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On this Day in History ... 10th February

10 Feb is in February.

1163 Baldwin III King Jerusalem Dies Almaric I King Jerusalem Succeeds

1305 Robert "The Bruce" murders John "Red" Comyn

1355 St Scholastica Day Riot

1397 John Beaufort created Earl Somerset

1407 Legitimation of the Beauforts

1503 Death of Elizabeth of York Queen Consort

1536 Funeral of Catherine of Aragon

1536 Anne Boleyn's Miscarriage

1567 Murder of Lord Darnley

1807 Abolition of the Slave Trade

1840 Wedding of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert

1846 Battle of Sabraon

1904 Marriage of Princess Alice and Alexander Teck

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

On 10 Feb 1744 Colonel William Mitford Historian was born to John Mitford1688-1761 (age 56) at Exbury House.

Events on the 10th February

On 10 Feb 1163 Baldwin III King Jerusalem (age 33) died at Beirut. His brother Almaric I King Jerusalem (age 27) succeeded I King Jerusalem.

John of Fordun's Chronicle of the Scottish Nation Book 4 Chapter 117. 1305. The same year, after the aforesaid Robert (age 30) had left the king of England (age 65) and returned home, no less miraculously than by God's grace, a day is appointed for him and the aforesaid John (age 36) to meet together at Dumfries [Map]; and both sides repair to the above-named place. John Comyn is twitted with his treachery and belied troth. The lie is at once given. The evil-speaker is stabbed, and wounded unto death, in the church of the Friars [Map]; and the wounded man is, by the friars, laid behind the altar. On being asked by those around whether he could live, straightway his answer is: - "I can." His foes, hearing this, give him another wound; - and thus was he taken away from this world on the 10th of February.

On 10 Feb 1305 John Comyn 3rd Lord Baddenoch (age 36) was murdered by Robert the Bruce (age 30), future King of Scotland, before the High Altar of the Greyfriars Monastery Chapel [Map]. Robert Comyn, John's uncle, was killed by Christopher Seton (age 27). Christopher's brother John Seton (age 27) was also present.

Murder, in a church, in front of the altar, regarded as a terrible crime. The act gave King Edward I of England (age 65) cause to invade Scotland. Robert the Bruce was ex-communicated by the Pope for his actions.

King Edward I of England charged Bishop David de Moravia as being complicit in the murder.

On 10 Feb 1316 Thomas of Brotherton 1st Earl Norfolk (age 15) was appointed Earl Marshal.

On 10 Feb 1355, St Scholatica's Day, the St Scholastica Day Riot took place in Oxford, Oxfordshire [Map]. What started as a disagreement between students and the landlord over the quality of the wine at the Swindlestock Tavern Carfax Oxford, Oxfordshire grew into a three day riot in which around thirty townspeople and sixty students were killed.

Parliament Rolls Richard II Jan 1397: Legitimation of Beaufort. 30. Also, on the Saturday [10 February 1397], the chancellor (age 53) announced by the king's (age 30) command that reason willed that one should honour and enhance the estate of worthy and virtuous persons. Wherefore the king considering the nobility and virtue of his cousin Sir John Beaufort (age 24), son of his uncle of Guyenne and Lancaster (age 56), and the great honour he had done his person on various expeditions and labours in many kingdoms and lands overseas, to the great honour of the king and kingdom; and also to encourage him and others to do such honour; and also to strengthen the royal sceptre which could best be supported in honour by worthy and valiant persons had, of his royal dignity and special grace, made and created the said John an earl, and given him the name and honour of the Earl of Somerset, to have to him and his male heirs lawfully engendered of his body, with twenty pounds a year to be taken from the issues and profits of the county of Somerset for his title and the name of earl.

Note. On 10 Feb 1397 John Beaufort 1st Marquess Somerset and Dorset was created 1st Earl Somerset

Parliament Rolls Richard II Jan 1397: Of the appointment of the earl of Somerset. 32. The king (age 30) to his archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, dukes, earls, barons, justices, sheriffs, reeves, ministers, and other his bailiffs and faithful men, greeting. Know that we, considering the strenuous probity and prudent mind, distinguished conduct and nobility of birth of our beloved and faithful kinsman John Beaufort (age 24), knight, son of our beloved uncle John duke of Aquitaine and Lancaster (age 56), and willing therefore deservedly to exalt the same John Beaufort with the prerogative of honour, we do appoint and create John Beaufort earl of Somerset in our present parliament, and invest him with the style and name and honour of the aforesaid earl by girding him with the sword, to have to him and his male heirs issuing from his body in perpetuity. And that the same earl and his aforesaid heirs, given such name and honour, may the better and more honourably support the burdens incumbent upon the same, of our special grace in our present parliament we have given and granted, and by this our charter confirmed, to the same earl and his aforesaid heirs twenty pounds to be received each year from the issues of the aforesaid county by the hand of the sheriff of that county for the time being, at the terms of Easter and Michaelmas [29 September] in equal portions, in perpetuity. Witnessed by these, the venerable father Thomas archbishop of Canterbury (age 44) primate of all England, John of Aquitaine and Lancaster, and Edmund of York (age 55), dukes; Robert of London, William of Winchester (age 77), John of Ely, Edmund of Exeter, our chancellor (age 53), bishops; Henry of Derby (age 29), Edward of Rutland (age 24), Thomas of Nottingham and marshal of England (age 28), earls; Reginald Grey (age 35), Ralph Neville (age 33), John Lovell, knights; Roger Walden dean of York, our treasurer, Thomas Percy (age 54), steward of our household, Guy Mone, keeper of our privy seal, and others. Given by our hand at Westminster on 10 February in the twentieth year of our reign [10 Feb 1397].

Thomas Walsingham Chronicon Angliæ 1397. [10 Feb 1397]. In the same Parliament, it was decreed that henceforth the Justices should not have assessors. Additionally, Thomas Beaufort (age 24) [A mistake for John], son of the Duke of Lancaster and the said Katherine (for the Duke thus chose to give the children of Katherine his own surname), whom he had fathered with her, was created Earl of Somerset.

In eodem Parliamento fuit ordinatum ut Justiciarii de cagtero non habeant assessores. Item Thomas Beuford, filius Ducis Lankastriæ et dictas Katerinæ, (nam sic censuit Dux cognominari filios ejusdem Katerinæ, quos sibi genuerat,) creatus est Comes de Somersete.

The Reign of Kenry VII Part 1B. [10 Feb 1407]. [Henry IV's confirmation of the legitimat'on of the Beauforts by letters patent, 8 Henry IV, pars. 1, membrane 14. The famous limitation "excepta dignitate regali" was inserted by means of interlineation and in a later hand on the enrolment of Richard II's grant in the Patent Rolls, and was incorporated in the text of Henry IV s exemplification of the grant for the Earl of Somerset in 1407. But the record of Richard II's grant embodied in the Rolls of Parliament stood unaltered; and Henry IV's limitation was therefore of doubtful legality. Its motive is said (Bentley's "Excerpta Historica" p. 153) to have been to prevent Somerset from claiming the throne as the eldest son of John of Gaunt; but Henry IV was born in 1367 and Somerset not till about 1373. The exception, moreover, while not stated, is clearly implied in the language of Richard's grant.]

The King to all to whom these presents shall come, greetings —

It is known to us through the inspection of the rolls of the Chancery of Lord Richard, lately King of England, the second after the Conquest, that the same former King caused his letters patent to be made in these words:

Richard, by the grace of God, King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland, to our dearest cousins, the noble men John, knight, Henry, clerk, Thomas, esquire, and to our beloved noble lady Joan Beaufort, gentlewoman, children of our dearest uncle, the noble man John, Duke of Lancaster, our lieges, greeting and goodwill from our royal majesty. When we consider internally how continually and in what great honor we are graced on all sides by the paternal and sincere love of our aforesaid uncle, and by his wise counsel, we deem it appropriate and fitting, in view of his merits and in consideration of your persons, who shine with great talent, honesty of life, and moral integrity, and are descended from the royal line and endowed with many virtues and divine gifts, that we should enrich you with the special prerogative of favor and grace.

Therefore, inclined by the prayers of our said uncle, your father, we, considering that you are said to suffer from the defect of birth, so that this defect and any qualities it may imply, which we deem sufficiently expressed here, notwithstanding any such defect, shall not prevent you from being appointed, promoted, elected, assumed, and admitted to any honors, dignities (except royal dignity), pre-eminences, ranks, statuses, and public or private offices, whether perpetual or temporary, and feudal or noble, by whatever names they may be called, even if they are duchies, principalities, counties, baronies, or other fiefs, even if they depend mediately or immediately upon us or are held of us. You may freely and lawfully receive, hold, exercise, and retain these as if you were born of legitimate wedlock, notwithstanding any statutes or customs of our realm of England to the contrary, which we here deem fully expressed and nullified. From the plenitude of our royal power and with the assent of our Parliament, we hereby dispense with them. And we restore and legitimize you and each of you to your birthrights.

In witness whereof, we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness myself at Westminster on the ninth day of February, in the twentieth year of our reign.’

We, therefore, at the request of our dearest brother John, Earl of Somerset, have deemed it proper to exemplify the tenor of the enrollment of the aforesaid letters by these presents.

In witness whereof, etc. Witness the King at Westminster on the 10th day of February.

Rex omnibus ad quos etc. salutem —

Constat nobis per inspectionem Kottulorum Cancellarum Domini Ricardi nuper regis Anglie secundi post Conquestum quod idem nuper rex literas suas patentes fieri fecit in hec verba:

Ricardus Dei gratia rex Anglie et Francie et dominus Hiberniæ carissimis consanguineis nostris, nobilibus viris Johanni militi, Henrico clerico Thome domicello, ac dilecte nobis nobili mulieri Johanne Beauford domicelle, germanis precarissimi avunculi nostri nobilis viri Johannis Ducis Lancastrian, natis ligeis nostris, salutem et benevolentiam nostre regie Majestatis. Dum interna consideratione pensamus quot incessanter et quantis hononbus, perutili1 et sincera dilectione prsefati avunculi nostri et sui maturitate consilii, undique decoramur, congruum arbitramur et dignum ut meritorum suorum intuitu, vestrarum ac contemplatione personarum, vos qui magne probitatis ingenio, vite ac morum honestate fulgetis, et ex regali estis prosapia propagati, pluribusque virtutibus munire2 insigniti divino, specialis prerogative munimine favoris et gracie fecundemus3;

hinc est quod dicti avunculi nostri, genitoris vestri, precibus inclinati, vobiscum, qui ut asseritur defectum natalium patrium4, ut hujus modi defectu, quern ejusque qualitates quascunque presentibus haberi volumus pro sumcienter expressis, non obstante, ad quecunque honores dignitates (excepta dignitate regali) preeminentias status gradus et officia publica et privata tarn perpetua quam temporalia atque feudalia et nobilia, quibuscunque nominibus nuncupentur, etiam si ducatus prineipatus comitatus baronie vel alia feuda fuerint, etiam si mediate vel immediate a nobis dependeant seu teneantur, prefici promoveri eligi assumi et admitti, illaque recipere retinere gerere et exercere perinde libere et licite valeatis ac si legitimo thoro nati existeretis, quibuscunque statutis consuetudinibus regni nostri Anglie in contrarium editis seu observatis, que hie habemus pro totaliter expressis, nequaquam obstantibus, de plenitudine nostre regalis potestatis et de assensu Parliamenti nostri tenore presentium dispensamus, vosque et vestrum quemlibet natalibus restituimus et legitimamus.

In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste meipso apud Westmonasterium nono die Febr. anno regni nostro vicesimo.

Nos autem tenorem irrotulamenti literarum predictarum ad requisitionem carissimi fratis nostri Johannis comitis Somerset, duximus exemplificandum per presentes.

In cujus etc. Teste Kege apud Westmonasterium 10 die Febr.

Note 1. Parentili in No. 4.

Note 1.? virtutibus, munereque, as in No. 4.

Note 2.? Secundemus

Note 3.? Patimini, as on p. 7.

Excerpta Historica Page 152. The patent of legitimation of King Richard was exemplified and confirmed by Henry the Fourth (age 39), on the 10th February 1407, at the request of the Earl of Somerset (age 34), whom his Majesty styles in the instrument "our dear brother."1

Note 1. Sandford's Genealogical History, p. 323.

On 02 Feb 1503 Katherine Tudor was born to King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 46) and Elizabeth York Queen Consort England (age 36) at the Tower of London [Map]. She died eight days later on 10 Feb 1503.

On 11 Feb 1503 (her birthday) Elizabeth York Queen Consort England died from childbirth.

On 10 Feb 1525 John III King Portugal (age 22) and Catherine of Austria Queen Consort Portugal (age 18) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Portugal. She the daughter of Philip "Handsome Fair" King Castile and Joanna "The Mad" Trastámara Queen Castile (age 46). He the son of Manuel "Fortunate" I King Portugal and Maria Trastámara Queen Consort Portugal. They were first cousins. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 10 Feb 1525 Catherine of Austria Queen Consort Portugal (age 18) was crowned Queen Consort Portugal.

Archives of Venice 1528. Feb. 10. [1528] Sanuto Diaries, v. xlvii. p. 5. 236. Advices from France, transmitted to the Signory by Coresara.

It is understood that the Emperor has separated the ambassadors one from the other, in several places near Burgos. On hearing this news, the most Christian King immediately sent Mons. de Lavigni to arrest the Emperor's ambassador in Paris, who was taken to the Chateau of the Louvre; and his Majesty caused notice of this to be given to the English King, urging him to resent what the Emperor had done. Subsequently he sent orders throughout France, for all the men-at-arms to go to their garrisons, that they may be ready to march in such direction as requisite.

The English King intends to repudiate the Queen his consort, saying that the dispensation given by the Pope, on account of her first having had for husband his Majesty's brother, is defective and invalid, and also because the Queen is of such an age that he can no longer hope for offspring from her; so that for the maintenance and welfare of his realm, he purposes marrying Sir Thomas Boleyn's (age 51) daughter (age 27), who is very beautiful. It is reported that the Pope is willing to give his consent; so the enmity between the King of England and the Emperor will not only continue but increase.

Paris, 10th February. Registered by Sanuto, 2nd March.


Letters 1536. 10 Feb 1536. Vienna Archives. 282. Chapuys (age 46) to Charles V.

Wrote on the 29th ult. The same day the Queen (deceased) was buried, and besides the ladies whom I mentioned, there were present four bishops and as many abbots, but no other man of mark except the comptroller of the King's Household. The place where she is buried in the church is far removed from the high altar, and much less honorable than that of certain bishops buried there; and even if they had not taken her for princess dowager as they have done in death and life, but only as simple baroness, they could not have given her a less honorable place, as I am told by men acquainted with those matters. Such are the great miracles and incredible magnificence which they gave me to understand they would put forth in honor of her memory as due alike to her great virtues and to her kindred. Possibly they will repair the fault by making a becoming monument in some suitable place.

Letters 1536. Vienna Archives. 284. Death and Burial of Katharine of Arragon.

The good Queen (deceased) died in a few days, of God knows what illness, on Friday, 7 Jan. 1536. Next day her body was taken into the Privy Chamber and placed under the canopy of State (sous le dhoussier et drapt destat), where it rested seven days, without any other solemnity than four flambeaux continually burning. During this time a leaden coffin was prepared, in which the body was enclosed on Saturday, the 15th, and borne to the chapel. The vigils of the dead were said the same day, and next day one mass and no more, without any other light than six torches of rosin. On Sunday, the 16th, the body was removed again into the Privy Chamber, where it remained till Saturday following. Meanwhile an "estalage," which we call a chapelle ardente, was arranged, with 56 wax candles in all, and the house hung with two breadths of the lesser frieze of the country. On Saturday, the 22nd, it was again brought to the chapel, and remained until the masses of Thursday following, during which time solemn masses were said in the manner of the country, at which there assisted by turns as principals the Duchess of Suffolk (age 16), the Countess of Worcester (age 34), the young Countess of Oxford (age 39), the Countess of Surrey (age 19), and Baronesses Howard (age 21), Willoughby (age 24), Bray, and Gascon (sic).

25 Jan 1536. On Tuesday1 following, as they were beginning mass, four banners of crimson taffeta were brought, two of which bore the arms of the Queen, one those of England, with three "lambeaulx blancs," which they say are of Prince Arthur; the fourth had the two, viz., of Spain and England, together. There were also four great golden [standards]. On one was painted the Trinity, on the second Our Lady, on the third St. Katharine, and on the fourth St. George; and by the side of these representations the said arms were depicted in the above order; and in like manner the said arms were simply, and without gilding (? dourance), painted and set over all the house, and above them a simple crown, distinguished from that of the kingdom which is closed. On Wednesday after the robes of the Queen's 10 ladies were completed, who had not till then made any mourning, except with kerchiefs on their heads and old robes. This day, at dinner, the countess of Surrey held state, who at the vigils after dinner was chief mourner. On Thursday, after mass, which was no less solemn than the vigils of the day before, the body was carried from the chapel and put on a waggon, to be conveyed not to one of the convents of the Observant Friars, as the Queen had desired before her death, but at the pleasure of the King, her husband, to the Benedictine Abbey of Peterborough, and they departed in the following order:—First, 16 priests or clergymen in surplices went on horseback, without saying a word, having a gilded laten cross borne before them; after them several gentlemen, of whom there were only two of the house, "et le demeurant estoient tous emprouvez," and after them followed the maître d'hotel and chamberlain, with their rods of office in their hands; and, to keep them in order, went by their sides 9 or 10 heralds, with mourning hoods and wearing their coats of arms; after them followed 50 servants of the aforesaid gentlemen, bearing torches and "bâtons allumés," which lasted but a short time, and in the middle of them was drawn a waggon, upon which the body was drawn by six horses all covered with black cloth to the ground. The said waggon was covered with black velvet, in the midst of which was a great silver cross; and within, as one looked upon the corpse, was stretched a cloth of gold frieze with a cross of crimson velvet, and before and behind the said waggon stood two gentlemen ushers with mourning hoods looking into the waggon, round which the said four banners were carried by four heralds and the standards with the representations by four gentlemen. Then followed seven ladies, as chief mourners, upon hackneys, that of the first being harnessed with black velvet and the others with black cloth. After which ladies followed the waggon of the Queen's gentlemen; and after them, on hackneys, came nine ladies, wives of knights. Then followed the waggon of the Queen's chambermaids; then her maids to the number of 36, and in their wake followed certain servants on horseback.

In this order the royal corpse was conducted for nine miles of the country, i.e., three French leagues, as far as the abbey of Sautry [Map], where the abbot and his monks received it and placed it under a canopy in the choir of the church, under an "estalage" prepared for it, which contained 408 candles, which burned during the vigils that day and next day at mass. Next day a solemn mass was chanted in the said abbey of Sautry [Map], by the Bishop of Ely, during which in the middle of the church 48 torches of rosin were carried by as many poor men, with mourning hoods and garments. After mass the body was borne in the same order to the abbey of Peterborough, where at the door of the church it was honorably received by the bishops of Lincoln, Ely, and Rochester, the Abbot of the place, and the abbots of Ramsey, Crolain (Crowland), Tournan (Thorney), Walden and Thaem (Tame), who, wearing their mitres and hoods, accompanied it in procession till it was placed under the chapelle ardente which was prepared for it there, upon eight pillars of beautiful fashion and roundness, upon which were placed about 1,000 candles, both little and middle-sized, and round about the said chapel 18 banners waved, of which one bore the arms of the Emperor, a second those of England, with those of the King's mother, prince Arthur, the Queen of Portugal, sister of the deceased, Spain, Arragon, and Sicily, and those of Spain and England with three "lambeaulx," those of John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, who married the daughter of Peter the Cruel, viz., "le joux des beufz," the bundle of Abbot of arrows, the pomegranate (granade), the lion and the greyhound. Likewise there were a great number of little pennons, in which were portrayed the devices of king Ferdinand, father of the deceased, and of herself; and round about the said chapel, in great gold letters was written, as the device of the said good lady, "Humble et loyale." Solemn vigils were said that day, and on the morrow the three masses by three bishops: the first by the Bishop of Rochester, with the Abbot of Thame as deacon, and the Abbot of Walden as sub-deacon; the second by the Bishop of Ely, with the Abbot of Tournay (Thorney) as deacon, and the Abbot of Peterborough as sub-deacon; the third by the Bishop of Lincoln (age 63), with the Bishop of Llandaff as deacon, and that of Ely as sub-deacon; the other bishops and abbots aforesaid assisting at the said masses in their pontificals, so the ceremony was very sumptuous. The chief mourner was lady Eleanor (age 17), daughter of the Duke of Suffolk (age 52) and the French Queen, and niece of King Henry, widower now of the said good Queen. She was conducted to the offering by the Comptroller and Mr. Gust (Gostwick), new receiver of the moneys the King takes from the Church. Immediately after the offering was completed the Bishop of Rochester preached the same as all the preachers of England for two years have not ceased to preach, viz., against the power of the Pope, whom they call Bishop of Rome, and against the marriage of the said good Queen and the King, alleging against all truth that in the hour of death she acknowledged she had not been Queen of England. I say against all truth, because at that hour she ordered a writing to be made in her name addressed to the King as her husband, and to the ambassador of the Emperor, her nephew, which she signed with these words—Katharine, Queen of England—commending her ladies and servants to the favor of the said ambassador. At the end of the mass all the mourning ladies offered in the hands of the heralds each three ells in three pieces of cloth of gold which were upon the body, and of this "accoutrements" will be made for the chapel where the annual service will be performed for her. After the mass the body was buried in a grave at the lowest step of the high altar, over which they put a simple black cloth. In this manner was celebrated the funeral of her who for 27 years has been true Queen of England, whose holy soul, as every one must believe, is in eternal rest, after worldly misery borne by her with such patience that there is little need to pray God for her; to whom, nevertheless, we ought incessantly to address prayers for the weal (salut) of her living image whom she has left to us, the most virtuous Princess her daughter, that He may comfort her in her great and infinite adversities, and give her a husband to his pleasure, &c. Fr., from a modern copy, pp. 6.

Note 1. This would be Tuesday, 1 Feb., if the chronology were strict; but the latest Tuesday that can be intended is 25 Jan.

Letters 1536. 10 Feb 1536. Vienna Archives. 282. Chapuys (age 46) to Charles V.

The Princess (age 19) is well. She changed her lodging on Saturday last, and was better accompanied on her removal and provided with what was necessary to her than she had been before. She had an opportunity of distributing alms on the way, because her father had placed about 100,000 crowns at her disposal. It is rumoured that the King, as Cromwell (age 51) sent to inform me immediately after the Queen's death, means to increase her train and exalt her position. I hope it may be so, and that no scorpion lurks under the honey. I think the King only waited to summon the said Princess to swear to the statutes in expectation that the concubine would have had a male child, of which they both felt assured. I know not what he will do now. I have suggested to the Princess to consider if it be not expedient, when she is pressed to take the oath, if she be reduced to extremity, to offer that if the King her father have a son she will condescend to his will, and that she might at once begin throwing out some such hint to her gouvernante (age 60). I will inform you of her reply.

Letters 1536. 10 Feb 1536. Vienna Archives. 283. Chapuys (age 46) to Granvelle.

This notable and good Catholic Archbishop of Canterbury, in his preaching on Sunday last, among other blasphemies against the Pope, proposed to prove that all the passages in Scripture about Antichrist referred to his Holiness, and, to injure at a blow the Holy See and the Imperial authority, cited one author who said that Antichrist should come when the empire was ruined. This, he said, it was now, because of all the monarchy only a small portion of Germany obeyed the empire; and he decried the Imperial authority as much as he could, ending by saying that the Pope was the true Antichrist, and no other need be looked for. Thus you may see the virtue and honesty of this apostate, and what has come of the good treatment shown him when he was with his Majesty, and what good cause I had to send my man to Bologna when his Majesty was there to prevent the Pope from allowing his promotion. I must not forget to say there are innumerable persons who consider that the concubine (age 35) is unable to conceive, and say that the daughter said to be hers and the abortion the other day are supposititious. Eight days ago the goods of the Dantzic merchants, which the King had sequestrated, were released. London, 10 Feb. 1535.

The King has lately given a Bishopric to one who some time ago abandoned the Augustinian habit1, and like a Lutheran fled to Germany, where it is said he has a wife. Fr., from a modern copy, p. 1.

Note 1. Barlow, who was about this time promoted to the Bishopric of St. Asaph, was certainly an Augustinian originally, but there seems here to be some confusion between him and Barnes (age 41).

Henry Machyn's Diary. 10 Feb 1553. The x day of January [Note. Probably February] rod my lade Mare('s) (age 36) grasse from Saynt [John's] and thrugh Flettstrett unto the kyng at Westmynster, with a grett nombur of lords and knyghtes, and alle the [great] women lades, the duches of Suffoke (age 35) and Northumberland (age 44), my lade marqwes of Northamptun (age 26), and lade marqwes of Wynchester, and the contes of Bedfford (age 74), and the contes of Shrowsbere (age 53), and the contes of Arundelle, my lade Clynton (age 26), my lade Browne (age 24) and Browne [sic in manuscript], and many mo lades and gentyllwomen; and at the oter gatt ther mett her my lord of Suffoke (age 36) and my lord of Northumberland (age 49), my lord of Wynchester (age 70), my lord of Bedfford (age 68), and therle of Shrusbery (age 53), the therle of Arundell (age 40), my lord Chamburlayn, my lord Admerolle, and a gret nomber of knyghtes and gentyllmen, and so up unto the chambur of pressens, and ther the Kynges (age 15) grace mett her and salutyd her.... owyn a-pon payne of presunmentt and a grett [penalty, as ye] shalle fynd in the actes in secund yere of kyng ... the perlementt tyme of the sayd yere, and nott to be ... plasse as taverns, alle-howses, ines, or wher ... for cummers and gestes, and has commandyd unto alle shreyffes and baylles, constabulls, justes of pesse, or any .. thay shall se truthe (and) justys as thay shalle [inform the] kyng and ys consell, and bryng them to pressun of ... sun or poyssuns as be the offenders ther off for ... her of odur.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 10 Feb 1557. The x day of Feybruary was slayne in Nugatt market, on Robartt Lentall, odur-wyse callyd Robart (blank), servant unto my lord tresorer the marques of Wynchester (age 74), by a servand unto the duke of Norffoke, and ys fottman, the wyche was ys on sekyng [seeking].... and iij women.

On 29 Jul 1558 Henry Sacheverell (age 32) died at Ratcliffe on Soar, Nottinghamshire [Map]. He was buried at Holy Trinity Church Ratcliffe on Soar [Map].

On 10 Feb 1554 Lucie Pole (age 26) died.

She wearing a puffed sleeve gown with triple chain with French Hood. His head on a great helm with Goat Crest. Possibly Richard Parker of Burton on Trent with Dogs chewing at her dress.

Henry Sacheverell: In 1526 he was born to Ralph Sacheverell and Cecilia Durance at Ratcliffe on Soar, Nottinghamshire. Before 1547 Henry Sacheverell and Lucie Pole were married.

Lucie Pole: In 1528 she was born to John Pole of Hartington.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 10 Feb 1562. The x day of February, was Shrowse tuwsday, [was a just] at Westmynster agaynst the qwyne('s) (age 28) grase plase; the chalengers the duke of Northfoke (age 25) and the yerle of Westmoreland (age 37).

Henry Machyn's Diary. 10 Feb 1563. The x day of Feybruary was browth a-bed within [the] Towre with a sune my lade Katheryn Harfford (age 22), wyff to the yerle of Harfford (age 23), and the god-fathers wher ij warders of the Towre, and ys name was callyd Thomas.

On 10 Feb 1567 Henry "Lord Darnley" Stewart (age 21) was murdered at Kirk O Field. Around two in the morning two barrels of gunpowder exploded beneath his room. His body and that of his valet William Taylor were found outside, surrounded by a cloak, a dagger, a chair, and a coat. Darnley was dressed only in his nightshirt. There were no visible marks on the body. He was buried at Holyrood Abbey, Holyrood.

On 10 Feb 1639 Susan Doyly (age 5) died aged five. Grave slab at St Withburga's Church, Holkham [Map].

Susan Doyly: Around 1634 he was born to Edmund Doyly and Bridget Coke.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Feb 1660. Thence I went home, vexed about this business, and there I found Mr. Moore, and with him went into London to Mr. Fage about the cancer in my mouth, which begins to grow dangerous, who gave me something for it, and also told me what Monk (age 51) had done in the City, how he had pulled down the most part of the gates and chains that they could break down, and that he was now gone back to White Hall. The City look mighty blank, and cannot tell what in the world to do; the Parliament having this day ordered that the Common-council sit no more; but that new ones be chosen according to what qualifications they shall give them.

John Evelyn's Diary. 10 Feb 1660. Now were the gates of the city broken down by General Monk (age 51); which exceedingly exasperated the city, the soldiers marching up and down as triumphing over it, and all the old army of the fanatics put out of their posts and sent out of town.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Feb 1664. Up, and by coach to my Lord Sandwich (age 38), to his new house, a fine house, but deadly dear, in Lincoln's Inne Fields, where I found and spoke a little to him. He is high and strange still, but did ask me how my wife did, and at parting remembered him to his cozen, which I thought was pretty well, being willing to flatter myself that in time he will be well again.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Feb 1665. Thence (in Mr. Grey's coach, who took me up), to Westminster, where I heard that yesterday the King (age 34) met the Houses to pass the great bill for the £2,500,000. After doing a little business I home, where Mr. Moore dined with me, and evened our reckonings on my Lord Sandwich's (age 39) bond to me for principal and interest. So that now on both there is remaining due to me £257. 7s., and I bless God it is no more. So all the afternoon at my office, and late home to supper, prayers, and to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Feb 1666. After dinner, being full of care and multitude of business, I took coach and my wife with me. I set her down at her mother's (having first called at my Lord Treasurer's (age 58) and there spoke with Sir Ph. Warwicke (age 56)), and I to the Exchequer about Tangier orders, and so to the Swan [Map] and there staid a little, and so by coach took up my wife, and at the Old Exchange [Map] bought a muffe, and so home and late at my letters, and so to supper and to bed, being now-a-days, for these four or five months, mightily troubled with my snoring in my sleep, and know not how to remedy it.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Feb 1668. Up, and by coach to Westminster, and there made a visit to Mr. Godolphin (age 33), at his chamber; and I do find him a very pretty and able person, a man of very fine parts, and of infinite zeal to my Lord Sandwich (age 42); and one that says he is, he believes, as wise and able a person as any Prince in the world hath. He tells me that he meets with unmannerly usage by Sir Robert Southwell (age 32), in Portugall, who would sign with him in his negociations there, being a forward young man: but that my Lord mastered him in that point, it being ruled for my Lord here, at a hearing of a Committee of the Council. He says that if my Lord can compass a peace between Spain and Portugall, and hath the doing of it and the honour himself, it will be a thing of more honour than ever any man had, and of as much advantage.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Feb 1668. Thence with Cocke (age 51) home to his house and there left him, and I home, and there got my wife to read a book I bought to-day, and come out to-day licensed by Joseph Williamson (age 34) for Lord Arlington (age 50), shewing the state of England's affairs relating to France at this time, and the whole body of the book very good and solid, after a very foolish introduction as ever I read, and do give a very good account of the advantage of our league with Holland at this time. So, vexed in my mind with the variety of cares I have upon me, and so to bed.

John Evelyn's Diary. 10 Feb 1685. Being sent to by the Sheriff of the County to appeare and assist in proclayming the King (age 51), I went the next day to Bromely, where I met the Sheriff of and the Commander of the Kentish Troop, with an appearance, I suppose, of above 500 horse, and innumerable people, two of his Ma*'s trumpets and a Serjeant with other officers, who having drawn up the horse in a large field neere the towne, march'd thence, wifh swords drawne, to the market-place, where making a ring, after sound of trumpets and silence made, the High Sheriff of read the pro claiming titles to his Bailiffe, who repeated them aloud, and then after many shouts of the people, his Ma*'s health being drunk in a flint glasse of a yard long, by the Sheriff, Commander, Officers and cheife Gentlemen, they all dispers'd, and I return'd.

On 19 Feb 1780 Samuel Egerton (deceased) was buried at St Mary's Church, Rostherne, Tatton [Map]. Sculpted by John "The Elder" Bacon (age 39). Figures representing Hope and Patience

The monument inscription describes those also buried in the vault: John Egerton, his wife Elizabeth Barbour buried 10 Feb 1743, her mother Elizabeth Hill (age 85) buried 17 Apr 1713 and John and Elizabeth's daughter-in-law Beatrix Copley (age 22) buried 01 May 1755.

On 25 Mar 1807 the Slave Trade Act received Royal Assent. The Act prohibited the slave trade in the British Empire. The Bill was first introduced to Parliament in January 1807. It went to the House of Commons on 10 Feb 1807. After a debate lasting ten hours, the House agreed to the second reading of the bill to abolish the Atlantic slave trade by an overwhelming 283 votes for to 16. The Act took effect on 01 May 1807.

The last legal slave voyage was that of Kitty's Amelia which sailed on 27 Jul 1807 having received permission to sail on 27 Apr 1807 before the Act came into force. Kitty's Amelia arrived with 233 slaves at Jamaica 25 Jan 1808.

On 10 Feb 1836 John Gibson (age 45) was elected Fellow of the Royal Academy. He submitted a statue of Narcissus as his Diploma Work. The subject is one from classical mythology but the figure was initially inspired by a scene Gibson observed in Rome. While out walking on the Pincian Hill, the artist caught sight of a boy looking at his reflection in water, reminding him of the story of Narcissus.

10 Feb 1840. George Hayter (age 47). Wedding of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Hayter included portraits of fifty-six of those present at the occasion and sittings took place over the next year. The Queen (age 20) sat for him in March in her 'Bridal dress, veil, wreath & all', and Prince Albert (age 20) also posed for his portrait several times during the following months. Hayter's family too helped out with his son, Henry, modelling the Prince's costume, while his daughter Mary posed for the Queen's arm and wearing the veil. Victoria's aunt Queen Adelaide (age 47), however, was unwilling to co-operate and the artist had to refer to a miniature for her likeness. Hayter included himself in the painting, on the lower right, with his sketchbook and pencil.

11 Feb 1840. Tuesday. Supplement to the London Gazette.

St James's Palace [Map]. February 10, 1840.

THIS day the Marriage of the QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY (age 20) with Field Marshal His ROYAL HIGHNESS FRANCIS ALBERT AUGUSTUS CHARLES EMANUEL, DUKE OF SAXE, PRINCE OF SAXE COBOURG AND GOTHA, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter (age 20), was solemnized at the Chapel Royal, St James's Palace.

Field Marshal His Royal Highness the Prince Albert, attended by his Suite, proceeded from Buckingham-Palace [Map] this day, about half past eleven o'clock, to St. James's-Palace [Map], in the following order:

The first Carriage,.

Conveying General Sir George Anson, G.C.B. (age 43); George Edward Anson, Esq (age 28); and Francis Seymour, Esq (age 26); the Bridegroom's Gentlemen of Honour.

The second Carriage,.

Conveying the Lord Chamberlain of the Household, the Earl of Uxbridge (age 42) (who afterwards returned to Buckingham-Palace [Map], to attend in Her Majesty's Procession), and the Officers of the Suite of His Serene Highness the Reigning Duke of Saxe Cobourg and Gotha, and the Hereditary Prince of Saxe Cobourg and Gotha, viz. Count Kolowrath (age 62), Baron Alvensleben, and Baron De Lowenfels.

The third Carriage,.

Conveying His Royal Highness the Prince Albert, His Serene Highness the Reigning Duke of Saxe Colourg and Gotha (age 56) (father), and the Hereditary Prince of Saxe Cobourg and Gotha (age 21) (elder brother).

Her Majesty, attended by Her Royal Household, accompanied by Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent (age 53), proceeded, at twelve o'clock, from Buckingham-Palace [Map] to St James's Palace [Map], in the following order:

The first Carriage,

Conveying two Gentlemen Ushers, Charles Heneage, Esq (age 33) and the Honourable Heneage Legge (age 51); Yeoman of the Yeomen of the Guard, Charles Hancock, Esq,; and the Groom of the Robes, Captain Francis Seymour (age 51).

The second Carriage,.

Conveying the Equerry in Waiting, Lord Alfred Paget (age 23); two Pages of Honour, Charles T. Wemyss, Esq and Henry William John Byng (age 8), Esq j and the Groom in Waiting, the Honourable George Keppel.

The third Carriage,.

Conveying the Clerk Marshal, Colonel the Honourable H. E. G. Cavendish (age 50); the Vice-Chamberlain, the Earl of Belfast, G. C. H. (age 43); and the Comptroller of the Household, the Right Honourable George Stevens Byng (age 33).

The fourth Carriage,.

Conveying the Woman of the Bedchamber in Waiting, Mrs. Brand (age 60); the Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard, the Earl of Ilchester (age 52); the Master of the Buck Hounds, Lord Kinaird; and the Treasurer of the Household, the Earl of Surrey (age 48).

The fifth Carriage,.

Conyeying the Maid of Honour in Waiting, the Honourable Caroline Cocks (age 45); the Duchess of Kent's Lady in Waiting, Lady K Howard; the Gold Stick, General Lord Hill, G. C.B., G. C. H.; and the Lord in Waiting, Viscount Torrington (age 27).

The sixth Carriage,.

Conveying the Lady of the Bedchamber in Waiting, the Countess of Sandwich (age 27); the Master of the Horse, the Earl of Albemarle, G. C.H. (age 67); the Lord Steward, the Earl of Erroll, K.T. G.C.H. (age 38); and the Lord Chamberlain, the Earl of Uxbridge.

The seventh Carriage,.

Conveying Her Most Excellent Majesty the QUEEN; Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent; and the Duchess of Sutherland, the Mistress of the Robes to Her Majesty (age 33).

The illustrious Personages, and others composing the Procession, then assembled in the Throneroom, and, having been called over by Garter Principal King of Arms, the Processions, moyed in the following order, to the Chapel Royal:


Drums and Trumpets.

Serjeant Trumpeter.

Master of the Ceremonies, Sir Robert Chester, Knt.

Lancaster Herald, George Frederick Beltz, Esq K.H (age 65), York Herald, Charles George Young, Esq (age 44).

The Bridegroom's Gentlemen of Honour, viz. Francis Seymour, Esq Gen. Sir George Anson, G.C B. George Edward Anson, Esq.

Vice-Chamberlain of Her Majesty's Household, The Earl of Belfast, G.C.H., Lord Chamberlain of Her Majesty's Household, The Earl of Uxbridge.

Continues ...

THE QUEEN. Wearing the Collar of the Order of the Garter.

Her Majesty's Train borne by the following twelve unmarried Ladies, viz.

Lady Adelaide Paget (age 20), Lady Caroline Amelia Gordon-Lennox (age 20), Lady Sarah Frederica Caroline Villiers (age 18), Lady Elizabeth Anne Georgiana Dorothea Howard (age 23), Lady Frances Elizabeth Cowper (age 20), Lady Ida Harriet Augusta Hay (age 18), Lady Elizabeth West (age 21), Lady Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina Stanhope, Lady Mary Augusta Frederica Grimston (age 20), Lady Jane Harriet Bouverie (age 20), Lady Eleanora Caroline Paget (age 12), Lady Mary Charlotte Howard (age 18).

Assisted by the Groom of the Robes, Captain Francis Seymour.

Master of the Horse, The Earl of Albemarle, G.C.H., Mistress of the Robes, The Duchess of Sutherland.

Ladies of the Bedchamber, The Marchioness of Normanby (age 41), The Duchess of Bedford (age 56), The Countess of Burlington (age 28), The Countess of Sandwich, The Baroness Portman (age 30), The Dowager Lady Lyttleton (age 52), The Lady Barham (age 25).

Maids of Honour, The Hon. Amelia Murray, The Hon. Harriet Pitt, The Hon. Caroline Cocks, The Hon. Henrietta Anson, The Hon. Matilda Paget, The Hon. Harriet Lister, The Hon. Sarah Mary Cavendish.

On 10 Feb 1846 the Battle of Sabraon was a decisive victory by the forces of the East India Company and over the army of the Sikh Empire of the Punjab.

On 10 Feb 1850 Elizabeth Martineau (age 55) died of tuberculosis.

On 10 Feb 1868 Waldemar Hohenzollern was born to Frederick III King Prussia (age 36) and Victoria Empress Germany Queen Consort Prussia (age 27). He a grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

The London Gazette 25558. St. James's Palace, February 10, 1886. THE Queen has been pleased to make the following appointments in Her Majesty's Household:— .

Valentine Augustus (age 60), Earl of Kenmare, K.P., to be Lord Chamberlain of Her Majesty's Household, in the room of Edward (age 48), Earl of Lathom, resigned.

Charles Douglas Richard (age 45), Lord Sudeley to be Captain of Her Majesty's Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms, in the room of George William (age 47), Earl of Coventry, resigned.

William John, Lord Monson to be Captain of Her Majesty's Guard of Yeomen of the Guard, in the room of George William (age 61), Viscount Barrington, resigned.

The Honourable Charles Robert Spencer (age 28), M.P., to be one of the Grooms in Waiting in Ordinary to Her Majesty, in the room of Sir Henry Fletcher (age 50), Bart., M.P., resigned.

On 10 Feb 1904 Alexander Teck 1st Earl Athlone (age 30) and Princess Alice Countess Athlone (age 20) were married at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle [Map]. She the daughter of Leopold Saxe Coburg Gotha 1st Duke Albany and Helena Waldeck Duchess Albany. They were second cousin once removed. He a great grandson of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland. She a granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 10 Feb 1942 Bishop Nugent Hicks (age 70) died. He was buried at Lincoln Cathedral [Map].

Bishop Nugent Hicks: In 1872 he was born. In 1933 he was appointed Bishop of Lincoln.

10 Feb 1945. St Vincent's Church, Caythorpe [Map]. Memorial to those who lost their lives in an air accident whilst on a training mission on 10 Feb 1945. Avro Lancaster PB812 crashed into the old Caythorpe Railway Station with the loss of all lives.

Births on the 10th February

On 10 Feb 1441 Henry of York was born to Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 29) and Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York (age 25). He died the same day. He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.42%.

On 02 Feb 1503 Katherine Tudor was born to King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 46) and Elizabeth York Queen Consort England (age 36) at the Tower of London [Map]. She died eight days later on 10 Feb 1503.

On 11 Feb 1503 (her birthday) Elizabeth York Queen Consort England died from childbirth.

On 10 Feb 1526 Theodor Wittelsbach was born to William Wittelsbach IV Duke Bavaria (age 32) and Marie Jakobaea Baden Duchess Bavaria (age 18). Coefficient of inbreeding 1.61%.

On 10 Feb 1563 Thomas Seymour was born to Edward Seymour 1st Earl Hertford (age 23) and Catherine Grey Countess Hertford (age 22) at Tower of London [Map]. He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

On 10 Feb 1611 Unamed Lorraine was born to Henry Lorraine II Duke Lorraine (age 48) and Margherita Gonzaga Duchess Lorraine (age 19).

On 10 Feb 1678 George Savile 7th Baronet was born to John Savile.

Around 10 Feb 1724 Richard Maitland was born to Charles Maitland 6th Earl Lauderdale (age 36) and Elizabeth Ogilvy Countess Lauderdale (age 31).

Before 10 Feb 1727 Jane Biddulph Lady Biddulph was born to Reverend Michael Biddulph (age 33).

On 10 Feb 1755 Caroline Stolberg Gedern Duchess Veragua Duchess Berwick was born to Gustav Adolh Stolberg Gedern.

On 10 Feb 1761 William Rowley 2nd Baronet was born to Admiral Joshua Rowley 1st Baronet (age 27).

On 10 Feb 1771 William Langham 8th Baronet was born to James Langham 7th Baronet (age 35) and Juliana Musgrave Lady Langham.

After 10 Feb 1772 Gertrude Amelia Mason Villiers was born to George Mason Villiers 2nd Earl Grandison (age 20) and Gertrude Seymour-Conway (age 21). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 10 Feb 1790 Henry Fitzroy 5th Duke Grafton was born to George Henry Fitzroy 4th Duke Grafton (age 30) and Charlotte Maria Waldegrave (age 28). He was educated at Harrow School and Trinity College, Cambridge University [Map]. He a great x 3 grandson of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 10 Feb 1800 George Charles Grantley FitzHardinge Berkeley was born to Frederick Augustus Berkeley 5th Earl Berkeley (age 55) and Mary Cole. He was He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 10 Feb 1807 Charles James Fox Russell was born to John Russell 6th Duke Bedford (age 40) and Georgiana Gordon Duchess Bedford (age 25). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 10 Feb 1821 Roberto Bompiani was born in Rome, Italy [Map].

On 10 Feb 1829 Alexander Jardine 8th Baronet was born to William Jardine 7th Baronet (age 28) and Hyacinth Symonds Lady Jardine.

On 10 Feb 1844 Thomas Hugh Bell 2nd Baronet was born to Isaac Lowthian Bell 1st Baronet (age 39) and Margaret Pattinson.

On 10 Feb 1845 Edith Jocelyn Countess Arran was born to Robert Jocelyn (age 28) and Frances Elizabeth Cowper (age 25).

On 10 Feb 1868 Waldemar Hohenzollern was born to Frederick III King Prussia (age 36) and Victoria Empress Germany Queen Consort Prussia (age 27). He a grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 10 Feb 1874 John Holdsworth Dimsdale 2nd Baronet was born to Joseph Cockfield Dimsdale 1st Baronet (age 25).

On 10 Feb 1891 Bridget Coke Countess Airlie was born to Thomas William Coke 3rd Earl of Leicester (age 42) and Alice Emily White Countess Leicester (age 35).

On 10 Feb 1894 Harold Macmillan 1st Earl Stockton was born.

On or before 10 Feb 1901, the date he was baptised at St Mary's Church, Iffley, Lionel St George Gray was born to Harold St George Gray (age 29) and Florence Harriet Young (age 25).

On 10 Feb 1903 Charles Cornwall-Legh 5th or 8th Baron Grey of Codnor was born to Charles Cornwall Legh (age 26).

On 10 Feb 1950 John William Aubrey Beauclerk was born to Charles Beauclerk 13th Duke St Albans (age 34) and Suzanne Marie Fesq Duchess St Albans (age 28).

Marriages on the 10th February

On 10 Feb 1525 John III King Portugal (age 22) and Catherine of Austria Queen Consort Portugal (age 18) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Portugal. She the daughter of Philip "Handsome Fair" King Castile and Joanna "The Mad" Trastámara Queen Castile (age 46). He the son of Manuel "Fortunate" I King Portugal and Maria Trastámara Queen Consort Portugal. They were first cousins. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

Between 20 Jun 1544 and 10 Feb 1548 William Paulet 3rd Marquess Winchester (age 12) and Agnes Howard Marchioness Winchester (age 9) were married. He the son of John Paulet 2nd Marquess Winchester (age 34) and Elizabeth Willoughby.

On 10 Feb 1581 Lionel Tollemache 1st Baronet (age 18) and Katherine Cromwell (age 19) were married at North Elmham, Norfolk [Map].

On 10 Feb 1676 Charles Gerard 3rd Baronet (age 23) and Honora Seymour (age 17) were married. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

On 10 Feb 1710 Brian Broughton 3rd Baronet (age 32) and Elizabeth Delves (age 31) were married. She her father's heiress.

On 10 Feb 1728 John Hobart 1st Earl Buckinghamshire (age 34) and Elizabeth Bristow Countess Buckinghamshire were married. She by marriage Lady Hobart of Intwood in Norfolk.

On 10 Feb 1768 Alexander Home 9th Earl of Home and Abigail Browne Ramey Countess Home were married. He the son of Alexander Home 7th Earl of Home and Anne Kerr Countess Home.

On 10 Feb 1772 George Mason Villiers 2nd Earl Grandison (age 20) and Gertrude Seymour-Conway (age 21) were married. She the daughter of Francis Seymour-Conway 1st Marquess Hertford (age 53) and Isabella Fitzroy Countess Hertford (age 45). He the son of Alan Mason Viscount Grandison and Elizabeth Fitzgerald Villiers 1st Countess Grandison. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 10 Feb 1794 George William Gunning 2nd Baronet (age 31) and Elizabeth Diana Bridgeman were married.

On 10 Feb 1829 Montague Cholmeley 2nd Baronet (age 26) and Georgiana Beauclerk Lady Cholmeley (age 20) were married. She the daughter of William Beauclerk 8th Duke St Albans and Maria Janetta Nelthorpe Duchess St Albans. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 10 Feb 1858 William Henry Fitzroy 6th Duke Grafton (age 38) and Marie Anne Louise Baring Duchess Grafton (age 25) were married. He the son of Henry Fitzroy 5th Duke Grafton (age 68) and Mary Caroline Berkeley Duchess Grafton (age 62). He a great x 4 grandson of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 10 Feb 1880 Henry Bruce 2nd Baron Aberdare (age 28) and Constance Mary Beckett Baroness Aberdare were married. She by marriage Baroness Aberdare of Duffryn in Glamorganshire.

On 10 Feb 1892 Henry Gerard Sturt 1st Baron Alington (age 66) and Evelyn Henrietta Leigh Baroness Alington were married. She by marriage Baroness Alington.

On 10 Feb 1902 Ivor Churchill Guest 1st Viscount Wimborne (age 29) and Alice Katherine Sibell Grosvenor (age 21) were married.

On 10 Feb 1904 Alexander Teck 1st Earl Athlone (age 30) and Princess Alice Countess Athlone (age 20) were married at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle [Map]. She the daughter of Leopold Saxe Coburg Gotha 1st Duke Albany and Helena Waldeck Duchess Albany. They were second cousin once removed. He a great grandson of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland. She a granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 10 Feb 1915 Iain Colquhoun 7th Baronet (age 27) and Geraldine Bryde Dinah Tennant Lady Colquhoun (age 25) were married. She by marriage Lady Colquhoun of Luss in Dumbartsonshire.

On 10 Feb 1926 Algernon George de Vere Capell 8th Earl of Essex (age 41) and Alys Montgomery Falkiner Countess of Essex were married at the Saint Albans registry office. She by marriage Countess Essex. He the son of George Capell 7th Earl of Essex and Ellenor Harriet Maria Harford.

On 10 Feb 1930 Robert Abdy 5th Baronet (age 33) and Helen Diana Bridgeman (age 22) were married. She the daughter of Orlando Bridgeman 5th Earl Bradford (age 56) and Margaret Cecilia Bruce Countess Bradford (age 47).

On 10 Feb 1947 David William Anthony Blyth Macpherson 2nd Baron Strathcarron (age 23) and Valerie Cole Baroness Strathcarron were married. She by marriage Baroness Strathcarron of Banchor in Invernessshire. The marriage was annulled by the end of the year. Note the National Portrait Gallery has a photo with Valerie Cole Baroness Strathcarron taken on 16 Mar 1939 so the date of this marriage may be incorrect.

On 10 Feb 1990 James Chichester 12th Baronet (age 38) and Margaret Anne Chandos-Pole were married.

Deaths on the 10th February

On 10 Feb 1056 Bishop Athelstan died. He had been blind for thirteen years.

On 10 Feb 1163 Baldwin III King Jerusalem (age 33) died at Beirut. His brother Almaric I King Jerusalem (age 27) succeeded I King Jerusalem.

On 10 Feb 1280 Margaret II Countess Flanders (age 77) died.

On 10 Feb 1305 John Comyn 3rd Lord Baddenoch (age 36) was murdered by Robert the Bruce (age 30), future King of Scotland, before the High Altar of the Greyfriars Monastery Chapel [Map]. Robert Comyn, John's uncle, was killed by Christopher Seton (age 27). Christopher's brother John Seton (age 27) was also present.

Murder, in a church, in front of the altar, regarded as a terrible crime. The act gave King Edward I of England (age 65) cause to invade Scotland. Robert the Bruce was ex-communicated by the Pope for his actions.

King Edward I of England charged Bishop David de Moravia as being complicit in the murder.

Before 10 Feb 1346 Mark Hussey 3rd Baron Hussey (age 30) died. His grandson Henry Hussey 4th Baron Hussey succeeded 4th Baron Hussey.

Before 10 Feb 1346 Constantia Sampson Baroness Lexington (age 73) died at Holderness.

On 10 Feb 1383 John Mowbray 1st Earl Nottingham (age 17) died. He was buried at Whitefriars. Earl Nottingham extinct. His brother Thomas Mowbray 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 14) succeeded 6th Baron Mowbray, 7th Baron Segrave.

On 10 Feb 1514 John Hastings 13th Baron Hastings (age 18) died. His brother Hugh Hastings 14th Baron Hastings (age 9) de jure 14th Baron Hastings.

On 10 Feb 1561 John Bourchier 2nd Earl Bath (age 62) died. He was buried on 10 Mar 1561 at the Church of St John Lateran, Hengrave. His grandson William Bourchier 3rd Earl Bath (age 3) succeeded 3rd Earl Bath, 13th Baron Fitzwarin.

On 10 Feb 1567 Henry "Lord Darnley" Stewart (age 21) was murdered at Kirk O Field. Around two in the morning two barrels of gunpowder exploded beneath his room. His body and that of his valet William Taylor were found outside, surrounded by a cloak, a dagger, a chair, and a coat. Darnley was dressed only in his nightshirt. There were no visible marks on the body. He was buried at Holyrood Abbey, Holyrood.

On 10 Feb 1587 Henry Neville 6th and 4th Baron Bergavenny (age 57) died. His first cousin Edward Neville 7th and 5th Baron Bergavenny (age 61) succeeded 7th Baron Bergavenny, 5th Baron Bergavenny. By modern doctrine the successor should have been Mary Neville 3rd Baroness Despencer (age 33). She was subsequently awarded the Despencer Barony in compensation.

On 10 Feb 1667 Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo (age 55) died.

On 10 Feb 1682 William Hickman 2nd Baronet (age 53) died. His son Willoughby Hickman 3rd Baronet (age 23) succeeded 3rd Baronet Hickman of Gainsborough in Lincolnshire.

On 10 Feb 1711 Thomas Arundell 4th Baron Arundel (age 78) died. His son Henry Arundell 5th Baron Arundel (age 50) succeeded 5th Baron Arundel of Wardour in Wiltshire. Elizabeth Panton Baroness Arundel Wardour by marriage Baroness Arundel of Wardour in Wiltshire.

On 10 Feb 1732 George Carpenter 1st Baron Carpenter (age 75) died. He was buried at St Andrew's Church, Owlesbury [Map]. His son George Carpenter 2nd Baron Carpenter (age 37) succeeded 2nd Baron Carpenter of Killaghy in County Tipperary. Elizabeth Petty Baroness Carpenter by marriage Baroness Carpenter of Killaghy in County Tipperary.

On 10 Feb 1736 Francis Vincent 5th Baronet (age 89) died. His son Henry Vincent 6th Baronet (age 50) succeeded 6th Baronet Vincent of Stoke d'Abernon.

On 10 Feb 1742 Arthur Gore 2nd Baronet (age 57) died.

On 10 Feb 1744 John Fleming 6th Earl Wigtown (age 71) died. His brother Charles Fleming 7th Earl Wigtown (age 69) succeeded 7th Earl Wigtown, 12th Lord Fleming.

On 10 Feb 1767 Robert Long 6th Baronet (age 62) died. His son James Long aka Tylney-Long 7th Baronet (age 31) succeeded 7th Baronet Long of Westminster in London.

On 10 Feb 1787 George Beauclerk 4th Duke St Albans (age 28) died unmarried and without issue. His first cousin once removed Aubrey Beauclerk 5th Duke St Albans (age 46) succeeded 5th Duke St Albans, 5th Earl Burford, 5th Baron Heddington. Catherine Ponsonby Duchess St Albans (age 44) by marriage Duchess St Albans.

On 10 Feb 1789 Henry Harpur 6th Baronet (age 50) died. His son Henry Crewe 7th Baronet (age 26) succeeded 7th Baronet Harpur of Calke Abbey in Derbyshire.

On 10 Feb 1797 Mary Elizabeth Bertie Countess Portmore (age 26) died.

On 10 Feb 1808 Hugh Douglas Hamilton (age 68) died.

On 10 Feb 1808 Murrough O'Brien 1st Marquess Thomond (age 82) died. His nephew William O'Brien 2nd Marquess Thomond (age 43) succeeded 2nd Marquess Thomond, 6th Earl Inchiquin. Rebecca Trotter Marchioness Thomond (age 33) by marriage Marchioness Thomond.

On 10 Feb 1810 John Papillion Twisden 7th Baronet (age 67) died. His son John Twisden 8th Baronet (age 26) succeeded 8th Baronet Twisden of Bradbourne in Kent.

On 10 Feb 1821 Henry Fletcher 2nd Baronet (age 49) died. His son Henry Fletcher 3rd Baronet (age 13) succeeded 3rd Baronet Fletcher of Clea Hall in Cumberland.

On 10 Feb 1826 Elizabeth Alicia Maria Wyndham Countess Carnarvon (age 73) died.

On 10 Feb 1858 Charles Hanbury-Tracy 1st Baron Sudeley (age 79) died. His son Thomas Charles Hanbury-Tracy 2nd Baron Sudeley (age 57) succeeded 2nd Baron Sudeley of Toddington in Gloucestershire. Emma Elizabeth Alicia Dawkins-Pennant Baroness Sudeley by marriage Baroness Sudeley of Toddington in Gloucestershire.

On 10 Feb 1887, coincidentally the same day his father died, 10 February, Charles William Fitzgerald Fitzgerald 4th Duke Leinster (age 67) died at Carton House, Carton, Kildare, County Kildare. His son Gerald Fitzgerald 5th Duke Leinster (age 35) succeeded 5th Duke Leinster. Hermione Wilhelmina Duncombe Duchess Leinster (age 22) by marriage Duchess Leinster.

On 10 Feb 1917 John William Waterhouse (age 67) died. He was buried at Kensal Green Cemetery.

On 10 Feb 1931 Wilma Pleydell-Bouverie Countess Lathom (age 61) died.

On 10 Feb 1965 Kenelm Edgcumbe 6th Earl of Mount Edgcumbe (age 91) died. His nephew Edward (age 62) succeeded 7th Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, 8th Baron Edgcumbe.

On 10 Feb 1970 Louise Clews Duchess of Argyll (age 65) died.