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On this Day in History ... 13th June
13 Jun is in June.
1477 Execution of George Duke of Clarence's Servants
1483 Execution of William Hastings by Richard III
1587 Execution of Mary Queen of Scots
1625 Charles I and Henrietta Maria's First Meeting
1660 June Creation of Baronets
1661 Creation of Baronets and Peerages by Charles II Post Coronation
Events on the 13th June
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 803. This year died Hibbald, Bishop of Holy-island, on the twenty-fourth of June, and Egbert was consecrated in his stead, on the thirteenth of June following. Archbishop Ethelherd also died in Kent, and Wulfred was chosen archbishop in his stead. Abbot Forthred, in the course of the same year, departed this life.
On 13 Jun 823 Charles "Bald" I King West Francia was born to Louis "Pious" King Aquitaine I King Franks (age 45) and Judith Welf Queen Consort Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks (age 26).
On 13 Jun 839 Charles "Fat" King East Francia Holy Roman Emperor III King West Francia King Aquitaine was born to Louis "German" II King East Francia (age 35) and Hemma Welf Queen Consort East Francia (age 36).
On 13 Jun 1222 Eleanor Fair Maid of Brittany (age 38) was imprisoned at Gloucester Castle, Gloucestershire [Map] where she remained until 20 Jul 1223.
On 13 Jun 1349 John Willoughby 2nd Baron Willoughby (age 46) died. His son John Willoughby 3rd Baron Willoughby (age 26) succeeded 3rd Baron Willoughby de Eresby. Cecily Ufford Baroness Willoughby of Eresby (age 22) by marriage Baroness Willoughby de Eresby.
He was buried at St James' Church, Spilsby [Map]. His wife Joan Roscelyn Baroness Willoughby and Latimer (age 41) subsequently buried with him. She wears a skirt and mantle.
On 13 Jun 1363 Adolph La Marck (age 29) was appointed Archbishop Cologne.
On 13 Jun 1385 Thomas Mowbray 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 17) as appointed Earl Marshal.
On 13 Jun 1475 Joan Aviz Queen Consort Castile (age 36) died.
Before 13 Jun 1477 two servants of George York 1st Duke of Clarence (age 27) were hanged at Tyburn [Map] for being sorcerers and planning the murder of Richard Beauchamp 2nd Baron Beauchamp Powick (age 42).
John Stacy and Thomas Burdett of Arrow in Warwickshire (age 52) were hanged.
Patent Rolls Edward IV 1477. 13 Jun 1477. Grant to Mary late the wife of John Stacy late of Oxford, alias John Westminster. Stace late of London, "gentilman," alias Marion Stacy of London, widow, of all the goods and debts late of the said John, lately attainted of high treason and hung. By p.s.
The History of King Richard the Third by Thomas More. 13 Jun 1483. Yet for the further appeasing of the people's mind, he sent immediately after dinner in all the haste, one herald of arms, with a proclamation to be made through the city in the King's name, containing that the Lord Hastings (age 52) with diverse others of his traitorous purpose had before conspired the same day to have slain the Lord Protector (age 30) and the Duke of Buckingham (age 28) while sitting in the Council, and after to have taken upon them to rule the King and the realm at their pleasure, and thereby to pillage and spoil whom they pleased, uncontrolled. And much matter was there in the proclamation devised to the slander of the Lord Chamberlain, as that he was an evil counselor to the King's father, enticing him to many things highly redounding to the diminishing of his honor and to the universal hurt of his realm, by his evil company, sinister procuring, and ungracious example, as well in many other things, as in the vicious living and inordinate misuse of his body, both with many others, and also especially with Shore's wife (age 38) - who was one also of his most secret counsel in this heinous treason, with whom he lay nightly, and, namely, the night last past before his death-so that it was the less marvel if ungracious living brought him to an unhappy ending, which he was now put unto, by the most dread commandment of the King's Highness and of his honorable and faithful Council, both for his demerits, being so openly taken in his falsely conceived treason, and also lest the delaying of his execution might have encouraged other mischievous persons and partners of his conspiracy to gather and assemble themselves together in making some great commotion for his deliverance; whose hope now being by his well deserved death prudently repressed, all the realm should by God's grace rest in good quiet and peace.
Now was this proclamation made within two hours after he was beheaded, and it was so curiously composed and so fair written in parchment in so well a set hand, and therewith of itself so long a process, that every child might well perceive that it was prepared before. For all the time between his death and the proclaiming could scant have sufficed unto the bare writing alone, had it all been but in paper and scribbled forth in haste at random. So that upon the proclaiming thereof, one that was schoolmaster of Paul's, who was by chance standing by and comparing the shortness of the time with the length of the matter, said unto them that stood about him, "Here is a gay goodly cast, foul cast away for haste." And a merchant answered him that it was written by prophecy.
The Usurpation of Richard III by Mancini. 13 Jun 1483. One day these three and several others came to the Tower about ten o’clock to salute the protector [King Richard III of England (age 30)], as was their custom. When they had been admitted to the innermost quarters, the protector, as prearranged, cried out that an ambush had been prepared for him, and they had come with hidden arms, that they might be first to open the attack. Thereupon the soldiers, who had been stationed there by their lord, rushed in with the duke of Buckingham (age 28), and cut down Hastings (age 52) on the false pretext of treason; they arrested the others, whose life, it was presumed, was spared out of respect for religion and holy orders. Thus fell Hastings, killed not by those enemies he had always feared, but by a friend whom he had never doubted. But whom will insane lust for power spare, if it dares violate the ties of kin and friendship? After this execution had been done in the citadel, the townsmen, who had heard the uproar but were uncertain of the cause, became panic-stricken, and each one seized his weapons.
Croyland Chronicle 1483. 13 Jun 1483. The lord Hastings (age 52), on the thirteenth day of the month of June, being the sixth day of the week, on coming to the Tower to join the council, was, by order of the Protector, beheaded. Two distinguished prelates, also, Thomas, archbishop of York, and John, bishop of Ely, being, out of respect for their order, held exempt from capital punishment, were carried prisoners to different castles in Wales. The three strongest supporters of the new king being thus removed without judgment or justice, and all the rest of his faithful subjects fearing the like treatment, the two dukes did thenceforth just as they pleased.
On 13 Jun 1483 King Richard III of England (age 30) arranged a Council meeting at the Tower of London [Map] attended by William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings (age 52), Cardinal John Morton (age 63), Archbishop Thomas Rotherham (age 59) and Henry Stafford 2nd Duke of Buckingham (age 28). During the course of the evening Richard accused William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings, Cardinal John Morton and Archbishop Thomas Rotherham of treasonable conspiracy with the Queen (age 46).
William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings was beheaded at Tower Green, Tower of London [Map]. He was buried in North Aisle St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle [Map] next to King Edward IV of England. His son Edward Hastings 2nd Baron Hastings Baron Botreaux, Hungerford and Moleyns (age 16) succeeded 2nd Baron Hastings.
Cardinal John Morton and Archbishop Thomas Rotherham were arrested.
Chronicle of Jean Molinet Chapter 100. [13 Jun 1483]. That same day arrived at the Tower of London, the Duke of Buckingham (age 28), who was accused of having extinguished and killed the said children, because he claimed to have a right to the crown; and the Lord of Hastings (age 52), the Great Chamberlain of England, captain of Calais, and guardian of the said children, had his head severed on a block, as he was suspected of intending to betray the king in the said tower. The king inhumanely caused the Lord of Saint-Bove1 to die, to whom he had his genitals cut off, his heart and entrails pulled from his body, and had them burned in a pan full of fire before him; and he was asked if he wanted to drink, and he replied: 'If I drink, who will receive it?'2
Ce mesme jour arriva en la tour de Londres, le duc de Boucquinghen, lequel fut mecreu d'avoir estainct et occis lesdits enfants, à cause qu'il prétendoit avoir droict à la couronne; et le seigneur de Hastingues, grand chambellan d'Angleterre, capitaine de Calais, et nourrisseur desdits enfants, eut la teste tranchée sur un blocq, car il fut suspicîonné à vouloir trahir le roy en ladite tour. Lequel roy fit mourir inhumainement le seigneur de Sainct-Bouve, auquel il fit copper les gènitoires, tirer le cœur et les entrailles de son corps, et les fit brusler en une payelle plaine de feu devant lui; et il lui fut demandé s'il vouloit boire, et il répondit: "si je bois qui le recepvra!"
Note 1. Possibly Thomas St Leger (age 43) who was executed in November 1483 for his part in Buckingham's rebellion.
Note 2. A reference to his no longer having a stomach.
Around Apr 1497 Cornish rose in rebellion against taxes being raised by King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 40) to support his wars against Scotland and against changes to the operation and privileges of the Cornish tin mining industry. The rebel army of 15,000 sought to replace Henry's ministers who they saw as responsible for the taxation: Cardinal John Morton (age 77) and Reginald Bray (age 57), the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. The army travelled from Cornwall through Devon and Somerset attempting, unsuccessfully, to recruit more men. At Wells, Somerset [Map] they were joined by James Tuchet 7th Baron Audley, 4th Baron Tuchet (age 34) who took on command. The rebel army then travelled through Salisbury and Winchester, Hampshire [Map].
When Henry became aware of the rebel army he diverted his main army led by Giles Daubeney 1st Baron Daubeney (age 46) to meet the rebels. Daubeny's army camped at Hounslow Heath [Map] on 13 Jun 1497.
Diary of Edward VI. 13 Jun 1550. Commissions were signed to sir Wiliam Herbert (age 49) and 30 other, to intreat of certain matters in Wales2, and also instructions to the same how to behave himself in the presidentship.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 13 Jun 1552. The xiij day of Juin rod thrugh London unto the Towre warffe [Map] my lade Mare (age 36) grase, the kynges syster, and toke her barge to Grenwyche [Map] the kynges courte, and so cam agayn at vj a-cloke at nyght, and so landyd at the Towre, and so unto Saynt Johns beyond Smyth-feld.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 13 Jun 1561. The sam nyght the Quen('s) (age 27) grace whent from the Charterhowse by Clarkyne-welle over the feldes unto the Sayvoy unto master secretore Sysselle (age 40) to soper, and ther was the consell and mony lordes and knyghtes and lades and gentyll-women, and ther was grett chere tyll mydnyght, and after here grace ryd to my lord North('s) (age 65) to bed at the Charter-howse.
The Letter Books of Amias Paulet Keeper of Mary Queen of Scots Published 1874 Marys Execution. The inventory of the property of the Queen of Scots (age 44), alluded to in the foregoing letter, is printed in Prince Labanoff's collection, in which it occupies more than twenty pages. Poulet (age 54) compiled it by summoning Mary's servants before him, and requesting each of them to give him a written note of all that the Queen had given them. A comparison of this inventory, made after Mary's death, with a former one, dated June 13, 1586, which Prince Labanoff found amongst M. de Chateauneuf's papers enables us to see that Mr. Froude has been led into a curious error respecting Mary Stuart's dress at the scaffold by the anonymous writer whose account he follows in preference to the narratives drawn up by responsible witnesses. It may seem to be of little importance, but as Mr. Froude has chosen to represent the last moments of Mary's life as "brilliant acting throughout," he should at least have been accurate in his details. He even goes so far as to say that she was deprived of the assistance of her chaplain for "fear of some religious melodrame." As to her dress, he says, "She stood on the black scaffold with the black figures all around her, blood-red from head to foot. Her reasons for adopting so extraordinary a costume must be left to conjecture. It is only certain that it must have been carefully studied, and that the pictorial effect must have been appalling." And he quotes from the Vray Rapport the words, "Ainsy fut executee toute en rouge. [Translation: So was executed all in red.]".
The rouge was not "blood-red," but a dark red brown. Blackwood says that she wore, with a pourpoint or bodice of black satin, "une Juppe de vellours cramoisi brun," and the narrative called La Mort de la Royne d'Escosse says the same. There it is in the June inventory, "Une juppe de velloux cramoisy brun, bandee de passement noir, doublee de taffetas de couleur brune." In the inventory taken after her death it is wanting. As it happens, if she had wished to be "blood-red," she might have been so, for in the wardrobe there was "satin figure incarnat," "escarlate," and "satin incarnate." These figure both in the June and February inventories. When she was dressed "the most neatly that she could and better than usual1," she said to her maids of honour, "My friends, I would have left you sooner this attire than that of yesterday, but it is necessary that I go to death a little honorably, and that I have something more than the ordinary2." "The tragedy ended," continues Blackwood, "The poor maidens, careful of the honor of their mistress, addressed themselves to Paulet her guardian, and begged him that the executioner no longer touch the body of Her Majesty, and that it be allowed for them to undress her, after the crowd would have withdrawn, so that no indignity might be done to the body, promising to return the spoil, and all that he might ask. But this cursed and frightful Cerberus harshly sent them away, commanding them to leave the hall. Meanwhile, the executioner removed her shoes, and handled her at his discretion. After he had done all that he wished, the body was carried into a chamber adjoining that of her servants, securely locked for fear that they might enter to render their respects. This greatly increased their distress, they saw her through the keyhole half-covered with a piece of coarse cloth that had been torn from the billiards table, which we have spoken of above, and prayed to God at the door, which Paulet noticing, had the hole plugged3.".
The executioner snatched from her hand the little gold cross that she took from her neck. "Her Majesty took from her neck a gold cross, which she wanted to give to one of her ladies, saying to the master of works, 'My friend, this is not for your use, leave it to this lady she will give you in Silver more than it is worth;' he snatched it from her hands very rudely, saying, 'It is my right.' It would have been a wonder if she had found courtesy in an English executioner, who had never been able to find it among the most honorable of the country, except as much as they could derive profit from it4." It was worthy of Poulet to insist that, even though everything Mary wore was to be burnt and the headsman was to lose his perquisites lest he should sell them for relics, it was to be by his hands that they should be taken from the person of his victim.
Note 1. "le plus proprement qu'elle put et mieux que de coutume"
Note 2. "Mes amies, je vous eusse laisse plustost cet accoustrement que celui d'hier, sinon qu'il faut que j'aille a la mort un peu honnorablement, et que j'aye quelque chose plus que le commun"
Note 3. "La tragédie finie" continues Blackwood "les pauvres damoiselles, soigneuses de rhonneur de leur maistresse s'adresserent a Paulet son gardien, et le prierent que le bourreau ne touchast plus au corps de sa Majeste, et qu'il leur fust permis de la despouiller, apres que le monde seroit retire, afin qu'aucune indignite ne fust faitte au corps, promettant de luy rendre la despouille, et tout ce qu'il pourroit demander. Mais ce maudict et espouventable Cerbere les renvoya fort lourdement, leur commandant de sortir de la salle. Cependant le bourreau la dechausse, et la manie a sa discretion. Apres qu'il eust fait tout ce qu'il voulust, le corps fut porte en une chambre joignante celle de ces serviteurs, bien fermee de peur qu'ils n'y entrassent pour luy rendre leurs debvoirs. Ce qui augmenta grandement leur ennuy, ils la voyoient par le trou de la serrure demy couverte d'un morceau de drop de bure qu'on avoit arrache de la table du billard, dont nous avous parle cy dessus, et prioyent Dieu a la porte, dont Paulet s'appercevant fist boucher le trou".
Note 4. "Sa Majeste osta hors de son col line croix d'or, qu'elle vouloit bailler a mie de ses filles, disant au maistre d'oeuvres, Mon amy, cecy n'est pas k vostre usage, laissez la a cette damoiselle elle vous baillera en Argent plus qu'elle ne vaut; il luy arracha d'entre les mains fort rudement, disant, C'est mon droit. C'eust este merveille qu'elle eust trouve courtoisie en un bourreau Anglois, qui ne I'avoit jamais sceu trouver entre les plus honestes du pais, sinon tant qu'ils en pouvoient tirer de profit."
On 13 Jun 1596 Robert Devereux 2nd Earl Essex (age 30) departed from Plymouth, Devon [Map] with a fleet of 150 English and Dutch ships divided into four squads with 6,360 private soldiers, 1,000 English volunteers, and 6,772 sailors.
Charles Howard 1st Earl Nottingham (age 60) was admiral in command. Robert Devereux 2nd Earl Essex commanded the land forces. Edward Conway 1st Viscount Conway (age 32) commanded a foot Regiment.
Thomas Howard 1st Earl Suffolk (age 34), Walter Raleigh (age 42), Francis de Vere (age 35) each commanded a squadron.
Anthony Ashley 1st Baronet (age 35) represented Queen Elizabeth (age 62).
Toby Caulfeild 1st Baron Caulfeild (age 30) was present.
On 13 Jun 1625 King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland (age 24) and Henrietta Maria Bourbon Queen Consort England (age 15) met for the first time at St Augustine's Abbey [Map].
In Jun 1660 King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 30) rewarded those who supported his Restoration ...
6th William Wray 1st Baronet (age 35) and John Talbot of Lacock (age 29) were knighted.
7th Geoffrey Palmer 1st Baronet (age 62) was created 1st Baronet Palmer of Carlton in Northampton
7th Orlando Bridgeman 1st Baronet (age 54) was created 1st Baronet Bridgeman of Great Lever in Lancashire.
7th John Langham 1st Baronet (age 76) was created 1st Baronet Langham of Cottesbrooke in Northamptonshire.
11th Henry Wright 1st Baronet (age 23) was created 1st Baronet Wright of Dagenham. Ann Crew Lady Wright by marriage Lady Wright of Dagenham.
13th Nicholas Gould 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Gould of the City of London.
14th Thomas Allen 1st Baronet (age 27) was created 1st Baronet Allen of Totteridge in Middlesex.
18th Thomas Cullum 1st Baronet (age 73) was created 1st Baronet Cullum of Hastede in Suffolk.
19th Thomas Darcy 1st Baronet (age 28) was created 1st Baronet Darcy of St Osith's.
22nd Robert Cordell 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Cordell of Long Melford.
22nd John Robinson 1st Baronet (age 45) was created 1st Baronet Robinson of London. Anne Whitmore Lady Robinson (age 48) by marriage Lady Robinson of London.
25th William Bowyer 1st Baronet (age 47) was created 1st Baronet Bowyer of Denham Court. Margaret Weld Lady Bowyer (age 43) by marriage Lady Bowyer of Denham Court.
25th Thomas Stanley 1st Baronet (age 63) was created 1st Baronet Stanley of Alderley in Cheshire.
26th Jacob Astley 1st Baronet (age 21) was created 1st Baronet Astley of Hill Morton.
27th William Wray 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Wray of Ashby in Lincolnshire. Olympia Tufton Lady Ashby (age 36) by marriage Lady Wray of Ashby in Lincolnshire.
28th Oliver St John 1st Baronet (age 36) was created 1st Baronet St John of Woodford in Northamptonshire.
29th Ralph Delaval 1st Baronet (age 37) was created 1st Baronet Delaval of Seaton in Northumberland. Anne Leslie Lady Delaval by marriage Lady Delaval of Seaton in Northumberland.
30th Andrew Henley 1st Baronet (age 38) was created 1st Baronet Henley of Henley in Somerset.
In Jun 1661 King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 31) created new Baronetcies and Peerages ...
05 Jun 1661 James Clavering 1st Baronet (age 41) was created 1st Baronet Clavering of Axwell in County Durham.
13 Jun 1661 Thomas Adams 1st Baronet (age 75) was created 1st Baronet Adams of London.
14 Jun 1661 Henry Moore 1st Earl Drogheda (age 39) was created 1st Earl Drogheda.
On 17 Jun 1661 ...
Godfrey Copley 1st Baronet (age 38) was created 1st Baronet Copley Sprotborough.
Abraham Cullen 1st Baronet (age 37) was created 1st Baronet Cullen of East Sheen in Surrey.
James Rushout 1st Baronet (age 17) was created 1st Baronet Rushout of Northwick Park in Worcestershire aged only seveneteen.
William Stanley 1st Baronet (age 33) was created 1st Baronet Stanley of Hooton in Cheshire. Charlotte Molyneux Lady Stanley by marriage Lady Stanley of Hooton in Cheshire.
Griffith Williams 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Williams of Penrhyn in Caernarfonshire.
18 Jun 1661 Thomas Vyner 1st Baronet (age 72) was created 1st Baronet Vyner of London.
18 Jun 1661 Henry Winchcombe 1st Baronet (age 18) was created 1st Baronet Winchcombe of Bucklebury in Berkshire.
26 Jun 1661 Theobald Taaffe 1st Earl Carlingford (age 58) was created 1st Earl Carlingford.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Jun 1663. Thence to see Mrs. Hunt, which we did and were much made of; and in our way saw my Baroness Castlemaine's (age 22), who, I fear, is not so handsome as I have taken her for, and now she begins to decay something. This is my wife's opinion also, for which I am sorry.
On 03 Jun 1665 at the Battle of Lowestoft an English fleet commanded by King James II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 31), Prince Rupert Palatinate Simmern 1st Duke Cumberland (age 45) and Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 39) defeated a Dutch Fleet.
Richard Boyle was killed.
Charles Maccarthy Viscount Muskerry was killed.
Charles Berkeley 1st Earl Falmouth (age 35) was killed by a cannonball aboard the Royal Charles. Earl Falmouth extinct, Baron Botetourt Langport in Somerset extinct. His father Charles Berkeley 2nd Viscount Fitzhardinge (age 65) succeeded 2nd Viscount Fitzhardinge of Berehaven in Kerry. Penelope Godolphin Viscountess Fitzhardinge by marriage Viscountess Fitzhardinge of Berehaven in Kerry. Possibly the only occasion when a father has succeeded his son.
Charles Weston 3rd Earl of Portland (deceased) was killed by a cannon shot. On 13 Jun 1665 His uncle Thomas Weston 4th Earl of Portland (age 55) succeeded 4th Earl of Portland.
Thomas Allin 1st Baronet (age 53) was present.
Admiral Jeremy Smith commanded the Mary.
Captain George Batts fought. He was assigned to Sir George Ayscue's (age 49) division in the Blue Squadron.
James Ley 3rd Earl Marlborough (age 47) was killed at the Battle of Lowestoft commanding Old James attempting to recover a captured ship. His half brother William Ley 4th Earl Marlborough (age 53) succeeded 4th Earl Marlborough.
John Evelyn's Diary. 08 Jun 1665. Came news of his highness's (age 35) victory, which indeed might have been a complete one, and at once ended the war, had it been pursued, but the cowardice of some, or treachery, or both, frustrated that. We had, however, bonfires, bells, and rejoicing in the city. Next day, the 9th, I had instant orders to repair to the Downs, so as I got to Rochester, Kent [Map] this evening. Next day I lay at Deal, Kent [Map], where I found all in readiness: but, the fleet being hindered by contrary winds, I came away on the 12th, and went to Dover, Kent [Map], and returned to Deal, Kent [Map]; and on the 13th, hearing the fleet was at Solbay, I went homeward, and lay at Chatham, Kent [Map], and on the 14th, I got home. On the 15th, came the eldest son of the present Secretary of State to the French King, with much other company, to dine with me. After dinner, I went with him to London, to speak to my Lord General for more guards, and gave his Majesty an account of my journey to the coasts under my inspection. I also waited on his Royal Highness (age 31), now come triumphant from the fleet, gotten into repair. See the whole history of this conflict in my "History of the Dutch War"..
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Jun 1665. At noon with Sir G. Carteret (age 55) to my Lord Mayor's to dinner, where much company in a little room, and though a good, yet no extraordinary table. His name, Sir John Lawrence, whose father, a very ordinary old man, sat there at table, but it seems a very rich man. Here were at table three Sir Richard Brownes (age 60), viz.: he of the Councill, a clerk, and the Alderman, and his son; and there was a little grandson also Richard, who will hereafter be Sir Richard Browne. The Alderman did here openly tell in boasting how he had, only upon suspicion of disturbances, if there had been any bad newes from sea, clapped up several persons that he was afeard of; and that he had several times done the like and would do, and take no bail where he saw it unsafe for the King (age 35). But by and by he said that he was now sued in the Exchequer by a man for false imprisonment, that he had, upon the same score, imprisoned while he was Mayor four years ago, and asked advice upon it. I told him I believed there was none, and told my story of Field, at which he was troubled, and said that it was then unsafe for any man to serve the King, and, I believed, knows not what to do therein; but that Sir Richard Browne, of the Councill, advised him to speak with my Chancellor (age 56) about it. My Lord Mayor very respectfull to me; and so I after dinner away and found Sir J. Minnes (age 66) ready with his coach and four horses at our office gate, for him and me to go out of towne to meet the Duke of Yorke (age 31) coming from Harwich, Essex [Map] to-night, and so as far as Ilford, and there 'light.
Calendar of State Papers Charles II 1665 13 Jun 1665. 13 Jun 1665. Royal Charles. Southwold Bay [Map]. 7. Sir William Coventry (age 37) to Lord Arlington (age 47). The sea there causing delay in refitting the ships, some are to be sent to Ousley Bay, the Rolling Grounds, Harwich, Essex [Map], and the buoy of the Nore, to be in smoother water. The Duke (age 31) is sailing for London. Capt. Holmes asked to be rear-admiral of the white squadron, in place of Sansum who was killed, but the Duke gave the place to Capt. Harman (age 40), on which Holmes delivered up his commission, which the Duke received, and put Capt. Langhorne in his stead. [2 pages.]
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Jun 1666. Up, and by coach to St. James's, and there did our business before the Duke (age 32) as usual, having, before the Duke come out of his bed, walked in an ante-chamber with Sir H. Cholmly (age 33), who tells me there are great jarrs between the Duke of Yorke and the Duke of Albemarle (age 57), about the later's turning out one or two of the commanders put in by the Duke of Yorke. Among others, Captain Du Tell, a Frenchman, put in by the Duke of Yorke, and mightily defended by him; and is therein led by Monsieur Blancford, that it seems hath the same command over the Duke of Yorke as Sir W. Coventry (age 38) hath; which raises ill blood between them. And I do in several little things observe that Sir W. Coventry hath of late, by the by, reflected on the Duke of Albemarle and his captains, particularly in that of old Teddiman, who did deserve to be turned out this fight, and was so; but I heard Sir W. Coventry say that the Duke of Albemarle put in one as bad as he is in his room, and one that did as little.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Jun 1666. After we had done with the Duke of Yorke (age 32), I with others to White Hall, there to attend again a Committee of Tangier, but there was none, which vexed me to the heart, and makes me mighty doubtfull that when we have one, it will be prejudiced against poor Yeabsly and to my great disadvantage thereby, my Lord Peterborough (age 44) making it his business, I perceive (whether in spite to me, whom he cannot but smell to be a friend to it, or to my Lord Ashly (age 44), I know not), to obstruct it, and seems to take delight in disappointing of us; but I shall be revenged of him. Here I staid a very great while, almost till noon, and then meeting Balty (age 26) I took him with me, and to Westminster to the Exchequer about breaking of two tallys of £2000 each into smaller tallys, which I have been endeavouring a good while, but to my trouble it will not, I fear, be done, though there be no reason against it, but only a little trouble to the clerks; but it is nothing to me of real profit at all.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Jun 1666. Thence with Balty (age 26) to Hales's (age 66) by coach, it being the seventh day from my making my late oathes, and by them I am at liberty to dispense with any of my oathes every seventh day after I had for the six days before going performed all my vowes. Here I find my father's picture begun, and so much to my content, that it joys my very heart to thinke that I should have his picture so well done; who, besides that he is my father, and a man that loves me, and hath ever done so, is also, at this day, one of the most carefull and innocent men, in the world.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Jun 1666. Thence with mighty content homeward, and in my way at the Stockes did buy a couple of lobsters, and so home to dinner, where I find my wife and father had dined, and were going out to Hales's (age 66) to sit there, so Balty (age 26) and I alone to dinner, and in the middle of my grace, praying for a blessing upon (these his good creatures), my mind fell upon my lobsters: upon which I cried, Odd zooks! and Balty looked upon me like a man at a losse what I meant, thinking at first that I meant only that I had said the grace after meat instead of that before meat. But then I cried, what is become of my lobsters? Whereupon he run out of doors to overtake the coach, but could not, so came back again, and mighty merry at dinner to thinke of my surprize.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Jun 1666. After dinner to the Excise Office by appointment, and there find my Lord Bellasses (age 51) and the Commissioners, and by and by the whole company come to dispute the business of our running so far behindhand there, and did come to a good issue in it, that is to say, to resolve upon having the debt due to us, and the Household and the Guards from the Excise stated, and so we shall come to know the worst of our condition and endeavour for some helpe from my Lord Treasurer (age 59).
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Jun 1667. In the evening comes Mr. Pelling, and several others, to the office, and tell me that never were people so dejected as they are in the City all over at this day; and do talk most loudly, even treason; as, that we are bought and sold-that we are betrayed by the Papists, and others, about the King (age 37); cry out that the office of the Ordnance hath been so backward as no powder to have been at Chatham, Kent [Map] nor Upnor Castle, Kent [Map] till such a time, and the carriages all broken; that Legg is a Papist; that Upnor [Map], the old good castle built by Queen Elizabeth, should be lately slighted; that the ships at Chatham, Kent [Map] should not be carried up higher. They look upon us as lost, and remove their families and rich goods in the City; and do think verily that the French, being come down with his army to Dunkirke, it is to invade us, and that we shall be invaded. Mr. Clerke, the solicitor, comes to me about business, and tells me that he hears that the King hath chosen Mr. Pierpont (age 59) and Vaughan (age 63) of the West, Privy-councillors; that my Chancellor (age 58) was affronted in the Hall this day, by people telling him of his Dunkirke house; and that there are regiments ordered to be got together, whereof to be commanders my Lord Fairfax (age 55), Ingoldsby (age 49), Bethell, Norton, and Birch (age 51), and other Presbyterians; and that Dr. Bates will have liberty to preach. Now, whether this be true or not, I know not; but do think that nothing but this will unite us together.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Jun 1667. Late at night comes Mr. Hudson, the cooper, my neighbour, and tells me that he come from Chatham, Kent [Map] this evening at five o'clock, and saw this afternoon "The Royal James", "Oake", and "London", burnt by the enemy with their fire-ships: that two or three men-of-war come up with them, and made no more of Upnor's [Map] shooting, than of a fly; that those ships lay below Upnor Castle, Kent [Map], but therein, I conceive, he is in an error; that the Dutch are fitting out "The Royall Charles"; that we shot so far as from the Yard thither, so that the shot did no good, for the bullets grazed on the water; that Upnor [Map] played hard with their guns at first, but slowly afterwards, either from the men being beat off, or their powder spent. But we hear that the fleete in the Hope is not come up any higher the last flood; and Sir W. Batten (age 66) tells me that ships are provided to sink in the River, about Woolwich, Kent [Map], that will prevent their coming up higher if they should attempt it. I made my will also this day, and did give all I had equally between my father and wife, and left copies of it in each of Mr. Hater and W. Hewer's (age 25) hands, who both witnessed the will, and so to supper and then to bed, and slept pretty well, but yet often waking.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Jun 1667. Upon which newes the King (age 37) and Duke of York (age 33) have been below [Below London Bridge [Map].] since four o'clock in the morning, to command the sinking of ships at Barking-Creeke, and other places, to stop their coming up higher: which put me into such a fear, that I presently resolved of my father's and wife's going into the country; and, at two hours' warning, they did go by the coach this day, with about £1300 in gold in their night-bag. Pray God give them good passage, and good care to hide it when they come home! but my heart is full of fear.
John Evelyn's Diary. 13 Jun 1673. Came to visit us, with other ladies of rank, Mrs. Sedley (age 15), daughter to Sir Charles (age 34), who was none of the most virtuous, but a wit. [Note. Her age somewhat curious as does her title Mrs but Ms was not in common usage then. There are no other Sir Charles Sedley other than Charles Sedley 5th Baronet.].
John Evelyn's Diary. 13 Jun 1688. I went to the Tower [Map] to see the Bishops, visited the Archbishop (age 71) and the Bishops of Ely (age 50), St. Asaph (age 60), and Bath and Wells (age 50).
Between 13 Jun 1793 and 28 Jul 1793 the French garrison at Valciennes under Jean Henri Becays Ferrand was blockaded by part of the army of Prince Frederick Josias Saxe Coburg Saalfeld (age 55), commanded by the Prince Frederick Hanover Duke of York of York (age 29).
Births on the 13th June
On 13 Jun 823 Charles "Bald" I King West Francia was born to Louis "Pious" King Aquitaine I King Franks (age 45) and Judith Welf Queen Consort Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks (age 26).
On 13 Jun 839 Charles "Fat" King East Francia Holy Roman Emperor III King West Francia King Aquitaine was born to Louis "German" II King East Francia (age 35) and Hemma Welf Queen Consort East Francia (age 36).
After 13 Jun 1308 Margery Badlesmere Baroness Ros of Helmsley was born to Bartholomew Badlesmere 1st Baron Badlesmere (age 32) and Margaret Clare Baroness Badlesmere (age 21).
On 13 Jun 1388 Thomas Montagu 1st Count Perche 4th Earl Salisbury was born to John Montagu 3rd Earl Salisbury (age 38) and Maud Francis Countess of Salisbury (age 24). He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward I of England.
On 13 Jun 1500 Ernest Wittelsbach was born to Albert Wittelsbach IV Duke Bavaria (age 52) and Kunigunde Habsburg Duchess Bavaria (age 35).
On 13 Jun 1578 Thomas Finch 2nd Earl Winchilsea was born to Moyle Finch 1st Baronet (age 28) and Elizabeth Heneage 1st Countess Winchelsea (age 21).
On 13 Jun 1595 John Holles 2nd Earl de Clare was born to John Holles 1st Earl de Clare (age 31) and Anne Stanhope Countess de Clare (age 19) at Haughton, Nottinghamshire.
On 13 Jun 1631 Gilbert Hay 11th Earl Erroll was born to William Hay 10th Earl Erroll (age 34) and Anne Lyon Countess Erroll.
After 13 Jun 1637 Alexander Leslie 2nd Earl Leven was born to Alexander Leslie (age 26) and Margaret Leslie Countess Buccleuch and Wemyss (age 17).
On or before 13 Jun 1670, the date he was baptisd, John St Aubyn 2nd Baronet was born to John St Aubyn 1st Baronet (age 25) and Anne Jenkyn Lady St Aubyn.
On 13 Jun 1692 Joseph Highmore was born.
On 13 Jun 1711 Richard Glyn 1st Baronet was born.
On 13 Jun 1728 George Rich 6th Baronet was born to Robert Rich 4th Baronet (age 42).
On 13 Jun 1739 Arthur Chichester 1st Marquess Donegal was born to John Chichester (age 33) and Elizabeth Newdigate (age 29).
On 13 Jun 1752 Frances Burney was born to Charles Burney (age 26) at King's Lynn, Norfolk [Map].
On 13 Jun 1767 Henry Murray was born to John Murray 3rd Duke Atholl (age 38) and Charlotte Murray Duchess Atholl (age 35). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.29%.
On 13 Jun 1770 Lucy Courtenay was born to William Courtenay 8th Earl Devon (age 27) and Frances Clack Countess Devon.
On 13 Jun 1775 Rowland Winn 6th Baronet was born to Rowland Winn 5th Baronet (age 36) and Sabine Louise d’Hervart (age 37).
On 13 Jun 1783 Henrietta Hunloke was born to Henry Hunloke 4th Baronet (age 59) and Margaret Coke Lady Hunloke (age 32).
On 13 Jun 1786 Philip Sydney Pierrepont was born to Charles Medows aka Pierrepont 1st Earl Manvers (age 48) and Anne Mills Countess Manvers (age 39).
On 13 Jun 1787 Richard Plumptre Glyn 2nd Baronet was born to Richard Carr Glyn 1st Baronet (age 32).
On 13 Jun 1793 Henrietta FitzHardinge Berkeley was born illegitimately to Frederick Augustus Berkeley 5th Earl Berkeley (age 48) at Mount Street Grosvenor Square and Mary Cole. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 13 Jun 1799 George Thomas Keppel 6th Earl Albermarle was born to William Charles Keppel 4th Earl Albermarle (age 27) and Elizabeth Southwell Countess Albermarle (age 23). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 13 Jun 1809 Caroline Jane Stuart-Wortley was born to James Archibald Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie 1st Baron Wharncliffe (age 32) and Elizabeth Caroline Mary Crichton Baroness Wharncliffe (age 31).
On 13 Jun 1815 Colonel Henry Skipwith was born to Grey Skipwith 8th Baronet (age 43) and Harriet Townsend Lady Skipwith (age 36).
On 13 Jun 1836 Elizabeth Charlotte Louisa Craven Countess Wilton was born to William Craven 2nd Earl Craven (age 26) and Emily Mary Grimston Countess Craven (age 20).
On 13 Jun 1861 Harry Bennedetto Renwick 1st Baronet was born.
On 13 Jun 1868 Henry Arthur Cadogan was born to George Cadogan 5th Earl Cadogan (age 28) and Beatrix Jane Craven Countess Cadogan (age 23).
On 13 Jun 1880 Nan Ino Cooper 10th Baroness Lucas was born to Auberon Edward William Molyneux Howard Herbert (age 41) and Florence Amabel Cowper (age 43).
On 13 Jun 1893 Denzil George Fortescue 6th Earl Fortescue was born to Hugh Fortescue 4th Earl Fortescue (age 39) and Emily Ormsby-Gore Countess Fortescue (age 33). Coefficient of inbreeding 1.58%.
On 13 Jun 1894 John Compton Cavendish 4th Baron Chesham was born to Charles Compton Cavendish 3rd Baron Chesham (age 43) and Beatrice Constance Grosvenor (age 35). Coefficient of inbreeding 2.22%.
On 13 Jun 1920 Edward Woodford Wheler 14th Baronet was born to Trevor Wood Wheler 13th Baronet (age 30).
On 13 Jun 1932 Raymond Jolliffe 5th Baron Hylton was born to William Jolliffe 4th Baron Hylton (age 33) and Perdita (age 22).
On 13 Jun 1945 William Michael Addison 4th Viscount Addison was born to Michael Addison 3rd Viscount Addison (age 31) and Kathleen Wand.
Marriages on the 13th June
Before 13 Jun 1388 John Montagu 3rd Earl Salisbury (age 38) and Maud Francis Countess of Salisbury (age 24) were married. He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward I of England.
On 13 Jun 1490 Matthew Stewart 2nd Earl Lennox and Margaret Lyle Countess Lennox (age 22) were married. She by marriage Countess Lennox. He the son of John Stewart 1st Earl Lennox (age 60) and Margaret Montgomerie Countess Lennox.
On 13 Jun 1573 Archibald Douglas 8th Earl Angus 5th Earl Morton and Mary Erskine Countess Angus and Morton were married. She by marriage Countess Angus, Countess Morton. She the daughter of John Erskine 18th Earl Mar. He the son of David Douglas 7th Earl Angus and Margaret Hamilton Countess Angus.
After 13 Jun 1608 Francis Vincent 1st Baronet (age 40) and Mary Archer were married.
On 13 Jun 1637 Alexander Leslie (age 26) and Margaret Leslie Countess Buccleuch and Wemyss (age 17) were married. She the daughter of John Leslie 6th Earl Rothes (age 37) and Anne Erskine Countess of Rothes (age 40). He the son of Alexander Leslie 1st Earl Leven (age 57).
On 13 Jun 1661 Lionel Cranfield 3rd Earl Middlesex (age 36) and Rachael Fane Countess Bath and Middlesex (age 48) were divorced by decree of the Court of Arches having previously obtained a royal warrant dated 19 Mar 1661 to retain her precedency as Countess of Bath.
On 13 Jun 1741 Walter Vavasour 5th Baronet and Dorothy Langdale Lady Vavasour were married. She by marriage Lady Vavasour of Hazlewood in Yorkshire.
On 13 Jun 1751 Francis North 1st Earl Guildford (age 47) and Catherine Furnese Countess Guilford and Rockingham were married. She by marriage Baroness North, Baroness Guildford.
On 13 Jun 1764 John Stewart 7th Earl Galloway (age 28) and Anne Dashwood Countess Galloway (age 21) were married. He the son of Alexander Stewart 6th Earl Galloway (age 70) and Catherine Cochrane Countess Galloway (age 55).
On 13 Jun 1777 Francis Saxe Coburg Gotha I Duke Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 26) and Augusta Reuss Duchess Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 20) were married. She by marriage Duchess Saxe Coburg Gotha. He the son of Ernest Frederick Saxe Coburg Saalfeld Duke Saxe Coburg Saalfeld (age 53) and Sophia Antonia Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel Duchess Saxe Coburg Saalfeld (age 53).
On 13 Jun 1797 George Brodrick 4th Viscount Midleton (age 42) and Maria Benyon were married. She by marriage Viscountess Midleton of Midleton in Cork. They had six children.
On 13 Jun 1850 Alfred Tennyson 1st Baron Tennyson (age 40) and Emily Sellwood Baroness Tennyson (age 36) were married. She the elder sister of his brother Charle's (age 41) wife Louisa Sellwood (age 34).
On 13 Jun 1960 Michael Temple Canfield (age 33) and Frances Laura Charteris Duchess of Marlborough (age 44) were married. He the illegitmate son of Prince George Windsor 1st Duke Kent and Alice "Kiki" Preston aka Gwynne. He a grandson of King George V of the United Kingdom.
On 13 Jun 1987 Henry John Fitzroy 12th Duke of Beaufort (age 35) and Tracey Ward (age 28) were married. He the son of David Fitzroy 11th Duke Beaufort (age 59) and Caroline Jane Thynne 11th Duchess Beaufort (age 59). They were fourth cousins.
On 13 Jun 1988 Carlos Fitz-James Stuart 19th Duke of Alba 12th Duke of Berwick (age 39) and Matilde de Solís-Beaumont y Martínez de Campos were married at Seville Cathedral. He the son of Luis Martínez de Irujo y Artázcoz and María del Rosario Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart 18th Duchess of Alba 11th Duke of Berwick (age 62).
Deaths on the 13th June
On 13 Jun 1142 Godfrey Reginar VII Duke Lower Lorraine (age 35) died. His son Godfrey Reginar VIII Duke Lower Lorraine succeeded III Count Louvain, VIII Duke Lower Lorraine.
On 13 Jun 1296 William de Valence 1st Earl Pembroke died or was killed at Bayonne [Map]. He was buried at the west side of the door to Chapel of St Edmund, Westminster Abbey [Map] where there is an altar-tomb of stone, surmounted by a broken sarcophagus, on which is a recumbent effigy of the earl. The figure is of wood, and was originally covered with copper-gilt, as was the chest on which it lies. An indulgence of one hundred days was granted to all devout people who should offer up prayers for his soul.
On 13 Jun 1349 John Willoughby 2nd Baron Willoughby (age 46) died. His son John Willoughby 3rd Baron Willoughby (age 26) succeeded 3rd Baron Willoughby de Eresby. Cecily Ufford Baroness Willoughby of Eresby (age 22) by marriage Baroness Willoughby de Eresby.
He was buried at St James' Church, Spilsby [Map]. His wife Joan Roscelyn Baroness Willoughby and Latimer (age 41) subsequently buried with him. She wears a skirt and mantle.
On 13 Jun 1394 Wartislaw Griffins VI Duke Pomerania (age 49) died. His son Barnim Griffins 6th Duke Pomerania (age 29) succeeded 6th Duke Pomerania. Veronica Hohenzollern Duchess Pomerania by marriage Duchess Pomerania.
On 13 Jun 1401 Bishop Robert Tideman of Winchcombe died.
On 13 Jun 1455 William Lovell 7th Baron Lovel 4th Baron Holand (age 58) died at Minster Lovell, Oxfordshire [Map]. He was buried at Greyfriars Oxford, Oxfordshire. His son John Lovell 8th Baron Lovel 5th Baron Holand (age 22) succeeded 8th Baron Lovel of Titchmarsh, 5th Baron Holand.
On 13 Jun 1475 Joan Aviz Queen Consort Castile (age 36) died.
Before 13 Jun 1477 two servants of George York 1st Duke of Clarence (age 27) were hanged at Tyburn [Map] for being sorcerers and planning the murder of Richard Beauchamp 2nd Baron Beauchamp Powick (age 42).
John Stacy and Thomas Burdett of Arrow in Warwickshire (age 52) were hanged.
On 13 Jun 1483 King Richard III of England (age 30) arranged a Council meeting at the Tower of London [Map] attended by William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings (age 52), Cardinal John Morton (age 63), Archbishop Thomas Rotherham (age 59) and Henry Stafford 2nd Duke of Buckingham (age 28). During the course of the evening Richard accused William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings, Cardinal John Morton and Archbishop Thomas Rotherham of treasonable conspiracy with the Queen (age 46).
William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings was beheaded at Tower Green, Tower of London [Map]. He was buried in North Aisle St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle [Map] next to King Edward IV of England. His son Edward Hastings 2nd Baron Hastings Baron Botreaux, Hungerford and Moleyns (age 16) succeeded 2nd Baron Hastings.
Cardinal John Morton and Archbishop Thomas Rotherham were arrested.
On 13 Jun 1557 John Conyers 3rd Baron Conyers (age 33) died. Baron Conyers abeyant between his daughters Elizabeth Conyers (age 12), Katherine Conyers (age 17), Anne Conyers (age 17) and Margaret Conyers (age 17) and their heirs.
On 13 Jun 1592 Henry Scrope 9th Baron Scrope of Bolton (age 58) died at Carlisle, Cumberland [Map]. His son Thomas Scrope 10th Baron Scrope of Bolton (age 25) succeeded 10th Baron Scrope of Bolton. Philadelphia Carey Baroness Scrope Bolton by marriage Baroness Scrope of Bolton.
On 13 Jun 1636 George Gordon 1st Marquess Huntly (age 74) died. His son George Gordon 2nd Marquess Huntly (age 44) succeeded 2nd Marquess Huntly, 7th Earl Huntley. Anna Campbell Marchioness Huntly by marriage Marchioness Huntly.
In 13 Jun 1649 Alice Loftus Viscountess Moore (age 42) died.
On 03 Jun 1665 at the Battle of Lowestoft an English fleet commanded by King James II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 31), Prince Rupert Palatinate Simmern 1st Duke Cumberland (age 45) and Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 39) defeated a Dutch Fleet.
Richard Boyle was killed.
Charles Maccarthy Viscount Muskerry was killed.
Charles Berkeley 1st Earl Falmouth (age 35) was killed by a cannonball aboard the Royal Charles. Earl Falmouth extinct, Baron Botetourt Langport in Somerset extinct. His father Charles Berkeley 2nd Viscount Fitzhardinge (age 65) succeeded 2nd Viscount Fitzhardinge of Berehaven in Kerry. Penelope Godolphin Viscountess Fitzhardinge by marriage Viscountess Fitzhardinge of Berehaven in Kerry. Possibly the only occasion when a father has succeeded his son.
Charles Weston 3rd Earl of Portland (deceased) was killed by a cannon shot. On 13 Jun 1665 His uncle Thomas Weston 4th Earl of Portland (age 55) succeeded 4th Earl of Portland.
Thomas Allin 1st Baronet (age 53) was present.
Admiral Jeremy Smith commanded the Mary.
Captain George Batts fought. He was assigned to Sir George Ayscue's (age 49) division in the Blue Squadron.
James Ley 3rd Earl Marlborough (age 47) was killed at the Battle of Lowestoft commanding Old James attempting to recover a captured ship. His half brother William Ley 4th Earl Marlborough (age 53) succeeded 4th Earl Marlborough.
On 13 Jun 1685 Willoughby D'Ewes 2nd Baronet (age 35) died. His son Simonds D'Ewes 3rd Baronet (age 15) succeeded 3rd Baronet D'Ewes of Stowlangtoft Hall.
On 13 Jun 1690 Maurice Berkeley 3rd Viscount Fitzhardinge (age 61) died. His brother John Berkeley 4th Viscount Fitzhardinge (age 40) succeeded 4th Viscount Fitzhardinge of Berehaven in Kerry, 2nd Baronet Berkeley of Bruton in Somerset. Barbara Villiers Viscountess Fitzhardinge (age 36) by marriage Viscountess Fitzhardinge of Berehaven in Kerry.
On 13 Jun 1723 Richard Newport 2nd Earl Bradford (age 78) died at Soho Square [Map]. He was buried at St Andrew's Church, Wroxeter [Map]. His son Henry Newport 3rd Earl Bradford (age 40) succeeded 3rd Earl Bradford, 3rd Viscount Newport of Bradford in Shropshire, 4th Baron Newport of High Ercall in Shropshire.
On 13 Jun 1727 Philip Roper 9th Baron Teynham (age 20) died. His brother Henry Roper 10th Baron Teynham (age 19) succeeded 10th Baron Teynham of Teynham in Kent.
On 13 Jun 1741 Charles Stewart 4th Earl Traquair (age 82) died. His son Charles Stewart 5th Earl Traquair (age 44) succeeded 5th Earl Traquair, 11th Lord Traquair.
On 13 Jun 1743 Isabella Macdonald Lady Bannerman died.
On 13 Jun 1753 Bridget Bertie Viscountess Bulkeley (age 71) died.
On 13 Jun 1770 Alexander Bannerman 4th Baronet died. His brother Edward Trotter Bannerman 5th Baronet succeeded 5th Baronet Bannerman of Elsick in Kincardineshire.
On 13 Jun 1782 Sophia Von Keilmansegg Viscountess Howe (age 78) died.
On 13 Jun 1823 James Cecil 1st Marquess Salisbury (age 74) died. His son James Brownlow William Gascoyne-Cecil 2nd Marquess Salisbury (age 32) succeeded 2nd Marquess Salisbury in Wiltshire, 8th Earl Salisbury. Frances Mary Gascoyne Marchioness Salisbury (age 17) by marriage Marchioness Salisbury in Wiltshire.
On 13 Jun 1847 Brinsley Butler 4th Earl of Lanesborough (age 63) died. His first cousin George John Butler-Danvers 5th Earl of Lanesborough (age 52) succeeded 5th Earl Lanesborough.
On 13 Jun 1877 Louis Hesse Darmstadt III Grand Duke (age 71) died.
On 13 Jun 1888 Admiral Alexander Montgomery 3rd Baronet (age 81) died. His son Hugh Conyngham Montgomery 4th Baronet (age 40) succeeded 4th Baronet Montgomery of The Hall in County Donegal.
On 13 Jun 1909 Daniel Cooper 2nd Baronet (age 60) died. His brother William Charles Cooper 3rd Baronet Cooper (age 57) succeeded 3rd Baronet Cooper of Woollahra in New South Wales.
On 13 Jun 1928 Charles Robert Wynn-Carington 1st Marquess of Lincolnshire (age 85) died. Marquess of Lincolnshire, Earl Carrington, Viscount Wendover of Chepping Wycombe in Buckinghamshire extinct. His brother Rupert Carrington 4th Baron Carrington (age 75) succeeded 4th Baron Carrington of Bulcote Lodge, 4th Baron Carrington of Upton in Nottinghamshire.
On 13 Jun 1933 Grace Adelaide Fane Countess Londesborough (age 72) died.
On 13 Jun 1944 Elizabeth Wharton Drexel Baroness Decies (age 76) died at the Hotel Shelton in London. She was buried with her first husband and son in Washington, D.C. at Georgetown University's Dahlgren Chapel.
On 13 Jun 1958 Walter Aston Blount 10th Baronet (age 81) died. His brother Edward Robert Blount 11th Baronet (age 73) succeeded 11th Baronet Blount of Sodington.
On 13 Jun 1965 Helen Gordon-Lennox Duchess Northumberland (age 78) died.
On 13 Jun 1974 Edward Crofton 5th Baron Crofton (age 48) died. His son Charles Crofton 6th Baron Crofton (age 25) succeeded 6th Baron Crofton, 7th Baronet Crofton of The Mote in Roscommon.
On 13 Jun 1978 Randolph Stewart 12th Earl Galloway (age 85) died. His son Randolph Stewart 13th Earl of Galloway (age 49) succeeded 13th Earl Galloway, 12th Baronet Stewart of Corsewall, 11th Baronet Stewart of Burray in Orkney.
On 13 Jun 1990 Edward Jessel 2nd Baronet Jessel (age 86) died. Baron Jessel of Westminster in London, Baronet Jessel of Westminster extinct.
On 13 Jun 2003 Henry Robin Ian Russell 14th Duke Bedford (age 63) died. His son Andrew Ian Henry Russell 15th Duke Bedford (age 41) succeeded 15th Duke Bedford, 15th Marquess Tavistock, 19th Earl Bedford, 19th Baron Russell of Cheneys, 17th Baron Russell of Thornhaugh, 15th Baron Howland of Streatham.
On 13 Jun 2017 Patricia Mountbatten 2nd Countess Mountbatten of Burma (age 93) died. Her son Norton Knatchbull 3rd Earl Mountbatten of Burma (age 69) succeeded 3rd Earl Mountbatten of Burma.