09 Mar is in March.
Events on the 9th March
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1061. This year went Bishop Aldred to Rome after his pall; which he received at the hands of Pope Nicholas. Earl Tosty (age 35) and his wife (age 28) also went to Rome; and the bishop and the earl met with great difficulty as they returned home. In the same year died Bishop Godwin at St. Martin's85, on the seventh before the ides of March; and in the self-same year died Wulfric, Abbot of St. Augustine's, in the Easterweek, on the fourteenth before the calends of May. Pope Nicholas also died; and Alexander was chosen pope, who was Bishop of Lucca. When word came to the king that the Abbot Wulfric was dead, then chose he Ethelsy, a monk of the old minster, to succeed; who followed Archbishop Stigand, and was consecrated abbot at Windsor on St. Augustine's mass-day.
Note 85. Lye interprets it erroneously the "festival" of St. Martin.-"ad S. Martini festum:" whereas the expression relates to the place, not to the time of his death, which is mentioned immediately afterwards.
Before 09 Mar 1301 seven Earls and 96 Barons signed a letter to the Pope refuting the Pope's claim that Scotland was subject to the Pope's feudal overlordship. The letter was never sent. Those who signed include: John Warenne 6th Earl of Surrey (age 70), Thomas Plantagenet 2nd Earl of Leicester, 2nd Earl Lancaster, Earl of Salisbury and Lincoln (age 23), Ralph Monthermer 1st Earl of Gloucester and Hertford (age 31), Humphrey Bohun 4th Earl Hereford 3rd Earl Essex (age 25), Roger Bigod 5th Earl Norfolk (age 56), Richard Fitzalan 1st or 8th Earl of Arundel (age 34), Guy Beauchamp 10th Earl Warwick (age 29), Aymer de Valence 2nd Earl Pembroke (age 26), William Leybourne 1st Baron Leybourne (age 59), Henry Plantagenet 3rd Earl of Leicester 3rd Earl Lancaster (age 20), William Latimer 1st Baron Latimer of Corby (age 58), Edmund Hastings, John Hastings 2nd Baron Hastings 14th Baron Bergavenny (age 14), Edmund Mortimer 2nd Baron Mortimer of Wigmore (age 50), Fulk Fitzwarin 2nd Baron Fitzwarin (age 16), Henry Percy 9th and 1st Baron Percy (age 27), Robert Fitzwalter 1st Baron Fitzwalter (age 54), John Beauchamp 1st Baron Beauchamp Somerset (age 26), William de Braose 2nd Baron de Braose 10th Baron Bramber (age 41), John Botetort 1st Baron Botetort (age 36), Reginald Grey 1st Baron Grey of Wilton (age 61), John Moels 1st Baron Moels (age 32), Thomas Berkeley 6th and 1st Baron Berkeley (age 55), Robert de Vere 5th Earl of Oxford, John Strange 1st Baron Strange Knockin (age 48), Thomas Multon 1st Baron Multon (age 25), Robert Clifford 1st Baron Clifford (age 26), Walter Beauchamp (age 58), Alan Zouche 1st Baron Zouche Ashby (age 33), John Segrave 2nd Baron Segrave (age 45), William Ferrers 1st Baron Ferrers of Groby (age 29), Simon Montagu 1st Baron Montagu (age 51), Piers Mauley, Ralph Neville 1st Baron Neville of Raby (age 38), John Mohun 1st Baron Dunster (age 32), Roger Scales 1st Baron Scales, Thomas Furnival 1st Baron Furnivall (age 41), Hugh Bardolf 1st Baron Bardolf (age 41), Gilbert Talbot 1st Baron Talbot (age 24), William Deincourt 1st Baron Deincourt, Edmund Stafford 1st Baron Stafford (age 28), Walter Fauconberg 1st Baron Fauconberg (age 81).
Calendar of State Papers of Milan 1461. 09 Mar 1461. Potenze Estere. Francia. Milan
Archives. 71. Prospero di Camulio, Milanese Ambassador to the Court of France, etc., to Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan.
We hear many strange things from England day by day and hour by hour. A letter written to the Dauphin by one who was at the great battle on Shrove Tuesday gives full particulars of the princes, the numbers engaged, the assaults, the blows, the wounded and the rumours circulating that day on one side and the other. It is to the effect that on that day the king's men were encamped ten miles away at a place called Albano; quite 120,000 of whom went away for lack of victuals, no small number (ben cxxm de li quali se ne partisse per diffecto de vectuali anon puochi). The Duke of Somerset after midday came with 30,000 horse to scent out the Earl of Warwick and the king's forces and wore them down with his attack, and the Earl of Warwick decided to quit the field, and to break through against them. Accordingly with 4,000 men he pushed through right into Albano, where the queen was with 30,000 men. The earl, seeing himself alone and the day far spent, returned to the camp, closely pressed by the followers of Somerset; and when he reached the camp he heard some shouting from his camp to the enemy. Fearing some act of treason, he got away as best he could (Lo Duca de Sambreset post meridiem venne cum cavalli xxxm ad anasare lo conte de Varuich et la gente del Rey et li fecero assai lasso l'assalto et lo conte de Varuich se delibero de usir del campo et erumpere contra loro, et cossi cum ivm homini lo casso fin dentro Albano unde era la regina cum homini xxxm et lo conte videndosi solo et lo di basso, se ne ritorno al campo sempre hortato et cassato da li Sambreseti et quando fu al campo intese de quello se vociferava dal campo suo a li inimici et dubito ymo vedette acti de tradimenti et se parti meglio che l'possette).
The king was placed under a tree a mile away, where he laughed and sang, and when the defeat of the Earl of Warwick was reported, he detained upon his promise the two princes who had been left to guard him. Very soon the Duke of Somerset and the conquerors arrived to salute him, and he received them in friendly fashion and went with them to St. Albans to the queen, and on the morrow one of the two detained, upon his assurance, was beheaded and the other imprisoned (lo rei era posto longi de li uno miglo sutto uno arboro unde se rideva et cantava et essendo voce de la rupta del conte de Varruich, ritenne supra sua fede li doi Principi che gli eran stati lassati a la guardia. Assai tosto vennero lo Ducha de Sambrecet et li vencitori a salutarlo; a quali el fece bon volto et se ne ando cum loro ad Albano a la Regina et l'undomani uno de li doi ritenuti in fede sua fu decapitato, l'altro incarcerato).
That day some 4,500 men perished, in one skirmish and another, lasting from midday until midnight.
The earl betook himself to my lord of March and they at once collected quite 200,000 men, and it seemed that victory would rest with the side that London favoured (lo Conte se retaxe cum Monsignor de la Marcha et subito recolsero ben homini ccm et restava la cosa in tal contrapeso che pareva unde Londres inclinasse, li esser la victoria).
Subsequently, by letters which arrived yesterday, also for the Dauphin, we learn from a most honest person, how my lord of March and the Earl of Warwick had quite 150,000 men, the finest troops ever seen in England, and, owing to some not over legitimate actions of the king and his party, London inclined to my lord of March and the Earl of Warwick. Accordingly the queen and the Duke of Somerset, in desperation, had persuaded the king to resign the Crown to his son, and so he did out of his good nature. That done, they left him, and the queen, her son and the duke withdrew to York, a strong part of the island towards the North (per alcuni acti non ben legitimi del Rei et de la banda sua, inclinava Londres verso Monsig. de la Marcha et lo dicto Conte de Varruich et Cossi desperata la regina et lo Ducha de Sambrecet havian persuaso lo Rei a deponer la corona in lo figlolo et cossi fece per sua bonta. Quo facto, lo han lassiato et se son retracti la Reina, lo figlolo et lo Ducha in Horch, chi e una parte paese forte de la Insula, verso tramontana).
The rest of the princes and people, full of indignation, made my lord of March king. We have this by several letters worthy of credit, but, being a matter of such very great importance, it is not fully credited, though we expect fresh news in two or three days.
My Lord, I am ashamed to speak of so many thousands, which resemble the figures of bakers, yet every one affirms that on that day there were 300,000 men under arms, and indeed the whole of England was stirred, so that some even speak of larger numbers. If this be so it might be better for me to cross when matters are more settled, to visit and congratulate him as I was to visit and congratulate his late father; but I will abide by what your Lordship directs. I would remind you, if you please, that it will be necessary for me to have fresh letters of credence, etc.
Within four days I shall be with the Duke of Burgundy, if God wills, to visit him and maintain his friendship with your Lordship, but I do not think it advisable to say anything to him about the difficulty about the league with the Dauphin, since the matter is reduced to…. I commend myself to your Excellency.
Ghent (Genepie) the 9th of March, 1461.
[Italian; the part in italics deciphered.]
Close Rolls Edward IV Edward V Richard III 1476-1485. On 09 Mar 1484 King Richard III of England (age 31). Westminster Palace [Map]. Grant for life to the king's servant Robert Brackenbury of the office of Constable of the Tower of London and £100 yearly for his wages from the issues of the manors or lordships of Wrottell, Haveryng, Boyton, Hadlegh, Raylegh and Rocheford, co Essex, and Tunbrich, Penshurste, Middleton and Merdon and the hundred of Middleton, co Kent, with arrears from 17 July last, in lieu of a grant to him by letters patent of that date surrendered. By p.s.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1520-1529. 09 Mar 1525. This yeare, the 9th day of Marche,c tidinges were brought to the Kinge (age 33) that Francis (age 30), the French King, was taken prisoner before the cittie Pavie, in Italie, by the Duke of Burbon (age 35), capteyn of the Emperoures (age 25) hoste,d and 14,000 French men slayne at the same feild.
And the Archbishop of Yorke (age 52), cardinall and legatt de latere, songe masse the same tyme in Paules churche [Map], in his "pontificalibus,"e and 11 bishopps and abbotts, with their miters, beinge present, the Duke of Northfolke (age 52) and the Duke of Suffolke (age 41), with all the nobles of the realme. And the saide Cardinall grawnted the same to all manner of persons, beinge within the precinct of the churche in the tyme of the masse, plenary remission of their synnes, à pœná et culpá; and, after masse, Te Deum was sunge for the sayde victorie,a the Major,b Aldermen, with the head craftes of the cittie standinge in the bodie of the churche in theyr liveries; and that night great fiers were made in divers places of the cittie, with vessells of wyne at everie fier for the people to drincke.
Note c. Francis I was made prisoner on the 24th February.
Note d. Charles Duke of Bourbon, Constable of France, being persecuted by Francis I for refusing to marry Louisa of Savoy (age 48), the French King's mother, sought the protection of the Emperor Charles V by whom he was appointed his lieutenant in Italy.
Note e. After Wolsey had been invested by Pope Leo X with the sole legatine power in England, he was wont to say mass on state occasions after the manner of the Pope himself.
Note a. The victory gained by the Imperialists over the French before Pavia so changed the aspect of affairs on the continent that Henry at first entertained a project forinvading France, and asserting his claim to that crown.
Note b. Sir John Allen.
Hall's Chronicle 1539. 09 Mar 1539. The nynth day of Marche, the kyng created at Westminster sir William Pawlet (age 56) knight treasorer of his householde, Lord Sainte Jhon, and Sir Jhon Russel (age 54) comptroller of his housholde, Lorde Russel.
On 09 Mar 1539 Infante Anthony Aviz was born to John III King Portugal (age 36) and Catherine of Austria Queen Consort Portugal (age 32). Coefficient of inbreeding 11.30%.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 09 Mar 1561. The ix day of Marche dyd pryche at the cowrt the byshope of London master Gryndall (age 42).
Henry Machyn's Diary. 09 Mar 1561. The sam day cam owt of Franse the yerle of Bedford (age 34).
On 09 Mar 1566 at eight o'clock in the evening David Rizzio (age 33) was murdered in the presence of the six months pregnant Mary Queen of Scots (age 23) and her half-sister Jean Stewart Countess Argyll (age 33) at Holyrood Palace [Map] by rebels led by Patrick Ruthven 3rd Lord Ruthven. Rizzio was dragged through the bed chamber into the adjacent Audience Chamber and stabbed an alleged 57 times. Mary's husband Henry "Lord Darnley" Stewart (age 20) was suspected of being one of the murderers.
On 15 Mar 1566 Mary Queen of Scots writes to Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 32):
As first hes takin our houss slane our maist [most] speciall servand in our awin [own] presence & thaireftir haldin our propper personis captive tressonneblie, quhairby [whereby] we war constrainit to escaipe straitlie about midnyght out of our palice of halliruidhouss [Map] to the place quhair [where] we ar for the present, in the grittest danger feir of our lywis & ewill [ill] estate that evir princes on earth stuid [stood] in.
We thotht to have writtin to you this letter with oure awin [own] hand, that therby ye myght have better onestand all our meaning & takin mair [more] familliarlie therewit. Bot of trewt [truth] we ar so tyrit [tired] & ewill [ill] at eass [ease], quhat [what] throw rydding of twenty millis [miles] in v [5] horis [hours] of the nyght as wit the frequent seikness & weill dispositioun be th'occasioun of our child/that we could not at this tyme as we was willing to have done…
Your richt [right] gud sister and cusignes [cousin] Marie R.
Jean Stewart Countess Argyll: Around 1533 she was born illegitimately to King James V of Scotland and Elizabeth Bethune. She a great granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland. In 1553 Archibald Campbell 5th Earl Argyll and she were married. She by marriage Countess Argyll. She the illegitmate daughter of King James V of Scotland and Elizabeth Bethune. He the son of Archibald Campbell 4th Earl Argyll and Helen Hamilton Countess Argyll. They were third cousins. She a great granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland. On 07 Jan 1588 Jean Stewart Countess Argyll died.
Patrick Ruthven 3rd Lord Ruthven: he was born to William Ruthven 2nd Lord Ruthven and Janet Halyburton Lady Dirletoun. Before 1551 Patrick Ruthven 3rd Lord Ruthven and Janet Douglas were married. She the illegitmate daughter of Archibald Douglas 6th Earl Angus. After 1551 Patrick Ruthven 3rd Lord Ruthven and Janet Stewart were married. His second marriage, her fourth. She the daughter of John Stewart 2nd Earl Atholl and Janet Campbell Countess Atholl. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward III of England. On 13 May 1566 Patrick Ruthven 3rd Lord Ruthven died.
Diary of Anne Clifford 1619. 09 Mar 1619. The 9th my Lord (age 29) came down from Knole and continued taking physic and diet.
Note. When my Lord was at London my Brother Sackville fell sick of a fever and was dangerously ill, at length it turned to an ague which continued most of the month, so as it was generally reported he was dead.
I began keeping Lent very strictly, not eating butter or eggs till the 18th of February. Moll Neville kept it with me but my Lord persuaded me, and M? Smith wrote unto me so as I was content to break it, besides I looked very pale and ill and was very weak and sickly.
On 09 Mar 1649 at the Old Palace Yard, Westminster Palace three Royalist Lords were beheaded ...
Arthur Capell 1st Baron Capell Hadham (age 41) was beheaded. His son Arthur Capell 1st Earl Essex (age 17) succeeded 2nd Baron Capell Hadham.
Henry Rich 1st Earl Holland (age 58) was beheaded. His son Robert Rich 5th Earl Warwick 2nd Earl Holland (age 30) succeeded 2nd Earl Holland. Elizabeth Ingram Countess Holland (age 26) by marriage Countess Holland.
James Hamilton 1st Duke Hamilton (age 42) was beheaded. His brother William Hamilton 2nd Duke Hamilton (age 32) succeeded 2nd Duke Hamilton, 3rd Earl Cambridge by special remainder.
John Owen (age 49) had been sentenced to death but was subsequently pardoned.
John Evelyn's Diary. 09 Mar 1649. Now were the Lords murdered in the Palace Yard. [Note. The original entry was dated 05 Mar 1649 whereas most sources agree on the date of their execution being 09 Mar 1649?]
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Feb 1660. Tuesday. In the morning I went early to give Mr. Hawly notice of my being forced to go into London, but he having also business we left our office business to Mr. Spicer and he and I walked as far as the Temple [Map], where I halted a little and then went to Paul's School, but it being too soon, went and drank my morning draft with my cozen Tom Pepys the turner, and saw his house and shop, thence to school, where he that made the speech for the seventh form in praise of the founder, did show a book which Mr. Crumlum (age 42) had lately got, which is believed to be of the Founder's own writing. After all the speeches, in which my brother John (age 19) came off as well as any of the rest, I went straight home and dined, then to the Hall, where in the Palace I saw Monk's (age 51) soldiers abuse Billing (age 37) and all the Quakers, that were at a meeting-place there, and indeed the soldiers did use them very roughly and were to blame.1.
Note 1. "Fox (age 35), or some other 'weighty' friend, on hearing of this, complained to Monk, who issued the following order, dated March 9th: 'I do require all officers and soldiers to forbear to disturb peaceable meetings of the Quakers, they doing nothing prejudicial to the Parliament or the Commonwealth of England. George Monk.' This order, we are told, had an excellent effect on the soldiers".-A. C. Bickley's 'George Fox and the Early Quakers, London, 1884, p. 179. The Quakers were at this time just coming into notice. The first preaching of George Fox, the founder, was in 1648, and in 1655 the preachers of the sect numbered seventy-three. Fox computed that there were seldom less than a thousand quakers in prison. The statute 13 and 14 Car. II cap. i. (1662) was "An act for preventing the mischiefs and dangers that may arise by certain persons called quakers and others, refusing to take lawful oaths". Billing is mentioned again on July 22nd, 1667, when he addressed Pepys in Westminster Hall.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 Mar 1660. This day it was resolved that the writs do go out in the name of the Keepers of the Liberty, and I hear that it is resolved privately that a treaty be offered with the King (age 29). And that Monk (age 51) did check his soldiers highly for what they did yesterday.
John Evelyn's Diary. 09 Mar 1665. I went to receive the poor creatures that were saved out of the London frigate, blown up by accident, with above 200 men. .
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 Mar 1666. Up, and being ready, to the Cockpitt [Map] to make a visit to the Duke of Albemarle (age 57), and to my great joy find him the same man to me that [he has been] heretofore, which I was in great doubt of, through my negligence in not visiting of him a great while; and having now set all to rights there, I am in mighty ease in my mind and I think shall never suffer matters to run so far backward again as I have done of late, with reference to my neglecting him and Sir W. Coventry (age 38).
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 Mar 1667. But, Lord! to see how kind Sir W. Batten (age 66) and his Lady are to me upon this business of my standing by Sir W. Batten against Carcasse, and I am glad of it. Captain Cocke (age 50), who was here to-night, did tell us that he is certain that yesterday a proclamation was voted at the Council, touching the proclaiming of my Lord Duke of Buckingham (age 39) a traytor, and that it will be out on Monday.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 Mar 1669. Up, and to the Tower; and there find Sir W. Coventry (age 41) alone, writing down his journal, which, he tells me, he now keeps of the material things; upon which I told him, and he is the only man I ever told it to, I think, that I kept it most strictly these eight or ten years; and I am sorry almost that I told it him, it not being necessary, nor may be convenient to have it known. Here he showed me the petition he had sent to the King (age 38) by my Lord Keeper, which was not to desire any admittance to employment, but submitting himself therein humbly to his Majesty; but prayed the removal of his displeasure, and that he might be set free. He tells me that my Lord Keeper did acquaint the King with the substance of it, not shewing him the petition; who answered, that he was disposing of his employments, and when that was done, he might be led to discharge him: and this is what he expects, and what he seems to desire. But by this discourse he was pleased to take occasion to shew me and read to me his account, which he hath kept by him under his own hand, of all his discourse, and the King's answers to him, upon the great business of my Lord Clarendon (age 60), and how he had first moved the Duke of York (age 35) with it twice, at good distance, one after another, but without success; shewing me thereby the simplicity and reasons of his so doing, and the manner of it; and the King's accepting it, telling him that he was not satisfied in his management, and did discover some dissatisfaction against him for his opposing the laying aside of my Lord Treasurer, at Oxford, which was a secret the King had not discovered. And really I was mighty proud to be privy to this great transaction, it giving me great conviction of the noble nature and ends of Sir W. Coventry in it, and considerations in general of the consequences of great men's actions, and the uncertainty of their estates, and other very serious considerations. From this to other discourse, and so to the Office, where we sat all the morning, and after dinner by coach to my cozen Turner's, thinking to have taken the young ladies to a play; but The. (age 17) was let blood to-day; and so my wife and I towards the King's playhouse, and by the way found Betty [Turner], and Bab., and Betty Pepys staying for us; and so took them all to see "Claricilla", which do not please me almost at all, though there are some good things in it. And so to my cozen Turner's again, and there find my Lady Mordaunt (age 30), and her sister Johnson; and by and by comes in a gentleman, Mr. Overbury, a pleasant man, who plays most excellently on the flagelette, a little one, that sounded as low as one of mine, and mighty pretty. Hence by and by away, and with my wife, and Bab. and Betty Pepys, and W. Hewer (age 27), whom I carried all this day with me, to my cozen Stradwick's, where I have not been ever since my brother Tom died, there being some difference between my father and them, upon the account of my cozen Scott; and I was glad of this opportunity of seeing them, they being good and substantial people, and kind, and here met my cozen Roger (age 51) and his wife, and my cozen Turner, and here, which I never did before, I drank a glass, of a pint, I believe, at one draught, of the juice of oranges, of whose peel they make comfits; and here they drink the juice as wine, with sugar, and it is very fine drink; but, it being new, I was doubtful whether it might not do me hurt. Having staid a while, my wife and I back, with my cozen Turner, etc., to her house, and there we took our leaves of my cozen Pepys, who goes with his wife and two daughters for Impington tomorrow. They are very good people, and people I love, and am obliged to, and shall have great pleasure in their friendship, and particularly in hers, she being an understanding and good woman. So away home, and there after signing my letters, my eyes being bad, to supper and to bed.
John Evelyn's Diary. 09 Mar 1690. Preached at Whitehall Dr. Burnet (age 46), late Bishop of Sarum, on Heb. iv. 13, anatomically describing the texture of the eye; and that, as it received such innumerable sorts of spies through so very small a passage to the brain, and that without the least confusion or trouble, and accordingly judged and reflected on them; so God who made this sensory, did with the greatest ease and at once see all that was done through the vast universe, even to the very thought as well as action. This similitude he continued with much perspicuity and aptness; and applied it accordingly, for the admonishing us how uprightly we ought to live and behave ourselves before such an all-seeing Deity; and how we were to conceive of other his attributes, which we could have no idea of than by comparing them by what we were able to conceive of the nature and power of things, which were the objects of our senses; and therefore it was that in Scripture we attribute those actions and affections of God by the same of man, not as adequately or in any proportion like them, but as the only expedient to make some resemblance of his divine perfections; as when the Scripture says, "God will remember the sins of the penitent no more:" not as if God could forget anything, but as intimating he would pass by such penitents and receive them to mercy.
John Evelyn's Diary. 09 Mar 1690. I dined at the Bishop of St. Asaph's (age 62), Almoner to the new Queen (age 27), with the famous lawyer Sir George Mackenzie (age 54) (late Lord Advocate of Scotland), against whom both the Bishop and myself had written and published books, but now most friendly reconciled. He related to us many particulars of Scotland, the present sad condition of it, the inveterate hatred which the Presbyterians show to the family of the Stuarts, and the exceeding tyranny of those bigots who acknowledge no superior on earth, in civil or divine matters, maintaining that the people only have the right of government; their implacable hatred to the Episcopal Order and Church of England. He observed that the first Presbyterian dissents from our discipline were introduced by the Jesuits' order, about the 20 of Queen Elizabeth, a famous Jesuit among them feigning himself a Protestant, and who was the first who began to pray extempore, and brought in that which they since called, and are still so fond of, praying by the Spirit. This Jesuit remained many years before he was discovered, afterward died in Scotland, where he was buried at ... having yet on his. Monument, "Rosa inter spinas"..
Between 22 Jan 1715 and 09 Mar 1715 the 1715 General Election was held. The election had been caused by George I's (age 54) succession. The Whig party, which supported George I, won an overwhelming majority.
John Rushout 4th Baronet (age 29) was elected MP Malmesbury.
Leonard Smelt (age 32) was elected MP Northallerton.
Thomas Frankland 3rd Baronet (age 30) was elected MP Thirsk.
George Carpenter 1st Baron Carpenter (age 57) was elected MP Whitchurch.
On 09 Mar 1852 Charlotte Philadelphia Horsley (age 78) died. She has a monument at St Andrew's Church, Bolam [Map] commissed by her only son William Horsley-Beresford 3rd Baron Decies (age 40).
Charlotte Philadelphia Horsley: On 20 Jan 1774 she was born to Robert Horsley of Bolam House in Northumberland. On 26 Jul 1810 John Horsley Beresford 2nd Baron Decies and she were married.
On 09 Mar 1881 Caroline Amalie Oldenburg Queen Norway (age 84) died.
On 09 Mar 1888 William I King Prussia (age 90) died. His son Frederick III King Prussia (age 56) succeeded III Emperor aka Kaiser, III King Prussia. Victoria Empress Germany Queen Consort Prussia (age 47) by marriage Empress aka Kaiser, Queen Prussia.
On 09 Mar 1891 Lucy Tracy Lee died from childbirth six days after the birth of her son Ralph Beckett 3rd Baron Grimthorpe.
Births on the 9th March
On 09 Mar 1213 Hugh IV Duke Burgundy was born to Odo III Duke Burgundy (age 47) and Alice Vergy Duchess Burgundy.
On 09 Mar 1492 John Brydges 1st Baron Chandos was born to Giles Brugge 6th Baron Chandos (age 30) and Isabel Baynham Baroness Chandos (age 17) at Coberley, Gloucestershire.
On 09 Mar 1494 Margaret Neville was born to Richard Neville 2nd Baron Latimer of Snape (age 26) and Anne Stafford Baroness Latimer (age 23) at Latimer, Buckinghamshire.
On 09 Mar 1495 Margaret Neville was born to Richard Neville 2nd Baron Latimer of Snape (age 27) and Anne Stafford Baroness Latimer (age 24).
On 09 Mar 1539 Infante Anthony Aviz was born to John III King Portugal (age 36) and Catherine of Austria Queen Consort Portugal (age 32). Coefficient of inbreeding 11.30%.
On 09 Mar 1602 Edward Somerset 2nd Marquess Worcester was born to Henry Somerset 1st Marquess Worcester (age 25) and Anne Russell 2nd Marchioness Worcester (age 24).
On 09 Mar 1627 Thomas Howard 5th Duke of Norfolk was born to Henry Howard 15th or 22nd Earl of Arundel 5th Earl of Surrey 2nd Earl Norfolk (age 18) and Elizabeth Stewart Countess Arundel and Norfolk (age 17).
On 09 Mar 1654 Robert Leke 3rd Earl Scarsdale was born to Nicholas Leke 2nd Earl Scarsdale (age 42) and Frances Rich Countess Scarsdale.
On 09 Mar 1663 Peletiah Barnardiston 3rd Baronet was born to Nathaniel Barnardiston (age 44).
On 09 Mar 1666 George Granville 1st Baron Lansdowne was born to Bernard Granville (age 35).
On 20 Dec 1720. [Note. Wikipedia says 09 Mar 1720]. Philip Yorke 2nd Earl of Hardwicke was born to Philip Yorke 1st Earl of Hardwicke (age 30) and Margaret Cocks Countess Hardwicke.
On 09 Mar 1730 Bishop James Yorke was born to Philip Yorke 1st Earl of Hardwicke (age 39) and Margaret Cocks Countess Hardwicke.
On 09 Mar 1746 Sophie Saxe Coburg Altenburg was born to Duke Frederick III of Saxe Coburg Altenburg III (age 46) and Luise Dorothea Saxe Meiningen Duchess Saxe Gotha Altenburg (age 35) at Gotha.
On 09 Mar 1775 Joseph Wallis Hoare 3rd Baronet was born to Edward Hoare 2nd Baronet (age 29).
On 09 Mar 1803 Henry Lowry-Corry was born to Somerset Lowry-Corry 2nd Earl Belmore (age 28) and Juliana Butler Countess Belmore (age 19). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.27%.
On 09 Mar 1815 Reverend Alleyn Fitzherbert was born to Henry FitzHerbert 3rd Baronet (age 31) and Agnes Beresford Lady Fitzherbert (age 30).
On 09 Mar 1837 Florance George Henry Irby 5th Baron Boston was born to George Ives Irby 4th Baron Boston (age 34) and Fanny Elizabeth Hopkins-Northey Baroness Boston (age 28).
On 09 Mar 1838 Walter Rowlands Ingram was born to Reverend George Ingram at Chedburh Suffolk.
On 09 Mar 1842 John Henry Thorold 12th Baronet was born to John Charles Thorold 11th Baronet (age 25).
On 09 Mar 1842 Anthony Cope 13th Baronet was born to William Henry Cope 12th Baronet (age 31).
On 09 Mar 1850 William Hamo Thornycroft was born to Thomas Thornycroft (age 34) and Mary Francis (age 41). He was baptised on 09 Jun 1850 at St Pancras Old Church [Map].
On 09 Mar 1851 Arthur Edward Casamaijor Cole was born to William Willoughby Cole 3rd Earl Enniskillen (age 44) and Jane Casamaijor Countess Enniskillen.
On 09 Mar 1853 Colin Campbell was born to George Douglas Campbell 8th Duke Argyll (age 29) and Elizabeth Georgiana Leveson-Gower Duchess Argyll.
On 09 Mar 1863 Rupert Ernest William Gascoyne-Cecil was born to Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil 3rd Marquess Salisbury (age 33).
On 09 Mar 1874 Alice Adeliza Hervey Baroness Hylton was born to Frederick William John Hervey 3rd Marquess of Bristol (age 39) and Geraldine Anson Marchioness of Bristol. Coefficient of inbreeding 1.60%.
On 09 Mar 1877 Ralph William Percy was born to Henry George Percy 7th Duke Northumberland (age 30) and Edith Campbell Duchess Northumberland (age 27).
On 09 Mar 1877 Caryl Ernest Bagot 6th Baron Bagot was born to Reverend Lewis Richard Charles Bagot (age 30).
On 09 Mar 1892 Victoria Mary "Vita" Sackville-West was born to Lionel Sackville-West 3rd Baron Sackville (age 24) and Victoria Sackville-West Baroness Sackville. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.26%.
On 09 Mar 1924 June Mary Ponsonby Baroness Grimston was born to Hubert William Ponsonby 5th Baron de Mauley (age 45).
On 09 Mar 1963 Ivar Mountbatten was born to David Mountbatten 3rd Marquess Milford Haven (age 43) and Janet Bryce Marchioness Milford Haven. He a great x 3 grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.
Marriages on the 9th March
On 09 Mar 1598 Henry Berkeley 7th Baron Berkeley (age 63) and Jane Stanhope Baroness Berkeley (age 51) were married at St Giles without Cripplegate Church [Map]. She by marriage Baroness Berkeley. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
On 09 Mar 1735 Mark Sykes 1st Baronet (age 23) and Decima Woodham were married.
On 09 Mar 1738 Charles Tynte 5th Baronet (age 27) and Anne Busby Lady Tynte were married.
On 09 Mar 1753 Frederick Calvert 6th Baron Baltimore (age 22) and Diana Egerton Baroness Baltimore (age 22) were married. She by marriage Baroness Baltimore of Longford in Leinster. She the daughter of Scroop Egerton 1st Duke Bridgewater and Rachel Russell Duchess Bridgewater (age 46). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 09 Mar 1766 Anthony Farrington 1st Baronet (age 24) and Elizabeth Colden were married.
On 09 Mar 1766 William Flower 2nd Viscount Ashbrook (age 21) and Elizabeth Ridge Viscountess Ashbrook (age 19) were married. She by marriage Viscountess Ashbrook.
On 09 Mar 1771 John Aubrey 6th Baronet (age 31) and Mary Colebrooke (age 21) were married.
On 09 Mar 1780 Friedrich Karl Ludwig Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Beck (age 22) and Friederike Schlieben Duchess Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Beck were married. She by marriage Duchess Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Beck. He the son of Karl Anton Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Beck and Frederica Charlotte Dohna Schlodien Duchess Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Beck.
On 09 Mar 1782 John Gregory Shaw 5th Baronet (age 25) and Theodosia Margaret Monson Lady Shaw (age 19) were married at St Marylebone Church. She by marriage Lady Shaw of Eltham in Kent.
On 09 Mar 1796 Alan Hyde Gardner 2nd Baron Gardner (age 26) and Maria Elizabeth Adderley Baroness Gardner (age 20) were married at either Fort George, Chennai, or Fort George, West Indies.
On 09 Mar 1797 Frederick Vane-Fletcher 2nd Baronet (age 37) and Hannah Bowerbank (age 24) were married. Three weeks later their third child was born. The date of their marriage subject to litigation some forty years after the death of Frederick Vane-Fletcher 2nd Baronet when his brother Frederick Henry Fletcher-Vane claimed the marriage was did not take place until after the birth of their son Francis who was, therefore, illegitimate and not eligible to inherit the family estates. See The Times.
On 09 Mar 1906 Gerald Arthur Arundell 15th Baron Arundel (age 44) and Ivy Florence Mary Segrave Baroness Arundel Wardour (age 31) were married. She by marriage Baroness Arundel of Wardour in Wiltshire.
Deaths on the 9th March
On 09 Mar 1062 Herbert Maine II Count Maine died.
On 09 Mar 1302 Richard Fitzalan 1st or 8th Earl of Arundel (age 35) died. He was buried at Haughmond Abbey [Map]. His son Edmund Fitzalan 2nd or 9th Earl of Arundel (age 16) succeeded 9th Earl Arundel.
On 09 Mar 1312 Beatrice Montfort Countess Dreux (age 63) died.
On 09 Mar 1483 Margaret Savoy Countess Saint Pol (age 43) died.
On 09 Mar 1512 John Brooke 7th Baron Cobham (age 64) died at Cowling, Kent. He was buried at Church of St Mary Magdalene, Cobham. His son Thomas Brooke 8th Baron Cobham (age 42) succeeded 8th Baron Cobham.
On 09 Mar 1589 Frances Sidney Countess Sussex (age 58) died. On 15 Apr 1589 she was buried in Chapel of St Paul, Westminster Abbey [Map].
On 09 Mar 1621 John Stanhope 1st Baron Stanhope (age 72) died. His son Charles Stanhope 2nd Baron Stanhope (age 28) succeeded 2nd Baron Stanhope of Harrington.
On 09 Mar 1649 at the Old Palace Yard, Westminster Palace three Royalist Lords were beheaded ...
Arthur Capell 1st Baron Capell Hadham (age 41) was beheaded. His son Arthur Capell 1st Earl Essex (age 17) succeeded 2nd Baron Capell Hadham.
Henry Rich 1st Earl Holland (age 58) was beheaded. His son Robert Rich 5th Earl Warwick 2nd Earl Holland (age 30) succeeded 2nd Earl Holland. Elizabeth Ingram Countess Holland (age 26) by marriage Countess Holland.
James Hamilton 1st Duke Hamilton (age 42) was beheaded. His brother William Hamilton 2nd Duke Hamilton (age 32) succeeded 2nd Duke Hamilton, 3rd Earl Cambridge by special remainder.
John Owen (age 49) had been sentenced to death but was subsequently pardoned.
On 09 Mar 1650 Elizabeth Darcy 1st Countess Rivers (age 69) died. Earl Rivers extinct since it was a created for life only.
On 09 Mar 1709 Ralph Montagu 1st Duke Montagu (age 70) died. He was buried at Westminster Abbey [Map]. His son John Montagu 2nd Duke Montagu (age 19) succeeded 2nd Duke Montagu, 4th Baron Montagu of Boughton in Northamptonshire. Mary Churchill Duchess of Montagu (age 19) by marriage Duchess Montagu.
On 09 Mar 1714 Hugh Acland 5th Baronet (age 75) died. His grandson Hugh Acland 6th Baronet (age 17) succeeded 6th Baronet Acland of Columb John in Devon.
On 09 Mar 1738 Edward Leigh 3rd Baron Leigh (age 54) died. His son Thomas Leigh 4th Baron Leigh (age 24) succeeded 4th Baron Leigh of Stoneleigh in Warwickshire, 5th Baronet Leigh of Stoneleigh in Warwickshire
On 09 Mar 1762 George Carpenter 1st Earl Tyrconnel (age 38) died. His son George Carpenter 2nd Earl Tyrconnel (age 12) succeeded 2nd Earl Tyrconnel, 4th Baron Carpenter of Killaghy in County Tipperary.
On 09 Mar 1771 Anne Spencer Duchess Hamilton Duchess Brandon (age 61) died.
On 09 Mar 1785 Reverend William Anderson 6th Baronet (age 62) died. His son Edmund Anderson 7th Baronet (age 26) succeeded 7th Baronet Anderson of Broughton in Lincolnshire.
On 09 Mar 1786 Christopher Whichcote 4th Baronet (age 48) died. His son Thomas Whichcote 5th Baronet (age 23) succeeded 5th Baronet Whichcote of the Inner Temple in the City of London. Diana Turnor Lady Whichcote (age 23) by marriage Lady Whichcote of the Inner Temple in the City of London.
On 09 Mar 1795 Henry Hoghton 6th Baronet (age 66) died at Walton Hall, Preston. His son Henry Hoghton 7th Baronet (age 26) succeeded 7th Baronet Hoghton of Hoghton Tower in Lancashire.
On 09 Mar 1817 Jane Champagné Countess Uxbridge (age 75) died.
On 09 Mar 1821 Wilbrahim Tollemache 6th Earl Dysart (age 81) died. His sister Louisa Tollemache 7th Countess Dysart (age 75) succeeded 7th Countess Dysart. Baronet Talmash of Helmingham in Suffolk extinct. Her grandson William Manners aka Tollemache 1st Baronet (age 54) assumed the name Tollemache.
On 09 Mar 1823 Mary Vincent Countess Rosebery (age 70) died.
On 09 Mar 1853 Edward Kerrison 1st Baronet (age 76) died. His son Edward Kerrison 2nd Baronet (age 32) succeeded 2nd Baronet Kerrison of Wyke-House in Sussex. Caroline Margaret Fox-Strangways Lady Kerrison (age 34) by marriage Lady Kerrison of Wyke-House in Sussex.
On 09 Mar 1855 Mary Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie died.
On 09 Mar 1857 James Duff 4th Earl Fife (age 80) died. His nephew James Duff 5th Earl Fife (age 42) succeeded 5th Earl Fife.
On 09 Mar 1869 John Peter Boileau 1st Baronet (age 74) died. He was buried in the family vault at St Peter's Church, Ketteringham. His son Francis George Manningham Boileau 2nd Baronet (age 38) succeeded 2nd Baronet Boileau of Tacolneston Hall in Norfolk. Lucy Henrietta Nugent Lady Boileau by marriage Lady Boileau of Tacolneston Hall in Norfolk.
On 09 Mar 1881 Caroline Amalie Oldenburg Queen Norway (age 84) died.
On 09 Mar 1882 Thomas James Agar aka Agar-Robartes 1st Baron Robartes (age 73) died. His son Thomas Agar-Robartes 6th Viscount Clifden (age 38) succeeded 2nd Baron Robartes of Lanhydrock and of Truro in Cornwall.
On 09 Mar 1888 William I King Prussia (age 90) died. His son Frederick III King Prussia (age 56) succeeded III Emperor aka Kaiser, III King Prussia. Victoria Empress Germany Queen Consort Prussia (age 47) by marriage Empress aka Kaiser, Queen Prussia.
On 09 Mar 1891 Lucy Tracy Lee died from childbirth six days after the birth of her son Ralph Beckett 3rd Baron Grimthorpe.
On 09 Mar 1893 William Twisden 9th Baronet (age 75) died. He was buried in Epsom Cemetery Grave A26A. He left a personal estate of £95. His son Roger John Twisden 10th Baronet (age 40) succeeded 10th Baronet Twisden of Bradbourne in Kent. He appears not to have used the title.
On 09 Mar 1898 Mary Louisa Lambton Countess Kincardine and Elgin (age 78) died.
On 09 Mar 1918 George Sidney Meade Thomas 6th Baronet (age 71) died. His son George Thomas 7th Baronet (age 36) succeeded 7th Baronet Thomas of Yapton in Sussex.
On 09 Mar 1942 Edward Walter Joseph Patrick Herbert Smythe 9th Baronet (age 72) died at Church Stretton, Shropshire. Baronet Smythe extinct.
On 09 Mar 1976 Ralph Stonor 6th Baron Camoys (age 62) died. His son Thomas Stonor 7th Baron Camoys (age 35) succeeded 7th Baron Camoys.
On 09 Mar 2000 Francis John Vernon Hereward Dashwood 11th Baronet (age 74) died. His son Edward John Francis Dashwood 12th Baronet (age 35) succeeded 12th Baronet Dashwood of West Wycombe in Buckinghamshire.