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On this Day in History ... 16th August

16 Aug is in August.

1415 Siege of Harfleur

1513 Battle of the Spurs

1660 August Creation of Baronets

1666 Holme's Bonfire

1977 Death of Elvis Presley

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 16th August

On 16 Aug 929 King Sancho of Galicia (age 34) died. His brother King Alfonso IV of Leon and IV of Galicia (age 39) succeeded IV King Galicia.

Florence of Worcester. 16 Aug 1135. Godfrey, bishop of Bath, died on the seventeenth of the calends of September [16th August]; after some interval he was succeeded by a monk named Robert, a Fleming by descent, but born in England. Thus Robert, from a monk became a bishop, such being the pleasure of Henry (age 37), bishop of Winchester, who is now, but was not at that time, legate of the Roman church.

Note 1. From this passage, as we have remarked elsewhere, the continuator of Florence appears to have been a contemporary with Henry de Blois, at least, when he was in the zenith of his power.

On 16 Aug 1157 Ramiro "Monk" II King Aragon (age 71) died. He had abdicted in fabour of his daughter Petronilla Jiménez Queen Aragon (age 21) some twenty years before.

On 16 Aug 1284 Philip IV King France (age 16) and Joan Blois I Queen Navarre (age 11) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort of France. She the daughter of Henry I King Navarre and Blanche Capet Queen Navarre (age 36). He the son of King Philip III of France (age 39) and Isabella Barcelona Queen Consort France. They were second cousins. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

Chronicle of Gregory 1403-1419. 16 Aug 1415.... and the 16th day of the same month he landed at Kytkawys, and the Saturday he laid siege unto the town of Harfleur, and that was the Saturday next after of the Assumption of our Lady; and the siege continued unto the Sunday next before the feste of Saint Michael [29th of September], on the which Sunday the town of Harfleur was delivered up to the king, that was 22nd day of September. But it is to wit that the Tuesday before, that is to say the 16th day of the same month, at 2 of the clock within night, the lords that were the captains and governors of the town, that is to wite the lord Gawcorte, the lord Tutville, and more other lords, send out heralds of arms unto the Duke of Clarence (age 26), praying him at the reverence of God that he would of his high lordship that he would grant them live and leave for to treat with what persons that the king would assign unto them; and the king at the reverence of God and at their request he assigned the Duke of Exeter, the lord Fehewe, and Sir Thomas Erpingham, to hear what they would say and desire.

And they desired that the king would not war on them from that hour of midnight unto the Sunday next after the feast of Saint Michael, and but it were rescued by battle by that day by the French king or by the Dauphin, else at that day to deliver the town unto the King, and they to have her lives and her goods. Ande the king sent them word if that they would deliver the town on the morne after, by the hour of midnight above said, without any condition, he would accept it, and in none other wise he bade them for to treat.

And yet the French lords prayed our lords that they would vouchsafe to beseech the King at the reverence of God and of our Lady that he would grant them respite from the same Tuesday at night unto the Sunday next after till one hour afternoon; and in the meantime the lords that were captains of the town to come to the King with twenty-four knights and squires with them, of the most sufficient men with in the town, and they to be sworn on God's body openly before all the people. But if it so were that the French King or the Dauphin rescued them by that Sunday by the hour of noon, other else anon after noon, they for to deliver the town to the king and all her bodies and goods to don with them what so them every last, with any condition. With that the King suffered them to send unto France eight persons out of the town letting him wit in what plight that they stood in, and the king granted them; and upon the Wednesday by the moon the lords come out, and twenty-two knights and squires with them; and then come the procession solemnly and stately, with twenty-four copes of clothe of gold before God's body, with many worshipful lords, knights, and squires, and other multitude of people from the king's tent, solemnly and stately as ever was done such a thing before time. But the king was not here present. And the French lords made there their oaths upon the sacrament; and, the others done, the French lords were brought unto the king's tent, and there they dined in the king's hall, but in all this time they saw not the King. And when that they had eaten they departed and delivered to certain for to keep in hostage till the Sunday on noon, as it was accordingly made before time when that they took her oaths. And the Sunday at the same hour assigned the king had a tent put upon a hill before the town, and there he sat in his estate, royally, and alle his lords about him. And then come the French lords, with sixty-four with them of the most sufficient men that were withing the town, to the king's own proper person, and delivered up the keys of the town and her bodies and her goods to the King's grace, with out any condition. And this was the 22nd day of Septembre, the year of our lord 1415

... and the xvj day of the same monythe he londyd at Kytkawys, and the Satyrday he leyde sege unto the towne of Arflewe, and that was the Satyrday nexte aftyr of the Assompsyon of our Lady; and the sege contynuyd unto the Sonday nexte be fore the feste of Synt Mychelle, on the whiche Sonday the towne of Arflewe was delyveryd uppe to the kyng, that was xxij day of Septembre. But hit is to wyte that the Tewysday before, that is to saye the xvj day of the same monythe, at xij of the clocke whytheynne nyght, the lordys that were the capytaynys and governowrys of the towne, that is to wete the lord Gawcorte14, the lord Tutvyle, and moo othyr lordys, sende out herodys of armys unto the Duke of Clarens, prayng him at the reverens of God that he wolde of his hyghe lordeschippe that he wolde graunte them lyve and leve for to trete whythe what personys that the kyng wolde a-sygne unto hem; and the kyng at the reverens of God and at hyre requeste he assygnyde the Duke of Exceter [Note. Unclear as to who this is? Possibly Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter (age 38) who was created Duke the following year?], the lord Fehewe, and Syr Thomas Erpyngham (age 60), to hyre whatt they wolde say and desyre. And they desyryd that the kyng wolde nought warre on them fro that our of mydnyght unto the Sonday nexte aftyr the feste of Synt Mychell, and but it were rescwyd by batayle by that day by the Frenysche kyng or by the Dolfynne, ellys at that daye to delyver the towne unto the King, and they to have her lyvys and her goodys. Ande the kyng sende them worde yf that they wolde delivery the towne on the morne aftyr, be the our of mydnyght a bove said, without any condyscyon, he wolde accepte it, and in non othyr wyse he bade them for to trete. Ande yette the Fraynysche lordys prayde our lordys that they wolde fochesave to be-seche the King at the reverens of God and of our Lady that he wolde graunte them respyte fro the same Twysday at nyght unto the Sonday nexte aftyr tylle one owre aftyr none; and in the mayne tyme the lordys that were captaynys of the towne to come to the King whithe xxiiij knyghtys and squyers with hem, of the moste suffycyent men whithe in the towne, and they to be sworne on Goddys body opynly before alle the pepylle. But yf15 hit soo were that the Fraynysche King or the Dolfynne rescwyde them by that Sonday by the owre of none, othyr ellys a-non aftyr none, they for to delyvery the towne to the kyng and alle her bodys and goodys to don whythe them what so them evyr lyste, whythe16 any condiscyon. Whythe that the King sufferde them to sende unto Frauns viij personys out of the towne lettyng him wytte in what plytte that they stode yn, and the kyng grauntyd hem; and uppe the Wanysday by [th]e mone the lordys come owte, and xxij knyghtys and squyers whythe hem; and thenne come the prosessyon solempny and stately, whithe xxiiij copys of clothe of golde by-fore Goddys body, whythe many worschipfulle lordys, knyhtis, and squyers, and othyr multytude of pepylle from [th]e kyngys tente, solempny and stately as evyr was done suche a thyng be-for tyme. But the kyng was nott here present. And the Franysche lordys made thare her othys a-pon the sacrament; and, the othys done, the Fraynysche lordys were brought unto the kyngys tente, and there they dynyd in the kyngys halle, but in alle this tyme they sawe nought the King. And whanne that they hadde etyn they departyd and delyveryd to sartayne for to kepe yn ostage tylle the Sonday on none, as it was a cordyment i-made before tyme whenne that they toke her othys. And the Sonday at the same owre a-signyd the kyng hadde a tente phyght a-pone a hylle be-fore the towne, and there he sate in his estate, ryally, and alle his lordys aboute hym. And thenne come the Fraynysche lordys, with lxiiij whythe them of the moste suffycyentt men that were whythe yn the towne, to the kyngys owne propyr person, and delyveryd uppe the keyes of the towne and her boodys and her goodys to the Kings grace, whithe out any condyscyon. And this was the xxij day of Septembre, the year of our lord Ml cccc xv.

Note 14. Sawcortein our MS. by a misreading; Gawcourte in Vit.

Note 15. But if, i. e. unless.

Note 16. whythe. withoute, Vit.

On 16 Aug 1445 Margaret Stewart Dauphine of France (age 20) died at Châlons-en-Champagne [Map]. She was buried at the Church of Saint-Laon Thouars.

On 16 Aug 1513 Henry VIII (age 22) fought at Thérouanne [Map] during the Battle of the Spurs.

Henry's army included George Talbot 4th Earl of Shrewsbury (age 45) (commanded), Thomas Grey 2nd Marquess Dorset (age 36), Thomas Brooke 8th Baron Cobham (age 43), Henry Bourchier 2nd Earl Essex 3rd Count of Eu, John de Vere 15th Earl of Oxford (age 42) and Anthony Wingfield (age 26). John "Tilbury Jack" Arundell (age 18), William Compton (age 31), John Hussey 1st Baron Hussey of Sleaford (age 48) and William Hussey (age 41) was knighted by King Henry VII of England and Ireland. Thomas West 8th Baron De La Warr 5th Baron West (age 56) and Andrew Windsor 1st Baron Windsor (age 46) was created Knight Banneret.

Louis I d'Orléans Duc de Longueville 1480-1516 was captured.

Arthur Hopton (age 24) was knighted for his bravery.

On 15 or 19 Aug 1531 Thomas Bilney (age 36) was burned at the stake at Norwich, Norfolk [Map] as described in Wriothesley's Chronicle.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 16 Aug 1557. The xvj day of August be-gane to sett up the herse for the kyng of Denmarke [Note. A mistake for the King of Portugal], a frame of iiij-sqware.

Note. Ibid. Hearse for the king of [Portugal]. Machyn here made the error of naming the the king of Denmark, instead of the king of Portugal, John III. who succeeded his father Emanuel in 1521, and died 1557. He had married Jane aunt of king Philip, and hence arose the special observance of his obsequies in this country. They are briefly noticed by Holinshed, p. 1768; but are recorded at full in the College of Arms, I. 15, f. 246. At the beginning of this paragraph for xviiij read xviij.

On 15 Aug 1604 and 16 Aug 1604 Prince Charles (age 3) and Alexander Seton (age 49) lodged at the Leicester townhouse of William Skipwith (age 40) on their way to London.

In Aug 1660 King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 30) rewarded those who supported his Restoration by awarding them Baronetcies ...

On 02 Aug 1660 Hugh Smithson 1st Baronet (age 62) was created 1st Baronet Smithson of Stanwick in Yorkshire.

On 10 Aug 1660 Peter Leicester 1st Baronet (age 46) was created 1st Baronet Leicester of Tabley in Cheshire. Elizabeth Gerard Lady Leicester by marriage Lady Leicester of Tabley in Cheshire.

On 11 Aug 1660 William wheler 1st Baronet 1611 1666 (age 49) was created 1st Baronet Wheler of the City of Westminster with a special remainder failing the heirs male of his body, "to Charles Wheeler (age 40) [rectius Wheler], cosin to the said Sir William and the heires males of the body of the said Sir Charles."

On 16 Aug 1660 Thomas Lee 1st Baronet (age 25) was created 1st Baronet Lee of Hartwell in Buckinghamshire.

On 16 Aug 1660 John Newton 1st Baronet (age 49) was created 1st Baronet Newton of Barrs Court.

On 16 Aug 1660 Thomas Smith 1st Baronet (age 38) was created 1st Baronet Smith of Hatherton in Cheshire.

On 31 Aug 1660 John Drake 1st Baronet (age 35) was created 1st Baronet Drake of Ashe in Devon. Dionise Strode Lady Drake by marriage Lady Drake of Ashe in Devon.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Aug 1661. Among others, the famous Tom Fuller (age 53) is dead of it; and Dr. Nichols, Dean of Paul's; and my Lord General Monk (age 52) is very dangerously ill.

On 16 Aug 1661 Thomas Fuller (age 53) typhus at his lodgings in Covent Garden [Map]. He was buried in St Dunstan Church Cranford.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Aug 1665. This day I had the ill news from Dagenhams, that my poor lord of Hinchingbroke [Map] his indisposition is turned to the small-pox. Poor gentleman! that he should be come from France so soon to fall sick, and of that disease too, when he should be gone to see a fine lady (age 14), his mistresse. I am most heartily sorry for it. So late setting papers to rights, and so home to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Aug 1666. This day Sir W. Batten (age 65) did show us at the table a letter from Sir T. Allen (age 54), which says that we have taken ten or twelve' ships (since the late great expedition of burning their ships and towne), laden with hempe, flax, tarr, deales, &c. This was good newes; but by and by comes in Sir G. Carteret (age 56), and he asked us with full mouth what we would give for good newes. Says Sir W. Batten, "I have better than you, for a wager". They laid sixpence, and we that were by were to give sixpence to him that told the best newes. So Sir W. Batten told his of the ten or twelve ships Sir G. Carteret did then tell us that upon the newes of the burning of the ships and towne the common people a Amsterdam did besiege De Witt's house, and he was force to flee to the Prince of Orange (age 15), who is gone to Cleve to the marriage of his sister (age 23) [Notee. his aunt]. This we concluded all the best newest and my Lord Bruncker (age 46) and myself did give Sir G. Carteret our sixpence a-piece, which he did give Mr. Smith to give the poor. Thus we made ourselves mighty merry.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Aug 1667. Up, and at the office all the morning, and so at noon to dinner, and after dinner my wife and I to the Duke's playhouse, where we saw the new play acted yesterday, "The Feign Innocence, or Sir Martin Marr-all"; a play made by my Lord Duke of Newcastle, but, as every body says, corrected by Dryden (age 36). It is the most entire piece of mirth, a complete farce from one end to the other, that certainly was ever writ. I never laughed so in all my life. I laughed till my head [ached] all the evening and night with the laughing; and at very good wit therein, not fooling. The house full, and in all things of mighty content to me.

John Evelyn's Diary. 16 Aug 1678. I went to Baroness Mordaunt (age 56), who put £100 into my hand to dispose of for pious uses, relief of prisoners, poor, etc. Many a sum had she sent me on similar occasions; a blessed creature she was, and one that loved and feared God exemplarily.

On 16 Aug 1682 Charlotte Maria was born to James Duke of York (age 48) and Mary of Modena Duchess of York (age 23). He lived for two months.

On 16 Aug 1710 Frederick William Hohenzollern was born to Frederick William "Soldier King" I King Prussia (age 22) and Sophia Dorothea Hanover Queen Consort Prussia (age 23). He a grandson of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 8.31%.

1911 Encyclopædia Britannica. After doing his best to set things going comfortably between Byron and Hunt, Shelley (age 29) returned on board with Williams on the 8th of July. It was a day of dark, louring, stifling heat. Trelawny took leave of his two friends, and about half-past six in the evening found himself startled from a doze by a frightful turmoil of storm. The "Don Juan" had by this time made Via Reggio; she was not to be seen, though other vessels which had sailed about the same time were still discernible. Shelley, Williams, and their only companion, a sailor-boy, perished in the squall. The exact nature of the catastrophe was from the first regarded as somewhat disputable. The condition of the "Don Juan" when recovered did not favour any assumption that she had capsized in a heavy sea - rather that she had been run down by some other vessel, a felucca or fishing-smack. In the absence of any counter evidence this would be supposed to have occurred by accident; but a rumour, not strictly verified and certainly not refuted, exists that an aged Italian seaman on his deathbed confessed that he had been one of the crew of the fatal felucca, and that the collision was intentional, as the men had plotted to steal a sum of money supposed to be on the "Don Juan," in charge of Lord Byron. In fact there was a moderate sum there, but Byron had neither embarked nor intended to embark. This may perhaps be the true account of the tragedy; at any rate Trelawny, the best possible authority on the subject, accepted it as true. He it was who laboriously tracked out the shore washed corpses of Williams and Shelley, and who undertook the burning of them, after the ancient Greek fashion, on the shore near Via Reggio, on the 15th and 16th of August. The great poet's ashes were then collected, and buried in the new Protestant cemetery in Rome. He was, at the date of his untimely death, within a month of completing the thirtieth year of his age – a surprising example of rich poetic achievement for so young a man.

On 08 Jul 1822 Percy Bysshe Shelley (age 29) drowned. He was returning on the Don Juan with Edward Williams from a meeting at Livorno with Leigh Hunt and Byron to make arrangements for a new journal, The Liberal. The boat was sunk is a storm. Shelley's badly decomposed body washed ashore at Viareggio ten days later and was identified by Trelawny from the clothing and a copy of Keats's Lamia in a jacket pocket. On 16 Aug 1822 his body was cremated on a beach near Viareggio and the ashes were buried in the Protestant Cemetery of Rome. The cremation was attended by George "Lord Byron" 6th Baron Byron (age 34). His wife Mary Godwin aka Shelley (age 24) did not attend.

On 16 Aug 1911 Bishop John Wordsworth (age 68) died. He was buried in Salisbury Cathedral [Map]. Monument sculpted by George Frampton (age 51).

Bishop John Wordsworth: In 1843 he was born to Bishop Christopher Wordsworth. In 1870 he was appointed Prebendary of Lincoln Cathedral. In 1885 Bishop John Wordsworth was elected Bishop of Salisbury.

On 16 Aug 1956 Major Henry Anthony Birkbeck (age 71) died. On 20 Apr 1917 Gervase William Birkbeck was killed in action. Memorials in All Saints Church, West Acre [Map].

Major Henry Anthony Birkbeck: On 29 Jan 1885 he was born to Henry Birkbeck.

Gervase William Birkbeck: Around 1887 he was born to Henry Birkbeck.

On 16 Aug 1977 Elvis Presley (age 42) died at his Graceland estate at the age of 42. He was scheduled on an evening flight out of Memphis to Portland, Maine, to begin another tour. That afternoon, however, his fiancée Ginger Alden discovered him unresponsive on the bathroom floor of his Graceland mansion. Attempts to revive him failed, and he was pronounced dead by his personal doctor Dr. George Nichopoulos at Baptist Memorial Hospital at 3:30 p.m.

Births on the 16th August

On 16 Aug 1355 Philippa Plantagenet Countess March 5th Countess Ulster was born to Lionel Plantagenet 1st Duke of Clarence (age 16) and Elizabeth Burgh Duchess of Clarence (age 23) at Eltham Palace, Kent [Map]. At the time of her birth she was Heir to the Throne of England since her uncle Edward "Black Prince" (age 25) was yet to be married. She a granddaughter of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.22%.

Before 16 Aug 1383 Joan Plantagenet Baroness Strange and Talbot was born to Thomas of Woodstock 1st Duke of Gloucester (age 28) and Eleanor Bohun Duchess Gloucester (age 17). Her inquisition post mortem describes her being aged seventeen at the time of her death on the 16th of August 1400. She a granddaughter of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 1.67%.

On 16 Aug 1631 John Bridgeman 2nd Baronet was born to Orlando Bridgeman 1st Baronet (age 25).

After 16 Aug 1631 Charlotte Bridgeman Lady Myddelton was born to Orlando Bridgeman 1st Baronet (age 25).

On 16 Aug 1659 Thomas Adams 3rd Baronet was born to William Adams 2nd Baronet (age 25) and Anne Rushout.

In or after 1660 Charles Adams 4th Baronet was born to William Adams 2nd Baronet (age 26) and Anne Rushout. The date based on his older brother Thomas Adams 3rd Baronet being born on 16 Aug 1659.

On 16 Aug 1682 Charlotte Maria was born to James Duke of York (age 48) and Mary of Modena Duchess of York (age 23). He lived for two months.

On 16 Aug 1682 Louis Bourbon Duke Burgundy was born to Louis "Le Grand Dauphin" Bourbon Duke Burgundy (age 20) and Maria Anna Victoria Wittelsbach Duchess Burgundy (age 21). Coefficient of inbreeding 3.57%.

On 16 Aug 1691 Wilhelm Frederick Saxe Coburg Saalfeld was born to John Ernest Saxe Coburg Saalfeld IV Duke Saxe Coburg Saalfeld (age 32) and Charlotte Johanna Waldeck Wildungen Duchess Saxe Coburg Saalfeld.

On 16 Aug 1710 Frederick William Hohenzollern was born to Frederick William "Soldier King" I King Prussia (age 22) and Sophia Dorothea Hanover Queen Consort Prussia (age 23). He a grandson of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 8.31%.

On 16 Aug 1738 Spencer Compton 8th Earl of Northampton was born to Charles Compton (age 46) and Mary Lucy (age 28).

On 16 Aug 1776 Colonel John Mansel was born to William Mansel 9th Baronet (age 37).

On 16 Aug 1783 Samuel Rush Meyrick was born.

On 16 Aug 1809 John Lewis Duntze 3rd Baronet was born to John Duntze 2nd Baronet (age 47) and Elizabeth Carew.

On 16 Aug 1815 Amelius Wentworth Beauclerk was born to William Beauclerk 8th Duke St Albans (age 48) and Maria Janetta Nelthorpe Duchess St Albans. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 16 Aug 1847 Anne Elizabeth Clementina Duff Marchioness Townshend was born to James Duff 5th Earl Fife (age 33) and Agnes Georgiana Elizabeth Hay Countess Fife (age 18). She a great granddaughter of King William IV of the United Kingdom.

On 16 Aug 1852 Roger John Twisden 10th Baronet was born to William Twisden 9th Baronet (age 34).

On 16 Aug 1852 Samuel George Brooke-Pechell 6th Baronet was born to George Samuel Brooke-Pechell 5th Baronet (age 33) and May Robertson Bremner.

On 16 Aug 1883 William Huddlestone De Vere Beauclerk was born to William Amelius Aubrey Beauclerk 10th Duke St Albans (age 43) and Grace Bernal Duchess St Albans (age 35).

On 16 Aug 1888 Thomas Edward Lawrence "Lawrence of Arabia" was born illegitimately to Thomas Chapman 7th Baronet (age 41).

On 16 Aug 1897 Charles Bennet 8th Earl of Tankerville was born to George Montagu Bennet 7th Earl Tankerville (age 45) and Leonora Sophia van Marter Countess of Tancerville.

On 16 Aug 1906 William Acton was born.

On 16 Aug 1915 Charles Beauclerk 13th Duke St Albans was born to Aubrey Topham Beauclerk (age 64) and Gwendoline Loftus Hughes.

Marriages on the 16th August

On 16 Aug 1284 Philip IV King France (age 16) and Joan Blois I Queen Navarre (age 11) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort of France. She the daughter of Henry I King Navarre and Blanche Capet Queen Navarre (age 36). He the son of King Philip III of France (age 39) and Isabella Barcelona Queen Consort France. They were second cousins. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 16 Aug 1290 Charles Valois I Count Valois (age 20) and Margaret Capet Countess Valois (age 17) were married. She by marriage Countess Valois. He the son of King Philip III of France and Isabella Barcelona Queen Consort France. They were second cousins. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 16 Aug 1716 William Cann 3rd Baronet (age 22) and Elizabeth Chester were married at St Mary's Churchy, Almonsbury [Map].

Before 16 Aug 1745 Robert Salusbury Cotton 3rd Baronet (age 50) and Elizabeth Tollemache (age 63) were married. She the daughter of Lionel Tollemache 3rd Earl Dysart and Grace Wilbraham Countess Dysart.

After 16 Aug 1752 John Perceval 2nd Earl Egmont (age 41) and Catherine Compton Countess Egmont (age 21) were married. She by marriage Countess Egmont. The difference in their ages was 20 years. He the son of John Perceval 1st Earl Egmont and Catherine Parker Countess Egmont.

On 16 Aug 1756 George Rice and Cecil Cardonnel 2nd Baroness Dynevor (age 21) were married. She the daughter of William Talbot 1st Earl Talbot (age 46) and Mary Cardonnel Countess Talbot (age 37).

On 16 Aug 1759 David Murray 2nd Earl Mansfield (age 31) and Henrietta Frederica von Bünau were married.

On 16 Aug 1761 George Edgecumbe 1st Earl of Mount Edgcumbe (age 41) and Emma Gilbert Countess Mount Edgcumbe were married.

On 16 Aug 1793 Gilbert Heathcote 4th Baronet (age 19) and Catherine Sophia Manners Lady Heathcote were married. She by marriage Lady Heathcote of London. She the daughter of John Manners and Louisa Tollemache 7th Countess Dysart (age 48).

On 16 Aug 1847 John Wodehouse 1st Earl Kimberley (age 21) and Florence Fitzgibbon Countess Kimberley (age 22) were married. She by marriage Lady Woodhouse of Wilberhall. She the daughter of Richard Hobart Fitzgibbon 3rd Earl de Clare (age 54).

On 16 Aug 1897 Roland Dormer 13th Baron Dormer (age 34) and Marie Hanem Eywaz Baroness Dormer were married.

On 16 Aug 1902 Arthur Gore 6th Earl of Arran (age 33) and Maud Jacqueline Marie Beauclerk van Kattendyke Countess of Arran were married. She by marriage Countess Arran. He the son of Arthur Saunders Gore 5th Earl Arran and Edith Jocelyn Countess Arran.

On 16 Aug 1916 Kenelm Charles Pepys 4th Earl of Cottenham (age 42) and Patricia Burke Countess Cottenham were married. She by marriage Countess of Cottenham. He the son of William John Pepys 3rd Earl of Cottenham and Theodesia Selina Dallas Countess Cottenham (age 71).

Before 16 Aug 1958 Yvo Vesey 5th Viscount Vesey (age 76) and Frances Lois Vesey Viscountess de Vesci (age 75) were married.

Deaths on the 16th August

On 16 Aug 929 King Sancho of Galicia (age 34) died. His brother King Alfonso IV of Leon and IV of Galicia (age 39) succeeded IV King Galicia.

On 16 Aug 1157 Ramiro "Monk" II King Aragon (age 71) died. He had abdicted in fabour of his daughter Petronilla Jiménez Queen Aragon (age 21) some twenty years before.

On 16 Aug 1176 Constance Capet Countess Boulogne and Toulose (age 48) died.

On 16 Aug 1236 Bishop Thomas Blunville died.

Around 16 Aug 1316 Maud Vaux Baroness Ros (age 59) died.

On 16 Aug 1358 Albert Habsburg II Duke Austria (age 59) died. His son Rudolph Habsburg IV Duke Austria (age 18) succeeded IV Duke Austria.

On 16 Aug 1445 Margaret Stewart Dauphine of France (age 20) died at Châlons-en-Champagne [Map]. She was buried at the Church of Saint-Laon Thouars.

On 16 Aug 1501 Eleanor Beaufort Countess Ormonde (age 69) died.

On 16 Aug 1593 Henry Wentworth 3rd Baron Wentworth (age 35) died. His son Thomas Wentworth 1st Earl Cleveland (age 2) succeeded 4th Baron Wentworth, de jure 9th Baron Despencer.

On 16 Aug 1622 Thomas Spencer 1st Baronet (age 37) died. His son William Spencer 2nd Baronet (age 14) succeeded 2nd Baronet Spencer of Yarnton in Oxfordshire.

On 16 Aug 1624 Henry Belasyse 1st Baronet (age 69) died. He was buried in St Saviour's Church, York. His son Thomas Belasyse 1st Viscount Fauconberg (age 47) succeeded 2nd Baronet Belasyse of Newborough.

On 16 Aug 1646 Anne Stewart Countess Ormonde and Angus (age 32) died.

On 16 Aug 1649 Christopher Plunkett 2nd Earl of Fingall died. His son Luke Plunkett 3rd Earl of Fingall (age 10) succeeded 3rd Earl of Fingall. Margaret Maccarthy Countess Fingall by marriage Countess of Fingall.

On 16 Aug 1654 Henry Bourchier 5th Earl Bath (age 67) died. Earl Bath extinct. His Irish estates passed to his widow Rachael Fane Countess Bath and Middlesex (age 41), then to her nephew Henry Fane (age 4), then to his son Charles Fane 1st Viscount Fane.

On 16 Aug 1684 Dorothy Bindlosse Lady Wheler (age 58) died.

On 16 Aug 1721 Edward Rich 7th Earl Warwick 4th Earl Holland (age 23) died. His second cousin Edward Richard 8th Earl Warwick 5th Earl Holland (age 26) succeeded 8th Earl Warwick, 5th Earl Holland, 10th Baron Rich of Leez. Mary Stanton Countess Warwick and Holland by marriage Countess Warwick, Countess Holland.

On 16 Aug 1748 James Somerville 1st Baronet (age 50) died. His son Quaile Somerville 2nd Baronet (age 34) succeeded 2nd Baronet Somerville of Somerville in County Meath.

On 16 Aug 1752 Catherine Cecil Countess Egmont (age 30) died.

On 16 Aug 1757 Mary Howard Lady Vincent (age 35) died at Stoke D'Abernon, Surrey [Map].

On 16 Aug 1800 Admiral Samuel Barrington (age 69) died. He has a monument sculpted by John Flaxman (age 45) at St Andrew's Church, Shrivenham.

On 08 Jul 1822 Percy Bysshe Shelley (age 29) drowned. He was returning on the Don Juan with Edward Williams from a meeting at Livorno with Leigh Hunt and Byron to make arrangements for a new journal, The Liberal. The boat was sunk is a storm. Shelley's badly decomposed body washed ashore at Viareggio ten days later and was identified by Trelawny from the clothing and a copy of Keats's Lamia in a jacket pocket. On 16 Aug 1822 his body was cremated on a beach near Viareggio and the ashes were buried in the Protestant Cemetery of Rome. The cremation was attended by George "Lord Byron" 6th Baron Byron (age 34). His wife Mary Godwin aka Shelley (age 24) did not attend.

On 16 Aug 1879 Thomas Moncrieffe 7th Baronet (age 57) died.

On 16 Aug 1886 Peter Hollins (age 86) died.

On 16 Aug 1911 Bishop John Wordsworth (age 68) died. He was buried in Salisbury Cathedral [Map]. Monument sculpted by George Frampton (age 51).

Bishop John Wordsworth: In 1843 he was born to Bishop Christopher Wordsworth. In 1870 he was appointed Prebendary of Lincoln Cathedral. In 1885 Bishop John Wordsworth was elected Bishop of Salisbury.

On 16 Aug 1958 Yvo Vesey 5th Viscount Vesey (age 76) died.

On 16 Aug 1977 Bishop John William Wand (age 92) died.

On 16 Aug 1983 Rudolph de Trafford 5th Baronet (age 88) died. His son Dermot de Trafford 6th Baronet (age 58) succeeded 6th Baronet de Trafford.

On 16 Aug 2018 David Fitzroy 11th Duke Beaufort (age 90) died. His son Henry John Fitzroy 12th Duke of Beaufort (age 66) succeeded 12th Duke Beaufort, 14th Marquess Worcester, 18th Earl Worcester, 20th Baron Herbert of Raglan. Georgia Powell Duchess of Beaufort (age 49) by marriage Duchess Beaufort.