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09 Dec is in December.
Events on the 9th December
On 09 Dec 1165 King Malcolm IV of Scotland (age 24) died. His brother King William I of Scotland (age 22) succeeded I King Scotland, 6th Earl Huntingdon.
On 09 Dec 1290 Eleanor of Castile Queen Consort England (deceased) body rested at Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire [Map]. The cross here was built between 1291 and 1293 by John of Battle at a total recorded cost of over £100.
On 09 Dec 1392 Peter Aviz I Duke Coimbra was born to King John I of Portugal (age 40) and Philippa of Lancaster Queen Consort Portugal (age 32). He a great grandson of King Edward III of England.
Chronicle of Gregory 1437. 09 Dec 1437. Ande that same year deyde the Emperowre of Rome (age 69), and his termentte was solempnly holde at Syn Poulys [Map] at the cytte of London the iij day of May, there beynge the King (age 16) and his lordys.
On 09 Dec 1437 Holy Roman Emper Sigismund (age 69) died at Znojmo.
On 09 Dec 1538 Henry Pole 1st Baron Montagu (age 46) and Henry Courtenay 1st Marquess Exeter (age 42) were beheaded at Tower Hill [Map]. Henry Courtenay 1st Marquess Exeter, his wife Gertrude Blount Marchioness of Exeter (age 35) and their son Edward Courtenay 1st Earl Devon (age 11) were attainted; Marquess Exeter, Earl Devon, Earl Devon, Baron Okehampton, Baron Courtenay forfeit.
His son was subsequently created 1st Earl Devon in 1553. Marquess Exeter,
Chronicle of Greyfriars. 09 Dec 1538. And this yere in December was beheddyd at the Towre-hyll lorde Henry markes of Exceter (age 42), lorde Henry Montegew (age 46), and sir Edward Nevelle (deceased).
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1538. 09 Dec 1538. Allso, the 9th day of December,c beinge Mondaye, Doctor Croft, Chauncellor of Chichester, my Lord Montagues chaplaine, and Holland, were drawne from the Towre of London to Tyburne, and there hanged and quartered, their heades sett on London Bridge, and theyr quarters on divers gates about London ; and, incontinent after the shrives had brought the sayd persons to Newegate, the Kinges shrive, which was Mr. Wilkinson, mercer, returned backe againe to the Tower Hill, and there see execution done on the Lord Marques of Exceter (age 42), the Lord Montague (age 46), and Sir Edward Nevill (deceased) which three persons were there beheaded, and theyr heds and bodyes were buryed in the chappell within lower London, and Sir Jeffrey Poole (age 37) had his pardon given him after Christmas by the Kinge.
Note c. Other authorities have 9th January, 1539. See Hall and Stow.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 09 Dec 1554. The ix day of Desember dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] doctur Borne, bysshope of Bathe, and prayd for the pope of Rome (Julius) the thurde, and for alle the solles of purgatory.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 09 Dec 1558. The ix day of Desember was creatyd at Somersett plasse [Map], wher the quen('s) (age 25) grace lys, master Rychmond Norroy, and Rysbanke creatyd Bluw-mantyll.
On 09 Dec 1594 King Gustavus Adolphus II of Sweden was born to King Charles IX of Sweden (age 44).
On 09 Dec 1601 William Bassett (age 50) died at Blore Hall, Staffordshire. He was buried in St Bartholomew's Church, Blore [Map]. His two year old daughter Elizabeth Bassett (age 9) inherited his wealth; she married, firstly, Henry Howard (age 9) and, secondly, William Cavendish (age 9), subsequently Earl of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and after her death, Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
The Bassett Tomb at St Bartholomew's Church, Blore [Map]. William Bassett (centre), his wife Judith Corbet (his left), Henry Howard (his right) and kneeling Catharine aka Elizabeth Howard and Elizabeth Bassett Countess Newcastle upon Tyne. Sculpted by Jasper Hollemans. Elizabethan Period.
Henry Howard: In 1592 he was born to Thomas Howard 1st Earl Suffolk and Catherine Knyvet Countess Suffolk in Henley In Arden, Warwickshire. Before 1616 Henry Howard and Elizabeth Bassett Countess Newcastle upon Tyne were married. He the son of Thomas Howard 1st Earl Suffolk and Catherine Knyvet Countess Suffolk. Around 1616 Henry Howard died in Clun Castle. Around 1616 Henry Howard was buried at St Bartholomew's Church, Blore.
John Evelyn's Diary. 09 Dec 1659. I supped with Mr. Gunning (age 45), it being our fast day, Dr. Fearne, Mr. Thrisco, Mr. Chamberlain, Dr. Henchman (age 67), Dr. Wild, and other devout and learned divines, firm confessors, and excellent persons. Note: Most of them since made bishops.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 Dec 1661. So by coach home, and to supper, and to bed, having staid up till 12 at night writing letters to my Lord Sandwich (age 36) and all my friends with him at sea, to send to-morrow by Mons. Eschar, who goes tomorrow post to the Downs to go along with the fleet to Portugall.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 Dec 1662. After dinner staid within all the afternoon, being vexed in my mind about the going away of Sarah this afternoon, who cried mightily, and so was I ready to do, and Jane did also, and then anon went Gosnell away, which did trouble me too; though upon many considerations, it is better that I am rid of the charge. All together makes my house appear to me very lonely, which troubles me much, and in a melancholy humour I went to the office, and there about business sat till I was called to Sir G. Carteret (age 52) at the Treasury office about my Lord Treasurer's (age 55) letter, wherein he puts me to a new trouble to write it over again.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 Dec 1665. Called up betimes by my Lord Bruncker (age 45), who is come to towne from his long water worke at Erith, Kent last night, to go with him to the Duke of Albemarle (age 57), which by his coach I did. Our discourse upon the ill posture of the times through lacke of money. At the Duke's did some business, and I believe he was not pleased to see all the Duke's discourse and applications to me and everybody else. Discoursed also with Sir G. Carteret (age 55) about office business, but no money in view. Here my Lord and I staid and dined, the Vice-Chamberlain taking his leave. At table the Duchesse (age 46), a damned ill-looked woman, complaining of her Lord's going to sea the next year, said these cursed words: "If my Lord had been a coward he had gone to sea no more: it may be then he might have been excused, and made an Embassador" (meaning my Lord Sandwich (age 40))1. This made me mad, and I believed she perceived my countenance change, and blushed herself very much. I was in hopes others had not minded it, but my Lord Bruncker, after we were come away, took notice of the words to me with displeasure.
Note 1. When Lord Sandwich was away a new commander had to be chosen, and rank and long service pointed out Prince Rupert (age 45) for the office, it having been decided that the heir presumptive should be kept at home. It was thought, however, that the same confidence could not be placed in the prince's discretion as in his courage, and therefore the Duke of Albemarle was induced to take a joint command with him, "and so make one admiral of two persons" (see Lister's "Life of Clarendon", vol. ii., pp. 360,361).
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 Dec 1667. At noon I to the 'Change [Map], and there did a little business, and among other things called at Cade's, the stationer, where he tells me how my Lord Gerard (age 49) is troubled for several things in the House of Commons, and in one wherein himself is concerned; and, it seems, this Lord is a very proud and wicked man, and the Parliament is likely to order him.
John Evelyn's Diary. 09 Dec 1667. To visit the late Lord Chancellor. I found him in his garden at his new-built palace, sitting in his gout wheel-chair, and seeing the gates setting up toward the north and the fields. He looked and spake very disconsolately. After some while deploring his condition to me, I took my leave. Next morning, I heard he was gone; though I am persuaded that, had he gone sooner, though but to Cornbury, and there lain quiet, it would have satisfied the Parliament. That which exasperated them was his presuming to stay and contest the accusation as long as it was possible: and they were on the point of sending him to the Tower [Map].
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 Dec 1667. All the morning busy at the office, doing very considerable business, and thither comes Sir G. Carteret (age 57) to talk with me; who seems to think himself safe as to his particular, but do doubt what will become of the whole kingdom, things being so broke in pieces. He tells me that the King (age 37) himself did the other day very particularly tell the whole story of my Lord Sandwich's (age 42) not following the Dutch ships, with which he is charged; and shews the reasons of it to be the only good course he could have taken, and do discourse it very knowingly. This I am glad of, though, as the King is now, his favour, for aught I see, serves very little in stead at this day, but rather is an argument against a man; and the King do not concern himself to relieve or justify any body, but is wholly negligent of everybody's concernment. This morning I was troubled with my Lord Hinchingbroke's (age 19) sending to borrow £200 of me; but I did answer that I had none, nor could borrow any; for I am resolved I will not be undone for any body, though I would do much for my Lord Sandwich-for it is to answer a bill of exchange of his, and I perceive he hath made use of all other means in the world to do it, but I am resolved to serve him, but not ruin myself, as it may be to part with so much of the little I have by me to keep if I should by any turn of times lose the rest.
On 09 Dec 1679 Henry Brouncker 3rd Viscount Brounckner (age 52) was appointed Cofferer of the Household to King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 49).
On 09 Dec 1688 the Battle of Reading was fought between supporters of King James II (age 55) and King William (age 38). King William's forces were victorious. Thereafter King James fled to France.
John Evelyn's Diary. 09 Dec 1688. Lord Sunderland (age 47) meditates flight. The rabble demolished all Popish chapels, and several Papist lords and gentlemen's houses, especially that of the Spanish Ambassador, which they pillaged, and burned his library.
On 09 Dec 1706 Peter II King Portugal (age 57) died. His son John V King Portugal (age 17) succeeded King Portugal.
On 09 Dec 1710 the Battle of Briheuga was concluded at Brihuega, Guadalajara. The British rearguard under Lord Stanhope (age 37) was surrounded in Brihuega by a Franco-Spanish army under Duc de Vendôme (age 56). James Stanhope 1st Earl Stanhope surrendered once Vendôme's men had breached the town. The British troops were released and returned home in Oct 1711.
On 09 Dec 1775 the Battle of Great Bridge was fought. The victory by the Militia resulted in the departure of Royal Governor of John Murray 4th Earl Dunmore (age 45).
On 09 Dec 1799 Frederick Fitzclarence was born illegitimately to King William IV of the United Kingdom (age 34) and Dorothea Bland aka "Mrs Jordan" (age 38).
The London Gazette 15317. Whitehall, December 9, 1800.
The King has been pleased to grant the Dignities of Viscount and Earl of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the Right Honorable Charles Sloane Lord Cadogan (age 72), and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Style, and Title of Viscount Chelsea, in the County of Middlesex, and Earl Cadogan. [Mary Churchill Countess Cadogan (age 42) by marriage Countess Cadogan.]
The King has also been pleased to grant the Dignities of Viscount and Earl of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the Right Honorable James Lord Malmesbury (age 54), Baron of Malmesbury, in the County of Wilts, Knight of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Style, and Title of Viscount Fitz-Harris, of Hurn Court, in the County of Southampton, and Earl of Malmesbury. [Harriet Maria Amyand Countess Malmesbury (age 39) by marriage Countess Malmesbury.]
Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. 09 Dec 1863. 16 Cheyne Walk, Chelsea.
My dear Leathart (age 43),
The picture of Whistler's (age 29) which I mentioned was the unfinished Chinese one, since bought by Gambart (age 49) & which was, as I thought, the one about which you wished to know.
The Thames picture is still unsold, and on enquiring of Whistler I find its price is 300 guineas. It is the noblest of all the pictures he has done hitherto, and is the one for your collection.
regards Legros' works, I yesterday saw for the first time a picture he is doing now, of Hamlet in his mother's chamber, where he kills Polonius, about 20 inches by 15 I suppose in size, it may be rather more, and a truly admirable work, the finest he has done in London as yet. He intends to ask 45 guineas for it. It is so very cheap proportionately to the other that I am induced to mention it to you, since it is a work which will stand the proximity of anything whatever, being most full & luminous in colour, though, like all his work, low in tone.
With kind remembrances to Mrs. Leathart[8].
I remain my dear Leathart
Yours ever truly
D G Rossetti (age 35)
On 09 Dec 1891 Andrew Crombie Ramsay (age 77) died. He was buried at St Sadwrn's Church, Llansadwrn [Map] where his grave is marked by a glacial erratic.
The London Gazette 32776. Whitehall, December 9, 1922. Letters Patent have passed the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland creating the undermentioned Earldoms, Viscountcies and Baronies:
The Right Honourable Frederick Edwin (age 50), Viscount Birkenhead, to be Viscount Furneaux, of Charlton, in the County of Northampton, and Earl Of Birkenhead. [Margaret Eleanor Furneaux Countess of Birkenhead (age 44) by marriage Countess Birkenhead.]
The Right Honourable Horace Brand (age 78), Viscount Farquhar, G.C.B., G.C.V.O., late Lord Steward of the Household, to be Earl Farquhar.
The Right Honourable Arthur Hamilton, Baron Lee of Fareham, G.B.E., K.C.B., to be Viscount Lee of Fareham, of Bridport, in the County of Dorset.
William Hesketh (age 71), Baron Leverhulme, to be Viscount Leverhulme, of The Western Isles, in the Counties of Inverness and Ross and Cromarty. [Elizabeth Ellen Hulme Viscountess Leverhulme by marriage Viscountess Leverhulme of the Western Isles.]
The Right Honourable Francis Bingham Mildmay to be Baron Mildmay Of Flete, of Totnes, in the County of Devon.
The Right Honourable Sir Joseph Paton Maclay, Baronet, to be Baron Maclay, of Glasgow, in the County of Lanark.
The Right Honourable Sir Edward Alfred Goulding, Baronet, to be Baron Wargrave, of Wargrave Hall, in the County of Berks. Sir John Henry Bethell, Baronet, to be BARON BETHELL, of Romford, in the County of Essex.
On 09 Dec 1941 David Arthur Coke (age 26) was killed in action by enemy Bf 109s in Acroma, Libya. He was buried at the Knightsbridge War Cemetery, Acroma. Memorial at St Withburga's Church, Holkham [Map].
On 09 Dec 1960 the soap opera Coronation Street was first broadcast.
Births on the 9th December
On 09 Dec 1392 Peter Aviz I Duke Coimbra was born to King John I of Portugal (age 40) and Philippa of Lancaster Queen Consort Portugal (age 32). He a great grandson of King Edward III of England.
On 09 Dec 1594 King Gustavus Adolphus II of Sweden was born to King Charles IX of Sweden (age 44).
On 09 Dec 1615 Anne Carr Countess of Bedford was born to Robert Carr 1st Earl Somerset (age 28) and Frances Howard Countess Essex and Somerset (age 25).
On 09 Dec 1649 Orlando Bridgeman 1st Baronet was born to Bishop John Bridgeman (age 72).
On 22 Nov 1675 Charles de Vere was born to Aubrey de Vere 20th Earl of Oxford (age 48) and Diana Kirke Countess of Oxford. He was baptised on 09 Dec 1675 at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. Died as an infant.
On 09 Dec 1735 Frederick Byng was born to Pattee Byng 2nd Viscount Torrington (age 36) and Charlotte Montagu Viscountess Torrington (age 30).
On 09 Dec 1754 Francis Rawdon-Hastings 1st Marquess Hastings was born to John Rawdon 1st Earl Moira (age 34) and Elizabeth Hastings Countess Moira (age 23).
On 09 Dec 1758 Richard Colt Hoare 2nd Baronet was born to Richard Hoare 1st Baronet (age 23) and Anne Hoare (age 21). Coefficient of inbreeding 3.12%.
On 09 Dec 1767 Louisa Catharine Howe was born to Richard Howe 1st Earl Howe (age 41) and Mary Hartop.
On 09 Dec 1798 John Benn Walsh 1st Baron Ormathwaite was born.
On 09 Dec 1799 Frederick Fitzclarence was born illegitimately to King William IV of the United Kingdom (age 34) and Dorothea Bland aka "Mrs Jordan" (age 38).
On 09 Dec 1805 John Nelthorpe Beauclerk was born to William Beauclerk 8th Duke St Albans (age 38) and Maria Janetta Nelthorpe Duchess St Albans. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 09 Dec 1810 Augustus Frederick Foley was born to Thomas Foley 3rd Baron Foley (age 29) and Cecilia Olivia Geraldine Fitzgerald Baroness Foley (age 24).
On 09 Dec 1821 Henry Paget 3rd Marquess Anglesey was born to Henry Paget 2nd Marquess Anglesey (age 24) and Eleanora Campbell.
On 09 Dec 1839 Aziza Abraham Sassoon was born to Albert aka Abdullah Sassoon 1st Baronet (age 21).
On 09 Dec 1839 Evelyn Mary Craven was born to William Craven 2nd Earl Craven (age 30) and Emily Mary Grimston Countess Craven (age 23).
On 09 Dec 1856 Francis Stonor 4th Baron Camoys was born to Francis Stonor (age 27).
On 09 Dec 1857 Thomas Edward Milborne-Swinnerton-Pilkington 12th Baronet was born to Lionel Milborne-Swinnerton-Pilkington 11th Baronet (age 22) and Isabella Elizabeth Georgiana Kinleside Lady Milborne-Swinnerton-Pilkington.
On 09 Dec 1866 Adele Beach Grant Countess Essex was born to David Beach Grant (age 27) and Rebecca Douglas Stewart (age 31) in New York.
On 09 Dec 1867 Vivian Hugh Smith 1st Baron Bicester was born.
On 09 Dec 1872 Helen Kerr was born to Schomberg Henry Kerr Kerr 9th Marquess Lothian (age 39) and Victoria Alexandrina Montagu-Douglas-Scott Marchioness Lothian (age 28).
On 09 Dec 1883 Thomas Edward Anson 4th Earl Lichfield was born to Thomas Francis Anson 3rd Earl Lichfield (age 27) and Mildred Coke Countess Lichfield (age 29). He was educated at Harrow School and
On 09 Dec 1888 Winifred Mary Worsley was born to William Henry Arthington Worsley 3rd Baronet (age 27).
On 09 Dec 1920 Peter Fortescue was born to Hugh William Fortescue 5th Earl Fortescue (age 32) and Margaret Helen Beaumont Countess Fortescue (age 28).
On 09 Dec 1932 Geoffrey Adam Shakerley 6th Baronet was born to Cyril Holland Shakerley 5th Baronet (age 35) and Elizabeth Averil Eardley-Wilmot Lady Shakerley.
Marriages on the 9th December
On 09 Dec 1657 Charles Sedley 5th Baronet (age 18) and Catherine Savage were married. She the daughter of John Savage 2nd Earl Rivers and Catherine Parker.
On 09 Dec 1788 William Robert Kemp 9th Baronet (age 44) and Sarah Adcock Lady Kemp were married.
On 09 Dec 1805 Charles Ethelston Nightingale 11th Baronet (age 21) and Maria Dickonson Lady Nightingale (age 16) were married. She by marriage Lady Nightingale of Newport Pond in Essex. They were half first cousins.
On 09 Dec 1813 Thomas Digby Aubrey 7th Baronet (age 31) and Mary Wright (age 35) were married.
On 09 Dec 1815 Lawrence Palk 3rd Baronet (age 22) and Anna Eleanora Wrey Lady Palk (age 25) were married. She by marriage Lady Palk of Haldon House in Devon. They were first cousins.
On 09 Dec 1816 John "Radical Jack" Lambton 1st Earl Durham (age 24) and Louisa Elizabeth Grey Countess Durham (age 19) were married at Howick Hall, Northumberland [Map]. She the daughter of Charles Grey 2nd Earl Grey (age 52) and Mary Elizabeth Ponsonby Countess Grey (age 40).
On 09 Dec 1857 Henry Tanworth Wells (age 28) and Joanna Mary Boyce (age 26) were married.
On 09 Dec 1868 Francis Egerton 3rd Earl Ellesmere (age 21) and Katherine Louisa Phipps Countess Ellesmere (age 18) were married. She by marriage Countess Ellesmere. She the daughter of George Phipps 2nd Marquess Normanby (age 49) and Laura Russell Marchioness Normanby (age 52). He the son of George Leveson-Gower aka Egerton 2nd Earl Ellesmere and Mary Louisa Campbell Countess Ellesmere (age 43). She a great x 5 granddaughter of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 09 Dec 1925 David Lindsay 28th Earl of Crawford 11th Earl Balcarres (age 25) and Mary Katherine Cavendish Countess of Crawford and Balcarres were married. He the son of David Lindsay 27th Earl of Crawford 10th Earl Balcarres (age 54) and Constance Lilian Pelly Countess Crawford and Balcarres.
Deaths on the 9th December
On 09 Dec 1165 King Malcolm IV of Scotland (age 24) died. His brother King William I of Scotland (age 22) succeeded I King Scotland, 6th Earl Huntingdon.
On 09 Dec 1353 Amabel Fitzhugh Baroness Vavasour (age 43) died.
On 09 Dec 1437 Holy Roman Emper Sigismund (age 69) died at Znojmo.
On 09 Dec 1538 Henry Pole 1st Baron Montagu (age 46) and Henry Courtenay 1st Marquess Exeter (age 42) were beheaded at Tower Hill [Map]. Henry Courtenay 1st Marquess Exeter, his wife Gertrude Blount Marchioness of Exeter (age 35) and their son Edward Courtenay 1st Earl Devon (age 11) were attainted; Marquess Exeter, Earl Devon, Earl Devon, Baron Okehampton, Baron Courtenay forfeit.
His son was subsequently created 1st Earl Devon in 1553. Marquess Exeter,
On 09 Dec 1601 William Bassett (age 50) died at Blore Hall, Staffordshire. He was buried in St Bartholomew's Church, Blore [Map]. His two year old daughter Elizabeth Bassett (age 9) inherited his wealth; she married, firstly, Henry Howard (age 9) and, secondly, William Cavendish (age 9), subsequently Earl of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and after her death, Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
The Bassett Tomb at St Bartholomew's Church, Blore [Map]. William Bassett (centre), his wife Judith Corbet (his left), Henry Howard (his right) and kneeling Catharine aka Elizabeth Howard and Elizabeth Bassett Countess Newcastle upon Tyne. Sculpted by Jasper Hollemans. Elizabethan Period.
Henry Howard: In 1592 he was born to Thomas Howard 1st Earl Suffolk and Catherine Knyvet Countess Suffolk in Henley In Arden, Warwickshire. Before 1616 Henry Howard and Elizabeth Bassett Countess Newcastle upon Tyne were married. He the son of Thomas Howard 1st Earl Suffolk and Catherine Knyvet Countess Suffolk. Around 1616 Henry Howard was buried at St Bartholomew's Church, Blore. Around 1616 Henry Howard died in Clun Castle.
On 09 Dec 1641 Anthony Van Dyck (age 42) died.
On 09 Dec 1648 Greville Verney 16th Baron Latimer 8th Baron Willoughby (age 28) died. He was buried at Compton Verney Chapel [Map]. His son Greville Verney 17th Baron Latimer 9th Baron Willoughby succeeded 17th Baron Latimer of Corby, 9th Baron Willoughby Broke.
On 09 Dec 1654 Walter Blount 1st Baronet (age 60) died at Paignton Torbay, Devon. His son George Blount 2nd Baronet (age 44) succeeded 2nd Baronet Blount of Sodington.
On 09 Dec 1674 Edward Hyde 1st Earl Clarendon (age 65) died at Rouen, France [Map]. His son Henry Hyde 2nd Earl Clarendon succeeded 2nd Earl Clarendon, 2nd Baron Hyde of Hindon in Wiltshire 1660. Flower Backhouse Countess Clarendon by marriage Countess Clarendon.
On 09 Dec 1678 Edward Herbert 3rd Baron Herbert Chirbury (age 45) died. He was buried at Chapel of St Edmund, Westminster Abbey [Map]. His brother Henry Herbert 4th Baron Herbert Chirbury (age 38) succeeded 4th Baron Herbert Chirbury. Catherine Newport Baroness Herbert Chirbury by marriage Baroness Herbert Chirbury.
On 09 Dec 1679 Charles Willoughby 10th Baron Willoughby of Parham (age 10) died. The barony was wrongly considered to have been extinct. In 1680 Thomas Willoughby 11th Baron Willoughby of Parham (age 77) succeeded to the title - see here.
On 09 Dec 1684 William Wilson 1st Baronet (age 79) died. His son William Wilson 2nd Baronet (age 40) succeeded 2nd Baronet Wilson of Eastbourne in Sussex.
On 09 Dec 1702 John Chetwynd of Boughton (age 59) died. Walter Chetwynd 1st Viscount Chetwynd (age 24) inherited Ingestre Hall, Staffordshire.
On 09 Dec 1706 Peter II King Portugal (age 57) died. His son John V King Portugal (age 17) succeeded King Portugal.
On 09 Dec 1715 Benedetto Gennari II (age 82) died.
On 09 Dec 1722 Anne Brudenell Duchess Richmond (age 51) died.
On 09 Dec 1755 Henrietta Cavendish Holles Countess of Oxford and Mortimer (age 61) died.
On 09 Dec 1762 John Hay 4th Marquess Tweedale (age 67) died. His son George Hay 5th Marquess Tweedale (age 4) succeeded 5th Marquess Tweedale, 6th Earl Tweeddale.
On 09 Dec 1770 Jane Reeve Countess Harborough (age 29) died.
On 09 Dec 1782 Nicholas Bayly 2nd Baronet Bayly of Plas Newydd in Anglesey (age 73) died. His son Henry Bayly-Paget 1st Earl Uxbridge (age 38) succeeded 3rd Baronet Bayly of Plas Newydd in Anglesey. Jane Champagné Countess Uxbridge (age 40) by marriage Lady Bayly of Plas Newydd in Anglesey.
On 09 Dec 1791 Edward Winnington 1st Baronet (age 63) died. His son Edward Winnington 2nd Baronet (age 42) succeeded 2nd Baronet Winnington of Stanford Court in Worcestershire. Anne Foley Lady Winnington (age 48) by marriage Lady Winnington of Stanford Court in Worcestershire.
On 09 Dec 1794 Anne Foley Lady Winnington (age 51) died.
On 09 Dec 1802 Anne Lee Baroness Clifford Chudleigh (age 71) died.
On 09 Dec 1806 Francis Saxe Coburg Gotha I Duke Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 56) died. His son Ernest Saxe Coburg Gotha I Duke Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 22) succeeded I Duke Saxe Coburg Gotha.
On 09 Dec 1826 John Evelyn Pierrepont Dormer 10th Baron Dormer (age 55) died. His first cousin Joseph Thaddeus Dormer 11th Baron Dormer (age 36) succeeded 11th Baron Dormer of Wyng in Buckinghamshire, 11th Baronet Dormer of Wyng in Buckinghamshire.
On 09 Dec 1828 Hans Francis Hastings 12th Earl Huntingdon (age 49) died. His son Francis Theophilus Henry Hastings 13th Earl Huntingdon (age 20) succeeded 13th Earl Huntingdon.
On 09 Dec 1834 Harriett Bouverie Countess Camden (age 44) died.
On 09 Dec 1847 Helena Moore Countess Kingston (age 74) died.
On 09 Dec 1848 John Brooke Stonhouse 13th and 10th Baronet (age 51) died. His brother Timothy Vansittart Stonhouse 14th and 11th Baronet (age 49) succeeded 14th Baronet Stonhouse of Radley, 11th Baronet Stonhouse of Radley.
On 09 Dec 1852 Peter Rouw (age 81) died.
On 09 Dec 1870 Pauline Menzies Belli Lady Beaumont (age 42) died.
On 09 Dec 1871 Laura Caroline Jane Paget Baroness Templemore (age 50) died.
On 09 Dec 1872 Emma Dorothea Lethbridge Lady Astley died.
On 09 Dec 1890 John Jervis Tollemache 1st Baron Tollemache (age 85) died. His son Wilbraham Tollemache 2nd Baron Tollemache (age 58) succeeded 2nd Baron Tollemache of Helmingham in Suffolk. Mary Stuart Hamilton Baroness Tollemache (age 38) by marriage Baroness Tollemache of Helmingham in Suffolk.
On 09 Dec 1922 Charles Hanbury Tracy 4th Baron Sudeley (age 82) died at Reston Lodge, Petersham. His son William Hanbury-Tracy 5th Baron Sudeley (age 52) succeeded 5th Baron Sudeley of Toddington in Gloucestershire.
On 09 Dec 1954 Giles Edward Sebright 13th Baronet (age 58) died. His son Hugo Giles Edmund Sebright 14th Baronet (age 23) succeeded 14th Baronet Sebright of Besford in Worcestershire.
On 09 Dec 1957 Rhona Ankaret Estrange Countess Carlisle (age 90) died.
On 09 Dec 1958 Charles Fitzroy 4th Baron Southampton (age 91) died. His son Charles Fitzroy 5th Baron Southampton (age 54) succeeded 5th Baron Southampton.
On 09 Dec 1961 Mary Constable Baroness Stourton, Segrave and Mowbray (age 91) died.
On 09 Dec 1961 Hugh Grenville Williams 6th Baronet (age 72) died. His second cousin Reginald Williams 7th Baronet (age 61) succeeded 7th Baronet Williams of Bodelwyddan in Flintshire.
On 09 Dec 1979 John Claud Lawes 4th Baronet (age 81) died. His son John Michael Bennet Lawes 5th Baronet (age 47) succeeded 5th Baronet Lawes of Rothamsted in Hertfordshire.
On 09 Dec 1997 Richard Neville Brooke 10th Baronet (age 82) died. His son Richard David Christopher Brooke 11th Baronet (age 59) succeeded 11th Baronet Brooke of Norton Priory in Cheshire.
On 09 Dec 2018 Alexandra Phillips Duchess of Abercorn (age 72) died.
On 09 Dec 2019 Elizabeth Sutherland 24th Countess of Sutherland (age 98) died.