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On this Day in History ... 7th April
07 Apr is in April.
Events on the 7th April
On 07 Apr 1234 Sancho "Strong" VII King Navarre (age 79) died. His nephew Theobald IV King Navarre (age 32) succeeded IV King Navarre. Margaret Bourbon Queen Consort Navarre (age 17) by marriage Queen Consort Navarre.
On 07 Apr 1498 Charles VIII King France (age 27) died after he hit his head on a door lintel at Château d'Amboise, Amboise. His second cousin once removed Louis XII King France (age 35) succeeded XII King France: Capet Valois.
Letters and Papers 1518. 07 Apr 1518. R.O. 4061. Pace (age 36) to WOLSEY.
The Council here have desired him to advertise Wolsey that the change in the King's mind anent his return to London has procceded of himself. As far as Pace can perceive, the King is afraid of the sickness. When the Duke of Suffolk moved the King and Sir Henry Marney "that no conclusion might be taken for his grace's abode here unto such time that his grace had been advertised from your grace of the great sickness in those parts, if any be, his grace made answer that he was well at ease here, where no man cometh [to] tell him of the death of any person, as they were wont daily." He has ordered each man to provide horse meat as he can. The Dukes of Buckingham and Suffolk will leave shortly; but, by reason of his sister, the King is content Suffolk shall remain till after St. George's feast. After Suffolk had received the sacrament on Easter Day, he desired Pace to hear him speak, and said "that he had been accused as untrue to the King's grace, as well in the accepting of a protection offered unto him by the French King, as in putting the French orators at their late being here, or afore their coming, in comfort of the restitution of Tournay." This he denies upon oath. Abingdon, 7 April.
P.S.—The King wishes to know Wolsey's opinion touching his journey to the North. He hears there is some death at Nottingham.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: To my Lord Cardinal's grace.
Calendar of State Papers Spain Volume 5 Part 2 1531-1533. 15 Apr 1533. 1061. Eustace Chapuys (age 43) to the Emperor (age 33).
On Tuesday the 7th inst., having been informed of the strange and outrageous conduct and proceedings of this king (age 41) against the Queen (age 47), whereof I have written to Your Majesty, I went to Court at the hour appointed for the King's audience, that I might there duly remonstrate against the Queen's treatment. I took with me Mr. Hesdin, who by the consent of the Queen [of Hungary] is now here to claim the arrears of his pension, in order that he might be present, and hear the remonstrances I had to address the King, hoping also that if I had to use threatening language the King might not be so much offended if uttered in the presence of the said Hesdin. On my arrival at Greenwich [Map] the earl of Vulchier (age 56) (Wiltshire) came to meet me, and leading me to the apartments of the duke of Norfolk (age 60), who had just gone to see the Queen, said to me that the King being very much engaged at that hour had deputed him to listen to what I had to say, and report thereupon. My answer was that my communication was of such a nature and so important that I could not possibly make it to anyone but to the King in person. Until now he had never refused me audience, or put me off, and I could not think that he would now break through the custom without my having given him any occasion for it, especially as the King knew that Your Majesty most willingly received the English ambassadors at all hours, whatever might be their errand or business. The Earl repeated his excuses, and seemed at first disinclined to take my answer back to the King, until at last, perceiving my firm determination, he went in and came back saying the King would see me immediately, though he still tried to ascertain what my business was, and advised me to put off my communication until after the festivals. It was settled at last that I should see the King on Thursday in Holy Week, on which day having about me a copy of my last despatch [to Your Majesty], I took again the road to Court, accompanied as before by the said Master Hesdin, and was introduced to the Royal presence by the same earl of Wiltshire. The King received us graciously enough. After the usual salutations and inquiries about Your Majesty's health, the King asked me what news I had of your movements. I answered that the letters I had received last were rather old, but that I had reason to believe you had already embarked to return to Spain at the beginning of this present month. This statement the King easily believed, and was rejoiced to hear (such is his wish to see you fairly out of Italy). I added that the weather for the last days could not have been more favourable, and therefore that it was to be hoped Your Majesty had reached Spain in safety. Having then asked me whether I had other news to communicate, I told him that your brother, the king of the Romans (age 30), had made his peace with the Turk, and that the latter had sent an embassy, at which piece of intelligence the King remained for some time in silent astonishment as if he did not know what to answer.
On 07 Apr 1547 Thomas Cawarden of Bletchingly and Nonsuch came into the possession of Bletchingley, Surrey [Map]. Anne of Cleves Queen Consort England (age 31) had formerly owned it.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 07 Apr 1560. The sam day dyd pryche at the court my lord the byshope of Canturbere (age 55), and made a nobull sermon.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 07 Apr 1561. The vij day of Aprell dyd pryche at sant Mare spytyll the nuwe byshope of Wynchester master Horne (age 51), and ther was all the masters of the hospetall, and the chylderyn in bluw cotes, and my lord mayre (age 52) and the althermen, and mony worshephull men.
On 07 Apr 1606 Humphrey Lyttelton (age 44) was hanged, drawn and quartered at Red Hill, Worcester for his involvement in the Gunpowder Plot.
Diary of Anne Clifford 1617. 07 Apr 1617. Upon the 7th my Lord (age 28) lay in my chamber.
On 07 Apr 1629 John "The Younger" Habsburg Spain was born illegitimately to Philip IV King Spain (age 23) and María Calderón.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Apr 1665. Up betimes to the Duke of Albemarle (age 56) about money to be got for the Navy, or else we must shut up shop.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Apr 1665. Thence to Westminster Hall [Map] and up and down, doing not much; then to London, but to prevent Povy's (age 51) dining with me (who I see is at the 'Change [Map]) I went back again and to Herbert's at Westminster, there sent for a bit of meat and dined, and then to my Lord Treasurer's (age 58), and there with Sir Philip Warwicke (age 55), and thence to White Hall in my Lord Treasurer's chamber with Sir Philip Warwicke till dark night, about fower hours talking of the business of the Navy Charge, and how Sir G. Carteret (age 55) do order business, keeping us in ignorance what he do with his money, and also Sir Philip did shew me nakedly the King's condition for money for the Navy; and he do assure me, unless the King (age 34) can get some noblemen or rich money-gentlemen to lend him money, or to get the City to do it, it is impossible to find money: we having already, as he says, spent one year's share of the three-years' tax, which comes to £2,500,000. Being very glad of this day's discourse in all but that I fear I shall quite lose Sir G. Carteret, who knows that I have been privately here all this day with Sir Ph. Warwicke. However, I will order it so as to give him as little offence as I can.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Apr 1666. Thence took them to the cakehouse, and there called in the coach for cakes and drank, and thence I carried them to my Chancellor's (age 57) new house to shew them that, and all mightily pleased, thence set each down at home, and so I home to the office, where about ten of the clock W. Hewer (age 24) comes to me to tell me that he has left my wife well this morning at Bugden, which was great riding, and brings me a letter from her. She is very well got thither, of which I am heartily glad.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Apr 1666. Thence took her by coach to Hales's (age 66), and there find Mrs. Pierce and her boy and Mary. She had done sitting the first time, and indeed her face is mighty like at first dash.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Apr 1667. Thence back to White Hall, and there saw the King (age 36) come out of chapel after prayers in the afternoon, which he is never at but after having received the Sacrament: and the Court, I perceive, is quite out of mourning; and some very fine; among others, my Lord Gerard (age 49), in a very rich vest and coat. Here I met with my Lord Bellasses (age 52): and it is pretty to see what a formal story he tells me of his leaving, his place upon the death of my Lord Cleveland (deceased), by which he is become Captain of the Pensioners; and that the King did leave it to him to keep the other or take this; whereas, I know the contrary, that they had a mind to have him away from Tangier. He tells me he is commanded by the King to go down to the Northward to satisfy the Deputy Lieutenants of Yorkshire, who have desired to lay down their commissions upon pretence of having no profit by their places but charge, but indeed is upon the Duke of Buckingham's (age 39) being under a cloud (of whom there is yet nothing heard), so that the King is apprehensive of their discontent, and sends him to pacify them, and I think he is as good a dissembler as any man else, and a fine person he is for person, and proper to lead the Pensioners, but a man of no honour nor faith I doubt.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Apr 1668. Here I hear Sir W. Davenant is just now dead; and so who will succeed him in the mastership of the house is not yet known. The eldest Davenport is, it seems, gone from this house to be kept by somebody; which I am glad of, she being a very bad actor. I took her then up into a coach and away to the Park, which is now very fine after some rain, but the company was going away most, and so I took her to the Lodge, and there treated her and had a deal of good talk, and now and then did baiser la, and that was all, and that as much or more than I had much mind to because of her paint. She tells me mighty news, that my Baroness Castlemayne (age 27) is mightily in love with Hart (age 42) of their house: and he is much with her in private, and she goes to him, and do give him many presents; and that the thing is most certain, and Becke Marshall only privy to it, and the means of bringing them together, which is a very odd thing; and by this means she is even with the King's love to Mrs. Davis (age 20). This done, I carried her and set her down at Mrs. Manuel's, but stayed not there myself, nor went in; but straight home, and there to my letters, and so home to bed.
On 31 Mar 1678 Richard Sanford was born to John Sanford of Nynehead Florey, Somerset (age 40) and Elizabeth Knightley (age 24). He was baptised the same day. On 07 Apr 1678 he died. On 09 Apr 1638 he was buried at St Mary's Church, Fawsley [Map].
John Sanford of Nynehead Florey, Somerset: In 1638 he was born. On 21 Jun 1670 he and Elizabeth Knightley were married at St Katharine Cree Church. In 1711 he died.
Elizabeth Knightley: On 08 Jul 1653 she was born to Lucius Knightley and Elizabeth Dent. On 26 Sep 1711 Elizabeth Knightley died.
John Evelyn's Diary. 07 Apr 1695. Lord Halifax (deceased) died suddenly at London, the day his daughter (age 18) was married to the Earl of Nottingham's (age 61) son (age 22) at Burleigh. Lord H. was a very rich man, very witty, and in his younger days somewhat positive.
On 07 Apr 1853 Leopold Saxe Coburg Gotha 1st Duke Albany was born to Prince Albert Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 33) and Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom (age 33) at Buckingham Palace [Map]. Coefficient of inbreeding 7.16%.
On 07 Apr 1854 Catherine Louise Georgina Marlay (age 23) died from childbirth three weeks after giving birth to her daughter Edith Katherine Manners (deceased) who had died at twelve days old. She was buried at Highgate Cemetery on 15 Apr 1854. Monument by William Calder Marshall (age 41) erected in 1862 in a chapel at St Katherine's Church, Rowsley [Map] built for the purpose.
The Diary of George Price Boyce 1855-1857. 07 Apr 1857. Went to Solomon's (age 33). He has a grand picture, "Waiting for the Verdict." Saw some remarkable designs by his young brother (Simeon (age 16)) showing much Rossetti-like feeling8.
Note 8. Abraham Solomon (1824-62), elder brother of Rebecca and Simeon, Lived at 18 Gower Street and was showing his picture before it went to the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition where it was enthusiastically received (Private Collection). Simeon Solomon (c. 1840-1905) who died in poverty and disgrace, though a lesser artist than his brother, attracted attention from his youth with his Old Testament and mystical designs.
On 05 Nov 2004 Anthony Ashley-Cooper 10th Earl of Shaftesbury (age 66) was murdered by the brother, Mohammed M'Barek, of his wife Jamila Ben M'Barek Countess of Shaftesbury (age 43) on her behalf. On 07 Apr 2005 the remains of Anthony Ashley-Cooper 10th Earl of Shaftesbury were discovered in a valley at Théoule-sur-Mer, Alpes-Maritimes on the outskirts of Cannes. His son Anthony Ashley-Cooper 11th Earl of Shaftesbury (age 27) succeeded 11th Earl Shaftesbury, 11th Baron Ashley of Wimborne St Giles, 12th Baronet Cooper of Rockbourne in Southampton. He died six weeks after assuming the title folowing the discovery of his father's remains.
On 07 Apr 2021 Richard Lexington Sutton 9th Baronet (age 83) was murdered at his Dorset home. His net worth was estimated at £301 million in May 2020 which included the Sheraton Grand Hotel on Park Lane and the Athenaeum in Mayfair, and thousands of acres of land across the country, including estates in Lincolnshire, Dorset, and Aberdeenshire. His son David Sutton 10th Baronet (age 61) succeeded 10th Baronet Sutton of Norwood Park in Nottinghamshire.
Births on the 7th April
On 07 Apr 1206 Otto "Illustrious" Wittelsbach II Duke Bavaria was born to Louis Wittelsbach I Duke Bavaria (age 32) and Ludmilla Bohemia Duchess Bavaria.
On 07 Apr 1330 John Plantagenet 3rd Earl Kent was born to Edmund of Woodstock 1st Earl Kent (deceased) and Margaret Wake Countess Kent (age 33) at Arundel Castle [Map]. He a grandson of King Edward I of England.
On 07 Apr 1428 Bishop William Percy was born to Henry Percy 2nd Earl of Northumberland (age 35) and Eleanor Neville Countess Northumberland (age 31). He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.49%.
On 07 Apr 1470 Edward Stafford 2nd Earl Wiltshire was born to John Stafford 1st Earl Wiltshire (age 42) and Constance Green Countess Wiltshire (age 43). He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward III of England.
On 07 Apr 1589 Richard Lumley 1st Viscount Lumley was born to Roger Lumley and Anne Kurtwich. He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward IV of England.
Before 07 Apr 1605 Charles Wray was born to William Wray 1st Baronet (age 50) and Frances Drury Lady Glentworth (age 28).
On 07 Apr 1623 Thomas Mainwaring 1st Baronet was born to Philip Mainwaring (age 32) and Ellen Minshull (age 28)
On 07 Apr 1629 John "The Younger" Habsburg Spain was born illegitimately to Philip IV King Spain (age 23) and María Calderón.
On 07 Apr 1643 Francis Hungate 2nd Baronet was born to Francis Hungate (age 28).
On 07 Apr 1648 John Sheffield 1st Duke of Buckingham and Normanby was born to Edmund Sheffield 2nd Earl Mulgrave (age 36) and Elizabeth Cranfield Countess Mulgrave (age 40).
On 07 Apr 1661 Charles Carnegie 4th Earl Southesk was born to Robert Carnegie 3rd Earl Southesk (age 12) and Anne Hamilton Countess Southesk (age 22)
Before 07 Apr 1663 William Clifton 3rd Baronet was born to Clifford Clifton (age 37) and Frances Finch.
On 07 Apr 1704 Paulet St John 1st Baronet was born.
On 07 Apr 1736 Elizabeth Powys Viscountess Sydney was born to Richard Powys and Mary Brudenell (age 19).
On 07 Apr 1740 Armar Lowry-Corry 1st Earl Belmore was born to Galbraith Lowry aka Lowry-Corry.
On 07 Apr 1760 Edmund Phipps was born to Constantine Phipps 1st Baron Mulgrave (age 37) and Lepell Hervey Baroness Mulgrave (age 36). He a great x 2 grandson of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.
Before 07 Apr 1767 Cecil Weld-Forester 1st Baron Forester was born to Cecil Forester (age 46).
On 07 Apr 1770 William Wordsworth was born to John Wordsworth and Ann Cookson at Wordsworth House.
On 07 Apr 1779 Charles Miles Lambert Monck 6th Baronet was born to William Middleton 5th Baronet (age 41) and Jane Monck Lady Middleton.
On 07 Apr 1781 Francis Leggatt Chantrey was born to Francis Chantrey (age 33) and Sarah Leggatt (age 36) in Jordanthorpe Hall Farm, Norton, South Yorkshire [Map].
On 07 Apr 1797 Louisa Elizabeth Grey Countess Durham was born to Charles Grey 2nd Earl Grey (age 33) and Mary Elizabeth Ponsonby Countess Grey (age 21).
On 07 Apr 1815 Aubrey Beauclerk 7th Duke St Albans was born to Aubrey Beauclerk 6th Duke St Albans (age 49) and Louisa Grace Manners Duchess St Albans (age 38). His father died four months later. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 07 Apr 1832 Lionel Dawson-Damer 4th Earl of Portarlington was born to George Lionel Dawson-Damer (age 43) and Mary Georgiana Seymour (age 33).
On 07 Apr 1839 Susan Charlotte Catherine Pelham-Clinton was born to Henry Pelham-Clinton 5th Duke Newcastle-under-Lyne (age 27) and Susan Harriet Catherine Hamilton Duchess Newcastle under Lyne (age 24).
On 07 Apr 1849 Henry Peter Pitt-Rivers 5th Baron Rivers was born to George Pitt-Rivers 4th Baron Rivers (age 38) and Susan Georgiana Leveson-Gower Baroness Rivers (age 39).
On 07 Apr 1853 Leopold Saxe Coburg Gotha 1st Duke Albany was born to Prince Albert Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 33) and Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom (age 33) at Buckingham Palace [Map]. Coefficient of inbreeding 7.16%.
On 07 Apr 1856 Llewelyn Nevill Vaughan Lloyd-Mostyn 3rd Baron Mostyn was born to Thomas Edward Lloyd-Mostyn (age 26) and Henrietta Augusta Neville (age 26).
On 07 Apr 1861 Madeline Holme-Sumner Lady Jenkinson was born to Arthur Holme-Sumner (age 24) and Georgina Emily Kingscote (age 25).
On 07 Apr 1863 John Esplen 1st Baronet was born.
On 07 Apr 1863 Derek William George Keppel was born to William Keppel 7th Earl Albermarle (age 30) and Sophia Mary MacNab of Dundurn Castle (age 30).
On 07 Apr 1879 John Kennaway 4th Baronet was born to John Henry Kennaway 3rd Baronet (age 41) and Frances Arbuthnot Lady Kennaway (age 36).
On 07 Apr 1884 Robert Pollock Somerville Head 4th Baronet was born to Robert Garnet Head 3rd Baronet (age 39).
On 07 Apr 1891 William Wynne Honywood 10th Baronet was born to John William Honywood 8th Baronet (age 33)
On 07 Apr 1898 Alexander Baring 6th Baron Ashburton was born to Francis Denzil Edward Baring 5th Baron Ashburton (age 31).
On 07 Apr 1898 Arthur William Milborne-Swinnerton-Pilkington 13th Baronet was born to Thomas Edward Milborne-Swinnerton-Pilkington 12th Baronet (age 40) and Kathleen Mary Alexina Cuffe Lady Milborne-Swinnerton-Pilkington (age 26).
On 07 Apr 1900 Noel Lytton 4th Earl of Lytton was born to Neville Bulwer-Lytton 3rd Earl of Lytton (age 21) and Judith Blunt-Lytton 16th Baroness Wentworth (age 27).
On 07 Apr 1908 Robert Alan Clayton-East-Clayton 9th and 5th Baronet was born to George Frederick Lancelot Clayton-East 8th and 4th Baronet (age 35).
On 07 Apr 1914 James Heron Walker 5th Baronet was born to Robert Walker 4th Baronet (age 24) and Synolda Emily Thursby-Pelham Lady Walker and Jaffray.
On 07 Apr 1926 Basil Fitzherbert 14th Baron Stafford was born to Thomas Charles Fitzherbert (age 57).
Marriages on the 7th April
Before 07 Apr 1470 John Stafford 1st Earl Wiltshire (age 42) and Constance Green Countess Wiltshire (age 43) were married. She by marriage Countess Wiltshire. He the son of Humphrey Stafford 1st Duke of Buckingham and Anne Neville Duchess Buckingham (age 62). He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England.
On 07 Apr 1600 Anthony Cope 1st Baronet (age 52) and Anne Paston Lady Hanwell (age 47) were married.
Before 07 Apr 1648 Edmund Sheffield 2nd Earl Mulgrave (age 36) and Elizabeth Cranfield Countess Mulgrave (age 40) were married. She by marriage Countess Mulgrave. She the daughter of Lionel Cranfield 1st Earl Middlesex and Elizabeth Sheppard.
After 07 Apr 1674 William Blackett 1st Baronet (age 52) and Lady Margaret Cock were married. She by marriage Lady Blackett of Newcastle in Northumberland.
On 07 Apr 1778 Thomas Orde-Powlett 1st Baron Bolton (age 37) and Jean Mary Browne Powlett Baroness Bolton (age 27) were married. She the daughter of Charles Powlett 5th Duke Bolton.
On 07 Apr 1801 Charles Whitworth 1st Earl Whitworth (age 48) and Arabella Diana Cope 3rd Duchess Dorset (age 32) were married. She the daughter of Charles Cope 2nd Baronet and Catherine Bisshopp Countess Liverpool (age 56).
On 07 Apr 1825 Francis Baring 1st Baron Northbrook (age 28) and Jane Grey (age 20) were married at Dockyard Chapel, Portsmouth.
Around 07 Apr 1825 Marcus Somerville 4th Baronet and Elizabeth Geale Countess Fortescue were married.
On 07 Apr 1875 William Kingdon Clifford (age 29) and Lucy Lane (age 28) were married. They had two children.
On 07 Apr 1877 Thomas Lister 4th Baron Ribblesdale (age 22) and Charlotte Monckton "Charty" Tennant (age 19) were married at Savoy Chapel Royal [Map].
Deaths on the 7th April
On 07 Apr 1206 Frederick Metz I Duke Lorraine (age 63) died. His son Frederick Metz II Duke Lorraine succeeded II Duke Lorraine.
On 07 Apr 1234 Sancho "Strong" VII King Navarre (age 79) died. His nephew Theobald IV King Navarre (age 32) succeeded IV King Navarre. Margaret Bourbon Queen Consort Navarre (age 17) by marriage Queen Consort Navarre.
On 07 Apr 1287 Robert Mortimer 2nd Baron Mortimer (age 62) died at Richard's Castle, Herefordshire [Map]. He was buried at Worcester Cathedral [Map]. His son Hugh Mortimer 3rd Baron Mortimer (age 32) succeeded 3rd Baron Mortimer Burford aka Richard's Castle. Matilda Baroness Mortimer by marriage Baroness Mortimer Burford aka Richard's Castle.
On 07 Apr 1419 Joan Fitzalan Countess Essex, Hereford and Northampton (age 72) died. She was buried at Waldon Priory and Abbey [Map].
On 07 Apr 1498 Charles VIII King France (age 27) died after he hit his head on a door lintel at Château d'Amboise, Amboise. His second cousin once removed Louis XII King France (age 35) succeeded XII King France: Capet Valois.
On 07 Apr 1578 Mary Dacre (age 14) died in Naworth Castle [Map].
On 07 Apr 1596 Katherine Howard Baroness Berkeley (age 58) died at Caludon, Coventry. She was buried at Draper's Chapel, St Michael's Church, Coventry.
On or before 07 Apr 1652 William Skeffington 3rd Baronet died. He was buried at the Church of St Thomas Becket, Skeffington [Map] on 07 Apr 1652. His first cousin John Skeffington 2nd Viscount Massereene succeeded 4th Baronet Skeffington of Fisherwick in Staffordshire.
On 07 Apr 1681 William Gerard 3rd Baronet (age 69) died. His son William Gerard 4th Baronet (age 43) succeeded 4th Baronet Gerard of Bryn in Lancashire.
On or before 07 Apr 1702 Halswell Tynte 1st Baronet (age 53) died. He was buried on 07 Apr 1702 at the Church of St Edward King and Martyr, Goathurst [Map]. His son John Tynte 2nd Baronet (age 19) succeeded 2nd Baronet Tynte of Halswell in Somerset.
On 07 Apr 1732 John Gordon 3rd Earl Aboyne died. His son Charles Gordon 4th Earl Aboyne (age 6) succeeded 4th Earl Aboyne.
On 07 Apr 1750 George Byng 3rd Viscount Torrington (age 48) died. His son George Byng 4th Viscount Torrington (age 9) succeeded 4th Viscount Torrington. Lucy Boyle Viscountess Torrington by marriage Viscountess Torrington.
On 07 Apr 1762 Harry Trelawny 5th Baronet (age 75) died. His nephew William Trelawny 6th Baronet (age 40) succeeded 6th Baronet Trelawny of Trelawny in Cornwall.
On 17 Sep 1766 Lieutenant-General Bennett Noel (age 51) died. He was buried at the Church of St Peter and St Paul, Exton, Rutlandshire [Map]. After 07 Apr 1784 Elizabeth Adams (age 51) was buried with her husband.
Monument sculpted by Joseph Nollekens (age 29).
Lieutenant-General Bennett Noel: Lieutenant-General Bennett Noel and Elizabeth Adams were married. In 1715 he was born to John Noel and Elizabeth Sherard.
Elizabeth Adams: Around 1715 she was born to Robert Adams. In 1736 Robert Adams died. His estate, reputedly worth £100,000 was divided between his two daughters Margaretta Anna Adams and Elizabeth Adams. On 07 Apr 1784 she died.
On 07 Apr 1771 Harriet Benson Baroness Bingley (age 66) died.
On 07 Apr 1775 Anthony Thomas Abdy 5th Baronet (age 55) died without issue. His brother Captain William Abdy 6th Baronet (age 43) succeeded 6th Baronet Abdy of Felix Hall in Kelveden in Essex.
On 07 Apr 1777 Anne Chamber Countess Temple died.
On 07 Apr 1794 Mary Colley Viscountess Hamberton died.
On 07 Apr 1796 Spencer Compton 8th Earl of Northampton (age 57) died. His son Charles Compton 1st Marquess Northampton (age 36) succeeded 9th Earl of Northampton. Maria Smith Marchioness Northampton (age 30) by marriage Countess of Northampton.
On 07 Apr 1803 Patrick Mcdouall Crichton 6th Earl Dumfries (age 76) died.
On 07 Apr 1811 Reverend Henry Worsley 8th Baronet (age 55) died. His son Leonard Worsley-Holmes 9th Baronet (age 23) succeeded 9th Baronet Worsley of Appuldurcombe.
On 07 Apr 1821 George Pitt 1st Baron Rivers (age 99) died. On 07 Apr 1821 His son George Pitt 2nd Baron Rivers (age 69) succeeded 2nd Baron Rivers of Stratfield Saye in Hampshire, 2nd Baron Rivers of Sudeley Castle in Gloucestershire.
On 07 Apr 1830 George Fermor 3rd Earl Pomfret (age 62) died without issue. On His brother Thomas Fermor 4th Earl Pomfret (age 59) succeeded 4th Earl Pomfret aka Pontefract.
On 07 Apr 1831 Henry Phipps 1st Earl Mulgrave (age 76) died. His son Constantine Phipps 1st Marquess Normanby (age 33) succeeded 2nd Earl Mulgrave, 2nd Viscount Normanby, 4th Baron Mulgrave of New Ross in Wexford and 2nd Baron Mulgrave. Maria Liddell Marchioness Normanby (age 32) by marriage Countess Mulgrave.
On 07 Apr 1835 Elizabeth Compton Countess Burlington (age 74) died in Compton Place Eastbourne.
On 07 Apr 1841 Henry Meux 1st Baronet (age 70) died. His son Henry Meux 2nd Baronet (age 23) succeeded 2nd Baronet Meux of Theobald's Park in Hertfordshire.
On 07 Apr 1852 Randall Edward Plunkett 15th Baron Dunsany (age 47) died. His brother Edward Plunkett 16th Baron Dunsany (age 43) succeeded 16th Baron Dunsany. Anne Constance Dutton Baroness Dunsany (age 35) by marriage Baroness Dunsany.
On 07 Apr 1854 Catherine Louise Georgina Marlay (age 23) died from childbirth three weeks after giving birth to her daughter Edith Katherine Manners (deceased) who had died at twelve days old. She was buried at Highgate Cemetery on 15 Apr 1854. Monument by William Calder Marshall (age 41) erected in 1862 in a chapel at St Katherine's Church, Rowsley [Map] built for the purpose.
On 07 Apr 1855 Maria Windsor Marchioness Downshire (age 65) died.
On 07 Apr 1869 Helena Paterson Bligh Countess Mornington died.
On 07 Apr 1893 Edwin Abercromby Dashwood 8th Baronet (age 38) died. His brother Robert John Dashwood 9th Baronet (age 33) succeeded 9th Baronet Dashwood of West Wycombe in Buckinghamshire.
On 07 Apr 1901 Henry Wilmot 5th Baronet (age 70) died. He was buried at St Mary's Church, Chaddesden [Map]. His nephew Ralph Henry Sacheverell Wilmot 6th Baronet (age 25) succeeded 6th Baronet Wilmot of Chaddesden in Derbyshire.
On 07 Apr 1903 Charles Edmund Isham 10th Baronet (age 83) died. His first cousin once removed Vere Isham 11th Baronet (age 40) succeeded 11th Baronet Isham of Lamport in Northamptonshire.
On 07 Apr 1958 John Roseberry Monson 10th Baron Monson (age 51) died. His son John Monson 11th Baron Monson (age 25) succeeded 11th Baron Monson of Burton in Lincolnshire, 15th Baronet Monson of Carleton in Lincolnshire.
On 07 Apr 1973 Ian Campbell 11th Duke of Argyll (age 69) died. His son Ian Campbell 12th Duke of Argyll (age 35) succeeded 12th Duke Argyll, 9th Baron Hamilton of Hameldon in Leicestershire.
On 05 Nov 2004 Anthony Ashley-Cooper 10th Earl of Shaftesbury (age 66) was murdered by the brother, Mohammed M'Barek, of his wife Jamila Ben M'Barek Countess of Shaftesbury (age 43) on her behalf. On 07 Apr 2005 the remains of Anthony Ashley-Cooper 10th Earl of Shaftesbury were discovered in a valley at Théoule-sur-Mer, Alpes-Maritimes on the outskirts of Cannes. His son Anthony Ashley-Cooper 11th Earl of Shaftesbury (age 27) succeeded 11th Earl Shaftesbury, 11th Baron Ashley of Wimborne St Giles, 12th Baronet Cooper of Rockbourne in Southampton. He died six weeks after assuming the title folowing the discovery of his father's remains.
On 07 Apr 2011 Hugh Denis Charles Fitzroy 11th Duke Grafton (age 92) died at Euston Hall, Suffolk. His grandson Henry Fitzroy 12th Duke Grafton (age 33) succeeded 12th Duke Grafton, 12th Earl Euston, 12th Viscount Ipswich, 12th Baron Sudbury. Olivia Staden Duchess Grafton by marriage Duchess Grafton.
On 07 Apr 2013 John St Aubyn 4th Baron St Levan (age 94) died. His nephew James St Aubyn 5th Baron St Aubyn (age 62) succeeded 5th Baron St Levan of St Michael's Mount in Cornwall, 6th Baronet St Aubyn of St Michael's Mount in Cornwall.
On 07 Apr 2017 Mary Katharine Fitzalan 15th Lady Herries (age 76) died. Her sister Theresa Jane Fitzalan Marchioness Lothian (age 71) succeeded 16th Lord Herries of Terregles.
On 07 Apr 2021 Richard Lexington Sutton 9th Baronet (age 83) was murdered at his Dorset home. His net worth was estimated at £301 million in May 2020 which included the Sheraton Grand Hotel on Park Lane and the Athenaeum in Mayfair, and thousands of acres of land across the country, including estates in Lincolnshire, Dorset, and Aberdeenshire. His son David Sutton 10th Baronet (age 61) succeeded 10th Baronet Sutton of Norwood Park in Nottinghamshire.