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On this Day in History ... 4th February

04 Feb is in February.

1194 Richard I Released

1397 Legitimation of the Beauforts

1400 Epiphany Rising

1495 Edward IV's Daughter's Marriages

1520 Marriage of William Carey and Mary Boleyn

1555 Protestant Executions

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 4th February

On 04 Feb 1194 King Richard "Lionheart" I of England (age 36) was released from his captivity; his mother Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 72) having brought the ransom of 100,000 pounds of silver. On release King Philip II of France (age 28) is said to have sent a message to the future King John (age 27) "Look to yourself; the devil is loose".

The Reign of Kenry VII Part 1B. [Legitimation of the Beauforts by Richard 11 in 1397, "Rotuli Parliamentorum," iii. 343. This document is generally called an "Act of Parliament"; but it was not enrolled on the Statute Roll, and many things were done as late as Richard II's reign in Parliament that were not Acts of Parliament.]

[04 Feb 1397]. It is to be remembered that on Tuesday, the fifteenth day of Parliament, the Chancellor, by the command of the King, declared how our Holy Father the Pope, in reverence of the most excellent person of the King and his honorable uncle, the Duke of Guyenne and Lancaster, and of his bloodline, has legitimized and made lawful my Lord John of Beaufort, his brothers, and his sister. And for this reason, our Lord the King, as the full Emperor of his realm of England, for the honor of his blood, wills, and by his full royal power has legitimized and made legitimate, by his own authority, the said John, his said brothers, and sister. And he also pronounced and made public their legitimation, according to the form of the King’s charter made for that purpose. The same charter was read in full Parliament, and given to the said Duke, father of the said John and his said brothers and sister, the tenor of which charter follows:

Richard, by the grace of God, King of England and France and Lord of Ireland, to our dearest cousins, the noble men John, knight, Henry, clerk, Thomas, esquire, and our beloved noble lady, Joan Beaufort, gentlewoman, children of our dearest uncle, the noble man John, Duke of Lancaster, our lieges, greeting and goodwill from our royal majesty. When we consider internally how continually and in what great honor we are graced on all sides by the parental and sincere love of our aforesaid uncle, and by his wise counsel, we deem it appropriate and fitting, in view of his merits and in consideration of your persons, who shine with great talent, honesty of life, and moral integrity, and are descended from the royal line and endowed with many virtues and divine gifts, that we should enrich you with the special prerogative of favor and grace.

Therefore, inclined by the prayers of our said uncle, your father, we, considering the fact that you are said to suffer from the defect of birth, so that this defect, and whatever qualities it may imply, which we deem sufficiently expressed here, notwithstanding any such defect, do not prevent you from being appointed, promoted, elected, assumed, and admitted to any honors, dignities, pre-eminences, ranks, statuses, and public or private offices, whether perpetual or temporary, and feudal or noble, by whatever names they may be called, even if they are duchies, principalities, counties, baronies, or other fiefs, even if they depend mediately or immediately upon us or are held of us. You may freely and lawfully receive, hold, exercise, and retain these as if you were born of legitimate wedlock, notwithstanding any statutes or customs of our realm of England to the contrary, which we here deem fully expressed and nullified. From the plenitude of our royal power and with the assent of our Parliament, we hereby dispense with them. And we restore and legitimize you and each of you to your birthrights.

Fait a remembrer, que le Maresdy, le quinzisme jour de Parlement, le Chaunceller, du coniandement de Roy, declara, coment nostre seint pere le Pape, al reverence de la tres excellent persone du Roy et de son honorable uncle le Due de Guyen & de Lancastre, & de son sank, ad habliez & legitimez Mon Seigneur Johan de Beaufort, ses freres et sa soer1. Et pur ceo nostre Seigneur le Roy, come entier Emperour de son Roialme d'Engleterre, pur honour de son sank, voet, & ad de sa plenir Roial poiar habilie, & fait muliere, de sa propre auctorite, le dit Johan, ses ditz freres et soer. Et aussi pronuncia & puplist l'abilite & legitimation, solone la fourme de la chartre du Roy ent faite. Laquele chartre feust lue en pleine Parlement, & baillez a le dit due, pere a dit Johan, & ses ditz freres & soer, le tenour de quele chartre s'enfui:

Ricardus, Dei gratia, rex Angliae & Franciae & dominus Hiberniae, carissimis consanguineis nostris nobilibus viris Johanni, militi, Henrico, clerico, Thome, domicello, ac dilecte nobis nobili mulieri, Johanne Beauford, domicelle, germanis præcarissimi avunculi nostri nobilis viri Johannis Ducis Lancastriae natis, ligeis nostris, salutem & benevolentiam nostre Regie Magestatis. Dum interna consideracione pensamus, quot incessanter & quantis honoribus, parentili & sincera dileccione præfati avunculi nostri & sui maturitate consilii, undique decoramur, congruum arbitramur & dignum, ut meritorurn suorum intuitu, ac grac'2 conteniplatione personarum, vos, qui magne probitatis ingenio, vite ac morum honestate fulgetis & ex regali estis prosapia propagati, pluribusque virtutibus munereque insigniti divino, specialis prerogative munimine favoris & gratie fecundemus3.

Hinc est, quod dicti avunculi nostri, genitoris vestri, precibus inclinati, vobiscum qui, ut asseritur, defectum natalium patimini, ut hujusmodi defectu, quern ejusque qualitates quascumque presentibus4 volumus pro sufficienter expressis, non obstante, quod5 quecumque honores, dignitates, pre-eminentias, status, gradus, & officia publica & privata, tam perpetua quam temporal ia, atque feudalia & nobilia, quibuscumque nominibus nuncupentur, etiamsi ducatus, principatus, comitatus, baronie, vel alia feuda fuerint, etiamsi mediate vel immediate a nobis dependeant seu teneantur, prefici, promoveri, eligi, assumi, & admitti, illaque recipere, retinere, gerere, & excercere, provide6, libere & licite7, ac si de legitimo tboro nati existeretis, quibuscumque statutis seu consuetudinibus regni nostri Anglie in contrarium editis, seu observatis, que bic habemus pro totaliter expressis, nequaquam obstantibus, de plenitudine nostre regalis potestatis, & de assensu Parliamenti nostri, tenore presentium dispensamus. Vosque & vestrum quemlibet natalibus restituimus & legitimamus.

Note 1. The marriage of John of Gaunt and Catherine Swynford would in any case — according to Canon Law — have legitimated the children born before it.

Note 2. Vestrarum ac, as in No. 5.

Note 3.? secundemus.

Note 4. Supply haberi.

Note 5. ad.

Note 6. Perinde.

Note 7. Supply valeatis. This passage illustrates the corruption of the printed text of the "Rotuli Parliamentorum"; parentili on the first line should probably be perutili.

Parliament Rolls Richard II Jan 1397: Legitimation of Beaufort. 04 Feb 1397. 28. Be it remembered that on Tuesday, the fifteenth day of the parliament [4 February 1397], the chancellor (age 53), by order of the king (age 30), declared that our holy father the pope, in reverence of the most excellent person of the king and his honourable uncle the duke of Guyenne and of Lancaster (age 56), and of his blood, has enabled and legitimized my lord John Beaufort (age 24), his brothers [Note. Cardinal Henry Beaufort (age 22) and Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter (age 20)], and his sister (age 18). And therefore our lord the king, as sole ruler of his kingdom of England, for the honour of his blood, willed and enabled of his abundant royal power, and legitimized, of his own authority, the said John, his said brothers, and sister. And he also pronounced and published the ability and legitimation, according to the form of the charter of the king made thereon.

29. Which charter was read in full parliament, and delivered to the said duke, father of the said John, and his said brothers and sister; the tenor of which charter follows:

Richard, by the grace of God, king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to our most beloved kinsmen the noble John, knight, Henry, cleric, Thomas, donzel, and our beloved noblewoman Joan Beaufort, lady-in-waiting, our most beloved cousins born of our uncle that noble man John duke of Lancaster, our lieges, greeting and the goodwill of our royal majesty. While inwardly considering how endlessly and with how many honours of parental and sincere affection of our aforementioned uncle and of his mature counsel we are on all sides blessed, we have judged it appropriate and worthy that in consideration of his merits, and in contemplation of the grace of persons, we should endow you, who are resplendent with probity and virtuous life and conduct, and are born of royal stock and divinely marked with many virtues and gifts, with the protection of grace and favour by special prerogative. Thus it is that, yielding to the prayers of our said uncle, your father, we grant to you who, so it is claimed, have suffered such defect of birth, that, notwithstanding this defect, which, together with its various consequences, we wish to be fully included in these presents, you may nevertheless receive all honours, dignities, preferments, estates, degrees, and public and private offices, both perpetual and temporal, and feudal and noble rights, by whatsoever name they are called, such as duchies, lordships, earldoms, baronies, or whatsoever other fiefs they be, whether they be dependent upon or held of us mediately or intermediately, which may be preferred, promoted, elected, taken up and allowed, and received, retained, performed and exercised prudently, freely and lawfully, as if you were born in wedlock, notwithstanding any statutes or customs of our kingdom of England decreed or observed to the contrary; and we dispense you [from this defect] by the tenor of these presents, by the plenitude of our royal power and with the assent of our parliament; and we restore you and each of you to legitimacy.

On 04 Feb 1400 Bernard Brocas (age 46) was tried, and condemned to death, by Thomas Fitzalan 10th Earl of Surrey 5th or 12th Earl of Arundel (age 18) at Tower of London [Map] for his role in the Epiphany Rising having been captured in Cirencester, Gloucestershire [Map].

On 05 Feb 1400 Bernard Brocas was beheaded at Tyburn [Map]. He was buried at Greyfriars Church Farringdon Within [Map].

On 04 Feb 1436 Philip Valois was born to Charles "Victorious" VII King France (age 32) and Marie Valois Anjou Queen Consort France (age 31). Coefficient of inbreeding 3.89%.

Chronicle of Gregory 1437. 04 Feb 1437. Ande the ix day of Feverer Quene Kateryn (deceased) aforesaid was broughte to Powlys [Map] yn London, and there sche hadde a solempne deryge ande a masse on the morne. And thenne she was hadde unto Westemyster. And the iij day aftyr she was worth ely enteryde and buryde in Oure Lady chapylle at Westemyster in the Abby; of whos soule God have mercy.

On 04 Feb 1495, possibly 1494, Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 22) and Anne York (age 19) were married at Westminster Abbey [Map]. She the daughter of King Edward IV of England and Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England. He the son of Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 52) and Elizabeth Tilney Countess of Surrey (age 51).

On 04 Feb 1505 Joan Valois Queen Consort France (age 40) died.

Letters and Papers Foreign and Domestic Henry VIII 1520. Feb 1520. At Greenwich.

To Alen Kent, for providing wine at Rome, 100l.

Diets of Sir Richard Wingfield, going to France, for 84 days from 31 Jan., 20s. a day; and espial money for his last time as deputy of Calais, 40l.

The King's offering on Saturday (4th Feb1.), at the marriage of Mr. Care and Mary Bullayn, 6s. 8d.

To Sir Hen. Guilford (age 31), for repairing the castle of Leeds, 160l.

To Wm. Haywode, for spears, &c., at the jousts, 34l. 15s.

To Sir Ric. Wingfield, for preparations for his embassy to France, 100l.

To Ric. Sydnor, for the Princess's expenses, 200l. Reward to De la Bastie, ambassador from France, 200l.

To the bailly of Cane, 66l. 13s. 4d.

To a gentleman sent from the French king and queen with tokens to the Princess, 40l.

To John de la Suche, 40l.

To Stephen de Tronhen, for anchors and other things, 26l. 4s. 6d.

To Cavalcant, Ant. Vyvolde and Wm. Buttry, for velvets and silks, 223l. 3s. 1d.

Total for Feb. 2,496l. 17s. 8d.

Note 1. The date appears to have been inserted so may not appear in the original text?

On 04 Feb 1520 William Carey (age 20) and Mary Boleyn (age 21) were married. Around the time, possibly shortly after, Mary Boleyn became mistress to King Henry VIII of England and Ireland (age 28) leading to speculation one or both of her children were fathered by Henry1. She the daughter of Thomas Boleyn 1st Earl Wiltshire and Ormonde (age 43) and Elizabeth Howard Countess of Wiltshire and Ormonde (age 40). He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward III of England.

The evidence for Mary being Henry's mistress:

Henry VIII's 1527 dispensation to marry Anne appears to seek dispensation to marry:

1. someone who was previously contracted to marry another, which might refer to either, or both, Henry Percy (age 18) or James Butler, and

2. "or of the first degree of affinity, from any lawful or unlawful union" which can only be a reference to a sister of Queen Anne Boleyn of England (age 19) i.e. Mary Boleyn.

Letters and Papers Foreign and Domestic. 20 Oct 1537. George Throckmorton letter relating to events around 1531 where Henry responds to an accusation that he had relationships with both Anne Boleyn's mother and sister "Never with the mother". Cromwell goes on the say never with the sister either.

Defense of the Unity of the Church Book III, 1536, letter from Cardinal Reginald Pole to King Henry VIII accusing him of double standards by attempting to annul his marriage with Queen Katherine on the basis of her having previously been married, albeit unconsummated, to Henry's brother Arthur, as a means to allow Henry to marry Anne Boleyn, with who sister Henry had had a carnal relationship.

1536 Letter from Ambassador Chapuys to the Emperor in which Chapuys writes "Others tell me that the said Archbishop had pronounced the marriage of the King and Concubine [Anne] invalid on account of the King having had connection with her sister [Mary].

Note 1. The date given by an entry in the King's Payments for 1520. The date appears to have been inserted so may not appear in the original text?

Letters and Papers 1533. 04 Feb 1533. Cleopatra, E. IV. 28*. B. M. Ellis, 3 Ser. II. 245. 115. Ric. Lyst, lay brother among the Friars at Greenwich, to Anne Boleyn (age 32).

I wrote to you of a certain chance happened among us here, since which I have sent word thereof to the King and your father privily by Dr. Goodryche. I marvel that the matter is so slenderly looked upon as yet. I heard, more than a year ago, that the King was minded to move us from Greenwich to Christchurch in London, and make this place a college. I think it may be done without any offence against God or great note of the people, considering how some of our company have used themselves against God, the King, and you. If there had been a place of our religion in London, many inconveniences would have been avoided. It would be a meritorious deed if you could help to bring it to pass. I was in some trouble by reason of the piteous chance happened amongst us, and my trouble increases so, that I can scarcely take my natural rest two nights a week. If it continues I fear disease will ensue. I beseech you to pray for me, for I do daily for you. By God's grace and prayer I trust to have remedy, for I have some learning and intelligence. I have often spoken and answered in the King's cause and yours, for which I have suffered rebuke and trouble, but it has been rather comfort than otherwise, and so it should be to every true lover in the cause of his friend. I have often been called in derision your chaplain, but I have not yet taken priest's orders, though I intend to do so, and trust, within two years and less, to say 100 masses for your prosperous state, spiritual and corporal. I am now at liberty to be a priest, for a young woman to whom I was made sure by way of marriage before I came to religion, is departed to the mercy of God. I am 40s. in debt for clothes and other things necessary for my mother, but I am half ashamed and more to beg any more of you, because you have been so good to her in times past. Nevertheless, if it shall please you to remember her, the alms can be delivered either to Dr. Goodryche, one of the King's chaplains, or to Master Cole, sub-dean of the Chapel Royal. 4 Feb.

Hol., p. 1. Add.: "[To the mo]st onerabyll lady [marquesse] of Penbroke." Endd.

Foxe's Book of Martyrs. 04 Feb 1555. Now when the time came, that he [John Rogers (age 50)], being delivered to the sheriffs, should be brought out of Newgate [Map] to Smithfield [Map], the place of his execution, first came to him Master Woodroofe, one of the aforesaid sheriffs, and calling Master Rogers unto him, asked him if he would revoke his abominable doctrine, and his evil opinion of the sacrament of the altar. Master Rogers answered and said, "That which I have preached I will seal with my blood." "Then," quoth Master Woodroofe, "thou art a heretic." "That shall be known," quoth Rogers, "at the day of judgment." "Well," quoth Master Woodroofe, "I will never pray for thee." "But I will pray for you," quoth Master Rogers: and so was brought the same day, which was Monday the fourth of February, by the sheriffs towards Smithfield, saying the psalm Miserere by the way, all the people wonderfully rejoicing at his constancy, with great praises and thanks to God for the same. And there, in the presence of Master Rochester, comptroller of the queen's household, Sir Richard Southwell (age 52), both the sheriffs, and a wonderful number of people, the fire was put unto him; and when it had taken hold both upon his legs and shoulders, he, as one feeling no smart, washed his hands in the flame, as though it had been in cold water. And, after lifting up his hands unto heaven, not removing the same until such time as the devouring fire had consumed them - most mildly this happy martyr yielded up his spirit into the hands of his heavenly Father. A little before his burning at the stake, his pardon was brought, if he would have recanted, but he utterly refused. He was the first protomartyr of all the blessed company that suffered in Queen Mary's time, that gave the first adventure upon the fire. His wife and children, being eleven in number, and ten able to go, and one sucking on her breast, met him by the way as he went towards Smithfield. This sorrowful sight of his own flesh and blood could nothing move him; but that he constantly and cheerfully took his death, with wonderful patience, in the defence and quarrel of Christ's gospel.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1617. 04 Feb 1617. Upon the 4th should have been the Child’s fit but she miss’d it. Achin came presently after dinner with a letter to Tom the groom, to meet my Lord (age 27) at Hampton Court with his hunting horses. At night Thomas Woodgate came from London and brought a squirrel to the Child, and my Lord wrote me a letter by which I perceived my Lord was clean out with me and how much my enemies have wrought against me.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 04 Feb 1661. Home, and then with my wife to see Sir W. Batten (age 60), who could not be with us this day being ill, but we found him at cards, and here we sat late, talking with my Lady and others and Dr. Whistler1, who I found good company and a very ingenious man. So home and to bed.

Note 1. Daniel Whistler, M.D., Fellow of Merton College, whose inaugural dissertation on rickets in 1645 contains the earliest printed account of that disease. He was Gresham Professor of Geometry, 1648-57, and held several offices at the College of Physicians, being elected President in 1683. He was one of the original Fellows of the Royal Society. Dr. Munk, in his "Roll of the Royal College of Physicians", speaks very unfavourably of Whistler, and says that he defrauded the college. He died May 11th, 1684.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 04 Feb 1667. Soon as dined, my wife and I out to the Duke's playhouse, and there saw "Heraclius", an excellent play, to my extraordinary content; and the more from the house being very full, and great company; among others, Mrs. Steward (age 19), very fine, with her locks done up with puffes, as my wife calls them: and several other great ladies had their hair so, though I do not like it; but my wife do mightily-but it is only because she sees it is the fashion. Here I saw my Lord Rochester (age 19) and his lady, Mrs. Mallet (age 16), who hath after all this ado married him; and, as I hear some say in the pit, it is a great act of charity, for he hath no estate. But it was pleasant to see how every body rose up when my Lord John Butler (age 24), the Duke of Ormond's (age 56) son, come into the pit towards the end of the play, who was a servant [lover] to Mrs. Mallet, and now smiled upon her, and she on him. I had sitting next to me a woman, the likest my Baroness Castlemayne (age 26) that ever I saw anybody like another; but she is a whore, I believe, for she is acquainted with every fine fellow, and called them by their name, Jacke, and Tom, and before the end of the play frisked to another place. Mightily pleased with the play, we home by coach, and there a little to the office, and then to my chamber, and there finished my Catalogue of my books with my own hand, and so to supper and to bed, and had a good night's rest, the last night's being troublesome, but now my heart light and full of resolution of standing close to my business.

John Evelyn's Diary. 04 Feb 1668. I saw the tragedy of "Horace" (written by the VIRTUOUS Mrs. Philips) acted before their Majesties [King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 37) and Henrietta Maria Bourbon Queen Consort Catherine of Braganza Queen Consort England 1638-1705]. Between each act a masque and antique dance. The excessive gallantry of the ladies was infinite, those especially on that ... Castlemaine (age 27), esteemed at £40,000 and more, far outshining the Queen (age 29).

John Evelyn's Diary. 04 Feb 1693. After five days' trial and extraordinary contest, the Lord Mohun (age 18) was acquitted by the Lords of the murder of Montford, the player, notwithstanding the judges, from the pregnant witnesses of the fact, had declared him guilty; but whether in commiseration of his youth, being not eighteen years old, though exceedingly dissolute, or upon whatever other reason, the King (age 42) himself present some part of the trial, and satisfied, as they report, that he was culpable. 69 acquitted him, only 14 condemned him.

John Evelyn's Diary. 04 Feb 1693. Unheard of stories of the universal increase of witches in New England; men, women, and children, devoting themselves to the devil, so as to threaten the subversion of the government. At the same time there was a conspiracy among the negroes in Barbadoes to murder all their masters, discovered by overhearing a discourse of two of the slaves, and so preventing the execution of the design. Hitherto an exceedingly mild winter. France in the utmost misery and poverty for want of corn and subsistence, while the ambitious King is intent to pursue his conquests on the rest of his neighbors both by sea and land. Our Admiral, Russell (age 40), laid aside for not pursuing the advantage he had obtained over the French in the past summer; three others chosen in his place. Dr. Burnet (age 49), Bishop of Salisbury's book burned by the hangman for an expression of the King's title by conquest, on a complaint of Joseph How, a member of Parliament, little better than a madman.

On 04 Feb 1698 Thomas Strode of Parnham (age 70) died. Monument in Church of St Mary, Beaminster [Map]. William and Mary. Marble with standing figure in wig, gown, side pilasters support cornice.

Thomas Strode of Parnham: In 1628 he was born to John Strode of Parnham and Anne Wyndham. On 01 Jul 1642 he matriculated Oxford University. On 01 Feb 1665 Thomas Strode of Parnham and Mary Adams were married. In 1677 he was appointed Serjeant at Law.

On 04 Feb 1702 Francis Godolphin 2nd Earl Godolphin (age 23) was elected MP Helston.

Minutes of the Society of Antiquaries. 04 Feb 1719. Mr Director (age 41) was ordered to deliver out prints of Richard II to be sold after the rate of 2s:6d a peice [sic], allowing to the sellers 6d a peice [sic], and one over in a dozen. The Prints of the Font of St James after the rate of 1s:6d a peice allowing to the seller 4d a piece. The prints of Ulphus's Horn at 1s allowing Seller 3d a peice [sic].

On 14 Oct 1736 Charles Le Gros of Croftwight (age 85) died. On 04 Feb 1758 Elizabeth Turner (age 63) died. They were buried at All Saints Church, Narborough [Map].

Charles Le Gros of Croftwight: Around 1651 he was born. Before 14 Oct 1736 he and Elizabeth Turner were married. The difference in their ages was 22 years.

Elizabeth Turner: Around 1673 she was born to William Turner of North Elmham.

On 29 Jan 1740 Richard Lumley 2nd Earl Scarborough (age 53) committed suicide by shooting himself through the roof of the mouth possibly as a result of his having told the Dowager Duchess of Manchester (age 34), who he had intended to marry the following day, a state secret which she then shared with her grandmother Sarah Jennings Duchess of Marlborough (age 79) who shared it with William Pulteney 1st Earl Bath (age 55) who shared it with everyone else. His brother Thomas Lumley-Saunderson 3rd Earl Scarborough (age 49) succeeded 3rd Earl Scarborough, 4th Viscount Lumley. Frances Hamilton Countess Scarborough by marriage Countess Scarborough. He left his estates to his youngest brother James Lumley (age 34).

On 04 Feb 1740 Richard Lumley 2nd Earl Scarborough was buried at the Grosvenor Chapel.

On 01 Feb 1743 John Dutton 2nd Baronet (age 59) died. Baronet Dutton of Sherborne in Gloucestershire extinct.

He was buried at the Saint Mary Magdalene's Church, Sherborne [Map] at midnight on 04 Feb 1743. Monument to sculpted by John Michael Rysbrack (age 48). Full figure of man leaning on an Urn.

On 04 Feb 1743 Anne Bayne died in childbirth.

qivGn7hK04 Feb 1755. St Germans Priory [Map]. Grave of Surgeon to Richard Boger.

The Times. 04 Feb 1905.

We have to announce the death of Florence, Marchioness of Hastings (age 64), wife of Sir George Chetwynd, Bart., which took place on Sunday morning at Long Walk House, Windsor, after a few days' illness. The funeral will take place at Grendon, Atherstone, on Thursday next, at 2 o'clock.

On 04 Feb 1941 John Lambton (age 20) shot himself.

Sydney Morning Herald, 5th February 1941: "Viscount Lambton, who was found shot on the lawn of his family's home in Northumberland on Tuesday, was found by the coroner to have committed suicide while temporarily unbalanced. It was stated in evidence that he had been an abnormal child and had tried to turn night into day, sleeping in the daytime and working at night.

On 04 Feb 2002 Sigvard Bernadotte (age 94) died in an accident.

Births on the 4th February

On 04 Feb 1337 Louis Bourbon II Duke Bourbon was born to Peter Bourbon Duke Bourbon (age 26) and Isabella Valois Duchess Bourbon (age 24). He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.38%.

On 04 Feb 1436 Philip Valois was born to Charles "Victorious" VII King France (age 32) and Marie Valois Anjou Queen Consort France (age 31). Coefficient of inbreeding 3.89%.

On 04 Feb 1443 Anne Beauchamp 15th Countess Warwick was born to Henry Beauchamp 1st Duke Warwick (age 17) and Cecily Neville Duchess Warwick (age 19) at Cardiff. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

Baron Burghesh, and the representation of the three Despencers Baronies abeyant between her cousin George Neville 5th and 3rd Baron Bergavenny and her aunt Anne Beauchamp 16th Countess Warwick (age 16).

Her subsequent death aged four (her father died when she was aged three) resulted in Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 14) unexpectedly becoming Earl of Warwick by marriage ie by right of his wife Anne Beauchamp 16th Countess Warwick who was the younger Anne's Aunt.

On 04 Feb 1705 Harriet Benson Baroness Bingley was born to Robert Benson 1st Baron Bingley (age 29) and Elizabeth Finch Baroness Bingley (age 26).

On 04 Feb 1757 George Thicknesse 19th Baron Audley 16th Baron Tuchet was born to Captain Philip Thicknesse (age 38) and Elizabeth Tuchet.

On 04 Feb 1760 Charles Gould aka Morgan 2nd Baronet was born to Charles Gould aka Morgan 1st Baronet (age 33) and Jane Morgan (age 29).

On 04 Feb 1772 Henry Fletcher 2nd Baronet was born to Henry Fletcher 1st Baronet (age 45) and Catherine Lintot.

On 04 Feb 1772 George Berney Brograve 2nd Baronet was born to Berney Brograve 1st Baronet (age 45).

On 04 Feb 1786 Sarah Elizabeth Savile Countess Warwick was born to John Savile 2nd Earl Mexborough (age 24) and Elizabeth Stephenson Countess Mexborough (age 24).

On 04 Feb 1796 Margaret Gardiner was born to Luke Gardiner 1st Viscount Mountjoy (age 50) and Margaret Wallis (age 26).

On 04 Feb 1808 George Augustus Francis Rawdon-Hastings 2nd Marquess Hastings was born to Francis Rawdon-Hastings 1st Marquess Hastings (age 53) and Flora Mure-Campbell Marchioness of Hastings (age 28).

On 04 Feb 1809 Charles Bunbury 8th Baronet was born to Henry Edward Bunbury 7th Baronet (age 30) and Louisa Amelia Fox at @@ Messina.

On 04 Feb 1817 John Leigh Hoskyns 9th Baronet was born to Hungerford Hoskyns 7th Baronet (age 40).

On 04 Feb 1823 John Watkins was born.

On 04 Feb 1825 Myles Birket Foster was born.

On 04 Feb 1828 Charlotte Georgiana Cholmondeley was born to William Cholmondeley 3rd Marquess Cholmondeley (age 27) and Marcia Emma Georgiana Arbuthnot Marchioness Cholmondeley (age 24).

On 04 Feb 1853 Alice Elizabeth Cole was born to William Willoughby Cole 3rd Earl Enniskillen (age 46) and Jane Casamaijor Countess Enniskillen.

On 04 Feb 1868 Cecil Reginald John Manners was born to John James Robert Manners 7th Duke Rutland (age 49) and Janetta Hughan Duchess Rutland (age 31).

On 04 Feb 1886 Margaret Strutt was born to Henry Strutt 2nd Baron Belper (age 45) and Margaret Coke Baroness Belper (age 33).

On 04 Feb 1894 Henry Eric Bagot 7th Baron Bagot was born to Charles Frederick Heneage Bagot (age 36) and Florence Eleanor Bagot. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.

Marriages on the 4th February

On 04 Feb 1495, possibly 1494, Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 22) and Anne York (age 19) were married at Westminster Abbey [Map]. She the daughter of King Edward IV of England and Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England. He the son of Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 52) and Elizabeth Tilney Countess of Surrey (age 51).

On 04 Feb 1520 William Carey (age 20) and Mary Boleyn (age 21) were married. Around the time, possibly shortly after, Mary Boleyn became mistress to King Henry VIII of England and Ireland (age 28) leading to speculation one or both of her children were fathered by Henry1. She the daughter of Thomas Boleyn 1st Earl Wiltshire and Ormonde (age 43) and Elizabeth Howard Countess of Wiltshire and Ormonde (age 40). He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward III of England.

The evidence for Mary being Henry's mistress:

Henry VIII's 1527 dispensation to marry Anne appears to seek dispensation to marry:

1. someone who was previously contracted to marry another, which might refer to either, or both, Henry Percy (age 18) or James Butler, and

2. "or of the first degree of affinity, from any lawful or unlawful union" which can only be a reference to a sister of Queen Anne Boleyn of England (age 19) i.e. Mary Boleyn.

Letters and Papers Foreign and Domestic. 20 Oct 1537. George Throckmorton letter relating to events around 1531 where Henry responds to an accusation that he had relationships with both Anne Boleyn's mother and sister "Never with the mother". Cromwell goes on the say never with the sister either.

Defense of the Unity of the Church Book III, 1536, letter from Cardinal Reginald Pole to King Henry VIII accusing him of double standards by attempting to annul his marriage with Queen Katherine on the basis of her having previously been married, albeit unconsummated, to Henry's brother Arthur, as a means to allow Henry to marry Anne Boleyn, with who sister Henry had had a carnal relationship.

1536 Letter from Ambassador Chapuys to the Emperor in which Chapuys writes "Others tell me that the said Archbishop had pronounced the marriage of the King and Concubine [Anne] invalid on account of the King having had connection with her sister [Mary].

Note 1. The date given by an entry in the King's Payments for 1520. The date appears to have been inserted so may not appear in the original text?

On 04 Feb 1638 Henry Ker and Margaret Hay Countess Cassilis were married. She the daughter of William Hay 10th Earl Erroll and Anne Lyon Countess Erroll. He the son of Robert Ker 1st Earl Roxburghe (age 68) and Jean Drummond Countess Roxburghe (age 53).

On 04 Feb 1702 Oswald Mosley 1st Baronet (age 27) and Elizabeth Thornhaugh (age 30) were married at Worksop, Nottinghamshire.

On 04 Feb 1725 Charles Seymour 6th Duke of Somerset (age 62) and Charlotte Finch Duchess Somerset (age 32) were married. She by marriage Duchess Somerset. The difference in their ages was 30 years. She the daughter of Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 77) and Anne Hatton Countess Nottingham and Winchelsea. He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

On 04 Feb 1768 Francis Ingram Seymour-Conway 2nd Marquess Hertford (age 24) and Alice Elizabeth Windsor (age 18) were married. He the son of Francis Seymour-Conway 1st Marquess Hertford (age 49) and Isabella Fitzroy Countess Hertford (age 41). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 04 Feb 1807 Daniel Fleming 5th Baronet (age 22) and Ann Frederica Elizabeth Fleming Lady Fleming (age 23) were married. She by marriage Lady Fleming of Rydal in Cumbria. They were third cousins.

On 04 Feb 1817 Watkin Williams-Wynn 5th Baronet (age 44) and Henrietta Antonia Clive Lady Williams-Wynn were married. She by marriage Lady Williams of Gray's Inn. She the daughter of Edward Clive 1st Earl Powis (age 62) and Henrietta Antonia Herbert 3rd Countess Powis (age 58). She a great x 4 granddaughter of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 04 Feb 1847 Tonman Mosley 3rd Baronet (age 33) and Catherine Wood (age 13) were married. The difference in their ages was 20 years.

On 04 Feb 1869 Arthur Rice 6th Baron Dynevor (age 33) and Selina Lascelles (age 28) were married. They were third cousins.

On 04 Feb 1950 David Mountbatten 3rd Marquess Milford Haven (age 30) and Romaine Pierce Marchioness Milford Haven were married. She by marriage Marchioness Milford Haven. He the son of George Mountbatten 2nd Marquess Milford Haven and Nadejda Mikhailovna Torby Marchioness Milford Haven (age 53). He a great x 2 grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

Deaths on the 4th February

On 04 Feb 1222 William Gerulfing I Count Holland (age 55) died. His son Floris Gerulfing IV Count Holland (age 11) succeeded IV Count Holland.

On 04 Feb 1400 Bernard Brocas (age 46) was tried, and condemned to death, by Thomas Fitzalan 10th Earl of Surrey 5th or 12th Earl of Arundel (age 18) at Tower of London [Map] for his role in the Epiphany Rising having been captured in Cirencester, Gloucestershire [Map].

On 05 Feb 1400 Bernard Brocas was beheaded at Tyburn [Map]. He was buried at Greyfriars Church Farringdon Within [Map].

On 04 Feb 1505 Joan Valois Queen Consort France (age 40) died.

On 04 Feb 1683 Anne Montagu Baroness North (age 71) died.

On 04 Feb 1696 Philip Wharton 4th Baron Wharton (age 82) died. His son Thomas Wharton 1st Marquess Wharton (age 47) succeeded 5th Baron Wharton. Lucy Loftus Marchioness Wharton (age 26) by marriage Baroness Wharton.

On 04 Feb 1730 Catherine Stringer Countess Westmoreland (age 50) died.

On 29 Jan 1740 Richard Lumley 2nd Earl Scarborough (age 53) committed suicide by shooting himself through the roof of the mouth possibly as a result of his having told the Dowager Duchess of Manchester (age 34), who he had intended to marry the following day, a state secret which she then shared with her grandmother Sarah Jennings Duchess of Marlborough (age 79) who shared it with William Pulteney 1st Earl Bath (age 55) who shared it with everyone else. His brother Thomas Lumley-Saunderson 3rd Earl Scarborough (age 49) succeeded 3rd Earl Scarborough, 4th Viscount Lumley. Frances Hamilton Countess Scarborough by marriage Countess Scarborough. He left his estates to his youngest brother James Lumley (age 34).

On 04 Feb 1740 Richard Lumley 2nd Earl Scarborough was buried at the Grosvenor Chapel.

On 01 Feb 1743 John Dutton 2nd Baronet (age 59) died. Baronet Dutton of Sherborne in Gloucestershire extinct.

He was buried at the Saint Mary Magdalene's Church, Sherborne [Map] at midnight on 04 Feb 1743. Monument to sculpted by John Michael Rysbrack (age 48). Full figure of man leaning on an Urn.

On 04 Feb 1752 John Cotton 3rd Baronet (age 63) died. His son John Hynde Cotton 4th Baronet (age 35) succeeded 4th Baronet Cotton of Landwade in Cambridgeshire. Anne Parsons Lady Cotton (age 27) by marriage Lady Cotton of Landwade in Cambridgeshire.

On 04 Feb 1752 Louis Bourbon Duke Orléans (age 48) died. His son Louis Philippe "The Fat" Bourbon I Duke Orléans (age 26) succeeded I Duke Orléans. Louise Henriette Bourbon Duchess Orléans by marriage Duchess Orléans.

On 04 Feb 1783 Susanna Hoare Countess Ailesbury (age 50) died.

On 04 Feb 1787 Pompeo Batoni (age 79) died.

On 04 Feb 1794 Charles Trevor Roper 18th Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 49) died. His sister Gertrude Trevor Roper 19th Baroness Dacre of Gilsland (age 43) succeeded 19th Baroness Dacre Gilsland, 18th Baroness Multon of Gilsland. Thomas Brand Baron Dacre (age 44) by marriage Baron Dacre Gilsland albeit for seventeen days only since he died on 21 Feb 1794.

On 04 Feb 1815 John Sheffield 2nd Baronet (age 72) died. His brother Reverend Robert Sheffield 3rd Baronet (age 57) succeeded 3rd Baronet Sheffield; he died three weeks later.

On 04 Feb 1824 John Simeon 1st Baronet (age 68) died. His son Richard Godin Simeon 2nd Baronet (age 39) succeeded 2nd Baronet Simeon of Grazeley in Berkshire.

On 04 Feb 1826 Diana Turnor Lady Whichcote (age 63) died. She was buried at St Denys' Church, Aswarby.

On 04 Feb 1830 Trevor Wheler 8th Baronet (age 66) died at Woodseat, Rocester. He was buried at Rocester, Staffordshire [Map]. His son Trevor Wheler 9th Baronet (age 37) succeeded 9th Baronet Wheler of the City of Westminster. Lucy Dandridge Lady Wheler by marriage Lady Wheler of the City of Westminster.

On 04 Feb 1833 Charles Leslie Pepys 2nd Baronet (age 58) died unmarried. His brother Henry Leslie Pepys 3rd Baronet (age 49) succeeded 3rd Baronet Pepys of Brook Street.

On 04 Feb 1846 Charlotte Mary Long Lady Pocock (age 61) died.

On 04 Feb 1856 William Hare 2nd Earl Listowel (age 54) died. His son William Hare 3rd Earl of Listowel (age 22) succeeded 3rd Earl Listowel in County Kerry.

On 04 Feb 1858 Thomas Campbell (age 68) died in 1 Great Castle Street, Westminster.

On 04 Feb 1860 Mary Fawkener Countess Orford (age 72) died.

On 04 Feb 1862 Henry Richard Paston-Bedingfeld 6th Baronet (age 61) died. His son Henry George Paston-Bedingfeld 7th Baronet (age 31) succeeded 7th Baronet Paston-Bedingfield of Oxburgh in Norfolk. Augusta Lucy Clavering Lady Paston-Bedingfield by marriage Lady Paston-Bedingfield of Oxburgh in Norfolk.

On 04 Feb 1888 John Buckworth-Herne-Soame 8th Baronet (age 93) died. His nephew Charles Buckworth-Herne-Soame 9th Baronet (age 57) succeeded 9th Baronet Buckworth-Herne-Soame of Sheen in Surrey. Mary Proctor Lady Buckworth-Herne-Soame by marriage Lady Buckworth-Herne-Soame of Sheen in Surrey.

On 04 Feb 1922 Maurice Fitzgerald 6th Duke Leinster (age 34) died having spent most of his life being cared for in a psychiatric institution at Edinburgh [Map]. His brother Edward Fitzgerald 7th Duke Leinster (age 29) succeeded 7th Duke Leinster.

On 04 Feb 1923 Henry Pellew 6th Viscount Exmouth (age 94) died. His son Charles Pellew 7th Viscount Exmouth (age 59) succeeded 7th Viscount Exmouth, 7th Baron Exmouth of Canonteign, 7th Baronet Pellew of Treverry in Cornwall. Following his succession he moved to England from the USA.

On 04 Feb 1970 John Frederick Lambton 5th Earl Durham (age 85) died. His son Antony Lambton 6th Earl of Durham (age 47) succeeded 6th Earl Durham.

On 04 Feb 2013 Sarah Norton Viscountess Astor (age 93) died.