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On this Day in History ... 10th December
10 Dec is in December.
Events on the 10th December
On 10 Dec 304 Saint Eulalia of Mérida (age 12) burned at the stake at Augusta Emerita for refusing to adopt Roman Gods. She challenged the authorities to martyr her. The judge's attempts at flattery and bribery failed. She was stripped by the soldiers, tortured with hooks and torches, and burnt at the stake. When she died a dove flew out of her mouth. Snow covered her nakedness.
On 10 Dec 1290 Eleanor of Castile Queen Consort England (deceased) body rested at Woburn, Bedfordshire. Work on the cross here started in 1292 and was complete in ealy 1293.
Patent Rolls Henry VI 1452-1461. 10 Dec 1459. Coventry, Warwickshire [Map]. Commission to Richard Wydevyle of Ryvers (age 54), knight, Thomas Broun, knight, and the mayor of Sandwich to take near Sandwich, Kent [Map] the muster of the men at arms and archers ordered to go on the safe keeping of the sea in the company of Gervase Clyfton (age 54), knight, and to certify the king thereof in Chancery. By K.
Commission to Thomas Kyryell (age 63), knight, John Cheyne, knight, Thomas Broun, knight, John Seyncler, esquire, and Richard Dalafeld, esquire, to take near Sandwich, Kent [Map] the muster of the men at arms and archers ordered to go on the safe-keeping of the sea in the company of Richard Wydevyle of Ryvers, knight, as above. By K.
On 10 Dec 1481 Charles Valois Anjou IV Duke Anjou (age 35) died without issue. His first cousin King Louis XI of France (age 58) succeeded Duke Anjou.
On 10 Dec 1541. At Tyburn [Map] ....
Francis Dereham (age 28) was hanged, drawn and quartered.
Thomas Culpepper (age 27) was beheaded.
Both were buried at St Sepulchre without Newgate Church; their heads were spiked on London Bridge [Map].
Chronicle of Greyfriars. 10 Dec 1541. This year the 10th daye of December was draune from the tower to Tyborne [Thomas] Culpeper (age 27), and there was hongyd and heddyd.
Hall's Chronicle 1541. 10 Dec 1541. At this tyme the Quene (age 18) late before maried to the kyng called Quene Katheryne, was accused to the Kyng of dissolute livyng, before her mariage, with Fraunces Diram (age 28), and that was not secretely, but many knewe it. And sithe her Mariage, she was vehemently suspected with Thomas Culpeper (age 27), whiche was brought to her Chamber at Lyncolne, in August laste, in the Progresse tyme, by the Lady of Rocheforde (age 36), and were there together alone, from a leven of the Clocke at Nighte, tyll foure of the Clocke in the Mornyng, and to hym she gave a Chayne, and a riche Cap. Upon this the kyng removed to London, and she was sent to Sion [Map], and there kepte close, but yet served as Quene. And for the offence confessed by Culpeper and Diram, thei were put to death at Tiborne [Map], the tenth daie of December.
Holinshed's Chronicle 1541. 10 Dec 1541. The tenth of December, the said Culpeper (age 27) and Diram (age 28) were drawen from the tower vnto Tiburne and there Culpeper had his head striken off, and Diram was hanged, dismembred and headed. Culpeper's bodie was buried in S. Sepulchers church, but both their heads were set on London bridge.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1541. 10 Dec 1541. And the tenth day of December the said Culpeper (age 27) and Dorand (age 28) were drawne from the Tower of London to Tybume [Map], and there Culpeper, after exhortation made to the people to pray for him, he standinge on the ground by the gallowes, kneled downe and had his head stiyken of; and then Dorand was hanged, membred, bowelld, headed, and quartered. Culpepers body buryed at St. Pulchers Church by Newegate, theyr heades sett on London Bridge.
Statutes of the Realm Volume 3 Chapter 21. [After 10 Dec 1541]. In theyre moste humble wyse besechen your most royall Matethe Lordes spiritual and temporal and all other your moste loving and obedient Subjects the Commons of this your moste highe Courte of Parliament assembled ; That where, besydes any Mannes expectacion, suche chaunce hath happenyd, by Mres Katheryne Haward whiche your Highnes tooke to your Wief, bothe to your Matie chieflie and so consequentlie to us all that the lyke we thinke hathe scarse be seen, the lykelyhoods and apparences being so farre contrarye to that whiche by evydent and due profe is now founde trewe; First, that it wooll please your Matie to take it in suche parte as therby arryse not to us all a greater inconvenience, whiche is the trouble of your hart and unquietnes of your mynde, for that shulde be a shortenyng of that whiche we all shulde repente and moste desyre the contrarye ; Secondelie, that it wolde please your Matie to pardon all your loving Subjects which syns theys matiers came to theyre knowledge have detested and abhorryd her for this facte bothe in woorde maner and deade, and of woords utteryd by them of her and her adherents not maintenable in your lawes, considering that they did and doo it oonlie for the greate zeale and love that they bere to your Matie and the abhomynacion of the detestable facte ; Thirdelye that synnes it pleased your Matie uppon those lyklye outward apparaunces to take the saide Mres Katheryne Howard to your Wief and Quene of your most excellent goodnes, and for a godlie purpose, and allso moste liberallye to endue her with greate possessions, for the maintenance of the same, thinking and taking her at that tyme to be chaste and of pure cleane and honest lyving, the contrarye wherof is now dulye proved bothe by her owne confession and others also, And that allso shee after the mariage betwene your Matie and her, tooke most trayterouslye to her service the same person with whome she used that vicious lyef before, whose name was Fraunces Dereham (deceased), and used him in many secret conferences and messagges after, as by his confession and attaindor dothe more plainlie appere; calling allso to her service in rowme of Chamberer a woman whiche was pryvie to her naughtie lief before, wherby she hathe shewed a greate apparaunce and in manner a dew prof of will to retorne to her olde and abhomynable lief with the forsaide persone; and yet she not satisfied with thies abhomynable carnall desyres, the ende wherot how penllous it was and might have been to your Matie and persone were harde to expresse, hathe allso synnes that tyme most traytorouslye confederated herself with the Ladye Jane Rocheford (age 36) wydowe, late wief of George Boleyn Knight late Lorde Rocheforde, to bring her vicious and abhomynable purpose to passe with Thomas Culpepper (deceased) Esquier late oon of the Gentlemen of your Grace's privye Chambre, by whose meanes the Quene brought to passe that the saide Thomas Culpepper and she mett in a secrett and vyle place, and that at an undue hower of a xj a Clocke in the night, and so remayned there with him till three of the Clocke in the morninge, none being with them but that Bawde the Ladye Jane Rocheford, by whose meanes Thomas Culpepper came thither, and there they all three and at other conferencf togyther afterward most falselie and traiterouselye comytted and perpetrated many detestable and adhomynable treasons, to the most fearefull pill and daunger of the distrucén of your most royall pson and to thuttre losse disheryson and desolacdn of this your Realme of England, if God of his infinite goodenes had not in due tyme brought the saide treasons to light ; of and for whiche treasons beinge nanifestelie and plainlie proved, aswell by the confession of the saide Quene and other the saide parties as by dyverse other witnesses : and profes, the saide Fraunces Dereham and Thomas Culpep have been lawfullye and truely and according to the lawes of the Realme convycted and attainted, And the saide Quene and Jane Lady Rocheford be lawfully indyted, insomuche that Thoms Culpep and Fraunces Dereham have justlie suffered therfore paines of Death accordyng to theyre merytes as by the Record¢ therof more plainlie at lardge may appere: It may therfore please your Highnes of your most excellent and accustumable goodnes, and for the entier love favo’ and hartye affection that youre Matie hath allwaies hertofore borne and yet beryth to the comen welthe of this your Realme of Englande, and for the conservacyon of your most excellent Highnes and posteryte, and of the good peax unitie and rest of us yor most bounden and obedient Subject, to graunte and assente at the most humble desyer and peticion of yor loving and obedient Subjects the Lordes spiritual and temporal and the Commons in this present parliament assembled, That this theyre lawfull indytements and attaindors of suche as have latelie sufferyd may be approved by thauctoritie of this present parliament: And that it nay be enacted that the saide Quene Katheryne and Jane Ladye Rocheford, for theyre saide abhominable and detestable treasons by theym and every of theym most abomynablie and trayterouslie comytted and doon against yor Matie and this your Realme, shalbe by thaucthoryte of this pnt parliament convicted and attainted of Highe Treasone ; and that the same Quene Katheryne and Jane Lady Rocheford and eyther of them shall have and suffre paynes of Death losse of goode catalls debts fermes and all other things as in cases of Highe treason by the lawes of this your Realme hath been accustumed graunted and gyven to the Crowne: And also that the saide Quene Katheryne Jane Ladye Rochford Thomas Culpep and Fraunces Dereham, and every of theym, shall lose and forfaite to your Highnes and to your heyres all suche right tytle interest use and possession, whiche they or any of them had the xxvth daye of August in the xxxiijth yere of your reygn or any tyme sythens, of in or to all suche theyre Hono's manours meases lands tenements rents reversions remaynders uses possessions offices rights condicions and all other theyre hereditament of what names natures or qualities soever they be; and that all suche rights title interest use and possession, whiche they or any of them had or of right ought to have the saide xxvth daye of August or any tyme sythen, of in or to the same Hono's castells manours meases land tefitf rent reversions remayndoures uses possessions office rights comodities and hereditament, by thauctorytie aforsaide shalbe demed vested and judged to be in thactuall and reall possession of your Matie, without any office or inquisicion therof hereafter to be taken or founde according to the comen lawes of this your Realme.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 10 Dec 1558. The x day of Desember was browth do[wn from] her chambur in-to her chapel quen Mare (deceased), [with all the heralds,] and lordes and lades and gentyllmen and gentyllwomen, [hir] offesers and servands, all in blake, with (unfinished)
Henry Machyn's Diary. 10 Dec 1560. The x day of Desember cam tydans to the quen('s) (age 27) grace and to the consell that the Frenche kyng (deceased) was ded-the yonge kyng.
Diary of Anne Clifford 1617. 10 Dec 1617. The 10th my Lord (age 28) went to Buckhurst where all country gentlemen met him with their greyhounds. All the officers of the house went to Buckhurst where my Lord kept feasting till the 13th at which time all the gentlemen went away. Sir Thomas Parker was there, my Brother Sackville and he had much squabbling. From this day to the 20th my Lord lived privately at Buckhurst having no company with him but Matthew.
On 10 Dec 1647 Philip Mainwaring (age 56) died. He was buried at St Lawrence's Church, Over Peover [Map].
In 1656 Ellen Minshull (age 61) died.
Philip Mainwaring: In 1591 he was born to Randulph Mainwaring of Over Peover and Jane Smythe. Coefficient of inbreeding 1.64%. Before 07 Apr 1623 Philip Mainwaring and Ellen Minshull were married.
Ellen Minshull: In 1595 she was born to Edward Minshull of Stoke.
On 10 Dec 1655 Samuel Pepys (age 22) and Elizabeth de St Michel (age 15) were remarried in a religious ceremony.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Dec 1660. Up exceedingly early to go to the Comptroller, but he not being up and it being a very fine, bright, moonshine morning I went and walked all alone twenty turns in Cornhill [Map], from Gracious Street corner to the Stockes and back again, from 6 o'clock till past 7, so long that I was weary, and going to the Comptroller's thinking to find him ready, I found him gone, at which I was troubled, and being weary went home, and from thence with my wife by water to Westminster, and put her to my father Bowyer's (they being newly come out of the country), but I could not stay there, but left her there. I to the Hall and there met with Col. Slingsby (age 49). So hearing that the Duke of York (age 27) is gone down this morning, to see the ship sunk yesterday at Woolwich, Kent [Map], he and I returned by his coach to the office, and after that to dinner. After dinner he came to me again and sat with me at my house, ands among other discourse he told me that it is expected that the Duke will marry the Lord Chancellor's (age 51) daughter at last which is likely to be the ruin of Mr. Davis and my Lord Barkley (age 58), who have carried themselves so high against the Chancellor; Sir Chas. Barkley (age 30) swearing that he and others had lain with her often, which all believe to be a lie. He and I in the evening to the Coffee House in Cornhill [Map], the first time that ever I was there, and I found much pleasure in it, through the diversity of company and discourse.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Dec 1662. This morning rose, receiving a messenger from Sir G. Carteret (age 52) and a letter from Mr. Coventry (age 34), one contrary to another, about our letter to my Lord Treasurer (age 55), at which I am troubled, but I went to Sir George, and being desirous to please both, I think I have found out a way to do it.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Dec 1665. Lord's Day. Lay long talking, Hill (age 35) and I, with great pleasure, and then up, and being ready walked to Cocke's (age 48) for some newes, but heard none, only they would have us stay their dinner, and sent for my wife, who come, and very merry we were, there being Sir Edmund Pooly (age 46) and Mr. Evelyn (age 45). Before we had dined comes Mr. Andrews (age 33), whom we had sent for to Bow, and so after dinner home, and there we sang some things, but not with much pleasure, Mr. Andrews being in so great haste to go home, his wife looking every hour to be brought to bed. He gone Mr. Hill and I continued our musique, one thing after another, late till supper, and so to bed with great pleasure.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Dec 1666. Up, and at my office all the morning, and several people with me, Sir W. Warren, who I do every day more and more admire for a miracle of cunning and forecast in his business, and then Captain Cocke (age 49), with whom I walked in the garden, and he tells me how angry the Court is at the late Proviso brought in by the House. How still my Chancellor (age 57) is, not daring to do or say any thing to displease the Parliament; that the Parliament is in a very ill humour, and grows every day more and more so; and that the unskilfulness of the Court, and their difference among one another, is the occasion of all not agreeing in what they would have, and so they give leisure and occasion to the other part to run away with what the Court would not have. Then comes Mr. Gawden, and he and I in my chamber discoursing about his business, and to pay him some Tangier orders which he delayed to receive till I had money instead of tallies, but do promise me consideration for my victualling business for this year, and also as Treasurer for Tangier, which I am glad of, but would have been gladder to have just now received it.
On 10 Dec 1699 Christian VI King Denmark and Norway was born to Frederick IV King Denmark and Norway (age 28) and Louise of Mecklenburg Güstrow Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 32).
Minutes of the Society of Antiquaries. 10 Dec 1718. Mr Norroy (age 57) brought us an old deed of Isabella de Fortibus with a Seal, where her Arms are impaled with those of her husband very remarkably thus.
And Roger Gale (age 45) Esq brought an Inscription to be put upon the plate of Richard II with a very judicious disertation upon the date and painting of the same being in oil colours, for which he had the thanks of the Society.
On 10 Dec 1760 Henry Cheere 1st Baronet (age 57) was knighted.
On 10 Dec 1768 the Royal Academy was founded through a personal act of King George III (age 30) "to establish a school or academy of design for the use of students in the arts" with an annual exhibition.
The founder members included:
Joshua Reynolds (age 45); President.
Angelica Kauffmann (age 27); one of two female founding members.
Nathaniel Dance-Holland (age 33)
Francis Cotes (age 42)
Thomas Gainsborough (age 41)
William Tyler (age 40)
William Hoare (age 61)
Johan Joseph Zoffany (age 35).
On 10 Dec 1820 Elizabeth Georgiana Adelaide Hanover was born to King William IV of the United Kingdom (age 55) and Queen Adelaide of England (age 28).
On 10 Dec 1936 King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom (age 42) signed the instrument of abdication at Fort Belvedere, Windsor Great Park, witnessed by his three brothers: Albert (age 40), who became King George VI, Henry (age 36) and George (age 33).
On 10 Dec 1962 Lawrence of Arabia received its premiere in London at the Odeon Cinema Leicester Square. The event was attended by Philip Mountbatten Duke Edinburgh (age 41) and Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom (age 36). Peter O'Toole, Omar Sharif, David Lean Director), Sam Spiegel (Producer) and Freddie Young (cameraman) attended. In the audience were Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Attenborough, his wife and son. Noël Coward attended the after-party.
On 10 Dec 1988 the Radio Times was published with the cover being a design by Alice Roberts (age 15) to celebrate the 30th anniverary of the BBC programme Blue Peter.
Births on the 10th December
On 10 Dec 1376 Edmund Mortimer was born to Edmund Mortimer 3rd Earl March, Earl Ulster (age 24) and Philippa Plantagenet Countess March 5th Countess Ulster (age 21) at Ludlow Castle [Map]. He a great grandson of King Edward III of England.
On 10 Dec 1447 John Brooke 7th Baron Cobham was born to Edward Brooke 6th Baron Cobham (age 32) and Elizabeth Tuchet Baroness Cobham (age 27) at Cowling, Kent.
On 10 Dec 1472 Anne Mowbray 8th Countess Norfolk was born to John Mowbray 4th Duke of Norfolk (age 28) and Elizabeth Talbot Duchess Norfolk (age 30) at Framlingham Castle, Suffolk [Map]. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
On 10 Dec 1604 David Barry 1st Earl Barrymore was born to David Barry and Elizabeth Power.
On 10 Dec 1650 Theophilus Hastings 7th Earl Huntingdon was born to Ferdinando Hastings 6th Earl Huntingdon (age 42) and Lucy Davies Countess Huntingdon (age 37).
On 10 Dec 1699 Christian VI King Denmark and Norway was born to Frederick IV King Denmark and Norway (age 28) and Louise of Mecklenburg Güstrow Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 32).
On 10 Dec 1740 John Butler 17th Earl Ormonde 11th Earl Ossory was born to Walter Butler 16th Earl Ormonde 9th Earl Ossory (age 37).
On 10 Dec 1748 Michael le Fleming 4th Baronet was born to William Fleming 3rd Baronet. At some point in his life he changed his surname from Fleming to Le Fleming. James Lowther 1st Earl Lonsdale (age 12) became his guardian.
On 10 Dec 1753 Captain Charles Phipps was born to Constantine Phipps 1st Baron Mulgrave (age 31) and Lepell Hervey Baroness Mulgrave (age 30). He a great x 2 grandson of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 10 Dec 1788 Bourchier Wrey 8th Baronet was born to Bourchier Wrey 7th Baronet (age 31) and Anne Palk Lady Wrey (age 24).
On 10 Dec 1801 Elizabeth Frederica Manners was born to John Henry Manners 5th Duke Rutland (age 23) and Elizabeth Howard Duchess Rutland (age 21).
On 10 Dec 1801 Arthur Thellusson was born to Peter Isaac Thellusson 1st Baron Rendlesham (age 40).
On 10 Dec 1805 John Scott 2nd Earl Eldon was born to John Scott.
On 10 Dec 1815 Augusta Ada Byron Countess Lovelace was born to George "Lord Byron" 6th Baron Byron (age 27) and Anne Isabella Noel Baroness Byron 11th Baroness Wentworth (age 23).
On 10 Dec 1815 Edward Bowring Stephens was born.
On 10 Dec 1819 Reverend Horace Mann Blakiston was born to Matthew Blakiston 3rd Baronet (age 36).
On 10 Dec 1820 Elizabeth Georgiana Adelaide Hanover was born to King William IV of the United Kingdom (age 55) and Queen Adelaide of England (age 28).
On 10 Dec 1827 Edward Shelley 4th Baronet was born to John Shelley (age 21).
On 10 Dec 1833 Edith Maud Rawdon-Hastings 10th Countess Loudon was born to George Augustus Francis Rawdon-Hastings 2nd Marquess Hastings (age 25) and Barbara Yelverton Marchioness Hastings (age 23).
On 10 Dec 1841 George Hamilton-Gordon 6th Earl Aberdeen was born to George John Hamilton-Gordon 5th Earl Aberdeen (age 25) and Mary Bailie-Hamilton Countess Aberdeen (age 27).
On 10 Dec 1842 John Russell was born to John Russell 1st Earl Russell (age 50) and Frances Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound Countess Russell (age 27).
On 10 Dec 1842 Diana Beauclerk was born to William Beauclerk 9th Duke St Albans (age 41) and Elizabeth Catherine Gubbins Duchess St Albans (age 24).
On 10 Dec 1845 Frederick Pollock 3rd Baronet was born to William Frederick Pollock 2nd Baronet (age 30) and Juliet Creed.
On 10 Dec 1856 Rupert Leigh was born to William Henry Leigh 2nd Baron Leigh (age 32) and Caroline Amelia Grosvenor Baroness Leigh (age 28).
On 10 Dec 1861 Frances Evelyn "Daisy" Maynard Countess Warwick was born to Charles Henry Maynard (age 47) and Blanche Adeliza Fitzroy (age 22) at 27 Berkeley Square, Mayfair.
On 10 Dec 1869 Louis Montagu 2nd Baron Swaythling was born to Montagu Samuel 1st Baron Swaythling (age 36) and Ellen Cohen.
On 10 Dec 1873 Lillian Adelaide Katherine Mary Fitzclarence was born to William Fitzclarence 2nd Earl Munster (age 49) and Wilhelmina Kennedy-Erskine (age 43). She a great granddaughter of King William IV of the United Kingdom. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.
On 10 Dec 1878 Randall McDonnell 7th Earl of Antrim was born to William Randall McDonnell 6th Earl of Antrim (age 27) and Louisa Grey Countess of Antrim (age 23).
On 10 Dec 1908 Nine Joan Edith Virginia Villiers was born to George Herbert Hyde Villiers 6th Earl Clarendon (age 31). She was usually known as Joan.
On 10 Dec 1917 William Cavendish was born to Edward William Spencer Cavendish 10th Duke Devonshire (age 22) and Mary Alice Gascoyne-Cecil Duchess Devonshire (age 22).
On 10 Dec 1929 Charles Gerald Grove 5th Baronet was born to Walter Peel Grove (age 25).
On 10 Dec 1963 Diane Helen Seymour was born to Hugh Seymour 8th Marquess Hertford (age 33) and Pamela Therese Louise de Riquet Comtesse de Caraman-Chimay (age 31).
Marriages on the 10th December
Before 10 Dec 1471 John Scrope 5th Baron Scrope of Bolton (age 34) and Elizabeth St John Baroness Scrope Bolton Baroness Zouche Harringworth were married. She by marriage Baroness Scrope of Bolton. She the daughter of Oliver St John and Margaret Beauchamp Duchess Somerset (age 61).
Before 10 Dec 1472 John Mowbray 4th Duke of Norfolk (age 28) and Elizabeth Talbot Duchess Norfolk (age 30) were married. She by marriage Duchess Norfolk. She the daughter of John "Old Talbot" Talbot 1st Earl of Shrewsbury and Margaret Beauchamp Countess Shrewsbury and Waterford. He the son of John Mowbray 3rd Duke of Norfolk and Eleanor Bourchier Duchess Norfolk (age 55). They were fourth cousins. He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward I of England.
Before 10 Dec 1553 Anthony Browne 1st Viscount Montagu (age 25) and Magdalen Dacre Viscountess Montague (age 15) were married. They were third cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
Before 10 Dec 1575 John Tufton 1st Baronet (age 31) and Olympia Blore were married.
On 10 Dec 1575 John Tufton 1st Baronet (age 31) and Christian Browne Lady Tufton (age 21) were married.
On 10 Dec 1599 Alexander Ogilvy and Jean Gordon Countess Bothwell and Sutherland (age 53) were married. She the daughter of George Gordon 4th Earl Huntley.
On 10 Dec 1644 George Ramsay 2nd Earl Dalhousie (age 22) and Anne Fleming Countess Dalhousie were married. She the daughter of John Fleming 2nd Earl Wigtown (age 55) and Margaret Livingston Countess Wigtown. He the son of William Ramsay 1st Earl Dalhousie and Margaret Carnegie Countess Dalhousie (age 45).
On 10 Dec 1650 Abraham Cullen 1st Baronet (age 26) and Abigail Rushout were married.
Before 10 Dec 1719 Christopher Crowe (age 38) and Charlotte Lee Baroness Baltimore (age 40) were married. She the daughter of Edward Lee 1st Earl Lichfield and Charlotte Fitzroy Countess Lichfield. She a granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 10 Dec 1821 Henry Hardinge 1st Viscount Hardinge (age 36) and Emily Jane Stewart Viscountess Hardinge (age 32) were married. She the daughter of Robert Stewart 1st Marquess Londonderry and Frances Pratt Marchioness Londonderry (age 70).
On 10 Dec 1873 Matthew White Ridley 1st Viscount Ridley (age 31) and Mary Georgiana Marjoribanks Viscountess Ridley (age 23) were married.
On 10 Dec 1873 William Douglas Hamilton 12th Duke Hamilton 9th Duke Brandon (age 28) and Mary Louisa Elizabeth Montagu Duchess Hamilton Duchess Brandon (age 18) were married. She by marriage Duchess Hamilton, Duchess Brandon of Suffolk. She the daughter of William Drogo Montagu 7th Duke Manchester (age 50) and Louisa Vonalten Duchess Devonshire and Manchester (age 41). He the son of William Alexander Archibald Hamilton 11th Duke Hamilton 8th Duke Brandon.
On 10 Dec 1878 Antoine Alfred Agénor de Gramont 11th Duc de Gramont (age 27) and Marguerite de Rothschild Duchess Gramont (age 23) were married. Her father Mayer Carl Freiherr von Rothschild (age 58) disapproved; he disowned her. He the son of Agénor 10th Duc de Gramont (age 59).
Before 10 Dec 1950 Algernon George de Vere Capell 8th Earl of Essex (age 66) and Alys Montgomery Falkiner Countess of Essex were divorced.
On 10 Dec 1950 Algernon George de Vere Capell 8th Earl of Essex (age 66) and Zara Mildred Carlson Countess of Essex were married. She by marriage Countess Essex. He the son of George Capell 7th Earl of Essex and Ellenor Harriet Maria Harford.
On 10 Dec 1955 William Marcus Worsley 5th Baronet (age 30) and Bridget Assheton Lady Worsley (age 29) were married.
On 10 Dec 1964 Paul Pellew 10th Viscount Exmouth (age 24) and Maria Krystina Garay Viscountess Exmouth were married.
Deaths on the 10th December
On 10 Dec 1310 Stephen Wittelsbach I Duke Bavaria (age 39) died. His son Henry Wittelsbach XIV Duke Bavaria (age 5) succeeded XIV Duke Bavaria. His son Otto Wittelsbach IV Duke Lower Bavaria (age 3) succeeded IV Duke Lower Bavaria.
On 10 Dec 1362 Frederick Habsburg III Duke Austria (age 15) died. His brother Albert "With the Pigtail" Habsburg III Duke Austria (age 13) succeeded III Duke Austria.
On 10 Dec 1363 Elizabeth Burgh Duchess of Clarence (age 31) died at Dublin [Map]. She was buried at Clare Priory, Suffolk [Map].
On 10 Dec 1430 John Neville 6th Baron Latimer of Corby (age 48) died. His nephew John Willoughby 7th Latimer of Corby (age 30) de jure 7th Baron Latimer of Corby.
On 10 Dec 1481 Charles Valois Anjou IV Duke Anjou (age 35) died without issue. His first cousin King Louis XI of France (age 58) succeeded Duke Anjou.
On 10 Dec 1508 René Lorraine II Duke Lorraine Duke of Bar (age 57) died at Fains, Eure, Haute Normandie. His son Antoine Lorraine II Duke Lorraine (age 19) succeeded I Duke Lorraine.
On 10 Dec 1568 John Sheffield 2nd Baron Sheffield (age 30) died. His son Edmund Sheffield 1st Earl Mulgrave (age 3) succeeded 3rd Baron Sheffield of Butterwick in Lincolnshire.
On 10 Dec 1589 Henry Compton 1st Baron Compton (age 45) died. His son William Compton 1st Earl of Northampton succeeded 2nd Baron Compton of Compton in Warwickshire.
On 10 Dec 1590 Christina Oldenburg Duchess Lorraine (age 69) died.
On 10 Dec 1631 Hugh Myddelton 1st Baronet (age 71) died. His son William Myddelton 2nd Baronet (age 28) succeeded 2nd Baronet Myddelton of Ruthin in Denbighshire.
On 10 Dec 1636 Randal "Arranach" Macdonnell 1st Earl Antrim died. His son Randall MacDonnell 1st Marquess Antrim (age 27) succeeded 2nd Earl Antrim 1C.
On 10 Dec 1646 Bishop George Coke (age 76) died. He was buried in Church of St Mary Magdalene, Eardisley [Map].
Around 10 Dec 1651 Margaret Livingston Countess Wigtown died.
On 10 Dec 1687 Horatio Townshend 1st Viscount Townsend (age 56) died. His son Charles Townshend 2nd Viscount Townsend (age 13) succeeded 2nd Viscount Townsend, 2nd Baron Townshend of Lynn Regis in Norfolk, 4th Baronet Townshend.
On 10 Dec 1692 William Mountfort (age 28) died. The previous day he had been stabbed accidentally in Howard Street Strand by Charles Mohun 4th Baron Mohun Okehampton (age 17) during a scuffle. An alternative version is that on the 9th of December 1692 an officer named Richard Hill, a friend of Mohun, had fallen in love with the actress Anne Bracegirdle; however, he thought himself, almost certainly erroneously, to face competition from actor William Mountfort. Mohun and Hill ambushed the actor after a performance and, whilst Mohun restrained him — or by some eyewitness accounts stood by watching — Hill stabbed him through the chest. Captured, Mohun stood trial before the House of Lords. However, in a verdict that was widely condemned, Mohun was acquitted on 6 February 1693.
Before 10 Dec 1708 Elizabeth Massingberd Couness Berkeley died. She was buried in St Dunstan Church Cranford.
On 10 Dec 1709 Henry Howard 5th Earl Suffolk (age 82) died. His son Henry Howard 6th Earl Suffolk (age 39) succeeded 6th Earl Suffolk. Henrietta Somerset Countess Suffolk (age 40) by marriage Countess Suffolk.
On 10 Dec 1723 Thomas Mansel 1st Baron Mansel (age 55) died. His grandson Thomas Mansel 2nd Baron Mansel (age 4) succeeded 2nd Baron Mansel of Margam, 6th Baronet Mansel of Margam.
On 10 Dec 1728 Elizabeth Sandys Lady Lee died.
On 10 Dec 1743 Melusine Schulenburg 1st Duchess Munster 1st Duchess Kendal (age 75) died unmarried. Duke Kendal, Earl Feversham, Baron Glastonbury extinct.
On 10 Dec 1753 Archer Croft 2nd Baronet (age 70) died. His son Archer Croft 3rd Baronet (age 22) succeeded 3rd Baronet Croft of Croft Castle in Herefordshire.
On 10 Dec 1753 Henry Hyde 2nd Earl Rochester 4th Earl Clarendon (age 81) died without male issue. Earl Rochester and Earl Clarendon extinct.
On 30 Nov 1755 Anna Maria Barnardiston Lady Shaw (age 58) died. She was buried at Church of Holy Trinity, Eltham on 10 Dec 1755.
On 10 Dec 1767 John Leslie 10th Earl Rothes (age 69) died at Leslie Castle. His son John Leslie 11th Earl Rothes (age 23) succeeded 11th Earl Rothes.
On 10 Dec 1772 James Johnstone 3rd Baronet (age 75) died. His son James Johnstone 4th Baronet (age 46) succeeded 4th Baronet Johnstone of Westerhall in Dumfries.
On 10 Dec 1772 Mary Booth Countess Stamford (age 68) died.
On 10 Dec 1779 Elizabeth Jeffreys Countess Camden (age 54) died.
On 10 Dec 1783 Robert Smyth of Isfield 2nd Baronet (age 74) died. His son Hervey Smythe 3rd Baronet (age 49) succeeded 3rd Baronet Smyth of Isfield.
On 10 Dec 1786 Henry Roper 11th Baron Teynham (age 53) died. His son Henry Roper 12th Baron Teynham (age 22) succeeded 12th Baron Teynham of Teynham in Kent.
On 10 Dec 1822 Charles Bennet 4th Earl Tankerville (age 79) died. His son Charles Augustus Bennet 5th Earl Tankerville (age 46) succeeded 5th Earl Tankerville, 6th Baron Ossulston of Ossulston in Middlesex. Corisande Armandine Sophie Léonie Hélène Gramont Countess Tankerville (age 40) by marriage Countess Tankerville.
On 10 Dec 1832 Thomas Lister 2nd Baron Ribblesdale (age 42) died. His son Thomas Lister 3rd Baron Ribblesdale (age 4) succeeded 3rd Baron Ribblesdale of Gisburne Park in the West Riding of Yorkshire.
On 10 Dec 1842 Rowland Hill 1st Viscount Hill (age 70) died. His nephew Rowland Hill 2nd Viscount Hill (age 42) succeeded 2nd Viscount Hill of Hawkestone and Hardwicke in Shropshire, 2nd Baron Hill of Almaraz and of Hawkestone in Shropshire. Baron Hill of Almaraz and of Hawkestone in Shropshire extinct. Anne Clegg Viscoutess Hill (age 27) by marriage Viscountess Hill of Hawkestone and Hardwicke in Shropshire.
On 10 Dec 1849 Henry John George Herbert 3rd Earl Carnarvon (age 49) died at Pusey, Oxfordshire. His son Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert 4th Earl Carnarvon (age 18) succeeded 4th Earl Carnarvon, 4th Baron Porchester.
On 10 Dec 1884 Arabella Georgina Howard Baroness Northbrook (age 75) died.
On 10 Dec 1886 Patrick Bellew 1st Baron Bellew (age 88) died. His son Edward Joseph Bellew 2nd Baron Bellew (age 56) succeeded 2nd Baron Bellew of Barmeath in Louth, 8th Baronet Bellew of Barmeath in Louth.
On 10 Dec 1899 Louisa Mary Berkeley 15th Baroness Berkeley (age 59) died. Her daughter Eva Mary FitzHardinge Milman 16th Baroness Berkeley (age 24) succeeded 16th Baroness Berkeley.
On 10 Dec 1903 Henry Edward Stanley 3rd Baron Stanley 2nd Baron Eddisbury (age 76) died. He was buried according to Muslim rites in unconsecrated ground in the garden of the Dower House on his family's estate, Alderley Park, Cheshire [Map]. His brother Edward Lyulph Stanley 4th Baron Stanley 3rd Baron Eddisbury (age 64) succeeded 4th Baron Stanley Alderley, 3rd Baron Eddisbury of Winnington in Cheshire, 10th Baronet Stanley of Alderley in Cheshire.
On 10 Dec 1910 John Lawson 2nd Baronet (age 80) died. His son Henry Joseph Lawson 3rd Baronet (age 32) succeeded 3rd Baronet Lawson of Brough Hall in Yorkshire.
On 10 Dec 1925 Douglas Graham 5th Duke Montrose (age 73) died. His son James Graham 6th Duke Montrose (age 47) succeeded 6th Duke Montrose. Mary Louise Douglas Hamilton Duchess Montrose (age 41) by marriage Duchess Montrose.
On 10 Dec 1938 William Frederick North 12th Baron North (age 78) died. His grandson John Dudley North 13th Baron North (age 21) succeeded 13th Baron North.
On 10 Dec 1956 Hugh Gascoyne-Cecil 1st Baron Quickswood (age 87) died unmarried. Baron Quickswood of Clothall in Hertfordshire extinct.
In 10 Dec 1995 Lavinia Mary Strutt Duchess Norfolk (age 79) died.
On 10 Dec 2001 Frederick George Moore Perceval 11th Earl Egmont (age 87) died. His son Thomas Perceval 12th Earl of Egmont (age 67) succeeded 12th Earl Egmont, 12th Viscount Perceval of Kanturk in County Cork, 12th Baron Perceval of Burton in County Cork, 9th Baron Arden of Lohort Castle in County Cork, 8th Baron Arden of Arden in Warwickshire, 15th Baronet Perceval of Kanturk in County Cork, 11th Baron Lovel and Holland of Enmore in Somerset.