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On this Day in History ... 11th October
11 Oct is in October.
1517 Sweating Sickness Outbreak
1532 Henry VIII and Francis I meet at Calais
1551 Edward VI's 14th Birthday
Events on the 11th October
On 11 Oct 1347 Louis Wittelsbach IV Holy Roman Emperor (age 65) died. His son Stephen Wittelsbach II Duke Bavaria (age 28) succeeded II Duke Bavaria. Elisabeth Barcelona Duchess Bavaria (age 37) by marriage Duchess Bavaria.
On 11 Oct 1377 Peter IV King Aragon (age 58) and Sibia Fortia Queen Consort Aragon were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Aragon. He the son of Alfonso IV King Aragon and Teresa Enteca Queen Consort Aragon. He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.
Patent Rolls Richard II 1385-1389. 11 Oct 1387. Inspeximus and confirmation to John de Beauchamp of Holt (age 68) of a writing of even date, of Robert de Veer (age 25), duke of Ireland, granting, with the king's consent and licence, to the said John, for life, a yearly rent of £100 from the manors of Bovytracy and Holdesworthy, co. Devon, and Blakedon and Ludeford, co. Somerset, and all other his lands in the last named county. Witnessed by Alexander (age 46), archbishop of York, Michael de la Pole (age 57), Earl of Suffolk, Nicholas Slake, Richard Clifford, and Richard Felde. And further grant that in case the said Robert die in the lifetìme of the said John, the latter shall receive the said yearly rent for the term of his life, and if the said manors and lands are recovered out of the king's hand, he shall receive it at the Exchequer. By p.s.
On 11 Oct 1492 Charles Valois was born to Charles VIII King France (age 22) and Anne of Brittany Queen Consort France (age 15). Coefficient of inbreeding 2.26%.
Chronicle of Robert Fabyan 1517. 11 Oct 1517. And upon the eleventh day of October next following, then being the sweating sickness of new begun, died the said Thomas Hall then of London mayor, and for him was chosen as mayor Sir William Stocker knight and draper, which died also of the said sikeness shortly after; and then John Ward, grocer, was chosen mayor, which so continued till the Feast of Simon and Jude following.
Archives of Venice 1529. Oct. 11. [1529] Sanuto Diaries, v. lii. p. 153.
515. Lodovico Falier to the Signory.
Narrates conversations held with Cardinal Wolsey, and Cardinal Campeggio, late Legate in England, who has departed on his way to Rome.
King Henry has sent two ambassadors to the Emperor1, and two ambassadors to the King of France2, with congratulations on the peace made; and he has also sent an ambassador to the Pope.
London, 11th October. Registered, by Sanuto 9th November.
Note 1. Qu., Sir Nicholas Carew (age 33) and Dr. Richard Sampson,
Note 2. Qu., George Boleyn (age 26) and Dr. John Stokesley (age 54).
The Maner of the Triumphe at Caleys and Bulleyn. 11 Oct 1532. I1 will certyfye you of our newes in the partyes of Calais. Fyrst the xj. day of October whiche was Fryday in the mornyng at. v. of the clocke the kynges grace toke his Shyppe called the Swallowe and so came to Caleys by. x. of the clocke. And there he was receyved with processyon and with the mayre and the lorde delite and all the speres [knights] and the sowdyours in araye with a greate peale of gonnes and laye in Caleys tyll the Sondaye seuenyght after. And on the. xvj. day of October my lorde of Norffolke (age 59) accompanyed with my lord of Darby (age 23) and a great nombre of gentilmen besydes mette with the great mayster of Fraunce vj. myles fro Calays at the englysshe pale the sayd great mayster hauynge two greate lordes in his company of theyr ordre and a hondred gentylmen attendynge vpon them. And there my lorde of Norffolke and the greate mayster deuysed the place where the two kynges sholde mete whiche was at Sandyngfelde. And that done they wente bothe to Caleys with theyr companyes. And the sayd greate mayster with dyuerse other straungers dyned that daye with ye Kynge. And after dyner my lorde of Norffolke brought them forth on theyr way a myle or two and so departed for that tyme.
Note 1. In the Second Edition, the text begins with:
The names of the noble men of Fraunce.
Fyrst the frensshe Kynge.
The kynge of Nauerne [Henry d'Albret, King of Navarre (age 29)]
The Dolphyn Duke of Brytayne Frauncys (age 14).
The duke of Orlyaunce Henry (age 13).
The duke of Angoulesme Charles (age 10).
The duke of Vendosme Charles (age 43).
The duke of Guyse (age 35).
The duke of Longouille (age 22).
The cardynall of Burbon.
The cardynall of Lorrayne (age 34)
The Legate and cardynall chaunceler of Fraunce Antony de prayt (age 69).
The cardynal tournon.
The cardynal gramond (age 46).
The marques of Lorayne de pont.
The marques of Rochelyne.
The two sonnes of the duke of Vendosme.
The sone of the duke of Guyse conte damualle. [D'Aumale]
The conte of saynt Poule Frauncys ile Burbon.
The conte of Neuers.
The conute [sic] Loys de Neuers conte danseore.
The lorde marshal! seigneur de Floraynge.
The lorde myrepois marshall de la foy. [A descendant of Guy de Lews, -who -was elected marshall of the Crusaders "who marched against the jilbigenses; hence his successors -were all called Marec/iaux de la Foi. He received the lands of Afire foix, in Languedoc, in return for hit services. The family became very illustrious, and tve refer readers ivho have the time and patience to study a very curious piece of family history, to tlie turnings of Carrier and Lognac.]
The conte de porsean.
The conte de bresne.
The conte de tonnore. [The Comte de Tonnerre.]
The conte de sensare.
The conte de grant pre.
The conte d'apremont.
The lorde greate mayster Anne de Momerancy (age 39).
The lorde admarald Philyp Schabbot (age 40).
The lorde grand esquyer Galliot.
The prynce of molse.
The conte de tande. [This is undoubtedly Honorat, son of Pillars, Comte de Tende, natural son of Philip, duke of Sairoy. Villars had been killed at Pavia in 1525. Honorat's daughter married the great duke de Mayenne.]
The conte de villars. [Andre de Brancas, contte de Villars.]
The conte de estampes Johan de la berre. [Jean de Berri, ccmte d'Etampes,]
The conte de chambre. [Chambery?]
The lorde canamples.
The lorde barbeluiez.
The lorde hummeres. [Probably Henry de Cre'vant d'Humieres, ancestor of the celebrated marechal d' Humiercs.]
The lorde roche piot.
The lorde of saynt Andrews.
The lorde montigeu.
The lorde roche guyon.
The lorde piennes.
The lorde pontremy.
Monsieur de longe.
Monsieur de belley. Probably Martin du Bel/ay, prince a" T-vetot.
The archebysshop of Roan.
The archebysshop of Vienne.
The bysshop of Lyseures.
The bysshop of Langres.
The bysshop of Charttres.
The bysshop of Lymoges.
The bysshop of beauuoys.
The bysshop of Auuergne.
The bysshop of Macon.
The bysshop of Castres.
The bysshop of Paris.
The bysshop of Angoulesme.
And as concernynge the nobles and ryall states of this realme it necleth not to expresse by name.
Annales of England by John Stow. 11 Oct 1532. The eleuenth of October King Henrie landed at Calleis, with the Duke of Richemonde (age 13) hys bastarde sonne, the Duke of Norffolke (age 59) Lord Treasurer of England, the Duke of Suffolke (age 48), the Marquesse of Excester (age 36), the Erles of Darby (age 23), Arundale (age 56), Oxforde, Surrey and Rutlande (age 40), the Vicount Lisle (age 68) King Edwarde the fourth his bastarde sonne, the Lord Matrauers, the Lord Sands Lorde Chamberlaine of the Kings house, the Lorde William Hawarde, the Lorde Bray, the Lorde Montague, the Lorde Cobham, the Lorde Mordant, the Lorde Dawbney, the Lorde Grey, the Lord Clinton, the Lorde Vaux, the Lorde Mountegle, the Lorde Rocheford (age 29), wyth diuers other Lordes: the Bishoppes of Winchester, London, Lincolne, and Bathe: sir William Fitz William treasourer of the kings house, sir William Pawlet Comptroller, sir William Kingstone Capitaine of the Guarde, sir Iohn Page, sir Iames Boleine, sir Anthony Browne, sir Edwarde Neuell, sir Thomas Cheyney▪ sir Iohn Russell, sir Richard Page, sir Ralph Eldercare, sir Edward Baynton, sir Edwarde Santener, sir Griffyth Deene, sir Iohn Dudley, sir Iohn Femer, sir Henry Long, sir Anthony Hungerforde, sir Iohn Brudges, sir Arthur Hoptō, sir Anthony Wingfielde, sir William Paston, sir Edmonde Bedingfielde, sir Thomas Strange, sir William Hawte, sir Edwarde Wotton, sir William Askewe, sir Iohn Marleant, sir William Barington, sir William Essex, sir Giles Strangweis, sir Edwarde Chamberlaine, sir Giles Caple, sir Iohn Sent-Iohn, sir Walter Hungerforde, sir William Gascoine, sir Lionel Norrice, sir Edwarde Boloine, sir Thomas Lisle, sir Iohn Ashton, sir Thomas Palmer, sir William Boloine, sir William Finche, sir William Pellam, sir Thomas Rotherham, sir Iohn Norton, sir Richarde Sandes, sir Iohn Neuell, and thyrtie Esquiers, with manye Gentlemenne, and all theyr traines.
Calais in the Hands of the English. [11 Oct 1532]. The xj. day of Octobar Henry the Eighth kynge of England landyd at Caleis, with the duke of Richemond his bastard sonne, the duke of Norfolke lord tresorar of England, the duke of Suffolke, the bysshope of Wynchestar (age 49), the bysshope of London (age 57), the bysshope of Lyncolne (age 59), the bysshope of Bathe, the marques of Exceter (age 36), the erle of Derbye (age 23), the erle of Arundell (age 56), the erle of Oxenforde (age 61), the erle of Surrey (age 16), the erle of Rutland (age 40), the vicount Lisle (age 68) kynge Edward the Fowrthes bastard sone, the lorde Matrevers, the lord Sands lord chambarlen of the kyng’s howse, the lord William Howard, the lorde Braye, the lorde Montague, the lord Cobham, the lord Mordante, the lord Dawbney, the lorde Greye, the lorde Clinton, the lorde Vauxe, the lorde Mountegle, the lorde Rocheforde, with dyvars other lords, ser William Fitzwilliam tresurar of the kyng’s howse, ser William Pallett comptrowlar of the kyng’s howse, ser William Kyngston capitayne of the garde, ser John Page, ser James Boleyne, ser Anthony Browne, ser Edward Nevell knight herberjur, ser Thomas Cheny, ser John Russell, ser Richard Page, ser Raffe Eldercare, ser Edward Baynton, ser Edward Santener, ser Griffethe Doon, ser John Dudley, ser John Semer, ser Henry Longe, ser Anthony Hungarford, ser John Bruges, ser Arthur Hopton, ser Anthony Wyngfilde, ser William Paston, ser Edmond Bedingfeld, ser Thomas Strange, ser William Hawte, ser Edward Wotton, ser William Askughe, ser John Markam, ser William Baryngton, ser William Essex, ser Gyles Strangweis, ser Edward Chamberleyne, ser Giles Caple, ser John Seint John, ser Waltar Hungarford, ser William Gascoyne, ser Lionell Norreis, ser Edward Boleyne, ser Thomas Lisle, ser John Assheton, ser Thomas Palmar, ser William Boleyne, ser William Finche, ser William Pellam, ser Thomas Rotherham, ser John Norton, ser Richard Sands, ser John Nevell, and xxx. esquyers de quyrry and many gentlemen; every duke had x1. men, every marques XXXv. men, every erle xxiiij., every vicount xx., every bysshope xxiiij., every baron and lorde xij., every knight x., the treswrar of the kyng’s hows, xx., the comptrowlar of the kyng’s howse hathe xx. men, every counselar x. men, the clarke of the citchen x. men, every doctor viij. men, every esquier for the body viij. men, every sewar to the kynge vj. men, every gentleman usshar iiij. men, the clerke of the grene clothe xij. men, the clerke comptrowlar hathe vj. men, the cofferer viij. men, the clerke of the citchen j--the clerke of the spicery vj., the clerke of the ewrye iiij., the second clerke iij., every sargiant at armes on man, and every sargiant of cvery office in the kyng’s howse one man, the yeman of the comptinghows hath one grome, and every one of the iiij. officers of the bake howse iiij. men, the officers of the pantrye, buttrye, and sellar have xxxiij. men, the officers of the pitcherhowse hathe xij. men, the officers of the waffers and condutis v. men, the officers of the chandry x. men, officer of the confectionary have vij. men, the officers of the lawndrye have viij. men, the officers of the kechen have xx. men and xv. servants, the officers of the lardar have Xvj. men, officers of the boylinge hows have v. men, officers of the pultrye have xiij. men, officers of the sqwllerye have xx. men, officers of the scaldynghows viij. men, officers of the pasterye are xiiij., the officers of the woodyarde are xx. men, officers of the halle are ix. men, the officers of the herbengers are x. men, besyds othar officers.
Archives of Venice 1532. Oct. 31 [1532]. Sanuto Diaries v. lvii. p. 266. 822. Zuam Antonio Venier to the Signory.
All the ambassadors being here [at Abbeville] on the 18th, I wrote from Montreuil, that on the 17th the Papal Nuncio and the Imperial Ambassador caused us to remain here at Abbeville an insult to the powers we represent, we being put to cost and in confinement whilst the former ambassadors are sent for to Montreuil and Boulogne, and while others are allowed to attend the congress, which shows they are treating against our princes.1
On the 11th instant the English King crossed the Channel, and landed at Calais with from 1,500 to 2,000 horse. He brought with him the Marchioness Boleyn (age 31), his favourite, with some twenty maids of honour (damigelle). The most Christian King remained hunting in the neighbourhood of Boulogne until the 19th, when he entered the town. On the 20th he went to Marquise, and on the afternoon of the 21st proceeded towards Calais, and midway met the English King, and both their Majesties, with mutual goodwill and respect, embraced, calling each other "brother;" and coming to Boulogne, the most Christian King placed the King of England on his right hand; and passing through Marquise they refreshed themselves, the reception being as pompous and costly as possible, there being great plenty of everything requisite.
Proceeding on their way, they met the Dauphin and the Dukes of Orleans and Angouleme, and the most Christian King said to the English King, "Sire, those are the Dauphin and my other sons, who wish, and are bound, to pay their respects to your Majesty;" and he then drew a little aside, not choosing to take part in the reception. Whereupon the English King not only embraced but kissed them all three on the mouth; and the Dauphin and Orleans thanked him for what he had done, and for having released their father from captivity, declaring that their lives and their entire substance would at all times be at the disposal of his Majesty and his kingdom. Angouleme, who had not the same subject of discourse, addressed him in another form, but so sweetly and sagely, according to report, that he spoke like an angel; so that the English King again embraced him alone, kissing him several times; after which the most Christian King resumed his place beside King Henry, thanking him for his gracious reception of his sons. They were then met in succession by five cardinals, namely, the Legate [Chancellor Duprat (age 69)], Bourbon, Lorraine, Tournon, and Grammont, and by a great number of archbishops, bishops, and prelates, and by many princes and barons, all of whom were embraced by the English King, which being a tedious and fatiguing ceremony, was considered a mark of great gracious-ness on the part of his Majesty; there being, in addition to these, the 200 gentlemen of his most Christian Majesty's household, in rich and noble array, and the 400 archers, and the 100 Switzers, all in very costly liveries of silk and gold, so that the abundance of silk, gold, pearls, and jewels on the part of France was considered inestimable, most especially on account of the embroideries and brocades (brocature) now in fashion there; but on the side of England there were many cloths of silk, and gold chains without number, but not such boundless expense.
On entering Boulogne, although the English King remonstrated against it, his most Christian Majesty accompanied him to his chamber; and on the following day sent him, as a present, a coat (iuppone) a doublet (soio) and a gown (roba) such as he himself purposed wearing on that day, which apparel was embroidered with pearls and precious stones, so that it is said to be marvellous. And the various games, entertainments, and pageants were most splendid and endless; and the extreme graciousness of both the Kings was remarkable, for the most Christian King always banqueted the Englishmen, King Henry doing the like by the Frenchmen. On the 13th the most Christian King gave the English King a suit of bed furniture, wrought throughout with pearls on crimson velvet, which he purchased lately in Paris of an Italian merchant for 10,000 golden crowns; and the other day he gave him six coursers of his own breed, the handsomest he had in his stable.
It is said that on the evening of the 23rd the two Kings held a long secret conference, there being present on the part of France the Lord Chancellor Legate, the Lord Steward, and the Admiral2, and on the part of England the Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk, and the Bishop of Winchester.
The result of this conference is understood to be that the most Christian King sends the Cardinals Tournon and Grammont to the Pope about the Emperor entering Italy, and will send a personage to said Emperor (a esso Cesare) and he has despatched an ambassador to Scotland to offer his daughter to the King there, according to the request made by the Scottish ambassador, who had returned to his King without any decision. But his most Christian Majesty will give him his daughter on condition that he do forthwith form a league and understanding with his Majesty and the English King, which will be difficult.
It is said that the English King having made the Marchioness cross the Channel with him for the purpose of marrying her, with the intervention of King Francis, (per sposarla con intervento dil Re Xmo.) his most Christian Majesty apparently modified this project at the consultation held between them; and such is the belief of the French and English.
The Reverend (sic) Casal3 arrived lately, having ridden post from Rome, where he was negotiating for the English King. No farther change was caused by his coming.
On the morning of the 25th the most Christian King gave the collar of his order of St. Michael to the Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk, and went to Calais with the English King; and on the road, and on entering that town, the same compliments were paid as on entering Boulogne, every loving and honourable demonstration being made towards the French; nor was there less magnificence; games and pageants being exchanged for wild fowl and venison, and, moreover, for English ladies.4 Then the English King gave his most Christian Majesty a vesture (uno vestido) and six coursers, and six hobbies (chinee); and it is said, though this I do not know for certain, that he remitted and gave to the three French princes the entire debt due from their father, amounting to about 300,000 crowns. He also gave his Order of St. George to the Lord Steward and to the Admiral5; and finally gave, as servant to the most Christian King, his natural son, who is about 13 years old.
On the 29th the English King, accompanied by the most Christian King, went a distance of three leagues beyond Calais; there they took leave of each other with many mutual embraces and caresses.
It is reported that these two nations, which are by nature hostile to each other, exchanged greater marks of honour and goodwill than were expected.
Two days hence the most Christian King will go to Amiens, there to consult about the mission of these two Cardinals. It is said that these two Kings have agreed for the Cardinals to insist on the Pope's not leaguing with the Emperor, and should he make a fresh agreement with him, they will no longer allow the collation of the benefices of France and England to be referred to Rome, but will separate their clergy from the Roman See. (Si dice questi Rè kanno convenuto che li Cardinali insista ch'el Papa non conseguisca il vincolo con Cesare; et facendo nova, intelligentia non voter più che la erpeditione di Franca et Anglia vadino a Roma, ma divider il suo clero dalla Sede Romana). But this interview (vista) and conference have been a superfluous expenditure,—entertainments and pageants, and nothing else.
Abbeville6, 31st October. Registered by Sanuto, 29th November.
Note 1. "Ritrovandosi tutti li Oratori quì alli 18, scrissi da Montreuil che adi 17 il Nontio Pontificio et Orator Cesareo concluseno questo atto di fame star quì apartati, e via (eon pocha consideration, et per far grande iniuria a li Principi de chi semo Oratori, li quali è sta fati venir a Montarol e Bologna), e spender, confiuandone, e a cadaun altro è sta leeito andar a vedcr i congressi."
Note 2. Philippe Chabot, Seigneur de Brion.
Note 3. Query Sir Gregory Casal. (See State Papers, vol. vii. part 5, p. 380.)
Note 4. "e non furono inferiori di splendidezza, suplendo nelli jochi spetaculi, de animali silvestri e di più dille dame Englese." See also Hall, p. 795. "I assure you he [Francis I] and his trayne, were requited at Caleis for [by?] the plentie of wylde foule, venison," etc., etc.
Note 5. Montmorency and Chabot.
Note 6. In the original "Bovilla," but see letter dated Montreuil, 17th October.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 11 Oct 1551. The xj day of October wher creatyd [at Hampton [Map]] curtte my lord marqwes Dorsett duke of Suffolk (age 34); the yerle of Warwyke duke of Northumburland (age 47); [the earl] of Wyllshere (age 68) created the marqwes of Wyncha[ster; sir] Wylliam Harbard (age 50) made lord of Cardyff, and after the yerle of Penbroke; and knyghtes mad the sam time, sir William Syssyll (age 31), secretery, knyght, and M. Hare Nevylle knyght, [sir William] Sydney knyght, and M. Cheke, the kynges scollmaster.
Note. Creation of new peerages. The intended creation of the dukes of Northumberland and Suffolk, the marquess of Winchester, and the earl of Pembroke, was made known to the Privy Council on the 4th Oct. 1551, as thus recorded in their minutes: "This daye the lord chamberlen together wth the lord chamberlen (sic), beinge sente from the kinge to the lordes, declared on his majesties behalfe, that, for asmuch as the lord marques of Dorset hath lately opened to his highness the occasyones of his inhabilletie to serve in the place of generall warden of the marches towardes Scotlande, and therefore besought his majestie to call him from that place; his majestie, thinkinge the same lord marques' suite reasonable, and mindinge not to leave such a rowme of importance unfurneshed of an able personage, hath resolved both to revoke the said marques from that offyce, and to appointe the earle of Warwicke in his steed, who for his greate experience, and namly in those partes, his highnes taketh to be moste meeteste for that rowme. And hath further determyned, as well to th'ende that the said earle of Warwicke may the rather be had in the estymacione he deserveth for his digneties sake, as for that also his majestie thinketh necessarye, the noble houses of this his realme being of late much decayed, to erect other in their stead by rewardinge such as have alredye well served, and maye be therby the rather encowraged to contynewe the same, to call both his lordship and other noble personages to hier estates and digneties; and therfore hath appointed to advaunce firste the said earle of Warwicke to the degree of a duke; the lorde marques Dorsett, as well for his service sacke as for that he is lyke by waye of maryage to have claime to the tytle of duke of Suffolke, his highnes is pleased to call to that degree; the lord treasuror nowe earl of Wiltesheir to the degree of a marques; the master of the horse [sir William Herbert] to the degree of an earle; which his majesties mynd and determenacion his highnes pleasure is shalbe gon through with all, and these personages to be created on Sondaye nexte; to the assistance whereof his majestie willeth that such of the lordes and nobles as shalbe thought needfull, to be presente," &c. (MS. Harl. 352, f. 188b.)
Note. The three new knights. Mr. Sidney (age 69) and Mr. Neville (age 31) had been made gentlemen of the privy chamber on the 18th April 1550, and Mr. Cheke held the same appointment. (King Edward's Diary.) Sir Henry Neville was the first settler at Billingbere of his name and family. He married Frances (age 9), only daughter and heir of sir John Gresham (age 33), and died July 13, 1593.
11 Oct 1551, the day before his fourteenth birthday, King Edward VI (age 13) celebrated at Hampton Court Palace [Map] by rewarding his guardians; it may have been a case of his guardians rewarding themselves.
John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland (age 47) was created 1st Duke Northumberland. Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland (age 42) by marriage Duchess Northumberland. His son Henry Dudley (age 25) was knighted.
Henry Grey 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 34) was created 1st Duke Suffolk for having married King Edward VI's first cousin Frances Brandon Duchess of Suffolk (age 34). Frances Brandon Duchess of Suffolk by marriage Duchess Suffolk.
William Paulet (age 68) was created 1st Marquess Winchester. Elizabeth Capell Marchioness Winchester by marriage Marchioness Winchester.
His guardian William Herbert (age 50) was created 1st Earl Pembroke. Anne Parr Countess Pembroke (age 36) by marriage Countess Pembroke.
Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset (age 51), the King's uncle attended.
Henry Dudley was knighted at Hampton Court Palace, Richmond [Map].
On 11 Oct 1651 Frederick Oldenburg was born to Frederick III King Denmark (age 42) and Sophie Amalie Hanover Queen Consort Denmark (age 23).
John Evelyn's Diary. 11 Oct 1660. The regicides who sat on the life of our late King, were brought to trial in the Old Bailey, before a commission of oyer and terminer.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Oct 1664. So home and to my office, and then to supper and then to my office again till late, and so home, with my head and heart full of business, and so to bed. My wife tells me the sad news of my Baroness Castlemayne's (age 23) being now become so decayed, that one would not know her; at least far from a beauty, which I am sorry for.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Oct 1664. Up and to the office, where we sat all the morning. My wife this morning went, being invited, to my Lady Sandwich (age 39), and I alone at home at dinner, till by and by Luellin comes and dines with me. He tells me what a bawdy loose play this "Parson's Wedding" is, that is acted by nothing but women at the King's house, and I am glad of it.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Oct 1665. This night is kept in lieu of yesterday, for my wedding day of ten years; for which God be praised! being now in an extreme good condition of health and estate and honour, and a way of getting more money, though at this houre under some discomposure, rather than damage, about some prize goods that I have bought off the fleete, in partnership with Captain Cocke (age 48); and for the discourse about the world concerning my Lord Sandwich (age 40), that he hath done a thing so bad; and indeed it must needs have been a very rash act; and the rather because of a Parliament now newly met to give money, and will have some account of what hath already been spent, besides the precedent for a General to take what prizes he pleases, and the giving a pretence to take away much more than he intended, and all will lie upon him; and not giving to all the Commanders, as well as the Flaggs, he displeases all them, and offends even some of them, thinking others to be better served than themselves; and lastly, puts himself out of a power of begging anything again a great while of the King (age 35).
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Oct 1665. By and by comes Cocke (age 48) to tell me that Fisher and his fellow were last night mightily satisfied and promised all friendship, but this morning he finds them to have new tricks and shall be troubled with them. So he being to go down to Erith, Kent with them this afternoon about giving security, I advised him to let them go by land, and so he and I (having eat something at his house) by water to Erith, Kent, but they got thither before us, and there we met Mr. Seymour (age 32), one of the Commissioners for Prizes, and a Parliament-man, and he was mighty high, and had now seized our goods on their behalf; and he mighty imperiously would have all forfeited, and I know not what. I thought I was in the right in a thing I said and spoke somewhat earnestly, so we took up one another very smartly, for which I was sorry afterwards, shewing thereby myself too much concerned, but nothing passed that I valued at all. But I could not but think [it odd] that a Parliament-man, in a serious discourse before such persons as we and my Lord Bruncker (age 45), and Sir John Minnes (age 66), should quote Hudibras, as being the book I doubt he hath read most. They I doubt will stand hard for high security, and Cocke would have had me bound with him for his appearing, but I did stagger at it, besides Seymour do stop the doing it at all till he has been with the Duke of Albemarle (age 56).
John Evelyn's Diary. 11 Oct 1665. To London, and went through the whole city, having occasion to alight out of the coach in several places about business of money, when I was environed with multitudes of poor, pestiferous creatures begging alms; the shops universally shut up, a dreadful prospect! I dined with my Lord General (age 56); was to receive £10,000, and had guards to convey both myself and it, and so returned home, through God's infinite mercy.
John Evelyn's Diary. 11 Oct 1667. I went to see Lord Clarendon, late Lord Chancellor and greatest officer in England, in continual apprehension what the Parliament would determine concerning him.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Oct 1667. And so having the last night wrote to my Lady Sandwich (age 42) to lend me John Bowles to go along with me my journey, not telling her the reason, that it was only to secure my gold, we to breakfast, and then about ten o'clock took coach, my wife and I, and Willet, and W. Hewer (age 25), and Murford and Bowles (whom my Lady lent me), and my brother John (age 26) on horseback; and with these four I thought myself pretty safe. But, before we went out, the Huntingdon [Map] musick come to me and played, and it was better than that of Cambridge. Here I took leave of my father, and did give my sister 20s. She cried at my going; but whether it was at her unwillingness for my going, or any unkindness of my wife's, or no, I know not; but, God forgive me! I take her to be so cunning and ill-natured, that I have no great love for her; but only [she] is my sister, and must be provided for. My gold I put into a basket, and set under one of the seats; and so my work every quarter of an hour was to look to see whether all was well; and I did ride in great fear all the day, but it was a pleasant day, and good company, and I mightily contented. Mr. Shepley saw me beyond St. Neots, and there parted, and we straight to Stevenage, Hertfordshire, through Bald Lanes, which are already very bad; and at Stevenage, Hertfordshire we come well before night, and all sat, and there with great care I got the gold up to the chamber, my wife carrying one bag, and the girl another, and W. Hewer the rest in the basket, and set it all under a bed in our chamber; and then sat down to talk, and were very pleasant, satisfying myself, among other things, from John Bowles, in some terms of hunting, and about deere, bucks, and does. And so anon to supper, and very merry we were, and a good supper, and after supper to bed. Brecocke alive still, and the best host I know almost.
On 11 Oct 1675 Maria Josepha Clementina Habsburg Spain was born to Leopold Habsburg Spain I Holy Roman Emperor (age 35) and Claudia Felicitas of Holy Roman Empress (age 22). On 11 Jul 1676 Maria Josepha Clementina Habsburg Spain died. Coefficient of inbreeding 5.35%.
On 11 Oct 1694 Catherine Grey Baroness North and Grey of Rolleston (age 63) died at sea on a voyage from Barbados.
On 11 Oct 1727 John Hobart 1st Earl Buckinghamshire (age 34) was created 1st Baron Hobart at Westminster Abbey [Map] during the Coronation of George II. Judith Britiffe Lady Hotham by marriage Baroness Hobart.
On 11 Oct 1753 Prince Frederick Oldenburg was born to Frederick V King Denmark and Norway (age 30) and Juliana Maria Welf Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 24) at Christiansborg Castle.
On 11 Oct 1797 Adam Duncan 1st Viscount Duncan (age 66) was victorious at the Battle of Camperdown. A complete victory for the British, who captured eleven Dutch ships without losing any of their own.
On 11 Oct 1843 Bishop James Bowstead (age 42) died from a fall from a horse. Monument at Holy Trinity Church, Eccleshall [Map].
On 11 Oct 1916 Second Lieutenant William Walter Vernon (age 26) was killed in action at Contalmaison whilst serving with the Royal Engineers 90th Field Coy. He was buried at Contalmaison Chateau Cemetery.
On 11 Oct 1957 Philip Wilbraham Baker Wilbraham 6th Baronet (age 82) died. Memorial at All Saints Church, Old Rode. His son Randle John Baker Wilbraham 7th Baronet (age 51) succeeded 7th Baronet Wilbraham of Loventor in Totnes in Devon. Betty Ann Torrens Lady Wilbraham (age 50) by marriage Lady Wilbraham of Loventor in Totnes in Devon.
Philip Wilbraham Baker Wilbraham 6th Baronet: On 17 Sep 1875 he was born to George Barrington Baker Wilbraham 5th Baronet and Katharine Frances Wilbraham Lady Wilbraham. On 08 Aug 1901 Philip Wilbraham Baker Wilbraham 6th Baronet and Joyce Christabel Kennaway Lady Wilbraham were married.
Randle John Baker Wilbraham 7th Baronet: On 31 Mar 1906 he was born to Philip Wilbraham Baker Wilbraham 6th Baronet and Joyce Christabel Kennaway Lady Wilbraham. On 26 Feb 1930 Randle John Baker Wilbraham 7th Baronet and Betty Ann Torrens Lady Wilbraham were married.
Betty Ann Torrens Lady Wilbraham: On 12 Dec 1906 she was born to William Matt Torrens of Hayes in Kent.
Understanding Avebury
11 October 2007
A survey conducted for the Arts and Humanities Research Council by PricewaterhouseCoopers has shown the real economic impact of archaeological research undertaken by a Bristol academic.
The AHRC-funded Longstones Project has shed important new light upon the remarkable group of structures at Avebury. It revealed wholly new prehistoric monuments, such as the Longstones enclosure, and confirmed the existence of others long thought lost such as the Beckhampton Avenue, a curving 1.5 kilometre strip of paired standing stones which runs broadly south west from Avebury towards the Longstones [Map] at Beckhampton. Although the stones are now gone, excavations in 2000 revealed the parallel rows of holes that held them. A 120 metre section of the avenue was uncovered, indicating that it consisted of a double row of stones placed at 15 metre intervals.
These discoveries alone served to effectively double the area known to be covered by the monument complex. The research also enhanced understanding of the chronology of monument building from the erection of the individual stones that make up the Avebury circles (the largest stone circle in Europe) to the group of monuments that collectively make this landscape so extraordinary.
The results of the project have already informed a significant new published history of the site: Avebury by Mark Gillings and Joshua Pollard, published by Duckworth, 2004.
Detailed results of the AHRC-funded work are to be published as a monograph entitled Landscape of the Megaliths (Oxbow Books) in Spring 2008.
The project was awarded £149,362 under the AHRC Research Grants Scheme (2000-2004). This funding supported the majority of the research activity and facilitated substantial excavation, survey and the provision of equipment and other research costs for the project.
The Longstones Project has not only added to our academic understanding of the monument complex. A survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers estimates that research projects conducted at Avebury collectively could have generated an additional £13 million of visitor expenditure in the period 1986-2006. Details are available on the AHRC website
New sign at the Longstones:
Births on the 11th October
On 11 Oct 1492 Charles Valois was born to Charles VIII King France (age 22) and Anne of Brittany Queen Consort France (age 15). Coefficient of inbreeding 2.26%.
On 11 Oct 1584 John Lennard was born to Samson Lennard Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 40) and Margaret Fiennes 11th Baroness Dacre of Gilsland (age 43).
On 11 Oct 1643 Joseph Seymour was born to Edward Seymour 2nd Baronet (age 63) and Dorothy Killigrew Baroness Seymour.
On 11 Oct 1651 Frederick Oldenburg was born to Frederick III King Denmark (age 42) and Sophie Amalie Hanover Queen Consort Denmark (age 23).
On 11 Oct 1653 John Stansfield Evelyn was born to John Evelyn (age 32) and Mary Browne (age 18).
On 11 Oct 1663 Dorothea Louise Oldenburg was born to Ernest Günther Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 53) and Auguste Oldenburg Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 30). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.27%.
On 11 Oct 1675 Maria Josepha Clementina Habsburg Spain was born to Leopold Habsburg Spain I Holy Roman Emperor (age 35) and Claudia Felicitas of Holy Roman Empress (age 22). On 11 Jul 1676 Maria Josepha Clementina Habsburg Spain died. Coefficient of inbreeding 5.35%.
On 11 Oct 1693 John Hobart 1st Earl Buckinghamshire was born to Henry Hobart 4th Baronet (age 36) and Elizabeth Maynard Lady Hobart.
On 11 Oct 1725 Rebecca Alleyne was born to John Alleyne (age 29).
On 11 Oct 1733 Egerton Leigh 1st Baronet was born.
On 11 Oct 1740 George Byng 4th Viscount Torrington was born to George Byng 3rd Viscount Torrington (age 39).
On 11 Oct 1748 Charles Molyneux 1st Earl Sefton was born to Thomas Molyneux and Maria Levey.
On 11 Oct 1748 Edward Crofton 2nd Baronet was born to Marcus Lowther-Crofton 1st Baronet and Catherine Crofton.
On 11 Oct 1753 Prince Frederick Oldenburg was born to Frederick V King Denmark and Norway (age 30) and Juliana Maria Welf Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 24) at Christiansborg Castle.
On 11 Oct 1761 Charlotte Maria Waldegrave was born to James Waldegrave 2nd Earl Waldegrave (age 46) and Maria Walpole Duchess Gloucester and Edinburgh (age 25). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 11 Oct 1784 Mary Laetitia Eyre Countess Manvers was born to Anthony Hardoplh Eyre (age 27) and Francisca Alicia Wilbraham-Bootle.
On 11 Oct 1794 William Jervis was born to Edward Jervis Ricketts aka Jervis 2nd Viscount St Vincent (age 27) and Mary Cassandra Twisleton (age 20).
On 11 Oct 1799 Reverend Augustus Philip Clayton was born to William Clayton 4th Baronet (age 37) and Mary East Lady Clayton (age 34).
On 11 Oct 1819 Francis John Robert Child-Villiers was born to George Child-Villiers 5th Earl Jersey (age 46) and Sarah Sophia Fane Countess Jersey (age 34).
On 11 Oct 1827 Georgina Sophia Pakenham Marchioness Exeter was born to Thomas Pakenham 2nd Earl Longford (age 53) and Georgiana Lygon Countess Longford (age 29).
On 11 Oct 1851 Douglas William Cope Gordon was born to Charles Gordon 10th Marquess Huntly (age 59) and Maria Antoinetta Pegus Marchioness Huntly (age 30).
On 11 Oct 1856 Elizabeth Harriet Grosvenor Marchioness Ormonde was born to Hugh Lupus Grosvenor 1st Duke Westminster (age 30) and Constance Leveson-Gower Duchess Westminster (age 22). Coefficient of inbreeding 7.06%.
On 11 Oct 1872 Richard George Musgrave 12th Baronet was born to Richard Courtenay Musgrave 11th Baronet (age 34) and Adora Frances Olga Wells Lady Musgrave (age 23).
On 11 Oct 1874 Adrian Verney Verney-Cave 6th Baron Braye was born to Alfred Wyatt-Edgell 5th Baron Braye (age 25).
On 11 Oct 1879 Marie Louise Hanover was born to Ernest Augustus Hanover 3rd Duke Cumberland and Teviotdale (age 34) and Thyra Glücksburg Duchess Cumberland and Teviotdale (age 26). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland.
On 11 Oct 1886 Esme Ivo Bligh 9th Earl of Darnley was born to Ivo Bligh 8th Earl Darnley (age 27) and Florence Bligh Countess of Darnley (age 26).
On 11 Oct 1892 Dudley Ryder 6th Earl of Harrowby was born to John Ryder 5th Earl of Harrowby (age 28).
On 11 Oct 1895 George Cambridge 2nd Marquess Cambridge was born to Adolphus Cambridge Duke Teck (age 27) and Margaret Evelyn Grosvenor Duchess Teck (age 22) at Grosvenor House Park Lane. He a great x 2 grandson of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland.
On 11 Oct 1910 James Grimston 5th Earl of Verulam was born to James Grimston 4th Earl of Verulam (age 30) and Violet Constance Maitland Brabazon Countess Verulam (age 24).
On 11 Oct 1936 Timothy William Lycett Milner 10th Baronet was born to George Edward Mordaunt Milner 9th Baronet (age 25).
On 11 Oct 1938 Clarissa Duncombe was born to Charles Duncombe 3rd Earl Feversham (age 31) and Anne Dorothy Wood Countess Feversham (age 28).
On 11 Oct 1983 Mark John Pepys 9th Earl of Cottenham was born to Kenelm Charles Pepys 8th Earl of Cottenham (age 34).
Marriages on the 11th October
Before 11 Oct 1190 John Fitzrichard 6th Baron Halton (age 46) and Alice Mandeville Baroness Halton were married. She the daughter of Geoffrey Mandeville 1st Earl Essex and Rohese Vere Countess Essex and Hertford.
On 11 Oct 1377 Peter IV King Aragon (age 58) and Sibia Fortia Queen Consort Aragon were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Aragon. He the son of Alfonso IV King Aragon and Teresa Enteca Queen Consort Aragon. He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.
Before 11 Oct 1492 Charles VIII King France (age 22) and Anne of Brittany Queen Consort France (age 15) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort of France. He the son of King Louis XI of France and Queen Charlotte of Savoy. They were third cousins. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.
On 11 Oct 1607 Edward Carr 1st Baronet (age 64) and Anne Dyer Lady Carr were married.
On 11 Oct 1637 William Howard 1st Viscount Stafford (age 22) and Mary Stafford Countess Stafford (age 17) were married. He the son of Thomas Howard 21st Earl of Arundel 4th Earl of Surrey 1st Earl Norfolk (age 52) and Alethea Talbot Countess Arundel, Surrey and Norfolk (age 52).
On 11 Oct 1731 John Russell 4th Duke Bedford (age 21) and Diana Spencer Duchess Bedford (age 21) were married. She the daughter of Charles Spencer 3rd Earl of Sunderland and Anne Churchill Countess Sunderland. He the son of Wriothesley Russell 2nd Duke Bedford and Elizabeth Howland Duchess Bedford. They were third cousins.
On 11 Oct 1737 Thomas Drury 1st Baronet (age 24) and Martha Tyrrell Lady Drury (age 20) were married at Chapel, Somerset House.
On 11 Oct 1749 William Stourton 16th Baron Stourton (age 45) and Winifrede Howard Baroness Stourton (age 23) were married. The difference in their ages was 22 years. They were fourth cousins.
On 11 Oct 1836 Richard White 2nd Earl Bantry (age 35) and Mary O'Brien Countess Bantry were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square. She the daughter of William O'Brien 2nd Marquess Thomond (age 71) and Rebecca Trotter Marchioness Thomond (age 61). He the son of Richard White 1st Earl Bantry (age 69) and Margaret Anne Hare Countess Bantry.
On 11 Oct 1842 George Samuel Brooke-Pechell 5th Baronet (age 23) and May Robertson Bremner were married at Darwhar, India.
On 11 Oct 1870 William John Pepys 3rd Earl of Cottenham (age 45) and Theodesia Selina Dallas Countess Cottenham (age 25) were married at St Paul's Church, Knightsbridge. She by marriage Countess of Cottenham. He the son of Charles Christopher Pepys 1st Earl of Cottenham and Charlotte Maria Wingfield.
On 11 Oct 1893 Henry John Cockayne-Cust (age 32) and Emmeline "Nina" Welby-Gregory (age 26) were married.
On 11 Oct 1899 Gerald Wellesley Liddell 6th Baron Ravensworth (age 30) and Isolda Blanche Prideaux-Brune Baroness Ravensworth (age 34) were married.
On 11 Oct 1911 Bishop John William Wand (age 26) and Amy Agnes Wiggins (age 28) were married.
On 11 Oct 1923 Esme Ivo Bligh 9th Earl of Darnley (age 37) and Nancy Ellinor Kidston Countess Darnely (age 22) were married. She by marriage Countess Darnley. He the son of Ivo Bligh 8th Earl Darnley (age 64) and Florence Bligh Countess of Darnley (age 63).
On 11 Oct 1928 Edward Knollys 2nd Viscount Knollys (age 33) and Margaret Coats Viscountess Knollys (age 27) were married. She by marriage Viscountess Knollys of Caversham in Oxfordshire.
Deaths on the 11th October
On 11 Oct 1188 Robert "Great" Capet I Count Dreux (age 65) died. His son Robert Capet II Count Dreux (age 34) succeeded II Count Dreux.
On 11 Oct 1190 John Fitzrichard 6th Baron Halton (age 46) died at Tyre. His son Roger Lacy 6th Baron Pontefract 7th Baron Halton (age 19) succeeded 7th Baron Halton. Maud Clere Baroness Lacy Baroness Warkworth by marriage Baroness Halton.
On 11 Oct 1291 Roger Somery 3rd Baron Dudley (age 36) died at Dudley Castle [Map]. His son John Somery 4th Baron Dudley (age 12) succeeded 4th Baron Dudley of Somery.
On 11 Oct 1307 Catherine Courtenay Countess Valois (age 32) died.
On 11 Oct 1347 Louis Wittelsbach IV Holy Roman Emperor (age 65) died. His son Stephen Wittelsbach II Duke Bavaria (age 28) succeeded II Duke Bavaria. Elisabeth Barcelona Duchess Bavaria (age 37) by marriage Duchess Bavaria.
On 11 Oct 1361 John Welles 4th Baron Welles (age 27) died. His son John Welles 5th Baron Welles (age 9) succeeded 5th Baron Welles. Eleanor Mowbray Countess Rockingham by marriage Countess Rockingham.
On 11 Oct 1432 Constance Blount Baroness Sutton Dudley (age 52) died.
On 11 Oct 1525 Thomas West 8th Baron De La Warr 5th Baron West (age 68) died. He was buried at St Mary's Church Broadwater. His son Thomas West 9th Baron De La Warr 6th Baron West (age 50) succeeded 9th Baron De La Warr, 6th Baron West. Elizabeth Bonville Baroness De La Warr and West (age 51) by marriage Baroness De La Warr, Baroness West.
On 11 Oct 1613 John Petre 1st Baron Petre (age 63) died at West Horndon, Essex and was buried in St Edmund and St Mary's Church Ingatestone, Blackmore. His son William Petre 2nd Baron Petre (age 38) succeeded 2nd Baron Petre.
On or after 11 Oct 1643 Dorothy Killigrew Baroness Seymour died. Probably in childbirth since her son Joseph Seymour was born on 11 Oct 1643.
On 11 Oct 1663 William Cholmley 2nd Baronet (age 37) died. His son Hugh Cholmley 3rd Baronet (age 1) succeeded 3rd Baronet Cholmley of Whitby in Yorkshire.
On 11 Oct 1678 Peter Leicester 1st Baronet (age 64) died. His son Robert leicester 2nd baronet (age 35) succeeded 2nd Baronet Leicester of Tabley in Cheshire.
On 11 Oct 1685 John Tufton 2nd Baronet (age 62) died. Baronet Tufton of The Mote in Kent extinct.
On 11 Oct 1686 James Tuchet 3rd Earl Castlehaven (age 69) died at Kilcash Castle, County Tipperary. His brother Mervyn Tuchet 4th Earl Castlehaven succeeded 4th Earl Castlehaven, 14th Baron Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire, 11th Baron Tuchet, 4th Baron Audley of Orier in England, 2nd Baron Audley of Hely in Ireland but only for three weeks. He died on 02 Nov 1686. Mary Talbot Countess Castlehaven by marriage Countess Castlehaven.
On 11 Oct 1694 Catherine Grey Baroness North and Grey of Rolleston (age 63) died at sea on a voyage from Barbados.
On 11 Oct 1703 Roger Cave 2nd Baronet (age 48) died. His son Thomas Cave 3rd Baronet (age 22) succeeded 3rd Baronet Cave of Stanford in Northamptonshire. Margaret Verney Lady Cave by marriage Lady Cave of Stanford in Northamptonshire.
On 11 Oct 1720 William St John 9th Baron St John (age 34) died. His brother Rowland St John 10th Baron St John (age 33) succeeded 10th Baron St John of Bletso, 7th Baronet St John of Woodford in Northamptonshire.
On 11 Oct 1724 Henrietta Butler Countess Grantham died.
On 11 Oct 1787 Richard Hoare 1st Baronet (age 52) died. His son Richard Colt Hoare 2nd Baronet (age 28) succeeded 2nd Baronet Hoare of Barn Elms in Surrey.
On 11 Oct 1790 Edward Harley 4th Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortomer (age 64) died at Brampton Bryan Hall without issue. His nephew Edward Harley 5th Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer (age 17) succeeded 5th Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer.
On 11 Oct 1791 William Gage 2nd Viscount Gage (age 73) died without issue. His nephew Henry Gage 3rd Viscount Gage (age 30) succeeded 3rd Viscount Gage of Castle Island in County Kerry, 3rd Baron Gage of Castlebar in County Mayo, 2nd Baron Gage of Highmeadow, 10th Baronet Gage of Firley in Sussex. Baron Gage of Firle in Sussex extinct.
On 11 Oct 1803 Henry Somerset 5th Duke Beaufort (age 58) died. He was buried at St Michael and all Angels Church, Badminton. His son Henry Charles Somerset 6th Duke Beaufort (age 36) succeeded 6th Duke Beaufort, 8th Marquess Worcester, 12th Earl Worcester, 14th Baron Herbert of Raglan, 6th Baron Botetort. Charlotte Sophia Leveson-Gower Duchess Beaufort (age 32) by marriage Duchess Beaufort.
On 11 Oct 1804 William Robert Kemp 9th Baronet (age 59) died. His son William Robert Kemp 10th Baronet (age 12) succeeded 10th Baronet Kemp of Gissing in Norfolk.
On 11 Oct 1831 Amelia Stratford Viscountess Powerscourt died.
On 11 Oct 1843 Bishop James Bowstead (age 42) died from a fall from a horse. Monument at Holy Trinity Church, Eccleshall [Map].
On 11 Oct 1847 Juliana Cooper Baroness Waterpark (age 80) died.
On 11 Oct 1861 Elizabeth Denison Marchioness Conyngham (age 92) died.
On 11 Oct 1901 Julia Louisa Bosville Baroness Middleton (age 77) died at Settrington.
On 11 Oct 1905 Archibald John Stuart-Wortley (age 56) died at Uxbridge.
On 11 Oct 1919 Blanche Vere Guest Countess Bessborough (age 72) died.
On 11 Oct 1929 Reginald Brabazon 12th Earl of Meath (age 88) died. He was buried at Delgany Church, County Wicklow. His son Reginald Brabazon 13th Earl of Meath (age 59) succeeded 13th Earl Meath, 14th Baron Ardee, 4th Baron Chaworth of Eaton Hall in Herefordshire.
On 11 Oct 1945 Louise Emily Harford 9th Duchess Beaufort (age 81) died.
On 11 Oct 1946 Ralph Francis Forward Howard 7th Earl Wicklow (age 68) died.
On 11 Oct 1949 Mildred Rose Evelyn Eveleigh-de-Moleyns Baroness St Audries died.
On 11 Oct 1954 Robert Shirley 12th Earl Ferrers (age 60) died. His son Robert Shirley 13th Earl Ferrers (age 25) succeeded 13th Earl Ferrers, 19th Baronet Shirley of Staunton Harold in Leicestershire.
On 11 Oct 1957 Philip Wilbraham Baker Wilbraham 6th Baronet (age 82) died. Memorial at All Saints Church, Old Rode. His son Randle John Baker Wilbraham 7th Baronet (age 51) succeeded 7th Baronet Wilbraham of Loventor in Totnes in Devon. Betty Ann Torrens Lady Wilbraham (age 50) by marriage Lady Wilbraham of Loventor in Totnes in Devon.
Philip Wilbraham Baker Wilbraham 6th Baronet: On 17 Sep 1875 he was born to George Barrington Baker Wilbraham 5th Baronet and Katharine Frances Wilbraham Lady Wilbraham. On 08 Aug 1901 Philip Wilbraham Baker Wilbraham 6th Baronet and Joyce Christabel Kennaway Lady Wilbraham were married.
Randle John Baker Wilbraham 7th Baronet: On 31 Mar 1906 he was born to Philip Wilbraham Baker Wilbraham 6th Baronet and Joyce Christabel Kennaway Lady Wilbraham. On 26 Feb 1930 Randle John Baker Wilbraham 7th Baronet and Betty Ann Torrens Lady Wilbraham were married.
Betty Ann Torrens Lady Wilbraham: On 12 Dec 1906 she was born to William Matt Torrens of Hayes in Kent.
On 11 Oct 1988 Hugh Algernon Percy 10th Duke Northumberland (age 74) died. His son Henry Percy 11th Duke of Northumberland (age 35) succeeded 11th Duke Northumberland, 8th Earl Beverley, 10th Baron Percy, 14th Baronet Smithson of Stanwick in Yorkshire.
On 11 Oct 2004 Peter Francis Walter Kerr 12th Marquess Lothian (age 82) died. His son Michael Andrew Foster Jude Kerr 13th Marquess Lothian (age 59) succeeded 13th Marquess Lothian.