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07 Oct is in October.
Events on the 7th October
On 07 Oct 919 Charles "Simple" III King West Francia (age 40) and Eadgifu Wessex Queen Consort West Francia were married. She by marriage Queen Consort West Francia. She the daughter of King Edward "Elder" of the Anglo Saxons (age 45) and Aelfflaed Wiltshire Queen Anglo Saxons (age 49). He the son of Louis "Stammerer" II King Aquitaine III King West Francia and Adelaide Paris Queen Consort Aquitaine and West Francia.
On 07 Oct 929 Charles "Simple" III King West Francia (age 50) died.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1022. This year went King Knute (age 27) out with his ships to the Isle of Wight [Map]. And Bishop Ethelnoth went to Rome; where he was received with much honour by Benedict the magnificent pope, who with his own hand placed the pall upon him, and with great pomp consecrated him archbishop, and blessed him, on the nones of October. The archbishop on the self-same day with the same pall performed mass, as the pope directed him, after which he was magnificently entertained by the pope himself; and afterwards with a full blessing proceeded homewards. Abbot Leofwine, who had been unjustly expelled from Ely, was his companion; and he cleared himself of everything, which, as the pope informed him, had been laid to his charge, on the testimony of the archbishop and of all the company that were with him.
On 07 Oct 1072 Sancho "Strong" II King Leon II King Castile (age 35) died. His brother Alfonso "Brave" VI King Leon VI King Castile (age 31) succeeded VI King Castile. Agnes Poitiers Queen Consort Leon Queen Consort Castile (age 20) by marriage Queen Consort Castile.
On 07 Oct 1368 Lionel Plantagenet 1st Duke of Clarence (age 29) died from poisoning at Alba [Map]. Duke Clarence extinct. He was buried at the St Pietro Ciel d'Oro Church, Pavia [Map].
There was strong speculation he had been poisoned by his wife's (age 14) father (age 48).
On 07 Oct 1409 Elizabeth Luxemburg Duchess Austria was born to Holy Roman Emper Sigismund (age 41) and Barbara of Cilli Holy Roman Empress (age 17).
On 07 Oct 1471 King Frederick I of Denmark was born to Christian I King Denmark (age 45) and Dorothea of Brandenburg (age 40).
On 07 Oct 1471 Richard Willoughby died. He was buried in St Leonard's Church, Wollaton [Map].
Monument to Richard Willoughby and Anna Leeke. Excellent brass with Cadaver Underneath. The arms being, left to right, Bugge Arms,
Bugge Arms impaled with Leeke,
Bugge Arms impaled with Foljambe Arms,
Bugge Arms impaled with Annesley Arms.
Richard Willoughby: he was born to Hugh Willoughby and Isabel Foljambe. In or before 1468 Richard Willoughby and Anna Leeke were married.
Anna Leeke: Around 1425 she was born to Simon Leeke in Cotham Ollerton, Nottinghamshire. Around 1468 Anna Leeke died in Wollaton, Nottinghamshire. She was buried at St Leonard's Church, Wollaton.
On 07 Oct 1515 Duarte Aviz was born to Manuel "Fortunate" I King Portugal (age 46) and Maria Trastámara Queen Consort Portugal (age 33). Coefficient of inbreeding 8.38%.
Letters and Papers 1528. 07 Oct 1528. R.O. St.P.IV.515. 4828. Magnus To Wolsey.
My lord of Richmond (age 9) is in good health and merry. Since the beginning of this sweat he has lain in a private place with few attendants, but has now come hither. He lately paid a visit for one night to my lord of Northumberland, who pressed him to come and see his house at Topcliff, and conducted himself more like a man than a child of his tender age. Cannot be at London this term, as lady Salisbury expects; but my Lord's receiver and auditor in the South are instructed to search for evidences touching Canford. The lord Dacre (age 35) called here on his way South to see the King. There is great business between him and the earl of Cumberland (age 35) about the rule of the town and castle of Carlisle, which Magnus thinks should be annexed to the wardenry.
Sir Will. Parre, who is or will be with Wolsey this term, will show him what he has done in reducing my lord of Richmond's household to better order and less charges. Sheriffhutton, 7 Oct.
Hol. Add. Endd.
On 07 Oct 1548 Augustus Wettin Elector of Saxony (age 22) and Anna Oldenburg (age 15) were married at Torgau. She the daughter of Christian III King Denmark (age 45) and Dorothea of Saxe Lauenburg Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 37). They were third cousin once removed.
John Evelyn's Diary. 07 Oct 1649. To the Louvre, to visit the Countess of Moreton (age 40), governess to Madame (age 5).
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Oct 1660. Lord's Day. To White Hall on foot, calling at my father's (age 59) to change my long black cloak for a short one (long cloaks being now quite out); but he being gone to church, I could not get one, and therefore I proceeded on and came to my Lord before he went to chapel and so went with him, where I heard Dr. Spurstow preach before the King a poor dry sermon; but a very good anthem of Captn. Cooke's afterwards. Going out of chapel I met with Jack Cole, my old friend (whom I had not seen a great while before), and have promised to renew acquaintance in London together. To my Lord's and dined with him; he all dinner time talking French to me, and telling me the story how the Duke of York hath got my Lord Chancellor's (age 51) daughter (age 23)1 with child, and that she, do lay it to him, and that for certain he did promise her marriage, and had signed it with his blood, but that he by stealth had got the paper out of her cabinet. And that the King would have him to marry her, but that he will not. So that the thing is very bad for the Duke, and them all; but my Lord do make light of it, as a thing that he believes is not a new thing for the Duke to do abroad. Discoursing concerning what if the Duke should marry her, my Lord told me that among his father's many old sayings that he had wrote in a book of his, this is one-that he that do get a wench with child and marry her afterwards is as if a man should--in his hat and then clap it on his head. I perceive my Lord is grown a man very indifferent in all matters of religion, and so makes nothing of these things. After dinner to the Abbey, where I heard them read the church-service, but very ridiculously, that indeed I do not in myself like it at all. A poor cold sermon of Dr. Lamb's, one of the prebends, in his habit, came afterwards, and so all ended, and by my troth a pitiful sorry devotion that these men pay. So walked home by land, and before supper I read part of the Marian persecution in Mr. Fuller (age 52). So to supper, prayers, and to bed.
Note 1. Anne Hyde, born March 12th, 1637, daughter of Edward, first Earl of Clarendon. She was attached to the court of the Princess of Orange, daughter of Charles I., 1654, and contracted to James, Duke of York, at Breda, November 24th, 1659. The marriage was avowed in London September 3rd, 1660. She joined the Church of Rome in 1669, and died March 31st, 1671.
Note 2. The Duke of York married Anne Hyde, and he avowed the marriage September 3rd, so that Pepys was rather behindhand in his information.
John Evelyn's Diary. 07 Oct 1660. There dined with me a French count, with Sir George Tuke, who came to take leave of me, being sent over to the Queen-Mother (age 50), to break the marriage of the Duke (age 26) with the daughter (age 23) of Chancellor Hyde (age 51). The Queen would fain have undone it; but it seems matters were reconciled, on great offers of the Chancellor's to befriend the Queen, who was much in debt, and was now to have the settlement of her affairs go through his hands.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Oct 1663. They wrought in the morning, and I did keep my bed, and my pain continued on me mightily that I kept within all day in great pain, and could break no wind nor have any stool after my physic had done working. So in the evening I took coach and to Mr. Holliard's (age 54), but he was not at home, and so home again, and whether the coach did me good or no I know not....
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Oct 1665. Up and to the office along with Mr. Childe, whom I sent for to discourse about the victualling business, who will not come into partnership (no more will Captain Beckford), but I do find him a mighty understanding man, and one I will keep a knowledge of. Did business, though not much, at the office; because of the horrible crowd and lamentable moan of the poor seamen that lie starving in the streets for lack of money. Which do trouble and perplex me to the heart; and more at noon when we were to go through them, for then a whole hundred of them followed us; some cursing, some swearing, and some praying to us. And that that made me more troubled was a letter come this afternoon from the Duke of Albemarle (age 56), signifying the Dutch to be in sight, with 80 sayle, yesterday morning, off of Solebay, Southwold [Map], coming right into the bay. God knows what they will and may do to us, we having no force abroad able to oppose them, but to be sacrificed to them.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Oct 1665. Thence back the back way to my office, where very late, very busy. But most of all when at night come two waggons from Rochester, Kent [Map] with more goods from Captain Cocke (age 48); and in houseing them at Mr. Tooker's lodgings come two of the Custome-house to seize them, and did seize them but I showed them my 'Transire'. However, after some hot and angry words, we locked them up, and sealed up the key, and did give it to the constable to keep till Monday, and so parted. But, Lord! to think how the poor constable come to me in the dark going home; "Sir", says he, "I have the key, and if you would have me do any service for you, send for me betimes to-morrow morning, and I will do what you would have me". Whether the fellow do this out of kindness or knavery, I cannot tell; but it is pretty to observe. Talking with him in the high way, come close by the bearers with a dead corpse of the plague; but, Lord! to see what custom is, that I am come almost to think nothing of it.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Oct 1666. Lord's Day. Up, and after visiting my father in his chamber, to church, and then home to dinner. Little Michell and his wife come to dine with us, which they did, and then presently after dinner I with Sir J. Minnes (age 67) to White Hall, where met by Sir W. Batten (age 65) and Lord Bruncker (age 46), to attend the King (age 36) and Duke of York (age 32) at the Cabinet; but nobody had determined what to speak of, but only in general to ask for money. So I was forced immediately to prepare in my mind a method of discoursing. And anon we were called in to the Green Room, where the King, Duke of York, Prince Rupert (age 46), Chancellor (age 57), Lord Treasurer (age 59), Duke of Albemarle (age 57), [Sirs] G. Carteret (age 56), W. Coventry (age 38), Morrice (age 63). Nobody beginning, I did, and made a current, and I thought a good speech, laying open the ill state of the Navy: by the greatness of the debt; greatness of work to do against next yeare; the time and materials it would take; and our incapacity, through a total want of money. I had no sooner done, but Prince Rupert rose up and told the King in a heat, that whatever the gentleman had said, he had brought home his fleete in as good a condition as ever any fleete was brought home; that twenty boats would be as many as the fleete would want: and all the anchors and cables left in the storm might be taken up again. This arose from my saying, among other things we had to do, that the fleete was come in-the greatest fleete that ever his Majesty had yet together, and that in as bad condition as the enemy or weather could put it; and to use Sir W. Pen's (age 45) words, who is upon the place taking a survey, he dreads the reports he is to receive from the Surveyors of its defects. I therefore did only answer, that I was sorry for his Highness's offence, but that what I said was but the report we received from those entrusted in the fleete to inform us. He muttered and repeated what he had said; and so, after a long silence on all hands, nobody, not so much as the Duke of Albemarle, seconding the Prince, nor taking notice of what he said, we withdrew. I was not a little troubled at this passage, and the more when speaking with Jacke Fenn about it, he told me that the Prince will be asking now who this Pepys is, and find him to be a creature of my Lord Sandwich's (age 41), and therefore this was done only to disparage him.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Oct 1666. Thence, having been informed that, after all this pains, the King (age 36) hath found out how to supply us with 5 or £6000, when £100,000 were at this time but absolutely necessary, and we mentioned £50,000. This is every day a greater and greater omen of ruine. God fit us for it! Sir J. Minnes (age 67) and I home (it raining) by coach, calling only on Sir G. Carteret (age 56) at his lodging (who is I find troubled at my Lord Treasurer (age 59) and Sir Ph. Warwicke (age 56) bungling in his accounts), and come home to supper with my father, and then all to bed. I made my brother in his cassocke to say grace this day, but I like his voice so ill that I begin to be sorry he hath taken this order upon him.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Oct 1667. So we to Enfield [Map], and there bayted, it being but a foul, bad day, and there Lowther and Mr. Burford, an acquaintance of his, did overtake us, and there drank and eat together; and, by and by, we parted, we going before them, and very merry, my wife and girle and I talking, and telling tales, and singing, and before night come to Bishop Stafford [Map], where Lowther and his friend did meet us again, and carried us to the Raynedeere [Map], where Mrs. Aynsworth1, who lived heretofore at Cambridge, and whom I knew better than they think for, do live. It was the woman that, among other things, was great with my cozen Barnston, of Cottenham, and did use to sing to him, and did teach me "Full forty times over", a very lewd song: a woman they are very well acquainted with, and is here what she was at Cambridge, and all the good fellows of the country come hither. Lowther and his friend stayed and drank, and then went further this night; but here we stayed, and supped, and lodged. But, as soon as they were gone, and my supper getting ready, I fell to write my letter to my Lord Sandwich (age 42), which I could not finish before my coming from London; so did finish it to my good content, and a good letter, telling him the present state of all matters, and did get a man to promise to carry it to-morrow morning, to be there, at my house, by noon, and I paid him well for it; so, that being done, and my mind at ease, we to supper, and so to bed, my wife and I in one bed, and the girl in another, in the same room, and lay very well, but there was so much tearing company in the house, that we could not see my landlady; so I had no opportunity of renewing my old acquaintance with her, but here we slept very well.
Note 1. Elizabeth Aynsworth, here mentioned, was a noted procurerss at Cambridge, banished from that town by the university authorities for her evil courses. She subsequently kept the Rein Deer Inn [Map] at Bishops Stortford, at which the Vice-Chancellor, and some of the heads of colleges, had occasion to sleep, in their way to London, and were nobly entertained, their supper being served off plate. The next morning their hostess refused to make any charge, saying, that she was still indebted to the Vice-Chancellor, who, by driving her out of Cambridge, had made her fortune. No tradition of this woman has been preserved at Bishops Stortford; but it appears, from the register of that parish, that she was buried there 26th of March, 1686. It is recorded in the "History of Essex", vol. iii., (p. 130) 8vo., 1770, and in a pamphlet in the British Museum, entitled, "Boteler's Case", that she was implicated in the murder of Captain Wood, a Hertfordshire gentleman, at Manuden, in Essex, and for which offence a person named Boteler was executed at Chelmsford, September 10th, 1667, and that Mrs. Aynsworth, tried at the same time as an accessory before the fact, was acquitted for want of evidence; though in her way to the jail she endeavoured to throw herself into the river, but was prevented. See Postea, May 25th, 1668. B.
On 07 Oct 1667 Edgar Stewart 1st Duke Cambridge was created 1st Duke Cambridge by King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 37).
John Evelyn's Diary. 07 Oct 1688. Hourly expectation of the Prince of Orange's (age 37) invasion heightened to that degree, that his Majesty (age 54) thought fit to abrogate the Commission for the dispensing Power (but retaining his own right still to dispense with all laws) and restore the ejected Fellows of Magdalen College, Oxford. In the meantime, he called over 5,000 Irish, and 4,000 Scots, and continued to remove Protestants and put in Papists at Portsmouth and other places of trust, and retained the Jesuits about him, increasing the universal discontent. It brought people to so desperate a pass, that they seemed passionately to long for and desire the landing of that Prince, whom they looked on to be their deliverer from Popish tyranny, praying incessantly for an east wind, which was said to be the only hindrance of his expedition with a numerous army ready to make a descent. To such a strange temper, and unheard of in former times, was this poor nation reduced, and of which I was an eyewitness. The apprehension was (and with reason) that his Majesty's forces would neither at land nor sea oppose them with that vigor requisite to repel invaders.
John Evelyn's Diary. 07 Oct 1688. The late imprisoned Bishops were now called to reconcile matters, and the Jesuits hard at work to foment confusion among the Protestants by their usual tricks. A letter was sent to the Archbishop of Canterbury (age 71), informing him, from good hands, of what was contriving by them. A paper of what the Bishops advised his Majesty was published. The Bishops were enjoined to prepare a form of prayer against the feared invasion. A pardon published. Soldiers and mariners daily pressed.
On 07 Oct 1710 Hester Salusbury (age 73) died. She was buried at St Marcella's Church, Denbigh [Map].
Hester Salusbury: In 1637 she was born to Thomas Salusbury 2nd Baronet and Hester Tyrrell Lady Salusbury. Around 1666 Robert Cotton 1st Baronet and she were married. They had five sons and eleven daughters and over one hundred grandchildren. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland. On 23 May 1684 John Salusbury 4th Baronet died. Baronet Salusbury of Lleweni in Denbighshire extinct. His sister Hester Salusbury and her husband Robert Cotton 1st Baronet inherited his estates. Combermere Papers. After 23 Sep 1685. By an act of kindness unusual on the part of James II Sir Robert was allowed the society of one of his family within the Tower He chose his fourth son Thomas a boy of eleven years old and beguiled the tedium of captivity by teaching him to read. Lady Cotton not being allowed to share her husband's imprisonment used to walk every day at a certain hour on Tower Hill till she learnt by an agreed signal hung out from a window that her husband was well. After a short delay Sir Robert was released the charge made against him having been found to be groundless. That there were however letters although perhaps not treasonable from the Electress Sophia we learn from Mrs Piozzi who when a child saw some of this correspondence. She was too young to recollect anything about the contents but was afterwards told that they were full of Latin quotations. In accordance with what seems to have been a family mania for the destruction of papers Lord Combermere's father burnt the letters in question
On 07 Oct 1748 Charles XIII King Sweden was born to Adolph Frederick King Sweden (age 38) and Louisa Ulrika of Prussia Queen Consort of Sweden (age 28).. He a great grandson of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland.
On 07 Oct 1871 Louise Blanche Howard (age 29) died from childbirth six weeks after the birth of a child who had died the same or next day after birth. The Foljambe Tomb. Monument in St Mary's Church Tickhill Doncaster [Map] commissioned by her husband Cecil George Savile Foljambe 1st Earl Liverpool (age 24) who had sixty monuments erected in her memory in places associated with her. Sculpted by William Calder Marshall (age 58).
Louise Blanche Howard: On 22 Feb 1842 she was born to Frederick Howard and Fanny Cavendish. On 22 Jul 1869 Cecil George Savile Foljambe 1st Earl Liverpool and she were married. On 21 Feb 1877 Cecil George Savile Foljambe 1st Earl Liverpool and Susan Louisa Cavendish Countess Liverpool were married. She was a first cousin of his first wife Louise Blanche Howard.
On 07 Oct 1915 Captain Charles Noel Ridley (age 30) died at St Omer having been mortally wounded on 29 Sep 1915. He was survived by his wife Daphne Bewicke and their three daughters. "The History of the Northumberland (Hussars) Yeomanry, 1819 – 1919 with Supplement to 1923" Edited by Howard Pease M.A., F.S.A. Printed by Constable & Co. Ltd. London 1924. On page 114 of the volume there is the following reference: September 30th [1915] – Most unfortunately Captain C.N. Ridley was killed, and about fourteen other ranks were wounded, whilst burying about forty men just behind "Gun Trench". He was buried at Longuenesse Souvenir Cemetery, St Omer, France.
Daphne Bewicke: In Sep 1907 Captain Charles Noel Ridley and she were married. After 1915 Hall Grant Pringle and she were married.
Births on the 7th October
On 07 Oct 1409 Elizabeth Luxemburg Duchess Austria was born to Holy Roman Emper Sigismund (age 41) and Barbara of Cilli Holy Roman Empress (age 17).
On 07 Oct 1471 King Frederick I of Denmark was born to Christian I King Denmark (age 45) and Dorothea of Brandenburg (age 40).
On 07 Oct 1515 Duarte Aviz was born to Manuel "Fortunate" I King Portugal (age 46) and Maria Trastámara Queen Consort Portugal (age 33). Coefficient of inbreeding 8.38%.
On 07 Oct 1561 Maria Wettin was born to Johann Wilhelm Wettin Duke Saxe Weimar (age 31) and Dorothea Susanne Palatine Duchess Saxe Weimar at Weimar.
On 07 Oct 1563 Madeleine Bourbon Condé was born to Louis Bourbon Prince Condé (age 33) and Eléanor de Roucy de Roye Princess Condé (age 28).
On 07 Oct 1577 Anna Oldenburg was born to John "Younger" Oldenburg Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg (age 32) and Elisabeth of Brunswick-Grubenhagen (age 27).
On 07 Oct 1578 Eleonore Magdalene Wittelsbach was born to William Wittelsbach V Duke Bavaria (age 30) and Renata Lorraine Duchess Bavaria (age 34). Coefficient of inbreeding 2.86%.
On 07 Oct 1601 George Berkeley 8th Baron Berkeley was born to Thomas Berkeley (age 26) and Elizabeth Carey (age 25).
On 07 Oct 1700 Henry Moore 4th Earl of Drogheda was born to Charles Moore Lord Moore and Jane Loftus (age 35).
On 07 Oct 1728 Theophilus Henry Hastings 11th Earl Huntingdon was born to Henry Hastings (age 27) and Elizabeth Hudson (age 27).
On 07 Oct 1729 Anne Bouverie was born to Jacob Bouverie 1st Viscount Folkestone (age 34) and Mary Clarke.
On 07 Oct 1732 William Anne Capell 4th Earl Essex was born to William Capell 3rd Earl Essex (age 35) and Elizabeth Russell Countess Essex (age 21) at Turin.
On 07 Oct 1748 Charles XIII King Sweden was born to Adolph Frederick King Sweden (age 38) and Louisa Ulrika of Prussia Queen Consort of Sweden (age 28).. He a great grandson of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland.
On 07 Oct 1762 Charles Abbott 1st Baron Tenterden was born to John Abbott of Centrebury. He was baptised at Canterbury Cathedral [Map] on 26 Oct 1762.
On 07 Oct 1766 Maria Elizabeth Finch was born to Heneage Finch 3rd Earl Aylesford (age 50) and Charlotte Seymour Countess Aylesford (age 36).
On 07 Oct 1778 Vice Admiral Charles Paget was born to Henry Bayly-Paget 1st Earl Uxbridge (age 34) and Jane Champagné Countess Uxbridge (age 36).
On 07 Oct 1778 Thomas Cranley Onslow was born to Thomas Onslow 2nd Earl Onslow (age 24) and Arabella Mainwaring Ellerker Countess Onslow (age 23).
On 07 Oct 1781 Henry Alexander Douglas was born to William Douglas 4th Baronet (age 51) and Grace d William Johnstone Lady Kelhead.
On 07 Oct 1786 James Hamilton was born to John Hamilton 1st Marquess Abercorn (age 30) and Catherine Moyle Marchioness Abercorn (age 26).
On 07 Oct 1808 Catherine Caroline Montagu Countess Colonna-Walewski was born to George Montagu 6th Earl Sandwich (age 35) and Louisa Lowry-Corry Countess of Sandwich (age 27).
On 07 Oct 1809 Robert John Verney 25th Baron Latimer 17th Baron Willoughby de Broke was born to Robert Barnard (age 49) and Louisa Peyto Verney (age 30).
On 07 Oct 1813 William Richard Arthur Pole Tylney Long Wellesley 5th Earl Mornington was born to William Pole Tylney Long Wellesley 4th Earl Mornington (age 25) and Catherine "The Wiltshire Heiress" Tylney Long (age 24) at Wansted House, Essex.
On 07 Oct 1829 Julia Langston Countess Ducie was born to James Haughton Langston (age 33) and Julia Reynolds-Moreton (age 20).
On 07 Oct 1856 John White Alexander was born at Allegheny, Pennsylvania. He was orphaned whilst an infant, and was raised by his grandparents.
On 07 Oct 1884 John Frederick Lambton 5th Earl Durham was born to Frederick Lambton 4th Earl Durham (age 29) and Beatrix Bulteel Countess Durham (age 25). Coefficient of inbreeding 1.57%.
On 07 Oct 1903 Edward Chichester 6th Marquess Donegal was born to George Augustus Hamilton Chichester 5th Marquess Donegal (age 81).
On 07 Oct 1914 Sarah Churchill Baroness Audley was born to Winston Churchill (age 39) and Clementine Hozier (age 29).
On 07 Oct 1917 Ronald was born to Captain Lawrence Ughtred Kay-Shuttleworth and Selina Adine Bridgeman (age 31).
On 07 Oct 1919 Irene Haig Baroness Astor was born to Field Marshal Douglas Haig 1st Earl Haig (age 58) and Dorothy Maud Vivian (age 40).
On 07 Oct 1921 Helen Alice Douglas Baroness de Mauley was born to Charles William Sholto Douglas (age 40) and Alice Agnes Fox-Pitt (age 21).
On 07 Oct 1967 Daniel Finch-Hatton 12th Earl Nottingham 17th Earl of Winchilsea was born to Christopher Finch-Hatton 11th Earl Nottingham 16th Earl of Winchilsea (age 30) and Shirley Hatfield Countess of Nottingham and Winchilsea.
Marriages on the 7th October
On 07 Oct 919 Charles "Simple" III King West Francia (age 40) and Eadgifu Wessex Queen Consort West Francia were married. She by marriage Queen Consort West Francia. She the daughter of King Edward "Elder" of the Anglo Saxons (age 45) and Aelfflaed Wiltshire Queen Anglo Saxons (age 49). He the son of Louis "Stammerer" II King Aquitaine III King West Francia and Adelaide Paris Queen Consort Aquitaine and West Francia.
On 07 Oct 1388 Roger Mortimer 4th Earl March 6th Earl Ulster (age 14) and Eleanor Holland Countess March and Ulster (age 17) were married. She by marriage Countess March, Countess Ulster. She the daughter of Thomas Holland 2nd Earl Kent (age 38) and Alice Fitzalan Countess Kent (age 38). He the son of Edmund Mortimer 3rd Earl March, Earl Ulster and Philippa Plantagenet Countess March 5th Countess Ulster. They were second cousin once removed. He a great grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward I of England.
On 07 Oct 1548 Augustus Wettin Elector of Saxony (age 22) and Anna Oldenburg (age 15) were married at Torgau. She the daughter of Christian III King Denmark (age 45) and Dorothea of Saxe Lauenburg Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 37). They were third cousin once removed.
On 07 Oct 1663 John Molesworth 2nd Baronet (age 28) and Margery Wise were married.
On 07 Oct 1771 Charles Bennet 4th Earl Tankerville (age 27) and Emma Colebrooke Countess Tankerville (age 19) were married at Gatton, Surrey. She by marriage Countess Tankerville. He the son of Charles Bennet 3rd Earl Tankerville and Alice Astley Countess Tankerville (age 54).
On 07 Oct 1793 William Montagu 5th Duke Manchester (age 21) and Susan Gordon Duchess Manchester were married at Edinburgh [Map]. She by marriage Duchess Manchester. She the daughter of Alexander Gordon 4th Duke Gordon (age 50) and Jane Maxwell Duchess Gordon (age 45). He the son of George Montagu 4th Duke Manchester and Elizabeth Dashwood Duchess Manchester (age 53).
On 07 Oct 1826 Edward John Stanley 2nd Baron Stanley and 1st Baron Eddisbury (age 23) and Henrietta Maria Dillon Baroness Stanley Alderley and Eddisbury (age 18) were married. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 07 Oct 1845 Edmund Beckett 1st Baron Grimthorpe (age 29) and Fanny Catherine Lonsdale Baroness Beckett (age 22) were married. She the daughter of Bishop John Lonsdale (age 57) and Sophia Bolland.
On 07 Oct 1855 Charles Frederick Smythe 7th Baronet (age 36) and Maria Stonor (age 23) were married.
On 07 Oct 1868 Lawrence Hesketh Palk 2nd Baron Haldon (age 22) and Constance Mary Barrington Baroness Haldon (age 21) were married. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 07 Oct 1914 Joseph Patrick Kennedy (age 26) and Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald (age 24) were married at the private chapel of Archbishop William Henry O'Connell in Boston. After a two-week honeymoon, the couple settled at 83 Beals Street, Boston in the Boston suburb of Brookline, Massachusetts.
On 07 Oct 1920 Jacobo Fitz-James Stuart 17th Duke of Alba 10th Duke of Berwick (age 41) and María del Rosario de Silva Duchess of Alba (age 20) were married. The difference in their ages was 21 years. He the son of Carlos María Fitz James Stuart 16th Duke Alba 14th Duke Veragua 9th Duke Berwick.
Deaths on the 7th October
On 07 Oct 929 Charles "Simple" III King West Francia (age 50) died.
On 07 Oct 1072 Sancho "Strong" II King Leon II King Castile (age 35) died. His brother Alfonso "Brave" VI King Leon VI King Castile (age 31) succeeded VI King Castile. Agnes Poitiers Queen Consort Leon Queen Consort Castile (age 20) by marriage Queen Consort Castile.
On 07 Oct 1368 Lionel Plantagenet 1st Duke of Clarence (age 29) died from poisoning at Alba [Map]. Duke Clarence extinct. He was buried at the St Pietro Ciel d'Oro Church, Pavia [Map].
There was strong speculation he had been poisoned by his wife's (age 14) father (age 48).
On 07 Oct 1414 Richard Despencer 4th Baron Burghesh (age 17) died. His sister Isabel Despencer Countess Warwick and Worcester (age 14) succeeded 5th Baroness Burghesh.
On 07 Oct 1581 William Keith 4th Earl Marischal (age 75) died. His grandson George Keith 5th Earl Marischal (age 28) succeeded 5th Earl Marischal. Margaret Home Countess Marischal by marriage Countess Marischal.
On 07 Oct 1617 Thomas Gerard 1st Baron Gerard (age 53) died at Ashley, Staffordshire. His son Gilbert Gerard 2nd Baron Gerard succeeded 2nd Baron Gerard of Gerard's Bromley.
On 07 Oct 1637 Victor Amadeus I Duke of Savoy (age 50) died.
On 07 Oct 1642 Anne Browne Lady Playters (age 78) died.
On 07 Oct 1698 Thomas Barnardiston 2nd Baronet (age 52) died. His son Thomas Barnardiston 3rd Baronet (age 24) succeeded 3rd Baronet Barnardiston of Ketton in Suffolk.
On 07 Oct 1710 Helena Burke Countess Antrim died.
On 07 Oct 1713 Diana Booth Lady Delaval and Blackett died.
On 07 Oct 1727 Coplestone Warwick Bamfylde 3rd Baronet (age 37) died. His son Richard Warwick Bampfylde 4th Baronet (age 4) succeeded 4th Baronet Bampfylde of Poltimore in Devon.
On 07 Oct 1731 Alice Caulfeild Baroness Carpenter (age 70) died.
On 07 Oct 1733 Thomas Stayner (age 68) died at West Hampton, Essex. He was buried at Corpus Christi College, Oxford University.
On 07 Oct 1745 Sophia Fermor Countess Granville died.
On 07 Oct 1761 Elizabeth Trevor Duchess of Marlborough (age 48) died.
On 30 Sep 1767 Martha Kenward Lady Page died. She was buried on 07 Oct 1767 at St Alfege's Church, Greenwich.
On 07 Oct 1772 Thomas Butler 6th Baronet died.
On 07 Oct 1777 Anne Gibson Lady Webb (age 72) died.
On 07 Oct 1781 Henry Howe 3rd Baron Chedworth (age 65) died. His nephew John Howe 4th Baron Chedworth (age 27) succeeded 4th Baron Chedworth.
On 07 Oct 1784 Thomas Trollope 4th Baronet (age 92) died. His grandson Thomas William Trollope 5th Baronet (age 22) succeeded 5th Baronet Trollope of Casewick in Lincolnshire.
On 07 Oct 1785 John Dormer 7th Baron Dormer (age 94) died. His son Charles Dormer 8th Baron Dormer (age 60) succeeded 8th Baron Dormer of Wyng in Buckinghamshire, 8th Baronet Dormer of Wyng in Buckinghamshire. Elizabeth Hamilton Baroness Dormer by marriage Baroness Dormer of Wyng in Buckinghamshire.
On 07 Oct 1793 Wills Hill 1st Marquess Downshire (age 75) died. His son Arthur Hill 2nd Marquess Downshire (age 40) succeeded 2nd Marquess Downshire. Mary Sandys Marchioness Downshire (age 29) by marriage Marchioness Downshire.
On 07 Oct 1796 John Steuart (age 81) died.
On 07 Oct 1835 Carlos Miguel Fitz James Stuart 12th Duke Veragua 7th Duke Berwick 14th Duke Alba (age 41) died. On 07 Oct 1835 His son Jacopo Fitz James Stuart 15th Duke Alba 13th Duke Veragua 8th Duke Berwick (age 14) succeeded 15th Duke Alba, 13th Duke Veragua, 8th Duke of Jérica, 8th Duke of Liria, 8th Duke Berwick.
On 07 Oct 1841 Frederick John Monson 5th Baron Monson (age 32) died. His half first cousin once removed William John Monson 6th Baron Monson (age 45) succeeded 6th Baron Monson of Burton in Lincolnshire, 10th Baronet Monson of Carleton in Lincolnshire.
On 07 Oct 1848 George Howard 6th Earl Carlisle (age 75) died. His son George Howard 7th Earl Carlisle (age 46) succeeded 7th Earl Carlisle.
On 07 Oct 1869 George Rice Trevor 4th Baron Dynevor (age 74) died at Malvern, Worcestershire. His first cousin Francis Rice Trevor 5th Baron Dynevor (age 65) succeeded 5th Baron Dynevor of Dynevor in Camarthenshire.
On 07 Oct 1871 Louise Blanche Howard (age 29) died from childbirth six weeks after the birth of a child who had died the same or next day after birth. The Foljambe Tomb. Monument in St Mary's Church Tickhill Doncaster [Map] commissioned by her husband Cecil George Savile Foljambe 1st Earl Liverpool (age 24) who had sixty monuments erected in her memory in places associated with her. Sculpted by William Calder Marshall (age 58).
Louise Blanche Howard: On 22 Feb 1842 she was born to Frederick Howard and Fanny Cavendish. On 22 Jul 1869 Cecil George Savile Foljambe 1st Earl Liverpool and she were married. On 21 Feb 1877 Cecil George Savile Foljambe 1st Earl Liverpool and Susan Louisa Cavendish Countess Liverpool were married. She was a first cousin of his first wife Louise Blanche Howard.
On 07 Oct 1874 Thomas William Brograve Proctor-Beauchamp 4th Baronet (age 59) died. His son Reginald William Proctor-Beauchamp 5th Baronet (age 21) succeeded 5th Baronet Beauchamp-Proctor of Langley Park in Norfolk.
On 07 Oct 1877 Edward Granville Eliot 3rd Earl St Germans (age 79) died. His son William Gordon Cornwallis Eliot 4th Earl St Germans (age 47) succeeded 4th Earl St Germans.
On 07 Oct 1879 Constance Harriet Amherst Lady Monck (age 36) died.
On 07 Oct 1892 Thomas Woolner (age 66) died somewhat suddenly, following an internal complaint from which he seemed to be recovering.. He was buried in the churchyard at St Mary's Church, Hendon [Map].
On 07 Oct 1896 William Edwardes 4th and 1st Baron Kensington (age 61) died. His son William Edwardes 5th and 2nd Baron Kensington (age 28) succeeded 5th Baron Kensington, 2nd Baron Kensington of Middlesex.
On 07 Oct 1923 Frederick William Hotham 6th Baron Hotham (age 60) died. His second cousin once removed Henry Hotham 7th Baron Hotham (age 24) succeeded 7th Baron Hotham of South Dalton in Yorkshire, 17th Baronet Hotham of Scorborough in Yorkshire. Letitia Sibell Winifred Brownlow-Cecil Baroness Hotham (age 19) by marriage Baroness Hotham of South Dalton in Yorkshire.
On 07 Oct 1927 Edward Guiness 1st Earl Iveagh (age 79) died. On 07 Oct 1927 His son Rupert Edward Cecil Lee Guinness 2nd Earl Iveagh (age 53) succeeded 2nd Earl Iveagh.
On 07 Oct 1988 Christian Herbert 6th Earl of Powis (age 84) died. His second cousin George Herbert 7th Earl of Powis (age 63) succeeded 7th Earl Powis.
On 07 Oct 2003 Henry Herbert 17th Earl of Pembroke, 14th Earl of Montgomery (age 64) died. His son William Herbert 18th Earl of Pembroke, 15th Earl of Montgomery (age 25) succeeded 18th Earl Pembroke, 15th Earl Montgomery, 7th Baron Herbert Lea
On 07 Oct 2020 Lyonel Humphrey John Tollemache 7th Baronet (age 89) died. His son Richard John Tollemache 8th Baronet (age 54) succeeded 8th Baronet Tollemache of Hanby Hall in Lincolnshire.