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On this Day in History ... 6th January
06 Jan is in January.
1066 Death of King Edward the Confessor
1066 Coronation of King Harold
1387 Peter IV King Aragon Dies John I King Aragon Succeeds
1540 Marriage of Henry VIII and Anne of Cleves
1616 The Golden Age Restored Masque
Events on the 6th January
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. He [King Edward (age 63)] died on the eve of twelfth-day; and he was buried on twelfth-day in the same minster; as it is hereafter said. Here Edward king86, of Angles lord, sent his stedfast soul to Christ. In the kingdom of God a holy spirit! He in the world here abode awhile, in the kingly throng of council sage. Four and twenty winters wielding the sceptre freely, wealth he dispensed. In the tide of health, the youthful monarch, offspring of Ethelred! ruled well his subjects; the Welsh and the Scots, and the Britons also, Angles and Saxons relations of old. So apprehend the first in rank, that to Edward all the noble king were firmly held high-seated men. Blithe-minded aye was the harmless king; though he long ere, of land bereft, abode in exile wide on the earth; when Knute o'ercame the kin of Ethelred, and the Danes wielded the dear kingdom of Engle-land. Eight and twenty winters' rounds they wealth dispensed. Then came forth free in his chambers, in royal array, good, pure, and mild, Edward the noble; by his country defended- by land and people. Until suddenly came the bitter Death and this king so dear snatched from the earth. Angels carried his soul sincere into the light of heaven. But the prudent king had settled the realm on high-born men on Harold (age 44) himself, the noble earl; who in every season faithfully heard and obeyed his lord, in word and deed; nor gave to any what might be wanted by the nation's king.
Note 86. This threnodia on the death of Edward the Confessor will be found to correspond, both in metre and expression, with the poetical paraphrase of Genesis ascribed to Caedmon.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 06 Jan 1066. This year also was Earl Harold (age 44) hallowed to king; but he enjoyed little tranquillity therein the while that he wielded the kingdom.
On 06 Jan 1066 King Harold II of England (age 44) was crowned II King of England having been selected by the Witan at Westminster Abbey [Map]. Harold quick to be crowned the day after the death of Edward the Confessor.
On 06 Jan 1156 Matilda Plantagenet Duchess Saxony was born to King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 22) and Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 34) at Windsor Castle [Map] (probably) and named after her paternal grandmother Empress Matilda (age 53).
On 06 Jan 1367 King Richard II of England was born to Edward "Black Prince" (age 36) and Joan "Fair Maid of Kent" Princess Wales (age 38) at Bordeaux [Map]. He became the Heir to the Throne of England. He a grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.42%.
On 06 Jan 1387 Peter IV King Aragon (age 67) died. His son King John I of Aragon (age 36) succeeded I King Aragon.
On 06 Jan 1540 Henry VIII (age 48) and Anne of Cleves (age 24) were married by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer (age 50) at the Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map]. Anne of Cleves was crowned Queen Consort England. The difference in their ages was 24 years. She the daughter of John La Marck III Duke Cleves and Maria Jülich Berg Duchess Cleves. He the son of King Henry VII of England and Ireland and Elizabeth York Queen Consort England.
Catherine Carey (age 16) and Eleanor Paston Countess Rutland (age 45) were appointed Lady in Waiting to Anne of Cleves Queen Consort England.
Hall's Chronicle 1540. This the noble lady remained unmaried untill the tuesday folowing beyng the daie of the Epiphany [06 Jan 1540]: on whiche daie about viii. of the clocke in the mornyng, his grace beyng appareled in a gowne of clothe of gold, raised with great flowers of sylver, furred with blacke Jenettes, his cote Crimosyn sattyn all to cutte and enbraudered and tied with great Diamondes, and a ryche coller about his necke, came solemply with his Nobilitie into the galery next the closettes, and there paused.
On 06 Jan 1605, Twelfth Night, the Ben Johnson (age 33) Masque of Blackness was performed at the Banqueting House, Whitehall Palace [Map]. The performers included:
Anne of Denmark Queen Consort Scotland England and Ireland (age 30) played Euphoris.
Lucy Harrington Countess Bedford (age 25) played Aglaia.
Anne Lady Herbert (age 22) played Diaphane.
Elizabeth Vere Countess Derby (age 29) played Eucampse.
Catherine Knyvet Countess Suffolk (age 41) played Kathare.
Penelope Devereux Countess Devonshire (age 42) played Ocyte.
Frances Knyvet Lady Bevill (age 39) played Notis.
Anne St John Lady Effingham (age 30) played Psychrote.
Elizabeth Howard Countess Banbury (age 22) played Glycyte.
Susan Vere Countess Montgomery (age 17) played Malacia.
Mary Sidney Lady Wroth (age 18) played Baryte.
Audrey Shelton Lady Walsingham (age 36) played Periphere.
Memorials of affairs of state in the reigns of Q Elizabeth and K James I Volume 2 Dudley Carleton to Mr Winwood Jan 1605. At Night we had the Queen's Maske in the Banqueting-House [Map], or rather her Pagent. There was a great Engine at the lower end of the Room, which had Motion, and in it were the Images of Sea-Horses with other terrible Fishes, which were ridden by Moors: The Indecorum was, that there was all Fish and no Water. At the further end was a great Shell in form of a Skallop,wherein were four Seats; on the lowest sat the Queen (age 30) with my Lady Bedford (age 25); on the left were placed the Ladies Suffolk (age 41), Darby (age 29), Rich (age 42), Effingham (age 30), Ann Herbert (age 22), Susan Herbert (age 17), Elizabeth Howard (age 22), Walsingham (age 36) and Bevil (age 39). Their Apparell was rich, but too light and Currizan-light for such great ones. Instead of Vizzards, their Faces, and Arms up to the Elbows, were painted black, which was Disguise sufficient, for they were hard to be known; but it became them nothing so well as their red and white, and you cannot imagine a more ugly Sight, then a Troop of lean-cheeked Moors. The Spanish and Venetian Ambassadors were both present, and sate by the King in State; at which Monsieur Beaumont quarrells so extreamly, that he saith the whole Court is Spanish. But by his Favour, he should fall out with none but himself, for they were all indifferently invited to come as private Men, to a private Sport; which he refusing, the Spanish Ambassador willingly accepted, and being there, feeing no Cause to the contrary, he put off Don Taxis, and took upon him El Senor Embaxadour, wherein he outstript our little Monsieur. He was privately at the first Mask, and fate amongst his Men disguised; at this he was taken out to dance, and footed it like a lusty old Gallant with his Country Woman. He took out the Queen, and forgot not to kiss her Hand, though there was Danger it would have left a Mark on his Lips. The Night's Work was concluded with a Banquet in the great Chamber, which was so furioufly assaulted, that down went Table and Tresses before one bit was touched. They say the Duke Holst will come upon us with an after reckoning, and that we shall see him on Candlemas Night in a Mask, as he hath shewed himself a lusty Reveller all this Christmas.
Memorials of affairs of state in the reigns of Q Elizabeth and K James I Volume 2 Dudley Carleton to Mr Winwood Jan 1605. On Twelfth-Day we had the Creation of Duke Charles (age 4) now Duke of York; the Interim was entertained with making Knights of the Bath, which was three Days Work. They were eleven in Number, besides the little Duke, all of the King's Choice; namely, the Lords Willoby, Compton, Chandois, and Norres; William Cecyll, Allen Percy, Thomas Somerset (age 26), Francis Manners (age 27), Clifford, young Howard, second Son of my Lord Chamberlaine, and Harrington. The Solemnity of the Creation was kept in the Hall, where first the Duke was brought in accompanyed with his Knights, then carried out againe, and brought back by Earles in their Robes of the Garter. My Lord Admiral bare him, two others went as Supporters, and six marched before with the Ornaments. The Patent was read by my Lord of Cranborne (age 13), and drawn in most eloquent Law Latin by Mr. Attorney; but so, that we have a Duke of York in Title, but not in Substance. There was a publick Dinner in the great Chamber, where there was one Table for the Duke and his Earls Assistants, another for his Fellow Knights of the Bath.
Nugae Antiquitae Volume 1 Page 371. [06 Jan 1606]. Lord Harington (age 66) to Sir John Harington, at Bathe.
Much respected Cosin,
Our great care and honourable charge, entrusted to us by the Kings Majesty, hath been matter of so much concern, that it almost effaced the attention to kyn or friend. With Gods assistance we hope to do our Lady Elizabeth (age 9)1 such service as is due to her princely endowments and natural abilities ; both which appear the sweet dawning of future comfort to her royal father. The late divilish conspiracy2 did much disturb this part. The King hath got at much truth from the mouths of the crew themselves ; for guilt hath no peace, nor can there be guilt like theirs. One hath confessed that he had many meetings at Bathe about this hellish design ; you will do his Majesty unspeakable kindness, to watch in your neighbourhood, and give such intelligence as may furnish inquiry. We know of some evil-minded catholics in the west, whom the prince of darkness hath in alliance ; God ward them from such evil, or seeking it to others. Ancient history doth shew the heart of man in divers forms : we read of states overthrown by craft and subtilty ; of Princes slain in field and closet; of strange machinations devised by the natural bent of evil hearts ; but no page can tell such a horrid tale as this. Well doth the wise man say, that "the wicked imagineth mischeif in secret." What, dear cosin, coud be more secret or more wicked? A wise King and wise council of a nation at one blow destroyed in such wise as was now intended, is not matchable. It shameth Caligula, Erostratus, Nero, and Domitian, who were but each of them fly-killers to these wretches. Can it be said that religion did suggest these designs; did the spirit of truth work in these mens hearts ? How much ia their guilt encreasd by such protesting ! I cannot but mark the just appointment of Heaven in the punishing of these desperate men, who fled to our neighbourhood ; you hear they sufferd themselves by the very means they had contrived for others. A barrel of gunpowder was set on fire during the time that the house was besieged, and killed two or three on the spot ; so just is the vengeance of God ! I have seen some of the chief [Robert Catesby and Thomas Percy], and think they bear an evil mark in their foreheads, for more terrible countenances never were looked upon. His Majesty did sometime desire to see these men, but said he felt himself sorely appaird at the thought, and so forbare. I am not yet recoverd from the fever occasioned by these disturbances. I went with Sir Fulk Grevile (age 51)3 to alarm the neighbourhood, and surprize the villains, who came to Holbach; was out five days in peril of death, in fear for the great charge I left at home. Wynter4 hath confessed their design to surprize the Princess at my house, if their wickedness had taken place at London. Some of them say, she woud have been proclaimed Queen. Her Highness doth often say, "What a Queen shoud I have been by this means? I had rather have been with my royal father in the Parliament-house, than wear his crown on such condition." This poor lady hath not yet recoverd the surprize, and is very ili and troubled.
Note 1. Daughter of James I (age 39), afterward Queen of Bohemia.
Note 2. The gunpowder-plot.
Note 3. Afterward Lord Brooke, who was "stabbed to death with a knife by hisservant, Sept. 1, 1628." Smith's Obituary in Bibl. Sloan.
Note 4. There were two Winters concerned ip this conspiracy, Thomas and Robert (age 38).
Diary of Anne Clifford 1616. 06 Jan 1616. Upon the 6th being Twelfth day I supped with my Lady of Arundel (age 31)1 and sat with her in the Ladyship’s Box to see the Masque which was the second time it was presented before the King and Queen.
Note 1. Daughter of Gilbert Earl of Shrewsbury (age 63). Her portrait, in the same frame with her Lord (age 30), in the Cartoon Gallery. (Now in Great Hall).
Diary of Anne Clifford 1617. 06 Jan 1617. Upon the 6th being Twelfth Day I went about 4 o’clock to the Court with my Lord (age 27). I went up with my Lady Arundel and ate a scrambling supper with her and my Lady Pembroke at my Lord Duke’s lodgings. We stood to see the Masque in the box with my Lady Ruthven.
Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue Masque was a Masque by Ben Johnson (age 46) first performed on Twelth Night 1618 ie 06 Jan 1618 in the Banqueting House at Whitehall Palace.
Diary of Anne Clifford 1619. 06 Jan 1619. The 6th the Prince had the Masque [Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue Masque] at night in the Banqueting House [Map]. The King was there but the Queen was so ill she could not remove from Hampton Court all this Xmas, and it was generally thought she would have died.
On 06 Jan 1642 Toby Caulfeild 3rd Baron Caulfeild (age 21) was shot and killed by Edmund Boy O'Hugh, foster-brother to Phelim O'Neill (age 38). His brother Robert Caulfeild 4th Baron Caulfeild succeeded 3rd Baron Charlemont.
On 06 Jan 1649 Thomas Pride, on behalf of Thomas Fairfax 3rd Lord Fairfax (age 36) and Henry Ireton (age 38), supported by two regiments, and Nathaniel Rich's (age 24) Regiment of Horse, with Thomas Grey (age 26), prevented MPs opposed to the trial of King Charles I (age 48) from entering Parliament including ...
James Herbert (age 26).
Robert Pye (age 29).
Denzil Holles 1st Baron Holles (age 49).
John Spelman (age 42).
John Evelyn's Diary. 06 Jan 1661. Dr. Allestree (age 39) preached at the Abbey [Map], after which four Bishops were consecrated, Hereford (age 51), Norwich (age 61), ...
John Evelyn's Diary. 06 Jan 1662. This evening, according to custom, his Majesty (age 31) opened the revels of that night by throwing the dice himself in the privy chamber, where was a table set on purpose, and lost his £100. (The year before he won £1,500.) The ladies also played very deep. I came away when the Duke of Ormond (age 51) had won about £1,000, and left them still at passage, cards, etc. At other tables, both there and at the groom-porter's, observing the wicked folly and monstrous excess of passion among some losers; sorry am I that such a wretched custom as play to that excess should be countenanced in a Court, which ought to be an example of virtue to the rest of the Kingdom.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Jan 1663. So to my office, however, to set down my last three days' journall, and writing to my Lord Sandwich (age 37) to give him an account of Sir J. Lawson's (age 48) being come home, and to my father about my sending him some wine and things this week, for his making an entertainment of some friends in the country, and so home. This night making an end wholly of Christmas, with a mind fully satisfied with the great pleasures we have had by being abroad from home, and I do find my mind so apt to run to its old want of pleasures, that it is high time to betake myself to my late vows, which I will to-morrow, God willing, perfect and bind myself to, that so I may, for a great while, do my duty, as I have well begun, and increase my good name and esteem in the world, and get money, which sweetens all things, and whereof I have much need.
John Evelyn's Diary. 06 Jan 1665. To Dover, Kent [Map], where Colonel Stroode (age 37), Lieutenant of the Castle, having received the letter I brought him from the Duke of Albemarle (age 56), made me lodge in it, and I was splendidly treated, assisting me from place to place. Here I settled my first Deputy. The Mayor and officers of the Customs were very civil to me.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Jan 1666. Up betimes and by water to the Cockepitt [Map], there met Sir G. Carteret (age 56) and, after discourse with the Duke (age 32), all together, and there saw a letter wherein Sir W. Coventry (age 38) did take notice to the Duke with a commendation of my paper about Pursers, I to walke in the Parke with the Vice-Chamberlain, and received his advice about my deportment about the advancing the credit of the Act; giving me caution to see that we do not misguide the King (age 35) by making them believe greater matters from it than will be found. But I see that this arises from his great trouble to see the Act succeede, and to hear my name so much used and my letters shown at Court about goods served us in upon the credit of it. But I do make him believe that I do it with all respect to him and on his behalfe too, as indeed I do, as well as my owne, that it may not be said that he or I do not assist therein. He tells me that my Lord Sandwich (age 40) do proceed on his journey with the greatest kindnesse that can be imagined from the King and Chancellor (age 56), which was joyfull newes to me.
On 06 Jan 1667 Margaret Brooke Lady Denham (age 27) died. She was rumoured to have been poisoned by her husband John Denham (age 52) by giving her a poisoned cup of chocolate. In any case rumour named several other possible poisoners, including her former lover James (age 33), his wife Anne Hyde (age 29) and his sister-in-law, Lady Rochester (age 21).
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Jan 1668. Thence, after the play, stayed till Harris (age 34) was undressed, there being acted "The Tempest", and so he withall, all by coach, home, where we find my house with good fires and candles ready, and our Office the like, and the two Mercers, and Betty Turner (age 15), Pendleton, and W. Batelier. And so with much pleasure we into the house, and there fell to dancing, having extraordinary Musick, two viollins, and a base viollin, and theorbo, four hands, the Duke of Buckingham's (age 39) musique, the best in towne, sent me by Greeting, and there we set in to dancing.
On 06 Jan 1668 Henry Caesar (age 37) died of smallpox.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Jan 1669. At noon comes Mrs. Turner (age 46) and Dyke, and Mrs. Dickenson, and then comes The. (age 17) and Betty Turner (age 16), the latter of which is a very pretty girl; and then Creed and his wife, whom I sent for, by my coach. These were my guests, and Mrs. Turner's friend, whom I saw the other day, Mr. Wicken, and very merry we were at dinner, and so all the afternoon, talking, and looking up and down my house; and in the evening I did bring out my cake-a noble cake, and there cut it into pieces, with wine and good drink: and after a new fashion, to prevent spoiling the cake, did put so many titles into a hat, and so drew cuts; and I was the Queene (age 59); and The. Turner, King-Creed, Sir Martin Marr-all; and Betty, Mrs. Millicent: and so we were mighty merry till it was night; and then, being moonshine and fine frost, they went home, I lending some of them my coach to help to carry them, and so my wife and I spent the rest of the evening in talk and reading, and so with great pleasure to bed.
On 06 Jan 1669 Infanta Isabel Luísa of Portugal was born to Peter II King Portugal (age 19) and Marie Françoise Élisabeth of Savoy Queen Consort of Portugal (age 22).
John Evelyn's Diary. 06 Jan 1684. The river quite frozen.
John Evelyn's Diary. 06 Jan 1686. Passed the Privie Seale, amongst others, the creation of Mrs. Sedley J (concubine to) Countesse of Dorchester (age 28), which the Queene took very grievously (age 27), so as for two dinners, standing neere her I observed she hardly eate one morsel, nor spake one word to the King (age 52), or to any about her, tho' at other times she us'd to be extreamly pleasant, full of discourse and good humour. The Roman Catholics were also very angry, because they had so long valu'd the sanctity of their religion and proselytes. Dryden (age 54) the famous playwriter, and his two sonns, and Mrs. Nelly (age 35) (Misse to ye late) were said to go to masse; such proselytes were no greate losse to the church. This night was burnt to the ground my Lord Mountague's palace in Bloomsbury, than wch for painting and furniture there was nothing more glorious in England. This happen'd by the negligence of a servant, airing, as they call it, some of the goods by the fire in a moist season; indeede so wet and mild a winter had scarce ben seene in man's memory. At this Seale there also pass'd the creation of Sr H. Walgrave (age 25) to be a Peere. He had married one of the King's natural daughters (age 19) by Mrs. Churchill. These two Seales my brother Commissioners pass'd in the morning before I came to towne, at. wch I was not displeas'd. We likewise pass'd Privy Seales for 5.2/6,000 upon severall accounts, pensions, guards, wardrobes, pri vie purse, &c. besides divers pardons, and one more wch I must not forget (and wch by Providence I was not present at) one Mr. Lytcott to be Secretary to the Ambassador to Rome. We being three Commissioners, any two were a quorum.
Roger Whitley's Diary. 06 Jan 1690. Monday, I dined at home with brother & daughters; in the evening Beversham came to see me; went in my coach to the end of Suffolk Streete; I went to Lord Macclesfeild (age 31); Thomson was with him; did not speake to me; went away; then Atwood came but stayd not; I stayd neare ½ houer; then went to Edisbury's lodging; his cosen, Sir John Wynne & another with him; I went then to Mr Halles of Lincolnes Inne; gave him my papers & 2 guineys; then went to the Nag's Head; there was Wood, Coling, Harris, Hales & 2 or 3 more & Mainwaring; parted past 9.
John Evelyn's Diary. 06 Jan 1692. At the funeral of Mr. Boyle, at St. Martin's [Map], Dr. Burnet (age 48), Bishop of Salisbury, preached on Eccles. II 26. He concluded with an eulogy due to the deceased, who made God and religion the scope of all his excellent talents in the knowledge of nature, and who had arrived to so high a degree in it, accompanied with such zeal and extraordinary piety, which he showed in the whole course of his life, particularly in his exemplary charity on all occasions,-that he gave £1,000 yearly to the distressed refugees of France and Ireland; was at the charge of translating the Scriptures into the Irish and Indian tongues, and was now promoting a Turkish translation, as he had formerly done of Grotius "on the Truth of the Christian Religion" into Arabic, which he caused to be dispersed in the eastern countries; that he had settled a fund for preachers who should preach expressly against Atheists, Libertines, Socinians, and Jews; that he had in his will given £8,000 to charitable uses; but that his private charities were extraordinary. He dilated on his learning in Hebrew and Greek, his reading of the fathers, and solid knowledge in theology, once deliberating about taking Holy Orders, and that at the time of restoration of King Charles II, when he might have made a great figure in the nation as to secular honor and titles, his fear of not being able to discharge so weighty a duty as the first, made him decline that, and his humility the other. He spoke of his civility to strangers, the great good which he did by his experience in medicine and chemistry, and to what noble ends he applied himself to his darling studies; the works, both pious and useful, which he published; the exact life he led, and the happy end he made. Something was touched of his sister, the Lady Ranelagh, who died but a few days before him. And truly all this was but his due, without any grain of flattery.
On 06 Jan 1703 George Oldenburg was born to Frederick IV King Denmark and Norway (age 31) and Louise of Mecklenburg Güstrow Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 35).
On 19 Apr 1827 Charles Robert Siddall was born to Charles Crooke Siddall (age 26) and Elizabeth Eleanor Evans at 7 Charles Street, Hatton Garden. He was baptised 06 Jan 1829.
Charles Crooke Siddall: Around 1801 he was born.
On 06 Jan 1839 an enormous storm, known in Ireland as "Night of the Big Wind", the largest in three-hundred years, caused significant loss of life and damage in Ireland, particularly Dublin [Map] where one fifth of property was destroyed, and western Britain, particularly Liverpool [Map]. The next day a number of passenger ships were lost.
The Diary of George Price Boyce 1853. 06 Jan 1853. To Rossetti's (age 24), Blackfriars Bridge. Met there W. Holman Hunt (age 25), J. E. Millais (age 23), J. P. Seddon (age 25), Clayton (age 25), Munro (age 27), whose charming group of Francesca and her lover was in Rossetti's studio, Stephens, Blanchard, C. Lucy, a Scotchman and a foreigner. Millais somewhat egotistical and little real, his attention being easily distracted. He jerked out some good remarks. Spoke highly of Ruskin (age 33) as a friend of Art; said that Mrs. R (age 24). was sitting for one of his pictures1. Hunt struck me as a thoroughly genuine, humorous, good-hearted, straightforward English-like fellow. Said he was bound for Syria before long. Millais spoke highly of Charles Collins (age 24) as a good religious man?
Note 1. Probably "The Order of Release".
Births on the 6th January
On 06 Jan 1156 Matilda Plantagenet Duchess Saxony was born to King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 22) and Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 34) at Windsor Castle [Map] (probably) and named after her paternal grandmother Empress Matilda (age 53).
On 06 Jan 1303 John Willoughby 2nd Baron Willoughby was born to Robert Willoughby 1st Baron Willoughby (age 32) and Margaret Deincourt Baroness Willoughby of Eresby (age 33).
On 06 Jan 1321 William Greystoke 2nd Baron Greystoke was born to Ralph Greystoke 1st Baron Greystoke (age 21) and Alice Audley Baroness Greystoke and Neville (age 17) at Grimthorpe.
On 06 Jan 1367 King Richard II of England was born to Edward "Black Prince" (age 36) and Joan "Fair Maid of Kent" Princess Wales (age 38) at Bordeaux [Map]. He became the Heir to the Throne of England. He a grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.42%.
On 06 Jan 1384 Edmund Holland 4th Earl Kent was born to Thomas Holland 2nd Earl Kent (age 34) and Alice Fitzalan Countess Kent (age 34). He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward I of England.
On 06 Jan 1412 John Hastings 9th Baron Hastings was born to Edward Hastings 8th Baron Hastings (age 29) and Muriel Dynham Baroness Hastings at Elsing, Norfolk.
On 06 Jan 1449 Christoph Duke Wittelsbach I Duke Bavaria was born to Albert Wittelsbach III Duke Bavaria (age 47) and Anna Brunswick Grubenhagen Duchess Bavaria (age 35).
On 06 Jan 1538 Jane Dormer Duchess Feria was born to William Dormer (age 25) and Mary Sidney in Eythrope, Waddesdon.
On 06 Jan 1588 Elizabeth Stanley Countess Huntingdon was born to Ferdinando Stanley 5th Earl of Derby (age 29) and Alice Spencer Countess Derby (age 38) at Knowsley, Lancashire. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.
On 06 Jan 1635 Charles Fane 3rd Earl of Westmoreland was born to Mildmay Fane 2nd Earl of Westmoreland (age 32) and Grace Thornhurst Countess of Westmoreland (age 31).
On or before 06 Jan 1641 Richard Mansel 5th Baronet was born to Anthony Mansel of Ischoed (age 28). He was baptised on 06 Jan 1641.
Before 06 Jan 1650 Francis Robartes was born to John Robartes 1st Earl Radnor (age 44) and Letitia Isabella Smythe Countess Radnor (age 20) at Lanhydrock, Bodmin.
On 06 Jan 1662 Robert Sutton 2nd Baron Lexinton was born to Robert Sutton 1st Baron Lexinton (age 67) and Mary St Leger Baroness Lexington (age 22).
On 06 Jan 1669 Infanta Isabel Luísa of Portugal was born to Peter II King Portugal (age 19) and Marie Françoise Élisabeth of Savoy Queen Consort of Portugal (age 22).
On 06 Jan 1673 James Brydges 1st Duke Chandos was born to James Brydges 8th Baron Chandos (age 30) and Elizabeth Barnard Baroness Chandos (age 30) at Dewsall, Herefordshire.
Before 06 Jan 1676 Malet Wilmot Viscountess Lisburne was born to John Wilmot 2nd Earl Rochester (age 28) and Elizabeth Malet Countess Rochester (age 25).
On 06 Jan 1688 Rich Ingram 5th Viscount Irvine was born to Arthur Ingram 3rd Viscount Irvine (age 21).
On 06 Jan 1703 George Oldenburg was born to Frederick IV King Denmark and Norway (age 31) and Louise of Mecklenburg Güstrow Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 35).
Before 06 Jan 1704 Thomas Lyon 8th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne was born to John Lyon 4th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 41) and Elizabeth Stanhope Countess Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 40).
On 06 Jan 1717 Brian Broughton-Delves 4th Baronet was born to Brian Broughton 3rd Baronet (age 39) and Elizabeth Delves (age 38).
On 06 Jan 1718 William Gage 2nd Viscount Gage was born to Thomas Gage 1st Viscount Gage (age 17) and Benedicta Maria Theresa Hall Viscountess Gage in New Brunswick New Jersey.
On 06 Jan 1768 George Fermor 3rd Earl Pomfret was born to George Fermor 2nd Earl Pomfret (age 46) and Anna Maria Delagard Countess Pomfret (age 32).
On 06 Jan 1773 Edward Digby 2nd Earl Digby was born to Henry Digby 1st Earl Digby (age 41).
On 06 Jan 1782 Louisa Maria La Coast Hanover was born illegitimately to William Henry Hanover 1st Duke Gloucester and Edinburgh (age 38) and Almeria Carpenter (age 30) at Esher, Surrey. She a great granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.
On 06 Jan 1788 Henry Vane 2nd Duke Cleveland was born to William Henry Vane 1st Duke Cleveland (age 21) and Catharine Margaret Powlett Countess Darlington (age 22). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.45%.
On 06 Jan 1798 Frederick Thellusson 4th Baron Rendlesham was born to Peter Isaac Thellusson 1st Baron Rendlesham (age 36). He was a twin with his elder brother William Thellusson 3rd Baron Rendlesham.
On 06 Jan 1798 William Thellusson 3rd Baron Rendlesham was born to Peter Isaac Thellusson 1st Baron Rendlesham (age 36). He was a twin with his younger brother Frederick Thellusson 4th Baron Rendlesham.
On 06 Jan 1818 John Savile 1st Baron Savile was born illegitimately to John Lumley-Savile 8th Earl Scarborough (age 29).
On 06 Jan 1821 Gerald Fitzgerald was born to Augustus Fitzgerald 3rd Duke Leinster (age 29) and Charlotte Augusta Stanhope Duchess Leinster (age 27).
On 06 Jan 1825 Charles Edward Hobart-Hampden was born to Augustus Edward Hobart-Hampden 6th Earl Buckinghamshire (age 31).
On 06 Jan 1830 William Brodrick 8th Viscount Midleton was born to William Brodrick (age 31) and Harriet Brodrick. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.26%.
On 06 Jan 1833 Gilbert Norman Grosvenor was born to Richard Grosvenor 2nd Marquess Westminster (age 37) and Elizabeth Mary Leveson-Gower Marchioness Westminster (age 36).
On 06 Jan 1839 Arthur Saunders Gore 5th Earl Arran was born to Philip Gore 4th Earl Arran (age 37) and Elizabeth Marianne Napier Countess Arran (age 19).
On 06 Jan 1847 Richard Bingham was born to George Charles Bingham 3rd Earl Lucan (age 46) and Anne Brudenell Countess Lucan (age 37).
On 06 Jan 1858 Luise Karoline Juliane Glücksburg was born to Friedrich Glücksburg Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg (age 43) and Adelheid Schasumburg Lippe Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.
On 06 Jan 1883 George William Lyttelton was born to Charles Lyttelton 8th Viscount Cobham (age 40) and Mary Susan Cavendish Viscountess Cobham (age 29).
On 06 Jan 1885 James Percy was born to Henry George Percy 7th Duke Northumberland (age 38) and Edith Campbell Duchess Northumberland (age 35).
On 06 Jan 1891 Marie Henrietta Keppel Countess of Romney was born to Admiral Colin Keppel (age 28).
On 06 Jan 1895 George Josslyn L'Estrange Howard 11th Earl Carlisle was born to Charles James Stanley Howard 10th Earl Carlisle (age 27) and Rhona Ankaret Estrange Countess Carlisle (age 27).
On 06 Jan 1895 Alice Pearl Crake Baroness Montagu was born to Edward Barrington Crake and Clara Alice Woodroffe.
On 06 Jan 1901 John Beresford 7th Marquess of Waterford was born to Henry de la Poer Beresford 6th Marquess Waterford (age 25) and Beatrix Petty-Fitzmaurice Duchess St Albans (age 23).
On 06 Jan 1906 Verus Arundell Maunder St John-Mildmay was born to Reverend Aubrey Neville St John-Mildmay 10th Baronet (age 40).
On 06 Jan 1973 Henry Benedict Charles Dillon 22nd Viscount Dillon was born to Charles Henry Robert Dillon 21st Viscount Dillon (age 27).
Marriages on the 6th January
On 06 Jan 1242 Walter Marshal 5th Earl Pembroke (age 43) and Margaret Quincy 3rd Countess Lincoln and Pembroke (age 36) were married. She by marriage Countess Pembroke. He by marriage Earl Lincoln. A dynastic marriage that brought together the Earldom's of Pembroke and Lincoln. She the daughter of Robert Quincy Earl Lincoln and Hawise Gernon 2nd Countess Lincoln. He the son of William Marshal 1st Earl Pembroke and Isabel Clare Countess Pembroke. They were third cousin once removed. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.
After 06 Jan 1437 John Windham (age 27) and Margery de Clifton Baroness Hastings (age 18) were married.
On 06 Jan 1474 William VIII Marquis of Montferrat (age 53) and Bernarde de Brosse Marquis Monferrat were married. She by marriage Marchioness Montferrat.
On 06 Jan 1540 Henry VIII (age 48) and Anne of Cleves (age 24) were married by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer (age 50) at the Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map]. Anne of Cleves was crowned Queen Consort England. The difference in their ages was 24 years. She the daughter of John La Marck III Duke Cleves and Maria Jülich Berg Duchess Cleves. He the son of King Henry VII of England and Ireland and Elizabeth York Queen Consort England.
Catherine Carey (age 16) and Eleanor Paston Countess Rutland (age 45) were appointed Lady in Waiting to Anne of Cleves Queen Consort England.
On 06 Jan 1579 Robert Stewart 1st Earl Lennox 1st Earl March (age 57) and Elizabeth Stewart Countess Arran Countess Lennox and March (age 30) were married. She by marriage Countess Lennox. The difference in their ages was 27 years. She the daughter of John Stewart 4th Earl Atholl and Elizabeth Gordon Countess Atholl. He the son of John Stewart 3rd Earl Lennox and Isabel or Elizabeth Stewart Countess Lennox. They were first cousin twice removed. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward III of England.
Before 06 Jan 1593 William Parker 4th Baron Monteagle 14th Baron Marshal 13th Baron Morley (age 18) and Elizabeth Tresham were married. He by marriage Baron Monteagle.
Around 06 Jan 1607 James Hay 1st Earl Carlisle (age 27) and Honora Denny were married. She the daughter of Edward Denny 1st Earl Norwich (age 37) and Mary Cecil Countess Norwich.
On 06 Jan 1625 Thomas Francis of Savoy 1st Prince of Carignano (age 28) and Marie Bourbon Condé Countess Soissons (age 18) were married. She the daughter of Charles Bourbon Condé Count Soissons and Anne Montafié Countess Soissons (age 47). He the son of Charles Emmanuel Savoy I Duke Savoy (age 62) and Catherine Habsburg Spain Duchess Savoy.
On 06 Jan 1702 Arthur Annesley 5th Earl Anglesey (age 22) and Mary Thompson Countess Anglesey were married. He the son of James Annesley 2nd Earl Anglesey and Elizabeth Manners Countess Anglesey. They were first cousins.
On 06 Jan 1814 John Chandos Reade 7th Baronet (age 28) and Louisa Murray Lady Reade were married at St James' Church, Piccadilly. She by marriage Lady Reade of Barton in Berkshire. They had five children of whom four predeceased him. One, Emily, described as an imbecile, died 23 Nov 1897.
On 06 Jan 1818 Edward Poore 2nd Baronet (age 22) and Agnes Marjoribanks Lady Poore were married.
Deaths on the 6th January
On 06 Jan 1148 Gilbert de Clare 1st Earl Pembroke (age 48) died. His son Richard "Strongbow" Clare 2nd Earl Pembroke (age 18) succeeded 2nd Earl Pembroke. Aoife NI Diarmait Macmurrough Countess Pembroke and Buckingham (age 3) by marriage Countess Pembroke.
On 06 Jan 1148 William Warenne 3rd Earl of Surrey (age 29) died. His daughter Isabella Warenne Countess Boulogne 4th Countess of Surrey (age 11) succeeded 4th Countess Surrey and inherited his estates including Conisbrough Castle [Map].
On 06 Jan 1327 Edmund Deincourt 1st Baron Deincourt (age 77) died at Emley Wakefield. His nephew William Deincourt 1st Baron Deincourt (age 26) succeeded 9th Lord Deincourt. Millicent Zouche Baroness Deincourt by marriage Lord Deincourt. Baron Deincourt abeyant.
On 06 Jan 1338 James Butler 1st Earl Ormonde (age 33) died. His son James Butler 2nd Earl Ormonde (age 6) succeeded 2nd Earl Ormonde.
On 06 Jan 1387 Peter IV King Aragon (age 67) died. His son King John I of Aragon (age 36) succeeded I King Aragon.
On 06 Jan 1437 Edward Hastings 8th Baron Hastings (age 54) died at Marshalsea. His son John Hastings 9th Baron Hastings (age 25) de jure 9th Baron Hastings. Anne Morley Baroness Hastings (age 24) by marriage Baroness Hastings.
On 06 Jan 1478 John Bourbon VIII Count Vendôme (age 50) died. His son Francis Bourbon Count Vendôme and Soissons (age 8) succeeded Count Vendôme.
On 06 Jan 1541 Bernard Van Orley (age 54) died.
On 06 Jan 1617 Dorothea Oldenburg Duchess Brunswick-Lüneburg (age 70) died.
On 06 Jan 1642 Toby Caulfeild 3rd Baron Caulfeild (age 21) was shot and killed by Edmund Boy O'Hugh, foster-brother to Phelim O'Neill (age 38). His brother Robert Caulfeild 4th Baron Caulfeild succeeded 3rd Baron Charlemont.
On 06 Jan 1662 Francis Drake 2nd Baronet (age 44) died. His nephew Francis Drake 3rd Baronet (age 19) succeeded 3rd Baronet Drake of Buckland in Devon.
On 06 Jan 1663 George Goring 1st Earl Norwich (age 77) died. His son Charles Goring 2nd Earl Norwich (age 48) succeeded 2nd Earl Norwich. Alice Leman Countess Norwich by marriage Countess Norwich.
On 06 Jan 1667 Margaret Brooke Lady Denham (age 27) died. She was rumoured to have been poisoned by her husband John Denham (age 52) by giving her a poisoned cup of chocolate. In any case rumour named several other possible poisoners, including her former lover James (age 33), his wife Anne Hyde (age 29) and his sister-in-law, Lady Rochester (age 21).
On 06 Jan 1670 Gilbert Gerard 1st Baronet (age 82) died. His son Francis Gerard 2nd Baronet (age 52) succeeded 2nd Baronet Gerard of Harrow on the Hill.
On 06 Jan 1691 Elizabeth Clifford Countess Burlington (age 77) died. Her son Charles Boyle 3rd Baron Clifford (age 51) succeeded 3rd Baron Clifford. Jane Seymour Baroness Clifford by marriage Baroness Clifford.
On 06 Jan 1719 Charles Fairfax 7th Viscount Fairfax (age 53) died. His first cousin once removed William Fairfax 8th Viscount Fairfax succeeded 8th Viscount Fairfax of Emley in Tipperary.
On 06 Jan 1741 Catherine Harris Lady Knatchbull died.
On 06 Jan 1789 Noel Hill 1st Baron Berwick (age 43) died at Portman Square Marylebone. On 20 Jan 1789 he was buried at St Eata's Church, Atcham. His son Thomas Noel-Hill 2nd Baron Berwick (age 18) succeeded 2nd Baron Berwick of Attingham in Shropshire.
On 06 Jan 1802 William Flower 3rd Viscount Ashbrook (age 34) died. His brother Henry Flower 4th Viscount Ashbrook (age 25) succeeded 4th Viscount Ashbrook.
On 06 Jan 1806 Emilia Crowe Baroness Carbery died.
On 06 Jan 1815 Bysshe Shelley 1st Baronet (age 83) died. His son Timothy Shelley 2nd Baronet (age 61) succeeded 2nd Baronet Shelley of Castle Goring in Sussex.
On 06 Jan 1830 John Pakington 8th Baronet (age 70) died. Baronet Pakington extinct. His John Somerset Russell aka Pakington 1st Baron Hampton (age 30) inherited his estates and, a year later, changed his surname from Russell to Pakington by Royal Licence. The estate included Westwood House, Worcestershire and Pakington moved there with his first wife Mary, in 1832.
On 06 Jan 1835 Anne Courtenay Countess Mountnorris (age 60) died.
On 06 Jan 1837 Charles Cockerell 1st Baronet (age 81) died. His son Charles Cockerell aka Rushout 2nd Baronet (age 27) succeeded 2nd Baronet Cockerell of Sezincote in Gloucestershire. Cecilia Olivia Foley Lady Cockerell by marriage Lady Cockerell of Sezincote in Gloucestershire.
On 06 Jan 1840 Frances Burney (age 87) died.
On 06 Jan 1840 Watkin Williams-Wynn 5th Baronet (age 67) died. His son Watkin Williams-Wynn 6th Baronet (age 19) succeeded 6th Baronet Williams of Gray's Inn.
On 06 Jan 1849 Hyacinthe Mary Wellesley Baroness Hatherton (age 59) died at Teddesley Hall, Penkridge.
On 06 Jan 1862 Reverend Hugh Henry Molesworth 9th Baronet (age 43) died. His brother Paul William Molesworth 10th Baronet (age 40) succeeded 10th Baronet Molesworth of Pencarrow in Cornwall. Jane Frances Booker Lady Molesworth by marriage Lady Molesworth of Pencarrow in Cornwall.
On 06 Jan 1866 Astley Paston Cooper 2nd Baronet (age 67) died. His son Astley Paston Paston-Cooper 3rd Baronet (age 41) succeeded 3rd Baronet Paston-Cooper of Gadebridge in Hertfordshire.
On 06 Jan 1874 William Fitzgerald De Ros 22nd Baron Ros Helmsley (age 76) died at Old Court, Strangford, County Down. His son Dudley Fitzgerald De Ros 23rd Baron Ros Helmsley (age 46) succeeded 23rd Baron Ros Helmsley. Elizabeth Egerton Baroness Ros of Helmsley (age 41) by marriage Baroness Ros Helmsley.
On 06 Jan 1878 George William Frederick Brudenell 2nd Marquess Ailesbury (age 73) died at Lockeridge House Savernake, Wiltshire. His brother Ernest Brudenell-Bruce 3rd Marquess Ailesbury (age 66) succeeded 3rd Marquess Ailesbury, 9th Earl Cardigan, 4th Earl Ailesbury, 3rd Earl Bruce of Whorlton in Yorkshire, 3rd Viscount Savernake of Savernake Forest in Wiltshire, 9th Baron Brudenell of Stonton in Leicestershire. Louisa Elizabeth Horsley Beresford Marchioness Ailesbury (age 63) by marriage Marchioness Ailesbury.
On 06 Jan 1901 Henry Wyndham 2nd Baron Leconfield (age 70) died. His son Charles Wyndham 3rd Baron Leconfield (age 28) succeeded 3rd Baron Leconfield of Leconfield in the East Riding of Yorkshire.
On 06 Jan 1911 John Aird 1st Baronet (age 77) died at his home Wilton Park. He was buried at St Anne's Church, Dropmore [Map]. His son John Aird 2nd Baronet (age 50) succeeded 2nd Baronet Aird of Hyde Park Terrace in Paddington in the County of London. Alicia Ellen Renton Lady Aird (age 46) by marriage Lady Aird of Hyde Park Terrace in Paddington in the County of London.
On 06 Jan 1917 Juliana Ogilvy Lady Rycroft died.
On 06 Jan 1924 Kate Terry (age 79) died.
On 06 Jan 1928 Ada Maria Tollemache Baroness Sudeley (age 79) died.
On 06 Jan 1939 Mary Stuart Hamilton Baroness Tollemache (age 87) died.
On 06 Jan 1944 Edith Harcourt Countess Winchelsea and Nottingham (age 88) died.