson-Gower (age 18) with her companion Miss Braggs.

On 03 Aug 1879 Joseph Severn (age 85) died. He was buried at the Cimitero Acattolico, Rome next to the grave of John Keats.

Attribution: Howardhudson at English Wikipedia, CC BY 2.5 , via Wikimedia Commons.

On 03 Aug 1901 William Hicks-Beach (age 74) died in a carriage accident. The day before he was severely injured when the horse of the Hansom cab in which he was riding stumbled onto an unguarded roadworks trench while attempting to avoid a bus on Parliament Street. Beach and the driver of the cab were thrown onto the road, and Beach was taken, unconscious, to Westminster Hospital. He woke around three hours later, and was noted to have suffered several head injuries, including a concussion and several abrasions. After appearing to slowly recover, he succumbed to his injuries the following night, aged 74. An inquiry was opened into his death the following week, and a verdict of accidental death was returned.

Births on the 3rd August

On 03 Aug 1585 Thomas Burdett 1st Baronet was born to Robert Burdett and Mary Wilson.

On 03 Aug 1632 John Hastings was born to Ferdinando Hastings 6th Earl Huntingdon (age 24) and Lucy Davies Countess Huntingdon (age 19).

On 03 Aug 1648 William Fermor 1st Baron Leominster was born to William Fermor 1st Baronet (age 27).

On 03 Aug 1702 Walter Wagstaffe Bagot 5th Baronet was born to Edward Bagot 4th Baronet (age 28).

On 03 Aug 1703 Louis Bourbon Duke Orléans was born to Philippe Bourbon II Duke Orléans (age 29) and Françoise Marie Bourbon Duchess Orléans (age 26) at Palace of Versailles, Versailles. He a great x 3 grandson of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland. Coefficient of inbreeding 7.39%.

On 03 Aug 1718 John Wallop Viscount Lymington was born to John Wallop 1st Earl Portsmouth (age 28) and Bridget Bennet Viscountess Lymington (age 21). He was educated at Winchester College , Winchester from 1731 to 1734, and Christ Church College, Oxford University from 1739 to 1740.

On 03 Aug 1770 Frederick William III King Prussia was born to Frederick William II King Prussia (age 25) and Queen Frederica Louisa of Prussia (age 18). He a great x 2 grandson of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 03 Aug 1787 Edward Joseph Smythe 6th Baronet was born to Edward Smythe 5th Baronet (age 29).

On 03 Aug 1791 William Williams 1st Baronet was born to John Williams.

On 03 Aug 1791 Charles Gordon-Lennox 5th Duke Richmond was born to Charles Lennox 4th Duke Richmond (age 26) and Charlotte Gordon Duchess Richmond (age 22). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 03 Aug 1825 Henry Holland 1st Viscount Knutsford was born to Henry Holland 1st Baronet (age 36).

On 03 Aug 1829 Mary Madax Viscountess Hill was born to William Madax of Gosport, Hampshire.

On 03 Aug 1835 Maria Howard was born to Henry Howard 2nd Earl of Effingham (age 28) and Eliza Drummond Baroness Howard (age 24).

On 03 Aug 1842 William Robert Clayton 6th Baronet was born to William Capel Clayton (age 23).

On 03 Aug 1854 Rear-Admiral Algernon Horatio Anson was born to John William Hamilton Anson 2nd Baronet (age 37) and Elizabeth Catherine Pack Lady Anson (age 33).

On 03 Aug 1857 Friedrich Wilhelm Oldenburg was born to Frederick Christian Oldenburg II Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 28) and Adelheid Hohenlohe Langenburg Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg.

On 03 Aug 1858 Geoffrey Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes 12th or 18th Baron Saye and Sele was born to John Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes 11th or 17th Baron Saye and Sele (age 28).

On 03 Aug 1861 Edwin Harry Lascelles was born to Henry Thynne Lascelles 4th Earl Harewood (age 37) and Diana Smyth Countess Harewood (age 23).

On 03 Aug 1862 Mary Constance Wyndham Countess Wemyss was born to Percy Scawen Wyndham (age 27) and Madeline Caroline Frances Eden Campbell at Belgrave Square, Belgravia.

On 03 Aug 1867 Stanley Baldwin 1st Earl Baldwin was born.

On 03 Aug 1895 Allen Bathurst was born to Seymour Bathurst 7th Earl Bathurst (age 31) and Lilias Margaret Frances Borthwick Countess Bathurst Sussex (age 24).

Marriages on the 3rd August

On 03 Aug 1537 Gregory Cromwell 1st Baron Cromwell Oakham (age 17) and Elizabeth Seymour Baroness Cromwell Oakham (age 19) were married at Mortlake, Richmond. He the son of Thomas Cromwell 1st Earl Essex (age 52) and Elizabeth Wyckes.

On 03 Aug 1706 Marmaduke Langdale 4th Baron Langdale (age 21) and Elizabeth Widdrington (age 17) were married. She by marriage Baroness Langdale of Holme in Yorkshire.

On 03 Aug 1799 John Lubbock 2nd Baronet (age 24) and Mary Entwistle were married.

On 03 Aug 1833 Henry Willoughby 8th Baron Middleton (age 15) and Julia Louisa Bosville Baroness Middleton (age 9) were married.

On 03 Aug 1858 Charles Anderson-Pelham 3rd Earl Yarborough (age 23) and Victoria Alexandrina Hare were married. She the daughter of William Hare 2nd Earl Listowel and Maria Augusta Windham Countess Listowel (age 53). He the son of Charles Anderson-Pelham 2nd Earl Yarborough (age 49) and Maria Adelaide Maude Countess Yarborough (age 43).

On 03 Aug 1874 Tatton Sykes 5th Baronet (age 48) and Christina Anne Jessica Cavendish-Bentinck were married.

On 03 Aug 1876 Bernard Coleridge 2nd Baron Coleridge (age 24) and Mary Alethea Mackarness Baroness Coleridge were married. They were first cousins.

On 03 Aug 1907 Antoine Alfred Agénor de Gramont 11th Duc de Gramont (age 55) and Princess Maria Ruspoli (age 19) were married. She by marriage Duchess Gramont. The difference in their ages was 36 years. He the son of Agénor 10th Duc de Gramont.

Deaths on the 3rd August

On 03 Aug 1271 John Plantagenet (age 5) died at Wallingford, Oxfordshire [Map] whilst in the care of his great uncle Richard of Cornwall 1st Earl Cornwall (age 62). He was buried at Westminster Abbey [Map].

On 03 Aug 1336 Roger Mortimer 1st Baron Mortimer of Chirk (age 80) died at the Tower of London [Map] after four and a half years imprisonment. He was buried at either Wigmore Abbey [Map] or St Augustine's Priory, Bristol [Map]. His son Roger de Mortimer 2nd Baron Mortimer succeeded 2nd Baron Mortimer of Chirk although he was never summoned to Parliament.

On 03 Aug 1355 Bartholomew "The Elder" Burghesh 1st Baron Burghesh (age 68) died at Dover, Kent [Map]. He was buried in the St Catherine Chantry at Lincoln Cathedral [Map] with his father and brother. His son Bartholomew "The Younger" Burghesh 2nd Baron Burghesh (age 27) succeeded 2nd Baron Burghesh. Cecily Weyland Baroness Burghesh by marriage Baroness Burghesh.

Cecily Weyland Baroness Burghesh: Around 1314 she was born to Richard de Weyland. Before 10 May 1335 Bartholomew "The Younger" Burghesh 2nd Baron Burghesh and she were married. He a great x 5 grandson of King John of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King John of England. In Aug 1354 she died.

On 03 Aug 1373 Margaret Pipard Baroness Lisle (age 50) died.

On 03 Aug 1460 King James II of Scotland (age 29) was killed accidentally whilst besieging Roxburgh Castle when a cannon exploded and he was hit by debris. He was buried at Holyrood Abbey, Holyrood. His son King James III of Scotland (age 9) succeeded III King Scotland.

William Douglas 3rd Lord Drumlanrig (age 20) was present.

On 16 Jul 1557 Anne of Cleves Queen Consort England (age 41) died at Chelsea Manor [Map]. She was buried at Westminster Abbey [Map] on 03 Aug 1557. She was the last of Henry VIII's six wives to die having outlived him by ten years. Hever Castle, Kent [Map] appears to have been appropriated by Edward Waldegrave (age 40), one of the Commissioners for the sale of Crown land, who assigned himself the Castle and estate of Hever.

On 03 Aug 1562 John de Vere 16th Earl of Oxford (age 46) died. His son Edward de Vere 17th Earl of Oxford (age 12) succeeded 17th Earl of Oxford.

On 03 Aug 1619 Dorothy Devereux Countess Northumberland (age 55) died.

On 03 Aug 1696 Elizabeth Bennet Lady Carr died.

On 03 Aug 1721 Grinling Gibbons (age 73) died.

On 03 Aug 1804 Henry Cavendish 2nd Baronet (age 71) died. His son Richard Cavendish 2nd Baron Waterpark (age 39) succeeded 3rd Baronet Cavendish of Doveridge Hall. Juliana Cooper Baroness Waterpark (age 37) by marriage Lady Cavendish of Doveridge Hall.

On 03 Aug 1814 Peter Parker 2nd Baronet (age 28) was killed in action whilst storming the American camp at Bellair near Baltimore. His son Peter Parker 3rd Baronet (age 4) succeeded 3rd Baronet Parker of Bassingbourn in Essex.

On 03 Aug 1879 Joseph Severn (age 85) died. He was buried at the Cimitero Acattolico, Rome next to the grave of John Keats.

Attribution: Howardhudson at English Wikipedia, CC BY 2.5 , via Wikimedia Commons.

On 03 Aug 1934 Florence Coulston Gardner Countess Onslow (age 81) died.

On 03 Aug 1956 John Kennaway 4th Baronet (age 77) died. His son John Lawrence Kennaway 5th Baronet (age 22) succeeded 5th Baronet Kennaway of Hyderabad.

On 03 Aug 1968 Francis Stonor 5th Baron Camoys (age 84) died. His son Ralph Stonor 6th Baron Camoys (age 55) succeeded 6th Baron Camoys.

On 03 Aug 1994 Valerie Mansfield Countess Macclesfield (age 75) died.