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On this Day in History ... 7th June

07 Jun is in June.

1329 Death of Robert the Bruce

1394 Death and Funeral of Anne of Bohemia

1450 Jack Cade's Rebellion

1509 Marriage of King Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon

1660 June Creation of Baronets

1665 Great Plague of London

1666 Four Days' Battle

1673 Battles of Schooneveld

1916 Battle of Jutland

2024 Wedding of the Duke of Westminster

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 7th June

On 07 Jun 1207 Archbishop Stephen Langton (age 57) was consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury at Viterbo [Map] by Pope Innocent III (age 47).

Froissart Book 1 Chapter 20. The foresaid peace, which was purchased between England and Scotland, was to endure three year; and in the meantime it fortuned that king Robert of Scotland (age 54) was right sore aged and feeble: for he was greatly charged with the great sickness, so that there was no way with him but death. And when he felt that his end drew near, he sent for such barons and lords of his realm as he trusted best, and shewed them how there was no remedy with him, but he must needs leave this transitory life, commanding them on the faith and truth that they owed him, truly to keep the realm and aid the young prince David (age 5) his son, and that when he were of age they should obey him and crown him king, and to marry him in such a place as was convenient for his estate. Then he called to him the gentle knight sir William Douglas (age 43) [Note. William appears to be a mistake since it was James "Black" Douglas who took Robert's heart?], and said before all the lords, 'Sir William, my dear friend, ye know well that I have had much ado in my days to uphold and sustain the right of this realm; and when I had most ado, I made a solemn vow, the which as yet I have not accomplished, whereof I am right sorry: the which was, if I might achieve and make an end of all my wars, so that I might once have brought this realm in rest nd peace, then I promised in my mind to rave gone and warred on Christ's enemies, adversaries to our holy Christian faith. To this purpose mine heart hath ever intended, but our Lord would not consent thereto; for I have had so much ado in my days, and now in my last enterprise I have taken such a malady that I cannot escape. And sith it is so, that my body cannot go nor achieve that my heart desireth, I will send the heart instead of the body to accomplish mine avow. And because I know not in all my realm no knight more valiant than ye be, nor of body so well furnished to accomplish mine avow instead of myself, therefore I require you, mine own dear especial friend, that ye will take on you this voyage, for the love of me, and to acquit my soul against my Lord God. For I trust so much in your nobleness and truth, that an ye will take on you, I doubt not but that ye shall achieve it, and declare then shall I die in more ease and quiet, so that it be done in such manner as I shall declare unto you. I will that as soon as I am trespassed out of this world, that ye take my heart out of my body and embalm it, and take of my treasure, as ye shall think sufficient for that enterprise, both for yourself and such company as ye will take with you, and present my heart to the Holy Sepulchre [Map], whereas our Lord lay, seeing my body cannot come there: and take with you such company and purveyance as shall be appertaining to your estate. And wheresoever ye come, let it be known how ye carry with you the heart of king Robert of Scotland at his instance and desire, to be presented to the Holy Sepulchre.' Then all the lords that heard these words wept for pity: and when this knight sir William Douglas might speak for weeping, he said: ' Ah, gentle and noble king, a hundred times I thank your grace of the great honour that ye do to me, sith of so noble and great treasure ye give me in charge; and, sir, I shall do with a glad heart all that ye have commanded me, to the best of my true power, howbeit I am not worthy nor sufficient to achieve such a noble enterprise.' Then the king said, ' Ah, gentle knight, I thank you, so that ye will promise to do it.' 'Sir,' said the knight, ' I shall... embalmed, and honourably he was interred in the abbey of Dunfermline [Map] in the year of our Lord God MCCCXXVII., the seventh day of the month of November [Note. Appears to be an error here 1329 rather than 1327, and most sources agree the date of his death was the 7th of June.].' And when the springing-time began, then sir William Douglas purveyed him of that which appertained for his enterprise and took his ship at the port of Montrose in Scotland, and sailed into Flanders, to Sluys, to hear tidings and to know if there were any nobleman in that country that would go to Jerusalem [Map], to the intent to have more company. And he lay still at Sluys the space of twelve days or he departed, but he would never come a-land, but kept still his ship, and kept always his port and behaviour with great triumph, with trumpets and clarions, as though' he had been king of Scots himself; and in his company there was a knight banneret and seven other knights of the realm of Scotland, and twenty-six young squires and gentlemen to serve him; and all his vessel was of gold and silver-pots, basins, ewers, dishes, flagons, barrels, cups and all other things; and all such as would come and see him, they were well served with two manner of wines and divers manner of spices, all manner. of people according to their degrees. And when he had thus tarried there the space of twelve days, he heard reported that Alphonso king of Spain (age 17) made war against a Saracen king of Granade. Then he thought to draw to that part, thinking surely he could not bestow his time more nobly than to war against God's enemies and that enterprise done, then he thought to go forth to Jerusalem [Map] and to achieve that he was charged with. And so he departed and took the sea toward Spain, and arrived at the port of Valence the great. Then he went straight to the king of Spain, who held his host against the king of Granade Saracen, and they were near together, on the frontiers of his land.

On 07 Jun 1329 King Robert the Bruce I of Scotland (age 54) died at Cardross Manor, Argyll. He was buried at Dunfermline Abbey, Dunfermline. His son King David II of Scotland (age 5) succeeded II King Scotland. Joan of the Tower Queen Consort Scotland (age 7) by marriage Queen Consort Scotland.

Chronicle of Adam of Usk. 07 Jun 1394. In the year of our Lord 1394, on Whitsun-day (7th June), died that most gracious lady Ann, queen of England (age 28), at the manor of Shene [Map], which lies on Thames near to Brentford. Which manor, though a royal one and very fair, did king Richard, by reason that that lady’s death happened therein, command and cause to be utterly destroyed. After the ceremony of her funeral, which was carried out with becoming honours on the morrow of Saint Peter ad Vincula (2nd August), the king, clad, with his train, in weeds of mourning, straightway passed over into Ireland with & great power, to subdue the rebellion of the Irish1. Yet he gained but little; for the Irish, then feigning submission to his will, straightway after his departure were in revolt, as all men know.

Note 1. Richard sailed for Iréland early in September, 1394, and returned in May of the next year.

On 07 Jun 1394 Anne of Bohemia Queen Consort England (age 28) died of plague (probably) at Sheen Palace [Map]. King Richard II of England (age 27) was so distraught at her death he ordered the destruction of Sheen Palalce [Map].

Close Rolls Richard II 1396 1399 V6. 07 Jun 1399. Westminster Palace [Map]. To the keepers, occupiers, receivers or farmers of the lordship of Kyngeston in Dorsete for the time being. Order so long as the same shall remain in the king's hand to pay to John Swelle esquire 20 marks a year, which by a writing indented, confirmed by the king, John late duke of Lancastre granted him for life, to be taken of the issues of the said lordship.

Chronicle of Gregory 1450. 07 Jun 1450. And yn the fowarde, as they wolde have folowyde the captayne, was slayn Syr Umfray Stafforde (age 50) and Wylliam Stafford (age 30), squyer, one the mannylste man of alle this realme of Engelonde, whythe many moo othyr of mene personys at Sevenocke [Map], in Kentt, in her oute ragyng fro her oste of our sovereign lordys the kyng, Harry the vj te. And the kyng (age 28) loggyd that nyght at Grenewyche [Map], and son aftyr every lord whythe his retynewe rood home in to her contraye. [Note. The date sometimes given as the 08 Jun 1450 and 18 Jun 1850]

On 07 Jun 1480 Bishop Edmund Tuchet (age 37) was appointed Bishop of Rochester.

On 07 Jun 1492 Casimir IV King Poland (age 64) died. His son Vladislaus II King Hungary (age 36) succeeded II King Hungary.

On 07 Jun 1502 John III King Portugal was born to Manuel "Fortunate" I King Portugal (age 33) and Maria Trastámara Queen Consort Portugal (age 20). Coefficient of inbreeding 8.38%.

Letters and Papers 1509. 07 Jun 1509. 60. [147.] Catharine of Aragon.

Renunciation by Catharine, in favour of Henry VIII, of her dowry of 200,000cr. (of 4s. 2d.) stipulated by the treaty of 3 June 1503. Greenwich, 7 June 1509.

Lat. Copy. See No. 65 iv.

R. O. Rym., XIII. 261.

Ellis' Letters S1 V1 Letter LVII. Sir Thomas Boleyn (age 42) to Cardinal Wolsey (age 46) upon the Christening of the Duke of Orleans, afterwards King Henry the Second of France. June 7th 1519.

[MS. COTTON. CALIG. D. VII. fol. 121. Orig.]

In a Letter of Sir Thomas Boleyn, dated Poissy, April 9th 1519, he says, he inquired of Francis the First when the Christening of his son should be, who answered " after Easter," because the child had a disease in his eyes: " and he sayeth, all his children have, shortly after they be borne; sayeng also yt was my lady his Mother's mynd, that the chyld shuld bee clene hole of any dysease afore the crystenyng; whos advyse he seyd ht should folow therein."a

In a succeeding Letter, Sir Thomas Boleyn gives an Account of a solempne procession at Court on April 15th "where went in the same the King, the Lady his Mother, with all the lords and ladys of the Court. The cause of this procession was, for to honnour the holy cordon or coorde that Our Lord was bounde to the Pyller with, and many other relyques, which wer sent to the Quene here from an Abbey in Poytow, and from dyvers other places, now when she was last delyuered of chyld."b

Pleasith yt youre .Grace to understand that the first day of this moneth I wrote my last lettres to your Grace; and on Sonday last past about x. of the clocke at nyght, the Kings yong sonne whos title is Henry of Seynt Germayn Duke of Orleans, was crystened, the Duke of Alaunson was the second godfather, and the duchesse of Denamours the god mother. And bicause York, this berar, was there present who can shewe your Grace all the maner and order of the crystenyng I leve to wry te to your Grace of the same; saving that according as your Grace hath here a fore tyme wryten to me I presented to the Quene here in the name of the Kings Highnesse the Salt, the Cuppe, and Layar of gold, which was very much praysed; and also the Quene and my Lady gave to the Kings Highnesse for the same their loving and harty thanks. And after all was doon the King came to me and sayd he thanked the King's Highnesse of the great honnor that he had doon hym in crystenyng of his chyld, sayeng that when so ever yt shall fortune the Kings Highnesse to have a Prince he shalbe glad to doo for hym in lyke maner, and that he is mynded after his said sonne shall come to age and be able to ... he purposyth to send hym to the Kings Grace into Englande to doo hym service.

And the hundreth pounde that your Grace sent to gyve in reward, is bistowed as folowith. First the Noryce, oon hundreth crownes; to iiij. rockers of the yong Dukes chamber, ij. hundreth crownes; to iij. gentlewomen of the Quenes Pryve Chamber called femmes de Ret . a hundreth and fyfty crownes; and at the Offryng xx nobils, which amounteth in all to the some of oone hundreth pounds sterling and xv. crownes over. All which money was paid and delyvered by the hands of York this berar and Richmount, which can shewe your Grace well inough therof.

Furthermore, as this berar can shewe your Grace, there hath been with me at my lodging the Kings Porters, the T ... and Officers of Arrays which with importune manner asked reward saying that the Duke of Urbyn at the crystenyng of the Dolphyn rewarded them, and wyth the best answer that I could make them nothyng given they went away miscontent. Neverthelesse it is ... by honorabull folks here that the gyftes to the Quene, and the money that is gyven in rewardes was sufficiently honorable, and largely inough for the Kings honnor.

I have also laid out xjli. xijs. in sendyng dyvers tymes myn own folks and other that I have hired to your Grace in to England, and to Calais, with Lettres in post and otherwise, the which xjli xijs. and xv. crownes that I have layd out now more than hundreth poundes that your Grace sent me by York to gyve in reward, is owing me. And forasmoch as the last money that your Grace sent me for a hundreth dayes ended the xxviijth. day of May last past I besech your Grace both to send me such dyett money as shall best please your Grace, and that the said xjli xijs. and xv. crownes that is owing me may be also delivered to my prest which shall attend upon your Grace for yt.

Also I receyved yester evyn from your Grace, a Letter dated the xxviijth. day of May, concernyng the Marchaunts matiers and divers other things, whereof after I have spoken with the King, my Lady, or the Counsell here I shall wryte to your Grace such answer as I shall have of them with diligence.

Here is moch speking in the Court and more at Parys of many straunge bouts, whereof this berar can shewe your Grace by mowth as he hath hard, and as I have shewed hym. Besechyng the Holy Trinite long to preserve your Grace. From Poyssy this vijV 1 day of June

Youre ....

To my moste especial and singular Lord; my Lord Legat Cardinall, Chauncellar of England.

Note a. MS. Cotton. Calig. D. vn. fol. 108.

Note b. Ibid. fol. 110.

Letters and Papers 1530. 07 Jun 1530. Add. MS. 28,580, f. 125. B. M. 6437. Mai to Charles V (age 30).

The Pope has told me more plainly what I wrote to your Majesty that he knew very well, namely, that owing to the death of a lady to whom the Duke of Norfolk (age 57) had married, or intended to marry, his son, they have treated to marry the same son to the princess of Wales; for which reason Boleyn (age 53) has lost much hope of the marriage of Mrs. Anne (age 29) with the King; and the King has spent much money in buying goods and lands for the support of the Lady. This is thought to be evidence that he begins to give up hope of his suit, because, if he meant to make her Queen, she would have no need of these things. Rome, 7 June 1530.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 07 Jun 1552. The vij day of Juin the duke of Northumberland (age 48) and dyvers of the kynges consell sat at yeld-hall [to hear] serten causys, and toke up my lord mayre and [his] brodurne for vetell, because he lokyd not to yt, and for sellyng of the sam, and odur causys.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 07 Jun 1557. The vij day of Juin was a proclamassyon in London by the quen('s) (age 41) grace, of the latt duke of Northumberland was supported and furdered by Henry the Frenche kyng (age 38) and ys menysters, and by the heddes of Dudley, Asheton, and by the consperacy of Wyatt and ys trayturs band; and the sayd kynges mynysters dyd secretly practysse and gyff, and they favorabulle; with trumpeters blohyng, and a x harroldes of armes, and with my lord mayre (age 57) and the althermen; and by the lat Stafford (deceased) and with odur rebelles whom he had interteynyd in ys rayme, and dyver odur mo, the wyche be ther yett on-taken.

Note. P. 138. Proclamation of war with France. A transcript (from the printed copy) of this Proclamation may be found in Starkey's collections, MS. Harl. 353, f. 184. See also Holinshed, 1st edit. p. 1767; Stowe's Chronicle, 1631, p. 631.

On 07 Jun 1557 William Harvey (age 47) was sent to France to declare war on behalf of Queen Mary I of England and Ireland (age 41).

On 24 Apr 1576 Elizabeth Carey was born to George Carey 2nd Baron Hunsdon (age 29) and Elizabeth Spencer Baroness Hunsdon and Eure (age 23). She was baptised on the 07 Jun 1576 at St Dunstan's Church, Hunsdon; her godmothers were Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 42) and Elizabeth Tailboys Countess Warwick.

On 07 Jun 1594 Roderigo Lopes (age 77), Ferreira da Gama and Tinoco were Hanged, drawn and quartered at Tyburn [Map]. Lopes' property was forfeited on his attainder.

On 07 Jun 1618 Thomas West 3rd Baron De La Warr (age 41) died at sea while travelling from England to Virginia. His son Henry West 4th Baron De La Warr (age 15) succeeded 4th Baron De La Warr.

In Jun 1660 King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 30) rewarded those who supported his Restoration ...

6th William Wray 1st Baronet (age 35) and John Talbot of Lacock (age 29) were knighted.

7th Geoffrey Palmer 1st Baronet (age 62) was created 1st Baronet Palmer of Carlton in Northampton

7th Orlando Bridgeman 1st Baronet (age 54) was created 1st Baronet Bridgeman of Great Lever in Lancashire.

7th John Langham 1st Baronet (age 76) was created 1st Baronet Langham of Cottesbrooke in Northamptonshire.

11th Henry Wright 1st Baronet (age 23) was created 1st Baronet Wright of Dagenham. Ann Crew Lady Wright by marriage Lady Wright of Dagenham.

13th Nicholas Gould 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Gould of the City of London.

14th Thomas Allen 1st Baronet (age 27) was created 1st Baronet Allen of Totteridge in Middlesex.

18th Thomas Cullum 1st Baronet (age 73) was created 1st Baronet Cullum of Hastede in Suffolk.

19th Thomas Darcy 1st Baronet (age 28) was created 1st Baronet Darcy of St Osith's.

22nd Robert Cordell 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Cordell of Long Melford.

22nd John Robinson 1st Baronet (age 45) was created 1st Baronet Robinson of London. Anne Whitmore Lady Robinson (age 48) by marriage Lady Robinson of London.

25th William Bowyer 1st Baronet (age 47) was created 1st Baronet Bowyer of Denham Court. Margaret Weld Lady Bowyer (age 43) by marriage Lady Bowyer of Denham Court.

25th Thomas Stanley 1st Baronet (age 63) was created 1st Baronet Stanley of Alderley in Cheshire.

26th Jacob Astley 1st Baronet (age 21) was created 1st Baronet Astley of Hill Morton.

27th William Wray 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Wray of Ashby in Lincolnshire. Olympia Tufton Lady Ashby (age 36) by marriage Lady Wray of Ashby in Lincolnshire.

28th Oliver St John 1st Baronet (age 36) was created 1st Baronet St John of Woodford in Northamptonshire.

29th Ralph Delaval 1st Baronet (age 37) was created 1st Baronet Delaval of Seaton in Northumberland. Anne Leslie Lady Delaval by marriage Lady Delaval of Seaton in Northumberland.

30th Andrew Henley 1st Baronet (age 38) was created 1st Baronet Henley of Henley in Somerset.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Jun 1665. This day, much against my will, I did in Drury Lane see two or three houses marked with a red cross upon the doors, and "Lord have mercy upon us" writ there; which was a sad sight to me, being the first of the kind that, to my remembrance, I ever saw. It put me into an ill conception of myself and my smell, so that I was forced to buy some roll-tobacco to smell to and chaw, which took away the apprehension.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Jun 1665. So took water and to Fox-Hall, to the Spring garden, and there walked an houre or two with great pleasure, saving our minds ill at ease concerning the fleete and my Lord Sandwich (age 39), that we have no newes of them, and ill reports run up and down of his being killed, but without ground. Here staid pleasantly walking and spending but 6d. till nine at night, and then by water to White Hall, and there I stopped to hear news of the fleete, but none come, which is strange, and so by water home, where, weary with walking and with the mighty heat of the weather, and for my wife's not coming home, I staying walking in the garden till twelve at night, when it begun to lighten exceedingly, through the greatness of the heat. Then despairing of her coming home, I to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Jun 1665. Thence to the office, and meeting Creed away with him to my Lord Treasurer's (age 58), there thinking to have met the goldsmiths, at White Hall, but did not, and so appointed another time for my Lord to speak to them to advance us some money.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Jun 1666. Up betimes, and to my office about business (Sir W. Coventry (age 38) having sent me word that he is gone down to the fleete to see how matters stand, and to be back again speedily); and with the same expectation of congratulating ourselves with the victory that I had yesterday. But my Lord Bruncker (age 46) and Sir T. H. (age 41) that come from Court, tell me quite contrary newes, which astonishes me: that is to say, that we are beaten, lost many ships and good commanders; have not taken one ship of the enemy's; and so can only report ourselves a victory; nor is it certain that we were left masters of the field. But, above all, that The Prince run on shore upon the Galloper, and there stuck; was endeavoured to be fetched off by the Dutch, but could not; and so they burned her; and Sir G. Ascue (age 50) is taken prisoner, and carried into Holland. This newes do much trouble me, and the thoughts of the ill consequences of it, and the pride and presumption that brought us to it.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Jun 1666. By and by comes Mr. Wayth to me; and discoursing of our ill successe, he tells me plainly from Captain Page's own mouth (who hath lost his arm in the fight), that the Dutch did pursue us two hours before they left us, and then they suffered us to go on homewards, and they retreated towards their coast: which is very sad newes. Then to my office and anon to White Hall, late, to the Duke of York (age 32) to see what commands he hath and to pray a meeting to-morrow for Tangier in behalf of Mr. Yeabsly, which I did do and do find the Duke much damped in his discourse, touching the late fight, and all the Court talk sadly of it. The Duke did give me several letters he had received from the fleete, and Sir W. Coventry (age 38) and Sir W. Pen (age 45), who are gone down thither, for me to pick out some works to be done for the setting out the fleete again; and so I took them home with me, and was drawing out an abstract of them till midnight. And as to newes, I do find great reason to think that we are beaten in every respect, and that we are the losers. The Prince upon the Galloper, where both the Royall Charles and Royall Katharine had come twice aground, but got off. The Essex carried into Holland; the Swiftsure missing (Sir William Barkeley (deceased)) ever since the beginning of the fight. Captains Bacon, Tearne, Wood, Mootham, Whitty, and Coppin, slayne. The Duke of Albemarle (age 57) writes, that he never fought with worse officers in his life, not above twenty of them behaving themselves like men. Sir William Clerke (deceased) lost his leg; and in two days died. The Loyall George, Seven Oakes, and Swiftsure, are still missing, having never, as the Generall writes himself, engaged with them. It was as great an alteration to find myself required to write a sad letter instead of a triumphant one to my Lady Sandwich (age 41) this night, as ever on any occasion I had in my life. So late home and to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Jun 1667. This day I read (shown me by Mr. Gibson) a discourse newly come forth of the King of France (age 28), his pretence to Flanders, which is a very fine discourse, and the truth is, hath so much of the Civil Law in it, that I am not a fit judge of it, but, as it appears to me, he hath a good pretence to it by right of his Queene (age 28). So to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Jun 1667. Up, and after with my flageolet and Mr. Townsend, whom I sent for to come to me to discourse about my Lord Sandwich's (age 41) business; for whom I am in some pain, lest the Accounts of the Wardrobe may not be in so good order as may please the new Lords Treasurers, who are quick-sighted, and under obligations of recommending themselves to the King (age 37) and the world, by their finding and mending of faults, and are, most of them, not the best friends to my Lord, and to the office, and there all the morning.

On 07 Jun 1671 Richard Beek died. Buried at St Andrew's Church, Wimpole [Map].

On 07 Jun 1673 and 14 Jun 1673 two naval battles took place between an allied Anglo-French fleet commanded by Prince Rupert Palatinate Simmern 1st Duke Cumberland (age 53) on his flagship the Royal Charles, and the fleet of the United Provinces, commanded by Admiral Michiel de Ruyter (age 66). The Dutch won both battles.

The Gloucester took part.

John Evelyn's Diary. 07 Jun 1689. I visited the Archbishop of Canterbury (age 72), and stayed with him till about seven o'clock. He read to me the Pope's excommunication of the French King (age 50).

Roger Whitley's Diary. 07 Jun 1690. Satorday, severall of the King's servants came to provide for him; viz: Mr Isaack, Lambe, Clarke, Fronteene, &c. neare 2 o'clock the King (age 39) came, with Lord: Portland (age 40), Scarborow (age 40); Overkirk (age 50), Solmes, Scranmore, Zulestein, &c. Dutch & English, the Bishop: & severall of the clergy, &c. the King went to dine, past 2; had severall of his noblemen & gentry to dine with him; he also commanded the Bishop: & me to sitt downe; Lord Warrington (age 38) came when we were at dinner; sate downe; we were 13 or 14 at table; his Majesty did me the honor to drink to me; after dinner he talked with me a long while at the window; then retired, writ letters, &c. Sir Thomas Delves (age 59) & severall gentlemen of the County dined with Mr Isack (who had tables provided in the Kilne) & the rest of the King's servants, officers of the Guards, &c. were provided for in one place or other; the King walked in the gardens, to the stables in the evening; discoursed often very obligingly with me after he came in; retired to his chamber; had some new layd eggs to his supper; went to bed before 11. in the afternoone the County gentlemen, clergy, cittisens of Chester & Recorder (who were sent to [fo. 119r] know his Majesty's: pleasure about coming to Chester) kissed his hand; & in the evening my daughters, grandchildren, aunts &c; when he walked in the garden he gathered cherryes & seemed well pleased, &c. there was a good supper prepared in the Kilne for those that would eate, besides many of the King's great officers & servants; Lord Warrington, Sir Rowland Gwynn (age 32) & others lay in the house; I went to bed (weary) before 11 o'clock; Lord Brandon (age 31) lay at Mr Hardwares, also Mr Row.

On 07 Jun 1760 at a ball Horace Walpole (age 42) wrote to the Earl of Strafford (age 38) ... that there appeared a new Miss Bishop (age 19) from Sir Cecil's (age 59) endless hoard of beautiful daughters, who is still prettier than her sisters.

On 07 Jun 1820 Charles Cavendish Fulke Greville (age 26) noted in his diary "The Queen (age 52) arrived in London yesterday at seven o'clock ... She travelled in an open landau, Alderman Wood (age 52) sitting by her side and Lady Anne Hamilton (age 54) and another woman opposite. Everybody was disgusted at the vulgarity of Wood in sitting in the place of honour, while the Duke of Hamilton's (age 52) sister was sitting backwards in the carriage"

On 07 Jun 1840 Frederick William III King Prussia (age 69) died. His son Frederick William IV King Prussia (age 44) succeeded IV King Prussia.

On 07 Jun 1898 Henry Lewis Noel (age 74) died.

Memorial at the Church of St Peter and St Paul, Exton, Rutlandshire [Map] commissioned by his daughter Emilia F Noel.

Henry Lewis Noel: In 1824 he was born to Charles Noel 1st Earl Gainsborough and Arabella Hamlyn-Williams.

Emilia F Noel: she was born to Henry Lewis Noel.

On 07 Jun 1907 Sigvard Bernadotte was born to Gustaf Adolph VI King Sweden (age 24) and Margaret "Daisy" Windsor (age 25). He a great grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 07 Jun 1916 Leading Seaman James Horace Wainscott died from wounds received at the Battle of Jutland whilst serving aboard HMS Southampton. Grave at All Hallows' Church Harthill [Map].

On 07 Jun 2024 Hugh Grosvenor 7th Duke of Westminster (age 33) and Olivia Henson were married at Chester Cathedral [Map]. He the son of Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor 6th Duke Westminster and Natalia Phillips Duchess of Westminster (age 65).

William Prince of Wales (age 41) attended.

Guests included Edwina Grosvenor (age 42) and her husband Dan Snow.

The city’s annual Summer Flowers project has been funded by the couple, with 100,000 flowers planted as part of the wedding celebrations and they have also paid for free ice cream and sorbet from three local independent businesses to be given to visitors to Chester city centre through the day. BBC.

Births on the 7th June

On 07 Jun 1348 Thomas Berkeley was born to Thomas Rich Berkeley 8th and 3rd Baron Berkeley (age 52) and Katherine Clivedon Baroness Berkeley (age 38).

On 07 Jun 1502 John III King Portugal was born to Manuel "Fortunate" I King Portugal (age 33) and Maria Trastámara Queen Consort Portugal (age 20). Coefficient of inbreeding 8.38%.

On 24 Apr 1576 Elizabeth Carey was born to George Carey 2nd Baron Hunsdon (age 29) and Elizabeth Spencer Baroness Hunsdon and Eure (age 23). She was baptised on the 07 Jun 1576 at St Dunstan's Church, Hunsdon; her godmothers were Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 42) and Elizabeth Tailboys Countess Warwick.

On 07 Jun 1657 George Evelyn was born to John Evelyn (age 36) and Mary Browne (age 22).

On 07 Jun 1663 Elizabeth Lister Countess of Banbury was born to Michael Lister (age 22).

On 07 Jun 1682 Lionel Tollemache was born to Lionel Tollemache 3rd Earl Dysart (age 33) and Grace Wilbraham Countess Dysart (age 21).

Before 07 Jun 1720 Mary Davison Lady Eden was born.

On 07 Jun 1722 George Paulett 12th Marquess Winchester was born to Norton Powlett (age 41).

On 07 Jun 1727 Rachel Cavendish was born to William Cavendish 3rd Duke Devonshire (age 28) and Catherine Hoskins Duchess Devonshire (age 28).

On 07 Jun 1740 Edward Lascelles 1st Earl Harewood was born to Edward Lascelles (age 38).

On 07 Jun 1746 Jules 1st Duke of Polignac was born.

On 07 Jun 1752 James Lamb aka Burges 1st Baronet was born.

On 07 Jun 1770 Robert Jenkinson 2nd Earl Liverpool was born to Charles Jenkinson 1st Earl Liverpool (age 41) and Amelia Watts (age 19). His mother died one month later.

On 07 Jun 1771 Thomas Dingley Hatton 10th Baronet was born to Thomas Hatton 8th Baronet (age 42).

On 07 Jun 1789 Antoine Héraclius Agénor 9th Duc de Gramont was born to Antoine 8th Duke Gramont (age 33) and Aglae de Polignac "Guichette" Duchess Gramont (age 21).

On 07 Jun 1807 James Hope-Wallace was born to John Hope 4th Earl Hopetoun (age 41) and Louisa Dorothea Wedderburn (age 20).

On 07 Jun 1811 James Young Simpson 1st Baronet was born to David Simpson (age 50) and Mary Jarvey (age 40) at Bathgate.

On 07 Jun 1814 Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Scott Hawkins was born to John Cæsar Hawkins 3rd Baronet (age 32) and Charlotte Cassandra Surtees.

On 07 Jun 1822 Stillborn daughter Hesse Darmstadt was born to Louis Hesse Darmstadt II Grand Duke (age 44) and Princess Wilhelmine Baden (age 33). Coefficient of inbreeding 7.03%.

On 03 Jun 1830 Edward Joseph Bellew 2nd Baron Bellew was born to Patrick Bellew 1st Baron Bellew (age 32) and Anna Fermina de Mendoza Baroness bellew. He was baptised on 07 Jun 1830 at the Roman Catholic Cathedral, Dublin.

On 07 Jun 1835 Alice Mary Emily Hay was born to William Hay 18th Earl Erroll (age 34) and Elizabeth Fitzclarence Countess Erroll (age 34). She a granddaughter of King William IV of the United Kingdom.

On 04 Jun 1843 Mary Bruce was born to James Bruce 12th Earl Kincardine 8th Earl Elgin (age 31) and Elizabeth Mary Cumming Bruce Countess Kincardine and Elgin at Jamaica. On 07 Jun 1843 she and her mother died.

On 07 Jun 1850 Lyulph Richard Grandby William Lumley was born to Richard Lumley 9th Earl Scarborough (age 37) and Adeliza Drummond Countess Scarborough.

On 07 Jun 1862 Aubrey Fitzclarence 4th Earl Munster was born to William Fitzclarence 2nd Earl Munster (age 38) and Wilhelmina Kennedy-Erskine (age 31). He a great grandson of King William IV of the United Kingdom. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.

On 07 Jun 1889 Derrick Wernher 2nd Baronet was born to Julius Charles Wernher 1st Baronet (age 39) and Alice Mankiewicz Baroness Ludlow.

On 07 Jun 1907 Sigvard Bernadotte was born to Gustaf Adolph VI King Sweden (age 24) and Margaret "Daisy" Windsor (age 25). He a great grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 07 Jun 1917 John Dudley North 13th Baron North was born to Dudley William John North (age 27).

On 07 Jun 1941 Elizabeth Georgiana Anson Lady Shakerley was born to Thomas William Anson (age 28) and Anne Ferelith Bowes-Lyon (age 23). Her mother was niece of the Queen Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon Queen Consort England (age 40); as such he was a second cousin to King Charles III.

On 07 Jun 1950 John Lytton 5th Earl of Lytton was born to Noel Lytton 4th Earl of Lytton (age 50).

On 07 Jun 1951 Ralph Palmer 12th Baron Lucas was born to Major Robert Jocelyn Palmer Baron Lucas (age 32) and Anne Rosemary Cooper 11th Baroness Lucas (age 32).

Marriages on the 7th June

Before 07 Jun 1315 Thomas de Vere (age 33) and Agnes Ros Baroness Tibetot were married. He the son of Robert de Vere 6th Earl of Oxford (age 57) and Margaret Mortimer Countess of Oxford. He a great x 3 grandson of King John of England.

On 07 Jun 1576 Thomas Howard 1st Viscount Howard Bindon (age 56) and Mabel Burton Viscountess Howard Bindon (age 36) were married. She by marriage Viscountess Howard Bindon. The difference in their ages was 20 years. He the son of Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk and Elizabeth Stafford Duchess Norfolk.

Before 07 Jun 1647 James Hamilton 1st Earl Clanbrassil (age 29) and Anne Carey Countess Clanbrassil (age 21) were married. She the daughter of Henry Carey 2nd Earl Monmouth (age 51) and Martha Cranfield Countess Monmouth (age 46).

On 07 Jun 1661 Henry Ingram 1st Viscount Irvine (age 21) and Essex Montagu Viscountess Irvine were married. She by marriage Viscountess Irvine. She the daughter of Edward Montagu 2nd Earl Manchester (age 59).

In 07 Jun 1683 John Bright 1st Baronet (age 63) and Susannah Wharton were married.

On 07 Jun 1696 Frederick Saxe Coburg Altenburg II Duke Saxe Gotha Altenburg (age 19) and Magdalena Augusta Anhalt Zerbst Anhaltzerbst Duchess Saxe Gotha Altenburg were married. She by marriage Duchess Saxe Gotha Altenburg. He the son of Frederick Saxe Coburg Altenburg I Duke Saxe Gotha Altenburg and Duchess Magdalena Sibylle of Saxe Gotha Altenburg.

On 07 Jun 1739 Henry Paget 1st Earl Uxbridge (age 76) and Elizabeth Bagot Countess Uxbridge (age 65) were married. She by marriage Countess Uxbridge.

On 07 Jun 1749 Charles Fane 2nd Viscount Fane (age 41) and Susanna Marriott Viscountess Fane were married at St Benet's Church, Paul's Wharf [Map]. She by marriage Viscountess Fane.

On 07 Jun 1775 Robert Stewart 1st Marquess Londonderry (age 35) and Frances Pratt Marchioness Londonderry (age 24) were married. She the daughter of Charles Pratt 1st Earl Camden (age 61) and Elizabeth Jeffreys Countess Camden (age 50).

On 07 Jun 1824 William Fitzgerald De Ros 22nd Baron Ros Helmsley (age 26) and Georgiana Lennox Baroness Ros of Helmsley (age 28) were married. She the daughter of Charles Lennox 4th Duke Richmond and Charlotte Gordon Duchess Richmond (age 55). They were second cousins. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 07 Jun 1851 Augustus Henry Vernon 6th Baron Vernon (age 22) and Harriet Frances Maria Anson Baroness Vernon (age 23) were married. She the daughter of Thomas William Anson 1st Earl Lichfield (age 55) and Louisa Barbara Catherine Phillips Countess Lichfield (age 51). They were third cousins.

On 07 Jun 1893 George Frampton (age 32) and Christabel Cockerell (age 28) were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square. Her father George Russell Cockerell (age 55) was one of the witnesses.

On 07 Jun 1962 Victor Montagu 10th Earl Sandwich (age 56) and Anne Cavendish Countess Sandwich (age 52) were married. She the daughter of Victor Christian William Cavendish 9th Duke Devonshire and Evelyn Emily Mary Petty-Fitzmaurice Duchess Devonshire. He the son of George Charles Montagu 9th Earl Sandwich (age 87) and Alberta Sturges Countess Sandwich (age 84).

On 07 Jun 2024 Hugh Grosvenor 7th Duke of Westminster (age 33) and Olivia Henson were married at Chester Cathedral [Map]. He the son of Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor 6th Duke Westminster and Natalia Phillips Duchess of Westminster (age 65).

William Prince of Wales (age 41) attended.

Guests included Edwina Grosvenor (age 42) and her husband Dan Snow.

The city’s annual Summer Flowers project has been funded by the couple, with 100,000 flowers planted as part of the wedding celebrations and they have also paid for free ice cream and sorbet from three local independent businesses to be given to visitors to Chester city centre through the day. BBC.

Deaths on the 7th June

On 07 Jun 1329 King Robert the Bruce I of Scotland (age 54) died at Cardross Manor, Argyll. He was buried at Dunfermline Abbey, Dunfermline. His son King David II of Scotland (age 5) succeeded II King Scotland. Joan of the Tower Queen Consort Scotland (age 7) by marriage Queen Consort Scotland.

On 07 Jun 1394 Anne of Bohemia Queen Consort England (age 28) died of plague (probably) at Sheen Palace [Map]. King Richard II of England (age 27) was so distraught at her death he ordered the destruction of Sheen Palalce [Map].

Chronicle of Gregory 1450. 07 Jun 1450. And yn the fowarde, as they wolde have folowyde the captayne, was slayn Syr Umfray Stafforde (age 50) and Wylliam Stafford (age 30), squyer, one the mannylste man of alle this realme of Engelonde, whythe many moo othyr of mene personys at Sevenocke [Map], in Kentt, in her oute ragyng fro her oste of our sovereign lordys the kyng, Harry the vj te. And the kyng (age 28) loggyd that nyght at Grenewyche [Map], and son aftyr every lord whythe his retynewe rood home in to her contraye. [Note. The date sometimes given as the 08 Jun 1450 and 18 Jun 1850]

On 07 Jun 1488 Hugh Hastings 10th Baron Hastings (age 51) died. His son John Hastings 11th Baron Hastings (age 22) de jure 11th Baron Hastings. Catherine Aske Baroness Hastings by marriage Baroness Hastings.

On 07 Jun 1488 Anne Gascoigne Baroness Hastings (age 52) died at Fenwick Manor.

On 07 Jun 1492 Casimir IV King Poland (age 64) died. His son Vladislaus II King Hungary (age 36) succeeded II King Hungary.

On 07 Jun 1550 Ellen Barnewall Baroness Killeen (age 37) died.

On 07 Jun 1618 Thomas West 3rd Baron De La Warr (age 41) died at sea while travelling from England to Virginia. His son Henry West 4th Baron De La Warr (age 15) succeeded 4th Baron De La Warr.

On 07 Jun 1697 John Aubrey (age 71) died.

On 07 Jun 1699 Jane Monins Lady Knatchbull died.

On 25 May 1720 Gregory Page 1st Baronet (age 51) died. He was buried at St Alfege's Church, Greenwich on 07 Jun 1720. His son Gregory Page 2nd Baronet (age 25) succeeded 2nd Baronet Page of Greenwich in Kent.

On 07 Jun 1731 William Aikman (age 48) died.

On 07 Jun 1748 Henry Harpur 5th Baronet (age 39) died. His son Henry Harpur 6th Baronet (age 9) succeeded 6th Baronet Harpur of Calke Abbey in Derbyshire.

On 07 Jun 1782 Charles Louis Buck 4th Baronet (age 60) died. Baronet Buck of Hamby Grange in Lincolnshire extinct.

On 07 Jun 1794 John Browne 1st Baron Kilmaine (age 68) died. His son James Browne 2nd Baron Kilmaine (age 29) succeeded 2nd Baron Kilmain, 8th Baronet Browne of The Neale in County Mayo.

On 07 Jun 1821 Elizabeth Stephenson Countess Mexborough (age 59) died. She was buried in Westminster Abbey [Map].

Monument in Church of St Oswald, Methley [Map] sculpted by Robert Blore (age 41).

On 07 Jun 1839 Robert John Buxton 1st Baronet (age 85) died. His son John Jacob Buxton 2nd Baronet (age 50) succeeded 2nd Baronet Buxton of Shadwell Lodge in Norfolk.

On 07 Jun 1840 Frederick William III King Prussia (age 69) died. His son Frederick William IV King Prussia (age 44) succeeded IV King Prussia.

On 07 Jun 1923 Thomas Roe 1st Baron Roe (age 90) died. Baron Roe of Derby extinct.

On 07 Jun 1945 Charles Pellew 7th Viscount Exmouth (age 82) died. His second cousin Edward Pellew 8th Viscount Exmouth (age 77) succeeded 8th Viscount Exmouth, 8th Baron Exmouth of Canonteign, 8th Baronet Pellew of Treverry in Cornwall. Frances Edwards Viscountess Exmouth by marriage Viscountess Exmouth.