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On this Day in History ... 15th November

15 Nov is in November.

655 Battle of the Winwaed

1642 Battle of Brentford

1665 Great Plague of London

1677 Marriage of William of Orange and Princess Mary Stewart

1678 Popish Plot

1712 Hamilton-Mohun Duel

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 15th November

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 15 Nov 655. This year Penda was slain at Wingfield, and thirty royal personages with him, some of whom were kings. One of them was Ethelhere, brother of Anna, king of the East-Angles. The Mercians after this became Christians. From the beginning of the world had now elapsed five thousand eight hundred and fifty winters, when Peada, the son of Penda, assumed the government of the Mercians. In his time came together himself and Oswy (age 43), brother of King Oswald, and said, that they would rear a minster to the glory of Christ, and the honour of St. Peter. And they did so, and gave it the name of Medhamsted [Map]; because there is a well there, called Meadswell. And they began the groundwall, and wrought thereon; after which they committed the work to a monk, whose name was Saxulf. He was very much the friend of God, and him also loved all people. He was nobly born in the world, and rich: he is now much richer with Christ. But King Peada reigned no while; for he was betrayed by his own queen, in Easter-tide.

Bede. 15 Nov 655. He then vowed, that if he should win the victory, he would dedicate his daughter (age 1) to the Lord in holy virginity, and give twelve pieces of land whereon to build monasteries. After this he gave battle with a very small army: indeed, it is reported that the pagans had thirty times the number of men; for they had thirty legions, drawn up under most noted commanders.432 King Oswy (age 43) and his son Alchfrid met them with a very small army, as has been said, but trusting in Christ as their Leader; his other son, Egfrid (age 10)433, was then kept as a hostage at the court of Queen Cynwise434, in the province of the Mercians. King Oswald's son Oidilwald435, who ought to have supported them, was on the enemy's side, and led them on to fight against his country and his uncle; though, during the battle, he withdrew, and awaited the event in a place of safety. The engagement began, the pagans were put to flight or killed, the thirty royal commanders, who had come to Penda's assistance, were almost all of them slain; among whom was Ethelhere436, brother and successor to Anna, king of the East Angles. He had been the occasion of the war, and was now killed, having lost his army and auxiliaries. The battle was fought near the river Winwaed437, which then, owing to the great rains, was in flood, and had overflowed its banks, so that many more were drowned in the flight than destroyed in battle by the sword.

Note 431. Oswald; v.s. c. 9.

Note 432. "Ealdormen," Green, "Making of England," p. 301. But they probably included many British chiefs (v. Nennius, and cf. infra "duces regii").

Note 433. Oswy's younger son. He succeeded his father in 670 or 671 (v. IV, 5, and for the events of his reign, IV, V, passim).

Note 434. The wife of Penda.

Note 435. Cc. 14 and 23. The reason for his conduct is not explained. Probably he had hoped to establish his claims on Northumbria through Penda's assistance, but shrank from actually fighting against his country.

Note 436. Cf. c. 22, ad fin., note. How he gave occasion for the war is not known.

Note 437. The river has not been identified, and there is great uncertainty even with regard to the district. Below, Bede says that Oswy concluded the war in the district of "Loidis," by which he must mean Leeds, as in II, 14, and most commentators adopt this view. In this case, the river may be the Aire, or more probably the Went, a tributary of the Don. Others believe the district to be the Lothians, following the account in Nennius, who describes Oswy as taking refuge before the battle in a city called Iudeu, supposed to be either Edinburgh or Carriden (cf. I, 12, note), and the river has been supposed to be the Avon in Linlithgow.

Bede. [15 Nov 655]. Then King Oswy (age 43), according to the vow he had made to the Lord, returned thanks to God for the victory granted him, and gave his daughter Elfled (age 1)438, who was scarce a year old, to be consecrated to Him in perpetual virginity; bestowing also twelve small estates of land, wherein the practice of earthly warfare should cease, and place and means should be afforded to devout and zealous monks to wage spiritual warfare, and pray for the eternal peace of his nation. Of these estates six were in the province of the Deiri, and the other six in that of the Bernicians. Each of the estates contained ten families, that is, a hundred and twenty in all. The aforesaid daughter of King Oswy, who was to be dedicated to God, entered the monastery called Heruteu [Map]439, or, "The Island of the Hart," at that time ruled by the Abbess Hilda (age 41)440, who, two years after, having acquired an estate of ten families, at the place called Streanaeshalch [Map]441, built a monastery there, in which the aforesaid king's daughter was first trained in the monastic life and afterwards became abbess; till, at the age of fifty-nine, the blessed virgin departed to be united to her Heavenly Bridegroom. In this monastery, she and her father, Oswy, her mother (age 29), Eanfled, her mother's father, Edwin442, and many other noble persons, are buried in the church of the holy Apostle Peter. King Oswy concluded this war in the district of Loidis, in the thirteenth year of his reign, on the 15th of November443, to the great benefit of both nations; for he delivered his own people from the hostile depredations of the pagans, and, having made an end of their heathen chief, converted the Mercians and the adjacent provinces to the grace of the Christian faith.

Note 438. She is mentioned as joint-abbess with her mother, Eanfled, of the monastery of Whitby (IV, 26). Eddius calls her "sapientissima virgo," "semper totius provinciae consolatrix optimaque consiliatrix." Her influence helped to restore Wilfrid to the bishopric. She was the friend of St. Cuthbert, who is said to have wrought a miraculous cure on her behalf. It was to her that he prophesied the death of her brother Egfrid (IV, 26, p. 285, note).

Note 439. Hartlepool [Map] in the county of Durham (cf. IV, 23).

Note 440. For the main facts of her life, v. IV, 23. She was Abbess of Whitby at the time of the Synod (c. 25).

Note 441. Whitby [Map]. It was a mixed monastery (cf. IV, 23).

Note 442. The ancient life of Gregory the Great, by a monk of Whitby, tells how Edwin's body was translated thither from the place where he fell. For the fate of his head, cf. II, 20.

Note 443. In 655: cf. V, 24 (death of Penda).

On 15 Nov 655 King Oswiu of Northumbria (age 43) defeated the Mercian army (probably) at Cock Beck during the Battle of the Winwaed ending the period of Mercian dominance. The battle is believed to have ended Anglo-Saxon paganism.

On 15 Nov 655 Æthelwald King Deira (age 13), an ally of King Penda of Mercia, withdrew his forces, one of many Mercian allies to do so, weakening King Penda's army.

King Penda of Mercia and King Æthelhere of East Anglia were killed. Penda's son Paeda King South Mercia succeeded King South Mercia.

King Æthelwold of East Anglia succeeded King East Anglia after the death of his father at the Battle of the Winwaed.

. [15 Nov 665]. 64. Oswald son of Ethelfrid, reigned nine years; the same is Oswald Llauiguin; he slew Catgublaun (Cadwalla), king of Guenedot, in the battle of Catscaul, with much loss to his own army. Oswy, son of Ethelfrid, reigned twenty-eight years and six months. During his reign, there was a dreadful mortality among his subjects, when Catgualart (Cadwallader) was king among the Britons, succeeding his father, and he himself died amongst the rest. He slew Penda in the field of Gai, and now took place the slaughter of Gai Campi, and the kings of the Britons, who went out with Penda on the expedition as far as the city of Judeu, were slain.

On 15 Nov 1184 Beatrice Ivrea Holy Roman Empress (age 39) died.

On 15 Nov 1261 Sanchia Provence Queen Consort Germany (deceased) was buried at Hailes Abbey [Map].

On 05 Jun 1316 Louis X King France I Navarre (age 26) died. On 15 Nov 1316 His son John "The Posthumous" I King France succeeded posthumously I King France: Capet.

On 15 Nov 1347 Peter IV King Aragon (age 28) and Eleanor Burgundy Queen Consort Aragon (age 19) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Aragon. She the daughter of Alfonso "Brave" IV King Portugal (age 56) and Beatrice Ivrea Queen Consort Portugal (age 54). He the son of Alfonso IV King Aragon and Teresa Enteca Queen Consort Aragon. They were second cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

Patent Rolls Henry VI 1452-1461. 15 Nov 1457. Westminster. Grant in fee tail to Jasper, earl of Pembroke (age 26), and the king's serjeant, Thomas Vaghan, of a messuage called "Garlek" with a garden annexed in Brokestrete in Stebenhithe, co. Middlesex ; in lieu of a like grant thereof to Thomas by letters patent dated 30 March 31 Henry VI, surrendered. By K. etc.

On 15 Nov 1539 Richard Whiting (age 78) was hanged at Glastonbury Tor.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 15 Nov 1557. The xv day of November was bered ser (blank) Arundell (deceased) knyght, with iiij branche tapers of wax, and penselles ij dosen, and vj dosen skochyons, and a standard, pennon, and cott armur, elmett, targatt, sword; and ij whyt branchys, and ij dosen torchys, and mony morners, and a grett dener.

Note. P. 158. Funeral of sir [John] Arundell. "Sir John Arundell knight dyed at his manner of Southorne in the county of Oxford the 7th of November in A°. 1557, and was buryed the xiiijth of the same mounth in the parish churche there." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 15b.) He was the elder son of sir Thomas Arundell [Note. Mistake for John?], who died in 1545, by lady Alianor Grey, daughter of Thomas marquess of Dorset; and brother to sir Thomas, who was beheaded in 1551–2 (see pp. 15, 323.) Sir John was also for some time confined in the Tower; as mentioned in the minutes of the privy council April 7, 1550, and 13 April 1551 (see MS. Harl. 352, ff. 76, 149b.) By lady Anne Stanley (age 15), daughter of Edward earl of Derby, he was ancestor of the Arundells of Lanherne in Cornwall and Chideock in Dorsetshire. [Note. It was his son John Arundell (age 27) who married Anne Stanley Baroness Stourton.]

On 15 Nov 1559 Albert Habsburg Spain VII Archduke Austria was born to Maximilian Habsburg Spain II Holy Roman Emperor (age 32) and Maria of Spain Holy Roman Empress (age 31). Coefficient of inbreeding 10.03%.

On 15 Nov 1592 Thomas Cockayne (age 71) died. He was buried at St Oswald's Church, Ashbourne [Map]. Monument to Thomas Cockayne and his wife Dorothy Ferrers. Elizabethan Period.

Thomas Cockayne: On 27 Nov 1520 he was born to Francis Cockayne and Dorothy Marrow. Before 1545 Thomas Cockayne and Dorothy Ferrers were married.

Dorothy Ferrers: Dorothy Ferrers was buried at St Oswald's Church, Ashbourne. she was born to Humphrey Ferrers and Margaret or Margot Pigot.

John Evelyn's Diary. 12 Nov 1642. The 12th of November was the Battle of Brentford, surprisingly fought; and to the great consternation of the City, had his Majesty (age 41) (as it was believed he would) pursued his advantage. I came in with my horse and arms just at the retreat; but was not permitted to stay longer than the 15th, by reason of the army marching to Gloucester [Map]; which would have left both me and my brothers exposed to ruin, without any advantage to his Majesty.

On 15 Nov 1660 Archbishop Richard Sterne (age 64) was elected Bishop of Carlisle.

On 15 Nov 1660 Robert South (age 26) was appointed Chaplain to Edward Hyde 1st Earl Clarendon (age 51).

John Evelyn's Diary. 15 Nov 1661. I dined with the Duke of Ormond (age 51), who told me there were no moles in Ireland, nor any rats till of late, and that in but one county; but it was a mistake that spiders would not live there, only they were not poisonous. Also, that they frequently took Salmon with dogs.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 15 Nov 1663. At noon home to dinner, my wife not being up, she lying to expect Mr. Holyard (age 54) the surgeon. So I dined by myself, and in the afternoon to my office again, and there drew up a letter to my Lord, stating to him what the world talks concerning him, and leaving it to him and myself to be thought of by him as he pleases, but I have done but my duty in it. I wait Mr. Moore's coming for his advice about sending it.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 15 Nov 1665. But, they being gone, the lady and I very civilly sat an houre by the fireside observing the folly of this Robinson (age 50), that makes it his worke to praise himself, and all he say and do, like a heavy-headed coxcombe. The plague, blessed be God! is decreased 400; making the whole this week but 1300 and odd; for which the Lord be praised!

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 15 Nov 1666. I, after I had met with Sir W. Coventry (age 38) and given him some account of matters, I also to the ball, and with much ado got up to the loft, where with much trouble I could see very well. Anon the house grew full, and the candles light, and the King (age 36) and Queen (age 27) and all the ladies set: and it was, indeed, a glorious sight to see Mrs. Stewart (age 19) in black and white lace, and her head and shoulders dressed with dyamonds, and the like a great many great ladies more, only the Queen none; and the King in his rich vest of some rich silke and silver trimming, as the Duke of York (age 33) and all the dancers were, some of cloth of silver, and others of other sorts, exceeding rich.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 15 Nov 1666. Presently after the King (age 36) was come in, he took the Queene (age 56), and about fourteen more couple there was, and began the Bransles. As many of the men as I can remember presently, were, the King, Duke of York (age 33), Prince Rupert (age 46), Duke of Monmouth (age 17), Duke of Buckingham (age 38), Lord Douglas (age 20), Mr. [George] Hamilton (age 59), Colonell Russell (age 46), Mr. Griffith, Lord Ossory (age 32), Lord Rochester (age 19); and of the ladies, the Queene, Duchess of York (age 29), Mrs. Stewart (age 19), Duchess of Monmouth (age 15), Lady Essex Howard, Mrs. Temples (age 17), Swedes Embassadress, Lady Arlington (age 32); Lord George Barkeley's daughter (age 16) [Note. Assumed Elizabeth], and many others I remember not; but all most excellently dressed in rich petticoats and gowns, and dyamonds, and pearls.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 15 Nov 1666. After the Bransles, then to a Corant, and now and then a French dance; but that so rare that the Corants grew tiresome, that I wished it done. Only Mrs. Stewart (age 19) danced mighty finely, and many French dances, specially one the King (age 36) called the New Dance, which was very pretty; but upon the whole matter, the business of the dancing of itself was not extraordinary pleasing. But the clothes and sight of the persons was indeed very pleasing, and worth my coming, being never likely to see more gallantry while I live, if I should come twenty times. About twelve at night it broke up, and I to hire a coach with much difficulty, but Pierce had hired a chair for my wife, and so she being gone to his house, he and I, taking up Barker at Unthanke's, to his house, whither his wife was come home a good while ago and gone to bed. So away home with my wife, between displeased with the dull dancing, and satisfied at the clothes and persons. My Baroness Castlemayne (age 25), without whom all is nothing, being there, very rich, though not dancing. And so after supper, it being very cold, to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 15 Nov 1667. They gone, towards night, I to the office awhile, and then home and to my chamber, where busy till by and by comes Mr. Moore, and he staid and supped and talked with me about many things, and tells me his great fear that all things will go to ruin among us, for that the King (age 37) hath, as he says Sir Thomas Crew (age 43) told him, been heard to say that the quarrel is not between my Chancellor (age 58) and him, but his brother and him; which will make sad work among us if that be once promoted, as to be sure it will, Buckingham (age 39) and Bristoll (age 55) being now the only counsel the King follows, so as Arlington (age 49) and Coventry (age 39) are come to signify little. He tells me they are likely to fall upon my Lord Sandwich (age 42); but, for my part, sometimes I am apt to think they cannot do him much harm, he telling me that there is no great fear of the business of Resumption! By and by, I got him to read part of my Lord Cooke's chapter of treason, which is mighty well worth reading, and do inform me in many things, and for aught I see it is useful now to know what these crimes are.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 15 Nov 1667. Thence to Westminster, and there I walked with several, and do hear that there is to be a conference between the two Houses today; so I stayed: and it was only to tell the Commons that the Lords cannot agree to the confining or sequestring of the Earle of Clarendon (age 58) from the Parliament, forasmuch as they do not specify any particular crime which they lay upon him and call Treason. This the House did receive, and so parted: at which, I hear, the Commons are like to grow very high, and will insist upon their privileges, and the Lords will own theirs, though the Duke of Buckingham (age 39), Bristoll (age 55), and others, have been very high in the House of Lords to have had him committed. This is likely to breed ill blood.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 15 Nov 1668. At noon comes Mr. Shepley to dine with me and W. Howe, and there dined and pretty merry, and so after dinner W. Howe to tell me what hath happened between him and the Commissioners of late, who are hot again, more than ever, about my Lord Sandwich's (age 43) business of prizes, which I am troubled for, and the more because of the great security and neglect with which, I think, my Lord do look upon this matter, that may yet, for aught I know, undo him. They gone, and Balty (age 28) being come from the Downs, not very well, is come this day to see us, I to talk with him, and with some pleasure, hoping that he will make a good man. I in the evening to my Office again, to make an end of my journall, and so home to my chamber with W. Hewer (age 26) to settle some papers, and so to supper and to bed, with my mind pretty quiet, and less troubled about Deb. than I was, though yet I am troubled, I must confess, and would be glad to find her out, though I fear it would be my ruin. This evening there come to sit with us Mr. Pelling, who wondered to see my wife and I so dumpish, but yet it went off only as my wife's not being well, and, poor wretch, she hath no cause to be well, God knows.

John Evelyn's Diary. 15 Nov 1674. The anniversary of my baptism: I first heard that famous and excellent preacher, Dr. Burnet (age 31), author of the "History of the Reformation" on Colossians iii. 10, with such flow of eloquence and fullness of matter, as showed him to be a person o£ extraordinary parts.

John Evelyn's Diary. 15 Nov 1677. The Queen's (age 38) birthday, a great ball at Court, where the Prince of Orange (age 27) and his new Princess (age 15) danced.

John Evelyn's Diary. 15 Nov 1678. The Queen's (age 39) birthday. I never saw the Court more brave, nor the nation in more apprehension and consternation. Coleman (age 42) and one Staly had now been tried, condemned, and executed. On this, Oates grew so presumptuous as to accuse the Queen of intending to poison the King (age 48); which certainly that pious and virtuous lady abhorred the thoughts of, and Oates's circumstances made it utterly unlikely in my opinion. He probably thought to gratify some who would have been glad his Majesty should have married a fruitful lady; but the King was too kind a husband to let any of these make impression on him. However, divers of the Popish peers were sent to the Tower of London [Map], accused by Oates; and all the Roman Catholic lords were by a new Act forever excluded the Parliament; which was a mighty blow. the King's, Queen's, and Duke's servants, were banished, and a test to be taken by everybody who pretended to enjoy any office of public trust, and who would not be suspected of Popery. I went with Sir William Godolphin (age 38), a member of the Commons' House, to the Bishop of Ely (Dr. Peter Gunning (age 64)), to be resolved whether masses were idolatry, as the text expressed it, which was so worded, that several good Protestants scrupled, and Sir William, though a learned man and excellent divine himself, had some doubts about it. The Bishop's opinion was that he might take it, though he wished it had been otherwise worded in the text.

John Evelyn's Diary. 15 Nov 1681. I dined with the Earl of Essex (age 49) who, after dinner in his study, where we were alone, related to me how much he had been scandalized and injured in the report of his being privy to the marriage of his Lady's (age 45) niece (age 14), the rich young widow of the late Lord Ogle, sole daughter of the Earl of Northumberland; showing me a letter of Mr. Thynn's (age 33), excusing himself for not communicating his marriage to his Lordship. He acquainted me also with the whole story of that unfortunate lady being betrayed by her grandmother, the Countess of Northumberland (age 58), and Colonel Bret, for money; and that though, upon the importunity of the Duke of Monmouth (age 32), he had delivered to the grandmother a particular of the jointure which Mr. Thynn pretended he would settle on the lady, yet he totally discouraged the proceeding as by no means a competent match for one that both by birth and fortune might have pretended to the greatest prince in Christendom; that he also proposed the Earl of Kingston (age 21), or the Lord Cranburn, but was by no means for Mr. Thynn.

On 15 Nov 1712 Charles Mohun 4th Baron Mohun Okehampton (age 37) duelled with James Hamilton Duke Hamilton, 1st Duke Brandon (age 54) at Hyde Park [Map] over a legal dispute about the estate and inheritance of the late Earl Macclesfield. Mohun had married Charlotte Orby Baroness Mohun Okehampton grand-daughter of Charles Gerard 1st Earl Macclesfield. James Hamilton Duke Hamilton, 1st Duke Brandon had married Elizabeth Gerard Duchess Brandon (age 32). The two seconds, Macartney and Colonel Hamilton, were both charged as accessories to murder. Hamilton gave himself up, Macartney fled into exile in Hanover. Colonel Hamilton was found guilty of manslaughter.

James Hamilton Duke Hamilton, 1st Duke Brandon died from wounds received duelling. His son James Hamilton 5th Duke Hamilton 2nd Duke Brandon (age 9) succeeded 5th Duke Hamilton, 2nd Duke Brandon of Suffolk, 2nd Baron Dutton of Cheshire.

Charles Mohun 4th Baron Mohun Okehampton died from wounds received duelling; his father had also been killed in a duel. Baron Mohun Okehampton and Baronet Mohun of Boconnoc in Cornwall extinct.

On 15 Nov 1778 Ann Casey, Lady Vere Bertie, died. She was buried at All Saints' Church, Branston [Map].

Ann Casey: she was born illegitimately to Cecil Wray 11th Baronet. On 21 Jan 1736 Cecil Wray 11th Baronet wrote his will in which he left £14,000 and his estates to his illegitimate daughter Ann Casey. On 13 Sep 1736 or 04 Oct 1736 Vere Bertie and she were married. They had two sons, who died young, and two daughters. He the son of Robert Bertie 1st Duke Ancaster and Kesteven and Albinia Farington Duchess Ancaster and Kesteven.

On 15 Nov 1863 King Christian IX of Denmark (age 45) succeeded IX King Denmark.

On 15 Nov 1863 Frederick VII King Denmark (age 55) died.

Archaeologia Volume 84 1935 Section VI. The Avebury Excavations, 1908-1922. By H. St. George Gray (age 62), Esq., F.S.A. Read 15th November 1934.

Births on the 15th November

On 15 Nov 1559 Albert Habsburg Spain VII Archduke Austria was born to Maximilian Habsburg Spain II Holy Roman Emperor (age 32) and Maria of Spain Holy Roman Empress (age 31). Coefficient of inbreeding 10.03%.

On 15 Nov 1629 Henry Every 2nd Baronet was born to Simon Every 1st Baronet (age 26) and Anne Leigh.

On 15 Nov 1698 Henriette Louise Jeffreys Countess Pomfret was born to John Jeffreys 2nd Baron Jeffreys (age 25) and Charlotte Herbert Viscountess Windsor (age 22) at Leicester Square.

On 15 Nov 1705 Halswell Tynte 3rd Baronet was born to John Tynte 2nd Baronet (age 22) and Jane Kemeys Lady Tynte (age 20).

On 15 Nov 1708 Stephen Anderson 3rd Baronet was born to Stephen Anderson 2nd Baronet (age 30). He was baptised at St Andrew's Church, Holborn on the same day.

On 15 Nov 1708 William "The Elder" Pitt 1st Earl Chatham was born to Robert Pitt (age 28) and Harriet Villiers.

On 15 Nov 1717 Robert Eden 3rd Baronet was born to John Eden 2nd Baronet (age 40) and Catherine Shafto.

On 15 Nov 1725 John St John 12th Baron St John was born to John St John 11th Baron St John (age 37) and Elizabeth Crowley Baroness St John.

On 15 Nov 1725 Louisa Margaret Lennox was born to Charles Lennox 2nd Duke Richmond (age 24) and Sarah Cadogan Duchess Richmond (age 20). She a great granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 15 Nov 1778 Jean Baptiste Roy Audy was born in Quebec.

On 15 Nov 1798 Rice Richard Clayton was born to William Clayton 4th Baronet (age 36) and Mary East Lady Clayton (age 33).

On 15 Nov 1815 Frances Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound Countess Russell was born to Gilbert Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound 2nd Earl Minto (age 32) and Mary Brydone Countess Minto.

On 15 Nov 1819 Elizabeth Boddie Lady Fleming was born to Captain Simeon Jame Boddie.

On 15 Nov 1848 Daniel Cooper 2nd Baronet was born to Daniel Cooper 1st Baronet (age 27).

On 15 Nov 1870 Harold Edward Fitzclarence was born to William Fitzclarence 2nd Earl Munster (age 46) and Wilhelmina Kennedy-Erskine (age 40). He a great grandson of King William IV of the United Kingdom. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.

On 15 Nov 1908 Anthony Thomas Wilson was born to Mathew Richard Henry Wilson 4th Baronet (age 33) and Barbrara Lister (age 28).

On 15 Nov 1975 William Robertson 3rd Baron Robertson was born to William Robertson 2nd Baron Robertson (age 44).

Marriages on the 15th November

On 15 Nov 1347 Peter IV King Aragon (age 28) and Eleanor Burgundy Queen Consort Aragon (age 19) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Aragon. She the daughter of Alfonso "Brave" IV King Portugal (age 56) and Beatrice Ivrea Queen Consort Portugal (age 54). He the son of Alfonso IV King Aragon and Teresa Enteca Queen Consort Aragon. They were second cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 15 Nov 1461 Nicholas Hay 2nd Earl Erroll (age 25) and Elizabeth Gordon Countess Erroll were married. She by marriage Countess Erroll. She the daughter of Alexander Gordon 1st Earl Huntley. He the son of William Hay 1st Earl Erroll (age 38) and Beatrice Douglas Countess Erroll.

Around 15 Nov 1509 George Fitzhugh 7th Baron Fitzhugh (age 23) and Catherine Dacre (age 24) were married. They were half second cousin once removed. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward III of England.

Before 15 Nov 1629 Simon Every 1st Baronet (age 26) and Anne Leigh were married.

Before 15 Nov 1698 John Jeffreys 2nd Baron Jeffreys (age 25) and Charlotte Herbert Viscountess Windsor (age 22) were married. She by marriage Baroness Jeffreys. She the daughter of Philip "Infamous Earl" Herbert 7th Earl Pembroke 4th Earl Montgomery and Henrietta Kéroualle Countess Pembroke and Montgomery.

Before 15 Nov 1786 Richard Temple 7th Baronet (age 55) and Anne Sophia Temple were married. They were first cousins.

On 15 Nov 1832 Reverend Brook George Bridges 6th Baronet (age 30) and Louisa Chaplin were married.

On 15 Nov 1842 Harry Mengden Scarth (age 28) and Elizabeth Sally Hamilton were married. They had seven children of which a son and two daughters survived him.

On 15 Nov 1855 William Keppel 7th Earl Albermarle (age 23) and Sophia Mary MacNab of Dundurn Castle (age 23) were married at Dundurn Castle. He the son of George Thomas Keppel 6th Earl Albermarle (age 56). He a great x 4 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 15 Nov 1876 Henry Chaplin 1st Viscount Chaplin (age 35) and Florence Sutherland Leveson-Gower (age 21) were married at Trentham, Staffordshire. She the daughter of George Leveson-Gower 3rd Duke Sutherland (age 47) and Anne Hay Mackenzie Duchess Sutherland (age 47).

On 15 Nov 1893 Seymour Bathurst 7th Earl Bathurst (age 29) and Lilias Margaret Frances Borthwick Countess Bathurst Sussex (age 22) were married. She by marriage Countess Bathurst of Bathurst in Sussex. He the son of Allen Bathurst 6th Earl Bathurst and Meriel Warren. He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

Deaths on the 15th November

On 15 Nov 655 King Oswiu of Northumbria (age 43) defeated the Mercian army (probably) at Cock Beck during the Battle of the Winwaed ending the period of Mercian dominance. The battle is believed to have ended Anglo-Saxon paganism.

On 15 Nov 655 Æthelwald King Deira (age 13), an ally of King Penda of Mercia, withdrew his forces, one of many Mercian allies to do so, weakening King Penda's army.

King Penda of Mercia and King Æthelhere of East Anglia were killed. Penda's son Paeda King South Mercia succeeded King South Mercia.

King Æthelwold of East Anglia succeeded King East Anglia after the death of his father at the Battle of the Winwaed.

On 15 Nov 1037 Odo Blois II Count Blois (age 54) died. His son Theobald Blois III Count Blois (age 25) succeeded III Count Blois. His son Stephen Blois II Count Troyes and Meaux succeeded II Count Troyes and Meaux.

On 15 Nov 1184 Beatrice Ivrea Holy Roman Empress (age 39) died.

On 15 Nov 1251 Aénor de Saint-Valéry (age 59) died.

On 05 Jun 1316 Louis X King France I Navarre (age 26) died. On 15 Nov 1316 His son John "The Posthumous" I King France succeeded posthumously I King France: Capet.

On 15 Nov 1410 Joanna Sophia Wittelsbach Duchess Austria (age 37) died at Vienna [Map].

On 15 Nov 1527 Catherine York Countess Devon (age 48) died at Tiverton Castle [Map]. She was buried at St Peter's Church Tiverton, Devon.

On 15 Nov 1558 Gilbert Kennedy 3rd Earl Cassilis (age 43) died at Dieppe, Seine Maritime, Haute Normandie. His son Gilbert Kennedy 4th Earl Cassilis (age 17) succeeded 4th Earl Cassilis.

On 15 Nov 1634 Gilbert Kniveton 2nd Baronet (age 52) died. His son Andrew Kniveton 3rd Baronet succeeded 3rd Baronet Kniveton of Mercaston in Derbyshire.

On 15 Nov 1672 Walter Long 1st Baronet (age 69) died at Whaddon, Wiltshire. His son Walter Long 2nd Baronet (age 45) succeeded 2nd Baronet Long of Whaddon in Wiltshire.

On 15 Nov 1712 Charles Mohun 4th Baron Mohun Okehampton (age 37) duelled with James Hamilton Duke Hamilton, 1st Duke Brandon (age 54) at Hyde Park [Map] over a legal dispute about the estate and inheritance of the late Earl Macclesfield. Mohun had married Charlotte Orby Baroness Mohun Okehampton grand-daughter of Charles Gerard 1st Earl Macclesfield. James Hamilton Duke Hamilton, 1st Duke Brandon had married Elizabeth Gerard Duchess Brandon (age 32). The two seconds, Macartney and Colonel Hamilton, were both charged as accessories to murder. Hamilton gave himself up, Macartney fled into exile in Hanover. Colonel Hamilton was found guilty of manslaughter.

James Hamilton Duke Hamilton, 1st Duke Brandon died from wounds received duelling. His son James Hamilton 5th Duke Hamilton 2nd Duke Brandon (age 9) succeeded 5th Duke Hamilton, 2nd Duke Brandon of Suffolk, 2nd Baron Dutton of Cheshire.

Charles Mohun 4th Baron Mohun Okehampton died from wounds received duelling; his father had also been killed in a duel. Baron Mohun Okehampton and Baronet Mohun of Boconnoc in Cornwall extinct.

On 15 Nov 1739 Thomas Wentworth 1st Earl Strafford (age 67) died. He had suffered poor health for a number of years. His son William Wentworth 2nd Earl Strafford (age 17) succeeded 2nd Earl Strafford.

On 15 Nov 1761 Peter Temple 6th Baronet (age 66) died. His son Richard Temple 7th Baronet (age 30) succeeded 7th Baronet Temple of Stowe.

On 15 Nov 1786 Richard Temple 7th Baronet (age 55) died. His third cousin John Temple 8th Baronet (age 55) succeeded 8th Baronet Temple of Stowe. There is some disagreement as to whether he was legally the 8th Baronet, with some sources, including Cracroft stating:

Following the death of Sir Richard Temple the Baronetcy of Temple of Stow was claimed by his third cousin, John Temple, British Consul-General in Washington 1786-98, a great-grandson of Mary Temple and her husband Robert Nelson. In spite of a letter of support from his kinsman, George [Grenville later Nugent-Temple-Grenville] (age 33), 1st Marquess of Buckingham, the heir general of the 1st Baronet, Mr John Temple's claim to the Baronetcy cannot be through his mother, as the succession to the baronetcy was restricted to male heirs of the body of the 1st Baronet. His claim must, therefore, be through his father, Capt Robert Temple, of Boston, Massachusetts, British North America (and indeed the Marquess of Buckingham describes him as the "heir male" of the 1st Baronet in his letter from Stowe dated 3 Dec 1786). Without further information it is difficult to see Mr John Temple's placing amongst the male line descendants of the 1st Baronet and the nature of the kinship between his parents, unless he descends, as has been suggested, from the Rev Thomas Temple, Rector of Burton-on-the-Water, and third son of the 1st Baronet.

In addition to Mr John Temple's claim it is possible that there are living male line descendants of Col Edmund Temple, of Sulby Priory, co. Northampton, through his third son, Edmund Temple, of Leicester, and it is for this reason that the Baronetcy of Temple of Stowe is regarded as being dormant rather than extinct.

On 15 Nov 1802 George Romney (age 67) died. He was buried in St Mary's Church, Dublin.

On 15 Nov 1804 Henry Hunloke 4th Baronet (age 80) died. His son Thomas Windsor Hunloke 5th Baronet (age 31) succeeded 5th Baronet Hunloke of Wingerworth in Derbyshire.

On 15 Nov 1831 Grace Norton Countess Portsmouth (age 79) died.

On 15 Nov 1843 Eldred Curwen Pottinger of Mount Pottinger in Down (age 32) died at Hong Kong whilst visiting his uncle Henry Pottinger 1st Baronet (age 54) who was Governor of Hong Kong.

On 15 Nov 1845 Harriet Simeon Lady Baker died.

On 15 Nov 1863 Frederick VII King Denmark (age 55) died.

On 15 Nov 1871 Frederick Collings Lukis (age 83) died.

On 15 Nov 1904 Thomas Baring 1st Earl Northbrook (age 78) died at Stratton Park House. His son Francis Baring 2nd Earl Northbrook (age 53) succeeded 2nd Earl Northbrook, 3rd Baron Northbrook, 5th Baronet Baring of Larkbeer in Devon. Florence Anita Coote Countess Northbrook (age 43) by marriage Countess Northbrook.

On 15 Nov 1962 Jacqueline Vereker Countess de l'Isle (age 48) died.

On 15 Nov 1983 Edward FitzClarence 6th Earl of Munster (age 84) died.

On 15 Nov 1984 Percy Hamilton Seymour 18th Duke of Somerset (age 74) died. His son John Michael Edward Seymour 19th Duke of Somerset (age 31) succeeded 19th Duke Somerset, 17th Baronet Seymour of Berry Pomeroy. Judith Rose Hull Duchess Somerset by marriage Duchess Somerset.