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On this Day in History ... 8th March
08 Mar is in March.
1429 Joan of Arc meets Charles VII at Chinon
1660 Charles X King Sweden Dies Charles XI Succeeds
1695 Death and Funeral of Queen Mary II
1696 Plot to Assassinate King William III
1702 Death of King William III
Events on the 8th March
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 08 Mar 1122. And in the Lent-tide before that, the town of Glocester [Map] was on fire: the while that the monks were singing their mass, and the deacon had begun the gospel, "Praeteriens Jesus", at that very moment came the fire from the upper part of the steeple, and burned all the minster, and all the treasures that were there within; except a few books, and three mass-hackles. That was on the eighth day before the ides of Marcia.
On 08 Mar 1126 Urracca "Reckless" Jiménez Queen Consort Aragon and Pamplona (age 46) died.
On 08 Mar 1429 Joan of Arc (age 17) met with Charles "Victorious" VII King France (age 26) at Chinon Castle [Map]. Their first meeting.
Patent Rolls Richard III 1485. 08 Mar 1485. Westminster. Grant to the king's kinsman, William, Earl of Huntingdon (age 34), and Catharine (age 14) his wife of an annuity of 152l. 10s. 10d. from the issues of the king’s possessions in the counties of Caermarden and Cardigan and of the king’s lordship of Haverford West in South Wales until they shall have of the king’s grant to themselves and the heirs of their bodies, lordships, manors, lauds and other possessions to the same value. By p.s.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1485-1509. 08 Mar 1503... and on Passion Sundaye a peace made betwene the Emperoure and the Kinge (age 46) duringe their lyves, solemnized upon a great oathe at the highe aulter in Paules queere [Map].
Letters and Papers Foreign and Domestic Henry VIII 1520. 8 March. [1520] Calig. D. VII. 178. B. M. 666. Sir Richard Wingfield (age 51) to [Wolsey].
On ... [day] last arrived at this town. Was met within half a league by La Battye, Saintmesmes and Poytou. Was asked to dinner by the Admiral, and there met Lottreke and Dorravall. Delivered to the Admiral the King and Wolsey's letters, which were "greatly to his comfort." He carried Boleyn (age 43) and the writer to the King's dining chamber, where Wingfield delivered his letters to Francis, who expressed his great and sincere pleasure at their amicable terms. Boleyn, on his return, will explain more. On his withdrawing the King took Wingfield apart, when he delivered Wolsey's letter. The King expressed his joy at the Cardinal's good convalescence,—said he had put his life and safety into his hands, and had made such arrangements for the interview as he understood by the bailly of Caane would be most acceptable to England. He stated that he should always be anxious to recompense Wolsey for the cares he had taken; and if there were anything in his realm elsewhere which might do the Cardinal pleasure, he might be assured thereof. He trusted that no malice of any prince in Christendom might "impeach" the intended interview.
Leaves Boleyn to report what he stated of the jousts and tourneys. Francis spoke incidentally of his voyage against the ... and told Wingfield to resort to his chamber at all times, as he used to do to his m[aster]. Then came the duke of Bourbon, and would have conversed longer with him; but the Admiral took him away to the Queen, and then to the King's mother, to whom he delivered his letters. La Batye has not omitted to speak of his noble entertainment in England. All the ambassadors resident in this court are ordered to Angoulesme this night or tomorrow, to be at the funeral service of the King's father. Thinks he shall not see Francis till Tuesday or Wednesday. Withholds for the present the article concerning Buttun, as also that "for obtaining of the King's letters here of promise to condescend to none other meeting." Will use his judgment as to the fitting time to press them. Cognac, 8 March. Signature half burnt.
Mutilated, pp. 6.
Letters and Papers Foreign and Domestic Henry VIII 1520. 8 March. [1520] Calig. E. II. 9. B. M. 662. Francis I. to [Henry VIII.]
Has received his letters by the gentleman of his privy chamber. The ambassador resident with him is grateful for the leave now given him of returning to England. Will give credence to Messire Richard [Wingfield] (age 51), or any one else whom the King may employ, and considers it an indication of the firmness of their alliance. Pays a compliment to Boleyn (age 43) on his return. Cognac, [8 March.] Signature half burnt.Fr., mutilated, p. 1.
Letters and Papers Foreign and Domestic Henry VIII 1520. 8 March. [1520] Calig. D. VI. 260. B. M. 663. Claude Queen of Francis I. to Henry VIII.
Has received his letters by Sir Richard Wyngfilde (age 51), his councillor and ambassador, declaring the great affection he bears to the King her lord and her, and his desire to hear from them and the Dauphin. Assures him she entertains a like disposition towards him, as Henry's ambassador, le sieur Boulan (Sir Thomas Boleyn (age 43)) will show; to whom she refers Henry for news. Signed: Vostre bonne seur, cousyne, conmere et aliée, Claude. Countersigned: Decomacre.
Add.: A treshault et tresexcellent prince, &c. le roy d'Angleterre.
Endorsed in pencil: C. Hoye, things to be perused, 20 July 1613.
Pp. 2, slightly burnt.
Letters and Papers 1528. 30 Jun 1528. R. O. 4442. Sir William Compton (age 46).
Will of Sir William Compton, made on 8 March 1522, 14 Henry VIII. Desires to be buried at Compton Wynyates, Warwickshire [Map] in Warwickshire, beside his ancestors: That is if his wife (age 22) die before he return home from his journey, she be afterwards brought to Compton and buried there. Bequeaths to his wife movables at Bettyschorne, and at the great park of Windsor, and the plate which belonged to Francis Cheyny, "my predecessor." If his wife be delivered of a son, bequeaths to him all his household stuff at Compton, with the plate which was given him by the French king in a schedule. His wife to have the control of it till the child be of age. If he have a son, bequeaths to each of his daughters 1,000 marks for their marriages, and 100 marks in plate. Wills that 40 pair of vestments be made of one suit, to be distributed to the parish churches in the counties of Warwick and Worcester, adjoining to Compton. All his apparel to be used in making vestments and other works of charity. Bequeaths to the abbey of Winchcomb his wedding gown of tynsen satin, to make a vestment that they may pray for the souls of his ancestors. Wills his executors to release to the monastery of Denny all the debts they owe him, and bequeaths to them £10 for an obit. Bequeaths goods to the value of 200 marks to be distributed to poor householders, and to the marriages of poor maids in the counties of Warwick and Worcester. Wills that a tomb of alabaster be prepared for his father, with his arms graven upon it. Bequeaths to the King (age 30) his little chest of ivory with gilt lock, "and a chest bourde under the same, and a pair of tables upon it," with all the jewels and treasure enclosed, now in his wife's custody; also "certain specialties to the sum of 1,000 marks, which I have of Sir Thomas Bullen (age 45), knight," for money lent to him. Wills that his children have their plate on coming to their full ages; i.e., on the males coming to the age of twenty-one, and the females to the age of eighteen.
Bequests to his sister [Elizabeth] Rudney, and his cousin John Rudney, her son. Wills that his mother's body be taken up and buried at Compton Wynyates, Warwickshire [Map]. Bequest to the daughter of his aunt Appulby. £20 to be put in a box at the abbey of Winchecombe, to make defence for all such actions as may be wrongfully taken against his wife or his executors. Two chantries to be founded in his name at Compton Wynyates, Warwickshire [Map], to do daily service for the souls of the King, the Queen, my Lady Anne Hastings (age 45), himself, his wife and ancestors. The priests to be appointed by the Abbot of Winchecombe, or, failing him, the Abbot of Evesham. 5 marks a year to be paid to the parson of Compton to keep a free grammar school. £100 a year to be paid to his wife during her life, for her jointure, besides her inheritance in Barkeley's lands. Bequests to the monasteries of Evesham, Hayles, Winchecombe, Worcester, Croxton, the charterhouses of Henton and Coventry, for obits; to Sir William Tyler, Sir Thomas Lynne, Thomas Baskett and George Lynde; to his servants who happen to be with him this journey; to John Draper, his servant, and Robert Bencare, his solicitor; to Griffin Gynne, now with Humphrey Brown, serjeant-at-law, for his learning; and to Lady Anne Hastings. Executors appointed: Dame Warburgh my wife (age 31), the bishop of Exeter (age 66), Sir Henry Marney, Lord Privy Seal, Sir Henry Guildford (age 39), Sir Richard Broke, Sir John Dantsy, Dr. Chomber, Humphrey Brown, serjeant-at-law, Thomas Leson, clk., James Clarell and Thomas Unton. Appoints my Lord Bishop of Canterbury (age 78) supervisor of his will. Gifts to the executors.
3. Bargain and sale by Sir Henry Guildford, Humphrey Brown, Thomas Hunton and Thomas Leeson, as executors of Sir William Compton, to Sir Thomas Arundell, of certain tenements in St Swithin's Lane [Map], [London,] lately in the possession of Lewis... and Humphrey... as executors of Sir Richard Wingfield.
4. Inventory of the goods of Sir William Compton in his house in London.
Ready money, gold and silver, 1,£338 7s. 0½d. Jewels of gold and silver, £898 6s. 2d. Gilt plate, £85 5s. 3d. Parcel gilt plate, £31 12s. 2d. White plate, £90 0s. 3½d. Silks, £210 13s. 6d.=2,£654 4s. 5d.
5. Names of the officers upon the lands late Sir William Compton's.
[Note. Lots of names of Steward and Bailiffs and values.].
6. Inquisition taken in Middlesex on the death of Sir William Compton, 20 Henry VIII.
Found that Richard Broke, serjeant-at-law, [Walter Rodney] [Names in brackets crossed out], William Dyngley and John Dyngley, now surviving, with [Sir Rob. Throgmerton and William Tracy,]* deceased, were seized of the manors of Totenham, Pembrokes, Bruses, Daubeneys and Mokkyngs, with lands in Tottenham, Edelmeton and Enfeld, to Compton's use; and that George Earl of Shrewsbury (age 60), Henry Earl of Essex, John Bourchier Lord Bernes (age 61), [Sir Rob. Ratclyf,]* Rob. Brudenell (age 67), justice of the King's Bench, Richard Sacheverell (age 61) [and Thomas Brokesby],* now surviving, with [Sir Ralph Shyrley,]* deceased, were seized of the manor of Fyncheley and lands in Fyncheley and Hendon to his use. His son, Peter Compton (age 5), is his heir, and is six years old and over.
7. Citation by Wolsey (age 55), as legate, of Sir William Compton, for having lived in adultery with the wife of Lord Hastings (age 41), while his own wife, dame Werburga Brereton, was alive, and for having taken the sacrament to disprove it.
4443. Sir William Compton.
Inventory of the goods of Sir William Compton at his places in London, Compton, Bittisthorne, the Great Park of Windsor, Sir Walter Stoner's place. Total of moveables, 4,£485 2s. 3½d. "Sperat dettes," estimated at 3,£511 13s. 4d. "Chatell Royall," £666 13s. 4d.
Wards.-One ward that cost £466 13s. 4d.; another of 500 marks land; the third, "Sir George Salynger's son and his heir." There is at Windsor Great Park plate embezzled to the value of £579 2s. 6d., as appears by a bill found in Sir William's place at London. Desperate debts estimated at 1,£908 6s. 8d. Debts owing by him estimated at £1,000
Letters and Papers 1533. 08 Mar 1533. 212. On St. Matthias' Day the Lady (age 32) received the King at dinner in her chamber richly ornamented with tapestry, and the most beautiful sideboard of gold that ever was seen. The Lady sat close on the right of the King, and the old duchess of Norfolk (age 56) on his left. At the lower end of the table, where there was another contiguous and transverse table, sat the Chancellor, Suffolk and many other lords and ladies. During dinner the King was so much occupied with mirth and talk that he said little which could be understood; but he said to the duchess of Norfolk, "Has not the Marchioness got a "grand dote and a rich marriage, as all that we see, and the rest of the plate" (with which they had been delighted), "belongs to the Lady?" Your Majesty will perceive the King's obstinacy, who, since the execution of the brief, goes on worse than before, as well in this matter as in that of the Queen (age 47), whom he has lately banished 40 miles from here in very great haste, notwithstanding her great entreaty for a delay of eight days, that she might give order for her necessities; and there is no hope that he will do otherwise until he sees sentence given, for the reasons I have already written to you.
Letters and Papers 1533. 08 Mar 1533. 212. On the 23rd the Nuncio received from the Pope the briefs to be presented to the King for summoning the Council. He was at Court to present them; but as it was a day when the Lady (age 32) gave a banquet the King would not give him audience, but deputed Norfolk (age 60) to hear his charge. Since then he has asked many times for an audience and for an answer, and after waiting from day to day he was told yesterday that the King was busy, and it was no use for him to wait, for the King would write in three days to his ambassadors at Rome.
Letters and Papers 1533. 08 Mar 1533. Vienna Archives. 212. Chapuys (age 43) to Charles V.
I wrote on the 23rd ult. On the 24th I received your Majesty's letters of the 28th Jan. The same day Langez arrived from France, and a French gentleman named Beauvoix from Scotland, who have been, as usual, well received, and dined at the King's table with the other Ambassador the day after their arrival, which was Shrove Tuesday, when the Lady (age 32) took the place usually occupied by the Queen; and there were present the duke of Norfolk (age 60) and other great masters, except Suffolk, although he had been expressly called to come with the order of France. The said Langez and Beauvoix were here but four days, and were every day in Court and in communication with the King and Council, "mays non poinct fort griemant;" and it seems that their hasty despatch was either because Langez could not arrange anything important, or to hasten the settlement of their dispute with Scotland. I think one of the chief objects of Langez's coming has been to take resolution with those here about the Council, which both parties desire to prevent. I am led to think this, because, in talking with Langez, he suddenly said to me that your Majesty had obtained your desire, viz., the said Council, and that the Pope had no mind to refuse you anything since he had been punished by your Majesty by imprisonment and otherwise. And on my declaring to him the displeasure you had felt at his Holiness's imprisonment, and his sudden deliverance as soon as you were informed of it, he intimated that a ransom had been paid for the said deliverance, although it was more honorable and gracious than his Holiness deserved. This I could not allow to pass after declaring the respect you had always felt for his Holiness, and showed that the Pope had done more for his master than for your Majesty, pointing out also the necessity of the said Council, which the Pope must have promoted without being asked. On this Langez retracted what he had said. He told me his master had written to the Pope that a Council was reasonable and necessary, but that two conditions ought to be observed: first, that it must be in a suitable place where all could attend, and if it were held in Italy he should have the right of bringing as many forces as you had brought; and (2) that it should treat of nothing but what concerned the Faith, and enter into no particular quarrels. He did not enter fully into the said conditions, for Brian had just come for him and the other Ambassadors to conduct them to Court, taking no particular pleasure in my conversation with him. Suggests reasons for these conditions; among others, the fear they have lest it should be proposed to restore to the Empire the temporalities now held by the Pope, doubting that your Majesty would grow too great thereby.
Langez proceeded to justify the course he had taken at Paris about the divorce, saying he had not done any bad turn there, as people thought, and that he no more desired the divorce than I did. And he said that last year, when he was in Germany, he had found certain of your ministers very little inclined to the preservation of peace with his master; for that they said that his master had promoted the coming of the Turks. Further, in the course of conversation he said that you had used certain words at an assembly at Ratisbon not honorable to the King his master, stating that when he had been asked for succour against the Turk he had replied that he would not hazard his people.
In consequence of their hurry to go to Court, I had no leisure to treat with the gentleman who returned from Scotland. Conversation with Langez on the peace there, who professed ignorance of what this gentleman has done. Asked Norfolk, but could get no information. He told me that Langez had talked to the King and his Council, as he had done to me, but did not say much, as Suffolk and Wiltshire (age 56) were standing by while he had to go to the King, who had sent for him already three times. I hope I shall find out some of the particulars of Langez's charge. As to the other, I have learned that since the Scotch king received the Order (of the Golden Fleece) from your Majesty, the Scots are no longer inclined to France, and have proceeded so far as to beat down the arms of France, and put up the Imperial arms in their room. On being informed of this, the French king had sent him to James, explaining that he had not put off giving his daughter in marriage to him. To which the Scotch king made a gracious and prudent answer, expressive of his affection for France; and as to the reception of the Order, he had merely acted in conformity [with your liberality], of which he could not repent; and he spoke much in praise of you.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 08 Mar 1554. The viij day of Marche cam owt of the Towre of London [Map] the archbysshope of Canturbere Crenmer (age 64), and bysshope of London was Rydley (age 54), and master Lathemer (age 67) condam, [i. e. quondam (bishop of Worcester).] and so to Brenfford and ther ser John Wylliam reseyvyd them, and so to Oxfford.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 08 Mar 1560. The viij day of Marche dyd pryche at the cowrt, afor non, master Pylkyngtun (age 40) the nuw byshope of Wynchaster, and ys matter whent myche to ma[intaining] Oxford and Cambryge skullors [scholars], and the byshopes and [clergy] to have better levyng [living ie income].
Henry Machyn's Diary. 08 Mar 1562. The viij day of Marche dyd pryche a-for the quen('s) (age 28) grace, the iiij sonday in Lentt, called Mydlent sonday, master Horne (age 52), the byshope of Wynchaster.
On 08 Mar 1616 Maria Anna Wittelsbach Holy Roman Empress (age 41) died.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Mar 1660. At the same time in comes Mr. Wade and Mr. Sterry, secretary to the plenipotentiary in Denmark, who brought the news of the death of the King of Sweden (deceased) at Gottenburgh the 3rd of the last month, and he told me what a great change he found when he came here, the secluded members being restored. He also spoke very freely of Mr. Wades profit, which he made while he was in Zeeland, how he did believe that he cheated Mr. Powell, and that he made above £500 on the voyage, which Mr. Wade did very angrily deny, though I believe he was guilty enough.Charles X King Sweden Dies Charles XI Succeeds
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Mar 1660. To Whitehall to bespeak some firing for my father at Short's, and likewise to speak to Mr. Blackburne about Batters being gunner in the "Wexford". Then to Westminster Hall [Map], where there was a general damp over men's minds and faces upon some of the Officers of the Army being about making a remonstrance against Charles Stuart (age 29) or any single person; but at noon it was told, that the General (age 51) had put a stop to it, so all was well again. Here I met with Jasper, who was to look for me to bring me to my Lord at the lobby; whither sending a note to my Lord, he comes out to me and gives me direction to look after getting some money for him from the Admiralty, seeing that things are so unsafe, that he would not lay out a farthing for the State, till he had received some money of theirs. Home about two o'clock, and took my wife by land to Paternoster Row [Map], to buy some Paragon for a petticoat and so home again. In my way meeting Mr. Moore, who went home with me while I ate a bit and so back to Whitehall again, both of us. He waited at the Council for Mr. Crew (age 62). I to the Admiralty, where I got the order for the money, and have taken care for the getting of it assigned upon Mr. Hutchinson, Treasurer for the Navy, against tomorrow. Hence going home I met with Mr. King that belonged to the Treasurers at War and took him to Harper's, who told me that he and the rest of his fellows are cast out of office by the new Treasurers. This afternoon, some of the Officers of the Army, and some of the Parliament, had a conference at White Hall to make all right again, but I know not what is done. This noon I met at the Dog tavern [Map] Captain Philip Holland, with whom I advised how to make some advantage of my Lord's going to sea, which he told me might be by having of five or six servants entered on board, and I to give them what wages I pleased, and so their pay to be mine; he was also very urgent to have me take the Secretary's place, that my Lord did proffer me.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Mar 1661. All the morning at the office. At noon Sir W. Batten (age 60), Col. Slingsby (age 50) and I by coach to the Tower, to Sir John Robinson's, to dinner; where great good cheer. High company; among others the Duchess of Albemarle (age 41), who is ever a plain homely dowdy. After dinner, to drink all the afternoon. Towards night the Duchess and ladies went away. Then we set to it again till it was very late. And at last came in Sir William Wale, almost fuddled; and because I was set between him and another, only to keep them from talking and spoiling the company (as we did to others), he fell out with the Lieutenant of the Tower; but with much ado we made him under stand his error, and then all quiet. And so he carried Sir William Batten and I home again in his coach, and so I almost overcome with drink went to bed. I was much contented to ride in such state into the Tower, and be received among such high company, while Mr. Mount, my Lady Duchess's gentleman usher, stood waiting at table, whom I ever thought a man so much above me in all respects; also to hear the discourse of so many high Cavaliers of things past. It was a great content and joy to me.
John Evelyn's Diary. 08 Mar 1661. I went to my Lord Chancellor's (age 52), and delivered to him the state of my concernment at Sayes Court [Map].
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Mar 1662. In the Hall I met with Serjeant Pierce; and he and I to drink a cup of ale at the Swan [Map], and there he told me how my Lady Monk (age 42) hath disposed of all the places which Mr. Edwd. Montagu hoped to have had, as he was Master of the Horse to the Queen (age 23); which I am afraid will undo him, because he depended much upon the profit of what he should make by these places. He told me, also, many more scurvy stories of him and his brother Ralph, which troubles me to hear of persons of honour as they are.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Mar 1663. Lord's Day. Being sent to by Sir J. Minnes (age 64) to know whether I would go with him to White Hall to-day, I rose but could not get ready before he was gone, but however I walked thither and heard Dr. King (age 71), Bishop of Chichester, make a good and eloquent sermon upon these words, "They that sow in tears, shall reap in joy". Thence (the chappell in Lent being hung with black, and no anthem sung after sermon, as at other times), to my Lord Sandwich (age 37) at Sir W. Wheeler's (age 52). I found him out of order, thinking himself to be in a fit of an ague, but in the afternoon he was very cheery. I dined with Sir William, where a good but short dinner, not better than one of mine commonly of a Sunday.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Mar 1663. After dinner up to my Lord, there being Mr. Kumball. My Lord, among other discourse, did tell us of his great difficultys passed in the business of the Sound, and of his receiving letters from the King (age 32) there, but his sending them by Whetstone was a great folly; and the story how my Lord being at dinner with Sydney, one of his fellow plenipotentiarys and his mortal enemy, did see Whetstone, and put off his hat three times to him, but the fellow would not be known, which my Lord imputed to his coxcombly humour (of which he was full), and bid Sydney take notice of him too, when at the very time he had letters in his pocket from the King, as it proved afterwards. And Sydney afterwards did find it out at Copenhagen, the Dutch Commissioners telling him how my Lord Sandwich (age 37) had hired one of their ships to carry back Whetstone to Lubeck, he being come from Flanders from the King. But I cannot but remember my Lord's aequanimity in all these affairs with admiration.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Mar 1665. Though a bitter cold day, yet I rose, and though my pain and tenderness in my testicle remains a little, yet I do verily think that my pain yesterday was nothing else, and therefore I hope my disease of the stone may not return to me, but void itself in pissing, which God grant, but I will consult my physitian. This morning is brought me to the office the sad newes of "The London", in which Sir J. Lawson's (age 50) men were all bringing her from Chatham, Kent [Map] to the Hope, and thence he was to go to sea in her; but a little a'this side the buoy of the Nower, she suddenly blew up. About 24 [men] and a woman that were in the round-house and coach saved; the rest, being above 300, drowned: the ship breaking all in pieces, with 80 pieces of brass ordnance. She lies sunk, with her round-house above water. Sir J. Lawson hath a great loss in this of so many good chosen men, and many relations among them. I went to the 'Change [Map], where the news taken very much to heart.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Mar 1666. After dinner I took coach and away to Hales's (age 66), where my wife is sitting; and, indeed, her face and necke, which are now finished, do so please me that I am not myself almost, nor was not all the night after in writing of my letters, in consideration of the fine picture that I shall be master of.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Mar 1667. Up, and to the Old Swan [Map], where drank at Michell's, but not seeing her whom I love I by water to White Hall, and there acquainted Sir G. Carteret (age 57) betimes what I had to say this day before the Duke of York (age 33) in the business of Carcasse, which he likes well of, being a great enemy to him, and then I being too early here to go to Sir W. Coventry's (age 39) chamber, having nothing to say to him, and being able to give him but a bad account of the business of the office (which is a shame to me, and that which I shall rue if I do not recover), to the Exchequer about getting a certificate of Mr. Lanyon's entered at Sir R. Longs (age 67) office, and strange it is to see what horrid delays there are at this day in the business of money, there being nothing yet come from my Lord Treasurer (age 59) to set the business of money in action since the Parliament broke off, notwithstanding the greatness and number of the King's occasions for it.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Mar 1667. So home with Sir W. Batten (age 66), and Sir W. Pen (age 45), by coach, and there met at the office, and my Lord Bruncker (age 47) presently after us, and there did give order to Mr. Stevens for securing the tickets in Carcasses hands, which my Lord against his will could not refuse to sign, and then home to dinner, and so away with my wife by coach, she to Mrs. Pierce's and I to my Lord Bellasses (age 52), and with him to [my] Lord Treasurer's (age 59), where by agreement we met with Sir H. Cholmly (age 34), and there sat and talked all the afternoon almost about one thing or other, expecting Sir Philip Warwicke's (age 57) coming, but he come not, so we away towards night, Sir H. Cholmly and I to the Temple [Map], and there parted, telling me of my Lord Bellasses's want of generosity, and that he [Bellasses] will certainly be turned out of his government, and he thinks himself stands fair for it.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Mar 1668. At noon, after sermon, I to dinner with Sir G. Carteret (age 58) to Lincoln's Inn Fields, where I find mighty deal of company-a solemn day for some of his and her friends, and dine in the great dining-room above stairs, where Sir G. Carteret himself, and I, and his son, at a little table by, the great table being full of strangers. Here my Lady Jem. do promise to come, and bring my Lord Hinchingbrooke (age 20) and his lady some day this week, to dinner to me, which I am glad of.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Mar 1669. Up, and with W. Hewer (age 27) by Hackney coach to White Hall, where the King (age 38) and the Duke of York (age 35) is gone by three in the morning, and had the misfortune to be overset with the Duke of York, the Duke of Monmouth (age 19), and the Prince, at the King's Gate' in Holborne; and the King all dirty, but no hurt. How it come to pass I know not, but only it was dark, and the torches did not, they say, light the coach as they should do. I thought this morning to have seen my Lord Sandwich (age 43) before he went out of town, but I come half an hour too late; which troubles me, I having not seen him since my Lady Palls died. So W. Hewer and I to the Harp-and-Ball, to drink my morning draught, having come out in haste; and there met with King, the Parliament-man, with whom I had some impertinent talk. And so to the Privy Seal Office, to examine what records I could find there, for my help in the great business I am put upon, of defending the present constitution of the Navy; but there could not have liberty without order from him that is in present waiting, Mr. Bickerstaffe, who is out of town. This I did after I had walked to the New Exchange and there met Mr. Moore, who went with me thither, and I find him the same discontented poor man as ever. He tells me that Mr. Shepley is upon being turned away from my Lord's family, and another sent down, which I am sorry for; but his age and good fellowship have almost made him fit for nothing.
John Evelyn's Diary. 08 Mar 1681. Visited and dined at the Earl of Essex's (age 49), with whom I spent most of the afternoon alone. Thence to my (yet living) godmother and kinswoman, Mrs. Keightley, sister to Sir Thomas Evelyn and niece to my father, being now eighty-six years of age, sprightly, and in perfect health, her eyes serving her as well as ever, and of a comely countenance, that one would not suppose her above fifty.
John Evelyn's Diary. 08 Mar 1689. The King (age 55) abroad was now furnished by the French King (age 50) with money and officers for an expedition to Ireland. The great neglect in not more timely preventing that from hence, and the disturbances in Scotland, give apprehensions of great difficulties, before any settlement can be perfected here, while the Parliament dispose of the great offices among themselves. The Great Seal, Treasury and Admiralty put into commission of many unexpected persons, to gratify the more; so that by the present appearance of things (unless God Almighty graciously interpose and give success in Ireland and settle Scotland) more trouble seems to threaten the nation than could be expected. In the interim, the new King refers all to the Parliament in the most popular manner, but is very slow in providing against all these menaces, besides finding difficulties in raising men to send abroad; the former army, which had never seen any service hitherto, receiving their pay and passing their summer in an idle scene of a camp at Hounslow, unwilling to engage, and many disaffected, and scarce to be trusted.
Roger Whitley's Diary. 08 Mar 1690. Satorday, Booth that informed against Grosvenor,came to complaine that he was threatened that they would have eares, &c. I told him, whilest he swore truth for the King he need not feare; I bid the Butler stand by,&c took notice what I sayd; I left him; at his going away he met me againe, neare the Dyatts; I still advised to speake truth & that would protect him; he told me that G;Harvey, though he appeared against: him; yet had given him up his bonds & discharged him, many yeares agoe; that when he went from him he went into the King Charles his service; that after Harvey had delivered his bonds & received 2 li to be frinds he had imployed him severall times to work under him; at last he would not pay him his wages; Booth sued him & recovered it; which had incensed Harvey against: him, &c. I still charged him to speake nothing but truth; soe he went presently back to Chester; I dined at home; in the evening came Bidolph & 3 servants: then Conen & 2 other men that came from London & had bin at Dysert;,&c. stayd all night.
John Evelyn's Diary. 08 Mar 1695. I supped at the Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry's (age 67), who related to me the pious behavior of the Queen in all her sickness, which was admirable. She never inquired of what opinion persons were, who were objects of charity; that, on opening a cabinet, a paper was found wherein she had desired that her body might not be opened, or any extraordinary expense at her funeral, whenever she should die. This paper was not found in time to be observed. There were other excellent things under her own hand, to the very least of her debts, which were very small, and everything in that exact method, as seldom is found in any private person. In sum, she was such an admirable woman, abating for taking the Crown without a more due apology, as does, if possible, outdo the renowned Queen Elizabeth.
John Evelyn's Diary. 08 Mar 1696. Divers of the conspirators tried and condemned. Vesuvius breaking out, terrified Naples. Three [Note. Robert Charnock, Edward King, and Thomas Keys] of the unhappy wretches, whereof one was a priest, were executed for intending to assassinate the King; they acknowledged their intention, but acquitted King James of inciting them to it, and died very penitent. Divers more in danger, and some very considerable persons.
On 08 Mar 1702 King William III of England, Scotland and Ireland (age 51) died. His first cousin Queen Anne of England Scotland and Ireland (age 37) succeeded I Queen England Scotland and Ireland. She, Anne, being the sister of his wife Mary Stewart II Queen England Scotland and Ireland.
John Evelyn's Diary. 08 Mar 1702. The King (age 51) had a fall from his horse, and broke his collar bone, and having been much indisposed before, and aguish, with a long cough and other weakness, died this Sunday morning, about four o'clock.
On 12 Feb 1712 Maria Adelaide Savoy (age 26) died of measles at Versailles.
On 18 Feb 1712 Louis Bourbon Duke Burgundy (age 29) died of measles contracted when nursing his wife Maria Adelaide Savoy who had died six days previously.
On 08 Mar 1712, their eldest son, heir to the throne, Louis Bourbon Duke Brittany (age 5) died of measles.
The heir to the French throne their only remaining son Louis (age 1), aged two, great-grandson of the reigning monarch Louis "Sun King" XIV King France (age 73) succeeded his great-grandfather three years later in 1715.
On 08 Mar 1748 William Cust (age 28) was killed by a cannon-ball whilst leading the attack on Port Louis on HMS Elizabeth.
On 08 Mar 1782 Samuel Woodford (age 18) became a student at the Royal Academy.
08 Mar 1790. Memorial to Reverend Thomas Loxley (deceased). Rector of St Mary’s Church, Sprotbrough [Map].
Reverend Thomas Loxley: In 1722 he was born to Thomas Loxley and Elizabeth Revell. In 1757 he was appointed Rector of St Mary’s Church, Sprotbrough. On 05 Mar 1790 he died. He was buried at St Mary’s Church, Sprotbrough on 08 Mar 1790.
Cansick's Monumental Inscriptions Volume 2 Highgate Cemetery. Highgate Cemetery. Sacred to the memory of Edward Hodges Baily (age 69), Esq., R.A., Who died May 22 May, 1867, aged 79 years. Also of Elizabeth (deceased), wife of the said Edward Hodges Baily, Esqre., R.A., Who died March 8th 1858, aged 70 years.
On 08 Mar 1916 Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Arthur Clowes (age 48) died of typhoid whilst on active service at Cairo. He was buried at the Cairo War Memorial Cemetery Plot D.344.
On 08 Mar 1976 Edward Fitzgerald 7th Duke Leinster (age 83) committed suicide by taking an overdose of pentobarbital.
On 08 Mar 1981 Joanna Montagu-Stuart-Wortley (age 21) died in a car accident.
On 08 Mar 2021 Iris Susan Stuart Colin died. She was buried at Lincoln Cathedral [Map].
Iris Susan Stuart Colin: On 12 Jan 1921 she was born. Before 19 Dec 1995 Bishop Gerald Fitzmaurice Colin and she were married.
Births on the 8th March
On 08 Mar 1286 John Capet III Duke Brittany was born to Arthur Capet Duke Brittany (age 24) and Marie Limoges Duchess Brittany. He a great grandson of King Henry III of England.
On 08 Mar 1472 Margaret Kennedy Lady Avondale was born to John Kennedy 2nd Lord Kennedy (age 17) and Elizabeth Gordon Countess Erroll.
On or before 08 Mar 1578 Richard Gurney 1st Baronet was born. He was baptised on 08 Mar 1578.
After 08 Mar 1624 John Stewart 2nd Earl Traquair was born to John Stewart 1st Earl Traquair (age 24) and Catherine Carnegie Countess Traquair (age 24).
On 08 Mar 1636 Robert Kerr 1st Marquess Lothian was born to William Kerr 1st Earl Lothian (age 31).
On 08 Mar 1658 Thomas Trevor 1st Baron Trevor Bromham was born to John Trevor (age 34).
On 08 Mar 1707 William Irby 1st Baron Boston was born to Edward Irby 1st Baronet (age 30).
On 08 Mar 1721 Elizabeth Chudleigh Duchess Kingston upon Hull was born to Thomas Chudleigh (age 33).
On 08 Mar 1723 George Manners-Sutton was born to John Manners 3rd Duke Rutland (age 26) and Bridget Sutton Duchess Rutland (age 23).
On 08 Mar 1723 James Peachey 1st Baron Selsey was born.
On 08 Mar 1724 Ernest Frederick Saxe Coburg Saalfeld Duke Saxe Coburg Saalfeld was born to Francis Josias Saxe Coburg Saalfeld Duke Saxe Coburg Saalfeld (age 26) and Duchess Anna Sophie Of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld (age 23) at Saalfield. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.37%.
On 08 Mar 1726 Richard Howe 1st Earl Howe was born to Emanuel Howe 2nd Viscount Howe (age 26) and Sophia Von Keilmansegg Viscountess Howe (age 22) at Albermarle Street.
On 08 Mar 1753 Charles Talbot 15th Earl of Shrewsbury was born to Charles Talbot (age 31).
On 08 Mar 1762 John Reade 6th Baronet was born to John Reade 5th Baronet (age 40) and Harriet Barker. He was a twin. He was baptised at St George's Church, Hanover Square.
On 08 Mar 1762 John Charles Felix Rossi was born.
On 08 Mar 1767 Frederick Charles Emil Oldenburg was born to Frederick Christian Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 45) and Charlotte Amalie Wilhelmine Unknown Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg.
On 08 Mar 1787 Louisa Legge Baroness Bagot was born to George Legge 3rd Earl Dartmouth (age 31) and Frances Finch Countess Dartmouth (age 26).
On 08 Mar 1789 George Byron 7th Baron Byron was born to George Anson Byron (age 33).
On 08 Mar 1798 Reverend John Venables-Vernon was born to Henry Venables-Vernon 3rd Baron Vernon (age 50) and Alice Lucy Whitefoord Baroness Vernon (age 30).
On 08 Mar 1824 Frances Harriett Greville Duchess Richmond was born to Algernon Frederick Greville (age 25) and Charlotte Maria Cox.
On 08 Mar 1843 Alice Howard was born to Henry Howard 2nd Earl of Effingham (age 36) and Eliza Drummond Baroness Howard (age 32).
On 08 Mar 1867 Charles James Stanley Howard 10th Earl Carlisle was born to George Howard 9th Earl Carlisle (age 23) and Rosalind Frances Stanley Countess Carlisle (age 22).
On 08 Mar 1869 George Spencer Watson was born to William Spencer Burton Watson (age 33).
On 08 Mar 1873 Mary Isabella Sophia Louisa Weld-Forester was born to Cecil Weld-Forester 5th Baron Forester (age 30) with his twin brother.
On 08 Mar 1881 Galbraith Lowry Egerton Cole was born to Lowry Cole 4th Earl Enniskillen (age 35) and Charlotte Marion Baird Countess of Enniskillen.
On 08 Mar 1935 Michael John Bryan Leighton 11th Baronet was born to Richard Tihel Leighton 10th Baronet (age 42).
On 08 Mar 1935 Gillian Moyra Katherine Cecil was born to David George Brownlow-Cecil 6th Marquess Exeter (age 30) and Mary Theresa Montagu-Douglas-Scott (age 31).
On 08 Mar 1942 Anthony Harris 8th Baron Harris was born to Derek Harris 7th Baron Harris (age 26).
On 08 Mar 1955 Crispin Money-Coutts 9th Baron Latymer was born to Hugo Money-Coutts 8th Baron Latymer (age 29).
Marriages on the 8th March
Around 08 Mar 1636 Walter Vavasour 2nd Baronet and Ursula Belasyse (age 19) were married. They were fourth cousins.
On 08 Mar 1637 John Belasyse 1st Baron Belasyse (age 22) and Jane Boteler were married. The marriage had been clandestine for which he was fined £150 by the Court of High Commission.
On 08 Mar 1652 Charles Beale (age 20) and Mary Beale aka Cradock (age 18) were married.
On 08 Mar 1692 Henry Hyde 2nd Earl Rochester 4th Earl Clarendon (age 19) and Jane Leveson-Gower Countess Rochester and Clarendon were married. He the son of Lawrence Hyde 1st Earl Rochester (age 50) and Henrietta Boyle Countess Rochester.
On 08 Mar 1716 Edward Seymour 8th Duke of Somerset (age 21) and Mary Webb Duchess Somerset (age 19) were married at Monkton Farleigh, Wiltshire.
On 08 Mar 1769 Evelyn Pierrepont 2nd Duke Kingston upon Hull (age 58) and Elizabeth Chudleigh Duchess Kingston upon Hull (age 48) were married. Allegedly bigamously since her first husband Augustus John Hervey 3rd Earl Bristol (age 44) was still living, at Keith's Chapel, Mayfair. She by marriage Duchess Kingston upon Hull.
On 08 Mar 1794 Robert Brudenell 6th Earl Cardigan (age 24) and Penelope Cooke Countess Cardigan (age 24) were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square.
On 08 Mar 1813 Henry Hall Gage 4th Viscount Gage (age 21) and Elizabeth Maria Foley (age 20) were married.
On 08 Mar 1887 James Arthur Wellington Foley Butler 4th Marquess Ormonde (age 37) and Ellen Stager Marchioness Ormonde were married. She brought a fortune of £200,000 to the marriage. He the son of John Butler 2nd Marquess Ormonde and Frances Paget Marchioness Ormonde (age 70).
On 08 Mar 1919 William Humble Eric Ward 3rd Earl of Dudley (age 25) and Rosemary Millicent Sutherland-Leveson-Gower (age 25) were married. She the daughter of Cromartie Sutherland-Leveson-Gower 4th Duke of Sutherland and Millicent Fanny St Clair-Erskine Duchess of Sutherland (age 51). He the son of William Humble Ward 2nd Earl of Dudley (age 51).
On 08 Mar 1930 Anthony Vivian 5th Baron Vivian (age 24) and Victoria Oliphant Baroness Vivian (age 22) were married.
On 08 Mar 1945 Gerard Henry Fleetwood Fuller 2nd Baronet (age 38) and Kathleen Elizabeth Farrar Lady Fuller were married. She by marriage Lady Fuller of Neston Park in Corsham in Wiltshire.
On 08 Mar 1975 Thomas Patrick John Anson 5th Earl Lichfield (age 35) and Leonora Mary Grosvenor Countess Lichfield (age 26) were married. She by marriage Countess Lichfield. She the daughter of Robert George Grosvenor 5th Duke Westminster (age 64) and Viola Maud Lyttelton Duchess Westminster (age 62).
Deaths on the 8th March
On 08 Mar 1126 Urracca "Reckless" Jiménez Queen Consort Aragon and Pamplona (age 46) died.
On 08 Mar 1129 Gerald I Count Guelders (age 69) died. His son Gerard II Count Guelders (age 24) succeeded II Count Guelders. Ermgard Zutphen Countess Guelders by marriage Countess Guelders.
On 08 Mar 1137 Adela Normandy Countess Blois (age 70) died.
On 08 Mar 1279 Adelaide Andechs died. Her son Otto Ivrea IV Count Burgundy (age 31) succeeded IV Count Burgundy.
On 08 Mar 1316 Alicia Ledet Baroness Latimer Corby (age 65) died at Sutton, Bedfordshire.
On 08 Mar 1441 Margaret Valois Countess Holland (age 66) died.
On 08 Mar 1486 Joan Dacre 7th Baroness Dacre of Gilsland (age 53) died. Her grandson Thomas Fiennes 8th Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 14) succeeded 8th Baron Dacre Gilsland, 8th Baron Multon of Gilsland.
On 08 Mar 1616 Maria Anna Wittelsbach Holy Roman Empress (age 41) died.
On 08 Mar 1627 Samuel Tryon 1st Baronet (age 45) died. His son Samuel Tryon 2nd Baronet (age 9) succeeded 2nd Baronet Tryon of Layer Marney in Essex.
On 08 Mar 1640 William Douglas 1st Earl Queensberry (age 58) died. His son James Douglas 2nd Earl Queensberry (age 18) succeeded 2nd Earl Queensberry, 2nd Viscount Drumlanrig, 2nd Lord Douglas Hawick. Margaret Stewart Countess Queensberry by marriage Countess Queensberry.
On 08 Mar 1643 Edward Noel 2nd Viscount Campden (age 61) died. His son Baptist Noel 3rd Viscount Campden (age 32) succeeded 3rd Viscount Campden, 3rd Baron Hicks of Ilmington in Warwickshire. Hester Wotton Viscountess Campden (age 28) by marriage Viscountess Campden.
On 08 Mar 1683 Robert Paston 1st Earl of Yarmouth (age 51) died. His son William Paston 2nd Earl of Yarmouth (age 29) succeeded 2nd Earl of Yarmouth, 3rd Baronet Paston of Paston and Oxnead.
On 08 Mar 1684 Richard Tufton 5th Earl of Thanet (age 43) died. His brother Thomas Tufton 6th Earl of Thanet (age 39) succeeded 6th Earl of Thanet, 6th Baron Tufton, 18th Baron de Clifford, 7th Baronet Tufton of Hothfield.
On 08 Mar 1687 John Tracy 3rd Viscount Tracy (age 70) died. His son William Tracy 4th Viscount Tracy (age 30) succeeded 4th Viscount Tracy of Rathcoole in Dublin. Jane Leigh Viscountess Tracy (age 22) by marriage Viscountess Tracy of Rathcoole in Dublin.
On 08 Mar 1702 King William III of England, Scotland and Ireland (age 51) died. His first cousin Queen Anne of England Scotland and Ireland (age 37) succeeded I Queen England Scotland and Ireland. She, Anne, being the sister of his wife Mary Stewart II Queen England Scotland and Ireland.
Around 08 Mar 1709 Robert Shirley 6th Baronet (age 41) died. His uncle Robert Shirley 1st Earl Ferrers (age 58) succeeded 7th Baronet Shirley of Staunton Harold in Leicestershire.
On 12 Feb 1712 Maria Adelaide Savoy (age 26) died of measles at Versailles.
On 18 Feb 1712 Louis Bourbon Duke Burgundy (age 29) died of measles contracted when nursing his wife Maria Adelaide Savoy who had died six days previously.
On 08 Mar 1712, their eldest son, heir to the throne, Louis Bourbon Duke Brittany (age 5) died of measles.
The heir to the French throne their only remaining son Louis (age 1), aged two, great-grandson of the reigning monarch Louis "Sun King" XIV King France (age 73) succeeded his great-grandfather three years later in 1715.
On 08 Mar 1718 William Molyneux 4th Viscount Molyneux (age 63) died. His son Richard Molyneux 5th Viscount Molyneux (age 38) succeeded 5th Viscount Molyneux, 6th Baronet Molyneux of Sefton. Mary Brudenell Viscountess Molyneux (age 35) by marriage Viscountess Molyneux.
On 08 Mar 1721 Robert Throckmorton 3rd Baronet (age 59) died. He was buried at Weston Underwood, Buckinghamshire. His son Robert Throckmorton 4th Baronet (age 18) succeeded 4th Baronet Throckmorton of Coughton in Warwickshire. Theresa Herbert Lady Throckmorton (age 15) by marriage Lady Throckmorton of Coughton in Warwickshire.
On 08 Mar 1723 Christopher Wren (age 99) died.
On 08 Mar 1744 William Carew 5th Baronet (age 54) died. His son Coventry Carew 6th Baronet (age 27) succeeded 6th Baronet Carew of Antony in Cornwall. Mary Bampfylde Lady Carew by marriage Lady Carew of Antony in Cornwall.
On 08 Mar 1748 William Herbert 3rd Marquess Powis (age 50) died unmarried. Marquess Powis, Earl Powis, 6th Baron Powis of Powis Castle in Powys, 5th Baronet Powis of Red Castle in Montgomeryshire extinct.
On 08 Mar 1790 John Cramer aka Coghill 1st Baronet (age 57) died. His son John Thomas Coghill 2nd Baronet (age 24) succeeded 2nd Baronet Coghill of Coghill Hall in the West Riding of Yorkshire.
On 08 Mar 1803 Francis Egerton 3rd Duke Bridgewater (age 66) died unmarried. Duke Bridgewater extinct. His first cousin once removed John William Egerton 7th Earl Bridgewater succeeded 7th Earl Bridgewater, 8th Viscount Brackley, 8th Baron Ellesmere.
On 08 Mar 1812 William Langham 8th Baronet (age 41) died. His son William Henry Langham 9th Baronet (age 16) succeeded 9th Baronet Langham of Cottesbrooke in Northamptonshire.
On 08 Mar 1823 William Duff-Gordon 2nd Baronet (age 50) died. His son Alexander Cornewall Duff-Gordon 3rd Baronet (age 12) succeeded 3rd Baronet Duff-Gordon of Halkin in Aberdeenshire.
On 08 Mar 1829 Anna-Maria Amyand Countess Minto (age 76) died.
On 08 Mar 1842 Henry Francis Roper-Curzon 14th Baronet (age 74) died. His son Henry Roper-Curzon 15th Baron Teynham (age 52) succeeded 15th Baron Teynham of Teynham in Kent. Sarah Rudd Baroness Teynham by marriage Baroness Teynham of Teynham in Kent.
On 08 Mar 1858 John Haggerston 8th Baronet (age 59) died. His son John de Marie Haggerston 9th Baronet (age 5) succeeded 9th Baronet Haggerston of Haggerston Castle in Northumberland.
On 08 Mar 1871 Jacob Henry Delaval Astley 17th Baron Hastings (age 48) died. His brother Delaval Loftus Astley 18th Baron Hastings (age 45) succeeded 18th Baron Hastings, 8th Baronet Astley of Hill Morton. Frances Diana Manners-Sutton Baroness Hastings by marriage Baroness Hastings.
On 08 Mar 1881 John Hamner 1st Baron Hamner (age 71) died. Baron Hamner of Hanmer and of Flint in Flintshire extinct. His brother Wyndham Hamner 4th Baronet (age 71) succeeded 4th Baronet Hamner of Hamner in Flintshire.
On 08 Mar 1883 James Henry Legge Dutton 3rd Baron Sherborne (age 78) died. His son Edward Lenox Dutton 4th Baron Sherborne (age 51) succeeded 4th Baron Sherborne. Emily Theresa Stern Baroness Sherborne (age 36) by marriage Baroness Sherborne.
On 08 Mar 1887 Frances Harriett Greville Duchess Richmond (age 63) died.
On 08 Mar 1905 Edward Dolman Scott 6th and 5th Baronet (age 79) died. Baronet Scott of Great Barr in Staffordshire extinct. His half first cousin once removed Alexander Fuller-Acland-Hood 1st Baron St Audries (age 51) succeeded 6th Baronet Bateman of Hartington Hall in Derbyshire.
On 08 Mar 1919 Elizabeth Charlotte Louisa Craven Countess Wilton (age 82) died.
On 08 Mar 1940 David Lindsay 27th Earl of Crawford 10th Earl Balcarres (age 68) died. His son David Lindsay 28th Earl of Crawford 11th Earl Balcarres (age 39) succeeded 28th Earl Crawford, 11th Earl Balcarres. Mary Katherine Cavendish Countess of Crawford and Balcarres by marriage Countess Crawford, Countess Balcarres.
On 08 Mar 1976 John Shelley 10th Baronet (age 91) died. His grandson John Richard Shelley 11th Baronet (age 33) succeeded 11th Baronet Shelley of Mitchelgrove in Sussex.
On 08 Mar 1976 Edward Fitzgerald 7th Duke Leinster (age 83) committed suicide by taking an overdose of pentobarbital.