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On this Day in History ... 3rd March

03 Mar is in March.

1470 Welles' Rebellion and Battle of Losecoat Field aka Empingham

1539 Exeter Conspiracy

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 3rd March

On 03 Mar 1040 Cunigunda Luxemburg Ardennes Holy Roman Empress (age 65) died.

On 03 Mar 1323 Andrew Harclay 1st Earl Carlisle (age 53) was hanged at Carlisle, Cumberland [Map] for having negotiated a truce with the Scots despite having successfuly defeated the rebels at the Battle of Boroughbridge a year before for which he was enobled by King Edward II of England (age 38). Earl Carlisle forfeit.

On 16 Feb 1337 William of Hatfield was born to King Edward III of England (age 24) and Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England (age 22) at Hatfield [Map]. He died shortly afterwards around 03 Mar 1337. He was buried at York Minster [Map] where there is a monument to him in the north aisle. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.00%.

On 03 Mar 1455 John II King Portugal was born to Alfonso "The African" V King Portugal (age 23) and Isabella Aviz Queen Consort Portugal. He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 7.45%.

Before 03 Feb 1470 Robert Welles 8th Baron Willoughby 8th Baron Welles attacked Gainsborough Old Hall, Lincolnshire [Map] home of Thomas Burgh 1st Baron Burgh of Gainsborough (age 39), a senior Yorkist, Edward IV's (age 27) Master of the Horse. It isn't known whether this attack was a consequence of local or national issues. King Edward IV of England summoned Robert's father Richard Welles 7th Baron Welles, Baron Willoughby (age 42) and uncle-in-law Thomas Dymoke (age 42) (married to Margaret Welles (age 38) sister of Robert Welles 8th Baron Willoughby 8th Baron Welles) to London. Both initially went into Sanctuary, Westminster Abbey [Map] but were pardoned on 03 Mar 1470.

After 03 Mar 1470 Robert Welles 8th Baron Willoughby 8th Baron Welles continued to resist King Edward IV of England (age 27) by raising forces in Lincolnshire. King Edward IV of England travelled north and threatened Robert Welles 8th Baron Willoughby 8th Baron Welles with the execution of his father (age 42) and Thomas Dymoke (age 42) if Robert persisted in rebellion.

Patent Rolls Edward IV 03 Mar 1478. 03 Mar 1478. Grant to the king's servant Thomas Patyngeham, one of the yeomen of the king's chamber, of the offices of bailiff of the king's lordships of Walsale, Perybarre and Patyngeham and the custody of the park of Walsale in the counties of Stafford and Warwick during the minority of Edward (age 3), son and heir of George, late duke of Clarence (deceased), with the accustomed fees from the issues of the lordships and all other profits. By p.s.

On 03 Mar 1506 Louis Aviz was born to Manuel "Fortunate" I King Portugal (age 36) and Maria Trastámara Queen Consort Portugal (age 24). Coefficient of inbreeding 8.38%.

Letters 1536. 03 Mar 1536. R. O. 409. The Boleyn Family. List of grants by the King to Thomas Boleyn (age 59), Earl of Wiltshire, and George Boleyn (age 33), Lord Rochford, from 29 April 14 Henry VIII. to 3 March 27 Henry VIII. Lat., pp. 3.

Chronicle of Greyfriars. 03 Mar 1539. Also the 3rd day of March was beheaded at Tower-hill [Map] Sir Nicholas Carew (age 43).

Henry Machyn's Diary. 03 Mar 1560. The sam day dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] the nuwe byshope of London master Gryndall (age 41), in ys rochet and chyminer; and after sermon done the pepull dyd syng; and ther was my lord mayre (age 64) and the althermen, and ther was grett audyence.

On 03 Mar 1572 Henry Stewart 2nd Lord Methven (age 44) was shot and killed by a cannon at Edinburgh Castle [Map]. His son Henry Stewart 3rd Lord Methven succeeded 3rd Lord Methven.

On 03 Mar 1609 Maximilian Colt (age 34) was granted a suit of broadcloth and fur to be renewed annually for life.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1617. 03 Mar 1617. Upon the 3rd Petley1 and Tom went to Buckhurst with my Lord's (age 27) horses and hounds to meet my Lord there, by whom I wrote a letter to my Lord to beseech him that he would take Knole on his way as he goes to London.

Note 1. Under Farrier.

On 03 Mar 1626 William Cavendish 1st Earl Devonshire (age 73) died. His son William Cavendish 2nd Earl Devonshire (age 36) succeeded 2nd Earl Devonshire, 2nd Baron Cavendish Hardwick. Christian Bruce Countess Devonshire by marriage Countess Devonshire. On 12 Oct 1616 Henry Cavendish died. Both were buried at St Peter's Church, Edensor [Map].

The monument was behind the altar in the original church but moved to a separate chapel in the new church.

Monument formed two bodies under a low four-poster with black Ionic columns and black covering slab. The monument has been attributed to Maximilian Colt (age 51).

Extremely grand architecture above the two martial flanking figures, then arches with, on the left armour, and on the right purple, coronet, and sword hung up, and in the middle an angel holding the black inscription tablet and blowing a trumpet. The whole is surmounted by a big broken pediment.

Henry appears as a skeleton on a straw mat.

William in his shroud with his face exposed.

In 03 Mar 1627 Bryan Maguire 1st Baron of Enniskillen (age 38) was created 1st Baron Enniskillen by King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Mar 1660. To Westminster Hall [Map], where I found that my Lord was last night voted one of the Generals at Sea, and Monk (age 51) the other. I met my Lord in the Hall, who bid me come to him at noon. I met with Mr. Pierce the purser, Lieut. Lambert (age 40), Mr. Creed, and Will. Howe, and went with them to the Swan [Map] tavern. Up to my office, but did nothing. At noon home to dinner to a sheep's head. My brother Tom (age 26) came and dined with me, and told me that my mother was not very well, and that my Aunt Fenner was very ill too. After dinner I to Warwick House, in Holborn, to my Lord, where he dined with my Lord of Manchester (age 58), Sir Dudley North (age 77), my Lord Fiennes (age 52), and my Lord Barkly. I staid in the great hall, talking with some gentlemen there, till they all come out. Then I, by coach with my Lord, to Mr. Crew's (age 62), in our way talking of publick things, and how I should look after getting of his Commissioner's despatch. He told me he feared there was new design hatching, as if Monk had a mind to get into the saddle. Here I left him, and went by appointment to Hering, the merchant, but missed of my money, at which I was much troubled, but could not help myself. Returning, met Mr. Gifford, who took me and gave me half a pint of wine, and told me, as I hear this day from many, that things are in a very doubtful posture, some of the Parliament being willing to keep the power in their hands. After I had left him, I met with Tom Harper, who took me into a place in Drury Lane, where we drank a great deal of strong water, more than ever I did in my life at onetime before. He talked huge high that my Lord Protector (age 33) would come in place again, which indeed is much discoursed of again, though I do not see it possible. Hence home and wrote to my father at Brampton by the post. So to bed. This day I was told that my Lord General Fleetwood (age 42) told my lord that he feared the King of Sweden is dead of a fever at Gottenburg.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Mar 1664. Up pretty early and so to the office, where we sat all the morning making a very great contract with Sir W. Warren for provisions for the yeare coming, and so home to dinner, and there was W. Howe come to dine with me, and before dinner he and I walked in the garden, and we did discourse together, he assuring me of what he told me the other day of my Lord's speaking so highly in my commendation to my Lord Peterborough (age 42) and Povy (age 50), which speaks my Lord having yet a good opinion of me, and also how well my Lord and Lady both are pleased with their children's being at my father's, and when the bigger ladies were there a little while ago, at which I am very glad.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 04 Mar 1664. Up, my eye being pretty well, and then by coach to my Lord Sandwich (age 38), with whom I spoke, walking a good while with him in his garden, which and the house is very fine, talking of my Lord Peterborough's (age 42) accounts, wherein he is concerned both for the foolery as also inconvenience which may happen upon my Lord Peterborough's ill-stating of his matters, so as to have his gaine discovered unnecessarily. We did talk long and freely that I hope the worst is past and all will be well. There were several people by trying a new-fashion gun1 brought my Lord this morning, to shoot off often, one after another, without trouble or danger, very pretty.

Note 1. Many attempts to produce a satisfactory revolver were made in former centuries, but it was not till the present one that Colt's revolver was invented. On February 18th, 1661, Edward, Marquis of Worcester (age 58), obtained Letters Patent for "an invencon to make certeyne guns or pistolls which in the tenth parte of one minute of an houre may, with a flaske contrived to that purpose, be re-charged the fourth part of one turne of the barrell which remaines still fixt, fastening it as forceably and effectually as a dozen thrids of any scrue, which in the ordinary and usual way require as many turnes". On March 3rd, 1664, Abraham Hill obtained Letters Patent for a "gun or pistoll for small shott, carrying seaven or eight charges of the same in the stocke of the gun"..

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Mar 1666. Thence by coach to Hales's (age 66), and there saw my wife sit; and I do like her picture mightily, and very like it will be, and a brave piece of work. But he do complain that her nose hath cost him as much work as another's face, and he hath done it finely indeed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Mar 1667. From them I walked into the Parke, it being a fine but very cold day; and there took two or three turns the length of the Pell Mell [Map]: and there I met Serjeant Bearcroft, who was sent for the Duke of Buckingham (age 39), to have brought him prisoner to the Tower [Map]. He come to towne this day, and brings word that, being overtaken and outrid by the Duchesse of Buckingham (age 28) within a few miles of the Duke's house of Westhorp [Map], he believes she got thither about a quarter of an hour before him, and so had time to consider; so that, when he come, the doors were kept shut against him. The next day, coming with officers of the neighbour market-town to force open the doors, they were open for him, but the Duke gone; so he took horse presently, and heard upon the road that the Duke of Buckingham was gone before him for London: so that he believes he is this day also come to towne before him; but no newes is yet heard of him. This is all he brings.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Mar 1667. Thence to my Chancellor's (age 58), and there, meeting Sir H. Cholmly (age 34), he and I walked in my Lord's garden, and talked; among other things, of the treaty: and he says there will certainly be a peace, but I cannot believe it. He tells me that the Duke of Buckingham (age 39) his crimes, as far as he knows, are his being of a caball with some discontented persons of the late House of Commons, and opposing the desires of the King (age 36) in all his matters in that House; and endeavouring to become popular, and advising how the Commons' House should proceed, and how he would order the House of Lords. And that he hath been endeavouring to have the King's nativity calculated; which was done, and the fellow now in the Tower about it; which itself hath heretofore, as he says, been held treason, and people died for it; but by the Statute of Treasons, in Queen Mary's times and since, it hath been left out. He tells me that this silly Lord hath provoked, by his ill-carriage, the Duke of York (age 33), my Chancellor, and all the great persons; and therefore, most likely, will die. He tells me, too, many practices of treachery against this King; as betraying him in Scotland, and giving Oliver an account of the King's private councils; which the King knows very well, and hath yet pardoned him1.

Note 1. Two of our greatest poets have drawn the character of the Duke of Buckingham in brilliant verse, and both have condemned him to infamy. There is enough in Pepys's reports to corroborate the main features of Dryden's (age 35) magnificent portrait of Zimri in "Absolom and Achitophel". "In the first rank of these did Zimri stand; A man so various that he seemed to be Not one, but all mankind's epitome; Stiff in opinions, always in the wrong; Was everything by starts, and nothing long, But, in the course of one revolving moon, Was chymist, fiddler, statesman, and buffoon; Then all for women, painting, rhyming, drinking, Besides ten thousand freaks that died in thinking, * * * * * * * He laughed himself from Court, then sought relief By forming parties, but could ne'er be chief". Pope's facts are not correct, and hence the effect of his picture is impaired. In spite of the duke's constant visits to the Tower, Charles II still continued his friend; but on the death of the King, expecting little from James, he retired to his estate at Helmsley, in Yorkshire, to nurse his property and to restore his constitution. He died on April 16th, 1687, at Kirkby Moorside, after a few days' illness, caused by sitting on the damp grass when heated from a fox chase. The scene of his death was the house of a tenant, not "the worst inn's worst room" ("Moral Essays", epist. iii.). He was buried in Westminster Abbey.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Mar 1668. At noon rose and to dinner. My wife abroad with Mercer and Deb. buying of things, but I with my clerks home to dinner, and thence presently down with Lord Brouncker (age 48), W. Pen, T. Harvy (age 42), T. Middleton, and Mr. Tippets, who first took his place this day at the table, as a Commissioner, in the room of Commissioner Pett (age 57). Down by water to Deptford, Kent [Map], where the King (age 37), Queene (age 58), and Court are to see launched the new ship built by Mr. Shish (age 63), called "The Charles 2". God send her better luck than the former! Here some of our brethren, who went in a boat a little before my boat, did by appointment take opportunity of asking the King's leave that we might make full use of the want of money, in our excuse to the Parliament for the business of tickets, and other things they will lay to our charge, all which arose from nothing else: and this the King did readily agree to, and did give us leave to make our full use of it. The ship being well launched, I back again by boat, setting Sir T. Middleton and Mr. Tippets on shore at Ratcliffe, I home and there to my chamber with Mr. Gibson, and late up till midnight preparing more things against our defence on Thursday next to my content, though vexed that all this trouble should be on me.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Mar 1669. Thence to Dancre's (age 44), the painter's, and there saw my picture of Greenwich, Kent [Map], finished to my very good content, though this manner of distemper do make the figures not so pleasing as in oyle.

John Evelyn's Diary. 03 Mar 1687. Dr. Meggott, Dean of Winchester, preached before the Princess of Denmark (age 22), on Matt. xiv. 23. In the afternoon, I went out of town to meet my Lord Clarendon, returning from Ireland.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 03 Mar 1690. Monday, I went to the Penthouse, where was Examination of Words, wich Grosvenor sayd against the King,&c. then went to Talbotts to speake with Coney, &c. before he went to Dysert; then to the Common Hall to the Crown Moote, &c. then to Angells, where I & G.Mainwaring (age 47) dined; then to Jacksons with G.Mainwaring. Streete came to us, & Wright, Thomas Griffith, Crosse, a stranger (from Dublin),&c. I left them at 5, went home.

On 03 Mar 1712 Rebecca Browne (age 79) died. She was buried at All Saints' Church, Branston [Map].

Rebecca Browne: Around 1633 she was born to Alderman Martin Browne. Before 1650 Humphrey Winch 1st Baronet and she were married.

On 03 Mar 1848 Edward Hawkins Cheney (age 69) died. St Luke's Church Gaddesby, Leicestershire [Map]. Monument to Edward Hawkins Cheney of the Royal Scots Greys fighting at Waterloo. His horse shot, collapsing; one of four he rode into battle. He survived the battle dying in 1845. The frieze below the sculpture depicts Sergeant Ewart, related to Cheney by marriage, seizing the French Eagle Standard. Sculpted by Joseph Gott (age 62).

Edward Hawkins Cheney: On 07 Nov 1778 he was born. On 18 Jun 1815 Edward Hawkins Cheney fought at the Battle of Waterloo.

The Diary of George Price Boyce 1852. 03 Mar 1852. Tom Seddon (age 30) showed me the drawing by G. Rossetti (age 23) he spoke to me about? I was so pleased with it that I decided on having it at once. Some very fine colour about it independent of its other merits. I am to give 5 gns. for it.

The London Gazette 29519. War Office, March, 1916. Regular Forces.

Aide-de-Camp (extra) — Lieutenant J. H. M., Marquis of Granby (age 29), The Leicestershire Regiment, Territorial Force. Dated 3rd March, 1916.

On 03 Mar 1916 Desmond Fitzgerald (age 27) was killed in action.

Births on the 3rd March

On 16 Feb 1337 William of Hatfield was born to King Edward III of England (age 24) and Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England (age 22) at Hatfield [Map]. He died shortly afterwards around 03 Mar 1337. He was buried at York Minster [Map] where there is a monument to him in the north aisle. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.00%.

On 03 Mar 1455 John II King Portugal was born to Alfonso "The African" V King Portugal (age 23) and Isabella Aviz Queen Consort Portugal. He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 7.45%.

On 03 Mar 1506 Louis Aviz was born to Manuel "Fortunate" I King Portugal (age 36) and Maria Trastámara Queen Consort Portugal (age 24). Coefficient of inbreeding 8.38%.

On 03 Mar 1583 Elizabeth Southwell was born to Robert Southwell (age 14) and Elizabeth Howard Countess Carrick (age 19).

Before 03 Mar 1611 Charles Wilmot was born to Charles Wilmot 1st Viscount Wilmot (age 39) and Sarah Anderson (age 13).

On 03 Mar 1614 Peter Leicester 1st Baronet was born to Peter Leycester (age 26).

On 03 Mar 1674 Elizabeth Bagot Countess Uxbridge was born to Walter Bagot 3rd Baronet (age 29) and Jane Salusbury. The date improbable since her elder brother was apparently born two months before.

On 03 Mar 1695 Barbara Lee Lady Browne was born to Edward Lee 1st Earl Lichfield (age 32) and Charlotte Fitzroy Countess Lichfield (age 30). She a granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 03 Mar 1720 George Edgecumbe 1st Earl of Mount Edgcumbe was born to Richard Edgecumbe 1st Baron Edgcumbe (age 39) and Matilda Furnese Baroness Edgcumbe.

On 03 Mar 1720 Mary Murray Countess Findlater was born to John Murray 1st Duke Atholl (age 60) and Mary Ross Duchess Atholl (age 32).

On 03 Mar 1772 John Shelley 6th Baronet was born to John Shelley 5th Baronet (age 42).

On 03 Mar 1783 George Bowyer 6th and 2nd Baronet was born to George Bowyer 5th and 1st Baronet (age 42) and Henrietta Brett Lady Bowyer (age 30).

On 03 Mar 1786 Cecilia Olivia Geraldine Fitzgerald Baroness Foley was born to William Robert Fitzgerald 2nd Duke Leinster (age 36) and Emilia St George Duchess Leinster. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 03 Mar 1795 Edward Blount 8th Baronet was born to Walter Blount 7th Baronet (age 26).

On 03 Mar 1800 Emily Frances Smith Duchess Beaufort was born to Charles Culling Smith (age 25) and Anne Wellesley (age 31).

On 03 Mar 1803 Francis Vincent 10th Baronet was born to Francis Vincent 9th Baronet (age 23) and Jane Bouverie Lady Vincent (age 23).

On 03 Mar 1842 Arthur Strutt was born to Edward Strutt 1st Baron Belper (age 40) and Amelia Harriet Otter Baroness Belper (age 25).

On 03 Mar 1859 William Tolemache 9th Earl Dysart was born to William Tollemache (age 38) and Katherine Elizabeth Camilla Burke (age 39). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.

On 03 Mar 1861 Richard Harington 12th Baronet was born to Richard Harington 11th Baronet (age 25).

On 03 Mar 1869 Edward Hulton 1st Baronet was born.

On 03 Mar 1901 Cyril Henley Cunliffe 8th Baronet was born to Alfred Edward Cunliffe (age 47).

Marriages on the 3rd March

Before 03 Mar 1388 Edmund de Thorpe and Joane Northwoode Baroness Scales (age 25) were married.

On 03 Mar 1617 William Seymour 2nd Duke of Somerset (age 29) and Frances Devereux Duchess of Somerset (age 17) were married at Drayton Bassett, Staffordshire [Map]. She the daughter of Robert Devereux 2nd Earl Essex and Frances Walsingham Countess Essex (age 50). They were fourth cousins. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

On 03 Mar 1646 James Cranfield 2nd Earl Middlesex (age 25) and Anne Bourchier Countess Middlesex (age 15) were married. She by marriage Countess Middlesex. She the daughter of Edward Bourchier 4th Earl Bath and Dorothy St John Countess Bath. He the son of Lionel Cranfield 1st Earl Middlesex and Anne Brett Countess Middlesex.

Before 03 Mar 1720 Richard Edgecumbe 1st Baron Edgcumbe (age 39) and Matilda Furnese Baroness Edgcumbe were married.

On 03 Mar 1738 Robert Walpole 1st Earl Orford (age 61) and Maria Skerritt (age 36) were married. They had been companions for many years before they married. She bringing £30,000 to the marriage. She appears to have died three months later as a consequence of a miscarriage. The difference in their ages was 25 years.

On 03 Mar 1767 John Byng 5th Viscount Torrington (age 24) and Bridget Forrest Viscountess Byng (age 18) were married.

On 03 Mar 1794 Edward Harley 5th Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer (age 21) and Jane Elizabeth Scott Countess of Oxford and Mortimer (age 20) were married. Her She by marriage Countess of Oxford and Countess Mortimer. Her father Reverend James Scott of Itchen Stoke in Hampshire performed the service. The children of the marriage were known as the 'Harleian Miscellany' due to the uncertainty as to who their father, or fathers, might be given the number of lovers she took during the marriage.

On 03 Mar 1827 Henry Conyngham Montgomery 2nd Baronet (age 24) and Leonora Pigot were married.

On 03 Mar 1891 James Roche 3rd Baron Fermoy (age 39) and Frances Ellen Work Lady Fermoy (age 33) were divorced.

On 03 Mar 1909 Henry Moore 10th Earl of Drogheda (age 24) and Kathleen Pelham Burn Countess Drogheda (age 22) were married. She by marriage Countess Drogheda. He the son of Ponsonby William Moore 9th Earl of Drogheda.

Deaths on the 3rd March

On 03 Mar 1040 Cunigunda Luxemburg Ardennes Holy Roman Empress (age 65) died.

On 03 Mar 1311 Bishop Antony Bek (age 66) died.

On 03 Mar 1322 Geoffrey Saye 1st Baron Say (age 40) died at Elsenham, Essex. On 03 Mar 1322 His son Geoffrey Saye 2nd Baron Say (age 13) succeeded 2nd Baron Say.

On 03 Mar 1323 Andrew Harclay 1st Earl Carlisle (age 53) was hanged at Carlisle, Cumberland [Map] for having negotiated a truce with the Scots despite having successfuly defeated the rebels at the Battle of Boroughbridge a year before for which he was enobled by King Edward II of England (age 38). Earl Carlisle forfeit.

After 03 Mar 1405 Marie de Coucy Countess Soissons (deceased) died. Her son Robert of Bar Count Soissons Count Marle (age 15) succeeded Count Soissons 1367.

On 03 Mar 1542 Arthur Plantagenet 1st Viscount Lisle (age 77) died at the Tower of London [Map]. Viscount Lisle extinct.

On 03 Mar 1611 William Douglas 10th Earl Angus (age 59) died. His son William Douglas 1st Marquess Douglas (age 22) succeeded 11th Earl Angus. Margaret Hamilton Countess Angus (age 26) by marriage Countess Angus.

On 03 Mar 1621 Margaret Howard Lady Cotton (age 27) died.

On 03 Mar 1626 William Cavendish 1st Earl Devonshire (age 73) died. His son William Cavendish 2nd Earl Devonshire (age 36) succeeded 2nd Earl Devonshire, 2nd Baron Cavendish Hardwick. Christian Bruce Countess Devonshire by marriage Countess Devonshire. On 12 Oct 1616 Henry Cavendish died. Both were buried at St Peter's Church, Edensor [Map].

The monument was behind the altar in the original church but moved to a separate chapel in the new church.

Monument formed two bodies under a low four-poster with black Ionic columns and black covering slab. The monument has been attributed to Maximilian Colt (age 51).

Extremely grand architecture above the two martial flanking figures, then arches with, on the left armour, and on the right purple, coronet, and sword hung up, and in the middle an angel holding the black inscription tablet and blowing a trumpet. The whole is surmounted by a big broken pediment.

Henry appears as a skeleton on a straw mat.

William in his shroud with his face exposed.

On or before 03 Mar 1664 Mary Jennings Lady Garrard died. She was buried on 03 Mar 1664 at St Benet Gracechurch [Map].

On 03 Mar 1671 Charles Goring 2nd Earl Norwich (age 56) died without issue. Earl Norwich and Baron Goring extinct.

On or before 03 Mar 1722 Rowland Winn 3rd Baronet (age 46) died. He was buried on 06 Mar 1722. His son Rowland Winn 4th Baronet (age 16) succeeded 4th Baronet Winn of Nostel in Yorkshire.

On 03 Mar 1765 William Stukeley (age 77) died.

On 03 Mar 1780 Joseph Highmore (age 87) died.

On 03 Mar 1787 Mary Buller Lady Copley (age 59) died.

On 03 Mar 1803 Margaret Chudleigh Lady Oxenden (age 79) died.

On 03 Mar 1814 Frances Falconer Mackworth Viscountess Montague (age 82) died.

On 03 Mar 1848 Edward Hawkins Cheney (age 69) died. St Luke's Church Gaddesby, Leicestershire [Map]. Monument to Edward Hawkins Cheney of the Royal Scots Greys fighting at Waterloo. His horse shot, collapsing; one of four he rode into battle. He survived the battle dying in 1845. The frieze below the sculpture depicts Sergeant Ewart, related to Cheney by marriage, seizing the French Eagle Standard. Sculpted by Joseph Gott (age 62).

Edward Hawkins Cheney: On 07 Nov 1778 he was born. On 18 Jun 1815 Edward Hawkins Cheney fought at the Battle of Waterloo.

On 03 Mar 1851 Charles Stanhope 4th Earl of Harrington (age 70) died. His brother Leicester FitzGerald Charles Stanhope 5th Earl of Harrington (age 66) succeeded 5th Earl Harrington, 5th Viscount Petersham, 5th Baron Harrington. Elizabeth Green Countess Harrington (age 42) by marriage Countess Harrington.

On 03 Mar 1860 Grenville Leofric Temple 11th Baronet (age 30) died. His son Grenville Louis John Temple 12th Baronet (age 2) succeeded 12th Baronet Temple of Stowe.

On 03 Mar 1875 Alexander Ramsay 3rd Baronet (age 61) died. His son Alexander Entwisle Ramsay 4th Baronet (age 38) succeeded 4th Baronet Ramsay of Balmain in Kincardineshire. Octavia Haigh Lady Ramsay by marriage Lady Ramsay of Balmain in Kincardineshire.

On 03 Mar 1878 Leopold Cust 2nd Baronet (age 47) died. His son Charles Leopold Cust 3rd Baronet (age 14) succeeded 3rd Baronet Cust of Leasowe Castle in Cheshire.

On 03 Mar 1879 William Kingdon Clifford (age 33) died at Madeira to which he had travelled for his health. He was buried at Highgate Cemetery.

On 03 Mar 1884 John William Montagu 7th Earl Sandwich (age 72) died. He was buried at All Saints Church, Barnwell [Map] on 16 Jun 1884 at which time the Montagu vault was closed. His son Edward Montagu 8th Earl Sandwich (age 44) succeeded 8th Earl Sandwich.

On 03 Mar 1888 Richard Brooke 7th Baronet (age 73) died. His son Richard Marcus Brooke 8th Baronet (age 37) succeeded 8th Baronet Brooke of Norton Priory in Cheshire.

On 03 Mar 1888 Charles Manners 6th Duke Rutland (age 72) died unmarried at Belvoir Castle [Map]. His brother John James Robert Manners 7th Duke Rutland (age 69) succeeded 7th Duke Rutland, 7th Marquess Grandby, 15th Earl of Rutland, 7th Baron Manners of Haddon in Derbyshire. Janetta Hughan Duchess Rutland (age 51) by marriage Duchess Rutland.

On 03 Mar 1891 Leonard Jerome "King of Wall Street" Financier (age 73) died in Brighton. His wife Clarissa Hall (age 66) and daughters Clarita "Clara" Jerome (age 40), Jenny Jerome (age 37) and Leonie Blanche Jerome Lady Leslie (age 32) were present.

On 03 Mar 1944 Louisa Augusta Beatrice Montagu Countess Gosford (age 88) died.

On 03 Mar 1962 Gerald Grove 3rd Baronet (age 75) died unmarried. His nephew Walter Felope Grove 4th Baronet (age 34) succeeded 4th Baronet Grove of Ferne House in Wiltshire. He never successfully proved his succession and was never on the Official Roll of the Baronetage.

On 03 Mar 1982 Ivy Gordon-Lennox Duchess Portland (age 94) died.

On 03 Mar 2010 Arthur Mervyn Russell 8th Baronet (age 87) died. His son Stephen Charles Russell 9th Baronet (age 61) succeeded 9th Baronet Russell of Swallowfield in Berkshire.