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05 Apr is in April.
Events on the 5th April
Florence of Worcester. On Monday the nones [05 Apr 1092] of April, Osmund, bishop of Salisbury, assisted by Walkelin, bishop of Winchester, and John, bishop of Bath, consecrated the church which he had built in the castle of Sarum. Remi, who by license from William the Elder had transferred the seat of his bishopric from Dorchester [Map] to Lincoln, was desirous of consecrating the church which he had built at Lincoln, worthy indeed to be the cathedral of a bishop's see1, because he felt that the day of his death was at hand; but Thomas, archbishop of York, opposed him, asserting that the church was built within his diocese. However, king William the younger, for a sum of money paid to him by Remi, summoned nearly all the bishops of England to assemble together on the twentieth of the ides [the 9th] of May, and dedicate the church ; but two days before the time fixed, by the mysterious providence of God, bishop Remi himself departed from the world, and in consequence the consecration of the church was deferred. After this the king went into Northumbria, and restored tlie city wliicli is called in the British tongue Cairleii, and in Latin Lugubalia (Carlisle [Map]), and built a castle there; for this city, like some others in that quarter, had been laid in ruins by the heathen Danes two hundred years before, and had been uninhabited up to this time.
Note 1. Cf. Henry of Huntingdon, pp. 219, 220, Antiq. Lib.
On 05 Apr 1205 Isabella Anjou Queen Jerusalem (age 33) died.
On 05 Apr 1305 Bishop John Langton was elected Bishop of Chichester.
On 05 Apr 1327 King Edward II of England (age 42) was imprisoned at Berkeley Castle [Map].
On 28 Mar 1424 King James I of Scotland (age 29) signed his release agreement, in which he promised to pay a ransom of 60,000 marks, at Durham, County Durham [Map]. He and his wife Joan Beaufort Queen Consort Scotland (age 20), married for seven weeks, travelled to Melrose Abbey [Map] arriving on 05 Apr 1424
Diary of Edward VI. 05 Apr 1550. The bishop of Chichestre3, befor a vehement affirmer of transubstantiation, did preach against (it) at Whestmuster in the preching place.
Removing to Grenwich from Whestmuster.
Note 3. George Day (age 49), already noticed in p. 37 of the present volume.
On 05 Apr 1580 Augusta Oldenburg was born to Frederick II King Denmark (age 45) and Sophie Mecklenburg-Schwerin Queen Consort Denmark (age 22).
Diary of Anne Clifford 1617. 05 Apr 1617. The 5th my Lord (age 28) went up to my closet and said how little money I had left contrary to all they had told him. Sometimes I had fair words from him and sometimes foul, but I took all patiently, and did strive to give him as much content and assurance of my love as I could possibly, yet I told him that I would never part with Westmoreland upon any condition whatever. Upon the 6th after supper because my Lord was sullen and not willing to go into the nursery I made Mary bring the Child to him into my chamber, which was the 1st time she stirred abroad since she was sick.
Diary of Anne Clifford 1619. 05 Apr 1619. The 5th Lord Hume (age 53) died in Channel Row, who married Mrs Mary Dudley (age 33), my old companion, and left her as well as he could possibly.
John Evelyn's Diary. 05 Apr 1652. My brother George (age 34) brought to Sayes Court [Map] Cromwell's (age 52) Act of Oblivion to all that would submit to the Government.
John Evelyn's Diary. 05 Apr 1659. Came the Earl of Northampton (age 36) and the famous painter, Mr. Wright (age 41), to visit me.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Apr 1664. Thence back, and there spoke to several Lords, and so did his solicitor (one that W. Joyce hath promised £5 to if he be released). Lord Peterborough (age 42) presented a petition to the House from W. Joyce: and a great dispute, we hear, there was in the House for and against it. At last it was carried that he should be bayled till the House meets again after Easter, he giving bond for his appearance. This was not so good as we hoped, but as good as we could well expect.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Apr 1664. Up very betimes, and walked to my cozen Anthony Joyce's, and thence with him to his brother Will, in Tuttle Street, where I find him pretty cheery over (what) he was yesterday (like a coxcomb), his wife being come to him, and having had his boy with him last night. Here I staid an hour or two and wrote over a fresh petition, that which was drawn by their solicitor not pleasing me, and thence to the Painted Chamber [Map], and by and by away by coach to my Lord Peterborough's (age 42), and there delivered the petition into his hand, which he promised most readily to deliver to the House today.
John Evelyn's Diary. 05 Apr 1665. Was a day of public humiliation and for success of this terrible war, begun doubtless at secret instigation of the French to weaken the States and Protestant interest. Prodigious preparations on both sides.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Apr 1666. After dinner home, where I find my wife hath on a sudden, upon notice of a coach going away to-morrow, taken a resolution of going in it to Brampton, we having lately thought it fit for her to go to satisfy herself and me in the nature of the fellow that is there proposed to my sister. So she to fit herself for her journey and I to the office all the afternoon till late, and so home and late putting notes to "It is decreed, nor shall thy fate, &c". and then to bed. The plague is, to our great grief, encreased nine this week, though decreased a few in the total. And this encrease runs through many parishes, which makes us much fear the next year.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Apr 1667. So to the 'Change [Map], and there met with Mr. James Houblon, but no hopes, as he sees, of peace whatever we pretend, but we shall be abused by the King of France (age 28). Then home to the office, and busy late, and then to Sir W. Batten's (age 66), where Mr. Young was talking about the building of the City again; and he told me that those few churches that are to be new built are plainly not chosen with regard to the convenience of the City; they stand a great many in a cluster about Cornhill [Map]; but that all of them are either in the gift of the Lord Archbishop, or Bishop of London, or Chancellor (age 58), or gift of the City. Thus all things, even to the building of churches, are done in this world! And then he says, which I wonder at, that I should not in all this time see, that Moorefields [Map] have houses two stories high in them, and paved streets, the City having let leases for seven years, which he do conclude will be very much to the hindering the building of the City; but it was considered that the streets cannot be passable in London till a whole street be built; and several that had got ground of the City for charity, to build sheds on, had got the trick presently to sell that for £60, which did not cost them £20 to put up; and so the City, being very poor in stock, thought it as good to do it themselves, and therefore let leases for seven years of the ground in Moorefields [Map]; and a good deal of this money, thus advanced, hath been employed for the enabling them to find some money for Commissioner Taylor, and Sir W. Batten, towards the charge of "The Loyall London", or else, it is feared, it had never been paid. And Taylor having a bill to pay wherein Alderman Hooker (age 55) was concerned it was his invention to find out this way of raising money, or else this had not been thought on.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Apr 1669. Up, and by coach, it being very cold, to White Hall, expecting a meeting of Tangier, but it did not. But, however, did wait there all the morning, and, among other things, I spent a little time with Creed walking in the garden, and talking about our Office, and Child's coming in to be a Commissioner; and, being his friend, I did think he might do me a kindness to learn of him what the Duke of Buckingham (age 41) and the faction do design touching me, and to instil good words concerning me, which he says, and I believe he will: and it is but necessary; for I have not a mind indeed at this time to be put out of my Office, if I can make any shift that is honourable to keep it; but I will not do it by deserting the Duke of York (age 35).
John Evelyn's Diary. 07 Apr 1695. Lord Halifax (deceased) died suddenly at London, the day his daughter (age 18) was married to the Earl of Nottingham's (age 61) son (age 22) at Burleigh. Lord H. was a very rich man, very witty, and in his younger days somewhat positive.
On 05 Apr 1697 Charles XI King Sweden (age 41) died.
On 05 Apr 1716 Georgiana Caroline Carteret was baptised at St Martin in the Fields [Map].
On 05 Apr 1724 Maria Amalia Habsburg Spain was born to Charles Habsburg Spain VI Holy Roman Emperor (age 38) and Elisabeth of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel Holy Roman Empress (age 32).
On 05 Apr 1751 Frederick I King Sweden (age 74) died. His fifth cousin twice removed Adolph Frederick King Sweden (age 40) succeeded King Sweden. He the first king of the House of Holstein-Gottorp.
On 16 Dec 1775 Jane Austen was born to George Austen (age 44) and Cassandra Leigh (age 36) in Steventon, Hampshire. She was baptised on 05 Apr 1775 at St Nicholas' Church, Steventon at which her father was rector; the delay being caused by adverse weather.
On 05 Apr 1853 Ford Madox Brown (age 31) and Emma Matilda Hill (age 23) were married at St Dunstan's in the West, Fleet Street [Map]. The witnesses were Dante Gabriel Rossetti (age 24) and Thomas Seddon (age 31). Rector Edward Auriol (age 48) performed the ceremony.
Edward Auriol: On 27 Feb 1805 he was born to James Peter Auriol. In or before 1841 Edward Auriol and Georgina Morris. In or before 1841 he was appointed Rector of St Dunstan's in the West, Fleet Street. On 10 Jul 1880 Edward Auriol died.
05 Apr 1881. Census. 2 Palace Gate, Kensington.
John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 51)
Euphemia "Effie" Gray Lady Millais (age 52)
John, Grandchild
Euphemia, Grandchild
Albert Gray, Brother-in-law
Nine servants.
On 05 Apr 1884 Leopold Saxe Coburg Gotha 1st Duke Albany (deceased) was buried at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle [Map].
05 Apr 1891. Census. 1 St Edmunds Terrace.
Ford Madox Brown (age 69). Head. Widower.
Catherine Heuffer (age 40). Daughter. Widow.
Ford Madox Ford aka Heuffer (age 17). Grandson. 17.
Oliver Madox Heuffer (age 14). Grandson. 15.
Juliet Catherine Emma Heuffer (age 10). Granddaughter. 10.
Charlotte Kindy. Servant. 31.
Margaret Mullin. Servant. 23.
Ford Madox Ford aka Heuffer: On 17 Dec 1873 he was born to Francis Heuffer and Catherine Emily Brown On 26 Jun 1939 he died.
Oliver Madox Heuffer: In 1877 he was born to Francis Heuffer and Catherine Emily Brown On 22 Jun 1931 he died.
Juliet Catherine Emma Heuffer: In 1881 she was born to Francis Heuffer and Catherine Emily Brown In 1944 she died.
05 Apr 1891. Census. 3 St Edmunds Terrace.
William Michael Rossetti (age 61). Head. 61.
Emma Lucy Madox Brown (age 47). Wife. 47.
Olivia Madox Rossetti (age 15). Son. 15
Gabriel Arthur Rossetti (age 14). Son. 14.
Helen Maria (age 11). Daughter. 11.
Mary Elizabeth (age 10). Daughter. 9.
3 x Servants.
05 Apr 1891. Census. Draycott Lodge
William Holman Hunt (age 64). Head. 64. Artist of figure and landscape. Sculp.
Marion Edith Waugh (age 44). Wife. 44.
Gladys Hunt (age 13). Daughter. 14. School Girl.
Hilary Lushington Hunt (age 11). Son. 11. School Boy.
Edith Spark. 24. Governess.
Mary A Ottaway. 53. Nurse.
Eugenie P A Bassel. 17. Housemaid.
Ella A Rich. 31. Cook.
Ann Butler. 63. Servant
Richard Butler. 60. Servant.
Gladys Hunt: In 1878 she was born to William Holman Hunt and Marion Edith Waugh at Jerusalem.
Hilary Lushington Hunt: On 06 May 1879 he was born to William Holman Hunt and Marion Edith Waugh at 2 Warwick Gardens, Kensington.
On 05 Apr 1892 John Collingwood Bruce (age 87) died. Monument at the Cathedral Church St Nicholas, Newcastle upon Tyne [Map] showing Bruce with his feet resting on his book "Hadrian's Wall" sculpted by George Blackall Simonds (age 48) in 1896.
John Collingwood Bruce: In 1805 he was born to John Bruce. In 1833 he and Charlotte Gainsford were married.
On 05 Apr 1908 Ronald Henry Fulke Greville (age 43) died of pneumonia without issue following an operation, predeceasing his own father.
On 05 Apr 1918 Lewis Charles Bagot Chester (age 19) was killed in action at Ayette, France.
On 05 Apr 1955 Gwavas May Spry (age 59) died. Memorial at St Anthony's Church, St Anthony in Roseland [Map].
Gwavas May Spry: Around 1896 she was born to John Samuel Spry and Harriet. Before 05 Apr 1955 Lieutenant-Colonel Duncan Grant-Dalton and she were married.
Births on the 5th April
On 05 Apr 1365 William Wittelsbach IV Count Holland VI Count Hainault V Count Zeeland was born to Albert Wittelsbach I Duke Bavaria (age 28) and Margaret Silesia.
On 05 Apr 1580 Augusta Oldenburg was born to Frederick II King Denmark (age 45) and Sophie Mecklenburg-Schwerin Queen Consort Denmark (age 22).
On 05 Apr 1604 Charles Lorraine II Duke Lorraine was born to Francis Lorraine II Duke Lorraine (age 32).
On 05 Apr 1696 Anne Hamilton 2nd Countess Ruglen was born to John Hamilton 1st Earl Ruglen 3rd Earl Selkirk (age 32) and Elizabeth Hutchinson Countess Ruglen (age 19).
On 05 Apr 1703 Frances Berkeley Baroness Byron was born to William Berkeley 4th Baron Berkeley (age 40) and Frances Temple Baroness Berkeley.
On 05 Apr 1703 Charles Hervey was born to John Hervey 1st Earl Bristol (age 37) and Elizabeth Felton Countess Bristol (age 26).
On 05 Apr 1703 Henrietta Hervey was born to John Hervey 1st Earl Bristol (age 37) and Elizabeth Felton Countess Bristol (age 26).
On 05 Apr 1709 Emanuel Saxe Coburg Altenburg was born to Frederick Saxe Coburg Altenburg II Duke Saxe Gotha Altenburg (age 32) and Magdalena Augusta Anhalt Zerbst Anhaltzerbst Duchess Saxe Gotha Altenburg at Gotha.
On 05 Apr 1724 Maria Amalia Habsburg Spain was born to Charles Habsburg Spain VI Holy Roman Emperor (age 38) and Elisabeth of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel Holy Roman Empress (age 32).
On 05 Apr 1747 Thomas Hanmer 2nd Baronet was born to Walden Hanmer 1st Baronet (age 30).
On 05 Apr 1748 Francis Needham 1st Earl Kilmorley was born.
On 05 Apr 1758 Henry Harford was born illegitimately to Frederick Calvert 6th Baron Baltimore (age 27) and Hester Whelan. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 05 Apr 1773 Henry Peyto Verney 24th Baron Latimer 16th Baron Willoughby was born to John Peyto Verney 22nd Baron Latimer 14th Baron Willoughby (age 34) and Louisa North Baroness Latimer Baroness Willoughby of Broke (age 36) at Compton Verney House, Warwickshire.
On 05 Apr 1785 Thomas Hay-Drummond 11th Earl Kinnoull was born to Robert Hay-Drummond 10th Earl Kinnoul (age 34) and Sarah Harley Countess Kinnoul at Bath, Somerset [Map].
On 05 Apr 1797 Lady Caroline Cavendish was born to George Augustus Henry Cavendish 1st Earl Burlington (age 43) and Elizabeth Compton Countess Burlington (age 36).
On 05 Apr 1798 Margarette Willes Baroness Leigh was born.
On 05 Apr 1802 George Harry Grey 8th Baron Grey of Groby was born to George Grey 6th Earl Stamford 2nd Earl Warrington (age 36) and Henrietta Charteris Countess Stamford and Warrington.
On 05 Apr 1820 Henry Hickman Bacon 11th and 10th Baronet was born to Nicholas Bacon (age 33).
On 05 Apr 1836 Harriet Stonor Viscountess Clifden was born to Thomas Stonor 3rd Baron Camoys (age 38) and Frances Towneley Baroness Camoys (age 35).
On 05 Apr 1836 Thomas Fletcher Fenton Boughey 4th Baronet was born to Thomas Fletcher Fenton Boughey 3rd Baronet (age 27).
On 05 Apr 1837 Algernon Charles Swinburne was born to Admiral Charles Henry Swinburne (age 40) and Jane Henrietta Ashburnham (age 27) at 7 Chester Street Grosvenor Place.
On 05 Apr 1846 Henry Wellesley 3rd Duke Wellington was born to Charles Wellesley (age 38) and Augusta Sophia Anne Pierrepoint at Apsley House Hyde Park Corner.
On 05 Apr 1847 Francis Egerton 3rd Earl Ellesmere was born to George Leveson-Gower aka Egerton 2nd Earl Ellesmere (age 23) and Mary Louisa Campbell Countess Ellesmere (age 22).
On 05 Apr 1848 William Copeland Borlase was born to Samuel Borlase and Mary Anne Copeland at Castle Horneck, Penzance.
On 05 Apr 1855 Carnegie Jervis 5th Viscount St Vincent was born to Carnegie Jervis 3rd Viscount St Vincent (age 29).
On 05 Apr 1855 Edward Southwell 24th Baron de Clifford was born to Edward Southwell Russell 23rd Baron de Clifford (age 31).
On 05 Apr 1857 Edward Knatchbull-Hugessen 2nd Baron Brabourne was born to Edward Knatchbull-Hugessen 1st Baron Brabourne (age 27).
On 05 Apr 1863 Emma Selina Fitzharding was born to Henry Fitzharding 2nd Viscount Portman (age 33) and Mary Selina Wentworth-Fitzwilliam Viscountess Portman (age 27).
On 05 Apr 1863 Victoria Hesse Darmstadt Marchioness Milford Haven was born to Prince Louis Hesse Darmstadt IV Grand Duke (age 25) and Princess Alice Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 19) at Windsor Castle [Map]. She a granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.
On 05 Apr 1865 Nesta Fitzgerald was born to Charles William Fitzgerald Fitzgerald 4th Duke Leinster (age 46) and Caroline Leveson-Gower Duchess Leinster (age 37) at Kilkea Castle, Castledermot, County Kildare.
On 05 Apr 1869 Mary Frances Neville Marchioness Abergavenny was born to Ralph Pelham Neville (age 37).
On 05 Apr 1873 Algernon Augustus Henry Stracey was born to Edward Henry Gervase Stracey 6th Baronet (age 34).
On 05 Apr 1874 Margaret Rachel Scott was born to John Scott 3rd Earl Eldon (age 29).
On 05 Apr 1884 Lieutenant-Commander Evelyn Temple-Gore-Langton was born to William Stephen Temple Gore-Langton 4th Earl Temple (age 36) and Helen Mabel Graham-Montgomery Countess Temple of Stowe.
On 05 Apr 1890 William Arthington Worsley 4th Baronet was born to William Henry Arthington Worsley 3rd Baronet (age 29).
On 05 Apr 1903 Joan Douglas-Scott-Montagu was born illegitimately to John Douglas-Scott-Montagu 2nd Baron Montagu of Beaulieu (age 36) and Eleanor Thornton (age 22).
On 05 Apr 1931 Shaun Plunket was born to Terence Plunket 6th Baron Plunket (age 31) and Dorothé Mabel Lewis (age 31).
On 05 Apr 1934 James Cecil 3rd Baron Rockley was born to Robert William Evelyn Gascoyne-Cecil 2nd Baron Rockley (age 33).
On 05 Apr 1950 Robert Byron 13th Baron Byron was born to Richard Byron 12th Baron Byron (age 50).
Marriages on the 5th April
On 05 Apr 1345 Richard Fitzalan 3rd or 10th Earl of Arundel 8th Earl of Surrey (age 39) and Eleanor Plantagenet Countess Arundel and Surrey (age 26) were married at Ditton Church, Stoke Poges. She by marriage Countess Arundel Sussex. She the daughter of Henry Plantagenet 3rd Earl of Leicester 3rd Earl Lancaster (age 64) and Maud Chaworth. He the son of Edmund Fitzalan 2nd or 9th Earl of Arundel and Alice Warenne Countess Arundel. They were half third cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King John of England. She a great granddaughter of King Henry III of England.
On 05 Apr 1624 John Hay 1st Earl Tweeddale (age 31) and Jean Seton Countess Tweeddale (age 18) were married. She by marriage Lord Hay of Yester. She the daughter of Alexander Seton 1st Earl Dunfermline and Grizel Leslie Countess Dunfermline. They were third cousins.
On 05 Apr 1637 William Cunningham 9th Earl Glencairn (age 27) and Anne Ogilvy Countess Glancairn were married. She by marriage Countess Glencairn. She the daughter of James Ogilvy 1st Earl Findlater (age 42) and Elizabeth Leslie. He the son of William Cunningham 8th Earl Glencairn and Jean Kerr Countess Glencairn. They were half second cousin once removed.
On 05 Apr 1648 Edward Dering 2nd Baronet (age 22) and Mary Harvey Lady Dering (age 18) were married. She by marriage Lady Dering of Surrenden Dering in Kent. They had seventeen children, of whom 10 survived to adulthood.
On 05 Apr 1719 Thomas Gresley 4th Baronet (age 20) and Dorothy Bowyer were married at St Lawrence's Church, Biddulph.
On 05 Apr 1720 Francis Scott 2nd Duke Buccleuch (age 25) and Jane Douglas were married at Earl of Rochester's House Privy Gardens Whitehall Palace. She the daughter of James Douglas 2nd Duke Queensberry and Mary Boyle Duchess Queensbury. He the son of James Scott and Henrietta Hyde Countess Dalkeith (age 43). They were second cousins. He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 05 Apr 1820 William Legge 4th Earl Dartmouth (age 35) and Frances Charlotte Chetwynd-Talbot Countess Dartmouth (age 18) were married. She by marriage Countess Dartmouth. She the daughter of Charles Chetwynd-Talbot 2nd Earl Talbot (age 42) and Frances Thomasina Lambart Countess Talbot. He the son of George Legge 3rd Earl Dartmouth and Frances Finch Countess Dartmouth (age 59).
On 05 Apr 1843 Charles Rowley 2nd Baronet (age 42) and Peroline Marcowitz Lady Rowley were married.
On 05 Apr 1853 Ford Madox Brown (age 31) and Emma Matilda Hill (age 23) were married at St Dunstan's in the West, Fleet Street [Map]. The witnesses were Dante Gabriel Rossetti (age 24) and Thomas Seddon (age 31). Rector Edward Auriol (age 48) performed the ceremony.
Edward Auriol: On 27 Feb 1805 he was born to James Peter Auriol. In or before 1841 he was appointed Rector of St Dunstan's in the West, Fleet Street. In or before 1841 Edward Auriol and Georgina Morris. On 10 Jul 1880 Edward Auriol died.
On 05 Apr 1866 Charles Adolphus Murray 7th Earl Dunmore (age 25) and Gertrude Coke (age 19) were married. She the daughter of Thomas Coke 2nd Earl of Leicester (age 43) and Juliana Whitbread Countess Leicester (age 40). He the son of Alexander Murray 6th Earl Dunmore and Catherine Herbert Countess Dunmore (age 51). She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 05 Apr 1923 John William Beaumont Pease 1st Baron Wardington (age 63) and Dorothy Charlotte Forster Baroness Wardington (age 31) were married. The difference in their ages was 31 years.
Deaths on the 5th April
On 05 Apr 1168 Robert Beaumont 2nd Earl of Leicester (age 64) died. His son Robert Beaumont 3rd Earl of Leicester succeeded 3rd Earl of Leicester.
On 05 Apr 1205 Isabella Anjou Queen Jerusalem (age 33) died.
On 05 Apr 1291 Beatrix Dampierre (age 31) died.
On 05 Apr 1308 Reginald Grey 1st Baron Grey of Wilton (age 68) died. His son John Grey 2nd Baron Grey of Wilton (age 40) succeeded 2nd Baron Grey of Wilton.
On 05 Apr 1325 Ralph Monthermer 1st Earl of Gloucester and Hertford (age 55) died. Earl Gloucester, Earl Hertford extinct. His son Thomas Monthermer 2nd Baron Monthermer (age 23) succeeded 2nd Baron Monthermer.
On 05 Apr 1340 Archbishop William Melton (age 65) died at Cawood Palace [Map].
On 05 Apr 1353 Joan Grey Baroness Basset Drayton (age 70) died.
On 05 Apr 1369 Bartholomew "The Younger" Burghesh 2nd Baron Burghesh (age 41) died. He was buried at Lady Chapel Walsingham Priory. His daughter Elizabeth Burghesh 3rd Baron Burghesh (age 27) succeeded 3rd Baroness Burghesh.
On 04 Apr 1589 or 05 Apr 1589 Mildred Cooke Baroness Burghley (age 63) died. She was buried at the Chapel of St Nicholas, Westminster Abbey [Map].
On 05 Apr 1619 Alexander Home 1st Earl of Home (age 53) died at Channel Row. On 05 Apr 1619 His son James Home 2nd Earl of Home (age 12) succeeded 2nd Earl of Home.
On 05 Apr 1679 Elizabeth Carey Viscountess Mordaunt (age 47) died.
On 05 Apr 1684 William Brouncker 2nd Viscount Brounckner (age 64) died. His brother Henry Brouncker 3rd Viscount Brounckner (age 57) succeeded 3rd Viscount Brouckner of Lyons in Leinster.
On 05 Apr 1695 George Savile 1st Marquess Halifax (age 61) died apparently as a consequence of eating undercooked chicken. He was buried in the north aisle of the King Henry VII Chapel, Westminster Abbey [Map]. His son William Savile 2nd Marquess Halifax (age 30) succeeded 2nd Marquess Halifax, 2nd Earl Halifax, 2nd Viscount Halifax, 2nd Baron Savile of Elland, 5th Baronet Savile of Thornhill. Mary Finch Duchess Roxburghe (age 18) by marriage Marchioness Halifax.
On 05 Apr 1697 Charles XI King Sweden (age 41) died.
On 05 Apr 1735 Edward Stradling 5th Baronet (age 62) died. His son Thomas Stradling 6th Baronet (age 24) succeeded 6th Baronet Stradling of St Donats in Glamorganshire.
On 05 Apr 1751 Frederick I King Sweden (age 74) died. His fifth cousin twice removed Adolph Frederick King Sweden (age 40) succeeded King Sweden. He the first king of the House of Holstein-Gottorp.
On 05 Apr 1752 John Lister-Kaye 4th Baronet (age 54) died. His son John Lister-Kaye 5th Baronet (age 26) succeeded 5th Baronet Kaye of Woodsome Hall in Yorkshire.
On 05 Apr 1778 Marmaduke Langdale 5th Baron Langdale died. Baron Langdale of Holme in Yorkshire extinct.
On 05 Apr 1787 Mary Cardonnel Countess Talbot (age 68) died.
On 05 Apr 1789 William Vane 2nd Viscount Vane (age 75) died. Viscount Vane extinct.
On 05 Apr 1824 Mary Stuart Countess Lonsdale (age 83) died.
On 05 Apr 1846 Margaret Catherine Blackwood Lady Dallas died.
On 05 Apr 1855 Philadelphia Rowley Lady Cotton (age 92) died.
On 05 Apr 1861 Ann Frederica Elizabeth Fleming Lady Fleming (age 77) died.
On 05 Apr 1876 George Augustus Frederick Charles Holroyd 2nd Earl Sheffield (age 74) died. On 05 Apr 1876 His son Henry Holroyd 3rd Earl Sheffield (age 44) succeeded 3rd Earl Sheffield of Dunamore in Meath, 3rd Viscount Pevensey, 3rd Baron Sheffield of Dunamore in Meath, 3rd Baron Sheffield of Roscommon in Roscommon, 3rd Baron Sheffield of Sheffield in Yorkshire.
On 05 Apr 1880 Frances Towneley Baroness Camoys (age 79) died.
On 05 Apr 1881 Philip de Malpas Grey-Egerton 10th Baronet (age 74) died. His son Philip le Belward Grey-Egerton 11th Baronet (age 48) succeeded 11th Baronet Egerton and Oulton. Henrietta Denison Lady Egerton (age 45) by marriage Lady Egerton and Oulton.
On 05 Apr 1890 Harry Mengden Scarth (age 75) died at Tangier [Map]. He was buried at All Saints Church, Wrington [Map].
On 05 Apr 1892 John Collingwood Bruce (age 87) died. Monument at the Cathedral Church St Nicholas, Newcastle upon Tyne [Map] showing Bruce with his feet resting on his book "Hadrian's Wall" sculpted by George Blackall Simonds (age 48) in 1896.
John Collingwood Bruce: In 1805 he was born to John Bruce. In 1833 he and Charlotte Gainsford were married.
On 05 Apr 1892 Robert Bermingham Clements 4th Earl of Leitrim (age 45) died.
On 02 Apr 1895 Clarissa Hall (age 70) died. Her funeral was held at the Grosvenor Chapel on 05 Apr 1895 attended by her daughters Clarita "Clara" Jerome (age 44), Jenny Jerome (age 41) and Leonie Blanche Jerome Lady Leslie (age 36), her grandsons Winston Churchill (age 20) and John Strange "Jack" Spencer-Churchill (age 15) and the Dowager Frances Anne Emily Vane Duchess of Marlborough (age 72).
On 05 Apr 1914 John Shiffner 5th Baronet (age 56) died. His son John Bridger Shiffner 6th Baronet (age 14) succeeded 6th Baronet Shiffner of Coombe in Sussex.
On 05 Apr 1923 George Edward Stanhope Molyneux Herbert 5th Earl Carnarvon (age 56) died in the Continental Savoy Hotel, Cairo of an mosquito bite infected by a razor cut. His son Henry Herbert 6th Earl Carnarvon (age 24) succeeded 6th Earl Carnarvon, 6th Baron Porchester. Anne Catherine Tredick Wendell Countess Carnarvon (age 22) by marriage Countess Carnarvon.
On 05 Apr 1939 Warner Hastings 15th Earl Huntingdon (age 70) died. He was buried at Hasting's Chapel St Helen's Church Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire [Map]. His son Francis Hastings 16th Earl Huntingdon (age 38) succeeded 16th Earl Huntingdon. Cristina Casati Stampa di Soncino Countess Huntingdon (age 38) by marriage Countess Huntingdon.
On 05 Apr 1946 Gerald Bagot 5th Baron Bagot (age 79) died. His first cousin once removed Caryl Ernest Bagot 6th Baron Bagot (age 69) succeeded 6th Baron Bagot of Bagot's Bromley in Staffordshire, 11th Baronet Bagot of Blithfield Hall.
On 05 Apr 1960 Herbert Hervey 5th Marquess of Bristol (age 89) died. His son Victor Hervey 6th Marquess of Bristol (age 44) succeeded 6th Marquess of Bristol, 6th Earl Jermyn of Horningworth in Suffolk, 10th Earl Bristol, 11th Baron Hervey of Ickworth in Suffolk.
On 05 Apr 1968 John Denison 8th Baron Londesborough (age 66) died. His son Richard Denison 9th Baron Londesborough (age 8) succeeded 9th Baron Londesborough of Londesborough in the East Riding of Yorkshire.
On 05 Apr 1991 William Philip Sidney 1st Viscount de l'Isle (age 81) died. His son Philip Sidney 2nd Viscount de L'Isle (age 45) succeeded 2nd Viscount de Lisle of Penshurst in Kent, 7th Baron De Lisle and Dudley, 10th Baronet Shelley of Castle Goring in Sussex, 8th Baronet Shelley-Sidney of Penshurst Place in Kent.
On 05 Apr 2002 Arthur Mountifort Longfield Ponsonby 11th Earl Bessborough (age 89) died. His son Myles Fitzhugh Ponsonby 12th Earl Bessborough (age 61) succeeded 12th Earl Bessborough, 13th Viscount Duncannon of Duncannon in Wexford, 13th Baron Bessborough of Bessborough in Kilkenny.