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On this Day in History ... 5th October

05 Oct is in October.

1338 French Raid on Southampton

1361 Plague Outbreak

1665 Great Plague of London

1908 Assassination of King Carlos I of Portugal and his heir Prince Luís Filipe

1930 R101 Crash

1936 Jarrow March

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 5th October

On 05 Oct 1056 Henry "Black Pious" Salian III Holy Roman Emperor (age 38) died.

On 05 Oct 1111 Robert II Count Flanders (age 46) was killed. His son Baldwin VII Count Flanders (age 18) succeeded VII Count Flanders.

On 05 Oct 1214 Alfonso VIII King Castile (age 58) died. He was buried at Abbey of Santa Maria la Real de Huelgas [Map]. His son Henry I King Castile (age 10) succeeded I King Castile.

On 05 Oct 1285 King Philip III of France (age 40) died. On 05 Oct 1285 His son Philip IV King France (age 17) succeeded IV King France: Capet. Joan Blois I Queen Navarre (age 12) by marriage Queen Consort of France.

On 05 Oct 1318 Edward Bruce King Ireland (age 39) was killed.

On 05 Oct 1338 a French fleet landed several thousand French, Norman, Italian and Castilian sailors close to the major port of Southampton, Hampshire [Map] and assaulting it from both land and sea. The entire town was razed to the ground, thousands of pounds worth of goods and shipping took back to France, and captives executed or taken as slaves.

Froissart Book 1 Chapter 37. 05 Oct 1338. Upon king Philip's (age 44) receiving the challenges from king Edward (age 25) and his allies, he collected men at arms and soldiers from all quarters; he sent the lord Gallois de la Bausme, a good knight from Savoy, to the city of Cambray [Map], and made him governor thereof, in conjunction with sir Thibault de Marneil and the lord of Roye: they might be, including Spaniards and French, full two hundred lances. The king seized the county of Ponthieu [Map], which the king of England had before held by right of his mother (age 43); and he also sent and entreated some lords of the empire, such as the count of Hainault his nephew (age 31), the duke of Lorrain (age 18), the Count of Bar (age 23), the bishop of Metz, the bishop of Liege, not to commit any hostile acts against him or his kingdom. The greater part of them answered as he could have wished; but the count of Hainault, in a very civil reply, said that although he should be at all times ready to assist him or his realm against any one, yet as the king of England made war in behalf of the empire, as vicar and lieutenant of it, he could not refuse him aid and assistance in his country, as he held lands under the empire. The king of France appeared satisfied with this answer, not however laying much stress on it, as he felt himself in sufficient strength to oppose his enemies.

As soon as sir Hugh Quiriel, sir Peter Bahucet, and Barbenoire, were informed that hostilities had commenced, they landed one Sunday morning in the harbour at Southampton, Hampshire [Map], whilst the inhabitants were at church: Normans, Picards, and Spaniards entered the town, pillaged it, killed many, deflowered maidens and forced wives; and having loaded their vessels with the booty, they fell down with the tide, and made sail for the coast of Normandy. They landed at Dieppe, and there divided the plunder.

On 05 Oct 1361 Reginald Cobham 1st Baron Cobham (age 66) died of plague at Lingfield, Surrey. He was buried at Lingfield, Surrey. His son Reginald Cobham 2nd Baron Cobham (age 13) succeeded 2nd Baron Cobham.

On 05 Oct 1528 Bishop Richard Foxe (age 80) died at Wolvesey Castle [Map]. He was buried at Winchester Cathedral [Map] where he has a Chantry Chapel.

On 05 Oct 1544 Richard Archer (age 39) was executed. He was buried at St Mary Magdalene Church, Tanworth in Arden.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 05 Oct 1553. The v day of October the Qwuen('s) (age 37) grace rod unto Westmynster chyrche, and ther her grace hard masse of the Holy-gost, and ther wher ij bysshopes; on delevered her the shepter and odur thyng. Her grace rod in her parlement robes, and all the trumpeters blohyng a-for them all; and so, after her grace had hard masse, they whent to the Parlement howsse all to-geyther, and the yerle of Devonshyre (age 26) bare the sworde, and the yerle of Westmorland (age 28) bare the cape of mayntenans.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 05 Oct 1554. The v day of October was the obsequy of the duke of Northfoke at sant Mare Overes [Map]; a hers [hearse] mad with tymber, and hangyd with blake, and with ys armes, and iiij goodly candlestyks gyldyd, and iiij grett tapurs, and with ys armes, and alle the qwyre hangyd with blake and armes; and durge and masse on the morowe. And my lord chanseler (age 71) cheffe morner, and next master [controller,] and master Gorge Haward; at the durge my lord Montyguw (age 25), my lord admerell (age 44), and my lord Brugys, and divers others; and a xl in gownes and cotes in blake; and after to my lord['s place], and gret ryngyng ij days.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 05 Oct 1559. [The] v day of October cam to [London by Ald]gatt the prynse of Sweythen (age 25), and [so to Leadenhall], and done [down] Gracyous-strett [Map] corner in a howse stod [the lord] marques of Northamtun (age 47) and my lord Ambros Dudley (age 29) [and other gentlemen and] lades; and my lord of Oxford (age 43) browth (him) from Col[chester] [Map] and my lord Robart Dudley (age 27), the master of the quen('s) horse; and trumpettes bloyng in dyvers places; and thay had [a great] nombur of gentyllmen ryd with cheynes a-for them, and after them a ij C [200] of yomen rydyng, and so rydyng over the bryge unto the bysshope of Wynchastur plasse [Map], for [it] was rychely hangyd with ryche cloth of arres, wrought with gold and sylver and sylke, and ther he remanyth.

Letters of the Court of James I 1618. [05 Oct 1618]. The current runs strong here, that Sir Fulk Greville (age 64) shall be treasurer, but the grounds of that conjecture are not certain. An assured thing they say it is, that the Marquis of Buckingham (age 26) hath gotten the survivance of the Admiralty granted him, in a joint patent with the lord admiral that is; and the same hath passed the seals already. Sir Robert Cary (age 58) hath now perfected his suit concerning Killingworth [Map], and intends a new voyage thither soon after Allhallowtide. I have renewed my former motions concerning you, and he promises the accomplishment.

Letters of the Court of James I 1618. [05 Oct 1618]. The treaty with Spain, about the match that is pretended, they say, is likely to proceed. Sir John Digby (age 38) is to be employed anew in an embassy to that purpose, and is to stay there till he see a final issue; that either the infanta (age 12) be to be brought over, or the business utterly quashed. Presently after Christmas he undertakes the voyage, but the king hath not declared him as yet. It is kept as a great secret in the interim, and so imparted unto me, who am offered the condition of the chaplain, if I should think fit to accept it. I shall take time to consider, and humbly entreat you to favour me with your advice. But whatsoever I have communicated touching this embassy, I beseech you bury it in your own bosom till his majesty's declaration open a vent.

On 05 Oct 1625 Edward Palatinate Simmern was born to Frederick Palatinate Simmern V Elector Palatine Rhine (age 29) and Princess Elizabeth Stewart Queen Bohemia (age 29) at The Hague. He a grandson of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

On or before 05 Oct 1632, the date she was buried at Stow Minster [Map], Amy Dillington (age 62) died.

Amy Dillington: Around 1570 she was born to Anthony Dillington of Knighton on the Isle of Wight. In or before 1582 Richard Burgh of Stow Hall and she were married. They had four sons and two daughters.

John Evelyn's Diary. 05 Oct 1647. I came to Wotton, Surrey [Map], the place of my birth, to my brother (age 30), and on the 10th to Hampton Court [Map] where I had the honor to kiss his Majesty's (age 46) hand, and give him an account of several things I had in charge, he being now in the power of those execrable villains who not long after murdered him. I lay at my cousin, Sergeant Hatton's at Thames Ditton, Surrey [Map], whence, on the 13th, I went to London.

John Evelyn's Diary. 05 Oct 1649. Dined with Sir George Ratcliffe, the great favorite of the late Earl of Stratford, formerly Lord Deputy of Ireland, decapitated.

On 05 Oct 1658 Mary of Modena Queen Consort England Scotland and Ireland was born to Alfonso Este IV Duke Modena (age 23) and Laura Martinozzi Duchess Modena (age 19).

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Oct 1663. Up with pain, and with Sir J. Minnes (age 64) by coach to the Temple [Map], and then I to my brother's, and up and down on business, and so to the New Exchange, and there met Creed, and he and I walked two or three hours, talking of many businesses, especially about Tangier [Map], and my Lord Tiviot's bringing in of high accounts, and yet if they were higher are like to pass without exception, and then of my Lord Sandwich (age 38) sending a messenger to know whether the King (age 33) intends to come to Newmarket, Suffolk, as is talked, that he may be ready to entertain him at Hinchingbroke [Map].

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Oct 1664. And thither anon come all the Gresham College, and a great deal of noble company: and the new instrument was brought called the Arched Viall1, where being tuned with lute-strings, and played on with kees like an organ, a piece of parchment is always kept moving; and the strings, which by the kees are pressed down upon it, are grated in imitation of a bow, by the parchment; and so it is intended to resemble several vyalls played on with one bow, but so basely and harshly, that it will never do. But after three hours' stay it could not be fixed in tune; and so they were fain to go to some other musique of instruments, which I am grown quite out of love with, and so I, after some good discourse with Mr. Spong, Hill, Grant (age 44), and Dr. Whistler, and others by turns, I home to my office and there late, and so home, where I understand my wife has spoke to Jane and ended matters of difference between her and her, and she stays with us, which I am glad of; for her fault is nothing but sleepiness and forgetfulness, otherwise a good-natured, quiet, well-meaning, honest servant, and one that will do as she is bid, so one called upon her and will see her do it.

Note 1. "There seems to be a curious fate reigning over the instruments which have the word 'arch' prefixed to their name. They have no vitality, and somehow or other come to grief. Even the famous archlute, which was still a living thing in the time of Handel, has now disappeared from the concert room and joined Mr. Pepys's 'Arched Viall' in the limbo of things forgotten.... Mr. Pepys's verdict that it would never do... has been fully confirmed by the event, as his predictions usually were, being indeed always founded on calm judgment and close observation". B. (Hueffer's Italian and other Studies, 1883, p. 263).

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Oct 1665. Round about and next door on every side is the plague, but I did not value it, but there did what I would 'con elle', and so away to Mr. Evelyn's (age 44) to discourse of our confounded business of prisoners, and sick and wounded seamen, wherein he and we are so much put out of order1. And here he showed me his gardens, which are for variety of evergreens, and hedge of holly, the finest things I ever saw in my life2.

Note 1. Each of the Commissioners for the Sick and Wounded was appointed to a particular district, and Evelyn's district was Kent and Sussex. On September 25th, 1665, Evelyn wrote in his Diary: "my Lord Admiral being come from ye fleete to Greenewich, I went thence with him to ye Cockpit [Map] to consult with the Duke of Albemarle (age 56). I was peremptory that unlesse we had £10,000 immediately, the prisoners would starve, and 'twas proposed it should be rais'd out of the E. India prizes now taken by Lord Sandwich (age 40). They being but two of ye Commission, and so not impower'd to determine, sent an expresse to his Majesty and Council to know what they should do".

Note 2. Evelyn purchased Sayes Court [Map], Deptford, in 1653, and laid out his gardens, walks, groves, enclosures, and plantations, which afterwards became famous for their beauty. When he took the place in hand it was nothing but an open field of one hundred acres, with scarcely a hedge in it.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Oct 1665. I abroad to the office and thence to the Duke of Albemarle (age 56), all my way reading a book of Mr. Evelyn's (age 44) translating and sending me as a present, about directions for gathering a Library1 but the book is above my reach, but his epistle to my Chancellor (age 56) is a very fine piece.

Note 1. Instructions concerning erecting of a Library, presented to my Lord the President De Mesme by Gilbert Naudeus, and now interpreted by Jo. Evelyn, Esquire. London, 1661: This little book was dedicated to Lord Clarendon by the translator. It was printed while Evelyn was abroad, and is full of typographical errors; these are corrected in a copy mentioned in Evelyn's "Miscellaneous Writings", 1825, p. xii, where a letter to Dr. Godolphin (age 30) on the subject is printed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Oct 1666. Up, and with my father talking awhile, then to the office, and there troubled with a message from Lord Peterborough (age 44) about money; but I did give as kind answer as I could, though I hate him. Then to Sir G. Carteret (age 56) to discourse about paying of part of the great ships come in, and so home again to compare the comparison of the two Dutch wars' charges for Sir W. Coventry (age 38), and then by water (and saw old Mr. Michell digging like a painfull father for his son) to him, and find him at dinner.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Oct 1666. So I away from him, and met with the Vice-Chamberlain (age 56), and I told him when I had this evening in coming hither met with Captain Cocke (age 49), and he told me of a wild motion made in the House of Lords by the Duke of Buckingham (age 38) for all men that had cheated the King (age 36) to be declared traitors and felons, and that my Lord Sandwich (age 41) was named. This put me into a great pain, so the Vice-Chamberlain, who had heard nothing of it, having been all day in the City, away with me to White Hall; and there come to me and told me that, upon Lord Ashly's (age 45) asking their direction whether, being a peere, he should bring in his accounts to the Commons, which they did give way to, the Duke of Buckingham did move that, for the time to come, what I have written above might be declared by some fuller law than heretofore. Lord Ashly answered, that it was not the fault of the present laws, but want of proof; and so said the Chancellor (age 57). He answered, that a better law, he thought, might be made so the House laughing, did refer it to him to bring in a Bill to that purpose, and this was all.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Oct 1667. Up, and to the Office; and there all the morning; none but my Lord Anglesey (age 53) and myself; but much surprized with the news of the death of Sir W. Batten (age 66), who died this morning, having been but two days sick. Sir W. Pen (age 46) and I did dispatch a letter this morning to Sir W. Coventry (age 39), to recommend Colonel Middleton, who we think a most honest and understanding man, and fit for that place. Sir G. Carteret (age 57) did also come this morning, and walked with me in the garden; and concluded not to concern [himself] or have any advice made to Sir W. Coventry, in behalf of my Lord Sandwich's (age 42) business; so I do rest satisfied, though I do think they are all mad, that they will judge Sir W. Coventry an enemy, when he is indeed no such man to any body, but is severe and just, as he ought to be, where he sees things ill done.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Oct 1667. At noon home, and by coach to Temple Bar to a India shop, and there bought a gown and sash, which cost me 26s., and so she [Mrs. Pepys] and Willet away to the 'Change [Map], and I to my Lord Crew (age 69), and there met my Lord Hinchingbrooke (age 19) and Lady Jemimah, and there dined with them and my Lord, where pretty merry, and after dinner my Lord Crew and Hinchingbroke [Map] and myself went aside to discourse about my Lord Sandwich's (age 42) business, which is in a very ill state for want of money, and so parted, and I to my tailor's, and there took up my wife and Willet, who staid there for me, and to the Duke of York's playhouse, but the house so full, it being a new play, "The Coffe House", that we could not get in, and so to the King's house: and there, going in, met with Knepp, and she took us up into the tireing-rooms: and to the women's shift, where Nell (age 17) was dressing herself, and was all unready, and is very pretty, prettier than I thought.

On 05 Oct 1698. Theophilus Hastings 7th Earl Huntingdon (age 47) wrote to Grinling Gibbons (age 50): "I desire you to forbear the carving of the arms till you have finished the rest of the monument, and to not go about them till you first aquaint me".

On 01 Feb 1908 King Carlos I of Portugal and his heir Prince Luís Filipe were assassinated by two members of a revolutionary society called the Carbonária. Prince Luís Filipe's younger brother succeeded as King Portugal; he was wounded in the attack. He reigned for two and a half years being deposed on 05 Oct 1910.

On 05 Oct 1930 the airship R101 crashed in France during its maiden overseas voyage, killing 48 of the 54 people on board. including Christopher Thomson 1st Baron Thomson (age 55).

On 05 Oct 1930 Christopher Thomson 1st Baron Thomson (age 55) died in a air accident when the airship R101 crashed. Baron Thomson of Cardington in Bedfordshire extinct.

On 05 Oct 1936 the Jarrow March left Jarrow Town Hall, County Durham cheered on by most of the town and bearing banners announcing themselves as the "Jarrow Crusade". The marchers arrived at Marble Arch [Map], London on the 31 Oct 1936.

Births on the 5th October

On 05 Oct 1377 King Louis of Naples was born to Louis Valois Anjou I Duke Anjou (age 38) and Marie Chatillon Duchess Anjou (age 32) at Toulose. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.60%.

On or before 05 Oct 1617 Dorothy Sidney Countess Sunderland was born to Robert Sidney 2nd Earl of Leicester (age 21) and Dorothy Percy Countess Leicester (age 19). She was baptised on 05 Oct 1617.

On 05 Oct 1625 Edward Palatinate Simmern was born to Frederick Palatinate Simmern V Elector Palatine Rhine (age 29) and Princess Elizabeth Stewart Queen Bohemia (age 29) at The Hague. He a grandson of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

On 05 Oct 1658 Mary of Modena Queen Consort England Scotland and Ireland was born to Alfonso Este IV Duke Modena (age 23) and Laura Martinozzi Duchess Modena (age 19).

Before 05 Oct 1688 Anthony Thomas Abdy 3rd Baronet was born to Anthony Abdy 2nd Baronet (age 33).

On 05 Oct 1710 Francis Scott 2nd Earl Deloraine was born to Henry Scott 1st Earl Deloraine (age 34) and Anne Duncombe Countess Deloraine. He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

Before 05 Oct 1711 Paulet St John 8th Baron St John was born to Andrew St John 4th Baronet (age 26) and Anne James. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.12%.

On 05 Oct 1758 Seymour Dorothy Fleming was born to John Fleming 1st Baronet (age 28).

On 05 Oct 1764 Robert Trefusis 17th Baron Clinton was born to Robert Cotton Trefusis and Anne St John (age 12).

On 05 Oct 1774 Charlotte Legge Baroness Feversham Duncombe Park was born to William Legge 2nd Earl Dartmouth (age 43) and Frances Catherine Gounter Nicoll Countess Dartmouth (age 41).

On 05 Oct 1782 Corisande Armandine Sophie Léonie Hélène Gramont Countess Tankerville was born to Antoine 8th Duke Gramont (age 27) and Aglae de Polignac "Guichette" Duchess Gramont (age 14).

On 05 Oct 1795 Wilfrid Wybergh aka Lawson 1st Baronet was born to Thomas Wybergh and Isabella Hartley.

On 05 Oct 1806 John Bell William Mansel 11th Baronet was born to William Mansel 10th Baronet (age 40) and Elizabeth Bell Lady Mansel (age 36).

On 05 Oct 1808 Byron Charles Ferdinand Plantagenet Cary was born to Charles John Cary 9th Viscount Falkland (age 39) and Christiana Anton Viscountess Falkland.

On 05 Oct 1826 Enrique Fitz James Stuart was born to Carlos Miguel Fitz James Stuart 12th Duke Veragua 7th Duke Berwick 14th Duke Alba (age 32) and Rosalía Ventimiglia Duchess Veragua Duchess Berwick Duchess Alba (age 28).

On 05 Oct 1827 William Ridley Charles Cooke 9th Baronet was born to William Bryan Cooke 8th Baronet (age 45) and Isabella Cecilia Middleton Lady Cooke. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.12%.

On 05 Oct 1828 Frederick Montagu was born to George Montagu 6th Duke Manchester (age 29) and Millicent Sparrow Duchess Manchester (age 30) at Melchbourne, Bedfordshire.

On 05 Oct 1868 Alianore Chandos-Pole Lady Lethbridge was born to Edward Sacheverell Chandos-Pole (age 42) and Anna Caroline Stanhope (age 36).

On 05 Oct 1870 Maud Buckle Baroness Brownlow was born to Captain Samuel Buckle (age 24) and Frances Elizabeth Robinson Greig (age 21).

On 05 Oct 1879 Una Mary Dawson 25th Baroness de Ros of Helmsley was born to Anthony Lucius Dawson 3rd Earl of Dartrey (age 24) and Mary Fitzgerald De Ros 24th Baroness Ros of Helmsley (age 25).

On 05 Oct 1884 Glyn Philpot was born.

On 05 Oct 1906 Charles Cooper 5th Baronet was born to William Cooper 4th Baronet (age 28) and Lettice Margaret Long (age 20).

On 05 Oct 1907 Charles Dudley Ross was born to Arthur John Ross and Una Mary Dawson 25th Baroness de Ros of Helmsley (age 28).

On 05 Oct 1908 William Edward Harcourt 2nd Viscount Harcourt was born to Lewis Vernon-Harcourt 1st Viscount Harcourt (age 45) and Mary Burns Viscountess Harcourt (age 34).

Marriages on the 5th October

On 05 Oct 1376 Robert de Vere 1st Duke Ireland (age 14) and Philippa Guines Duchess Ireland (age 9) were married. She by marriage Countess of Oxford. She the daughter of Enguerrand de Coucy 1st Earl Bedford 1st Count Soissons (age 36) and Isabella Countess Bedford and Soissons (age 44). He the son of Thomas de Vere 8th Earl of Oxford and Maud Ufford Countess of Oxford (age 31). They were fourth cousins. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry III of England. She a granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

Before 05 Oct 1397 Richard Beauchamp 13th Earl Warwick (age 15) and Elizabeth Berkeley Countess Warwick (age 11) were married. He the son of Thomas Beauchamp 12th Earl Warwick (age 59) and Margaret Ferrers Countess Warwick (age 50). They were second cousin once removed. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward I of England. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward I of England.

On or after 05 Oct 1692 Hugh Willoughby 12th Baron Willoughby of Parham (age 52) and Honora Leigh Lady Willougby (age 43) were married.

Before 05 Oct 1711 Andrew St John 4th Baronet (age 26) and Anne James were married. They were first cousins.

On 05 Oct 1749 Charles Pratt 1st Earl Camden (age 35) and Elizabeth Jeffreys Countess Camden (age 24) were married.

Before 05 Oct 1760 Robert Brown 1st Baronet and Margaret Cecil were married. They had two daughters.

On 05 Oct 1805 Henry Maturin Farrington 3rd Baronet (age 27) and Laura Maria Bromley were married.

On 05 Oct 1811 George Byng 6th Viscount Torrington (age 43) and Francis Harriet Barlow Viscountess Torrington (age 25) were married.

On 05 Oct 1889 Hugh Gough 3rd Viscount Gough (age 40) and Georgiana Pakenham Viscountess Gough (age 26) were married. She the daughter of William Pakenham 4th Earl of Longford and Selina Rice Trevor Countess Longford (age 53).

Deaths on the 5th October

On 05 Oct 1056 Henry "Black Pious" Salian III Holy Roman Emperor (age 38) died.

On 05 Oct 1111 Robert II Count Flanders (age 46) was killed. His son Baldwin VII Count Flanders (age 18) succeeded VII Count Flanders.

On 05 Oct 1214 Alfonso VIII King Castile (age 58) died. He was buried at Abbey of Santa Maria la Real de Huelgas [Map]. His son Henry I King Castile (age 10) succeeded I King Castile.

On 05 Oct 1285 King Philip III of France (age 40) died. On 05 Oct 1285 His son Philip IV King France (age 17) succeeded IV King France: Capet. Joan Blois I Queen Navarre (age 12) by marriage Queen Consort of France.

Before 05 Oct 1331 Edmund Plantagenet 2nd Earl Kent (age 5) died. His brother John Plantagenet 3rd Earl Kent (age 1) succeeded 3rd Earl Kent.

On 05 Oct 1361 Reginald Cobham 1st Baron Cobham (age 66) died of plague at Lingfield, Surrey. He was buried at Lingfield, Surrey. His son Reginald Cobham 2nd Baron Cobham (age 13) succeeded 2nd Baron Cobham.

On 05 Oct 1382 Isabella Countess Bedford and Soissons (age 50) died.

On 05 Oct 1644 George Hay 2nd Earl Kinnoull (age 48) died. His son George Hay 3rd Earl Kinnoull (age 22) succeeded 3rd Earl Kinnoull.

On 05 Oct 1659 Edward Seymour 2nd Baronet (age 79) died. His son Edward Seymour 3rd Baronet (age 49) succeeded 3rd Baronet Seymour of Berry Pomeroy.

On 05 Oct 1732 George Cooke 3rd Baronet (age 70) died. His son Bryan Cooke 4th Baronet (age 47) succeeded 4th Baronet Cooke of Wheatley Hall in Yorkshire.

On 05 Oct 1754 Arthur Cole 1st Baron Ranelagh (age 85) died without issue. Baron Ranelagh of Ranelagh in Wicklow and Baronet Cole of Newland extinct.

On 05 Oct 1760 Robert Brown 1st Baronet died. His nephew James O'Hara Brown 2nd Baronet (age 39) succeeded 2nd Baronet Brown of the City and Liberty of Westminster.

On 05 Oct 1799 William Henry Ricketts (age 62) died. Captain William Henry Ricketts aka Jervis (age 34) and Edward Jervis Ricketts aka Jervis 2nd Viscount St Vincent (age 32) jointly inherited the estate of Mount Ricketts in Jamaica with a deferral of twenty-one years, together with the estate of Canaan on that island.

On 05 Oct 1811 James Ogilvy 7th Earl Findlater 4th Earl Seafield (age 61) died without issue. Earl Findlater extinct. His first cousin James Grant 5th Earl Seafield succeeded 5th Earl Seafield since he was the son of Margaret Ogilvy daughter of James Ogilvy 5th Earl Findlater 2nd Earl Seafield.

On 05 Oct 1819 Barbara Webb Countess Shaftesbury (age 57) died.

On 05 Oct 1844 George Chichester 2nd Marquess Donegal (age 75) died at Ormeau, County Donegal. He was buried at St Nicholas' Church, Carrickfergus. He was buried at St Nicholas' Church, Carrickfergus, County Antrim. His son George Chichester 3rd Marquess Donegal (age 47) succeeded 3rd Marquess Donegal. Harriet Anne Butler Marchioness Donegal (age 45) by marriage Marchioness Donegal.

On 05 Oct 1847 Henry Howard (age 78) died.

On 05 Oct 1878 Francis Grant (age 75) died.

On 05 Oct 1910 Cecilia Catherine Gordon-Lennox Countess Lucan (age 72) died.

On 05 Oct 1930 Christopher Thomson 1st Baron Thomson (age 55) died in a air accident when the airship R101 crashed. Baron Thomson of Cardington in Bedfordshire extinct.

On 05 Oct 1933 Harold Pearson 2nd Viscount Cowdray (age 51) died. His son Weetman John Pearson 3rd Viscount Cowdray (age 23) succeeded 3rd Viscount Cowdray of Cowdray in Sussex.

On 05 Oct 1975 Charles Kay-Shuttleworth 4th Baron Shuttleworth (age 58) died. His son Charles Kay-Shuttleworth 5th Baron Shuttleworth (age 27) succeeded 5th Baron Shuttleworth of Gawthorpe in Lancashire.