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On this Day in History ... 6th October

06 Oct is in October.

1470 King Henry VI Restored

1517 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1535 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1625 Cádiz Expedition

1799 Battle of Egmont on Zee

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 6th October

On 06 Oct 877 Charles "Bald" I King West Francia (age 54) died.

On 06 Oct 1349 Joan Capet II Queen Navarre (age 37) died.

A Brief Latin Chronicle. 06 Oct 1470. And on the feast of Saint Faith the Virgin, the Duke of Clarence, brother of King Edward, and the Earl of Warwick, along with other lords, led King Henry (age 48) from the Tower of London, clothed him in royal apparel, and escorted him through Cheapside to the bishop's palace in London. That year, the people of Kent, driven by their usual wickedness, rose up and plundered many in Southwark, London, and soon withdrew.

Et in festo Sancte Fidis Virginis dux Clarencie, frater Regis Edwardi, et comes de Warwic, cum ceteris dominis, regem Henricum de Turri London educentes, regali apparatu indutum per Chepam usque ad palacium episcopi London. perduxerunt. Hoc anno Cantigene consueta nequicia agitati insurgunt et multos in Sowthwerk, London. spoliant, et infra breve recesserunt.

On 06 Oct 1497 John King Denmark Norway and Sweden (age 42) succeeded King Sweden. Christina Queen Consort Denmark Norway and Sweden (age 35) by marriage Queen Consort Sweden.

Letters and Papers 1517. 06 Oct 1517. Egert. 616, No. 43. B. M. 3723. Extracts from the BP. OF HELNA'S letters.

Delivered Charles's letter to the King of England, and declared his instructions. The King replied that he had as much care for the dominions of Charles as for his own, and was bound to defend them when necessary. He wishes Charles to send ambassadors that he may show this more openly, and promises nothing shall be done except to Charles's advantage. This he seemed to say with great good will. He further said France was using every effort for a league with England, but Charles might rest assured he (Henry) would never join any prince to his detriment. Helna said Charles would not be uneasy at his making peace with France if it were not to the detriment of Spain; at which the King was much pleased. It seemed as if he wished to make peace with France.

Heard two things from the Cardinal: 1. that if Charles had wished to negotiate to have Tournay, England would not have objected; and if Helna had had powers to treat he believed it would have been brought to a good issue,—at least he would have thrown difficulties in the way of the French; but the Cardinal did not believe Charles wished to have Tournay. 2. If Tournay is to be delivered to the French, Wolsey will see that it is not to the disadvantage of Charles, although Charles has much to do with the French contrary to the wish of England. Wolsey told him at the same time, though not distinctly, that England would come to an agreement with France, and would send as ambassadors the Chamberlain and another to meet the French at Boulogne or Calais, and that before anything was concluded he would inform Charles of the offers of the French and the answer of England. Hears the French make great efforts to recover Tournay. Suspects that the King of England supports with ill will "los hastos" that he has made in Tournay, and that if Charles would bear part of the expence England would be glad to keep it; if Charles would give a sum, even though not so large as the French offer, Henry would give it up to him, and that these offers were made to him by an Englishman, as if from himself, but he suspects they come from a good quarter.

News of Scotland.

The departure from thence (England) of the Papal ambassadors, 21 October. The King of England is quite determined on peace with the French. The King and Wolsey have told him that they will not listen to other conditions but the old ones. The King of England is endeavoring to bring the French ambassadors, now at Boulogne or Calais, over to England. Many say that the French will not pass over, but that the English will cross to Calais. Thinks Wolsey a good servant of Charles. The King of England has withdrawn from all business on account of the pestilence.

Spanish, pp.2. Endd. in the same hand.

Letters and Papers Foreign and Domestic Henry VIII 1520. 06 Oct 1520. 1011. Surrey and the Council of Ireland to Wolsey.

On the 2nd arrived at Clonmel; and yesterday came the earl of Desmond. Tomorrow they go to Waterford. Sent for the kinsmen and adherents to reconcile the two Earls. Desmond and Ormond are both conformable. Hope that the variance between the towns of Waterford and Ross will be brought to an end. Think it would be advantageous if a marriage were solemnised between the earl of Ormond's son, now in England, and Sir Thomas Boleyn's (age 43) daughter [either Anne Boleyn (age 19) or Mary Boleyn (age 21)]. Clonemel, 6 Oct. Signed.


Letters and Papers 1535. 06 Oct 1535. Add. MS. 28,588, f. 23. B. M. 557. Dr. Ortiz to the Empress.

Has received the Empress's letter of Aug. 26. Chapuis writes that the king of England gives bishoprics to heretics who conform to his William He does not mention the liberty of the Queen, of which Thomas Petiplet, the King's chamberlain, spoke when he passed here on his way to the Emperor. Supposes it was fiction, as also was the rumor lately in Rome that a son of Thomas More had murdered (muerto) the king of England in revenge for his father's martyrdom. Sends a copy of the passion and martyrdom of Thomas More and a copy of the Pope's brief to the earl of Kildare, who has so nobly resisted the king of England and conquered the greater part of the land he holds in Ireland.

Hears, through France, that there is a plague in England, and that the King had absented himself in consequence.

Has received a letter from the ambassador, dated London, 25 Aug., stating that the Queen and Princess are well, and that a friar has been martyred in the archbishopric of York (Hiorc) in the same manner and for the same reason as the Carthusians. Rome, 6 Oct. 1535.

Sp., pp. 3. Modern copy.

Letters and Papers 1535. 06 Oct 1535. R. O. 549. Ri. Gwent, of the Arches, to Cromwell.

This St. Faith's Day, Dr. Olyver, Mr. Carne, Mr. Hewys, and I came from Uxbrige, where we have tarried a good while on account of the sickness at London. If it be your pleasure we will come and report to you how far forward we are in these new laws; but we dare not till we hear from you. I beg you will dispense with me that I may keep the court of Arches this day, and I shall sue further for your licence under the great seal. Many have come from far countries for expedition of their causes, but I dare determine none without your licence, considering that your general visitation doth now depend. Let me know by bearer your pleasure for this one court. This Crastino Fidis is the first court done in the Arches and the Prerogative the morrow after. Doctors' Commons, St. Faith's Day.

Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Sealed.

Letters and Papers 1535. 06 Oct 1535. R. O. 555. John Bishop of Exeter to Sir Thomas Arundell.

Complains of having often written to Arundel's deputy, Weymont Carewe, for the "tithe tyne" (tin) of Cornwall, which has been unpaid for three years and amounts to £51, and for which Carewe has allowance from the King's auditors. Has records to show that it has been continually allowed and paid since before king John's days. Shaftesbury, 6 Oct.

Thanks him for the venison, wine, and other gifts. Was with the King on Friday last. He, the Queen (age 34), and all other nobles of the Court were in good health and merry. Signed.

The P.S. in his own hand, p. 1. Add.

Diary of Edward VI. 06 Oct 1549. In the meane season in Englond rose great sturres, like to increase much if it had not been well forseen.1 The counsel, about 19 of them, were gathered in London, thinking to mete with the lord Protectour (age 49), and to make him amend some of his disordres. He, fearing his state, caused the secretary [Petre (age 44)] in my name to be sent to the lordes, to know for what cause they gathered their powres togethers, and, if they ment to talke with him, that they should come in peacable maner. The next morning, being the 6 of October, and Saturday [Sunday], he commaunded the armoure to be brought downe out of th'armury of Hampton court, about 600 harnesses, to arme both his and my men withal, the gates of the hous to be rempared; peple to be raysed. Peple came abundantly to the house. That night, with al the peple, at 9 or 10 a cloke at night, I went to Windsore [Map], and there was watch and ward kept every night. The lordis sat in open places of London, calling for gentlemen before them, and declaring the causes of accusation of the lord Protectour, and caused the same to be proclaimed. After wich time few came to Windsore, but only myn owne men of the garde, whom the lordes willed, fearing the rage of the peple so lately quietid. Then begane the Protectour to treate by letters, sending Sir Philip Hobbey (age 44), lately cum from his ambassad in Flaundres to see to his famyly, who brought in his returne a letter to the Protectour very gentle, wich he delivered to hime, another to me, another to my house, to declare his fautes, ambicion, vain glorie, entriag into rashe warres in mine youth, negligent loking on Newhaven, enriching of himself of my treasour, folowing his owne opinion, and doing al by his owne authorite, et [?]; wich lettres was openly redd, and immediately the lordes came to Windsore, toke him, and brought him through Holborn to the Tower. Afterward I came to Ampton court [Map], wheir they appointed by my consente six lordes of the counsel to be attendant on me, at lest tow, and fower knightes; lordes, the marches Northampton (age 37), th'erles of Warwike (age 45) and Arondel, lordes Russel (age 64), Seintjone, and Wentworth; knigh(tes) sir Andrew Dudely (age 42), sir Edward Rogers (age 51), sir Thomas Darcy, sir Thomas Wroth.1a After I came through London to Westmuster.2a The lord of Warwike made Admyral of England.3a Sir Thomas Cheiney sent to the em perour for relief4, wich he could not obteine. Mr. Wotton5 made secretary. The lord Protectour, by his owne agreement and submission, lost his protectourship, treasourirshipe, marchalshipe, al his moveables, and niere 2,000 pound lande, by acte of parliement.

Note 1. Under the influence of the earl of Warwick, seconded by the ex-chancellor Southampton and the Romanist party, a majority of the council now undertook to terminate the supreme dictatorship assumed by the Protector. It appears that Somerset's suspicions of his insecurity were first alarmed by learning that the councillors in London dined at each others' houses (see Tytler, p. 249); he consequently took measures on the 5th October, if not before (see the documents quoted in p. 285 hereafter), to strengthen his military resources. According to the record of the council, entered in their register, they had appointed on the morning of Sunday the 6th of October "to repayr to Hampton court, accompanied with their ordinary numbers of servants, to have had friendly communication with the lord Protectour about the reformation of the state;" when, "as they were booted and ready to have mounted upon their horses," they "were certainely advertised, as well as credible reportes of diverse gentlemen, as by letters subscribed by the hands of the said lord Protectour, that he, having some intelligence of their lordships' intents, and moved with the conscience of his ill-government, whereof he would abyde no reformation, had suddenly raised a power of the commons, to the intent, if their lordships had come to the court, to have destroyed them; which power he had levyed as well by letters whereunto he caused his Matie to set his most gracious hand, as by most sedicious bills, which he had devised for that purpose, the tenor whereof word for word foloweth. Good People," &c. (not entered in the Council Book, but preserved in the State Paper office, see hereafter, p. 242). Their lordships consequently determined to remain in London, assembling themselves at Ely Place, then the mansion of the earl of Warwick, in Holborn, where the following councillors were present: lord St. John, lord great master (who had been with the Protector at Hampton court only two days before), the earls of Warwick, Arundel (age 37), and Southampton, mr. secretary Petre, sir Edward North, sir Richard Southwell (age 46), sir Edmund Peckham (age 54), sir Edward Wotton (age 59), and mr. doctor Wotton dean of Canterbury. Their first step was to unfold their views to the magistrates of London, who consequently held a court of aldermen at Guildhall that same afternoon, and their proceedings will be found detailed at full by Stowe. The council sent out various letters to countermand and counteract the orders issued by the Protector, and also to levy forces on their own party; and, sending for the lieutenant of the Tower of London sir John Markham, they "required him to suffer certain others to enter for the good keeping thereof to his Majesties use; whereunto the said lieutenant according, sir Edmund Peckham knight and Leonard Chamberlayne esquire, with their servants, were commanded to enter into the Tower, as associates to the said lieutenant, for the better presidy and guard of the same."

The next morning, Monday Oct. 7, the council met at Mercers' hall in London, in number sixteen, there being present, in addition to those of the day before, the lord chancellor (age 52) (Rich), mr. treasurer (Cheyne), sir John Gage, sir Edward Mountagu, sir Ralph Sadler (age 42), and sir John Baker. They were informed that, during the previous night, the lord Protector had hastily conveyed the King from Hampton court to Windsor castle, and they directed to Windsor the letters hereafter noticed.

On the 8th, at 9 a.m. they met at Guildhall, with the further accession to their company of the marquess of Northampton and the earl of Shrewsbury. The mayor, aldermen, and common council were ordered to attend them, and, the lord chancellor and others (as Stowe relates) having declared divers abuses of the lord Protector, they persuaded the citizens to take their part. "The lords dined with master Yorke, one of the sheriffes, and in the afternoone proclamation was made in divers places of the cittie, with trumpets, heraults, and kings at armes, wherein was contained divers articles touching the evill government of the lord Protector."

On the 9th the council was held "at the house of mr. Yorke, sheriff of London" (this was the ancient mansion, then belonging to the Crown, called the Duke's Place in Southwark, the new sheriff being master of the mint then established there). The names of the lord privy seal (Russell), the master of the horses (Herbert (age 48)), the lord Wentworth, and the vice-chamberlain (Wingfield), are also entered as present in council; but the two former were certainly this day at Wilton, as shown by their autograph signatures to the letter mentioned hereafter, and none of the four signed the council's letters of this day.

"The tenth of October (says Stowe, but this certainly should be the 9th), by a common councell at the guild-hall, was granted five hundred men of the citie (one hundred to be horsemen) to be readie on the next morrow: and this day the lords dined with master Yorke, one of the sheriffes of London."

On the 10th, "the same appearance of the councell as before" assembled "at the house of the lord St. John, lord great master, being in London," when they were informed" that, through their former letters, and other means by them devised, and by the dihgent travail also of the archbishop of Canterbury and sir William Paget, then being at Windsor, the Kinges Matie owne servants were again restored to their places of attendance about his Matie person, and that the duke of Somerset's servants and others of the bands were sequestered from his Majtie Having received the private communication from Paget, noticed hereafter, they this day sent to Windsor sir Anthony Wingfield the vice-chamberlain, sir Anthony Sellenger one of the gentlemen of the privy chamber, and sir John Williams treasurer of the augmentations and revenues of the crown, with their servants, for the better guard of the King's person, and for the prevention of Somerset's escape. These officers effected the arrest of the duke the next morning; and, on Sunday the 12th, the lords in a body repaired to Windsor "and presented themselves forthwith before the King's Matie, most humbly on their knees, declaring to the same the occasion and order of their doings, the which his Matie did accept in most gratious part, giving to their lordships his Matie most hearty thanks." Calling before them sir Thomas Smith, sir Michael Stanhope, sir John Thynne (age 34), Edward Wolfe one of his Matie privy chamber, and William Gray esquire, of Reading, "adherents of the said duke, and the principal instruments and councellours that he did use, both at this time, and otherwise also in the affairs of his government," they charged them with their offences, and ordered them to the Tower of London, sir Thomas Smith being at the same time sequestered from the council, and deprived of his secretaryship.

On the 13th, the duke himself "being sent for t'appeare before their lordships, and charged by them with his faults, was with the others before named sent to the Tower of London, under the conduct of the earls of Sussex (not Southampton, as some of the chroniclers state) and Huntingdon, the lords Grey and Burgayny, sir John Gage constable of the Tower, and certain other gentlemen and their bands. This day also the King's Matie departed from Windsor to Hampton court."

Such is the account of this revolution which the privy council were pleased to place upon record. The course of these important events may be further traced by abundant documentary evidence, the greater part of which has been published, but scattered in various places. The two letters placed first in the annexed list may be regarded as a portion of the series — the first clouds that foreboded the coming storm: —

May 8, 1549. A letter of warning from sir William Paget to the lord Protector, remonstrating on his angry and snappish conduct towards those of the council who differed from him or ventured to express their own sentiments. Transcript in MS. Cotton. Titus F. m.; printed by Strype, Memorials, ii. Appendix GG.

July 7. A second, and very long, letter of expostulation and advice, written by Paget when abroad, upon hearing of the insurrection in the West. Transcript in MS. Cotton. Titus F. m.; another in State Paper office. Domestic Edw. VI. vol. viii. art. 4; printed by Strype, Memorials, ii. App. HH.

Oct. 1 [or 5 ?] a letter, signed by the King and the Protector, summoning all the King's loving subjects with all haste to repair to Hampton Court, "in most defensible array, with harness and weapons, to defend his most royal person, and his most entirely beloved uncle the lord Protector, against whom certain hath attempted a most dangerous conspiracy." It is plainly dated "the furstoi October; "but was received (by a party unnamed) on "the vj of October, of George Dunstalle my lord of Canterbury's servant." In the State Paper office. Domestic Edw. VI. vol. ix. art. 1; printed in Tytler's "England under Edward VI. and Mary," i. 205. Another (transcript) copy in the State Paper office, dated Oct. 5, is addressed "To all Justices of peace, mayers, shrives, balives, constables, hed boroughes, and all other the Kynges Matie officers and subjects."

Oct. 4. A letter from the lords at Hampton court to lord Cobham (age 52), deputy of Calais, directing him to select twenty gunners from Calais, and send them to lord Clinton (age 37) (at Boulogne), is signe.d by the Protector, archbishop Cranmer, W. St. John, Wm. Paget, and Wm. Petre. Original in MS. Harl. 284, fol. 46, printed by Tytler, i. 211.

Oct. 5. Letter of the Protector to the lord privy seal and sir William Herbert, then in command of the forces lately employed against the "Western rebels, requesting both of them to come to Hampton court, and the latter by post, and his servants to follow. In the State Paper office. Domestic Edw. VI., vol. ix. art. 5; unpublished.

Letter signed by the Protector, the King's signature being prefixed by a stamp, to Sir Harry Seymour, to levy horse and foot. In State Paper office, art. 3, partly printed by Tytler, p. 213.

Oct. 6. Circular letter, of the like form, summoning those to whom it was sent to repair to Hampton court. In State Paper office, printed by Tytler, p. 214.

Letter under the King's signet, dated from Hampton court, addressed to the lord mayor, aldermen, and citizens of London, requiring them to levy men, to watch their gates, and to send one thousand, well harnessed, and with good and convenient weapons, to be at Hampton court that night, or at least on the morrow before noon. This was accompanied by a letter requiring credence to the bearer, Owen Claydon, signed EDWARD and SOMERSET; printed in Poxe's Actes and Monuments, under the head of "The troubles of the duke of Somerset;" and in Hollnshed's Chronicle.

Letter under the King's signet to the lord privy seal and sir William Herbert, announcing that "suche a henous and grevus conspiracye as never was seen, is attempted against us," &c. Transcript in the State Paper office, art. 9.

Another like letter to the same parties, desiring them to assemble with all expedition as many men, both horse and foot, as they could, and bring them to Hampton court. Transcript in the State Paper office, art. 8.

A third letter to the same, representing the matter more at fuU, and desiring them to repair "with such force as ye have" to Windsor castle. Contemporary transcript in the State Paper office, art. 6; printed by Foxe, Actes and Monuments.

A shorter letter of the same date desiring the same parties to give credence to lord Edward Seymour, the Protector's eldest son, who was the bearer of one or more of the preceding letters. Transcript in the State Paper office, art. 7.

A letter from the Protector to the earl of Shrewsbury, requiring his aid; printed in Lodge's Illustrations of British History, i. 135.

Letter of certain of the council to the lord mayor, &c. denouncing the conduct of the Protector, and requiring that no harness, weapons, or munitions should be sent to him. It is signed by nine councillors — St. John, Northampton, Warwick, Arundel, Southampton, Petre, North, Gage, and Southwell; printed in Foxe and Holinshed.

Circular letter of the council in London, being a summons to arm in support of their side of the dispute. An original copy, undirected, but having the autograph signatures of R. Ryche, cane, W. Seint John, W. Northt., J. Warwyk, Arundell, F. Shrewesbury (age 49), Henry Sussex, T. Cheyne, Edward North, and John Gage: in the State Paper office, art. 10.

Oct. 7. Circular letters from the council to the sheriffs, forbidding the levies ordered to be raised by the Protector. One undirected is preserved in the State Paper office, art. 20, bearing the autograph signatures of the same councillors as above, except Cheyne.

Another letter nearly of the same import, addressed to certain commissioners: signed Kke the last, excepting that it wants the names of the earls of Arundel and Shrewsbury, and has that of Edward Mountagu. Ibid. art. 21.

Letters under the signet, signed both by the King and Somerset, directing levies to be made by the bailiffs of Uxbridge, Hillington, and Cullam. Dated "at our castle of Windsor." Original in State Paper office, art. 15.

Letter of the lord Protector, now at Windsor, to the lords in London, declaring his intention, "if you will take no other way but violence, to defend us (as nature and our allegiance doth bind us) to extremity of death, and to put all to God's hand, who giveth the victory as it pleaseth him." He desires an answer either by secretary Petre, whom he had sent with a message, or, if they would not let him leave them, by the bearer. Original in the State Paper office, art. 16, signed only by the Protector's hand, printed by Tytler, p. 214; also previously pubHshed by Foxe, Holinshed, and Stowe.

The lords of the council in London to those at Windsor, requiring the duke of Somerset to absent himself from his Majesty, and to disperse the force which he had levied. "Consider, my lords, for God's sake, we heartely pray you, that we be almost the hole Councell," viz. the chancellor Eich, lord great master St. John, marquess of Northampton, earls of Warwick, Arundel, Shrewsbury, and Southampton, sir Thomas Cheyne, sir William Petre, sir Edward North, sir John Gage, sir Ealph Sadleyr, sir Richard Southwell, and dr. Nicholas Wotton — in all fourteen. Sent by master Hunnings, a clerk of the council. Original in MS. Cotton. Calig. B. vn. fol. 404; printed in Strype's Ecclesiastical Memorials, vol. ii. App. No. 44; Ellis's Letters, I. ii. 166. Draft copy in State Paper office, art. 22.

Letter to the King, signed by the same councillors, with the addition of sir Edward Mountagu. Original in MS. Cotton. Titus, B. ii. fol. 35; three draft copies in State Paper office, Nos. 17, 18, and 20; printed in Burnet's History of the Keformation, Part II. Book I. Eecords, No. 41.

To this day (Oct. 7) probably belongs a document which Mr. Tytler has edited, i. 207, with the date Oct. 4, from the State Paper office, art. 13, being suggestions for a letter to be written by the King strongly justifying the general conduct of the Protector. On the second leaf of the same sheet are various memoranda in the same handwriting, (but not copied by Tytler,) consisting partly of informations and partly of suggestions, apparently intended for the eye of the Protector. Among the latter are these: —

"Also that the Kinges matie wold make a letter unto the Maior, sherifes and aldremen of the citie, and to be delyvered unto the messenger by the Kinges own hande.

"Also lettre unto the lordes wylleng that asm any of them as are his treue honorable [subjects] shuld repayre unto him against his ennemys, or else they sought his blode aswell as his uncle's."

A previous paragraph states, "Also that upon sondaie [Oct. 6] my lorde grete m"^ [St. John] entered into the Tower of London to the Kinges use, and have made mr. Peckeham [sir Edward Peckham, treasurer of the mint,] lieutenant therof, and given him allowance for a table."

"Also the disobedyence of mr. Markham [the lieutenant of the Tower] in his office.

"Also that sir Thomas Darcy is laid in the Tower as a traytor."

Oct. 8. Circular letters to counties, countermanding the duke of Somerset's orders for levies, and charging all men to follow their vocations peaceably. Two copies (undirected), each bearing the autograph signatures of — E. Eyche, cane. W. Seint John, W. Northt., J. Warwyk, Arundell, F. Shrewesbury, Thomas' Southampton, William Petre, Nicholas Wotton, Edward Mountagu, Jo. Baker, are in the State Paper office, art. 28, 29.

Autograph letter of Harry lord Morley, acknowledging the council's summons, and expressing his readiness "with that pore power I have within one bower's warnyng, so ether to lyve or to dy." Dated from Mark hall. In State Paper office, art. 30.

Reply of the lord privy seal and sir William Herbert, written from Andover, to the lord Protector: after having received other letters from the lords dated the same day (Oct. 6) as the Protector's letter to them. Contemporary transcript in the State Paper office, printed by Tytler, p. 217: the substance given in Foxe's Actes and Monuments.

Letter from the lords at Windsor (Cranmer, Paget, and Smith) to those in London, in answer to theirs sent the day before. Original in the State Paper office, art. 26, printed by Tytler, p. 223; contemporary transcript in MS. Cotton. Caligula, B. vii. fol. 406; also printed in Stowe's Chronicle, and by Todd, in his Life of Cranmer, 1832, vol, iii. p. 57, Strype and Sharon Turner having considered the archbishop to have been the writer of it.

Letter from the King to the lords in London, entreating them to hold a moderate course; being accompanied by "certain articles exhibited unto us by our said uncle, signed with his own hand." Original in the State Paper office, art. 24; printed by Tytler, p. 220. Draft copy in MS. Cotton. Caligula, B. vn. fol. 405.

"Articles offered by me the lord Protector to the King's majestic, in the presence of his highnes counsail and other his majesties lordes and gentlemen at Wyndesor, to be declared in my behalf to the lordes and the reste of his highnes counsail remayning in London." Original in the State Paper office, marked 24 i. It is signed both at the beginning and end by the King, and at the foot by Somerset: contemporary copy in MS. Cotton. Caligula, B. vn. fol. 407; printed in Burnet, No. 42; Ellis, I. ii. 173.

Private letter from the duke of Somerset to the earl of Warwick, soliciting reconciliation. Printed in Stowe's Chronicle.

Private letter from secretary Smith to secretary Petre, earnestly begging him to advocate moderation. Original in the State Paper office, art. 27, printed by Tytler, p. 228. There is also (art. 39) a second letter of Smith to Petre, which commences with thanking "my lords of Warwicke, Arondell, and yow, that my brother George had leave to come and visite me." It is written in a tone somewhat less anxious than the other, yet it is difficult to say whether a few hours before or a few hours after.

Sir Philip Hoby was the bearer of these five documents. On the same day the council were actively proceeding in their prosecution of the Protector, by issuing a public proclamation. The charges it contained against him are given by Foxe and by Stowe.

Oct. 9. The following anecdote regarding this day is related on the authority of sir Thomas Smith, who remained faithful to the Protector: —

"Sir Phillip Hobby, [having] receaved an answere of the lordes in London by letter, came out of London, and by the way, faininge he had loste his letter out of his poquet, said to his man he would returne for a newe, and willed him to goe to the courte and tell the Counsell all should be well. This excuse was of purpose before devised by the lords, to the end they might winne tyme the better that they might doe their feates. The next daye he came to the courte with a letter to the Kinge from the lordes, and before he delivered said thus —

"Sir Phillip Hobby's saying or mesuage declared to the duke of Somerset, the archebishop of Canterbury, sir W. Pagett mr. comptrolor, sir Thomas Smithe secretary, in the presence of mr. Cecill, sir John Thinne, sir Richard Cotton, and divers others; reported by sir Thomas Smith.'" MS. Harl. 353, fol. 77; printed by Tytler, p. 238.

Letter from the lords in London, to the King. Printed from the Council Book, by Burnet, No. 43. Draft copy in the State Paper office, art. 35.

Reply of the lords in London to those at Windsor, sent by sir Philip Hoby. Original, with fifteen autograph signatures, in MS. Cotton. Caligula, B. vii. fol. 408; draft copy in State Paper office, art. 37; printed from the former in Ellis's Letters, I. ii. 169; and from the Council book by Burnet, No. 44.

Letter from the lord privy seal and sir William Herbert to the lords of the council, dated from Wilton, they having retired farther with their military forces, instead of advancing. Original in State Paper office, art. 31, printed by Tytler, p. 231.

Letter of the lord privy seal and sir W. Herbert to the sheriff of Gloucestershire. "The like letters are goone unto other shirrefes, not only to the sherrifes, but also to every justice of peace and gentleman privately." Summoning levies to repair to Wilton, from which town the letter is dated. Contemporary copy in the State Paper office, art. 31 i.

Letters, addressed to the lady Mary and the lady Elizabeth respectively, relating, on the part of the council, the events that had occurred, and denouncing the pride and ambition of the Protector. Original draft in the State Paper office, art. 33; printed by Tytler, p. 248.

Oct. 10. Letter of the archbishop of Canterbury, sir William Paget, and sir Thomas Smith, the lords at Windsor, acknowledging the receipt of the letter brought by sir Philip Hoby, and professing themselves ready to obey the directions of those in London. Sir Philip Hoby returned with their submission. Original in MS. Cotton. Caligula, B. VII. fol. 412; printed in Ellis's Letters, I. ii. 171; also printed, from the Council Book, by Burnet, No. 45.

Letter from the lords in London to sir William Paget, acknowledging a credence sent them by his servant Bedill, and desiring him to give firm credence to the bearer mr. vicechamberlain sir Anthony Wingfield, who was also captain of the guard. In a postscript (to wliicli the council repeated their signatures), it was intimated to Paget that "if yow shall see any good oportunite for this purpose, and if it may be conveniently doon, as by your sei-vant's message it semed," the duke should be apprehended, and also secretary Smith, sir John Thynne, Richard Whalley, and William Cycill, who was then the duke's private secretary and master of his court of requests. Original in MS. Cotton. Caligula, B. vn. fol. 410; printed by Ellis, I. ii. 173.

A Proclamacion, set furth by the body and state of the Kynges majesties privey counsayle, concernyng the devisers, writers and casters abrode of certain vile, slaunderous, and moste trayterous letters, billes, scrowes, and papers, tendyng to the seducement of the Kynges majesties good and lovyng subjectes: persons "whiche do labor now to maintain the trayterous doynges of the duke of Somerset," for that purpose "doon devise the moste vile, false, and traiterous billes, papers, and bokes that ever wer hard of, strawyng the same in the stretes, as well within the citie of London as in diverse tounes and other places in the country, wherein thei do falsely and traitorously travaile to slaunder the Kynges majesties oounsaill, thinkynge thereby to amase and abuse his majesties good subjects, whiche bee in areadinesse to joyne with the said counsaill for delivery of the Kyng our sovereigne lordes most royall persone, remainyng to his greate perill and daunger in the saied duke's custody." A reward of one hundred crounes is offered for the apprehension of every offender. This document, of which the draft is in the State Paper office, art. 40, is extant in an original broadside copy preserved in the collection of the Society of Antiquaries, It is subscribed by the names of all the following councillors:

The Lorde Riche, Lord Chancellor.

The Lorde Sainct Jhon, Lorde Great Master, and President of the Counsaill.

The Lorde Eussell, Lorde Privey Scale,

The Lorde Marques of Northampton.

The Erle of Warwicke, Lorde Greate Chamberlain.

The Erle of Arundell, Lorde Chamberlain.

The Erle of Shrewsbery,

The Erle of Southampton,

The Lorde Wentworth.

Sir Thomas Cheiney, Knight of the Order, and Threasaurer of the Kynges Maiesties house, and Lord Warden of the Cinque Portes.

Sir Willyam Herbert, Knight, Master of the Kynges Majesties horses.

Sir Anthony Wingfeld, Knight of the Order, the Kynges Majesties vice Chamberlein, and Capitain of the Garde.

Sir Jhon Gage, Knight of the Order, Constable of the Towre.

Sir Willyam Petre, Knight, Secretary.

Sir Edward North, Knight.

Sir Edward Montague, Knight, Chief Justice of the Comon Place.

Sir Raufe Sadler, Knight.

Sir Jhon Baker, Knight.

Sir Edward Wotton, Knight.

Master doctor Wotton, Deane of Cantorbury.

Sir Richard Southwell, Knight.

Sir Edmund Peckham, Knyght, high Threasaurer of all the Kynges Majesties Myntes.

Of the handbills mentioned in this proclamation, two are preserved in the State Paper office: one (art. 11 of the volume so often cited) commencing, "Moste loving and trew Ynglishmen," and signed, "By the Kynges true and loving subject to his poure, Henry A." This is supposed to have been "cast about" in the city of London (see before, p. 233), and it is indorsed. Rede itt and gyve itt furth. (Printed by Tytler, p. 209: the word "conspire" in p. 210, should be read serve?) The other (art. 12) is indorsed, "The copie of the bill sowed emongest the commons" (printed by Tytler, p. 210, where, for "the extortions of gentlemen," read "the extortiouse gentylmen"). There can be little doubt that this was the very bill which the lord privy seal found at Andover; where, he tells the council, "The gentlemen had received like letters from the King's majestie as we had done; and the commons had found bills that were sown abroad, to raise them in the Kinges name and the Protector's quarrel, as by a copy of one of the same bills, which ye shall also receive herewith, your Lordships may more plainly perceive." In his letter written to the duke of Somerset the day before, Russell had directly taxed him with the authorship of these papers: "Your Grace's proclamations and billets sent abroad for the raising of the commons we mishke very much." It is to be considered that the nobility, with great effort and much difficidty, had very recently succeeded in suppressing various insurrections, which they attributed in part to the Protector's former conduct towards the comnion people; they now detected him in acts calculated to provoke a repetition of such troubles. This indiscretion had the effect of arraying them against him, and throwing them into the hands of the more subtle and insidious Warwick.

Oct. 11. Letter written partly by Wingfield, and partly by Paget, signifying to the council the arrest of the duke, and describing the King's behaviour. It is signed also by Cranmer. Original in the State Paper office, art. 42; printed by Tytler, p. 241.

Minute of the whole discourse of the duke of Somerset's doings, addressed to the English ambassadors abroad. In the State Paper office, art. 41.

A circular letter from the council to counties, announcing the dispersal of the forces assembled by the duke of Somerset, and staying any further musters. Contemporary copy in MS. Cotton. Titus, B, ir. fol. 30.

Another circular letter announcing the duke's arrest, and directing the parties addressed "to staye your nombres at home, without taking eny further traveile for this matter." One with the autograph signatures of eleven councillors in State Paper office, art. 44.

Oct. 14. Letter of the council to the lieutenant of the Tower, that he sujBfer no one to speak with the duke of Somerset or any other prisoner. Ibid. art. 45.

Articles objected to the duke of Somerset. These have never been edited accurately. The most perfect printed copy is that in Stowe's Chronicle (but in article 12 for Iniunction read Commission; in article 26 the 6 instead of "9 of October," and there are other errors.) In Foxe's Actes and Monuments, the 29 articles are reduced to 20, by the omission of the 10th, 20th, 21st, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, and 29th. Hohnshed follows Foxe. Hay ward's copy (Life and Eeign of King Edward VI.) is imperfect, by the omission of the 28th article, as well as by a modernization of the language throughout; and Burnet copies Hayward. Strype in his Life of Cramner, p. 265, has pointed out the significance of the 10th article, which charged the Protector with having laid the blame of the insurrections on the nobility; and it is to be regretted that Strype did not print the draft copy which he had seen. It was, as he imagined, in the handwriting of bishop Gardiner: but this was a very bold surmise. Strype is in error in attributing these articles to the time of the duke's "second apprehension and trial." There is an old transcript of the whole 29 articles in MS. Addit. Brit. Mus. 9069; which is worth consulting if no other can be recovered.

Dec. 23. The duke of Somerset's submission, having read and considered the said 29 articles. Printed in Stowe's Chronicle.

Feb. 2. His second submission, dated from the Tower. Also in Stowe.

Feb. 6. His recognizance in 1000/. to reside at the King's manor of Sheen or his own house at Syon, without passing the limit of four miles from either house. In the Eegister of the Privy Council.

The 6 of February the duke of Somerset was delivered out of the Tower, and that night he supped at sir John Yorke's, one of the sheriffes of London," (Stowe,) where, it appears from the council book, the lords assembled to welcome him.

Feb. 16. A pardon to the duke by letters patent under this date is printed in Rymer, Foedera, &c. xv. 205.

Note 1a. Of the "four principal gentlemen of his Highness' privy chambre" (the knights) it was also ordered that "two at the least should be continually attendants, .. to whom was advanced, above their accustomed fee of L li. by the yeare, the yearly fee of L li. more, in consideration of the singular care and travail that they should have about his Majesties person." (Council Book.) See further arrangements under the 20th April, 1550, hereafter.

The Cádiz expedition of 1625 was a naval expedition against Spain by English and Dutch forces led by George Villiers 1st Duke of Buckingham (age 33).

The expedition left Plymouth, Devon [Map] on 06 Oct 1625.

In Nov 1625 the fleet attempted, unsuccessfully, to capture Cádiz.

In Dec 1625 the English returned home having achieved nothing other than spending £250,000, losing 62 out of 105 ships and 7000 English troops.

John Felton (age 30) served.

On 06 Oct 1644 Elisabeth Bourbon Queen Consort Spain (age 41) died.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Oct 1660. Col. Slingsby (age 49) and I at the office getting a catch ready for the Prince de Ligne to carry his things away to-day, who is now going home again. About noon comes my cozen H. Alcock, for whom I brought a letter for my Lord to sign to my Lord Broghill for some preferment in Ireland, whither he is now a-going. After him comes Mr. Creed, who brought me some books from Holland with him, well bound and good books, which I thought he did intend to give me, but I found that I must pay him. He dined with me at my house, and from thence to Whitehall together, where I was to give my Lord an account of the stations and victualls of the fleet in order to the choosing of a fleet fit for him to take to sea, to bring over the Queen (age 50), but my Lord not coming in before 9 at night I staid no longer for him, but went back again home and so to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Oct 1662. Then we fell to reading of a book which I saw the other day at my Lord Sandwich's (age 37), intended for the late King, finely bound up, a treatise concerning the benefit the Hollanders make of our fishing, but whereas I expected great matters from it, I find it a very impertinent [book], and though some things good, yet so full of tautologies, that we were weary of it.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Oct 1662. At Woolwich, Kent [Map] we mustered the yard, and then to the Hart to dinner, and then to the Rope-yard [Map], where I did vex Sir W. Pen (age 41) I know to appear so well acquainted, I thought better than he, in the business of hemp; thence to Deptford, and there looked over several businesses, and wakened the officers there; so walked to Redriffe [Map], and thence, landing Sir W. Pen at the Tower, I to White Hall with Mr. Coventry (age 34), and so to my Lord Sandwich's (age 37) lodgings, but my Lord was not within, being at a ball this night with the King (age 32) at my Baroness Castlemaine's (age 21) at next door.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Oct 1663. Thence home by water in great pain, and at my office a while, and thence a little to Sir W. Pen (age 42), and so home to bed, and finding myself beginning to be troubled with wind as I used to be, and in pain in making water, I took a couple of pills that I had by me of Mr. Hollyard's (age 54).

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Oct 1663. So to White Hall, where at the Committee of Tangier, but, Lord! how I was troubled to see my Lord Tiviott's accounts of £10,000 paid in that manner, and wish 1000 times I had not been there.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Oct 1665. He gone I to my office, where very busy drawing up a letter by way of discourse to the Duke of Albemarle (age 56) about my conception how the business of the Victualling should be ordered, wherein I have taken great pains, and I think have hitt the right if they will but follow it. At this very late and so home to our lodgings to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Oct 1665. Up, and having sent for Mr. Gawden he come to me, and he and I largely discoursed the business of his Victualling, in order to the adding of partners to him or other ways of altering it, wherein I find him ready to do anything the King (age 35) would have him do. So he and I took his coach and to Lambeth and to the Duke of Albemarle (age 56) about it, and so back again, where he left me. In our way discoursing of the business and contracting a great friendship with him, and I find he is a man most worthy to be made a friend, being very honest and gratefull, and in the freedom of our discourse he did tell me his opinion and knowledge of Sir W. Pen (age 44) to be, what I know him to be, as false a man as ever was born, for so, it seems, he hath been to him. He did also tell me, discoursing how things are governed as to the King's treasure, that, having occasion for money in the country, he did offer Alderman Maynell to pay him down money here, to be paid by the Receiver in some county in the country, upon whom Maynell had assignments, in whose hands the money also lay ready. But Maynell refused it, saying that he could have his money when he would, and had rather it should lie where it do than receive it here in towne this sickly time, where he hath no occasion for it. But now the evil is that he hath lent this money upon tallys which are become payable, but he finds that nobody looks after it, how long the money is unpaid, and whether it lies dead in the Receiver's hands or no, so the King he pays Maynell 10 per cent. while the money lies in his Receiver's hands to no purpose but the benefit of the Receiver.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Oct 1667. Lord's Day. Up, and dressed myself, and so walked out with the boy to Smithfield [Map] to Cow Lane [Map], to Lincolne's, and there spoke with him, and agreed upon the hour to-morrow, to set out towards Brampton [Map]; but vexed that he is not likely to go himself, but sends another for him. Here I took a Hackney coach, and to White Hall, and there met Sir W. Coventry (age 39), and discoursed with him, and then with my Lord Bruncker (age 47), and many others, to end my matters in order to my going into the country to-morrow for five or six days, which I have not done for above three years. Walked with Creed into the Park a little, and at last went into the Queen's (age 28) side, and there saw the King (age 37) and Queen, and saw the ladies, in order to my hearing any news stirring to carry into the country, but met with none, and so away home by coach, and there dined, and W. How come to see me, and after dinner parted, and I to my writing to my Lord Sandwich (age 42), which is the greatest business I have to do before my going into the country, and in the evening to my office to set matters to rights there, and being in the garden Sir W. Pen (age 46) did come to me, and fell to discourse about the business of "The Flying Greyhound", wherein I was plain to him and he to me, and at last concluded upon my writing a petition to the Duke of York (age 33) for a certain ship, The Maybolt Gallyott, and he offers to give me £300 for my success, which, however, I would not oblige him to, but will see the issue of it by fair play, and so I did presently draw a petition, which he undertakes to proffer to the Duke of York, and solicit for me, and will not seem to doubt of his success.

John Evelyn's Diary. 06 Oct 1672. Dr. Thistlethwaite preached at Whitehall on Rev. v. 2, - a young, but good preacher. I received the blessed Communion, Dr. Blandford (age 56), Bishop of Worcester, and Dean of the Chapel, officiating. Dined at my Lord Clifford's (age 42), with Lord Mulgrave (age 24), Sir Gilbert Talbot (age 41), and Sir Robert Holmes (age 50).

John Evelyn's Diary. 06 Oct 1687. I was godfather to Sir John Chardin's (age 43) son, christened at Greenwich Church [Map], named John. The Earl of Bath (age 59) and Countess of Carlisle, the other sponsors.

On 06 Oct 1692 Captain Philip Lawson was killed in a duel by his brother-in-law Charles Knollys 4th Earl Banbury (age 30). The House of Lords decided that he was not a Peer (there was doubt over the paternity of his father), and he pleaded in the King's Bench. The second husband his wife Anna Maria Knollys (age 36) had lost to dueling.

On 06 Oct 1799 Lieutenant Colonel Philip Bainbrigge (age 44) was killed in action at the Battle of Egmont on Zee at which battle he was commanding the 20th Regiment of Foot. He was buried in the churchyard near the field of battle. Monument in St Oswald's Church, Ashbourne [Map]. Signed Hayward Lichfield - possibly Peter Hayward.

Lieutenant Colonel Philip Bainbrigge: Around 1755 he was born.

On 06 Oct 1808 Frederick VII King Denmark was born to King Christian I of Norway and VIII of Denmark (age 22) and Duchess Charlotte Frederica of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (age 23). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.77%.

On 06 Oct 1888 Ellis William Roberts (age 27) and Eliza Glover (age 21) were married at St John's Church Fulham. Both were living at 24 Cedar Road at the time of their marriage.

Eliza Glover: Around 1867 she was born to Joseph Glover at Longton, Staffordshire.

On 06 Oct 1896 William Morris (deceased) was buried at St George's Church, Kelmscott [Map]. His gravestone was designed by his friend Philip Webb. His wife Jane Morris nee Burden (age 56) and daughter Mary "May" Morris (age 34) attended. The funeral is described by William Fredeman here.

On 06 Oct 1943 Lieutenant Edward John Anson (age 24) died unmarried in an accident while returning to duty at a naval dockyard during the black-out whilst on active service on HMS Southdown. He was buried at St Stephen's Church, Great Heywood [Map].

Lieutenant Edward John Anson: On 19 Feb 1919 he was born to Thomas Edward Anson 4th Earl Lichfield and Evelyn Maud Keppel Countess Lichfield.

Births on the 6th October

On 06 Oct 1476 Richard York was born to George York 1st Duke of Clarence (age 26) and Isabel Neville Duchess Clarence (age 25) at Tewkesbury Abbey [Map]. He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 5.41%.

On 06 Oct 1577 Ferdinand Wittelsbach Archbishop Cologne was born to William Wittelsbach V Duke Bavaria (age 29) and Renata Lorraine Duchess Bavaria (age 33). Coefficient of inbreeding 2.86%.

Before 06 Oct 1623 Isabella Rich was born to Henry Rich 1st Earl Holland (age 33) and Isabel Cope Countess Holland.

On 06 Oct 1641 William Maynard 1st Baronet was born to Charles Maynard (age 49).

On 06 Oct 1731 Emilia Mary Lennox Duchess Leinster was born to Charles Lennox 2nd Duke Richmond (age 30) and Sarah Cadogan Duchess Richmond (age 26). She a great granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

Before 06 Oct 1739 Charles Bromfield was born. Before 06 Oct 1739 Charles Bromfield was baptised in Patshull, Staffordshire.

On 06 Oct 1766 Thomas Cave 7th Baronet was born to Thomas Cave 6th Baronet (age 29).

On 06 Oct 1769 Jonathan Wathen Phipps aka Waller 1st Baronet was born to Joshua Phipps (age 24) and Mary Allen (age 25).

On 06 Oct 1773 Gilbert Heathcote 4th Baronet was born to Gilbert Heathcote 3rd Baronet (age 53) and Elizabeth Hudson Lady Heathcote (age 18).

On 06 Oct 1776 James Archibald Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie 1st Baron Wharncliffe was born to James Archibald Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie (age 29) and Margaret Cunynghame (age 30).

On 06 Oct 1776 James Duff 4th Earl Fife was born to Alexander Duff 3rd Earl Fife (age 45).

On 06 Oct 1793 William Keppel Barrington 6th Viscount Barrington was born to George Barrington 5th Viscount Barrington (age 32) and Elizabeth Adair Viscountess Barrington (age 24). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 06 Oct 1801 St Vincent Cotton was born to Admiral Charles Cotton 5th Baronet (age 43) and Philadelphia Rowley Lady Cotton (age 38).

On 06 Oct 1808 Frederick VII King Denmark was born to King Christian I of Norway and VIII of Denmark (age 22) and Duchess Charlotte Frederica of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (age 23). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.77%.

On 06 Oct 1820 James Molyneux Caulfeild 3rd Earl Charlemont was born to Henry Caulfeild (age 41).

On 06 Oct 1862 Henry Robert Temple Blackwood was born to Francis Blackwood 4th Baronet (age 23).

On 06 Oct 1881 Wathen Arthur Waller 5th Baronet was born to George Henry Waller 3rd Baronet (age 44) and Beatrice Katherine Frances Tower Lady Waller (age 35).

On 06 Oct 1915 Victor Hervey 6th Marquess of Bristol was born to Herbert Hervey 5th Marquess of Bristol (age 44) and Jean Cochrane (age 28).

On 06 Oct 1921 John Page Wood 7th Baronet was born to John Page Wood 6th Baronet (age 23).

Marriages on the 6th October

On 06 Oct 1272 Edmund "Almain" 2nd Earl Cornwall (age 22) and Margaret Clare Countess Cornwall (age 22) were married at the Ruislip [Map]. She by marriage Countess Cornwall. She the daughter of Richard de Clare 6th Earl Gloucester 5th Earl Hertford and Maud Lacy Countess Gloucester and Hertford (age 49). He the son of Richard of Cornwall 1st Earl Cornwall and Sanchia Provence Queen Consort Germany. He a grandson of King John of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.

On 06 Oct 1767 Henry Temple 2nd Viscount Palmerston (age 27) and Frances Poole Viscountess Palmerston (age 38) were married. She by marriage Viscountess Palmerston of Palmerston in County Dublin.

On 06 Oct 1785 George Shuckburgh-Evelyn 6th Baronet (age 34) and Julia Annabella Evelyn were married.

On 06 Oct 1888 Ellis William Roberts (age 27) and Eliza Glover (age 21) were married at St John's Church Fulham. Both were living at 24 Cedar Road at the time of their marriage.

Eliza Glover: Around 1867 she was born to Joseph Glover at Longton, Staffordshire.

On 06 Oct 1894 Oliver Russell 2nd Baron Ampthill (age 25) and Margaret Lygon Baroness Ampthill (age 19) were married. She by marriage Baroness Ampthill of Ampthill in Bedfordshire. She the daughter of Frederick Lygon 6th Earl Beauchamp and Mary Catherine Stanhope Countess Beauchamp. He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 06 Oct 1924 Charles Alfred Euston Fitzroy 10th Duke Grafton (age 32) and Lucy Eleanor Barnes Duchess Fitzroy (age 26) were married. She by marriage Duchess Grafton.

On 06 Oct 1931 John Kennaway 4th Baronet (age 52) and Mary Felicité Ponsonby Lady Kennaway (age 33) were married.

On 06 Oct 1936 Oswald Mosley 6th Baronet (age 39) and Diana Mitford (age 26) were married.

On 06 Oct 1949 Victor Hervey 6th Marquess of Bristol (age 34) and Pauline Mary Bolton were married. He the son of Herbert Hervey 5th Marquess of Bristol (age 78) and Jean Cochrane (age 62).

Deaths on the 6th October

On 06 Oct 877 Charles "Bald" I King West Francia (age 54) died.

Between 06 Oct 1342 and 20 Nov 1342 Robert III Artois (age 55) died. Earl Richmond extinct.

On 06 Oct 1349 Joan Capet II Queen Navarre (age 37) died.

On 06 Oct 1517 Elizabeth Zouche Countess Kildare died.

On 06 Oct 1535 Margaret Wotton Marchioness Dorset (age 48) died.

On 06 Oct 1644 Elisabeth Bourbon Queen Consort Spain (age 41) died.

On 06 Oct 1647 Richard Gurney 1st Baronet (age 69) died. Baronet Gurney of London extinct.

Around 06 Oct 1677 Catherine Primrose Lady Carnegie died.

On 06 Oct 1692 Captain Philip Lawson was killed in a duel by his brother-in-law Charles Knollys 4th Earl Banbury (age 30). The House of Lords decided that he was not a Peer (there was doubt over the paternity of his father), and he pleaded in the King's Bench. The second husband his wife Anna Maria Knollys (age 36) had lost to dueling.

On 06 Oct 1720 Edward Stourton 13th Baron Stourton (age 55) died without issue. His brother Thomas Stourton 14th Baron Stourton (age 53) succeeded 14th Baron Stourton.

On 06 Oct 1735 William Courtenay 6th Earl Devon (age 59) died. His son William Courtenay 7th Earl Devon (age 26) de jure 7th Earl Devon.

On 06 Oct 1762 Thomas Hales 3rd Baronet (age 67) died. His son Thomas Hales 4th Baronet (age 36) succeeded 4th Baronet Hales of Beakesbourne in Kent.

On 06 Oct 1799 Lieutenant Colonel Philip Bainbrigge (age 44) was killed in action at the Battle of Egmont on Zee at which battle he was commanding the 20th Regiment of Foot. He was buried in the churchyard near the field of battle. Monument in St Oswald's Church, Ashbourne [Map]. Signed Hayward Lichfield - possibly Peter Hayward.

Lieutenant Colonel Philip Bainbrigge: Around 1755 he was born.

On 06 Oct 1826 Elizabeth Prowse Lady Mordaunt (age 77) died.

On 06 Oct 1872 Frances Carus-Wilson died.

On 06 Oct 1893 Ford Madox Brown (age 72) died. He was buried at St Pancras and Islington Cemetery.

On 06 Oct 1911 Charles Bennet Lawes-Wittewronge 2nd Baronet (age 68) died. following an operation for appendicitis; he was cremated at Golders Green Crematorium, Golders Green, London. His son John Bennet Lawes-Wittewronge 3rd Baronet (age 39) succeeded 3rd Baronet Lawes of Rothamsted in Hertfordshire.

On 06 Oct 1934 Cecilia Margaret Harbord Marchioness (age 78) died.

On 06 Oct 1937 Augustus Alexander Brooke-Pechell 7th Baronet (age 80) died. His son Paul Brooke-Pechell 8th Baronet (age 48) succeeded 8th Baronet Brooke-Pechell of Paglesham in Essex.

On 06 Oct 1940 Marmaduke Furness 1st Viscount Furness (age 56) died. His son William Anthony Furness 2nd Viscount Furness (age 11) succeeded 2nd Viscount Furness of Grantley in the West Riding of Yorkshire, 3rd Baron Furness of Grantley in the West Riding of Yorkshire.

On 06 Oct 1971 Humphrey Edmund de Trafford 4th Baronet (age 79) died. His brother Rudolph de Trafford 5th Baronet (age 77) succeeded 5th Baronet de Trafford.