10 Aug is in August.
30BC Death of Antony and Cleopatra
1420 Funeral of Thomas Fitzgerald
1564 Elizabeth I's visit to Cambridge University
Events on the 10th August
Cassius Dio Roman History Book 51 Chapter 13. 10 Aug 30BC. 5. She [Cleopatra VII Philopator 69BC 30BC (age 39)] gave orders to Epaphroditus, so that under the pretext of taking him away, she could have something else cleared from her path, and thus she attended to the task. After putting on her most splendid clothing, arranging herself in the most becoming manner, and assuming her entire royal appearance, she died.
5. Ἐπαφροδίτῳ σεσημασμένον, ὅπως προφάσει τῆς ἀποκομιδῆς αὐτοῦ ὡς καὶ ἄλλο τι ἔχοντος ἐκποδών οἱ γένηται, δοῦσα ἔργου εἴχετο. τήν τε γὰρ ἐσθῆτα τὴν περικαλλεστάτην ἐνδῦσα, καὶ ἑαυτὴν εὐπρεπέστατα εὐθετήσασα, τό τε σχῆμα τὸ βασιλικὸν πᾶν ἀναλαβοῦσα, ἀπέθανε.
Cassius Dio Roman History Book 51 Chapter 14. 10 Aug 30BC. 1. And no one knows clearly by what means she [Cleopatra VII Philopator 69BC 30BC (age 39)] was destroyed: for only small punctures were found around her arm: some say that an asp was brought to her in a water jar or even in some flowers.
1. καὶ τὸ μὲν σαφὲς οὐδεὶς οἶδεν ᾧ τρόπῳ διεφθάρη: κεντήματα γὰρ λεπτὰ περὶ τὸν βραχίονα αὐτῆς μόνα εὑρέθη: λέγουσι δὲ οἱ μὲν ὅτι ἀσπίδα ἐν ὑδρίᾳ ἢ καὶ ἐν ἄνθεσί τισιν ἐσκομισθεῖσάν οἱ.
On 10 Aug 30BC Cleopatra VII Philopator 69BC 30BC (age 39) committed suicide.
On 10 Aug 794 Fastrada Queen of the Franks and Lombardy, Holy Roman Empress (age 29) died in Frankfurt. She was buried in St Alban's Abbey Mainz.
On 10 Aug 1180 Archbishop Baldwin Avigo (age 55) was appointed Bishop of Worcester.
On 10 Aug 1241 Eleanor "Fair Maid of Britanny" 4th Countess of Richmond (age 57) died at Bristol Castle, Gloucestershire [Map]. She was initially buried at St James Priory, Bristol [Map] then reburied at Amesbury Abbey, Wiltshire [Map].
On 10 Aug 1250 Alphonse Capet Count Poitou II Count Toulose (age 29) sailed for home.
On 10 Aug 1250 King Eric IV of Denmark (age 34) was assassinated. Many suspected the assassination was ordered by his brother King Abel of Denmark (age 32).. His brother King Abel of Denmark succeeded King Denmark.
On 10 Aug 1296 King John I of Bohemia was born to Henry Luxemburg VII Holy Roman Emperor (age 21) and Margaret Brabant Countess Luxemburg and Namur.
On 10 Aug 1327 Bishop John Grandison 3rd Baron Grandison (age 35) was appointed Bishop of Exeter.
Archaeologia Volume 35 1853 XXXIII. On the 10th of August [Aug 1358], the Earl of Warwick (age 45) came to supper.
After 10 Aug 1358. Monument to Piers Grandison 2nd Baron Grandison (deceased). Lady Chapel of Hereford Cathedral [Map]. Mid 14th-century, altar-tomb with effigy and canopy, altar-tomb with range of cinquefoil-headed panels in front and panelled buttresses at ends carried up to the cornice of the canopy, effigy in mixed mail and plate-armour with camail and ridged bascinet, hauberk with scalloped lower edge, cyclas, enriched Hip Belt with dagger hanging in front and sword at side, head on cushions and feet on hound; recess with panelled back, moulded jambs and square head enriched with Paterae and trefoiled and sub-cusped pendant tracery below the head; vaulted soffit to canopy; canopy with range of six bays of open arcading with trefoiled and sub-cusped heads, crockets and finials, in arcading two headless figures of the Coronation of the Virgin, headless figure with book, archbishop with cross-staff, St. John the Baptist holding a roundel with the Agnus Dei, and a bishop, last four figures brought from elsewhere; canopy finished with enriched cornice and pierced parapet with quatrefoils and cusped cresting.
On 10 Aug 1377 Afonso Aviz I Duke Braganza was born illegitimately to King John I of Portugal (age 25) and Ines Peres.
After 10 Aug 1420 Thomas Fitzgerald 5th Earl Desmond (deceased) was buried in Paris [Map]. Henry V (age 34) and Charles V (age 51) were present.
On 10 Aug 1443 Christopher Talbot (age 24) was killed in a tournament at Caus Castle [Map] by Gruffudd Vychan (age 48) who was outlawed, captured and beheaded in 1447.
Around 10 Aug 1453 John Neville 1st Marquess Montagu (age 22) summoned with Thomas Percy 1st Baron Egremont (age 30) to appear before a Royal Council; he ignored it.
On 10 Aug 1512 Edward Howard (age 36) commanded at Brest during the Battle of Saint Mathieu.
Thomas Knyvet (age 27) was killed in the fight between The Regent and La Reine
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1510-1519. 10 Aug 1512. This yeare the Regent of England, a shippe, and a carike of France, were burnt in Bristowe haveng, and Sir Thomas Knyvett (age 27) in her with all his men.
Note g. Note. This engagement, one of the most striking recorded in the annals of the English nayy, was fought off Brest Harbour on the 10th August, 1512, in which the Regent, a first-class English vessel, commanded by Sir Thomas Knyvett, Master of the Horse, and the French vessel Cordeliere, commanded by Primanget, called by the English chroniclers Sir Piers Morgan, were blown up with the loss of all their men. Hall's Chronicle, pp. 634-6. A letter of Wolsey, describing the loss of the Regent, may be seen in MS. Cotton. Vitcl. B. ii. p. 180.
On 10 Aug 1520 Madeleine Valois was born to King Francis I of France (age 25) and Claude Valois Orléans Queen Consort France (age 20). Coefficient of inbreeding 4.50%.
On 10 Aug 1557 Henry Manners 2nd Earl of Rutland (age 30) fought being Captain-General of the cavalry at the Battle of St Quentin.
Jean Bourbon Count Soissons and Enghien (age 29) was killed at the Battle of St Quentin. His brother Louis Bourbon Prince Condé (age 27) succeeded Count Soissons 1367.
Henry Dudley (age 26) was killed.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 10 Aug 1559. The x day of August, the wyche was sant Laurans day, the Quen('s) (age 25) grace removyd from Non-shyche [Map] unto Hamtun cowrte [Map].
Note. P. 206. Nonsuch. A memoir by the present writer on the royal palace of Nonesuch will be found in the Gentleman's Magazine for August 1837, New Series, vol. VIII. pp. 135–144. The earl of Arundel, as lord steward of the household, had obtained an interest in it, which seems almost to have amounted to an alienation, but it reverted to the Crown in 1591. His first dealings with it were resisted by sir Thomas Cawarden, (the subject of the following Note,) who had been the previous keeper.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 10 Aug 1560. The x day of August was bered within the Towre [Map] withowt a offeser of armes, and (with) master Alley (age 50) the nuw byshope of Excetur, and the chyrch hangyd with blake and armes, my lade Warner (deceased), the wyff of ser Edward Warner (age 49).
Note. P. 241. Funeral of lady Warner. "Elizabeth, late wiff to sir Edward Warner knight, lieutenaunte of the tower of London; she was doter of Thomas Cobham, and dysceased the 8. of August 1560, and left issue a [son] whosse name is Edward." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 19.)
In Aug 1564 Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 30) visited Cambridge University accompanied by William Howard 1st Baron Howard (age 54) and William Cecil 1st Baron Burghley (age 43). William Cecil 1st Baron Burghley was created Master of Arts: Cambridge University.
John Astley (age 57) was created Master of Arts: Cambridge University.
On 10 Aug 1564 Edward Manners 3rd Earl of Rutland (age 15) was created Master of Arts: Cambridge University.
On 10 Aug 1629 Henry Carey 1st Viscount Falkland (age 54) was directed to hand over his authority as Lord Deputy of Ireland to the lords justices on the pretext that his services were required in England. King Charles I (age 28), recognising his good intentions, continued to hold him in favour.
Between 10 Aug 1642 and 07 Sep 1642 Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map] was besieged by Parliamentary forces.
On 10 Aug 1644 William Sydenham (age 29) and Anthony Ashley-Cooper 1st Earl Shaftesbury (age 23) captured Wareham, Dorset [Map].
John Evelyn's Diary. 10 Aug 1655. To Albury, to visit Mr. Howard (age 27), who had begun to build, and alter the gardens much. He showed me many rare pictures, particularly the Moor on horseback; Erasmus, as big as the life, by Holbein; a Madonna, in miniature, by Oliver; but, above all, the skull, carved in wood, by Albert Durer, for which his father was offered £100; also Albert's head, by himself, with divers rare agates, intaglios, and other curiosities.
In Aug 1660 King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 30) rewarded those who supported his Restoration by awarding them Baronetcies ...
On 02 Aug 1660 Hugh Smithson 1st Baronet (age 62) was created 1st Baronet Smithson of Stanwick in Yorkshire.
On 10 Aug 1660 Peter Leicester 1st Baronet (age 46) was created 1st Baronet Leicester of Tabley in Cheshire. Elizabeth Gerard Lady Leicester by marriage Lady Leicester of Tabley in Cheshire.
On 11 Aug 1660 William wheler 1st Baronet 1611 1666 (age 49) was created 1st Baronet Wheler of the City of Westminster with a special remainder failing the heirs male of his body, "to Charles Wheeler (age 40) [rectius Wheler], cosin to the said Sir William and the heires males of the body of the said Sir Charles."
On 16 Aug 1660 Thomas Lee 1st Baronet (age 25) was created 1st Baronet Lee of Hartwell in Buckinghamshire.
On 16 Aug 1660 John Newton 1st Baronet (age 49) was created 1st Baronet Newton of Barrs Court.
On 16 Aug 1660 Thomas Smith 1st Baronet (age 38) was created 1st Baronet Smith of Hatherton in Cheshire.
On 31 Aug 1660 John Drake 1st Baronet (age 35) was created 1st Baronet Drake of Ashe in Devon. Dionise Strode Lady Drake by marriage Lady Drake of Ashe in Devon.
On 10 Aug 1660 Esmé Stewart 2nd Duke Richmond 5th Duke Lennox (age 11) died of smallpox at Paris [Map]. He was buried in on 04 Sep 1660 in the Richmond Vault, Westminster Abbey. His first cousin Charles Stewart 6th Duke Lennox 3rd Duke Richmond (age 21) succeeded 6th Duke Lennox, 3rd Duke Richmond. 4th Earl March. Elizabeth Rogers Duchess Richmond by marriage Duchess Richmond. His sister Mary Stewart Countess Arran (age 9) succeeded 5th Baroness Clifton of Leighton Bromswold in Huntingdonshire.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Aug 1663. Thence by coach with my Lords Peterborough (age 41) and Sandwich to my Lord Peterborough's house; and there, after an hour's looking over some fine books of the Italian buildings, with fine cuts; and also my Lord Peterborough's bowes and arrows, of which he is a great lover, we sat down to dinner, my Lady (age 41) coming down to dinner also, and there being Mr. Williamson (age 30), that belongs to Sir H. Bennet (age 45), whom I find a pretty understanding and accomplished man, but a little conceited.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Aug 1663. Here I am told that my Lord Bristoll (age 50) is either fled or concealed himself; having been sent for to the King (age 33), it is believed to be sent to the Tower, but he is gone out of the way.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Aug 1663. Hither came W. Howe about business, and he and I had a great deal of discourse about my Lord Sandwich (age 38), and I find by him that my Lord do dote upon one of the daughters of Mrs. [Becke] where he lies, so that he spends his time and money upon her. He tells me she is a woman of a very bad fame and very impudent, and has told my Lord so, yet for all that my Lord do spend all his evenings with her, though he be at court in the day time, and that the world do take notice of it, and that Pickering (age 45) is only there as a blind, that the world may think that my Lord spends his time with him when he do worse, and that hence it is that my Lord has no more mind to go into the country than he has. In fine, I perceive my Lord is dabbling with this wench, for which I am sorry, though I do not wonder at it, being a man amorous enough, and now begins to allow himself the liberty that he says every body else at Court takes.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Aug 1663. By and by by water to White Hall, and so to St. James's, and anon called into the Duke's (age 29) chamber, and being dressed we were all as usual taken in with him and discoursed of our matters, and that being done, he walked, and I in the company with him, to White Hall, and there he took barge for Woolwich, Kent [Map], and, I up to the Committee of Tangier, where my Lord Sandwich (age 38), pay Lord Peterborough (age 41), (whom I have not seen before since his coming back,) Sir Wm. Compton (age 38), and Mr. Povy (age 49). Our discourse about supplying my Lord Teviott with money, wherein I am sorry to see, though they do not care for him, yet they are willing to let him for civility and compliment only have money almost without expecting any account of it; but by this means, he being such a cunning fellow as he is, the King (age 33) is like to pay dear for our courtiers' ceremony.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Aug 1665. By and by to the office, where we sat all the morning; in great trouble to see the Bill this week rise so high, to above 4,000 in all, and of them above 3,000 of the plague. And an odd story of Alderman Bence's stumbling at night over a dead corps in the streete, and going home and telling his wife, she at the fright, being with child, fell sicke and died of the plague.
On 09 Aug 1666 and 10 Aug 1666 Holme's Bonfire was an attack by the English fleet commanded by Admiral Robert Holmes (age 44) on a Dutch merchant fleet of 140 ships at the Vlie estuary. The town of West-Terschelling was burnt down.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Aug 1666. After dinner to the office, and anon with my wife and sister abroad, left them in Paternoster Row [Map], while Creed, who was with me at the office, and I to Westminster; and leaving him in the Strand, I to my Chancellor's (age 57), and did very little business, and so away home by water, with more and more pleasure, I every time reading over my Lord Bacon's "Faber Fortunae".
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Aug 1668. Up, and by water to White Hall, and thence to Sir W. Coventry (age 40), but he is gone out of town this morning, so thence to my Lord Arlington's (age 50) house, the first time I there since he come thither, at Goring House [Map], a very fine, noble place; and there he received me in sight of several Lords with great respect. I did give him an account of my journey; and here, while I waited for him a little, my Lord Orrery (age 47) took notice of me, and begun discourse of hangings, and of the improvement of shipping: I not thinking that he knew me, but did then discover it, with a mighty compliment of my abilities and ingenuity, which I am mighty proud of; and he do speak most excellently.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Aug 1668. Thence to Westminster Hall [Map], and so by coach to the Old Exchange [Map], and there did several businesses, and so home to dinner, and then abroad to Duck Lane [Map], where I saw my belle femme of the book vendor, but had no opportunity para hazer con her. So away to Cooper's (age 59), where I spent all the afternoon with my wife and girl, seeing him-make an end of her picture, which he did Jo my great content, though not so great as, I confess, I expected, being not satisfied in the greatness of the resemblance, nor in the blue garment: but it is most certainly a most rare piece of work, as to the painting. He hath £30 for his work-and the chrystal, and case, and gold case comes to £8 3s. 4d.; and which I sent him this night, that I might be out of debt.
On 10 Aug 1675 John Flamsteed (age 28) laid the foundation stone of the Greenwich Observatory, Greenwich.
John Evelyn's Diary. 10 Aug 1688. Dr. Tenison (age 51) now told me there would suddenly be some great thing discovered. This was the Prince of Orange (age 37) intending to come over.
On 10 Aug 1735 Garrett Wellesley 1st Earl Mornington was baptised at St Andrew's Church, Dublin.
On 10 Aug 1759 Ferdinand VI King Spain (age 45) died without issue. His half brother Charles III King Spain (age 43) succeeded King Spain.
On 10 Aug 1779 Henry Howard 13th Earl Suffolk 6th Earl Berkshire, who had been born posthumously, died two days old. His great uncle Thomas Howard 14th Earl Suffolk 7th Earl Berkshire (age 58) succeeded 14th Earl Suffolk, 7th Earl Berkshire, 7th Viscount Andover in Hampshire, 7th Baron Howard of Charlton in Wiltshire.
On 10 Aug 1826 Cornelius Smelt (age 78) attended a meeting at the George Inn, Castletown, there being present some of the highest officials then residing in Castletown, Chairman of the meeting being Colonel Mark Wilks. At the meeting a resolution was passed to commission a portrait of Governor Smelt by Thomas Barber (age 55). The portrait was purchased by Captain Caesar Bacon, husband of Smelt's daughter, and was placed in his home at Seafield, Santon. The portrait stayed in the family until 1925 when it was presented to the Manx Museum.
Greville Memoirs. 10 Aug 1830. In the meantime the French Revolution has been proceeding rapidly to its consummation, and the Duke of Orleans is King. Montrond, who was at Stoke, thinks that France will gravitate towards a republic, and principally for this reason, that there is an unusual love of equality, and no disposition to profit by the power of making majorats, therefore that there never can be anything like an aristocracy. We are so accustomed to see the regular working of our constitutional system, with all its parts depending upon each other, and so closely interwoven, that we have difficulty in believing that any monarchical Government can exist which is founded on a basis so different. This is the great political problem which is now to be solved. I think, however, that in the present settlement it is not difficult to see the elements of future contention and the working of a strong democratical spirit. The Crown has been conferred on the Duke of Orleans by the Chamber of Deputies alone, which, so far from inviting the Chamber of Peers to discuss the question of succession, has at the same time decreed a material alteration in that Chamber itself. It has at a blow cut off all the Peers of Villèle's great promotion, which is an enormous act of authority, although the measure may be advisable. There is also a question raised of the hereditary quality of the peerage, and I dare say that for the future at least peerages will not be hereditary, not that I think this signifies as to the existence of an aristocracy, for the constant subdivision of property must deprive the Chamber of all the qualities belonging to an English House of Lords, and it would perhaps be better to establish another principle, such as that of promoting to the Chamber of Peers men (for life) of great wealth, influence, and ability, who would constitute an aristocracy of a different kind indeed, but more respectable and efficient, than a host of poor hereditary senators. What great men are Lord Lonsdale, the Duke of Rutland, and Lord Cleveland (age 64)! but strip them, of their wealth and power, what would they be? Among the most insignificant of mankind; but they all acquire a factitious consideration by the influence they possess to do good and evil, the extension of it over multitudes of dependents. The French can have no aristocracy but a personal one, ours is in the institution; theirs must be individually respectable, as ours is collectively looked up to. In the meantime it will be deemed a great step gained to have a monarchy established in France at all, even for the moment, but some people are alarmed at the excessive admiration which the French Revolution has excited in England, and there is a very general conviction that Spain will speedily follow the example of France, and probably Belgium also. Italy I don't believe will throw off the yoke; they have neither spirit nor unanimity, and the Austrian military force is too great to be resisted. But Austria will tremble and see that the great victory which Liberalism has gained has decided the question as to which principle, that of light or darkness, shall prevail for the future in the world.
Diary of a Dean by Merewether. 10 Aug 1849 and 11 Aug 1849. No. 2, the first of a range of five large barrows in the rising ground to the north of the last, nearly in a line, a mile and a half north-east of Avebury. These differ in form, 2 and 3 being of the bowl-shape, the others of the more elegant bell-shape, as described by Sir R. C. Hoare in his Ancient Wilts. Although the second and third of this range were not opened until the 10th and 11th of August, I shall describe their produce with the others as belonging to a separate class. After a laborious excavation of the first (No. 2), from the apex to a depth of 10 feet, until we came to the natural chalk through a thin layer, at about 9 feet ,—i e. about the level of the surrounding ground,—of black mould composed of burnt wood, we were obliged to give up the hope of any marked discoveries here. The earth throughout was peculiarly moist, and probably indicated that this barrow had been examined before; there were, however, many fragments of the usual sort of bones and teeth and charred wood.
Diary of a Dean by Merewether. 10 Aug 1849. No. 3 (August 10th). Somewhat smaller in dimensions than the others. Large fragments of bone, teeth, burnt wood; at about 8 feet deep a cist, 18 inches diameter, formed in the natural chalk bed, containing burnt human bones and two small pieces (B) of bronze; (C) a smooth stone tapering towards one end, which had been broken off—it may have been a spear-head, and a rather large flint arrow-head (D), were discovered in the progress of the excavation, as well as a small one of iron (E).
After 10 Aug 1875. St Mary’s Church, Sprotbrough [Map]. Memorial to Charlotte Anderson-Pelham Lady Copley (deceased), wife of Joseph William Copley 4th Baronet (age 71).
Charlotte Anderson-Pelham Lady Copley: On 21 Oct 1810 she was born to Charles Anderson-Pelham 1st Earl Yarborough. On 19 Nov 1831 Joseph William Copley 4th Baronet and she were married. She the daughter of Charles Anderson-Pelham 1st Earl Yarborough. He the son of Joseph Copley 3rd Baronet and Cecil Hamilton Marchioness Abercorn. On 10 Aug 1875 Charlotte Anderson-Pelham Lady Copley died. She was buried at All Saints' Church, Brocklesby.
On 10 Aug 1920 Kathleen Lucille Payne-Gallwey (age 36) died of consumption contracted in Greece during the Revelution of 1917.
Births on the 10th August
On 10 Aug 1285 Henry Tyeys 2nd Baron Tyeys was born to Henry Tyeys 1st Baron Tyeys (age 20).
On 10 Aug 1289 Roger Moels 3rd Baron Moels was born to John Moels 1st Baron Moels (age 20).
On 10 Aug 1289 Nicholas Moels 2nd Baron Moels was born to John Moels 1st Baron Moels (age 20).
On 10 Aug 1296 King John I of Bohemia was born to Henry Luxemburg VII Holy Roman Emperor (age 21) and Margaret Brabant Countess Luxemburg and Namur.
On 10 Aug 1310 Margaret Verdun Baroness Hussey was born to Theobald Verdun 2nd Lord Verdun (age 31) and Maud Mortimer Lady Verdun (age 24) at Alton Castle, Staffordshire. Coefficient of inbreeding 1.90%.
On 10 Aug 1377 Afonso Aviz I Duke Braganza was born illegitimately to King John I of Portugal (age 25) and Ines Peres.
On 10 Aug 1426 Boniface III Marquis of Montferrat was born to John Jacob Marquis of Montferrat (age 31) and Joan of Savoy.
On 10 Aug 1439 Anne York Duchess Exeter was born to Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 27) and Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York (age 24) at Fotheringay Castle, Northamptonshire [Map]. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.42%.
On 10 Aug 1520 Madeleine Valois was born to King Francis I of France (age 25) and Claude Valois Orléans Queen Consort France (age 20). Coefficient of inbreeding 4.50%.
On 10 Aug 1562 Henry Windsor 5th Baron Windsor was born to Edward Windsor 3rd Baron Windsor (age 30) and Katherine Vere Baroness Windsor (age 22).
On 10 Aug 1585 Anne Carey Lady Leke was born to Edward Carey (age 45) and Catherine Knyvet Baroness Geneville Beaudasert (age 42).
On 10 Aug 1602 Robert Napier 2nd Baronet was born to Robert Napier 1st Baronet (age 42) and Mary Robinson.
On 10 Aug 1605 Edmund Anderson 1st Baronet was born to William Anderson (age 26) and Magdalena Smith (age 61).
On 10 Aug 1694 John Leveson-Gower 1st Earl Gower was born to John Leveson-Gower 1st Baron Gower (age 19) and Catherine Manners Baroness Gower (age 19).
On 10 Aug 1695 Samuel Sandys 1st Baron Sandys was born to Edwin Sandys (age 36) and Alice Rushout.
On 10 Aug 1698 John Stratford 1st Earl Aldborough was born to Edward Stratford at Ormond, County Tipperary.
On 10 Aug 1710 Luise Dorothea Saxe Meiningen Duchess Saxe Gotha Altenburg was born to Ernst Ludwig I Duke of Saxe Meiningen (age 37).
On 10 Aug 1729 William Howe 5th Viscount Howe was born to Emanuel Howe 2nd Viscount Howe (age 29) and Sophia Von Keilmansegg Viscountess Howe (age 25).
On 10 Aug 1730 Admiral Richard King 1st Baronet was born to Curtis King (age 30) and Mary Barnett (age 27) at Gosport, Hampshire.
On 10 Aug 1753 George Cranfield Berkeley was born to Augustus Berkeley 4th Earl Berkeley (age 38) and Elizabeth Drax Countess Berkeley and Nugent (age 33). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 10 Aug 1762 Arthur William Devis was born to Arthur Devis (age 50) and Elizabeth Faulkener (age 43).
On 10 Aug 1769 Sophie Amelie Oldenburg was born to Frederick Christian Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 48) and Charlotte Amalie Wilhelmine Unknown Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg.
On 10 Aug 1787 Thomas Whichcote 6th Baronet was born to Thomas Whichcote 5th Baronet (age 24) and Diana Turnor Lady Whichcote (age 24).
On 10 Aug 1793 John Crichton-Stuart 2nd Marquis of the Isle of Bute was born to John Stuart (age 25) and Elizabeth Penelope Mcdouall Crichton (age 20).
On 10 Aug 1807 Corisande Emma Bennet Countess Malmesbury was born to Charles Augustus Bennet 5th Earl Tankerville (age 31) and Corisande Armandine Sophie Léonie Hélène Gramont Countess Tankerville (age 24).
On 10 Aug 1812 Hungerford Crewe 3rd Baron Crewe was born to John Crewe 2nd Baron Crewe (age 40) and Henrietta Maria Anna Walker-Hungerford.
On 10 Aug 1818 Henrietta Charlotte Williams-Wynn was born to Watkin Williams-Wynn 5th Baronet (age 45) and Henrietta Antonia Clive Lady Williams-Wynn.
On 10 Aug 1828 George Gunning 5th Baronet was born to Reverend Henry Gunning 4th Baronet (age 30) and Mary Catherine Cartwright.
On 10 Aug 1860 Edward Nelson 5th Earl Nelson was born to Horatio Nelson 3rd Earl Nelson (age 37) and Mary Jane Agar Countess Nelson (age 38).
On 10 Aug 1870 Charles Sackville-West 4th Baron Sackville was born to William Sackville-West (age 40) and Georgina Dodwell.
On 10 Aug 1891 Beatrice Edith Mildred Gascoyne-Cecil Baroness Harlech was born to James Gascoyne-Cecil 4th Marquess Salisbury (age 29) and Cicely Anne Gore Marchioness Salisbury (age 24).
On 10 Aug 1897 Humphrey Thomas Tollemache 6th Baronet was born to Lyonel Felix Carteret Eugene Tollemache 4th Baronet (age 43).
On 10 Aug 1907 Hugo Robert Brooke Boothby 14th Baronet was born to Seymour William Brooke Boothby 13th Baronet (age 41).
On 10 Aug 1909 Frederic Raymond Clegg-Hill was born to Charles Rowland Clegg-Hill 6th Viscount Hill (age 33).
On 10 Aug 1915 Frances Laura Charteris Duchess of Marlborough was born to Guy Lawrence Charteris (age 29).
On 10 Aug 1923 Humphrey Villiers Cæsar Hawkins 7th Baronet was born to Villiers Geoffrey Cæsar Hawkins 6th Baronet (age 32).
On 10 Aug 1946 Patricia Ann Souter was born to Richard Souter 25th Baron Audley (age 32).
On 10 Aug 1954 Joshua Charles Vanneck 7th Baron Huntingfield was born to Gerard Charles Arcedeckne Vanneck 6th Baron Huntingfield (age 39).
On 10 Aug 1956 Francis Charles Edward Seymour was born to Percy Hamilton Seymour 18th Duke of Somerset (age 45) and Gwendoline Collette Jane Thomas Duchess Somerset.
On 10 Aug 1968 Clifton Hugh Lancelot de Verdon Wrottesley 6th Baron Wrottesley was born to Richard Francis Gerard Wrottesley (age 25).
Marriages on the 10th August
On 10 Aug 1562 Hugh Montgomerie 3rd Earl Eglinton (age 31) and Agnes Drummond Countess Eglinton (age 39) were married. She by marriage Countess Eglinton. See Memorials of the Montgomeries Pages 185-187 He the son of Hugh Montgomerie 2nd Earl Eglinton and Marion Seton Countess Eglinton. They were fourth cousins.
On 10 Aug 1682 John Vaughan 3rd Earl Carbery (age 43) and Anne Savile Countess Carbery (age 19) were married. The difference in their ages was 23 years. She the daughter of George Savile 1st Marquess Halifax (age 48) and Dorothy Spencer Lady Savile. He the son of Richard Vaughan 2nd Earl Carbery (age 82) and Frances Altham Countess Carbery.
On 10 Aug 1749 George Lyttelton 1st Baron Lyttelton (age 40) and Elizabeth Rich Baroness Lyttelton were married.
On 10 Aug 1850 John Paulet 14th Marquess Winchester (age 49) and Joan Granville were married. He the son of Charles Burroughs-Paulet 13th Marquess Winchester and Anne Andrews Marchioness of Winchester.
On 10 Aug 1871 Richard Knight Causton 1st Baron Southwark (age 27) and Selina Mary Chambers Baroness Southwark (age 19) were married at St Mary's Church, Bryanston Square, Marylebone.
On 10 Aug 1876 Archibald Brabazon Sparrow Acheson 4th Earl Gosford (age 35) and Louisa Augusta Beatrice Montagu Countess Gosford (age 20) were married. She by marriage Countess Gosford. She the daughter of William Drogo Montagu 7th Duke Manchester (age 52) and Louisa Vonalten Duchess Devonshire and Manchester (age 44). He the son of Archibald Acheson 3rd Earl Gosford and Theodosia Brabazon Countess Gosford. They were half second cousin once removed.
On 10 Aug 1880 Alexander Entwisle Ramsay 4th Baronet (age 43) and Caroline Charlotte Ireland Lady Ramsay (age 36) were married. She by marriage Lady Ramsay of Balmain in Kincardineshire.
On 10 Aug 1883 Charles Bertram Bellew 3rd Baron Bellew (age 28) and Mildred Mary Josephine de Trafford Baroness Bellow (age 27) were married at All Saints Roman Catholic Church, Barton-upon-Irwell.
On 10 Aug 1920 John Douglas-Scott-Montagu 2nd Baron Montagu of Beaulieu (age 54) and Alice Pearl Crake Baroness Montagu (age 25) were married. She by marriage Baroness Montagu of Beaulieu. The difference in their ages was 28 years.
Deaths on the 10th August
On 10 Aug 30BC Cleopatra VII Philopator 69BC 30BC (age 39) committed suicide.
On 10 Aug 794 Fastrada Queen of the Franks and Lombardy, Holy Roman Empress (age 29) died in Frankfurt. She was buried in St Alban's Abbey Mainz.
On 10 Aug 1241 Eleanor "Fair Maid of Britanny" 4th Countess of Richmond (age 57) died at Bristol Castle, Gloucestershire [Map]. She was initially buried at St James Priory, Bristol [Map] then reburied at Amesbury Abbey, Wiltshire [Map].
On 10 Aug 1250 King Eric IV of Denmark (age 34) was assassinated. Many suspected the assassination was ordered by his brother King Abel of Denmark (age 32).. His brother King Abel of Denmark succeeded King Denmark.
On 10 Aug 1294 Latino Malabranca Orsini Cardinal died.
On 10 Aug 1346 Philip Burgundy I Count Auvergne (age 22) died.
On 10 Aug 1358 Piers Grandison 2nd Baron Grandison (age 67) died at Ashperton, Ledbury. His brother Bishop John Grandison 3rd Baron Grandison (age 66) succeeded 3rd Baron Grandison.
On 10 Aug 1410 Louis Bourbon II Duke Bourbon (age 73) died. His son John Bourbon I Duke Bourbon (age 29) succeeded I Duke Bourbon.
On 10 Aug 1420 Thomas Fitzgerald 5th Earl Desmond (age 34) died at Rouen, France [Map].
On 10 Aug 1430 James Dunbar 4th Earl of Moray (age 30) died. His daughter Elizabeth Dunbar 5th Countess Moray (age 5) succeeded 5th Countess Moray.
On 10 Aug 1503 Elizabeth Beauchamp Baroness Willoughby of Broke (age 35) died.
On 10 Aug 1550 John Zouche 8th Baron Zouche Harringworth (age 64) died at Harringworth, Northamptonshire [Map]. His son Richard Zouche 9th Baron Zouche Harringworth (age 40) succeeded 9th Baron Zouche Harringworth. Margaret Cheney Baroness Zouche Harringworth by marriage Baroness Zouche Harringworth.
On 10 Aug 1557 Henry Manners 2nd Earl of Rutland (age 30) fought being Captain-General of the cavalry at the Battle of St Quentin.
Jean Bourbon Count Soissons and Enghien (age 29) was killed at the Battle of St Quentin. His brother Louis Bourbon Prince Condé (age 27) succeeded Count Soissons 1367.
Henry Dudley (age 26) was killed.
On 10 Aug 1621 Grey Brydges 5th Baron Chandos (age 41) died. His son George Brydges 6th Baron Chandos (age 1) succeeded 6th Baron Chandos of Sudeley.
On 10 Aug 1650 Andrew Stewart 3rd Baron Castle Stuart died. His brother Josias Stewart 4th Baron Castle Stuart (age 14) succeeded 4th Baron Castle Stuart of County Tyrone.
On 10 Aug 1658 George Berkeley 8th Baron Berkeley (age 56) died. His son George Berkeley 1st Earl Berkeley (age 30) succeeded 9th Baron Berkeley. Elizabeth Massingberd Couness Berkeley by marriage Baroness Berkeley.
On 10 Aug 1660 Esmé Stewart 2nd Duke Richmond 5th Duke Lennox (age 11) died of smallpox at Paris [Map]. He was buried in on 04 Sep 1660 in the Richmond Vault, Westminster Abbey. His first cousin Charles Stewart 6th Duke Lennox 3rd Duke Richmond (age 21) succeeded 6th Duke Lennox, 3rd Duke Richmond. 4th Earl March. Elizabeth Rogers Duchess Richmond by marriage Duchess Richmond. His sister Mary Stewart Countess Arran (age 9) succeeded 5th Baroness Clifton of Leighton Bromswold in Huntingdonshire.
On 10 Aug 1671 John Evelyn 1st Baronet (age 38) died. Baronet Evelyn of Godstone extinct.
On 10 Aug 1690 Johannes Spilberg (age 71) died.
On 10 Aug 1715 Henrietta Somerset Countess Suffolk (age 46) died at Audley End House, Saffron Walden [Map].
On 10 Aug 1739 William Craven 3rd Baron Craven (age 39) died. His brother Fulwar Craven 4th Baron Craven succeeded 4th Baron Craven of Hamstead Marshall in Berkshire.
On 10 Aug 1755 William Yonge 4th Baronet (age 62) died at Escot Honiton, Devon. His son George Yonge 5th Baronet (age 24) succeeded 5th Baronet Yonge of Colyton in Devon.
On 10 Aug 1755 Latitia Owen (age 59) died. Charlton Leighton 4th Baronet (age 8) inherited Condover Hall, Shropshire.
On 10 Aug 1756 William Fitzwilliam 1st and 3rd Earl Fitzwilliam (age 36) died. His son William Fitzwilliam 4th and 2nd Earl Fitzwilliam (age 8) succeeded 4th Earl Fitzwilliam, 2nd Earl Fitzwilliam, 6th Baron Fitzwilliam of Liffer in Donegal. Charlotte Ponsonby Countess Fitzwilliam by marriage Countess Fitzwilliam.
On 10 Aug 1759 Ferdinand VI King Spain (age 45) died without issue. His half brother Charles III King Spain (age 43) succeeded King Spain.
On 10 Aug 1773 Charles Schuckburgh 5th Baronet (age 51) died without issue. His nephew George Shuckburgh-Evelyn 6th Baronet (age 21) succeeded 6th Baronet Schuckburgh of Schuckburgh in Warwickshire.
On 10 Aug 1779 Henry Howard 13th Earl Suffolk 6th Earl Berkshire, who had been born posthumously, died two days old. His great uncle Thomas Howard 14th Earl Suffolk 7th Earl Berkshire (age 58) succeeded 14th Earl Suffolk, 7th Earl Berkshire, 7th Viscount Andover in Hampshire, 7th Baron Howard of Charlton in Wiltshire.
On 10 Aug 1784 Allan Ramsay (age 70) died at Dover, Kent [Map].
On 10 Aug 1793 Anne Windsor Lady Broughton (age 32) died.
On 10 Aug 1820 Walter Butler 1st Marquess Ormonde (age 50) died without issue. Marquess Ormonde extinct. His brother James Wandesford Butler 1st Marquess Ormonde (age 43) succeeded 19th Earl Ormonde, 13th Earl Ossory. Grace Louisa Staples Marchioness Ormonde by marriage Countess Ormonde Countess Ossory.
On 10 Aug 1839 John St Aubyn 5th Baronet (age 81) died. Baronet St Aubyn of Clowance in Cornwall extinct. His illegitimate son Edward St Aubyn 1st Baronet (age 39) was ineligible to succeed to the title. He was subsequently created 1st Baronet St Aubyn of St Michael's Mount in Cornwall.
On 10 Aug 1844 Joshua Vanneck 2nd Baron Huntingfield (age 65) died at Heveningham Hall, Suffolk. His son Charles Andrew Vanneck 3rd Baron Huntingfield (age 26) succeeded 3rd Baron Huntingfield of Heveningham Hall in Suffolk, 5th Baronet Vanneck of Putney.
On 10 Aug 1852 William Edwardes 2nd Baron Kensington (age 75) died. His son William Edwardes 3rd Baron Kensington (age 51) succeeded 3rd Baron Kensington.
On 10 Aug 1853 Henry Greville 3rd Earl Warwick 3rd Earl Brooke Warwick Castle (age 74) died. His son George Greville 4th Earl Warwick 4th Earl Brooke (age 35) succeeded 4th Earl Warwick, 4th Earl Brooke Warwick Castle, 11th Baron Brooke of Beauchamps Court in Warwickshire. Anne Charteris Countess Warwick (age 24) by marriage Countess Warwick.
On 10 Aug 1874 William Richard Annesley 4th Earl Annesley (age 44) died unmarried. His brother Lt Colonel Hugh Annesley 5th Earl Annesley (age 43) succeeded 5th Earl Annesley of Castlewellan in County Down, 6th Viscount Glerawly of County Fermanagh, 6th Baron Annesley of Castle Wellan in County Down.
On 10 Aug 1875 Charlotte Anderson-Pelham Lady Copley (age 64) died. She was buried at All Saints' Church, Brocklesby [Map].
On 10 Aug 1877 John Blencowe Robinson 8th Baronet (age 47) died. His brother Frederick Laud Robinson 9th Baronet (age 34) succeeded 9th Baronet Robinson of London.
On 10 Aug 1904 Richard Wellesley Barlow 4th Baronet (age 68) died. His son Hilaro William Wellesley Barlow 5th Baronet (age 43) succeeded 5th Baronet Barlow of Fort William in Bengal.
On 10 Aug 1919 George Montgomerie 15th Earl of Eglinton (age 71) died. His son Archibald Montgomerie 16th Earl of Eglinton (age 39) succeeded 16th Earl Eglinton. Beatrice Susan Dalrymple Countess Eglinton by marriage Countess Eglinton.
On 10 Aug 1922 Edward Heneage 1st Baron Heneage (age 82) died. His son Lieutenant-Colonel George Edward Heneage 2nd Baron Heneage (age 56) succeeded 2nd Baron Heneage of Hainton in Lincolnshire.
On 10 Aug 1958 Oliver Baldwin 2nd Earl Baldwin of Bewdley (age 59) died unmarried. His brother Arthur Baldwin 3rd Earl Baldwin of Bewdley (age 54) succeeded 3rd Earl Baldwin of Bewdley in Shropshire.
On 10 Aug 1974 Joan Buxton Lady Ramsden (age 93) died.
On 10 Aug 1982 William Wynne Honywood 10th Baronet (age 91) died. His son Filmer Courtenay William Honywood 11th Baronet (age 52) succeeded 11th Baronet Honywood of Evington in Kent.
On 10 Aug 2008 Jacob Pleydell-Bouverie 8th Earl of Radnor (age 80) died. His son William Pleydell-Bouverie 9th Earl of Radnor (age 53) succeeded 9th Earl Radnor, 10th Viscount Folkestone, 10th Baron Longford, 12th Baronet Bouverie of St Catherine Cree Church in London.