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On this Day in History ... 8th November
08 Nov is in November.
1517 Sweating Sickness Outbreak
1528 Sweating Sickness Outbreak
1627 Battle of the Pont du Feneau
Events on the 8th November
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. [08 Nov 780]. The same year Archbishop Ethelbert died at York, and Eanbald was consecrated in his stead;
On 08 Nov 1226 King Louis VIII of France (age 39) died. His son King Louis IX of France (age 12) succeeded IX King France: Capet.
On 08 Nov 1246 Berengaria Ivrea I Queen Castile (age 67) died.
On 08 Nov 1414 Holy Roman Emper Sigismund (age 46) was crowned I King Germany at Aachen aka Aix le Chapelle.
Patent Rolls Henry VI 1452-1461. Membrane 27d. 08 Nov 1459. Commission to John de Clyfford (age 24) to arrest all lands, possessions and goods of any rebels in Westmoreland, except of those whom the king has taken into his protection. By K.
Croyland Chronicle 1483. [08 Nov 1483]. One most noble knight of that city perished, Thomas Saint Leger (age 43) by name, to save whose life very large sums of money were offered; but all in vain, for he underwent his sentence of capital punishment.
Historie of Great Britain by John Speed Book 9 Chapter 36. [08 Nov 1483] ... and at Exceter [Map] for the like cause dyed Sir Thomas Sentleger (age 43), who had married Lady Anne Dutchess of Excester, King Richards own sister, with others; so jealous was the King of his usurped Crowne;
On 08 Nov 1483 Thomas St Leger (age 43) was executed at Exeter Castle [Map].
Letters and Papers 1517. 08 Nov 1517. Vit. B. III. 180. B. M. 3781. SILVESTER BP. OF WORCESTER to WOLSEY.
On the 3 Nov. received his agreeable letters, dated the 18th Oct., with Wolsey's excuses for writing so seldom, and his promise to write oftener hereafter. The state of affairs requires more frequent correspondence on both sides. Is sorry to hear of the sweating sickness having been so bad in England, and Wolsey's danger. Is glad the royal family have escaped. The Pope has only put off the deprivation of Cardinal Hadrian to follow the course of justice. When the 40 days are at an end, during which the Pope is absent for the sake of his health, process cannot long be delayed; and as the Pope has told him, he considers Hadrian deserving of this deprivation, not merely for the reasons stated in the King's letter, but for his many crimes. He has acted always so faithlessly that every one desires his fall. The Pope says nothing shall change his mind. At last he speaks positively, and Worcester is inclined to believe him; but if it prove otherwise Worcester must not be blamed. Has done all he could in the matter, and reported the Pope's words exactly, as the Pope himself desired him. But in this court, as in others, nothing can be effected without gifts; and Worcester will distribute a few, as sparingly as he can. The Pope is most grateful to Wolsey for letting him know of the French embassy coming to England, and promising that nothing shall be negociated against the interests of the Holy See. As to the pension Wolsey has promised him, Worcester will depend upon his bounty. Has received the original deed of endowment of the King's house, and will use it when occasion offers. Thanks Wolsey for the protection granted to his cousin John Campucci.
(Here a leaf or more is evidently lost.) * * * "[nume]rosam classem tormentis atque aliis machinis et instrum[entis belli]cis optime munitam et instructam parat, ut proxima ... æstate magnam aliquam suscipiat provinciam, aliquodque cru ... gerere possit, quod contra rempublicam Christianam futurum omnes ... te scribunt, licet dignosci præcise non possit quo adhuc animu[m] suum converterit." The Pope summoned the ambassadors of all princes, and, in presence of the Cardinals, with tears in his eyes, related this unhappy news, conjuring them by the mercy of God to beseech their sovereigns to come to some speedy determination for the protection of Christendom. It is thought the tyrant will first attack Hungary and Poland. It is needful to have a good fleet to turn the war into his own country. If he be not resisted now the danger to Christendom is manifest. All the ambassadors, except Worcester and the Emperor's, have commissions from their princes; the latter expects one. Worcester excused the King not having sent one, by reason of the sweating sickness, and declared openly that Henry had frequently shown his zeal for the defence of Christendom, as the Pope could testify. The French ambassador said he had been very urgent with the Pope for a universal peace. Worcester replied, that the object was a very desirable one, but it was important that it should be sincere and unfeigned, and not a pretext for injury, and that if all were as well disposed to it as England the expedition could be easily accomplished.
"Præterea sanctissimus dominus noster mihi dixit se certo scire regem Catholicum proximis præteritis diebus Illustrissimæ Dominæ Margaritæ manu propria scripsisse, quod nullo pacto auderet se in administratione dominiorum Flandriæ amplius impedire, si ejus gratiam et vitam propriam caram habebat, sed dicta dominia administranda relinqueret illis, de quibus videbitur domino de Cevres et ille significaret; quo facile cuique judicium esse potest, dictum dominum de Cevres administrationem ipsius regis Catholici ut prius in manus habere; quod non est valde opportunum, ut dominatio vestra reverendissima sua innata prudentia optime cognoscere potest. Sanctissimus dominus noster ratum et gratum habuit fædus nostrum, ut ex forma bullæ desuper jam confectæ et plumbatæ apparet, quam ejus sanctitas intro octo dies mihi omnino dare promisit. Declaravi sanctissimo domino nostro quod illa brevia [quæ po] stremo ad D. V. Reverendissimam misi pro decima, non erant illius tenoris cujus ipsa commiserat, et iccirco rursus nunc alia brevia ... secundum informationem ab ea acceptam, ut ex eorum exemp[10] .. poterit. Ego video quod sanctissimus dominus no[ster] tantum fidei promissis sibi de decima factis [ha]buit, ut nullo pacto existimare possim quin m[axi]mam caperet displicentiam et indignationem ni eam haberet. Iccirco dominatio vestra reverendissima velit sua prudentia et autoritat[e] præsentis inopiæ ejus sanctitatis opportune [mi]sereri, efficereque ut promissis eidem ab[Re]gia Maiestate et dominatione vestra Rev[eren] dissima factis fideliter stetur, et ego cer[tus sum] ut ejus quoque sanctitas promissa observet [fideli]ter. Si dominatio vestra reverendissima in meam [con]descenderit sententiam, pecuniæ non persol[ven]tur, nisi solutis ad plenum promissis; inte[rea] vero dominatio vestra reverendissima omnem [di]ligentiam adhibere potest, ut dicta decim[a] cedatur et exigatur; qua concessa eidem [senten]tiam meam aperiam, quæ non inutilis erit e... longioribus intelliget."
Complained to his holiness that he had deferred giving Wolsey the licence for the bull of Tournay. He must be content to wait a month longer. As to Peter Vannes, Wolsey's devoted servant, would gladly assist him, as requested, for three reasons;—because Wolsey wishes it, out of regard for Andreas Ammonius, and because Vannes deserves it; but is so much in debt on account of the collectorship conferred on him, that he can only give him a small assistance. Will remember him at some more convenient time. Thanks him and the King for writing in his behalf about the collectorship, and for not favoring his opponents. Rome, 8 Nov. 1517.
Hol., pp. 10, Lat., part cipher, undeciphered. Add. f. 211*.
Letters and Papers 1528. 08 Nov 1528. R. O. 4916. John Chekyng to Cromwell.
Various reports were spread here about Cromwell, which he is glad proved false. Gregory (age 8) is well, et reliqui tui have now got cloaks to shield them from the cold. They have also a blazing fire to keep them comfortable. Little Gregory is becoming great in letters. Christopher (fn. 7) does not require much stirring up. Acknowledges a bundle of cloth received yesterday from Cromwell. Pembroke Hall, 8 Nov.
P.S.—The plague which sent us into the country has nearly consumed our money.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.: Suorum studiorum nequaquam vulgari patrono, D. Thomæ Crumwello, viro ut claro ita multis nominibus inclyto. Ex Cantabrigia.
Hall's Chronicle 1537. 08 Nov 1537. And the eighth day of November the corpse of the Queen (deceased) was carried to Windsor with great solemnity, and there was buried in the midst of the choir in the Castel Church [Map]: And at the same time was made in Paul’s a solemn hearse for her, where was mass and dirge, and in like manner was sung Mass and dirge in every parish church in London.
Chronicle of Greyfriars. 08 Nov 1537 ... and she [Queen Jane Seymour (deceased)] was buried at Windsor [Map] the 8th day of November.
Letters and Papers 1540. [08 Nov 1541]. Is moved to presume this because he hears that the Queen [Queen Catherine Howard of England (age 18)] is newly accused of being entertained by a gentleman [Francis Dereham (age 28)] while she was in the house of the old duchess of Norfolk, mother of lord William, and because physicians say she cannot bear children. The way taken is the same as with Queen Anne who was beheaded; she has taken no kind of pastime but kept in her chamber, whereas, before, she did nothing but dance and rejoice, and now when the musicians come they are told that it is no more the time to dance. Her brother [Charles Howard], gentleman of this King, is banished from Court without reason given; and Norfolk may well be vexed, seeing that she is his brother's daughter, as Queen Anne was his sister's, and he was author of this marriage. Set men to watch Hampton Court where the ladies are, and they reported that yesterday evening several persons went in post thither, including the abp. of Canterbury, who was the first to whom this affair was opened touching the familiarity of the personage abovesaid with the Queen. Is since told that the Queen's jewels are inventoried. As to whom the King will take, everyone thinks it will be the lady he has left, who has conducted herself wisely in her affliction, and is more beautiful than she was, and more regretted and commiserated (plaincte) than Queen Katharine was in like case. Besides, the King shows no inclination to any other lady, and will have some remorse of conscience, and no man in England dare suggest one of such quality as the lady in question, for fear, if she were repudiated, of falling "en quelque gros inconvenient."
The above written on the 8th.
Has since learnt that Hampton Court, where the ladies are, is closely guarded and none but officers admitted. Lady Mary has been sent to where the young Prince is still ill.
All the prelates who are not commonly heard in affairs of state, are summoned hither; which should be for some cause like marriage. A gentleman of the King's chamber says it will be concluded that the lady shall be no longer queen. But nothing is certain except that these troubles are on her account.
French. Modern transcript, pp. 7. Headed: 11 Nov. 1541.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 08 Nov 1562. The viij day of November the Quen('s) (age 29) grace removyd from Hamtun cowrt [Map] toward London, and be-twyn iij and [iiij o'clock] cam by Charyng-crosse [Map], and so rod unto Some[rset plac]e with mony nobull men and women, and with har[olds of a]rmes in ther cotte armurs; and my lord Thomas [Howard bare] the sword a-for the quen to Somersett plase [Map], and the [Queen will abide] ther tyll Criustynmas, and then to Whyt-halle.
On 08 Nov 1605 Robert Catesby (age 33) and Thomas Percy (age 45) were killed, reportedly by the same musket ball, at Holbeche House, Staffordshire, the home of Stephen Lyttelton (age 30).
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border Volume 2. The Duel of Wharton (age 26) and Stuart (age 24). In Two Parts.
On 08 Nov 1609 George Wharton (age 26) and James Stewart (age 24) killed each other in a duel at Islington Fields over a game of cards. They were buried together in the same grave in Islington, by the King's command on 10 Nov 1609.
On 08 Nov 1627 Mountjoy Blount 1st Earl Newport (age 30) was captured at the Battle of the Pont du Feneau in Pont du Feneau, Île de Ré. He was released soon after.
On 08 Nov 1627 Ralph Bingley (age 57) was killed in action at the Battle of the Pont du Feneau.
John Evelyn's Diary. 06 Nov 1650. Sir Thomas Osborne (age 18) supping with us, his groom was set upon in the street before our house, and received two wounds, but gave the assassin nine, who was carried off to the Charité Hospital. Sir Thomas went for England on the 8th, and carried divers letters for me to my friends.
In Nov 1660 King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 30) rewarded of further tranche of those who supported his Restoration by awarding them Baronetcies ...
On 08 Nov 1660 William Russell 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Russell of Laugherne in Carmarthenshire.
On 12 Nov 1660 John Cutler 1st Baronet (age 57) was created 1st Baronet Cutler of London.
On 21 Nov 1660 John Clotworthy 1st Viscount Massereene was created 1st Viscount Massereene, 1st Baron Lough Neagh, in the Irish peerage, with remainder in default of male heirs to his son-in-law. See Viscountcies of England Created with a Special Remainder.
On 21 Nov 1660 Thomas Foote 1st Baronet (age 62) was created 1st Baronet Foote of London with a special remainder for title to revert on his death to his son-in-law, Arthur Onslow of West Clandon (age 36).
On 29 Nov 1660 John Wroth 1st Baronet (age 33) was created 1st Baronet Wroth of Blenden Hall in Kent.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Nov 1661. This morning up early, and to my Lord Chancellor's (age 52) with a letter to him from my Lord, and did speak with him; and he did ask me whether I was son to Mr. Talbot Pepys or no (with whom he was once acquainted in the Court of Requests), and spoke to me with great respect. Thence to Westminster Hall [Map] (it being Term time) and there met with Commissioner Pett (age 51), and so at noon he and I by appointment to the Sun [Map] in New Fish Street, where Sir J. Minnes (age 62), Sir W. Batten (age 60), and we all were to dine, at an invitation of Captain Stoaks and Captain Clerk, and were very merry, and by discourse I found Sir J. Minnes a fine gentleman and a very good scholler.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Nov 1665. Thence after dinner to the office again, and thence am sent for to the King's Head [Map] by my Lord Rutherford, who, since I can hope for no more convenience from him, his business is troublesome to me, and therefore I did leave him as soon as I could and by water to Deptford, Kent [Map], and there did order my matters so, walking up and down the fields till it was dark night, that 'je allais a la maison of my valentine, [Bagwell's wife] and there 'je faisais whatever je voudrais avec' [I did whatever I wanted with] her, and, about eight at night, did take water, being glad I was out of the towne; for the plague, it seems, rages there more than ever, and so to my lodgings, where my Lord had got a supper and the mistresse of the house, and her daughters, and here staid Mrs. Pierce to speake with me about her husband's business, and I made her sup with us, and then at night my Lord and I walked with her home, and so back again.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Nov 1667. Called up betimes by Sir H. Cholmly (age 35), and he and I to good purpose most of the morning-I in my dressing-gown with him, on our Tangier accounts, and stated them well; and here he tells me that he believes it will go hard with my Chancellor (age 58).
John Evelyn's Diary. 08 Nov 1679. At Sir Stephen Fox's (age 52), and was agreeing for the Countess of Bristol's (age 59) house at Chelsea, within £500.
On 08 Nov 1702 John Evelyn of Nutfield (age 25) died of smallpox.
John Evelyn's Diary. 08 Nov 1702. Our affairs in so prosperous a condition both by sea and land, that there has not been so great an union in Parliament, Court, and people, in memory of man, which God in mercy make us thankful for, and continue! The Bishop of Exeter (age 52) preached before the Queen (age 37) and both Houses of Parliament at St. Paul's [Map]; they were wonderfully huzzaed in their passage, and splendidly entertained in the city.
On 08 Nov 1708 Anne Carteret (age 79) died. She was buried at Lincoln Cathedral [Map].
Anne Carteret: Around 1629 she was born to Philippe Carteret 3rd Seigneur Sark and Anne Dowse. Before 05 May 1695 Daniel Brevint and she were married.
On 08 Nov 1766 Christian VII King Denmark and Norway (age 17) and Caroline Matilda Hanover Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 15) were married at Christiansborg Castle. She by marriage Queen Consort Denmark and Norway. She the daughter of Frederick Louis Hanover Prince of Wales and Augusta Saxe Coburg Altenburg (age 46). He the son of Frederick V King Denmark and Norway and Louise Hanover Queen Consort Denmark and Norway. They were first cousins. He a grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. She a granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.
On 08 Nov 1768 Princess Augusta Sophia Hanover was born to King George III of Great Britain and Ireland (age 30) and Charlotte Mecklenburg Strelitz Queen Consort England (age 24).
On 08 Nov 1781 Francis Henry Egerton 8th Earl Bridgewater (age 24) was elected Fellow of the Royal Society.
The Diary of George Price Boyce 1868. 08 Nov 1868. November 8 (Sunday). Dined at Club, Simeon Solomon (age 28) there. He. introduced me to Mr. Oscar Browning. Billiards. Cooper said that there was a report that the young lady who threw herself off London Bridge a few days ago and was drowned, was no other than poor Ellen Terry (Mrs. G. F. Watts) and that it was after a quarrel with her sister about her continuing on the stage.9
Note 9. After the break-up of her marriage to G. F. Watts (age 51) in 1865, Ellen Terry (age 21) (1848-1928) had returned to the stage but in the spring of this year she threw up her engagement at the Queen’s Theatre, Long Acre, and disappeared. It was only after the incident of the body of a suicide case being mistakenly identified as hers that she informed her family that she was living in the country with E. W. Godwin. It was probably Sidney Cooper (1803-1902) the painter of sheep and cattle in landscape who repeated the story. Oscar Browning (1837-1923) was at this period an assistant master at Eton, notable both for his cultivated tastes and intellectual pursuits, and known to be a friend of Simeon Solomon.
Births on the 8th November
On 08 Nov 1344 Robert of Bar 1st Duke of Bar was born to Henry of Bar IV Count of Bar and Yolande Dampierre Countess of Bar (age 13). He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward I of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.02%.
On 08 Nov 1440 Janus Savoy was born to Louis Savoy I Count Savoy (age 27) and Anne Cyprus Countess Savoy (age 22) at Geneva.
On 08 Nov 1543 Lettice Knollys Countess Essex was born to Francis Knollys (age 31) and Catherine Carey (age 19).
On 08 Nov 1556 Marguerite Bourbon Condé was born to Louis Bourbon Prince Condé (age 26) and Eléanor de Roucy de Roye Princess Condé (age 21).
On 08 Nov 1598 Penelope Wriothesley Baroness Spencer Wormleighton was born to Henry Wriothesley 3rd Earl of Southampton (age 25) and Elizabeth Vernon Countess Southampton (age 26).
On 08 Nov 1625 Mary Boyle Countess Warwick was born to Richard Boyle 1st Earl Cork (age 59) and Catherine Fenton Countess Cork (age 40) at Youghal.
On 08 Nov 1625 Edward Dering 2nd Baronet was born to Edward Dering 1st Baronet (age 27) and Anne Ashburnham Lady Dering (age 20) at Surrenden Dering, Pluckley.
On 08 Nov 1630 Robert Bertie 3rd Earl Lindsey was born to Montagu Bertie 2nd Earl Lindsey (age 22) and Martha Cockayne Countess Lindsey and Holderness (age 25).
On 08 Nov 1661 Elisabeth Henriëtte Hesse-Kassel was born to Wilhelm "The Just" VI Hesse-Kassel (age 32) and Hedwig Sophia Hohenzollern (age 38).
On 08 Nov 1661 William Gresley 3rd Baronet was born to Thomas Gresley 2nd Baronet (age 33) and Frances Morewood Lady Gresley (age 31).
On 08 Nov 1673 Thomas Foley 1st Baron Foley was born to Thomas Foley (age 32).
On or before 08 Nov 1687 Mark Cole 4th Baronet was born to Nicholas Cole and Elizabeth Milbanke.
On 08 Nov 1699 John Philipps 6th Baronet was born to John Philipps 4th Baronet (age 33).
On 08 Nov 1699 Erasmus Philipps 5th Baronet was born to John Philipps 4th Baronet (age 33).
Before 08 Nov 1710 Brooke Boothby 5th Baronet was born to Brooke Boothby (age 40).
On 08 Nov 1720 Hester Granville Countess Chatham was born to Richard Granville (age 42).
On 08 Nov 1723 Vice Admiral John "Foulweather Jack" Byron was born to William Byron 4th Baron Byron (age 53) and Frances Berkeley Baroness Byron (age 20).
On 08 Nov 1748 William Fowle Middleton 1st Baronet was born at Charleston.
On 08 Nov 1748 George Amyand aka Cornewall 2nd Baronet was born to George Amyand 1st Baronet (age 28) and Anna Maria Korteen Lady Amyand.
On 08 Nov 1748 Anne Seymour-Conway was born to Field Marshal Henry Seymour-Conway (age 27) and Caroline Campbell Countess Elgin and Ailesbury (age 27).
On 08 Nov 1768 Michael Seymour 1st Baronet was born to John Seymour.
On 08 Nov 1768 Princess Augusta Sophia Hanover was born to King George III of Great Britain and Ireland (age 30) and Charlotte Mecklenburg Strelitz Queen Consort England (age 24).
On 08 Nov 1770 Camilla Maria Wallop was born to John Wallop 2nd Earl Portsmouth (age 28) and Urania Fellowes (age 28).
On 08 Nov 1771 John Upton 2nd Baron Templetown was born to Clotworthy Upton 1st Baron Templetown (age 50) and Elizabeth Boughton Baroness Templetown (age 18).
On 08 Nov 1790 John Campbell 1st Earl Cawdor was born to John Campbell 1st Baron Cawdor (age 37) and Isabella Caroline Howard Baroness Cawdor (age 19).
On 08 Nov 1793 Henry Cavendish 3rd Baron Waterpark was born to Richard Cavendish 2nd Baron Waterpark (age 28) and Juliana Cooper Baroness Waterpark (age 26).
On 08 Nov 1803 Henry John Chetwynd-Talbot 3rd Earl Talbot 18th Earl of Shrewsbury was born to Charles Chetwynd-Talbot 2nd Earl Talbot (age 26) and Frances Thomasina Lambart Countess Talbot (age 31).
On 08 Nov 1807 Sarah Elizabeth Beresford Countess Talbot Shrewsbury Waterford was born to Henry de la Poer Beresford 2nd Marquess Waterford (age 35) and Susan Hussey Carpenter Marchioness Waterford (age 23).
On 08 Nov 1811 John William Montagu 7th Earl Sandwich was born to George Montagu 6th Earl Sandwich (age 38) and Louisa Lowry-Corry Countess of Sandwich (age 30). He was educated at Eton College [Map].
On 08 Nov 1811 Andrew St John 15th Baron St John was born to Andrew St John 14th Baron St John (age 52) and Louise Rouse-Boughton Baroness St John (age 26).
On 08 Nov 1812 Edward Cecil Curzon was born to Robert Curzon Baron Zouche (age 38) and Harriet Anne Bisshopp 13th Baroness Zouche (age 25).
On 08 Nov 1817 Charles William Frederick Cavendish-Bentinck was born to Charles Cavendish-Bentinck (age 37) and Anne Wellesley Lady Abdy (age 29).
On 08 Nov 1819 John Nicholas Thicknesse-Touchet was born to George Thicknesse-Touchet 20th Baron Audley 17th Baron Tuchet (age 36) and Anne-Jane Donnelly Baroness Audley.
On or before 08 Nov 1821, the date he was baptised, Thomas Bateman was born to William Bateman (age 34) in Rowsley [Map].
On 08 Nov 1829 Augustus Gough-Calthorpe 6th Baron Calthorpe was born to Frederick Gough 4th Baron Calthorpe (age 39) and Charlotte Sophia Somerset 4th Baroness Calthorpe (age 34) at Elvetham Hall, Hampshire [Map].
On 08 Nov 1831 Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton 1st Earl was born to Edward George Bulwer-Lytton 1st Baron Lytton (age 28).
On 08 Nov 1838 Alexander Stewart was born to Randolph Stewart 9th Earl Galloway (age 38) and Harriet Blanche Somerset Countess Galloway (age 27). Coefficient of inbreeding 1.58%.
On 08 Nov 1840 Nathan Meyer 1st Baron Rothschild was born to Lionel Nathan de Rothschild (age 31) and Charlotte von Rothschild.
On 08 Nov 1844 Leonara Caroline Digby Baroness Ashburton was born to Edward St Vincent Digby 9th and 3rd Baron Digby (age 38) and Theresa Anna Maria Fox-Strangways Baroness Digby (age 30).
On 08 Nov 1863 Frederick Hervey 4th Marquess of Bristol was born to Augustus Henry Charles Hervey (age 26) in Dresden.
On 08 Nov 1863 Alexandrina Louise Maud Vane-Tempest Viscountess Allendale was born to George Henry Vane-Tempest 5th Marquess Londonderry (age 42) and Mary Cornelia Edwards Marchioness Londonderry (age 34).
On 08 Nov 1864 Robert Boyle 11th Earl Cork was born to Richard Boyle 9th Earl Cork (age 35) and Emily Charlotte Burgh Countess Cork (age 36).
On 08 Nov 1889 Thomas Fowell Buxton 5th Baronet was born to Thomas Fowell Buxton 4th Baronet (age 24).
On 08 Nov 1896 Marion Frances Theresa Beckett was born to William Gervase Beckett 1st Baronet (age 30) and Mabel Theresa Duncombe (age 18). Coefficient of inbreeding 3.32%.
On 08 Nov 1906 Georg Donatus Hesse Darmstadt Grand Duke was born to Ernest Louis Hesse Darmstadt Grand Duke (age 37) and Eleonore Solms Hohensolms Lich Grand Duchess. He a great grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.
On 08 Nov 1914 John Henry Guy Neville 5th Marquess Abergavenny was born to Guy Larnach Neville 4th Marquess Abergavenny (age 31) and Isabel "Nellie" Larnach Marchioness Abergavenny (age 24).
On 08 Nov 1916 Ursula Isabel Manners was born to John Henry Montagu Manners 9th Duke Rutland (age 30) and Kathleen Tennant Duchess Rutland (age 21).
On 08 Nov 1917 Robert Cornwallis Gerald St Leger Ricketts 7th Baronet was born to Claude Albert Frederick Ricketts 6th Baronet (age 37).
On 08 Nov 1927 FitzRoy Somerset 5th Baron Raglan was born to Fitzroy Somerset 4th Baron Raglan (age 42) and Julia Somerset Baroness Raglan (age 26).
On 08 Nov 1938 David Richard Reginald Blunt 12th Baronet was born to Richard David Harvey Blunt 11th Baronet (age 26).
On 08 Nov 1941 Adam Ivo Stuart Bligh 11th Earl of Darnley was born to Esme Ivo Bligh 9th Earl of Darnley (age 55) and Rosemary Potter Countess Darnley (age 25).
On 08 Nov 1960 William Robert Dormer 18th Baron Dormer was born to Geoffrey Henry Dormer 17th Baron Dormer (age 40).
Marriages on the 8th November
On 08 Nov 1565 Louis Bourbon Prince Condé (age 35) and Francoise Valois Princess Condé (age 16) were married. She by marriage Princess Condé. He the son of Charles Bourbon Duke Vendôme and Françoise Valois Countess Vendôme.
On 08 Nov 1596 a double marriage ceremony, both daughters of Edward Somerset 4th Earl of Worcester (age 46) was held at Essex House. William Petre 2nd Baron Petre (age 21) and Katherine Somerset Baroness Petre (age 21) were married. Henry Guildford (age 30) and Elizabeth Somerset (age 6) were married. The difference in their ages was 24 years. She the daughter of Edward Somerset 4th Earl of Worcester and Elizabeth Hastings Countess of Worcester (age 50). She the daughter of Edward Somerset 4th Earl of Worcester and Elizabeth Hastings Countess of Worcester. They were fourth cousins.
On 08 Nov 1716 William Greville 7th Baron Brooke (age 21) and Mary Thynne Baroness Brooke (age 14) were married. She by marriage Baroness Brooke of Beauchamps Court in Warwickshire.
On 08 Nov 1766 William Cavendish-Bentinck 3rd Duke Portland (age 28) and Dorothy Cavendish 3rd Duchess Portland (age 16) were married. She by marriage Duchess Portland. She the daughter of William Cavendish 4th Duke Devonshire and Charlotte Elizabeth Boyle Marchioness Hartington. He the son of William Bentinck 2nd Duke Portland and Margaret Cavendish Harley 2nd Duchess Portland (age 51). They were half fourth cousins.
On 08 Nov 1766 Christian VII King Denmark and Norway (age 17) and Caroline Matilda Hanover Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 15) were married at Christiansborg Castle. She by marriage Queen Consort Denmark and Norway. She the daughter of Frederick Louis Hanover Prince of Wales and Augusta Saxe Coburg Altenburg (age 46). He the son of Frederick V King Denmark and Norway and Louise Hanover Queen Consort Denmark and Norway. They were first cousins. He a grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. She a granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.
On 08 Nov 1825 John Benn Walsh 1st Baron Ormathwaite (age 26) and Jane Grey Baroness Ormathwaite (age 22) were married. She the daughter of George Grey 6th Earl Stamford 2nd Earl Warrington (age 60) and Henrietta Charteris Countess Stamford and Warrington.
On 08 Nov 1825 William Heathcote 5th Baronet (age 24) and Caroline Frances Perceval Lady Heathcote were married. She by marriage Lady Heathcote of Hursley in Hampshire.
On 08 Nov 1828 Charles Ellis 6th Baron Howard de Walden 2nd Baron Seaford (age 29) and Lucy Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck (age 21) were married at All Souls Church Langham Place Marylebone. She the daughter of William Henry Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck 4th Duke Portland (age 60) and Henrietta Scott Duchess Portland (age 54).
On 08 Nov 1871 Arthur Monck aka Middleton 7th Baronet (age 33) and Constance Harriet Amherst Lady Monck (age 28) were married. She by marriage Lady Monck of Belsay Castle in Northumberland. She the daughter of William Amherst 2nd Earl Amherst (age 66) and Gertrude Percy Countess Amherst (age 57).
On 08 Nov 1902 Cecil Baring 3rd Baron Revelstoke (age 38) and Maude Baring nee Lorillard (age 26) were married.
Deaths on the 8th November
On 08 Nov 780 Archbishop Æthelbert of York died.
On 08 Nov 1171 Baldwin Flanders IV Count Hainault (age 63) died.
On 08 Nov 1226 King Louis VIII of France (age 39) died. His son King Louis IX of France (age 12) succeeded IX King France: Capet.
On 08 Nov 1246 Berengaria Ivrea I Queen Castile (age 67) died.
Before 08 Nov 1464 Elizabeth Tuchet Baroness Cobham (age 44) died.
On 08 Nov 1471 Louis II Landgrave of Hesse (age 33) died. His son William I Landgrave of Hesse (age 5) succeeded I Landgrave Hesse.
On 08 Nov 1506 Edward Hastings 2nd Baron Hastings Baron Botreaux, Hungerford and Moleyns (age 39) died. His son George Hastings 1st Earl Huntingdon (age 19) succeeded 3rd Baron Hastings.
On 08 Nov 1534 William Blount 4th Baron Mountjoy (age 56) died. His son Charles Blount 5th Baron Mountjoy (age 16) succeeded 5th Baron Mountjoy.
On or before 08 Nov 1575 Corneille de Lyon (age 55) died.
On 08 Nov 1592 John Power 3rd Baron Power (age 63) died. His son Richard Power 4th Baron Power (age 39) succeeded 4th Baron Le Power and Coroghmore.
On 08 Nov 1609 George Wharton (age 26) and James Stewart (age 24) killed each other in a duel at Islington Fields over a game of cards. They were buried together in the same grave in Islington, by the King's command on 10 Nov 1609.
On 08 Nov 1616 Robert Dormer 1st Baron Dormer (age 65) died. His grandson Robert Dormer 1st Earl Carnarvon (age 6) succeeded 2nd Baron Dormer of Wyng in Buckinghamshire, 2nd Baronet Dormer of Wyng in Buckinghamshire. Anne Sophia Herbert Countess Carnarvon by marriage Baroness Dormer of Wyng in Buckinghamshire.
On 08 Nov 1627 Mountjoy Blount 1st Earl Newport (age 30) was captured at the Battle of the Pont du Feneau in Pont du Feneau, Île de Ré. He was released soon after.
On 08 Nov 1627 Ralph Bingley (age 57) was killed in action at the Battle of the Pont du Feneau.
On 08 Nov 1684 Digby Gerard 5th Baron Gerard (age 22) died. His second cousin once removed Charles Gerard 6th Baron Gerard (age 25) succeeded 6th Baron Gerard of Gerard's Bromley.
On 08 Nov 1707 Samuel Barnardiston 1st Baronet (age 87) died at his house in Bloomsbury Square. His nephew Samuel Barnardiston 2nd Baronet (age 48) succeeded 2nd Baronet Barnardiston of Brightwell in Suffolk.
On 08 Nov 1723 Thomas Palmer 4th Baronet (age 41) died. His third cousin Charles Palmer 5th Baronet succeeded 5th Baronet Palmer of Wingham in Kent.
On 08 Nov 1734 William Jessop of Broom Hall, Sheffield (age 69) died. His son James Jessop aka Darcy 2nd Baron Darcy of Navan had predeceased him without issue. His daughter Barbara Jessop and her husband Andrew Wilkinson of Boroughbridge, Yorkshire (age 37) inherited Broom Hall, Sheffield.
On 08 Nov 1751 Thomas L'Estrange 5th Baronet (age 62) died. His son Henry L'Estrange 6th Baronet succeeded 6th Baronet Strange of Hunstanton in Norfolk.
On 08 Nov 1773 Charles Palmer 5th Baronet died. His grandson Charles Palmer 6th Baronet (age 13) succeeded 6th Baronet Palmer of Wingham in Kent.
On 08 Nov 1813 Bishop Spencer Madan (age 84) died. He was buried at Peterborough Cathedral [Map].
On 08 Nov 1862 John Campbell 2nd Marquess Breadalbane (age 66) died in Switzerland. Marquess Breadalbane extinct. His fourth cousin twice removed John Alexander Campbell 6th Earl Breadalbaine and Holland (age 38) succeeded 6th Earl Breadalbaine and Holland.
On 08 Nov 1863 Anne Lowther Lady Beckett died.
On 08 Nov 1867 John Stuart 12th Earl of Moray (age 70) died. His half brother Archibald Stuart 13th Earl of Moray (age 57) succeeded 13th Earl Moray.
On 08 Nov 1889 Anne Lee Guiness Baroness Plunket (age 50) died.
On 08 Nov 1933 Mary Dorothea Palmer Countess Waldegrave (age 83) died.
On 08 Nov 1967 Marie Melita Hohenlohe Langenburg Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg (age 68) died at Munich.
On 08 Nov 2003 Malcolm Douglas-Pennant 6th Baron Penrhyn (age 95) died. His first cousin Simon Douglas-Pennant 7th Baron Penrhyn (age 65) succeeded 7th Baron Penrhyn of Llandegai in Carnarvonshire.
On 08 Nov 2023 Peter Francis Smith-Marriott 12th Baronet (age 96) died. His son Martin Smith-Marriott 13th Baronet (age 60) succeeded 13th Baronet Smith of Sydling St Nicholas.