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On this Day in History ... 15th February

15 Feb is in February.

1536 Henry VIII Tournament Accident

1554 Wyatt's Rebellion Executions

1563 Talbot Herbert Double Wedding

1613 Marriage of Elizabeth Stewart and Frederick V Elector Palatine

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 15th February

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 670. This year died Oswy (age 58), King of Northumberland, on the fifteenth day before the calends of March; and Egferth (age 25) his son reigned after him. Lothere, the nephew of Bishop Egelbert (age 45), succeeded to the bishopric over the land of the West-Saxons, and held it seven years. He was consecrated by Archbishop Theodore (age 68). Oswy was the son of Ethelfrith, Ethelfrith of Ethelric, Ethelric of Ida, Ida of Eoppa.

On 15 Feb 670 King Oswiu of Northumbria (age 58) died. He was buried at Whitby Abbey [Map] - see Bede. In 670 His son King Ecgfrith of Northumbria (age 25) succeeded King Northumbria. Æthelthryth Wuffingas Queen Consort Deira and Northumbria (age 34) by marriage Queen Consort Northumbria.

Bede. 15 Feb 670. In the year of the incarnation of Death of our Lord 670, being the second year after Theodore (age 68) arrived in England, Oswy (age 58), king of the Northumbrians, fell sick, and died, in the fifty-eighth year of his age. He at that time bore so great affection to the Roman apostolical institution, that had he recovered of his sickness, he had designed to go to Rome, and there to end his days at the Holy Places, having entreated Bishop Wilfrid, by the promise of a considerable donation in money, to conduct him on his journey. He died on the 15th of February, leaving his son Egfrid (age 25) his successor in the kingdom. In the third year of his reign, Theodore assembled a synod of bishops, and many other teachers of the church, who loved and were acquainted with the canonical statutes of the fathers. When they were met together, he began, as became a prelate, to enjoin the observation of such things as were agreeable to the unity of the peace of the church. The purport of which synodical proceedings is as follows:-

Letters. 15 Feb 1400. Letter XXVIII. Joanna of Navarre (age 30) afterwards Queen of Henry IV to her future Husband Henry IV (age 32).

My very dear and most honourable lord and cousin, Since I am desirous to hear of your good estate, which our Lord grant that it may ever be as good as your noble heart knows best how to desire, and, indeed, as I would wish it for myself, I pray you, my most dear and honoured lord and cousin, that it would please you very often to let me know the certainty of it, for the very great joy and gladness of my heart; for every time that I can hear good news of you, it rejoices my heart very greatly. And if of your courtesy you would hear the same from across here, thanks to you, at the writing of these presents I and my children were together in good health of our persons, thanks to God who grant yon the same, as Johanna of Bayalen, who is going over to you, can tell you more fully, whom please it yon to have recommended in the business on which she is going over. And if anything that I can do over here will give you pleasure, I pray you to let me know it, and I will accomplish it with a very good heart, according to my power.

My dearest and most honoured lord and cousin, I pray the Holy Spirit to have you in his holy keeping.

Written at Vannes, the 15th day of February. The Duchess of Bretagne.

Patent Rolls Edward IV 15 Feb 1478. 15 Feb 1478. Charter to the king's nephew Edward Plantagenet (age 4), first-born son of the said duke (age 25), creating him earl of Salisbury, with remainder to the heirs of his body, and granting to him and his said heirs £20 yearly from the issues of the county of Wilts. Witnesses: Th. cardinal archbishop of Canterbury (age 60), L. archbishop of York (age 58), Th. Bishop of Lincoln (age 54), the chancellor, J. Bishop of Rochester, keeper of the privy seal, Richard, duke of Gloucester, Henry, duke of Buckingham (age 23), Henry, Earl of Essex (age 74), treasurer of England, Anthony Earl of Ryvers (age 38), chief butler of England, and Thomas Stanley of Stanley (age 43), steward of the household, and William Hastynges of Hastynges (age 47), chamberlain of the household, knights. By p.s.

Ancient Funeral Monuments Canterbury Cathedral. Under a faire marble stone in the martyrdome, inlaid with brasse, lieth interred the body Henry Deane, an Oxford man, Doctor of Divinitie, sometimes Abbot of Lanthony, Chancellour of Ireland, Bishop of Bangor, translated to Salisbury; and within two yeares after, advanced to this gracious seate of Canterbury. He was a very wise industrious man, by whose care and diligence, during his abode in Ireland, Perkin Warbeck, who counterfeited himfelfe to bee Richard the young Duke of Yorke, was forced to flie from thence into Scotland; He recouvered divers parcels of land to his See of Bangor, which were left by his predecessours, for want of good looking to; amongst other, a certain Island betweene Holy-head and Anglesey, called or the Island of Seales. Hee bestowed much money in repairing his Church and pallace at Bangor, which had beene burned and destroyed long before by Owen Glendowr, that famous rebel: j during the time he sate here Archbishop (which was scarce two ycares) he built the most part of Oxford house, and made the iron worke upon the coping of Rocheker Bridge. He bequeathed to his Church a silver image, of one and fiftie ounces waight, and appointed five hundred pounds to bee bestowed upon his funeralls. Hee died, Februar. the fifteenth, at Lambith.

On 15 Feb 1530 Beatrice Aviz was born to John III King Portugal (age 27) and Catherine of Austria Queen Consort Portugal (age 23). Coefficient of inbreeding 11.30%.

Letters and Papers 1533. 15 Feb 1533. 160. The Lady (age 32) within the last eight days, dining in her chamber, has said several times she felt it as sure as death that the King would marry her shortly; and her father (age 56) told the earl of Rutland two days ago that the King did not mean to be so dilatory (respectif) as he had been, but would complete the marriage with his daughter, which being once done by the authority of Parliament, they could pacify objectors more easily than now. And on his asking the Earl whether, if it were set forth in Parliament, he would oppose the King, he being the King's kinsman, the Earl replied that the affair was spiritual, and could not be decided in Parliament. The father on this attacked him with abusive language (rechargea de grosses parolles), as if he had uttered some great blasphemy, and compelled him to say that he would consent to whatever the King wished; of which things the said Earl sent to inform me immediately, in order that some remedy might be found, without trusting that any of the Parliament would dare to contradict. The Lady's father has not declared himself until the present time; but, as the duke of Norfolk (age 60) has told me several times, has rather dissuaded the King from it than otherwise. This thing throws the Queen into great doubt, connected with other appearances, as that of a new Chancellor whom the King has made, suited to his purpose; and for this reason the King has required that three bishops who held the Queen's side should be excused from it, and he has deputed as proctors those who pleased him; of which the Queen has charged me to write to you.

Letters 1536. 15 Feb 1536. Has received a letter from the ambassador in France, dated 15 Feb., stating that he hears from England that the King intends to marry the Princess to an English knight. The French king said that the king of England had fallen from his horse, and been for two hours without speaking. "La Ana" (age 35) was so upset that she miscarried of a son. This is news to thank God for. The Princess being thus married will be out of danger; and the marriage itself will be of no validity, on account of her fear being so great and so evident unless she consented; and although the King has not improved in consequence of his fall, it is a great mercy that his paramour miscarried of a son.

Sp., pp. 5. Modern copy.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 15 Feb 1554. 15 Feb 1554. The 15 of February were hanged of the rebells iii against St Magnus Churche [Map], iii at Billingsgate, iii at Ledenhall [Map], one at Moregate, one at Creplegate, one at Aldrigegate, two at Paules, iii in Holborne, iii at Tower hill [Map], ii at Tyburne [Map], and at 4 places in Sowthwerke [Map] 14. And divers others were executed at Kingston [Map] and other places.

Allso this daye about ix of the clock in the foorenoone was seene in London in the middest of the Element a raynebowe lyke fyre, the endes upward, and two sunnes, by the space of an hower and an halfe.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 15 Feb 1561. The furst sunday prychyd a-for the quen (age 27) master Sandys (age 42), the bysshope of Wossetur.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 15 Feb 1563. The xv day of Feybruary cam rydyng to London [through Ch]epe unto Cold Harbard my yonge lord Talbott (age 11) with iij skore [horse].

On 25 Jun 1601 Peregrine Bertie 13th Baron Willoughby (age 45) died at Berwick on Tweed, Northumberland [Map]. His son Robert Bertie 1st Earl Lindsey (age 18) succeeded 14th Baron Willoughby de Eresby. He was buried at St James' Church, Spilsby [Map].

On 15 Feb 1610 Catherine Bertie (age 15) died in childbirth. She was buried at St James' Church, Spilsby [Map].

Monument Elizabethan Period. Tall Sideboard Tomb with reclining hooded figure of Lady Katherine, daughter of Peregrine, with Chrisom Child in the crib at her feet. Above a standing figure of Peregrine Bertie 13th Baron Willoughby in a niche, with strapwork embellishments, all supported on composite columns with a dentilated cornice.

Catherine Bertie: Around 1595 she was born to Peregrine Bertie 13th Baron Willoughby and Mary Vere Baroness Willoughby of Eresby. Sources are confused about her birth year stating she was born in 1610 and that she married in 1609. Date adjusted to around 1595 on the assumption she was married around twenty years of age. Her son died at six days old on 09 Feb 1610. Her father died in 1601. Sources also refer to her as Baroness Rockingham whereas she died some eleven years before her husband was created Baron Rockingham. In 1609 Lewis Watson 1st Baron Rockingham and she were married.

On 15 Feb 1613 The Memorable Masque of the Middle Temple and Lincoln's Inn was a masque performed at the Great Hall of Whitehall Palace as part of the wedding festivities.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1616. 15 Feb 1616. upon the 15th my Lord (age 26) and I went to see the young Lady Arundel (age 31), and in the afternoon my Lady Willoughby (age 27) came to see me. My Lady Gray1 brought my Lady Carr (age 25) to play at Glecko with me when I lost £15 to them, they two and my Lady Grantham and Sir Geo. Manners supping with me.

Note 1. Not entirely clear which Lady Gray is being referred to since there are numerous creations of Baron Grey.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1619. 15 Feb 1619. The 15th Sir Thomas Lake (age 51), his Lady (age 44), and Lady Ross (age 19), were sent to the Tower [Map]. There was nothing heard all this term but the matter between the Countess of Exeter (age 39) and them, at which the King sat [five] several days. It was censured on my Lady Exeter’s side against them, who were fined great fines both to the King and her, there was spoken extraordinary foul matters of my Lady Ross and reports went that amongst others she lay with her own brother, so as their foul matters did double the miseries of my Lady Lettice (age 30) Lake in her unfortunate marriage. Sarah Swarton was fined and censured to be whipt, which censure was not executed, the reason she confessed all that she knew.

In Sir Thomas Lake’s place Sir George Calvert (age 39) was sworn secretary.

On 15 Feb 1637 Ferdinand of Spain II Holy Roman Emperor (age 58) died.

John Evelyn's Diary. 15 Feb 1649. At Du Bois, we saw two tables of Putti, that were gotten, I know not how, out of the Castle of St. Angelo, by old Petit, thought to be Titian's; he had some good heads of Palma, and one of Stenwyck. Bellcar showed us an excellent copy of his Majesty's Sleeping Venus and the Satyr, with other figures; for now they had plundered, sold, and dispersed a world of rare paintings of the King's, and his loyal subjects. After all, Sir William Ducy showed me some excellent things in miniature, and in oil of Holbein's; Sir Thomas More's head, and a whole-length figure of Edward VI., which were certainly his Majesty's; also a picture of Queen Elizabeth; the Lady Isabella Thynne (age 25); a rare painting of Rothenhamer, being a Susanna; and a Magdalen, of Quintin, the blacksmith; also a Henry VIII., of Holbein; and Francis I., rare indeed, but of whose hand I know not.

John Evelyn's Diary. 15 Feb 1649. The painter, La Neve has an Andromeda, but I think it a copy after Vandyke from Titian, for the original is in France. Webb, at the Exchange, has some rare things in miniature, of Breughel's, also Putti, in twelve squares, that were plundered from Sir James Palmer (age 64).

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 15 Feb 1660. Wednesday. Called up in the morning by Captain Holland and Captain Cuttance, and with them to Harper's, thence to my office, thence with Mr. Hill of Worcestershire to Will's, where I gave him a letter to Nan Pepys, and some merry pamphlets against the Rump to carry to her into the country. So to Mr. Crew's (age 62), where the dining room being full, Mr. Walgrave [Note. Believed to be a son of John Crew 1st Baron Crew and Jemima Waldegrave Baroness Crew (age 58) although there is no record of such person] and I dined below in the buttery by ourselves upon a good dish of buttered Salmon. Thence to Hering' the merchant about my Lord's (age 34) Worcester money and back to Paul's Churchyard, where I staid reading in Fuller's (age 51) History of the Church of England an hour or two, and so to my father's (age 59), where Mr. Hill came to me and I gave him direction what to do at Worcester about the money. Thence to my Lady Wright's and gave her a letter from my Lord privily. So to Mrs. Jem and sat with her, who dined at Mr. Crew's to-day, and told me that there was at her coming away at least forty gentlemen (I suppose members that were secluded, for Mr. Walgrave told me that there were about thirty met there the last night) came dropping in one after another thither. Thence home and wrote into the country against to-morrow by the carrier and so to bed. At my father's I heard how my cousin Kate Joyce had a fall yesterday from her horse and had some hurt thereby. No news to-day, but all quiet to see what the Parliament will do about the issuing of the writs to-morrow for filling up of the House, according to Monk's (age 51) desire.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 15 Feb 1664. This afternoon Sir Thomas Chamberlin (age 62) came to the office to me, and showed me several letters from the East Indys, showing the height that the Dutch are come to there, showing scorn to all the English, even in our only Factory there of Surat, beating several men, and hanging the English Standard St. George under the Dutch flagg in scorn; saying, that whatever their masters do or say at home, they will do what they list, and will be masters of all the world there; and have so proclaimed themselves Soveraigne of all the South Seas; which certainly our King cannot endure, if the Parliament will give him money. But I doubt and yet do hope they will not yet, till we are more ready for it.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 15 Feb 1665. Thence with Creed to Gresham College, where I had been by Mr. Povy (age 51) the last week proposed to be admitted a member1 and was this day admitted, by signing a book and being taken by the hand by the President, my Lord Brunkard (age 45), and some words of admittance said to me. But it is a most acceptable thing to hear their discourse, and see their experiments; which were this day upon the nature of fire, and how it goes out in a place where the ayre is not free, and sooner out where the ayre is exhausted, which they showed by an engine on purpose. After this being done, they to the Crowne Taverne, behind the 'Change [Map], and there my Lord and most of the company to a club supper; Sir P. Neale (age 52), Sir R. Murrey, Dr. Clerke, Dr. Whistler, Dr. Goddard, and others of most eminent worth. Above all, Mr. Boyle (age 38) to-day was at the meeting, and above him Mr. Hooke (age 29), who is the most, and promises the least, of any man in the world that ever I saw. Here excellent discourse till ten at night, and then home, and to Sir W. Batten's (age 64), where I hear that Sir Thos. Harvy intends to put Mr. Turner out of his house and come in himself, which will be very hard to them, and though I love him not, yet for his family's sake I pity him. So home and to bed.

Note 1. According to the minutes of the Royal Society for February 15th, 1664-65, "Mr. Pepys was unanimously elected and admitted". Notes of the experiments shown by Hooke and Boyle are given in Birch's "History of the Royal Society", vol. ii., p. 15.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 15 Feb 1666. At noon to Starky's, a great cooke in Austin Friars, invited by Colonell Atkins, and a good dinner for Colonell Norwood (age 52) and his friends, among others Sir Edward Spragg (age 46) and others, but ill attendance. Before dined, called on by my wife in a coach, and so I took leave, and then with her and Knipp and Mercer (Mr. Hunt newly come out of the country being there also come to see us) to Mr. Hales (age 66), the Paynter's (age 57), having set down Mr. Hunt by the way. Here Mr. Hales' begun my wife in the posture we saw one of my Lady Peters, like a St. Katharine1. While he painted, Knipp, and Mercer, and I, sang; and by and by comes Mrs. Pierce, with my name in her bosom for her Valentine, which will cost me money. But strange how like his very first dead colouring is, that it did me good to see it, and pleases me mightily, and I believe will be a noble picture.

Note 1. It was the fashion at this time to be painted as St. Catherine, in compliment to the Queen (age 27).

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 15 Feb 1669. Up, and with Tom to White Hall; and there at a Committee of Tangier, where a great instance of what a man may lose by the neglect of a friend: Povy (age 55) never had such an opportunity of passing his accounts, the Duke of York (age 35) being there, and everybody well disposed, and in expectation of them; but my Lord Ashly (age 47), on whom he relied, and for whose sake this day was pitched on, that he might be sure to be there, among the rest of his friends, staid too long, till the Duke of York and the company thought unfit to stay longer and so the day lost, and God knows when he will ever have so good a one again, as long as he lives; and this was the man of the whole company that he hath made the most interest to gain, and now most depended upon him. So up and down the house a while, and then to the plaisterer's, and there saw the figure of my face taken from the mould: and it is most admirably like, and I will have another made, before I take it away, and therefore I away and to the Temple [Map], and thence to my cozen Turner's, where, having the last night been told by her that she had drawn me for her Valentine, I did this day call at the New Exchange, and bought her a pair of green silk stockings and garters and shoe-strings, and two pair of jessimy gloves, all coming to about 28s., and did give them her this noon. At the 'Change [Map], I did at my bookseller's shop accidentally fall into talk with Sir Samuel Tuke about trees, and Mr. Evelyn's (age 48) garden; and I do find him, I think, a little conceited, but a man of very fine discourse as any I ever heard almost, which I was mighty glad of. I dined at my cozen Turner's, and my wife also and her husband there, and after dinner, my wife and I endeavoured to make a visit to Ned Pickering (age 51); but he not at home, nor his lady; and therefore back again, and took up my cozen Turner, and to my cozen Roger's (age 51) lodgings, and there find him pretty well again, and his wife mighty kind and merry, and did make mighty much of us, and I believe he is married to a very good woman. Here was also Bab. and Betty, who have not their clothes yet, and therefore cannot go out, otherwise I would have had them abroad to-morrow; but the poor girls mighty kind to us, and we must skew them kindness also. Here in Suffolk Street lives Moll Davis (age 21); and we did see her coach come for her to her door, a mighty pretty fine coach. Here we staid an hour or two, and then carried Turner home, and there staid and talked a while, and then my wife and I to White Hall; and there, by means of Mr. Cooling, did get into the play, the only one we have seen this winter: it was "The Five Hours' Adventure:" but I sat so far I could not hear well, nor was there any pretty woman that I did see, but my wife, who sat in my Lady Fox's pew1 with her. The house very full; and late before done, so that it was past eleven before we got home. But we were well pleased with seeing it, and so to supper, where it happened that there was no bread in the house, which was an unusual case, and so to bed.

Note 1. We may suppose that pews were by no means common at this time within consecrated walls, from the word being applied indifferently by Pepys to a box in a place of amusement, and two days afterwards to a seat at church. It would appear, from other authorities, that between 1646 and 1660 scarcely any pews had been erected; and Sir C. Wren is known to have objected to their introduction into his London churches. B.

John Evelyn's Diary. 15 Feb 1684. Newes of the Prince of Orange (age 33) having accus'd the Deputies of Amsterdam of Crimen lesse Majestatis, and being Pensioners to France. Dr. Tenison (age 47) communicated to me his intention of erecting a Library in St. Martin's parish, for the publiq use, and desir'd my assistance with Sr Chris Wren about the placeing and structure thereof. A worthy and laudable designe. He told me there were 30 or 40 young men in Orders in his parish, either Governors to young gentlemen or Chaplains to noblemen, who being reprov'd by him on occasion for frequenting taverns or coffee-houses, told him they would study or employ their time better, if they had books. This put the pious Doctor on this designe; and indeede a greate reproch it is that so greate a Citty as London should not have a publiq Library becoming it. There ought to be one at St. Paules; the West end of that church (If ever finish'd) would be a convenient place.

After 15 Feb 1684 Edward Vaughan (deceased) was buried at St Laurence's Church, Ludlow [Map]. His monument has an epitaph that reads ... Visitor, whoever you are, respect the glorious remains of the distinguished Edward Vaughan of Trawscoed, heir by descent of John Vaughan, famous knight, like his noble father in appearance. From boyhood to his dying day he devoted himself with enthusiasm to literature of all kinds and of every period; to render conspicuous service to prince and country; and he successfully achieved this aim and was welcome and popular everywhere and a most respected citizen in a turbulent era; that you may know that here is buried a man whom the ancients called a 'cubic' man (i.e. a man of great integrity) and also godlike. So great and of such character was he, that even his enemies wept, and his friends almost died with him, when the earth gladly and willingly received his body, and he departed to the realms of the blessed in the year of our Lord 1648 when he was 48 years old. To a husband and parent most dearly missed, his widow and children, grief-stricken, set up this mortal tomb. His own life is his immortal epitaph.

John Evelyn's Diary. 15 Feb 1685. Dr. Tenison (age 48) preach'd to the Household. The second sermon should have ben before the King (age 51); but he, to the greate griefe of his subjects, did now for the first time go to masse publickly in ye little Oratorie at the Duke's lodgings, the doors being set wide open. Note. the 'greate grief' being the King (deceased) going to a Catholic Mass.

On 15 Feb 1710 Louis XV King France was born to Louis Bourbon Duke Burgundy (age 27) and Maria Adelaide Savoy (age 24). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 5.82%.

Around 15 Feb 1779 Elizabeth Cust died. Monument in St Deiniol & St Marcella Church, Marchwiel [Map] sculpted by William Tyler (age 50).

Elizabeth Cust: she was born to John Cust 3rd Baronet and Etheldreda Payne Lady Cust. On 30 Jul 1743 Philip Yorke and she were married.

The London Gazette 15889. Whitehall, February 15, 1806.

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignities of Baron and Viscount of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to Thomas Anson (age 39), Esq., and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, bv the Names, Styles, and Titles of Baron Soberton, of Soberton, in the County of Southampton, and Viscount Anson, of Shugborough and Orgrave, in the County of Stafford. [Anne Margaret Coke Viscountess Anson (age 27) by marriage Viscountess Anson of Shugborough and Orgrave in Staffordshire.]

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity ef a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the Most Honorable John Denis Marquis of Sligo, Knight of the Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Style, and Title of Baron Monteagle, of Westport, in the County of Mayo.

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the Right Honorable Hugh Earl of Eglinton, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Style, arid Title of Baron Ardrossan, of Ardrossan, in the County of Ayr.

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the Right Honorable James Earl of Lauderdale (age 47), and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Style, and Title of Baron Lauderdale, of Thirlestane, in the County of Berwick.

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the Right Honorable George Earl of Granard (age 46), and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Style, and Title of Baron Granard, of Castle Donnington, in the County of Leicester.

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to John Crewe (age 63), Esq; and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Style, and Title of Baron Crewe, of Crewe, in the County-Palatine of Chester.

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to William Lygon (age 58), Esq; and his Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Style, and Title of Baron Beauchamp of Powyke, in the County of Worcester. [Catherine Denn by marriage Baroness Beauchamp Powick in Worcestershire.]

On 15 Feb 1915 Charles George Edric Clowes (age 22) was killed near Ypres. Memorial to Charles George Edric Clowes, Lieutenant of the King's Royal Rifles, killed in action aged twenty-two, Ypres (a number of records state 18 Feb 1915).

Charles George Edric Clowes: On 28 Feb 1892 he was born to Major Charles Edward Clowes and Isabella Sara Vanderbyl in the Parish of St Faith, Winchester. He was baptised in the Church of the Holy Cross, Winchester.

On 15 Feb 2018 HRH The Prince of Wales (age 69) unveiled a plaque at Bowes House, St Johns College, South Bailey, Durham to Dame Elizabeth Bowes 1651-1736 nee Blakiston, ancestor of his mother Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom (age 91).

Elizabeth Blakiston: In 1651 she was born to Francis Blakiston 3rd Baronet. In 1693 William Bowes of Streatlam and she were married. In 1736 she died. She was buried at St James the Less Church, South Bailey, Durham.

Births on the 15th February

On 15 Feb 1530 Beatrice Aviz was born to John III King Portugal (age 27) and Catherine of Austria Queen Consort Portugal (age 23). Coefficient of inbreeding 11.30%.

On 15 Feb 1564 Galileo Galilei was born.

On 15 Feb 1687 Harry Trelawny 5th Baronet was born to Brigadier-General Henry Trelawny (age 29) and Rebecca Hals (age 26).

On 15 Feb 1710 Louis XV King France was born to Louis Bourbon Duke Burgundy (age 27) and Maria Adelaide Savoy (age 24). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 5.82%.

On 15 Feb 1731 Gamaliel Nightingale was born to Edward Nightingale (age 35) and Eleanora Ethelston (age 31) at Kneesworth Hall [Map].

On 15 Feb 1770 John Loftus 2nd Marquess Ely was born to Charles Tottenham aka Loftus 1st Marquess Ely (age 32) and Jane Myhill Marchioness Ely.

On 15 Feb 1780 Alfred Edward Chalon was born at Geneva.

On 15 Feb 1793 Charlotte Augusta Stanhope Duchess Leinster was born to Charles Stanhope 3rd Earl of Harrington (age 39) and Jane Fleming Countess Harrington (age 37). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 15 Feb 1812 Henry Cadogan 4th Earl Cadogan was born to George Cadogan 3rd Earl Cadogan (age 28).

On 15 Feb 1819 William George Grey was born to Charles Grey 2nd Earl Grey (age 54) and Mary Elizabeth Ponsonby Countess Grey (age 42).

On 15 Feb 1833 Mabel Violet Graham Countess Feversham was born to James Graham 2nd Baronet (age 40) and Frances "Fanny" Callander Lady Graham (age 40).

On 15 Feb 1855 Louisa Grey Countess of Antrim was born to Charles Grey (age 50) and Caroline Eliza Farquhar (age 40).

On 15 Feb 1868 William Horace Lascelles was born to Henry Thynne Lascelles 4th Earl Harewood (age 43) and Diana Smyth Countess Harewood (age 30).

On 15 Feb 1904 Daphne Baring was born to Cecil Baring 3rd Baron Revelstoke (age 40) and Maude Baring nee Lorillard (age 27).

On 15 Feb 1910 George Child-Villiers 9th Earl of Jersey was born to George Child-Villiers 8th Earl of Jersey (age 36) and Cynthia Almina Needham Countess Jersey.

Marriages on the 15th February

On 15 Feb 1390 Alexander Keith (age 50) and Marjorie Stewart Countess Moray (age 42) were married. She the daughter of King Robert II of Scotland (age 73) and Elizabeth Mure Queen Consort Scotland. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King John of England.

On 15 Feb 1510 William Fitzalan 11th or 18th Earl of Arundel (age 34) and Anne Percy Countess Arundel (age 24) were married. She the daughter of Henry Percy 4th Earl of Northumberland and Maud Herbert Countess Northumberland. He the son of Thomas Fitzalan 10th or 17th Earl of Arundel (age 60) and Margaret Woodville Countess Arundel. They were half second cousins. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 15 Feb 1587 Robert Spencer 1st Baron Spencer (age 17) and Margaret Willoughby (age 20) were married.

On 15 Feb 1598 Francis Fane 1st Earl of Westmoreland (age 18) and Mary Mildmay Countess of Westmoreland (age 16) were married.

On 15 Feb 1737 John Perceval 2nd Earl Egmont (age 25) and Catherine Cecil Countess Egmont (age 15) were married. She the daughter of James Cecil 5th Earl Salisbury and Anne Tufton Countess of Salisbury. He the son of John Perceval 1st Earl Egmont (age 53) and Catherine Parker Countess Egmont (age 47).

On 15 Feb 1766 Charles Moore 1st Marquess Drogheda (age 35) and Anne Seymour-Conway Marchioness Drogheda (age 21) were married. She the daughter of Francis Seymour-Conway 1st Marquess Hertford (age 47) and Isabella Fitzroy Countess Hertford (age 39). He the son of Edward Moore 5th Earl Drogheda and Sarah Ponsonby. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 15 Feb 1868 George Edward Thicknesse-Touchet 21st Baron Audley 18th Baron Tuchet (age 51) and Margaret Anne Hudson Baroness Audley were married. She by marriage Baroness Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire.

On 15 Feb 1900 Edwyn Scudamore Stanhope 10th Earl of Chesterfield (age 45) and Enid Edith Wilson Countess Chesterfield (age 21) were married at St Mark's Church North Audley Street. She by marriage Countess Chesterfield. They initially lived at Holme Lacy House, Herefordshire [Map]. The difference in their ages was 24 years. He the son of Henry Edwyn Chandos Scudamore Stanhope 9th Earl of Chesterfield and Dorothea Hay Countess Chesterfield (age 72).

Deaths on the 15th February

On 15 Feb 670 King Oswiu of Northumbria (age 58) died. He was buried at Whitby Abbey [Map] - see Bede. In 670 His son King Ecgfrith of Northumbria (age 25) succeeded King Northumbria. Æthelthryth Wuffingas Queen Consort Deira and Northumbria (age 34) by marriage Queen Consort Northumbria.

On 15 Feb 1245 Baldwin Redvers 6th Earl Devon (age 28) died. His son Baldwin Redvers 7th Earl Devon (age 9) succeeded 7th Earl Devon.

On 15 Feb 1400 Aubrey de Vere 10th Earl of Oxford (age 62) died. His son Richard de Vere 11th Earl of Oxford (age 14) succeeded 11th Earl of Oxford. Alice Holland Countess of Oxford (age 8) by marriage Countess of Oxford.

On 15 Feb 1417 Richard de Vere 11th Earl of Oxford (age 31) died. His son John de Vere 12th Earl of Oxford (age 8) succeeded 12th Earl of Oxford.

On 15 Feb 1499 Bishop James Goldwell died.

On 25 Jun 1601 Peregrine Bertie 13th Baron Willoughby (age 45) died at Berwick on Tweed, Northumberland [Map]. His son Robert Bertie 1st Earl Lindsey (age 18) succeeded 14th Baron Willoughby de Eresby. He was buried at St James' Church, Spilsby [Map].

On 15 Feb 1610 Catherine Bertie (age 15) died in childbirth. She was buried at St James' Church, Spilsby [Map].

Monument Elizabethan Period. Tall Sideboard Tomb with reclining hooded figure of Lady Katherine, daughter of Peregrine, with Chrisom Child in the crib at her feet. Above a standing figure of Peregrine Bertie 13th Baron Willoughby in a niche, with strapwork embellishments, all supported on composite columns with a dentilated cornice.

Catherine Bertie: Around 1595 she was born to Peregrine Bertie 13th Baron Willoughby and Mary Vere Baroness Willoughby of Eresby. Sources are confused about her birth year stating she was born in 1610 and that she married in 1609. Date adjusted to around 1595 on the assumption she was married around twenty years of age. Her son died at six days old on 09 Feb 1610. Her father died in 1601. Sources also refer to her as Baroness Rockingham whereas she died some eleven years before her husband was created Baron Rockingham. In 1609 Lewis Watson 1st Baron Rockingham and she were married.

On 15 Feb 1637 Ferdinand of Spain II Holy Roman Emperor (age 58) died.

On 15 Feb 1700 Grace Manners Viscountess Chaworth died.

On 15 Feb 1704 Walter Bagot 3rd Baronet (age 59) died. His son Edward Bagot 4th Baronet (age 30) succeeded 4th Baronet Bagot of Blithfield Hall.

On 15 Feb 1721 Edward Smith 2nd Baronet (age 66) died. Baronet Smith of Edmundthorpe in Leicestershire extinct.

On 15 Feb 1752 Robert Kemp 4th Baronet (age 52) died unmarried. He was buried at St Mary's Church, Gissing. His brother John Kemp 5th Baronet (age 51) succeeded 5th Baronet Kemp of Gissing in Norfolk.

On 15 Feb 1805 Charlotte Seymour Countess Aylesford (age 74) died.

On 15 Feb 1820 Alexander Maitland 1st Baronet (age 91) died.

On 15 Feb 1844 Henry Addington 1st Viscount Sidmouth (age 86) died. His son William Leonard Addington 2nd Viscount Sidmouth (age 49) succeeded 2nd Viscount Sidmouth.

On 15 Feb 1859 Charlotte Augusta Stanhope Duchess Leinster (age 66) died.

On 15 Feb 1870 Georgiana Janet Dick Viscountess Pellew (age 70) died.

On 15 Feb 1898 Harriet Frances Maria Anson Baroness Vernon (age 70) died.

On 15 Feb 1962 Thomas John Clapperton (age 82) died at Upper Beeding, West Sussex.

On 15 Feb 2000 Maud Elizabeth Grosvenor Viscountess Harcourt (age 90) died.